r THUUSDAY. SEPT. 5. 1872, Car Time at Illdewity. Erie Express East .................12:''8 ft. m. Ho do West....... 2:25 a. m. do Mail East....:. "4:f0'p. m. do do Wesl .'2:05 ft. tn. Ilonovo AocommotlfttioO East 8:40 a m. do do do West 0:14 p. m Hates of Advertising. One column, one year ......$7-r 00 1 . " 40 00 I i. ii 25 00 " " ,. 15 00 Transient advertising perffjimro of eight lines or less 3 times or less 2 00 fiusiuefH Cards, ten lines or less, per Jrear 6 00 Marriages aid Death notices inserted gratis. Elk lodge, A. 7. 1ft Stated meetings of Elk Lndge will he licll fi,l their hall on the second and fourth tue-idnys of each month. G. L McCllACKEN, See'y. tcmplo of Honor and Temneranco. Elkton Tcmpla'No. 81, meets on cah kllernnt o Tluireil;iy. at their ho lgo Room, tn Main street, over .1. V. Honk's store. S. A. BOTE. W. R. The central Grant and Willson e!ub of Elk county meets at the Court House in IviJgwny, every alternate Thursday, at 8 o'clock p. m. Next meeting Sept. 12. The nil-prevailing inquiry "Are you going to tho ball ou Friday nitclit?" Ihe never-tnryin answer 'Indeed, I U 111 Gs.cr Church. Services next Fun day; HhUO n. m. and 7 p. in. Sunday Bcluiol. 2 p. in All are invited. We would remind imr readers that a prand ball will be held in the new huild irjg ot Wheeler & Service, o;i Friday evening. None nhoul 1 fail to attend. A I'lUME aiielo of cheese jat opened t IIorton & Mit.t.Ka's. Old, youn, rich and poor, are Icckinji forward to a gala time on Friday evening tot the ball of the cea?ou. LeMox, Soda. Batter and Oyster crackers, at the Est V.sv tcbk. Mehl's excellent Eric orchestra will rlisconrso their sweetest music at the bali on Friday evening. Till-: largest and linear, assortment o! ImviicIi and American Can lie.s in town lt IIOHTON & Mlt.LKlt'i:. Dkmochatic. The Douiocraio re presentative convention mat 5 iincwhcrc 111 EUi;to.iy, Tuesday 3rd inst.,ai,d notli itiatrd ooo J!iird for rcpresetstnlive. Uaird, according to his ticiuhbors is !ully doM'-ribod as to fitucs3 by Jenny iilack in his dieriprijn of Greeley's fitness for the U-v.siilcney, Canned Fkuits and KulUhc3 of excellent quantity fir sale cheap a! HortTo.v k Mir.r.F.n's, E.wv IOnd. Mahine. 'i'wo Steamers, the ien Vi lie and the Metis were respectively lost on tho 15th and 31sc ult., the Bienvi'Ie was burned while on her trip from Xew York to Aspinwall, in latitude 25-12, Lons;itudo 7i-d5. There were one hundred and twenty seven persons on board, thirty four of whom ar missing. The Metis collided with a Schooner In Long Island Souod and went down carrying with her quite a number of persons to watery graves. Another Terrible Indian !la::ae. "Poor Lo" is still on tho war path as appears from a Topeka Kas. Dispatch, of tho 31st ult., to the State Journal, announcing the cold blooded butchery of fifteen or more persons, by tho noted Arapahoe chief Little Rover and his band of two hundred warriors in Color ado. The slaughtered men were in charge of 8 government train consisting of thirty b'ix mule teams carrying army supplies to Fort Lyon. The best antidote for all those out rages is an abundance of powder and lead. One of our enterprising business men, took a vote for president on the train, on tho P & E. K. B. last week. Tho re sult was 110 for Grant and 32 for Gree ley The same gentleman took a vote on a train near Northumberland a few days ago and found 40 lor Grant and 8 for Greeley. ''Straws show which way the wind blows." ' ' The necessity of submitting to defeat Id North Carolina, is the worst pill ever swallowed by the Northern Democracy, and is only equalled In nauscousuesa by the surrender of Lee at Appomattox Court House. To be defeated on a Southern battlo-Seld.-and then whipped at the Southern ballot-box, passes all the expectations of the Northern dough face, who U noy really sorry the comet did not "smash things." State Journal Annual fiepcrt for Hidgway School District. Receipts and Expenditures for school year ending June fid, 1872. Tax rates 20 mills on the dollnr of valua tion. RECEIPTS. Hal. In hands of Treas. last year $1080 74 Reed, from Count v Trens. on Un seated Lands 400 00 Rccd. from Tnxahles by Dirt. Trend. 1087 32 Uecd. from State Appropriation- 108 90 llecd. from Alt'y Halt, of Delinquent Collectors 318 97 $4151 no $1802 28 EXPENDITURE.". Paid hn Teachers Salaries, Fuel, Building, Supte. nndContin- genoes, 1423 38 Treasurers fees, 01 54 Balance in hands of Treas'r. Towoll j 161 82 44C1 9'J KiJgwny, June 25th. 1872. Attest., H. F. EIA", President, C. E. B15.MAN. Sucfy. Don't Like Tilt. Company.-VPwo old, substantial Republicans of Chester county. Dr. J. ll. Wood and Samuel J. Parker, who were disposed to support Greeley, lmvo we perceive, concluded that they cannot stand the company they were getting into, and have joined the Grant ad Wilson Club in West Chester. So it goes throughout the country. Others reported as going astray after false gods, are proclaiming themselves as resolved to march with their Iriunds and companions, the "Boys in Blue,'' and thus keep step to the music of tho Union. It is the only position in this contest that a true con sistent Republican can adopt. Daily Tlejraph. The Heading Times u'y "emails: Buckalew is not popul- wi h the Dem ocratic massoa. They reroopbor hitn as an erratic Senator, both at Washington and Harrishiirg full of whiiiM and crochets, and new (angled ideas. As a pai ty man ho was never .trusted in deed, he was denounced as a traitor to Doinoctatic principles on numerous oc en; ions by the Pcuiocratig prints ; his hobby of cumulative Voting was ridi culud, and his views in regard to consti tutional rcfoi in were opposed by near ly every Democratic newspapers' in the State. He was set down years ago as a political humbug, aod ho is no better now. Jle is really and truly the weak est candidate for Governor the Demo crats have had for mauy years Ilis de feat is a sure thing. The Democracy cannot carry such a dead weight. VAS A'f HOSE ? When a Greehi'e p ates about rcem ciling the South, just- ask him what further ho would li.iva done thau .has been done. Docs he want tho South reconciled, as Greeley appears to do, b paying the late r-lavi holders 8100,0 10 000 for their .-laves, ly pensioning rebel soldiers, and by 'paying the immense claims for damages that tho South is anxious to present 7 They have been forgiven their critics against the nation; they have been ndmitted to all the rights of citizenship, and the only thinr sn-keu of them in return is that they shall be peaceable and respect the person and property of other people. TJie Greeley ite would havo them- "'reconciled" by giving them the control of the govern ment very dangerous experiment the TriVano Proprietors in Trouble. Tho swindled subscribers to the New York Tribune arc in trouble. In Erie county they have an accredited agenr, and it appears that he has been sued sev eral times by Mr. Greeley's old subscrib ers who paid for tho Tribune uuder tho pledge (hat it was to be a Republican paper. Democrats have been supbecued to provo that it is not uow a Republican paper, and the justice of tho peace before whom suit was brought, ha given judg ment against the proprietors of the The Bradford Reporter says: (,Tf the 7'ribiine people will send au authorized agent to this county we promise he shall have lively times, answering the com plaints of deceived and swindled sub scribers." The examination of rebels ai chives at Washington (says the Pittsburg Ga zette) discloses the fact that during the war Buckalew was something more than a rebel sympathizer ho was an active aider and abettor of tho Southern rebels. Whatever the accumulation of evidenco may be, nothing better illustrates this lact than the "camp meeting" of desert ers and draft registers, that was held by Jiiin. Ho. sent his privato carriage to have them brought in, and such as had been imprisoned at Fort Mifflin for par ticularly rabid secessionist!! were given the places ol honor. After the burning of Chanibersburg by the rebels, and the terrible battle of Gettysburg, how de lightful it will app : r to have a person who sympathized with the rebels who came to burn -and slaughter, made Gov ernor xf the State! - This, will bo- bridg ing the bloody chasm with a vengeance. Daily Telegraph.'"' New Advertisements. VENDERS OF MERCHANDISE ATTEN TION I , Vender of - Merchandise, keepers ot Saloons, Brewers and Distiller of tho County of Elk (ire hereby notified that the Appraiser of Mercantile Taxes 1872 has filed liis return in my ofticS, ntid that th tax by him assessed rnusfhe paid to rti nt onoe, or the Recounts will lie placed in the hamis of a collector. C. R. EARLEY. TrcBsurer. Ridgway, Sept. 6th, 1972-41. STATE FAIR! THE Annuat Exhibition ofthe PENNSYf.' VANU STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY will be held nt. ERIE, SEPT. 17. 18. 19 and 20. 1872. Competition is co-fxlensive with the United States and the provinces, and the citizens of other States and the Dominion are cordially invited to compete for our prises. No Entry Ffr is Ciiapoed. Ex cursion tickets will be isut?d by all the railroads and stock and Articles cnrr'ed nt the lowest rates. JACOB R. EBY. D. W. SkIled. Rec. See. President. Eldridur MoConcKt, Cor. SeO "VfOTtCEi Whereas my wife Emma Oross hns left my bed nnd board without any jnst cause or provocation; nil persons are here by forbiden to hnrbor or trust her on my account, ns t shall pny do debts of her con tracting after this date. THOMAS A. (3ROSS. July 22n.l, 1872. NOTICE. My wif Mary Roper has left my bed nnd board without just crtitse or provo cation. This is to forbid nil persons hnrbor ing or trusting her on my account, ns I will pnv no debts of Iipt construction nf'pr this date. CASPER ROPER. Aug. 15th, 1872. Jones Township. A CENTS. $10 to S20 PER DAY GUARANTEED. Specimens nnd full pmticnlnrs free. Address WOODS LITER' ARY AND ART AGENCY. Newburgh, ?t. y. HOW TO GO WE3P. This is an inquiry which every one should have truthnil; answered before ho starts on his journey, add a .little care taken in examination of llnutos tviil in many casses save much trouble, time and money. The "C.. B k Q. R. B.." runnins from Chicago, through Galesburg to Burlington, and the ''I . B. &W. Route,' running from Indianapolis, through Blooniington to Burlington, have achiev ed a spler.did reputation in the hist two years as the leading Passengers Routes to the West. At Burlington they con nect with the B- i& M. 11 11. nnd from the great Buriintfton lloute, which rtlns direct through Southern ToWa to Nebras ka and Kansas, with close connections to California and the Territories; and passengers starting from Elk County, on their way wosfwnid. cannot do better than to take the But'i.tNUTON Koute. This Line has published a pamphlet called ''flow to no West," which con tains much vnluab'o inoinnation; a large correct map of the Great Wet, which can be o'ltaieed free of chaise by ad dressing the General Passenger Aient B. & M. Tt. Pi. Burllnv'ton. towa. 2-22tf NEW LI Villi Y STAHL.I2 DA: SCRlBXhUl WISHES TO IX- form tho Cittzeus of Itidyway, and the public gctcmlly, that lie has started a Liv c-ry Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES an l Buggies, to let npoii the most reason ble terms CSjU.!'8 will also Jo job teaming. Stable in tho Brooks Barn, near tho Post Orlice, on Mil' street. All orders left at the Pos-t Office will meet prompt atten tion.' ' ' Aug 20 1870. tf. IME balance of this Thriling Hotnftnee will bo found in "THAT CONVEN TION : or Five Days a Politician." Just out, containing -1110 'Illustration by the Greatest, Humorous Artist in American, with contributions from "F. O. W.." l'E TltOLEUM V. NAS15Y, MARK TWAIN, "H. G.," ROLLO It.VMELEa, and a score of other popular writers. On boatitiful tint paper, elegantly bound. Cloth. :?1.2."i: Pa per, 73 cents. FOR SALU EVERY WHERE, or sent pott paid ou receipt of price. F. G. WELCH & CO , Publishers, New York and Chicago. AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY, New York, General Agents for supplying the Trade. PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION OP PJSNN'A. JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing an amendment to the Cpnstitu tion of Pennsylvania. Be it retolved by the Senate and itoitue of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania in General Assembly met. That the following amendment of the Coustitukion of this Commonwealth be proposed to the people for their adoption or rejection, pur suant to the provisions of tho tenth article thereof, to Wit) AMENDMENT: Strike out the sixth article of the Con stitution, and insert in lieu thereof the following: '-A State Treasurer shall be chosen by the qualified eleotors of the Siateu, at suoh tiuieCand for such term of service as shall be prescribed by law." . WILLIAM ELLIOTT, Speaker of the House of Representatives. JAMES . 8. RUTAN, . Speaker of the Senate. Approved The twenty-second day of March, Auno Domini one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two. . JNO, W. GEARY. Prepared and certified for publication pursuant to the Tenth Artiole of the Con stitution. FRANCIS JORDAN. Secretary of the Commonwealth, "Office Secretary of the Commonwealth, Harrisburg, June 26th, 1872, july 4m3. New Advertisements ST. MARY'S FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP. ' '. ST. MARY'S. ELIt CO., PA.'1 '' '' "' M ASttF ACTtl RW '. . STE A. M E N O' I V V. S Machinery for SAW aiut GlUST MILS. TANNERIES, AND BRICK YARDS, FARMING IM I'DEMENTS. Fuoh ns Plows, Threshing Machine t Stump Machines, Jcc SASH WEIGHTS, CEI.IjAR guards, CARPET STRIPS, IRON RAILING TOR VERANDAS AND CEMETERYS. FARM BELLS, t RON K NTT L ES 0 Y A LL SI t MS . HEATERS AND STOYES Car wheels all siz-'S lor Railroad con tractors, mill men and n.ll who are lu want of them, solid or with tii t'is, chilled or tn t. ttl slmtt everything made' niif, of iron. We solicit the tradtl of Elk and adjoining counties. Give u a trial is nil We nk. Foundry cor. Mill and St. Mary's Sts. St.-Mary's, Elk Co . Pj. L. II. G ARNEil &BRO. v2-2;;tf, ADMtNf"TH ATOM S NOTKM'! Notice is hen-hv given that letters of Admin istration on 'lie ectnte of .Jlde.lphit' Kyler. deceased) l it o of Fox township. E1U County, l'ennsy Iva lia. liliviiifi heocii . gmntpd to tile ut;dcriin'd, nil pel. sons imiuhlpd to Slid esiatj will pleae iniile imiiiediaie payment j and tlove I ttving cbiims or de mands ll presctii lliem prnpvi-ly nuihcnli caled for suttlgmi'tif wilhnut delay. PKTEIi THOMPSON, t ... Fi.OliilTl'A KYLKIt, )' S' 123-41. N eW sta5E routij. t BCRXX, l'rojwletnr. The subscriber having secured the con tract for carrying the U. S. Mail between UEYNOLDSVlf.LE & llltOCICWAY VILLI!, has place 1 on thai road ft line of Imclts. Hacks Itvivo r lie Kxclmnjre lintel in I'eyiioldvilltt every Tiles lay. Thursday an Saturday oh the nirivit' of tlid Ilrnonviln stage, fttid retur.i the same day. 'IhesV hacks connect at RrockwnyVille with the Rid);way stilifi'S, nnikin Connection With (rains on tile P. K - H.md, both east and west. Every attention to the numfnrt of patrons tit this 1 1 ti till bti given, ilud n liberal patt'oaajje solicited. Aur. 13-7--'if. Music for tlis Campaign. Iiik hidgWay siLvi:it counet hand w ll fuinish music fn' nil political meetings during the campaign. NEW IN 8TRU M i:TS AND. MEW MI' SIC. Terms moderate. D. B. DAY, Leader. J. 0. W, BAtLt'Yi Soi'y. llidcuny. Pa.. Aug. 13. 187:2. Presule-itlal Campaign. Caps, (lapes Si Torches. Send forlllnsti'nted Cir cular and Price List. CUNNING HAM & HILL, MANUFACTEllEKS, iNo. uiiurch htrect. PlItLADELPlllA l-dSllS. P or Sale- Lots to suit lniyersi Largn or small, on longtimn fliie f'Jurt.'i eush, balance on tell years. . Inquit-o of H. Lit le, Kiilpway. iv 0. H, McNulty," No. flfii) Uroadwuy, New York. .-i-20itil. . F RED. sCH(EN"tNt3, WHOtESAt.E ACt HKT.UI. tiEAi.KR IJ( PIANO-FORTES, ORGANS, SHEET MUSIC, and MUSIC BOOIvS. Pianos and organs to rent and rental ap plied if purchased. Prothonutury's OHi(;e Kidgwrty, l'ft. v2n20lf. J.KU.VL. j Iu Common P'cns of Elk County. 21 April T.. '72. Jamta II Wilher, vs. Kale II. Wilber. Libel iu Divo-ce, a vinculo matrimonii. To Kate II. Wilher, respondent above named: Yoa aie hereby noiiilei that (ho subpuen-v and alias subpoena in the above case hav ing been returned nort fit inventus, you .tr required to appea' ou the FIILST MOSDAY OF NOVUM, next, being the 5lH day of the monih, to answer tho complaint in the above case. D. C. OYSTER, Sherirf. Bueeiif's Omen, l Ilidgway, July 4th, 1872. 18io. lcqal.J Catharine J. Bowcn, In Common Pleas of Elk County. James Bowen. J No. $ April T. '71. Libel in Divorce, a vinculo matrimonii. To Jamet Somen, respondent about named: You are hereby notirifld that the subpoena and alias subpoena in the above case having been returned non est inventus, y0u are re quired to appear on the TIIiDR MONDAY OF OCTOBER next, being the 5th day of the month, to answer the complaint in the above case c , n D'?-YSTER. Sheriff. Hidgway, Aujf. 4th, 1872. f nlgt. W. S. SERVICE. GO AND SEE! .IT WILL l'AYI THE LARGEST STOCK OF THE BEST NO OTHER IN STOCK S TO FA'S! HOUSE FtTttNTStltNG" GOObS IN ENDLESS AllIETY. PRICES WILL SUIT ! GOODS WILL I'LEASEt S SELL CHEAP STOVES DELIVERED AND SET FHLlEI FltEK! IMIEE! 'JALL AND EXAMINE! A PLEASUltE TO" SHOW GOODS! So. 1 Alasonio f f till Huilding. llidgwrty, Pa AGE NTS WANTEIi: For the fastest aitd ttinst popular book with fit) II lustration'. liUetlcssr's of nil thd Presidents beutifillly tjoitild, aitd printed oil tinted' a pet. THE NATION, Its Killer's add Institutions, .V EXaijT.SU AXD Ok MAX Nhttiing like it. Strikes everybody lis just the bonk they need. tt. is nu Encyclo pedia flf the Government. Stogie page in it ft t'ts of themselves WoCIII the price of tins b:!lk M'er fitjt) pihjes and Oilli) J3.Q0. A ICil -HARVEST, for Canvitssers Indies and gentlemenfarmer1 tenchers ntld tiiletils. One a:)e,nt look 73 Unlet in et feiv rf with circular alone, before ihe book P)'.eand. $2(1 A DAY ouii be cleared in fair tifritory. Write at onrie for cirClilar and information. jffiW WOltLD I'Uil LISH1NO ')., Cur. ftli nnd Jtarket Streets, rhiladelplii:!.. VlnHfyl. niE GREAT CAtiSE of Ur.man Miserv. ' J Just Published, in A Scaled Envelope Price six cents, A Lecture ou the tfrtt iire, Treat ment, and Radical cure of spermatorrhoea, induced by se'lf'-Ahusc, Involuntary Envss ions, Impotencj, Nervous Debility, and In peditnents to Jtdrrittge generally i Con sumption, Epilepsy, and Fits! Mental and Physical Incapacity, &C By ROB. J. CULVERWELL, M. V., author 8f the "Green Book," &fl: The World-renownod author, in this' ad mirable Lecture, clearly proves front his own experience that the awful consequences of Self-Abuse may be effectually removed Milium iiieuicino, nnu witnaut uangerous nurorical oneratiorio. hnnrripn. inatvu.ttan.a rings, or cordials, pointing out a mode Of euro ul ouuo ceriain anu enectual, by wtiiou every sufferer, no matter what his Condition may be. dure hiirtself cheaply, privately and radically. This lecture will oroviJ n boon to thousands and thousatida. Sent Under seal, iri a nlaiH any address, on receipt of si cents, of two postage stamps, by addressing the publish ers. Also, DR.CULVERWELfS "Mar riage Guide," prica 60 cents. Address the i uoiiauers. CHAS. J. C. KLINE & CO. 127 BoWery, New York. P. 0. Box 4386. vlniiylcl Wood's iTew Iron Mower. AGENTS WANTED. For Circulars, particulars, etc., address, SELLEW, ADAMS '& CO., (Jowanda, N. Y Manufacturers of the Gowanda Plow. the best made. For sale iu Ridgway by POWELL & KIME. April 18tb, '73-3m. 0 NB MILLION OF LIVES 8AVED. Is one of the most remSrVable facts of this remarkable age, not that so many persons &ro the victims of dyspepsia Ot- In digestion, but its willing victims. Now, We would not be (in lorstnod to sdy llnit any one regards dyspepsia With favor, dr feels diNpised lo rank it antottg Jlle lltxtifleS of lift!. ' Fai' from it. thosti who hnve ex jierie'licrd Its torments wol'.ld stlotit sltch nh Idea. All dt'?itd It. and Would glldlf (lis. pense with its Unplessnht fnmlliSrltie'S Mark Tnple.V. Who wnS jolly Undei-till the tiying tiird'ttmslnnces' in Which lie Was placed, tlever hal all nttftclt of dyspepsia, or his jolily would have1 speedily forsaken him. Of all the multifarious diseases to Which thi hlimnn sy-ttfcm Is ' liable, there is perhaps tin one so generally prevalent its dJPpepsia. There nredisovstis more nrJUte and painful, and which morfl frequently prove faint, but nono the effects of Which are So depressing o the hlihd and srt positively distressing to the body. If there is a Wretched being in : he world it is A CONFIRMED DYSPEPTIC. We hare said thai dyspepsia Is perhaps the most, universal of huitlnh diseases. This is.impliatically the Case in tli4 United States Whether this general prevalence is due Id tile character of the food the method of ils preparation, or tho hnstr manner in Whioh it is usually swallowed, is not our provinoe to explain. The (treat fnCt With Which WC tiro called lo deal is this: ilYSPEPSIA PREVAILS almost universally! Nearly every other pefsfln Jfoti "fleet is a victim, an apparently willing one; Were this not the case, why so many sufferers, when a certain, speedy aild sate rcinedv is within the caay rcneli of all who will avail themselves of it? But says ft dys peptic: What is this remedy? ( Wliich we replyt This great nllevator tif hhthan suflering is almost ds Widely l!tirt'n US t lie English language. It lias nllrtyeJ the i gonies of thousands, and is to d-iy carrv comfort and ellcourngtneHt ttl lhntlaids of others. This acknowledged pitnrtoea is noi.e other th in Dr. lltlOFLAND'8 0 15RM AN HITTERS Would ybu know mure 0 the lnolits of jig wuiiditrful prepni fttioii than cult be learned fr-mi the experience of others? Cry it yourself, find whenit has failed to fn I HI the assurance of it." efflcafy given by ihe priiprietor, then nlmulnn fiiilh in it. LET IT BE RE hEMI'.EUEI). first of all, that HOOFLAND'S 0 ICR MAN 1TTER3 Is - j irutn beverage. They are composed Wholly cf tho pure uice or vital principle of roots; This is nut a mere assertion The extracts from which they are compounded are prepared by on 3 of the ah'est ot Herman chemists. Their tiffed s can be benetiuial only in all casei of ihe billhrv yslenl. Ilmitl nil's Uel'Rian Hitters Stand Without an equal, acting ptomptly and vigorously Upon Ihe liver; they remove its torpidity nu 1 cause health ful secretion of bile thereby supplying I lie stomach with the most indispensable elements of sound digestion in proper pro portions. They purify the blood. Cleansing the vital fluid j.'all hurtful impurities and su p'anting them with the elements of genuine healthfulness. Now, there are certain Classes' .)l per sons to whom eitreine Betters are n it only uripalatablo, but who dud it impossible to tako them without positive disCoinfilrt; Por such Dr. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TOXIC has been speoially prepared. It is intended for use where a slight, alcoholic stimulant is require i in connection With the well known Tonic properties of the pure tier man Bitters. HOOFLANU'S TONtfJ acts wiih almost marvelous effect. It not only stimulates the fl iggitlg and wanting energies, but invigorates and permanently st reiigthetis its action tiptin the Liver and Btrtutrttth thorough, perhaps less prompt than thu Bitteri, When tliu same quiintiij is taken is none the less oeH.'lin. Indigestion, ISilltuusness, Physical Or Ner vous prosi ration, vield readily to its po tent itifiitenco. It gives the invalid a new and stronger hold upon lifo, removco de pression of spirit, and inspires cheerful ness. But Dr. Hoofland's benefactions to the human race art! not Confined to his celebrated GERMAN BtTTERS, of his Invaluable Tonic; He has prepared au Other medicine, which is rapidly Winning its way to popular favor because of its in trinsic metits; This i HOOFLAND'S PODOPHYLLUM PILLS, rt perfect substi tute for merchry without any of mercury's evil qualities. These Wonderful Pills, which ore Intend ed to act upd!i the Liver, are mainly com. posed Of Podophyllum or the vital princi ple tif the mandrake root. It is the medi ainal virtues df this health-giving plant, in a perfectly pure and highly'cduoCntrrtted form. The Podophyllin acts directly on the Liver, stttiulaiiil lis functbns and cuiisitlg It to ffiaUe its billiary secretions in reg-u:fir aud proper quantities. The Inju rious results which invariably follow the iiso of mercury is entirely avoided by their Use. But It is not upon the Liver ouly that their powers ai-8 eerted. The extract of Mandrake contained in them is skillfully Combined with four other ei irsols, one of which acts upon the stomach, one upou the upper bowels, oue upon the lower boweli. and presents any griping effeot, thus producing a pill that influences the entire digestive and alimentary system, la atl eqtlal and harmonious manner, aud Its action entirely tree from nausea, vomit ing or griping pains common to all other purgatives. Possessing these much desirable qualities the Podophyllin beoomes invaluable as a FAMILY MEDICINE. No household should be without. Iham They are perfectly. safe, require but two for atl ordinary dose, are prompt and effi cient in action, and When used in connec tion with Dr. Hoofland's German- Bitters, or Tonic, may be regarded as certain spe cifics iu all oases of Liver Complaint, Dys- jiepain, or auj ui iue uisoraers to Whioh tho system is ordidarljr subject. The PODOPHYLLIN PILLS act upon the stomach and bowels, currying off improper obstruction, while the Bitters or Tonic purify the blood, strengthen and invigorate the fnme, give tone and ttpp. tite td the stomachy and thus build Up Ihe invalid anew. Dr. Hoofland, having provided internal remedies for disease, has given the world one mainly for external application, iu the Wonderful preparation known as Dr. HOOFLAND'S GREEK OtL; This Oil is a sovereign remedy for pains and aohes of all kinds. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, foothadhe, Chilblains, Sprains, Burns, Pain in the Back and Loins, Ringworms, etc.j elo., all yield to its external application. Taken internally, it is a cure for Heart burns, Kidney Diseases, Sick Headaches, CollOj Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Cramps, Pains in the Stoniaoh. Colds. AC lima t These, remedies will be sent by express to ny looality, upon application to the PRINCIPAL OFFICE, at the GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, No. 6S1 ARCH ST UIIIMIivmiiT. Bi,i ,i..uauiutiuA CHAS. M. E VAN Si. Proprietor. Formerly C. M. JACKSON & an Thei4 Remedies art for sale by Druggists Storekeepers, and Ntdicint jeilt-s even r'fl - Hair Vigor, For restoring to Gray Hair its . natural Vitality .and Color. A dressing Which U at ones agreeable, healthy4, tthd effectual f o r preserving the hail1. It soon restore faded or gray ( hait to its origincsl cohr, with the gtoss and freshness of youth, Thin hair is thickened, falling hair checked, and baldness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles are de stroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed but such as remain can be saved by this application! and stimu lated into activity, so that a DeW growth of hair is produced. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its Occasional use will prevent the hait from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. The restoration of vitality it gives to the scalp arrests and prevents the forma tion of dandruff, which is often 80 tin cleanly and offensive. Free from those deleterious substances Which main some preparations dangerous and inju rious to the hair, the Vigor can finly benefit but not harm it If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else Can be found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dyet it doei not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich, glossy lustre, and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Ci., Practical and Analytical Chembta, LOWELL, MASS. For Sale by 0. G. MESSENGER, Druggist, RidgWay, Pa. HALL'S lEIETMLtiieilMI & 1TAI1S Every year increases the popu larity of this valuable Hair Prep aration, which is due to merit alone. We can assure otif Old hatronS that it is kept fully up to its high standard and it is the on' ly reliable and perfected prepara tion for restoring Gray or Faded HAirt to its youthful color, waking it Soft, lustrous, and silken. The) scalp, by its use, becomes white and clean. It removes all eruptions and dandruff, and, by its tonid proper ties, prevents the hair from falling out, as it stimulates and nourishes tho hair-glands. By its usej the hair grows thicker and Btrbiigefi In baldness, it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, and will create a new growth, except in extreme old ttgCi It is the most economical Haib-DrksSISg ever" Used, as it requires fewer applies tions, and gives the hair a splendid, gloosy appearniiee. A. A. Hayesj StD., State Assayer of Massacho setts, saysj " The constituents are pure, and carefully selected for ex cellent quality j and I Consider it the Best Pbepabatioh for its intended purposes " Sold by all Druggists and Dealers in Afeiicinti. ' Price One Dollaf. Buckingham's Dye FOR THE WHISKERS . As our Renewer in many cases requires too long a time, and too much Care, to restore gray or faded Whiskers, we have prepared this dye, in one preparation, which will Suickly and effectually accomplish lis result. It is easily applied, and produces a color which will neither rub nor Wash off. Bold by all Druggists Price Fifty Cents. Manufactured by R. P. HALL. QQ NABHXTA la ABALIS lillK INGREDIENTS THAI COMPOSE KOSADALlS are lore it is not a secret preparation, consequently I'lITSICI.m PRESCRIBK If It is a certain euro for Scrofula. Syphilis in all its formi, Rheuma tism, Skin l)ivnoj Liver Com plaint and all disease! Of the Ulood. ' . 9 ONE EOtfLS OF EOSADALtS will do more (rood than ten bottle of the Syrups of Srsiif)nlla. THE UNDESIGNED PHYSldiANS have lid RoMidalisin theirpracticet lor ttia p.itt llirco years and froe ty eiidorre it nj it reliable Alterative and Ulood Turihcr. dh. t. c. rrr.it. cr E.uimoi, -, mi. t.j. novKiv. " DR. U. W. C'AIIK. nil. K.O. danxklly,." Dii. .1. 5. SPAUKS,f NtcioUsvUlli. DA. J. L. MuCAUTHA, ColumTji, DR. A. B. NOBLKB, Kdg;omb, I.C USED AID EKDOESED BT J. B. FRENCH SONS, rH Bivr . Mass. ' P. W. SMITH, Iscksoii, Mtrlii i A. V. WHKKLtU, Lima, Ohio. - n. ri .M.u, j.inia. unio. iCRAVtN & CO..r;or.lonvlt!e, Vs. Aye; i.. u. nitr Aiun.j Aiurircefci uoru,Triiu. Diir pa;o will not tlnw ni any T4 tnttiJ n-i:iiii.d ill retniirin to the Mitiinol liuradilis, 1'uche Medical fio.u-.MCin we guarantee Kluiii lx4 trat"t superior lo any they liave evci1 uwd in the treatment of diMtwd 'intd and to the afflicted v, aay try Itiii tiUlis, end you will be restored to health. Rosadalln Is a.iltt sil DrarrlatSi price $1.60 per kotile. Addrer . ' tl. Ci:iIHT3 & C3, '. N- iiinractiritf Chtmis BairTiaej ' I wh ere. vln21jrl It
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