' " " !" . ...... e,. fr .- ' ., . - , - ,.iu., -, ., , . u . , ft- , , ,- . MJn p"-' - , ' : ; Host Parlors. Almost every American house posses ses one of these dreadful altars, erected to what unknown goddess it is impos sible to euess. It IB a Bojry, before whom from time to time people burn gas in The old 'gentleman soWed the question by inviting ns into the kitchen to smoke. It Was evident that Jim didn't smoke, for he remained in the sitting-room. We should have doubtless enjoyed a ouiet cigar, had not tne cm iaay penea mo from time to time people burn gas in - hmted at the of her chandeliers of fea round wk are ueoiuawsi uagrauv wsipvvs, imuu- I cracic in a reiuciaiih buuivur i - .. . '8tand of wax flowers under old l-an was , a d into the cor- Bible oil pain tin gs, furniture too gorgeous for common day and shrouded therefrom by customary Holland. Musty smells belong to this Deity, stiffness, angles, absence of sunlight The visitor, enter ing, sees written above the portal : " Who entcr here abandons conversa tion." ' What is there to talk about in a room dark as the Domuan.el, nxoept vhpm one crack in a reluctant Bhuttor rovcala a. stand of WftX flower glass, and a dimly descried hostcBS, who evidently waits your aepunura w ex tinguish that solitary ray Y The voice instinctively hushes ; the mind finds it self barren of ideas. . A ftw oreary com monplaces are exchanged, then a rise, a rustle, the door is gained and the light of the blessed tun; you glunce up in passing flap goes the blind, inner dark ness is again resumed, Bogy has it all his own way, and you thank jour Btars that you have done your duty by the Browns lor at leaBt a twemmouiu i And yet, upon this dismal apartment, which she late and all her acquain tances hate, poo Mrs. Brown haaiavl-h ed timi. and money ei.oug to mi.ke tw.j rooms obaruiiurf. - Fur ugly t .ias c st hs much as p etty ones, orten more. Ai d costly vgl mss is, as Mrs. Br wn would te 1 you, a rt-at re-ponsib liiy to take care of." Wh it with the carpet which musn't gat faded, the mirrors whioh mu-n't Rft fly npwked, the gild ing which musn't be t trntshed, there is nothing fori but to i-hut the room up to darsno-s and all dull iufl uences. ' And as families are like flies and will lolluw th-t sun, the domestic life comes to tie ltd anywhere rather than in ih best Kiid the "taboo" which Mrs. voice, "Come round door I" It was another young man, and we fancied he looked as if he had come in rather late. . Two young men within the parlor, one in the sitting-room and one in the kitchen. What should be done Y The courting business was gutting hot 1 1 There was another talk between mother and daughter.' It was evident hnir devices had been exhausted. -' The ner. lie settled tne question oj wu- Per! ... " 111 be d d if I'll move again until trip tt.in'-rrnm is full." Into the sitting-room went number four and we smoked. It was full ten minutes before the next disturbers came and they entered the kitchen with the air nf old aoauaintanoes. We looked anxiously at the host Taking his pipe from his mouth a single sentence re- lieved us : ...,. 'a the widowers. Stick I And we " stuck " and smoked on. For the next half hour the girl must have hBn ki tit busv. The widowers badcer tuinlv a third of her time. It was 9 nV.lnck. We wished to ao to bed, and the only bed we had discovered wa in the parlor. The old gentleman divined nnr wifihAft. and said . I'm unrrv. treutlemtm ! But this is nn of the ren-ular courtin' nights 1 Them two fellers in the parlor never leaves afore midnight, and the widowers alius Btav all nieht. And that ain't the worst ..f it. D.n'll be here at 10 o'clock. and the boys always sleep in the hay stank Fridav niehts. Yer welcome to that. 1" Thn narlor. si ftine-room and kitchen nil. wn retreated to the hay-stack. In k r . ., j M Vrown is auick response to a question on the point the d. It is a great mistake to sup- , Female Influence. Domestic life is a woman's sphere 1 It is there that she is most usefully as most appropriately employed. But society, too, feels her influenoe, and owes to her, iu great measure, its balance and its tone. She may be here a corrective of what is wrong, a moderator of what is unruly, a restraint on what is indecor ous. Her presence may be a pledge against impropriety and exoess, a check on vice, and a protection to virtue. And it is her delicacy wmcn win secure to her such an influenoe, and enable her to maintain it. Dulioaoy is, indeed, the point of Con or in woman. Aud her purity ot man ner insures to her deference, and re presses more effectually than any other influence, impropriety ui every uu. A delicate woman, too, will be more lnvnd. as well as more respected, than anv other i lor affection can Boarcely be . . I . A. 1 excited, ana oeruuuiy usuuui mug buu siHt. unless it is founded on esteem Yet such delicacy is neither prudish nor insipid. Conversation, lor instance, is one great source of a woman's influence, unrl it is ner nrovince, aim uer yeuuuai talent, to give rest to it Bhe is, and ought to be, the enlivener of society ; if she restrains impropriety she may pro mote cheerfulness ; and it is not because her conversation is innocent that it need therefore be dull. The charm of i;nnversatiun is feehnic i foruettiuir one's sell, and sympathising with others. It is not to shine, but to please, that a wo man should desire. A woman ohould be elegant, not only in manner but in mind. Manner is, in deed, generally symptomatio j but, as it mm tia artificial, it is no sure criterion ot mental grace. It is the latter which is essential to true beauty. Without it, the tairest form disappoints and wtaiies, It is tne radiance that sets off every other charm, and sheds on each its ap propriate hue. It is tint aud propor tion. Yet it is more easily uuderbtood t.hn dunned, and oeuer ion iuau FARM AND H0UOT)I4. Facts About Honet Biis.There are three classes of bees in a hive, the worker, queen and drone. " 1 ' (Jueens are raised ny preuimr iwu and treatment from that whitL would otherwise produce workers.' The worker is an undeveloped lemaie. Workers, in the absence of the queen, sometime lay eggs. These invariably produce drones. Tne queen lives xrom two wuoo'i the worker from two to three months in the working season, and from six to eitrlit riiirinir thn season of rest. The queen is perteciea ;u uiwnu w mxteon dava from the eKKS, the worker, iu twentv to twentv-one, and the drone - - in twAnlv.fnnr. I The queen usually commenueo laying in frnm irvmi to twelve days after leav ing the cell, and is capable ol laying from two to three thousand eggs in dftV. j - The imnrpo-nation of the queen always takes place outside the hive, on the wing, and generally the lourtn or mu oay after leaving the cell. Excepting in rare cases, one impregnation answers for life. The drone she nas mated wnn dies immediately.. The escea of an "unimpregnated queen produce nothing but drones ; and it is generally conceded that impregnation does not affcet the drone progeny j oon-ci-quently, tne male progeny of a pure ne Did Kot Marry. This unnedote of John Kandolpll is related by a writer in a Virginia paper : " An old man told me mat u htuu near the riisidenoe of Mist to whom it was said that Mr. Kaudotpn was en- aged to be marrii d. Un one occasion e hd been at her residence a short time and had left ; and as it was said that the marriage would take place shortly, he thought he would go ana in quire of the old lady. Bhe said Mr. Uandolpa na lei in g urotr, v told him to go nd see wherw, in his har of bis bridle in- .tA nf nniuina fhflin. It atiDearS that it was proposed that he should made a marriage settlement; whereuponhe said: ' It. is not my purpose to purohase. nnrchase I shall go to nliAnnnst market I shall ho to Afri ca. With this remark he left the house, went to where his horse was tied, cut the reins and immediately departed, Tt, nsv Tmit.nl rates commence in England Oct. 6. A letter weighing one ounce goes for one penny., . 7 NATURE'S BLlV ThC Great Blood JHirifier - Nsw York Markets. FtOTB AND MEAI.Wetrtl sad State flours wer a sliwle ftrnier In the low grades, bnt this cLprked t"fn It urln Rood demand st full prices. Kye flonr ind corn mm (rood demand. We quote: buyer, tine tnto and Western, lo.eo a W ; eitrs State, o., KKrndhoofe donme ex Hc.iltll S7.BOSI9.M: BoutH' Brandy- people's nleasant room. in her velvet and . . - J iV.. I r . . . . . 1 . . .u A.h . ,.whAn in othpr Old gentleman saia inas UOs that tasnion is a criterion ui to recognize the difference when in other k po,e t ue entire. tomes SD6 IS Bnown a oosy - ? T. AAV n-urht P " Mt-r. nn- She sits on a chintz sola - - , .v- u S.u l7 C0Vv,0u L V" " ... t. 3 1 1 l.llHtn WM LU UU CUll Suv a-uv FS - I irritfU-Ill 1 Hs 1.1 1 r V BID afLa wav ww ' " - rtninp. hiiu iriauuvs i ' . . . . half enviou-ly at the tinted walls hung mor e P " with photograpbs,at the sparkling little "f itiff breeze fire in the grate, the windows .gay with muTquitocs, we heard sun and green things , Dm driw up. One of the last remarks and tables loaded L with wlumei. " How before we m1 SoS? H margldcf Itd Sake' tCmgrowTo 1 in a,X ' Correct Syraa,. Standi, - . . .. rt . . . , L hot in Ne- we believed him. Nc- " A little Croton and plenty of sun is all the secret" she is told. " Oh, but bow dreadfully faded your carpet must get," she goes on. " Such quantities of bouks, too. Well, I should like to have such things I" It does not occur to thf good lady that for the rice of one of tboso useless mi r rs biihcost bcr -uoh t-nxicty and ruhbtug with c!.am)iB-shin, a choice compa. y ot pie s, pbil s ph.-r!-, ai d saetci uldbt vn to sit. f.--eer ut ho; ido int. imit c her it,h t eii- wili m. Or tha? f r ii tutu . f the uie In r tir 1 i-s grat W' ul 1 spar'.iie with C nn 1 coal f.r a v in cr lon. H r f .n i.ur , her c-rp.ts, the dullness of I.er home, ro ccumbr iucis t u y, winch sli lx ais wtl ing!y and would n x. te without. Anil pe pie liavin tle right to live pretty mncii as they please, so hng at they vio:ate no law of th land, it wou'd matte'' lit tie, exct pi that there are so many Browns aui so tunny n bt pKrlors, that sjeioty is seiiuunly affct. d thereby. Foe a syt m which nece-si aes great and tri ubl somn changes iu family ar rangements whenever a guet comes, tends to narrowness and inhn pitality. If the overs must bn taken off f.e fur- A Bemarkttble Invention. In the London Central Telegraph Sta tion one of the most important.duties to be performed is that ot collecting, num bering, aud redistributing the nitssages which are received from and for every conceivable place in the United King dom and abroad. A message, for in stance, from Brighton would bereceived in the new or west wing or tne ouuainir, nd it for Leeds or Bradford, or Edin burgh or GluBgorf, would have to be cir riefl by h .ud into the main portion nf thn " nroviHiunal gallery" a distance probably of fifty yard-. ; and in the same way mehsngc? iriu the whd" of the Houth or west of E.ilaud, fot thw north ern unit midland counties, fur Sootl-ind, Irfcland, or the metropolis, would hav- to be carried or blown by pneumatic agen cy from ono poitiou to another. To r. medy this as much as possible, th"te hasjuhtbem introduced into the Cen tral relenraon Station a most interest ing and mneuious adaptation of the sys tem of feeding end delivering from a newspaper printing machine. Sets of endless tape, revolving in pul leys, and arranged so as to snatch the unfolded inesDnge form firmly between them, have been fitted between the dif- breeding is quite a different thing. It is unobtrusive and unpretending. It is always self-possessed and at ease ; ior is 8nrnbg for fastening knows its own place and its own reia CTHC f their hive ; tions. Its courtesy is not omcious, nor are its attentions ever troublesome. Yet this quiet and lady-like deportment, though it seems to employ no effort is by nomeaus an easy or a common at tainment On the contrary, we often sua women w ho have lived much in society very deficient in this criterion of Ana we can quite uuuemnuu ItSlian clueen fa pure without regar'd to !&S5&t&2SS the drone she has mated with. tras, 16.75 i 't?,e,c,"ii i The queen and the worker are provided e""--"xM . 47- Mye OUr S4.no with stings; but tne latter wm use ik upon any provocation, the former will only use it on her own rank. The drones have no stings. One queen, as a rule, is all that is tol erated in a hive ; but previous to throw ing off "after swarms," two or more queens are permitted in the same hive tor a short time : but extra ones are soon disposed of. In case of eupersedin g a queen, the old one is preserved until the new one is fitted to taae ner piaut-. Queens have a deadly hatred for each other, and will destroy, if permitted, all queen larvee o cells in the hive, aud will fight each other until there is but one living one left. Bees gather threo kinds of products : Propolis, from the gum of trees and too joints huu Pollen, or bee- bread, from flowers, for feeding tneir young and themselves; and Homy, which constitutes the main food of the hive. Water is also carried into the hive during the breeding season for mixing with the food for their young ; salt is also made use of for the same purpose. Wax, like fat is an animal product, Is as. Corn meal, Wentern, c, rJW s r ; .Inn. Ac 84.10 S H15. . h. marVnt v.M llllll Snd HO. lower. iM.uin unlands. 20c. i low da, Wo. ior future iieiiverv market tinner. Provisions ork has been easier, bnt closed moTt; primeniess. 'lieet in good demand sndstes-ly. Bee hsnis. wis a 916 ior new weniern. .... ".- SSfceT lonKOlesr city sold tHc. Cut meats dull i lminedlRte use ; sales at H s9Ho. for o. 1 to prime cl y. snd 9t a SHa tor prime Western new and old. I ressed hogs flrni, SH a li. Bi'tterdiill, but Ann it the lnte sdvaneo ; Western, 14 a iSo. I State, 24 a E." -.","!..7...:. n.n. M.i7n. cheese tlrmer: ne'iollec,uotatioiis8.lvaucedto 66s. i factories, 10 OKAW Wheat firmer am' more active, bnt fjosert uis.iiii li.r no. 1 snriiiK; 81.46 a it VirNo "do 11.64 s II.6S for rl winter. Sl.ftS a isn llr amber d., and' I.S2 a it. 68 toreneee ;:V. MPA. fr Tllehl. Kveouiet: Wes- 7L at . KOe. B.iler more sctlve I sales at u&r. for four rowed Western, ami 82 s 8.5c. for two i"wel Oo. Hurley mnii ni r.tiri,i , ' bu " v. m Osti active snd Btmeri sales at 4S a tc. for Wes. ten? aiid SO s M4C. forOhlo, the latter mostly at h i Sc. Corn firmer active; sales at 73 a'4c.for " eHtem mixed atloa-, 72 a r2o. for do. In store, 7 8 78c. for wnno Mwni, sou j"""" lnW Indian componnd, for restoring the health, ae A tor the permanent our of all diseases arising from Impurities oi me oiooo, mm Rerafnla, Serofolea Ilamor, tanwr, eerans Burner, Kryslpelaa. uanaer, xa Khenm, Pimples and Ilnmors the Face, Ulcers, JanRHs, tatarxn, . ! Bronchitis, Ptenrll", It hen. matlsm, Palna la the Mde, , Dyspepstn, Constipation, ' DosllTeness, Piles, Headache, Dlaclnes., Nerransness, Falnt- aess at the Ktomach, rnms in me sues, Kidney Complaint, Fentnlo Weak ness, and Uoneral Debility. BEPOKT OF A PRACTICAL Chemist and Apothecary. BosTOS, May 1st 18T1. n... uri,ii la b cnrtlfv that I have sold st rs- tsUi slxty three do?.. (7S6 bottles! of y.mr VRtmTlsR since Aiirll 12th. '870, snd can truly ssv 'hat It has that KtveoXbe-tsattsctlon.rf sny Kerned f? the ,tnl Somnlalnts tor which It Is re, onitnen.led, that . I er. er sold. B aro-ly a day nssses wiinoiit some oj my customers .tlfyln tolls merits on ' f-' then friends. I sm perse a ly c ost ilsant or sereral esses of ScroWoiM mmors being cored by VKOE Tisa alone la this Ticlnlty. Very respeoi fully ronrs. ' " AI OILMAN, 4S4 Btoadway. To H. B. STKTKNS, B(J. THE ttltKAT BLOOD PURIFIER. PRFPABRD BT II. Ji". STEVENS, BOSTON, MASS. Price SI. US. Sold by all Drueirtsta. TIIK NOVELTY CLOTHES WRINGER ivao.SHti.Ps aco. jsjij r""""" ".ay. Off' 1j ' a nl. . (..mini at Rh .7kfl.. ""J-.Ji;. . ,-tive: sales common Porto Vilco at 38c . and New Orloans, prime to choice, at 69 asSo. Hiigars very duU: fair 'to good reSniiig, 9 a tlHc. j rctlued very linn ; hardB ISc SL'SDSIKS Petroleum, 24 He. for September, and 44Sc. for November, Tilde 14 HC. Kosin-strained and is secreted by jth , bees in thin scale. Jfctf&tgp from the under 8ide ot the body. W hile J,,,, yarJ. , allow sold st 914c. for Eastern, wins. rii'iKllls UIVSTTl, com, . t Jf - - - I I tl V- 1 rfnmotl triM rcmtirK oi rbaiiv weu-uieu frnm th undpr Riaeoi ioe uuuy. n uiw ,i ..s. on a candidate for fasliionable celebrity : doing thiS( they COu8ume large quantities ke,- nntied ft&,f$t& " les ; sub in very pieitv, uu i 0t Coney, irom mieen to vweuvy ...0 an)j ior wneuu mo- nut sii wunu reuose. Elegance is nature, but not rude na ture ; it is unaffected but not unpolished. It copies natural grace, aud corrects na tural detects. xt it is no serviie imita tor ; for it studies suitability as well as siuipiicity. It does not, lor instance, imuguib that what is very pretty and plalul in a girl of lourteen is equally becoming at thirty. LeaBt ot all does it indulge in that raillery, which is piquant ouiy because it is personal, and which amuses in propoition as it annoys. It has a rt But ct lor the ieeliuus, and a tenderness even tor the faults, of others; aud as it never wounds, bo does it never invite aggression. It implies, too, feel iug ; and here again does it differ from the polish of the wor.d. BeliishuebS is the bane of fashionable life. Every one is there cold, lor every one is selfish. The marriage licenses now issued by tv,a nl.iil brt.miia r o i n stairs j . r a V, n,Ur.r. I tl.a f!.,,.i rnlUr nf Marvlaud are orna- uuuivi uic x' o a , I uilioiueu mrBSttfcT" uimy ukwci-ii I ' ' - . i ; . . . , and the silver ones come down, tbe best . . been fitted between the dif- mented by an all-seeing eye, two hands the trees roots grow all winter, tee china be lifted Irom a Up shut, upon turent floorg aild rooms of the building, jointd and the seal ol tne state m me transplanted tree wiii nave r the arrival of each irieud, be sure that d aro now in full operation for the centre, upon which is the well known injured roots and be better m condition friend will seldom arrive. Only when ooga of collecting and redistributing motto " Creteite et multiplkamini. than if it had to restore its roots ana what Mrs. Stowe calls "a good liberal j m9. The rotary motion is con- Putut le8e8.ate m, t,m.ev;. F average" is estabU-bed as a ru e over all fl unl.ernitUng, so that the tapes Meehan says, in his onfMy. 1 hat it is 1. ? :n u.w, tolii,onf sn.ial 0 . , , , . ?' ; :.!,. Ai tii'trUAUV KM'inUO. trim that the roots Ot trees do grow in uuuoeo, "in o are avallaoie ior carrviug iu I 1 j."-. - -- -r , , ,tir,n. arl as rat.idlv as the messages s Winter, even mougu mw oU.. . frp r nniitid of wax secreted. A frightened bee, or one tilled with honey, is not disposed to sting. A good swarm contains about twenty thousand bees. A 6trong or medium hivt with a good laying queen, is never seriously trou ble d with the moth worm ; but a hive without a qu. en or means ot raising one, is sure to bt taken by them. H f. roonize each other by their scent. The first one or two weeks of the young bee's life iB spent inside tbe hive, as nurse or wax worker The range of a bee's flight for food is u-eiiprallv within two or three miles; much greater range is of but little benefit to them. Live Mod Journal. SmiNO and Fall Planting of Trees. The Oardeneri Monthly careful 1v rlisRusseH this Question, taking as a y ... a-Enfw M.naerRnleA of beeves were slow and prices about the same, i he extreme rau(te for native Western steers was 10 a 12c. if with the bulk of the sales at about 11c. State steers, heifers, stags, and dry cows, Bold at 7c, and Texans at 7H sheep and lambs found a quick market at S a Sc. V rt, for sheep, snd at 6 a sHo. for ordinary Western to prime State lambs. Hood -tale hogs, MS lbs. sv., at t-VM V ISO ltis., snd desirable Illinois hogs could have been sold at .,5. Dressed lings were tlrmer at (!H a71ic. for heavy and light, with best pigs sold at 7 Ho. The Working Farmer for 1871-2- VOLS. 23 AND 24. Extraordinary ln dueniints to new aubseribers. Three month for n thing Sent to subscribers from October, 1871, to the close of 1872, for oue dollar and a half, and the Illus trated 32mo. Dictionary (price 75 centB) given to each subscriber as a premium ; or for three subscribers at $1.50 each, will send one of Brady's Celebrated r.n-afi Sirv.T.i.ERS. which is an exceedinsr- and indispensable article to rr ii.:a1'u1 t,.Tt, Liindlev's oninion that the fall in I nrv furmpr. Address Wm. L Allison, the best time to piaut trees, oeeauae Publisher working akmeb, xnew iw city. courtesiej benin, snd the communion ot friends, face to face, be regarded as a pleasure rather than a toil. To those of us who have been tsting the summer in 'he sweet breadth and freedom of the couutry, our homes will aofim dull and straiteued enough as we re-enter them. Now is the time, before the old habitual scales blind our eyes, to look about with anointed vision, and see how these hemes can be bright ened and broadened made more like that lovely out door home to wnicn Nature welcomes each new-comer. Above all, let us cast out the " Best Parlor." To the sacred enclosure once called by that name, let us bring our daintier tasks of letter-writing, needle-work, study. Let the walls be beautinea witn every can be fed into them. The great advan- ScKIBSEB.8F0E October.-" An Island " a X Z simple ornament within our reach the 0j aving bandg, Bnd are thus to a large windows opened w) receive mo bum, uv extent gfcif-gUstaining. vines and roses set to catuu us aumiii. tage over hand collecting is that the on Fire," is the title of a graphic article on service is continuous, and that messages, the great volcanoes of Hawaii, by Dr. T. M. instead of being allowed to accumulate coan. ine uiusirauous uic rcm,.. iu lots of three and four, are sent in sin- -J J gly, one after another, as fast as they pf "Tae 'interesting accouat (with a reach the feeding table. ine facility fiue p0rtralt engravlnp) of Eunice Mahwee, with which these tapes snap up the mes- tne Mt Gf a powerful New England tribe of sages, and the precision with which they Indians, by Benson J Losting. In " Water, deliver them are truly remarkable, while Its Ways and Uses," we have a piece of pppu- th mnatlnt atreain of messaifes up, lar science, set off by appropriate Illustrations, the constant stream oi messages up, Th(j mogt ,m umt eg8ay ln tne number, down, across, and overhead, is a very in howeveri js ir. Fanchtr's " Was Adam the tereating and pretty sight The work- Flr8t Man j. jt i8 nere contended that the ing cost is merely nominal, power being Mosaic record itself furnishes "strong lntlma- derived from an engine aireaoy iu uue, i nous mai uiua uvu. fnercoTnetiou withhe pneunfatic sys- Ad-1 dwelt on the earth There , 1. a cap. osophy ol Oood Health ;" a pleasant sketch ol a "Summer inp to newiouuuiauu, uj a. Q. W. Benjamin ; a very bright story by Mrs. Walker : " The Cloak-Cubby and tbe Blue- All varieties of pain senm to bo in cluded in the agonies of dyspepsia. Yet by invigorating the stomaoh and toning the liver and ooweis wun un. aluliv o Vinegar Bitters, you can arrest them all. The chemical and mechanical ac tion ot the stomach, liver, and intestines being restored by this operation, the pain and the oppression cease, the appe tite is restored, the dazed brain regains its clearness, the spirits become buoyant, and the happy result is " a sound mind in a sound body." am ..ul ifim tha Tippn liar motion oi I r . . y . ... ., , -i......v. ... the tapes they, so to Bpeak, act the part A nil nwr t ha door once sacred to " Bogy let us write " Welcome." And so the List shadow of the Bogy will depart, and our homes be very homes indeed, " From turret to foundation stone." Home and Society, in ScrSnur'tfor Octo ber. ' ' Courting In Nehruska-Effcct of a Scar city of Women A heavy dose of girls, none of your ho mceopathio prescriptions, is what Ne braska needs. A party of ns were duck hunting the other day on the Missouri Room;" and a strange story, entitled " ine Eleventh Cot," by Albert Webster, Jr. Wilfred Cumbermede grows ln Interest as the story advances, and the lovers of MacDonald will be glad to learn thai It will not be concluded for some time yet. In the poetry Hue we have some remarkable verses by u. a. vrarner in a suimlv of moisture tor the rapid ex. halations of the bark. He thinks this point the large evaporations from the stems of trees in winter, in our dry cli mate, was not appreciated by Lindley. Were it not for the moisture absorbed by t ha ri-mta in winker, ha thinks 80U18 of the hardidest trees would die in a few days. There is no disease flesh is heir to more Tk. n,nf tha mnistnrA is taken ud bv I trnnhlpsnmn to manage than rheumatism. the rootlets, which are most apt to be It comes when you least expect it, and destroyed in transplanting and this he generally remains till it gets ready to counts one of the greatest troubles in Bo away. The most conspicuous remedy fall planting. He recommends plan tiug for this complaint is Johnton'$ Anodyne verv earlv. so as to give these rootlets Linwnt time to grow. He does not think it im- nortaut to wait for the fall of the leaves, Two or three doses of SWWan's Can- thinking man may as well strip them off I ary powder will cure a horse of any in the day as the frost in the night. Cut- I common cough or cold, and the very ting back immature wcod, from which WOrst cases may be cured in a few weeks. Nothing, except the Sewing Machine has ever been ioveuted which so much relieves the labor ol the housrheld as the Wringer. Hut Its usefulness uoes not end here 1 he saving of clothing is o much greater importance. It Is off n remarked that articles of tino texture last twice as long when wrung in a Wringer as when wrung by baud. ml... KT....Bivha. ..ait.wIiraIh All InttllflMH. The rolls are allowed to sepsrut freely at either end. Those, beside other sdvantages which It con tains, seem to be imlispens bio to a practical wringer. A'eie York Indepmdent. The Norelty krnier has become an indls neusable Institution in tliousamls of families. And ..... u...l ii..-rttaBii, nnntllMrtLV IS we wiicvd nn .it ., ni... .i.. - i fu;ly merited ior the NoKLTV evidently possesses ludeed, after Ufing one for many mouths in our own family, we are prepared to indorse the Novelti as nnMirpassed thelsuudrej-saysunc?ia'trd,) b. any of the suversl w ingers prev.ously tried. Moore t Rural New Yorker. Sold everywhere. Bold everywhere. IV. If. Pliolps JSC uo., OENRAL AGENTS, 101 Chambers..,tre' t. N. Y. The wonderful remed for cancer, syphilis, scrofula nlcero 8 and other blood diseases. Dr P. T. KtKK having Just returned from Kcuador andbiought with him a quantity of the genuine cunduraiigo bark secured ihroiigh t e ofllcial recommendation and assistai cs ot His jsx i.n.i,in,,i. nf bv.nalir and the Gov. rn- mel of I hat Republlo, we areprt ps'ed to fill orderi for It. to a limited extei.t, and at a price about one quarter of that which the . ost of the llrst very small suit y impelled n to charge. , Snnrlous articles are now advertised and sow ss CuniluraiiBo. We have, at considerable i xnonso, ami with tha t o opuratlon of i ho authorities of Lojs, cu .d r, the province wuoro uie iuu '" direcud the ch ni el of our supply as to luxurv that no e but the genuine shall be sold by us, and we nartlcnlaiy call the attention of the public, foi their protex tion, to the fact that no ounuui augo uas ueeu Lportede.ceptb, hU House;rNR & co No. 60 Cedar St., New York. D. W. BLISS, M. P., Washington, 1). C. Z. E BI.I8S, M. P., New Yorki e T. KESNL, M. P , New vora. Four Tun Hay Scales, $75.00, Aisr why. Many years since a scale was Invented by Fair banks, and out ot the patent more than a million of .....i,,..: ...a i..n mule, ii euilred and is now pnb lie property. Aey one who chooses has a right to make what is Known to iue puuno -o m FAIRBANKS SCALE without being called Imitators or Infringers. We claim to make as good a scale as an laxly : every 1 .,ProMi t.. irivA nntisfaction. and the pnr- ohaa.-r Is Ut Ue the Judge whether or n t he is satis fled. We do not nee.l to m die a . ham article, as any ili V" h ?.nt.mloV , iv ..,. PmnrlalM. R. II. McPn.iL. A Co.. Gn Air.nt.. S.n l-'mDclwo, C.I., .tM 14 Cammarc, atrf BlIL,lll urar icsiimonr .y Wonderful Carntl-a Ellect't They sre not a vila Fancy Drink, Msriel nnm. Whiskey, rrooi spirits una l.launrs doetorod, sinceo sua iwectcnea to pien nte.aalled "Tonics," "Appetlmrs.- "BMtorors,' lesd the tippler on to arutiKennes snd nun,mii are ,.nis Hedlcine.niade from the Kative Hoots and HertnJ of Callfornla,.rree from all Alcoholic Stimifl Innts. They ore the WKBA-r iw.woii i-nni s vi7nnd A I.IFK CJIVINO PRINCIPLE,! n.nr,.tr and Invlgorstor ot the System, t csrrying off all poisonous matter and restoring theblood to a healthy condition. No person csn take these Bit u.enr.tinir to directions and remsln long onweU, provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and the vital orBans wsstcd bevond the point of repair. They nr a Gentle Pargntlve ns well ns a Tonic, posnciuing. also, the peculiar merit of acting as a powerful agent In relieving Congestion or Inflam- , . inntlon of the Liver, snd all the Visceral Organs. FOR FEMALE COMPLAINTS, In young or old. married or Ingle, ot thodnwnof womanhood or at ,he turn of life. Oice Tonic Bitters have no equal. For Inflnmmntory nnd Chronic Rheamn- Ism nnd Gout, Oyspcpsla or inomesnon, lltlloiia, Remittent nnd Intermittent Fc- . vertJ, IHsensca of Ihr Itlooil, I.lver, Kid neys nnd lllndder, these Hitters have been most snecessfuL Such IllscnsfS ore cansed by Vlllntcd Itlood, which Is generally proiluwd by dcraiiKcmcnt of the Digestive Organs. IlYBl'EI'SIA OR INDICF.STION, Ucad sche. Pain In the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, nixtincss. Sour Eructation of the Stomach. Bad Taste In the Mouth. Bilious Attacks, I'alpllstion or the Heart, Inflammation of tbe l.ungs. Pain In the re gions of the fMdners. and a hundred other painful symp toms, are the offsprings of Dyspepsia. Titer invigorate the Stomach and stimulate the torpid Liver snd Bowels, which renner them of uncqualle 1 efllescr ln cleansing the blood of sll Impurities, si-'l 1t psrtlnt new life and vigor to the whole system. FOR SKIN DISEASES, Eruptions, Tctler. Halt Rheum, Blotches. Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Bolls. Csr huncles. King-Worms. Scnld Head. Sore Bres, Erysipe las, Itch. Scurfs, Discolorstionsuf the Skin. Humors end Diseases of the Skin, of whatert name or nature, aie Itterallr dug up snd carried out of the system in a short tima by the useot these Hitters. One bottle In snch eases will convince the most Incredulous of their curs tire effects. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever von And Its Im parities bunting through tbe skin In Pimples, Erup tions or Sores ; cleanse it when you find It obstructed and sluggish In the veins : cleanse it when It is foul, snd your feelinga will tell you when. Keep the blood pure, and the health of tbesTstem will follow. Pin, Tnpe, nnd other Worms, lurking In the system of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed snd removed. Bays a dlstlntulshed physiologist, there is scarcely sn Individual upon the fsce of the earth whose body Is exempt frnm the presence of worms. It Is not upon the healthy elements of the body that worms esist, but upon the diseased humors and slimy deposits that breed these liviug monsters of disease. No 8ystem of Medicine, no vermifuges, no anthelmintics will free the system from worms like these Bitters. J. WALKEH, Proprietor. R.fl. MCDONALD CO, Druggists and Hen. Aa-ents. Sim Francisco. California, and 3! and 31 Commerce Street. New lork. iaSOLD BY ALL DRUIKHSTS AND DEALERS. iv ui r-. un ii i vu . - . , nrnwin a will 7o a fair profit Is afforded a"8""""'.'"."'''? of tickets sol travelling anenia, """, vnrir I sale ol ticket pay comnusaions; uc uu ak-""j Philadelphia. Ch.cago, or anywlie.e elees do not nav liars to go about the country libelling our com netitors. or running down the qua lty of the r fii sles. II yoo wish to buy ui nriues. vou must order direct ot utir bcales at our ow us. 210 fS Union scales...... SxX son m, Platiormon wneeis 1,260 IS, 1'l.itioim on wheels 2,500 , Platformon whe.ls........ JO w . . .. n ll.n ,ne.l r Htnek HesleS 75 Oil Mix tun Hay, Coal, or Stock s-caleo Ten tun Hoy, Coal, or otock Soales l&o t Bend for Free Price List. THE JONES SCALE WORKS, Blnghamton, K. Y. l,til)lio Notice. The Managers ot the Real Estiite Distribution of Vcmphis for 1871, have t.eflnltcly settled upon .Tuesday, October the 31st for the drawing of th i any valuable prizes, rang ing from 0O to S(SO,0IIO. The fortunate holder -of th ticket to win th.- chief prize, THE! NEW MfeMPIUS THEATRE, valued nt80,000 nnd lentlng for 15,0 0 per annum, w ill realize a competency for life On no Investment ol S3. rv Agents are ltistrncted to deposit the money received for tickeis in any solvent bank iu their lo csliiy until after the drawing. - . r.one uui v caei nuiuui. inu w.j - lectlng Commissioners lo superintend the drawing. All tickets unsol.i at the time of ilrawing will be surrendered uuf their corresponding numbers not allowed any representation in me iiisir.imwuu.iuuia gu trai t eeing that none but tlcaet holders can draw any of the urlzea. , The Ileal estate will be conveyed to tha winners ( In fee simple, free from all eucambiances and " Tutal amount of property to be drawn for on tho 3lst of October, 1871, IsliOOOOO. Tickets 6 each. Parties ueeirous oi luvesiuig i i . u.uu form clubsol live, p.ying one d -liar each, corcir ulars, ilckets, orai.y information, address by let ter or apply iu peri-ou to PAKsMOai.dE KU1-F1N, AKeuts aud vaniigeis, 44 A.la s et., Memphis, leun. i 131 Knlion-sl , New York City ; 804 Haco-st.. Philadelphia, Pa., oitJ. C. Campbell, 'Iweddle Hall Music SUire, Albaiiy..V. Y.s Herschel Fen on.at his Music etore, Lamed building, syracuee, N. Y.i Fred. W. Carl, Insurance and Kcal Kb ate Agnt, cor. Main and Lafae,te-sts , BnlTalo, N. Y. rW llespousliilo Agents wanted. ry e wish It dletinclly understood thst the drawing will take place regal-mess oi ine miiiiuer SOlfl, On IUH OIBl Ol utmiwi, kets will posilively close in foieigu omcea on the 2bth of October. Passmure & Riifiln, Agents and Managers. attractions esoeciallv dazzlinR rumors about it upreaa aoroao gi gantio but doubtful. Then, tales of ud Aun fortunes made there nags from mouth to mouth, and specimen " chunks " pass from hand to hand. Then a grand rush evaporation is greatest, is also recom mended. The selection of warm ground where fall planting has been decided on is important, as is protection from hot winter sun or cold winds, each of "In the Valley of Bhadows," an illustrated I which increases the evaporation. A. point poem j How the Btorin l,anie, Dy tv. v., a f aVor of fall planting is the generally with two shorter poeme. "Topics of the . mnd:t,0; of tht, earth. Mr. Mee- wtt the wet, pasty earth does not fit so closely to The yinlnff Attracllou of tho Tear. ' The Western miner's life is a lottery, full of tedious blanks, with occasional rich prizes. It makes him a restless wanderer. He is always trying to bet ter hw condition by trudging off to some new field of enterprise. Jivery year or -- "ThJ5,d- Cabinet." Home and So- T. roTr '. Z iT; - two there looms up a iresn one, onenug let Culture Bud proprcss Abroad," nnd nn uiaseuta iioui iuc u..MUu - r irsc, i At Home " are uuusually readable Ui My u iaa Deii; uuie wpwui wm, We know this from experience. Perfection has been obtained in the manufacture of J. Monroe Taylor's Cream Yeast Bakincr Powder. All la dies who have uspd it universally ex claim, " There is nothing like it V partruents in this number. Thepaijeot Etchings is a characteristic sketch of a " New England Tnwn Martins-." bv Mr BU6U. With the first number of the third volume Knvimlirl Scrilmcr't Monthlu will be en larged, and greatly increased in popular in trt . Tha nrlee will herealter be tho same as that of tbe other leading magazines, $1 per seek lodging at the first dwel the roots as a half dry soil that will pow der finelv when crushed, aud this condi tion of the soil is more commonly to be secured in fall than in spring. If the conditions can be had in the fall, Mr. Mhan thinks it undoubtedly a better in tne Vegetlne Is composed of the best vegetable Ingredieuts the disiwiiwiry of Nature furnishes. Their Juices are bottoms. Night overtook us before we to n taxes piace. iauv -"h""b .9 . 1,. .1.. it, tl,. -an n l nf mama. Dualers were aware Ot it, na wn were oo igea w uF wua r IPr.nr.f. . war. nd the nublUhtr. ptomto to .pure no fr te v,lantinir than B"U. -JZZ -ZZZ. . PriS5 and earn- ! or expense to make it the best magazine . ln the wona. ... , , , Ths Phrbnolooical Journal, among the magazines for Obtobcr which have come to band, deserves espi ciai meut on. a. n ticles Illustrated and otherwise, composes' its . , .. . rt - ..11 1 vniurav. nesn siorHB. reuuieis ouu oouia nna. 11 was b niiui uu-i; r. J' ,r . r , .;i structure of three rooms, and occupied biers flock in as towards ongn fl by a famUy of six father, mother, centre. High carnival prevails. LiOud daughter, and three sons. The sons were brawls and startling crimes occur. All -,i r. ' a .. .u..n.ihi orai nn. if not merrily, at least briskly were made afterwards, we judge the and noisily, for several months, till tales tablB of contcutg, we would particularly the house five minutes more surprising diggings. erncr o naswenu et . " "r"E"e I hoKitunto npuliifl O fl mi KW&V. LUU LUD ITUIIUs UI o'tus w. w , J T f tents are struok, the hovels go to ruin, quiet reigns, and the locality is aban doned to regular industry and steady habits. - One year it is Frazer river that at daughter was hadn t been in when some kind of a vehicle drove up and two young men were ushered into the parlor. Straightway the mother and daughter held a whispered consultation which closed with an invitation to the sittinir room for supper. It was evident the young men callers had been to tea, tracts the rush. Another, it is Washoe, as they eUid in the parlor with ' sweet Another, it is White Pine. This year, ,:.f 'm . , the Valley of Salt Lake seems to be the sixteen. - ... .... u . A j . n.ra,i. Scarcely had we taken our seats at ine nm vi vu.wvw Mrasi table when a howl from the dogs out- 10US siones 01 me ireaaures ot mivw avav w ... v- I 1 A iL..a ca -,--4, n minori in swarms. ' If they are to be believed, the I r.- , . , 1 . Openers; Foster Blodgelt ; flien.asnusuauus, which we commend to the perusal of such j Witch-Hazel j Grumblers ( New Studies ln Physiognomy, or tbe Model of Respectability ; Human Food, its preparation ; Street-sights In China: Agriculture aud American Indlfler ence we agree with the writer in hla strictures on tbe want of Interest shown by young Amer icans in the tillage of the Soil; Bad Air; Writing by Dashes j Alice and PhiEbe Cary ; Hints nn Prunlnir: The Deserted Vil li ustrattons: Alexander n la.ru With flAW IT" '. . . . j . -,ii. , 1? A UT. mn. door, announced another comer. He lead there are a seemed to avoid the front aoor, ana .warm.. , v V 1 t cerulag man, who has the welfare of his ram knocked at that where our party was lucky ones literally shovel out .rtnne u at lJiealiBI1 dl8peUse with thU most val fust sitUna to supper. The mother rose in a week j j the 1 ores being so rich that nJbl6 periodicaU Terms, 3 a year; single KwTrgthe.um?non., when we were e very. hove ta surorised by the daughter opening tne ptao, 1 !7.! .n.hino. forward with, a .maU bank How much is true, and Th LrrTlll Cor V Jl . . . .1 1 t.. t I haw mnr.h. exaeeeratcd. will be better I nra .,, .ln it la for the month fX-. tP rSr, to Jimt how do Vou known next year than now. . Meanwhile ol October. It contain, numerous finely ex fellows ! u Come in, J im w no you j population is pouring ecuted engravings, and lis reading matter can do r r -., - I r. ... i,' : , ,v.t Si.tnrhs not fail to nlease all classes, young and old. And Jim entered in response w tne w u . -..y -- Hemaae nimseii as vV,rZr"X SJ r 1 ineiess to mi vuc aViaafv aalntatinn. onmfnrtahU as noaaibla till W8 had fin ished supper, when another whispered consultation proved that the "prior it full as it ort to be," whispered by juiss, in response to tome motherly suggestion, j A woman is engaged in the business of sending ice from Boston to Japan. Parents dnsirin twsdinir matter Tntn the hands of their children hnnld siihspriha at once for this popular Juvenile, and secure the three extra numbers to .. . , 1 ii..i. all new subscribers ior 101 wuu kuu names before November 1st. 160 a year. Published, by John . Miller, Chicago, in. spring, Uses of Carbolic Acid. The Jour nal of Ap2Jlied Chttntitry says : " In pas ting wall papers, posters, eto., especially where successful layers are put on, there arises a most disagreeable effluvia, whioh is particularly noticeable in damp weather. The cause of this is the de composition of the paste. In close rooms it is very unwholesome, and often the cause of disease. Iu large manufactories, where large quantities of paste are used, it often becomes sour and offensive. Glue. also, has often a very disagreeable odor. If, when making paste or glue, a small quantity of carbolic acid is added, it will keep sweet and free from offensive smells. A few drops added to muoilage or ink prevents mold. In whitewashing the cellar or dairy, if an ounoe of carbolic acid is added to each gallon of wash, it will prevent mold and the disagreeable taint often perceived in meats and milk from damp apartments. Another great advantage in tbe use of carbolic acid in never I paste for wall paper, and in whitewash, is mat it win drive wj and other insect pests. The cheapest and best form of carbolio acid is crystal, which dissolves in water or liquifies at an excess of temperature." niinished medical protierties, making It one of the greutest cleuusers of the blood that is or eaa be put together. TO CONfiUMrTiVEl. j The advertiser, having bean permanently cured ot that dread disease, Consumption, by a slmplo remedy, Is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of euro To all who desire it, be will send a copy of the prescription used, (freeof . - i.h ,1,; itiMetrnim tnr Krei.arlng and niini tae ssme. wnie.n mej sm - fob CONsuMrnoM, Asthma, Bkokcihtis, c. rar ties wishing the prescription will please address . lev. lWAHl A. w'lLKON, 164 Booth Beoond St.. WUllauisburgli, N. Y. BB-SJT. HOODNOW A CO.. Boston, Mass. pub lish " THB Patsjct BTAB," sell Patents, and give profitable ageacte to canvassers. LIGHTNING CORN HUSKED. JYifeafeif.-HuskB0 bushels perda. . Weighs 1H ounces. i:beap, Kfflclent and Durable. Kvery far. u-1.... ..nd PuniMTu 1..HRS Agents makefrora t3 to m-ZO perdsy. (Samples sent by msll tor 60 ceuts. send for ilrcnlsr. C. T. VAN SlcKLKN, 1M West sth M., tnncinnsu, u. BUSINESS! . wv P1ITV niVINH A GOOD ARTICLK A of universal demand, which can be ' shoved by advertising, may nnd a purchaser by address ing, stating luii particulars. HUwlNKSS, Box mi. Hiddletown. Orsuge County. N. Y. THEA-NECTAR iS A PURE BLACK TEA with the Orsen Tiro Timor. W at ranted to suit all tastes, for sals neryvitoer. And for salt wholesale only by the Ureal Atlantic . FseMsTsatJt.1 .Cburoh Ht., New York. P. O. Box 0S0. Stnd far TAsa A'sotar CtrouUtr. We the undersigned, eltizens of Memphis. Uko pleasure ln ststtug that we T ue.soiiully so. qnaluted with Mers PASMOE KUI FIN, the mHiiagcrn nf the Memphis IIeai. Esiatb Dib. Tkibution which is to Use plsce un the "1st of Oc tober, 1S71, and v itli pleasure recommend them as gentlemen of probity and i npaciiy, in hoee repre senutlons our people can place lmplicitconttdence. DOLrii.Cliy Attorney: Fklix W. oiiBBTaoa, City Tx t'olieo.ori h. B. Klt'HABDB, City Register; LKON 'I'KouaUAI.I, Hecretary hainber of Commerce of Memphis: E. A. C01.B, Clerk and Master Iu Chsueery; W. w. McLkam, Bute and County Tax . Collector: P- D- DOVLB, lerk eoond circuit Comt; a. WooIiWabu. County Ttustee ; J. J. MLBl lir, president Memphis Bank. I am acquainted Willi tlie reputation of the shove named ge tlemen, Messrs. Passmouk a Ri;y. MM, and consider them above leproseh. J. C. bi.Kctt. LSV, Chal man County Court. The above special end i semeuts sdded to that of our business 'i.ea snd ritiiens generally, with the press, la respect- . fully siihmlit-d lo ourpatruns. Msxi'iiu,,Teun. L'assmore x liiiiuii. FARMERS' PAINT. WE are now msnnfactnrlng a superior paint at fv one half the pi ice of ordinary paints. It Is a brown, but the siistie can ue vaiieu ey mo suiuuua of dry paints, it Is mixed realty for use, aud is sold by the galion. 11 1 euiiauie ior uuuiws, umus, tenoes, deiiots, bridges, freight cars, boiler-s smoke. stacks metal roois, o. v. e ais maiiumuiuic ur ciebrated Head Roofing, for covering roofs of aU dccrlpilons. For uric list, simples, e address .......... no, i.r un... All .mir, lann tit. M V the KJT.AU I 1MJJS v. v.. , . . VHKK OF !V OOVKKNMH.NT TAX. MARKET SAVINGS BANK, Hi NAS8ATJ-8T., NEW YORK. Open daUy from 10 A. u. to S r. M.. and on MON DAYS and THURSDAYS from 5 to 7 r. M. l--4 Interest cotnmeocee on the nrst day et each 1 month. WM. VAN NAME, President. HENRY B. CONkLIN, Secretary. n v ir r t w w f. " Tr . rilC Mysterlone Pictures sbst fiiks on re- I lib seiptoi oao stamp wi";""" , AOAMa ct CO., Boston. w ANTED AGENTS EVERY WHERE, MALE and female : M per week permnnentiy. dress J. BSMSY BVMONDS,N-i-t)erty m Boston. Ail. I square, STOMAFABHHAffS t U JL Hill A Mrj.f iot 1 Relleyguaranteed In five minutes, by Inhsts- I Hun. llAHliit!hent teiillmonislH Irom themedU-sl I iirmessiun. Price J ocr lox. Heut by mall, puat- 11 -e iii-imalit nn ...i.-lnt nl'nrlre. WM. H. KARNHA1I ACO., 11U Prosdwsy, W. T. - Sold by all Drungi P. O. Ilox 2Hi Trv samoles of our great S-page. IS 1 .00, illunlraffil weekly :0 yis. es tsbllshed Fine steel engravings free to lnuhcribers. Agents make MS a day. Mend for The Saturday Uaaelte, Uallowell, Me. 4MnNTHI THIt RURAL HOME Fr. muri tnoi hvm , to jftBliaiyi to sll fAr nil who rninlt TWO lull. LAK-l for ' 1S71 Firstlass H-psge Ag'l and Family Weekly. 4 months ou trial 50 cts. Spec Uuens Hoe. nonius dt WILCoX Rucuester, n. 1 . Agents. Read This I K VILl, PAY AOKNTS A SALARY VV ml i'AO Per week and expenses, or allow a large eominissiou, to soli our new wonrterrai inven. Bulls, , ., m. WAUsllH W., MUNN A CO., Publishers Beirn. lOU Aaurican. XI Park Row.N.Y . J.ijiIu usteiits everywhere. 46 i P. vnrlenoe. Evervthlna - eonfldentlal. Bend fur Patent laws ana uuiue vo Inventors. CnnVQ At It each Rold st retail from I .60 to DUUnd I... catalogue eeut ,,1-BfB. Addrese H. W. EI8KE tfc CO., 16 MarshaU street, Boston, Mass. it CTOP, AO B NTs. "Don't work forJlMper h dav, we war ant you you cau make t&W PER PAY SURE, aeblug oar gooihv Business liaT'.t and tlonorabU: No aift enterprise, no hum- . :. , . . . ..v a nil rHM ONROJfc KENNEDY CO.. " Pittsburg, Pa. bug. PIIRI C I One PscVsge of Paoy. I.KOS-MAOto LUltLO I co'mUNU will Instantly Curl the strslghtest hair of either sex (without Injury), Uitffl csseTormonevrefoodwl. Prioe isJ eU per ps ksge. post paid, w lor Su osula, AuAre A.ilUUlaUUa, Uxuxidge. Msse. - . ' ' ' - - REDUCTION OF PRICES TO CONFORM TO REDUCTION OF DUTIES. ORE AT SAVING TO CONSUMERS BY ET T1ISU urv.KUo . tT Send for our new Price List aud s Club form Jfj.T.Z:..,i ,.talnln full dlrecttons-niak. ing a large saving to consumers and remunerative to eiuo organise,-. THE GREAT AMERICAN TtA CU.. - SI dfc 8S VXly STREET NewfcTork. P. O. Bex fl4a. SI RUPTURE. A LINE lor an ADVERTISEMENT In ipO 830 Weekly Newspapers Wisconsin eirl. hire out to gather pies, and climb the trees as well as a Ksumates sent on application to . " e.,l I 1., u ,.,,.-8' 1 it Paflr Raw W V uan, sua mucn more graoeiiuiy. n, g ujta 1 Relieved and eared by Pr Khermaa's Patent Applt. IriS rVT v.mo,.un.f Office 8K7 Brosdwav. N. Y. Kend loo. for book with photographle likenesses of eases before aud after cure, with Henry Ward Bern-tier's case, letters aud portrait. Beware ot travelling impostors, who pretend lo nave bean as sistants of DB S-HSSMAJI Ann A for tlrst-lass Pianos. Bent on trial, es SSZVU arrentA'AOdress U. 8. PIANO CO..M jTroidwsy, a. Y. CUKSS rUK UVBBSB, CUBS . - Sweeny, Ringbone, 8pavln, and all Diseases of Horse Flesh. I SeptW Sight Q'Olockl"
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers