Ill K a it w 4 4 i1 a,. ai J t?nf'.- rr Al vtM-tiinlr. inm r. r iidi ce. iini- l,i:mPS. , as ' ri..i.'i-. cm li ;l 00 "in ji I ixiriud iviol). !' imn : il l A'hl i I l-li ll per M.H'eof f 1 1 lll" I - ! I Ulll'l, IIV le- (I I , IttlM'ollf'lll I llkft tlillt Mil li ! 'I'tvi-n ". ii'' fm- e icli Minnie l n l;utT it !r- :i i iiiio4 or le..,;2 Ml t'i"ti'li ll!,-ei ni'lil illMTtioii ... .'It . .i.t -.! - ."i 1 it I yr (i no ri ll. it .. per illl'. "III1 liil.C 11 I II. I ' lull '.' . lit vt li 'i'tr 1" Y ' I Ke Miiir. mil' Iiii'' I'n iimii"i'l I"' , -illy ..! Hl':iii. it u- I-.. lull II ll'H Oil T; Oik-. Hi'"'- 1(11 I I "ill );' 1'iUf, I V ,,1 V -.' I Ii i- t.iiiii' 1 T"t ,I.. I. .ti-. ovi- le i i-l ioi it 1 i0 t'J "run siMll'iintt-. i-X- i't t f- ii. it i" - .r 4'Olf 3 1. It -, it ill i l.f Cull I'lMe f.l . fi.Hl hi,'! fr LlaU'ltlli.S. I' ! .1 tirtlrt- --it pi-r ili'l.. i ik.'i'i '.'-i 'if lts 1 'in i , ' l"l,' ll slll'i-l -' "i if '- ' ' ! III. e"l ."i in .. t "t!l I 1 -Wh.lli'-'.i i't ' HI- Oil i i vitcn wi Hout.'i' ' ,. ut , ii'iimir :lU'. E'.ic todgp, ATM "llted ii4..liiii4 r,t I.n.lifA trill hi I ai ill ,tii I,.-1: tm Hi'i Kt vi'inl mi l luui'ili ..VSUfty l V'U'll III-MM II. J. Ii. w Ml l M ) u I'm Sec y. Temple of Hia-r nd Teaiperartce. F.lkion Teinp'e. Nil i in -ei on Thnr- v ut meli week, ni tit1' tin'i'l 'lYniiilnrs Lodge room, over (J. V. Cii unc. I. .v Al'i-.. A. R. AQSSTi FJR TK2 The fotlnwing tin met persons arc nuilinr icid agent tor rite Adrovait lo receive Kiibrrifi tttns, advertising or Job work, take jy therno and give recti pit. t WileovL-A. T. Ai.iimeii, J. L. Bbowm, Kmi? lim. Timsivs. L. Kask. Si.Msi.vh. Cuts. McVkas. 4.MK (JllliKM. Rloiloitiaw 1. A. Vi'kkii. 15eiiitf?eile. Ervrmis MohkT. hpi-iii 'rok. A. V. Iavm. lii,'llill'l.-l,HVI Kl.l.OTIIOBCK. Illltllill. D. O.Oybtbii, X. M.Dkockway. New oik.V-S. M. l'KtTiesniLb t Co.. tj I'urlj Uttw.l (jto. I'. ILowi.tu Co., 40 -141 I'm ' UoWL 1- aotihtg Directed. t ouni v oFi'i:i:i!.s. PfP-iiJi'iit Ju.l-t I,. It. Welitmr. Atl.l'i 'iu.l Ltitv Jmle lion. Jliu. P. Vini'eiii . A-ii'i iitte iluJei U. C. Soliulue, Jes-to J;-!i'ift A,4ophcv .1. K. V. Ii Ail. Si-ei-iif Jm:i.l. It!:.iitt'. I't'itliiiiiolbrt' .ft; , . l-tvi. Pclioftiiug. Ti-'ii-.m,'!' I'l.iuJiil' V. fitllt. "Co. Atipetiiiieii'It'iit ilnlt'.s l.iittuve. ('iiiH'utvKiiniei'ti I). Warner, Jus. W lajiitr. I.eitin V'tlliuf. Aii'liiot'tt I'l.itk IVilT-iji. George 1' Ue.-fu rt'i-, mi. I .1 x .iu . iliie'.i't. 'iialy Sui vevui tiiio t t!iiitey. J.ittv l,iiiiiiitit.i.iitt-ii. ijeorti Itick ioAOti, unt lliiiii'M' I. title. TIM !; OK IIOMHA'O t'lK'UT. i'fnn 1 M.iti'l-iy in .luiitnity. List M'lit'l iv in A; r I r tr-ti ..i'liiitiiy in .iiijjiti. 'list M iiiiliv in N iv -ni'ier S.e c-d of Dm. i5.jr'i k St. Clai: n atjiitUcr column. the .flood this week curriol off conisi '. (jti:ir t i in bur uud stiw lii. V.. II. JlalotT is to be lunged on tl e d. it .March. r.iKsn I't.-H J. II. V.'i!liur n-i'eive ic4h lii-tli frn:n tbe Uti' on Mo "Im an 1 Tliursd iy ol euch week, which In m'IIs rcaHoiia'iio. Tim pike we jrot o! Ii i ii on 'T;iur.i lay w-i-i nice. C ill on lii'.i at llol'.-s' Xcw JfWflry Store. N'ti'toK T 1 1 j;i"i will he helt- in the several ttiwushijifi of Elk couuij. as IoVk : Spring the Jiouse of Thomas livin, .laouiiy 3 l;t. 1371. i Millstone, ut the house of U'm. Clide February 1st. i Huriiiu, at i lie house of D. C. Ovster. Fehru.iry .'3d. Fiix, itt the house of Julia Collins February 7h. . . . e t O 1 ' uJ(ii mi! uuurir in .-i. i.'ji.ii6i, , February 8th. Bcni'Ect, at the Louse ol John Ilau BCom, Febfiiary fl'li. St. Marys, ut the house of Joseph, February l-lt!i. Beiiziiij:ee, at l tin house of Joseph Wiudfeldir, February I jih. Joues, ut the house of Martin Row ers, February lfith. llighl til l, at ihe house of Charles Stubbs, Fuby I7t!. Uidgway, ut the commissioner's oSce, .1 reuruaiv For unseated lands, at the commiss ioner's office, February 224. At which time and persons feeling themselves aggrieved by the assessment of 1871 cuu attend if they fck'e proper. A Sad Accidisnt On Thurslay evening last about five o'c'oek the cit izens of Jackson vi'.le this county, weie aroused from thoir slumbers by loud report and the cry ol" fire. It was goon asertained that the cause of the alarm was the explosioa uf the water boiler of tie kitclu o oi the Orphan school of that place. A little girl who huppeued to be there at the time was badly scalded, setting her clothing on fire and spatter ing the firo all over the room setting the buildmsYolaze, also badly scalding another young girl, a niece of Mr. Kline. The child is in"a very critical condition Mrs Klioe'rjuickly wrapped the little t-ufferer in a blanket, thereby smother ing the fire on ber clotbios, nd tboa with great presence of niind turued the water into the rang and throwing it on the fire, thussuvlng tho house. Medical assistance was promptly ren dered by Dr. L. M. llolloway but proved iii oo avail for tho litllo Orphan, Clara Delists, was so much prostrate ' tint she expired on the following Friday evening while in a comatose comlition. The L'r., has good hopes of the other girls recovery. Iiullefoiito Republican. 7h3 Oflclrs of tho Lcgishturo. The lull list of clUcers ot the two Houses of the Ftute Lcgifluturo in a; lollows : RENATB Speaker. Wiliiaiu A. Wallnee. Chic! Clerk, Jacob Zt'ilor Asiftinitu, Tiiu- othv A. ' loan mid in r urev. Triiu- :t ... . ni. j.. I . .: .- it.t.: . tl. t-cuiisci iiiniu vicikc, isuiurt iit-tii, ti ll. Keiscr, Williu.n Bayard, Wiliiaiu Merrick. Sergcunt-ut-Arins, John 1. Coulihun Acsistauis, J- 11. Diiulmr and J. A. Diineun. 1'oMtruasitr, J. II. Jicale. Uoorkeepcr, Morducui Millurd. Anuiittuuts. Frank l.eibe. Jthn Ilcitrick. Miifflcniier, Joho Leel'e. AtiitttiitH, Jacob l uul and Herman Kretz. Su periu'endciit ot Foldiiifj ltoom, Joseph t-ianard. 1'usteMund Folders, Frances Ferrin. William Alriea, Alexander I) ib biiiK, Fred Wiiuicr, James 13urns, Ueo. Yinkiugcr. nocsE. SpeaLcr, Jameti II. Webb, of Brad ford. Chief Cleik ; Jumen L Seihiil','e o! N'tiitliamptoQ. Traiifciibinj; Clerkn; T. Uarl'm, of Chester ; G. llaiey. nl Luzerne ; T. Mioorehead, of Krie ; 11 Fberly, of Lancaster ; J. Bodinc, &t Ti oj;a ; Charles iuiiiiueiGeld, vi' I'hihi delph'm. 8erant-at-aruis Wm. J. Ovans, of l'hiladelphia. Assistants -J. G. Hiiitifey, ol Alleghany; M.M. Mutt, of u.'fjuehuunn ; I.-ahih Shriver, ol I'hi'udilphia. l)itorkeepcr E. J. Ad auiun and James liouutiakcr, of Alc- ulianyjj. 0. Audcrson, of Iinliuna. I Messeiier J. 0. Flanigan, of Veuan go. Assitilants S. J lviiuftiiinn, of l.!jcater; D. iS. F.liott, of Bedford ; James B. Carpenter of, Ptuphin. Doorkeeper of llutoiida A. B. Wolf, of V.'a-.liiii-.ioii. l'o. ttn ister A B Mc Cartney, of Mercer. A'sistunt II. A. Ot c!iryn,iif Waliinj;ti & Superintendent ol Folding hepaitmeut James Reins, id Fliilutlelj hia. Aistaiit Wallace, of BiadlorJ. Folders W II II Waen, nf Lawrenee; Fdward Duuh crty, ol I'liilatli l hia; C. V. Fainter, ol I'liil.tdilphia; '.V. W. !c(Jraw, of Biair; U.K. Tot'oiicr, ol Bucks; C. B. iic DuunIiI of, Cliei-ter ; A. Marshnil, ol Oiv. ford; M. Lauj-heriy, of Iuuiauna ; llc-ti'V Sltiik, of l.t imiiiiii. "lAl'TtON. AH persoim sre cuutionetl Vy ni it n-e I hiyiite or iiHvMliujr wiili a t ula il iinix'. t"i in cImi jio of J. & I), (.nile) .t tie h 'In U nun finy nuu I tie oilier ijiiiv, its Uiu li'loiij Itt mi" Ii. CARMAN". Iii lt ty, L'tc 21st, 1S70. D,,u IdHI. VM) k St. f LAIR, m a t.ik. !., Oie special alten- tn ('to nine liim. antl ili'ise pecu- llHI' III II III I'll Ull'i tiiil'Iit-n. lit-. I ui iiiii l, iliiiginiieii iliee!i by an ex .iini .nitiiii m lite ut inf. anil by this Olii MfA'i iota suooe fully lreate.1 tituustiiiin ol ciiwiiuuui eeiU) ibeui. .. C-LD! L.ULD! CLD HA UN ESS ! 11 A UN ESii! II AllN KSS1 COLL A US 1 COLLAUi".! COLLA11S! .5 it Im ieoKJ their I ii it ne-s i,uti utur 1'owell Jt knlio'a sjlore t.e mi innel Hit Ptrgesl asaoiiui jui oi ji, 3U.h .ir lufibciiitrf ntl pit:suie iur pultun, iu I iii a or iiiljniiiiiig counties, ami ml other ui ticks bvtougiu to the iriiue. TUUNKS, SADDLES, VALISES, lilt a, Bi..NKETS, COL LA US Ac V'oitlu invite tlie klleulioa of all owDen hordes In lity ue patent elastic cork horse COLLAR, which proves to bo the be.-t Collar iu t'fcisiesre tor iliew) nasjns: Being very Elattie Itiey do not chaie or gall the cut It tu:iiiyf a tiim-couuuctor, they pi event injuiy from heat. ('all and see tin in. All wotk warranted Repariug, Touting and Upholstering dooe'wiihe oeatuesg aud dispatch. HEARD Jt POWELL. n20 ti The iiKiHt 'rmi'l-l Uwalnem Atronliiig facilities for acquireing I ilioroiih nmclicftl business education dby no other School in the country Binoe iis incorporation in 1855, nearly SixteenThoussnd Students, representatives fenm pvrv State in the Union, have atlondfcd here. No vacations. Students enter at any time, and receive private instructions ihriiiiirhnut the entire course. N. 1J. Ciroulnrs with full particulars and all necessary information, oa addressing 8MITU COWLEY, principals fa- ?) .. POWELL & KIME. QUODS FOUTUK MILLION. p OWELL & KIME At tboir capacious stoe in RIDGWAY Have od hand, a splendid assortment ot all seasonable Goods adapted to t'.io wants 01 too people of Elk and adjoining counties, which they are selling ut prices that dely competition. They would simplyslate here, that being very lute dealers, their facilities lor purchasing are uuequalled by any (fctalilislimcnt in thu county. They buy directly from manufacturer and on the G run ekI Floor. Another advantage. You can al ways get what you want at their store, httico you will save time by goin directly to them aud TIME IS MONEY. We have no space hero to enumerate all the advantages you will have iu patronizing their establishment- But cull and see, and reap the ud vautajres lor yourselves. Among their Goods you will fiad DRY GC0D3 in endless varieties, GltOCEBlES choice and fresh CLOTHING of best material su- perior cUv and finish, BOOTS & SHOES of the best stoci aDd make, CHOCKEPiY for newly mar- vied, Middle aged aud elderly. DRIED FRUIT, BUTTER, EGGS, PORK, KAM3, LARD, FLOUR CORN MEAL. AND EVERYTHING ELSE. Nearly all liodi ot country pro duce taken at the market ralu. rial Beccomonded and Endorsed by cvar Savea Handroi Conors I PH. LAWRENCE'S COMfOL'NI Kl.tllt tXTHACr f.-F KO SKOO ! THE tl it KT H EA LTH RESTC RER ! Not a Secret Quaek Medieine Formula Around the Bottle. rilKI'ARF.D 80I.KLY BY Dr. J. J. Lawrikcb, Original Chcmiet v KOSSOO ST HIKES AT THE RO.JT OF DISEASE BY PURIFYING THE BLCOD UE6X0Il.N0 TUB MVKR AND KIDNEYS TO A HEALTH V ACTION, AND IN Till!. NEIl VtiL'S SYSTEM. This is the Secret of its Wonlerful Success iu Cut iug Cou.-uniption iu iis early stages, Serof. ula. Syphilis, Dyspepria, Liver Complaint, chrome Bheu-Mati.-:u Neuralgia, Ner vous AHcotiou, Eru;itious ol the Skin, Humors, Loss ol Vigor, Discuses ol Uid tiey uud Bladder. AND ALL . DISEASES CAUSED BY A BAD STATE OF THE BLOUD. It thoroughly eradicates every kind of Humour uud Dad Taint, and restores the entire system to lieuithy souditiou It is bepond'questiun the FINES!1 TONIC IN TilE WUilLD. Thousands have been changed by the use ol this Medicine iroiii weak, sickly, tn tiering creatures, to stioiig, healthy, uud happy men uud womeu. Invalids eauuot l.eilatc to give it trial. No Medicine has obtained such a great this, justly celeburted couuiouud. FOH TESTIMONIALS From Pliysieians, Ktii'neiit Divines, Editurs, Dtti'zgisis, Meieliatifs, Jve., see KOSKOO ALMANAC J,.r this year. riilCE ONE DOLLAR PER COTTLE FOR SALE BY 7iC Vrlurtpnl L'm ijicU in thr i'mtid .v7iicw inn llriti'fi Amrrlra. Dit. Lawhkm-i.'s Woman'h Fiiikmi Cures all Diseases pt cuI'imi' to Femuies. PETE USON rt M AGAZINE JCJ"TIIE CHK.M'hsT AMI BEST. 5? a ..v) e::eir, v.cVv.;.l lit i.zx cur si:j."i 'it ' "WAlIINGTn Af 1 HE PATTLEOF T 1. IN; ON." While 10 those e-tlinj' tip Clubs of eight, nt Sl,.riO e.icli Nil exirn copy of Maiinzinu r lbil, 111 inliliiioii kill be sent. tree. PEl ESON S MA5 iZINE has llie b st Origtinil Sini-ies ol i.ny of th'f laily s books. the best roloreti ru-lnoil rimes, lite best Steel Kiii'iivi igs, e. Kveiy futiiily otiilhl I11 take 11. ,1. gireii III. ti e for I lie tiiimey :lmn any 111 the world. It will cnli- I11111. next', 111 Us Iweive uuuibui s One 'i llOUraltd pSgt s! Fourteen Splcmletl Steel Plates ! Twelve Colored Iteiliii I'uUeins! Twelve Maiiiuiuiii Colon ti Fa-hinus! Nine Hundred wool Cuts! Twi'iitv-foitr reigiHtof Music ! Il will uls.i (fie F te 4 i-ijs itnl l.'opvrig'it Noveleils ty .Mis. .11 1 S. Mephvun, I11111- dreii fcLoiU'i aloi tes, all original. Its su perb MAMMOTH COLfllU'D FASHION TLATES ureslteal ufxll others These plales ou steel iwiceihe usual size. T-"3 -.'.'.r'i.-j.Ia .'tu:j: ( i'i y, It.r t)ii jiaf $2 00 4 copies ti 00 - PREMIUMS. Everv person gelling up a Club of four. a' Sil.iiti eacii, tiu receive, jrrt, a copy 01 W.tlli n 'tint : auJ a copy vl the Magazine for IM.l! ! addiess. 0 AR9;.E.iS J- PETERSON. 30 t'i.ebtntil 1 eel, I'liilaJelpia, Pa. 4 t-l llSlMaM ksw voaa & rHiiAOt irntA raice critsrsT EVERY WE UN 8DAY ai per aniiuin. The Journal is the cheapest Commercial paper published. It gives the latest com mercial and nnitnoial reports and latest aews. business items suit articles of intsr est a'id vluetu the Marc lis t. Farmer and family.. Ii cue a full an I reliable price list, which every merchant shouli bive. subscription ageuls wauled. A liberal com' mission Did Address WATSON A CO., PuHishett, 16 8. XH 1 tt.rt PkHtuistftkie. THE ELK C J ADVOGAIE; TUE OLDEST TAPER IN THE COUNTY, HAVING THE LARGEST CIRCU LATION, IT IS THEREFORE THE ADV ERTIS1N0 MEDI, UM IN Tllli COUNTY Svotftt to the 3fntcvr.t4.i- of the aCeopIc of MU (Ccuutii. TE05:-52 00 P33 T3i2. 3RING ALONG YOUR ADVER TISEMENTS AND GETTIIEM INSERTED IN THE ADVOCATE, AT LOW RATES. If you want to sell anything, let the people know it through the Advocate the Krcat advertisiug medium. She gi!i aduccatc Job Printing Office In Court House, Ridgway, Pa. The best work done, and at the very lowest prices. Blanks kept constantly on ksaJ at this office. iland bills printed at the shortest notice. Call in and get our price for advertis- in" and jobbing. Satisfaction warrautcJ Orders by taail promptly attended tf Address J. C MJTllER, W- S. SIRV1CE 9110,000 CUaTOilUW WAN 1 ED. At the new Masonic Hall Buildinp t'TOYES at prices tkt will please of all desirable kinds. TIN-WARE of every kind on hand at alllmes, 1 8pecial attention given to Wholesale or ders. Price list furnished to dealers on application, SHEET-T1X AiVD CO ITER WARE House furnishing goods a great variety, STEAM AND WATER riPEING, PCMM, FISHING AND HUNTING TACKLE, such as RODS BAS KETS, SEINES, FLIES, HOOKS, CAPS, POWDER, &c. ijc ALLOilDEllS FOR GUN WORK Promptly uttcuded to, BIRD CAGLSA SICE VARIETY HOOFING, GUTTERS, SPOUTS. f Tin, Galvanized Iron and Copper an every kind of HOUSE AND J CD WORK done on short notice and warranted, AG"M;Y of Henry Disstons celebrated biiws. urucrs lor snws ni ntciory prices oliciled, also for repairing. Ititornmtion ind price list fu.nislied on application. PAPER RAG3, OLD RO?E, OLD . COPPER, CRASS, PEW TER, LEAD, IRON, CEESWAX, HEAVY HIDES, DEA'CON SKINS. 87EKP PELTS, GREEN BAC)C, NATIONAL 0 INK NOTE, U. d. BONDS ie. inken in fxvluufje. fur G-jwh or Work vln'JOt W S SEItVICF, iidwaj'. March 1st, 1-370 SPE01Z PAYMINT! JOLD OR GltEENlIACKS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOU 3 OR JOB WORK AT THE RID G WAY WAGON SHOP. Call aud examine my stock beforo buying a Lumber or Pleasure Wagon. I use the best selection of Michigan WHITE OAK AND HICKORY; I employ none but First Clusi Je haniv; I use nothing but the lest Refined Iron. I thiuk it will be to your interest to give me your order. Having twenty five lumber wagons in course oi costruction, I will be able to furnish any party by the first of April. All 01 dor j by mail, also any orders left with W. S. Servicb at the Tin Shop, will receive prompt attention. S. JACKSONifc WEAVER ti iSTtBMHBDIII 1830. WELCH & GRI'FiTHS' Caw3 ! Saw; I Saws ! SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS. Aits, Files, Cast Steel, Mill Furnish ing, and Machtuery. Jay-Get the lest, thej will prjve the cheap est. Prices reduced. . Send for price List and Circulars. WELCH & GRIFFITHS, Boston, tis3.,er SitrattXlcfc. to ins NERVOUS & DEBILITATED WHOSE Bt'FFEtlNG. HAVE BEEN TR TRACTED FROM HIDDEN CAUSES, AND WHOSE CA8E3 REQUIRE rilOJIPT TMl Cil TT1 EJT T TO RENDER EXISTENCE DE31RAB1.U, If you ore suffering or hare suf lered, from involuuiury discharges, Wimi 1 fleet does it induce upon you? jenerul health ? Do you feel weuk, !- bilituted, easily tired If Does u mt, txtru excrtiou produce palpation of lhlh heart? Does your liver, or urinary orgaus, or your kidneys, iri-'j it uti get out of order ? Is your ar'.uu roni imes thick, milky or fiocky. or in ic. ropy on settling J Or docs n tiiit-. skutn rise to the top? Or is 11 s.-iliiirettt;, ut the bottom after it ba9 stoo l uwhilr.' Do you have spells of short L-reathitu-or dyspepsia? Aro your Love's con stipated? Do you have spells of lummy, or rushes ot blood to the heat! I I your uipmory impaired ? Is your mil' 1 constantly dwelling on tin uijm? I'o you feel dull, listless, moping, tiled or' company, of lilo ? Do you vvidh to b alone, to get away from everybody? Does any little thing n.ake you'stait or jump ? Is your, sleep broken vt restless? Is tho lustre of your eye v.s brilliant? The bloom of your cheek as bright? Do you enjoy youritslf in so ciety as well ( Do you pursue your busiucss with the same energy ? Do yo 1 f sel as much couQdcncc 1 1 yottre!t Are your spirits dull am uiven to fits of melcncholy '. If .-., n.i not lay it to your liver ut Uisj"-isi . Have you restless nights ? four i.jik weuk, and have but little npji-ii u., -1 you attribute this to uy;.tiia or liver-euiorlaiut ? Now, reader, self-abusr-, renn' disease badly cured, and sexum eMw-c are all capable of producing s isakpe-t of the generative organs. The organs of the geueration, when in pcrtcr liea'tn, make tho man. Did you ever thin, that thoso bold, defiant, eucigi tie. pers.'verinjf business-men are altVaMt those whose generative organ-sire 1 . pcrliiot health ? You never he such men complain of being tm- ehoiy, of nervousness, of palpatati , ,-t 1 lie heart. They arc never afraid they i.'inno' succeed in business; they duu'i tecoiiio s.nt and discouraged ; they ato tlways' polite and pleasant in company of ladies, and look you and hem ngnr. in the f.ioo none of your d-jwuea-t 1 elks or any other loeaotiess uboue litem 1 do not mean thoso who keep . lie iiriirns infl 1 red by rutiniu to esces-. I'ltese will n d only ruin their const: tut ions, but ulso those t'aej aV buaTue' i"" rith or lor. How mttiey qjen. from b.tlly cured dis uses, from the ell'ects of self-abuse aul xcessej. h ive brought about tlnil stute of in ih. so m-ans I lint hit reilnee ls lio pfiicrul sysiniii so much 11s to iu ltice ilinost every niliar disen1 idiocy, p-r ilysis, spinal utt'oimom, Kitioid.t, nn I aim -. very iilltor I'tirni of iliseaso whioli hu nanny U heir lo-i- a. id tiio real cnuse if the trouble scarwly ever suspected, aul nivu doctored for all but the rigut one. DISEASE OF THESE ORGANS REQUIRE THE USE OF A " DIURETIC. ii LIBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU ISTHEOR-r DIUHETI, AND IS A CBHTATV CURL OR DISEASE OF TBI U LADDER KIDNEYS, GltAV.-i'., DROPSY, ORGANIC WEAK NESS, FEMALE C0MLAINT3, GENER AL DEBILITY. And all other diseM!3 of the Urinary O--guns, whether existing iu M orFuMii .. from whatever cuu'e originating, and b mutter how long standing. If n treatment is submitted to. sumption or insanity may ensue, tit' and flosh blood are supported from then sources, and the health and happiness, rtttt that or fosterity, aepends upon prom;ii use of a reliable remedy. II KM BOLD S EXTRACT BUCHU, esUbli shed upward of 19 years, prepared by tl. 1. HELMUOLD DRUGGIST, 591 BaoiDWAY, New Vhrk. ax 101 South 10th Street, Philde!pbi I'"- PRICE $1,26 per bottle, or 8 b'stiUf for$6,50, delivered to any address. Sold bt all DacnntsTs rvr.ETWBSSS. NONE ARE GENUINE UNLESS DONH UP i' sTtat. BsuaAvao wavpivttt. with; rc-siMiLia or my CUEMICAL WARaj. HOUSE, a aiaxao, . XL T-HELiUWlA
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers