V f I 1 lliMMb aa until adwcaie. ' w JANUARY C, 1871. on nr. l ,iK "iiii in I i 1 7l a vi Jatiuary tourtccu StaU ft wi I'tcct tocu.beis , vf tic Uuircd Stair? enate.: - i Smtcs have alrcm! tlfcted.ao thut thoro will lo twenty net fuetiibtrs in tlio Senate of the fori; ccond Ootiprcps. Of t lie fuurteo .tiotors to be elected, according to statement in the I'hiMolphin 1 re .ho only two about whoec election then reuis to to nnv certainty are Vilnon ! Massachusetts, and Thayer, of No tttatka. The election of'theso Rcnth men seems to bo conceded. In Ar Jianpas, Illinois, Kcnsae, Muinn, Michi gan, nnd other States, there if. corsidcr i'.)lo of a contest. The legislatures ol U the States above named art Repub lican, and the only difficulty is as to the f.buieo of the man The llemocrats in he Senate will reeeivo an accession to i:eir racks of six Senators. If Missouri undg a Democrat, a? it is expected the will, in place of Drake, the Dcnioerals will have seven out of the twenty new ikcatorg. TriE New York Evening Post, which thoit time siuce advocated the collec tion of the Alabama claims from Great liritain bj the individual claimants, aow thinks the President's plan the beBt way It says: "The excellent suggestion ol be President in his mcseaeo that Congress thould authorize a Ecrutiny of ho claims known aa the Alabama r.laims, and the payment by our povern w.ont of those which a eouimissiou ehould allow, ia, we understand, to be adopted. Wo bear that a bill is ready to be introduced into Congres when it re-awcmblcs which, will authorize commission to examine tho claims and decree their payment by the treasury. "When the losses of private individuals tire thus muds fcood, we need not be urgent with Great Britain to (settle them with our povcrnrucnt. Wo have only to wait. Tho British government finds j tot position constantly more embarrassing and will before lonj: thanklully offer auy torms which we may justly demand." St'BAT'f Auai.V. It seems that .. j ,i .. .,.(..,.:.. fll ere Were :liul iui to allow Surratt to. lecture here luM tight, as it evidently was the dctortui- z?tou .of a nundjrr of parties both Detu- 117. ES::C1 ;rat and rcpublica7Is,lrcrea(e a Vlu urbanee. It seems that after he kc tnrcd here, Surratt intended to make u gouth'ra trtf 'Jllt 1'' 'ate troubliM hav-lirsuatt-d hiui Irotn it and bis friends riave advised him that such a courts would cspoc him to pcrsoual danger pupation which Surratt has never vet failed to heed. In connection with Surratt, it mi-ht bo as well to state that the afscision iu these di-putohes th:,t Surratt was promised by Jud;e advo eatc Holt that if be gave himself up bis mother should be released, was made upon one of the counsel employed t.y the government in the case. IV Mfingo Citixcv. lid Senatcr Sprague Trade with tho Betels? Charges have been made that during rte war Senator Sprague of Rhode Island was outraged in contraband trade with the rebels in Texas; that he tent te ibcm amis and ammunition, at.d got cotton back in return. Great proaiirt- nrn has recently been given to these accusations by the publication of a re port made to the Secretary of War in June, lSCi, by Gen. Holt, Judge Ad vocate General of tho Army. This .report was founded upon papers which appear to have teen sent up to the War Department by Gen. Pix, who theo had bis headquarters in this city. Of course the Judge Advocate General could only express an opinion upon the evidence given in these papers, and accordingly be suggested a trial by a military court Lucb, however, was not the opiuion of Mr. Stanton, the Secretary of War, to hos knowledge other facts bad prob ably been brought convineing him that senator Spraguo was entirely innocent, and that it would be a great wrong to bring any publio accusation of the sort against hiui. This opinion was also subsequently adopted by Gen. Dix, who has written a '.etter, which hue been published, iu which th Senator is I completely esoueratea irorn an imputa tions in connection with this subject. No doubt this is the correct view of iho matter. It is preposterous to sup pose that a man who exhibited in the field ao uiucb bravery, and in tho coun cils of the natioi so much steady patri otism as Senator Sprague, and who by Jiis circumstances was above all the temptations of avarice, could kave lent limaclf to such treason as these accus- . t'mni alleee ocainst bira.. There is no doubt tbat Mr. Sprague b cnttrely in recent of trading with the rebels.- JV. 1'EH.sLV Fi ANUK Hf-WAlll l.I). At H recint Suntltiy-K-hool cut'cort in tin KnM'.ero city, au rnecdotc was related to ho chiliiiu, which is too gno'i tj he "St. It illustrates the benefit of persc 'rencc in jis firing manner as evrr lidaBiui.e. One of the corpmatioiis f the city being in want of a boy in licir mill, a pit to of pper was t:ickel n one of the posts, in a prominent laot o that thr boys could see it as they put-sod. Tho paper read : "Boy wanted rail at the tffioo to morrow 'morning." At tho t'me indicated, a host of bovs were at tho gate. All were admi'.tcd. hut tho overseer was a liulo perplexed as to tho be.-t way of choosing one from so uinny, and said he : 'jo.s, I only waM one nnd here (in a great ninny ; how t-tief 1 I ehoo.se ?" After thinking a moment, lie inv'ted thotu uil into tho yard, and driving a ti;iil inio 'iitc .f the huge ticts, ai d ta king a short sliek, told them that the boy who could hit the nail with a s'ivk standing a little di.-tancf from the tree thou id have the place. The bojs nil tiiid hard, nnd alur threo trials each, signally failed to hit tho nail. This boys were told to come ag.iin next njon.i'ig, and this time, when 'the gate was opened, there w;n but one boy, j Wlio, alter being admitted, picked tip the stick, and throwing it at tho nail, hit it every time. "How is this?" Raid tho overse-ji. "What have you been doiti ?" And the boy locking up wi'.h teats in his eyes, said : "You 83e sir, I have a poor old mother, and I am a poor boy. I have no father, sir, and I thought I tdiould like to get tho place, an 1 so help her' till I can ; nod uftf r going home yester day, I drove a nail into the Lam, and h.ive been trying to hit it tv:r since,and I have come down this tnorniug to try again." The boy was admitted to tho place. Many years have pa.-sed since then, and ibis I oy is now a prosperous and wealthy man, and at the lime of the accident at I'f uihcrton Mills ho was the first to step forward with a gift of one thousand dollars to telieve the Ftifferors. His suc cess came by perseverance Exchange, An Evil Example. V.'c are sure hat there is no greater folly than to defy public tentiment when it is con- socretcd by irlipous usage and sane- t:on--d by God himself. Although the majority of our people nra not over niae i i observing the Sabbath, they yet bc- 1 eve, that the day of rest should not be secular-zed by such cniertainmcuts as hemic tu the week day roittina. The need of this break in the work of the world, that body and mind and heart miy bo refreshd by reflection upon high er theniPB than those which ordinarily absorbed them, is recognized even by those who put o very liberal eonstructc tion npnn tho fourth conimaedraant. To act in defiance of this sentiment, 89 a pertain popular lectnror has done, is to violate the law of good sense ; let us say nothing of the plainer violation of a higher lnw. We are tha more sorry to see this disresard of propriet y in a wo man who is trying to ct an example of self-help to her sisters. Would that she would set, also, an example of at least outward reveranco for ono of tho main- "l"',,l'W""!'""'"' w.iys i our ways, yet inasmuch as be has ftiniiiatided us to betre of Vain repetitions, we tuy well shun such tio ieitainty and reiteration, both in prayer and social intercourse, as might cause onr Bcrjuniiijanees tosaj, cotnpluiuingly, "lie treats his friends just as ho treats the L.rd." KAILKOADS rir.XAD V.i. A 6v IT.1E t&'lHUD. wi.Nir.;t timi: ta::i.e. Xntid after Mt)V) W. Dti '.. r,',. I'.Tt:. tlie tmiiis on II. l':',i J i.j tuu a. I'xili'ouil ill i nn .is I .llu,-, : J ill Truiri li: s 'hi . tt 40 t- n, 0 ! ' " Un " " ai i - v ' h' I Uric- HtpluiiVL-a J'i.l1 , I I. '. " " ll-l I- AviMnn.tlui H.ii, it.--. I nr. !;..- ii t : i ,!.'. V I i - r, ,.. i .i . tu'.l Train lf-nvc-i I " " V. I :.... ' " an ivr i i h,i ( i a Kiie Express lw l-'.i-.... " " !'i L ji.i ; " " nrn p 1 i-i ! , A i vi tr.Kilui'Ui . 1- i - i i. -. ' I .A. i. - ! . ' l-i. V. . ' I ii ii o- u' ! .,, . .. ii .i ( i- -i, I il-'l ' ;i" t'..;r I.. .1-, I l I-' - I. II it ii i'ii. Ii.i ( ,c. ll ui J A l.iVtr Kit I, 1 1 I. Al '!.') a. .; on i.. ii '. i ii .lo I .' 1- lit I . 1 I- 'III ! II Ill ll V I Fl . L'iltllV -I - A. Jt U.l'V. V. Ui n'l tjuji'i. A LLF.G 11 F.N V V A I.U-. Y 11 11. cnr.YT Tiin.iroit r. orris ra m suf, OIL. BFCIONS TO riTTSIU'CGn! rat MU1ST If THE tVEST. S'-El nvi CAl'.i OV nil ri.jlit ti.vns. rui-rTurcrs nml lv j - ic" tr ii.s'ii-rcil lit l:i Oil Ciiy, V: i. nf I I. ! 1 1 iii:.s iiuii. i ili; e .nrtiH' iin wth nil i .. in- i-i mi i hi v l i. it v, iu a le-ivo as BUSINESS CAULS. KfcMiY i-OllllLit, Aauiio.f nl. Uw Jiiitgwuy, J'u. llLti-'J uh), (1 'A. U- rilt CS, AiUrn -j n' Uw J Ai.t, & una. Attorn ( ,vp nt - a w sr. m,:;y h, POWELL & KIMJJ. QOUDJ LfOli 'J11K MILLION. POWELL & KIME. Ts r-.i-:, . t'X'i- ii .I i-1 r -i (in r- ! r, m. ft i.i-i ii i 1 1.) ;n II ll ll-il- ,iru I t-l ii'l " III' At their cs paoioua atora ia r -1 ( i li f 1., I Ilm'iiv I'm. 1'fiijirit J nt i-o i I lie qivi n in ii'.i n'ls. ';!. i'- . "it'i y A . M-: I2i.i l . Al. ; aaJ .1 7 r. m. Win. 'n. i", !.- A 1 '.Pllt--:t n l'i.!M, i.f v im .1 I n . mi' tin i.'i S ln - I'm I v 1: in ,i I. rt. mi . I . ',1 e In 'r l,'J I. -1 i , -r . I it in )'!'. Kt v v'b. H..-1 i. I'. i ; f ne. j t-i uil cul I t i.i il.-; Hv.l- ll.-ii.--. D n v. ii. i til i u. i:oi am(j l'lir-:' i: i ll fiCO a:i 1 oT.e e;- I AN. tic 'lii;-?r 1 lK !llfSl" 1;uk:wt. Ki.k fn.. 1'a. W. ll. SCIiUA.M, ! r..i. : 1 Ii. ii:!;.'.. I f.r lln- p.nriiniffo !..-1 -5 re i . liNnm I ii 'i!i linn, ili-- n.-- i :. Ii-i i . ly 1'iiyini' yini-i u r, i-i j-.iiitii.ri mil i-iiiiri iii,'i.. f i -. 1 1) llil.K 11 Clll.l..ill.-lUCe dl ti!4 T for at io : :o n m P in I'.l-- V. r-l l"4-1 I'Tros ( ... i-. vc ill I.; iHl.nr1 Ni?! i ! 'I '-- l- iw s o:i City 6 HO . m 1 1 i-.v. u -- I'i i-:-ii- tli i Vt ii m l.i'i.iuiii"' A.'c'n. 1. .if". Kii'l'tiin tl 10 f. in " nirivc K ilHiiniii fl I'll (- mi Vi ..l t -IV l.-,,M 1 Ol", I i 7 O'l II III ' -ii-.ii ci ! i in .film-: ii n 7 (" p in I in- I-- i-i i-- li mi s I'i i-iiiiat 7 I'.'i rn V' vi-i-iii ci! ( i v nt 1 r.' p in ' ij' I I) s n-1 ' nvcs l'itisturg i Oil j. m i ni ii I i'v (i ( O n m l'n'I-.i.:- Ai c'n '"iims K't :'.ii n 7 -0 u o- An i'-.' in In-1 nt t' :" -"i n in i il v.,( i ..,vci w ,st l'a. J ..no 7 (-0 it in .'. -1 i - ii' t 1 t'.tv nt C t1'! r in 1 l -ji l-:l. i: 1.5 1 y Iii!-- V.i 1 1 f lil f li.l l, ;-i- Ii. i- -l.:i l-i'iili- 1 linl ll.rll' i '-.'i-i-1 mi- tli-. ii I v in v i..( ii rouil iii. iii ilio t ':1 llr; ;'-'iJ I " I'll '-I'". ... .1. I. - i:i.Nt:i . Ui-n. Sr. ft. Stays of Chritianiy (iil. v'l- l'l lit I, AM 1 iM. U j..-rf.is i;... Hun. 1 . D. Ut.'iM.nr. VivinUiit i .; . Linl ii. in. i-:. r. s-i.ii',..- .u -i -K-.-o I . I.-1 A i-hI i . .1 ll.-. t:.iii.l. i-t' l.' ii.-1 i-i- !m".m.. O. i I:h-' '.mi i r. lyt ui.il 'I ci miti.'i -. ini'l ('-ni :t .t-i.l I V .i;i. !! Ill 11 llll ")!'.' ill. I.'i "Till u'V I 1 '.',- S - i : in. ( i .-ii. i v i.f h ;!.. 1; ;.! . j c i . ; i.i mi iii' i l'li-i. Ii;l in i-l I liil. ill-!. i'ii'I ll'i-n.riM'i-ni : ii I I. ..I. I u al. Ili '-ii' in iim 1 f. r H i- l" ni.'y '.-f I k. i-n lli- So "i.i Miii.hiy ni .l-.hii.ii. l:"7l. il -i;: ll.-'.'.ii .i v nt tin: nii'ii ;li. liu ' !-i r.-iit . it .11 !!. tr'i. Noii.o luMi.t:.,- n vi n lo Mm li"nir, .illi.ic-- llf till I l ..'t, lltl'l Cilll-'-ll'V-. of t'.l Cii i ! , t1 .-I.' 'I'-y nr.- bv Ou-it ;i lnit e-iiii iii.'.ii'.. Ili t. . I. i'ii n il tin', in I In-1 1 1 rr p. : -i H J. ill 1 1 ii o 'i-l el . A M. of i"iiit ''iT. v i'ii ilieir ro 11. i-.-i.n ami inriiiisiiii.ii. ai I r-' Ii e r v . tit intu i-fi-. I " (. iliiJ-t 1 1 ii 's t i.u u 1 : t 1 1- i It.j-h n;jir-I-nii I" I-.- driir. iivd li.t a-i .'n.r.u' r! -,iii I'mtii' v . ni t' i oi ui im oi itii r jc'.j'ii-iH-iit i hi : "I i-to bi-lnre Hirni i- i I 11 1 i; uf ll.t" t'im-1. n j rr .At-' i. .'.. "i- t.f .Mit-t-ii 4i',. '.."'. i i . - it -1 i II H t'l 'ill I ' " l . -l -10 I lie i Si'IiS' 1 I'i ill HI M" Isl'li'i I .' I 'I I'll- .li.ll til ll..' i ,..iiiy of I'I.. mi I io t e 1 1.-ii iiiid H.ii.'i ji.i-s. fll U UjAlIl-' i 'it- Ml fi - t- t it 1 1 ll.' I'l-I .1 ii'mt Met At. LL1, ; ln'.$. Ridgwaj, lure. 15. IS'u UAVKll UotSti. niOilWAV. PA. Vi vid Tri wr.i:. rniiiMi.i..r. The iini'iTi-ifiii-d liav ti: tiiu-il up a lurge ai I ..i. ni- "titui"! li.,KI f.'.iitl, xTi"-. eni ut..'L 'ijfiii i nnd ! ll siiccis, wii li pi .. I Hill COIll-'1!!!'!!! l llllti'ltf ntlililllO'i. I t'SJ'Vt I'l'.ly ?tlii ii i l.r p-iii-iiniiTe nf li.a ntil f: iinil-iiii I ilie jMl lie d-ii' rlly. ttiieKi iii lj UA IU 1 11 U hit. I7IIANK1.1N HOUSE, ' C-l. itt-UVH. V.. l.-VKUKY v .M.U.oMC, l'a.ipn's. I'lic pr'U'riclur.-lei-p'.cuullv null Hid inten tion o'. liii'ir fi.tinw uii'l I In: public in oni..r.-il lo ilie.r !ar;c wn.l c.'.ii:ih- iimn ii.'ii'l. En-rji N.iimiou pnid to iiiu unic tiicaco ol gne.-'is. 11. tARGKY. initio ISCi 1 .1. A. m.U.i.iJiR. Ot.0UtS HuU;t, K 3, FA. II. S. riv.NAr, I'bi ruifcioa . K DG WAY Have os hir.J, s spU a lid atortjf:nt of all Kik and sraotrt'iis G.'tii adapted to t!ie wanti ti I HO r i'i'piB nt adj liaiog counties, which thry aru M-liiD-; at j-r:crs that duly coiiiiitioD. They vouM sluiplystato here, that being j Vtry lui-e dealers, their fueiliiics for p arc luting arc uorqualled by any establishment io the county. Tlir'V tuy directly from tuuuufucturars and iii tha Ground Floor. JlccccrruTided and Ea3orcei eve? ' Ccvea Evmdrod Doctors 1 K 7 uot's;.. Ck.S'Tn LVILIE, El.K Cj., I'i. .Tt'tIS' Coi-UNi, Pn printer. DK, LAWllENCE'3 C'lilirOVNl) ILUII) EXTRACT KOSKOO THE OHET HEALTH RESTORER I Nott Secret Qnnk MeJicine FormoU ArjuoJ the Duttle. ri'KTARED sOULT BT Dr. J. J. LawukncE, Original Cbcmic. KOSKOO snur:i.s at tub kojt of disease PURIFYING THE BLOOD UfcSl-iir.su LIVEB AND K1DNETS TO A 11 TALI II T ACTION, AND IN VIOORATI.NG in, NEE- vnus 6rerE.u. TLU is the Si-crct of its Wonderful Sueiess in Curtug C 'usnnijitinn iu irs early stages, Scrof ui.i. Sy liilist, Dyspeiisia, Liver C"0i'laiut, el.ri.ijio lUicu-la-'tfiii Ncurjljtin, Jer vi'us Alleotiim, ltuptioDs of Hie kiu, Humors, Loss t-l Vijiur, Lliseases of Klii in'y and liludder. AND ALL DISEASES OAUf BD RY A li.Vl) STATE OK THE ULOOD.. It th "rnuijhly cniJic4tes every kind of 1 1 ii'iiuur uiiu lJad Taint, and rcstorec. cho rume synieiu to hiaithy loodiiinn It in brpotnl (jui'stiou tho FINES! TONIC IN THE WOULD. ThonatuU have beeu changed by the uso id litis Medicitie from weak, sickly MiSdin treat urea, to btrorg, heallhj . aud happy men and wuuiett. Invalids CJimot heiUato to tive it a CUABLB) A. DXA. iiUlof. A K.twapaperot tie Proncnt Ttm Inr'.ndir.c Fitrtnt'1. IterhknlAi. UcrcluaU. PrtJ totilontl Men, Wuiltsm, Tninlcrm, o1 1 Hin- nr ot tlonfct Palki, jj lliYYltj, 60m, m ! Drnjlittin uf oil tucli. ONLY ONZ D01jT.AH A VEAIt I I ONS UCNDRED COPIES FOR tM. I Or l4 than OM Cent a Conr. Let th?rt b r. 9S C;US a: orjrjr Pott Offlo. SETII.1VEEK.liY SCN, A TEA 11, of tho 'inm alto nl couernl e'mmeter m THE WEEKI.r, b'.it wi'li n crcnTl-v.v.-lety r ;:ilio! .icoiu a line, a id t-raijlilns tU3 n- 1 itmnMcilhtitwita f. o.ti .-r f rcsliaaw. liMaux lleoiuw twii-o a wauklasioaj of JDv'aooir. THE SAlliT 8t:X, f 3 A YT.Mt. A preCmlaonllr Mitt h'o n-..-ii).i.er. -r -,ta tn tt-kre. circiiiiv.ln'i 111 ih w,,...i Kr-tfi. mil. KTlcnt. atiil tunr)?- In 1.0. Hic. A l r:ii nrw frt'ii fv-rrWiMTu. i..ctn;ii cop 1 lijr ioiw 30 cauu & uijutli, nr 90 u )t-r. TERMS T) CLUE 3. THE TSOLLAIt WEEKLY bCW. ' FlTecsplM.oiirow.tooaraifir nnitrrH. rnr illsra Ti-n ropte, cue Tar, neniratmv a-Mroftca (toit an cxira coiiy tothtnlicr up 01 -Inn 1 LiaUi rtollarav fwniiry ennlM, onn Tr. pnri.plr niilit fd (ad an extra e-ji.y w ie unttnr up nr oiiin), Kittec-a Il.it iurs. f"!rr copl". no tw, tnona a idi"t imul ta Bemi-tt celt.y uuat- ir 1 -.--i-i r p .feVih), Thtrif-throt) Ovlinrs. fifty rop'M, nrre TPitr, ftpnrniiv n vlroprct (aiil tau Stuil-wekl) oiieyt-iti tnL'eitfr n.- n .:u, Thirn-nvo UailatiN ne TmnnYRil etl"t, onit reir. tt rni ait lrn.- inn 1 tliu lyully for tit yc.;r iu ;(-'ti-,- n- ot l llty Dollur, rne hntilreft r-iolra, on r-pf, b.;'i,u.,i a lrei"!ij (1111.! tUu Dully K-ru. veir m wu-i-otTr 1 up of club), Mx:y Dullara, ' THE 8E!ffI.-Wr.E3.t.T ttS. . f TlTt copiea, oae yoat.iPt rmtclv fl'1rti"("t, fclifil Ltolicr ' In ctftw, ore rear tot'tiatnv anin-nij,l iaw ai till iMti tu taiicr up r i-l n) tlxtei-n DollanJ SEND YOUa KOXT j nf int Oflli-p (ffiift.rhtttt, cr draft r.n Xrr o.-it. wherever ri'Bveat'nt. If not, tnen rceincr lt hit.vn contalulag .iiti icy. AJilroiii t 17. ESTlI. t rT", Prh'I.V--, uu offloa. .New Yoru Cay. Ojice, 720 illcox&iGito Chcsinzct Silent Street, las -1" Thnnitdil lor llic pahonajo licvftolu? so libfi-.-ill ot'-'iiinnl upcu him, tli-i nt'Vt Jim I'iripiar, lifinK, by I't.viug utncl u-ni.uii I ) Urn Cuiii.'nr at U ti'iiicitii in'c if flli'SLi;, tuuitiik a, COUUllUulltO uf IliC 'aiiui. ar .1. Kill K. PA. V. Jooi 1. 111 'iif j'de Hour) IVt-jj- it tor. Open. Dny and Night- liilO. 1. (1 H. VlH.K. 'Maiiufiietnrer an 1 I'ealcr J in Lapt r Bt-er, ipioiio iho I'.ailroaa Ut-pj . .ni- .uti , i -ii eojuiy in. Atiottier ao vantage. luu eun nl ways jret what you want at their stoic. eo you wnl save tiiiio by gen;: directly to inesu ata ii.iti iONEY. To have no pucc hers to enumerate till tho aJvatita''t'4 vou will have in patrutiiziu the; estabrlmiet!t. lut call aul y.'e, aod reap the ad- vaDta-'es ivr yoursclvei. Aweuif their Goods ou will Cud I trial. No Medxina hai obtaiasil w'i creat tv utation us thisjustly cckLartcrj tout puuiid. FOX TESTIMONIALS r- r,t . .? is . . n. . j mm x nys.e'.ans, i.iniucni 1'iviaos. l'.ditur, Dru'jiitW, Merchant, Sc., set KOSKOO ALMANAC lor this year rr.ic 0x2 DotXAU per botti.e fou sau: by The Prluvtptil Dm guti in the 1'nrUit Mule and JUritLh America, WTAWZS. T.AT.r.I ? &. TAGS do:1v nr.iiteil iii tint A itotie Ou.cc. J. D. rAR.S0.N3, Jlr.ufaeturer aod. Dealer in Boots &. Slues, Muia St., Joppoiilo Hotel, nov2iy W.l.'ox. Pa. CrtciLTY to Am.mai.s Love to our fellows in second only to love to find. It is only fair analogy to reason that love for tie higher orders of animals and kind treatment of all living things is second rnly to love aod kinknesa for all human kind. Does God take care for oxen ? Jlost certainly ; albeit his care for them may hae a deeper symbolical sijrnilieanee than appears in the direc tion, "Thou shall not muzzle the mouth of the ox when he treadcth out one cutn." Tie man who maltreats and abuies the horse that so nobly and pa tiently serves him, is insensibly steeling himself for violence and oppression. Jc6T as He Treats tub Lord A Christian centlenian, widely known as such, after, remarking npo a brother'e prayer the other evening, aod calline attention to tha way in which he "sur ged bock upon hiuisMf ," said ; "And ho trats his friends just as ha treats the I?ord. If ie comes to sea you ben he rites o go ha will linger and talk sit (lows asain aad talk, and evcu alter he has gone out and shut the door lie sometimes comes Lack again to say the same things in exactly the sama way." Man U pleased to have his fellow man straightforward aod direct in bis intercourse, and is not pleased to have him repeat himself so many times aa to ereate a suspicion that he distracts bis listener's power of bearing or of eom- prehensioa. Although God' thoughts Q!IAr.I.ES IIOLF, ra.i: ricai W ATCUMAKSn. ENGRAVER JEWEL- LR. West end of Hyj II mse, Tideway, ia. SeMs as Ch?p as Ever, G0I.0 AND FIl.VKtt WATt-AES, i Clot-kj, Jes Vy, t?'.lviTware, XX VICI.IN AND GCITAIt PTRINGS, Spetiaoles, rens aul PunciU, Kcar the I'epot, Wilcnz, Ta. 11: leraijiit-1 line (pei t l a larp? bcar.l- 11 (! .i.am n: iii. ni v.-r, wLere lie liiiii'i;. i.: id t y ii i... Uib w 11 n 1 it (il'lbojtf w.,u ir 1.; n-n:i in w ) li ii-f.r t'liiitoiii. .MAUIiN tn iius, l'ru.iittcr DRY GC0D3 in eul!o varietur, GR0CEIUE3 cluieeanl lresh CLOTHING of lest material su perior cui anil tini-h. Da. LAWKExci'a Woman's Fhijeni Cures u!l Di.-cat's peculiar to Fcmak m'BKON 6 MAGAZINE rr::pecVas far 1S71. 16&-THE CllAPtr AND BEST. lEia n HEiflG MACHINE U r A'.ui', v-itra & CO p-.k lttn.rs M i r. 'i .. ::iLru, Coirv, lit. 1. ui.K Hv Li .Mile 10 liiUe.-. evelry per:ca g:t;b g up a Cull offcur, al hoxkLi be sont frae, our rapsrb :;p7-ri2t engraving, WAHI.Na iOs AT TUB liAII LEOF THtN ION." Wliilo to l'ioi'i if 'Hin j up Club of eij'it, U00T3 S Sll'OrjS of the best ! at SI-') eucu itiiex.ra oupy of Maj.iiue Ijr loit. in ii'iUi'iuii win tie sem, live. F.SOX'S MAiJ-lZINIi has tho b nt Orig.aiil S-Torit'4 of uii.v U'lhelady s bon!. ti.j b-.tt CtiiOitd t'eiiiou I'laii-K, the bt-xi f -! K'i gn.vrig", two Jo., Kvaiy U"ji.I ciigl.t in in't-i 11. it fciveij mum fur the uinnojr '.hau nay in me wuilJ. li will cuu luiD. utx. je-i, iu lis ie!v nuLcia ttock and make, CI10CKEIIY for newly mar- lied, iciddle aged aud ehJUrly. riri- I.IN ILtn: I'.i V. lira. I -t:i -iii( : ;..i.- l..i i.'.i I'.af : F,U. ttC Cir. '-tll ai.'l li--t. nt tt.' if il.iUlt.lii, U;raar glare, ! I'M 4 Kaj, 1'a. (Philadelphia. "I c-ivo mv heartv rreferrnee to tha Willcox & OibLa Silent Sewing Machine." 1 AKNY iliKN. " The weisht of reliable evidence beinr overwhelming for that of jheWillcos & Gibba iSilent Sewing ilaclnnej 1 aeciuea upon n, procured it, and am mor titan itinVd." VWAI..I , HI ..VP- " I have the Wheeler & Wilson, the G rov Jt Baker, and the Wulcox Auibbs Bewmi Machines in my family. 1 use the illcox & Oibbs most frconently, tliinLii.g it superior to cither of the other." i Miis. Henry Wakd DEECnEK. ' ' " My wife would not accept a Pewinj Machine of any ether jiatent an a jriK, if nit mtiHt receive it 011 condition of giving up the. WUeox&Gibb," EEV0LIVKClMyE) Cci boi-dale, Pa. " The Willcox & Gibbs is the only Sewina; Machine who?e working is so sure and KirnpU that I could venture lo introduce it into Syria." Rev. A. T. Pratt, Slii'lonavy Atneiicin uuura. " We have used various Sewinar Machint within our family, but it ia the' imonimotiav. opinion ol the nousenoiu, ui.n iub iniicyi & Gibbs i the best of them all." KEV. J. f..UOI,ME, " For simplicity and mechanical accuracy of construction, "I have seen 110 Sewin(r Machine equal to the Willcox & Gibbs." rijiuuu iji-.tt it-., Of the Pcnuaylvauiii Ctsutral E. K. A corre8nontlence on the subject of Sewing Machines ia respectf ul ly solicited. X. S. EWIJSG, 720 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.. gOMETUIXG KEW IN K1LCWAV A. H. II TIL lit hei 31 v. Kin u 1 n and k?urgon, Etc'.ualve j4gctit 'or tha sale of ALEX. MC-E CON'S GOLD 1EX3. 1 1 w 11 I) Ji T E'.- . 1 : F V l : 1 1 r.cj 'iliinj V a then, etc., dote with tVe aa;e Hi-ciuacy as htisiofore. tovCO, Z?:t 1 The subscriber havinc ordi rod GOO Ion bituminous and at thricite coal is now in-rared to (uriiirh the rcnilts of r.i l-ay with l arit ci si lt coal, nut or Htove sires, lump mo ot mint and tihickniuiihiug coal, ia quaaiiilci to sun puichaserit. 40 tt M. T. FRENCH. July 23. 1870. 1 i -.i t;i..- : '.i .i-'.. in 'i i. 11 v t 1.1. if. ni.-l 1 ., 1 : c. '. .1 f '.n:.:.)' 11 . a '-l.il nl ir and - . V.rv. ' r. 11 tin .. . . '- e n nr. b t ' ' i 3 rr.'F ili r . .1-.- iu I.-' 1 -lit:. itjiy.'"-". 1. Miiiyt Ta , a u.l i.iut 4, t ; 1 i.l i:.. if rt'ciui :f. 1 28 Vi' t M- f I-.- Tl ,'HM Gl-.Iv Ii.- : -i' 1 ttlrl ' Ni h' . 1 1 '.'. 1 t .er aul Oil I illiti. Mi- l:i--?p rei i 8 DKIED FIIUIT, BUTl'liR. E'J(13, rORK, II A MS, LAUD, FLOU: CORN MEAL. AND EVERYTniNl ELSE. : l u 1 .v i 11 F1.1S7! FT.. T. 1. tiU A li.t It 'l v... fn-it -ti.il i'.. ;i. ii i.t. -... .s I.'. 1 e in !. it ljli.i ciu. b 1 11 wUII'l. 1 rtl 'r:ct, i-. M M'.IV't, 1.: ir.- . d 0; 'i.-ttfrt ! !?e. Fuaa Lt-!r T?LK. HOUSE, vuw ? e---- , M Ek Coun penna are not M out though!, er ilia . mOMAS QEERITT, Fraprietor. . C.h' r -ud Mi I. I a I' b 1. 1 1 , fill . Oce Thousand pages! Fourteen Sp'.ended Steel Platea! Twelve Ct'ored Uetliu I'u'teiDs! Twelve Mjiruuiuth Cclurcd Fas.hii:oa! Niuo Hundred wool Cu's ! Twentv-fi ur pn!;i' 61' Music ! It wl'.l al.'u eif! Fivt- tn-ie'ii il t.opjrrigiii J 'ti : by .Mi.-. Ann te. ti.-pueun u.-i-'l suvi ttr a' 01 'ii, ail oiigituu F"!i) MAMMOTH COLnaED FASIItON FLATES arentiiM. l , f u'. ither Thone plates 0.1 fm'i miooilie uauuiaiio. T"3-Aa-s:'a Aivanse: 1 i v. r vi." tint f 2 00 4 Opie. 0 00 1 1UIU liun- lii au 8 tremiums. Fvrv porson pfitini up a Club of four, a' ;! t-.-ich, b!i1 rtCfiye, frtt, a copy of Wa;'i;rT.ii !' aul a copy of the Magmine It 1S71! a-liie.-a. 1 II '.TtSLFSiS J. PETERSON. CO rChcsiiiut reel, l'hiladeli :a. Fa. IiOOT& SHOE ESTABLISHMENT The euViPcribfr taVes tliia tnzlhod of in f.rini 1 the citizens of lildgway aud vicinity that be ha oj euad BOOT & SHOE STORE. in tho -room lately occupied by Ifenry (I Thayer in the west end of the Hyde Hon where may be fouuda gcueral assortment Ladies Shoes, Gcntlemans Coots and shoes, lioya'lioots nnd Children's shoes, ALSO, Connected with the above establishment I have a 1'oot ard Hlme Maunnfaciuring 1 -liibiiblmif ni where work Will be trade tia order. Kepairiug done on short uotico aud on rea sotiah'e teims. Tha pup'io ai e to give me a call. nl if GLOnr.E WALKER. NEW LI VERY STABLE is Stl',01 kiprr, corner of Ki.'.i .li(.-.,ii.l streeis. Bt. N..iv vti i?i. g'jol Isiser ci-nsir. - tlv ou hinl. 2 8 1 MilV 0 HALL, Attorney at Uw, Rids f) y. L'k county r. iniir.'lidl ): ISO. atll.......-..w......-...JAS. K. . 1111 B I.ANtSefaU kinds for sale al tk'i titu Kearl all klala tft cuwatrt fro due taktaat the autiol Tal, Jllat THE IBBCHAHT S J0OIT3AL AXI sew tors 4 PHtuDKipnu pbic ccaaasT. EVEUV WEDNESDAY at $2 per annum. The Jour A ia the cheapest Commercial oapsr published- It gives the latest com- h-win items anil articles ot inier. eut and uluo tu tue ieroit .i. rruir ua t..nitc. limic a full aul reuao.e price FiKt, which eveiy merchant shoull have. subset iptioo agfuls wanleil. A iiDoraicom miiiji.111 nitlll Address 1 WaTS'IN ft CO.. Fu) lisrv 1 aV ajt et Fkiie4lftt. DAX SCIUUNEU WlSHbli TO IN lorm the Cittzeua of Riday, and the publio goterally, that he l atartada Liv ery Stable and willjkeep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES and Buggies, to let upon ta e most resoa bla terms. iaaHa will allege J0 teattlng. Stable in the rooka Bars, Beat the Pni Otio.. Mil' alreet. AU order at tha Post Office will neel prep lion. IK. tt tke sra left UUaa V I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers