(Elk imnig gtdtwate. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 80, 1978. C'ur Time at Hid tr way. Eria Ziprcsi Kut ., 2:04 a. m. do do West 2:89 a. m. do Mail East 6:05 p. ta. do do West 2:62 a. m. Keuovo Accommodation East.... 8.66 a. tn. do do West-... 6:26 a. m. elk Lodge, a. t. m. The stated ' meetics of Elk Lolgs, No. 879, ara held at their hall, corner of Main an Capot streets, on thesecond and fourth Tuesdays of each month- D. B. DAT, 8ec'y. Court next week. Winter has come. Tub civil fat ior November terra of Cowrt is adjourned. Thanksgiving oecun this year on Tuesday, Novjerufcer 27. Birds ov a fedder go by deraelf, ir somding else don'd ro long Bit dm. Tut night express on the P. It B. R. isjto be withdrawn. New schedule next week. Don't pod ov till next week wot you eood do to-day, excepd id wos to buy a loddery d'vetet. Trrt! Oyster Ilotel at Hellen, this oountj burned this woefc. Loss 10,000, Insurance $7.;000. L J B, WILL plcaaejaccept ourjthanks for favors, in the shape of Cincinnati and Covington papers. Wm. A. IBaXDwiN, General Supt. P. & E. R. R., haremoved his cSce from Erie to Williamsport. It has flow beoqme a question as to vhother a phrenologist can tell what a ti-rels contains by examining its head. THBraawJConstitution will bejsuhmit ti l to a vote of the people on the third Tuesday of December, being 'the 16th Uv. ;.der2 Cider J3 Delivered at the V & E R R Depot at Ridgway, for 5-1.00 per barrel of 32 gallons.yjlno.uire at this office. Youcannot make a success of your self without hard wirk any imora than you oun put up a stove without wishing thai i vjeati'wigj was not sinful. 'Aicn are what Women make Them, i thj singular title of a new book. It .man bo true, but some 'dreadful speci. miens, of the .manutactured article jeflect adly cither ou the .material or the j ma ker. Tee Nbw Lunatic Asylum The Commissioners to (Choose a site for the iUjw Lunatio Asylum in the Northwest have decided'in lavorjol Warren. Three f'urm near that town the Eldred, Amaru and Berry farms containing o29;-ero9, -costing S3Stp004 .were chosen. TheGirad pcoplejare very mad, be cause 'hat place was not chosen, and pro pose ;to defeat all pproprioons next winter f jt the new institution. JJo.me-talknt Concert Our good people will please keep in mind that about weeks hence hey will be treated to some grand entertainmehtt at the school ibjuilding. The proceeds will be .used for purchasing an organ of which the school is very nap oh a need. Al must agree that an organ will be a Worthy addition to our educational furni ture, tor its value is manifold. Prof. Course a has sole oharge of the musical part of this entertainment and he brings to his aid the best tales of our village. TherPther part, that of theatricals, dec- control of the teachers of the school. The regular course of school duties is . i J ' 1. - J. .1 lira. M uuuibc vvcryuuuy vrtii pauuu- ize home-talent will go to hear their own .children and will encourage to the last tome institutions. We bespeak eminent success. Rapid ptogress is making in the Hoo aao Tunnel work ; the headings ap. yroach each other at the rate of ten feet per day, and only two hundred and fifty a4,retuaia to be drilled. Among the relics of olden days dis covered in this State, to be added to the Centennial museum, are a plough made entirely? of wocd, and a composing stick used in Franklin's printing office. A match at chess for 1 10,000 a side lias been made between Dick Pearce and Mr. Gallagher, of Austin, Nev. Five thousand dollars a side forfeit has been put up and the matoh will came off six weeks 'before next Christmas. A Utica boy who attempted to ampu tate a cat's tail, found that the absenoe of the old lady who owns the cat is nec essary to thepf il'ejt euocets of suoh an experiment. Ilia face looks as though Buffalo Bill had settled an old grudge against him. The New Epglaud journals deny the report that the manufacturers have com I ft ....... 1 I- :tl , bined to close their mills in order to orce Congress to adopt measures to ra leve business lrom the present embar- rassment. Mr. W. D. Wilson, of Odell, 111., las perform the feat of writing 1,170 words a large part of the Gospel of St. Mathew onone side of a postal card. It is soid to bsa very foe piece of penmanship, TEZ LEGISLATURE, Wl are at last enabled to publish a complete list of the members of tho Leg istr.tn eleotcd on the 14th of Ootober. It is made up from the official retums reoeived at the office of the Secretary of State, in Ilsrrisburg, andis, therefore, reliable : senate. Philadelphia James B Alexander, R; K W Davis, R; John Lamon, R; A K McClure, Lib Rep. Chester and Delawaro Thomas V Cooper, R. Montgomery W A Yeakle, R. Bucks and Northampton Hsrman Yerkes, D. Berks Daniel Ermentrout,' D. Lancaster John B Warfel, R. Schuylkill-OliveriP Bechtle, D. Lehigh and Carbon -Edwin Al briprht, D. Dauphin and Lebanon Jacob G Heiluia, R. Lucerne, Monroe and Pike Francis P Collif. D; Geerga Rowland, D. Bradford, Ne Lafayette Fitch, R. Columbia, & Thos Chaltant, D. Cameron, o Butler B Strong, R. Snyder, 4c Andrew II, Dill, D probable. Clearfield, io-Wm A Wallace, D. Cumberlain, &o James M Weakley, R. Ais and York WiHia M'Sherry D. .Bedford, Blair, le John A Lemon, R. Centre, Juniata, 4c Jos S Ware am, D. Allegheny James D Graham, R; Miles S Humphreys, R; Georgo H An derson.lt. Indiana Harry White. R. Fayette and Greene W U Play ford, D. Beaver, 4o James S Rutan, R. Clarion, 4o David Jfcliiy, R. Sawrence, 4o Samuel McKioley, R. Crawford George K Anderson, R. Erie and Warren George U Cutler, R. Republicans, 20; Democrats, 12; Lib eral Republican, 1. Republican major ity. 7. New Sonators. iHOUSE Or EfRVSSNTATiyfl. Adams William S Hildebrand, D. Allegheny H II M'Cormick, R; S J Woinwright, R; J C Newmyer, R; A B Young, R; A C Hays, R; B C Christy, R; Henry Gerwig, R. Armstrong Robert Thompsoo, R. Beaver, Butler and Washington S J Cross, R; J Alison, R; A L Campbell, R; David M'Kec, R- Bedford and FultonI M Reynolds, D. Berks-Michael M'Cullough, D; Ben. EDry,l; Dr Smith, B. Biair S R M'Cune. R. Bradford E R Myer, R; James II Webb, R. Bucks G E Hagejuan, D; J M Jaroinson, D. Cambria Setnuel Henry, R. Cameron, Elk and Jefferson D P Baird, D Ikrbontad Monroe E C Dimmick, D Ccatre John U Orvis D Cheswr E W Sailej K;IPetexG Caroy R Olearfield Dr J W Potter Indepen dent Item Clinton, Lycoming and Sullivan Rich ard Bedford D; II W Petrikin, D Columbia Chas B Brock way D Crawford M W Oliver, R ; F Bates R Cumberland Wm B Butler D Dauphin and Perry J E Allen li. A Fortenbaugh R; John H Sheibley, R Delaware Wm C Talley D Erie E U Wilcox R; Henry Butter- field R Fayette J M Thorn pa R Franklin Geo W Welsh, D Greene T H Laidley D Huntingdon W K Burchinell R Indiana Daniel Ramey R Joniata and Mifflin II P Taylor D Laneaster II A Mylin R ; H H Tshady, J L Shuman R Lawrence ESN Morgan R Lebanon W M Kaufman R Lebkh Robert Steekol, D ; Janes KimmeT D Luserne B II Throop R ; Michael Crogan D; Thos waddel Rj T W Loftus D Mercer Jemes A Stranahan D Montgomery Thos G Better D ; Joseph U Yerkes D Northampton R C Pyle Dj G M Stier D Forthuberland and Mootcur A T Dewitt D; Jesse A merman D Philadelphia G Ilandy Smith R ; J E Kennedy D; Sam mel Josephs Ind Dem ; Harry O'Neill R j James A O' Brien R; Chas A Porter R; Juo Mo Cullough R; John E Reyburn R; Wm H Vogdeg B; Albert Crawford D; Washington M Worrall R; Joseph R Ash R; John N Wood R; Wm J Ro ney R; Robert Gillespie R; J Wm Jones R; Charles B Salter R; James Newell R Pike and Wayne W II Dimmick R Potter aod MeKeao. Charles L Jones R Schuykill Tboe Egan D; Fred L Foster D; John W Morgan R Snyder and Union Charles S Wolf R Somerset J R M'Mullen R; Susquetanpa and Wy coming II M Jones R ; A'obert S Little D Tioga Jobo I Mitchell R Venango R D MoCrearj R Warren George W Allen R Westmorland II B Piper D; J L Toner D York George W Oetghee D; D M Loucks D Republicans, 58; Democrats, 40; In dependent Democrats, 2 Republican majority 16. History repeats itself in this quotation from a newspaper printed one hundred years ago : "It is oomputed that no less than one hundred and twenty considera ble merchants, bankers and traders have been absolutely ruined since June 1772, owing to speculation, made bills and very deceitful credit. STATE NOTES. Norristown, manufactures say they will run on half time soon. The moulders at the Milton car works are working but four days In the week. The rolling mill at Palo Alto, Sohuy kill couuty, hasresumcd operations, The Indiana county aprioulture soci ety made pearly $1,150 by their rcocnt fair. Complaint is made that gambling in already ou tbe inoreuss in the oil re geions. There are four hundred stations on the Pennsylvsnia R. R.., Philadelphia being No. 1, and Pittsburgh No. 400. The School Bord of Pottsville talk about erecting two school houses to eo t 100,000,andthe taxpayers protest, Maoy collieries in Scbulkill county were flooded during the recant heavy rains, interrupting work. A Chester county man has a cat that is twenty-three years old. It's eyesight is good, and it dosn't use tobaoco. A new Rowan Catholic church was dedicated in Columbia, Lanoaiter county, on Sunday, the 19th inst. There are at present over two hun dred scholars at the Soldiers' Orphans' school in Mercer. The Bethlehem iron company has re sumed work in their rail-mill in South Bethlehem. The slate eomyanys at Siatiagtox fail ed to pay off on Saturday, their regula monthly pay-day. The Derrick fiitttM that the iaty production of the Mocoo oil districts is 5,940 barres, aod ninty-two wells are be ing drilled. A little son of Mr. Smith, of Shaver's Creek,:, Huntingdon .omrty, was darowa from a carriage, a few days ago, and ha stantly killod. On Monday, at Coatesville, a man .named WUliaua Jackson was insUntly killed by a log rolling over him while he was engaged in loading some timber. The body of an inlant child was found under a sola in the parlor of a Meadville fcotel-on Sunday week. Noelue of the parties who placed it there. A person who lives in the country ar rived in Pottsville the other day with a pile of greenbacks, amounting to 82,000 which he -carried Joj safety in a market basket on his arm. Three ne furnaces are being built on the line ol the East Pennsylvania rail road, within eighteen miles of Allentown viz: one at Topton, one at Millerstown and one at Kutztown. Samuel Barolry, of Milford township, Somerset couuty, raised this year 187 bushels of corn from one acre and a quar ter of ground. This is not mere guess work, but a true measurmeut of both laod aod corn. A colored man and a white woman were recently married at Springfield, 111. An Indiana jury recently returned a verdict of "blode to pieces by a biler busting. Every cord of wood givens tke joor is recorded nljove. A Kangaroo is a curious chap; when it's awake it's leaping. Last words of Jack ''I'll be hauged if I go up on that platform." When are skipping lambs like literary volumes; nea they are bouaain sheep. What some country newspapers ougbt to do is to nrmly turn their backs on Latin and !koep itLeirJruile clean A Justice of the 'Peace at Kansas City puts it : "Now let the gaul darned jade wince." Effie Moore, a great granddaughter ol the widow of Eathan Allen, is the leader in scholarship and deportment of the treshman class of the University of Ver mont. Mrs. Theodore Macomber, Tit', the 100th year of her age, died iu Middle boro', Mass., on tbe 19th inst. Her sis ter, Mrs. Atwood, is now living, aged 104 years. ADDITIONAL JURY LIST for the November Term. Fox. John Mann. Jay. Charles Webb. Jones. 3Iichael Weidert. Ridgway. S.;,Jackson, Robert Col lumo. St. Marv's. Leonard Cook. Genrcm Becker. Sprine Creek. L. F. Powers. James G. George, Thos. Jefferson. SSIGNEE'S NOTICE. In the Dist. Court of the United States, Western District of Penna. The undersigned berebv eives notice of his aDDointment as asainAA nf T. (1 Horton and E. J. Miller, lata doin? business as partners under the firm name oi lioi ton & flliller, at Kidgway, in thj county of Elk and State of Pennsyl vania, within said district whn hava been adjudged bankrupts, upon their own petition, by tbe district Court ot said district. O- II. M'CAULEY, Assignee. Ridgway, Elk County Pa. October 9, '73 St. Notice is hereby given that the fol lowing accounts have been filed in my office, and will be presented at tbe Orpi au's Court of Elk Coanty for con firmation, on the first Monday of No vember next, being the third day: 1st. The final account of George Nolf, Sr., late of Horton township Elk County, deceased. 2d. The first partial aeeount of Bern hard Eckl, executor of the last will and testament of Herman Kooh, late of Beusinger Township, Elk Coonty de- 0638(1 FRED. SCHQENING, Register. Edw'b J. Evans & Co., NURSERYMEN AND SEEDSMEN, mil iiki'i ftT'Catalogues Mailed to Applicants! Refer (by permission) to Hon, J. 8, Black, Washington, D. C. Waissa, Boa & Casi, Bankers, York, Pa. 2-6KT. Notice is hereby k1"u jurf9to be punotual in attendance on court, oo Monday morning, November 3rd. Fred. SchoenINO, Clerk. Mark Twain modestly dpnics that he is the mnn alluded tc in the lipe "Mark the perfect tran." New Advertisements. IN TlfE DISTRICT COURT' fit THE UNITED STATES, FOR THE WESTERN DISTRICT OF PEXN3YLNANIA. JtfSSE CLAYPOOL, of Spring Creek, a Biinkrupt under the Aet of Cougresi of Maroh 2A, 18G7, having applied for a Die charga from all depta, and other elaims provable under saidJAct. Jlf order of the Court, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, to all Creditors who hare proved their debtn, and other persona interested, to appear on the 26th day of November 1873 ,al. 9 o'clock a. m., before S. E. Woodruff Esq-. Register in Bankruptcy, at his office, in Ridgway, Pa., to show cute, if any they have, why a Discharge should not bo granted to the said Bankrupt. S. C. McCandlbsh, Clerk of U. S. Distriot Court for said Distriot. n33-2w. In the .Diertict Court of the United States. Western Distriot of Pennsylvania. In the matter of ) JESSE CLAYPOOL, VNOTICfc If hereby Bankrupt. J Given that up:n application of P. C. Oys ter, assignee of the estate of Jesse Clay pool; Bankrupt, to it is ordered that a second generat meeting of said Bankrupt he held at Hidgnay inlaid District, on the 26 day of November, A. D. 1873 at 9 o'clock a m at the office of S. E. Woodruff, poe of tbe Registers in Bankruptcy in said District for thfe purpose named in the twenty 'Seventh section of the Bankrupt act pt March 2nd, 1867. 8. C. McCamdliss, n33-tw Clerk. LIST OF CAUSES set down for trial at November Term 1873, Elk County Com mon Pleas. Commencing Monday Novem ber 8, 1873. 1 The Spring Run Coal Co. ts Thomas Tozier, No. 16 January Term, 1869. - 2 Geo D Messenger et al s James George et al 41 April term 1869. 5 John Tudor, va Hiram Woodward et al 5 August term 1870. 4 KM Mason et al ts Henry Souther et al 19 January term 1871. George Decker vs George Schneider, 9 April term 1872. 6 Benjamin Johnson et al 4r Jobn Johnson et al 26 April term 1872 7 James Curry vg E & 0 Paine, 88 Ap ' term 1872. 8 Martin 8 org vs Nicholas Kronecwetter 47 April term 1872. 9 Martin Sorg vs Nicholas Eronenwetter 48 April term 1872. 10 William J. M'Carty vs Elk and M' Kean R. R. Co., 17 August term 1872. 11 B E Wellendorf vs Elk and M'Kean R R Co., 18 August term 1872. 12 E. E. Williard vs Elk and M'Kean R R Co., 20 August term 1872. 13 E E Williard vs Josiah Bardwell Trustees et al 21 August term 1872. 14 H Souther, survivor &e vs H 8 Belnap 6 Co., 5 November term 1872. 16 Thomas Caller vs The Penn'a R R Co., 15 November term 1872. 16 Mary J Beman vs N M Brockway, 26 November term 1872. 17 Sosenheimer & Son vs Edward M' Bride, 32 November term 1872. ' 18 The School Diet, of Fox vs John Myers et al 81 January term 1873. 19 George Paull vs The Wilcox T & L Co., 42 January term 1873. 20 Abel L Marthers vs Thomas Muliken, 1 April term 1873. 21 The St Mary's Coal Co., vs George Rettger. SECOND WEEK 22 Francis A Loesh et al vs Frank Keller, 22 April term 1872. 23 Jus A Burke vs P f Oyster, 83 Aug. term 1873. FRED. SCHCENING. Pro'thy. T?LK COUNTY COURT PROCLAMA IT. TION. Whereas the Hon. L. D. Wet more, President Judge for the 6th Judicial District of Pennsylvania, and Chas. Luhr and J. V. Houk, Esqs., Associate Judges in Elk county, have issued their precepts to me directed, for the time of holding of Orphan s Court, Court of Common l'leas, General Quarter Sessions and Oyer and Terminer, at Ridgway, for the County of Elk. ou the 1st Monday of November, (be ing the 3rd day) 1873, and continue two weeks. Notice is therefore given to tbe Coroner, Justices of the Petce, and Constables in and lor the county of Elk, to appear in their own proper persons, witu weir reo ords, inquisitions and rememberances, to do those thines which of their offices and in their behalf appertain to be done, and all witnesses and other persons prosecuting in behalf of the Commouweaitti agams: any person or persons are required to be then and there attending, and not to depart at their peril. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their attendance at the appointed time. azreeable to notice. Given under my hand and seal at the Sheriff's office, in Rideway. the 25th day o.' September, in the year o our Lord one thousand eight hundred ana eeveuty three. D. C. OYSTER, Sheriff. VlUSS MAM THE VICTOR SEWING MACHINE CO. want reliable and energetio Agents in this County. The "VICTOR" is a Lock-stitch Shuttle Machine, with Self-setting Needle best furnished and inOBt perfect Machine offered. An increase of over KOO per cent, on sales of 1872 over 1871. For Terms Sc., Address. VICTOR SEWING MACHINE CO., 1227 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa n30t6. II. W. BRELSFORD, Attorney and Counselor at Law And Solicitor of LAUD PATENTS. Offioe, 1332 F st.. Tost Offio Bo .471 Washington, D. C. Practices bofors a'.l the Courts of tbe United States and the Executive Departments. 8p oial attention given to Claims under the cation or i uor.o uanas ny iasn, rar rants. Agricultura College Boript, Pre-emption or Homestead. and to Claims for MINERAL LANDS 1 "QP FLIED. SOHOENING & CO. Law, Commercial, Book, 'and Stationers. JiXDG W4 y, ELK CO., rA. t DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF ENGLISH, AND AMERICAN STATIONERY. ARNOLD'S WRITING FLUID AND COPYING INK. LEAD PENCILS OF ALL KIMDS AND PRICES! Esltrbroofi's Celebrated Steet Vena, the Rett JIade. All Kinds of Job l'riuting done in the Best Style and at Low Prices. 1 LETTER, NOTE, AND RILL HEADS, BUSINESS CARDS AND EN VELOPES OF EVERY STYLE IN ANY QUANTITY. POWELL & SIHE. A MAMMOTH STOCK! Firmly fcoUeviog that tie world moves. and that the demands of the -public are con stantly kiereasint, the proprietors of the (Sraud djtntyal im have just returned from fho eastern and western cities with the most perlcct aud complete stock of MERCHANDISE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. You cannot ASK FOR ANYTHING they do not keep, and they have absolutely BROKEN TnE BACKBONE of high prioes. They buy for cash and SELL FOR CASH! CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST ! Ridgway, May 1st, 1873. Worth and Beauty. WOOD'S HOUSEHOLD MAGAZINE AID TH CHEOMO Y0 SEMITE! Having control of the magnificent OIL CIIHOMO, I" SEJMTE, we are able to offer a combination of literary and artis tic work of genuine value, and at piiceB un precedented. This fine copy of a piece of Nature's grandest work, is not presented in the us ual limited style. its dimensions, 14x20. making a picture of very desirable size, in itself AN ORNAMENT TO TBE KOOM graced by its presence. But few copies of this baftiful Chromo will be allowed to go to tha retail, stores, and those will be sold at their Actual Retail Pkiok, JG.00, while if ordered in conneotion with our Magatine, both will be furnished for 9: U.50. As a Premium the picture may be obtain ed by sending us two subscriptions for the Magaiine at $1.00. eaeh, or by subscribing for the Magaiine two years in advance, al $1.00 per annum. Address, WOOD'S HOUSEHOLD MAGAZINE, Kswburjh, N. Y. and General . . Job . Printers, LAW BLANKS, AND FRENCH, T V THE CITIZENS OF PENNSYL VANIA. Your attention is specially invited to the fact thnt the National Itnnks are now prcpar ?d to receive subscriptions lo the Capital Stock of tbe Centennial Foard of Finance. The funds realited from this source are to be employed in the erec tion of the buildings fur tho International Exhibition, and trie expenses counseled with tho wme. It is confidently believed P'hat the Keystuno Sia.lCT.-ill be represented by the name of cttery citizen alive to patri otic comiucntoiatiou of the ouo hundredth birth-dny of the nation. The shares of gock xre onereu lor 1U aeh, and sub criltrs will receive a bandpom) eugraved L'lTtilicat e of htock, suitabl.o for framing and pr soryation as a uatiouul memorial. Interest at the rite of six percent, per annum will be paid on all payments of Cen tennial Stock from date of payment to January 1, 1876. (Subscribers who are not near a National Bank cuu remit check or post office order to the undersigned, i'HKD'K t'RALEY, Treasurer, ' 'Mi IValuut St., Philadelphia. WANTEDS"!" BUSINESS THAT WILL PAY from $i to $8 per day, can be pursued in your own Leiguburuood; it is a rare cuance for those out of employment or having leisure time; girls and boys frequently do as well as nicn. rnrticiilurs true. Address J. LATHAM & CO., 2'.)2 Washington St.; Uoston, Mass. n29tG. I. N. ARNOLD, Solicitor of PATENTS. t AMIUNUTuN. U. V. Mu 1525 Columbia fit., ukes exumina- tions iu ttic Patent Office to ascertain the patentability of inventions for $10. A msjerity of eases nre now rejected, being anticipated by existing patents loss to ap plicant usually ubuui $50, often more. Alter making tho preliminary ?Xiiniinulion 1 chargo no fee uulcss 1 secure a putent. 2A3USCAB0K1U P.AILP.OAD. From and af:er Monday, Feb. th 1873. Trains will run on this Ruad as fullows. Leaves Earley 7 30 a. iu., arrives at Du!UscahoDla J unction is 10 a. in., con necting with Accom. eat 8 14 a. m., uud with Mail west at I) lo a. ra. Leaves Daguscahonda at 9 20 a. in. arrives at barley IU UU a. m. leaves barley d 60 p. ni., and arrives at IWus- cahouda at 5 00 p. tn., coaucctincr with Mail east at o 0u p. ur, and Accommo dation west at 5 40 p. ta. In case 1'. & ft. trains are lute, Lut;us- cahonda train holds twenty minutes be- youd the above time. lickets should always be procured- oelore leaving stations. C. li. EARLEY, Lowe. NEW.PRESII, AND SPARKLING! THE CLUSTER A NEW MCSIC BOOK FOR THE USE OF CONVENTIONS, SINGING CLASSES, CHURCH CHOIRS, and xne HOME CIRCLE. V THE CLUSTER BY S. WESLEY MARTIN, J. M. ST1LLMAN, AND T. MARTIN TOWNE. Price, f 13.50 per Dos. Single Copies sent, post-paid, $ l.oo. Address, J. L. PETERS, 609 Broadway, Now York. FOR SCHOOLS. Fairy Voices A NEW SINGING-CLAS BOOK, CONP1LKD AMD ABBASQKD BY WILLTAM DRESSLER. Price, $6 per Dos. Single Copies sent, post-paid, lor OU cents. Address, J. L PETERS, 699 Broadway, New York. The Song Echo The Popular Singing-School Book BY H. S. PERKINS; Price, $7.50 per Dos. S ingle Copie sent, postpaid, tor 70 cents. Address, J. L. FETER3, 22112. 699 Broadway, New York. RAILROADS PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD. Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Division. WINTER T1MB TABLE. . ON and after SUNDAY, JULY HO 1 the trains ou th.e Philadelphia A trie Railroad will run as follows l WKSTWABU. Erio Mail leaves l'liiladelphia-11.6S p.m. Keuovo ti.U'i p. iu. " " St. Mary's..... 2.20 p. in :" . Ridgway..... - 2.62 p. m. arrive ot lriu. ....... 7.05 p. m Erie Exp leaves l,hiludelphia...l2.40 p. in Keuovo ii. 10 p. ra. St. Mary's... 2.10 a.m. " " Ridgway....... 2.89 a. m. arrive at Erie .7.46 a. m. Niagara Ex. leaves Philadelphia 7.0 a. m. nenovo o.uu . m. " Emporium.. 6.25 p. nt. '" arr at Niaitura Falls 9.46 p. m. Accomodation, leaves ltenova,...2.16 p. m " et. Mary s o.o p. m. . ' Ridgway,..6. 25p. m. " arr at Kane 7. 80 p. ni. EASTWARD. Erie Mkll leaves Erie -11.80 a. m. . Ridgway..... 6.00 p. m. " St Mary's ... 6.83 p. m. ' Renovo 9.06 p. ni. " arrive al Philad'a... 7.16 a. ta. Erie Express leaves Eric 9.06 p. ni. Hiugway... z.u a. m. 14 St. Mary's... 2.28 a. to. i Henovo 6.26 a. m, ar-at Philadelphia.. 8.30 p. m. Niagara Ex.,leaves Niagaro Falls 7.15 p. m. ' Emporium.. 1.10 p. m. Keuovo 8.10 p.m. " arr at Philadelphia 12.20 a. tn- Accomodation, lpavee Kane 7.65 a. m. Kidgway... o.oo a. m, St. Mary's 9.24 a m. " arr at Renovo 12.30p.m. Mail East connects cast and west at Erie with L S M S R W and at Corry and lr vineton with Oil Creek and Allegheny 11 R W. Mail West with east and west trams on L S & M S R W and at lrvincton with Oil Creek and Allegheny R R W. Warren Accommodation .bast ana west with trains on L. S. & M. S. R. W. east and west aud at Corry with O. C. & A. R. R. W. Fne Accommodstionbast at corry ana West at Corry and lrvintton with O. C- f A. R. R. W. Elmira Mail and Niagara Express make close connections at Williamsport with N 0 R W trains north and south. WM. A. BALDWIN. Qcn'l Sup't. GRAND OPENING Summer Arrangement BUFFALO, NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA RAILWAY. Time Table adopted SUNDAY, AuguBt 10, 1873. Trains depart from and arrive at the Buffalo, New Vork & Philadelphia Railway depot, corner of Exchange and Louisiana streets. ON AND AFTER AUG. 10, 1878, UN TIL further notice, Traias will rua as follows: LEAVING BUFFALO 6:15 a. m. Local Freight and passenger, arriving at Emporium at 5.00 p. m. K-.'d'i a m rniladelphia ana lialllmora Exrresa Arri -ing at Emporium at 12:45 p m., stopping only at East Aurora, Ar cade, Franklinville, Olean and Port Alle gheny. 11:0 am- Local Freight Arriving al Port Allegany at 9:00 p. m. 0:20 p m Night Express Arriving a Emporinui at 12:45 a m. TRAINS LEAYE EMPORIUM. 2:40 a m Night Express Arriving at Buffalo at 8:20 a m. 3.10 a. m. Local Freight and Passenger Arriving at Buffalo at 2.85 p. m. 6:25 p m Niagara bxprcss Arriving at Buffalo at 9:45 p m., stopping only at Port Allcgnny, Olean, t ranKlinville, Areaue ana East Aurora. LEAYE PORT ALLEGENY. 10 35'a.m. Local Freight and passenger arriving at Buffalo at 7.60 p. m. SUNDAY TRAINS Leave Buffalo at 10.00 a. m., arriving at Olean at 1.15 p. m. Leave Buffalo at (3; 20 p m.; Nignt Ex press, arriving at Emporium at 12:45 p m. Leave Olean at 2.45 p. m., arriving at Buffalo nt G.00 p. m. Leave Lmporiura at 2:40 a m.; IN i eat Ex press, arriving at Buffalo at 8:20 a m. Ticket Olhoes. Buffalo Omnibus Lino running from all trains. II. L. LYMAN, Gen'l Pass Ag't. J. D. YEOMANS, Superintendent. NEW TIME TABLE. Commenoing Oct 20th, 1874. ALLEGHENY VALLEY R. R. THE BEST ROUTE BETWEEN PITT8- BURGH AND POINTS ON THE PHIL' A. & ERIE R. R. 001XG SOUTH. Buffalo Express leaves Corry at 11 15 a m- Leaves lrviueton, 7 45 a in Arrives at Pittsburgh 10 05 p m Night Express leaves Corry 8 08 a m Arrives at Pittsburgh 1 65 p ni Day Express leaves Corry 6 85 a m Arrives at Pittsburgh 6 16 p m Oil City Accom. leaves Corry 2 05 p m Arrives at urady s uena . Voupn Q01SO K0BTH. Bffalo Express leaves Pittsburg at 7 60 an Arrives at Corry 6 08 p m " lrvineton oaonm. Night Express leaves Pittsburgh 4 85 p m Arrives at Corry 4 20 a m Dsy 1 x;iress leaves Pittsburgh 12 20 p m Arrives at Corry 10 45 p m Oil City Accom. leaves B. Bend 6 45 a m Arrives at Oil City 12 15 pm Connections made at Uorry and Irvine tou for points on the Oil Creek and the Allegheny Valley Kail Koad. Pullman 1'alluce Drawing Koom Sleep. ing Cars on Night Express Trains between f ltteburgn and Urocton. Passengers to and fion Broekville make, close connection at Rod Bank Junction. with Buffalo Express north and Night Ex- -press touth. Ask lor Tickets via Allegheny valley R. R. ' J. J. LAWRENCE. Gen. Sunt. JOB PRINTING. Cards, Billheads, Letterheads, Note aedd, Tags, Envelopes, etc., peatlv priDted at tha ADVOCATE offioe, Cour' Heous, Ridgwa pa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers