(Elh Gjmmtg gilrocaic. IUnrt A. I'arsonm, Jr., - - Editor. Ttll'TiSDAY, NOVUM HER 2, 1P71. Tiantegivlcg Frodanailon. His Excellency, the President of the Vnited Stater, having by his prnolniwi lion !ct apart Thursday, the thirtionib til' November, 1P71, m a doy of Na tional Thonkppivinp: Now, therelore, I, John V. Geary. Oovernor of Pennsylvania, do hereby wrdinlly commend to the people thereof the obfervonee of the same ns s day of 1 hnnkseivirp to Almighty God for our .Mtnte, National find individual blowings, Jind of prayer for the continuance of 1 1 is pracious favor. As entirely 09 way be possible Ivt business pursuits bo suspended. Let us spend the day in religious worship, and in such sacred communities od festivities of the homo circle, and so sc-i-urn its pleasures and perform its duties a to tnnke our hearts more deeply sen sible of our obligations to God and our fellow men. ' Whoso ofl'eretb. praise Vloiifieth me." ''Ho that hath pity upon the poor lennVth unto the Lord, tmJ that which he hith given will lie pay him again." Given uudor my hand and tho great eeal of the State ut Harrisburjs this twenty-sixth day of October, in the year of our Lord ono thousand eight hundred and seventy-one, ami of the Commonwealth tho ninety sixth. JJy tho Governor. JOHN W. GEAKY. F. JoitDAJf, Secretary of tho Com monwealth.' Belfast, Ireland, sent $13,000 to 'Chicago. Two inches of snow foil iti Ulster county, N. Y., hist week. Tho Sisters of Charity of Omaha tent 50,000 to the relict' of Chicago. Nevada has a spring that will color the hair a jet black. Tho Chicago firo has used up nearly fifty insurance companies. The Allegheny river has not been f low as it is now since lKMl. An elm over three centuries old was --out down in Connecticut recently. The gold crop of Montana, for the year 1870, has yielded 844,1.100,000. Tho bullion production of the United States amounts to about $JO,(AIO,000 a jcar. Sonic 8,000 persons are said tn have perished iu the recent storms and floods iu China. Jt'airtilges, nares, wild rumors, eoons and other game are abundant in Virginia this fall. Mr. Seward bus traveled seventy-two thousaud miles since he left tho Stale IVpartmcnt. Ilctuctuhcr that when you are huppj vim are on the top of u liil!; you can't move either way without going down. Thcro were 89 newspaper establish 'incuts burnt out b; the groat Chicago lire. A woman '!a North Carolina died re cently ut the ki.'c i f 1U: said tu be t h oldest person in tho Slate. The womi'ii of Utah havo sent n petition to Washington, .50 feet long, protesting agaiiii-t polygamy. five thousand acres of the Lake Erie islands, cultivated with grapes this year have yielded a crop valued ut $00,000. Priuk nothing without seeing it; sign nothing without reading it, and make Mire that what you sigu means no uiorc than it says. It is estimated thut America, when her productive power is fully developed will bo v.ble to feed four times as many persons as there aro now ou tho fuco of the earth. Id 1350 Chicago had ouly 20,903 in habitants. During tho succeeding dc cade the population nearly quadrupled, aud iu 1800 she had 110,9 1 d persons living with in her limits. In 1870 tbc uu in her bad increased to 208,977. It is asserted that fourteenth per cent, of the fires in New York city are caused 1y kerosene, and tho citizens are urged o report the dangerous use of that fluid. A Missouri uewspaper claims that the hops of that State are so fat that in order to find out where their heads are it is necessary to make them squeal and then judge by the sound. A few days ago 225 Mexicans in the City of Mexico were led out, made to kneel down, and shot, for being engaged iu an insurrection. This sort of thing bus been very common of late in that unhappy country. The steamship Alps, which arrived at New York 'One day lust week from Iiio Jonetio, reports 'that two hours bo fore her sailing from thut port the bill for the abolition of slavery in Brazil bad passed the Senate by an ovei whelming majority. P0RT8 from which commerce was driven during the hot months by their terrible fevers are visited all the year with impunity now. Many locali ties in the South and West kept tenant less by their deleterious miasms ore now filling up witb populations under the protection of "Ayer's Ague Cure. Their afflicting Chills and Fever are ao effectually cured by thin remedy that the disease no longer turns emigration aside or destroys the settler if he ven mpou its infeoted districts. Gazette, Independence, Mo. RAILROADS. PHILADEIIUM & IHIE RAUHDAD -El'MMER xT.ME TABLE. o N shd after MONDAY, AVO. 7tli. 1S71, trie Railroad will 1 tin a follows: Mnil Train leaven Philadelphia- 7.10 p . ID. m. m. m m. " " " R:dway....ia.iO.H a. " " arrive nt F.tit! 8.:i( p. Erie Exp leaves Fl:llndelphia...l:2 80 p. ' Ridgway 2.-0 ft. ' " avrire at Erio . ..7 . -10 a. tn. Aoconiodnlion, leaves HennT,...7.15 a. m. Riilgwy,..5 43 p. in. " mr nt Kniie 8.00 p. m. IMSTWARO. Mfcll Train leaves Erl- 11. M a. m. " Kidgway 4.52 p. tn. 11 arrive at I'liilad'a... .!!( n. m. Erie Express leaves Ene D.00 p. m. " " " Pidgwny... I,4H a. in. 11 11 nrffti Philadelphia.. 8.1)0 p. m. Accomodation, leaves Kane COO a. m. ' ' Ridgway... 7.25 a. m. " stv ntSt.'Mnrys 8.".0 m. ' leaves St. Marys 10.30 a m. " it vr at lU'iiovo 6.40 p.m. Mail Kast connects east niidwettat Erie with f, K Ut M S K W nnd at Corry and lrvineion with Oil Creek aud Allegheny U R W. Mail Wt with wet. tiomid trains on L 3 & M S It W and nt Corry nnd Irvineton with Uil Creek and Allegnei.y II 11 W. Warren Aceoainioilntion east and west with trains on L 8 nnd M S R cast and nut nnd at Curry with O C nnd A It R W. Erie Acconimndmion East nt Corry BDd Irvineton with J C and A R R W. Kliuira Mail and Haifa lo Express make close connection nt YYillUjusport with N C It W trains north nnd south. Caluwissa puMuencer traios will be run cant from Williauispoi-t on Elmirn Mail. V.M. A. ISALUw ticn'l Sup't. NKW TIMB TAULE. Commencing Juno 5ih. 1871. ALLEGHENY VALLEY R. R. THE REST ROUTE BETWEEN PITTS IJUltOtl AND 1'OINTS "N THE 1'IllL'A. & EK1E R. R. I.'OINU SDt'TH. Dny Express Icjuvs t)i! Cky ut 2 10 p m Arrives at. 1'ittsburgli ' 7 65 p in Sight Express leaves Oil City to p in Arrives nt l'ittsburnh t) 40 11 m Mail leaves Oil City 9 45 a m Arrives Ht Pittsburgh i 00 p ni (lOINO MIltTIt. Pay Express loaves Pittsburg at P '15 a ni Arrives nt till City at S 05 p m Night Expfe 'eaves Pittsburgh 30 10 p 111 Arrives 111 Oil City 3 5 a 111 'y l'asen;.'i'r lumps PittuburgU 12 SO p m Amrives nt Oil City 7 45 p iu Cluse Connections tun'le nt Corry lor rUishiirjrli with trains East nud West ou p. . t:. n. it. Pullman Pnllacc Proving Roaci Sleep, in t.'avs on Ni?hi P.xprets i'rains between Cony iiii'l I'iti.-'liurt.'li. Ask for Tickets vi Allegheny Valley R. R. 3. J. LiWEEXCE, (Jen. Supt. litsr dI Ca-fs H3t down for trial at November Term 1 S 7 1 , Klk County Cocimon Pleas. Cotutuenciug Monday, V..i- i: 1K7 1. 1. Ti'.omis i. McLaiu vs l. . Weed. No. ltl Anri! term lSOO. 2. Tiioiiias '1'ti'iey va 1. A. Weed. IS Nov. ii'itn lMi'.i. ;i. Eaton N. l-'iibie for use vs Win. Lit'i.'d. 21 Jtinuaiy li t iu 170. 4. William J. liotkey, vs The Penn. ii. II. Company. April toVm 1870. .". W. Mu-hlt-y, vs Alien Giles. 10. -I i". -is. and Aj-ril term 1S70. C. James tJ. Ii:;itigton, vs Isaao Ilowniaii et nl. 10 August term 1870. 7. W. L. liarnes. vs The Tauntrdale Ooitl Coii'patiy. 1 November term '70. 8. !.-r'iiiatiJ ileirs, vs Michael Duqo- ! van. 10 .November term 18(0. 1). (Jeo. W. Smith, vs ). F. Ander- ' Xovi-uiber term 1870. jSti'Di'tu, (!laik iSc Co., vs 111- i"ti'artia, (!laik & Co., vs Same 2:J November term lilO, 11. C. Biockwuy, Jr., vs Hortoo Township. 'J.i Xnvember teim 1870. VI. (Jonalhau lu't)tu et al, vs A. C. Finney it ul. 1 Jauuary term '71. 13. Julin U. ItcaJitiir et al. vs A. C. Fittncy. 13 Junmiry term 1871. 1-1. J. J. I.awrcucc et ul, vs Krieg's Heir. '2-1 Jjtiuary terra 1871. 1"). iobt. .J. llobiusou, va George D. Messeimer. 4 April term 1871. 10 11. Cliarle-i MoGill. vs Louis II. Garoer. 2t Ausust term 1871. FUKD. SCUOE.VIXO, 1'rotboDotary. List of Graud aud Traverse Jurors drawn fur November term 1871: URA.VD J i' units. liunezettc Juhn W.Johnson, Edwin Fletcher, I). W. DoIIaas, Charles H. Winslow, Georgo English, Jacob S. Johnson, J. W. Wiuslow. Benziuger Ueorgo Xissel, Jacob Vollmer. Fox Uriah Rogers, John II. Miller Horace Spatisenburg. Highland D 1'. Anderson. Hortou Willis Taylor, Adam Kcm- mcrer, Janes Mohan, John 11, lveltz. Jay William G. Thomas. ttidgwav H- S. Thayer, Marcus Frenuh, W. S. Service. St. Mary's Uoro James Sneeringer, tieorge liettgar, Anton Jessbarger. TRAVEKSe JtUOKS. Beoezette William Jones, D. J, McDonald, Xewtou Johnson, Miles Dent, W. W. Walker,. Charles Chase, John Derr. Uenz'n'jfer Peter Ilebstritt, George William lviiooht, .Martiu Dippold. Fox William Wood, Ellis Brown, Andrew Howe, James II. Taylor, Martin Heirrick, G. W. lligby, Eliaa Mover, Franklia Showers, G. W. Taylor, Itobert Wouderlctch, William 11. Meredith. Horton Martin Phuleu, ilobert3Ie- Intosh, Jefforsou iayloi. Jay Joseph Dill. Joues T. L. Uiown, Isaao Keefer, Godfrey Wank, btephen u. Smith. Kidgway O. 1J. Grant. St. Mary's Boro Leonard Cook Spring Creek Edward Kline, Clin ton Paine, William Galbroitb, James G. Gtoix. rrHE NEW DISCOVERY . In Chemioal sad Medical Selene. iTlr 71 Dr. E. F, GAItVIN'S' SOLUTION & COMPOUND ELIXIR FinST AXD OXt.T flOI.TTIOV rm iDna In one raixtnrfi of At. I. THE TWELVE Talusblu active principals of tha well-known ourativa agent, rirsu rrriEE taii, TTTJ EQUAL ED In Cjugh, CoWa, Catarrh, Aithma, Uroncbitit, auil conanmption. ctjiii:s without rAiii AreutcoMln thrfe to aix lionra; and al, hr its VITALISING, FURIFYINO and STI M L'LATlNti effects upon tlic gnral sjratcm, la rMTinrkahly rtticarioua in nil DISEASE OF THE IH.OOD. IncludiuK tk'rutula and Krupiiona of the akin, Dyapepflia, Diaeana of the Liver and Kidneya, Ucart Uuease, and General Debililr. ONE TRIAL CONVINCES I ALSO, A Volatile Solution of Tar For INItALATTOV, Trithmifc application of HEAT. A rematknhly V A LU AULE diaaiTery, aa the whole appirittus can becamed in the Teat pocket, readv at any time for the moat cifi-ctual and posittvety curat'ire use in All Dlecaace of the NOSF, THROAT and El.VUS. TnE costPorxD Tar and Mandrake Pill. for nae In conneetlon with tlie ELIXIR TAR, is a rombinntion of the TWO inont vtilunlile ALTKKATIVE Medicines known in the Pro fcasion. and rendera thia Pill without exception the very beat ever offered. Tho KOLL'TION and COJIPOrXD ELIXIR of is without doubt the liest remedy Lnown casca 01 CHOLERA AMD YELLOW FEVER. It is a 8pciflc for Huch disci net, And should bo kept in the household of every fuouly, especially during thow monibi iu whkh CHOLERA AND YELLOW FEVER Bre liable to prevail. A tmail quantity taken diuiy will prevent contracting these terrible dieeuaea. Solution and Comtiound Elixir, f.1.00 per Bottle Volatile Solution for Inhalation. 5.00r.er Box Tar and MandraL-e Pills, SOcts per box. Bend for Circular of POSITIVE CI RES to your ilruggist, or tu L. F.HYDE & CO., BOLE X'HOPRI ETOH3, 110 E. 22d St., Xew York. For Sale b v ii. G. MESSKJfGKR. Drue Ki igvray, Pa. GENTS WANTED. A Wo want C0UO nctire, entprprigmjr, thorough men und women, to vtlioin we will give constant work ml gjnJ l'y. We publish the HliST H iOKS, wc iti9 our ncfnts the iiE ST TERMS. The best sell nig Qaolt iiw in SIG-WR BLITZ. Desoe-ibing hU woiulerful feits nnJ trickj, with lannliiible iituideiits nuil nJventures. l?euls aro Hellinj; from 20 to 40 conies a ilny. Aim, our .Mew rainih liible. con taining lilaokwood's Comprehensive AiJs to the stitlv of the Scriptures nnd Nevins' new and improved Dictionary of the liible, together with Sixtceu Fine Sieul I'l.ites, four Maps in colors and 20J pupeiior eu- grnvingH jh wood; ruimly Uecord, Fnuuiy Allium, so., icci. A Complete Prospectus of this Uiblo and Jurats out tit furnished tree to i'.t wno menti work. Our pro gmmme of NEW BOOKS for tho Full in cludes a NEW WOUK by M.UIH TWAIN. Bhifsucjessful Attentx will receive first choice of territory on MARK' TWAIN'S forthcoming grent work. L.rculnrs terms &0., with full informa tion, sent free on application to ilLr r lrJLU ASH HEAD, Publisher. 711 Sitnsoui Street, Philadelphia. tln2oausJ4tu3. QOXG F iFir dollaRS 7ortl of Uusle FOR S3. Subscribers to Pa- TEH8 Ml'81041. MOX- thlt are getting their Musio for leas than A New School Book, by H. 8. 1'kukins. rnce fe.o0 per doz. Contains over two hundred new and two centt a piece beautiful Siag, Lm-' Those who have not eta, etc. by Will S.'seea this .Musical Hats, White b, Magazine should seud Thomas, etc Every; 30 cents for a sample thing is new, fresh, copy. The musio is and sparkling. C'on-jby Hays, Tuo.mas, tents and specimen, Kinkel, 1'ebsley, pages sent free. Sam- anJ other popular copies mailed free of writers, postage to te&chersj Two back uumbeis for Co cents. Liberal for 40 cents. Four terms for tion. introduce back numbers for. 73 cents. Addrsss, J. L. PETSIIS, 853 Smiway, Ns-Oork. DAGUSCAHONDA RAILROAD. From and after Monday, May 29th 1871. Traius will run oa this Road as 'follows: Leaves Earley 7.10 a. m., arrives at Dagusoahouda Junction 7.15 a. in., cod oects with Local east 7.50 a. m., and Mail west 9 50 a. m. Leaves Dagusca hooda 10.20 a. in., ariives at Earley 11 00 a. ui. Leaves Earley 4 00 p. ui . arrives at Uaguscauooda 4 u(J p. m oonneot'iDg with Mail east 5.05 p. m , and Local west 5 21 p. m. In case P & E. trains are late, Daguseahooda train holds twenty minutes beyoui tha above time. Tickets should always be procured betore leaving stations. C. E. EARLEY, Sup't. SuBscaiBt lor the Elk County Ad. V0C4.TI. in ,! Ayer's - Hair Vigor, For restoring to Gray Hair iti natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which i at Ance Agreeable, healthy, ft n d effectual f o r preserving the hair. It soon restores faded or gray hair to its original color, with the gloss and freshness of youth. Thin hair is thickened, falling hair checked, and baldness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles are de stroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed; but such as remain can be saved by this application, and stimu lated into activity, so that a new growth of hair is produced. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional uso will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. The restoration of vitality it gives to the scalp arrests and prevents the forma tion of dandruff, which is often so un cleanly and offensive. Free from thoso deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous and inju rious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, nnd yet lasts longou the hair, giving it a rich, glossy lustre, and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists, LOWIXL, MASS. For Sale by G. G. MESSENGER, .Druggist, Kidgway, Pa. HALL'S VESETABLC SICIUAI hair "BENEWER. Every year increases the popu larity of this valuable Ilais Prep aration, which is due to merit alone. We can assure our old patrons that it is kept fully up to its high standard ; and it is the on ly reliable and perfected prepara- vion ior restuiui" 1 vn. Hair to its youthful color, making it soft, lustrous, and silken. The scalp, by its use, becomes white and I clean. It removes all eruptions and dandruff, and, by its tonic proper ties, prevents the hair from falling out, a3 it stimulates and nourishes the hair-glands. By its use, the hair grows tnicker and stronger. In baldness, it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, and will create a new growth, except in extreme old age. It is the most economical Hair-Dressixo ever used, as it requires fewer applica tions, and gives the hair a splendid, glossy appearance. A. A. Hayes, M.D., State Assayer of Massachu setts, says, " The constituents are pure, and carefully selected for ex cellent quality; and I consider it the Best Preparation for its intended purposes." Sold by all DruggUU and Dealer! in Mtdicinm. Price One Dollar. Buckingham's Dye. FOB THE WHISKERS. As our Renewer in many cases requires too long a time, and too much care, to restore gray or faded Whiskers, we have prepared this dye, in one preparation, which will quickly and effectually accomplish Uiis result. It is easily applied, and produces a color which will neither rub nor wash off. Sold by all Druggists. Price Fifty Cents. Manufactured by R. P. HALL & CO., NASHUA. N.H. OSASALIS iTilE INGREDIENTS THAT 'COMPOSE HOSADALIS ara published on every package, there ifurc it is not a aecret preparalion, consequently miSICIAXS PRESCRIBE IT His a certain euro for Scrofula. Syphilid in all its forms, Rheuma tism, Skin Diet-"", Liver Com plaint and all diseases of tho Blood. 01TS SCTTLS CF LCSABAHS will do more good than ten bottle of the Byrups of Sarsaparilla. THE UNDERSIGNED PHYSICIANS have used Ronadalisin tlieirpractiro for the past three yen rs and liely endorse it mi reltablo AlleraUvs and Blood Purifier. DR. T. C. I'UGH, of Baltimoi. DR.T. J. nOYKl.V, " DR. K. W.CARH. " DU.F. O. DANNF.LLY, ' DR. J. S.Sl'AUkS,f Nicholuville, Ky. DR. J. L. McCARTHA, Columbia, S. C. DR. A. B. NOBLES, EdRecomb, N. C. USED AUD ENDORSED BY B. VRZXCll t EONS, Fill Rivsr, Mass. F. W. SMITH, Jjcksnn. Mioh. 3 A. Y. wiiKriLtH. Lima, vara. . HALL. I.ima.Ohio. CRAVEN As CO.. Coidonsrllle. Vi. SA.M'L. O. McFADUE.N, tlurfreef boro. Tf uu. Our (par will not aUow ot any en. tnnuea rcijinik la rt-ittii.m iu in virturtof Jlosatlali. Tothn Mi-uicaa Hrolesaion weguarantea Fluid F.a tract auuerior to any they hv ter two in me irearmrn uijwi-h Blood i and to thealltirted we say try Uouilalia, aud you will t,t muttai 10 uvaiiu. Roaadalli is sold by all Dmeirists, I n. clsheuts co. a lint a i.au per bottle. Auurtsr Powell & kime. PotVcll & Kimc fUvlpj erected ft large and well arranged new 6 tor Horn on the old ilU, ip? lb fire, aad filled H from eiUar to garret with tho choicest goods of all descriptions, that can bo found In any market, are fully pre pared to receWethelr old customers, and supply their want al bottom figurot WHOLESALE OB RETAIL. Their aiaortmeut Is bow complete, com- prmng DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, hardware, cloth 1 sa, ROOTS AND S210ES, Ii AT3 A XI) CAPS, NOTION'S, et? , etc FOEK. FLOUR SALT. Feed, Rcuns IJutter DRIED AI'PLKS, DilllU) PEACHES, Canned Goods, In short evcryihiag wanted in the Country by LUMBERME.V, FARMERS, ME CHANICS, 'MINERS, TAN. NERS, LAUORIXQ MEN, EVERYBODY Abu a fail Uek of MANILLA ROPE of the best manufacture, ef auttabla aizes for rafting and running putponei. 3Z Kidgnar, Tr., Marg'a S. WU. 'j-HIB SINGER Kanu&otoriag Company.' AX TU!! WORLD'S if AIR, C'onaiHatixl by tat hottca of Um people Roeoired the Great Award of the HIGHEST SALES ! And bare left all rivals far behind litem, fur they SOLD J.V 18TO Ono Hundred and Twenty-seven Thousand, hight Iluudred and Thirty-three Machines! being more than forty thousand in advance or etliir miles ot tho previor year, nnd ocr fnrltf -four thoutand more than the tuhn of any otner Company for 180, as shown by tho following figures from 8 worn re turns of thi Rale of J.icen&ee. Tbp .'inpr niiiiliu-iiir-inj; C'iu('.nj Bold ovt-r tin: Kliirciioe iSewiuz Min'hine Co.. 101,173 M-ihiucs. Sold ov..r tho Vt ilcox & Oil.bs 3. M. Co.. 98,513 do Sold over the Weed Sew- iijg Miudiine '.. 92,S:5i do Sold over the drover & Maker S. M. Co.. 70,431 dj old over the llotvo M.i- ohine Co., 62.077 do Sold over 1 he Wheeler & Wilson Mau'fjt Co., 4-t.tl-l do (ill ot which U uiuinly owin; to the nini Inr.ty of what is known as the ". K V KAMII.Y SKW1NM .MAi'lUNi:," which is now fast findinj; its wiiy iulo eviiiy weil rettulated household. For Circulars giving full ;mi'lk'uhii'S of Machines, their Folding Cases of many inrieiit's of wood and finish, their Attachments for tiuimroits kin. Is of work, which, till recently, it was thought that delicate lingers alone could perforin, ns well us particilai's about till articles ttrcd by their Machines, such as Twist, Unen Thread. Spool Cotton, Oil. &c, &c, apply to any of their Authorized Agents, or to THE SINGER MANUFACTURING CO., 4."i8 Jtrotidway, New York. Pjiladolphia OUico 1105 Chvstuut St. A. CUMMINCci, AjtMit, Riii-'wac, Pa. Tlnl9julyl8ai7. ST Ell 15 O S C OJVK S. VIEWS, ALBUMS) C II HOMOS, FRAMES. E. &, H. T. ANTHONY &, CO. Ctll BROAIMVAV, NEW VOKK, Invite the attention of the Trad.i to their exlenrive assoriincut of the above goods, of their otsn publication, and imjiatlauon. Also, PHOTO LANTERN SLIDES nnd ORAPHOSCOPES. NEW VIEWS OF Y OS E MITE. K. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO.. 691 Hroadwny, New York, Opposite Mutropolititu Hotel, Importers and Manufacturers of rilOTDGRAPHIC MATERIALS. vlo.'yl. NEW LIVERY STABLE YtViW . & DAN SCRIBNER WISHES TO IN form the Citizens of Ridgway, and the public gcterally, that he has utartedn Liv ery Stablo and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES aa i Rujgiej, to let vpou theuisst reasoun Lie toruw. BEu1'9 w''d also do job teaaing. Slablo in tho Ilrooks Burn, near the rost Office, on Mil' street. All orders left at the Post Office will meet prompt atteu tion. Aug 20 1870. tf. Elk County Directory. President Judge L. D. Wctuiore. Additional Law Jude Hon. Juo. F Vincent. Associate Judges J. K. Whitniore, Jesse Kyler, District Attorney J. K. P, Hail. Sheriff Jacob MoCauloy. Prothonotury 0., Fred. Schoening, Treasurer Henry D. Derr. Couuty Superintendent Rufus Lucore. Commissioners H. Warner, John 13a: r Louis Vollmer. Auditors Clark A.' Wilcox, Georze D. Messenger, and Joseph Wilhelm. County Survovor Oeo W iltnsley. Jury CommUsloners. Joseph Eerner. and Charles Mead. TIME OF HOLDING COURT. Beoond Monday la January. Second Monday in April I'irat Monday in August, t'irst Monday in NoTembor. war PROSPECTUS FOR 1872. " ; V, ,JT.U. VEAn. '. . A Representative and Champion of--' American Art. THE iXDINEV An lUuilrated Monthly Journal claimed to b the handtomttt Paper in the itrid, "Give my love to the artist wclrkmen of THE ALDINE who are striding to ruaKo luetr proiession wormy ot adVjnira- tion for beauty, as it has always iWn for usefuloebs." Henry Ward beeohe THE ALDINE while issued with all the regularity, has none of the teuiDo- rary or i'ipciy interest characteristic of ordinary periodicals. It is an elegant miscellany of pure, light, and graceful literature, and a collection of pictures, tho rarest specimens of artistio 'skill, in bluck and white. Although each suc ceeding duildt affurds a fresh pleasure to its friend's, tho real value and beauty of THE ALDINE wiil bo must ar predated after it has been bound up at tho close of tho year. While other publications may claim superior cheap nc?s as compared with rivals oi a similar class, THE ALDINE is a unique and original conception alone and unap proached absolutely without competi tion io price or character. The posses sor of the volume jnst completed can not duplicate the quantity of fine paper and eti:ravit)j;s in auy othur shape or uuuibcr of volumes or ten times its cos'. The labor of celling THE ALDIXK reudy ou the press is so great that rt priiJimj is diit of the question. With the exception ot a tuna!! nuiule. hpecially rrservud fur biudin;, the cui t i 111 of 1571, is hlr.-uciy exhausted, nnd it is uov u sruce bh well as valuable? bonk. NEW I'EATEKKS 1 OR 1S72. ?rl Sitpnrlment. Tho euthuMat.tie sujip..it so rtadily accorded to tho enterprise, wherever it has boon introduced, has convinced tho publishers id TIJE ALI.'INE of tho soundness of their theory that tho American public would recognize auil support any sincere 1 ff.it t t-i elevate tho lone uud sUnnlaid of illustrated publi cations. That so many weakly wicked sheets exist and thrive is not evidence; tltut there is no luarKet lor anything better indeed too success ol THE ALDINM Iioui the start is direct pro it' ol tho coutiaty. With ti population vast, oiiu ot t-ucti varied tasta, u pub lisher can chooso his puttutis. aud Ins paper is rather indicative of his own than of tho taste ol tho country. . As i guarantee of tho excellence of this de partment, '.he publishers would bej,' t announce during the coming year, siieci uieus from the lollowiug eminent Ameri can artists, W. T. Richards, Granville Perkins, James SmiUv, Vi'ui. Hart. F. O. C Dailcy, R. E. Picut, Win. IJeanl, Victor Nch lig, Frank Heard, Ut-orau Smiley, Win. II. Wilcox, Paul iliX'iii, Any. Will, James ll.lieard, J. Ilow.-t. These pictures arc bein reproduced without icard to expense, by tho vcty best etgravcrs in tllo uountiy, and wiil h';ur tho severest critical cnmparistiti with the b.'iit t'nreign work, it being llu r'eterniinatiuu of the publishers time Til ii ALOIXE bhall be a succiu'slul vindication ot Auicricuu taste iu c.iin pciition with any ciistiu publtuutiuu in the vriirld. JLittrtirrj Department. Where so much attention is paid to illustration and get up of tha work, to much dependence ou uppvuranrr. may crv nutitiuliy lie icaicu. lo unticipato such Uii.-givings, it is only necessary t state, that, the eilitorial management of THE ALDINE has been intrusted tn Mr. Richard Heury Stoddard, who hai received assurance oi assistance from ;i host of the most popular writers uud poets of the country. The fotnme for 1ST4. will contaiu Dearly 3U0 pties, and about f)0 tine eugfuvings. Com.uenciug witli the number lor January, every third number will contaiu a beautiful tinted picture on plate paper, lnsertea us it irontispiecu. Tho (.bnstnias number lor latZ will bo a splendid volume iu itself, coutain. tug fifty engravings, (lour in tint) aud, lthouh retailed at tl will bo scut without extra charge to all yearly sub scribers. i Vhromo to every Subscriber was a very popular feature lust year, nnd will bo repeated with the present volume. Tho publishers have purchased and re produced, at great expense, mo beauti ful oil painting by Sf.IS, entitled "Damn Nature's School." Tho chromo is llx l' iuchf'S, aud is au exact fac-siuiilc, in 1 . - - . c .1. size ana nopt-aiance, ui 1110 ciiguini picfjro. No American chroiuo, which will ut a'l compare witn it, uas vet been offered at retail for less than the piico asked for THE ALDINE aud it'to- etlier. It will be delivered free, with the Jauuary nuuibcr.to every subscriber who pays lor oue year in advance. TEItJJS roll lSVi. One Copy, one year, with Oil Chromo,$5.00 Five Copies, " " v 20.00 Any person sanding 10 names and $10 will reeeive an extra copy gratis, making 11 copies for tha money Any person wishing to work for a premium, can hava our premium circular on applica tion. We give aiany beautiful and dusira. bio articles offered by uo other paper. Any person wishing to aot, permanently, as our agent, will apply, witli reference, ca closiug til for outfit, JAMES SUTTON & CO., Publishers, 23 Liberty Stieet, New York. faTTUE ELK ADVOCATE will, be sent to any address together with tha ALDINE aud premium cLrotuo for $5.70. Anyone wishing to avail them selves of this liberal offer can lean tbtir ordcu it this office.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers