1 t. A V . i 0 f ( 1 i m 1 jpwjjfe THURSDAY, JANUARY 1, 1874, CVir Time nt MUdgicay. ERIE MAIL East...; 4:53 p. m do do West 1:30 a. m. New Year's Day. Dcm ere in fashion. Piestt. Almanacs for 1B74. Look out for olotlics Uue thieves. Good tli e confectionery business. Conqrkss has adjourned till Jan. Clh. Court commences a week from next Monday. Rather thin Uerald's letter in the last Democrat. We do not intend to loose a single num ber of this volume. Tub Harrisbure; nail makers have again rM'li! d wages, Mas; an unintentional dig at somo one creeps into a paper. Christmas Day passed off quietly, only one arrest being made. Tub Democrat comes out this week iu a seven column hiilf-sfccct. Tub right man in the right place ltote, at the West End Art tUllory . A farmer's Grange is soon to be organ ized in tho vicinity of Corry. Wasted Somebody to invent u glass lamp chimney that won't break. A man was lodged iu Fort Oyster last Saturday fur disorderly couduct, Tub Ridgivay public school commences uoxt Monday, after two weeks vacation. rfiiVEUAL terrible accidents have lately occurred on the Underground Railway iu Loudon. Shout umbrellas are now carried by la dies stuck in the belt after the fashion of a dagger. Last Saturday and Sunday the snow full to tuo depth of about four inches, and was, Apparently, welcotnea by everybody. We did uot do as many of our exchanges did loose a number because it was during the holidays thus cheating our pairous out of what they are entitled to. It is lime for the young man to go home when the young ludy says she is sleepy. JlifforJ Ihraid, llow do you Knott, isoua : You will notice that wo have anothor very interesting con. entitled Sheriff's Sulci," ;uuu we arc unable to pub- 1 -" m vnu' JUlU'hlLiny appreciaieu letter, una 1 uWck; but we promise that it will appear ves soon as we can nudspacc for u. iNext a-- ,,.', By. request we publish tho lollowmg, t-wliich shows how a Southern father got on ear" about a tuiall matter. The article r? was clipped from the Kentucky Fret Fret; nd we give it verbatim : "'I'' : Editor 1'bee PtEsu: I noiiccd under 1 the head of "Binhs," published iu the J'edfle'i Friend, that my baby only weighed Tj a pound and a hall",, ana I am informed ihat McSwinford furnished the item, lie lied equare out. Sly baby weighed 7J lbs. when it was first born. It is a girl wflh pretty black hair, and I don't thank fain .Moore nor McSninl'ord for their infernal lies. - ' JAMES ROLAND. . We have a question to abk the y ottiig taishytcians on this subject: Now, the father says the child weighed 7$ lbs,, when it me&fii-tt born, what would bo its weight when second bovn ? Sealed answers cau be l.nmln.l it. n I mi, hqftlr ilnni. nnw t ! m A .lm1 n tt VnHiCA hours. - ESJAJJL1SI1ED 182J, ' ' MEYER & SONS, PIANO MANUFACTURERS, 722 Arch Street, PHILADELPHIA. TIIE LEADING .FIRST-CLASS TIANOS. "No other Pianos have the improvements MmUI nf tbn World's Fair. London. England, and the iughoet Prizes of IU;b Country awaraoa. 1ST OFk'JUROR3 drawn for the -'anu. ary term ot court, cominoneiug mou- Uuy, January 12th, li4. TBAVEBSF JCB0R3. Benezelte E II Dixon, D S Johnson, Tnni.K Prmlili Pnvnf.tiiia Wninxi-iirlif nnl Wm. Jordan. - Dcnzinger Wm. Gross, Andrew Berhm, George Hasselmann aud Adam Jasberger. Fox James Eahrnsworth, George Con tier, John Taylor, John Kuntzlemann, Hi ram Hewitt, Frank Showers, John Miller, John Meyers, John Mosier, Cornelius Whe lon. Highland Wm. James. Ilorton Jefferson Taylor, Adam Nulf, Genrire 8 Chamberlain. Jay Samuel Vasbinder, Joseph Robin Bon, Joiinb W Mead, Martin V Taylor. ""Xies Thomas L M'Keau, Joseph Pist "Jer, J H Meffert, gasper Rosser, Win. Wei dart. Millstone Wm. Clyde, Myron Raught, 1 S Chamsion, Ridewav Marcus French, 0 B Grant, Patrick Malone. O B Fitch, James Reiilv, - thn Fannen, Sr., A Cummings, Chailes Mead. St. Mary's Doro' Michael Bauer, Johu Sospnliimer. Micbeal Bruno-. John Wftleer Jr., Anton Jesberger, Francis Ebrig, Louis L Garner. Jacob Zelt. John Heindle. f Spring Creek Henry R Moore, Alexan, tier Mvyhood, jr., vvasnington uoiiDratn, "AND (UBORS. Ben one Ralph Johnson, Miles Dent, f- - -George W Winslow, Lafayette ninslow. I jPl Benzinger F A Erig, PhiUp Young. M Fox Elias Moyer, Conrod Moyer, Jr., n C E Green, Peter Thompson. ,11 Jay Edward Yinoent, James M Brook- ins; Oliver Freeland. Jones Jacob Weinhardt, J B Wells, Enos "Eatger. Millstone-'J Champion, Jr. RlditMav W 8 Service. Jerome Powell. Bu Mary's Charlea Weis, Frank Vorn- 1 bum, Geo t Shafer. Spring Creek D D Davidson, Thomas rwin. FRSD. BCndyiNO, FMrtiMftary. O, A. EATUBUM, Attorney-at-lavr, Ridgway, P. a 2 tf. Administratrix ITotice. Notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to the estate of Adam Shall, Into of Millstone township, Elk County, deceased, that they are required to make prompt payment, and all persons having claims against said Estate, will presont them for adjustment to CATHERINE SHALL, Administratrix of the goods, &c, of Adam Shall, deceased. SIIHIF2'S:SALJ. By virtue of a writ of Levari Facial is sued out of th Court of Common Pleas of Elk County, Pennsylvania, and to me di rected, I will expose to public sale at the Court llouso, lUdgway, Pa., on MONDAY, JAN UAH tf 12th, J874, at 1 o'clock, p. m., the following described properly, to wit: A new frame Shiuglo Mill about forty feet square and two stories high, situated on warrant number 2532 (containing nine hundred acres more or less in the township of Milestone, County of Elk and State oi Pennsylvania, bounded noi.'h by wurrant number 2542, east by I. bha", south by the Clarion River, and wci-t by warrant iu tho name of IS. Death, aud number 8143. Seized and taken in execution Its tiie property of John P. Wanu, and to be sold by D. C. OYSTER, bhcrilf. Sheriff s office, Iiidgway, rn.,Dcc. 18, '7U. By virtue of a writ of Fieri Fmui issued out of the Court of Common Picas of Duller County, Pennsylvania; mid to mo directed, 1 will expose to PUBLIC BALE ul the Court llouso, iiidgway. Pa., on MONDAY, JANUARY, 12in, J; 1, at 1 o'clock, p. m. Ail the right, title, interest claim and de mand whatsoever of defendants of in and to all that certain tract of lmid situate in Jay township, Elk County, stale of Penn sylvania, boiiudcd and described ns follows lo wii: Doing warrant number ould war ranted iu the name of Wilhclm Wiliiuk ct. la. containing U'JO acres bounded north by warrant number 50U7, cast by warrant number 0015, south by warrant uumbar o'Jl'J, and on tho west by warrant number 1517, unsealed aud unimproved. Seized and taken iu execution as the property ot'U. S. Loug aul 11. A. Pennock, iinUto be sold by D. U OYSTER, Sheriff. Sheriff s office, Ridgway, Pa., Dec. If, -7iL By virtue of a wrii of Yen. Ex. issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Elk County, Pennsylvania, anl to me directed, 1 wiil expose to PLDLIU SALE at the Court House, Riitgwny, Pa., ou MONDAY, JANL'CKY 12lh, 17 4, at 1 o'clock p. m. All the right, title, interest, claim and demand wliutsocvtr ot tho following de scribed properly: All that certaiu piece or parcel ot laud being situated in Jay town ship, i.ik Couniy, aud State ot Peuusyl- vauia, bounded aud described as follows to wit: Beginning at a post about sixteen (101 perchos east of Dell Run, at the south side of the township road, thence south tuirteen (li) pcrcl.es to a post, thence horih twelve and oiie-lo'irlh (12) perches to a post ai uic boutn sule ol the towasiup load, ihelice along said township road iu au cjaturly dinction to the )iiaci? of bo t;iuuiiii;. Containing two and one-half acres of laud more or lets, being a portion of variant O.feii, which was sold by P. W. iinys. ili-h ciieiilf of Ljii County, as the properly of Robert Roilicrick, lo Henry soiuncr by deed dated llio Oih day of July A. it. liso.1, on which is erected a two story frame lioue 22x24 feet with addition ul kiicheu 10x21 feci, r.Uo two apple trees und a yood spring of ruuniug waier. AJ.fcO ail ihe right, title interest aud claim of ine deleu luut of in and to the loi lowiug dfscribed jtiece or parcel of land, situate in Jay totvuhip, Elk County Penn sylvania, bounded and described as follow!- lo was ljcinniinm at a post corner abou three perches ent of Doll Run uithe uorth side ol tiie townsLjp road, thence norti. thirteen pticlies lo a post, thence cas llurtecu perches to a post, thence south (Uirteeu perches to a ooot at north tide ol said road, thence along said road to the place ol beginning. Containing one acri of laud, more or less being part cl warrant number 62Ub and the west Uioietv oi half portion of I wo acres of land oonveyeu by 0. N. Rotherock and wii'o to feanme! Lasbinder by deed bearing dale April 20th A. D. IbOU. On which is erected a twmt house used as a holel 2140 feet two storicf high, wiih bar room attached lfx22 feet, one an'l onc'hnlf stories high' mid kitcheii 10x32 feet one and one hail slories high, also lracie barn 22xGU feet, also four grow iug apple trees and smull run known at Dell Run running through the properly. Seized and taken in execution as the property of T. J. Burke and to be sold by D. C. OYSTER, Sheriff. Bhciiff, cilice, Ridgway, Pa., Deo. 18,:73. LICEIT3B APTLICATIOlv'3. rvrollowing is a list of applications for licen?e to.lanuaiy termoi Court, MONDAY JAM'AUY 12th, 187a: IAVE11S. lit nezetle. 1 G. L. V. iuslow, 2 Ed. Lewis, 3 Loraua E. Chase. i Uuuinjer. , . ' 4 P.,X. Surg. Fax. b John Collins, t Benjamin Duyca. io7oj, 7 0. R. Clark- 8 A. J. Rummer, 9 . U. Dixon. I.'idwai. 10 William H. fichram, 1 1 Robert Warner, 12 Riley Brothers, 13 Johu Healy. St. Mvni'4 Bora, 14 Anton Fochtmanu, 15 Elizabeth Yolk, 10 Joseph Windielder, 17 Thomas Ziuinielt, 18' William Zelt, 1(1 Andrew Rogan, 20 James Rogau, 21 Johu Waohtel & Son, 22 Thomas Yalentine. - SAT1NO Hol'sB. JJcnezelie. 28 John Daly, 24 Warren Winslow. Fox. 25 Audiew Hau. Jag. 2G James Campbell. 27 Samuel Rathbun. IlUhjwaij. 28 Robert K. Eubody, 2'J John Lumb, &0 Eli Liter. HI. Mary'i'.BorOt Cl ' William Giese, ti2 Jacob Kraus, 84 Anthony Suhaucrs, ti Bernard Westnitzcr. STORK. Ridyuay. 5 T- S. Hartley, CO G. G. Messenger. St. Mary'i Boro. 87 Charles MoYean, 8 Joseph ffilbelru. FKED. eCHGiKIKG, Olerk, Q. P. NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS. HOUSEWARE, AND HOUSE FUHITISKHTa GOODS. Carpenters Tools, MkieksmUhs Tools, Farmers Tools, Ia umbcrmens Toois. in f&ct every iEiig ussinSSy kept Employing' " none hut farsi-elnss Workmen and nolSsiiig hut hsi- cinm aaerlaS used. OPPOSITE TES:C0UET3BCuSB, RID5'5v AY, PA. W- S- SERVICE & CO- 1 F YOU WANT TO lUT GOODS CHEAP CO TO ja-if.5 rr- iiAr.EP.TY Maij Strjijl, Riilw.iy, l:i. DRY GOUDS, XOTfUNS. !:0 S SIIOICS, II ATS ANi CATS, GLASS AND liL'BIlXS WARE, WOO I A N 0 V IL LOW- u'Aili;, TOBACCO AS I) ('lG AKH. ALni e Cfocii of Crocsrios zzi Irovklsns. The J5KST n!.!A''I.?5 ol TLOnt Coaslititttv oi h-.ui. nJ.l toid S3 ch-jiu 49 the ClIKArKST. jAMi-.-- v. nAC::vr::. List t'L' OAUbrs set .!' a for tiial at tie January terra 1ST4, Jllk cmniy J .... Couiiuon l'lutu", coruc:eu?i' oaJv, JaDuary 12tb, 107-1. 1 The SiTin T.un Coal Co vs Tl.os. Tozicr. No 10 January 180"J. 2 G D. .Mcf-u.Eir vs Jatites' Gcci'g.1 et ul. 11 Ait;i lSG'J. 3 John Tudor vs Jlirua VooJrarJ et al. August 1S7J- 4 K. y.. Vinson ct al vs Htiuvy Souther et a). H't) January 18 't 1. 5 George 1 Vctcr, vs Gcorga Seltcci der. 9 Apnl IS "2. , C '.l,rauk'A. Losch ct ol, vs4 Frank Keller. 22 April 7 Botijuitiiu Johitpon et 1, vs John Johnson ct al. "0 April 1S72. 8 Jatuos Curry, vs u. kfj. PutiiO. 38 April 1372. 9 Martiu Sorp, v Nicholas Kronen wetter. 47 April l-'-7'2. 10 William J. JUVarty, vs Elk & M'Kcan 1 It Co. 17 August 1S72. 11 U E Weileudoif, vs Jv!. k 'A ' Kean II 11 Co. 18 August 1872. 12 E E Willaid, vs l-.lk. & X'Kcau R 11 Co. 20 Au-ust 1S72. 13 E E Wiliurj, vs Jos-iuh Bar J oil et al. 21 Ausust 1S72. 14 11 Souther survivor &o., V3 II S Belnnp & Co 5 Mov 1S72. 15 Thomas Cr.l!tr, vs l'um'u R 11 Co. 15 Nov 1S72. 10 Mary J. Dtmaij, vs N. 51 Bisck way. 2tl Nov 172. 17 The School Dietritt of Fox, vs John McyCiS ct al. No SI January 1873. 18 Gcor?o T Paul!, vs the Wilcox T & L Co. 42 January 1S73. 19 Clarion River Nav Co, ts Henry Moore et al. 41 January 1873. 20 Abel L Mariners, vsThos Muli kcn. 1 Apiil 1873. 21 The St Mary's Coal Co, vs Geo Rettger. 40 April 1373. 22 Jamei A Buiko, vs D C Oyster, 33 August 1873. 23 Clarion River Kay Co, vs Ilirim Carman. C9 August 1873. 24 Warren & V. R It Co, vs Asa Soott. 23 Nov 1873. 25 BuflaloN Y&PBRCo,v Rao mdj LtmkM. 14 JiuB&ty iSH issssirr's sal;-. Ty virluc of a writ of Ficrc FJcicn i.r.r.r-1 out of the Court of C immon Tb'c of Jilk Cot'ii'y. l'enn: y'.vptMa. n-i-l lo r,e directed. r will expose m rv ul.;c f.'v KK M tho '.uri House, itidwftv IV., ctt JIONOAV JWUAllV, ll'.lh. li--7:!. I'- ' r'fdoUc, .'' lb at lot and jiaroel '' s.r'.:i;- I :',i lie Borough of Sr. Mary'.-. ':'.". t:.M.i,iy. dttei-ibcd as lollow.s lo -.ni: i iv t "it;-: c.i St Mary's sheet ivci.lv-tifo I'.vt, i;.e,!co alor.j; M. Mo.illy'3 bf. ti'vci.lv , l-i., curoer on Hue of '. X. J'.il'oi'u'-r, i'i?rje alonjf suid Hue thiny-i. fo, t. tu i n I '.( AdliU Fothuiirtii. tii'iLi '.:. f.-i. I rel.iirnn'H line to M. ,'.!.ir; ' -;:(., C' taii.ii 3 -i -0 (jUiiro l cl Vic; ;i:it i : a 1 . lot couvrjcl to I". iiit '.-..,' '-y .la!'li:l i',: I. ! J'.i.il E;-cHoacii aiid v, lie t v "-. ..:. i -d day August A. P. 1 . ! .jivLU in Elk County in i.' -k iioolr jiajtc D'-t'J ,!ei.i"l and tarn in crwa'ioii r.s the I'lv-jjeity of Jit.'vb ;J;i !.:. rr I tr. !a i-'.J by 0. :. ! ;' IT'.l. :-h.n:f. Slteriff's oinc"; Ri-'.'vni. I'.i,. i.-i.o. ' . ' '7.: I'y virl'ia "tv;: l y : sue-! out ot the "i t. of " Ell: County, l entil !v it: i. . leoio l i vr;il ";: j Li ' i''to or ott'Ct'y .t1 I. " t Uidp Wi'v, '. i. 1 1 1 . i .v.os!'.v. jA;ii:!n . - at 1 o'elni 't, it. n.ll ' ' teretit tla'u.i u'. ''' . .Vut'-ant in . ri-x v. vU : . "' : x t. l is -:: i lv-.is f n lo i::e di. t.'.'-'Uv veil. itri ii.).05i, iu o.t'.' . on :. ' -7:;. i 1 iii i in t " ; '. .,f dc in ' to t .1 j ;i.:ii cei in.il i.-uet i ; :..v:, i" vti'g ii'iCfk 'iowr:;h'n, 1'1'i Ov.:!:'.?, !-.i.tn us j tl.o Ji;i:.es Crow ',va; ;:.iii. t uoij.itiij'j.' otto j l.imdiTd ocri's mere i.r r..nii.-U-d on j ti:si.ovh, ea--t. ,d re-: l.i : ! ; (.-n-. vv n ,!!:i,o:,' .'nj-.v a on 1 the tuu'.u by liuiu line s a tu ;; ieM'.ick I lot. Levied upon ! : jr.viji Ittk' and to be Eoil 1 - :' 7 ( ''.:V.'' I), C. CitiJi;:, c'lioritV. Sheriff's ofiiae, lUdsw iy. 1'a., l'cf.18, '73 Elk Ccunty Directory. President JuiTc L. 1). Viir!:.!f. Additional Law Judge I.'on. Jr.o. 1' Vinceni. Associate Judges Ciins. Lu'ir, J V Honk. District Attorney J. K. P. Uail. KheiitT U. C. Uyncr. Piotlionotary S c., Vied. Schwr.ing. Treasurer C. 11. liavley. County SuperiutciiJoi.t Uti.'in Lueore. Coiiuiiissioner.s Itybt. t'ami be'.l, John Carr, Geo. rd. Weis. Auditors Clark A. V, ilcox, Ccoie D. 'lopsenger, and C. W. rnrreit. Couuty Surveyor Geo V, luisley. Jury CommiiMi unci's. JostjU kernct. and Charles Mead. NEW LIVEllY STABLE IN DAN SCEIBSEII WISIIIW TO IX fonu the Cittzens tf RMyway, and the public generally, fhat lie has started a Liv ery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES d Dugjies, to letupouth tnosl reatona ble terms. 5,IIe will also do joh, teaning. Stable ob Broad street, above Main All orders left atth Tcik Offics will meel prompt attsntion Aug 30 1&70. f. Edw'd J. EvAhs k Co., NURSEflTMEN AND SEEDSME5, TOBK, PIXI'a SrCatalogues Mild to Applieanls"$g Refer (by permiasion) to Ho. J. B. Blaos. WashlDitoo. D. 0. if' (UK FRED SCHOENING & CO. Law, Commercial, Book, and General Job Printers, ancl Stationers. RIDGIVAY, ELK CO., PJh DISALLfeB IN ALL KINDS Ol1 LAW BLANKd, ANL) FRENCH, ENGLISH, AND AMliRICAN STAflONEUi'. AFlNOLD'O WKITiNG FLUID AND COPYING liSSK. LIIAD PLNLILS OL- ALL KI.NDi AND PRiCL'ft?. Exterhrook's t'tiebrttlnl 'Heat iVf.i, th HzuS JSmiet All KiuJs ttf Job I'riiiiUig done in iLe Loit Style wuu at Liv Ciioc. LKIIE11, KOTE, AKD BILL llEADf?, l;U.JN lis. CAliL.i AND Kli- VF.f.OFES OF EVEIIV S'J POWELL & liilUL A. 1IA2IM0TH I'irnily lelievliij? that tLo world Cioed, aud tiiat tho domuiidj of the public aro con slsint'y iner?a jiu, the prepvictors of the 1 M i i if hao ju-t ic.'tui.cl from Imo rnrttni a id ttcsfcrn citioi witH thy jiie..t peiioct auJ t'liiil'Li j t'.oclr. of . - ... ASK TOii ANYTIIINa tliev uu col teop, etui tbev Lave absolutely TflK HACK DONE of hifeh prices, lley buv for cauli iiad SELL FOR CASH I' CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAI'EST ! Ilidgxrty, May 1st, 1ST3. EW STAGS I10UT3. J. C. JiUXXS, Proprietor. Tb subscriber having ectnrtd th tract for carrying Ue V. S. Mail biteB REfNOLUSniiLa A BROCK. WAt VILLI has placed ou thai roftd ft linofbl Hacks leave the Inbmie fltl la Keynoldtille every Tuesday, Thartday and Saturday om the atritftl of i BroKTilU etee, and reiorn the eaue dr, These hfceks eonnect e,t Broekweyrille witk the KiJgway starts, makioc eonneetiom wi h traius on the F. k I. Road, both, east i4 west. Kverr atttntioa ts the eeimferi f patrons of this Use wig he ive mU ( Viral Mk&fA IN ANN' q:.;a: i '.TV, ,'T f 11 G V OTOIl SEWING MAC n INE CO.' ant reliable ar.d energetic Agents iu thb Cotuily. The "VICTOll" is a Lock-sliloh, Shuttle Machine, with Self setting Keedie, Vtest furni?bcd and most jjorfuct Machine ottered. An increase of over per cent, on salon of 1872 over 1871. For Terms Sic, Address. VICTOR. SEWING MACHINE CO., 17 Chestnut it., 1'iiiladelyhi.i, Far u30tS, i eK K SOW lroiu and after Monday, Feb. 5th 137o. Traiua Tvi'lruu oa tbi.s liottd S3 folluM: Leaves Karioy '( ol ft. uj., arrives hi Dvgutsi'uliouilu Juuutiou 8 10 n. m., eou noctin;; with Accom. oa.st 8 11 a. m., and with Mail west at !) 15 a. m. Lc-.ivc Daunctvlioudu at 0 20 a. ra. .r;ivcf ai Karley 10 00 a. in. Leaves l.ai'lcy S 80 p. ui., and arrives at Oegus euhomia ta 00 p. oouuoctiuf; with Mail east ul W p, nr, aud Accomiho Jutioii wo?t ttt 5 iU p. ui. In casa 1'. k K. trains arc late, Du.kus c.i.hodtv Iraiu I10IJ3 twoaty uiirtuics lo vontl the abtAC tinie. j Tickets eheuld altTays lo procared before lcavio; str.tiona. 0. ft. HtVELEY, Xt-sMo. S 3 ft m , NEW, FitEBIJ, AND SPARKLING! 1 THE CLUSTER NEW MUSIC COOK FOIl TUS USE OF CONVENTIONS, SING IN G CLASSES, CllUliCII ononis, AND TT1K HOME CHICLE. V THE CLUSTER 5by b. v.'esley martin, J. 3d. STILLMAN, AMD T. MARTIN TOWNS. Price, 513.50 per Dos, Bingle Copies tient, posi-pam, t.oa. Address, t. L. PETERS, 603 Bread wy, New York. FOR SCHOOLS. Voices A NITC SINGINO-CLAS BOOK, OOSriLtU AMD ABftAIQID BY WILLIAM DUESSLER. Trice, f G per D01. Sicjle Copies tent, posrf aid, lor bU esnts. Address, J. L PETERS, 699 Broadway, New York The Song Echo The Popnlftt BiogiDg-Sehool Book BY Hi S. PERKINS. Price, $7.60 er Dos. Single; Copl en, peej.paia, ior (eeeute. VILA - A-. -r. .- jrb.: -S4 TOSrT'' )MIggllSl UAILilOADS. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD rhiladelphJa & Erie B. tt. I1tI1o WiNTEB TIMH TABLE. OV nd t-fter SCNDAT, LEO. 2 J 1S7P, the trains on the rhiladelphi Ct trie ltailroad will run as follows: WBSTWABD. Buffalo Ei. leaves rhiladelpbla.i2.65 p. ra, " ' Kenoto iii. 16 a m " " arr. at Emporium 2.16 aim '" Buffalo 8.60 a m ERIE MAIL loaves Philadelphia 10.20 p ra " " Benovo..., 10.05 a, ra " " " Kmporiuai...... 12.20 p m St. Mary's - 1.12 p ra " Arrive at Erie........ 7.801p nl EASTWAKU. BUFFALO EX. leaves BulTalo... 3.25 p ' Emporium- 0.00 p m " " KenoTO IO.00 p 111 ' " arr. at Philadelphia U.JO ft m EUIE MAlLlaaves Eris... 11.20 ft Di " " tit. Mary's C.22 p m " ' " Emporium. ..... 6.20 p m ' " " Rcnovo 0.10 p M ' " arr. at I'hiladephia,.. 8.00 a ra Mail Ktifit conuccts east and west at Erie wlili L S .'1 3 It W and at Corry end Ir viu?toii Tfiib Oil Creek and Allegheny U P. W. Mail West witb eatsl and west trains tn L S & M 8 11 W and at lrvineton rr'nh Oil Creek and Allegheny It It W. Butialo Express innkea cIoeo connections at tt illiaiusport with N C R W trains, north, and at liarriiburg witb N C R W train 4uU'l). TYM. A. BALDWIN. Cen'l Sup't GttAND OPENING truuiiiiir Ai'iaugCuitil BUFFALO, 1SUW YORK tvl 1' I! IL Aiii LF111 A li AILWaY. Time Table aJo.tcd SUSDAV, Augns 1 0, 1 j"3 . Truing depart from aud arrive at tlio Buffalo, New i'ork & Philadelphia UnilR'.'iy ibpot, corner of Exchange and I.r.iiidiaurt street. N AM) AFTER ACC. 10, 1873, UN TIL further notice. Trains will rn ca foliowst LEAYiMJ BCffALO C;Ij a, tn. Local Freight and passenger, arriving at Emporium nt 5.00 p. ra. 8:y a in l'hiladeipi.iiiand Balt'-tmlre Express Arri.jing at ivji'oriuiu at 12:45 p ui., stopping only at bust Aurora, Ar cade, Franklinvillc, Ol'.au and 1'ort Allo-ghc-.iy. 11:20 a ltv I.o.ial Freight Arriving al Port Allegany al. V.-00 p. tn. p "1:1 Night 4J;rrcoH Arriving ft Eioporinm ut 12. Jo a ia. iKALN'a LEAVE EMPORIUM. 2:40 c rj Xipjif. Ezprcsa Arriving ftt Bullitlo at S.-20 e m. 3.10 a. m. Loral Freight abd l'aesengef Arriving at Buflalo at 2.'6b p. m. o:2", .) 1,1 Niaj;aia Express Arriving t B nlhlo ai 'J:!i5 p m., ctoppios; only at Port Allega'iy, OH-an, Franklin vUie, Areade aud E:tti. Aurora. LEAVE TORT ALLEGES?-. ", 'ideal jfraitjhi ftu'ifjasietigw .rrivinic at Buffalo at 7.50 p. m. 15 UND AY TRAIN 3 Leave Buffalo at 10.00 ft. in., fti-riving al 01cr.n at 1.1 j ,,. m. L'.M-J 'iiit:':. ar. i):aO 9 a.; Piht Ex pr ariiving at Emporijui ftt 12:16 p m. Leave Olcvi at 2.46 p. in., arriving at Bufl'.vlo U.00 p. m. Leave Enjpurium at2:t0 m.; HightBx press, arriving at- liuliaiu. J.t b:20 ft w. Ticket Otiicei. KulTalo Omnibus Line running from all trains. 11. L. LYMAN, Oen'l Pass. AK't. J. D. lEOMANS, Superiuteudenl. NEW TIME TABLE. Cojiia'-ooins Oct 20:h, 1B7. ALLKGHENY VALLEY II. it. THE BEST ROCTi: BETWEEN I'HTJ BUROJI AND POINTS ON TUB riilL'A. Si ERIE R. IV. COIKO BOLTir. Cuffalo Express leavc-3 Coiry ftt 11 15 iB Leaica Iriucton, 7 45am Arrives at PittsLurgli 10 05 p m Nij;ht Express leaves Corry 8 08 a m Arrifes at Pittsburgh 1 65 p m Day Expreas leaven Corry T5 S5 a. to Arrivesut Pitlrfburgh ti 15 p m Oil City Accom. leaves Corry 2 0 p m Arrives at Brady's Bend ft 60 p m COISQ SO Kill. Blfalo Exprecs leaves PiUoburg at 7 50 ft u Arrives at Corry o p n " " lrvineton C S5 n m Night Express leaves Pittsburgh 4 B5 p m Arrives at Corry 20 a m Day Express leaves Pittsburgh VlSOpm Arrives at corry lmopm Oil City Aocoiu. leaves B. Bend C 45 a m Arrives at OU Uiiy 1: lo p u Connections made ftt Uorry and lrvino tod fur points on the Oil Creek and the Allegheny Valley Rail Road. Pullman rallace Drawing Uoent bleep ing Cars on Night Exprecs Traius between Pittsburgh and lirocton. I'a3scncers to enu troui nrockvilio inaaet clone connection ftt Red Bank Junotioa with Buffalo Express north and Night Ex press south. A.8K for lionets via Allegheny Y alley IU R. J. 1. LAtTfilNCE, e. luck PLAYING CAKDS, TIIEBE5T THE CHEAPEST. 4s BTEAMSniPS Cheapest kind made. REGATTAS A cheap common oard. BROADWAYS A nice common card. V1ROINIA8 Fine calioo back. GEN. JACKSON 8 Cheap and popularj (Pattern backs, various colore ftndBde signs.) COLUMBUS (EucLre deck) extr quality OOLDBN GATES One of the best card made, MT. VERNON8 Extra fine, twocolorftU terns. ASK FOE THE ABOVE TAKi SO OTHEEjl; Price List on application. Dealer sap. plied by VICTOR. E. MAUGEFt. aI; l-Ce V 112 Eede &t.j W. V- -'eJ:-' f .H,, ,
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