1 8lh afmiatj gdcoralc. THURSDAY, SEPTEMPER 4, 1373 Cur Time fit nidgicny. Erie Express East 2:01 a. m. Uo do Went 2:89 a. m. do Mail East. (3:05 p. m. do do WcbI m 2:f2 a. m. Rppovo Accommodation East 8.55 a. m. do do , Watt 0:25 a. m. ELK LODGE, A. Y M. The IntcJ meetings of Elk Lolgs, No. 79, are held at their hall, corner of Main nnd Depot streets, on tlie second and fourth Tuesdn;!i of each month- D. B. DAY, Sec'y. Hates of Advertising. One column, one year $75 00 J " " )() 0(1 " " 25 00 i " " " 15 00 Transient advertisements per square of oight lines, one. insertion $1, two inser tions, $1.50, three insertions. $2. Business cards, ten lines or less, per .year $5. Advertisements payable quarterly. Maruif.d. Ou August 10th, 1873, fey Rev. F. Hewitt, Mr. L. F. Sa wyer, to Miss Arcelia English, both of Fox. Six million seven hundred atid fifty nine dollars, will do as a national debt reduction for the hot month of August. Republican aduiinistiation is the same in all seasons. IIeuclah Democratic Nomina tions. For County Treasurer. This candidate, out of Mult by luip, Jlj, is expected to run well, and does tfhrtw some speed under favorable circuit stances. WLilo we consider the rc-pu-tutiou W has already" achieved to be morn than a little frothy, he may have tiottoni (sufficient for the present race, and it cannot be denied that he has a llarge 'hold on the ground. His full brother Ale never has secured many "victories in this section and has always been considered rather slow. When the entries for the rasa are concluded we will return to this subject Death in Stoves. The Jonnvd of Chemistry t iu au article warning its readers to be careful iu the manigcment ol stoves, says ; "A lum.p of Antbraeite coal of the msual varieties is composed largely ol cai'boB, with a small umnunt of sulpher. When igni;htcd, the gaseous procucts formed Are carbunic oxido and aulphur ous uoid, the two latter being poisonous ijtnd the iormpr destroying life by its jihysical presence, excluding oxygen .irom the lungs Death is caused by as phyxia, when these gases uro inhaled. The blood becomes dark from iuiperlect ,-turation, and the action of the het.it gradually grows sluggitili, und fiutilly it ceases to beat altogether. When these :gases .are allored to escape into a room, -.the inmates are not usually s.enible of jtheir presence after a short time. The sense of smell and taste become in a .great mensure impaired, and indifference rto danger and disinclination to arouse one' elf are observable. Hence the 4;reat peril of the poisou is at night time when the inclination to sleep is strong. A very largo number of persons, old and young, sufTer in health from inhal ing coal gases in city and country dur ing the .winter months. WhenoverJhe lightest odor is perceived in a dwelling, instant vigilance should be exercised, .and the cause removed at once. It is a bad plan to put coal upod a fire in furn .ace or stove just before retiring at night. The gaseous products, especially the sul phorous acid, are more copious for an tour or two afterward, and consequently more dangerous. 'It should be a rule of every family that, some trusty person should examine the heating apparatus carefully before retiring each night. In dull, damp, Moderate weather, the danger is greater and the supervision should be more thorough. Never sleep in a room heated by a coal stove if it can be avoided. Never allow children to sleep in rooms warmed by stoves in contiguous rooms unless tbey are under the direct charge of some careful person. Never carry ignighted charcoals in a pan into a sleeping room with the view of warm ing it in cold weather, Never leave a pan filled with coals used for warming beds in the room in which a patient sleeps; such an act may cost a life." A New Orleans juryman was asked by the judge it he ever read the papers, lie replied, "Yes, jour Honor; but if you'll let me go this time I'll never do so any more." The convicts of the Maryland State Prison have presented the warden with a handsome revolver, mounted with sil ver and inlaid with gold. The warden will doubtless reciprocate when occasion offers. A Cleveland boy employed in an arch itect's office in Chicago, prepared a plan for the new Court House in that city which was accepted over fifty-two others sent from air parts of this country and from Europe. A noted miser used to say : If you keep one servant your work is done; if you keep two, it is half done, and if you keep three, you may do it youritlf. mww am ft mm 'tof-t-r jrv U.vaired Rooms. A writer in the Country Gentleman says : "I pass somo houses in every town whose windows might as well be scaled in with the walls for any purpose they ha7e but to let in tho light. They are never opened, sum mer or winter. In winter it is cold j in the summer the flies stray in, or, if they are netted, the dust sifts through the uots. Now, I can tell a person who in habits such chambers when I pis hint in the street there is suoh a smell about his clothing. I always wish for a sniff of cologno or hartshorn, or burnt feathers, or something of the sort, to 'take tho tusto out.' A house that is never aired has every nook and corner filled with stale odors of cooked meats, boiled vegetables, especially cabbage and onions, which, as the weeks go by, liter ally reek in their biding places. Who has not wished sometimes to hang a new servant's clothiug out of doors on a frosty night until it should be thoroughly aired? Rut 1 have seen the fine ladies come sweeping iuto church with their velvets and silks, wheu said velvets and silks gave unmistakable evidence of hav ing been housed in just such shut-up chambets. Oh, what a tale that odor of pork aud cabbage tells about the lady's style of housekeeping ! The very .gar ments of the children tell the same story of lincleanliuess. It is bad to have un washed clothes, but there may be an ex cuse for it. liut what excuse can there be for unaired ones, when air is cheap and free? There U death in suoh unaired chambavs. Rettcr a swarm of flies or a cloud of dust ; better frost and snow in, a loom than those intolerable smelle. Dear girls, the first thing in the morn ing, when you are ready to go down stairs, throw open your windows, take apart the clothing of your beds, aud let the air blow through it as hard as it will. There is health aud wealth in .such a policy. It helps to keep away the doc tots with long bill-). It helps to make your eyes sparkle and to make your cheeks glow. And to make others Jove your preseuoe. Girls who live in those close, shut-up rooms can only be toler ated at the best in any circle." The amazing increase in th petroleum trade is one ol the condors of the time. Our own consumption of the article is moderate. Rut the foreign demand seems to be increasing, aud our oil pro duct finds customers at prices which are improving yearly, 'i wenty years ago, men of intcligence, in View ot the increasing manufactures aud machinery, proclaimed that the great question of the age was, what shall we do for.grease ? It was not ouly grease for macfrtuery, bnt grease lor illuminating purposes. The whale, which at one time furnished the world with the material fur lubrica tion, was hunted down. Animal fats became dearer. The pig was pressed bits serviee, and lard oil replaced whale oil in household lamps. Tallow increased in cost, aud the want ol oils threatened to be one of the direct enemies to pro gress. Just then, when most needed, tho discovery o! petroleum came to the rescue. There was a demaud for it, which, considering it to be uu entirely new .project, coon became surprising in its extent, aud up to this tiieo there has been no diminution, but, on the cuutary, great increase in the daiuand. lu Eu rope, and in this oountry, oul for mak iug gas is becoming scarcer and dearer, and the time may arrive when, lor illu minating houses, the ordinary gas pro cured from coal will cease to be used It is possible that electrio or sume light uuiy in time be so far improved as to be portalle and uselul for household pur poses. This is but a supposition accord ing to our present understanding. Ex cluding this possibility there will be nothing to icly upon except petroleum, and the use of that article wiutt con stantly increase. Measuring! Corn Cribs. Our re quest for a rule ior measuring corn in a ! crib has brought to the three following ! rules' all said to be correct, and to have been practically tested at least once: First. Multiply length, breadth and depth by each other, aud multiply the result by 8, and divide by 21, and the quotcnt will be the lumber ol bushels of tlielled corn in the crib, Second. After multiplying length, bredth and depth together, multiply by four, and strike off one figure at the right hand of the product, or multiply by four and divide by ten. Third. After proceeding as above directed, multiply by five aud divide by twelve. According to rule first, our crib would shell out 391 bushels, by No. 2 it will give 409 bushels, and by No. 3 it ought to yield 42(3 bushels. A careful ac count, kept duriJg the everal seasons, demonstrates that it shells from 40U to 430 bushels. It is impossible to obtain a rule which will apply to all kinds of corn, and to the cup ot all seasons, but we regard No. 2 as the nearest approach of it. The discovery of gold in Vermont is an auriferous tale that has started on its annual tour. It is located this time about seven miles from Rutland on the Mill river. A street thief tried to snatch a young, lady's umbrella iu Chicago, the other day, and the gentle damsel poked his eye nearly out with it and then broke it on his head. The first Methodist steeple in the world is that of Marlboro street Church, Newport. When lilshop Abbury first gazed upon this spire, "Organs and choirs will come next," he said. The Buffalo youth who has written seven hundred verses, the refrain to each of which is.'l'u) Djng, Mother, Dying," is supposed to be in a poetic distress about tho color of his Mr. Young, the uoted Jal order forger, who escaped from custody recently, was recaptured yesterday near Areola, III.; and taken to Chicago for safe keeping. GENERAL NOTES. The Tichborne litigation has cost to dato over j$f00,000. Crop reports form Arkansas are prom ising. I'aola, Kansas, is rejoicing over the discovery of an oil well. A pure white vinegar can be made, it is said, from the j nice of watertnellons. Highway robberies have been fre quent recently in the vicinity of Scrau ton. Raisin making in California is becom ing an important and profitable branch of industry. Miss Dorcas Khonles, a maiden of 71 years, lately hung herself at Campden, Me. Tbitty New York churches are re ported closed for the season or for re pairs. The Boston couits are endeavoring to overthrow the prize candy establish ments A young girl living near Brighton, III., has a pet rattlesnake which she shelters in her bosom, Boston has refused to rent its common at the rate of one dollar per foot per an num. - The International Railroad Bridge across the Niagara will probably be opened iu October. The St. Cloud Timrs rcporta the cram berry marshes in the northern part of Minnesota as full of berries. A Lyon shoemaker says that he sells moie eases of No. li ladies' shoes in Cleveland than auywheri elise. , A gay widower in Mau.stee, Michi gan, who has flirty-eight childreu living, has just married his fourth wile. French capitalists are thinking of starting a direct line of steauiets between New York and Marseilles. Minnesota estimates that she will have a surplus of 30,000,000 bushels of wheat lor exportation this year. A man shooting in the woods in Dela ware county was recently attacked by minks, and only escaped after a severe fight. A woman at Vysilatiti, Miih., gave birth to triplets recently mid on the. fol lowing day took them to church and had them christened. It is stated that the great bridge across the Mississippi, at St. Ltuis, will be completed by the 1st of March, 1S74. A Roman Catholic priest of St. Louis, has recently married a wife, and has therelore been discharged from his charge, by his Bishop. A Nebraska lawyer had a woman on the wituess staud three days U make her tell her age, aud then guve it up as l bad job. Coloubl Noah Orr, of Marvsville, ()., aged 27, is 7 feet 11 inches high inea uaes 70 iuches around tho chest, and brings down the scales at 570 pouuds. He is r aid to be a geuial yotrth. A new import, kangaroo skins, i talked of. These make bout6 and shoes of ereat durability, and of velvet-li'ke eofiness. Th-ey will prcbably be chitlly worn at hops. Cheif Justice. Hon. IWnl Aguow will be the successor cf Judge Reed, as Chief Justice of the Supreme 4'ourt f I'cunsylvauia. Judge Aguew was elected to tha Supreme bench of the Slate in 1803, aud has heuce live years jet to .serve. A Brooklin gill has applied tn Wise for passage in his balloon, and the prr fessor declares himself willing to take her if she will wear a full hoop-skirt, o that she may be safely dropped out of it if it becomes necessary tj communi cate with the land anywhere between here and Europe. Tho fruits aud grains of Iowa ami Ne braska will be represented by uiore than 300 specimens at the New England fair in-Mystic park, Mass., which will begiu September 2, Two car loads of them are already on the way, and a space of 100 feet in the big tent is asked for their exhibition. An Arkansas housewife, on the au thority of tho Memphis Ajjirol "takes a spoou and knife, and conforms the shape of butter to that of one's face and features, even preserving the expression as well as perfect accuracy or outline, to 6ucl on extent, even that Powers hiui sell never surpassed iu butter in d -fining with perfect accuracy the outlines of 1 u mun forms and faces. Irish Potatoes. The Irish po'a o is the subject of a long article iu a Con necticut paper. "They are large aud fair," we are told, and when you boil them "they burst their jackets und over flow in cataracts of vegetable snmv flakes." That is unmistakable poetry ; and we read with a shock, directly after the expression, that they cost but one dollar a bushel. Expensive Beverage. The city of Bremen possesses twelve hogsheads of That, according to certain calculation undertaken by the Aeue Freiv J'remtr, must bo the most expeutive beverage in the world. The towu pttrchnsed in 1624 twelve hogsheads of Buucsheimer at 300 gold thalers each. These were placed in the municipal cellars, where tbey still remain. At the end of next year these hogheads will be 250 years old, and will, reconing the iutcrest on the original price at five per cent., have cost 7lJ0,(j80,000 Prussian thalers. From the top of Kearsarse Mountain. in New Hampshire, may be seen the birthplaces of Eiekiol aud Daniel Web ster, William Pitt Fessenden, Governor John A. Dix, Vice President Henry Wilsou, Lewis Cass, ex-United States senator James . Grimes, of Iowa ; United States Senator Zachariah Chaud ler, of Michigan; Levi Woodbury, Hor aco Greeley. General Benjamin F. But ler, ex-Presideut Franklin Pierce and Chief Justice Ubasc. Written for the Ai vocatk. MY HOME. They sny my home, my gouile home, Is where rude mountains rise, Tne sunbeams ahed a cheeriest ray, From t hese cold mountain ikies; They say though sweet th song it gives, My barp is rude and wild, Aud though I speak the notes of joy Yet 1 am sorrow's child. They say I'm friendless and alone, In some secluded vale, With not a ray to light my path, And none to love me well, A'hat 1 have never known the world, And its all glorious things, Nor felt, the ray which knowledge bears, On its mysterious wings, And they all pity me, they feel How transient is my stay Unless Bojie hidden light should gleam Upon my troubled way, They fear thattuid theso darksome wilds, The lonely flower may die, Unheeded by (be world's cold frown, And pleasures tearless eye. They know not ihat though rudo the path Willi wild and untamed glee, As when in childhood's happy days, My feet can wander free, High o'er hill and mountain side, By greenwuod, fount and bower, Light as the wild deer's artless h;np, In summer's gnyet hour. They know nut that though rudje and dark Thuc luuiiuuiin haunts may seem. That friendship sheds her genutl ray, On every sunny glrciini, And though the flowers which tieok my path, Are liuelfss all and wild, Yet Summer's warm and gladsome be run Has o'er thtui kinily tmiled. They know not that the gentle air Which kisses oft uiy brow, Aud whispers me of holy things. Through tvery leafy bough; . The culm nud misty twilight hour, The greenwood wild nd tree, And i hut t.'io friends I love loo well Are all the world to me. A New Mexico wile desired to gel her buby intu hcaveu, b she pinched its nose while it was nursing. An individual of statistical bent kepi tally of the number of glasses of water dipped from the Congress Springs at Saratoga one hot day this season. There were live dippers at work ; he kept the record for time hours, each dipper dip ping three tumblers at one time, aud the total number of glasses of waU-r drauk dating these thiee hours was ten thous and eight hundred aud ti.'ly-one. Cochise, the noted Apache ehief, re cently gave strong proof of bisgoud will toward the whites. Mr. Charles Miller, a large stock owner, stopped at the reser vation cveral days to rest, and turned three thousand cattle aud seventy head of horses and mules loose. When ready to start agviin, the baud of Coehise gath ered iu his stock, not one auimal being lest. They did not even ask a bonus, as most white men would have done. win in mi wim wninni nn m i innii mini in Hew Advertisements. V. R. MAHSIIAI8 OFFICE, 18 OFFICE, i.tfvlvaniii, V nst -J8, 1873. J W . D. of Vein. l'tisViingli. Ancust IVilN Is VI) U I V K rOTI( K: That on the Hod day cf August A. I). IS73 a War rant in Hankriiptcv was issneit against tho estate of L.C. HOUTOX& K.J. MlLl.Elt co partners and individuals of Kidgway in the Cnimly of Elk and Slate of Pennsylvania, who iiave lieen adjudged ltankrupls ou then-own petition; ihai the payment of any debts and delivery of any property belong ing to f nch Itankrupis to them or for their use and I lie transfer of any property by tbem is forbidden by law; thut a .Meeting of the Creditors of llic eaid Bankrupts, to prove their debts, mid to 4-hoose one or more assignees of their Estate, will beliell at a Court of Bankruptcy, to he holien at the Uyde House iu Kidg.vsy, Elk Co.. Tcnn'a. before S. E: WOOD HUFF Eq., liegisier, ou the ;;Uh day of September A 1) 1873 at 8 o'clock a. ui. JOHN HALL. U 8 Marshal for said District ii27i") HALL . M'L'AVLE AHorneysat-Liw. Office in New 111 ick BuiUIng, Main St. Ridgwiiy, Elk Co., i'a. vMuiiif. Worth and Beauty. WOOD'S HOUSEHOLD MAG A Z I KB and the chromo Y0 SEMITE! Having control of the mnpui'ficcnt OIL CI1KOMO, I'O SnVrt:, we are able to oiler a combination of literary and artis tic work ot genuine value, nud 4 prices un precedented. Tit is fine copy of a pioce of Nature's grandest work, is not presents 1 in ihe us lutl limited style, its dimension, 14.VJ0. making a pieiurc ot very dcsirnble size in itself AN OKNA.MKNT TO THE ROOM graced by its presence. Dut .ew copies of this beautiful Chromo will bn allowed to go to the retail' stores, and those will be sold at their Actual Retail l'uict-, $3.00, while if ordered in connection with our Mugaziuc, both will be furnished lor $1.50. As a Premium the picture may be obtain ed by sending us two subscriptions for the Magmiine at $1.00. each, or l.y subscribing for the Magaiine two years iu advance, at il.UO per aunum. Address, ' WOOD'S HOUSEHOLD MAGAZINE, Newbuigh, N', V. THE NATIONAL CAPITAL ADVERTISING AGENCY OF WASHING rox, D. c. -Advertisements inserted in papers in every section of the couoti-y. fra?" Ha'es Lower than those of any other agency in the United Slates. JiSfAdvertisers will consult their own bestin'erest by addressing PENNVWITT IENNETT & CO., llox 815, Washington' D. C. . . MUSIC -.The lUDGWAY SILVER CORNET BAND is now fully uni. formed and will furnish music for Pio-uica, Publio Meetings, etc, at most reasonable rates. FIXED. BCUtEMNO, Pres't. O. W. BAgaTT, Skc'. 1'ltED. SOHOENING & CO. Law, Commercial, Book, and General Job Printers, and Stationers. JtID G WA 3 ; JCL K CO., 1 1. IJKALKRS IN ALL KINDS OF LAW BLANKS, AND FI1EXCII, JCNULISII, AND AMERICAN STATIONERY. ARNOLD'S WRITING FLUID AND COPYING INK. LEAD TENCILS OF ALL KIMDS AND PRICES. Esterbrook'M Celebrated Steel lfita, Ihe Mlrsl .Jinde. All Kiuds of Job Printing done iu the Best Style and at Low Prices. LETTER, NOTE, AND BILL HEADS, BUSINESS CARDS AND EN VELOPES OF EVERY STYLE IN ANY QUANTITY. POWELL L KIKE. i A. MAMMOTH STOCK! Firmly believing that tie world moves, and thai the demands of the public are con stantly inert utini, the proprietors of the (Brand Ojfnlijal $m have just returned from tba eastern and western ciii-os with the uiot-t perlect and cotnpkte stock wf MERCHANDISE OF EVERYgDESCRIPTION. You eannot ASK FOR ANYTHING they do oot keep, and they have absolutely BROKEN THE BACKBONE of high prices. They buy for cash and SELL FOR CASH ! CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST ! Ridgway, May 1st, 1873. Manhood: How Lost, How Restored. Just published; a new edi tion of Da. Cilvebwei.l's Celkbratkd Essay on the radical e art (with out medicine) of Spermatorrhea or Semi nal weakness, Involuntary Seminal Lo boss Impotkncv, Mental and Physical Incapac ity, Impediments to Marriage, etc; also, OiNsi'Hi'TMis. Kpu.rrsT and Fits, induced by self indulgence or sexual extravagance. r"7Price in a sealed envolope, only 6 cents. The celebrated author, iu this admirub'e essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' practice, that the alarminiuhg cons quences of self-abuse may be radically cured without the dangerous use of inter nal medicine or the application of the knife; pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain and effectual, by means of which every Batterer, no matter what his conditiou may be can cur himself cheaply, private ly, und radically. 0tjyTbi8 Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the laud. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, pottpard on receipt of six cents or two post stamps. Also, Dr. Culverwell's -Marriage Guide," price 60 cents. Address the Publishers. CHA8. J. C.KLINE 4 CO., 7 Bowery, New York, Post Office Box ti. y tn STEAM KM (Fobheblt Wood tt Mam.) q STATIONARY PORTABLE ' Steam Engines. The Best St Mont Complete Assortment in the Market. f These Engine have always matntntacd the very highest standard of excellence. We nrnke the manufacture of Engines, Boilers and Raw Mills a pemalty. We have tbelartreat and moflteompleto works of the kind in the country, with machinery specially adapted to the work. We keep constantly in process large numbers of Engines, which we furnish at the very lowest prioes and on the shortest notice. We build Enfrinos speelallT adapted to Mine. Raw Mills, Orint Mills, Tanneries, Cotton Gins, Threshers and all classes Of pianufaotuTing. We are now building the celebrated Lane Circu lar Baw Hill, the best and most complete saw mill ver invented. We make the manufacture of Baw Mill outfits pedal feature of our business, and can furni&ll complete on the shortest notice. i Our aim in all cases is to furnish the best ma chinery in the market, and work absolutely un equal ed for beauty of deiiuti, economy and strength. Send for Circular and Price List. . UTICA STEAM ENGINE CO. TJTICA, Bf. X. JOHN W. l'KAZKH, ATTORNK V-AT-L AW AS!) Solicitors til' Tatrnts, No. Wfl Seveili St., WASHINGTON, U. C INV KNTOItS5 and others interested in Patent liisiues should a-bli-i-ss EDSON I1HOH., Patent Lawyers and Solicitors -toil 'Jth St., Washington, 1). C, for Advice mid Circular. If we report an invention patctilnnlc wc arc willing to wail for our fee until a pat lent is Jillnwd. 1 cheerfully crnmipnd t nil persons who have business iu the I'miont (lilice tirm of Edsou Uros., as gentlemen of prompt busi ness habits, and in every u-ypi-ci wetlhy of confidence. lion. J). P. Moiloway. 1 concur iu the -Above. T. C Thkakkb. MUSIC! NEW, FUESIi, AND SPAUKLINd! THE CLUSTER A NEW MUSIC HOOK FOR THE USE OF CONVENTIONS, SINGIMJ CLASSES, CHURCH CUO I US, AND TIIF. HOME CHICLE. THE CLUSTER BY S. WESIEV MARTIN', J. M. STILLMAN, A N l T. MARTIN TOW SB. Price, 118.50 per Dea. Single Copies sent, post-paid, S 1 ."'. Address. J. L. PETERS, d'M 15ronduy, New Vok. FOit SCHOOLS. Fairy Voices A NEW SINOlNtl-CLAS BOOK, COMPILED AM) AVRANOKU 15 Y WILLIAM PRESSLEIt. Price, $0 per Dot. Single Copies sent, post-paid, for 60 cents. Address, J. L PETERS, 590 Broadway, New York. The Song Echo The Popular Singing-School Book BY II. S. PERKINS. . Price, $7.50 per 1oi. Single Copies scut, postpaid, for 75 cents. A ddress, J. L. PETER8, 22tl2. 6'J9 Broadway, New York. RAILROADS- PENNSYLVANIA KAIL llOAD. Philadelphia Si Erie It. R. Division. WINTER TIME TABLE. ON and after SU.VUAY, JULY 20 1878, the trains on the Philadelphia hi la Railroad will ritu as follows: wKsrwAuo. Erie Mail leaves Philudelphia-l 1. 65 p.m. Henevo 11.0-5 p. m. (St. Mary's SJ.-O p. m. Ridgway 'l.b'i p- ni. " arrive at raie 7.68 p. in. Eric Exp leaves Philadelphia... Vi. 40 p. m lieuovo 11.15 p. m. St. Maty 'i... 2.10 a. ni. Kidgway... ... 2.89 a. ui. " " arrive at Erie..... 7.45 a. m. Niagara Ex. leaves Philadelphia 7.0 a.m. Rencvo 8.60 p. ni, " Emporium.. 6.-5 p. m. art- at Niasara Falls 9.45 p. m. Accomodation, leaves Rcnova,...2.15 p. m m. Rnlgway,..ti. ii6p. air at Kane 7.30 p. KASTW ARI. Eric Mft'.l leaves Erie 11.30 a. Kidgway 6.U5 p. m. (u. m. in. m. tu. m. ni, ni. ' 81. .Mary s ... o.oa p a lieuovo , si m-nve nl Philiid a... Erie Express leaves Luc . U.U6 p. 7.16 a. '.1.05 p. 2.04 u. . f-iugway St. Mary's... 2.2$ a. m. .. . Kenovo 5-25 a. m, " " ar'at Philadelphia.. 8.80 p. ui. Niagara Ex. leaves Niagara Falls 7.15 p. m. . Emporium.. 1.10 p. m. ' He novo 3.10 p. m, " " orr al Philadelphia 12.20 a. m. Accomodation, leaves Kane 7.65 a. tn. " Kidgway ... tt.oo ft. m. " St. Mary's 9.24 a. m. t. ' nrr at lienovo 12.80 p. m. Mail Easd connects east and wost at Erie with I, j )l S R W and nl Coiry aud lr vineton with Oil Creek and Allegheny li R W. Mail Wet with c.ist and west trains on L 8 & M S K W and nt lvvineton with OiH r.-ek and Allegheny H K W. narren Accommodation bast and nesi with trains on L. S. A M. S. K. W. east and west and at Corry with O. C. & A. R. li. W. Frie Accommodation East t Corry and West, at Corry and Irvintton with O. C- J A. R. R. W. Elmira Mail and Niagara Express make close connections at WilliauiBport with N C it W train sum ih and south. WJL A. liALDWl. Ucn'l Sttp't. piULADELHlA KAILUOAD, Philadelphia & Erie It. K. IMvixion. SUMMER TIME TABLE. On nn.1 after SUNDAY, JULY 20, l7:i, the Trains on tho Philadelphia and Erio !;iilroad will run as follows: WESTWARD. Mail Train leave Philadelphia 1 1:55 p. m. Mail Train leaves Kenovo... 11:05 p.m. Mail Train leaves St. Marys.. 2:20 p. in. Mail Train leaves Kidgway.. . 2:52 p. ni. Mail Train arrives nt Erio... 7:55 p. in. Express leave Philadelphia. 12:40 p. m. Express leaves Reuovu 11:15 p. m. Express leaves St. Marys 2:10 a. in. Express leave Ridgway 2:i!il a. in. Express arrives at Erie...... 7:45 a. ni. Niagara Ex. leaves l'liilatla.. 7:20 a. in. Niagara Ex. lttQrcs Renovo. . . 8:55 p. in. Niagara Ex. loaves Emporium 5:25 p. m. Niagara Ex. nr. Niagara Fulls 9:45 p. in. Accommodation leaves Renovo 2:15 p. nu Accoiiimodat'n le. St. Marys. 5:57 p. in. Accomiiuxlat'ii le. Ridgway. . 6:25 p.m. AcooiuiiKKlat'ii arrives at Kano 7:Ii0 p. m. EASTWARD. Mail Tiain leaves Erie 11:30 a. m. Mail Train leaves Ridgway.. 5:05 p. m. Mail Train leaves St. Marys. . 5:8:) p. m. Mail Train leaves Renovo.... 0:05 p. m. Mail Train arr. at Philadelphia 7:15 a. m. Express leaves Erie 9:05 p. in. Express loaves Ridgway 2:01 a m. Express leaves St. Marys.... 2:28 a. m. Express leaves Renovo 5:25 a. m. Expr'ss arrives at Philadelphia 3:30 p. in. Niagara Ex. lo. Niasara Falls 7:15 p. m. Niagara Ex. leaves Emporium 1:10 p. in. Niagara Ex. leaves Renovo. . . 3:10 p. ni. Niagara Ex. nr. at Philada. . .12:20 a. in. Accommodation leaves Kane. 7:55 a. m. Accommodation le. Ridgway. 8:50 a. m. Accommodation in. St. Marys 9:24 a. in. Accommodat'n nr. ntPenovo. 12:30 p. in. Mail East connects east and west at Erie with L. S. & M. S. R. W.. and nt Corry and lrvineton with Oil Creek and Allegheny R. R. W. Alan VV est with east and west trams on L. S. tfc M. 8. R. W. and at lrvineton with Oil Creek aud Allegheny R. R. W. Warren Accommodation east ana west with trains on L. 8. and M. S. R. W. enst and west, and at Cony with O. C. and A. R, R. W. Erie Accommodation East nt Corrvand west at Corry and lrvineton with 6. C. aud A. R. R. W. Elmira Mail and Niagara Express make close connections at Williamsport with U. It. V. trains north and south. W. A. BALDWIN, my20-71 General Superintendent. , - NEW TIME TA1ILE. Couiineitoitig July 7lli, 187:1. ALLEGHENY VALLEY R. R. THE BEST ROUTE BETWEEN PITTS. BURGH AND POINTS ON TUG PHIL' A. & ERIE R. R. OOl N'U SOUTH. Buffalo Express leaves Corry at 11 00 a m Leaves li vineion, b 50 a m Arrives at Pittsburgh 8 45 p in 3 ltflit Express Leaves lrvineton, 6 2o p m Night Express leaves Corry 6 50 p m Arrives at Pittsburgh 0 25 am Day Express leaves Corry 0 15am Arrives at Pittsburgh 6 05 n m Oil City Accom. leaves Cony 4 80 p m arrives at urauys Bend 9 35 p in OOlNO KOBTil. Bffalo Express leaves PiUsburg at 7 50 am Arrives at Corry 6 08 p m " " lrvineton 7 10pm Right Express leaves Pittsburgh, 9 50 p m Arrives at Corry 8 60 a m " " lrvineton 11 55 a m Day Express leaves Pittsburgh 12 10 p m Arrives at Corry 10 45 p m Oil City Accom. leaves B. Bend 6 50 a m Arrives at Oil City 12 20 p m Connections made at Corry and Irvine tou for points on the Oil Creek and the Allegheny Valley Rail Road. Pullman Pallace Drawing Room Sleep, irg Cars on Night Express Trains betweeu Corry and Pittsburgh. Ask for Tickets via Allegheny Valley R, J. J. LAWRENCE. Gen. Suut.
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