J. i IHUR8DAT, APRIL 9, 1874. Car Time at Jtldgway, BRIE MAIL East- 4:50 p. m do do West... 1:80 a. m LOCAL 8:15 a. m do East........ 5:40 p. m. ELK LODGE, A. Y. M. The stated meeticea of Elk Lolgs, No. 179, are held at their hall, corner of Main and Depot streets, on the seoond and fourth Tuesdays of each month- D. B. DAT, Seo'y. Bates of Advertising. One eolumn, one year $76 00 i " " 40 00 J " " 25 00 I ' M 15 00 Transient advertisements per square of eight lines, one insertion $1, two inser tions, $1.50, three insertions, $2. Husmeis cards, ten lines or less, per year t. Advertisemeats payable quarterly. BUSINESS! We will send the Advocate, one year, for $1,50 if paid in advance. Scud in your subscriptions, and ask I your friends to subscribe. Every man should take a county paper and every man lias f 1.5U that ho can invest in this Way, winch will bring a larger interest n the investment than U. S. Bonds. Court next week. Wokk on the new Lutheran church is being rapidly pushed forward. There will be no Lutheran Services next Sunday, owing to the absence of the pastor J. Brcncman. Thb process used by Dr. Morris in preparing bis celebrated Syrup of Tar ia known as the "cold process," whereby none of its valuable propiieties are dam aged by heat. Sold by James Peofield. Wilminton Every Saturday wants new eensus, because three pairs of (wins have been born ia that city within a week. A census will net prevent uch things. A ilteform party" is what you want to stop "repeating," and other frauds Norristoicn Humid. Puauc Debt. The official state- tnent shows the r.et decrease of the pub lic debt for March to be 82,189,338. This is a very satisfactory showing. For the corresponding month of March in 1S73, the reduction was only $ 1,6-1 1,- 058. v Large Eqqs. Powell & Kiiue have ome large eggs on exhibition at their tore. One measures 61 by 71 inches, and is the effort of a hen belonging to Mrs. S. Jackson. The other is from one of Tom Noon's hens, and measures $t by 7$ inches. We call this some New Torch. The Kidgway Silver Cornet Band have lately reoeived an elegant present, in the shape of a fine ilver torch, from our enterprising fel low-citizen W. S. Service. The torch ' bears the inscription, in Germau text, gtdtjwau, Um Cornet gaud". The Latest Financial Scheme There are a good many doctors at work p upon our financial disease, but we doubt ' if any of them makes a more true diag nosis and suggests a better remedy than is the quaint old Boston merchant, who i) said: "We have been spending too . ? -.: much money. Let us pull up short, and ; every man and boy, instead of buyiog f coats and trousers go to the tailor's, and - lay in a stock of odds and ends of cloth for seat pieces and elbows and knee- patches for a year or two. A Great Waste op Postage Stamps. Bushels of printed matter on .: which postage is insufficiently paid are every week deposited in the post-office, and there detained and ultimately dc. atroyed. Of course, the pottage paid "sjktt this matter is wasted by the sender- j .; Transient printed matter can not be sent through the mails unless fully pre , paid. The rate is one cent for each two cunces, and one cent for any frac tion over. Insufficient payment is 1 !l 1.. .. neunor oetter nor worse tnan no pay ment, for in neither case can the matter be forwarded. Obituary. Mbs. Polly P. Horning, mother ot Mrs. C. R. Earley, and Mrs. Rufus Lucore, died at the residenoe latter on Sunday morning last, 6th, 1874, at the ripe age of 79 of the April years, 7 months, and 23 days. Deceased moved with her husband, John Horn- I inf. who died about five years ago, to it JFo township, this county, in the year s 1841, and had lived there ever aince, J until within a few months, during which time she had lived at the bouse ' of Mr. Rufus Luoore, this plaoe, The a"" wer iskeo by special train flrooi this place on Tuesday, to Earlsy here they were consigned, by loviog bands, to their final resting place. Mother Miller, died at the bouse ( her son, Jno. A. Miller, at Cent re fills, this county, on Wednesday April Ui, 1874, aged 74 years, 2 months and 5 days. The funeral took place on Tiey last. Dissolution of Co-partr irship. Notice ii hereby given that the Co partnership heretofore existing betwee A. Cumminga and Louis Brendel, under the firm name of Cumminga k Brendel engaged in the Grocery and Bakin business, ia this day dissolved by mutual consent. The booka of the firm remain n the hands of A. Cumminga, who will settle all the partnership accounts, an who will continue to carry on the bust nens the aame aa heretofore. A. CUM MINOS, LOUIS BRENDEL. Ridgway, fa., April 1st, 1874-t3. LiBkRALiiT or Physicians. It has always been said that physicians would disparage any remedy, however valuable, which they did not originate themselves. This has been disproved by their liberal course towards Dr. J' C. Ayer's preparations. They have adopted them into general use in their practice, which shows a willingness to countenance artieles that have intrinsio merits which deserve their attention xnis does the learned profession great credit, and effectually contradicts the prevalent erroneous notion that their op position to proprietory remedies is based in their interest to discard them. We have always had confidence in the hon orable motives of our nedical men. and are giaa to nna it sustained by the lib eral welcome they accord to such reme dies as Ayer & Go's inimitable reme dies, even though they are cot ordered in tne dooks, out are made known to the people through the newspapers. iv cio Vr leans Lfelta. For the Advocate. "Stolen Dear Editor of Hats." Advocate: With your permission I would like to make a statement about ''Stolen Hats" through tne columns of vour most excellent ournal. It was well known throughout Uidgway that.ccrfam boys were charged with the theft, but as they were not guilty, duty seems to demand of us that we publicly exonorate them, which we do without hesitation. When the deed was done, and even till quite recently. every contingent circumstance pointed ike an index fiuger to these hoys and seemed to say to every one seeking the truth of the matter "these are the guilt- ones." The truth ia out however, hut no thanks to the parents of these boys whose indifference about the whole mat matter can be contributed inno other way than positively insulting to us. No thanks to the bovs. for thev have not tried in the least to prove themselves innocent, but rather seem sorry that they did not commit the deed. To say the least tbey have acted cowardly. I he truth is out, an J no thanks to the little girls who stole the hats, tor tbey were forced to confess ere the truth did fUL 1". . come, lnese nine gins were mere children and were attracted by the glit ter of the trimmings upon the hats and having little judgment on aceoua of their youth to bring to bear upon their actions, they took the hats for the sake of the ribbons, and appropriated the latter to their own use. Wo have been well treated by the parents of these little girls in regard to the whole matter and we do not hesitate to say that they are making honest efforts to train up their children in the way they should go. Yours Respectfully, Impartial. NOTICE. U. S. INTERNAL REVENUE- Special Taxes. May 1, 1874, to April SO, 1875. The LAW of December 24, 1872, requires every person engaged in any business, avocation, or employment which renders him liable to a SPECIAL TAX, To Procure, and Plaea Con. spicuously in his Establishment or Place of Business stamp denoting the payment ot said SPECIAL TAX for the Special Tax year beginning May 1st, 1874, before commonoiog or continuing business after April 30, 1874. The Taxes Embraced Within the Provisions ot the Law Above Quote! are the Following, vis: Rectifiers $200 00 Dealers, retail liquor 25 00 Dealers, wholesale liquor 100 00 Dealers in malt liquor, wholesale 50 00 Dealers in malt liquors, retail 20 00 Dealers iu leaf tobacco 25 00 Retail dealers in leaf tobacco 500 00 And oo sales of over $1,000, fifty cents for every dollar in ex cuss of $1,000. Dealers in manufactured tobacco 5 00 50 00 20 00 Manufacturers of ("tills And for each still manufactr'd And for each worm do Manufacturers of tobacco 20 00 10 00 Manufaoturera of cigars Peddlers of tobacco, first (more than two horses) Peddlers ot tobacoo, second (two horses) Peddlers of tobaoco, third (one horse) 10 00 i class I 50 00 class 25 00 15 00 Peddlers of tobacco, fourth class (on foot or publio conveyance) 10 00 Brewers of less than 500 barrels 50 00 Brewers of 500 barrels or more 100 00 Any person, so liable, who shall fail to comply with the foregoing require ments will be aubjeot .to severe penalties Persons or firms liable to say any of tbe Special Taxes aaaaed above must spply to P. FORD, Deputy Colleotor of internal revenue at Smetbpoit, Mo Keau Co., Pa., and nay tor and nrooure the Special Tax Stamp or Stamps tbey need, prior to May 1, 1874, and WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE. J. W. DOUGLASS, Com. of Internal Revenue. Orrrox or Interna!. Revenue, Washington, P. C, Febr'y 16, 1874. Good Friday was this year for the first time, under a decision of Attorney. General Dimmiek, observed aa a lega holiday in thia State. The Congressional Committee on Agricnlture bave agreed to report favor ably on the bill providing that animals shall not be kept on tho oars without food and water longer than 24 hours. License Applications. Notice is hereby given tbat tbe following j usuieu persons nave mea tneir application for license in my office, to be presented to ayrii term 01 toun, 104: TAvamn. Beneiette Township. 1 Martin Enli. Fox Township. 2 Joseph Koch & Son, 8 Daniel P. Munn, Jay Township. 4 David Kudos, 6 Armel Turley. St. Mary's Borongh. 6 A. J. Layton, 7 B. . Wellendorf. 8 Daniel 8cull, 9 Hanhausir & Mecum. tATIXO Bousa. '"' Fox Township. 10 Peter Hollabaugh, 11 David A. Pontius, 12 Francis Oill, 13 Joseph Windfeldtr. St. Mary's Borough. 14 John B. Heiudle, 15 George Schaut, 16 Charles Klausman. FKED. SCHCESIXG, Clerk. Here is an Offer fur Ycu. We will send Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newswaper, and the Advocate, one year, tor $4.50 cash. The reaula- price of Illustrated Newspaper is $4.00 thus you get the Advocate for 50 cents. We will send the Advocate and'The Chimney Corner" for $4 50. Send on your subscriptions, aecompan ed by the cash. Elk County Directory. President Judge L. D. Wetmore. Additional Law Judire Hon. Jn Vincent. Associate Judzes Chan. Luhr, J P. Hail. Honk. District Attorney J. K. Sheriff D. C. Oyster. Prothonotary c, Fred. 8choeniug. Treasurer Joseph Windfelder. bounty Superintendent Rufus Lueore. commissioners Robt. Camnhll .tnim Uarr, Ueo. fcd. Weis. Auditors Clark A. Wilcox. Genr I). mcBseuKer, aim j. n. isarrelt. i ... County Surveyor Geo Wilmsley. Jury Commissioners. Josenh Kerntr. and Charles Mead. New Adertisements NEW SPEINa GOODS I iirenca Broadcloths of the Best qualities. Si-HIJNU UOODS DIFFERENT COLORS. A a. T" rta--wn.A over Powell & Kime's store. Give him call. n4t3. UTILE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the XI tollowlng accounts have been filed in my omce and will be presented (h. Orphan's Court of Elk County for confir mation, on tbe Second Monday of April uc&i, ueing tne idin any. " iuo ur piruai account OT A. Ml r- ingame, Executor of the last will i.nrl lex. iment of trastus Uurlinenme. lain nf .lono. Township, Elk County, deceased. 2nd Tbe final acoount of Bernard VdLI. r.iecuior or tne last will and testament of Herman hoch. late of Benzinirer T,wnshir, T.- n. r j i r vuumy, ueceasea. r KED. SCUCEXIXa, Register. n2io. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a writ of Fieri taring issued out of the Court of fomn.,,n fleas of LIk County, aod to me di. ...I.. r i i . ii- r. . cv,u, i. mil diiijoe to jruDiic sa e. or Outcry, at the Court House, Uidifwav, ra., oo MUaUAlt, Aril I L I3fh. 1874 at one o clock p. ui., the following de scribed real estate to wit; All the right, title, interest, claim and demand whatsoever of defendant in and to or ont of all that certain tract pieco or parcel of land situate in Jav 'n L' i.mi . . .... - Auwsiiip, cjin countv. anu State of i'enn. syivanta, bounded and described as fol lows to wit: Beginning at a Dine stump standing on the south line of warrant 4844, being tbe southeast cor. n.. nf ln.4 J I r i ii . . ut. vi iauu uuh uwueu uy j. a. liuiler, tbence eighty perches more or less to land now owned by Joseph Dill, thence east parallel wan said south lioe one hundred and six perches to a corner nn said Dill's land, thence south bv suit) Dill's land eighty perches to the said south line ot warrant number 4844, tnence wesi Dy sau south line of war rant 4844 one hundred and six perohee more or lesa to the place of beginning Containing fifty-three acres strict meaa. ure, being part of the aaid warrant 4844 on which there is about thirty acres im proved, a growing orchard, a oue and one-half story house 10 by 24 feet, iracie nam aDout ay by 4U ieet, and a spring of good wator. ALSO all that certain piece or parcel ui ianu situate in jay .township, Jijlk county, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded as follows to wit: Beginning ai a pine stump standing in tbe south line of warrant 4844 being the south west corner of land now owned bv T :v a ir . - uubivu xv. iuorey, inence north torty- lour perches to tbe Township road known as the Spring Run Road, thence aouthwesterly along said roid forty-six perobes to a post, thence south tbirtv- four perches to post, thence east forty six perehea to plaoe of beginning. Con taining (11) eleven acres ot land more or less and being Dart of the asm land Deeded by Benjamin Legatt and wife to unanea legatt by deed dated April 11th, A. D. 1844, the greater part of which is improved. Seised and taken in execution aa tbe property of JOSIAH R. M0RKX, and to be sold by D. 0. OY8TER, Sheriff. Rtdftray, Pa., Mirth ZBth, 1874. SmiFF'S SALS. By yirtne of a writ of Venditioni Exponas issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Elk County, and to me direoted, I will expose to publio sale, or outory, at the Court House, Kidgway, Pa., on MONDAY,. APRIL 13th, 1874, at one o'clock p. m., the following described real estate to wit Seventy-two acres of unimproved land in the Township nf Spring Creek, in the County of Elk. Bounded on the noith, cast snd west by lands known as the Beech Bottom Mill Company, an on the South by lands known aa the Meddock Lot. Seised and taken in execution as the property of PHILLIP ITTLE, at th suit of JAMES U. IIAQER1Y, aod to be sold by D. O. OYSTER, Sheriff. Ridgway, Pa., March 19, 1874. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of sundry writ of Vtn. Kx In sued out oi the Court of Common Pleas of .). county, and to me directed. 1 will pose to I'ublio Sale or Oatcry, at the Court nouse, Kianway. l'a-. on MONDAY ArltlL ldth lbii, at one o'clock p. m. th following described real estate to wit: All the rifht. title, interest claim and da uauu wuumoever, oi ae.enaani in. to. or out or all that ccrUin niece or carenl nf land, situate in tbe Borough of Su Marr's County of Elk, and State of Pennsylvania. Doucufa and described as follows to wil Being northwest corner of lot No. 64 on 8t. Mary a sireet in the clan of said Boroush Beginning at the northeast corner of said lot, thenoe south along St. Mary's street ou ieet, tiience easterly one hundred (100) icei, mrnce nnnueriy parallel wnn said St Mary s street 60 feet to tbe south line of Mill street, thence westerly along south line of said Mill street 100 feet to place of oeginning. oi. wiiicn lot mere is erected frame liouso 8 stories hieh, 20 by 30 feet. la w.ng attached 2 stories high 14 by 1-0 ieet. Also irame stable 10 uy 4 feet and a well of good water. veiled and taken in execution as the property of WM. B. HARTMAN, and to -be sold by D. C. OYSTER. Sheriff. Shff s office, Kidgway, Pa , Mar. 19 '74 SHERIFF'S SALE- By virtue of a writ of Venditioni Lxponat issued out oi tne uourt or uoramon Fleas of Elk Couuty, and to me directed, I will expose to Publio Sale or Outcry, at the Court House, Ridgway, Pa., on MONDAY, ai'iuli uin, isi4, at one o clock p. m. tbe following described renl estate to wit: All the right, title, interest, claim and de mand -whatsoever, of the defendant in said writ nunied to all that oertain piece, parcel. or tract of land situate partly in the Two. of Benzinger, and purtly in the Borough of bt. Mary s. in the County of Lik and State of Pennsylvania, bounded as follows. Be ginning at a point, tbe intersection of rear line ot lots on St. Mary's street and St. John s street, in the said Township of Ben linger thence 611 west 193.7 perches to I point, thence north 20 west 29.8 perches to tne eoutu line or the Mill PriTileze thence north b(i east 18.6 perches, tlieuce north 24 north 10.5 perches, thence south C98 west 15.6 perches, thence north 2i west along the west line of the Borough of St. Mary's 21.8 perches to tbe rear line of the lots on Ceutro street, in said Boro. of St. Mary's, thence north b3 alonit the rear line of said lots on said Centre street (2.7 perches to a post the northwett corner of land of one Francis .Cordes, thence south 26 degrees east, thirleeu anj two- tenths perches along she westerly line of aid Cordes land to a pest tbe snulhwost corner of said Cordes' land tbence north sixty-three degrees east twenty-four aod tnree-tentbs perches along the southerly line oi said icrues' land to a post standing on the westerly line of Hoffman's lani eleven perches to a post, on the north side of the Mill Koad, tbence north forty-two degrees east along tne north side of Mill Street twenty-five and nine-tenths perches to a post, thence north forty-nine degvees east, still along the nonli line of said Mill Street fourteen perches to a post, thence souih twenty-two degrees east twenty seven perches to a post, thence north aixly-eigTVt degree's east forty-four and seven tenths perches to a post standing two hundred and eighteen feet west of the rear Hue of lots on s-iid St. Mary's strett, aforesaid thence south one degree east parallel with the said rear line of lots on St. Mary s street two hundred and eighteen foot distant therefrom ninety-eight ana seveo-tenins uercnes to a cost, tlieuce north eighty-nine degrees east thirteen and two-tenths perches to the rear line of lots on said St. Mary's street, tbence south one degree eist along said rear line of lots seventy two and Ore-tenths perches to the place of beginning. Containing one huudred and thirty acres three rods and ten percnes or land be tbe same mure or less. SECOND All that tract, piece, or parcel of laud, situaie in the Borough of St. Mary s aforesaid, boundei and described as follows to wit: Beginning at a post in the rear line of lots ou St. Mary's street, said post being the southwest corner of lot number forty-one (41) on snid St. Mary's street thence westerly at right angles with said rear line or lots two hardrt 1 aud eighteen feet te a post, in the ean line of lauus above described, tbence north one de gree west two hundred feet to a post, thence east two hundred and eighteen feet to tbe northwest corner of lot number forty .three on St. Mary's street aioresaid, thence one degree east along the rear line ef lota nam. bered forty-three and forty-one two hun dred feet to place of beginning. Contain. tng one acre or land be the same more or less. THIRD Alllthat tract or parcel of land situate in the Borough of St. Mary's afore said, being half acre of land situate In the rear and to the west of lot number thirty five on St. Mary's street in aaid boroueh. and two hundred and eighteen feet from east to west by one hundred feet from north to south, exoepting, nevertheless, from and out of the piece of land first above described, a rectangular piece of land bounded and de scribed as follows to wit: Beginning at a post two hundred and sixty-eight feet west of the rear line of the lots on St. Mary's street aforesaid and in the extreme of the south line of lots number forty-three on said street, thence westerly two huudred and ninety-two feet, thence northerly three hun dred feet, thence easterly two hundred and ninety-two feet, thenoe southerly three hun dred feet to the place of beginning. Con taining two acres. Reserving, however, for (he use of the publio, out of I he first piece of land above described a strip of fifty feet in width parallel with St, Mary's street. distant two hundred and eighteen feet from the rear line of lota on said street, and ex tending from M'Gill'a Mill lot south ninety eight and seven-tenths perches as a publio h i gh way. The said th ree pieces of lan d con taining in all subject to the above exceptions one hundred and thirty aorea, one red and two perehes mots or less. Beised and taken in execution as the proD- erty of MICHAEL D. MO RATH at the suit oft. L. KIRK ft BON, and to be sold by D. C. OT8TER. Sheriff. Bhrs offies, Ridgway, P., Mar. 1974. Ir is sbout seven months since tbe C ublie school teachers of New Orleans re received eny pay. FUED SCHOENING & CO., Law, Commercial, Book, and Stationers. KIDGWAY ELK CO., IA. DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF ENGLISH, AND AMERICAN STATIONERY. ARNOLD'S WRITING: FLUID AND COPYING INK. LEAD PENCILS OF ALL KINDS AND PRICES. Esterbrook'i Celebrated ISieet fri, the Beat Wade. All Kinds of Job Printing done in the Rest Style and at Low Prices. LETTER, NOTE, AND BILL HEADS, BUSINESS .CARDS AND EN VELOPES OF EVERY STYLE IN (ANY QUANTITY. POWELL & EI1IE. A MAMMOTH STOCK Firmly believing that lie world moves, and that the demands of the public are eon- tantly inereasiuT, the proprietors of the (Brand (nlpl ttotji have just returned from tho eastern and western cities with the most perfect and complete stock ef MERCHANDISE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Yeu eaonol ASK FOR ANYTHING they do not keep, and they have bsolutely BROKEN THE BACKBONE of high prices. They buy for cash and SELL FOR CASH 1 CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST ! Ridgway, May 1st, 1873. EW STAGE, ROUTS. J. C. BURNS, Proprietor. Tbe subscriber having secured the eon- tract for carrying the U. 8. Mail between REYNOLDS VI LEli k BROCK WAT TILL! aa plaee on that road t line erase flacks leave the Exchange. Hotel n eynoldville every Tuesday. Tearidey and Saturday on tbs ai rival of the Broosville stage, and return the same day. These hacks connect at Brookwayville with the Ridgway stages, making connection wl h trains on the P. A E. Road, both east and west. Every attention to the comfort of patrona of this line will be giv-ea, aod a berai patronage eoHotted. Aug. W.WssT and General Job Printers, LAW BLANKS, AND FRENCII NEW LIVEKY STABLE IN DAN SCR1BNER WISHES TO"lN form the Cittiens of llidpway, and the public gccerally, that he has started a Liv ery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES Buggies, to let tip on the most reasona ble terms Une will also do job leaning. Stable on Broad street, above Main All orders left at the Post Office will meet prompt attention Ang 30 1870. tf. Edw'k J. NURSERYMEN Evans & Co , AND EEEDSMEX, Tons, rr.v.v a ggSJTCatalogues Mailed to Applicants! Refer (by permission) to Hon, J. S, Hr.rx, Washington, D. C. Winxa. .So.n & Cabl, bankers, York, Pn. 3-Cd-v VII AXLES HOLES, Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler, Main street, Uidgwuy, l'a. Agent for the Howe Sewing Machine, and Morton Sold Ten. Repairing M'aiches, etc, done with he same accuracy aa heretofore. Satis aeetea gnameiw(i. vlnly (FoBMBBMt Wood U ltura.) STUTIONlBY i P0RT1BLP ' Steam Engines. Tie Beet A Koet Complete Assortaeat In tbe Market. have always matahdmrt the m UkM eUadart of aealUnea. We make Uw SBunneeen of haiaEBe-UMa,BoUaa4 Itr. We have thelainat ead mi ot the kmd ia theaaunarr. wits saw nun .oetmmnUta nia We keep enottwUr lnprowa Urfe asm amrmea, which we furokh at tbe very Iowm and ea the ehorteat notioa. We boild I BMtaUy adapted to Mint. Bew MOU, Oriit Taaiuriea, Gotten (Hns, Thnaben and aU os maouaeranoe. We are bow buildiag the celebrated ln Clren tat Saw Mill, the beat aad most complete mw mill ever invested. , We mh the maaafaehne of Baw Mill outfits a afwelal fa tar of our budneas, aad eaa raroisa ecanpUte on tbe shortest notioa. Our aim In aUeaaes ia to furalah the bast ma efciaary In the market, and work abaolatarr na eqaalal toe beauty ot deafen, eeoaomr aad steesarkka Sand lot Olnmiai aod Frica Limi. . UTICA STEAM ENGINE CO. VTICA sr. Y, . 1 F YOU WANT TO BUY GOODS CHEAP OO TO JAMES II. UAGERTT Main Street, Kidgway, Pa. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS. BOOTS SHOES, II ATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW.WARE, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. 1 Large Stoek ef Groceriii tni Proviilo&i. The BEST BRANDS of FLOUR Constantly on hand, add sold aa cheap V I'll v i TJVUT r JAMBfl H. UAGERTT. BAILE0ADS. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD Philadelphia & Erie E. R. Division. WINTER TIMS TABLE. OH and after SUNDAY, NOV. H 1ST the trains on the Philadelphia Erie Railroad will run as follows! wasTwamo. Buffalo Ex. leaves Philadelphia.! 2.615 p. m . " Renovo 12.16 a at. " " arr. at Emporium.. 2.15 a at ' Buflalo 8.60 a m ERIE MAIL leaves Philadelphia 10.20 p at " " Renovo...- 10.06 a m Emporium 12 30 p m ' St. Mary's 1.12 p at " arrive at Erie 7.20 p at EASTWARD. BUFFALO EX. leaves Buffalo... S 26 p ta " " Emporium.. 9.00 p m Renovo 10.65 p m " arr. at Philadelphia H.10 a m ERIE MAIL leaves Eri 11.20 a m " " " St. Mary'a 6.22 p m " ' " Emporium 6.20 p m ' " " Renovo 8.40 p m arr. at Philadephia... 8.00 a m Mail East connects east and west at Erie with L H M S R W and at Corry and Ir- vineton with Oil Creek and Allegheny A R W. Mail West with east and west trains en L 8 & M 8 R W and at Irvineton with Oil Creek and Allegheny R R W. Kuttalo tx press makes close connections at Williamsport with NCR W trains, north, and at ilarritburg with N C R W trains south. WM. A. BALDWIN. Gen'l Sup't. Winter Arrangement. BUFFALO, NEW if ORE & Pill L'A. R. R. THl SHOttTIST AMD HOST DIRECT BOUTS To Williamsport, Sunbury, Harribburg, i'niiadeipnia, mititnore, Wash ington and tbe South. On and after NOVEMBER 23, 1878, and until further notice, trains will leave Buf. falo from the Buffalo, New York & Phila delphia Railway Depot, corner Exchange aud Louisiana Btreets aa follows: 7.20 A U Through. Hail (daily except Sundays), stopping at Ebeneier 7 43, Springbrook 7 63, Elma 8 02, Jamison Road 8 07, East Aurora 8 14, South Wales 8 28, Holland 8 38, Protection 8 47, Arcade 9 04. Yorkshire Centre 9 12,Machias 9 22,Frank- linville 9 40, Iacbua 10 02, Hinsdale 10 18, Olean 10 85,Westons 10 46, Portville 10 63, State Line 11 U, Eldred 11 16. Laraboes 11 23, Sartwell 11 80, Turtle Point 11 86, Port Allegheny 11 49, Liberty 12 10 p m, Keatina Summit 12 20, Shippen 12 43, ar riving at Emporium at 1 00 p m. Passengers by this train make connec tions at the B N V a P depot, Emporium, at 6 30 p m, for local points on the P & K It H East. 3.26 v m Right Eroress (daily), Stopping at Kbenezer 8 60, Springbrook 4 00, Elma oa, Jamison Roail 4 10, Last Aurora 4 16, South Wales 4 28, Holland 4 89, Pro- ection 4 45, Arcade 5 02, Yorkshire Centre 6 10, Machias 5 18, Franklinville 6 86, Ischua 5 65, Hmsdalo 6 11, Olean 6 27. Westons C 38, Portville 6 45, Larabees 1C, Port Allegheny 7 40, Keatine Summit 8 11, arriving at Emporium at 8 50 p m, Renovo 10 6. Williamsport 1 00 am. Sunbury 2 45 a to, Harrisbarg 4 60 am, I'Mlauelpbia 9 10 a m, Baltimore 8 45 am. Washington 10 35 a m. In roil eh Pullman Sleepine-cars an run on this train from Buffalo to Baltimore and Washington without cbang. TRAINS LEAVE EMPORIUM: 2.35 a mXlffht Sxnresa. fdailvV stnn. ping at Shipping 2 64, Keating Summit 8 20, Liberty 8 30. Port Alleahenv 8 R2. Turtle Point 4 08, Sartwell 411, Larabees 17, Eldred 4 27, State Line 4 42, Portville 60, Westons 4 68, Olean 6 10, Hinsdale 89, Ibhue 6 55. Franklinville 6 18. Maohias, 6 38. Yorkshire Centre 6 48. Aroade 6 67, Protection 7 15, Holland 7 23 South Wales 7 85, East Aurora 7 60, Jami. son Road 7 67, Elma 8 02. Spnne Brook 10, Ebenezer 8 20, arriving in Buffalo at 60 a m. Passeueers bv this train mako direct and close connections witb the Lake thore, Great Western. Grand Trunk and Canada Southern Railroads for all points West, and tu vun.u. IUU .US 11 ortQWOBt. 3.15 a m Local Frelcrht and Pasaan (daily except Sundays), stopping at Shippen o r.n . . LT u.. :l a V . .. . ui, ncniiug ouiuuilfc 1 tu, IjlDerty 00, Port Allegheny 6 49, Turtle Point 21, Sartwell 6 33, Larabees 9 45, Eldred 07, State Line 7 88, Portville 7 68. West- one 811, Olean 8 88, Hinsdale 9 15, Ischua 10 02, Franklinville 10 65, Machias 11 28, Yorkshire Centre 11 45, Arcade 12 00, m, Protection 12 83, p m, Holland 12 47, South Wales 1 07, East Aurora 1 81, Jamison Road 1 43, Elma 1 61, Spring Brook 2 02, Ebenezer 2 20, arriving in Buffalo at 2 60 m. 2.00 TJ m Tnranffh Vail (dailv excent Run. days), stopping at Shippen 2 18, Keating eummit z z, LitDerty Z 68, Port Allegheny 3 18, Turtle Poiut 8 83, Sartwell 8 88, Larabees 8 45, Eldred 8 65. State Line 10, Portville 4 19, Westons 4 26, Olean 89, Hinsdale 4 66. Ischua 5 13. Franklin. ille 6 85. Machias 6 65. Yorkshire Centra 6 05, Arcade 6 16, Protection 6 82, Hol land 6 40, Sooth Wales 6 63, East Aurora Ub, Jamison Road 7 14. Elma 7 18. Spring Brook 7 25, Ebenexer 7 85, arriving in junaio o uu p n, D. I EOMANS, H. L. LYMAN, Gen'l Sup't. Gen'l Pssi'r Ag't. talmage; I. De Witt Talmage is editor of Ihe Christian at rFo,C. H. Spur eoo special contributor. Thej write for no other paper iu America Chree magnificent Chromoe. Paj larger commission than any othet paper. CHEOMOS ALL BEADY. .o sectarianism. Sio Sectionalism One agent recently obtained 380 sub Acriptions in eighty hours absolute work. Sample copiea and circulars. sent free. .. AGENTS WANTED. . W. ADAMS, Publisher, 102 Chamber street, N. Y. 4 FLAYING CARDS. THE BEST THE CHEAPEST. STEAMSHIPS Cheapest kind made. REGATTAS A cheap common eard. BROADWAYS A nice common eard. VIRGINIAS Fine calico backs. GEN JACKSONS-Cheap and popular, (Pattern becks, various colore and de signs.) COLUMBIAN (Euohre deck) extra quality GOLDEN GATES-On. ef th, best ear, made, MT. VERNONS-Extranne, tweeolor, terns. aik n aboti TAnpro OTKXJJ. Prioe List oa appUoatloa. Dealeis sa. piled by r VICTOR E. MAUGEFl, IMj Wtwi2 .Wse-tgl, v. y.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers