t-t w il l r s- (SO IIenuy A. Parsons, Jr. Editor THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, )874. Condition of ths Lumber Trade. Under thi above caption the Wiecon tin Lumberman lor October gives some Tery seuaible suggestions on tlo present stato of the lumber business particularly in reference; to aoy immediate operations io cutting logs. It is au assured lact, that though, there Las been, in 0110 or two directions and as to certuin dimcs sious of lumber, a very Blight advance in prices, yet there is nothing, even io this slight advauce or in the condition of trade, whether as to general business operations or tho special interest of lum ber, to encourage tho hope ot early im provement. It is stated by our ooteu porary that "the ujoBt reliable estimates place the amount of lumber now io pile at Chicago at seventy-five uiilliou feet more than there was at this time last year." A similar increase in stock has undoubtedly taken place at other dis tributing centres and ou the piling grounds of the mills io every lumber re gion. Even if general busiuess should remain as quiet as seems likely to bo the fact for the next year, there is undoubt edly enough manufactured lumber now in pile to supply the whole demand for 1875. And yefctbereis reason to fear that the effort to curtail production came too late, and that it has failed to secure euch effective co-operation as will pro duco the desired result. If this shall be so, there will be no probabilitythat prices can, duriug the next y ear, advance sufficiently to make manulacturing profi table. There is, rather, the prospect of stsll further decline, with hardly a doubt of numerous suspensions and failures, through the trade. In any event, even that of curtailment, equal to the largest amount of reduction pro posed in any quarter, it seems clear that no one who shall participate in it, or who shall refrain entirely from logging or manufacturing provided he is in such condition that he can shut down, will on that accouut loe an opportunity for profitable 6ales from a deficiency of stock. Better inaction for months, il the manufacturer or the logger will make up his mind to it, than that capi tal shall be put into stock to depreciate, when if left as it is, it will hold its" own, if not increase in valuo. 'lho Wiscon sin Lumberman says, with truth, "Pine lands cannot depreciate in value, pine logs can." Pike and Wayne have redeemed themselves from all imputation. The notorious Dimmick, who suddenly re signed his sat in the legislature last winter to escape summary expulsiou, for being engaged iu blackmailing the banks, has been defeated for president judge in the district composed of tho3e two counties, by C. P. Walltr, Esq., a brother of Rev. T. J. Waller, of Bloomsburg. When the Democracy nominated Dimmick for the high and responsible position of judge with the memory of his rascally acts clustering freshly around him, oil good men, who respected the office, and did not wish to see the judicial ermine soiled by coming in contact with such a creature, lifted up their voices and earnestly prayed that he might be defeated. Their prayers were granted. Three cheers for Pike and Wayne. G. A B. Kesponsibility of Endohseus. In cases where there are several en dorsements oo a Dote, says the Philadel phia Ledgtr, there is this difference in responsibility namely, successive endor seis arc equally liable to the subsequent holder, and their relation to each other are iu the same order. That is, any one of such endorsers upon whom the obligation is pressed, may claim from either or all of those before him, but uot from any who succeeded him. Joint endorsers are equally liable to the holder who is net one ef them, but as between themselves, the recovery is to be equally divided. So, if th? drawer fail and there are two joint endorsers, both solvent, cither may be called on to pay the debt, but they must then divide the sum between them. I: makes do difference which signed first if they were joint endorsers iu fact. There is little danger of Massachu setts becoming a Democaatic State very soon, and the gleeful Democracy may as well remove it from their pyramid of viotorics. While Gastou, Democrat defeats Talbot, Republican by, 7,032 majority, through the determination of the people to try something more prac ticable than prohibitatioa, the Republi cans elect the remainder of the State ticket their Lieutenant Governor hav ing 12,013 majority; Secretary of the Commonwealth, 22,439 majority, State Treasurer, 21,842; Auditor, 22,788, and Attorney General, 22.676 majority. Gleason & Fell, dry goods merchants of San Frauoisco, have failed for 8200, 000. There is a firm feeling in all the leading Chicago grain markets but with more buyers than sellers. I V J TERRIBLE TORNADO TUECUMBIA, ALABAMA, TARTIAI.tY DK8TKOYED. ELEVEN PERSONS KILLED AND 100 ROUSES IN RUINS. Tuscumbia, Ala. November 21. The storm here Sunday evening was of such unprecedented violence that in the space of two minutes over one hundred build ings were destroyed, eleven persons killed and thirty wounded. The first intimation of the approaching tornado was after dark. Suddenly & sound like rushing thunder was heard, and before the inhabitants were fully aware the storm had passed over them. Houses were blown down and tho streets filled here a oil there with tunibling walls and shattered timbers. Scuator Morris's wile was found dead on her bed with two immense tiuibert. on her neck. Her two childrcu were dead beside her, crushed beyond recognition, in one house, Mr. ilodgkins, his wile and four children were found dead. In another Mrs. Winston was found dead, and the house, valued at 81,01)0, was a total wreck. The estimate losses of property will reach half a million. The Mem phis and Charleston Railroad lose twenty thousand dollar.. Memphis, November 24. Passen gers arrivini; from Tuscumbia confirm tho reports of the tornado there on Sun day evening. J he courso of tho storm was half a mile wide, and is strewn with demolished houses, trees and fences. An engine aud two cars on the Mem phis aud Charleston Riiilroad were pre cipitated into Spriugficld Creek by the gale, the engineer, John Hall was the only person injured. In some instan ces the roofs of houses were carried a distance of a quarter of a mile. A large number ot horses aud cattle) were killei, and the gathered crops destroyed. It appears that there is not to bo a Democratic negro in the next House ftfter all. A dispatch received at Wash ington from Charleston, savs that Samuel Lee, the negro who was sup posed to be elected in Harney's place as a Democrat, is realy defeated by nearly 800 majority. The whole delegation iu the next House from South Carolina will be Republican. After reading ex-Governor Seymour's lottcr u second time tho Democratic journals of New York Stuto are coining to the conclusion thnt it is not so final in its declination as to "prevent him ftom accepting the position of Senator should the Legisiaturs elect him Leading journals of the party, tho Buffalo Courier, the Troy Press and the Elmira Gazi-tte, still urges Mr. Scyaiour for the office, claiming that he will honor the party more than any other man. Tub A lb ink for Docember conies to us in good time and as usual freighted with all the good things of art aud litera ture. This being the holiday or Ciirist mas number of the year, it need scarcely be said that pietorialy it fills the ver'v sense of satisfaction. Four pictures o) tho seasons. "Spring," "Summer," "Autumn" aud "Winter;" each wilh a verse of illustration, present at ence some ot the most pregnant designing and the finest engaviug and printing, to be found even in this high class publi cation. The "Old Mill in the Jura Mountains," after C. E. DuboUe, a young American artist of great promise, has a world of rugged strength aud de sign, blended with careful and elaborate detail. Two charming pictures appro priate for the season, -'Winter Pas times," and "The First Lesson, ' tel! pretty and interesting stories in a grace ful manner; aud ihe same may be said of "Caught!" which develops oue of the dangers of the protrusive petticoat, ami "The Rivals," which shows that there may be other jealousies than those beat ing under broadcloth or flounced silks John S, Davis seems to have given ti one of the most careful of his embodi ments of a sad idea, in "Mary of the Wild Moor," tho pictorial story ot a Will-known tragic ballad; "Here's your Christmas Dinner!" is full ot rho soft ened lights and delicate shades of the old Flemish artists who so loved to de pict market scenes; "The Zaekenfall, Bohemia," opens to travelers a cascade of great, beauty, little kuowu in books, thouh deserving place among tho .uost popular resorts; "What Keeps Him?" leads to a painful doubt whether there can be any lover at ooce recreant enough and silly enough to keep the owner of that face and form waiting long enough even to ask the question; and the pictorial list m completed by a geu eral and two interior views ot "St. Asaph Cathedral, North Wales," keeping up TtiE Aldine's specialty of portraying the great religious houses of England in rapid succession. Literarily, this number opens wtth au oddly titled story. "My Christinas Re venge," bearing a name new to The Aldine, one Kitty Wing, who may be matron or maid, but whe certainly tells a domestic tale very naively. "Lost Lillian Bracy," theseiial story, rumored to be a literary remain of (1, P R. James, increases in interest, aud introduces a raie figure iu the Dew ser vant coming to IS racy 's Hope, around whom may very possibly be woven more of the plot of the story than shows at the first glance The Dumber, from holiday. reasons lacking a little in prose variety, is especially rich in poetry Mrs. L. M. Blinn contributing a sweet little poem called "New Year Bells;" William II. Kernan a sadly strong one, with the chill titlo of ''Winter and Sorrow;" Henry Morford a seasonable cue, and odd as seasonable, ''The Mistletoe in America;" and the illustrated old ballad, "Mary of the Wild Moore," coming back with mournful pleasure tommy re collections. The Aldine Company has determined to establish an Art Union, similar to the well known Art Union in England, and distribute its works of art, both sculpture and paintings, which ere con stantly collecting among its subscribers. Art premiums valued at (2,500, will be distributed among each series of 500 subscribers. Subscription tickets, at $6,00 each entitles the holder to The Aldine for a year, to the Dew chromo, and to a ticket iu the distribution of art premiums. The Aldine Company, pub lishers, No. 53 Maiden Lane, New York City. We some time since stated that Geo. W. Daicy, formerly postmaster at I'hilipsburt;, had been sentenced to fif teen years imprisonment in tho peniten. tiary. Wo knew at tho time the infor mation came hero through a private source, but supposed it to be correct, but find that we were mistaken, as he was not sentenced until Saturday last. The Pittsburg Tvlryroj'h after introduc the case says: Before passing sentence;, Mr. Reed, U. S. Attorney, stated that Mr. Daicy had served as a soldier during tho war of the rebellion and had lost a leg in the strug gle for the niaintainance of the iutegrity of the union, and whilst the otTeuso would justify a sevcro sentence he asked of the Court in view of his patriotic service to his country, and the good charaotcr given him by his friends iu Centre, that the sentence be as light as possible under tho circumstances. Eaicy was then directed to stand up and His Honor Judge McCandlcss sen tenced him to undergo two years im prisonment at hard labor io the Western Penitentiary. He was reman ded to jail. There is much sickuess in Mobile. The small-pox is raging among the ne groes particularly, throuch some whites have beeu attacked. The Marine Hos pital, the City Hospital and the Sisters' Hospital are reported full, though it is not at all probable that most of the pa tients arc afflicted with the small-pox. It is reported that forty. five deaths from this disease alone occured last week. Of courso the negroes, huviog no one to take charge of them, defiant oJ'jny authority, and naturally careless and dirty, fall easy victims to the disease. All attempt is being made to vaccinate the population, and within the last three days at least 2,000 have been vaccinated. But, as tho measure is not compulsory, tho class will not be reached that stand most in need of such prevention. There have been a few cases of "pernicious" fever iu the city. EVERY LA 01 SHOULD TAKE IT, PETERSON'SMAGAZIHE The Cheapest aud Best in the World. Postage Pre. Taid on all Subscriptions This popular EAgazine gires more for the money ttiiiu auy iu tUe world. For llSTo it will be greatly iinproTod It will contain Oue Thousand Panes. Fourteen Splendid steel Plates, Twelv.) Colored lieiim Pat terns, Twelve Mammoth Colored Fashions, Niue Hundred Wood Cuts, Twenty. four Pages of MVsie. All this will be given for only TWO DOLLARS a year, postage pre paid by the publisher, or a dollar Ic&s than Magazines ui' the class of "Peterson." its THRILLING TALKS AND r:oVKL,bTTKS Are the best published anywhere. AH the most popular writers are employed Io write originally fur 'Peterson." iu l7o. in ad dition to the usual quantity of short stories, FIVE Ottl'ilNAi, tUPYRlUili' NOVELETTES Viill be given, hy Mi j. kuu S. Stephens, Fraud I.ei lieuedick, J.iue U. Austin, Marietta iiylley uud Daify Vcuiuor. MAMMOTH COLORED FAS i. ION PLATE Ahead of nil others. TIicsj plates ai-e en graved on stetl twic 'run usual size, and are uuequ.ilie d fur bc-..uty They will te superbly colored. Ali-o, Hour.tiiuid and other receipts; in short, every thing inter esting to ladies SUPERB PREMIUM ENGRAVING 1 To every peicou getting i;p cither of ilu following ct ubs for iH'to wilt 'je acn giati.-'. a copy of our now aud t-plenUid ujcztotinl for framing, (fi'ta 21 inches by M), "Washiuti u's East interview With ills Wife." This is a Five Dollur Engraving, and the most desirable prei'Mum etr ottered. F'or lurpc clubs, as will be seen beiow, au extra opy of the Magazine mil be sunt iu udditiou. TE11MS (Always IuAdvai.ce) $2.00 a Year Postage prepaid by the Publisher. Two Copies 3 tii) Three Copies $ 4 Postage Pre-i'a.d on the Ciub with a copy ot the superb mezzotint (21."JiJ) 'Wa.-hingtou's First Interview With Wife." to the person getting up tho Club. Six Copies for ijslO Nino Copies for !JS14 Twelve Copies for !J.-. Tostage Pre paid on the Club, wilh boil) an fxti a copy of tfie iia,pi7.iue and the su perb mei.otint, "Wnshinglou s First Inter view Wilh ilis Wife," lotnc person getting up the Club. Address, post-paid, CHARLES J. l'EXEiiSOS, 30G Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Ksy-t-pecimens sent gratis if written for. Ft. K t-AJ.E LY E.K. CKEdll. Masonic Hall Building, Ridgway, Pa. VAST VLECK'S CELKBltATJJD PATKM SHUNG BKl BKST tempered steel spring wire, these t-prii.e,s can be laid ou the sluts of any common bed and are COMPLETE IN THEMSELVES ! Also agent for Weed Sewing 2ac3iiiie, Easiest Running, Most Dm able, and REST MACHINE iu tho market. Call and txa.niue before purchusiug elsewhere. vlnltitli$, JF YOU WANT TO BUY GOODS CHEAP CIO TO JAMES II- IIAGEKTY Main Street, F.idgway, Pa. DBY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW-WAUE, TOBACCO AND CIGABS. A Large Stock of Groceries and Provisions. The BEST BRANDS of FLOUR mstontly on band, and sold as cheap the CHEAPEST. JAMES H. HAGERTY. THE ELK ADVOCATE. THE OLDEST 'PAPER IN THK COUNTY, HAVING THE LARGEST CIRCU- ATION, IT IS THEREFORE THE ADVERTISING MEDI UM IN THE COUNTY 3 (.voted to the Itttcvcsits of the people of ClU Tou3. TEEMS:.. $2.00 PES TSAR, If'ycu want to sell anything, let the people know it through the Advocate, the great advertising medium. BRING ALONG YOUR A DYE LI TIS EM ENTS AND GET THEM INSERTED IN THE ADVOCATE, AT LOW RATES. She (gilt SduAcafc L L Jo's Prisati&ig Office, In the Court II3u.se, llidway, Pa. The best work done, and at the very lowest pi ices. Hand bills printed at theshorctt notice. Call in and get our prices for advertis ing and jobbing. Satisfaction warrauted Orders by mail promptly atteoded to Address, HENRY A PARSONS, JR. Hidoway, Pa. FEED SOHOENING, Lav, Commercial, Book, and General Job Printer, and Stationer. RIDGWAY. ELK CO., 1A. DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF LAW BLANKS, AND' FRENclj, ENGLISH, ' AND AMERICAN STATIONERY. ARNOLD'S WRITING: FLUID AND COPING INK. LEAD PENCILS OF ALL KINDS AND PRICES. Eslerbroofe's Vtltbraltd Sleet Fens, the Best JTIade. All Kinds of Job Printing done iu the Best Stylo and at Low Prices. LETTER, NOTE, AND BILL HEADS, BUSINESS; CARDS AND EN VELOPES OF EVERY STYLE IN ANY QUANTITY. POWELL KIME. if .vivnirrYT'TT 11UMU JL JL.L STOCK Firmly believing that tie' world move3, mid that the demand of the jiubiioare con stantly iuereasiuT, the jroj'netorti of tho airand cenlrLal $tot;c have just returned from the. eastern and western citica with the most pcrlect and complete stock of MERCHANDISE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. You cannot ASK LOU ANYTHING they do uot keep, and they have absolutely BROKEN THE BACKBONE of high prices. They buy for cash and SELL FOR CASH ! CHEAPER THAN TnE CHEAPEST I Ridgway, May 1st, 1873. NEW LIVKliY STABLE IN RIDGWAY. DAN SCR1BNER WISHES TO IN lorm the Citizens of ltidgway, and the putilic gcr.erttlly, that he has started a Liv ery liable und will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES ; ; ; 1, .1 i.iiii.i! .11 a ro.isuu.i I.Ie terim Sf iW'l" w"l (ilso do job lenaing. .Stable on Uroud street, above Main. All orders left at the Pcbt Cilice will roeei irompt attention Aug 20 1870. tf. VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR RENEWER. Every year increases the popularity of this valuable Hair Preparation; which is due to merit alone. We can assure our old patrons that it is kept fully up to its high standard ; and it is the only reliable and perfected prep aration for restoring Geay or Faded Haik to its youthful color, making it Boft, lustrous, and 6ilken. The scalp, by it3 use, becomes white and clean. It removes all eruptions and dandruff, and, by its tonic properties, prevents the hair from falling out, as it stimu lates and nourishes tho hair-glands. By its use, tho hair grows thicker and stronger. In baldness, it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, and will create a new growth, except in extreme old age. It is the most economical IIatr Deessikg ever used, as it requires fewer applications, and gives tho hair a splendid, glossy ap pearance. A. A. llayes, iLD., Stato Assaycr of Massachusetts, says, "Tho constituents aro pure, and carefully selected for excellent quality; and! consider it tho Best Pbepaeation for its intended purposes." Sold by all Druggiati, and Dealert in Mcdkinet, Prioo One Dollar. Buckingham's Dye FOB THE WHISKERS. As our Rencwer in many cases re quires too long a time, and too much care, to restore gray or faded Whisk ers, we have prepared this dye, in one preparation', which will quickly and effectually accomplish this result. It is easily applied, and produces a color which will neither nib nov wash off. Sold by all Druggists. Price Fifty Cents. Manufactured by R. P. HALL & CO NASHUA, u S. JpiIYSiCIANS AN!) IjUUGOISTS. A prominent Ni w York physician lately eoinplaiutd to Dun. Itix Dick, iihoiu his Sud dalwood Oil Cupfriihis, stating tluit some times they cured miraculously ; tut that, a patient 01' his hud laheu Hum lor sometime without cllVct. On lieing informed t lift t several iniitntinns wero 1111.de and sold, he inquired and fuiind ihm his patient had been takingcapsiilaesold in bottles, and not DUNDAS DICK & (JO'S. What happened to this physician may have happened to others, und DUNDAS DICK & CO., take this method of protecting "Oil of Sandalwood" froo this disrepute. PHYSICIANS who once prescribe the Capsulas will CONTINUE TO DO f-O, for Ihey contain the TUUE OIL iu the BEST AND CHEAPEST form. OIL OF SAN DLE WOOD is fact super seding every other remedy, sixty Capsules ONLY being requ;red to insure a eaie and certain cure iu nix or eight days. From no oilier medicine can this reuull be hud Dice's Soft C.wbians solve the prob lem long considered by many eminent phy sicians, of how to avoid the nuui-ea aud dis gust experienced in swallowing, which are well known to detract from, if not destroy, the good effects of many valuable remedies. Soft Capsules aie put up in tin-foil and neat boxes, thirty in each, aud are the only capsules prescribed by Phybiciaus. &S-TUESE WEUE THE ONLY CAP SULES ADMITTED TO TUE LAST PARIS EXPOSITION. Send for Circular to 83 Wooster St., N. YJ SOLD AT ALL STOEES. General Agency, 110 Keade Street, N. Y ESTATE OF ISAAC QUIGGLE late of Ridgway Township Elft Couuty, Pa. de ceased. All persons iudebted to said Es tate uie requested to make immediate pay men And those having legal claims a ai- t the same, will present theru with oat U-. lay in proper order for settlement, to JACOB QUIGGLE, Executor. Or liia Attorney, JI. M. POWERS EfcQ., Ridgway Pa- BUSINESS CARDS. G. A. RATIIBUN, Attorncy-at-law, Ridgway, To. 2 2 tf. EUFUS LUCOItE, Attorneyat-Law IUdgway, Elk Co., Ta. Office ia Hall's new Urick liuilding. Claim for collection promptly attended to. vSnlly - HALL & M'VAULEY, . Attorneys-at-Law. Office in New Brick Building, Main 8IJ Kiduwny, Elk Co., Pa. iZn2.t. . J, O. II, BAILEY, ATTOKSEY-AT-IAW. vliu.yl. IUdgway, Elh Cetnty, Tlu Agent for tho Traveler's Life uJ Acol dent lusurnnce Co., of Hartford, Cean. JAM b' il I). FULLLMTOT, Surgeon Dentist, hating permaiemOy lo cated iu Kigway, oilers his professional eer vices to the citizeus of Hidgw- M sur rounding country. All work warranted. Oliicc in .service & Wheeler's Baildiag, up btnirs, first door to the left, 78-a-82-ly CHARLES ROLES, Watchmaker, Engraver as4 Jeweler, Main street, Ridgway, Pa. Agent for tb Howe fe'ewiug Machine, and luoiioa Golrf Pen. Repairing Watches, etc, dot with he same accuracy as heretofore. Satis actiou guurauteed. vlaly, G. G. M ESSEX GEB, Druggist and Paraceutist, N. Ik', cornet of Mam und Mill streets, Hiigwaf , Pa. lull assortment of carefully seleated For ei)!ii a 11 .J Domestic Drugs. Presoriptiont carefully dispensed at all hours, day or night. flnSy T. S. HARTLEY. M. J., 1'liynician nnu Surgeon. Oliicc in Drug Store, corner itread and Main t;, Ke.-idence corner Kroad St. opposite 1 he College. Orlic heur Irani H to IU A. M. aud lrom 7 to V P. U. vlnDy 1. . J. S. BORIS WELL, M. 2., Eclculic Physician and Surgeon, hB remov ed iihs ull.ee 11 0111 Centre suacl, Wllain St. linkway, l'a iu tho second story tf the new buck building of John ti. llall, eppo ii': Hyde's store, (jlhec huui .-: B to 9 a- in: 1 lo I p. m, J jan U 7i HYDE- -HOUSE, Riih;wy, Elk Co., Pa. W. II. SCI1UAM, Proprietor. Thankful for rbe patronage heretofore .:o iib.Mally l.e.-lowed upon hiui, the new proprietor, hopes, ty paying strict ai leuuou to the euiul'ori aul convenience ot guests, to merit, u euniiiiuauce 1 lha r-inue. Oct 00 ISO',). B UCKTA IL h O USE, Kane, McKean Co., Pa. R. .. LOOKER, Proprietor. Thankful lor the pal roimge hei'etefoie to liberally bestowed upon him, the new pro. prieior, hopes, by paying strict attentitn 10 i no eoujl'M t. uiid convenience of eiiKsm. o . I to iin rit p. e iiiunimiiee tf the same. The etuy staples for Lueses 111 Kutie and will kept niiit or duy. Hall attached to the liotel. vln23yl. KEliSEY HOUSE, Ckn mic-.-iL5.it, Elk Co., Va. Joh.s (i,i in, I'roprietor. Tf.nliiil-.il i- .. so liberally hcHlowed upon lntn, the new i iti'i. i" i' I u 1 r 1 1 Ii .U I.. 1.... ...:,.. r. v ...... u. , ...vD Bine. Bl ieiitiwii lo the couiloi'i and convenience oi guests, t merit a continuance of the tunic. i: W. HAYS, 1 KALIS. IS Dry G-cods, Notions, Grcceries, and Gencrd Variety, . FCX, ELK CO., PA. Siarii y I. . vlu-17if. y FLAYIITG CARDS. BUST THE CHEAPEST. STE "SHIPS Cheapest, kind made. MEG I'TAS A cheap common card. DUO OWAY8 A nice common card. V1K J N1AS h ino calico backs. GEN JACKONS Cheap und popular, (Pa' tern backs, various colors aud de signs.) ' COL-MB1AS (Euchre deck) extra quality GOLDEN GATES One of the best cardi made, MX. VERNON'S Extra fino, two color pati terns. FOB THE ABOVE TAKE NO OTHEHS. ce Liat ou application. Dealers sup. by VICTOR E. MAUGER, 30-ly 1(6 to 112 Keade St., N. Y Edw'd J. Evans & Co., NURSERYMEN AND SEEDSMEN, YOllK, PENN'a fitfr-Catalogucs Mailed to Applicants-g Refer (by permission) te Hon, J. S, Rlack, Washington, D. C. Wkiser, Son Si Carl, Rankers, York, Pa, 2-Cd-v rpO THE CITIZENS OF PENNSYL L VANIA. Your attention ia specially invited to the fact thai ihe National Ranks) are now prepared to receive subscriptions 10 the Capital Stock ot the Centennial t oari of Finance. The funds realized front 1 liia source are to be employed in the ereo lion of the buildings tor the International Exhibition, and the expenses connected 'with ihe same. It is contideutly believed thut the Keystone fciate will be represented by the name of every citizen alive to patri ot io commemoration of the one hundredth birth-day of the nation. The shares of stock are offered for $10 each, and sub scribers will receive a handsome engraved Certificate of Stock, suitable for framing, and preservation as a national memorial. Interest at the raie of six per oent. per annum will be paid ou ail payments of Cen tennial Stock from date of pavment iq January 1, 187(3. V 3 10 Subscribers who are not neai a National Bank can remit a check or post office order to the undersigned, FRED'K. FRALEY, Treasurer, 004 Walnut St., Philadelphia n 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers