4 i re , I IIIURSDAV, AUGUST 27, 1874. Car Ttme at MUdgicay. i ERIE MAIL East 4:45 p. m do do' Went 2:33 a. m. NIAGARA EXPRESS West 8:05 ft. tn. do do East 10:04 p. m. ELK LODGE, A. Y. M. The elated meetings of Elk Lolge, No. 879, are held at their hall, corner of Main and Depot streets, on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month' W. C. IIEALY, Seo'y. Sates of Advertising. t One column, one year o OU .i ii 25 00 15 00 Transient advertisements per square of eight lines, one insertton $1, two inser- Business cards, ten lines or less, per Jrear $5. f Advertisements payable quarterly. NOTES September, has an r and bo has oyster The school directors meet next Saturday. We report two more games of base ball this week. We publish stock quotations id another column. C .15. Gould oftho Cammoron Pi ess was in town Tuesday. People are now laying in their win ter supply of coal and wood. Fred. Schoenino paid a visit to. the West Branch Camp Meeting. The melon-colio days have come, the sadest of the year. Blackbeqries continue to be plenty on the hills about this place,and are six cents a quart. The attention of Republicans is called to the call for a county conven tion in another column. The Harmjniol'S Democracy, met st Tuesday. We give the proceed. j in another column. The winter term of school commen ces next Monday, mm. imxoii u principal, and Misses Taylur and Wil- icox arc assistants. It is rumored that, one of the enndi ates, for sheriff, if not two, who failed a receive the nomination at the . hands the Democracy, will bolt and run iu- pendent. J. W. Phelps has hoc n nominated the Republicans of Cameron County, for the legislator. Mr. Phelps is i good man and wc persumc that his elec tion is assured. Lumbering business promises to be very slack this winter. There will be not over a fourth of the amount of ios cut in this section that have been form erly, which will have the effect of ad vancing prices. A GAME of base ball between the Scrubs of this place, and the Sabbath Ireakers of St Mary's, was played here Vriday of last week, resulting in the try of the Scrubs by a score of 26 SriLLiAM Smitii, of Osceola, is re 5rted to have recently purchased six thousand acres of timber land in Tio"a county, for 8365,000. He paid one-half the purchase money in cash, and the balance in 30 and 00 days. The Inauguration Running Mectiug of Buffalo Park is to take place in Buf falo on September 8th, and 10th, and promisies to be a success beyond all 4juestion. Nearly all the prominent stables of the country bare already en tered horses. Charles Mead has been appointed Justice of the Peace, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of C. E. Be man. His commission continues until thirty days after the next spring elec- ttnn : Mr Maori Vina lit nflKvta r.t VpUJ place in the court bouse. us new iom state Association lor 9 luicutiuu ui x'jau nuu name, nun issued a call for a Natioual Convention of Sportsmen,to be held at Niagara Falls, September 9th. Tne object of the con vention is to form a National organiza tion, for the hotter protection of Fish and Game of all kinds. The call should be generally responded to. Eli Perkins, Saratoga correspon dent of the N. Y. Sun, "gets off" the following good'ua: " Deacon Gaudain of the First Presbyterian Church in Lock Haven is sojourning in Vandam street. The Lock Haven Jiejujltcan says, 'When the minister wants the collection taken up he often remarks, 'Deacon, Gaudam you, please pass the plate." Tbibi is a man iu the Elk County jail who refuses to leave that institution, al i though his term of imprisonment has expir ed. He shows good sense in creferinir the iuil to assooiating with the people of that be. Hljjui.cn region. Cameron J rest f j. . mmvQ IUIUIVTCU PIUtD pren man (C B. Gould,") as editor of iuu Yarl v iui was years ago, .1. iL-l'l M db ji iu auow mat -evil communica tions corrupt goodjmanners." and that the man who wrote the above item is no iter than be should be. Democratic County Convention This body met st the Court House last, Tuesday, 1st lost, at 11 o'clock A M. pursuant to call. C. R. Earley was elected temporary chairman and Geo. Ed. Weis, temporary secretary The following delegates wero repor ted; Bonezette John Barr. John Mul roy. Benzinger Abom Jesberger, Phillip Young, Phillip Kraickle. Fox M. J. Earley, Hush Mc Cready, Highland Edward Lair, Jo bn Campbell. Horton W. II. Horton, G Himes. Jay Win G. Thomas, A. J. Avery Jones A. M. Straight, John Wei dert. Ridgway C. R. Earley, O. B Grant. Millstone C. xl. Hoffman, G. C T. Hoff. Spring Creek Matthew Stanley. R Mibnty St Mary's Geo. Ed. Weis, Chas, Luhr. The chair appointed Chas. Luhr, O B.Grant, and A. M. Straight, a com mittee on credentials. Convention adjourned uniil 1 o'clock At 1 o'clock convention convened and elected C. R. Earley permanent chairman, and A. M. Straight, perma nent secretary. Committee on credentials reported contest in Millstone township and deci ded in favor of Hoff as against Clyde ine convention then proceeded to ballot with the following result: Assenib'y Sebastian Wimmer St Marys, 14 votes; J. L. Brown, Jones, 9 votes. Sheriff Daniel Scull, St. Mary's, 9 votes; v. w. Hays, Fox 12 votes; James McCloskey, Fox, 2 votes. Commissioner 1st ballot; G. C. T. Hoff, 3 votes; Michael Weidert 9 votes; C. A. Wilcox, 10 votes, 2d ballot Hoff, 3; Weidert 11; Wilcox 9 3d ballot; Hoff 2; Weidert 12; Wilcox 9. We will here record in favor of the Democracy of Elk County, that it is the first convention in our recollection, that did uot result in a bolt. ThelostiSirl. BY CANDAOF. NICnOLS. The following we publish by request, and arc of the opinion that age is the only thing in its favor. The sequel, however, shows that the "hand of fato'' was not so ei uel alter all, tho lost gir' having returned to her parents, which event was also celebrated in verso. Kb. Come all good people far and near Listen awhile and you shall hear A shocking instance now of late Committed by the hand of fate. In Clearfield County theiedid dwell A lovini; youth 'twas known full well Hetsy Mucouiber was her name An only daughter bight of fame On Monday morning bhe did go (Into the neighbors we do know One mile from home as it is said 'Twas the last visit that she made Ou Tuesday eve set out for home But nh! alas! she ne'er has come Her parents sought her but in vain Where she has gone we can't regain. Tho neighbors now the sound doth hear The tidings tinkcl every ear Each lipart with sorrow now is pres't Thinking of what was her distress They sought the hills and valleys too But all iu vain they did persue Nothing but just her bonnet fouud And that was lying on the ground Her father weeps her mother s;ghs O! where is Betsey? now she cries No being can describe her grief While nought ou earth can give relief How shocking 'tis for to relate Three brothers left to mourn her fate liut Oh! your griefs are all in vain Her parents now in grief doth say Our child is gone Ohl where is she? Has some wild beast made her its prey Or is she lost and gone astray Or is she in some lonely wood Chilled through with cold; pining for food Ordoes she grieve her friends to see Ur is her soul at liberty Or has he spirit took its flight To worldsrabove Cilcd with delight Or has she gone her God to see lo praise bim in eternity Oh! she has gone we know not where The stroke is cruel and severe But hush our murmuring kiss the rod And own the almighty hnd of God Come parents brothers neighbors too loisetsie wo must bid adieu: Come let us count her virtues o'er And practice theai for she is no mnrp. Come all good peoDle far and npr To you the shocking-news is told Think on poor Betsy's cruel fate Prepare for death before it is too late. day iownship 1S20. Cosr of a 'Strike." The National Laborers' Union, of England, has been counting up the costs of supporting the agricultural laborers in their strike, and finds that in Suffolk alone over $50,000 was expended, only $5,000 of which was collected in that district. Nearly the whole amount went to the support of the men in idleness, for only about $000 was used to pay the expenses of emigrants. Thus, the money did not relieve the labor market, which was overstocked, and at tho end of the strike, uuless other causes were at work to create a greater demand for labor the workmen would not bo at all benefit ted by the help they bad received. Notice. All persons are hereby notified not to purchase a note given by T.l. n i ii , vuud vampoeu to rranK li. iianiora. dated Sept. 1st, 1871, for $100, as tho same was obtained through force and will not be paid. JOHN CAMPBELL. Ridgway, Pa., Sep 3d 1874 It List of Deeds, etc., entered for record in tho Recorder's office of Elk County, up to August 31st, 1874: Deed from Richard II. Miller, to C. R. Eatlcy dated June 20. 1874. for 1887 and 77-100 acres land in Fox township part of warrants 4096, 4095, 40'J4, 4U83, 4079, 4178, also mincinls in 933 37-100 a ores land in Fox townshit parts of warrants 4096, 4093. 1095. 40"9; retirving right of way for the Daguscahonua R. R. through warrant 4083; consideration $33,000. Docd from Jessce Kyler and wife ai d R. T.Kylbr and wife, to C. R. Earlcv. dated June 22, 1874, for minerals etc, in 122 acres land in Fox township, part of warrant 4079, 4373; consideration 83000. Deed from S Short and wife to C R. Earley, dated July 17th, 1873, for 1874 i acres land in Fos and Ilortou township, reserving pine timber, also minerals etc., in 45G 8-100 acres land in Fox and Horton township; considera tion $100,000. Quit Claim Deed from James Mc Clelland and wife to C. R. Earley, da ted June 22, 1874, for minerals in 100 acres land in Horton township; consid eration 8575. Deed from Henry Souther aud wife to C. R. Earley, dated July 11, 1874, for minerals etc., in 70 acres land iu Fox township; consideration $1750. Deed from James Leith to Chailes T. Lay and Ogden B. Lay, dated August 7th, 1874, for one acre land in Ridg way township, part of warrant 4295; consideration 8150. Mortgage from J. B. StcrW to Geo. Retgcr dated August 7th 1874, for 151 30-100 acres land in Benzicger town ship, to secure $3,900. Deed from Charles 11. Earley Treas. of Elk Co to Juo. G. Hall, dated June 10, 182, for 112 acres land in lli2h. land township, part of wairant 2034: tax, cost and bond 8109,81. Deed from Isaac Horton Jr treasurer of Elk county, to John O'Brian, dated Juue 11th 1860, for 990 acres land in warrant 2024, Jones township, tax aud costs $109,53. Deed from Isaac Horton Jr, treasurer of Elk county to John O'Brian. dated June 11th, 1800, for 990 acres land ou warrant 2o92, Jones township; tax aud cost $109 53 Assignment from John 0"Brian to William Wernwag, dated January 11, 1802, assigning O'Brien's iuterest iu the foregoing deed to William Wern wag. Deed from William Patton aud wife to Alouzo Wilcox, dated April 20th. 18 i 4, for the southern one-half of lots 21 and 22 in tho village of Wilcox, containing 7200 square feel; considera tion $200. Deed from Daniel D. Hyatt and wife to Frank Nolgay dated June 15, 1874, lor I acres land in Fox township: con sideration $95. Deed from Robert Rnthrock and wife to Perry Roberts dated January iSth lb4, for oue fourth of an ucre ol land in Jay township, part of warrant 5236; consideration 850 Deed from Charles C. Gaskilo and wife to William Wernwag dated Ai.ril 30, 1846, for 16, 77-100 acres land iu the township of Seargeaut, McKean county Pa. reserving 3872 acres of land thereout; consideration $14000. Copy of Will of William Wernwas?. dated August 26th, 1874. Peed from Hiram Howard and wife to Perry Roberts, dated 1872. 19.228 square feet of laud iu Jay township; consideration 3o. Deed Poll from Daniel C. Ovster. sheriff of Elk county to C. II. Mc- tauley, dated August 4th 1874. for 3061 acres of Jand in Elk county, con sideration $150. Deed from C. II. McCaulev and wife to Elizabeth, Winslow et al., dated August 18, 1874, for 3061, acres Und in Elk county; consideration 150. Deed from Daniel Meredith et al. and wife to Henry Souther, dated Au gust 1st 1873, for 30 acres land iu Fox township; consideration $100. Deed Poll from D. C. Oyster, High Sheriff of Elk county to J as. K. P. Hall, dated August 4, 1874, for 2 acres land in Jay township, part of warrant 4894; consideration $050. Quit Claim Deed from Darius M. Keck and wife and Stanton Baiuard to W. W. Barrows, dated July 31st 1874 for the undivided one fiftieth of war rants 5283, 5290, 5291 in Elk and Clearfield counties, Jay and Lawrence township, Pa; consideration $1,00. Mortgage from Ihe North Western Mining and Exchange Company to C. R. Earley, dated July 13th, 1874, on 2,216 87-100 acres land in Elk and Jefferson counties fee simple Reserving pine timber ana also on 11,509 78-100 acres mining rights situate in Elk and Jefferson counties given to secure $414 -381 79. ' ' Laying of the Corner Stone. The Corner Stone of the State IIos pital for the insano of the Districts composed of tho Counties of Crawford, Claiion, Erio, Elk Forest, Jeflcrsou, Mcrccr,McKear, Venaugoand Wairm, is to bo laid by Uovernor Hartrunlt, ou tho grounds near tho town of Warren, on the Tenth Day op Sjsptesibeh, 1874. at 12 o'clock M. The people ol the District, including the members of the press, and nil others who can mako it convenient, are reques ted to bo present. Arrangements will be mado with tho Railroad Companies for KxeurMon Tickets, us far as can bo '1 ho citizens ol Wuiren County will prepare a lunch, to be srrved in picnic stylo on tho premises, mid i-iidcuvor in every way, to vernier tho visit of iIioho who may nttond ple.iRiMit mid iigrceablc Tho programme) nl cxnviHCN is here unto titlneliod This niiiiminccnieiit ol tho liotublo hpeiikers tilid inteieslliig ex ercises ought Iu to Millioiriit induce ment to dinw n largo iitteuilaiicc, and needs not to bo enlarged upon by us Wo hopu all who etui will ullciid Mumc ISand. I'ruycr by the Rev W A Rankin Music Vocal Addrtsw by Dr Wui Corsou, President ol tho Commission, introducing His Excel lency Governor Hartrantt, who will lay tho Corucr Stone aud make an addit.-s Music Baud Reading of tho li.st oi articles placed iu the Corner fciloue Address by Hon G W Scolicld Music Band, Short uddrcss by distinguished straugers Singiug of the long metre doxology "l'ruise God lrom whom all blessings fluw" Benediction by the lltv II S Oetz Music Band T. STRUT11ERS, ") Committee C. W. STONE. ou ROUT. DENNISON, J Invitations Two Dollars a day. A general Jiw, passed by the Legislature of this Stute last winter, provides that hereaf ter "the pay of viewers and reviewers oi roads and bridges, and of ccnimitsioners oppoiuted to run township lines and to divido' boroughs iuto wards and town ship divison lines in the several conn- ties ol this Commonwealth, shall be two dollars for every day necessarily em ployed in tho duties of their office." Also mileage ''at the rate of ten cents per mile necessarily traveled by each viewer, reviewer, commissioner or sur veyor from his residence to the nearest point ot the road viewed or reviewed on the line or lines to be run, to be paid in the same uiauner as is uow provided by law with regard to the pay of view ers, reviewers or couiissunieis. Earley domestic news ''Bill tit up this miunit and suw some wood to get brcsklast with llfc.MINOTON SklWIXO MACHINES FlKE AUMS, AND AUUICULTUHAI. I.M- n.K.MENTS. The Remington Sewing Machiue has sprung rapidly into favor es possessing the test combiuatiun el j:oiu qualities niiinely, light luuuing tunoih noiseless rapid mid durable. It bus a ctraight nei-dle, perpendicular action, automatic drop-feed, makes ihc Leek or j Shuttle ttiteh, which will hciil.er rip Lor ravel, and is alike on both sides. The Remington Sewing Machine Las received premiums at many 1'Vhs, throughout the Uuitcd States, and with. out eiloit took tho G:and Medal ol Pro gicss, the highest cider of medal thai was awarded ut the late Yiouua Exposi posiiion. The Remington Works ulso ciaru. facture tho new Double Barrullo d Breech Loading Shot guu SDap and positive action, with pttent juiut check, a marvel of Leauly, finish. aud cheapness, and the celebrated Rem ington Rifles adopted by uiue different governments, and renowued throughout the world for military, hunting and target purposes all kinds of Pistols, Rifles, Canes, Metalic Catridgcs, etc. Agricultural Implements, Improved Mowing Maehiues, Steel Plows, Cultiva tors, Road Seiapcrs, Patent Excavators, Hay Tedders, Cotton Gins, Iron Bridges, &c. Ihe undersigned has leen appointed agent for the sale and introduction ol the Remington Sewing Machine iu aud lor the counties ol Elk, Clearfield and Wairen. TIIOS. J. BURKE. Depot and office, St. Mary's, Pa. P. S. A goeid local agent wanted. Jfiiy L.IST. list of Jurois drawn for September term 1&74, ccumie-uciijg Monday, September 21: OB AND Jl'UORS. Henzinpt-r lleury Fkdeimann. Frank BcliluttetihoUer, Christ Kiaiklt. tc.x N. U. liuiidy, John B. Cuneo. Robert Wilton, Franklin E. llewitt, Silas Moyor. Horton Geo. W. Clmlon, Daniel Thalcn. Jay John 13. Miller. Jones Fulsaui Lcckwilh. William Weidert. Millstone F. G. Clyde. Uidgway U, C. likiiett, Geo. D. Mes senger, thsha DeGroiit, N. T. Cummiuas. C. II. llliiues, Will liiekiuson, Joseph n uuure. St. Mary's Uorouch JoBenh kieti. James Kogun, llanry Uuusman. ruAVi.nsis j mots. De-nczettc 8. A. Enclisli. H E. Morev. A. M. 1 arr JJenxiuger Georne Kissel. John Nissel. Nicholas Krouenwetter, John Kaul, Jr., Frank Gier. Fox Jacob M'Caulcy, BalpU Bell, Orlundo Meyers, Thomus Maloae. Ilortou 1 nomas ISurchneld, James Ben nett, Jr., W m. Cheatle, Jerome Farario, lleuben Keller. Jay J. A. Spanglcr, R. I. Epancler, Wui. Robinson, Ausoii li. Kobinsou. JoutB Judsou Schultz. uos Retzer. John C. Johnson, Ferdinand Pittner. Kideway Horace lacker. Georee Dick. inson, Eli Etter. Bt. Mary Borough John Fox, Fred. Rudolph, Anthony Foehlman. Frank Eckl. Joseph Dauhauser, Alois bchauer, Jere miah I'aulus; tpnng Creek Mathew Shuuley. SHERIFFS SALE. By virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias Issued out of the court of Common l'lens of Elk County nud lo me directed, I will expose to snlo at publio vendue or outcry at tho V-ourt House, Hiugwny, i a., on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 21ST, 1874 al one o'clock. P. m. All the right, title interest, claim and demand, whatsoever, of defendant in said writ named, of. in, to, and out of all that certain traot, piece, or parcel of land situate in the township or rox, in the Couutv of Elk and Statet of 1'eminyl vaniit to wit. Commencing at a hemlock at the northwest corner of land conveyed to Uriah tinners bv Joseph P. Jiorris and others: thence south partly by lands for inerly owned by Daniel Kingsbury one hundred mid thirty rods move or less iu Post: (hciieo tiiisl lo a post and stones, be- mir tho west oovner of tho six and a half acio lot, ooniaiiiing tho buildings of said Rogers; Ihencii mmih til'iy-livc and three lonrth degrees (fr,j) enst thirty-nine rods mi a post; I hence himiiii siaijt-iuui- uu a half ('il U"l iloitreeH oust, twenty rods to an apple tree; tlx neo nnrlli VH) twenty-eight degrees one! Ilnriy. three rods more or loss lo n hriiituck on inn road; llienoe east by land ol' Kinnifon lingers to a post at the norili-rnpt corner of Kitmison Roger's hind; tlieni e north one hundred and thirty kmIm In a tmsl: thence wctt by land for merly owned by Diiniul Kingsbury, one lit lull ed mid foi ly-lour rods more or less to lo the place of beginning. Containing one hundred twenty-one and a half (121jj acres more or less, being part of warrant No. 4-15 and being part of the same prem ises couveved to Uriah Rogers by Joseph P. Norris and others by deed dated April Hih. 1K2. Kecoidcd in the ollice lor re cording deeds in aud for the county of tlcar- licld iu Deed Book "IS. page & eio. Taken in execution and lo be sold as the properly of John Myers at the suit of Joseph II. Hyde. D. C. OYSTER, Sheriff. Sukimfk'u Omen, 1 Ridgway, Pa., Aug. 2, "13. n2tito. bliVltlFJT'S Sj1L.I1. By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias issired out of the Court of Coniniou Pleas of Elk Couni y, and to mo directed, I will expose to sale at public vendue or outcry at the Court House. Ridgway, Ta., on MONDAY SEPTEMBER 21st, 1874, at oue o'clock p. ra. All ihe right, title, interest, clnim and demand, .whatsoever, of delendantj in said writ named, of in, to, end out of all the following described two tracts, pieces or parcels of laud situate lying nud being in the township ot Fox, EU Coun,y, Pennsylvania, and described ns follows: FIRST Beginning ot a post at the southeast corner of Hiram Egleston's land; tbencc south by land of Henry Karns and Daniel Kingsbury one hundred and six 1 1 H') rods to a posl; thence west by land of said Kingsbury and others one hundred and sixty (HiU) rods to a post; thence north by land of Joseph A. Yeazie and others, one hundred and six (l('t) rods to a witch hazel; thence east by land of said Egleslon and other bind of suid O'liara one hun dred ami sixty (Did) rods lo the place of beginning. Containing one hundred acres and allowance. SECOND Beginning at a post in the ninth line of tlio lot of land above de scribed; thence west partly by land of stiid Joseph Yeazie, and others, ninety-eight and une-hulf ('.J) rods to a post; thence north by laud of said Yeazie and others, olo hundred and seventy-two (1"U) rods to a hemlock; thence tust by sub-divisiou No. two (2) ninety-eight any one hall !, rods to a posl; thence south by land of iiiruin Egleslcn one hundred und seventy-two rods .172 to tho place of be ginning. Containing oue hundred and five (Ul.'i) acres mid one hundred nnd forty. iwo 142 perches, aud being the Eamo which Peter U'llaru and wife by deed mado the 27ih day of May, liii, conveyed to Win. R-cd, etc, Taken iu execution nnd to be sold as the property of William Reed nt the suit of Peter O'liara. D. C. OYSTER, Sheiiff. Sutr.irE's Office, 1 Ridgway, Pa., Aug. 21, 1.S73. (n2i;tc. SIS EMI IT'S S11E. By viri nc of n writ of Livari Facias issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Elk County, and to me directed, I will expose to sale at publio vendue or outcry, at the Court House, Ridgway, Pa., on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 21ST, 1874, at one o'clock, p. m. All the right, title, interest, claim und demand, whatsoever, of defendant in said writ huii.cd, of, in. to, and out of all those three described tracts of land situate in Fox township, Elk County, and Slate ot Pennsylvania. One tract bounded 1 .i - . ! 1 .... .. una uescriocu as louows: .uegiuuing at a post being the southwest corner of the Kersey Mill lot; thence north sixty-one and two. thirds Ulj perches to a post; thence east seventy-eight 7 perches to a post; thence south by laud of Seifrid, sixty. oue and two-thirds perches to a post; thence west seventy-eight perches by laud of Elizabeth Hyatt and Daniel D. Hyatt to the place of beginning. Containing thirty acres. Ono tract bounded and described as fol lows: Commencing at a post; thence cast twenty rods by lunds of Beuzinger and Eschbach; thence south lorty rods by lands of D. D. Hyatt; thence west twenty rods by lands of Eliza Murphy widow, and the heirs of Patrick Murphy deceased, thence north forty rods by lauds of Beuzinger aud Esohbaeh lo tho place of begn.uing Con taining five acres. Both of the above de scribed tracts of land being parts of war rants No. 407M, and the same conveyed unto the said C. W. II. Eicke, by Ihe said Michael Hack and Mary Hack his wife. Taken iu execution and to be sold as the properly of O. W. II. Eicke, at the suit o.' Mario Hack and her husband Michael Hack D. C. OYSTER, Sheriff. Ehkiiiff's Office, 1 Ridgway, pa., Aug. 27. 1873. u2Cto. o it n m: n m' mx my a tmmm: TMlMtMS OM' CUVMITS. TJllE following order is made in accord J unce with the provisions of the 11th section of Ihe net of lull April, 1874, entitled "An act designati-ig the judicial districts of the Commonwealth aud providing for the appointment and election of judges therein, for issuing to additional judges learned in the law commissions as president judgesand mi:iner of fixing the terms of courts theraiu." low, to wit: August 5th, 1874. An order is hereby u.ade by the judges of the several courts iu cud for the county of Elk, fixing the time lor holding the regular terms ol said Court, as follows: SEPTEMBER TERM On the third Monday of September. OVEMBEll TERM On the third Mon day of November. JANUARY TERM On the fourth Won day of January. MAY TERM Ou the fourth Monday of May. Ill IpsltiiiAnv wliprnnf Ihn unrinvstfrnA'1 judges of said court, have hereunto set their uuuus r.uu caused me seal oi sum counry to be affixed. L. D. WETMORE, President Judge. CHAS. LUHR, Associate Judge. Fi:ed August 6, 1874. FREDSCHOENING, li 24 ol Prethonotary. SHERIFFS SALE. Ry virtue ol a writ of Venditioni Exponas issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Elk County, and to me directed, I will expose to sale at publio vendue or outcry at the Court House, Ridgway, ra., on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1874, at ono o'clock p. m. All the light, title, interest, claim and demand whatsoever of the M'Kean and Elk Land and improvement Com pany of, in, to, and out of the following described tracts of land situate in Jones and Bcnzinjicr Township, Elk County, Pennsylvania; ' Warrant No. 2315, 900 acres; date of warrant December Pith, 179:2; date of survey July 27th, 1793. No. 2:119, 91)0 acics; December 12th, 1792; July 27th, 1793. No. 2323, 900 acres; December 12th, 1702; July 27tli, 1793. No. 2320, 990 acres; December 12ih, 1792; July 29th, 1793. No 2329, 990 acres; December 12th, 1792; July 27tb, 179i. No 2332, 990 acres; Dcccmberth, 1792; July 29th, 1773. No 2333, 990 acres; December 12tU, 1792; July 29th, 1773. No 3301, 990 acres; December 12th, 1792; July 29th, 1773. No 2791, 320 acres; December 13th, 1792; July Kith, 1793.- No 3180, 905 acres; December 13th, 1792; July 10th, 1793. No 2425, 802 acres; December 12tb, 1792; July 29th 1793. No 2487, 990 acres; December 12th 1792; July 8th, 1793. No 2489, 990 acres; December 12th, 1792; July 11th, 1793. No 257, 802 actc: December 12th, 1792; July 10th, 1793. No 2551, 990 ucres; December 12ih, 1792; July 10th 1793. No 2554, 493 acres; December 12th, 1792; July 10th 1793. No 2504. 5571 aero; December 12th 1792; July lOtl:, 1793. No 2587, 990 acres; December 12th, 1792; July 9th, 1793. No 2591, 990 acres; December 12th, 1792; July 8th, 1793. No 2593, 990 acres; December 12th, 1792; July lltb, 1793. No 2598, 990 acres; December 12th, 1792; July 8th, 1793. No 2599, 990 acres; December 12th, 1792; Julv 10th, 1793. No. 2004.990 acres; December 12th, 1792; July 9th, 1793. No. 2008, 990 acres, December 12th, 1792; July 9th 1793. No. 2011, 990 acres; December 12th, 1792; July 9th, 1793. No. 2(il2, 990 notes; December 12th. 1792; July 9th. 1793. No. 2014, 990 acres; December 12th, 1792; July 8th, 1793. No. 2000, 990 acres; December 12th. 1792; July 7th. 1793. No. 2080, 990 acres; December 12th, 1792; August 10th, 1793 No. 3215, 80 acres; December 12th. 1792; Aufiust 10th, 1793. No. 3217, 990 acres; December 13th, 1792; August 15th, 1793. No. 3218,190 acres; December 13th, 1792, August 15th, 1793. No. 3220, 990 acres; December 13th, 1792; August lath, 1793. No. 3220, 818 acres December 1 3th, 1792; A tic list 5th. J 793 No. 3228, 990 acres; December 13th, 1792; August 10th, 1793. No. 3229, 490 acres; December 13th, 1792; August 17th, 1793. No 3230, 990 acres; December 13th, 1792; August 17th, 1793. No. 3231, 990 acres; December 13th, 1792; August 17th, 1793. No. 3232, 980 acres; December 13th, 1792; August 19th, 1793. No. 3233, 990 acres; December 13th, 1792; August 19th, 1793. No. 3237. 495 acres; December 13th, 1792; August 19th, 1793. No. 3243, 990 acres; December 13th, 1792; August 20th 1793. No. 3242, 495 acres; December 13th 1792; August 20th, 1793. No. 3251, 990 acre; December 13th 1792; August 20th 1793. No. 3252, 905 acres; December 13th 1792; August 20th 1793. No. 3253, 990 acres; December 13th 1792; August 16th 1793. No. 3290, 100 acres; December 13th 1792; August 5th 1793. No. 3295, 70 acres; December 13th 1792: August 5th 1793. No. 4903. 990 acres; February 3d 1794; Julv 7th 1794. No. 4904, 990 acres; February 3d 1794; July 7th 1791. No. 3203, 990 acres; December 12th 1792; July 27th 1793. No. 2377, 990 acres; December 12th 1792; July 29th 1793. The above described tracts of laud are in Jones Township, The following described tracts of land are iu Bcnzingcr township: No. 4905, 990 ncr'es; February 3d 1794; July 7th 1794. No. 4877, 990 acres; February 3d 1791; July 7th 1791. Seized and taken in execution as the property of The M'Kean and Elk Land aud Improvement Compauy at the suit of Robert I'atterson and Wis. Hacker. D. O. OYSTER, Sheriff. Sheriff's sale. 1 Ridgway, Pu., Aug. 27, 1873. f n2Ctc. FOR SALE BY E.K. CRESH, Masonic Hall Building, Ridgway, Ta. VAK VLECK'S CELEBRATED PATENT SPRING JiEiU uhbT tempered steel spring wire, these springs can be laid on the slats of any common bed and are COMPLETE IN THEMSELVES ! Also agent for Weed Sewing Machine, Easiest Running, Most Burable, and BEST wauuuiu iu mo maiKet. ejau ana exa-uine before purchasing elsewhere. v4nlGl9$, A woman has been found who thinks more of her diamonds than hor husband Of courso she lives in Chicago KAILIvOAjUS. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD Philadelphia & Erie R. K. liivision. SUMMER TIME TABLE. ONandafterSUNBAVjJUNE 2H, 1874, the trains on the riiiladclphia & Erie Railroad will run as follows: WRSTW HI. Niagara Ex. leaveB Philadelphia., T.lH'it. m " Renovo 4.20 p m " 11 arr. at Emporium li 1!0 p ni " ' St. Mary's 7. Ha p in ' Ridgway H.03 p m " . " arr. at Kane 'J. l.'ipm ERIE MAIL leaves 1'hiiadclphia 1 l.'x'i p iu " Renovo .11.10 n. ni " " Emporium 1.15 pu " St. Mary's 2.10 p m " Ridgway 2.8d p m " arrive at Erie S.Uo p m EASTWARD. NIAGARA EX. leaves Kane... 9.00 p m ' " ' Ridgway ...10.04 a m " " " Emioriuiu..ll.:i0 a ui " " ' Renovo 4.0") p in ' " arr. at l'hiladclrdiia 2.00 am ERIE MAIL leaves Erie 11.20 a iu Ridgway ........ 4.-l'pm " St. Mary's 0.OU p m " " ' Emporium ti.lOpm ' Renovo 0.20 p m " " arr. ot l'hihtdephin... M.41) a ni Mail Etint connects cast und weal at Erie with L 6 M B R W and at Corry and Ir vineton with Oil Creek and Allegheny K R W. Mail West with east and west trains on L 8 & M S R W and at Irvinetou with Oil Creek and Allegheny R R W. VM. A. BALDWIN. Uen'l Sup't. a V. RAILROAD TIME TABLE. LOW-GRADE DIVISION. On and after MONDAY, JULY 0, 1874, trains between Redbank and Driftwood will run an follows; WESTWABD. EXPRESS and MAIL will leave Drift wood daily at 12:30 p ni, Roynoldsville at 3::10 p ni, Brookville at 4:20 p m, arriving at Redbank at C:'J0 p m, connecting with Express on Main Lino for 1'ittsburgU. MIXED WAY leaves Reynoldsville daily at 5:45 a ni, Biookville at 7:25 a m, arriv ing at Redbauk al 11:50 a in, connecting with trains north and south ou Main Line. EASTWARD. EXPRESS nnd MAIL leaves Redbank daily at 10:15 a ni, arrives at Brookville t l:iiO p ui. Reyuoldsvillu at 12:87 p in, Drift woou at 5:20 p ui, connecting with trains cast and west ou l" and E Railroad. MIXED WAY leaves Redbank daily at 12:40 ii ni, arrives at Brookville nt 5:25 p m, Reyuoldsvilleat0:45 p m. MAIN LINE. On and after MONDAY, JULY G, 1874, trains on the Allegheny Valley Railroad will run as follows: BUFFALO EXPRESS will leave l'itts- hni'irli fin il v n t. l:i !." a ill. 1 ted bank Junction at 10:05 a m, and arrive at Oil City at 1:35 p m, PITTSBURGH EXPRESS will leave Oil City at 2:20 p m, Redbank Junction nt C:35 iu, und arrive at Pittsburgh at 10:00 p m. TiTUSVILLE EXPRESS leaves Pitts burgh nt 1:00 p ni, Redbank Junction al 4;lUpui, aud arrives at Oil City at 8:15 p ni. Returning, leaves Oil City at 8:20 a m, Redbank Junction nt 12:08 am, aud ar rives ut FittBburgtj at 3;35 p ni. J.J. LAWRENCE, General Superintendent. Wm. M. ruiLLirs, Ass't Supt., Brookville, Ta. Summer Arrangement. BUFFALO, NEW YORK & PIllL'A. R. R. IUE B110U1ESI AND MOSI DIRECT KOCTE To Wiliiamsport, Sunbury, Ilarrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash ington and the South. On and after MAY 31, 1874, and until further notico, trains will leave Buf. falo from ihe Buffalo, New York & Phila delphia Railway Depot, comer Exchange and Louisiana btreeta ub follows: 8.&0 a milisei Train to P. AUegn'y (daily exeet pSuudays). stopping atEbeueier J Zo, Springbrook U 45, Elinatt 55, Jamison Road 10 04,EaBt Aurora 10 15,South Wales 10 40, Holland 11, Protection 11 15,Arcade 11 4o. Yorkshire 12 08, Machias 12 30, Frank linville, 1 28 lschua 2 15, Hinsdale 2 60, Olean 4 20, Wcstons 4 45, Portville 6 00, Stnto Lino 5 18, Eldred 5 40. Larabces 11 05, Sartwell 0 20, Turtle Toiut 0 30, Port Allegheny 7 pm- 12.30 p m Philadelphia lEspress (daily), Stopping at Ebeneier VI bo, Elrna 1 1-, East Aurora 1 25, Holland 1 48, Arcade, 2 13, Yorkshire 2 22, Machias 2 31, Frank' liuvillo 2 50, lschua 3 11, Hinsdale 3 20, Olean 3 42, Westons 4 63, Bortville 4 00, State l.iuo 4 08, Eldred 4 22. Larabces 4 30, Sartwell 4 35, Turtle Boiut 4 41. Port Allegheny 4 65, Liberty 6 15. Keating Sunx uiit&25, Shippcn 6 48, Emporium 005 p ni Renovo 0 14, Wiliiamsport 1145 Sunbury 2 00 a m, Ilarrisburg 4 30 a m Philadelphia 9 15 a ni, Baltimore 8 35 a ui, Washington 10 47 a ui, St. Mary's 7 85 p in, Ridgway 8 "5 p in, Wilcox 8 40 p m, Bane tl 16 pm. 6.30 p. m., CleanjAooommedation (naily), stopping at bbcuezer 6,66, fcpriugbrook . 0,06, Elma 0,10, Jamisons 0,15, East Au rora 0,21, South Wales 0 32, Holland 0 43, Protection 0 60, Arcade 7 05, Yorkshire 7 15, Machias 7 25, Franklinvillo 7 40, lschus 8 00, Hinsdale 8 15, Oleau 8 30 p. m" TRAINS LEAVE EMPORIUM: 3,15, A. M. Local Passenger and Freight (daily except Sundays) stopping uc ship ping 3,. Iu, A. M., Keating Summit 4.40 Liberty 5,1'0, l'ort Alleghuuy 5,40, Turtlo Point 0, 25, Startwell 030, Larabces 0 60 Eldred 7 12, State Line 7 45, Portville 8 08, Westous 8 20, Oleau U 00, Hinsdale 30, lschua 10 02, Franklivillo 10 40, Maehias 11 13, Yorkshiro 11 UO, Arcade 11 45, Protection j2 2G, P, M , ilolluud 11 31 South Wales 12 51, East Auroral 26, Juimsou 1 40, Eluia 1 60, Spriughrock. 2 00, Ebenezer 2 20, arriving iu tiullulo al 5 50 p ni. 1.50 p. m., IuT:lo Espress (dally except. Sundays), btoppiug at bnippea 2 07 a m, Keating Summit 2 30, Liberty 2 41, Port Allegauy 3 05, Turtle Point 3 li), fcartwell 0 30, Larabees 3 30, Eldred 3 38, State Lino 3 52, Portville 4 00, Wcstons 4 07. Oleau 4 20, Hinsdale 4 35, lschua 4 53, i ruuklni ville 5 15, Machias 5 35, Yorkshire 5 46, Arcade 5 64, Protectiou 0 12, Holland 0 20, South Wales 0 32, East, Auroia 0 46, Jamisons 0 54, Eluia 0 58, Springbroct 7 04, Ebenezer 7 15, arriving iu EuUulo al 7 4'J p. ui. TRAIN LEAVES OLEAN. 6 03 a. m, Accommodation (daily) stop. ping al Hinsdale at O 14, ischua 0 i;t Franklinville 6 40, Machias 703, Yorhsliira 7 12, Arcade 7 VJ, Protection 7 31, Hol land 7 41, South Wales 7 61, East Aurora. 8 03, Snwisons 8 O'J, Elina 8 13, Spring brook 8 19, Ebenezer 8 27, arriving iu Buffalo at 8 50 a. m. SUNDAYS ONLY. Train leaves Buffalo for Arcade at 10 0U a ni stopping at all stations arriviug at Arcade 11 45 am. Returning leaves Ar cade 6 64 p m, arriving iu Buffalo at b 50 p m. J. D. VEOMANS, II. L. LYMAN. Gen'l Suh't. Gen'l l'ass'r Ag't. Those old iellows are coming buck again: James Monroe, is running tar OongresS in Ohio, and John Hancock Texas
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers