-JLI Jl Hi VM ttJtll UIMJU1.X Gfoimfir gdtwafc. Var Time at Illitlgn ay. Srie Express Knit 2:'J0 p. m. do do Wept 1:01 ft. in. do Mail East 2:4 p. m. do do West I:fi7p. in. wocal Freight East 7:20 n. m. do do Most 5;1U p. ui Elk lodge, A. Y. SI. Stated meetings of Elk Lodge will be leld at their hall on tin second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. J. K. WHITMORE. Soo'y. I. 0. 0. T. The Reiular meeting of Ridgway No. 256, held every Wednesday evening at -heir Lodge Room. H. A. PARSON'S, W. S. AGENTS FOR THE ADVOCATE. ' The following named persons are authorized agents for the Advocate to receive subscrip tions, advertising or Job work, tako pay there for and give receipts. Wilcox. A. T. Ai.dhicii, J. L. Brow.i. Kane. Frank W. Mkepi!. Johnsonsburg. Isaac Haoam. St. Marys. Chas. McVbas. rcntreville. Homer 0. Lp.auh, Maj. Bitbkk I'aledonia. W. P. Smith, 11. A. Wkkii. Rennezette. -Joiix C. Hard, J. IV. Briiwr. Pluwmut. John r.rr,.i. Spring Creel;. A. W. Inria. Highland. Levi Ei.i.oTHoRr'P. Itorton. -D. '. Oystfr, N. M. IiaroEWkY. republican County Convention. Pursuant to previous appointment, the RepuMicans of Elk County hold their con vention at ho Court Uouso in Ridgway, on the 12th of July inst., whereupon j. L. Brown was called to the Chair and Chas. McVean appointed Secretary. On motion of Henry Souther the Con vention proceeded to business. The Town ships being called the following genticmeo answered to their names as delegates : Benezette j D. B. Winslow, Erasmus Morey. Benzinger ; James Snadden. Frightful Murders fcy Indians. Jox; W. II. HambUn, John Collins. Highland ; Levi Ellithorpe, J. C. James. Horton N. M. Brockway, D. C. Oyster. Jay; A. W. Cray, B. A. Weed. Jones ; J. L. Brown, Wm. II. Gallagher. ?1 illstorjc ; not. represntcd. IJ'.dgway ; Henry Souther, J. II. Hag crty. Spring Creek ; A. W. Irwin, II. M. Powers. St. Marys Borough ; Charles McVean, Dr. K.J. Kuss. Being in order, the Hon. Iletiry Souther offered the following resolutions which wenj unanimously adopted : Ren-ilvcd, That this convention approves of the course of the Hon. G. W. Sccfield, Member of Congress from this District, and that his devotion to Republican prineipuls heretofore, his unswerving coutse to the Xotii'E. 'I'bo Commissioners wilt meet at their Ollioe in Ridgway Elk County P-.uuylv.tiia, on Monday August 1st. INTO, intetvaU of the country, arts c ii. m . .u i.ia, auk, Ltvr o? Causes wt down for iris I t the August term 1S7'1, fi!' County Com mon pirns August 1st, 1870 : I. The Elk County Mining Gazette vs. Jacob Reicard. 2 R. W. Doyle vs. Highland School District. .'. Cnxe's Exr's vs. England Jt Brown, -t. Winslnw vs. Du.in Jt 1'lyno. . Foster's Adm's vs. William Reed, ti. Levy A-lmr's vs. Malone rt, ui. 7. Sharpe et ul vs. Williain jvc-d. S. Moorehead vs. Brown. '.I. .1. W. Winslow vs. J. Brown. 10. 7. Webb vs T. Tosief. 1. Wegemar v Jl'-aJ. 12. Kidgway vs Cunnnings. 3-J. li. Hall vs F. Cm-. Commissioner Parker is in receipt of a report from tho Governor of Wyoming J. A. Campbell, dated Ohcynnnn", July 0, stating that tniiians made a r:iid on Fouth lass City, in (ho Sweet Witter Mining District, where they killed thrve citizens and stole a large number of horses, mules ana cattle. J he names of tho murdered men are Dr. It. S. Barr. Justio of tho Peace HarvcA Morgan and Jerome Musoe. The bodies of the men were found the dav after flio Tl- l.-.l 1 J -.1. iaiu. ui. jinn u uuuy was iouuu wim nis Bead uuder the wheel ot the wngon, the torn condition of tho sod around him giving evidence that he had been scalped and placed in that condition while yet alive, and that he died in extreme agony. Ilarvy Morgan was scalped and one bolt driven through his head, and the tendoms of his body extracted for strings. The.In dians' escaped with tho captured stock. . On the ICth ult.. the Indians made a descent on a ranche owned bv Mr. Oliver Lameraux, on the road between Point of Kocks station and Sweet Water, murdered Mr. Lameraux and drove off his stock. The repeated raids'that have been mads by the Indians upon thess settlements are having a serious and distressing effect upon its prosperity already during the season. ninvcn citizens nave Decn killed and some 820.000 or 830,000 worth of stock cap tured. Life and property are so insecure out side of the immediate vicinity of the towns that no attempt is made to prospect for new rjin?s, and the Indians appear determined to cause tho abandonment ot the whole set tlement. The Indians cngaced in these XF.Vt ADTF.RTISEMr.Nrs depredations are variously reported us Sioux Chcyennus and Arrapahoes. a guarantee thai he will he faithful in the future, and j that he is in every way fully qualified to reeled tho assistant treasurer at Now York The Secretary of the Treasury has di- TIIE SECOND VOLUME OF Great History of the War is now ready. Agents wanted. Send for circulars, with terms and a full description of the work. Address Na tional Publishing Co. Phil. P. 89 4w u. .Ui'B, 1 will send the re ceipt by which I was cured of Catarrh and Deafness free. Ad- m. C. liejjijui,, Hoboken N. J. A few more JiGEJt'TS are WANTED for one oi me lUeaposi and Best Itnnka it. ti,. ,.i " vroriu. ncv. ir. jt. nrjraLEra ciiuriu msiory Oiving a clear discretion nt niri ocuib nefuiCTo, sc.. enlivened by 1000 spir. ited illustrations and reDleto with eiiiin amusing anecdotes of their manifold pecular ities. The cream of the famous T.ondnn fn., voiume eumon, wun valuable additions, from tb works of other distiLguiseud naturalists, Aultall, Agassu, Wood, Wilson Audibon, and ui.uj. wiick. o irouoie to Agents about sect or party. Everybody is delighted with if, old and young, in town or country. Nothing like it in the field- Aorenta rxnnri from $5 to $20 per day, and sell in connection tne latest and bcu edition of bibles extant. Send for illustrated circular nd nnr mmi iik'. eral terms for the Book and Bible. A. H. HUBBARD. Publisher. 400 nt,..(. st..Phila, a,)4 14. Hunt et. al. Admr's vs. Me-.sngcr. 15. J. Bniwu vs. J) 15. Winslow. 1 0. Mt,seti'.,er & Wlieelor vs ( Scorgc ct al. 17. S. Sh ir vs. N. Lo'iii!)iiry. IS Win. Ituod vs. Bi-'vdi'ii et al. K'. Sehultz ct.. al. vs. J I ..nicker. I'll. Lesser 21- Kcliy vs. 22. Krorn vs. Ixjwis vs vs. Mt:''iitiii'y. Ivoige. I iinnery. IV St. 24. McC!1nnh (!. v. !oCn.l!.v EH K I ). SOIKKNLm;. I'm. Bead T. Kinjj lieaded 'briek ' (Jo's advertisciiicnt Wm. Sampsom ili hold meelinu: on Sun oay next at Ceutieville, thersfore will not preach at llidgway The Wilcox Tunning Couipanv are jdilp ping ton car loads of dressed Mjle Imtther jjtr d:iy. i... . . . i i iliooy ('o)t. a pow-rlul mediuui, e:m-i-il tli Ai'ileos seli-ml iiyuie to niuve lIiiouli! th streets on Muuday. TWELVE thousand cords of bark have al ready been pioled thi.s season lor tho Wil- ox Tannery aod eight thousiud tiiora are to?oo peeled. Twenty thousand cords looks like business for ona establishment. ('(n-inue our irprc.nl.itivn in Contircsii. AVfn:r, That Charles McYchii. .(.: rorne Powell and W. II. Haoiblin are hereby appointed delegntes to represent tins Convention iu the District Convention, and are hereby instructed to vote for Hon. G. W. Scoficld as the choice of the Re publican party of this county. Being next in ordor Dr. E. J. Buss of St. "M j . , n; juiiuniii itaom- tion which was unani mnnly adopted : Jirsoi-rtt. That the Hon. ienrv Souther combining the neccessary qtmlificiitions for I'rcsidetit Judge of this Judicial District, composed of the counties of Erie, Watren mi i Elk ; we therefore take pleasure iu placing him before tlio Convention as our ' j candidate for that position with powr to i appoint hii, own doleates. (hi molion ci J. il. Hai;rly, B. j ed, W. H. Galla ghcr and D. C. Ovstcr, j were appoiuted detgatts lo the Assembly 'MIIVH'iHH', On motu.n the following gentlemen were uoiniuiifod : Fur County Coiumissiouer, A. W. Gray, t Jay township Fur Jury CVciiuissioner, Horace Liltle, I oi Jukiway. For County Surveyor, J. L. Btuwu, ol Jones township. ForCouti'y AnJitor, Chailes McVean, of St. Mans. Oil Siotion, W. S. HtuiibHu was nam"!! to sell one miilion of'aold on each Wednes day during the month July, the first and third on account of the special iund, ami the second .md forth on account of the sinking fund. Also to purchase one mil lion ot bonds on the first and third Thurs days on account of the sinking fund, and two millions on the second and forth Thurs days on njcount of the special fund. Total sales of gold four millions; total purchase of bond six millions. Ex. TO TUB NERVOUS and DEBILITATED, WHOSE BUFFERING HAVE BEEN PRO TRACTED FROM HIDDEN CAUSES, AND WHOSE CASES REQUIRE FnOJtlFT Tit EjI TJiEEJIT be then and there in their rrotier persons all ten o'clock, A. M., of soid day, with their TO RENDER. "EXISTENCE DESIRABLE. roils, records ana inquisitions, and oilier re membrances, to do those thinas which their otuces appertain to be done, and that all .IllRtinen nf iiH fn,mt mnlfa Afnnfl nf nil recognizances entered into before them, to the If you aro suffering or have auffered, uicm ot the court, as per act or Assembly of trom involuntary discharges, what effect March 4th 1834. And those who are bound to does it nrnnu nnnn ,nii. riMMPPIlt A tlio tiriennni-a ftiat irn nt. hnll Km ln I i ... 1. . " . the fail of the count v of Elk. and to h. lhM ljou foel weak, debilitated, e. and there to Drosecute airainst them as shall 8"y tired f Does a little extra exertion be just. JACOB McCAULEY, Sheriff. Ridgway, Dccmber 25, nil to f0VV,T! PROCLAMATION. Whereas, tho V Hon. 8. P. Johnson, President, Judge and Hons. E. C. Fchnltie and Jesse Kyler. Asso-, ciatcs, Judges of the Court r.f Quarter Sessions Orphans Court, Oyer and Terminer, and Gen eral Jail delivory, for the trial of capital and other offenses in the county of Elk, by their prceipts to me directed, have ordered the aforesaid named Courts to be holden at Rids- way, in and lor the county of Elk, on tho first Monday of August it boing the 1st day of the month, and to sontinue ono week. Notice is hereby given to ihe Coroner. Justices or the 1 eacj, and Cons'ablcs of the said county. that they are by these presents commanded to EIGHT PER CENT. GOLD The fact of a caodidnto's rejection at Ve-t Point oi Annapolis is no evidence of his inability to pass an honorable examina tion. The most brilliant young men are sometimes set aside, and absolute dunces accepted. We know of a youth being rejec ted at Annapolis who passed all the ' educa tional requirements ; biit was rrjected be cause of pretended ;ii(Va! inability. That boy is one of the aitatset ervmnasts'of the ase, and in fair fi'ht could whip the whole I examining ooard. Inpic, A Bid Fke The Hon. J. rcmiah S Blick of York, Pa., ha just returned from Texas, where he was engaged as ccunsel in an important railroad case in which thoie was an enormous sum of money involved. Judge Black received for his fees 81,000 per diem for every day he was absent from home, and he was gone for about one month. S34 PER DAY. AGENTS WANTED EVERywhere for HENRY WARD BEECHER". f AT PRAYER, "THE CHRISTIAN UMOA, is iriven awav that ai.norh world renowned work of ai t. MARSHALL'S HOUSEHOLD ENOAVINU OF WASHINCiTnv. liieoest paper and grandest engraving in OOLD. Trustees, tnrmms' Loin and Trust Aniprmii A ...... tu . - . P . ...... . -cj-un uuising ji, in half ' v" euhicr man books, and profit, greater.' Wide awake Agents, Teachers u'"iw,l,c" ""u owners, male or female should send at once for copy of pnper and full partic ulars of this enitrely new and unprecedented vuiuuiuuiivu, in wmcn mere is more nionev tllfin DtlffAllian I.IT..-..J . IT ...... n ... . Publisher, 400 Chesiniit St., Phil.a. S 4n- FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS OF THE ISSUE OF $ 1, 500, 000, BY THE St. Joseph and Denver City RAILROAD COMPANY. In denominations of $1,000 and $300. coimon or registered, with interest at Eight per ecnt. per annum, payablo 15th February and Au gust, in (HILD free of United States taxes, in New York or Europe. The bonds have ii.iiij jTiiraui run. pvnil ill Pff 1 oi'li iu WHTED AOE'TS-To sell the OCTA V v ou.TBr.nijijj fi. li li,i """" ",e Elastic Lock Stitch" and is war milieu .or ; years, l'rice S15. All other machines with ununder-leed sold for 15 or LTu-rw, i. ""n'?Dl3- Address OCTAGON -unntr JUAl,n Al, l.'ll . SI I I htnnrrn Til H ....1 1. ' 011 ? ' l"'auu,S"i o-, or lioston Ma JO U1I1 VC I AA DATT Business entirely new on.l fiV"onoiable. Libera! inducements. Dcseriptive circulars free. Address J. C, RAND A: CO., Ulddcford, Me. 39 3lll. l ANTED A0KNTS To sell . r SHUTTLE A'EWIFOwjcaim.! 1 iid ui.iiuim-iiHiy ciios;u as (Jhairniao TlIE FouilTII passed off here very quiet ly and pleasantly ; with the exception of a Fquih and seven or eight big guns fired between break of u:iy and 'sun up,' followed' by a few fire-craekers at intervals during the day, nothing occurred to shake the nerves of ladies or iuvalidg. Two pic-nics weie well atteuded la the afternoon and a hop, at the Hyde House iu tho evening We had the pleasure, oa Wednesday, of takitig by the hand Erasmus Morey, Esq., of Betiesette, one of tho pioneers of this county, and an old resident of this place. Mr. Morey weut West a few years ago, purchased property and resided there until about a year ago when he returned to Beti ... 1. L . . .1 r-r . ezeue, wuere ne now resiaes. tie is ru"- ed and hearty, and like most old men of Elk cot'Dty, good looking. TttE following was inscribed on an envel- opeWirectcd to a gentleman of this place, probably from somebody iu favor of rep'u- iiatioD : " Over the mountains and over the hills, ) Over the creek and over the rilU, Over the grade and along the level. Carry this letter.like the d 1, At K village please to leave it Where a Boston man will soou receive it; lie drinks good whiskey and shaves good notes, And lies like h lfor radical votes. rl.e County ('(imuiitfee, wWii-upim the following gentlemen wero appointed a County Committee to represent their re spective Election Districts, viz : Bemzette Erasmus Morey, J. W. Brown. Butizingcr Joseph Patton, Ja3. Sned don. Pox J.,ho Collins. AhrM Highland D. B. Anderson, Livi Elli thorpe. Horton J. S. Chamberlin. TJ W Ro" era. Jay -B A Weed, James M Brookins. Jones A I Wilcos, J C Malouc. Millstoue Robert Stewart, Hiram Raught. Ridgway G T Wheeler, J C Luther. Spriug Creek L F Powers, Hiram Car man. St Marys Boro. Dr. Samuel Reynolds, Charles McVean. On motion, adopted the proceedings of this Couventiou be published in the coun ty papers. Uu uiotiou adjourned. Signed, CHAS. 31'VEAN, J. L BROWN, Sec'y. Prcst. NOTICE. Right Rev. J. B. Kkrfcot, Bishop of Pittsburgh, will hold services as follows ; Friday, July 15. 7:o0 p. m., School house, Wilcox. Sunday, July 1". 11 A. r, Grace Chursh, Ridgway Communion. 8 p. m. Conf'or-mati-in. Monday, July IS. E veuinc Pnrtl.in1 Mills.' Tuesday July 19 Evening, St. Mary's. Powell & Kime are rebuilding their store, which is to be larger than the old one, and is to be completed in about sixty days We understand that but one thousatid dol Mrsot the insuraace has been paid. If thoe companies don't come to time soon we will expose them through the columns of our paper. Nellio O'Xeils' company gave an enter tainment in Messenger's Hall on Thursday evening which was very well attended, and would hive b-eu better if the people had known that they were as good a eom pauy as they are. e no. me T . - .. . ' .a. .. ., ii -lock stitch.' alike on both sides ani is the only licensed under-feed shuttle Machine sold for less than $00. Li censed by YVhielcr Wilson, Grovcr & Bsker and Singer ami Co. All other nnler-feed shuttle Machines sold for less than $00 are in fringements, ami tho seller nnd user liable to prosecution. Address JOHNSON, CLARK & CO., Boslon, Mass.. Pittsburgh, pa., Chicigo, 111., or st. Louis, Mo. 3'JSm 44- AGENTS WANTED FOR The foreman of this office respectfully tiki the exchanges a id patrons ol the Ad vocate to excuse the awkward 'make-un' of the paper this week, as it was caused by giving Rev. Levi Little's correspon dence a conspicuous place. Mr. Little ghould be rewarded for his honesty, integ rity and devotion to his country and prob ably will be in Heaven, but the devil and breinan ot this office, will bet tbeir ouuday ioU and all the old eigar stubs they can ther iu a week, that he will never warm ongreshional chair as a member from UHh District ol Pa. Da. Saok's Catarrh Remedy is no Patent Medicine humlug gotten up to dupe the ignorant and credulous, nor is it repres ented as being "composed of rare and pre cious substances brought from the four corners of the earth, carried seven times across the great Desert of Saharah on the backs of fourteen camels, and brought aoross the Atlantio Ocean on two ships." It is a simple, mild, toothing, pie-sant Rem edy a perfeet specific for Chronic Nasal Catarrh, "Cold in the Head," and liudred diseases. The pioprietor, R. V. Piercb, M. D.. of Buffalo, N. Y., offers a aeward ol S.'OO for a case of Catarrh that he cannot eure. For sale by most druggists everywhere. Sent by mail, post paid, for sixty cents. Address the proprietor as above. A Panther was seen in Cameron coun ty last week and several hunters went ia pursuit of hint. 11AE3ISD. At Ridgway., July 2d, 1870, by J. K. Whit more, Esq., Ma. Clinton Payne, of Judgway, Pa., to Miss Jennie Cable, of JJayton, I'a. At the Parsonnce, in Ridgway, July ou, uy iev. wiiiiam oampson, Mr. Charles Rogers, of Brownville Me., to -U1SS Jlilt.MINA V. HEWITT, of Toby, Pa. WONDERS Of THE WOULD," Over oKRTiioi-s.ii Illustrations. The lar gest best selling, and most attractive subscrip tion book ever published, genii for Circulars, with terms at once. Address, U. S. Publishing CO. 411 Broome et. N. V. 3D 4w WHY DON'T YOU TRY WELL'S CARBOLIC TABLETS. THEY ARE A SURE CURE FOR SORE THROAT, cold, croup, Diptheira, Catarrh or Horsness; also a Successful Uemed.v for Kidney Difficul ties. Price 25 cents por Box. Sent bv mail on receipt of prici, by J. Q. KKLLOUO, 34 PUtt St., New York, Sole Agents for N. Y. 39 8w SOLD DY DRUGGISTS. Company of New York. The niorlatiee which secures these bonds is at the nuo of $13,000 per mile; covers a complete mad for every bond is a first mid ONLY mortgage. This line, connecting St. J.iseph with Fort Kerney, will make a short uud through route to California. The Company have a Capital Stock of ...... . And a grant, of Land from Con gress, of l.tiOO.OOO Acres, val ued, ut the lowest estimate, at ... First Mortgage bonds, - . To! al, - - - $10,000,000 4.000.000 1,500,000 $15,500,000 Tit.il length of road. 271miles: dist. included in this Mottg.ine, 111 miles: price. 97.1 and ho. cured interest, IN CURRENCY. Can boob, tiiined from the undersigned. Also, nnmnl,. lets, maps add information reining thereto. There bonds, being so well secured nnd ycild a large income are desirable to parties seek- njr safe nnd lucrative investments. We re. commend them with entire confidence. W. P. CONVERSE & CO., COMMERCIAL AGENTS. No. 64 Pine Srect, New York. TANNER & CO., FISCAL AGENTS, No 49 Wall Street, New Tork. June 4 3in. EKCANT1LE ATl'llAlSMENT. AGENTS W.4NTEI) (10 PER DAY) by the AMERICN KNITTING MACINE CO . ESOISTZB'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the following ao counts have been filed in my office and will be presented at the next Term of the Orphan's Court of Elk County for confirmation: Par tial account of D. B R. Dickinson and Carrie D. Willis, Admiuistrators of tho Estate of Al. bert Willis, deceased, and final account. f Jerome Powell, Administrator of the J. C. Chapen, deceased. FRED. SC1ICEOING, Register. 39 to. AUTION. Whereas rav wife Fmmt .T J Brandt has left ray bed and board without just cause or provication, all persons are here by cautioned not to trust or harbor her on my account as 1 will pay no depts of her contract ing unless compelled by due course of law. MARTIN J. BRANDT. Arroyo, July 7. 1870. 89 3t FOE SALE- One Forty-horse power Engine, complete in every particular for sale very cheap. WILCOX TANNING CO.. 36 4t Wilcox Pa. JOARDING HOUSE, Near the Depot, Wilcox, Pa. MARTIN SOWERS, Proprietor. The undersigned has opened a large boardirg house, at the above plaoe, where he is amply prepared to satisfy the wants of those who may avorhim with tbeir custom. sov'690, rjMIE SATURDAYilVENING POST. THREE MONTHS GRATIS! This cheapest and best of the Lilerary Weclj- ...... . vuruug uuecjuaueu lnuueemeuts to new subscribers. In the first paper of Oetnhnr. it mn...,.i 1 .... -, wuiiiiucilcll - nun-id, cuueu a f amily Failii e," by Elizabeth I'rescolt. It also is no'w runniiif a serial, called " Geortm l. II. . .. ... . c . " " uy .rs. neury nooa, tbe famous author of j-yune, sc. NEW NOVELETS will continually succeed each other. Among those already on hand or in progress; are " Uuder a Ban," by Amanda M. Douglas " Leonie's Secret," by Frank Lee Benedict : a Novelet, by Miss Hosmer, c. The post also gives the gems of tho English magazines. NEW SUBSCRIBERS For 1870 will haue their back to the paper of October 2d, until the large extra edition of that date is exhausted. This will bo thirteeen nanera in ,t,l,nn . regular weekly numbers for 1870 or fifteen months in all ! When nnr vir . . t ; , ; ; . hausted, the names of ull new subscribers for ioiu win pe euiereu cn our list the very week TERMS : 2 GO a year. Two copies, f 1. Four copies, Five copies (and ono gratis) $8. One copy of the Post and one of the Lady'a Friend, A copy of the large and beautiful Premium Steel Fugraving. ' Taking the Measure of the Wedding Ring " engrave! in England at a cost ot $ -QLV will be sent to every full ($2 50) subscriber, and to every person sending a club. This is truly a beautitul engraving ! Andreas n. PETEESON & CO., 819 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. Specimen copies sent free for five cents. The following is a true and correct list nd classification of the Wholesale Healers nn,l Retailers of f'oicign and domestic Merchandise within tho county of Elk for the year 1870: Ridyway Township. m:.u:its' namk. tax. 10 J. S. Hyde & Co.. $20 00 8 Powell & Kime, SO 00 1 1 Charles Holes 7 00 12 II. S. Thayer, 12 fit) 10 W. C. Mealy, 20 00 14 Grant & lluiton, " 00 1-' 11. S. Gillis. 12 50 14 n. S. Service, 7 00 14 J. R. Bai.-d. 7 00 12 G. G. Mesttnger. Druggist, 10 00 Junes Townthip. S Tanning & Lumber Co., CO 00 12 A. T- Aldrich. VI liO 14 Martin Sowers, 1 00 Ilorlon Township, 12 J. S. Hyde. 12 CO 12 Short & Vilox, 12 50 F'ix Township. 10 Joseph Koch Sou, 20 00 13 P. W. Hays. 10 00 14 C. F. Buile gh. 7 00 14 Francis Gill, Brewer, 7 00 St. Mary's Borough. 11 James Sneeringer, 10 Charles Lunr, 14 W. J. Blukely. 12 Beecher k Copeland, 14 Biirbarv Rudolph. 14 Leonard Cook. 0 Coiiyi'll & Bi-tes. 10 Weis Urol hers, 13 Adolnh Foc'itman. 6 Juseuh Wiliiehn. 14 John Sosenhciiner & Eon. 14 John Wntchel, 12 Lyon & Brothers. J. E. Weideiiborner, produce palpation of the heart ? Does your tivcr, or nnnnry organs, or your kidneys, frequently cot out of ordei ? Is vour uriDe sometimes thick, milky or flocky, or is it ropy on settling ? Or does a thick skum rise to the top 'I Or is a sediment at the bottom after it has stood awhile ? Do vou have spells of short breathing or dyspepsia? Are your bowels constipated t Do von hava spells of fainting, or rushes of blood to the head ? Is your memory impaired 1 la your mind constantly dwelling on the sub ject f Do you feel dull, listless, moping, tired ot company, of life ? Do you wish to be left alone, to get away from everybody? Does any little thing n.ake vou start nr jump ? Is your sleep broken or restless ? is tne lustre ot your eye as brilliant? The Dloom ot your cheek as bright'!1 Do you enjoy yourself iu society as well ? Do you pursue your business with the same ener gy ? Do you feel as much confidence in yourself.' Are your spirits dull and flag, ging, given to fits of mclencholy ? If so, do uot lay it to your liver or dispepsia. Have you restless nights ? Your back weak, and have but little appetite, and you attribute tbii to dyspepsia or liver-uoiiiplaint? Nuw, leader, self-abuse. VRueri di"fn? badly cured, and sexual excesses, are all ca pable of producing a weakness of the gene rative organs. The organs of the senera. tion, when in perfect health, make the man. . Did you ever think that those bold, defi ant, energetic, persevering business-men are always those whose generative organs are in perfect health ? You never hear such men complain of being melencholy, of nervousness, of palpataticn of the heart. Tbey are never afraid they cannot succeed in business ; they don't beoome sad and dis couraged ; they are always polite and pleas ant in company of ladies, and look vou and rliem right in the face none of your down cast looks or any other meanness about them. I do not mean those who keeD the orgrns inflated by running to excess. These will not only ruin tbeir constitutions, but also those they do business with or for. How maney motv. from nivllv enmd di... from the effects or self-abusu and exoesses, have brouirht about, that state of these organs that has reduced the general sys tern so much as to induce almost disease idiocy, pralysis, spinal affections, suicide, and almost, every other form of dia. ease which humanity is heir to and the real cause of the trouble scarcely ever suspeoied, nnd have docuned for all but the right one. DISEASE OF THESE ORGANS REQUIRE THE USE OF A DIURETIC. E 'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU 19 THE CD.ET DIUHETIC, AND IS A CERTAIN CURE FOR DISEASE OF TUB II LADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, DROPSY, ORGANIC WEAK NESS, FEMALE COMLAINTS, IS 00 20 00 14 12 14 12 14 14 14 14 14 GENERAL DEBILITY. 7 00 Anda11 0,her diseases of the Urinary Oorgans, 12 CO wneter existing in Male or Femaib, from 7 00 whatever cause originating, and no matter 4 UU 1 "vn 1UUX BtuumnK, OU UU 20 00 10 00 60 00 7 00 I 00 If 12 50 , , " u""""cu consump- 7 Oft "on or sanity may ensue. Our flesh and. Reynolds & Garner, Druggists, 12 50 blood "a supported from these souroes, and Jacob Bebarjjnr do 7 00 tho health and happiness, and that of Poster Jopl, Vwudlelder, Brewer, 12 50 ilv. dencnJa ' 7 00 r r-"t'r ' a rcuaoia i remedy. 7 00 "EMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, established 7 00 I ... upwaruor ia years, prepared by HINKLEY KNITTING MACHINE FOR FAMILY USE simple, thtao, rdiubU, KiMi uvsbtthisu. AGENTS WANTED. Circularand sampie slocking FREE. Address HIMKLEV KNITTING MACHINE CO., Bath, We, ja Ue.iS & Geiber, do F. X. Sorg, do William Selt, do C H. Volk, do Edward McBride, Jeweler, JJenexH iownshiu. 12 D. A. McDonald, 14 Fletcher & Jones, 14 Campbell & Brothers. 14 Kane Brothers J Co., It Winslow & Johnson. Anappealwill be held at the Commissioner' onice, m Kiugway, on Saturday, July 9.U, 1670, at which tiire those feeliur ihemuelv.-i aggrieved may present their Cttoe before the vuuiiuibsioneis. - . JAMES PENFIELD Msrcantile Appracser, Ridgway, May 2Gth, lo70. 7 00 I 12 60 7 00 7 00 7 00 I 7 00 H. T. HELMBOLD, DRUGGIST, 591 .Broadway, Nsvr Yhm anb Well's CarbolioTahw" O0UlD ima street "HIeJpbU Pa. After much st'idy and scienlilio indeatiff.uin.i as to the remedial qualities of Cabbouo Acid t1"-- ,- per bottle, or 8 bottles for Dr. Wells has discovered by proper couibina- 060i delivered to any address, tion with other articles in thw fui-in .if a. Taliisi a specifio for all pulmonary diseases. THESE Solo by ali Dboqqist BTtarwuiBi . u lur uii uiseases oi me Bi-MiKAruKY OROAN'si Kni THROAT, COLD, CK0UP. DIPTIIERJA. ASTIIMl ni'PlBDU rmi n.M...,,.,..' I Vnvw .nr. ,nk-....n . iNn IL Slinnoaaful rr:j . I win. V J- ties Pbicb 25 obsts fb Box. f Mnii I bhgbavid WBAppf a, with ao-simi. upon lecjipt of price, by JOHN Q. KELLOGG or " CHEMICAI, WAP.EH0C8B. ab ii , i . 1e"r i')lk Sul -Ageot for the ioib, . VKH04I5WC4, 29 8w' TT. T. TTVT TWDOt n
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers