(Kill ountg gjidpoipte IIenby A. Parsons, Jn. - - Editor THURSDAY AfRlL 8, 1873. The PinsMO Lands Wo learn from official reports that during tie year 1872 over ton million seven hun dred thousand acres passed from the dominion of the government into pri vate hands. This would make nearly seventy thousand farms of one hundred acres each, eqoivalcnt to two States the size of Massachusetts. In Kaunas and Nebraska alone, over fifteen thousand entries were made within tin year un der the Homestead law. These entries represent a population of fifty thous and added to these two States on lands i'recly presented by the government, besides a large number who acquired their homos by purchase. Soldiers' Homesteads. There seems to bo (says the Pittsburgh Cotn- msreial) a general niisnudei-standiiig ro garding the amendments which passed Congress last session in regard to the Soldiers Homestead law. The act sim ply provides that whcieas the law of 1872 permits soldiers to entrr home steads cn what are called "double mini mum lands," or lands within the limits of railway grants, and whereas many soldiers had euteved eighty acres each thev aro now entitled to enter a whole quarter section, or one hundred and six- tv acres of such lands. The amendment simply doubles the quantity of land that may be entered under the law. All other propositions to niuciid the law, or confer bounties of lauds, lailed to pass. The Salary Grab Several of tho Congressmen who have conscientious scruples against receiving the fivo thous and dollars extra pay for the past ser vices voted by the last House, have made over the amounts to certain schools, and charitable institutions. J his is much better than if the said members had put the money in their pockets; but it is perfectly clear that it' they have a right to transfer the sum to a bcncvoleut object or to a school, they have an equal right to use it lor their own person! needs. The popular opinion is that the money is not honestly tl e property ol any mem ber of Congress, thut the bill by which it was appropriated was grossly unjust, and that the man who removes the money from the Treasury is, morally at least, guilty of fraud. The peuplo do not object so much to the loss ot a mill ion and a half dollars, as to tho estab lishment of the piinciplo that a Congres man may vote himsolf any sum for work that has been done. Tho principle is maintained as well by him who gives his share nway as by him who uses it to pay his bills. I ho man who has an honest and real objection to the principle, will cot touch the monev uudet any circumstan cos. It belongs to tho people and it should bo permitted to remain in the treasury, even il it cannot bo used by that department I litlmlclphia Even ing JSulleMn. Expenses of Govenment A Cor rection.-A paragraph copied from the Washington Mar, giving the appropna tious nt the last session of Contircss for the expenses of government, which reach a total of 198,310,080, and stat ing that they exceed the amount appro priated at the previous session 54,000, 000, has been widely circulated throw -h the press. The VTashingtiori F.epublcan pronounces the stat2Eje.it erroneous, s.nd aorrect it by giving the r.iproprintions for the current year, ending Juno i'0, l!?78, and those lor thy nest fiscal year ending Jura 30, 1874 by which it apnem-s tint the former amount to 170,-0-.'4,44S,50, and the latter to ?17S,f:59, S74,2G: so that in fast the appropria tions at the last session of Congress, in stead of being 854,000,000 in excess of the appropriations at the previous, ses sion, v7ere cearly a half a million less. This statement (tho Republican says) does not include the amount appropri ated lor the increased compenr-ation of the Presdent, Judiciary, Congress, &c, amounting to $1,233,967, oi the seventy-five per cent, to retired naval officers, which is uncertain; but it does include tho appropriation ot 3,200,000 for the eight new war vessels, as well as the annual appropriation for publio buildings throughout the Unintcd Stairs, amount ing to 5510,493,053,9(3 of which a large part is changeable to tho appropriations ot 1872-73, as will bo seen by rclorouccs to the law, which says: "And tho sums hereby appropriated for the construction of public building under tho Treasury .Uepiitment, including the building for the new fstatc, War and Navy Depart ments, shall bo available immediately upon the opproval of this act." There is also included iu tho above sum the amount of 82,458,033,01 for the Hoard of Public "Works. In auy fair estimate theso sums should ba deducted from the appropriations for the year cuding June 1874. If viewed in the light oi tho Dawes act ol July 12, 18"0, and the very instructive speech on ''publio expenditures their iuerease and diminu tion," of Gen. Garfield, on the occa sion of tho introuduction of tho first appropriation bill under his charge, January 23 1872, it will bo found that tho expenditures authorized under the 6aid appropriations will form no bad "test of tho health, the wisdom, and the virtue of the government." In a word, they show that the actual ex penses of the government for the year ending June 1874, are somewhat less than for tho present fiscal year, and not fifty-four millions larger as stated by the Star. Poiis Protection Protect? A good many flippant sciolists nf the Iree trjdo school of political economy (ssys the 1 ittsbunjh Commercial) are in the habit every now and then ot flaking with a great air of oracular wisdom whether protection really docs protect ? Of themselves aro they answered. One of tho loading free trade organs in tho couutry publishers, iu a recent issue, a summary ot the statistics vt the nianu factoring town of Fall River, Massachu setts, from which it appears that the population ot the plseo has increased Irom 1,28(3 in the year ISM to 3f,33o and its valuation -from 510,041,010 in 18G7, to 837,841,204. It bar, uow thirty-three cotton manufacturing cum panics, with an aggregate capital of 14,470,000, with 1,209,004 spindles 2.o4 looms, employing 14,b0 hand? , usng, l.io,17i liiKc.s ot couon, nianu factoring 410,025,000 yards of cloth and paying monthly to employees Slot oOO. It litis seven nat'.oual bau.;s, wit a capita! of 2,250,000, ud a surplus of ?1 .113.438; and four savings bunk;, with 9,(.HS9.029,S5 -deposits by 21. 501 depositors. This rapid and substantial growth, it should be remembered, is very largely due to the tbiteriii! influence of t!:a tariff in pro tecting mnnutaeturers and workingmeu from the eouipelilion of iho products of cheap foreign Ubor. The total product of manufactures in M;i:-?iohnsotts in 1870 amounted to the enormous sum ot 553,912,568. Would this likely have been Ifio ccsa if tboro had been no tariff? And what sort of a iiveiihood would the teeming population of that State have been ant to derive from the svlvan pur suits '!' agriculture among its rock-bouud sterile acres? fllarrisbuig Telegraph. A "Moving" Advice. As "moving time" is fust approaching, hero are a few suggestions from an exchange, by which some persons may profit. The writer, evidently, like most of us, has had some expenenco : "II it is your good fortune to 'flit this spriug, go off without 'cleaning house,' and leave it in, if possible, a nastericr conaition than when you tirst went in. Throw all the old bones, shoes, hoop-skirts, slops and broken lamp chim neys just whero they cau bo raked on a pile but don t do any raking, or the in coming family wont know what it is to I make garden. It a door or gate is near ly off its hinges, givo it a kick to help it off; it pleases tho proprietor to fix such things up about this time in the year. Tell your oldest hopeful to throw the old dead cat iu the well, because it imparts a delicious taste to tho water, and you know tho doctors can't always be idlo. It you have a surleit ot rusty stove pipe, broken bottles and rotten cab bage in tho collar, leave them; it shows neighborly spirit. hen you pull out tho spikes upon which your pictures and looking-glasses depended, be care ful to draw out about a loot square ot plaster with eaoh ; it gives a pleasing appearance to a descrtod room. And above all, don't commence to 'tear up' until the other family has arrived, and are filling tho entry and stairs with their things. It is such lun to get around and over them, aud the strangers are in no hurry to come iu. If you only move half a square down town, do it on a wheelbarrow, it is so easy to tall over. When your last load moves off, it don't matter if you do throw an axe, a basket ol canned fruit, or o lew old bains in The new occupants will think they tfcre 'lost in moving. Dont say good-bye to the other family, or they might, think your friendliness is only 'put on,' but pick up their best door mat and scoot!" ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of Administration iition tho cslato of VICTOR NORTON, deceased, have been dulv Granted tn thu undcrsignod by the Register of Elk County. All persons in debted to the estate of the deceased are requested to make pijment, and those hav ing claims against the estate will present the same for Battlement without, delay. D. C. OYSTER. Administrator. March, i:0th, IB73. n3t4. SHERIFFS SALE. By virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias tesued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Elk .mini and tn mt directed: waving Inqui sition and Exemption, I will expose to sale by PUBLIC VENDUE Oft OUTCRY at the Pniirt (Innaa In TtiiltrwUV. Elk Co., Pa. On .J- o . , n n I r A li MONDAY, the 14th DAI OI Ariviu, n. xj. 1pi3 at one o'clock, p. m., All il, n .irl,t title, interest claim and do. mand whatsoever of HE Nil Y McCREADY defendant in said writ, of in to or out oi that certain traot piece or parcel of land situate in the Township of Fox, connly of Elk and State of Pennsylvania, aujo.imiig lands of FRANCIS O N bib lormeny SMITH MEADE and described as follows: bounded on Iho east by lands of EARLEY & HERSHEY, on the south by landu of FRANCIS O'NEILL, on the west by lands belong to the JOHN MA LONE estate, on the north by land of S 8E1FRED and others containing about one hundred acres, thirty-five acres of which is under improvement and cultivation ond the balance nf unid one hundred acres is wood land upon which premises one frame dwelling house one barn ana nine khu una uuie sheds with other out buildings. Hcinfr the Banie premises conveyed bv EDWARD McCREADY ami wife by deed dated tho 10th day of January, A. D. to HUGH McCREADY in trust, for HENRY MoC READY and EDWARD McCREADY and Uulv recorded iu the Recorder's otlico in and for Elk county in Deed Look ' U page 403 etc. ISeing the same premises on which EDWARD .MctltLAUl now resides. Seized and taken in execution as tho property of HENRY McCREADY, and to be sold by D. C. OYSTER, Sheriff. Sheriff's Oif:ce V Kidgway.Pa. March LO, 1873. n3(c. Elk County Directory. - President Judge L. D. Wetmore. Additional Law Judge Hon. Jno. P Vincent. Associate Judges ChaB. Luhr, J V. Honk. District Attorney J. K. P. Hail. Sheriff D. C. Oyster. Prothonotwy o., Fred. Sohoening. Treasurer C. R. Earlcy. County Superintendent Rufus Lucore. Commissioners Robt. Campbell, John BaiT, Geo. Ed. Weis. Auditors Clark A. Wilcox, George D. Messenger, and C. W. Barrett. County Surveyor ueo mnsiey Jury Commissioners. Joseph and Charles Mead. Kern or THE ELK ADVOCATE. Failures in 1872 From tho an nual circular issued from the office of "The JJerchantilo Agency," we gather the following statistics in relation to the failures iu the year 1872, in tho United States. Theuumber of failures for the year was 4,0G0, the amount of liabilities being 121,050.000. In 1871 the num ber of iailutes was 2,91ii, the amount of liabilities baiug 883,252,000. This iu erease is iu the muiu owing to the many lurne fires which have devastated the country the past year ilassauhustts ujoro than doubling her umouut, or more than 17,000,000, and Illinois more than doubling. Iu New York State, outside of Mew York City, the number of failures was 423, with liabil ties amounting to 8,-417,000; against 321 and 0,051,000, iu 1871. In New Yoik City the auiouut of liabilities is less than iu 1871, while tho number of failures is greater. Jamestown Journal. MSB? IV UFUS LUCORE, Attorney-t-Law, Kidgway, Elk Co., Fa. Ottioe in Hall's new llncK iiuuuing. wms ior collection promptly attended to. v3nlly. IN THE COURT OF Common Pleas of Elk County. No. 24 of Ajiril Term 1873. IN THE MATTER 1 of the incorpora tion of Alvan B. Frcston and oth ers as "The Re formed Church of Wilcox." J NOTICE is herebv eivem that Alvan B. Preston and other have made application to the Court of Common Pleas of Elk County, to bo incomorated under the name, Btyle and title of "1'he Reformed churoh of Wilcox," and that no sufficient reason ap nparinir to the contrary a dcoroo of incorpo ration will be mado at the next term of Baid Court. FltED. SC IKE NINO, Vrothonotary GEO. A. RATHBUN, Att'y. v3u!4w. THE OLDEST PAPER IN THK COUNTY, HAVING THE LARGEST CIRCU- ATION, IT TS THEREFORE TnE ADVERTISING MEDI UM IN THE COUNTY BUSINESS CARDS. A idgway, Pa. Attorney-ot-law, 2 2 tf. JOHN G. HALL, Attorney at law, Eidg. way, Elk county Pa. mar-22'(iul T O. W. BAILEY, ATTORNEY-ATLAW. vlnioyl. , Ridgway, Elk County, Pa. Agent for the Traveler's Life and Aooi dent Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn. ScsrtcA to the gntcsit. of tUe gcopU of (firth Countu. Letters from London stato thf.t Wm. E. Gray, the notorious perpetrator of the Vi'alf street forgeries, to t!io amount of three hundred thousand dollars in 18(19, is probably one of tho chief con spirators ia the recent forgeries on the Dank of England. Gray, it will be re membered, is the son of ex-Chaphuu Cray of the United States Seuato. lie formerly held office in Washington, and is one of the most expert forgers Lnowu. A bill bas been introduced in the State Senate fixing tho timo for tho election of a State Treasury on the second Tuesday of October. 1873, aud every two years thereafter, aud retain ing tho present inoumhent until his successor assumes the office on tho first Monday of Mach, 1874. The salary is fixed at 5,000 per annum, and the surety one million of dollars. A cheerful prophet in Philadelphia telk us that from 1880 to 1885 this world will be subject to a:i unusual am ount of disaster aud affliction owing to the fact, that the planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune wiil coiiw uncom monly near to the earth. The result will be pestilence, f imiue, extremes of heat and cold, aid sundry other direful .i t . . . . . fiM. . I evifl. iuotu me propnet: -ine gissi patecl, the glutton, debauchee may cal culate on being the first victims. Young meu who devitalize themselves by tobac co using, young ladies who destroy one half of tbiar breathing capacity by fush ionablc dress and tiiiht laciu will never survive thu perihelion of all tho large planets of the solar system; and per haps it will be beit that they should not." We hope tho parties mentioned will take warning and reform their way ot life; but at tho same time, we should think theso big planets might keep thier distauce and not come around to tormeut this little wotld nud its poor sinuevs. Antonio Zombronu, a distinguished Cuban patriot who has arrived in New York city, reports tho insurgents of that isluud as having an abundaocc ofarnH aud in good spirits. They are making steady progress in the Eastern Department, and will very soon compel tho Spaniards to wholy withdraw therefrom. Statements are published based on the forthcoming report ot the Controlor of New York, that nearly halt' a million dollars have beou exacted by blackmail within the past few years troui tho stall owners of Washington market.. J lie mar ket overseers in that timo were Ihe ap pointees of tho fugitive Coiiuoly, aud anionic those concerned in the steal are several well known members of the ring. Reduction of the State Debt. The Stato Treasury has given notice to tho holders of the 510 series of loans created by the act of February 2, 1867, that interests will cease on all sums of 5.000 and under, on the 3lst of July, 1873, amounting in all to $1, 2G5.900, This in the face of the ap linn nhnnt tn ba made bv the Legislature, is most gratifying indeed, a good hotel keeper. A Washington special says the con; duct of the Collector at Albany, N. Y., in allowing the Central Compauy to buy tho engiues recently auctioned to pay taxes, was a surprise to the In ternal Revenue Bureau, us tho Colector should not have sold for so small a sum. IIo is bow ordered to distrain on the pssenger depot at Albany, and if the company doe not make a fair bid, to turn the property iu to tho ciedit of the United States. Wisconsin crows timber lor masts 150 feet long. ' " Illinois ia considering the abolitiou of toll bridges. New York's Seventh Resiuiont began its career iu 1808. The London Lancet says night work ers should uso tobacco. In .Rome there is a scoiety of profes sional blackmailers. A man that can always be put with A fast day doos not pass away more rapidly thau any other. A salt well at Muskegon, Mich., is 1730 feet deep. Kerosene ia said tobs more fatal than small-pox Mrs. Partington's ' last" may ba heard of at her shoemaker's. The feast of imagination Having no diuuer but reading a cookery bock. Copper ore is said to have bceu dis covered in the hills about Cornwall, Lebanon county, IV,. Cranberry culture is becoming an im portant branch of fanning industry in isconsm Tub editor of a country journal up in New York State thus appeals to the better nature of his delinquent subscri bers: "lo all those who are m arrears one year or more, who will eome for ward and pay up, wo will give a lust class obituary notice gratis iu case it kills them." LICNSNOTICST TAVERN LICENSE. BENEZETTK TOWNSHIP. 1. Martin Entz, 2. D. Kunas. HENZINGER TOWNSHIP. 3. Jacob lierbstritt. FOX TOWNSHIP. 4. Wolfgang Auman, 5. Kock & Son, (Kersey.) JAY TOWNSHIP. . A. Turley, (WVedvilie.) 7. T. J. & J. A. Burke, S. P. II. Burke, 9. B. Browulee. Junes township. 10. Horace litnrk. fcsT, SlARY'li BGUXlUUH. , 11. B. Conner, 12. P. Scull, lil. A. J. Layton & Co., li. Idathias Welleudort. EATING I10U3S. HENZINGER TOWNSHIP. 15 F. Duport. FOX TOWNSHIP. 13. F. Gill, (Kerrey.) ' 17. James MeCloskey. JAY TOWNSHIP. 18. Thrs. J. Burke, (Weedville.) 6T. mary's borough. 11). F. Sorg, 20. Charles Klauseman, 21. J. B. H indie, 22. George Sonant. RIDGWAY TOWNSHIP. 23. James Leith. STORE. JAY TOWNSHIP, 21. B. E. Moray. JONES TOWNSHIP. 25. Martin Sowers. Manhood: Eow Lost, How Restored. , ...... 1 jTa Hud ot tm. julveiiwii,t. b Cklebkated EsstYon the radical cure (with out medicine) of SrsnMvronniicKA or Semi nal weakness, Involuntary Soininnl Losses, Impotkncy, .Mental en.l i'hyaical Incopao ily, Impediments to Marriage, etc; &1eo, CoNsi'Mi-Tios. Epilepsy sn l Fits, induced by self indulgence or sexual extravagaao. p-fPrioe in a scaled envelope, only 0 cents. The celebrated author, in this ndruiruV.o essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' practice, thai the alf.rmininlig con:;' quenct-s of self-abuse may lie radically cured without the dangerous use of ir.ier- r.al medicine or the applitalioa ot tUekn;i-; iinintiu'j out a mode of cure ot once simple, certain aud etfictual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be can cure himsch cheaply, pnvat- lv. itml rudicalh. -' . " . ... . . , , i This Lecture siiouia oc ia uio nanus of every youth and every man iu the lima. Sent, uudor seal, in a plum envelope, io any address, pustpard on receipt of six cents or two post siamps. Also, Dr. Uulverwcu s -Marriage uuiue, priue 50 cents. Address tno ruousners. CU AS. J. C. KLINE & CO., 1 'il Bowery, New York, Tost Office Box 4 58G. K as AGENTS WANTED! The unpnrnlellcd success of the "Viotor Sewing Machine," East and Wost, opensa good opportunity for Sewing Mnchins agents and responsible men to take the ngenty for this County. Foi Circulars, samples of work aud terms, address, it SEWING MACHINE COMPANY.. J. L. FERGUSON, MANAGER, $9. 1227 Chestnut Street PHILADELPHIA, nov. 27 lm. JEYNOLOS HOUSE, mKGLTSVILLE, JEFPEUSON CO, PA. II. S. BELNAP, Proprietor . J D. PARSONS, Manufacturer and Dealer in Boots and Shoes, Main St., opposi to the II tel, Wiloox Pa. J. S. BOBS WELL, Id, L, Eolcctio Physician and Surgeon, has remov ed his office from Centre street, UMain st. Ridgway, Pa,, in the second story of the new brick building of John Q. Hall, oppo site Hyde's store. Office hours: 8 to 9 a- m: 1 to 2 p. m. 7 to 8 p, m. jan 9 7a GO. MESSENGER, Druggist and Paraccutist corner of Mnin mid Mill streets, Kidgway, Pa. A full assortment of carefully selected For eign and Domestio Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dispensed at all hours, day or night. vln3y. T TEEKS:.-$2.00 PERYEAE. MB 800 7500X AOSNTS FOR TUK Funny Side of Physic. I'uijts, and 250 engravings. A startling xpo30 of Medical llumbi'gs of the past and present. It. ventilates Quccks Travelling Doctors, Noted Female C!i.V.3, Forlur.o Tellers and Mediums, and jivea interesting narratives of Noted Physicians. It revealslt.'irtlics secrets, and it is i-ivplu-r-blo to all. We give exclusive territory acd liberal commissions For circu.rs and terms address the publishers. J. B. liUltll & HYDli, HARTFORD, CONN., on CHICAGO, ILL. BRING ALONG YOUR ADVER TISEMENTS AND GET THEM INSERTED IN TIIE ADVOCATE, AT LOW BATES S. HARTLEY, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, Ridgway, Pa. Oflice in Walker's Building. (special attention given to ourgery. Urace house irom 8 a. m. to 10 p, m. Residence on corr.er of South and Court streets, op posite the new School House. All calls promptly attended to. vlnUyl. "CHARLES HOLES, J Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler, Main street, Ridgway, Pa. Agent for the Howe Sewing Machine, and Morton Gold Pen. Repairing Watches, eto, done wilh ho same accuracy as heretofore. Satis action guaranteed. vlnly. W. C. HEALY. DEALER IN DRY CO IDS, G-300EHI33, P307ISI0SJ PRODUCE, FRUITS, &o. vlnotf. West Eud, Rid-way, Pa. If yon want to sell anything, hi the people know it through the Apvocatk, iha 2? t advartiobg medium. HYDE HOUSE, Ridowat, Elk Co., Pa. W. II. SCHRAM, Proprietor. Thankful for tho patronage heretofore so liborailj bestowed upon him, the new proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at tention to the comfort aud convenience of guests, to merit a continuance oi the same. Oct 80 1809. 2d Annual 75,730 PREMIUMS KAInGINC value vncyt Hi 010 to 5,000 GIVEN AGENTS WANTED FOR THE GREAT INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STaTE3; This work is a complete history of all branches of industry, and is a oompleto en- cyelocedia of arts and manufactures. Oa agenl &old 183 copies in eight days, another sold Iiu8 iu two weeks. Specimens sent free on receipt of stamp. J. B. ETJSE & HYDS, Publislisrs, HARTFORD, CONN., on. CUTCAQO, ILL AWAY TO THE SUJ3SCR1RERS OF Cur Fireside Friend Every Subscriber is sure of one premium any way, and also has an equal chance of receiving a CASH Premium, OR A PIANO, ORGAN, WATCH, SK.Yl-NG MACA1NE, etc., etc. FIRST GRAND CASH PREMIUM OLR FIRESIDE FRIEND. Eight Pages, Largo Sue, Illustrated, tho fconuly i.eckly. is in its THUiD VOLUME find has attained tho LARGER! CIRCULATION of any paper published in the West, Its suo cess enables the proprietors to furnish tho best, most desirable aou most usatul origi nal reading matter in oreai. vai-ietv, that money cau buy, aud to make it a l.OML WFElvLY suited to tho wants of every family Subscription price S3 per year of 5'J numbers. THE ELEGANT ClIRMO "CUT E. ' Size 10 x 20 inches, 10 coIoi-3. Acknowl edged by all to be the HANDSOMEST uud MUST VALUABLE premium picture iu America. EVERY EUCSCUIiiEll is pre. sented ith this Chromo at tho lime of sub scribing, (no waiting,) aud also receives a NUMBERED Cl-.ltf ll'KJATl-: ENTITLING T1E HOLDER TO A SHAKE iu tho distri bution of $26,000 in cash and other pro miums. Tho distribution takes placo on the second Tuesday in Juuo next. The ( hrcnio and Certificate sent on receipt of price. Speci men copies, premium lint, etc., giving ftill particulars sent, free to auy address. A n 1 1T'lPO Eithor local oi AKJ h-LN 1 canvassing iu WANTEDS t0.:-Bh pay and tue best ou'iit. Send at once lor terms. Address OUR FIREi'lDE FRIEND, Chicago, 111. A NEW BOOK l'y a a popular Author, will be ready in a lew weeks. Agents who wonia secure lei ritory, should apply at once. J. . BUSS & HYEE, Publishers, HARTFORD, CONN., or CIIICAGO.ILL. She &V Qfanpl V' ob MSEHESfS Printing Office. In the Court House, Ridgway, Pa. milE OLD BUCKTAIL'S HOTEL, 3 Knuo, MoKean Co,, Pa R. E. LOOKER, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new pro prietor, Iiope3, by paying strict attention to the oomtort and conveuienoo of guests, to merit a continuance of the same. The only stables for borsos in Kaoo and well kept night or day. Hall attaohed to the Hotel. vlnxayl. J I ALL & BRO Attorneys - at - Lar ST. MARY'S, SJS COUNTY PNNSYLYAKIA. JOiIHO. BALL JAS. K. V. UAH KERSEY HOUSE, Cbvtbhville, Elk Co., Pa. John Collins, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new pro prietor, hopes, by paying strict at tention to tho oomfort and convenience of guests, t merit a continuance of the same. SEEDS, PLANTS, TREES, PREPAID LY MAIL. FRED. SCIICENING Clerk. tabUshed 1812. My new priced descriptive Catalogue of Choice Flower aud Gardei. tioeds, 'lo sorts of either for $1; new aud choioe varieties of Fruit and Ornameutal Trees, Shrubs, Evergreens, Roses, Grapes, Lillies, Email Fruits,' House and Border Plants and Bulbs; one year grafted Fruit Trees for uiailiug; Fruit Stacks of all kinds: Hedge Plants, &c,; the most complete assortment in the country, will be seut gratis to any plain address, with P, O. box. True Cape Cod Cranberry for uplaud or lowland, $t per 10UO; $1 per 100, prepaid by mail. Trade List to dealers, becds on Couimis Biou. Agents wanted. B. M. WATSON, Old Colony Nurseries and Seed Warehous. Plymouth, Mass. Es- BV MAIL as CENTS -T P. '77. HAYS, DKALEs. IN Dry Goods, Notions, Grccerien, and General Variety, FOX, ELK CO., PA. Earlcy 1. vlu47tf. ASSHTS WANT INSECTS AT HOME." 700 pagce; upwards of 700 cuts; il full nntra en trraviu cs. '.Just the Book for in telliireu rural homes." "The drawings are faithful representations of luseot and Plant." Send for Circular. Address Gio. Ekooks, 124 North Seventh St., Philadel phia. A GENTS. $10 to $20 PER DAY A GUARANTEED. Specimens and full particulars free. Address WOODS LITER ABY AND ART AGENCY. Vwwliurgh, N. T. The best work done, and at the very lowest pmes. Blanks kept constantly on hand at this offioe. Hand bills printed at the shortest notice S. A. ROTE, PHOTOGRAPH EH. AND DEALER IN Chronios, Stereoscopic Viiwa, Picture Frames, &o. WEST END, RIDGWAY, ELK CO. PA v2n2tf. Call in and get oar prices for advertis ing and jobbing. Satisfaction warranted Orders by rail promptly attended to Abd&ess, HENRY A. PARSONS, JR., Eibqway, Pa. RED. 8CH0ENING, wholesale and retail dealer in PIANO-FORTES, ORGANS, SHEET MUSIC, and MUSIC ROOKS. Pianos and organs to rent and rental ap plied if purchased. Prothonotary s Olbca, Ridgway, Fa. v2n20tf. N EW STAGE ROUTE. J. C. B URNS, Proprietor. - The subscriber having seoured the con tract for carrying the U. S. Mail between REYNOLDS VILLB & BROCKWAY VILLE has placed on that road a line of backs. Haoks leave the Exchange Hotel in Reynoldville every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday on the airival of the Broonville stage, aud return the same day. These nacKs connect at urockwayville with the Ridgway stages, making connection with trains on the P. & E. Road, both east and west. Every attention to the comfort of patrons of this line will be given, and a xtuerui patronage aoiicueu. Aug. 18-72tf. THE NATION, IN ENGLISH AND GERMAN Nothing like it. Strikes evervbedv as just the book they need. It ia an Bnoyolo- poeuia or me Uovernment. Single page in it. are of themselves worth the price of t&e boot otter 600 pagei and only $2.60. A ICH HARVEST, for Canvassers ladies and gentlemen farmers, teaoheri and studentB. One agent took 76 order in a few days, with circular alone, beore the book pppeared. $20 A DAY can be cleared ia fair territory. Write at ence for circula and information. NEW WORLD PUB L1SIIING Cu., Cor. 7th and Market Streett ' PkilMfctfwfawr. vlvtTyl.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers