05th Oouiilii glduocatc THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1871. Hates of Advertising. One column, one year i ' ..... S7R 00 40 00 i 2o 00 1 " " 15 00 Transient advertising per square of emlit tines or leas 3 times or less 2 00 Business cards, ten lines or less per year 5 00 Marriages and Death notices inserted pratis. Elk lodge, A. Y. K. Staled meetings of Elk Lodge-will be held at their hall on tin second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. 1 O. L. MoCRACKEN, Soo'y. Temple of Honor and Tomnerance. Elkton. Temple No. 81, meets on ea;h alternat o Thursday- at their Lodge Room, on Maia atreot, over J. V. Hook's Rtoro. H. A. PARSONS, ft. far Time at ntdgicay. T!(he Express East.... ilo do West.... Jdo Mail East do do West .. 1:40 a m. .. 2:20 a. m. ,. 4:52 p. m. .10:05 a. m. Il.ocnl Freight East ....1 1:00 a. m. do dn West ViO p. m. "Row me asUore" is the latest slang Tjiirase. SHTPPiNa Taos, with or without strings, at the Advocatb office. Jas. IIaorrtt is having the old Brooks house, corner of Mill and Main streets, fixed up generally.'" You cannot register after September 30th. Remember this, and register now. 0. TV Sexton authorizes ns to an nounce his withdrawal as candidate (or Sheriff. The local freight tiuvo has been changed. It now goes east at 11:00 p. m., aod west et 6:20 p. ta. J. V. ITouK has lately received a lot of fall and winter goods, suitable for everybody. Wk have been requested to state that there will be no services in Grace Church next Sunday, owing to the unavoidable Absence of the Pastor Rev. J, A. Dooris. Tm.ltF, is a mm ut Wiicis "going it blind" against Col. Wilcox for Assem bly. Nevertheless, we predict that the Colonel will be wlectol. ' If ynu want any vi-ming. cards, call at tho Advocate office and see those we Imvo printed. We have some fine samples of these and also of other job jSuberba'b Oand Tab1 earn of the Holy Land and Paradise Lost will' ex hibit ut Messenger's Hall on next Sat urday evening Sept. 30. Admission 25 cts. Reserved seats 35 cent3. The assessor . Ins no uuthority to question your light to register if you apply to him personally. lie is bound to put your name down. See that it is done. W. 0. IIsaly has lately returned from, the east, where he has purchased a large stock of goods which he is re ceiving and offitring for sale, flis stock comprises a full lino of dress goods, as well as most all other kinds of goods. Five rr.it cent, additional is what the new law, passed through the influ ence of Mr. English last winter, com pels every tax payer in Jefferson county to pay, who neglected to pay to the 'Treasurer. Brookville liepublican. We want a Hepresentarive at Ilarris burg the coming session that is willing to serve his constituents for the lawful salary, and will not vote himself hun dreds of dollars of the people's money. Such a in id we ht.ve in A. I. Wilcox, the people's choice. Luthetan Services at the, Court Ilouse, Ridsway, on the 1st of October. German and English preaching in the rooming, after which the Lord's Sup per will be ci'Iebratca. English preach iog in the eveuing. As the Pittsburgh Synod meets at Warren at that time some liro. I rum the bynod will assist. At the Post Office in this place on last Monday tin post master cancelled 815 thr?e cent stamps. Average run is about two hundred. Is this high for a one horse- country iowiiT St. Mary s Gazette. Nut very high! Jas. Ilagerty, post master at this place, informs us that on last Monday he cancelled 321, just six more than you brag on, and it was not much of a day for stumps either. Important to Votkus Many per sons are under the impression that vo. tcrs who wcte registered last year need not be registered again. Thia is a mis take. Yearly registrations are required, Jind persons who have not yet been reg istered this year should bare their names placed on the list at once, as a failure to Attend to this imporant matter may re sult io the loss of a vote oo tbo part cf tie cackjj. v Ih another column wSH bs found the oard of tho Thayer House. D. Cook has leased this hotel and will, we have oo doubt, keep a first-olass house. PcnspANT to call the republican County Convention met in Ridgway on the 21st inst., and after ratifying the nominations made by the People's Con vention, adjourned sine die. JTon't (offer your hair to foil off when a bottle or two of Nature's Hair Restora tive will check it. Splendidly perfumed and as e'ear as crystal. All wide awake druggists soil it. See advertisement. ' TiX-PATER8 should not forget that it was the Republicans that relieved real estate of this State from taxation for State purposes. Notwithstanding this reduction of State taxes, Republican administrations have gone on steadily reducing the State debt. Base Ball An Exciting Game On Saturday, last, 23d inst., the Alerts of this place, left for Oyster's to play a match game of baso ball with the Sur prise club ot that plane. The game was. called at 2 p. m., with the Alerts at the bat. Our space will not admit of extcuded remarks, eo we can" only say it was the finest game of ball ever played in Elk county. The Surprise club were the victors by a score of 22 to 10. The fielding on both sides was splendid, and was decidedly the best that either club have ever done. Union County Convention. The Union County Convention met in Ridgway on Monday, Sept. 18th, 1871, and organised by electing Tons. Trwin of Spring Creek, President, snd Philip W. Hays of Fox, and Geo. A. Rathbunof Ridcway, Secretaries. Alter considerable discussion in re gard to the manner in which tho affairs of the Couuty have been conducted, it was on motion: Scsohed, That this convention, realizing the necessity of A reform in the manage ment of the business of the county, and in sisting that offices are personal trusts and should bo administered by those to whom they nie committed, and believing that the ofiice should geek the man rather than the man the ofiice, will plaoe a ticket for county onieers In fore the people for their suffrages, and confidently relying upon the ability. truth, and integrity of the men named, will by all lawful and honest means seek to se cure their election. The convention then proceeded to nominate cuunty officers by acclamation, as follows: For County Treasurer, C. K. EIRLEY.of Fox. FVr Associate Judge, J.Y. HOUK, of Ridgway. For Sheriff. DANIEL C. OYSTER, of Ilorton. For County CniniFsiner, J. L. BROWN, of Jones. For County Auditir, THOMAS IRWIN, of Spring Creek. On motion ot L. Mohan, Jr. of Fox Scsolvcd, That the Prisident and Secre. InrioB be a committee of three to name an additional candidate fur Associnto 'Judge, should they deem it expedient or necessary. Jlenolvcd, Thai the proceeding .of this convention be published in tho county pa pers. TI103. IRWIN, Prcsideut, P. W. Hats, JS Secy's. Geo. A. ll.rnuij At Last tiie Alerts wis a Game. The Unknown club of Centre ville, played a match game with the I Alerts of this place, on the grounds of the latter club, yesterday. Tho playing done by both clubs was excelent. The Alerts were victors by one run as will bo seen by tho following score: vnxwk. o. Woodward, e. f. 8 G. Brows, r. f. 2 Almy, 1st b. U S.Brown s. s. 6 o. 1 8 3 8 1 5 8 4 4 Jones, p. C. Khines,8d b. Miller, s. s. Ernhart, e. Hcaly, 1st. h. J. Ithines, 1. f. Ilorton, 2d. b. Curt iss, r. f. O.Rhines, o. f. Montgomery. 2b 6 1. Drown, p. Reynolds, i. f. Largay, 8d b. Ear ley, e. .1 8 1 2 27 87 27 3d 1NNISOS. 128466780 Alerts 7 2 10 1 6 0 1 10 1-37 Unknowns 10 1 2 7 0 0 4 7 63(5 Umpire J. O. W. Bailey. Scorers Alert, . P, Dickinson; Un known, J. J. Suell. Home Runs Curtiss, 1; O. Erown, 1, Swindlers by thb Load Our county has been invaded by a gang of sharpers, who are ostensibly engaged in puttiog up humbug lightning rods, not worth anything except lor old iron. They also insure property in a moon shine insurance rompany, aod lie and plunder generally. Let every person shun them as they woald horse thieves. They will perhaps not steal your horse, but thoy will take a note from you for $100 or $150, and make you pay it without giving you an equivalent, which amounts to about the same as taking a horse. There are four or five in the gang, and they travel on the circus plan fiB6 horses and wagons, are full of gab, and will cheat everybody that tradea with them. They have already delrauied our citizens out of five or six thousand dollars, and they should be arrested in stead ot pitrotiiaed. -Clearfloli Re publKaa. . TnErtB are bn threa States in which tho colored population now outnumbers the white. Louisiana , has 802,005 whites to 304,210 oolored; Mississippi, 382,893 whites to' 444,210 colored; South Carolina, 289,067 whites to 415, 814 colored. There are several States, however, in which these populations are nearly tied. Alabama has 621,384 whites to, 475,610 oolored; Florida has 90,057 whites to 91,689 colored; Geor gia has 038,926 whites to 545,142 col ored, la Virginia the white population is in a clear majority of 200,000. There are many fruits which never turn sweet until the frost has lain upon them. Theroare many nuts that never fall from the bough of the tree of life till the frost has opened and ripened them. And there are many elements of life that never grow sweet and beautiful until sorrow touches tbem. Pennsylvania has 14,212 publio schools, 17,612 teachers aod 828,891 pupils. The aver'ago ' salary of male teachers per month is $40.66; of female teachers, $32.39. Average cost of tui tion of each pupil per month, 93 cents. Total cost of tuition for tho year 1870, $3,745,415 81. Estimated value ol school property, 815,837,183. . List of Causes set down for trial at November Term 1871, Elk County Common Pleas. Cointnencing Monday, Nov. 0,1881: 1. Thomas B. McLnin vs B. A. Weed. No. 10 April term 1869. 2. Thomas Tnrley vs B. A. Weed. 38 Nov. term 1869. 3. Eaton N. Frisbie for use vs Wm. Reed. 21 Jsnuaty term 1870. 4. William J. Hotkey, vs The Penn. R. R. Company. 2S April term 1870. 5. E. W. Bushley, vs Alien Giles. 4G, 47. 48. and 49 April term 187U. 6. James H. Billington, vs Isaac Bowman et al. 10 August term 1870. 7. W. L. Barnes, vs The Tunnerdule Coal Company. 1 November term '70. 8. Spillane Heirs, vs Michael Dano van. 19 November term 1870. 9. Geo. W. Smith, vs 1. F. Ander son. 22 November terra 1870. 10- Ste&rns, Clark k Co., vs Same. 23 November term 1870. 11. 0. Brockway, Jr., vs Ilnrtoo Township. 24 November teim 1870. 12. Jonathan Boynton et al, vs A. C. Finney et al. 1 January term '71. 13. John G. Reading et al. vs A. C. Finney. 13 January term 1871. 14. J. J. Lawrence et al, vs Krieg's Heirs. 23 January term 1371. 15. Robt. J. Robinson, vs George D. Messenger. 4 April term 1871. 16. R. Charles McGill. vs Louis II. Garner. 20 August term 1871. FRED. SCHOENING, Prfitlionotary. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS T HAVER house. 1). D. COOK, Proprietor, Cor. Mill and Centre Sts., Ridgway, Pa. , The proprietor takes this method of an nouncing to the public that he has refitted, revised, and improved, this well known hotel, and is prepared to entertain all who favor 1 i u with their patronage, in the best ttyle and at low rates. vln30tf. 4 DMINISTIIATUIX'S NOTICE. No- X. tiue is hereby given that letters of Ad ministration on the estate of Daniel Downs. doceased. late of Ridgwny township. Elk County Pennsylvania, having been grint, ed to the uudersiguod, all persons indebted to said estate will please mike immediate payment, and those having claims or de uands will present them properly authenti cated for settlement, without delay. JOHANNA DOWNS. Administratrix. Sept. 21st, 1871. n294t. F OR SALE. Tho village "ptopertv. formerly owned bv Dr. W. Shaw, at Cenfieville, Elk Co., Pa. Consisting of a two story house with Drug Store attached. For sale by DR. J. S. BO ROW ELL, n2fltf. : Ridgway, Elk Co. Fa. Terms eaey, part cash and balance on time. A good location for a puysioian. LAGUSCAHONDA EAILEOACT From and afier Monday, May 29th 1871.' Trains will run on this Road as follows: Leaves Earley 7.10 a. m., arrives at Daguscahouda Junction 7 45 a. m., con nects with Local east 7 56 a. ru , and Mail west 9 50 a. ni. Leaves Dagusca honda 10.20 a. in., ariives at Earley 1 1 00 a. ru. Leaves Eariey 4 00 p. m., arrives at Daguscahooda . 4 50 , p. m , connecting with Mail east 5.05 p. m, and Local west 5.21 p. m. In case P. & E. trains are late, Daguscahondu train holds twenty minutes beyond the above time. Tickets should always be procured oetoro leaving stations- 0. R EARLEY. Sup't. :iong piFTY DOLLA.US Worth of Husle ..' , FOR 8 3. Subscribers to Pi. HO EC A New School Book, by H. 8. I'kbkins. TSBS M OSlfMI. Mon- Prioe $7.50 per doi. Contains over two hundred new and beautiful Songs, Du thlt are getting their Alusio lor less than two cent i a piee Those who have not seen this Musioal Magazine should send 30 cents for a sample oopy. The musio is by Hats, Thomas, KlNKCL, PSBSLKT. ana other popular writers. Two back numbeia ets, etc.. by Will 8. Hays, Wiiitii, Thomas, etc- Every thing ii new, fresh, and sparkling. Con tents and specimen page sent free. Sam- eopiei mailed free of postage to tcaobers for 65 oeuti. Liberal terms for introduo tion. for 40 cents. Four hack numbers for 75 cents. Address, J. L. PETES3, 959 Broalway, ITew York. Subscribe for tie Elk County ,Ar fW T VI. NB MILUOS-OF -LIVES BAVEW , It Is one of the most, remarkabl faots of his remarkable age, not, that, so many persons are the victim of dyspepaiaor In digestion, but, its willing victims. Now, we would not be nn lerstood to say that, any one regards dyspepsia with favor, or feels dis losed to rank it among the luxuries of life. Far from it. Those who have ex perlenoed its torments would scout such an idea. All dread it, and would gladlv dis. pense with its unpleasant familiarities. Mark Tapley. who was jolly under all the trying circumstances . in which no. was p'. iced. never hal an attack of dyspepsia, or his Jolity would have speedily forsaken hillK .J Of all the multifarious diseases to which the human system is liable, there is perhaps io . one t , so generally prevalent as dyspepsia. ' There aredisoises more acute and painful, and which more frequently prove fatal, but none the effects of which are so depressing to the mind and so positively distressing to the body. If there is a wretched being in the world It Is A CONFIRMED DTSFEPTIC. We have said that dyspepsia is perhaps the most universal of human diseases. This is imphatically tbo case in the United StateB. Whether this generjl prevalence is due to the chnrao'er of the food the method of its preparation, or the hasty manner in Which it is usually Swallowed, is not our province to explain. The crcat foot with which we are called to deal is this: V 1 DYSPEPSIA PREVAILS 1 almost univei sally. ' ' Ncnrly every other person you meet is a viotim, an apparently willing one; were tnis hot the case, why SO many sutlerers, when a certain, speedy and safe remedy is Within the easy reach of all . who will avail themselves of it? But says a dys peptic: What is this remedy? to which we reply: This great allcvator of human Miticring is almost as widely known as the English language. It has allayel the agonies of thousands, nnd is to-day carry comfort and eucourngmcnt to thousands of others. This acknowledged panacea is note other than Dr. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS. Would you know more of the merits of ting wonderful prepaiation than can be learned trom the experience of others? Try it yourself, nnd when it has failed to fulfil the assurance of its efficacy given by the proprietor, then abandon faith in it. LET IT BE REmEMBERED, first of all, that HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS is -a rum beverage. Thej are composed wholly of the pure juice or vital principle of roots. This is not a mere assert ion. , Tho extracts from which they are compounded are prepared by one of the ablest of German chemists. Their effects can bo beneficial only in all cased of the billiary system., llooil .nd's German Bitters stand without an equal, acting promptly and vigorously upon the liver; they remove its torpidity and cause health ful secretion of bile thereby supplying tho stomach with the most indispensable elements of sound digestion in proper pro portion. They purify the blood, cleansing the vital fluid of all hurtful impurities and su planting them with the elements of genuine healthf ulncss. . Now, there lire certain classes ot per sons to whom extreme Bitters are not only unpalatable, hat who find it impossible to tnko them without positive disco nfort. For such Dr. JlOOr LAND 3 UKKMAX TONIC hag been specially prepared. His intended for uso where a slight a coholio stimulant is require 1 in e nnection wiih t ie well known Tonic properties of the pure Ger man Bitters. HOOFLAND'S TONIC , acts with almost marvelous effect. It not only stimulates tho flagging and wasting energies, but invigorates and permanently strengthens its action upon the Liver and Stomach ' thorough, perhaps less prompt than the Bitters, when tne same quantity is taken is nono the loss certain. Indigestion, KilliotiBness, Physical or Ner vous prostration, yield readily to its po tent influence. It gives the invalid a new and stronger hold upon life, removes de pression of spiiit. and inspires ohet.rful ness. , But Dr. llool land's benefactions to the human race are not confined to his celebrated GERMAN BITTERS,,, or, his invaluable Tonh;. He has prepared an other medicine, which is rapidly winuing its way to popular favor because of its in trinsic metits. This U HOOFLAND'S PODOPI1VLLIN PILLS, a perfect substi tute for mercury without any of mercury's evil qualities. ' These wonderful Pills, which are Intend ed to act upon the Liver, are mainly torn, posed of Pi,dophyliin, or the vital princi ple of the mamlnke root. It is the medi cinal virtues of this health-giving plant in a perfeotly pure and highly concentrated form. The Podophyllin acts directly on Hie Liver, stimulating its functions and causing it to av.ke its billiary secretions in regular and prof er qu int. ties. The inju rious results wh'ch inviriably follow the use of mercury is eatirely avoided , by their uso, But .it is not upon the. Liver only that their powers are exerted., The extract of Mandrake contained in tbem is skillfully combiued with four other ex tracts, one of which acts upou tha stomach, one upon the upper bowels, one upon the lo ver boweU. and prevents any gripiog effect, thus producing a 'pill that influences the entire digestive and aliinen ary system, in an equal and harmonious manner, and its action entirely ,ree from nausea, vomit ing or griping paint oomuon to all other purgatives, . r ' j t Possessing hese much desirable qualities me I'oaopuyuin neoomes invaluable as a FAMILY MEDICINE. , , No household should be withtut them. They are p irfectly sate, requ but two foran old nary dose, are prompt an I effi cient In action, and when usea in oonneo tiou with Dr. Hoodand's German Bitters. or Tonio, may be regarded as certain spe cifics in alt oases of Liver Complaint, Dys pepsia, or any of the disorders to which the system is ordidarly subject. The PODOPHYLLIN PILLS ' . , act upon the stomach and bjwets, carrying off improper obstruction, while the Bitters or Tonie purify the blood, strengthen and invigorate the frvme, give tone and appt tite to the stomach, aud thus build up tb invalid anew. a , ., ;; Dr. Hoolland, , having provided internal remedies for disease, baa given the world one mainly for external applioati n, iu the wonderful preparation known as i Da, HOOFLAND'S GREEK OIL. This Oil is a sovereign remedy for pains and aches of all kinds. 'Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Toothache, ChilUains, Sprains. Burns, Pain iu the Back and Loius, Ringworms, etc., etc, all yield to its external application. Taken internally, it is a cure for Heart burns, Kidney Diseases, Sick Headaolier, Coliov Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, f 'ram pi, fains in the Stomach, Colds, Asthma, e c. These remedies will be sent by express to any locality, nnon application to the PRINCIPAL OFFICE, at- the GERMAN MED1CINK STORE, No. 631 ARCH ST., PHILADELPHIA. . I - , CHAS. M. EVANS Prrprietor.,, Formerly C. M. JACK N CO.. : Thett Jiemtditt art for 4 jJrugguti O SloTtkttper, en1 Mtdient Dtahr iery- . . ' - ' ' .'a I vJr24 I .. ,- ' , Iff (WTTTtH Leaving the East and arriving at Chicago or Indianapolis, how shall we renoh tho West? , The best Line is ac knowledged to be the C.J B. & Q i joined together with the B. ct M. Railroad by the Iron Bridge at Burlington, and called the Burlington Route, ' The Main Jino pf the Route running to Omaha, conncots with the great Pa. oifio Roads, and forms to-day tho lead ing route to California. Tbo i Middle Branch, entering Nebraska at Plattg. mouth, passc9 through Lincoln, the State Capital, nnd will this year be finished to Fort Kearney,' forming the shortest route across the Continent by over lOO niHes. ' ' . ' ' , . Another branch of the B. M., dt verging; at Red Oak, falls into a line tunning down the Missouri through Ft Joe to Kansas City, and all KatieaF, I'assengcis by this route to ' Kansas, see Illinois, Southern Iowa, and Mis souri, aud, by a slight divergence, can see Nebraska also, "v , , Lovers of fine views should remcm ber the Burlington Route, for its .towns "high-gleaming from afar" its tree- lriogcd streams its rough bluffs and quarries its : corn-oceans stretching over the prarics further than the eye can Teach. , Land-buyers will be sure to remem ber it, for they have friends among the two thousand who have already bought farms from Get S. Harris, the Laud Commissioner of the B. & M. R. R. at Burlington, Iowa, or amoog the four thousand homr-steadcrs and pre-emptors who last year filed claims in the Lincoln land office, where ''Uocle Sam is rich enough to irivo us all a farm." ,; $1,000 EEWAKD I A reward of One Thousand Dollars will be paid to any Physician who will produce a medicine that will supply the wants of tne people better than ttie article known as - Celebrate! Blood Cleanser or Panacea. It must be a better Cathartic, a better Alter ative, a better Sudorific, a better Diuretic, a better Tonic, and in every way better than the Pan-a-ce-a. No matter how long it has been in use or how lately discovered Above all it must not contain anything not Pl'UULY VSOETABLB. $5,00 REWARD!! A reward of Five Hundred Dollars will be paid for a medicine that will perma nenlly care more cases of Costiveuess, Constipation, Sick or Nervous Headache, Liver Complaint, Bilious Disorders, Jaun dice, Rheumatism, Gout, Dyspepsia, Cliills and Fever, Tape Worms, Boils.- Loins, Side and Head and female Complaint than ' on. FAunjErs ' ; HLOOD CLEANSER OR PANACEA, , which is used more extensively by practlo ing physicians than ' any other popular medicine known. " For Sale by U. G. MESSENGER and WHIPPLE & HARTLEY, Ridg way, Pa. . ' ' . vln22yl. pitorosED , ; ; AlffiCTlEMT TO THE CONSTITUTION 0? ',.:. PENNSYLVANIA. :, '.'.'mist besoldtion I ' Proposing an amendmend to the Conatitu- tioa t I'ennsylvama. , , Be it Rctolned by the Senate and Houte ot Repi-ctentatioet of the Commonwealth of Peun- eilvanii in General Atiembly nut. That the following amendment of the Constitu tion of Commonwealth be proposed, to tne jeople for their adoption or rejection, pur suant t the provisions of the tenth article thereof, to wilt , , ,i. rt ';" AMENDMENT. " ; " Strike out tho Sixth Section of tho Sixth Artlo'.eof the Constitution, and insert in lieu thereof the following: . . ' i 'A Stat o Treasurer shall be chosen by the Qualified electors of the State, at sunh times and for s'leti term of service as shall bo prescribed by law." ' ' ' ' JAMES II- WEBB, Speaker of the House of Representatives. Vt; WILLIAM A. WALLACE, ' .' ':.,,. .. Speaker of tho Seuate. Approved the fifteenth day of June, Anno Domini one thousand eight haodred and seventy-one. ' ' ;.:, .... JNO. W. GEARY.. - i , Prepared and certified for publication pursuant to the tenth article of the Con stitution. ' ". ' , F. JORDAN, Secretary of the Common w lAlth. ' ' Offioe Seo'y of the Commonwealth , 12t. Harrisburg, July 5th, 1871. J 12 C JP'r'OO WANT TO BUY : ! GOODS CHEAP GO to ' ' ' THAYER & IIAGERTY, , , 1,1 f ' i i. ';,' .'!. ,i ' .- v ' Main Street, F.idgway, Pa. DRY GOODS. NOTIONS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, A GLASS AND"" QUEENS- . , WARE, WOOD AND " WILLOW. WARE, ', TOBACCO AND CIGARS. V. i ' ' '; A Large Stock of . ,: t. . . -i ' ! 1 Groceries anl Provisions. ' The BEST BRANDS ot FLOUR Constantly on hund, add sold as cheap as the CHEAPEST. , -J: ' THAYER &HAGERTY. ';, V. S.. SERVICE- GU AND SEE! I ' ''! .'I IT WILL PAY! THE LARGEST STOCK OF THE BEST NO 0THE3 IN ST0CK- ! ;.. ,.. .',., .', " v. "!. I ''I vv. .-( v;,t it' !-, '" v V' 1 -"' i ( I '' : ': , - ..' , .- .! f '"' ' ! :'-'t ' ' 'vi ' I - . " 'i S TO J E S ! HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS IN ENDLESS ARIETY. PRICES WILL SUIT I GOODS WILL PLEASE! I;$EU"CHj STOVES DELIVERED AND SET FREE! FREE! FREE! CALL AND EXAMINE! : A PLEASURE TO SHOW GOODS! . : . . - I . ' ...II , W. S. SERVICE. No. 1 Masouio Uall Building, : , Ridgway, Pa. " NATURE'S il.m REST91UTIYE j Contains no LA ULPHUR 'To su&as or viea; jg : lith- AEGENo ; mxaATZ 0I SIL- -' VER, and is entirely free from the . Poisonous and Health-dsstroying : Drugs used in other Hair Prepara : tions.' ' : Transparent and clear as crystal, it will uoi. sou me nuesi laorio, perfectly sale. Clean and eraoient, desideratums long nougat, tor anu iouna at last! ' It restores and prevent the Hair from becoming Uray. imparts a soft, glossy, ap pearanoe. removes Dandruff, is oool and refreshing to the head, checks the Hair from falling off, and restores it to a great extent, woen prematurely jost, pieven's Headaches, cures all humors, cutaneous eruptions, nnd unnatural heal. . As a dressing for the bair it is the best article in tho market. , Dr. U. Snath; ' Patentee, Ayer, Mass. Prepared onl. bypltOOTIiR BROTHERS, Gloucester, Mass The genuine is pu; up in a panel boitle, made expressly for it, with the name of the artiole blown In the glass. Ask your Druegist for Nature's Hair Restorative, and take no other. ' ' JiaySend- two . three cent stamps to Procter Brothers for a -'Treatise on ' tha I uman Hair,"' The information tt eon. tains is worth $500,00 to any person. , ! ' FOR SALE BY ' i: ' G. G. MESSENGER,'. DRUGGIST, Main Street, Ridgwoy, Penn'a. ' ' .vlnllyl. t;, -, The most omplet e iiuMtnAay Cullt-ge In the Lulled States. . I, - l. . . :,A ,,. .... I Affording facilities for thorough Draotioal b possessed by no. other School in the ooun'rv 3; l.J t . ... , . diuuo us uiuiirpurauon in ieoa, nearly SixteenThousand Students, representativoa from every State in , the Union, j have attonded here, . ... . '. . ' . No vacations. Students enter at anv time, and receive nrivnia imiruii.n. throughout the entire course, t ,., ,-' ,, jv. u.--urciars with full partioulars and All necessary informution,, on addressini c II itn a. .... ...i. ." vutiiBii lrinoipaiS, ,, .BUSINESS CARDS. . ENRY SOUTHER, Attorney-at Law Kiugway, ra. (feblisro.8). ili'A. RATHRTJN, Attorney-nt-Lir " ' ' ' JT Ridgwny Pa. . . ? 2 tf. ' '' 1 JOHN O. HALL, Attorney at law, Rh'fg. ' way, Elk county Pa. ' mar.22'6Ul''' , 8. HllL. Physicla: XJL, Kersey, Elk Co. Pa. Ian and Surgaon 1 JO. W. BAILEY,' . , , 1 ! '" ' ATTORKET-AT t Aw. " '' ''"' ' , . : . '. .;! "!-.i . vln23yl. ; Ridgway, Elk County, Pa.' " '" ": Agent for tho Traveler's Life and Aoot- " " dent Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn, . .' '' ' . . ... '..ii; REVNOL03 HOUSE, : ,).t .t!--ul ; . :r i: .' - .' t-j J 'i ' 1 . u-i ' EEYNOLBsmiE. jirmscu co,. pa. ' . H. S. BELNAP, PHomtEToa . ' : ' ' J 8. Bordwell, M. D. Ecleotio Physiean ) ' ' ' . Ofiice and residence opposite the ' Jail, on Centre St., Ridgway, Pa. Prompt ' attention will be given to all calls. Office' hours : 7 to 8 A. M- t 12 to 2 P M. t snd r 6 to 7 P. M. ; Mar 2'J. .t.t.f. . - , j D a C. II. rUi.Hn., BOTANIC PHYSICIAN, , : Riuqwat, Pa.- , ., Residence and office opposite tho Thayer . House. . , . ,..,.,( fl S. HARTLEY, M. b.,.w ' ' ,' ,; . Physician and Surgeon, 'ri Ridgway, Pa. Offioe in Walker's Buil.l'ng.; ,' ' " Special attention given to Surgery. Oifioe ' . hours from 8 a. m. to 10 p, m. Residence ' on Main Street, west end. All calls ; promptly attended to. ' vlniyl. ' G O. MESSENGER, '" " ' ."; ''.. Druggist and Parmaceutist, corner Alain and Mill streetp, Ridgway, Fa. ' A full assortment of carefully gelected For-"'" 1 ign anusDomestio Drugs. " Prescrif t'6ns " '"',l carefully dispensed at all hours, day or .' i? ' ' night. " .i. f t vluSv. ! " ' (1HARLES HOLES, - . f : , . t r ,- ,.... i J Wutcbmuker, Engraver and Jeweler,, , j Main street, Ridgway, Pa. Agent t'ov Uva, i ;,., Howe Sewing Machine, and Murt-in ,Unld , , Pen, Repairing . Watches, etc, doue with . . , the same accuracy as heretofore. S?aiivl(i , actio. i guaranteed. '. ' , vlnly.' ( ,' , ( W. .C HEALY. ii. -T ' : ... I , ,',- . ,(... --- i ) ( DEALER IN , '; ,, -. -, r v o BUT i O00BS, " 6S0SS3IS3i ..PBOVBKlTs. '"L-'.' ' , PRODUCE, FRUiTi, &q. , r T- vlnStf.,' W'ost End, Ridgway, Pa. .'.;.. HYDE HOUSE, ..... ., , . -RinowAY, ElkCo., Pa. ' . W. II. SCHKAM, Proprietor ' , Thankful for the patronige heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new ' proprietor, hopes; by paying strict ai-:..('- ' tention to. the comfort and convenience of ' guests, to merit, a continuance , oi . tho' same. t v , , , Oct 80 1803. .... . TORXON HOUSE,.'. , ' , , , -1 ' i , , , ..i - ERIE. PA- . r i :' M. V . Moore, (lute of the Uyde ouie). w. ii Proprietor. a. Open Day and Night- 1 TUB OLD BUCKTAIL'S HOTEL, ' Kane, McKean Co,, P.i. R. E. LOOKER, Proprietor, i. . : Thankful for the patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him. tlic now pro-' piielor, hopes, by paying strict, aitoution ' .-; to tho cotiifort and convcuiouce of guests.,, , to merit a continuance of the same, . ,'l'ho . - ..( only stables for horses iu Kane-and oU j , . kept night or day., ., , , vln2:Jyi... j : HALL & BRO," Attorneys - at - La ' : ST. MARY'S', '- ' ' ELS COUNTY PNN3Y1YANIA.'1 "VV" JO, IN Q. HALL........ .JAS. K. . HA ft. DR. G. WHIPPLE. ' '. Dentr.l Burgeon.' ' ' Oltice in Walker's lluilding. All kinds r dentistry dine in,the best style, and nil work warranted. He will visit Kane 'nit" the 1st, 2d, and 3d; Wilcos on the lOtti.-'-' 11th, and lith; St. Mary's on the 21 t 22d and 23d of each mouth. At all oMitf- ' times ba can be found at his office irv Ridgway., Pa.,, , ., , . vln2yl. . ) T7 ERSKV rfoiraii! ; ' " --; Centmivillb, Elk Co., Pa." ; '' . John Collins, Proprietor, i ' .' ' ' Thankful for tha nut fAniira nwn a1. , BO lib . lllv hA.4tnWsl imnn him rt. . ' prop' etor, hopes, by paying . striot ,. , ", , tenti , ,. to the comfort , atd convenieu'e" ', , ' ' of f osts, to merit a continuance of th i '' '' " san .. - : H. W1LBER. i I ' . i FRUIT DEPOT ' , ' Main St.' (Holes' New Building), Ridg.J ' ' T"' i.,. : , .,. t Ppaohea. Annla . Wn.it r I -.-. V.U.W.UU9, HI , - 1 J , . .. apples, Cuiutubers Tomatoes, aud a g'ju-.t - i i .i eral assort ueut ot fruit Jtepi ou hand aud , , r u ; t received daily. :,; , . , j , , ... , . . J .p. parsons. : , " . ; ! .. t I !. .. . I 1 ... . 1 . ..,'( . . Slauufaoturer and Dealer in Boots & ' MalnSt., opposite Hotel," t' 'i!.'' ov2 7y '.-I ' -i ?-! ! e-'., VILDOX," PA,"" ' ' v i . v, .. ,i- v- WELCH ' ftRirriTuei -- . ii 1 1 iv ''. Sa vb! Saws! ' Saws! : 8UPERIOR .TO,' 'ALL' OTHERS. Z!'!' Asesi Files, Cast Steel,' Mill Furouhl SS-Get tha BEST. . 1. :u . .u-, . cbearjeat. . , , . . . . . , . , Pri-M,eVal, , Send for pr.Ve LiWto Circulars. . ,. ,'v ,,,, , WEL B i ORIFFITHS, ,t l 09. 0B 41ms.. or Mil t . k-. H , , . . . , ; s,l1236 ,i ,)( :e;t,i ., .: i'la J . I t' I ' .' 1- .'.'.J,i :; t u II .' : - I i-.J t . , ,.j ; ,j I ii .-i-. l . i i i .... :'. ,... ,.i , i -A- .IT :l ) .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers