8lh Quntn gtdmmttc. THURSDAY. JAN. 23, 1873. Car Time at Ridgway. Erie Express East 2:85 a. m. do do West 2:89 a. m. do Mail East 6:00 p. m. do do West 2:2S a. m. Renovo Accommodation Knst 8:55 a m. do do do West 6:20 p. m. '.Rates of Advertising:. One column, one year 575 00 .'' " 40001 1 " " 25 (W i " " " 15 00 Transient advertising per square of eight lines or less 3 times or less 2 00 Business cards, ten lines or less, per year 5 00 Marriages and l'-ath notices inserted gratis. Elk Lodge, A. Y. Ill Stated meetings of Klk Lodge will be held at their hall on the second und fourth Tuesdays of each month. G. l. Mccracken, Seo'y. Temple of Honor and Temperance. Elkton Temple No. 81, meets on cash alternate Thursday, at their Lodge Room, on Main street, over J. V. Ilouk's store. S. A. ROTE. VV. R. . Grace Church. Hours of service, 11:00 A. M. and 7 P. M. Sunday School 9 45 A. M. Seats free. Files, circular paws, leather and rub ber belting of all kinds rmide a specialty by W. S. Service & Co. Wk learn by letter, that the new bridge across the Allegheny river at Ti oneata, w8 swept away last week by the ice, leaving only one ubuttuent standing. The bridge had been open to the public about one month. Oliver Ornc's Magazine for Janu ary is before us. It has no superior for Boys and Girls. '-The Boston Dip," by George M. Baker, is one of the best things in the Dialogue line of literature we have read in a long time. Published by Lee and Shepard, Boston. Price -?2,- 50, per annum. - K. K. Enbody's eating house and saloon, seems to be giving satisfaction to all. Oysters, beer &.O., are now to found there of a fine quality. Those desiritii.' to invest will not miss the mark much by giving him a call. Coincidence. Colonel James Fisk died at precisely nine minutes to eleven o'clock A. M , January (!, 1872, E. S. Stokes, his murderer, was sentenced at precisely nine minutes to eleven o'clock A. M , January , 1673. A Report comes from New York city to the effect that the Communists have determined to buru that city. Extra men have been engaged in tie fire department and additional engines are under contract. Wood's Household Magazine, for January 1873, is the first Number of vol. 12. It is in every sense what its name indicates, its pages teem with the highest style of literature for family reading. Address, S. S. Wood & Co., New burgh, N. Y. O.NE of the measures before the Con stitutional Convention, of paramount im portance, is a proposition to require at least twenty members of a Craud Jury to act ou a bill of indictment. Now, twelve are sufficient to fiud a true bill. It has just been decided by the Sen ate Finance Committee that the Secre tary ot the Treasurer has not the power UUUGl 10llUg . . . . States notes for auy portion of the forty four millions of notes retired and cancel led under the act approved April 12, I860. This decision is against the as sumptions of Secretary Boutwell. A Fire occurred on the morning of Jan. 15th, in Philadelphia, at the late residence of Edwin Forest. A portion of the library was destroyed, including nearly all his valuable Shakesperean col lection. The famous original copy of Shakespeare was consumed. It was pub lished 1G23 and valued at 5,000. The fire did not extend beyond the library. The gallery centainining painting and art collections was not injured. The fire originated from a defective flue. Loss $ 15,000 to 20,000. Revue de la Mode surpasses every other Fashion Journal of its kind.. It is imported from Paris and translated in English. It gives yearly over 1500 beautiful fashion cuts, and some 200 valuable patterns, varying in style and size to suit all, besides novelties for trim ming and fancy work. It is received monthly iu advance, and put at the as tonishing low price ot 83,50 a year; single numbers J!5. cents. What Singing Costs in New York. A Mrs. Brown has been engag ed to sing morning and afternoon on Sundays, at St. Bartholomew's Church for $3,000 a year. Id the evening she sings at Christ's Church for $1,000 more; thus realizing $80 a Sunday. Proceedings of Court. The Courts of Common Pleas, and Quarter Sessions, at the January Term, disposed of the following causes pend ing, and for tiial in macner and form as below given. E, W. Bushley, now for use, vs, Al ton Giles. Continued Henry 11. Moore, vs. A. A. Carrier, el. al. Verdiot for Plaintiff for $2150,40, Singlo damag es. Moticn for new trial, and rule to show cause, granted. J. C. Burns & Joseph Wilhelm, vs 1 E. B. Englaud & Jacob Brown. Ver for Defendants for $450,60. F$fin Sprengsteed, vs. Isaac Keefer Verdict for Deft. R. Charles McGill, vs. Louis II. Gar ner. Verdict for Pitt, for $198,52. Benj. Johnson, et. al., vs John John son, et. al. Pica withdrawu L. C. Wynkoop, vs George D. Dona hey, Coutinucd with costs of term on Deft. W. II. Finch, vs J. S. Bordwell. Ver diot for Delt. Benj. Johnson, ct. al., vs Jnhn John son, et. al. Continued. James Curry, vs E. C. Paiue, et al. Verdict for Plff., for $1616,52. Motion for new uial, wilh reasons. Motion to show cause granted. Wm. J. McCarty, vs The Elk & Mc Kean 11. II. Co. Continued with costs k! term on Defts. It. E. Wellendorf, vs The Elk & Mc R. It. Co. Continued at cost of Deft. E. E Willard, vs The Elk & McKean It. It. Co. Continued at costs of Delt. E. E. Willard, vs Jofiali Bardwell, ct al. Notice of taxing Pill's bill of costs, Monday, Jan. 20th. Commonwealth, ,vs Benj. Biownlec. Indictment for selling liquor without license. Deft, plead guilty. Fined 8"0. Commonwealth, vs William McKay. Iuditement for selling liquor on Sunday, to Minors, and without license. CommoMffcalth, vs Samuel Bulford Selliug liquor without liceuse. Common wealth, vs George Leber. Ri -cognizance for threats &c. Commonwealth, vs Edward Gallaspie. Threats of violeuce, and larceny. Commonwealth, vs Edward .Malone. Assault and Battery. Recoguizaucj for feited and respited to next term. Commonwealth, vs Henry Largy. As sault aud Battery. Bill ignored. Commonwealth, vs Wm. Evans. Sel ling liquor without liceuse. Not arrested. Commonwealth, vs John Gardon. Sel ling liquor without liceuse, &e. Not ar rested. Commonwealth, vs Michael Vaughir Soiling liquor without license kc. Not arrested. LOCAL OPTION. For the Advocate. As the time draws near when the vo ters of Elk Co. will be called upon to vote for, or against the giantiug of li censees, for the sale of intoxicating liquors, under' the provisions of the Lo cal Ojition Law; it is well to call the atteutiou of the public to the effect this law will have on the community, which shall vote "no license." It is generally understood, or should be, that if a ma jority vote for license, then the present law regulating the sale of liquors re mains in full force, aud the traffic is sub ject to the same regulations as at pres ent. What will be the effect if a ma jority vote no license? In that case, for the period of three years the courts can not grant license, except to d.iuggits, who are then, as now, to sell only for medicinal purposes. Many argue that the old license law will be of no effect and that all who choose so to do, can sell liquor's without fear of the law, and thus, make the the local option law a cutse in stead of a blessing. This view ol the law, and its effects I hold to be erroui ous, from the fact that the law inflicting fines and penalties for the unlicensed sale of liquros, still stands in full force, and the person violating that law is still subject to the same penalty, as though the courts had tho power to graut, but refused license. Thus the people have a choice between legalized whiskey and prohibition. If under this law we were to jhave indiscriminat liquor selling then I would most cheerfully vote for license, lor the present regulations o! the traffic are better, than those only imposed by man's conscience, which is very elastio where money is concerned. Tho true effect of the local option hw will be topublie'y brnnl thuse who deal in condensed damnation, as criminals, while now they are protected by law, and to make the use and abuse of alcoholic drinks disreputable. Liquor Belling will stand on a level with horse stealingj which is prohibited, but still indulged in, and is more necessary than liquor selling, for many ot us must steal horses or al ways travel on foot, while a man must avoid liquor to even be able to walk. J. O. W. BAILEY, Ridgway, Jan. 21st 1873. Subscribe for the Advocate. OUP-'ANS' COURT SALE. By virtue of an Order of the Orphans Court, of lk County, the undersigned, Quardians of the minor children of A. Rhines, deceas ed, will expose for sale by Public Sale or Outcry At the House of Alexander Maynood, in Spring Creek Township, Elk County, on Friday, the 7th day of February 1873, AT ONE O'CLOCK P. M. All that certain tract, of land, situate in Spring Creek Township, late the estate of said A. 8. Khincs, containing seventy-two (72) acres. Hounded North, East and We-it by hinds known as the "Beech Bi ttoin Mill Compnny," and on the Soath by lands known ns tho "Meddock Lot " TERMS OF SALE One half cash when bid off, and the balance on confirmation of Kale. JOHN CHAM13ERLIN, Jan. 14, 1873. PETER CI1AMI3ERL1N. lluardians. AGENTS U ANTED! The unparalelled success of the "Victor Sewing Machine," East and West, opensa good opportunity for Sewing Machin9 agents and responsible men to take the agency for this County. For Circulars, samples of work and terms, address, THE yiGIClB Sewing Ma eh in e Com pa n y, J. I,. FEllGUSOX, MANAGER, Ho. 1227 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA, now 1:7 lm. STRAUSS' FAVORITE WALTZES. We have just issued Straus' Waltzes in two volums, price i?4 cncli in boards So each in clolh. The two volumes contain over Forty Beautiful Waltzes, worth at least S:io in sheet form. Iu ordering from oilier dealers be particular to ask for Pelers' Editions of Strauss' Waltzes, as it is the onlycorret and complete ediition. Address, J. LVkthhs Music Publisher, DWUroadway, N. V. dec 10 Manhood: How Lost, How Restored. Just published; a new edi tiou of Da. Ci i.veuwf.ll's Ckleubatkd Essay on the radical cure (with out m dicine) of Spebmatoiibh(t:.v or Semi nal wc.kness, Involuntary Seminal Losses, Impotkxi'V, .Mental and Physical Incapac ity, Impediments to Marriage, etc; also, CoNSi'Mi'Tios, Kril.f.rsY and Fits, induced by self indulgence or sexual extravagance. c !" Price in a sealed envelope, only ti ruts. The celebrated author, in this admiraVe essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' practice, that the nlnriiiining conse quences of self-abuse may be radically cured without the dauperrus use of inter nal medicine or the application of t lie knife; pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain and ett'ecinal, by means of which every sufferer, no niattor what liisconJition may be can cure himself cheaply, private ly, and radially. P? This Lecture should be in tho hands of every youth and every man iu t lie land. 8etit. under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, nostjnird on receipt of six cents or I wo post .stamps. Also. Dr. Oulverwell's ' Marriage Guide," price "id cents. Address l lie Publishers- en as. j. c. KUXK & co., l'JT Bowery, New York, Post Oitiec Box, 4 "j'i. , 4Jin3 P. W. HAYS, DKAI.B IN Dry Goods, Notions, Grrcceries, and General Variety, FOX. ELK CO., PA. Earlaj M. O. vln-ITtf. AGSNTS WA-'TED "INSECTS AT HOME." 700 pages: upwniiU of 710 cuts: :il full I nv enjcrHviils. '..JUsline 1OOK 101" 111- i iclligen rural liomes. "1 he drawings are faithful repifsentaiioiis of Insect and Plant." Send for Circular. Address Gro. Brouks, 121 North Seventh St , Philadel phia. DlSOt.fTION NOTICK. The co par nei ship hoirtnfore exist ing under the. lirni name, of S. Jackson & Co., is this day dissolved by mutual con. sent. The ha -ills and accounts are in the hands of W. .S. Service, whu alone is em powered to collect and settle the same. The business will he continued in future Vv W. S. Service, & Co. W. S. SUP.YICK, SAI.VKK JACKSON. Eidgway, I'm. Oct. 17th, lt72. BY MAIL 25 CENTS GEO.KROWELlftCO ""H b PARK ROW I NE W YORBCV AGENTS. S10 to $20 FEU D Y GUARANTEED. Specimens and full piiniculurs free. Address WOODS LITER AKY AND AUT AGENCY. Newburgh, N. Y. TS. Bordwell, M. D. Eclectio Phymcan c Oitice and residence opposite the Jail, ou Centre St., Ridgway, Pa. Prompt attention ill be given to all calls. Office hours t 7 to 8 A. M ; 12 to 2 P. M. j nd ti to 7 P.M. Mar. 22, Ofi-tf. NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS. Q? 'Q S Sit w ' ui -wJ srJi NHd Wu '( HOUSEWARE, AND HOUSEFURNISHING GOODS. Carpenters Tools, BhicJtsniUhs Tools, Farmers Tools, Lumbermen Tools In fact .everything usually kept in a first-class Hardware tore. I FIRST-CLASS TIN SHOP, Employing none hut first-class Workmen anil not hang hut first class material used. OPPOSITE THE COUHT HOUSE, RIDGWAY, PA. W- S -tf. MALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN IIAIIt EENEWER. Every year increases the popu larity of this valuable Hair Prep aration, which is due to merit alone. We can assure our old patrons that it is kept fully up to its high standard ; and it is the on ly reliable and perfected prepara tion for restoring Gray or Faded Hair to its youthful color, making it soft, lustrous, and silken. The scalp, bv its use, becomes white and clean. It removes all eruptions and dandruff, and, by its tonic proper, ties, prevents the hair from falling out, as it stimulates and nourishes the hair-glands. By its use, the hair grows thicker and stronger. In baldness, it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, and will create a new growth, except in extreme old ago. It is the most economical IIair-Dkkssing ever used, as it requires fewer applies tions, and gives the hair a splendid, glossy appearance. A. A. Hayes. State Assayer of Massachu setts, says, " The constituents are pure, and carefully selected for ex cellent quality; and I consider it the Best Preparation for its intended purposes." Sold by all DruggUts Ami T)enlert in Medicine. Price Oao Dollar. Buckingham's Dye. FOB, THE WHISKERS. As our Kenewer in many cases requires too long a time, aud too much care, to restore gray or faded Whiskers, we hav prepared this dye, in one preparation, which will quickly and effectually accomplish this result. It is easily applied, and produces a color which will neither rub nor wash off. Sold by all Druggists. 'Price Fifty Cents. Manufactured by R. P. HALL & CO NASHUA. N.H. .HOW TO GO WEST. This is an inquiry which every otic hlinuld huvejrutlifulh answered before he starts on liis journey, and a little cure taken it) examination ol Routes will in mauy cassgi save much trouble, time und money. The "0., 15. Q. II. It.," runnin from Chicago, through Gulusburg to liurlingtju, and the '.. li. &W. Route," running from Indianapolis, through Uloomington to Burlington, have achiev ed a splendid reputation in the last two years us the leadius; Passengers Uoutes to the West. At Burlington they cou nect with the B- (fc M. It. 11. and from the great Buriiugton Koute, which runs direct through Southern Iowa to Nebras ka aud Kuna?, with close connections to California and the Territories; and passengers starting Irotu Elk County, ou their way westward, cannot do better than to tuke.the Bubmnoton Houte. This Line has published a pamphlet called "How to go West," which con tains much vuluaoie information; a large correct map ot the Grea' West, which can be obtained free of chutge by ad dressing the General Passenger Agent of th B. & M. It., Burlington, Iowa. SERVICE & CO- 10 PER CENT. INVESTMENTS RtXTIlEP BY I'lltST MORTGAGE ON Heat (Estate Mirth T I HIKE TIMES Tllli Sl'M LOANHD. Interest Payable Semi-Annually. At the Banking House of A L L E X, S T E I II E X S & C O , 1 New York City, or at any Bank ilv si gnat 'id by t lie- louder. WE ARE IXVKSTIN'i VOW K AST WIN parties ninny thousands of dull-irs per month in Jlrtt mnriyii m ou improved property in Illiimis. and such has beeii the denirtid for these desirable securities, the w have, during the Inst fifteen months, placed in I hem nearly one mill inn dollar. I lie semi-annual interest on which has, in ach and eve'-y case, been promptly paid, i'hese iniirljfa);ns urn ill the form of Trust Deeds, and can he closed in -0 days should i here be a failure to pay iulo'-osl or taxes when due. We invest any sum, be it largo or small, and collect and remit interest and principal as it matures, all without expense to ihe lender, l.'au refer to panics for whom we have loaned large amounts, and who have never lost a dollar either of prinuipal or int. eiest in this class of seeurit.es during the last Jitrn, yriirn. Send for our pamphlet, "Jlliiwu us a place of Iiivcitmutt," mailed free. lir.XUY O. WILSON, OiliO. TOMS. 1Y1LSOX tb TOMS, Dkaleks in 11km. Estate Ten Peii Cent. Skcuuities and School Bonds. 3LOOM1MGTON, ILLINOIS. jaii 10 '71 yl JjUtED. sCIIOE.NlNCt, WIIOI.KSALB AND HETA1L DKM.Ktt IN I' I A X O- I'Q RT KS , O KG A X S , 8HKKT MUSIC, and MUSIC BOOKS. Piano and organs to rent and rental up plied if purchased. l'i-olhouoiry' Ollice, Kidgway, l'a. vJniilH. ' i.KCiAL. Wilber. 1 In Commou Pleas Tame.) II 1 In Commou flew I of Elk County Kate II. Wilber. J 21 April '!.,( J. Libel in Divorce, a vinculo matrimonii. To Kale It. II ilocr, rejondi nl above named: You aie hereby notified that the s ibpoeni and alias subpoena in the above case Uav ing been returned nun ot inventus, you are required to appear on the FIILST MONDAY OF NOVUM, next, being the 5th day of the uiotuh, to answer tho complaint iu tho above case. 1). C. OYSTER, Sheriff. Suehuf's OtricE, 1 Itidgwuy, Jaly 4th, 1872. f IS'c. lehal.J Catharine J. Bowon, Iu Common fleas of vs- V Elk County. James Bowen. J Xo. 2 April T. '71. Libel iu Divorce, a vinculo matrimonii. To Jamet Voicen, respondent above named: Vouare hereby notified that the subpoena and alias subpusua in the above casejiaviug been returue I non est inventus, you are re quired to appear on the THIRD MONDAY' OF OCTOBER next, being the 5tU day of the month, to answer tua complaint, iu '.he above case. D. C. OYSTER, Sheriff. SiiEttitr's Omen, V Ridgway, Aug. 1th, 1872. f nl8tc . POWELL & KIME- Powell & Kime Having erected a large and well arranged new Store House on the old site, since the fire, and filled it from cillarto garret, with the choicest goods of nil descriptions, that can be found in any market, are fully pre pared to reecivothelr old customers, and supply their wants at bottom figures WHOLESALE OS EST AIL. ; Their assortment is now complete, com' prising DM' GOODS GROCERIES, CROCKERY, HARDWARE, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, NOTIONS,., etc PORK. FLOUH. SALT. Feed, Heans, Butter, DRIED. APPLES, DRIED PEACHES, Canned Goods, In short everything'wautcd iu the'Country by - LUMBERMEN, FARMERS, ME CHANICS, MINERS, TAN NERS, LABORING MKN, EVERYBODY Alse full stook ef MA NILLA ROPE of the bast manufacture, of suitable sizes for rafting and running purposes. lUljuay, P., Mreh:J, v NE MILLION OF LIVES SAVED. Is one of the most remnrVable facts of this remarkable age, not that so rnnny persons are the victim or dyspepsia or in digestion, but, its willing victims. Now, we would not be understood to say that any one regards dyspepsia with favor, or iccis disposed to rank it. among the luxuries of lifo. Far from it. Those who have ex perienced Its torments would scout such nc idea. All dread it, and would glndlv dis pense witb its unpleasant familiarities. Mark Tnplfiy, who was .lolly unucr nn mtr tryine circumstances in which he was placed, never had an attack of dyspepsia, or his jolity would have speedily torsanen him. Of all the multifarious diseases to which Hit ' human system is liable, there is perhaps no one so generally prevalent as dyspepsia. There are diseases more acute and painful, mid which more frequently prove fatal, Dtu none tho effects of which are so depressing to the mind and so positively distressing Jo the body. If there is a wretched being in the world it is A CONFIRMED DYSPEPTIC. We lisve said that dyspepsia is perhaps the moHt universal of human diseases. This is imphatically the case in the United States. Whether tills general prevalence is due to the character of the food, the method of its preparation, or the hasty manner in which it is usually swallowed, is not our province to explain. The great fact with which we are called to deal 8 this: DYSPEPSIA PREVAILS nlmost univei sally. Nearly every other person you meeti victim, an apparently willing one: were thin not the case, why so many sufferers, when a certain, speedy and safe remedy is within the easy reach of all who will avail themselves of it? Cut says ft dys peptic: What is this remedy? to which we reply: This great nllevator of human suffering is almost as widely known as the English language. It has allnyel the agonies of thousands, and is to-day carry comfort and encouragement, to thousands of . others. This acknowledged panacea! s noL.e other than Dr. HOOFLAXD'S GERMAN BITTERS. Would you know more of the merits of this wonderful prepatation than can be learned from the experience of otherB? Try it yourself, and when it has failed to fulfil the assurance of its efficacy given by the proprietor, then abandon faith in it. LET IT BE REMEMBERED, first of all, that HOOFLAXD'S GERMAN BITTERS is irum beverage. They are composed wholly of the pure juice or vital principle of roots. This is uot a mere assertion The extracts from which they are compounded ai prepared by one of the ablest of German chemists. Their effects can be beneficial only in all cases of the billiary system. Uoofland's German Bittcrg stand without an equal, acting ptoniptly and, vigorously upon the liver; they remove its torpidity and cause health ful secretion of bile thereby supplying the stomach with the most indispensable, elements of sound digestion in proper pro porlioas. They purify the blood, cleausing the vital fluid ,;' all hurtful impurities and su planting them with the elements of genuine healthtuluess,. Now, there are certain classes ot per sons to whom extreme Bitters are not only unpalatable, but who find it impossible to tako them without positive discomfort. For such Dr. UOOFLAND'S GERMAN TOXIC has been specially prepared. It is intended for use where a slight alcoholio stimulant is require! in connection wilh the well- known Tonic properties of tlio pvir G man imiers. HOOFLAND'S TONIC acts with almost marvelous effect. It not only stimulates the Hugcine and wastinir energies, but invigorates and permanently strenirlhens its action unon the Liver and Stomach thorough, perhaps less prompt, man me Hitters, when tue same quantity is taken is none the less certain. Indigestion, Billiousness, Physical or Ner vous prostration, yield readily to its po tent influence. It gives the invalid a new and stronger hold upon life, removes dc- prcssioii ot spirit, and inspires cheerful ness. But. Dr. Hoofland'B benefactions to tjia human race are not confined to his celebrated GERMAN BITtERS, or his invaluable Tonic. Ho has prepared an other mediciue, which is rapidly winning its way to popular favor because of its in trinsic metits. This is HOOFLAND'S PODOPHYLLIN PILLS, a nerfeet substi tute for mercury without any of mercury's cvu ipiauues. These wonderful Tills, which are Intend- cd to act, upon the Liver, are mainly eom. posed of l'odophyllin, or the vital princi ple of Ihe mandrake root. It is the medi cinal virtues of this health-giving plant, in a perfectly pure and highly concentrated form. The Podophyllin acts directly on the Liver, stimulating its functions and causing it to mako its billiary secretions in regular and proper quantities. The inju rious results which invariably follow Uie use of mercury is entirely avoided by their use. But it is not upon the Liver only that their powers are exerted. The extract of Mandrake contained in them is skillfully combined with four other ex tracts, one of which acts upon the stomach, one upon the upper bowels, one upon the lower bowel?, and prevents any griping cueui, i hum prouuciug a piu tnat inUuence the entire digestive and alimentary system, iu an equal ami harmonious manner, and its action entirely tree from nausea, vomit ing or griping pains common to all other purgatives. Possessing these much desirable qualities the Podophyllin becomes invaluable as a FAMILY MEDICINE. No houseli)ld should bo without them. They are perfectly safe, require but two for an ordinary dose, are prompt and effi cieut iu action, aud when usea in connec tion with Dr. Uoofland's German Bitters, or Tonic, may be regarded as certain spe cifics in all cases of Liver Complaint, Dys pasia, or any of the disorders to which the system is ordidarly subject. The PODOPHYLLIN PILLS ' act upon the stomach aud bowels, carrying off improper obstructions, while the Bitters or Touio purify the blood, strengthen and invigorate the fr-iuie, give tone and appe lite to the stomach, and thus: build up the invalid anew. Dr. Hoofland, having provided internal remedies for disease, has given the world one mainly for external application, in the wonderful preparation known as Da. HOOFLAND'S GREEK OIL. This Oil is a sovereign remedy for pain and aches of all kinds. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Toothache, Chiltlains, Sprains, Burns, Pain in the Back and Loins, Ringworms, etc., etc.. all yield to its external application. Taken internally, it is a cure for Heart burns. Kidney Diseases, Sick Headaches, Coho, Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Cramps Pains m the Stomach, Colds, At hma, etc These remedies will be sent by express n0f!y!ocaUty uPn application to the PRINCIPAL OFFICE, it the GERMAlJ pniLADELPHrA WiAKCa ST., PHILADELPHIA CH AS W. EVANS, Proprietor Formerly C. M. JAPtrsnv Tkest titmcdiei or for salt bu ,tr,. 'S2 Storekeeper,, und MsdiJ- tf..,""" ' -Krt event O enj .j i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers