Henry A. Parsons, Jr., - Editor. THURSDAY, JULY 13, 1871. BEPtTCLICAN STATE TICKET. Auditor General: DAVID STANTON, of Beaver Co. Surveyor General: JIOBERT B. DEATH, of Schuylkill. Eepattican County Convention. Tho Republican County Convention tnct pursuant to a call of tlio Chairman of tho County Committee, in tho Court Ilouso, on Monday, July 10th. After appointing N. M. Brookway, J . -TC. Whitmoro, and D. C. Ovstcr, as Senatorial Conferees, and Jas. II. Ilagerty, E. J. Buss, and Jeromo "Powell Representative Conferees, the Convention adjourned to meet at the all of the Chairman. The California Democrats "departed," after tho manner of the Ohio and Penn sylvania Programme, at their Slate Con vention a day or two since. Asido from the "departure" resolution they passed another denouncing the poor Chinamen, thus showing that there was a largo ele ment of Bill Nyes in tho convention, mixed up with a little of Gov. Gcaiy- isra. They also renominated Govornor Ilaight, and came down strong on rail .toad subsidies. Erie Republican. It is now claimed that Hon. J eremiah 23. Black, Attorney General under . Mr. Buchanan, on boing asked for his opin ion in regard to the status of the amend ments to the constitution by tho Demo--cratic State Convention of this State, gave it in writing, expressing in tho boldest terms the binding obligation of tho several amendments to th6 consti tution. And so ino fossil after another -is brought to a knowledge of the truth. i- Sistory of the War in Europe. The National Publishing Co. of Phil adelphia, have just issued a very valu able history of the late War between Germany and France, from tho pen of ono of our .most popular writers, Mr. .James D. McUabc, Jr. In a lurgo volutno of 800 octave pages, the author tells a wonderful story all the stranger because of its truth. Ho tells of battles which have shaken Europe to its centre, and the consequen ces of which, even W9 of tho Western World muBt feel; of patriotism, heroism, military skill and statesmanship, nm'ur .-surTias!cd in history. The author writes with tho weight and force of truth, and he great merits of his book are its ie Jiability and strict impartiality. The book is complete in every par ticular. It described the causes of tho war, and the events which preceded it; the opening campaign, ami tins ttrst re versesof tho French; the effect of these .reversej upon the French people; tbe Irantio effort to rescuo the beaton army; .and the terrible disaster of Sedan; the capture of tho Emperor Napoleon, and .on entire army; the Revolution in Paris; the rise and formation of tho Republic; tho flight of tho huinrcss from runs tho siece and surrender of Strasbourg ;nnd tho frontier fortresses of France; the triumphant advance of tho German -armies to Paris; tho efforts of Bazaino to escape from Metz, and the hQUl sui render of his army; the investment au -siego of Paris; the detailed history of this crcat siese; its plans, sorties, bat tles, successes and failures; the course of events in the beleagured city, given in tho iorm of a full diary of tho events nf tha siecrc: the campaigns on tho Xoire, tnd in other portions of France .the peace negotiations, tho surrender o l'aris, and the treaty; tho naval hibtory of the war; the diplomatio history on both the German and French sides; tbe historv of tho formation of the- great erman Empire; the proclaiming of Kine William Emperor, and the reali sation of German unity; the events of the civil war and second siege ot raris. its terrible scenes of bloodshed and van dalism, with a minuteness, graphicncss and brilliancy, which leaves nothing to bo desired. No intelligent person can afford to be uninformed as to these -events which have left so deep an im Bression on the world's history, and few will fail to read this splendid work, or, fcavinz read it, to endorse it as the Standard American History of the 'War. Ia thi3 atro of sensational literature. wo cannot too highly commend this brilliant and thoughtful narrative to our readers. The : book is handsomely bound, and illustrated with 150 maps. portraits, battle scenes, and views of the principle localities connected with the war. No expense has been spared by the nublishers to make it worthy of the support of the public, and we predict for it an immenso sale, especially as its low price brings it within the reach ot all. It is published in both English and German, pold by suoscription oniy, and the publishers want agents in every county. , The Louisville Courier-Journal talks of the "much lost Dr. Livingstone. ' A New Orleans lady boasts that ber hair is five feet ten inches. The Methodist church in California numbers only 4,500, whilo statistics ahow that 40,000 went from eastern ' countries to the Pacifio slope. Demoer&tlj County Convention. Pursuant to the call of the County Committee, the County Convention met in the Court House at 1 o'clock on the 3d inst. The Convention was called to order by the Hon. Georgo Dickinson, Chair man of the County Committee Maj. Herman Kretz was elected tem porary Chnirman, and E. II. Dixon temporary Secretary. Following are the names ot the dele gates in attendance: Bcnczctte E. II. Dixon, John Wainwright. Bcnzingcr Andrew Kaul, George Reushor, Phillip Kroekel. Fox Joseph Koch, Hugh Mc Crcady. Highland Charles Stubbs, Thds. Campbrll. Horton Geo. Ilinca, Isaao Corry. Jay C. J. Dill, Patrick II. Burke. Jones Michael Dcveraux, Michael Weidort. Millstone James S. Champion, Theodore Huff. Ridgway O. B. Grant, C. V. Gillia. Spring Crock Jeremiah Elliott, William Steele St. Mary's Herman Kretz, Jas. K. P. Hall. After presentation of tho credentials of delegates it was agreed that tho tem porary officers should bo the permanent officers of tho Convention, and C. V. Gillis was elected additional. Secretary. Tho Convention then proceded to nominate candidates with tbe following result: For Treasurer Joseph Wilhclm of St. Mary's. For Associate Judges George Dickinson of Ridgway; Charles Luhr of St. Mary's. For Sheriff James McCloskey of Fox township. For County Commissioner. Robert Campbell of Highland township. For Conuty Auditor C. W. Barrett of St. Mary's. Tho Convention unanimously in structed for Wm. A. Wallace of Clcar- fiold county for otote Senator, and op pointed II. Kretz, C. V. Gillis, and Jackson Short, Scnatoral Conferees. Representative Conferees J. K. P. Hall, E. L. Dickinson, and C. A. Wilcox. The following resolution was unani mously adopted: fiitolred. That. wo heartily endorse the course of Hon. John O. Hall our late mem ber of tho Legislature, and truly tender our thanks for the faithful and able manner in which ho discharged his duties. The following iicutletDcn were ap pointed the Executive Committee for tho ensuing year: Benezotte John Burt. Bcnzingcr Martin Sorg. Fox Edward McCready. Horton James McClellan. Highland Churles Stubbs. Jones Michael Weidert. Jay-C.J. Dill. Millstone Theodore Huff. Ridgway J. V. Houk. Spring Creek Jeremiah Elliott. St. Mary's Joseph Wilhclm. Tho Convention appointed O. B Grant Chairman of tho Executive Com mittee for tho ensuing year. On motion tho convention adjourned sine die. L:st or Catses set down for trial at Au- cust Term 1 871: 1. The tile Co. tt. 11. and Mining ua zetto vs Jacob Kcichard, No. 1 April Term 1870. 2. Koch & Son vs Patrick Reed, No. 63 Jan. Term 18G9 3. Armel Turley vs Geo. D, Smith, ct al No. 33 April Term 1 Sti'J. 4. Messenger Wheeler vs Dilworth & Georeo, No. 41 April Term im'J. 5. J. C. Clmpin'a heirs vs Bryant & Euwer, No. 4 November term loOU. C. Ilirnm Woodward vs Thomas Tosier, No. 29 Nov. term 18U0. 7. Thomas Turley vs B. A. Weed, No 38 Nov. term 180'J. 8. A. J. Lewis vs John W. Best, No Jan. term 1870. 0. A. II. Packard vs John Kaul et al, No- 18 April term 1870. 10. James Douglass et al vs Thomas Lu cas et al, No. "J April term IKiO. 11. E. W. Bushley vs Allen Giles, Nos, 40 47 48 and 40 April term 1870. 12. James II. Billington vs Isaao Bow man et al. No. 10 August term 1870. 13. Bernard Weidenbrenncr vs George A, Rathbun. No. BO August term IHiO. 14. Isaao Bowman vs Thomas Irwin, No. 11 November term lbiO. 15. Spillane's heirs vs Michael Danno van. No. 10 November term loiO. 16. Geo. W. Smith vs 1. F. Anderson, No. 22 November term 1870. 17. Stearns, Clark k Co. vs D. F. Ander. son, No. 23 November term 1870. 18. C.Brockway.Jr. vs Horton township, No. -i JNoveuiber term leiO. 19. Reuben Win&low vs Edwin Fletcher. No. 25 November terra 1870. 20. Spring Run Coal Co. vs Laurie J, Blakely, No. 31 November term 1870. 21. Jonathan Boynton et al vs A. C. Finney et al. No. 1 Jan. term 1871. 22. John O. Reading et al vs A. C. Fin' ney et al, No. 13 January term 1871. FRED. SCHOENING, Pro. Twenty-two miles of whisky-shop. supply Philadelphia with artificial en thusiasm. Another of Washington's nurses has just died in Georgia. Wisconsin aooiisnea gratia juries on tbe first ot July. When Missouri doctcn disagree they i . ;.L- i snoot one acoiaer in tue nccit. AGENTS WANTED FOR KNOTS UNTIED; Or, Ways and By-Ways in the IliddenjJ Lifo of American Detectives. By officer fi. S. MoWattcrs. A narrnlivA of 25 years' experience among Bank Rob bers, Counterfeiter. Thieves, Piokpockcts, Lottery Dealers, Confidence Men, and Swindlers of nil classes of society dis closing narked instances of diabolical ven geance and doep laid plans of mischief And outrage, ana snowing the nodes by which they wore iraced out jitl scoundrels brought to justice. A Inrge Volume 4of over 050 pages; 80 full page engravings. for circulars ana terms allrc9 the pub shcrs. J. B. BURR & HYDE, Hartford. Conn. vlnl8t3. X Li Revolvers ! The New X L Revolvers, No. 1 22-100 Cal.. No. 2 82-100 Cal.. short. No. 3 82- 100 Cal.Jong, No. 4 38-100 Col., for Pocket Uovolvers, are vnsurpcuud. Thev use the ordinary Copper Catridge and are beautiful Bhapo ana nnish. THE BALLARD DERRINGER, 41-100 Cal., has no equal as a Derringer. Full and complete stof k of Guub, Rifles, Pistols, Ammunition and Sportsmen's Goods, Manufactured by HEEW & SULBEBT, 83 Chambers and 05 Reado Streets, Send for Catalogues. NEW YORK. vlnlSwlO. 10NG F IFTY ;H0 dollaRS EC VTorth of lltisia FOR 83. Subscribers to Pe ters Music t Mon thly are getting their A New School Book, by H. S. Perkins. Price $7.50 per doz. Contains ovor two Mupic for less than two cents piece undred new and beautiful Songs, Dn cts, etc.. by Will 6. Those who have not seen this Musical Hats. W e b s t e a, TnosiAS. etc Every thing is new, fresh, Magazine should send 30 cents for a sample copy. The musio is by Hats, Thomas, Kissel, Pebbley, and other popular writers. Two back numbers for 40 cents. Four hack numbers for 75 cents. and sparkling. Con tents and specimen pages sent free. Sam- copies mailed tree ot postage to teachers for C5 cents. Liberal terms for introduc tion. Address, J. L. PZTEES, Ss9 Broadway, l'cir JTorL viuutt. -OURT PROCLAMATION. Whereas, j the Hon. L. D. Wetmore, President Judge, and Hons. J, K. Whitmore and Jesse Kylcr, Assoctates, Judges ot the uourt ot Quarter Sessions, Orphans' Court, Oye" and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery, for the trial of capital and other offenses in the County of Elk, by their precepts to me directed, have ordered the aforesaid na med Courts to be holdeit at Ridgway, in and for the County of Elk, on the First Mondav of Auiust. 181. it being tne tu day of the month, and to continue one week Notice is hereby given to the Coroner, Justices of the Peaeo, and Constables, ot said County, that they are by these prcs- hnts comnunded to be then and there, in their proper persons, at ten o'clock, A. M., of said day, with their rolls, records and inquisitions, and other remembrances, to do those tlunsrs which their otlices apper tain to bo done, nud that an Justices oi said County, make returns of all recogni zances entered into before them, to the Clerk of the Court, as per Act of Assem bly of March 4th, 1831. And those who aro bound to prosecute the prisoners that are or shall be in tho Jail of the County of Elk, and to be then and there to prose cute ngiinot thnm as shall be just. Ridgway, June 29, 1871 TOY LIST. The following are the jurors drawn for August term ot court, 1871: GRAND JURORS. Benezet Richard W. Doylo, Robert Itotherick, E. H. Dixon, Geo. W. TVinslow. Bemineer Joseph Buleel. Jr., Joseph Schaur, Anton Munich, Thomas Kernor. Fox Mathias Spooler, Sr., James Mo Closkey, John Mosicr. Horton S. A. Olmstead, C. E. Beman. Jay William B. Hewitt, Josiah K. Slorey. Jones Joseph Nye, Christopher Dill. Millstone J. C. Champion, William Kelley. Ridgway J. V. Uoulc, James Rickard, Edward Derby. St. Mary's Goo. Ed. Weis, F. X. berbush. TRAVERSE JURORS. Benezet Ralph Johnson, Jr. Bcnzinger Martin Fielle, George Sella, Anton Bauer, Michael Lawler, Joseph Patton. Fox William newitt, James Farns worth, C. E. Green, Isaac Hays, John Tay lor, John Kuntzluman, John Koch, David Meredith. Horton James ReiUy, Allon Giles, Joseph Chamberlain, N. M. Brockway, Redford Scgars, Harvey Parsons, Joseph Clinton. Jones A. I. Wilcox, Joseph Pistner, Daniel Smith, Michael Weidert. Jay Martin Clover, Joshua W. Roth rock. Millstone James GreenawalU Ridgway Horaos Warner. Spring Creek 1). G. McXauh Robert Warner. St. Mary's Michael Slebig, Chas. Mo Vean, John Walker, Sr., Frank Gerg. established in 1830. WELCH & GRIFFITHS' Saws! Saws! Saws! SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS. Axes, Piles, Cast Steel, Mill Furnish ings, and Machinery. BgfGet tbe BEST, they will prove the cheapest. Prices reduoed. Bend for price List and Ciroulars. WELCn & GRIFFITHS, Boston, Mass., or Detroit, Mich, vln!2t38. PARSONS, Manufacturer and Dealer in Bootg & Shoes, UaiaSt., opposite Ilotol, ct27 Wilcox, Pa. POWELL & KIME. Powell & Kime Having erected a large and well arranged new Store Bouse on the old site, since the fire, and filled it front cellar to garret with tbe choicest goods of all descriptions, that can be found fa any market, are fully pre pared to rcoelvethelr old customers, and supply their wants al bottom figures WHOLESALE 03 RETAIL. Their assortment Is now complete, com prising DRY GOODS, GROCERIE3, CROCKERY, HARDWARE, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, NOTIONS, ete., etc. PORK, FLOUR, SALT, Feed, Beans, Butter, DRIED APPLES, DRIED REACHES, Canned Goods. t -i t l i it, n 1 iu Mvii t. jiiiS n4ui w ,ui uuKJf by LUMBERMEN, FARMERS, ME CHANICS, MINERS, TAN NERS, LABORING MEN, EVERYBODY ! Also a full atoek of MANILLA ROPE of the best manufacture, of suitable )sizes for rafting and running purposes. Ridgway, Ta., March id, 1671 JF YOU WANT TO BUY GOODS CHEAP OO TO THAYER & IIAGERTY Main Street, T.idgway, Ta. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, ROOTS, SHOES. HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW-WARE, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. A Largo Stock of Groceries and Provisions. Tho BEST BRANDS of FLOUR Ceostantly on hand, add Bold as cheap as the CHEAPEST. THAYER k HAGERTY. ln2. Hidgway, March. 1st, D370 SPECIE PAYMENT X GOLD OR GREENBACKS TAKES IM EXCHANOE FOR WAGONS' OR. JOB WORK AT THE R1DGWA1 WAGON SHOP. Call and examine my atock be for o buying a Lumber or Pleasure Wagon. I use tho host selection of Michigan WHITE OAK AND HICKORY; I employ nono but First Class Me chanics ; I use nothing but the lest Refined Iron. I think tt will be to your interest to give me your order. Having twenty-five lumber wagons in course of costructiou, I will be able to hrnish any party by the first of April. All orders by mail, also any orders left with W. S. Seevicb at the Tin Shop, will receive prompt attention. JACKSON & WEAVER, tf NATURE'S HAIR BESTCBATIVE A 4 fi El Contains no LAC SULPHUE No suaAE or lead-no lith- AEG3-1T0 NITRATE OP SIL VE3, and is entirely free from the Poisonous and Health-dsstroying Prugs used ia otlier Eair Prepara tions. Trnnflniirnnt Anil rlpjir ia rrvafnl if. will i .. r. .... - not sou tlie nnost rubric, porfeotly safe. clean and emcicnt, uesiuoratuuis Ions 80i'eht for and found at last! It restores and prevent tho Hair from becoming Gray, imparts a soft, glossy, ap pearanco, removes Dandruff, is cool and refreshing to tbe bead, checks the Hair from falling off, and restores it to a great extent when prematurely lost, pi events Headaches, cures all tiumors, cutaneous eruptions, and unnatural heat. As diessing for the hair it is the best article in the market. Dr. G. Smith, Patentee, Ayer, Mass. Prepared only by PROCTER BROTHERS, Gloucester, Mass The genuine is put up n a panel bottle, made expressly tor it, with, tho name of the artiole blown in the glass. Ask your Druggist for Nature' Hair Restorative, and take no other. Sgybcnd two three cent stamps to Procter Brothers for a "Treatise on the Human Hair." The information tt con tains is worth $500,00 to any person. FOR SALE BY 0. C. MESSENGER, DRUGGIST, Main Street, Ridgway, Pcna'a vlullyl. The most Complete lluttlness College In the United States. Affording facilities for acquireing thorough practical business education possessed by no other School in the country Since its incorporation in 1855, nearly SixteenThousand Studocts, representatives from every State in ibe Union, have attonded here. No vacations. Students enter at any time, and receive private instructions throughout the entire course. n. U. Circulars with Jull particulars an All necessary information, on addressing , fiUU'U & COWLEY, Principals, PiTTSBuaou, Pa. J II. WILBER, NEWS DEPOT' Main St. (Holes' New Building), Rid way, Pa. Latest Perio'!isU ant" Newspapers kept constantly on hanu. Alto dealer in tresh Fish, Oysters, Tabaoco, ni Confectionary viol tl, ONE HUNDRED PRINCE & CO. Mc(oi)cort5 & Parlor 0 rans ONE HUNDRED SLVGER SE1YIAG MACIimEX AND ONE HUNDRED EXCELSIOR M0V7EHS TO EE GIVEN AWAT TO TUB BUDSCBIDERS OF FOR EVERYBODY Tho Now Monthly Journal, DEVOTED TO LITERATURE, AGRICULTURE, ART, SCIKNCE, HUMOR, AND MANUFACTURES TnE BEST TALENT IN THE COUNTRY is engaged, and no pains will be spared to make it the Best Illustrated Family Paper- SI 50 Per Annum, in advance. The Host Liberal Offer evor m2o Subscribers. To ceoure a large circulation, we offer (tie following nnrivalod inducements: To the Five Hundredth Subscriber and each alternate Fivo Hundredth after, we will present one of the celebrated Singer Sewing Machines, valued at )0, or a Prince & Co. Mclodeon of samo value. To the Thousandth Subscriber, and each Thousandth one after, we will present ono of tho well known Soiberling Excelsior Mowers, valued at $110, or a Prince & Co. Parlor Organ of samo value. There is no deception in the abovo offer, and we refer, with confidence, to tho J. F. SEIBERLINO CO., Akron, Ohio, or any if their numerous agents who have been in- meted by the Company to zuaranteo our otlerB, mid are authorized to receive sub scriptions. Also to Messrs. GEO. A. KifiiUE A CO., or Tho SAGE, SONS K CO. Lithographing, Printing and Manu facturing Co., Bultalo, N. 1. The manner of Condusting mil ho as follows: Each Icttot containing subscriptions will be numbored immediately upon opening. and the names of the subscribers will he registered in a book in precisely the same order as opened, and when a letter con tains more than one name, they will bo registered in the same order as in tha Int er, ond each name standing opposite 60 J, r(N, 2.ut)(, &c, will be entitled to n SEWING MACHINE, or MELODEON, as above mentioned. Each name 8'anding opposite 1,000, 2,000, 8,000, &c, will bt entitled to nn UXCELSlOll MOWJb.it, or PARLOR ORGAN. N. B Immediate notice wil' be sent to each fortunato subscriber, and the Prizes hipped from tho manufactory where made, (exoept the Sewing Machines, which will bo Rent from the warcrooma of Mr. J. S. Bawley, the General Agent in this city,) as soon as possible after answer is received. naming selection and giving directions how o ship. Arrangements aro also mnao by which more expensive Machines or Instru ments may be selected by paying tho diff erence in price. A uuo acknowledgement ill bo expeoted in all cases, with permis sion to publish in our next issue after. Agents Wauted Everywhere. Direct all Communications and Subscrip tions to HENRY II. SAGE, Publisher. 20 Allen St., Butrulo, N. Y. We have made nrrnngomcnts by which wo are enabled to furnish "For Everybody" in connection with tho Advocatb, at $3 per annum, for both publications. Those who have already paid their subscriptions. can obtain it one year by remitting to us Uno Dollar. N. B All subscriptions will be entitled to portioipate in the Prizes offered by the Publisher of "For Everybody." STEREOSCOPES, VIEWS, ALBUMS, CHROMOS, FRAMES. E.&H.T. ANTHONY&CO. 591 BROADWAY, NEW TORS, Invite the attention of the Trade to their extensive assortment of the above goods, of (Aeir own publication, and importation. Also, PHOTO LANTERN SLIDES and GRAPnOSCOPES. NEW VIEWS OP YOSEMITE. E. & n. T. ANTnONY & CO.. 691 Broadway, New York, Opposite Metropolitan Hotel, Importers and Manufacturers of PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS. Tln2yl. NEW LIVEUY STABLE IN RltiGWAY. . DAN SCRIBNER WISIIES.TO IN- form tbo Cittzens of Ridgway, and tho publio generally, that be has atarteda Liv ery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES and Buggies, to let upon the most reasona. ble terms. BCQ-Ue will also do job teaming. Stablo in the Brooks Burn, near the PostOffioe, on Mil' street. All orders left at the PostOffioe will meet prompt atten r r tfon. ' Aug 20 1870. tf. , CIIARLEi A. DANA, Editor. A Kowpnicrol tborrcnent Tlmoi. Intondnd for Pcoplo Now an Garth. Inelndlng Farmers. McrhnnlCT, Merchant, P ro tational Men, Workers, Thinker, nail all Man nor of Ilonwt Folk", and tho Wlv, Sods, ani Daaghtur of all tuch. ONL.Y OSE DOLTiAn. A YEAR ONE HTJXnED COPIES FOU S30. ( Or less than On Cent a Cupy. Lot there bo a 850 Clab at ovorjr Post Office. BEMt-WEEKlVr BCJt, $3 A YBAIt, of tha anma also and gcnoral eharnctor a THE VEEKLr, but with n uroatorv.irlety ot mtwol'anoom rcaJlns, and ttirnlshln? tho nwa to It nutwirlhsrs with (ti eilar frcshnes. heoaua It oouios twlco a week Instoaa of onco only. MS DAILY BUN, S8 A YEAR. A preeminently rcftfHWo newspaper, with tr.o lartrosL cimiiiut.in m the woritl. Kr-n, inti. Penitent, and l"iirlc In polltlo. AH tbe new from vv rywhero, T,i cenu a copy t by mall, . 00 cants a nioutti, or 00 a your. TSR.M3 TO CLUE 3. THE nOLLAR WEEKLY hUX. Fivo coptos. one yer, separately niMre'iM. Fonr Onllnrn. Ten rople., ono veir, annnrntoly nrt'lrcssed (and au exu-ucop) to lue gutter up of nlun). Eintit JDnllarc. Twenty coplc. ono yenr, fepnmtolv ortdrotscd (a..U an extra copy to tue (jettor np of onb). Fifteen Dollars. Fifty cnpi"S. ono year, to ono wltlrest inncl tlio Bcmt-Wockty onoyeur to eetlrr np of rl'ib), Thirty-thrcs Dollars. Fifty cnpief, ono yoar. ennrntelv nmlron-eo (and tue Scnil Wceklyono yenrto setter np "I i-luh), Thirty.flvo Uollurn. Due hnnrtrrit copies, one ve.r. ti ono ntM-eM (iml tlio Dully for ono your to tho jriMter tin or un- , , Fifty iioliura. an nnnilTvd enoie. oni venr. R.-parut -ly art ore wl inn,! tlio Dally tor uuo y.!:ir to I no in i or opofcluu), bixty Dollara. TnE SE3H-WEEXI.Y SDN. Fivo eon!c, ono year, separately nnlreei1. Etirlit Dallam. Ten coi leu, ono yenr. topnm'ely a iilrcsaed (ami uc extra copy to goner up nf cV:t), blxtcon Dollar. KIJTD YOUU MOXEY . ri Post Oflro orders, rhcelra, or draft m tnr :.?rr'.. ,r"VBr convenient. If not. tnen register loltera conuiulug uiouey. AilUroti I. W. ENOLAfTn, PnhllEhn-. Buu oflloo. Kew Xotk CHy. RAILROADS- PHILABELPHIA &. EEIE RAILROAD. SUMMER TIME TABLE. N and after MONDAY. JUNE Glli. 1871 . tlio 'trains on the Philadelphia & Eria Railroad will run as follows: WKSTWAKl). .Mail Train leaves Pliilndelpliia-. 7.10 p.m. " " " Il!ilgway....10.n3 a. m. " " arrive at Krio...... 8.:t() p. m. Erie Exp leaves Philadelphia... 12 30 p. m " Ridgway 2.0 a. in. " " arrive at Erie -7.40 a. m. Accomodation, leaves ltenova....7.1) a. m. ' " l'idgway,..5.4fi p. m. " arr at Knno 8.00 p. tn. EASTWAHD. Mall Train leaves Erie ..11. 30 a. m. " " " Riilgway 4.62 p. m. . arrive at l'hilid'a... 7.-'i't n. m. Erie Express leaves Ene 0.00 p. m. " " " iiagway... 2,iJ a. m. " ' arnt Philadelphia.. 5 60 p. m. Accomodation, leaves Kane 6.00 a. m. " " Ridgway... 7.2;" a. iu. , arr ntSt. Marys 8.30 am. " leaves St. Marys 10.30 a nv. nrr at llenovo (1.10 p.m. Mail East connects cast nnd wett at Erin with I.8SM8K W nnd at Cony and Irvmclon with Oil Creek aud Allegheny II R W. Mail West, with west bound trnirs on h S & 51 8 U W and at Corry and Irvincton wil!i Oil Creek and Allcgiieny R R W. Warren Accommodation cast and west with trains on L. 8 nnd M S R east ami wrst and at Corry with O C aud A R R . Erie Accommodation East at Corry ami Irvitietoii with O C and A R R W. Elmira Mail aud BulTalo .Express make) close connection at Willinmsport with N C It W trains north and south. Caiawissii passenger trains will bo run cast from VillinTinrt o" K'mii Mail. WM. A. BALDWIN. i Gon'l Sup'l. ISEVV T1MK TABLE. Commencing June 5th. 1871. ALLEGHENY VALLEY 11. II. TUE BEST ROUTE BETWEEN PITTS BURGH AND POINTS ON TUB PUIL'A. & ERIE R. R. COINO SOUTH. Day Express lcavos Oil City at 210pm Arrives at Pittsburgh 7 55 p ui Night Express leaves Oil City 0 15 p in' Arrives at Pittsburgh 0 40 a in Mail leaves Oil City 9 45 a ra Arrives at Pittsburgh 6 00 p nt OOINO NOUTH. Day Express leaves Pittsburg at 8 35 a m Arrives at Oil City at 8 05 p nt Night Express leaves Pittsburgh 10 10 p in Arrives at Oil City 5 65 a m Way Paseengcr leaves Pittsburgh 12 CO p nt Aarrives at Oil City , 7 45 p iu Close Connections mado at Corry for Pittsburgh with trains East and West on, P. & E. tt. n. Pullman Pnllace Drawing Room Sleep, ing Cars on Nighl Express Trains between Corry and Pittsburgh. Ask for Tickets via Allegheny Valley tt. R. J. J. LAWRENCE. Gen. Supt. K PAPER FOlt THE PEOl'LE. , THE GLOBE. ESTABLISHED 18C8. ' An Independent Evening Journal. Sorvsd by Carrier at Ten Cents per weoic . Ask your newsdealer for it. THE GLOBE, as the only I.nEPBNnEsr aftbrnooa journal, reaching a popula tion in New lork ana vicinity of over Tub. he Millions, is rap. idly gaining the positiou of tho great leading evening paper ' -of the Metropolis. 1 ' ' AS AN ADVERTISING MEDIUM, WITII ITS LOW RATES, IT IS UNSUR PASSED. TERMS OF THE GLOBE. Subscription. : By Mail, Ono Month. 50o.: Three Months, $1 50; Six Months, $3; Ona 1 ear, $o. ' Advertising. , , Per lino, nonnariel measurement Ordit "W, lOo.j Special Notice. 20c; Reading - " tUDU JN"t!c,es' ouo-; ''.. I 60o. Address rni? r.t.miu ritiXTING COMPANY." ,1 Printing House Square, New York.' I ,4 ,.i t al ! ! I ,.;;,! 111... rm0 I . ...'. 1 , I " V.O ... .,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers