(Silt donnis ginatt. UtRRT A. Pamomh, Jb., Editor. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5. 16' Kf TOUCAN ITAT2 TIC2ET. Auditor General: DATID STANTON, of Bearer Co. Surveyor General: 310 BEET li. BE ATII, of Scfcujlkill. State Senator, SENL. JESSKE MERRILL, of Lock Haven, Representative, COL. A. I. WILCOX, of Elk. TXOflX'S C0TOT7 IICSST. Treasurer, C B. BARLEY, of Pox. Associate Judge, T. HOUK, of Ridgway. Sheriff, D. C. OYSTER, of Uortoo. Commissioner, J. L. BROWN, of Jonea. Auditor, TTHOMAS IRWIN, of Spring Creek The Last Cl Thi People' Ticket. Net Tuesday is the day on which T,iKnteof Elk count? are to decide he Uawe w long before them, so strongly agitaUd, and of such vast importance to very man who on that day polls his vote. From the earliest Uawn or Mincri an liberty, up to the present time, in National, State, and loeal affairs, from Xitne to time, the predominant party, muffed up by constant victory, has out icrown its legal and just authority, and attempted, without regarding the voice of the people, who are the only sov ereigns we as Americans recognize, to .carry out its own party schemes, to the detriment ot the principles of true liberty, and inconsistent with the spirit of those great charters of our liberty, the declaration of independence and the institution, no wisely framed by our table predecessors in American legisla tion. Whenever each usurpation have been attempted th people have invari Wy been the means of putting down wuck aggression by discarding and din countenancing party ties and obligations and presenting an unbroken front, ialways quietly by the use of the peace ful ballot, succeeded iu wiestiog thi jwwer from the hands of asurpers one placing it where it belongs, in the bandf Hf those who deem party interests sub .otdinate to the general welfare of the people. You are now called upon ti vindicate your rights at the polls, ami wrest from the bands of a few ambitious. Tod scheming politicians, who claim ti 'bo the legal guardians ot '.he people ol this county, and who dare not trust the financial affairs ot tbe county out frun. their own hands, fearing the people will gquandir the people's money, in stead ot allowing t'nem, their guardians neHt for them in the most improved modern style, putting it into their own jcjckets, the power they have so lony erarcieed to the detriment of every man who contributes to the publio treasury 'The ticket you are now called upen to isupport is one put in nomination by the people without regard to party, ouly looking to tho publio interest, by se lecting men to fill the various offices of trust well koown by all to be men of in tegrity and ability. And if you whose interests are at stake in this contest Jo jour duty to yourselves at the polls, on tthe day of election, you will have the pleasure of knowing that you have fo . deemed the oounty, and discomforted those who use public offices, to carry .out their own illegitimate, desigos. Redeem yourselves from the thraldom wf a corrupt ring, poll a freeman's bal lot, and not a ring bondsman's you must 6ee your danger, and if wise you will exerciso your power to avert it. Prompt :aetion at the polls on the day ot electieo will insure success, and success means the blotting out forever in this county everything which savor of ring leagues and ring powers. It is estimated that here is an av erage loss of two or three yards along the eastern coast of England washed away by the sea every year, and that ;about thirty aorea of land disappear annually between Spurn Point and Flamborough Head alone. There was once an important aeaport called Raven- ispurn on this coast, which returned a member to the Parliament of Edward I; but in 1399 there was but little of it Uft. and at the close of the next cen tury the gronnd on which it stood had totally disappeared. Several, village ahih anntar on old maps have been destroyed by the encroachments of the -waves, and Kilosea, ' which lost us ohurcb in 1823 is likely to be swept way altogether. The Nevada gold and silver produc tions averages U19 annually for every nan, woman od child is tae territory. 71. Democratic asd Republican Financial Masakkment Comparid. 1st. In two years and one month, by Republican economy, the national debt was diminished 82l5,7C5.6(JS 74. 2nd. In two years and seven months the pubic debt of the city and county of New York was, by Democratic extravagance increased $63,028,427 71. 8d. In two years and one month, by the Republican policy, the annual outlay waa reduced 812,062,997 93. 4th. In two year and seven months, by the Democratic poli cy, the annual outlay for interest in a single city was increased more than $4,400,000. 6th. In putting down the moat formidable rebellion known to history, continuing nearly five years, in which time more than two millions of men were engaged, the Republican party contracted a public debt scarcely exceeding $65 per capita. 6th. In si mply administering the civil affairs ot a vingle city for the period ol two years and seven months; the Demo cratic party contracted a publio debt exceeding $6!) per capita. Tnx Mormon Tabernacle at Salt Lake City, is an oblong. 250 feet in length by 150 in breadth, and was first opened for worship in 1867. From the ground rise forty-six pil'ars of red cut sandstone to the hri:hth of twenty-five feet on which ret the arches which suppott the roof. The roof is a sioirle oval span, eighty-five teet hijzh, with the ceiling s:xty-five feet above the flooring. The space between the outer and inner shells of the roof is nine tcet. The in- tide is very plainly finished the seats and woodwork being onpainted. In tbe west end is a very fine organ construct ed here, second in size to none in the Union. The entrances are on the east and west sides. The galleiy, which ex tends nearly around the edifice, is not attached to tho Walls, but rc?ts upon two rows of pillcrs. The entire build ing is capable of seating thirteen thous and persons. Its cost was about 8350, 000, being built by the Mormon church from the tithing. The Confederate cotton bonds held in England arpL'ste, it is said, about five millions Merliog. When the news of the succesflul n ozonation of the Washington treaty reached London, the cotton bonds, which wcro quoted at five per cent., rose to ten and twelve, but when if whs urHp'St""' t.ht thoe "claims ' were not included in thnse to be i djuetcd by the international boards to be subsequen ly appointed, tiiey fell a 'uui tu five. List of Grand and Traverse Jurors drawn for November term 1871: OR AMU JURORS. Runczcttc John W. Johnson, Edwin Etcher, D. W. Delias, Charles H. Winsluw, George English, Jacob S. Johnson, J V. Wiusluvr. ltanziager (leor-re Missel, Jacob Voilmcr. Fox Uriah Ropers, John II. Miller, Horace Spansftilurj.'. Highland I). F. Anderson. llorton Willi Taylor, Adam Ketn merer, James Mohan, John R, Kelts. Jay William G. Thona. Ridgway 11 S. Thayer, Marcus reucu, . b. service. St. Mary's Doro James Snceringer, Goorgo Rettur. Anton Jtssburgtr. TIIAVEKtHC JUH0H8. Denrrette Willium Jones, D. J Mcl'unuld, Newton Johnson, Miles Ik-nt, W. W. Walker, Charles Chase, John Derr. Dcuz:n;;er Peter Ilebstritf. George lllium Knocht, .Martin Lnppold. rox William ood, bills Brown, Andrew Howe, Jauies R. Taylor, Martin llcirnck, C. . lligby, Julias Mover, i I'rnnkUn Showers, G. W. Taylor, Robert Wonderleich, William II. Meredith. Horton Martin l'ha'en, Robert Mc intosh, Jeffersow Tnyloi. Jay Joseph Dill. Jones T. L. Biowu, Isaac Keefer, Godirey Wank, Stephen II. Smith. llidpway U. ti. Grant. St. Mary's Boro Leonard Cook Spring Cree.k Kdward KHne, Clin ton Paine, William Galbraith, James G. George. List of Causes set down lor trial at November Term 1871, Elk County Common Fleas. Commencim; Monday, Nov. C. 1881: 1. Thomas 13. McLain va U. A. Weed. No. 10 April term 1869. 2. Thomas Turley vs JJ. A. Weed. 88 Nov. term 18UU. 3. Eaton N. Frisk ie for use vs Win. Reed. 21 January term 1870. 4. William J. Hotkey, vs Tbe Peon. ft. R. Company. 2i April term 1870. 0. hi. W. Jiushley, vs Allen Giles. 46, 47. 48. and 49 Aipril term 1870. 6. James 11. liiUineton, va I&aao Bowman et al. 10 August term 1870. 7. W. L. Barnes. vj The Tannerdale Coal Company. 1 November term '70. a. bpillaoe Heirs, va Michael Dano- van, li) JNovembcr term 1870. 9. Geo. W. Smith, va D. F. Ander son, li November term 1S70. 10' Stearns, Clark & Co.. vs Same. 23 November term 1870. 11. C. lirockway, Jr., vs llorton Township. 24 November teiui 1870. 12.. Jonathan Boy n ton et al, vs A C. Finney et al. 1 January term '71 13. John G. Reading et al. va A. C. Finney. 13 January term 1871. 14. J. J". Lawrence et al, va Krieg'a Heirs. 23 January term 1871. 15. Itobt. J. Robinson, va George D. Messenger. 4 April term 1871. 16. R. Charles McGill. va Louis H. Garner. 20 August term 1871. FUED. SCUOEN1NG, i'rotlwoWry. UfcM'a vya.mED. He want 6000 active, cntrrprisiag. thtrotigh men and women, to wi om we UI give constant wort nd good pny. We p'hlinhthe MKRT B K) K8; " w give our ngents the BEST TERMS. The best tell ing Rook now It lit tlUNOK BLITZ. Describing bit wonderful feats and tricks, with laughable Incidents and adventure. Agentt ara selling from 20 to 40 copies a day. Also, our New Famllj Bible, con taining Blackwood's Comprehensive Aids to the ntn J v of the Scripture, and Nevins' new and improved Diotionary of tit Bible, together with Sixteen Fint Sleel Plates', four Maps in colors, and 200 at perior en gravings on wood; Family Record, Family Album, rtc. So. A Complete Prospeotus of this Bible and agents outfit furnished rt to alt who mean work. Our pro gramme HT NEW BOOKS for the Pall in cludes a NEW WORK by MARK TWAIN. JfejySuocessftil Agents will receive Ural choice of territory on MARK TWAIN'S forthcoming great work. C rculars. Terms, Ac, with full informa tion, sent free on application to DUFFIELD ASHv'EAD, Publisher. 711 8nom Street, Philadelphia. vln25aug'24tn3. THE NEW DISCOVERY . Xa Chemical and Medical Belenea. Jiadi Maa-rlN Dr. E. F. GARVIN'S' SOLUTION & COMPOUND ELIXIR TAE, riRST AXD OXI.T ROI.rTTOV mr miula Inoo. mixtura or ALL THE TWELVF, valuablo ctiv principal of Ui wellksowa aratira aifsDt, ri"E TREE TAll, rWEQUAt-EI) In Cjnt(h, ToW, Catarrh, Aithai, Broadiitis, aiiJ cuummpiiua. CTUIIEH WITIIOTJT FAIIj A reeetit eoM !n thrc to' in l ow: and alo, by itn VI TAL1S1NU, I'URIFTINU nnit hTl WLLATlN(i tttettm upon tlis (ruueral aritra, U remarkmblv rfli.-acioua in all DISEASES OF THE BI.OOD. including fecrotula and Emniiona vf th4 skin, D-ripcpaia. Diavaara of the I.irer and Kulncya, e, and titnerul irbiluy. ONE TRIAL CONVINCCSl ALIO, A Volatile Solution cf Tar For INHAI.ATIOX, n-ithmit nprllM'tio-i of BEAT. A winarkaMy VAI.UAllIJSdiaf-omr, m tbe whole ftpparattia ru bdratrnwl intlie real pocket, readv at any time for Uiemnatclfoctual od puaitiTely cura ivo uavin All Diaeaaos of the yor., THROAT and Lt .US. tub courouxD Tar and Mandrake Pill. for Tie In ror.noetion with the r.I.TXlll TATt, ia n rambinntion of ilie TWO i.i.mi vnlu il.la ALTERATIVE Metlicinna kiit.wn in tl.e l'ro fraaion. and reudera tl.ia Fill wuhout exueptiun the Terr beat erer otfcrel. lliebOLUTION and COiirOCXD Cl.IXIH of T-A.ZR, Is wii hout doubt the Dwt romcJy knowm ia CHOLERA AND YELLOW FEVER. It ia a Sporifis for a-h riiwnifi, and nhouH 1 kept in the houhold or every laimly, especiUy during ttiiMd u.oa- h iu which CHOLERA AN3 YEtLCW FEVER reliable to prevail. A imall quantity tak. ii daily wiU prevent contracting Uux torn Lit; diaeaaca. Polntion and Componnil Elixir, fl.OO per Eollle VolatJo Solution for Inhalation. 3.0Oper li Tar ood Maadrako ri:i, JOcU per tax. Bend for Circular .f POSITIVE t CRES la jour UraKfwt, ut to L. F. HYDE & CO., SOLE PBOPBIETOBS, 110 E. 22 d St., 2ieu l ot k. For Sale by G. G. MESSENGER. Druggist, KiJgway, Fa. 2A3USCAH0N2A HAILP.OAD. From and after Monday, Ma; 291 i 1871. Trains will run on this Road as follows: Leaves Earley 7.10 a. m., arrives at Daguscahouda Junction 7-4-1 a. m., con nects with Local east 7 56 a. ru., and Mail west 9 50 a. in. Leaves Dajruaca hrmda 10.20 a. m., anives at Earley 11 00 a. m Leaves Earicy 4 00 p. in , arrives at Dag&scahooda 4.50 p. rn., connecting with Mail east 5 05 p. rn , and Local west 5.21 p. rn. In case P. Si E. train; are late, Daguseahonda train ho'ds twenty minutes beyond the above , urns. lickets should always be procured before leaving stations C. R. EP LEY. Ruo't :iuxg F' IF1T US EC DOLL A Worth of Uusls FOR S3. A New School Book, by H. 8. PsatiNt. Price $7.50 per dot. Subscriber to Pa rsaa Music tfc Mon thly ara getting their Musio for less than Coutams over two hundred new and two eenit a ciao beautiful Songs Du ets, eta., by Win, 8. Hats, IViiitib, THAViV etc. Evarv Those who hare not seen this Musical Magazine ahoul J send 80 cents for a sample thing is new, fidau,cepy. lue mumo is and sparkling. C m-by Hats, Tbohad, tenia and eioi ien:KiKKSL, PaaaLKT. pages aenl fv e. 3 i.a- aa l other pepular copies ruai 4 fra - of, writers, posta; i to teaoa r Two back numbers for65oem. Lib-rallfor 40 cents. Four terms for Intro luo-lbaek auuibera for 75 Uoa. cents. Addreai, , J. Xh FZTS23, 953 Broadway, Now York. TlBlllf. If you want any visiting cards, call at the Adv cats office and tee thiee we have printed. We have aome fine tamplea of these and alao ol -other job irork. Ayor's Hair Vigor, For restoring to Gray Hair ita natural vitality and Color. A dressing which is at once agreeable, healthy, and effectual for preserving the hair. It goon restores faded or gray hair to its original Color, with the gloss and freshness of youth. Thin hair is thickened, falling nair checked, and baldness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles are de stroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed; but such as remain can be saved by this application, and stimu lated into activity, so that a new growth of hair is produced. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. The restoration of vitality it gives to the scalp arrests and prevents the forma tion of dandruff, which is often so un cleanly and offensive. Free from thoso deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous and inju rious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich, glossy lustre, and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical Chemlata, LOWELL, MASS. For Sale fcv G. G. MESSENGER, Dagj-ist, Ri gwny, Pa. HALL'S 77V VEBrr ABLE SICIUAI HAIR RENEWER. Every year increases the popu larity of this valuable Hair Prep aration, which ia due to merit alone. We can assure our old patrons that it is kept fully up to its high standard ; and it is the on ly reliable and perfected prepara tion for restoring Grat or Fadkd Hair to its youthful color, making it soft, lustrous, and silken. The scalp, bv its use, becomes white and clean. It removes all eruptions and dandruff and, by its tonic proper ties, prevents the hair from falling1 out, as it stimulates and nourishes the hair-glands. By its use, tho hair grows thicker and stronger. In baldness, it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, and will create a new growth, except in extreme old age. It is the most economical Hair-Dukssijjo ever used, as it requires fewer applica tions, and gives the hair a splendid, glossy appearance. A. A. Hayes, M.D- State Assayer of Massachu setts, says; " The constituents aro pure, and carefully 6tlected for ex cellent quality; and I consider it tho Best Preparation for its intended purposes." Sold by ail Drnggistt nni Dtnleri in iftdicinm. Price One Dollar. Buckingham's Dye. FOB THE WHISKERS. As our Renewer in many cases requires too long a time, and too much care, to restore gray or faded Whiskers, we have prepared this dve. in one vrenaration. which will quickly and effectually accomplish Uiis result. It is easily applied, and produces a color which will neither rub nor wash ofE Sold by all Druggists. Price t illy Lents. Manufactured by R. P. HAUL & CO., NASHUA, N.H. OSADALIS lm j 1 HE INGREDIENTS THAT CU.MfUSt: KUSAUAL13 ara puLlisiied on every package, there tore it is net a secret preparation, consequently P1ITSICIAX3 PRESCRIBE IT It is a certain euro for Scrofula. bvpliilis in all it forms, Kheuma- liain. Skin Uiaeasoa, Liver Com plaint aad all diseases ot the Blood. ONE EQTTI2 C7 SCSADAUS will do moro eooi tlian ten bottle ot the Syrup ot oanuparilla. TKE UNDERSIGNED PHYSICIANS have uwd Ronadaln in their practice for the past three ycura and l.rely endorse it mi reliable Alloraliv and Blood Furiher. Dn.T. C. PCOn.cf Baltlmor. nit. t.j. nov kin, " DH. R. W.tAKH. ' r n INaaiVL'f T V aat DR. J S. SPAKK.S, o( fVlcholaj villa, Kv. DXt. J. L. McCARTHA, Columbia, DR. A. B. NOBLES, Etlfrecomb, N. C. USED AE D EUD033ED BY J. B. FRENCH 4 SON'S, Fall River. F. W. ySTITIT, Jackson, Mirh. A. V. AVH1.KLLH, Lima, l'ho. B. HAI L. Lima. Ohio. CRAVIlN Si CO.. (M'irlnnrvtll. V. SA.M'L. O. Wcr'AilJKN, UuriMwa. loro, Tenn. Oar tpac v'llnot allow n any . (naea rrairtTaa in rciaiioi, ti, tn irlueaof Kiuadalia. Tuthc Metrical I'roiri-aion u- guarantee a 1 lu.U l x. rractauperkir to a:iy tlrj ha vir uafu ta ne irr ui. , vi.n.rinxa Uloud; and to th''".Sl ;riH w any t;y Hosai'ana, ana uu win oevuituicl 10 HtfSliA, Roaadalla 1 uM Vy all IniriU, price ajtuiu per l.ut;ji. AUuro. 13. & CO J o Powell & kime. Powell & Kime naring erected a large and wall arranged new Store House an the ell site, ainaa the fire, and filled It front cOJar to garret with the choiceat goods of all deseriplioau, that can be found in any market, are fully pre pared to receirethelr old customers, ana supply their want al bottom figoraa WHOLESALE OS L2TAXL. Their asaortaient la auaw aemfileta, prliiag DBY GOODS, G ROC Kill Ed, CRO0KKUY, U Alii) WARS, cLOTnixa, COOTS AND SIIOK3, HATS AND CAPS, ifOTIONS, ets , e POHK FLOUR. SALT. Food, 13 or ii. 13uttr, PBIEir Al'PLKS, DRIED PEACUB3, Canned Goods, In short everythlag waa 04 iatk CvquUj by LUMBERMEN, FARMERS, SIE- WIANICS, MINERS, TAN NER8, LABORINO MEN, EVERYBODY ! Ala a full aua of MANILLA ROPE of the best nianufaolure, of sultabljaiea for rafting and runaiog parpoae. I1E SLXQER AT TBS WORLD'S ifAIR, CoBJlUnled by the kernes of the p;ople Raoeived the Great Award of the HIGHEST SALES! And have left all rivals far behinl the. for they bold .rmo One ITnndred and Twenty-seven 1 nousand, Kifcht Huudrcd and Thirty-three Machines! being mora than forty thoutand in advance er ethir ealea ot the previoTS year, and over forty -four thoutand mort than tht talu of any olhrr Company for'1870, as ahown by the following figures from sworn re ams er las aale or Licensees. Tht Singer Manufactur ing Company sold orer the Florence Bewing Machine Co., 101,178 Machine. Bold OTr the Wilcox & Qibbs 8. M. Co.. 88,048 do Sold over the Weed Sew. leg Machine Co., 92,88) do Bold orer the Grorer k Baker S. M. Co.. 70,481 do bold over the Howe Ma chine Co,, f.2,677 dt Sold over the Whrelcr & Wilson ilan'fs Co., 44.624 do allot which in mainly owing to the popu larly or what ia known as the ''NE T FAMILY SKWING MACHINE," which is now taut Siuling its way into every well regulated bouxrhold. For Circulars giving full particulars of Machine, their Folding Caei'e of many varieties of wood and finish, their Attacbmvnta for numerous kinds of work, which, till recently, it was thought that delicato fingers alone could perforin, aa well as purticilars about all articles uaed by their Machines, such an Twist, Linen Thread, Spool Cotton, Oil. &o.. &c. apply to any of their Authorized Agents, r to TBE BIXafiR MANrFACTUniNU 468 Broadway, .tow York. CO., Philadelphia Offio 1106 Chestnut St. A. CUM MINGS, Agent, Ridgway Pa. l19)nlTl3a7. STEREOSCOPES. TIEW8, ALBUMS, CHKOMOS, FRAMES. E.& H.T.ANTHONY &CO. 691 BROADWAY, NEW TORE, Inrite the attention of the Trade to their axtenrive aasortmentof the above goods, of Vutr earn publication, and importation. Alio. iirtTrt t. a VTrfTf v st invn ad GRAPIIOSCOPES. NEW VIEWS OF YOSEMITE. . k H. T. A J.THOXT CO.. 691 Broadway, New York, Opposite Metropolitan Hotel, Importers and Manufacturer cf rHOTDOIlAPHIC MATERIALS. vlniiyl. NEW LIVERY STABLE IN ;rs j d DAN SCR1RNER WISHES TO IN- forui the Citizens of Ridgway, and tho pnblie generally, that be baa atarteda Liv ery Stabla and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES and Buggies, to let pon the most reasons. bl term BKilt.Ua will also do job tearting. 8tabl in tbe Brooks Barn, near tbe Post Office, on Mill street. All orders left at tba Poet Oo wiU meet prompt alien tion. Aug 90 1870. tf. X L Revolvers! The New X L Revolvers, No. 1 22-100 Cal., No. 2 82 100 Cal., short. No. 8 82 100 ral.long. No. 4 88-100 Cal., for Pocket Revolvers, ara vnturpatttd. They use the ordinary Copper Catridge and are beautiful in shape acd Smth. THE BALLARD DERRINGER, 41.100 CaL, haa no equal aa a Derringer. Full and complete stock of Goni, Rifles, Pistols, Ammunition and Sportsmen Goods, Manufactured by S3 Chamber and 65 JUad Btraata, Head for Catataguei. fZ W YORK yiisw- , 1 CflafiU, A. daSa. Editor. A Kewpnmr al tke Prmn TImm. Iatead far Peel Maw ao Barttw tnelntfinf Tnrnra, MMhanlea, UarraanM, Pro. (Niloaal Men, WorKers, Thlnktra, and ail Man. Dr of noowt folka. tai toe Wlrw, Sana, aad auhtarof alliaoa. OKLT ON DOt, LAS A TSAR t OKB HUNDRED COPIES FOR SO. r laaa than On Cant a Cbpr. Let tkare be a ) Ciab at erarr Pga omee. aMLWItXtfatS, 93 A TXAAV ef tta anna tlia and gmeral eharaeier at THE WEKKI-r, bnt with a srmn rarlatof tnlaeellaneonaroadinr.anil (nrntililnr e to Ita nnaorllMra with areater rnHhasaa. tieeaaia It eomaa twice a weak Inataad of oaca oalr. H DAILY m, e A VTAtU A raralnntlT readihle tMiwjanr. ,h-, larxaa' cirou'.ailun in Uia wonl7 r Viil paKMnt, and learlaa In po'lllci. A I ttia i,,T fmin. orrrrwbara. Tw i eema a egpj . br bi-u eOoauuauouia.or0 a,r. TERMS TO CLTJBa TnC DOLLAK WEEH.LT HVK. FlTa eoalaa. an rav, tJtaratlT andra-a . four Dollar. Tea mei, ena tsar, aemiratelr drtt-caid aa an azira eop to the getter up ot nino . Eialit Dollars. TwntT coplna, one fear;, eernratelr addrmtaa (-j4 aa axira aopr bJ lUai't' -rnpof cmb). rifteca Dollar, rijtr eort-a. oan rear, uene ildr land tua BDU-ttak,y od jrrnr fnrtler nu of club), Tblnr-throe Dollar. FiftT coplM, oaa rear, teparatelv adrmeit (nnd tiia Seml.Wael.-rroi!eyvrtnirettvr ui o. riub), Thlrty.flve Dollar. 3na JiendraA emlM, one rear. n n addreaa tand tlia liollx for on yanr to th eittr no or ,u?, M fifty Dollar. .Tnt nnndrad enpir. one .-ar. parair.lr ad SLVrW ""lalllorJu nar 1 "liiir apofclnb), bUiy Dollar. THE 8EMI.WEXH.LY HUM. PIT toelaa. on yaar, if paratelr d,1if..ed, , Elcht Dollar. IS Tr,.T,M' 'T,,'r Mdreued (aa a axtra oopjr to gaiter op of rlir.) . Wlxteoa Dollar. BEND TOTJIl BIOXiT Iff J; arar euBveoient -lr? e"'eke. or rtiafta rn Knr . wvua;, Aildrea, I. W. EWQT.twn, P"h tfh . San offloo. aw Vork Cair. RAILROADS. r-HILADELIHIA EEIE EAII I0AD 8CMMER TIME TABLE. ON and after MONDAY, A CO. 7th, 1871 r the trainx on the Pbilndelphi & Kria Ruilroadwillrunas followas WRSTWAKO. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia- 7.10 p. m,. " Uirtgway 10.05 a. m. " arrive at Erie. ....... K.3il n. ,.. Erie Eip leaves Phililplphia...l2 31) p. n tvuigway- a. m. " arrive at Erie...... ...7 40 a. a. Accomodation, leaves l!enova,...7.1o n. ml Kiilgway,..f 19 p. i. " arr at Kime S.OOp. m. KAHTWARIl. Kail Train leaves Eric -11. SO a. m. " Kidgwny....- 4.62 p. n. arrive at l'hilad'a... 7.SII a. m. Erie ExpresH leaves Kite - 11.00 p. m. " " l idgwny... a. m. arat rhiladelphia- 3.00 p. m. Accomodation, leaves Kane 6.(0 a. a " " Kidgway... 7.'26 a. m. " nTr at St. Marys 8.S0 am. ' leaves 8t. Marys 10.50 a m. " arr at Uinovo 6.40 p.m. Mail East connects eat indwetl at Erin with L 8 & M 8 K W and at Corry and lrvmcion with Oil Creek and Allecheny K U W. Mnil Went with weet bound trains on I. 8&M8KW and at Corry and lrvineton with Uil Creek and AUcgiieuy 11 It, VY. narren Acconiniodation east and wt. with trains on I. 8 and M 8 11 e&ei and west and at Corry with O O and A It II . Kria Accomuiodation r.nsl at Corry and Irvinrton with O C nnd A It K W. Elmira Mail and lluffalo Kxprrs maka clone connection at Willinraapurl with M O K W trains north and south. Catawisaa passenger trains will be ran east from Wiiliaruaport on Elmira Mail. MM. A. BALDWIN. (Jen'l Hup'L NEW TIME TABLE. ' Commencing June Gth. 1871. ALLEGHENY VALLEY R. R. TBE BEST. ROUTE BETWEEN. PITTS BURGH AND POl.N'I'SON 'TUB PllIL'A. &. ERIE R. K. COISO BOUTH. Pay Express leaves Oil City at 310pm Arrives at 1'iltsinirrn 7 oa u m Night Express leaves Oil City 9 45 p m Arrives at l'lttsuurgii b 40 a m Mail loaves Oil City 9 45 a in Arrives at Pittsburgh 6 00 p ni going aoam. Day Express leaves Piituburg at 8 85 a m Arrives at Oil City at S 05 p m Night ExpreHS leaves Pittsburgh 10 10 p m Arrives at Oil City 5 65 a m Way rasaengcr leaves Pittsburgh 12 30 p nt Aarrives at Oil City 7 45pm Close Connections made at Corry for Pittsburgh with trains East and Wast oa P. & E. 11. 11. Pullman Pallace Drawing Room Sleep. ing Cars on Night Exprecs Trains between Corry and Pittsburgh. Ask for Tickets via Allegheny Valley R. R. J. J. LAWRENCE, Gen. Sunk. TAPER FOR THE PEOl'LE. THE GLOBS. ESTABLISHED 18G8.J ' An Independent Evening Journtl. Serve! by Carrier at len Cents per week. Ask your newsdealer for it. THE OLOBE aa the only I.tocrasnaar afurnoon journal, reaching a popula tion in New. York and vicinity of over Turks Millions, is rap, idly gaining the posiiiou of the great leading evening paper of the Metropolis. AS AN ADVERTISING MEDIUM, WITH ITS LOW RATES, IT 18 UNSURPASSED. TERMS OF THE OLOBE. Subscription. By Mail. One Month, 60c.; Tbrea' Month", $1 60; Six Mouths, $3; . On Tear, $&. Advertising. Per line, noupariel measurement Ordt dary, 10c; Speoial Notice. 20o.i Reading and Publio Noiioes, 80o.; Business Nolio; &Oo. Allures JOE GLOBE PKlRUJitt UUMrANY. Pritnln ( ITtfass tyhA K VcVa: ;?-i . V atsWaa
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers