(gilt djjounfij gUtuqafe Henry A. Parsons, Jr. . Ed itor THURSDAY, SEPTEMHER 25, IR73. Republican JState Ticket. for Jud:o of t ! o iipeiiii; Court, WON. ISAAO 0. H)!!l()N, Of 4F,PPRR.i)(C ClVL'N'iV. For ct-.x'e Ti'e.vsiiTnr, HON; II. MACKKY, OF ALt.Efill SXt COtiNTV., A PEOPLE'S CONVENTION. Attention, Good Men and True! We, tho undersigned, believing that tlie best Interests of Elk county require that candidates of honesty and ability bo jn't in nomination to bo supported at the com ing election, irrespective of party or local ity, do hereby join in a call for a "Peo ple's Convention," to bo heldattho Court House in Kidgwayv on TUESDAY, SEP TEMBER 80th, at 8 o'clock p. m. All good citizens who desire to administer a rebuke to thfr "Sectional Ticket" now in tho field, and the corruption and irregu larity which characterized tho convention which placed it in nomination, are re quested to bo present ; and it is to bo hoped that every township will be fully and largely represented . Dated Ilidgway, Sept, 10, 1873. EENEZKTTE. A W Gray, G T Winslow. Tobft Do llass, noiiTox. G A Wilcox, S A Ohnstead. JAY. R I Spangler, "W W lies, Jacob A Spangler, M Spangler, A E Goff, A J Avery. JONES. ATAldrick, J CM'alone. MILLSTONE. William Dunn, A Zimmerman, G Parrot, Jeremiah Hoover, D N HofU GOT Holt; J M Baird, William Clyde, G Obcldobel, Jas S Champion. C Rogers, (! H Hoffman, G 1) Donahey, T H Kliines, 6 Smith. K II Painter, John 8 Champion, jVyron Haughr, C Blair, Joseph Hartzell, Harrison Catz, J Richards, William Kelly, Ul! King, A J Parker, W Tui nty, Jacob Barr, John Campbell, GWSaxton, John Hoover, John A'.jgmliok, TrrEd .ITChugliliii, William Steele, KIDGWAY. O B Grant, Eugene J Miller, C K Earley, Edward Souther, Jeromo Powell, W II Osterhout, II M Powers, D B Day, W U Schram, D F Farrand, Henry A Parsons Jr, Robt 1 Campbell, Robert V Kime, C W Barrett. Geo Overholtzer, G G JVcsscngcr, A Cummings, T S Hartley, W A Irwin, Chas Holes, D C Oyster, A J.'vers, J V Houk, Thomas Noon, J B Whitman, John Winterbottom, II H AVcnsoL E K Gresli, F L Scribner, Daniel M Govern, Geo B Blanohard, G I, MTracken, P S Ernhout, John M'Cauli y, Philip Lesser, Isaac Bogart, Jos M Heard, George Rhincs, Russell H Coats, Goo M'Gibney, J II HageH.y, J K Whitmore. TANiell, T T C.rlin, John Sedlcr, E C Barrett, Geo A Rathbun, O S Davis, W C 1 lealy, G D Jessengcr, Jr., C 1) C Bowers, Br.muel W I'mtiss, G D Jessenger, Sr., C L Cody, " J M Schram, Charles Serl'oss, P A Jead, A F Eby, O M Montgomery. B F Ely, D D Cook, L J F Weaver, Li. W H Madigan, . C V Glllis, J P Curtiss, Ira R Nanny, S W Miles, Albert Malehorn," S Jackson, U K liolliilay, W 8 Service, W E Moore, G T Wheeler, Amos B Wheeler, Chas Joad, L S Garritt, W S Hamblen, Geo Gaidner, S Rightmyer, o iiarps, g. SPRING CHEEK. D G M'Krawl, TIios Irwin, W Galbraith, C E Paine, Reuben Johncy, Jero Elliott, D D Davidson, A W Irwin. The California Legislature is expected to stand Grant 35; Independent and Democrat, 85. A Cotbam, N. II., cat lias a "fleece as white as snow," and four inches long about its neck. Two Texas cattle men in Witchita recently played a game of marbles lor one hundred steers aside. A new sewer in Louisville is four miles long and large enough to admit a carriage and a span of horses. There is a man in Bloomington, 111., who has lived with his present wife lor sixty-nine years, which is a remarkable thing in Illinois. A public spirited citizen of rittsGeld, Vt., kindly offers for public entertain ment the petrified body ot his mother who was lurried twenty years ago. The Chinese of Nava Creek, (Cal.) dam up the shallow places and when the tide has run out they find their fish by the basketful in the holes above. A gentleman reading a newspaper, a few day 8 ago asked a friend: What's the meaning of the Bohemian Diet, which we here so much about ot late ? Free lunches, was the reply. A new iron steamer of 2 000 tons burden, is shortly to be launched from a Willmington, Del., shipyard. She is to be named the John Hopkins and is for the Boston and Baltimore Steamship Company. The Illinois Railroad Commissioners have completed their schedule of freight and passenger rates according to the Srovisions of the new law. The law oes oot go into effect UDtil the middle of January. The schedule provides that where one dollar pays for freighting any commodity one mile, twenty cents will carry it ten miles further, and alter the first hundred miles is traveled the rate is only four-fifths of one cent per mile l)t the remaining distance. For nroteciinfr tho faninir nt nkirlji o o that drag on the ground an inner lacing is now usea ot dark oil cloth or morocco bound with braid. It is mora nr.hstun- tiul than tho plaited wiggnn, which is soon uiscoiorca aua worn out. Central Park in New York city, is three mih's long mid otily lull n mile wido nnd rnntniiM &VA acres. Prospect Pink in Druoklin. contain IJ10 acres and 117 ure nflVred lor sale. It w said to ham much better natural advantages than Central Parle. ELECTION PROCLAMATION. G101) RAVH Tllli, CO.MMON r W 14 ALT II. Where , in and by the I3th section n( tho Act ot (jen.'ial Assembly of Pennsylvania, passed July 2nd 1SI!1, entitled, "An act relating t'i the Eltc ritios of tho Commonwealth." It is en j'ohu?d on the Sheriff of eveiy county to (lvo notice of such elections to he hold, and to enumerate in such, notice whnt officers are to he elected, in pursuance thcieof. I, I). 0. OYSTER, High Sheriff of the County of Elk, do there fore make known and give this public notice to the electors of said county of I4lk, that a general elecetion will be held in raid county, on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1873. (it being the second Tuesday of the month), for the purpose of electing the following officers, to-wit : Ono person for Stato Treasurer. One person for Judge of the Supreme Court. One person for member of the Legis lature to represent the counties of Cam eron, Flk and Jcffeison. One person for Treasurer of Elk county. One person for District Attorney of tdik county. One person for Commissioner of Elk county. One person for Jury CowtuisMoner of Elk county. Ouo person for Auditor of Elk county. And the qualified electors of the county of Elk will hold th sir elections in the several districts, as follows : Bunezdtio township, at the house, of Elizabeth irslow. Bcuzinger township, at the school house on Michael St., near tho Elk creek bridge. Fox township, at tho Centreville school house. Highland township, at the house ot Levi Eliiihorpp. llorlon township, nt the school house near 1. C. Oyster's Hotel. Ilidgway township, at the Court House. St. Murv's Borough, at tho Town Hall. ' Spring Creek towuship, at the house of Stockdale, Downer & Co. Jay townahip, at the house of Alfred Peaisall. Jones township, at the Wilcox Tan ning and Lumber Co's., office io Wil cox. Mill Stone township, at the house of Henry Herr, at Barr's Dam. I also make kuowu the liil'.owiog act entitled "'An net regulating the mode of votiug at all elections in the several counties in this Commonwealth," as I am required by tho secoud section o! said act : Section 1. Be it evicted by the Semite and the House of Represcnta tives, (., That the qualified voters of the several counties ot this Common wealth, ntnllgeueral township and spec ial elections are hereby hereattcr author ized and required to vote by ticket, printed or written, or partly written and partly printed, severally clarified as fol lows : One ticket shall embrace the names of all the Judges of the Courts to be voted for and to be labelled on the outside, '-Judicial; " one ticket shall embrace the names of all State officers to be voted ior and labelled '"State," ono ticket shall' embraco the uames of all county ofSoes to be voted for, includ ing the office of Senator, member or members of Asembly, if voted for, mem beis of Congress, if voted for and la belled "County ;" one ticket shall cm brrcc names of di tho township officers voted lor and bo labelled "Borough" or "Township;" and each shall be depos ited in separate ballot boxes. I also make known and give notice, as in and by the 15th section of afore said act, 1 am directed that every per son except Justices of the Peuce, who shall hold any office appoiutmeut of trust or profit, uuder the Glovernmeut of the United States, or this State, or any city or incorporated district whether a commissioned officer or otherwise a subordinate officer or agent who is or shall bo employed undar the legislative or judiciary or executive department of this State or of the United States, of any city or incorporated district and also every member of Coogress and State Legislature, and tho select and common couuuil of auy city Commission er or any incorporated district, is by law incapable of holding or exercising at the same time the office or appoiutmeut" of Judge, Inspector or Clerk, of any elec tion of this Commonwealcb, and that no Inspector or Judge, shall bo legible to any office then to be voted for. Also in the 4th sectiou of tho Act of Assi inbly, entitled "'An act relating to electious and for other purposes," ap proved April 10th 1800, it is enacted that the 14th section shall be so con strued as to prevent any militia or boroughjofficer from serving as Judge, Inspector, or Clerk, at auy general or special election in this Common wealth. Also that in the Gist, section of said act it is enacted "That every general or special election shall be opened be tween the hours of six and seven in tho fore-noon, and shall remain without interruption until seven o'clock in the evening when the polls shall be closed. No person shall be permitted to vote at any election as aforesaid, bat a free man of the nge of twenty-one years, or more, who shall have resided in this State at least one year and in the eleo tion district where ho offers Lis vote, ut least ten days immediately proceed ing such election, and within two years paid a State or County tnx, which shall have been assessed nt least ten days before tho election. But a citizen of the United Slates, who has previously been a qualified voter of this" Stato, but removed therefrom and returned, and shall have resided in the election dis- tirct and paid taxes' as iifi'ifef.iid.' shall be eutiiled to vote alter residing in this Stare six months. l'l-oviilrJ, 1'bat the freemen, citizens of the United States, who are betwecu the nges of twenty-one and twenty-two years, and who have resided in the election district ten days as aforesaid, shall bo entitled to tote, although they have not paid taxes-. Wbkhka, The Fifteenth Amend ment of the Constitution of the United States is ns follows : Suction 1. The rJght of aitiiens of tho United Slates shall not be denied or abridged by tho United States on ae count of raco, color, or previous con dition of servitude Section 2. That Congress shall have power to cnlorca this article by nppropropriats legislation. And whereas, The Congress of the United States, on the thirty-first day of March 1370, p-isscd nu act entitled, "An net to enforce the right of citizens of-fho Uuited States to vote in tht sev eral States of the Union, and for other purposes," tho first and second sections of which are as follows t Be U enacted, tc, Thai all citizens of tho Uuited States who are or shall b otherwise qualified to vote at any elec tion by the people of any State, Terri tory, district, city, county, parish, town ship, school district, municipality, or other territorial subvisiou shall bu en titled and allowed to vote at all isuch elections, without distiuctiou of color race, or previous condition of servitude ; any constitution, law, custom, usage, or regulation of any State or Territory, or by or uuder its authority, to the contrary, notwithstanding. Section 2 And he it further en acted, That if, by or uuder the consti tiitiou or laws of auy Stute or the laws ot any Territory, auy act is or shall be required to bu done as a prerequisite or qualification lor votiug, and by such constitution orIuws persons or officers are or shall be charged with the per formance of duties in luruishiug to citi zens uu opportunity to perlonu such prerequisites, or to become qualified to vote it shall be the duty of every such person and officers to t;ivo all citizens ol the Uuited States, the same and equal opportunity to perioral such prerequisite aud to become qualified to vote without distietiou ol race, color or previous con dition of seivilure; aud if any such per sons or officers shall refuse or knowingly omit to give full effect to this section, he shall for every such offence, forfeit and pay the sum ol five hundred dollars, to tho persons agncved thereby, to be recovered by an action on th case, with fuH costs and such alluwauue for coun sel lees as the court shall deem iut, aud shall also for every such otieuce be deemed guilty ot a misdemeanor, aud shall on conviction thereof bo fined not less than five tiuuiired dollars or to be imprisoned not lesj than one mouth and not more thau one year, or both, ut the discretwu ot the court. And whereas, It is declared by the second section of the VI article ot the Constitution of the Uuited Slates, that "This Constitution of tho United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof, shall be the supreme law of the land anything iu thn Con stitution or laws of unj Staic, io the con trary, notwithstanding." And whereim. The Legislature of this Comuiouweuth, ou the 0th ot April IS U, passed an uct entitled "A further supplement to the act relating to elections iu this Commonwealth, the tenth sectiou provides as follows : Section 10. That so much of every act ol Assembly us provides that only white fieemau shall be eutitled to vote, or be registered as voters, or as claim ing to vote at any geusral or special election ot this Commonwealth, bu aud the same is hereby repealed, aud that hereuker all fieemau without distinct ion ol color, sha!l be enrolled aud regis tered according to thd provisions ol the hist section ot the act approved the 1 ot April IfcOJ, entitled "An act 'ur ther supplemental to uu act relative to the elections ol this Commonwealth," aud shall wheu otherwise qualified under existing laws, be entitled to vote ut ull general and special elections iu this Couiuioowculth. No person shall be permitted to vote whose name is not contained on the list of taxubie inhabitants furnished by the Commissioners, unless be first produces a receipt for tho payment within two years, ol Statu or County tax, assessed agreeably to the Constitution, and give satisfactory evidence either ou his own oath or affirmation of another that he has paid such tux, or on failure to produce such receipt shall make oath ot the payment thereof; if he claims to vote by being an elector betweeu the ages ot tweuty-oue and twenty-two yeure he shall depose on oath or anima tion that he bus resided in the Stale at least one year before his' application, aud make piool of his rcsideuce within his district as required by the uct, and that he do validly believe from ac counts given him, that he is of the age aforesaid aud give such other cvideuce as is required by the act whereupon the name ot the person so admitted to vote shall be registered iu the alphabetical list by tho mspector, and a note made opposite thereto by tho word "lax," il he shall lave been admitted to vote by reason of having paid las, or the word "age, it he shall have been admitted to voto by reason of ago, shall be culled cut to the clerks, who shall muke like notes la the list kept by them. Ia all cases where the name ol per sons claiming to vote is touud on the list furnished by the commissioners and Assessors, uud his right to vote whether founc thereon or not, is objected to by any qualified citizen, it shall be the In spectors duty to examine such persons on oatti as to bis qual.neatioos, aud il he claims to have resided wiihiu the State for one year or more, his oath shull not bo sufficient proof thereof, but shall make proof thereof, by at least one com petent witness who shall bn a qualified elector, that he has resided within the district, for tne purpose ot voting therein. Kvcrv person qualified as aforesaid, and who shall make the du proof, if qualified, of his residetce ttml pay ment of taxes nlorcsmd, 'm the town ship, ward or district in which he shall reside. If any person shall prevent or attempt to prevent any officer of any election uu der this act from holding such election, or use or threaten' any violence to any such officer, or shall interrupt or inprop erly interfer with him in tho execution of his duty, or shall block up the win dow or avenoe to any window where the siime tuny be holding, or shall riot ously dkttmb the peace at such election, or shull sse or practice any intimidation threats, forco or violence, with design to infljfnce unduly or overawe auy doc tor, or to prevcut him from voting, or to restrain the freedom of choice, such per sons on conviction shall be fined in any sum not exceeding five hundred dollars, and bo imprisoned for any time not less than one monthn or more than one years and if it be shown that the persons so offending was not a resident of tho eity, ward, district or township where the said offence was coaiuiittcd, and not entitled to vote therein, and on con viction he shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than one hundred or more than ooe thousand dollars, and be imprisoned not less than six months or more than two years. Whereas, By the act of the Con gress of the Uuited States, entitled "An Act to amend the several acts heretofore passed, to provide for the eorollius and calling out the natioual forces, and for other purposes, and approved March third, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five, ull persons who have deserted the military or navol service of the Lotted States, and who have not been discharged, or relieved from the penalty, or disability thereiu provided, are deemed, and taken, to have voluntarily relinquished, and forfeited, their rights of citizenship, aud their rights to become citizens, and are deprived of exercising any rights of citizens thereof: And whereas, Persons, not citizens of the United States, iiro not, under the constitution and laws of Pennsylvania, qualified electors of this commonwealth : Section 1. Be it enact I by the Senate and House of Representatives of tlie Commonwraltli of l'ennsylvunia in General Assembly met, ami it is hrreby cnacieil by the authority of the same. That in all elections hereafter to be held in this commonwealth, it shall be unlaw ful for the jndge or inspectors of any such electiou 'o receive any ballot, or ballots, from uny person, or persons, em braced iu the provisions, and subject to the disability, imposed by said uct of Congress, approved March third, one thousand eight hundred aud sixty-five, and it shall be unlawful fur any such persons to offer to vote any baliot, or bal lots. Section 2. That if any such judge and inspectors of election, or any oue of them shall receive, or consent to re ceive, auy such ur. lawful ballot, or bal lots, from uny such disqualified persou. he, or they, so offending, shull be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon couvictiou thereof, iu any eourt ot quarter sessions of this coiumouweallh, he shall, for each offence, be sentenced to pay a lino of not less than ono hundred dollars, and to undergo an imprisonment, iu the j.iil of the proper county, lov not less than sixty days. Section 3. Thut if nny person de prived of citizenship, aud disqualified as aforesaid, shall, at any election, here after to be held in this commonwealth, vote, or teuder to the officers there, and offer to vote, a ballot, or ballots, any person, so offending, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeuujr, and on con viction thereof, io any court of quarter scssiuus of this commonwealth, shull, for each offence .bo punished io a like manuer as is provided iu the preceding section of this act, iu the cuae of officers of election receiving such unlawful bal lot or ballots. Section 4. That if any person shall hereafter persuade, or advise, any persou, or persons, deprived of citizen ship, and disqualified as aforesaid, to offer any ballot, or ballots, to the officers ot any election, herealter to be held io this commonwealth, or shall persuade, or advise, any such officer to receive any ballot, or ballots, Iroui any persou de. prived ot citizenship, aud disqualified as aforesaid, such person, so offending, shull be quilty ol a misdeu aoor, and upon conviction thereof, iu any court ol quarter sessions of this commonwealth shall be punished in a like manner as is provided iu the second eection of this act, in the case of officers ol such elec tion receiving such uuluwlul bullet, or ballots. Pursuant to the provisions contained io the 4th sectiou as aforesaid the Judges ot the aforesaid districts shall respectively'ttuke charge of tho certifi cates or returns of election to their re spective districts and produce them at a meeting of one Judge froai each dis strict at the Court House in the Town ship of Kidirway on FUIDAY. THE 17tu day of OCTOBElt next, then aud there to perform the duties re quired by laws of said Judges; also where a Judge by sickness or unavoida ble accideuts is uuuble to attend such meeting ot Judges then a certificate as aforesaid shall be taken in charge of by one of the inspectors or clerks of the electiou ol said district who shall do and perform the duties of said Judge to attend; and the return Judges of the said districts aforesaid are requested to meet iu Uidgway, the couuty-seat of said county, ou Friday, after the second Tuesday of October next, then aud there to discharge the duties required by law. Given under my land at Ilidgway, the 18th day of September io the year ot our Lord, ooe thousand, eighht hun dred and seventy-three, and ot the in dependence of the United States the ninty-seventh. D. C. OYSTER, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Sept. 18th, 1873. Mm NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS. HOUSEWAHE, AND HOUSEFURNISHING GOODS. Carpenters Tools, Blacksmiths Tools, Farmers Toos, Lumbermen Tools. In fact everything usually kept in a first-class Hardware Store. a.f lRSTSLS JIM SH0P3 Employing none but first-class Workmen and nothing but first- class material used. OPPOSITE THE COURT W- S- -tf. 1 F YOU WANT TO BUY GOODS CHEAP GO TO JAMES H- HAGERTY Main Street, Ridgway, Pa. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW. WARE, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. A Large Stock of Groceries and Provisions. The BEST BRANDS ot FLOUR Constantly on hand, add sold as cheap as the CHEAPEST. JAMES II. HAGERTY. GIVEN AWAY. A Fine German Chromo. WB SKSO AN "ELEGANT CHBOMO, MOUNTED AMD BEADY Foa FRAMING, VKEK TO EVERT AGENT FOB Underground OR, LIFE BELOW THE SURFACE BY Til OS. W. KXOX. 912 Pages Octavo. 130 FineSEngrarings Relates Incidets and Accidents beyond tbe Light of Pay ; Startling Adventures in all parts of the World ; Mines and Mode of Working tbein ; Uudencurrents of Society ; Gambling and its Horrors; Caverns and their Mysteries; The Dark Ways of Wick edness; Prisons and their Secrets; Down in tbe Depths of (be Sea ; Strange Stories of the Detection of Crime. The book treots of experiences with brigands ; nights in opium dens and'gamb ling bells; Life in prison; Storiee of exiles; adventures among Indians ; journeys through Sewers anp Catacombs; accidents in mines; pirates and piracy ; tortures of the inquesions ; wonderful burglars; un derworld of the great citeis, tec, etc. for this work. Exclusive territory given. Agents can make $100 a week in selling this book. Send for oiroulars and terms to agents. , J. D. Burr & Ujde, IIABTFORD, CONN., oa CHICAGO, ILL. Elk County Directory. President Judge L. D. Wetmore. Additional Law Judge Hon. Jdo. P Vincent. Associate Judges Chas. Luhr, J V. Ilouk. District Attorney J. K. P, Hail. Sheriff D. C. Oyster. ProthonoUry j-o., Fred. Schocning. Treasurer C. it. Earley. County Superintendent Rufus Luoore. Commissioners Kobt. Campbell, John Barr, Geo. Ed. Weis. Auditors Clark A. Wilcox, George D. Messenger, and C. W. Barrett. County Surveyor Geo Wilinsley. Jury Commissioners. Joseph Kerner. and Charles Mead. ASP HOUSE, RIDGWAY, PA. SERVICE & CO- SEND FOR CATALOGUES OP Uovello's ' Cheap Music. Novello's Glees, Part Songs, etc., C to 12 ctnls. Novello's Church Maic, b to 12 cents. Novello's Octavo Edition of Operas, Price $1; or ?2, bound ia cloth, gilt edges. Novello's Octavo Edition of Gratorios. Iu paper from GO cents to $1; cloth with gilt edges, $1 te $2 each. Novello's Cheap -Editions OF PIANO-FORTE CLASSICS. Bach's 48 Preludes aud Fugncs. $5 OO. Cloth, Beethoven's SS Sonatas, o uuJ. Full gill $3 bo. Beethoven's 34 Piuno Pieces bound. Full gilt, S3 00. Elegantly Elegantly Chopiu's Vals es. StilT paper covers. Chop iu's Polonaises ' " Chopin's Nocturnes " " Ch opin's Jluiuikas " " Chopiu's Ballads " Ch opin's Preludes " " 1 50 I UO 2 OO 2 OO 2 OO 2 60 Chopin's bonaius 2 60 MeuduUsohu's Complete Piano Works. Elegant Folio Edition. Full gilt. Com plete in 4 volumes $2(i 00 The Same. vo. Full gilt. Complete in i volumes $14 OO. The Same. 8vo, Paper. Complete in 4 volumes $iu uu. Mendelssohn's Songs 'Without Words. Folio Edition. Full gilt SO 60. Octavo Edition. Full gilt 3 50. Octavo Edition. Paper covers 2 50. Mozart's 18 una'as. Elegantly bound, Full gilt 3 00. Schubert's 10 Sonatas. Elegantly bound. Full gilt 3 00. Sciiuberl' Dances. Complete. Elegantly ooiinu. t uu gut i uu. Schubert's Piuno Pieces. Elegantly douuu i uu gut z uu. Schumann's Forest Scenes. Nine Easy riecas. roper covers bu cents. Schumuuu's Piuuo Forto Album. Ele gunt ly bound. Full gilt 2 bU. Tho Same. Paper covet s 1 50. MOTHER GOOSE, or National Nursery Rhymes. Set to Music by J. W. Elliott, with 65 beautiful Illustrations engraved by the Ill-others Dalziol' Eoards $l.oO. fepleu didly bound in cloth, gilt edges, $2.50. ASK FOR NOVELLO'S EDITIONS. Address. J. L. PETERS, 699 Broadway, New York. Agent for Novello's Cheap Music. 22t9, NEW LIVERY STABLE IN DAN SCRIBNER WISHES TO IN- forru tbe Cittzens of Ridgway, and the publio generally, that he has started Liv ery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES nd Buggies, to let upon the most reasons ble terms. 8He will also do job leaning. Stable on Broad street, above Main, All orders left at the Post Oflioe will meet prompt attention Aug 20 1870. tf. BUSINESS CARDS. GA. RATHBUN, Ridgway, rB. Alteraey-at-law, 2 2 If. HALL A WALLET, Attorneys-at-Lw. Office in New Brick Building, Main St Ridwny, Jilk Co,, Pa. v8n2tf. J Or. W. BAILET, ATrORNEV-Al'.tAW. vlnu1. Bidgway, i;ik County, Pa. Agent, for the Traveler's Life and Aool dent lnurance Co., of Hartford, Conn.. Ty UFl'S LUCOKK, Altorney-at-taw, A Kidgway, Klk Co., l'a. Oflice in null's titjw brick Building. Claims for collection promptly attended to. v3n!1y. jEYNOLOS HOUSE, JfcYNOLE'SVILLE.JEFFE&SCJTCO, PA. 11. S. BELNAT, PaoratKTOR . J.S. BOSDWELL,U.D, Eclectic Physician nnd Surgeon, has remov ed his office from Centre street, to Main it. Kidgway, Pa in the second story of tho new brick building of Johu G. Hall, oppo site Hyde's store. Office hours: 8 to 9 a- ni: 1 to 2 p. m. 7' 8. p. m. jon 9 78 GG. MESSENGER, Druggist and Paraccntist earner ol Aium and iVlill street, Kidgway, Pa. full assortment of carefully selected For eign and Domestic Drucs. rrexcrinlinn carefully dispensed at all hours, day or B"1- vinay. 11 S. HARTLEV, M. D Physician ana Surgeon, Udewav. Pa. Officii in Walker's Iiuildiixr Special attention given to Surgery. Othc nUBe Iroui 8 a. ui. to 10 p. m. Itesidencs n cort.er of South and Court utrpptn nn. posite the new School House. All calls pruuipuy auer.c.ieu io. vinyl. tlHAHLKS HOLES, I Wutchuiuker, Engraver and Jeweler. Mum street, ltidway, Pa. Agent tor tha Howe Sewing Machine, aud Morton Gold Pen. Repairing Watches, etc, doue with. he same accuracy as heretofore. Snrts action guaranteed. vlnly. milAYER HOUSE, X RILEY 6l BHO., Proprietors. Cor. Mill and Cenlre Sts., Kidgway, Pa. The proprietors take this method of an louuciug to the public that they have re ined, revised, uud improved, this well mown hotel, aud are prepared to eutertain 11 who favor them wiili tueir patronage, ia lie best bivle and at low rules. Cnnti th tabling attached. v3u6tf. HYDE HOUSE, RinawAv, Elk Co., Pa. W. II. SCHRAM, l'ropiietur. Thankful for the patronage heretofore! so liberally bestowed upon him, the new proprietor, hopes, ty paying .strict at tention to tho comfort and convenience of guests, to merit a continuance oi the same. Oct 30 1809. X HE OLD BUCKTAIL'S HOTEL, Kane, McKetin Co., Pa K. E. LOOlvER, Proprietor. Thuuklul for the Dutronnce horetnt'otfi no liberally bestowed upon him, the new pru prieior, hopes, by paying strict alteutiou to tho comtort aud convenience of guests, to merit a contiuuuncc of the same. The only stables tor horses in Kane nnd well kept uiglit or du Hull attached to the "Oiei. V1L22V1. HALL & liHO Attorneys - at - Law ST. MARY'S, ELE COUNTY PHNSYLYANIA. JOil.NO. 11 ALL.... JAS. K. P. HAM K ERSEY HOUSE, Centueville, Elk Co., Pa. John Collins, Proprietor. TUiinVf'ltl fni lha rntnrn tra U . so liber illy bestowed upon him, the new icutioQ to the comfort and convenience of guests, t merit a continuance of tha sume. JAMES PENFIELD, (Suco- sor to W. C Healy,) DEALER IN LEY GOOES, QKOCEEIZS, PROVISIONS. PRODUCE, FRUITS, &o. v3n7tf. West End, Ridgway, Pa. S.A.E0TE, PHOTOGRAPHER! AUD SEALKB IS Cbromos, Stereoscopio Views, Picture Frames, &o. WEST END, RIDGWAY, ELK CO. PA 2n2tf. JRED. BCHOENING, WH0LE8ALB AND BETAll DEALER IS ' " PIANO-FORTES, ORGANS, SHEET MUSIC, and MUSIC BOOKS Pianos and orcans to rent and niii an. plied if purohased. rrot&onotary's Omoe, Ridgway. Pa, v2n20tf. . IS EW STAGE ROUTE. J. C. BUXNS, Proprietor. Tbe subscriber having traot for carrying the C. 8. Mail between REYNOLDSVILLE & BROCKWAYVILLE has plaoed on that road a line of hacks Hacks leave tha Rihn n,..t Reynoldville every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday on the airival of the Brooaville stage, and return the same day. These "" uuuuect at urocBwayville with the Ridgway stages, making connection with trains on the P. & E. Road, both east and west. Every attention to the comfort of patrons of this line will be given, and a Aug. 18-721L JOHN W.FRAZEE, Attorney-at-Law, and Solicitor of PATENTS AND CLAIMS, Speciality of PATENT casea. Office, 909 7th ST., WASHINGTON, D. C. Refera by permission to Hon. Henry D. Cooke, Governor of the Dist., of Columbia. J
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers