IHE SEYEN LITTLE TYUMEN. a FAnnr toey. Gretohen tat wearily waiting for tier father to come from the tavern in the villnge. Many years of aunthine and I the shadow bad passed lince her mother bad kissed her, and then had crossed the dork, silent river to a land of brightness, joy and peace. Gretchen was almost in despair, for there was only a Btnall black loaf in the cupboard, and she was often beaten when Hans, her father, was angry. Suddenly there was a timid knock at the door. ' Come in," said Gretchon. The door swung slowly open, and sv en little women entered. " We are cold and hungry," said the eldest, "as we have come a long dis tance ; we are very tired, and would like to stay all night.'" " x ou are very welcome," replied Gretohen, after a moment's hesitation, m she piled more faggots on the fire. ghe divided the loaf into seven por tions, and filled seven tin tumblers with sparkling water from a spring close by. "I am sorry there is no more bread," she said, pleasantly, " but you are wel come to this." In a few moments the bread had dis appeared. " We thank you very niuou," sid all the little women in chorus, as they gathered round the fire. " And if wo ever have the chance, we will do as much for you." " You are very kind," replied Gretchen. They all fell to talking, and it was not lon before Gretchen told her story, whioh was dreary enough. - My father does not like strangers," she said hastily, as the loud laughing and shouting of Hans and bis boon com panions was borne on the air, "and you mast be very quiet while he is in the house. My bed is poor and small, but it Is a little better than the bare ground," she added, smiling. Hans was in a very ill humor. He raved and stormed a long time ; finally, seizing Gretchen, he thrust her out of doors, declaring he would kill her if she dared enter the house again. " Others can play at that game ! ex claimed several fine voices, aDd fast and furious fell the blows of the seven little women. Hans growled savagely, uud, releasing his daughter, turned to his small antag onists, dealing heavy blows, but they were without avail. Crying out in rage and terror, Hans, seeing; his efforts were in vain to conquer his foes, ignominious ly fled, shouting for help. Poor Gretchen wept bitterly as she tell to the ground. A light snow waB falling, and the wind swept down from the mountain in wild, fieroe gusts. She heard her father's cries of terror, and saw him flee toward the village, closely pursued by the seven little women. It was not Ions: before they came back, and the eldest rang a crystal bell. It was answered by a multitude of bells chiming through valley, wood, and plain, unUl the air was failed with music. A beautiful little coach, drawn by sev en milk-white horses, appeared. A foot man, in splendid livery, opened the door and' the aeven little women aaoompanied by Gretobca, filtered and -Che au-ryiage rolled away. Stwping before a huge rock, which Gretchen bad often olimbed, the tootman blew a shrill whutla.a door swung open, and the carriage rolled through a long avenue, shaded by trees laden with flowers and fruit, until it stopped before a superb palace. There was the sound of musio and laughter borne on the fragrant air. " Her gracious majesty has come,"said several voices, as they entered the palace " As the sleeping flowers haste to greet the sun at morn, so we haste to greet her .highness, our loved cousin, replied the little woman. Gretohen was conducted to a chamber bung with blue and silver tapestry. The furniture was of ivory, covered with blue velvet wrought with pearls. Oh, how beautiful it all was I Presently a tiny lady entered, and, making a queer little bow, said, " Prin cess Lalleen bade me dress you, for the queen acsires to see you. " The queen '(" repuatnl Gretchen. " Yes," was the reply, " the queen of the fairies. " Oh, how clad I shall be to sue her !" her eyes sparkling with pleasure ; then added, humbly, " I am only little Gret ohen Andersen, and I fear sho will not bb-pleased. " Ah 1" was the kind reply : " her ma jesty is very kind, and loves good child ren. PriuceBS Lalleen and her sisters have told how kind you were to them, and bow you took care of a sparrow that a wicked boy wounded and lettfor dead, and many other things, also. " It was nothing," blushed Gretchen While they were talking, the fairy had combed the young girl's hair, removed her ragged clothes, and dressed her in a robe white and soft as tho summer clouds. " You must be like the fairies while nere," she said, as she led her to a mir ror. Gretchen scarcely recognized herself. Hue was no larger than her attendant her hair hung in burnished waves about her waist; her dress was looped with pearls ana coral ; tiny sprays swinging in her ears. She was then taken down au ivory staircase bordered with gold, a door was thrown open, and a footman called out, "The Earth-child!" and Gretchen found herself in a large room full of little people. Princess Lalleen the eldest of the seven little women advanced to meet her. Taking her hand she led her to the further end of the room, where was a pearl throne thickly studded with dia won da. On the throne was the loveli est little creature Gretohen ever beheld Har dress was of the tint of the inner leaves of the blushing rose, a tiny dia mond sparkled on her brow, and a crystal wand, tipped with a blood-red ruby, was in ber mite of a hand. The princess bowed very low, as she stopped before the throne. "Your graoious majesty she said, with an enchanting blush, " this earth' child was cast out into the bitter night, because she befriended myself and sis ters. For that kind act we took the libetry to bring her here, knowing that you us the friend of the deserving. There was murmur sweet as the soynd of the fountain sou at even from the multitude of fairies, who said. -wfrkfc one voice, " Oh, beautiful Queen - Akeen. fneno of tna deserving r After the applause had died away, the lovely queen rose, and said, in a voice to sweet that Gretchen held her breath to Heten, " You did quite right, my dear cousins. Ladies Bee ana uutterny bring hither the soarfs woven from raiu bows. ' 'f his was a great bonor, and the seven siater looked highly pleased, and mur mured grateful thanks as they donned the scarfs. "And bow." continued the queen, bring a searf of moonbeams as a rsward' . . . - a . . I. to the earth-cbiia tor ner Kindness. wonder and delight, the queen took a scarf that glinted like moonbeams on emerald leaves, and, throwing it over her shoulders, said: "As long as you keep this, we will watch over you. And now, my lords and ladios, away to sup per and the dance," D olding doors were tnrown open, onu Gretchen saw a long table, bending be- noath the most exquisite flowers and fruit, with dainty crystal dewdrops for drink in superbly traced cups. AU was hilarity and mirth. A tiuy chime of bells sounded, and, as if by magic, the table disappeared, merry musio thrilled the listening air, and lovely couples whirled in the dance. A smart little gentleman fairy, in a violet suit, bowed to Gretchen, and beg ged her to dance the next set with bim. Just as they took their places, Gretohen felt herself shaken violently, and, open ing her eyes, she saw ber father bending anxiously over her. "My little Gretchen," be exolajmed eagerly, " I feared you had gone to your dear mother. I have good news for you, dear," kissing her fondly ; "I have sworn never to taste a drop of drink again. Your nncle Gredel is going to America, that glorious golden land, and we will go with him." Gretchen threw ber arm about his neck, with a glad burst of tears. " I am so glad 1 she cried, loyousiy. This is better than staying with the fairies." And she told her wonderful dream or adventure she scarcely knew which, Hans laughed merrily, as he listened. He kept his word, and there Is not a happier pair now to be found than Hans Andersen ana bis daughter. Bceclier'g laog Story. "We know It is beneath the dignity ap propriate to thess editorial columns to tell dog story in them a dog story ns4-. Awan a rtva1 a t fo rVi nn Vln - - js I nllU uvv v . - m iuviui uwvuuvii There was a shout of approval irom ftfter gppiing with a six-column arti e fairies at this ; and, to Gretehen s ole ln a attempt to get its pith intc Death and Superstition Tho bell-ringer of the cathedral of Wurtzburg has recently perished under very singular circumstances. The church possesses a splendid clock, with ponder ous and complicated works, while a pen dulum ot proportionate length viorates to and fro with a dull and monotonous thud." Eeoently the clock needed cleaning, and the bell-ringer was deput ed to superintend the work, though he ruefully endeavored to be excused irom the task. It seems that he never will ingly approached the belfry, from cer tain unpleasant associations. About wenty years ago he had killed his pre decessor in office, accusing him of carry ing on a criminal intrigue with his wite. When brought to trial he escaped the gallows owing to a deficiency of legal proof. The patronage of the Canons then procured him the appointment va cant through the death ot bis victim, Hence, it is said, arose his superstitious dread in connection with the belfry which was supposed to be haunted by the ghost of the murdered ringer. On the morning when the clock was to be cleaned it suddenly stopped; the bell- ringer was nowhere to be found. A workman from the town was sent for and ascended the tower, when he was horrified to find the pendulum and lower Works dripping with blood. Upon searching farther the .body of the bell ringer was found entangled in the works, frightfully mangled ana crushed, une supposition is that he committed suicide by climbing up the pendulum and then pitching himself into tne middle 01 xne machinery of the clock. But the wonder-loving gossips of the place, with a thoroughly German propensity for the horrible, declared that the guilty man, upon reaching the chamber wherein the works revolved, was horror-struck by the apparition of his predecessor sitting astride the great balance wheel of the clock, and had been drawn into the works by a species of horrible and irre sistible fascination, similar to that which . into half a column, (the fruit of which labor is delayed by an accident until next week), we are going to refresh our minds if not onr readers', by tolling a dog story pure and simple Wo protest in advance against any attempt by Mr. Darwin, his friends or bis foes, to deduce from it that dogs can or cannot reason, or to prove anything whatever. Now for the dogs as to the veracity of the tale we per sonally vouch : A narrow log lay as a bridge over a ra vine. From the opposite ends of the log, at the same moment, there started to cross it a big Newfoundland and a lit tle Italian greyhound. Of course they met in the middle ; of course there was not room for them to pass; neither could they go back. The height was a dangerous one for the greyhound, and to the water at the bottom be was extreme ly averse. The Newfoundland could have taken the leap in safety, (but evi dently did not want to. There was a fix. The little dog sat down on his haunohes, stuck his nose straight up in the air, and howled. The Newfound land stood intent, his face solemn with inward workings. Presently he gave a nudge .with his nose to the howling greyhound, as if to say ; " Be still.young- ster, and listen." Then there was silence and seeming confabulation for a second or two. Immediately the big dog spread his legs wide apart like a Colossus, be striding the log on its extreme outer edges, and balancing nimsoit oaretuiiy. The little dog sprang through the open ing like a flash. When they reached the opposite shores the greyhound broko in to frantic gambols of delight, and the .Newfoundland, after his more sedate fashion, expressed great complacency in his achievement, as he surely had a right to do. Uhrutian Union, flUTTV.n from Devonshhir CllBAM. There is a custom of soalding cream prevailing In Devonshire, Kn gland, which is worthy of a wider extension. The product " clouted " cream, also oalled " Devonshire " ceam is exceeding ly rich, thick and palatable, and is ac counted a luxury wherever obtainable. The process is the following ! The milk is allowed to stand in tho dairy, which must be too cool to allow it to sour, from twelve to twenty-four hours that is, the milk of one day is attended to on the following morning. It is set in tin pans about seven inohes deep ; these ave a good handle at eaon siae as a neip to careful moving. Most of the cream will have risen at the time of the prepar ation, which consists in soalding simply care being taken not to allow the milk to reaoh the boiling point. The bost way would be to set ttie pan in gently boiling water. The heat must be kept ud until the milk becomes very hot, and the cream thoroughly " crinklod " or About Ladles' "Switches." The Boston Bulletin says : " The first switches were made in Central Falls, Rhode Island, by a workman in one of tho .flax mills. For a long time all that were used the number of which at first e quite small were made there, Afterwards a firm in Providence com menced the manufacture, under the style of the Japan (switch Company, manu facturing largely. The price then was from f 7 to f i), realizing a large pront to the manufacturer. (Switches then re tailed at $1.50 to $2, are now sold at 25 and 37 cents. Several parties started in this city employ from ten to forty men each. Some idea of the amount manu factured can be found from the exper ience of the largest of our city manufac turers, employing forty men hacking and finishing the jute, and fatty or sixty girls in the manufacture of chignons, using ten bales of three hundred pounds each, and three thousand pounds of hair per day. The above firm used over six hundred bales (iu,uuo pounds; in less than three months, at times producing 350 dozen per day of switches alone. A great outcry has been made against this material on tho score of insect inhabi tants, and especially in tho State ot Maine the prejudice was so strong that they could not be sold at all. But not an insect was ever discovered by this firm, and the jute is as clean, or more so, than human hair in the course of manu facture. There are also many switches made of fino glazed cotton thread, also of silk dyed without washing out the gum, -which gives it the nearest resemDlance to bair of any article used. Much of this hair silk is woven the same as rib bons, and afterwards braided like wool FARM ASD n0TJ8EH0U. RciuuNEn'e Monthly for August. " What nre they doing t Viwm- f Is the open ing nrtlclc In Scritmcr'i, and Is exeeeulnrrly In teresting nndsntiefnctory. J. T. Hendley, the coltibratud nutlior, gives a lively description of " Life ln the Caucasus." Among the illus trated articles are Mr. Townlcy's "biographies ofthepalntor.H.P. Gray, President ot our Academy; and J. Q- A. Ward, the dlstln. giilshed sculptor. Tbo pictures of these ar tists ere exceptionally fine, and well maintain the reputation for excellence of Scrtbner't por traits. Then there Is an lutcllipcnt article by J. K. O. Hossard, on " An American Art Mu seum," with engravings of tho rcmnrltalile de slgns for the approaches to It, which have been prepared by Mr. W. II. Heard. But by far tlio ablest papor In tho present nnmbcr is Dr. Mary ii. Putnam's account of " Some of the French Loaders," embracing a sketeh of the Provisional Government of September 4lh, 1870. Among tlio other articles are a pleasant and seasonnblo account, by Ucnson J. Lossing, oi " Tho Weeping Willow," showing when and how the tree was flrst brought to Ameri ca . II PnfM- flrlsn. a Comic EnlBOtle of Italian Travel " by H. T. Tnckerman and "A Visit to tlio Great Yo-8emlte." The poetry is by Elizabeth Akors Allen, (J. P. Xathrop, and Charlotte F. Hates. Mr. Bush furnishes some ninii.lrur nr-nrll reminiscences of Mount Wash ington, to tho Department of Etchings ; while RTJFTURB Relieved and mired by Pr Sherman's ratnt Appli ance and Compound, ffifllco IW Hrnsdway, N. Y. end loo. for boolt with photoRraplilo llkenoaee ot caws before and after core, with Henry Ward Boooher'e ease, lotlrs and portrait. Hownro ot travelling Impostors, who prtWnd to bare been aa latanU ot Pit. fcllKRMAH. O'DONOVAN ROSSA'S KEVELATTONS OF Those- Startling Kovelatlons will commence ln tho "Irish People" Newspaper or .Tunc 1871. They contain n Interesting and lively resnme ot the Author's sufferlnss during his cruc-l Incarcera tions In the depths o( tho prison pens of Knicland. O' Donovan Kossa lias simclally selected the "IRIHH l'EOPI.K" Newspaper as the medium for the publication of ni New Work, In order thai his Revelations may p into tue hands of astnaiiy Irish National readers as possible. This Work, by one of the most prominent of our dlstlnKiiiened Irish Eillos, will be a history within lUelt which every Irishman eliould possess. TO BE JIA OP ALL NEWHDEALER9. riifi-in! ii neokman street New YoTk. All let- tars to he addressed to "The Irish l'eoule," P. O. lue cream tnorouguiy "" Ii" riu i i n . . ,,.,,n . I tera to oe aonreaseu hi ino xi dotted ; thopan sh0gulI then be removed a nTerM" SStt b"8Vbp Ttes-: carefully to a cool place, and allowed to stand nndisturbedtor twenty-iour nours. The cream may then be removed, and either fresh or salted, it is an excellent substitute for, many think a great im provement upon, butter. It is especially important tnat tnere suuuiu ua uu biuuho in the apartment where the scalding is done. This is Devonshire cream, a delicious article for home consumption, but one for which there exists no market de mand in this country. The ohief value of the process, for American farmers, lies in the fact that it is an excellent pre paratory step in the making of butter. It secures all the cream, gives it such a consistency, that skimming is much easier and much cleaner that is, there is less milk taken, which enables it to give np its butter with remarkable ease. Indeed, it is only necessary to rub the cream with the hand for a few minutes in a smooth wooden bowl to separate the butter entirely, ready for washing. For each pound of butter there remains not to exceed a half pint of buttermilk. This does away, almost entirely, witn the labor of the churning, and with the handling of an immense bulk of butter milk, and its difficult removal from the butter by washing or otherwise. "When properly made, the quality of the butter is excellent ; and there is the advantage. that the Bkim milk remains sweet and fit for use, or for the manufacture of " lean cheese." We do not pretend that the foregoing is a complete description of this mode of making butter ; and we warn all readers not to blame us if they fail to get good results from their first experiments. We have merely sketched out a process that is in successful use in many parts of England and Scotland, and that prom ises advantage for us, and we must leave the details of manipulation to be learned by experience. It is an exceedingly simple system, but it needs practice to teach the exact point to which the milk should be scalded, and to settle the question of temperature, frequency of churning, etc. Since the above was written, we have had a talk with an English lady who has had experience in the matter. She says the two great things to be guarded again&t are : (l.j agitation oi ine mii in handling the pans; and (2) too rapid hoating, for too long a time. The pan should bo set over a slow fire, or oven, or in boiling water, and watched until the cream begins to contract so as to leave the sides of the pan ; then the cen tre of tho cream should be punctured by a sharpened stick (wood is better tnan metal for this purpose ;) if the hole made become larger, showing a contrac tion of the cream in the centre as well s-rows in Drcscnt Interest and value. Subscription 3.00 a year. & Co., 664 Broadway, New York. permanent BCRIBNEa New York markets. Ploub asd Miai.. Western and Btate Honrs Invailably ln Ad- Mail RtmscRnigRS Single Copies, one year, l t at ftn. fnnr mnnt.lia. at. 00. To ci-ubb For one year two copies, 14.80 j five copies, 10; ten copies, with au additional oopy for every one who gets up a dob ot ten. A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY. Mll.LlONH ltonr Testimony to the Wonderful Curntivo kflccte of n. WALKliH'g CALIFOrtNIA ativA at. inwnr A.ed lrremlsr nrtoes. Tlre was especially a pressure to s ll all srades of flour from winter wheat, and some great sacrifices were made. Bonthern tlonr qoict. Bye flour V. " i ' m.ni Anil Wunnnte- Western and Wato superfine, H.8S a'5.30. : shipping extra do., ts.50 and So s trade and family brands do.. In. ping extras,-9 a 6.60i do. bakers' and family Cramls, 7 a ta.6a Rye flonr, SJ.26 a f 5.60. Corn meal, $3.40 a 4.15 for Westorn and Southern. ..... nw.u rpi,. vnnrlrAt nil tllA MUlt, WAS dull andHO. lower: sales at 20tO. for middling uplands, and lHo. for low middling. For future delivery fairly active and at k a Ho. docline I olosing at 19Ho. for July. 20c for August, 19Hc. lor September, u,o. for viciouer, ji -iiHj. i"i i"-- - .."j, " - .1 ll., ,. i.mi.nr. OROcSRiKS--Notlilng doing except in sugars, i.i.i. Arm a, laTATirw-.s! fair to eood refin ing, H SHo.1 Kenned Arm at UH aUSclor hOKAm-Wheat fairly nottvo at slight ljclln i i.. - i .r, L fnr Kn 1 snrlnff. tt.43 a 11.44 far Mo. 2 do., and 11.47 a tl.65for amber Western and Booth em. Oats in fair demand and firm ; sales at S a S, , l.-ot-, n ami 70 71(1. for WllltO OlllO, Uvo-lsales of Western at (120. Barley malt Ann at tlM a SMS. Corn was lowor and in good aymauu J. ' . ..I.. ni 79. a 7r.i.(i. tor Wostorn mixed. uului,!.ii,rli was nuiot and steady i sales for August at H5.:t7H, and a Jobbing business at 12 for prime and 15 25 tor mess. e-i imex ami i 1 ... n.-ata nil Ift ItTlt, firm. BftCOtl .v.-.'-- hut aim unlet. DreBsed hogshlxher at 6k a 7 Mo. Lard dnll and unchanged! sales at 10H a 10to. for western, ana m m ""' "' Cheese dull and weak at 9 a 120. . Butter dull at 12 a 20. for Weatorn, and 18 a 0c for state ana or- n .t on fn.fln-d. (SUNl'lUKo retrotOliiU yt iin uuii v a-- nd lRrt. fnr nruile. In Imlk. Rosin was lirin at MERCHANT'S GARGLING OIL IS GOOD FOli Bt(rn and ScaUli, Chilblain!, Sprain! and Bruiu!, Chapprd Jland!, Mevfl ivounu!, Front Bite: External iWwm, AVinrt Vrack$, Gallt of A U Kind!, XhevmaiUm, HemorrliMlilt orPlei, IWI o . 1ij.irn. Caked Jlreaili, JHttula, Maugi, Spavin!, tiweeney, rleratrhr! or ureate, utrinqhall. YYindyalll, JCoundered Feet, vracicea jietu. and H.12H a 3.25,tor straiued. Hplrlta turpenime ue- Whiskey was tlnneratMH a 950. Freights Jute in a great measure . .. R. . th - - j - into chip-nons. superseaeo. mis snp w fc f tM ig eagil leamed b a rrama n hnmi-incB A r. mm T.iniA fllirinPT I . . . last summer the stock in market was al most entirely used up, from the immense the rattlesnake is said to exercise over quantities used for this purpose, causing its nrev. There sat the snectre. rubbing auvauut, ucu, ci u. oldedly higher 100 bids. .. . I. . itMit.bA ontlr .'...1111 . pnrn tn T.ivrillOol bV Snil. Slid. Livk stock Market. Native steers weak at 10 a 12o. ft in droves, and Texans at 8 a 9o. Shoep were dnll at 4 H a So. 4 lt, and lambs enslor at H a 10'iC Dressed hogs were nuiot at 8J a ift, with Uut pige eeuiua thWI aw A crowd of horse men." and others, daily throng the stores in country and town for Sheridan's Cavalry Condition Powders. They understand that horses . . . 7 i -i;a: 11.1. cannot be cept in Eooa conumou wna- out them, and with them can be on a I much less quantity ot grain. Powers, Thkesuebs, Sbpatiatoiis, Ac Ron advt. of celebrated establishment of II. B. Myers & Co., York, Penna. i ADVERTISEMENTS. CiaimtRHW PAMTH in AIT) BHOTTOWB. nolo,!-- fnihi. North CaroSi-a Wreeteiy- Nntional Migration miraiti, of whlc Kon. Roraee I Oreeley is President. Solid stamp for oircnlar. 1 "J. .... . ....... ........ I . I .11 L ' V - V YOTJNO PERSONS OK EITHER SEX disSg nreil by freckles, blotches, and pimples on the face, send for the prescription of a famous German chemist, the Ingredients of which will entirely cure the wernt cases, sent to any address on receipt of (1. CAM. HENJJK1CKS, M. D., ltiversido, Maine. ON RECEI PT of 25 cents and one prepaid onve 1 ope we send 20 original Boctpcs ; LUe-size Por trait ot the President, 250. : 10U Way toilet ltich, 2.'c ; Washington Time lndiCHtor,25o. Send county paper. M. webturook, tu nnrciay-uu, new i oik. AFnnn MADE BY PRESERVING E(1(1S. U)yvuu nuytheinlu summer, sou in winter. Kocnte warrauit-ii to Keep iiiciu iresu nun miuuu mr years. Sent for tl. C. DENNIS, Rochester, N. Y. Foil Xt, ie -ti. Foot Kot (n Nheep, llttf! of Animal and Jit- A'oiip in roultry. ivwnacne, ax., Mimijioi;,, o.. Urge Size, $1,00; Medium, 50c; Small 25c The Gargling Oil has been in nso as . Lini ment for thirty-eight years. All wo ask is a fair trial, but bo sure and follow aireououe. i.v vnnT naarAatiimrirlRt. or dealer In natent I miullnln.. lnrntiunfMir AlinnnilltH Blld Vlllle- I Mecnms. and road what the people, aay aoom the Oil. I I The Gargling Oil is for sale by all respectable I dealers throughout the United Statu and other I i counma. onr tettlmonlfil date iron issi to ine present i and are utuollcitrd. U-ethe (iaraUnn Oil, and I tell your neighbors what good It line none. We deal fair and liberal with all, and defy I contradiction. Write fur an Almanac or CvoK I HOOK. Manufactured at Lock-part, N. Y-, I1T ItlKUCIIANT'S GARGLING OIL COMPANY, JOHN HODGE, Sec'y. lie IRON AND STEEL F0RCASH. Bar Iron, Hoop Iron, Band Iron, J. WAMticn rrprttior. R M. urnontLTis i;o., DruRtlitt sa Of a. H Saa Pranolwo, c,., ,Qj jj Ud It Ou ntroa S1.S.Y. Tlnegnr Hitter ars notavlla Fnney Prlnu. M vt.M-f l'ovr lluu', Whlekcy, Proof tplrlta unit Itcfuao Llquora doctored, tplccd and iweof A c-.-.e.l to please tho tasto, called "Tonlet," " Appo 4m tljeri." " noatorors," e., that lead the tippler on to drankenncu and mla, bnt are a tree Medicine, made from tlio Native Hoots and Herbs ot California, free from all Aleoha-Hc Sttmalnata. They are tho GREAT DIOOD PURIFIED: and A MFE GIVING PRINCIPLE, a perfect Reao r .nor and Inyigorator of tho Byftcm, carrying off all polionoos matter and rostorlng the blood to ahealthy condition. No perton can tako those Dltter aceord. Ing to directions and remain long nnwcll, provided their bones ara not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and the vital organs waited beyond tha point of repair. They aro a Gentle Purgative as well ns a Tonic, posnomtng alio, the peenllar merit of acting as a powerful sgimt In rollevlng Con goatlon or iallain. mation of the Llror, and all the Visceral Organs. iron. Fesi AI.E COMPI.AINT whether to young or old, married or slnglo, at tha dawn of wo manhood or nt tho turn of life, thcao Tealo Blttera bave no equal. C For Indnninintory nn Cbrenle Rheum, tiara nud Gout, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Klllenn, Remittent aud Intermittent Fev era, Dlaonses of tho Itlood, I.Ivor, Kidneys, nud r.lnddi'r, theso nitter liavo boen most suo cetaful. Such Dlscnsca arocansedby Vitiated lSlaod, which it gencrnlly prodocod by derange aiout of the Dlgeatlvo Orinm, DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION, HcadBcha Pain In the Shoulders, Coughi,TlghtiM of the Chest, DlnlnoBi.Eour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad tasta la the Month, Billons Attacks, Palpitation ef tha Heart, Inflammation of thoLnngt.Pala ln thercglent ef tho Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symp toms, arc the offsprings of Dyspepsia. Tlicy invltrorsto tho Stomach and ttlmnlato tho tor pid liver and bowel', which render them of unequal. Aid efficacy in cleansing tho blood ef all nnpurniee, and Imparting now life and vlcor to tho wholo system. FOR SKIN DISEASES, Eruptions, Tetter, Baltniicuin,BlotchM,Bpots,rimplcs,Puitnlos,Bolls, Carbuncles, TUng-Worms, Eeald-IIead, Sore Eyes, ErystpolMi Itch, Scurf", Discoloration! of the Skin, II amort and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever same or nature, arc literally dngnp and carried oat oftba system in a thorttlraebythousoof theeeBltters. Ona bottlo in inch cases will convince the meet Incredu lous of their curatlvo effect. Clesnse the Vttlttcd Blood whenever yon find It Impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Eruptions or Sores, elesnno it when you nud it ob structed and sluggish in tho veins; cleanse it when It Is foal, and your foellngs will tell you when Keeptliebleud puroand the health of the system will fullow. PIN, TAPE, and other WORM!, lnrklng W the vtem of so msny thousands, are effectually de stroyed and removed. For full directions, read care fully thoclrcular aronnd each bottle, printed In lout languages Eugllsh, German, French and Spanish. J. Walkeu, Proprietor. IE. u. mcuosald a to, Drugglsu and Ocn. Agents, San rranclseo, Cal., and S3 and S4 Commerce Street, Now York, f iraOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AKU DEALE1HS. Hay and Cotton Press Worts. Estabiisnea ia54, Horse Shoe Iron, Horse Nails, Spring Bessemer Steel Horse Shoes, Steel, i&S&ca&at Tire, THE "TIKE OF TIRES. its gory hands with hideous glee, as the victim was slowly drawn in among the cogged wheels and ratchets of the ma- .lT . . - ,i i, 1 .: of bones and all was still I buch, ac cording to the Italia, is the newest le gend ot the beltry ot urtzourg. Coral on tbo Florida KetT. It is a puzzle to many how and whero the red coral is obtained. As there is in these waters a variety of the same ani mal substance, we may see clearly its nature. In many places along the reef we observe tbreuga tbe tnaaa waving bushes, and feathery, plume-like forms, ranrrins iu color from a light brown to black. Under the general term Gorgo- nia these and the beautiful sea-fans are known. They grow, like the coral, from anv fragment on the bottom, ana are in many respeots the same. From the min ute germ, or soft polyp, barely visible to the unassisted eye, is secreted at its base a peculiar substance, having the same constituents as the horn and the hoof of animals. The polyp, now established, throws out another, and outer coating of lime similar to that ot the hard coralB : now a bud is nut forth, and others, and the stalk branches like a shrub, having numerous polyps in pores along its surface. One Bpeoies, found abundantly on the reef, has a jet-black horny base, or heart, and this is a variety of the coral used in jewelry, the only diuerence being in col- or. lae roa is iouna iu tue ju.tnumr- ranean Sea. The choice coral of jeweler is. then, the skeleton portion I a uviu form. While alive aud growing the sur face is enveloped in a crust of lime, out of which, through many minute pores, the polyps spread their star-liko mouths. This black coral is equally tine in its texture, and has the same waxy gloss that characterizes the red. It would prove a pleusing material for the samo uses. Some of the older gorgonias, bear ing large, heavy tops, have from time to time, thrown out a new deposit of the root, so as to make-a sure hold against the heavy sea. These, when found dry upon the beaches, so closely resemble the gnarled roots of a tree in color and form that nothing but the well-known results of the chemical analysis will cons vines one unacquainted with them. It is Erecisely the same as animal horn or oof. Diu J. U. llOLUKli, iu Harper' An Apaclio Girl's Ecveugc. A singular case of jealousy, which re cently occurred in western Texas, is given m the Hil l'aso Jieraui. ii seems that a vouiiGT man. named Uhanaos, a native of llochester, in England, had made love to a beautiful half-breed girl, 16 vears of acre. Tho girl was half Apache and half French. In addition to her gretit beauty, she was intelligent, vivacious, and as active and alert as an She was gentle and anection careful person, but that it should not be left to ordinary hired help. Agricultu rist. Color fou Butter. The use of car rot juice for coloring butter is familiar to most dairy keepers, who are aware that some organic matter besides thecol oring substance is contained in thejuice, and which does no good to the butter. A European chemist, one Dr. Guesne ville has gone to work to obtain tbe col oring substance in a pure condition. lio hrst slices the carrots, then dries them, grinds them to powder and then digests the powder in bi-sulphide of carbon, a liquid obtained by distilling sulphur in a tight vessel on red-hot char coal. Atter standing tor a snort time the bi-sulphide is evaporated and the STUM UAIAAU AFABfflAI'S .Xi Permanent Cure for ,1.a 1CTUU1 Relief guaranteed In Ave minutes, by Inhala tion. HaAhltrheflt testimonial from the medical per box. Kcut by mail, post WM. II. PARNHAM 4 CO. E-Sold by all DruKslst 210 Broadway, V. V. r. O. llox 2442 ILLUSTRATED BOOK OP WONDERS. Sent free. Address B. VOX. CO., 3C9 (Janal-at., N.Y. C'OOA or flrat-claaa Pianos. tm&ijyi agent. Addrwe u. Broadway, N. Y. Sent on trial. No B. PIANO CO., (Hi antelone. ing the tei-ritio passions which jealousy coloring matter remains in the form of P .. r . . , T . mi.- niiniifn iitwld u Tho aulifilftTinn xvliinn subseaueittiv aroused in ner posom. xno """"w.v" """" Encrlish lover unfortunately became ac quainted with a white girl, named Wil son, who was on a visit from a Southern State to her friends in Western Texas. Miui Wilson was beautiful and accom plished, and her civilized graces proved more than a match for the barbarous at tractions of the Apaohe girL The result was that Chandos deserted the beautiful half-breed, and became engaged to Miss Wilson. The wedding day was set. On hnarina bf the faithlessness of her lover, th hitherto undeveloped instincts of Apache blood were roused to all their savaore fury in the breast of the untu tored belle of the forest. Arming her self with a revolver, she went to the res idence of her lover, crept softly to his room, and shot him through tbo heart ua he was writine: a note to his be trothed. Sho was urresteu a tew hours afterwards, aud confined for the night in au old lorr cabin in default of a pris on. Hut her irienos rescucu ner uu uo fled to the wilderness, tnere to tako up her abode with her mother s wild kin dred, The substance, whioh is called caratine, is perfectly tasteless, and has been used for coloring butter with great satisfaction.being pronounced superior to annato. CUT THIS OUT! AND BEND TWENTY-FIVE CENTS FOR A Ticket, and draw a "Watch, Scwing-Machine, Piano, or Homo article of valuo. Six Tickets for tl. No blanks. Addresa PACKAKD & CO., Cincinnati, O. II. H. Ac CO., YORK, PA., MANUFACTURE Orders by mail premntly executed. ALL GOODS WAitKANTKD. 8 .d cash wltu ordurs; exact change returned. JACKSON & CH ACE, 206 and 308 Friuiklln-at., near l'ler as, N. it., N.Y. FIRE WORKS! 1 1 FANCY COODS AND TOYS. JOSEPH B. PU11DY, 32 and 34 Maiden Lano, New-York, IMPORTER AND EXPORTER, AND MANU- fAiillttbUn AUAil X . Fire Works in Every Variety. Flro-Orilckoi'H, FRENCH, ENGLISH AND GERMAN TOYS. l'tlliii-Loitt ITtiiis. Toya, Fancy Goods, Bradley'a Croquet and out door eporta of all kinds. tv experience of 34 year! enable! me to onttct pate the want! of On public, and at prices tlutt all will deem reasonable. kv"kkma5THE science of life or BKLF-PKKSKRVATION. A Medical Troattae oa t lie Cause and cure oi KxnaoHieo iiaiuy, i ro. mature Decline in Man, Nervoua and Pliysk al De bility, Hypochondria, Iui potency, and all other dla eaeee arising from the errors of youth or the India Clot ions or excebeea ot mature vi-hu. Thla la In- doed a book kit every man. nice euiy i k pagee, cloth. Sent by mail, post pid, ou receipt of m-ir. n-homuiiiila liAve been tanuht by thla work the true way to health and hanpiui-tm, Addresa the PEABODY MEDICAL IN SI ITUTE, No. 4 llul tluch street, Boston, Maas., or Dr. W. 11. PA UK EH, Hie AHaieuun rnymcian. FOU OISK DOLLAR, Dedeuick'8 HAT AKB COTTON PEESSE3. P. K. VEDEltICK C CO., PATENTEES AND SOLE MANUFACTUltEII. Doderick'a latent ProffreKaivo Lm-er Ptckscf are h.l lng at leost two-Uiiida of the hay, straw, Ac, baled in the couutry. aud are familiarly known cvervwl.cn! as tho beat Prcagca. S4 difToreut el7x-a of lloiai-. Ilsud nnd Power PreHHea.for 1 aliUR hay. etraw, oottou, lu-mp. hops, cloth, hldea, moss, husks, broom corn, A-c. Smd for lUuBtraied Catalogue, Riving Bizls, Priors, and much other Information useful to the farmer, planter, packer and shipper. Do not wait until Machiiu-s are wanted, then order ln haste but post yourself iu ec&son. Wo charge nothing for Information. Stato your transporta tion facilities, markt-t, ka. ADDacsa, P. K. DEDERiCK & CO., Albany, N. Y. A PAIR of PARIS KID GLOVES, any color. V shade or site ; 2 buttona, 25 ota. extra. For II The latest atyie ijkiiiw ijhio collar. In one oi tb plsasant village hi Western New York, the other day, certain worthy housekeeper thought she would call on her nearest neighbor. Bh was about entering the door, but hesi tated, thinking that the family might be taking their supper. " Come in," said the hostess, " we are havintr tableaux." " Yes." replied the visitor -1 though t nevtv UUli A Sodii Lake. The soda hike, recently located at In dependence Rock, is one mile and a half in cirouniterence, and it is estimated tnat at least sixty thousand tuns of soda can be gathered from it annually at a cost of (2 per tun or less, tbe freight to the rail road being estimated at $12 per tun. The late is replenished from springs which seeiu to rise front the bed-rock, which is composed of a kind of crramte containing soda fulpur. The location was made for a surface deposit, and tor alum, soda, borax, and all other alkaline substances. The lake is sixty-five miles distant from Itawlings, on the Union Pucitio Itailroad. There are doubtless in our State many deposits of soda equal ly as good ts that mentioned above, and Borne of them, perhaps, near the railroad. Our prospectors will do well to keep an eye open duviug their travels through the country for soda, alum, borax, salt, sulphur, etc., as deposits of all these min erals are likely to beoome very valuable at no distant day, now that the great railroad is completed. Territorial Enter' The Oldest Locomotive Engineer. Tha Bethlehem Timet says that " The oldest locomotive engineer iu tho United k!of.. ia lljmw Kin who now runs au engine on the Lebanon branch of the ' lieadiiiB' llailroad. .Barney was uuru Conyngham, Luzerne county, i"a., and the WOULD OP To-DAY LAUGHS at went on the Beaver Meadow Bailroad the therapeutics of fifty years ago. Blis almnt t.h vear 1835 or 1836. In 1837 he teriue the head, eniutvinir the veins. wan runuiiie an engine from Parryville I and rasping the bowels with cathartics to Weatherly, the planes being then iu as irritating as chestnut-burrs, will soon operation. The cars were drawn up the be consigned by universal consent to the planes by a stationary engine, and then limbo of rejected fallacies. In the mean drawn into the Beaver Meadow mines time Da. Walker's Viheoar Bitters, by a locomotive engine. A good story the true ally of nature, are effecting by is told of Barney's readiness in caae of a mild and painless process, such cures emergency One day bis engine -would of dyspepsia, liver complaint, and peri- not make steam well, and he was likely odical fevers, as the world half a century to pe overtaken by passenger warn ago would have deemed miraculous, liefora he could reach the turn-out. Bee- inor s Kood-sisod porker along the track, The relaxintr power of Johnson' Ano- he ituuued from his engine the train 1 Juns Liniment is truly wondeiful. Casei movinar verv slow seized the pig, cut are already numerous where bent and his throat, and staffed him into the stiffened limbs have been limbered and furnace. The fat of the pig was better straightened by it. When used for this than kindling wood, ana in a very suuri time Barnev had steamed up, aud was out of danger. and rub It in with the band Pelton Powers, .Threshers, SEPARATOR, 4 to 10 horse, SEPARATING ATTACHMENTS to uaanith any common Thresher. Heud for circular. At the last day what A BIG BLACK CAT- alofiue of orueltios to chUdren many a parent will have to face. Permitting- lllea and moaiiultoea to tohmknt helpless little children when you can pre vent it is ciiukl. Yi.x Canoi-iw will protect theui. Thov nre tuiiit bvniail noat-uaid. on roceltit of lince. One, 7So. Three to oue address, tl. 8uU dilfereut newauaudra publish this advertisement. Addresa, A. it, llOUUliTOK, jeueraon, uuio. 1,600,000 ACHES OF THK RICHEST FARMING LANDS IN THE WORLD. For Sale to Actual Settlers. NEOSHO VALLEY. KANSAS MISSOURI, KANSAS. AND TEXAS RAILWAY COM PAN V. CAM HOW BlTNNUfO 8U3 MII.K8. The Lands offered by thla Couiiiauy are within Mil... UAk -la r.9 lh. MMil M V iMtlll ill U 170 Ulll'tf alouatha NKOSHO VALLEY, the rii.Tioi,t, llnest. and moat Inviting In the West-- PRICK OK La.N1.-. to lor acre; credit of teu yeara' time. . , A it TKK.1IS OtT BALE une-ieniu uow - in time of purchase. One-tenth each year after till said, i or further Information, addresa rr. . . n WW, irvl.Uflll .....1 PiliiimIuIAIIM1. Fnr SI A Laily's Lace IlandkerclduL or ii l ne la.esi. arrie iiicu v an. For (1 The Lailiea' Nilaaon Silk Tie. Fur Si A Loily's silk S. ah. Will be lent by Mall. JAMES E. McN ALLY it CO., IMPORTERS, m Broadway and ii Wklte Ht., N. V. ri)1 SWINDLERS, QUACKS AND HUM UOl BUOS have their names, addn-aa and tpee ialty given In tke " tor Spanyled lianner" for June. The" iJaiuiT" is a larKes-naau 40-oolmun iilnstrateil pner, overtlowlUK with Talea, Hketchea, Wit, Hu mor, Fun. It fearleaalT exnosee each and every awindler from Maine to Texaa. It will be sent ON TK1AL Vlliee UIOU111H, 1UUIU1UUK JUUO UUIUini. oaly TF.S CKNTS. Addreaa bTAlt BrANOLED Uls 3i l-.it, jiineuaie, w . a. Ho for Missouri ! The aubscrllier offers for Bale a part of hia VAI UAHLK fKUIT LANDS, situated ill Jefferson county. Mo , on the Iron Mountain Railroad, and within 40 niilea ot Mt. Loula. Thta lauds are ex celled by none in capacity for fruit Kroiting, both iu quantity and quality, ttrauea, after the tlilid year, uuiler proper culture, w 11 net :X) pr acre, end the cost of nlautlnic will rot exceed J7S. til- mate healthy ; tliulier for bulldiue aud feuiing iu abundance. Thla ooiutry prosouta unrivalled a-l-vautsgea for men ot energy and thrift, either with capital or ot limited uiesna. Improved lands from 15 to 0 per acre ; unimproved from $, to $lo, ac cording to tlistauoe froui railroail. Information fur nished to parties wUhlng Ui p-irchase by aildreaslng D. B. VJi AZKV.Viclorta station, Jetfeisou Co, Mo Cjf&Mtiur avid, The system needs renoraiiaK and itrenglliening. New vmnr inustUeiiilusoil inlliedigcHtue organs. I'h- Stimulating. Regulating and Tonio propertiei f Dr. Crook's Wine of Tsr will give a vigoroua vitality to theeor'uns. They must try it. They a ill soon feel its influence, and must persevere un til Ihe cure is complete. Keeping the 8tomaoh ml Bowels in a rigor-ma condition with Dr. I'rook'a Wine of Tar ia the best defense againal II diseaaaa. While i)r. Crook'a Wiue of Tar ia ihe best remedy for all diseases of tha Throat tnd Lungs, it is not prepared exclusively for sueli diseases. The rich medicinal qualities of Tar it. contains vro..ld alone excite a regulating and lengthening action on the Stomach and Bowela, but there ere Vegetable Iiitrclltnta or un doubted Tonic rnlue combined with it, which e-iuse it to bulltl np tbe weak aud dee MUtated, rillly reatore exliausted Irenwlli, demise tho stomach, relax tha liver. rniiKu the rood to dirent, and make pure blood, removing Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Indigeat lion and kindred complaints. Try one bottle. Auk for Ir. Crook'a Wine of Tar. Uu-.iirim-iploil partiea have copied after the name ana style of Dr. Crook'a Wine of Tar, aa near aa they in red without infringement. It ia Dr. Crook'a Wine ol Tnr that has made the many wonderful urea, and Dr. Crook'a Wine of Tar ia the remedy ou need, and not the untried remedies made only in sell and palm off ontheunBuepectiugforarem. dy of merit. See that every battle you pur. base lias the following words on tha stamp, in .time letters : "Dr. Crook'a Wine of Tar." "0.8. ;niernul Revenue, FourCenta. O. Crook Co.," Vir only such are genuine. Bold by druggists. SEND M CENTS to J. II. ZITTLE, Shepherda town, W. Va., aud receive something worth $s0 0 to every farmer or housekeeper. th Nl 4 n A WEEK. Greenbacks for au. t J oulara, For etr- fco.. addreaa with uhunii, V. w. ITH, Baoo, Maine. THEA-NECTAR IS A PUKE QLACH TEA with the Own Tea Flavor. War ranted ta suit all taaloa. For tali OTeryudura. And tor aala wholesale oaiy By uie una Atlantic Al. Farlfle Tea tie., H Church hU, New York. P. O. Sox ftSoti. riend far 1'hea ifectar Circular. Vafya t r rim ryitMsa Agents, WB WHL PAV V " Read This! ' AORNTS A S1LARV i :tll ir week and exuensea. or allow a large conmiission, to sell our new wonderful Inven tion. M. WAUNa.lt CO., Maialiall, Mich. Free to Book Agents. . , lav j I we Will Mna ft nUdmimv riuniwuiu ui uur jycw purpose, the part ibould ba waanect and 1 unrated Family mbu ooutaiuing over 200 flu rubbed thoroughly. Apply the Umnt g2$Xw ANTED AGENTS, itXperday) tosell Hielebrated HOME SHUTTLE BEW1 MACHINE. H a lb under feed, makeatlit I "lock itUch" (allkaoa boUialdeei, and lsullv lUenxcd. The beet and olieaDeat tamiiv bsw 91 tug Machine in the market. AddrenaJOHN HON. I'LAKl 6l uu., tioawn. uaaa., r-ltv-bin h Pa., Chicago. 111., or Si I-out. Mo. EDUCTION OF PRICES TO CONFORM TO BEDUCTION OF DUTIES. GREAT SAVING TO CONHtJMERS BY SET TING ur VLuaa. nr Bend for our new Prion Llat and a Clnb form wul laToniDiuiv it. containing fud direc.tiona mak- Ingt larga aaving to consumer and remuiieratlvv w oiae organiaexa. THE GREAT AMERICAN TEA CO., SI Oe S3 VESEY STREET. New Yerfc P. U. Hex 6t4U. SJX YX.lt TKNT. INTRMKHT, VHKA CTV UOVKRNMENT TAX. MARKET SAVINGS BANK, 84 NASSAU-ST., NEW YORK. Open dally from 10 A. u. to S r. u., and on MON DAYS and THURSDAYS from I to T r. U. lutereat eomiuencea es the Drat any el eucb weetki WM. VAN NAME, President HENRY R. CONkLIN, Secretary. Who nrat orlea, ' Hold I enough.' " WHAT A WYOMING COUNTY (r.) LADY BAYS ABOUT What alls your fancy horae, my boy 1 Hh I Ringbone did you aayl Why, bny a bottle of Carey's O. E. 8. 8., dulpul ten. ook Agent, free of EJght O'clock!" And cure it right away. Oh I look, that splendid horse ia lame. With Sweeney, I am aure; Just try a bottle ot Carey' G. X. S. s., , It never fella to cure. Fer Sprain and bruises of all kinds. ThieG K. S. $S. eaunottiebeeti lust rub It en and kaihe It In,. The car will k complale. Gall henld eom on any tierae-. Black, whit, or anlendid bar, Bathe thoroughly with Carey' O. E. B. And diive them all away. That man with Rheumatism walk. Ye he Is very lame i Now cure yourself with Carey' O. E. B. 8. And throw away your ca.ua. Oh dear! our oook baa bnrned her hand, Hhe cannot cook tbo trout ; wiii. bathe it well with Carey's O. B. 8. P., ALd lake the nre ail out. MkS.tt.aC. Als Q. E. 8. 8. for Family Uae, enrei all acute pains in Just three minute (actual Ulne). bold by all Druaatata. D. a CARUY CO., Bole Prenrietor. Inly n VSi Keedt, New Ywk
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers