U' SMIT A. PaRSONB, Jr., . . Editor. THIT.SDAY. .yOVEMBSIt f, 1871. Ner Brighton, Nov. 5 Co). David Ftnntou, AuJitor General elect of this ttatc, died suddenly at liis residence, at this place, at ten minutes past one this juoruing. He hod been sufietrinit, for a .luy or wo with herpes in tho lace, :susini liim much pain, and iiboul 7 'clock last evening ho injected a small ituaDtity of morphine into his tirni lor the purpose ol quieting the pain, which "had becor.ie very severe, and hj this lie was much relieved. Sleep ensued, from "which his wife found 'it irr p siblo to arouse him. Drs. Jackson, McKiunoy, "Winners and Meed were summoned. t.tid used every effort to bring about a reaction, but without, permanent effect It is the opinion cl the physicians that iu making the injection of morphiue he yunctured a blood vessel, which, owing 10 tbo peculiar state of his system, vas the immediate cause of his fdth. lie ws:B 42 years of age. The New York Observer En ter upon its Fiftieth Year on tho 1st f January next. Its career has been De of the most successful in the histoiy tif American journalism. Every de partment is conducted with ability. Its .Foreign Correspondence is unrivalled, vnd its independence iu commenting upon political corruption is in the high est degree praiseworthy. We notico that it appear in a "-Yi ic .Drrss," and also aunounees that the suc cess of its Year-Book for 1871 will re sult in Volume No. 2 for 1872, which will be still more complete in its statis tical and other tables of information, n rid iu i:s general arrangement. ijudi enterprise deserves success, and we advise our readers to send for a specimen copy of the paper. New tiubseribers will receive the purer free until January 1st. KCOKS AND 2SY23. Twins, like misfortune, never come j-ingly. Philadelphia has one hundred and tixty citizou uiil!iouai:cs. A rat with nine tails is an Iowa curiosity. That rat would be a match lor a cat o' nine tails. It is a mistake to suppose thnt ths ma is supported iu the heavens by its learns. I The youna mau who was recently reported ns dnad, tarns out to be oixlj a -'dead beat." Thn tobaoei man'ifactunci of the United States number 1.U23, of wh'usS '.orth Carolina Ins 2)5, Virginia 1S5. rnj Missouri 102. A prominent journalist in New York, who is perfectly bald, has of fered, a reward of $1,000 1 r a talc that will nmku his hair stand :i end. A young Lily explained to a pnutei the other day the difference between yiiutitig and publishin. an 1 at the tonclusinn of her remarks, by -way illustration, the fcaid: "You may print a kins on my check, but you must uut publish it" lie took her at her word, and then went immediately and ordered a suit .if cluthinr for the wedding. j osrmasiers ui uif smaller uiuees throughout tho country are somewhat of an annoyance to the Government. A lare majority of them arc constantly iesiiiniiit their positions, becoming dis satii-tifd with the emoluments of post mastership, ond, consequently, render ing a change necessary, when the "usual method of preparing the papers for can didates has to be re-enacted. The average number of appointments of l be abnve class throughout the year is about thirty a day. Vnitk.d States Senate Amount of Ar-i'KOi' iiations Required f:hi 1S73. The estiu ate.6 of appropriations re-quired to meet the expenses of the I'liitcd States Senate for the fiscal year -rnninir June 30, 1S73. have just been prepaied by the Secretary of thn Senate The amount called lor is 8053.990. 'This included tho salaries and mileage of Senators, clerical force of the Senate and other expenses. The estimates for the fiscal year ending June oO, 1S7JV :iie 87.000 less than for a like period in 1S72. but would have been 810.000 but lor the fact, that a Senate Librarian has been recently appointed at n salary of 32 2t) and an assistant engineer at 01.403. The amount of aid to Chicngo from foreign countries is much greater than t'ould have been anticipated. Indeed, almost every pait of the civilized world eecms to be anxious to do its share for the relief of the devastated city. Montreal hot tent 8102,000 in gold, and the rest .of Cauadi probably as much more. Fram Havana comes a contribu tion of over 810,000 in gold. The con tributions in Great IJritaiu must exceed one hundred thousand pounds or a half million dollars iu gold. Germany, Bel gium. Switzerland, France and other countries have all contributed uccordins o their means, and it may be fairly esti mated that the whole amount given by foreigners will reach a million of dollars. This is a handsome return for all that America has doiie for foreign countries that have suffered from fire, war, pesti Unct and famine. . t . t .i ii. rr 'Tiuy Say'' is a Nuisance l li is forever uniting mischief. Forever poking his nose into somebody' busi ness.' Forever villifying somebody's character. Forever doing something mean. YVa suspect. "They Say" hns ruined about as tunny people as wh'u. key ncd fato banks, "They Fay" is a snake In the grass; professing the warmest friendship 'O your face, ho vilely traduce you be hind your back not in the first per son singular, be it remembered, lot lie is too crafty for that, but he re tails, with Aminidab Sleek like sorrow, bat ether people eav oi you in short, what "They Fay." 'They Say'' is a 'humbug. Tear off tho hypocritical mask he wears, and you shall see, very often basnfse and knavery ol the blackest kind. Sometimes we admit, "They Say" is weakminded, and slanders people more through k'tiorancc and thoughtlessness-, than n wish to destroy their giod name, but ho is none the less a nuisance for that, and God help his vioiim in esthcr caso. EAILROALS- PEILADELTEIA & ERIE KAILE0AD SUMMER TIME TABLE. ON and after MONDAY, AUG. "lb, 1871, t lie I in in on (lie Philadelphia Lria Ttnilrond will run ns follows: WESTWARD. .Mail Train leaves l'liiladolphia.. 7.10 p.m. " ' " I'idgway 10. (to a. m. a a arrive uL Jilie 3.11(1 p. rii. Erie Explenves Phila(lclilii:i...l-.80 p. in ' " Hidj;way 2 l!0 a. m. " " aiiivo at Erie 7 -10 a. in. Accomodation, loaves lienovn, ...7.15 a. m. ' ' Uiilgway,-:') ir p. in. " nir at Kiiue f.OOp. m. , I.ASTWAKn. Mf.Il Train leaves Erie 11.80 a. ru. ' ' ltiilgwiiy 4.i')'l p. ni. " " arrive nt l'liila-i'n ... 7. HO a. m. Erin Express leaves Ene 9.00 p. ni. " ' EiJpway... I.4(i a. ni. " " avat riiiliulolpliia.. !S.(lO p. m. Accomodation, lenvcH Kane "i.(;0 a. in. ' ' liitlgway... .. a. m. nvr nt St. Marys H..')0 am. " leaves 8t. Marys 10. KO a in. ' ni r ut l'.ouovo (j.4n p. in. Mail Enst ruiitn-cts eatl ni:il wctt at Erie with I. S S .1 S It W uinl nt t'orry niul IrviuetoB with Oil Creek ami Allegheny 1! It W. Mail Yt with west bound train? on I. S S M S K V." ami t t'orry and lvviiieton Willi Oil Creek mi l .Mle.-rnVny R It W. Vi iirren Arconiiiniiliii ion -a"t und wi'St rt'.lli imiu i'ii I. S :nd M .S 11 oast und hVM uini nt t.'oi iy wilh () (.' and A It K . Ei ie Aei'oiiiiiiud itin'i East at Horry aud trviuolon nitli II C .nid A K It Vi. Eliuira .Mail mid liiillalo Express make l'K..c cuiiiieoi i.iii ut Willi.'iuiiipori withN C li Vl lr;.:ii i iioi'in i;:i I bOiilli. Catawis.ta pa-ie:i,ji f trains will bo run en si from Vi'iiliaii!.-iurt on Klmivu Mail. WM-. A. UAI.UWLN. Ueu'l Siip't. .N'HW Tl.Mil TA15LK. Cotiimoiieinjj June Oth. 1871. ALLEGHENY VALLEY R. It. rilE r.V.iT ROUTE I'.KTWEEN VITT3- i5t;r.i;n and imistsox the 1 illL'A. EllLE It. R. fiOI.VI sot'TII. Day Uxprt.i.- leaves (til City at 2 10 p in rrivv at i'iilsii.ir,;!' 7 5" p in Sight E.-.f I CS- K-avcs Oil City 9 -; p ut Arrives at I'.i i .l.u; gli 0 40 a IU Mail leaves Oil .:;;y y 40 a 111 Arrives lit l'i! ls!;ii h 0 Vi) p i;i (iOIMi .NOIITFI. Day Rx press leaves l'i.U'burg at 8 3"i a. in Arrivis ai Oil l ity at C U'i p in Nil.t E::;;io-s leaves I'itlsliurgh 10 10 p in r: ives ai Ol! City h o.j a in Vay l'assci.er leaves Piltsbui gh T' ;;0 p m :inive at Oil City 7 40 p ni ('l.ise Cntiiiei'i inns made at Corry for I'ittsbiirsli v.ith liaias East and West on l K I'. K. It. VuUmuii l'nllaee Uraning Room Sleep, ing Cars oa Nijrin Express Trains between Oorry aint rituburli. Ask tor Tio!:e:ii via Allegheny Valley U. A. 1. 3. LAWRENCE, Gen. Supt. OAuLi A. CAVA. td:tor. She goiter 'iVrchhj San. A Nsr-ispspcr t ike I'rcucnt Timet. ln;.LL'J !ur l'usplo Now oa bartU. IwA-i . i,- r.rxc i. ?!eclia .ici. Mc-rrL.nti, Pro f?;n.o:iiil V:t.j, Uoikii.. TaiDikon., nnj a l M&n uer ol Hor.'j-i F. ...... uj iht Wives, buut. tail ONLV DaLl.Att A VKAtt I t; c.n uv.su copies roasjo. Of 1s t nin im c.-ut a Copy. Let tan.- b tiu ; or. ry UXik. 8EHI-WLEXI.Y fcL'X, 3 A TEA It, tin t x-o :u k'H r,miur.:l cliar.icwr 'IT! : V :KKI.T, bit witu k penri und o m-M'. a.-.eoa levlr-ica-ia tvalsUinz lUa ww 1 1 Ui ruhkiDmit wltli si ei & IremiauM. boa itcjurt im. t k -jclaioJ of ouccoaly. THE PAILT Bt:X, 83 A VEAtt. A prctmufiiH' ivn 1 h'a nwpivjier. wim th ln.-::i'. c.rei,'J u ni iUd wii.-iO.. l-r. id1. Ik'-,d:t, n il I uric r III .) II,,:,. A 1 (lid M(l f.-iiii ev. rywlier i. I w 1 cmi. a cjp i dy luall, i cti..u b lu.ttb, or 80 u4r. TERMS TCJ CLUBS. TOE DOLL. AS WEEKLY CH. rivb cpiab. cae yAi, tiaiftrt"iv n"ri refund. I'our Dollars. Tea itr-ines , niraliv Mrcl ca (anil ij extra cjuj tj Uie tutiti t nrelub i. tlttat Uullars. Iwontv -.nnr. nna ft, ipiriitle ali!ir.ie4 la .4 aa txiTAajpr w u.a (ii-tt-'r np of rinb). Fifteen Dollura. F:T cnM-K rs tT, to ond lilrp (mil tua t-:m- t till jr.- ii ctiei mi ,,f rlnli), Tbirty-turee liullura. , Fifty roptet. en var, epamtaif n "dret ert (ir.a l- fecJul-Wuktyoi;a'f i'to frlier u -o'rinro, i'liirli-Uvo Uullarn. jn! htnrtvel ei; t'., one vir. ii ni d treca I ir.i tua tn4iy tur ook yu to -do (r,.ter in ft tlM "' l iliy Uollara. .)i,e rp yi-t one y. r. ..Pai,i, ly ad. upoUUh,, Uur Utlltta. TUB SEt.WEESLY PCX. Ftvc torloF,orieyaiir.tpaia!clviiiii., !(( Dollara. j m a iHoa, ore retr raparaieir a inrotitd (ni i.j extra cuy.y to eauer up c,r , 1 ,,,) . Hiceei Dollars. tEXD YOUU SiOXEY jif j.t nSi e ontPrt.checka, or drafli i.a Kev v ort, wheroi cr n nveulf nt If nut, tnen reUitr i WHoi coUilulnit uioaoy. Addrca. . X. T. EKGLA-rn, Pob kher, V Bsaiaaa. jiairVwicnr. . THE NEW DISCOVERY . In Chemical and Uodical Science. .Mfc fer V Dr. E, JF. GARVIN'S SOLUTION & COMPOUND ELIXIR or Ftnar AND OVr.T BOT.rTTOX ever mnio in one mixture of ALL TII: TWKLV I. valunblii nctivo iiriucijmla cl tho wcllikuowa suMliva ttv-rot, riS-E Tito: TAit, rXEin.-At.EB In C.mBht, fol.V Cotirrli, Aatkaiu, Uruuchitis, aud louaumptiua. CUlSIiS "WITHOUT PAIIi A recent wild In throe to ei linnr; and nlo. 17,-1".! 't'ALISlU, ITItfFVINU nml Mil MLI.AH.NU pffneta upon the maiurul system. Id ram'irL.ilili- nH 1 I1 tnii.iir.nnij " itu ni ixun It! Hll vcki:asi;s ' thi: blood. inciu..iiiK iscroiiiia an 1 trupiions ut llicskin, JJyspepm. llm. ases of Hie Liver and Kiducya, Heart Dietaan, aud OeneialDvbili.v. ONE TRIAL CONVINCES! aiLSU, A , Volatile Solution cf Tar Tor INHALATION, vcithont. npWiention of HEAT. A ri-'irmikal ly V ALUAULK illwiiverv, as thcwhule api initio run lij Mine.1 in ihc vest Vuokut, iva.lv at. any time ;'or the most effectual and positively L-tira' ive u..' in AM Bitcaici of (lip osr, THIItOAT nud Ll,S TUB COM POUND Tar and Mandrako Pill. for vse in ro'ineetion triih tV.e rT.IXII! TAH, i a eornljiniitiun of tim TWO 1111.it Miln.-iUa ALTKUA'i'IVE Mt'diiuniM kuu.vn iu 11, a I'. foson. 11r.1l r. ii.l -iM tliu v.li vitliut i-cLi.Uun til; verr l.il. evt-r oliVre I. 'i'lio SOLt TIOM and CU-IU'OCXD LLIXIE of ala axfWi mlaa"? la without ioubt tiio Uust remedy Laowu ia C UitM of CHOLERA m YELLOV; FEVEH. It la n Kparifls for rai-h diaeaaes, und ohoulrl ho kept ia the h..lise!i..l .1 of every family, cal.ei.mny duriinf t),oe u.oiuli i iu wLi.U CHOLERA AKD YELLOW FEVER ureliahle to prer.nl. A ma!l i-.mi.tity tali, n uni.y will pruveut coatraovins thtsu loiriLla uUK-ajeil. 6o!ut!on aal Cora-yrmH Elixir, $1.00 per Eo!!lo Volatilo Suluiicn far Intinlr.'.ion. $.'i.00ir Lox T.ir nml Jl3B''rn!;e TIU. r.Bc'.i j er bo.-:. Scr.l forCireulwif I'OMTIVK tXIiE'; to your UiUf giat, or to It. F. HYDE & CO.. SOLE 1'HOPEIETOHS, 110 E. S'Jd Ut., Xetv l ork. Fi.r S 1 1 11 bv Hi -igvrny, Pa. gi:nt3 wanted. rto wuDt 0000 achve, cnterprisinp;, III n-.mli men mi l women, to wlium we - ill give o.ll.sr.llit work ""tul f-.ioJ pity. We rubiis'i the IJ:S I" li if ICS, wo (five our '! l!ie BK.ST TSaUS. Tha bent sell 111 I'iooll ll.HV ii Dfl-icribinif l.ij wi.tiilerful feats nml trie.lu. '.villi laiulmliiu iiici.iuiit.H nnj iiilveiiMres. Vj'-Mits m o selling iioiii l!il to itt noj.ics 11 li.v. Alio, our New Kiimilj JJiblo, con tuiiiiiii; lll.iekw.io.lv ('tiii-,ireliouaiv i.J to iii sTii.i ol' (iiu y r.-iiii nrcH, nn l Novius' lew mi l iinijioveil l,cttjnai7 0:' liie lliblc, lo-jctlier HliU .Sixteen J'nia rilcel l'1-ite-i, f.'iurM:iis in colors, 1111 1 HJ mipej ior en r.ivingi on iv.io l; F.tmily KccorJ, Family 'bii v.-., ,Vo. A Complete rrospeciu.i of tli is liihlu n !nl neiuij outfit, funiisliej tree 10 nil wlin mcni work. Our j.10 Rrain'iie pf NK'.V f.,r thn Full in- clml.-i it XEtV WtJIt K by M V I! K TW AIN. .yiTSiiceesirul Agent will ri-cuive t'.rt cuoiuo ot territory on MAKK TWAIN'S forthcoming prent vnr!t. Circuiiir.s, i enas, Ho., with full informa tion, sent, fret) 011 application to UCFl-'l Kf.'J ASH ! 1'uMisher. 711 .Suns.iai Sti-eot, Pliiludulphia. vln iuaus'iluiS. s 1UXGr TTAIF MO ECIlUi DOLT. A 1 1 n Worti of ttizii f on & 3. A New School Book Sukscribers to Pe. I'.v II. ' Pi: it kins. Tens Mrsiou, Mon I'l ice $7.50 per dot.jTiii.v are gutting their Cnnliiin.4 over two.. Music for loss thnu liunilr .1 new uii'l two cet.li 1 riece hriiutiful Koiik-s, ) Those who liuve not eta, etc.. by W ili, K.seen this Mimical Mays, Wihtk K.j Mngniiue shouM setui Thomas, etc. Every'Jll) CCuts for a muiple thing is now, fresh. (copy. Tho uiusio is mid Kpnrkliiift. Cou-jby Hays, Tiiobas, tents uml upecimen, K ixkkl, I'kwxlev, pagan aent free. S.im. nn I oilier popular copies tuaile.l freu of writers. posl ie to teachers! Two buck number 3 for 06 cent 1. Liberarfor 41) cents. Four terms for iutroJucijhaclt uuiubcrs for 75 tion. Icctiib. Address, J. I. ?"!rsnn333:Baiaiwa7ia ""SSCET vln 'it From and af.er Monday. May 129th 1871. Trains will run on thu Road as follow Iioavoi. Karloy 7.10 a. tn , arrivm nt Daiuscahnii'lii Junotion 7 45 a. m., con nects with Local east 7 5(3 a. m , uml Mail wflst!) 5!) h. m. Leaves Dansca lion la 10.20 a ni , nrtives at Hurley 11 00 u. iu Leaves E-iriey 4 00 p. iu., arrivtj ut Ditru-ic ilirKiJa 4 ( p. ,,, oonnectiti( wilh Mail eust 5 03 p. ni , m l Looal west 5 21 p. ni. In cue P. & E. trains are late, Duuseahnnda train ho'ds twenty minutes beyond tha above t'niB. Tickets should always' lo procured before leaving stnlinna U. li UAPLEr, Sup't. . SuBscaiBg (or the Elk " Couo'y Ad Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, For Diseases of th Throat Ond tiuna, tuoh as Oouhs, Oolda, Whoopinii Cough, llronohitis, Astbana, nd Conauruptiou. Amonjf the pTent dlscoverio of muJern acience, foT nro of more" mil rnlnu to i":i.ihi i.TiiitT.it i.ir ml dienoa of the Thront and Lung. A vnrt Irinl of Its virtue. Uiroughout this mid other countries, tins shown tlint It unci anrelv mill rftoetimllv control tliem. Tho tcitiinonv of our be-t citi innn, of nil clnsse, esttiblishes the fnct, Hint Ciikkhy 1'KCTOiiAi. will n tid does rclieva mid ctu-o tho nlllictin disordeia of the Throat and ".lines beyond nnv other medicine. The most danierous nfl'ectio'ns ( f the l'ulmonnry Organs yield to Its power; nnd enses of I'ouvumpa tion, cured by this preparation, are public ly, known, so remnrkublt aa lmrdly to be be lieved, were they not pi-oven beyond dispute. As a remedy It Is' adequate, on which the public may rc!y for full protection. By curinn Coughs, the forerunners of more serious diene, it naves unnumbered lives, nud nn Bmonnt of sniTeririg not to bo computo l. It chnlleiiRa trial, and con inces tlio most scepticid. Kvery fiimilv ttiould keep it on baud ns n protection ngi.inst tlie early nnd unpereeired nttauk of Pulmonary Afl'rrtions, wliie.li nro easily met nt first, but wliich become incurable, and too olten fatal, if neglected. Ten der lungs need this defence; nnd it is unwise to be without it. Ai a safeguard to children, nmid tlio di'tre'siiif? dietises wlileh becot the Thront and Chest of cliililhood, CttntUY l'coroKAt. is invaluable; for, by its timely ue, lviulli tudes are rescued from premature f invcs. nnd saved to the lovo and direction centred 011 them. It acts speedily an I s mvlv npiinst ordinary colds, Bccurina! 'ouiid und h?n!th-retorinf; sleep. No one will suffer trouldesome Intlnetizit and pain ful Bronchitis, when they know bow easily they can be cured. Originally the product of lnnp, laborious, nnd successful chemical investigation, no cost or toil Is spared in making every bottle in the utmost passible perfection. It niny be confidently ro lied upon us posses.sinp nil tbo virtues it has ever exhibited, nud capable of rirodueinj; cures us memorable ns tho greatest it has ever eil'ected. rREPARED DT Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical nnd Analytical Chemists. BOLD BY ALL DliUGQI3T3 LVEEYWIiETJI. ForSile j G. G. JiiliSSENGKIl, Drug-riet, Kiil'JWaV. I'll. HALL'S VEGETABLE SICIUAI HAIR . DT. ATT.TTTT.T1 Every year increases the popu larity of this valuable Hair rrep aration, which is due to merit alone. We 'can assure our old jiatrons that it is kept fully up to its high standard ; nnd it is the on ly reliable and perfected prepara tion for restoring GiAy ok Faded Hair to its youthful color, making it soft, lustrous, and eilken. Tho Ecalp, bv its use, becomes white and clean. It removes all eruptions and dandruff, and, by its tonic proper ties, prevents the hair from filling out, as it stimulates and nourishes tho hair-glands. By its use, tho hair grows thicker nnd stronger. In baldness, it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, and will create a new growth, except in extreme old nge. It i3 the most economical IIab-Di!es8io ever used, as it requires fewer applica tions, and gives tho hair a splendid, flossy appearance. A. A. Hayes, I.D., State Assayer of Massachu setts, says, " The constituents are pure, and carefully selected for ex cellent quality; and I consider it the Best I'kepahation for its intended purposes." Sold by all Druggists and Deafen In Medicine. Price One Dollar. Buckingham's Dye. FOR THE WHISKERS. As our Kenewer in many cases requires too long a time, and too much care, to restore gray or faded "Whiskers, we have prepared this dyo, in one preparation, which will quickly and effectually accomplish this result. It is easily applied, and produces a color which will neither rub nor wash off. Sold by all Druggists. Price Fifty Cents. Manufactured by R. P. HALL & CO., NASHUA. NX. The ingredients that COMTOSi: JIOSADAI.IS are p'il.lis.lioil on every ptukajjc, there fore it is not a secret picparuliun, (uiisctjiiciitly rillSICMXS PRESCRIBE IT It is a corluin cure for Scrofula, Syphilid i t.11 its 1'oriiu, Rlieuiiu lii.ni, bkin 1 !., Liver Com plaint und til il.ioibtb of tl.a will do more ;;!iod lhati ten buttlr.i of lh(!syri;i ii' jia;urilla. THE UNDCaSldNED PHYSiC'AN3 lir.vttroi! Rosn(lo!i9t"tlieirj'rnctiro for the tvi.-t threv yrani ami I 'ily emloixi it si rdtiiblu Allcral.vs and lilooU I'unlitr. DR. T. C ITI-IT, ol Ealiimois. I)it. T. J. HJVMN, n. w. L :un. " PH. V. O. r.'AWr'I.LY. i)lt. J. H. iii'.M:., t KicboLiaviUa, nil. MrCARTHA, ColuuiTiia, s. c. ' I3It. A. 11. NO:I.r.S,r.jeco!ii N.C. jusiD ai;d OrOEID BY J. n. J'.l..V.U i; i-ONS, l a:: llivtr, 7. Vv'. SVITTT, Jnclcunn, Kti-h. I A. 1'. Wlll-.Ki.KM.Liiu, (Jl;-o. 11. KAl.l, Linn Oluo. ,t ItAVi.N & l i "'., f. .,rir,navi'l-k.M-i 1 : i:..l'..:iril'N: T.:.-. tcitf, Tc..::. O.ir sjuroK-lllnct altiT ni trycs. t'l.-i' X !' :..-;.! iu lv..U.o.l I 1 t c wi-cif-Mil !l. -.ittn'..'. 'I .'t.-o v.l BTHB. l i.i!i.....ic:i v. a cuio(0 a I-m I'wtM-.pi-rior li njrti.y l..v V( , J i.i tin- troa-wi.t c( (1 '"' 1 .'.t.t and 1-1 tV-n:f nn i;.yi ? lu. ..ia'., tui )ou will La rtuuii. jlo i.tullil. . . , Husailr.lls ia ruM 1 y til 1hp3s7 ';-!.,: frl.;0 jc- i..:..;. .'..j-w j , iZcnfiXt-T'iH! (ht-i'M, ., RrOSADAUS I'OVELL-S: KIME. Powell & Kimc ITavuig rtc4 )re 0 arrangoi new Store I?ounp on t old tile, tinco tha firs, and tilled ii from cOJar to garret wHb the choicest goods of all descriptions, that can be found in any market, are fully pre pared to recelvethelr old customers, and supply their vanU nt bottom figure WHOLESALE OS RETAIL. Their aaaortaaut li ao complete, com prising DIIY GOODS, GBOCERIE3, CROCKKHY, IIAKDWARE, CLOTHING, B0013 AND SHOES, IIAT3 AND GAPS, NOTIONS, ouv, etc POUK. FLOUE. SALT. Feed, Uoans. B u tt o v , Dill ED APPLES, DRIKD PEACHES, Canned toods, In short oreryihiag wanted la the Country by LUMBERMEN, FARMERS, ME CHANICS, "MINERS, TAN SERS, LABORING MEN, EVERYBODY ! AUo full stock of MANILLA ROPE of tho bent nianulicture, of uuituble alses for raftiug aad ruuniog purposes. &SB SSSi UB SINGER THE TTOiUD'S ifArR, , s Constituted b the homes of the p:ople Received tbe Groat Award of tho HIGHEST SALES ! And hare left all rivals far behind them, for the SOLO IJV IS70 Oue Hundred and Twcnty-sc?en Tliousatid, Eight Huu lred and Thirty-three Muchinns! being more than forty thousand in mlvancc of etliir tales of the previnvs yctir, and over forlfi -four thoutand mere th in tkr Kile of any olhrr Company for 1870, aa nhnwn by the following figures from sworn re turns of th) sale of Licensees. The finder Mnniitnctur- ing ('nuiMny soM ovar the Florence Scwiujr Machine Co., 101,173 Machines. Bold ov,,r tho Wilcox & Gibbs S. M. Co., P8,043 do Sold over tho Weed Sew ing M.ichine Co., 92,831 do Sold over the Grover & Enkcr S. M. Co.. 70, 431 do Uold over the Howe M.-i- cliinc Co., 02.C77 do Sold oyer the Wheeler & Wil.-nn Miin'ljr Co., 4I.B21 do all ot vhich if umitily owinj; to the pupu h.r.ty of vlml is hiiown us tho .KV KAM1LV SliWINfl MACUINK," which U now fust finding its way into eveiy well rriiloicd household. For Ciiculars giving full inirtieul.-irs of Machines, their Folding Ciisesof 11. any vnrielien of wood iui'1 finish, their Altiiehiiiciiis for n'inicruiis kitnis of work, which, till recently, it was thought tli nt delicate fingers nlnr.e could ci I'mm. as well 11s piii-Licihirs uli.mt nil urtielos Uffd by I heir Miudiinrv. fuc!i ns Tvist, Linen Tlnoiid, Spool Cotton, Oil. ic, ."cc, apply to any of their Authorized Ageul?, or to T1!E SINOER M ANCFAC TCR5NU 4j8 Uroadway, New York, fhiladelphia O Ilice HOG Chestnut St. CO., A. CUMMINGS. A:5p.nt, Ilidj-W!! Pa. lnirijuly!3iu7. STKItEOSGOPICS. VIEWS,- ALBUMS, CIir.OM05?, FRAME3. E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO. CHI 1J ROAD WAY, NEW YORK, Invite the attention of the Trade to their cxtenuve asnrinieot of the above goods, ol their own publication, and importation. Also, PHOTO LANTERN SLIDE3 and NEW VIEWS OF YOSEMITE. E. & II. T. ANTHONY & CO.. 691 Rrondwny, New York, Cpposito Metropolituu Hotel, Importers and Mauufuclurers of rilOTDaRAPIIlC MATERIALS rlnSyl. NEW LIVERY STABLE RID B WAY. DAN SCRlBNEll WISHES TO IX form the Cittzeus of Ridrvray, and t!i public gcterally, that he has startcda Liv ery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES aud Buggies, to lot upon the most rcasoun. ble terms Bc&,Me will also do job leaning. Btalile in the Brooks Burn, near tin Post oaioe, on Mil' street. All orders led at the Post Office will meet prompt attcu tion. Aug 20 1870. tf. Elk Countj Directory. President Judge L. I). Weluiere. Additional Law Judge Uou. Juo. T Vincent. Associate Judges J. K. Whitmoro, Jets. cyier. District Attorney J. K. P. Hail. Kheriff Jacob MoCuuley. Prothonotury o., Fred. Schoening. Treasurer Haurv 1J. Derr. County Superintendent Itufus I.ucore. Commissioners H. Waruer, John Uarr, jjouis 1 0 timer. Auditors Clark A. Wilcox, George D County Surveyor Geo W ilinslev. Jury Commiesiouers. Joioph Keroer. TIME OF HOLDING COURT. ' Beaond Monday in January. Peeood Monday in April .... First Monday in August. First Mft"l4 la Ji'oiveiubw. ,, , X PROSPECTUS IDR 1872. FIFTU TEAR. A Rtyroicntatiee and Cttampfon American Art. THE ALDIKE. ---.'-. ...vFi.r.iy journal aamtt to M V hanUomet 1'oper ia the World, "Give tllV love t(l thn artist nrl.,. " of THE ALDINE who are striving to inane uieir proiesston worthy ot aduiira. tion for bcautv. ns it li 1,...., for uscrultess."-HcDri' Ward Ueeohor, . - THE ALDINE while issued with oil the regularity, has uone of the tempo rary or dWy interest characteristic of ordioarjt periodicals. It js Bn tle.'iint uiiscclinny of pure, liKht. and j-raceful literuture, and a collection of nicturcs, the rarest specimens of artistio "skill, in black and whi'o. Althottr.Ii KISCX Ju(.. . feeding riu;r,ber uffurds a frebh pleasure to its friends, tho real value and beuuty of THE ALDINE wiil be most ap preciated alter it has been hn'imd up at the cIupo of the year. While other publications may claim superior cheap, tiess as compared with rivals of a Ha;i:ur class, THE ALDINE is a unique and origiual eouceptiun alone anl utiap proached absolutely without competi tion ia jirice or characU-r. The f.os.ies sw of the volumo jnst couiplrtcd can not duplicato the quantity of Cno raPL-r and enj:ruviti:s in Un v ot'lier shafia cr number of volumes jor tan, times iu CM'. Tho labor of petting THE ALDIXE ready on the press is so tjreat that r- jii'iiititi'j is out of tho oiii-stum. With the csc-ji'iiiii of n nutill nutuhor (.pccially r. served lor biu-Jiiig, the edi- tion of 1S7 I. is alrimiy exhaut(d, and it is low a mam as well iu vjluabto bonk. NEW FEATURE-; 1 OR 1372. 1rt tttpnrinietti. The eriihiisiiistie supp, n eo riadily accorded to the tiiterpti..e, wherever it has hem introduo.Ml, has convit.ced tho publishers ol Til E ALDINE ot tha Minniliitss of their theory that, tha American public would rtenize and sf.ppott any moci re iff..it V elevate the tone and standard of illustrated publi cation:;. 1 hat so many wmkly wicked sheets exist and thrive is tut evidenca that there is no market ior uiiytbiGs belter indeed the buccc4 ot'TH'fJ ALDINE from the start i. dheet proof of the conlruiy. Wilh a pi.pulatiou c vast, jind of such varied tasie, a pub lisher can choose his pattoi.s. and !,b paper is rather iudiculive ' t:f l.ij own than of the tastfi ot tile rounlry. As a guarantee of ihc fxceik-oce ol th:; !. piiitufciit, '.he publLshcm n..nld l-e;; t dimouncti during I tit cini.inir er, pi-c,-meiH from the following emi'ico" Aiutri unn art't.s, W. T. nich.ir.ls, Grarivilie Ptriu.s Jumcs Siuihy, V.'m. IJart. F. t. (.-. Daricy. K. ii. Pi-cnt, Ww. he-rd, Victor Nehiig, Frank Heard, b'o.ri; Smiley, Win. II Wilcox, Paul J.ixu, u?. it :ti, .James il. iseavrt, .). ijt.ws I hMc incttirtti rt being rei.ri.Jue. d wi'.l. out tcg.ird to expense, by tin; very bi'st ensravcr. in the coitutt v. tnd i.t ear the severest niiical enatri-iii with the Irt.-.t fortfiirw work, it bi tn: r; Ictertciiiatinu of the rubiiiiier, tliit i'HE A LDIXE shall lo a sitecoVol in licu'i'Ti ct Ami-rican taste ia e.im '(ii;:;'iti rithj:i"y existing publication in he world. JLllcrary Ripartmeni. Where ;i much attention is t::id to iliu-'ti itinn and get up ol iIih work, too much (lcpiudeuce on hjiju-hhiic-s mriy very naturally Le le.ited. J o antioipata such tr.i.-givini's, it i. oniy ncceisarv" ti state, that, the editorial matiaement of fllE ALDINE has been intrnsted to Ir. Piiehatd Henry Stoddard, who has received assurance ol as.-ist.iuee from a 'tost of the most popular writori aud poets of tho country. The t'olumc for lSVi. will contain nearly oJ0 ingos, and about l.i'J nnn ciigtuving. Lomojenciug with he number lor January, every third number will cntitaiii a beautiful tiuled .iciuro on plate paper, inserted us a Irontlsptece. The ( hitstrjias number for 1872 will .e a splendid volume in itself', contain, ug fifty engravings, (lour iu tint) aud, ilthouuh retailed ut 1 will be sent vithout extra cLaro lo ull yearly bub- scrihers. .1 I'hramo to every Stibscrihrr ias a very popular leature last year, and viil be repeated wilh the present volume. I'he publishers have purchased ond re ;.roduied, at great expense, the beauti ful oil puinting by Skis, entitle 1 "Dan e Nature's Soho-'l." The chromo is 111 10 inches, and is an exact lac-s;.iuile, iu size aud app' itratiue, of tho t'l initial liet'tro. No Amtiicuu chromo, which wiil at all eompaie with it, has yet been '.flored at relitil for less than tho prieo mked for THE ALDINE and it to gether. It will he delivered free, with he Jauuary uumber.to every subscriber .vho pay for oue year iu advance. FOBS. IS12. One Copy, one year, wilh Oil C!iromo,S5.00 r'ive Copies, " " 20.0D Any person sending 10 nnnios and $lr) will roeeive an extra copy gratis, makiug 11 copies for tho uiouuy A'-y person wishing to work foraprc'in'um, .-an buva out preaiiuui circular on applica tion. We give aiauy beautiful aud dosiro,. ule articles offered by no other paper. Any person wishing to act. permanently, is our tgent, will apply, viik rtiennce, oa jlosing: for outfit, JAMES SUTTON & CO., -Publishsis, . ' . 23 Liberty Sticet, New Tork. , eSr-THE ELK' ADVOC ATE will beseot foauy address together with the ALDINE aud ptomium ' chroiUQ for 8V70. AuyouawUbiiii Jo avail ihetu," selves of this liberal oflcr can lm theii oraetB ut turn olaoei . i r . .. :t J i . j ' -, .; ''.J.I : L w J t i -.. 'J i'O ; ..I ' i h. r i - ... .i- I A. ' ; -t'-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers