(Kill (Junfjr gLdcoqatc Henry A. Parsons, Jr. - . Editor THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, 1873. State Republican Convention. Hon. R. TP. Mackey nomi nated for State Trcasuter, Hon. I. G. Gordon the Suc cessful contestant for the Judgeship. The State Republican Convention met at llarrisburg on Wednesday, the 13th of August. A preliminary cau cus was held at the Lochiel House to facilitate the business of the Conven tion. There was no contest over the Treas- urcship and the struggle concentrated on the Judgeship. The Philadelphia delegates presented Judge Paxsnn of Philadelphia. The Chester County del egates Hon. Wm. Butler of Chester, and Western Pennsylvania the Hon. I G. Gordon of Jefferson County. The Butler men were confident of success, predicting they would have fifty or sixty votes on the first ballot, The Philadelphia delegation were equally sanguine. The Gordon men simply marshalled their forces, olosed up the ranks, and awaited events with out saying much one way or the other. So assured of success were the Phila delphia delegation, that they eonceded the organization to the Butler and Gor don men. Consequently Hon. S. II Miller, of Mercer, a Gordon delegate, was chosen for temporary Chairman and Hon. A. G. Olmstead, of Potter Co., a Butler delegate, was elected permanent Chairman. The Convention came to order at 12 o'clock noon. After the election of officers, the customary speeches, and the appointment of Committees, the Con vention proceeded to the first and only ballot for Treasurer. Mr, S. H. Geyer, of Allegheny, nominated Robert W, Mackey, of Allegheny. General J. M. Campbell, of Cambria, nominated Sam uel Henry, of Cambria. Co!. George F. Huff, of Westmoreland, was also placed in nomination, but before a vote was reached was withdrawn. A ballot was immediately proceeded with, result ing as follows: R. W. Mackey 115 votes. Samuel Henry 18 votes. Mr. Mackey was accordingly declared the nominee, and the announcement boisterously applauded. The selection of a candidate for Su preme Judge was not so easy a matter. The first ballot resulted as follows: Paxson, 38; Butler, 42; Gordon, 43; Scattering 13. From the first to the tenth ballot the contest grew warmer, and the excite, ment increased. Paxson went as high as 54 votes. Butler alter some fluctuations, began to fall off. Gordon steadily increased from the outset. The tenth ballot was a finality. Gor don received 77 votes, Paxson 48, and Butler 5. Giving Gordon a majority of the 130 votes cast. THE PLATFORM. The following Platform of principles was read and adopted: We, the Republicans of Pennsylvania, in convention assembled, renew our ex pressions of confidence in and devotion to the principles of Republicanism, and declare First That wo heartily endorse and re-adopt the Republican National and State platforms of 1S72. Second That the national adminis tration commands our continued confi dence, and is entitled, liy its promotion of the best interests and prosperity of the nation, to the earnest support of the people. Third That the administration of Governor Hartranft calls for our warm est approbation. During the short time he bas been in the Executive Depart ment be has established a State policy which has justly endeared him to the people of this Commonwealth, and has amply justified the confidence we have placed in him. Fourth That while earnestly in fa vor of constitutional reform, and such revision of our State constitution as will make it an effective inBtrumen; in pre venting and punishing the corrupt abuses that have crept in under our present system, we demand, emphati cally and especially, that whatever is done or left undone, the main purpose for which the Constitutional Convention was called the absolute prevention of special legislation shall be so placed before the people as to secure their sep erate and decisive aotion thereon. Fifth That the reduction of the State debt from $41,000,000 to $20. 000,000; the establishment of schools for the support of soldier's orphans; the maintenance of our excellent and pros perous system of publio schools; and the establishment of the policy of pay ing off our debt at the rate of $2,000, O00 a year; together with the prosperous old Commonwealth, are evidences that the Republicans, during their twelve years' control in Pennsylvania have faithfully administered her affairs, and that the reins of government may safely bo left in their hands. Sixth That there should be rieid economy in the State and national ad ministrations, and taxes should be re duced in both as rapidly as consistent witn gooa government, the maintenance of the public eredit and the certain ex- extinguishment of the State and na tional debts. Seventh That tho publio la nds be long to the people and should be sacredly reserved for homes for actual se ttlers, and we pronounce against all further grants of these lands to corporations. Eighth That adequate provision! should be made by law for the protec tion of persons engaged in mining and other hazardous forms of labor. Ninth That as retrenchment is re quired to lighten the burden of taxation, and to continue the reduction of the publio debt, an increase of salaries is unwise, and we condemn, without re serve, the voting for or receiving in creased pay for services already renders d whether in the State or nation and de mand that the provisions of the late act of Congress by which salaries were in creased should promptly and uncondi tionally be repealed. Tenth That we. heartily denounce corruption wherever found, and are sincerely desirious for honest economy and political purity in all official admin istrations. To secure this is the duty of every citizen, and to this end every good man should feel bound, not only to par ticipate in politics; but to labor aotively to see that none but good men secure party appointments or nominations. Eleventh That the praotio of load ing an appropriation bill essential to the support of government with objectiona ble legislation in the shape of amend ments towards the close of the session is a prolific source of abuse and fraud upon the people, and its reform is urgently demanded. Twelveth That as oountry and home industry have both uniformly prospered under a tariff so ai ranged as to afford both revenue and protection, the present tariff should be left undisturbed; and as all tariffs are levied primarily for rev enue it would be a poor government in deed which could not afford to arrange its details so as to encourage the growth of home manufactures and the creation of a remunerative home market for all the products of our soil. Thirtointh That order and security in the States lately in rebelion must come through the stern enforcement of the laws enacted to protect life, liberty and freedom of thought, and cannot he secured, by rendering these just and nec essary laws inoperative though executive clemecy to unrepentant assassins now undergoing punishment in pursuance of law. Fourteenth That as during the time the Republican party have been in power it bas had to confront graver difficulties, and more new and perplexing questions ot government than ever were presented to any other party to solve, and it has solved them so judiciously and wisely that the country endorses its desisioos and accepts its work, it is only organiza tion competent to so meet the grave iss ues that are now consantly arising as to secure the just rights of the whole peo ple. Fifteenth That we sympathize with every movement to secure for agricul ture and labor their due influence, inter ests and rights, and the Republican party will be their ally in every just ef fort to attain those ends. An additional resolution reported by tho committee expressing at the retire ment of Oheif Justioe Read from the Supreme Bench of the State was also adopted, as was as a resolution authoriz ing the candidates nominated and the President of the Convention to appoitt the chairman of the State Central Com mittee. The Convention then adjourned tine die. New gold fields are reported to have been discovered in South Australia, but their exact location is not mentioned. Sim Patch was a real charsoter, not a myth. He made his "last leap" at the Genesee Falls, Friday, November 18th, 1829. USIC! NEW, FRESH, AND SPARKLING! THE CLUSTER A NEW MUSIC BOOK FOR THE USE OF CONVENTIONS, SINGING CLASSES, CHURCH CHOIRS, AND THE HOME CIRCLE. THE CLUSTER BY 8. WESLEY MARTIN, J. M. STILLMAN, AND T. MARTIN TOWNE. Price, $13.50 per Doz. Siogle Copies sent, post-paid, $1.6Q. Address, J. L. PETERS, 699 Broadway, New York. FOR SCHOOLS. Fairy Voices A NEW SINGING-CIAS BOOK, . COMPILED AND ABBAMOBD BY WILLIAM DRESSLER. Prioe, $6 per Doz. Single Copies sent, post-paid, for 60 cents. Address, J. L. PETERS, 699 Broadway, New York. The Song Echo The Popular Singing-School Book BY H. S. PERKINS. Prioc, $7.60 per Doz. Single Copies sent, post. paid, for 75 ceuts. Address, J. L. PETERS, 22tl2. 699 Broadway, Sew York. MO NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS. HOUSEWARE, AND H0USEFURNISHI1TG GOODS. Carpenters Tools, Blacksmiths Tools, Farmers Toos, Lumbcrmens Tools. In fact everything usually kept in a first-class Hardware Store. A F1PST-CUSS TIN SHOP, Employing none but first-class Workmen and nothing but first class material used. OPPOSITE THE COURT W- S- THE NEW DISCOVERY la Chemical d medical Science. Dr. E. F. GARVIN S SOLUTION AND COMPOUND ELIXIR TA.IHL FIRST AND ONLY POLUTTOW ever-made !n one mixture of A I.I. THE TWELVE "valuable active principle of the well known curative agent, PINE THEE TAR, TTf EQUALLED in Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis, and Consumption. CUHEH WITHOUT FAIXi A reoent cold in three to six hours; and also, ljr'lt VITALIZING, PURIFYING and STIMULATING fleet" upon the general trite m, it remarkably effica cious in all . , DISEASES OP THE BLOOD, Inoludinir Scrofula and Eruptions of the skin, Dy pepaia. Disease of the Liver and Kidneys, Heart ease, and General Debility. ONE TRIAL CONVINCES I DR. GARVIN'S VOLATILE SOLUTION of TAR MEDICATED FOR INHALATION. KW A remarkably Taluable diacovery, which posi tively cures CATARRH, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, and all Diseases of tbe a.'OSE, THROAT and LUNGS. THE COMPOUND TAB AND MANDRAKE PILL, for use in connection with the ELIXIR TAR, is a combination of the TWO moat Taluable ALTERA TIVE Medicines known in the Profession, and ren der, this Pill without exception the Ten best ever offered. Bolution and Compound Elixir, j JJjE J2aBoila Tar and Mandrake Pills, Jleta per Box. MedieaUd Inhalation, il.00 per Package. Bend for Circular of POSITIVE CUBE to four Druggist, or to X.. F. HYDE tfc CO., . BOLE PSOPBIETOBS, IBS Seventh Ave., New York- TO HOOK CjtjriiSSEHS. A NEW WAV Or BUNNl.NQ A Subscription Book. CAN SELL THOUSANDS!! PLAIN HOME TALK Is plain talk about the body and its physical and social needs. Dr. E. B. Foots, author of "Medical Common Sense," of No. 120 Lexington Ave., N. Y., who entertains everybody with his pen, and cures every, body by his skill, is its author. In its thousand pages it answers a thousand questions you don't want to go to your physician about. It is, as is stamped upon its cover, "a book for private and consid erate reading." Price $1.25. and sent, postage prepaid, everywhere. A beautiful original chromo, mounted, "Thbow Physio to tbs Doos," worth $10, goes with the book. No chromo without the book No book without the chromo. Address MUR RAY HILL PUBLISHING COMPANY, No. 129 East nth Street, New York. b2 13t. 2 42, HOUSE, RIDGWAY, PA. SERVICE & CO- SEND FOB CATALOGUES or Novello's Cheap Music. Novello's Glees, Part Songs, etc, 6 to 12 cents. NoTello's Church Music, 6 to 12 cents. Novello's Octavo Edition of Operas. Price $1; or $2, bound in cloth, gilt edges. Novello's Octavo Edition of Oratorios. In paper from 60 cents to $1; cloth with gilt edges. $1 te f 2 each. ITovello's Cheap 'Editions OF PIANO-FORTE CLASSICS. Bach's 48 Preludes and Fugnes. Cloth, $5 00. Beethoven's 88 Sonatas. Elegantly ound. Full gilt $3 60. Beethoven's 84 Piano Pieces. Elegantly bound. Full gilt, $3 00. Chopin's Valses. Stiff paper covers. 150 Chopin's Polonaises " 2 01) Chopin's Nocturnes " " 2 00 Chopin's Mazurkas " " 2 00 Chopin's Ballads ' " 2 OO Chopin's Preludes ' " 2 60 Chopin's Sonatas " " 2 50 Mendelssohn's Complete Piano Works. Elegant Folio Edition. Full gilt. Com plete in 4 volumes $26 00 The Same. 8vo. Full gilt. Complete in 4 volumes $14 00. The Same. 8vo, Paper. Complete in 4 volumes $10 00. Mendelssohn's Songs Without Words. Folio Edition! Full gilt $( AO. Octavo Edition. Full gilt 3 50. Octavo Edition. Paper covers 2 50. Mozart's 18 Sonatas. Elegantly bound. Full gilt 3 00. Schubert's 10 Sonatas. Elegantly bound. Full gilt 3 00. Schubert's Dances. Complete. Elegantly bound. Full gilt 2 00. Schubert's Piano Pieces. ElegnnMy bound Full gilt 2 00. Schumann's Forest Scenes. Nine Easy Pieces. Paper covers 80 cents. Schumann's Piano Forte Album. Ele gantly bound. Full gilt 2 CO. The Same. Paper covers 1 50. MOTH E R G OOSE, or National Nursery Rhymes. Bet to Musio by J. W. Elliott, with 65 beautiful Illustration! engraved by the Brothers Dalziel- Boards SI. 60. Bplea didly bound in cloth, gilt edges, $2.50. ASK FOR NOVELLO'S EDITIONS. Address i. L. PETERS, 690 Broadway, New York. Agent for Novello's Cheap Music 22t9, Edw'd J. Evans & Co , NURSERYMEN AND SEEDSMEN, YORE, FENN'a SyCatalogues Mailed to Applicants"tiS Refer (by permission) to Hon, J. S, Black, Washington, D. C. Weises, Son A Carl, Bankers, York, Pa, 2-6mv. DAGUSCAHONDA SAILBOAT. From and after Monday, Feb. 6th 187S. Trains will run on this Koad as follows. Leaves Earley 7 30 a. m., arrives at Daguscahonda Junction 8 10 a. m., con necting with Acoom. east 8 14 a. m., and with Mail west at 9 15 a. m. Leaves Daguscahonda at 9 20 a. m. arrives at Earley 10 00 a. m. Leaves Earley 3 30 p. ni., and arrives at Dagus cahonda at 5 00 p. ., conueoting with Mail east al 5 09 p. m-, and Accommo dation west at 5 40 p. m. Id case P. & E. trains are late, Dagus cahonda train holds twenty minutes be yond the above time. Tickets should always be prooured before leaving stations. C. 11. EA.EEY, Levser THE ELK ADVOCATE. THE OLDEST PAPER IN THE COUNTY, HAYING THE LARGEST CIRCU- A TION, IT IS THEREFORE THE ADVERTISING MEDI UM IN THE COUNTY gtvrttA to the lutwjsijj of the gtoptt if (Sift Counttj. TEBMS:$2.00 PEB YIAE. BRING ALONG YOUR ADVER TISEMENTS AND GET THEM INSERTED IN THE ADVOCATE, AT LOW RATES. If you want to etll anything, let the people know it through the Advocate, the great advertising medium. Job Printing Office. In the Court House, Ridgway, Pa. Tbt bent work done, and at the very West prises. Blaaks kept constantly on hand at this office. Hand bills printed at the shortest notice Call in and get our prices for advertis ing and jobbing. Satisfaction warranted Orders by mail promptly attended to Address, HENRY A. Pi RSON8, JR., Ridoway Pa. JF YOU WANT TO BUY GOODS CHEAP 00 TO JAMESJI- HAGERTY Main Street, Ridgway, Pa. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, JBOOTS, SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW-WARE, TOBACCO AND CIGARR. A Large Stock of Groceries dnd Provisions. The BEST BRANDS of FLOUR Constantly on hand, add sold as cheap as the CHEAPEST. JAMES II. HAGERTY. NEW LIVERY STABLE IN ss V9 v DAN SCRIBNER WISHES TO IN form the Cittzens of Ridgway, and the publio generally, that he has started a Liv ery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES d Buggies, to let upon the most reaBona ble terms. BQUlIe will also do job teaming. Stable on Broad street, above Main. All orders left at the Post Office will meet prompt attention. Aug 20 1870. tf. GIVEN AWAY. A Fine German Chromo. WE SEND AN ELEOAXT CHROMO, MOUNTED AMD READY rOR FRAMINQ, FREE TO EVERT AQENT FOR Underground OR, LIFE BELOW THE SURFACE by Trios, ir. kxox. 912 Pages Octavo. 130 Fine Engravings. Relates Incidets and Accidents beyond the Light of Day ; Startling Adventures in all parts of the World ; Mines and Mode of Working them; Uudencurrents or society ; Gamb'ing and its Horrors ; Caverns and their Mysteries; The Dark Ways of Wick edness; Prisons and their Secrets; Down in the Depths of the Sea ; Strange Stones of the Detection of Crime. The book treots of experiences with brigands; nights in opium dens and gamb ling hells; Lite in prison ; Storiee of exiles; adventures rraong Indians ; journeys through Sewers anp Catacombs; accidents in mines; pirates and piracy ; tortures of the mquesions ; wonderful burglars; un derworld of the great citeis, tec, etc for this work. Exclusive territory given. A gen is can make $100 a week in se in this book. Send for circulars and terms to agents. J. II. Burr & Hyde, HARTFORD, CONN., or CHICAOO, ILL. 1 ADVERTISE or Mail, as ccnt 4GEO.R ROWE mco .pak a owl ' .pak a owl TwewyorkV Elk County Directory. President Judge L. D. Wetmore. Additional Law Judge Hon. Jno. P Vincent. Associate Judges Cbas. Luhr, J V, llouk. District Attorney J. K. P, Hail. Sheriff D. C. Oyster. Prothonotary e., Fred. Schcenlng.. Treasurer C. R. Earley. County Superintendent Rufus Lucore. Commissioners Robt. Campbell, John Uarr, ueo. Ed. Weis. Auditors Clark A. Wiloox, George D. Messenger, and C. W. Barrett. County Surveyor Geo Wilmsley. Jury. Commissioners. Joseph Eerner and Charles Mead, U. S. PATENT AGENCY, OFFICE 018 F St., Washington, D. C. G. J. FERRISS, SOLICITOR. The CHEAPEST and most reliable Pat ten Agency in Washington. Full particu lars. Address G. J. FERRISS, Box 95, Washington, D. BUSINESS CAHDS. il A. RATHBUN, Attorn.T.t.Uw IjT Ridgway, Pa. V J O. W. BAILEY, ATTORNEY-ATLAW. vlnioyl. Ridgway, Elk County, fa. Agent for the Traveler's Life and Aocl dent Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn. RtJFUS 1UCORB, Attorney-at-Law, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. Offioe is a all's new Brick Building. Claims for collection promptly attended to. vSnlly. "JEYNOLOS HOUSE, EE7N0LLSYILLE.JEFFEES0NC0, fA. H. 8. BELNAP, Proprietor . J. S. E0ELWELL.1I.L, Ecleotio Physician and Surgeon, has remov ed bis oihce trom centre street, to Main st. Ridgway, Pa in the second story of the new brick building of John G. Hall, oppo site Hyde's store. Office hours: 8 to 9 a m: 1 to 2 p. m. 7 8 p. m. jan 9 73 fi G. MESSENGER, X Drug Druggist and Paraceutist corner of Main and Mill streets, Ridgway, Pa. A full assortment of carefully selected For eign and Domestio Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dispensed at all hours, day or nigbt. vln3y. TS. HARTLEY, M. D., Fhysician'and Surgeon, Ridgway, Pa. Office in Walker's Building. Special attention given to Surgery. Office nouse lrom ts a. m. to IV p, m. .Residence on corner of South and Court streets, op posite the new School House. All calls promptly attended to. vln2yl. (1HARLES HOLES, J Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler, Main street, Ridgway, Pa. Agent for the Howe Sewing Machine, and Morton Gold Pen. Repairing Watches, etc, done with he same accuracy as heretofore. Satis action guaranteed. vlnly. THAYER HOUSE, RILEY & BRO., Proprietors. cor. win anu centre bis., uidgway, fa. The proprietors take this method of an nounuing to the public that the have re lated, revised, and improved, tins well known hotel, and are prepared to entertain all who favor them with their patronage, in the best style and at low rates. Good stabling attached. v3n6tf. HYDE HOUSE, Ridowat, Elk Co., Pa, W. 11. St'HKAM, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, the lev proprietor, hopes, by puying strict at tention to the comfort and convenience of guests, to merit a continuance of the same. Oct 80 1800. riHE OLD BUCKTAIL'S HOTEL, I Kane, MoKean Co,, Fa R. E. LOOKER, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new pro prietor, hopes, by paying strict attention to the comturt aud convenience of guests, to merit a continuance of the same. The only stables lor horses in Kane and well kept night or day. Hall attached to the tiotei. vinzayi. HALL. & 13 JRO Attorneys - at - Law ST. MARY'S, ELK C0TOT7 PU1JSYLYAHIA. JOilN 0. H ALL ................... ..J AS. B. f. MALI KERSEY HOUSE, Ckktusville, Elk Co., Pa. John Collins, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so libcrilly bestowed upon him, the new proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at tention to the comfort and convenience of guests, t merit a continuance of the Bauie. JAMtS PENFIELD, (Suco sor to W. C. Healy,) DEALER IN LRY GOODS, 03ETU3S, PEOVISI0N3 PRODUCE, FRUITS, &o. v3n7tf. West End, Ridgway, Pa. S. A. ROTE, PHOTOGHAPHEBi AMD DEALER IN Chromos, Stereoscopio Views, Picture Frames, &o. WEST END, RIDGWAY, ELK CO. PA v2n2tf. RED. SCHOENING, WHOLESALE AMD RETAIL DEALER IK PIANO-FORTES, ORGANS, SHEET MUSIC, and MUSIC BOOKS. Pianos and organs to rent and rental ap plied if purchased. . Prothonotary's Offioe, Ridgway, Pa. v2n20tf. P. W. HAYS, DEALER. IE Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries, and General Variety, FOX, ELK CO., PA. Eartey J. O. vln47tf. IS EW STAGE ROUTE. J. C. BUXNS, Proprietor. The subscriber having secured the con. tract for carrying the U. 8. Mail between REYNOLDSVILLE & BROCKWAY VILLE has placed on that road a line of hacks. Hacks leave the Exchange Hotel in Reynoldville every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday on the at rival of the Brookville stage, and return the same day. These backs connect at Brockwayville with the Ridgway stages, making connection with trains on the P. & E. Road, both east and west. Every attention to the comfort o patrons of this lice will be given, and a liberal patronage solicited. Aug. 13-72H. A 1 i V
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers