fill, (flimnfg gltoijat?. Must A. Faksokh. Jr., KJitor. THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 18T1. , Terms ef Peace. Peace in France it now assured, and trc ere gratified to anoounoe that the preliminaries bave all been settled. Thiein and Favre and the consultative dtnaiistioa have accepted the lollowing aiondttions: Fint. The cession of Alsace and Mett, but Belfort is to be restored to France. Second. Payment of a war indemnity of five milliards of francs. Third. A portion of French terri tory, with sumo fortified town like Se dan, to remain in posession of the tlerruans until the conditions of the treaty are fulfilled. Fourth. The German army to enter Paris and occupy the Champa Elysees. Fifth. Pease to be proclaimed when tbefench Assembly ratifies these con ditions. These terms ana the best that France tfould secure, and show that Germany l8terwioed to reap the fruits of ber treat success, can be mugnanimous. "The indemnity exacted, five milliards of francs, is equal to $950,000,000. Forney's Press. 1IBWS. The Maine Legislature has adjourned. The St. Louis Water Works have teea completed. It is proposed to erect a bridge across Che Hudson at Poughkeepsie. Four fruit-growers in Clarko county, Indiana, have 81,000 peach trees. Hon. Lee Claflio, father of Governor Cl&flin, died on ihe 23d, at Boston, aged TS. Thompson H. McMahon, a leading fiankor of Galveston, Texas, died on itbe27th. The subscriptions for tbo Frcunh Re lief Fund, in New York, now excveJ $100,000. The Baltimore French Relief Fund ajotnroittce report collections amounting (to g'J.UOO. Western Pcnctylvsnia manufactured 24,108 iral!ot8 of whisky during the x months ending December 31. Rt. Clair eoooty, Illiauria, stimotes hat it possesses i,00,000,UQO toos ol ieoal. The subscription to the Frwieh Re lief Fund, in San Francisco, has i cache J Abe aggregate of $202,10. Mrs- Maria Cle.Tuu, the aunt and wtber-in-U of Edgar A. Foe, died in jSultioaOM -on tbn l$ta ult4 at tha ad raueed age ot SI. The uermaas of nan Jtraneiaco are preparing for a grand celebration it, fcumor o! the conclusion of the contest between France and Gnrtusny. Ic the Alabama Legislature, re&olu ious have been introduced looking to tihe impeachment of Judge James Q ymitfi. of the Second Judicial Circuit, J'or official miseonducC A Lodge ot Sorrow watt held in Montiromerv, Alabama, on tfce zdu, in respect to the memory of the late Judge Chilton, who was Grand Master of the Graud Lodge of the State. A tooth fifteen ijches to ircumfer oce and weicbiug two pouods, which -was dropped by some itnaicuse animal in Marioo Aouaty, Iowa, some thousands I of yews go, was found the otber day scar the Des Moines river. A Polish Jew died a few weeks since Jn Warsaw who distinctly remembered Frederick the Great, and has frequent ly seen the monarch at Potsdam. He m 100 years old at the time of his deeth. In Mobile, Alabama, aman married recently his seventh wife, a Mexican, fiaving previously been united to a Ger man, French, English, Dutch, Irish ad Aroeric&n woman, all of whom died. During 1870, the lifeboats of the JJrituh National Life Saving Institu tion rescued 503 lives and 21 vessels. Fishing boats and individuals not con nected with the institution rescued 271 Jives, for whioh services rewards were granted. A loung man named 'William Thompson, late of Wales, suddenly be came insane aod left his borne at Kay juiltoo, Vooango county, Pa., some time in August, 1870. He is about five feet v inches in height, of slender luilr, eparo laoe, light complexion, Jight brown hair, and about 25 years .old. Information sent to J. J. Barnes, Jiajmilton, Venango county, Pa., will Be thankfully received. The caving banks of Kw Jersey, iweoty-aix in cumber, make the follow, ing report -of their operations in 1870: iDepoaitB, f 20,009,188; aecurities and jnvestaenta, 20,773,083. Cash, $795 22; profits on surplus, $928,470. The jiutiiber of depositors in seventeen of these institutions is 48,151, ihe remain, jog nina having made so return. It is, however, estimated that the entire num. ber amounts to 60,000. The most im nnrtant of these Mvincs banks are sit uated at Newark, where there are three imtitntioDi of this description, holding depou'4 amounting In the aggregate to 418451.894. aecoriUei, fU.100.464, 7 TRIBUNE. Through ftrurgl and suffering, at tha eott of multliortn agonies, brvetnenls, devastation, tha American Idea embodied tn the preamble to our fathers' l)ealaation ef Independence epp-canhos its complete realisation. Tlie noble, inspiring assertion that " alt men are created equal," and en dowed by their Creator with inalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, is no longer a glittering gener ality, a poet's fancy, a philosopher's spec ulation, but the reoopnir.ed hate of our po litical fabric . The benign Revolution, which date from the Uosion Massacre of 1770, finds Its logioal comply lion, just one century later, in the XVth Amendment, which gives to the equal polttioat and eivil rights of every man born or naturaliied in our Republio the shield and defense of the Federal Constitution. Tha billows of Caste and Privilege may roar and rage around that rock, and may transiently seem on the point of washing it away; bu' its foundations are deep laid and steadfast, and the. breakers of Reaction and Blaverv are Juried againbt and dash their spray ovr r it in vain. We do not underrate the forces of Fre $6. judice Hid Aristocracy. We do not forget that a very largfl minority or the American People Ft 111 hold in their Inmost hearts that Ulacks have no riplits which H bites are bound to respect. We fully uppreclftto the desperation wherewith all the warring ele ments of hatred to Republican achieve. tnent will be combined and hurled against the battlements of Republican ascendency in the Presidential Election of 1872. We .do not doubt that local successes, facilitated by Republican feuds and dissentioas, will inspire the charging host with a sanguine hope of victory, such as nerved it. to put forth its utmost strength in the ejirlier stages of the contests of 1864 and 1868 Yet our tail h ia clear and strong that the American People still bless God that, on the red battle-fields of our late Ciiil Wr, the Union waa upheld and Slavery de stroyed and will Dover consciously that the precious blood thereon paured out was lavistica is vnin. This TamuNB belieTes in the prosecution of tbo great struggle by legitimate means to beneticient ends. '.' o State Sovereignty, it opposes indissoluble Manorial Integrity to Slavery for blacks, Liberty for Ali; lo Proscription, Enfranchisement; to Popular Ignorance, Universal Education; to inten sity and eternity of wrathful Hate, univcr gal and invincible Good Will, It would fain do its utmost to hasten the glad day when lhu South shall vie with the North in exultation and gra itude over the disap pearance or the last trace or tumt or tout spirit which impelled Man to exult in the ownership And vlintllchood of his fellow Alun. Profoundly do we realize that the con testis not yet ended that Millions mouru more or lees publicly, the dowufall of th slaveholders' Confederacy, and rear their children to hate those by whore valor and coiisinucy its overthrow was achieved. we ever seem to dill'er essential y from other llepubiicans, our convictions tha magnanimity is never weakness, that ven (;cmce is never politic, and that tievils art not cast out by iicclzcbub, must serve to explain alleged eccentricities whose per eel vindication wo leave to lime and Re flection. Tux Tainrsi has been, is, and must be. a ichUiuh advocate of Protection to Home Industry, llejturiiing habitual idleness as the greatest toe to humuu progress, the buu of human happiness, we seek to win our countrymen in masses lrom the eusnnring lures of speculation, of traffic, and of always over-vlowded Professions, to the tranquil paths of Productive Industry. e woulu gladly deplete our over-crowded cities, v-huie tiiuusuuds vainly jostle and crowd in uiisgui44 quests of "Someihing to lo," to covi-r prairies and plains with colonies absorbed iu Agriculture, Mecllaa .ch aud Maoulviturers, and constantly pro jecting into tlie-blank-, void wilderness the .lomes and the woiks ot eiviliied Mao. Holding the Protection of Home Industry by discriminating duties on iuipoi ted Wares mid Fabrics essential u the rapid, bene ticient diffusion ot Production in all its phases aud departments, ajid so to tbe in i ruction of our people iu all the gainful arts of Pe&ca, we urge our countrymen to auuore to ana upnoiu that policy, in un doubting faith that the true iutvrest, not of 11 c,tf8s or a section, but of each section and every useful cla, is thereby subserved and promoted. Thk Taist'Ki nieas to be pre-eminently a A'ttt'-paper. Its correspondents traverse every btate, are present on very impor tant battle field, are early advised of every notable Cabinet decision, observe the proceedings at Congress, of Legislatures, and of Conventions, and report to us by telegraph all that seems of general inter est, w e nave paid tor one day's momen tous advices from Europe by Cable far more than our entire receipts for the issue iu which those advices reached our readers If lavish outlay, unsleeping vigilance, and unbounded faith iu the liberality and dis eernmect of the reading public will en able us to make a journal which has no superior in the accuracy, variety, and freshness of ita contents. Tua Tbibcmb shall be such a journal. To Agriculture and the subservient arts, we have devoted, and shall persistently devote, more means and space than any of our rivals. vv aim to make Hi Wiiklv Ttiiwmi such a paper as no farmer can afford to do without, however widely his politics may differ from ours. Our reports or the Cattle. Horse, Produce, and Gen eral Markets, are so full and accurate, our essays in elucidation of the Farmers' Club and kindred gatherings, are so interesting, mat tne poorest farmer will sua therein a mine of suggestions and counsel, of which he cannot remain ignorant without posi tive and serious loss. Wo sell Tea Weekly to Clubs for less than its value indwellings for waste-paper; and. although . its sub scription is already very large, we believe that a Half Million more farmers will taka it whenever it shall he oommeuded to theii attention. We ask our friends everywhere to am in eo commending it. TERMS. Daily Tribune, Mail Subscribers, $10 per annum. Semi-Weekly Tribuue, Mail Subscribers, $4 per annum. Five copies or over, S3 each; an extra copy will be sent for every oiuo or ten sent tor at one time; or, if pre. ferred, a opy of. iteeqlleotious of a - Busy TEEMS OF THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE. To MaiT Subscribers. ' -On Copr. one year, 62 issues. $2. iriM Copies, onear, Vi issues.. .-- To One Address, all To Nam . of Sub at one Post-OfBoe, 10 opie..$l 50 ech. 20 Copies. 1 26 ech. 60 Copies.. 1 00 ech. And On Extra Copy to each Club. oii ber all at on P oat-Office 10 Copia..$l AO eoh 20 Copies. 1 85 ech 60 Copies.. 1 10 ech. And On Extra Copy to each Club. Parsons entitlsd to an extra eopy ean, if preferred, have cither of the following book, poatae prepaid. Political Eoooo tny, bv Horace Greeley; Par Culture for Profit, by P. I- Cluinu; Tlie Eltmtnts of AgriouUur, b 3o. - Waring. THE NEW YORK 1871. AD7EPIIS1NO "ATE3. Dally Tribune, ilCe., 40c, ?Gc, and $1 per line. Bemi-Weeklr Tribune. 25 and CO cents per line. weekly Tribune, f 2. S3, and 55 per line. According to position in the paper. To subscribers winhinir to preserve Mr. Greelry'a es7s on "What I Know of Farming," end who pay tha full prfoe, I. if ID for PailV. S4 for NetniWeek v. or $1! Wor Weekly Tribune, we will send tha book, pou paid, 'if rtquut I4 made at th tune 0 lubicribmj, Jooki far Sola at tlie Tribuna Cfllce.' The Tribune Almansn. Price SO cent. Tribune Almanvs Reprint. 1338 to 1868. 2 vols. Half bound. $10. Beonlleotions of a Uimv Life. Dv Horaoe Greeley. Vat ions etylcs of binding. Clo'.h, $2 60. Lihrary, 8 60. ITalf Mo rocco, 74. Half Cloth, $j. Morocco An tinuo. Si. Political Lconomy. liy Horace Qreeler. $1 CO. Ewbank s Hydraulias and Mechanics. Sixteenth Edition. Larjro octave. Cloth, Pear Culture for Profit. Quinn, l. " Elements of Agriculture, Waring. New Edition. Cloth. $1. Draining for Health and Profit. Warini. Cloth, $1 60. 8cnt free on reoeipt of price. In making remittances always procure a draft on New York, or a Pott-Office Money Order, if possible, n here neither of theso icnn be procured, send the money, hut alKoynina a ioistebku letter. The regis tration fee has been reduced to fifteen emit, And the present registration system has been found by the postal authorities to be virtually an absolute protection against losses by mail. All Postmasters are bjiged to register letters when requested lo do BO. Terms, c-tsh in advance. Address THE TRIBUNE, New-Torlt, JksrLAST CHANCE i&t to Sec What $0 Will Do I SHARES SELLING RAPIDLY. ONLY So foT a superb steel engraving or cry 1110 well wojih the money and which yon are sure to get at once, and perhaps A 7rte of $23,033! Also one of $10,000! one of $6,000! and oneef $3,500! $3,000! $1,. 600! '$1,600: 1,400! 51.200! and 4 Mher GRAND PRIZES! from Twelve Hundied Dollars down Three Hundred the aggregate vaino to of which is ninety-five thousand dollars! all of which will positively be distributed as prizea among f harehol ers ON THK 21st OF APRIL NEXT. All persons wishing shares should send $'" at ouco, before the books are closed and they will receive by return mail, care tuliy packed iu tubes, oue of the following SUPERB WORKS OF ART, Aud a ticket through which A FORTUNE will be WON by some ONE! Either oue of the following Fine Pictures seut at once, with a share 10 the distribu tion: 'The MARRIAGE of rOCAHONAS." Ou heavy plate pnper, C0x42 inches. Or "AN AMERICAN AUTUMN," A Beautiful hromo, printed in oil, tints, iU-'-. '(5x21 inches. Or "THEIiAY WE CELEBRATE," A Superb Steel Engraving, on heavy plate paper, size 28x38, Or "THE LANDING of COLUMBUS," Ou heavy plate paper, 38x88. "There is a tide in the affairs of men, which, Taken at the flood, leudson to fortuue," 4e. SlJ AKKSPBAUB. The Manager begs to state that tiuio is required to cany through succeasfully so luree an enteiwise. but the cublic are mn satisfied of tho honesty aud usefulness ef the plan, nnd thousauds hav been reudy to iuvest as soon as t!e Jute of the drawing was positively hxed upon. This has now been done, aud every shareholder s solic ited to interest himself in furthering th sale of the remaining tickets. po better or stronger endorsement or the plan and object or the sale, the value of the property, or the munageuieut of the scheme, could bs desired than the endorse ment given by prominent citiieu and leading papers. RliJIEMBEIt! that there are ouly 19, 00 J shares, and that every oue paying becomes a sharehold er and receive at once a superb Work of Art, worth tb amount invested, and a Ticket in the distribution of tho Prises, which mav yield a $25,000 Prize, or an equal chance in 94 Prises, the aggregate value of which is 'J5,WU, THE MOST LIBERAL TERMS TO CLUBS araow ottered every person sending a list of five names, together with $5 for each name, khall receive one Five Dollar shore in the Distribution of Prizes, with oue of the Fine Works of Art. Larg) commissions, and perhaps a FORTUNb! may be the result of a little euort. Try and make up a list among your trieuue. Shares are being taken rapidly. All money received for orders after tbo books are closed will be promptly returned to tbo senders. Address, J. C. DERBY, Uen'l Manager, 177 Droadway, New York, Or Augusivi Qa. C0MP1.M EMARY TESTIMONIAL TO J. C- DERBY. Manager of the Great Premium Land Sale, Of the following well known Publishers, Hankers, and other Prominent Citizens of New York. New York, December I5th, 1870. Mr. J. C. Derby, long and favorably known a a Publisher iu tbi city aud, subsequently, United States Commissiouer for the Parts .Exposition or 1BBJ we, ihe undersientd, bava known luilniauiy, and Lake pleasure in bearing tstimuuy to his gentlemanly character, strict tntegritv, and honorable dealing a a business man. aniel Appleton ft Co., Publishers aud liookseiutr. Geo. P. Putnam, publisher aud Bookseller, Geo. W. Carlton. Publisher. William Ortou. President Wstern Colon I Tl. Co Erastus Rrooks, F.'op. N. Y. Evening Ix pre. Geo. Jonee. Prop. Nw York Time. Isaac Henderson, wf Vew York Evening Post. J. U- Orvi. Pre. N. Y. Security Bank. Geo. F. Baker, Cashier first Nat. Bank. Greenleaf, Norris & Co., Brokers, Cti Ex. change Place. I Ches. A. BteUoa, Aslor Eoute, POWELL & KIME. Powell & Iviine Having erocUd a large and wall arranged new Store floe. en the old aite, ainee tbe lire, and filled it frort cellar to garret with tha choicest foods of all descriptions, that can be found tn any market, are fully pre pared to reotivethelr eld customers, and supply their wants at bottom tgures WHOLESALE CS RETAIL. Their assortment is now complete, com prising DRY GOODS, GROCKRIK3, CROCKERY, HARDAYARE, CLOTHING, BOOIS AND SHOES, HATS AND CArS, NOTIONS, eto., etc P0HK, FLOUR, SALT, Feed, Beans, Butter, DRIED AITLES, DRIED PEACHES, Canned Goods, la short everything wanted ia th Country LUMBERMEN, FARMERS, 6IE- CHANICS, MINERS, TAN- NERS, LABORING MEN, EVERYBODY J Also a full stock ef MANILLA ROPE of the beet maBuIaetare, of suitable sije Cor rafting aad runniag pntposee. &I73 S2S. Wlwa, P., Mrrek ?4, 15:1. RAILROADS. PHJLAD LIBIA. & EHIE SJULB019. WINTER TIME TABLX. ON and after MONDAY. DEC. lib, 1870, the trains on the Philadelphia It Erie Railroad will run as follows 1 WBTWAIU. Mall Train leaves PhllMlpdlila. M0 p. m. Kidgw ay ....... i.bu p. arrive at lOrio. ....... 1.4l p. Erie Exp leave Pbiladclplii....I140 p, m. m. m tn. " HKigway.... x vu a. ' arrive at Erie.. 7 40 a. m. tn. Accomodation, leaves l!nova....7.l& a. Rilgway,6 01 p. ' arr at Kane 8.00 p tn. , tu. KASTWARtK Mall Train leave Erie 9.00 a. m. 1 Ridgwny 3. HO p. tn. arrive at Philad'a... 6.60 a. m. Erie Eipree leaves Kite - fl.00 p. m. " riugway... a. m. " ar'at riiilaii "lpliia 5 80 p. ni. Accomodation, leaves Bnne 7,.')0 a. tn. ' Btd;way...U.4,Jft. m. arr at St. Vlarys 12.00 m. leaves St. Marys 7.15 a: m. Emporium 0.35 am. " arr at Itenovo 3.00 p. in. Express, Mail and Ace immodatiou, cast and west, connect at Corry and nil west bound tmins and Mail auoomniodiiliou east at Irviolou with the Oil Creek and Alle gheny River Rail Road. VIM. A. 1ALLMVI'. tien'l Sup't. ALLEGHENY VALLEY R. R. GREAT THROUGH ROUTE rBOM TUB 1 OIL REGIONS TO PITTSBURG!!! THE KiiST THE VEST. SLEEPING CARS : 1 ON all night trains, rasi-engers anil I baggage transferred at Oil Oil City, ' Fre of Charge! Trains make direct conneo: ion with alt Roads cent eriug ut Oil City, and leave as follows: Day Express leave Oil City at 10 0 m Arrives at Pittsburgh f HO p 111 Night Express leaves Oil City 0 30 p ni Arrive at. Pittsburgh 7 Oil a tn Eiltauning Aco'u. leave Eml'ton ClOpro " airive Kiltuniiing 0 00 p 111 Mixe l W'av leaves Oil City 7 00 p m Anive il West Pen a Junction 7 05 p 111 Day Exprues lenvos l'i tsburg at 7 1 5 a ni Arrives at Oil City at 1 fr p in Night ExpveMsleavca Pittobur 8 00 p ni Arrives at ( il City 0 00 a ni Parker Acc'n leaves Kitt'n'g at 7 -0 a in Arrives at farter at 9 66 a m Mixed 'Vay leaves West Pa. June 7 00 a 111 Arrives at Oil City at tj 00 p m Passengsrs travelliug by this Route will Cnd better accommodations and make better timo than by an; otber road from tbo Oil Regious to Pittshnrgh. J. J. L. WHENCE, 0 en. Supt. C1AUTION'. All persona are cautioned ' aed b'lyio;; or meddling with a Tea Horses, now in charge of J. He V. Gro one a dark iron gray ana the other gray said team belongs to ma ll. CARMAN. Ridgway, Dec. 21st, 1870. GOLD! GOLD! GOLD :! HARNESS : UARNESa: harness: collars : collars: collars: HEARS b POWELL, have reaw.ved their Harness Shop over Powell & b.iuio's tore and have on hand the largest o isurtm jut of harness for lumbering and pleasure pur poses, in this or adjoining csunties, and ! all other articles belouging to tha trade. TRUNKS, SADDLES. VALISES, WHIPS, BLANKET. J, COL LARS &o. Would invite the attention of all' owner horse to my new PATENT ELASTIC CORK HORSE COLL A It, which proven to be the best Collar in existence for tbese reasons : Ueini; very Elastic thej do nut ehale or gall and the cork beitix a n -conductor, tbey!preveut injury froru licat. Call and see them. All wrk warranted lleparing, Triuing and UphoUtcriug done withe neatness an J dispatch. HEARD & POWELL. t29 tl PETERSON'S MAGAZINE Trospeetos for 1:571. -tui cheapesp ani best, -m veiry person eetting up a' Club of four, t $1,50 eaehjwill be sen ; free, our euperb eopy-right eng raring, L2i laches by 21, J "WAHINGTON AT THEi3ATILEOF TRENTON." While to those getting up tllubs of eight, at $1,60 each, nn extra copy of Magazino for 1871, in addition will be seut, free. FETESON'S MAGAZINE has tho b;t Original Stories of any of th lady's books, tho best Colored rahion fl. lies, the best Steel Engravings, &o., de.. Every family ought to take it. it givos more for tbe money tban any in the woriifu it will eon- tain, next year, in its twelve numbers Odo Thousand pages! pourteeti bpleoded btceiriatea S Twelve Colored Berlin Patterns ! Twelve Mammoth Colorud TashioDS ! Nine Hundred woo J Cuta ! Tweoty-four pa ees of Musio ! It will also riv fiv Original Copyright Novelatt by Mr. Ann S. Mepheus. bun- drad shorter stori, all eritrmaL tie au perb MAMMOTH COLORED FASHION PLATE8 artad of all o tin r. These plate on steel, twiua tbe usual aiae. TISlfS-AlwaysJl Afruat J CP7 ,or ona year.....-;. 4 Copies $ "4 M.... .. premiums; : $200 . 6 00 13 CO Everv eersoa getting up a Club ef four, at $ 1.60 each, hall rteoiv, .r, a eopy of 'Wafhiagtoa!" ana a eopy of tae aiagasio for 187111 . addraas. CHARf LEJtS J. PC1KSUN. 80 Chestuat reel, I'Uiiaaeipia, ra. "A8LIN Kattl. Brass Kettles. Pore lean Bauea Pans. French Tlnd Bauee fan, jrruit can the cheap ana oest, at W. B.SERVICE'fi, Hardwurt ctere, I Piflgway, Pa, BUSINESS CARDS. ENKY SOUTHER, Attoraty-at-Law (feiMCBl, Ridgway, Pa. GJL RATHBON, . Eidgway Pa. Attorne'at44w 2 2 If. JOHN 0. HALL, Attorney at law, Kidg. way, Klk eounty Pa. mar.22'tl61 4 8. InlL. Physician and Surgeon, Kersey, Elk Co. Pa. JACOB YOUNO & CO , Book Binder And Blank Hook Manufacturers, Corry, Pa. U!ank Books Made to Order. G R RGE WALMSLEY, County Su in reMlness at all times, to perform Jobs in hi" line. o FX. SORG, Baloon-keeper, corner of . Railroud and Michael streets, St. Marys, Pa. Native Wines, good Lager beer, etc, constantly on hand. 2 8 1TTILLIAM GEIS, RestBnrant, Mi- YY chael street, St. Marys, Pa-, keeps the best of Lager Beer and wines constantly on hand. 2 8 C1 II. VOLK,' Manufacturer and Dealer . in Lngir Beer, opposite Ihe Railroad Depot, St. Mary a, Jila county ra. E' DWAKD BLINZLER, Railroad street, next to the Alpine Uou-e, t Marys, Pa., receive dailj jrech lialtimore Oys ters, which he tells at the lowest rince, raw, stewed, or by the can. Fresh L ig-r alwnys on baud. . 2 8 jrEVNOL03 HOU6E, SSTO0LDS7ILL2. JSFFEMOiT CO. TA. II, S. BELNAP, Pbopribtob . T S. Bordwell, M. D. Eclectie Physian I. Othce and residence opposite -the Jaij. on Centre St.. Ridgwny, Pa. Prompt attention will be given to all colls. Oflice hour : 7 to 8 A...M-! 12to2P. M. : and li to 7 P. M. Mar. 2.2, Oti tr. DR. A. FISHER. Surgeon Dentist, of Warren. Pa., will be iu St. Mary the uitt third week in each month. Office in Dr. Russ' buildine. Centre street, fit. Mary's, and at Ridgway avery court week. Othce at tbe Hyde House. pvR C. H. FULLER, BOTANIC PHYSICIAN, Riuqwat, Pa. Residence and office opposite tho Thayer House. H VDE HOUSE. RinowAT, Elk Co., Pa. W. II. SCH RAM, Proprietor Thankful for the patron ige heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new proprietor, hopeB, ty paying strict at tention to the comfort aud convenience of quests, to merit a continuance of th same. Oct SO 1869. T "M1AYER HOUSE, R1DOWAY, PA. DAVID THAYER, Proprimor. The undersigned having htted up a large and commodious hotel the southwest comer of Centre and Mill streets, wiin good aud convenient stabling attached, respect- full v solioits the patronage of his eld friendsaiid ihe public generally. decl3'titi lj DAVID THAYER. M ORION HOUSE, V.TITF.. pi. M. V Moore, (late of the JJyd IloMt',) Proprietor, Open Day and Night- noOif. B OARD1NG HOUSE, Near the Depot, Wilcox, Pa. Tbe undersigned has opened a larg board. irghouso at the above place, where he is amply prepared to satisfy the wants of those who liiuy uvorhim with their custom. MARTIN SO WK US, Proprietor HALL. Ss BRO. Attorneys - at Lawi ST. MARY'S, SIS COTOTY nrarSTLYASIA. JOilHU. UALL......-..-.......JA8. K. P. OAtl T7RANKLIN HOUSE. J St. Mart , Pa. LAIIUEI JULU-M,, 1'BOPB a. The proprietors respectfully ask the atten tion of their friends and the publio in general to their large and commodious hotel. Every attentiou paid to the conve nience of guest. II. LARGEY, may30-1868.1y J. A. wALONE. KERSEY HOUSE, Cknthivihb, Six Co., Pa. John Collins, Proprietor. Thankful for th patronage heretotore o liberally bestowed upon him, the new pro printer, nope, by paying strict at tention to th comfort aid convenience of guest, to merit a continuance of lk tame. QIIARLE8 HOLES, BACII0Al WATCHMAKER. ENGRAVER a JEWEL ER. Wtst end of Hy d House, Ridgway, Pa. Sells as Cheap as Ever, GOLD AND SILVER WATOAES, Clock, Jwlry, 8ilvrwre, XX VIOLIN AND GUITAR STRINGS, Speolaclea, pu aud Pencil, Ixcluilv Jgent for the sale ef ALEX. MORTON'S GOLD PENS AND THE ELIAS no WE SEWING MACHINE. - RfepairlBg Watebas, te;, floa witk th uai wvtraracj a s avt-n wn 5 - 1 CdaitUU A. DAXA, SOW. A Hewapascr of tho rMmt TIbm Intended for Peoplo K Earth. Including- frnir. Mertiarles, Morcbsnti, 1 filenl Sin. Wotkan. Tulnkcn. and a'.l US ar or HoaHt ro',M,aaa IU Wlva aona. Duthter ot all loalu - OHLT ONX DOLLAR A HA II I 058 nrXDRCD CO PI EH fOR tSO Or leu than tine Cent a Copr- Ltt thsr M . iO Club at evorjr rest Olflov. 8EMI-WEKKLY HTJN 89 A TEAS of the trim tls4 anit (anernt e'lAraeter a rnt WEEKI.r, bit with a sTMtoi-VorUtr ( mtvertacons rcatt, and f-rnbbln( the ttxti tniMftitMin wRa dm; jr fratlinsss, bMaos It ooaioi twlro a woclc laittitj of one oalr. THE DAILT Bt If, S3 A VEAB. A nrtlmlnf.nt1v rmt.t .h'o AewsniUicr. vtth tb litrjutt c.ruii'.sitjii in lh woruu t-'re. tart, nendent, .d lusrlSMi In iiniltiu. A I tlm ricws from tT.rywhuiM. Tw osnts a eopjr i bv uuUW ISO eM k D.uutb, ot frO jr. . TERM3 TO CLTJCS. TnE COLLAR WEEKLY HTK. Plvs eople, ens loot, iarawlT ifti-s-l. roar ioin Tea eoplas ens ?, ssnnrsteiv aiMr',ed a.4 usKtn copy toUMxauer OJ niciuoi. Etabt dollars. Twnntr enn'fi, oie einmtti- Bd.iic-tta . Flftoa Dollar i rtftf epl". one ytnr, to one a-lrtrrss tnrxl P erai-necic y oas yer 11 toiwi iin ui cioo;, Tliirtr-tbi-ou Uoilnr. . Fifv enplct, one Tear, f.paraielv ft'jdreiirt (,rd lu Bemi-wcKiyoiiy-.'.rto irerrr u; o, c,u.., Tmrir-uvc iioitar Due hnrte4 enirs, one vaur, to cn n-l'lrvf (:ini tu UAixj lor ose ysitr lv tne i:i ner or tiaoi. r'lrtv Itollnrs. nnt httnlrei eioies, onrt yt-sr. s?i)omtrtT M dre"eil (saitUtsUslur lurua your ! 'no tfNur p of club), eUxtr Dollars. TBS HEMI-WIKKLT SVH. rivt codIm, act jeu, rnsntelr H,ef,rit. fitirbt Doll&ra. Tea enr le, ona rer epr!ctv smreutd (iuil w. vu wyj tu fcwr up pi fi t n ), biiimd vauaroa 8END TOClt D105EY " Tnt offlr OMw-t.ehseifS, or dm. oXrw L?'r-. 'er e"Meulent It not. turn ihUw B latwn eoutnlulLe ;uoar. Addrssi I. W. EXOLAWn, rnl, Whf, ban oSlc. Haw Tork Cltr. s OMEl'HlNd SEW IN RIDaWAT BOOT & SHOE ESTABLISHMENT! The subscriber tnkes thia mithod of ia forui s- the citizens of Kldjrwav anil vicinity that h has opened a IJOOT & SHOE STORE. in the room lately occupied by Uenry B- Thayer iu the went, end of tbe Hyde Uimmw where may be found a geuoral assortnioal Ladle Shoe, Qeutlvmans Soot and shoes, Uoys'Boola and Children's hoa, ALSO, Connected with the above establishment t have a Root and Hio Muunnfacluriug . labiishuent where work Will be made to order. Renairiug don on short notice aail on rea sonable terms. .i. Th pup'ic aieto give me a eall. nl if afcORUK WALKES. NEW LIVERY STABLE IN m a u jT DAN SCRlliNER WISHES TO IN- lorra the Cittzeoa of Ilidgwa.v, and tb public generally, that he ha (tarteda Llv cry Stable and willjkeep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES aud Buggie. la lei upon the most reason ble term. B$Ue will also do job teaning. Stable in tbe Brook Barn, near tha Post Office, on Mil' alrct-tr AU'oriTer loft at the Post Office will meet prompt atten tion. Aug 20 1870. tf THE CELEBRATED DaTBOTO GERARD ORIODE GOLD WATCHES, $12, $16, $20, $26. DURING the past four year our Watchee have been so thoroughly tested, that Ur appearance, sijlo of huish, and orcuraey of time-keeping, tho 'Grard Wutclies ' are universally acceded to be the beat- They retain their brilliancy aud color un til woru out. Bf-fiulf after purchasing and fairly try ing, any one is uot tully satibttJ, ve will cheerfully refund the money. K3LTbey are all Hunting Cases. Oenue- men s and Ladies sues, hvn t Ni'itch., guaranteed for time and wear, by special certincate. m A aria SRHArtninft' Chaiu. $2 to 8. Als L,uwara ot aiGIllI Bull U1UBI7I I lite 0 11' will pleas enolo cent stamp pos.aga. aMS- uooa sent to n paid for on deliverv ,vwu w j.,iwii.. w cABniiuu.if qhi iney cx pres cnarges coin way. onoe, w will send an extra natch (of some kind) free. gtir Purchaser residing at some distance from Express offices, and dusinng to av . time and expenses, can hiiva th goorfe sent by tuail, by remitting with the urUar tb amount requuovl by P. O. Monrr order, registered letter, drit't or check. payable to our urder, at our risk. Addres plainly, JAMKa UKUARI) & CO.. P. 0. Box 3,391. New York. 85 Nassau Street. , 8m V 17DWARD MoBUIDE, Watchmaker alnd 1 T , ' I J . t,. I . , . B iweiQr, niiruau atrevi, 01. xuarjja, Pa. Engraving aud repairii r dou n short notice, aod in a workmanlike mil ner. Watches, aud everything in the Jwv elry Una, constantly on band. 2 8. J D. PARSONS, Mannfaotarer ud Dealer in Boots' k oi T ouoes, Mla8t., eppesita Hotel,:, f YTnao, J t i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers