AG111CVLTU11AL. The Jcwcts-A Hnbliiulcat Tradition. Tlio colotiratocl toaoho. Rabbi Miiir. Carve otf XOVJtd FKCIT TreEs. at dunni? the -Whole of one Sabbath day Young fruit trees, cither apples or pears, in the public school( instructing the iieert careful attention tor three or four people, inuring ins aoaonco irom uio THE I'LOT AGAINST IlALEf, CHAPTER I. WOW TUB TI.OT OniOtNAIEli; Neill' noon, tlio filli nf Snil,.nil,iir. 1h",- n years from the time they are transplant- I houso his two Sons died, both of thein of niM1 t,oriig under great excitement was Cd into permanent place, until tne roots, uu emigiiwiiieu m wnlu,nB hun-icny Broadwn. New York "Tli-MS ZZ UMrT "'ture. were flushed nnd convulsed, hU by keeping the surface soil loose, either bed, and spread a whit covering over S ne wild and res less, his whole mien In- by frequent disturbance, or mulching their bodies. In the; evening, the Kabbi tl,eof kccnnngnlsli. the ground as far as the roots extend. Meir came homo. Titmlii? to tlio right Into Blecekcr street, lio Frcquont stirring will acoompliBh the " Whore are my two sons," ho askod, "n riwlicd n plnin tlirro story nnd basement same ends, although for young trees " that I may give them my blessing Y I brick liouso, to which ho guvo himself ndmlt- transplanted the past Bpring, a mulch repeatedly walked round the school, and tnnce. r will keop tlio soil more moist, and on I did not oe them there." Arc you there, Ruth T" ho called from tho this account a more certain and uniform R"o reacnea nun a goDiet. lie praisoa imn m. - .... - . I J. 1- T J A 1 - - i A. - P L- CI .1.1. - ll. I growth ot wood will be made the first " "ru. tne $oing out ui me oaooatn, A Btcp WftB hcar(j 0VcruClld foii0Wcd by tho year loan witnoui tne muicn. jjrawing i "u,li 6,u " . the soil away from tho body of trees, " Where are my sons, that they, too, Vinwiinn- thnm out is soinetimes nrftn- may drink of the cup of blessing ?" ... I mi .11 l i j. . .. i i iney win noi do lar on, sne saia, and placed food boforo him that he might eat. lie was in a gladsome and genial mood ; and when he had said grace after ticed by fruit-growers, so that an extra amount of rain water will remain near the roots during the summer months, about young fruit trees. This plaa will entail more labor than mulching, and the results will not be as certain. When young fruit trees are planted in grass, a circle should be kept dug around the body of the trees further than the roots extend, and under no circumstances al low the grass to encroach on this space. If it does, in eight cases out of every ten the trees will be stunted in growth, and present a sorry appearance, grow ing smaller instead of larger each year. When fruit trees are eight or ten years old, strong, and vigorous, boforo allowed to go into grass they may live and boar some pears, but with young trees this the meal, she thus addressed him : " Rabbi, with thy permission I would fain propose to thee one question." " Ask it, then, my love, he replied. " A few days ago a person intrusted somo jowels to my custody, and now" ho demands them again ; should I civo them back ?" " This is a question," said Rabbi Meir, " which my wife should not have thought it necessary to ask. What I wouldst thou hesitate, or be reluctant to restoro to every ono his own ?" " iso, she replied ; " but yet 1 thought rustling of a dress, and a young lady descended tho front stairs. Dcsplto several points of marked contrast, there, was a family likeness about the couple that proclaimed them to bo brother nnd sister. 'Why, what's tlio matter, Luke?" cried tho latter, starting at sight of tho disturbed method of grass culture is a poor one, it best not to restore them without ac- Up9ct rae." countenance that met her view. "Arc you ill r "I've Just received bad news," replied tho brother, leading the way Into the parlor " news which has given me a terrible shock." 11 Shocked f You ! What has happened ?" " In a word, Clam Aymar is married 1" " Married 1" echoed tho sister, recoiling. " Clara Aymar married ! Is It possible ?" "Yes, married! the girl I've been laying siege to for years pastthe only girl I ever cared a pin for. Imagine the shock this event gives me. I'm nearly crazy." " Then you really loved her ?" " Loved her ! I must have worshipped her. or else this thing would not have so completely judging it from tho experience and oh servation of the writer, bix years ago a neighbor planted a hundred fine two-year-old Standards in a meadow. Tho ground was in good heart, and the trees set out with care. Since the time these trees were set out, no pains have been taken to keep the grass away from these trees. Tho result is that now these trees will not average as large in size as they wero when taken from tho nursery row ; or rather those that are living, for during these six years a num ber of trees have died. This is only ono of a groat many instances that have come under tho writer's notice of tho foolishness of planting young pear trees in grass, with any hopes that they will make strong, healthy trees in a few years. That there maybe exceptions to this rule, there is no doubt ; but there is no doubt in tho writer's mind but what they are very rare exceptions. Although being familiar with pear growing for tho past 15 or 20 years, and during that time have visited many of the leading pear orchards, tho writer has never been able to find 00 trees in ono lot whore the growth in grass would equul tho same number of trees where tho soil was kept cultivated. What I have seen of pear growing in grass has convinced me that grass cul ture, for profit, just about equals dwarf culture for the same object very dis couraging to tho person who attempts tho experiment. With young or old pear trr-.-v, it is a good plan in tho fall, when tlm wood is ripe, and tho fruit gathered, to raise the Boil around tho fruit trees. Beside cast ing the water during the winter and spring months, it is an excellent pre ventive to keep field mic from girdling tho trees. In the garden, this can easily bo done with a spade or digging-fork. In the orchard, for the purpose of rais ing the soil toward the trees, use a one horse plow, throwing the furrow slices toward tho bodies of the rows of trees. This I do lato in the full, before the ground freezes up ; and when the ground litis been turned in this way, I havo never had a pear troo girdled during the winter, no matter how much snow, nor quainting you therewith. She then led him to tho chamber, and, stepping to the bed, took tho white coh ering from the dead bodies. " Ah, my sons, my sons i" thus loudly lamented the father ; " my sons ! the light of my eyes, and the light of my understanding I I was your father, but ye were my teachers in the law." Tho mother turned away, and wept bitterly. At length Bhe took her hus band by the hand, and said : " Rabbi, didst thou not teach me that we must not be reluctant to restore that which was intrusted to our keeping '( See ; the Lord gave, the Lord hath taken away, and blessed bo tho name of tho Lord!" " Blessed bo the nanio of the Lord I" echoed Rabbi Meir : " and blessed bo His nanw for thy sake, too, for well it is written, 1 Whoso hath found a virtuous wife, hath a greater treasure than costly pearls ; sho openeth her mouth with wisdom, and in her tonguo is tho law of kindness.' " A Laughable Love Slory. A rich old gentleman had only ono daughter, possessed of the highest at tractions, moral, personal and pecuniary. Sho was engaged and devotedly at tached to a young man in every respect worthy of her choice. All tho marriage preliminaries were arranged, and the wedding was fixed to take place on a crr'ain Thursday. On the Monday pre ceding the wedding-day the bridegroom elect (who was to have received $00,000 down on his wedding-day, and a further sum of $100,000 on his father-in-law's death, an event which would probably soon occur) had a little jealous squabble with his intended at an evening party. Tho " tiff " arose in consequeuce of his paying moro attention than Bhe thought justifiable to a lady'with sparkling eyes and inimitable ringlets. The gentleman retorted, and spoke tauntingly of a certain cousin whoso waistcoat was tho admiration of the company, and hinted that it was em broidered by tho fair heiress herself. Ho added that it would be soon enough e 1 A- 1. 1 1.1 AJ A! lm i ;n . j . a it. a ior iiim io oe scuooieu aiser mey were Wldl Tntr - - V I .1 Kroonhnc 1 n iff la Trn BAnn A f f aim ing in grass have been girdled at differ cut times, ono winter as many as forty ono trees, that were growing in a patch of grass, laid down for the purpose of testing this method in the writer's or chard. More than half that number of trees wero girdled all the way round. iSomo of them wero then ten inches in diameter two foot above the surface. During.the writer's practical experience in pe;.r growing for profit, ho hits never had a singlo troo girdled by fluid mice when the tree stood in cultivated ground. If for nothing else, this would bo some inducement to keep tho surface of the orchard under culture. In tho spring, when the ground is dry enough to work, the raised rntges along the lines of the trees are thrown back with a one-horse plow and cultivator, so that by the first of June tho surface is nearly r quito level. In the garden, breeches" a little too soon. After sup. per they becauie reconciled, apparently, and tho bridegroom elect, in taking leave, was kind and affectionate. The next morning tho swain regretted tho angry feeling ho had exhibited, and the cutting sarcasm with which he had giv en it vent ; and, as a part of the amende honorable, packed up a magnificent satin dress which ho had previously bespoken for his beloved (which had been sent home in tho interval), and sent it to tho lady with tho following note : " Deauest Jane I havo been unablo to close my eyes all night, in thinking of our misunderstanding last evening. Pray pardon me ; and, in token of your forgiveness, deign to accept tho accom panying dress, and wear it for the sako of Your most affectionate llEXKY." Having written tho note, ho gave it the raised mounds may be drawn partly I to his servant to deliver with tho parcel. away from the trees with a hoe or rake, I But, as a pair of pantaloons happened to wh-n working over the soil in the spring, need repairing, he availed himself of the A thin coating of well-rottjd yard ma- I opportunity (tho servant having to pass nure may bo scattered on tho mound of f-arth in tho fall, beforo winter sets in. This will encourage a more vigorous growth in the spring. iV. r. 1'riliune. Knocked About In tho World. tho tailors shop) to send them m un othor packago to tho tailor. The man made tho fatal blunder ! left the satin dress with Snip, and took the noto and tho damaged trowsors to tho lady. So exasperated was Bhe, at what ho con sidered a determined and deliberate af- It is a good thing for a young man to tront tllnt whcn L,.r adll,ir,,r cftn0d 8he his soft-hearted parents may not think so. All youths, or if not all, certainly ninetoen-twentieths of the sum total, outer life with a surplusage of self-conceit. If, in measuring themselves with wiser and older men than they are, they discover that it is unwarranted, and get rid of it gracefully, of thmr own accord, well and good ; if not, it is desirable, ior their own Bakes, that it bo knocked out of them. ordered the door to bo cled in his face, refused to listen to any explanation, and resolutely broko off the mutch. A Father' Advice to a Ilrldj. Said a young husband whose busim-oa speculations wero unsuccessful, "My wife's silver tea-set, the bridal gift of a " Oh, as to that, tho loss of a thing always gives us an exaggerated notion of its value," said the sister philosophically, as sho sank languidly into nn easy chair, and smoothed out a fold in her showy morning robe. " You are simply shocked, ns you say. But by to morrow you will laugh nt tho whole mat ter." " Don't, Ruth !" Implored tho brother, sink ing heavily Into tho nearest chair. "Clara Aymar is more to me than my life I My lovo for her is a delirium ! It's no such passing tancy as you suppose, nut an everlasting pas sion a rage a Hood of molten lava 1 And I've counted all along upon marrying her. True, she has rejected uio twice, but I thought she'd change her mind " " Sho was in no way committed to you T" " No, of course not. Sho has never given mc any encouragement. But I am none the less surprised. I supposed that everything was favorable enough to my wishes. I knew that she was still young to marry an orphan without money and without triends pre sumably without suitors ; and I flattered my self that she couldn't always remain Insensible to my attentions." " You reasoned wisely enough, of course, Luke ; but reason never decides these matters," declared the sister, witli a sort of contemp tuous compassion. " A whim a chance meet ing a smile or a word a moment's weakness any trille these are the things by which marriages arc brought about. But who is the bridegroom ?" " Ah, that's a point that will touch you a lit tle, I think. Can't you guess who he is V " I haveu't the least idea." " Well, then, he's Will, llawley." ' The sister sprang abruptly to her feet, clasp ing both hands to her heart. The changing colors of her brother, his agitation, his anguish, all passed to her own features. "Will, llawley r" she gasped. "Uu, you don't mean it, Luke!" " But I do, though. It's God's truth. Clara Avmar and Will. llawley are husband and wile." A heavy fall succeeded. The Bister had fainted. She lav upon the lloor as one dead. "Did she tliiuk that much of llawley?" muttered the brother, astonished. " I didn't suppose " lie hastened to bring a pitcher of water and but lie tho white features, aud then set himself to chafing the clenched hands. Capt. Luke Pedder was twenty-seven years of age, with an originally light complexion, which had reddened with generous living and bronzed with exposure to wind and sun. His form was of the average size and height, and his features of tlio most ordinary type. He was singularly sellish and unscrupulous, but of gcittlcmauly manners, being well educated and used to good society. J lis ability as a navigator was fair for a mail of his age uud ex perience, but he owed his positiou ns com mander of a fine Australian clipper, more to respect for his late father and to sympathizing favor than to his own merits. Miss Ruth l'edder was two years younger than tier urotucr, nnu consequently twenty-live years of age, although she owned to only twenty. She was tall, thin, and a little inclined in her outlines, as in her temper, to angularity. She was not particularly bright, but was bold nnd unscrupulous, and possessed a tierce ener gy which was capable of compensating in any emergency for lack of genius. . The father ol the couple had been a promi nent ship-owner and merchant. But in Ills lat ter days the seuior l'edder had been unfortun ate, uud had dually been broken up completely n result hastened, it was whispered, by tlte wild ways nnd financial irregularities of his son. The old man's failure had soon been fol lowed by his death, and already for such is fame ! he was generally forgotten. " How odd it is !" ejaculated Capt. l'edder, as ho rubbed his sister's cold hands. " She mudly in lovo witli Will. llawley, and crazy after Clara Aymar ! Aud now Will, and Clara are married, and Hulh and I arc left out la the cold." Under the vigorous treatment he had adopt ed Miss l'edder soon recovered her senses. " Are you suro they're married 1" she de manded. "Perfectly. I learned the fact half nn hour sinco from Hawley's commander Captain (ireggs, you know. Captain Urcggs was at tho wedding. It took place hist Friday evening the tirsl evening after Hawley's return from his last voyage to Rio. It was a quiet tilluir. Only a few friends were invited. But let mc usk you a question. Did llawley ever propose to you r" " Stt. But I expected that he would, soon do so. He has been here ofleu enough " " Yes, he came several times to ask me for a berth la my clipper. 1 promised to think of him at the iirst opening, uud I really meant to help him, for I knew in u general way that you liked him." " 1 thought he'd realize that you could be of .'! to him," explained Mis l'edder. "I lliK.iht he'd remember that mother lull mu Ibis house und a few thousand dollars to do as 1 pleased with. I was conscious, too, that I possessed a fair share of personal attractions. Anu us 1 supposca nun to ue entirely Heart BhC Mulelitu1 at luT tiCart ngahl, ns If sufl'o' Cat ing. redder opened his eyes widely I, Will. Wl.nt Ann A 1 l. nrlvtni1. " Ynil ...i,, .... vim nuuu! lie iiit. -- wouldn't have me murder llawley, I suppose ? That wouldn't make him your husband. And, on the other hand, It wouldn't do me any good 11 you were to kill Clara Aymar." " But there Is a wny, Luke, of undoing that marriage." l'edder started toward his sister, ns u ctcc- trifled. " Do you lnenn It V he demauded. " I menu It. nnd I swear it ! I'll never con sent to that girl's having llawley 1 I'll dig n gulf between them as broad as tho ocean I I'll unuo Hint marriage, or die ! ' " Softly 1 Where Is Kate?" Ho referred to their single servant. " She's out for the day," answered Miss Ted der, arising nnd planting herself In a chair. " There was little to do, you know, ns I did uoi expect, you uonic until dinner." " Then no one will hear us." He drew a chnlr nearer to that of his sister nnd sat down beside her. , What's your idea f" ho asked, In a whisper. " My idea is to separate them ; to turn their love to hate to dig a pit beneath their feet that will remain open forever 1" " But how V "Will, llawley is poor, isn't lief" "Certainly; there is no mistnko nbout thnt. His mother was n helpless invalid for tlio last ten years of her life, and Will. Insisted on her using for her comfort every penny ho earned. Jt hasn't been six months since he was relieved of that burden. He's poor, therefore, ns you say poor ns Joh s turkey I" " Then he'll have to leave his darling Clnra," sneered Miss Pedder venomously. " He'll havo to absent himself from his deary in order to earn their mutual bread nnd butter. In short, he'll have to go to sea ngain." " Well, yes ; I supposo ho will," nssentcd Pedder. " llo can get better wages nt sea than elsewhere. . He'll sail ngaiii soon, no doubt." " I thought ns much. -And the sea is full of terrible dangers 1 When do you sail ngain for Australia r " In about two weeks possibly In ten days, as the ship's filling up rapidly." " llawley Is thoroughly competent to be your first mate ?" Pedder looked wondcrinirlv nt his sister a moment, and then answered: 'Of course. I know of no better man for the post." " Ho must bo your first mate, thcu. You havo influence enough with your owners, I hope, to turn out the present Incumbent ?" " Why, tho post Is already vacant. Mr. Jar ding you havo seen him Sir. Jardiug has Just been called -homo suddenly to Ohio, on account of his father's illness " " Good I That's fortunate. OTou must rec ommend llawley for the vacant place to your owners, nnd get them to engage him. Tho thing can be done!"' " Without tho least doubt. It was under stood, you know, as I Just now remarked, that I was to help llawley at the first opportunity. We'll accordingly suppose that he sails with mo ns first mate tho next voyage. What then 1" " You must leave him not dend, but n pris oner on some desert islaud between here nnd Australia I" Pedder looked his astonishment. " If it can be done," he said, after a pause, " what next V " You must eonie back aud report that he Is dead, furnishing full details nnd good proofs. Those details and proofs will not be difficult to manufacture. Then you must bo nil kinducss nnd sympathy to the young widow, as sho will suppose herself to be, nnd in less than a year thereafter she will be your wife." "Oh, if this thing were possible!" sighed Pedder, beginning to look relieved. Possible 1 It's as simple as kissing. And the moment you are married to Clara, I will bike a trip to Australia for my health, and nat urally enough, stumble upon the very island where you have left llawley ; effect his rescue ; tell him his wife is dead; condole nnd svnina- thizc with him like nn angel ; nnd conclude the whole comedy by becoming his wife nnd set tling in Australia. You'll thus have your Clara on 'this side of the occnu, nnd I shall' be happy with Hawley on the other." She was smiling now, with every sign of an ticipated triumph. As to Pedder, he twisted nervously in his chair, scarcely venturing to breathe. "There's just one dillleulty," ho muttered " that of getting Hawley on" the desert islaud without his suspecting anything." " It can be done," and the lips of Miss Ped der came together like tho jaws of a vise. " There's no dillleulty about finding a suitablo Island !" "Not the least. I saw tho Island In my mind's cyo the moment you uttered the word, and a glorious one it is for our purpose." " It will be easy for you to get llawley upon It," suggested M"iss Pedder thoughtfully. " If it's near your route, you can call there for wa ter. If it's out of your way, you can be blown there by udverse winds, or bo drifted there by unknown currents, or fetch up there by a mis take in your reckoning or a fault in your chro nometer. Ana once there, you can have llaw ley seized by some trusty ngent, while he is ashore upon business, or you can send him ashore under some pretence, such as looking for a deserter from the ship or for a ship wrecked sailor, and then sail away without him" " Say no more," Interrupted Pedder, with wild exultation. " I see how to manage tliu nllidr from its beginning to its end." " And you now see that we can undo that hateful marriage t" " Perfectly perfectly. Tho affair will re quire a little time uud patience, of course, and a little expenditure of money, but we are suro to triumph. Capital! glorious ! What a loud you havo taken from my soul, Ruth I What a genius you nre !" He leaped to his feet nnd began pacing to and Iro rapidly, 'with the most extravagant signs nnd exclamations of joy. " First to get ILiwlcv on his Island," re sumed Miss Pedder musingly. " Next for you to marry the pretended widow. Then for mo to rescue the prisoner nnd marry him. Aud finally for you nnd mo to be happy, you in your wny and I ill mine you with Clara in New York, und I with Will, m Australia. You comprehend the whole project clearly !"' "From the first step to tho lust. There's only just one possibility of failure " "And that one" " A refusal on Hawley's part to accept the post offered him a refusal based upon his marriage." Miss Pedder turned pale ut the thought. " But ho won't refuse," sho soon declared, recovering her equanimity. " llo has loug In two weeks more, Ruth W'c shall be Oil In six or eight, days. Tho cargo is fairly tumbling iibonrd tho Hying VhiUers, to sny nothing of a fair list of passenger. The honey moon of our loving doves will be abridged to six short days more, yon may be certain." Ur 11A1L110AD llONDS: Whether you wish to buy or sell, writo to Ciiarlet W. Hassleii, No 7 Wall St., New York. A boy who is sent to a large school made me tho bankrupt I am." His ex- soon finds his loveL His will may have I perienco is the experience of many oth- iieeu paramount; uc noino ; uut scnooi boys are democratic in their ideas, and, if arregant, are sure to be thrashed into u recognition ot the golden rulo. 1 he rich uncle, doomed mo to financial ruin, It involved a hundred unexpected ex penses, which, in trying to meet, have free,! took it for granted that I should get him. His attentions seemed marked enough " " He treated you politely, of course," iuter ruptcd Pedder, "aud ho couldn't have well done less, alter asking me to befriend him. But he never made any formal declaration f " " No, he didu l. As mate ot a Kio ship, he world is a great pubfio school, and it soon teaches a now pupil his proper place. If he has the attributes that belong to a loader, he "will bo installed in the posi tion of a leader ; if not, whatevor his e wn opinion of his abilities may be, ho will be compelled to fall in with the rank 0f nothing which will tempt you to try and file. If not destined to greatness, ft more than tho well-intentioned but the next best thing to which he can as- nernicious gifts of rich friends." Such nire is respectability : but no man can advice to a daughter was timely. If cither bo truly great or respectable, who other parents would follow the game is vain, pompous, sua overwearing iiy the time the novice has ers, who, less wise, da not know what is tho gobliu of the house, working its de struction. A sagacious father of great wealth exceedingly mortified his daugh- was away seven-eighths of tho time, uud I ter bv ordering it to be printed on her didn't expect a regulf r courtship. But I took . y. P .. . ill, li.r (rnitirnH " 1 wedding caruo, "o presents except p an , tlcm- turc, those adapted to au income of f 1,000. ducoivud oursl.iv," he muttered. Said ho. " YOU must not expect to begin We've been curried nwuv bv .our fetdliuw. lifo in tho style I am able, by many I The girl's rejection of mo was really Intended answer." he declared. " Hawley shall uecom- lianv mo on mv very next trip. lomaKo au CHAPTER II. A OnBATSTKP TAKEN. In the midst of tho Antarctic ocean, a little ofl tlio route from New York to Australia, there lies A largo Island named Kcrguelcn's Land, or ns dipt. Cook called it tlio Islaud of Desolation. It was discovered Just one hundred years ago, (In 177a,) by the French naval officer whose name It bears. It was uninhabited then, nnd is to-day as deserted as ever. Tlio "smallest school-boy among our readers can find it upon his map of tlio world, nbout midway between the south end of Africa nnd Australia, well up toward the South Pole. It is a hundred miles in length by fifty in breadth, nnd Is consequently thrco or four times ns large ns Rhode Island. ' Its coasts nrc so wild nnd dangerous that Its discoverer, during tlio two expeditions that ho made to it, did not onco bring his ships to anchor In any of its bays nnd harbors. lis shape Is very Irregular, but something like that of an hour-glass, It being nearly ciit in t wo by a couple of large bays ; but theso two divisions nre unequal in size, tlio northern peninsula being much larger than the southern. Itn coast line is widely broken nnd jagged, its Innumerable gulfs being long and narrow, nnd its promontories are correspondingly sharp and slender, reaching out into the oceau like fingers. Tlio body of the Island Indeed resembles that of somo huge monster of the antediluvian world, even as its capes and headlands re sembles such a monster's unsightly limbs and claws. A more terrific solitude than this Isle of Desolation does not exist upon our wretched ptanct. Neither the snows of Himalaya nor the sands oi canara can outvie its terrors. No inhabitant Is there, not even a snvnge no house, no tree, no shrub, no fence nor rond, no field nor garden, no horse, no dog not even a snake or a wolf. Lone, blasted and barren, It looks like tho skeleton ot n land that lias perished. It may indeed bo that Desolation is tho relic the surviving fragment of a continent thnt went down here countless aires niro. with hosts of inhabitants, iu some vast convulsion of na ture. It has certainly undergono dreadful visita tions ; been rent by earthquakes, pulverized by lrosts, insiicd and wasted bv fierce tempests, Its mountains nrc only of moderate height nut nre capped eternally wim snow. Its vegetation is limited to n few dwarfish plants, including somo mosses, a species of iieiicn, n course grass, a plant resembling small cabbage, and a sort of cress. Its winds nre raw and piercing'. Its summers cold and frosty, its winters those ot the Polar Circles. Tho interior of the island is occupied by im mense boggy swamps, where the ground sinks ui every siep. The ruins iu Desolation are almost incessant in their season, and tlio island is acrordingly veined witli numerous torrents of fresh water, some of which have worn out of tho solid rock tremendous cavities and gullies. Tlio only otner season man tlint ol the nuns 13 one ot til most constant snow. The logs of that ghastly region nre well worthy of the rains, being of a cloud-like den sity, mid hovering almost continually over the wnoie lace oi tne island. The sun of Desolation is usually hidden by canopy oi leau-coiorcd clouds, and appears, on the rare occasions when it is visible, scarce ly brighter than the moon iu other latitudes. As to the moon itself, aud the stars, the clouds and logs rarely permit them to betray their existence. No fish worthy of note, not even fishes of prey, abound In the adjacent waters, by reason, perhaps, of their containing poisonous minerals! or dendly exhalations from the volcanic tires beneath them. Yet the dark grim sea inclosing Desolation bus done something to repair the sterility of mc lsuinu. - renguins, uucks, culls, cormorants an other marine birds arc plentiful iu some of its harbors. Seals also abound. Strange nnd terrible land! Not a single human being, so far as is known has ever lived there, save ns is now to be corded m theso pages. Near the middle of 'a dull, dismal afternoon, somo eleven weeks later than the date of the proceeding events, the good ship Flying Child ers drew near to the island of Desolation, shap ing her course toward its northernmost bay, called by Captain Cook Christmas Harbor. A fair breeze was blowing from tho north, aud the ship was carrying every stitch of her canvass, including studding-sails. Her crew both watches wero busy about tho deck, and her passengers a score fn num ber had gathered in groups, mostly forward, and were gazing with great interest upon tho wild, rugged shores before them, so far as the fog suspended upon those shores permitted them to becomo visible. The ship had come hero for water, nearly all her water casks having been stove or started during a squall ten days previously, and every soul aboard of her having been since that date upon short allowance. Upon the quarter-deck stood Capt. Luke Pedder, looking unusually happy, witli Will. Hawley beside him. " I mean to get our water aboard before dark, Captain Pedder, and so avoid losing a night here," said the young executive, totally unconscious of the plot to leave him alone on tho desolate island, nnd ol the extraordinary ndventurcs which were before him. The strange events that happened there, and indeed tho whole of this thrilling story, will tic found only in the New York Ledger, which is now rendy and for sale at all thu book-stores and news-depots. Ask for the number dated Julv 18, nnd iu it you will get the continuation of tho story from the place where it leaves off here. The New York markets undoubtedly afford a better variety of goods of any kind or character required, than any other in the world. Strictly cosmopoli tan, New York city leads tho -world in this respect. Parties ordering direct from New York have been disappointed by want of attention nnd accuracy on the part of thoso receiving the orders, tho establishment, under the auspices of somo of New York's most prominent men, of a Purchasing Bureau whoso duty it is to receive orders und place them where they can be filled to best advant age. In order to secure best market rates cash must accompany the order or goods sent C. O. D. Address tho New New York Wlic-lcsnle Alnrfcrts, nilTTEn MtnK-. flno flrklna... Vt pnm CHEfCSE-Ktuti-lru-torr OHIO ., Fiirm ilatrr COTTON-Ordlnaiy low tn irooci middling... EOOS-N. ., N. 1., A Penii a..'... blni.d HiOUH-fiiiwline l.xtra to fniicT Ktalo Ohio round hoop 7 25 r.xtrn nmnnr S XJ Hprliiff wheat 7 15 Ml tfxtrn (Ipni 8L Lout donhln film. . . Conn Mbal WoMorn & J-ir.i.y nralldvwiiiA GRAIN Cornr Wi!i-n Koutucrii BABLir womcrn Canada OlTS run Wbsat Wostoin No. 1 Spring... llo. r o. 8 do Do. Amber.... ... Do. Whitii WllltA (Jnnnsna I 111 ROVISIONS-l'ork-New innss... I! 75 W n prims.. Ill 00 li us Plain 7 do Ejlrani-H U 0(1 nuof haniR 99 IH1 IIACOIf OllBKN IlAMS liAnp 8KED Clovnr 9 Timothy 9 37 Flaxseed W00L-N. Y., l'a.. O.i and Mich Tt. and lewa , Tox&fl and California... BEEVES Host Oood Common tn fair SHEEP A LA.MllS-lieop AiaiUDV SWINB-Ltvs . DroMcd " f " ' B so (Til a vn A Jf, V VfTfAXViA mm () U4 8 on M ! (! ( w di (' (. ! IS ft M 111 1 05 i'J U4 77 1 7 I VI t 10 i 10 13 40 li co oo ti (10 SO (HI r .! t IS 9, No Person citn tnke thfi Blttera accord ins to direction, and remain Icing unwell, provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other menu, and vhe vital organs wasted beymid the point of repair. . .Il'vunenflla or Intllaeftllon Heartache. Tain in the Shoultlers, Coughs. Tightness of tlte Chest, Dit tineM, Sour Kmctations of the Stomach. Bad Tasie in the Mouth, Itilimis Attacks Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of the l.unss Tain in the rep ions of the Kidneys "d a hundred older painful symptoms, nre the oft'siirinns of I)ypepsia.t In these complaints it has no equal, and one bottle will prove a Letter guar antee of its merits than a lenpthy advertisement. For Feitinlo Complaints, in young or old, married or single, nt the dawn .of womanhood, or the turn of lite, these l ontt Hitters display o decided an influence that a marked improvement is soon percep tible. For Tnflnmmntory nnd Chronic nhrn ttmllsiii and Clout, Bilious, Remittent and lntr mu lent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, I.iver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Bitters have no equal. Such Dis eases are caused by Vitiated Blood, which is generally prnduced bv derangement of the Dipestive Organs. They n'ro t Ueiitle Parent. ve nn well nn a Tonic, possessing also the peculiar merit of acting as a powerful agent i relieving Congestion or Intlam mation of the Liver and Visceral Organs, and hi Bilious Diseases. For Skin Dlncnsps, Eruptions, Tetter, Salt m1 ni 3 i f I Kiieunij moicnes, opois i -tnipics i -uswiies, i'n, j.uo vuituio chili puuuaucis ui wiu puper bunctcs, Kins-worms, hcald-ilcid, Sore i.yes, r.ry in which it anilfiiirs arfi Tint. rMtirtiihl sinelas, lich, bcttrfs, Discoloratmnsof the Skin, Humors 70 5 g iX it & to' (in 10 M 11 (nJ iS 7a 70 45 13 12 I IK 10 I'M Editorial Opinions. Au advertise ment is, as a general rulo, an elaborate eulogium on the merits of something wuicn tho advertiser desires to sell. for its statements. Sometimes, how ever, highly important discoveries or in ventions, announced to tho world through ine Dtisiness aepartment ot tho press, seem to demand a lew words of editorial commendation. We have no hesitation in saying that tho excellent medicine introduced by Dr. Joseph Walker, of California, under the name of V INEOAR Bitters, belongs to this category, and has a just claim to a favorable notice. There can be no doubt as to its utility as a tonic, stomachic and alterative. We ate cognizant ot many instances in which it has cured cases of chronic dys pepsia supposed to be incurable, and know that tho estimation in which it is held as a remedy for bilious and nervous disorders, intermittent and remittent fevers, rheumatism and general debility, is founded on experience and well de served. The testimony of " a cloud of witnesses" goes to show that it is emi nently useful in a largo majority of the disorders to which the human family are subject. Tho fact that it contains no alcohol commends it to the conndimco of that large and increasinp; class of tho community who insist that all spirituous buiuukuus uru active poisons. The best and cheapest Hair Dressing is Burnett's Cocoaine. and Disease of the Skin, nf whatever name or nature, nre literally due tip and carried nut uf the system iu a short time hv the use nf tliee Hitlers. Grnteful TlinusalMlii proclaim Vinrgar Hit ters the most wonderful Invigoraul lhat ever sustained the sinkinc system. j WAI.Klift.Prop'r. 11. II. McIJOXALD & CO., Druggists and Gen. Afts., San Francisco and New York. Ey SOLD liY ALL DRUGGISTS ft DEALKKS. ynncGenu'ne miU-wg EinnriT. I. Hint. lH'ONOMY IM VKAI.TH."-PrnnUlln. J J VThy will people nny $w or moro tor u Sbwiko Mauimsr wtien Hi will nuy one that ha a ttundard repututioti, 1h double thread, coumlntu Willi Tuhlu. eunftmctea upon emlri-ly nt'W ana practical prlncl- os, runs hv friction, and cxcols nil other r Theco celebrated Miichlnes nro intenled for poor people who The cntburtics utcd and unproved liv the physicians comprising tUc various medical ag noci.itions of tills State nre now compounded mid old uuder the rjiime of rarsont' Purga tive Pills. Wo copy the following Irom mi exchange, which Id important, If true : Chronic diur rhrea ot long etumliug, also dysentery, and all similar complaints common at this feason of the year, cun be cured by the ubo (internally) of Johnson's Anodyne Liniment. Wo know whereof we nllirirj. If you desire rosy checks nnd n conipltxion lair ana tree Irom funnies, Jilotches nnd Krun- tions, purify your blood by tukinu; Dr. l'icrce's (johlcn Medicul Discovery. It has no equal for this purpose. f,8S. Chatted Hands, face, rough skin. pimples, ring-worm, salt-rheum, and other cutaneous affections cured, and tho skin mode soft and smooth by using the JUNIPER TAR bOAr, made by Uaswell, Hazard & Co., New York. It is more convenient and easily applied than other remedies, avoiding the troublo of the greasy compounds now in use. Whether for use on man or beat, I the Mer chant's Gargling Oil will be found an invabia- tiio Lliilmeut, and worthy ot use by every r. 8 Idenl in the land. We know of no propritta y medicine or article now used in the UniU d States which shares the good will of lli peop e to a greater deuree than this. JV. '. nr- pendent. VBOKTIXR Is not a vile. liailsnn enmnnnnil. wliih simply puri-csthe howul, but a safe, ph iikant remedy which i Hire to purify tho blood aud thereby restore want to save time, labor und money. B Auknts Wasted. Machine sent to Asents and given ateay to noetly famines, tor uircuiurw nun reaucetl prices, address FKANKLIN DIAMOND 8. M. UO., Uox 31)'. Huston, Mass. REVOLVERS AT CO.ST.-CLARK'S SIX KIIOOT Elt. A ueat. pretty und durable wcur.on : 2-lnch barrel. Shoots accurately at 30 paces. Uses No. ?2 cartridge, and will just suit all who wUh a rclhihlo w eapon rnce, i.:iu. posi-pum : iwoiori.ju. Auurcss NELSON At CO., Manufacturers, Harlem, Ma. SENDS For n rlfTii.ttve Circular of tho 'HKArEsT nnd II EST ItOTAllY IAI) L'UUN NIIKL.L40tl 111 Mm worM. Adilnwi Kloenk Bnyhkh. , Trcainrpr, Fami ly CorncUcUiT Co., Htirrifburjr, l'a. 6 Flioo'8 Instant Rblikf han ntood twentv rears' f'Ht In warranted to irivu iumifdint relief in nil Rheumatic, K-uraljHc, Hi-utl, Kar and Hack ache, UU HUN EY HEFUnDKI) CRISTADORO'S EXCKI.BIOB HAIR Dri stun J nnrivnl. ed and aloue. Its merit havo been eo universal.- ao KUUWICU cunt on been wanting junt tmtu a place. Married or " Well said, ltulh. 1 thiuk wo cau count Thl8 " now "ltirely overcome by upon him. The poet he came here to ftjsk mu tor in now vacant, aud I will accordingly have Hollered to hiiujubt as if nothing had hap pened." Exactly. You needn't speak of his mar riage, or BCcni to know anything about it. You cau simply oiler liilu thu pott in qucKliou, iu accordance witli the old uudcratandiiifr. And Ue will accept it. He can't poilly have any suspicion of anything wront;. Outwardly und apparently we are all on good terms w ith one llliollicr, anu will remain so. i.ei mo Isaacs v i, r, v., t nm j otlered him be liberal. P.issihlv he inav obi York Purchasing Bureau, ,04 Broadway, Jcct to leaving his youug bride so soon, but the r e w York . Dealers and jobbers as well next vovaire after this oiie " Pedder interrupted tho remark by a gesture of impatience. He wits all eagerness now all determination. "That next vovaire after this ono will not vparn nf labor, to mdulco : and 1 know to bo linal, ana Jlawieys visits Here were ... i.i .11 i . i . a I mnrslv vlulla fit liiiitiiipMa niwl I'riomlfihin Hut why Clara should prefer llawley to lue I can't imagine," added Pedder, drawing himself up haughtily. " llawley lias neither name, nor money, nor positiou." " Nor can sec why llawley should prefer ng- plan, many young men would be spared Clara Aymar to me!" said .Miss Pedder, as found his carg 0f incessant toil and anxiety ; they educed at her relleetion in one of the long .,.. ' , , . , i ..'J mirrors near her. " She s a hired attendant, or something of lhat kiud the creature." "I'd no idea that you thought so much of llawley," observed thu brother, as he strove to calm his painful emotions. Miss Pedder moaned, iter eyes liUed with tears. v " I thought all the world of him," she uur- leiritiniate social uosition. be the same I wmiM not find themselves on vhe down high or low, the probability is that the dis I Ward road, because their wives had agr.3eable traits of hig character will be I WOrn all of thoir salary, or expended it softened down or worn away. Most 0n the appointments of the house, lae likely tho process of abrasion will be 0f the poor man who found a linch rough, perhaps very rough j - but when DiT, anj f0lt himself obliged to make a It i nil 1 i. l : a OAA Itim. I . ii . i. : .. i' . . . .. r . I. 1. I . i 0 U WYCJ, OUU UD VCglU W BOO mu- CaiTiage LO lit ll IB tUD lUbtl UI tUD UUO- I mUTQd. self as others see him, and not reflected band who finds his bride in possession I a long silence fell between the couple. in the mirror of self-conceit he will be I nf nA and silver valuables, and no I " Well, well, they're husband aud wife at thankful that he has run the gauntlet, we income to support the owner's gold leugth muttered Pedder hoarsely, Aud UiU, ottered somo objoctious, as was uuti and arrived thoueh bv a routrU road, at ,? B;ivr tvl 1 1'P. u aU thBre u t0 ue "MV t"e high wnges, the great step upw VwW0"!? ."EirthJ2 "llYer tyle' . Pedder. compressed her lip. until they kindly intercsWe all ulanifested, soou w .vuw suv re wv ' ever loving mothers may think to the contrary, it is a good thing for youths to be knocked about iu the world it makes men of them. To have eleirant llirht Biscuits. Rolls. Buck wheat Cakes, Fruit Dumpliufs, &e., you should use Dooley's Yeast Powder. Ask your Grocer I for IU It is pure Bakiug Powder. bled, staring at her brother with a lixeduess amounting to ferocity. ".wo I uoi' sue Dreamed nercely. "lae matter shall not end hero. That uiurrlngo i mat uuowiuauie marria'o sure on this point, I will have hiiu. euguged this very day. In fact, I will see to this now." lie seized his hat and gloves, addressed a few words to his sister and quietly took his departure down town. The hist glances the couple exchanged ut the door wero full of ju bilant wickeduess. The next three or four hours passed slowly to Miss Pedder. Bhe was beginning to fear that tho wholo project had miscarried at its very commencement, and was fretting herself iuto a fever, when Pedder suddenly made bis appearance. One glance at Ids vivid flushes, at bis dancing eyes, at his airy manner, was sufficient. " Wo triumph then 1" she cried, throwing herself iuto his arms for the iirst time iu years. " Completely I I saw my owners on the subioct. and thev scut for llawley. lie at iirst natural, uui ard, the brought him to a eratcful oeccutauee. " Splendid!" murmured Miss Pedder, with a rippling laugh. " I kuew the thiug was fea sible. Aud so iu two weeks more our fond bridegroom will be plowing the sea again" as consumers will serve their own inter est by remembering the address. Bond for circular. A Sad Falliko Out. It is indeed a sad falling out when, alter years of tho closest in lliuncy. the hair parts company with the head, Fortunately the lamentable separaliou may be easily prevented aud thu twain more closely united than ever by a timely uud systematic use of Lyons Kathaiuon, the most potent mvigoram or tno hair and promoter of its growth aud beauty kuowu to modem phar macy, it completely ooviates tne ury aud parched condition of the roots of the hair, which is preliminary to its coming out, by supplyiug the precise degree of moisture re quisite to its preservation in a healthy state! It is the only true dissolvent and cvaporant of aaudrull and other impurities ot the tcalp whose presence is injurious to the hair. As . beautiller of thu head the Kalhalrou has no equal. It not only increase the quautity of iue nair, but Improves Its quality immediately, Imparling a lustrous appearance uud silky ivxiure wuicu uru exeeeumgiy attractive. Rurruuic can be cured without suffering, Elastic Trusses are superseding all ethers. Before buying Metal Trusses or Supporters, send for a descriptive circular to the Elastic .Truss Uo., iitii ltroadtvay, . X. "Tliclr Name Is liculoii." DypGP'l I ttiu Ean-iit of moro evils thnn Ucmt out nf I'anilom's hit, .iliuasiiusi, sour gtomttcu, htrutlafhi1, consliimtfoii, lifrvotis Uehllity, nauseu, una inth'hctihuhlc int-nlal mtfcry aro itiiioin; its terrihU' ollsprintr. (Jive tin-in nil the coup de grace with Takhint's Efvekyrscknt Fkltkkk ArF.KiE.ST, which reiiovtitcs ami n uhiti-s the howols, tones tho ktorHui-h, anil isufaru rcuittty for iinli!,'ostion and all its concomitant. SOLD 11Y ALL DltL'aOISTS. The Gettysburg Katalysine Water Is sold at the Sprinir at tho following rates: Threo ffallon dt'mijohiH, S3 each. Hix-irnlUui di tnijoluia, f5. ooell. Cases of two do.i-lt quart bottles, is raeh. If liciKhhoi-iin; drucirists do not keen it, invalids may nnvu it sent irom tno rprlnif ly jl.-illroail or Ailums Kxpress, by cnvlosini; I'ost-Olliey Money Orders or Checks, l'nyslehins and Cleruymen supplied fortheu own tiso with thrce-iraHon demijohns at S2-?0 each ; with six-gallon dunniohns at S3.5t eaoli : with ca.-vs ol two dozen quai ls at SG.'.U each. Medical and e.ei ieat vocation must bo certilled by nearest Postmaster or other responsible parties. Address WHITNKV UROH., til S. Front Htreot. 1'hllade Iphla, l'a. THEA-NECTAR IS A I'tltR IITjAO-Iv TKA. with tlio Ureen Tea flavor. Tli huht Tea Imported. For tat9 everywhere. And for alt wholo" culfi only hv th- Cerent Atlnii- 1 11I k'ultiin St.. nit.l 9 Af 1 -Tliiir.-ti ht., New York. KG. llux. 55041. Send or Thca-Stctar Circular, ttauVLrnl SCRIBNER'S LUMBER AND LOG BOOK. A StAHTLIHQ TRUTH I Ttmuuiniii die annnnllvfrnm ntiflfctfd couplis and cold, which noou rip-uu into con gum nt ion. or othttr umiullv futul riiwons... nt tm iuu?h; wuen r,y iuo uniriy ue ut a uinulo bottle of ur. h war tsatiam oj ua unerry their liven iiiitflit havo been prenervud tu a wuen old uve. NATURE'S &EMEDY.' TI TOMTIT The Oreat Blood Purifier TIP TIC Y&WaTUt ISO Everyone Speaks Favorably. East Marbufield, Aug. 31, 1870. Mu. Stkvims: Dear Sir I havo boon troubled with rani iWn childhood, caurdug my mouth to be to sort ut timua mat i wm uimiiio to oau iiavo takon mauv urtmaru- tioni), but with no effect until I tried your Voktini After tnkinir a tuw dosei. I found it rohuvud the faint- noes at the htoiuuch that always accompanies canker humor ; aud, by tho time I had taken the third boti le my mouth was entirely cured. Have not been troubled with it id nee that time, which I eicht mouth caro. I have recommended it to several of my acquaintances, aud everyone kyeuk favorably of iU jcood effect. Your truly. P. 8. SHERMAN. Now. enlarged and Imnroved edition of this valua ble book 1ut published, tyvhiff correct nuaMireiuenu for cantliun board, plank, haw-lotrs, by UovIo'h rule. Cubical coiiteu'tt) of Kiiuare and round timber, stave and beading bolt. Capacity of ciftenie, wood taMe. tables of wacex, board, interest tablet, etc. This i the luont valuable and popular book ever published of its kind. Half a million copies havo been hold. Ak your bookseller for the now editiou of l$7)i. or I will t-vml one for 35 rent. pot -paid. UKU, w. t isiiuu, r. u. uox rJ8, uocbester, the: confessions of A NERVOUS INVALID. Published tor the benefit ni young men and other who eutler from Nwrvouv Debility, etc., tupplyiitff tup ue anu or 2KLV-CUKK. Written by one who cured hi ill icit, and sent free on receiving a pott-paid directed envelope. AddreHK N AT1IAMKL MAYFA1U. lhouk lyu. N. Y. HUM PS, Double Acting ltucket PhiHgerf are the boU ticud for circular. Valley Machine Co., . KaMlliampluui Man, ? Steam Would not Be Without YEGETINE For Ten Tiinin its Cost I The Brant benefit I hnvo rocidved Irnm tha nu Af Dr. Cuinmlng's Vegktink, induce me to irive my tea uinouy tn iu lavor. I believe it to ue not only of rcat value for restoring the health, but a preventive ot difc mueti peculiar to the Hpriiig and uiumor f-eaon. I would not bo without ft lor Leu times iu cout EDWIN T1LDEN, Attorney, and General A pent for Maachuftetta of the CrafUiuen'it Lile I insurance Company, No. 49 Sean building, Boston, Maui. Prepared by H. B. 8TKVNS. Boaton, Uau. Price $ Bold by all Druggist g. DR. WHITTIER. Longest engaged, and most luccest-ful phyt-iciau of tb agu. Consultation or pamphlut free. Call or write. J tint published for bencutol young men who sutler fn u AervouuetB, ueuuuy, etc., a ireaut-e oi jo pnyef, io I gtamp ; a boo of 800 pagen. Uluatratod. for centi . BUOKEU'S SALE. 300 Planof, 575 Gold Watches. Silver do., 400 Sewing Machine, HO Silk Dreieri, 600hawltt, l.OoO Gold Chains, ttf? Beta Gold Jvwetry, aud 7,000 other articles', at $1 each, tteud cents lor two tickets, or two htamp for Circulars. V. u. it A ft fc. a ol uu.. notion., uau. riMlK FFRFKTT IIEMMEH for ALL 8KW X IN'G MACHINES, will he in round cerner, over seams, on tine or coarse good, any width from J-lii to fc ot an Inch, Hamulesient prepaid on receiutor ohe dollar. Address T. A. MACACLAY, lut Lexiugtou Avenue, new org uity. A WATCH FREE, worth W, given gratfs to everv live ntau who will act as our airent. Bai- ness light and honorable. Pays $30 per day, mi re. No gift enternrite. No humbug. Address MONROE KENNEDY & CO., Pittsburgh, Penn. 1 K( K NlIBSEnY.-THB BEST I'hKULV 1LLLSTKATED. Sout U the lime to tub , ecrihe. Hend etuwiv for a raiuple number. JOilM li. fcUUflhY, 36 llromheld bU. L'ualou. Mtuf. rpiMR ROLLS ON, and it may debar you from col X loctiug your foreign et-tate. Write all about your cat to J. V. FRUEAt'FF, Attorney at Law. Columbia. Pa. PER WEEK and expenses paid. We want reliable atreni in every uoumyiu ue u. 8. Addres IIddbom Kitkb Wms Co., 13l Maiden Lane. Pi, Y., or Chicago. 111. $30; UOMES IN TUB WEST And How to Obtain Them, ConUlnlr.K conic, of all the Homestead and Pimp tiou Law., itu lustructiuus how to locate, ir.-iupt. and obtain till, to Public Laud,, witu description of cllmato, soil aud rosourcea of soiu. of the leading Dtatea of th Weat. Price Ml cents, or three coul-a for tt.uu. tieat poituald to any address. . low ay co; 116 gmlthfleld tit., Pm.bura-h, Pa. Uoildko Flt (n tar) tor ouUide work and tuslda instead of plaster. Velt Oai'uetiuKs. Aco. Bend I stamps fox circular aud aauiuluii. 0. ) Vai, Camden, N. J. 40 to SAO nur week for MALE and PKMAI.B AGENTS. No inone; required till the goods are sold. Bend stamp for circular aud particulara. L. i"AU. EINGTON, M LalKht St.. New tork. UgH Miller's Celebrated Odonton Tooth Powder. Metal Stopper, S'ic. Dntiri'ts have it. hauiples mailed. A- U wanted. 0. K. Phyfe, lai l'ulton-st., fi.Y. A GKNTS Wanted. Asents malt mora Xm. work for usllian auyiinur else. Rinnpv ml rVi.u. (h HTiaana t Co.. Fiiu Art fuSlUher: Portland Mu. Ua Marriage. Happy R$Htf for Vounr Hem Reuiarkable Heporis seut free, Audreas, iiuwauo A aoouTiuH, Philadeluhla, Pa,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers