- . l . in U NOW 18 THE TIME TO PROCURE CHEAP Bargains ia HARNESS, SADDLES, VALISES, TRUNKS, WIIII'S, kd. J. M. HEARD, havlngjnst returned from Phil adelphia, where he has pui clinscd a large as sortment of the above goods, aloag with nearly everything in his line, would respectfully in. ite the attention of the piililio to them. He is at all timeii prepared to manufacture lo Order all Winds of harness, or anything else in hit line. BOSTON TEAM COLLARS, The best oollar for lumbering purpose, a'o . KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND. I CHALLENGE COMPETITION AS TO PRICE, STYLE OR QUA LI Y. IlUOi me call at B-r establishment, ABOVE THE CORNER OF MAIN AND DEPOT STREETS, RIDGWAY, TA. Bov,'691y 4 J. M. IIF.XRD. THE ONLY RELIABLE CURE FOR DYS PEPSIA IN THE KNOWN WORLD. TR. WisnRT's Orf.at AMfintrAN DvsrF.PstA Pills and Pink Thkr Tai Cckiual are a posi tive and infallible cure for dyspepsia in its most aggravated form, and no mutter of how long standing. Xhey penetrate the secret abode of thii ter rible disease, and ealeiniiuato it, root and branch, forever. They clleviate move ntrnny and silent ""suf fering thnn a tongue can tell. Teey are noted for curing the most r'eepe rate and hopeless canes, when every known means fail to ntt'o'd relief. No form of dyspepsia or indigestion can re sist their penetrating power. DR. WISHART'S. PINE TREE TaR. CORDIAL. It is the vital principle of theT'ine Tree, ob tained by a peculiar process in tlie di-uillation of the tar, by which its highest medical propel -ties are retained. It invigorates the I'ige-tivo organs ant restores the appetite, listiength ens the debibitated system. It purifies and enriches the blood, and expels trom the fystem the corruption which scrofula breeds on I tie lungs. It disolves tiie mucus or phlegm which stops the tho air passage of the lungs. Its liealing principle acts upon the irritated stir fice of the lungs and threat, penetrating to each diseased part, relieving pain and sub duing iiiHamation. is the result of years of htudy and experiment, and it is offered to the aflicted with positive a.-iirni.ce of its power to cure the following di.cases, if the patient i as not too long delayed a resort to the mean? of cure : Conmimption nf tic T.nvj. Cmijhs, Soor Throat anil Jlrcnsf, jironvltitix, Liver Complaint, Jid'tn ami Ji'-edanj J irs, Aathma, Whooping (huifli, lip-hiii $ie. A medical expert, holding honor hie co'lc piate diplomas, devotes his entil e time to i.,e examination of patients at the office parK,r. Associated with h. in arc three ciusubing phy sicians of acknowledged einietice, whose ser vices are given to the public trttB or uiisuf. This opportunity is offered by. no oilier in aiiiuiion in t lie c'umry. Letters from any p-irt of the country, as'.cing advice, will be promptly and gratuitously r, ponded to. Where convenient, lemiliaujes should fako the shape of DRAFTS OR POST-OFFICE ORDERS. Price of Wisharl's American P'spepsia Pills $1 a box. Sent, by mail on recipl of price. Price J'VVishiirt'a Pine Tree Tar ("nulla!, l.fjO aboTtle. or $11 per dozen. Kent by ex press. All communications shauld be addressed L. Q. C. WLSHAST, M.D., Xo. 232 Xorth Second Street. J''ia. JgOARDlXG HOCSU, Near the Depot, Wilcox, Pa. MARTIN SOWERS, Proprietor. The undersigned has opened a largn br.ardirg house at the above place, where lie is amply prepared to satisfy (lie wants ot those who may avor him with their custom. uov XMu, 1HARLES HOLES, TQ ACTICAL WATCIIMAKER, ENGRAVER a JEWELER, West end of Ilydellouse, Ridgway, l'a. Cells as Cheap as Ever, GOLD AND SILVER WATOAES, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, XX VIOLIN AND GUITAR. STRINGS, Spectacles, Pens and Pencils, Exclusive .4 gent for the sale of ALEX. MORTON'S GOLD PENS. Repairing Watches, etc, done wi:h the same accuracy as heretofore. novUO.'U'Jtf gO.METUINO NEW IN RIDGWAY ! BOOT & SHOE ESTABLISHMENT ! The subscriber takes thia nizthod of inform iag the citizens of Uldgwuy and vicinity that ae has opened a BOOT & SHOE STORE, in the room lately occupied by Henry S. Thay er in the west end of the Hyde House, where may be found a general assortment of Ladies Shoes, Gentiemens' Boots and Shoes, . Boys' Boots and Children's Shoes. ALSO, Conneoted with the above establishment I have Boot and Shoe Manufacturing Establishment ( where, work will be made to order, llepairiug done pn short notice and on reasonable teru.8 The publio are iavited to give me a call. , , GKORGli WALKIB. W , S- SERVICE, r At the new Masonic Hall TJuildine STOVES at prices that willpleasoof all de sirablo kinds. TIN-WARE of every kind on hand at all times. Special attention given to Wholesale orders. Price list furnished to dealers on application. SI11.ET- TIN AXD COl'PES WARE. .House furnishing goods a great variety. STEAM AND WATER PIPEING. TUMPS, FIHUNGAND HUNTING TACKLE, such as RODS CAS KETS, SEINES, FLIES, HOOKS, ft CAPS, POWDER, .tc.p. ALL ORDERS FOR (J UN WORK Promptly uttcutlcd to. BIRD CAGAS A XI CE VARIETY, ROOFING, GETTERS, SPOUTS. of Tin, Galvanized Iron and Copper an 1 every kind of HOUSE AND JCB VYCRK done ou short notice and warranted. AOENCY of Benry Dlastons celebrated saws. Orders fer saws at factory prices bo licitcd, also for repairing. Information and price list furnished on application. PAPER RAGS, OLD ROIE, OLD . COPPER, CRASS, PEW t TER, LEAD, IKON, BEESWAX, HEAVY HIDES, DEAKON SKINS, SHEEP PELTS, GREEN BACKS, NATIONAL BANK NOTES, V. 8. BONDS.&o. taken in exchange for GooJt or Work vtnXW. W. 8. BWtVICE. ltidgwfty, March let, ltfVO. SPECIE " PAYM1NT ! GOLD OR GREENBACKS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR WAGONS' : OR JOB WORK A T THE Ell) G WA Y WAGON SHOP. Call and. examine my stock beford buy. ing a Lumber or Pleasure Wagon, I use the best selection of Michigan WHITE OAK AND HICKORY; I employ none but Firt Cluss Mtchan tV.;Iu?e nothing but the Lest KrfincJ Iron. I thitik it will bo to your interest to give mc your or Jcr. ' Having twenty five lumber wagons in course of costruction, I will be able to furnish any party by the Gist of April. All oidor.3 by mail, also any orders left with W. S. Servicu at the Tin Shop, wiil receive promjit attention. March 5. tf S. JACKSON. L, O U IUL A 11 IV S i: U 11 ID K A Smoking Tolnrco is an excellent article of granulated Virginia. Wherever introduced it is universally a 1. mire 1. It. is rttt up in handsome mns'in u.ijrn, in which ordirs for .Mecivchuum Pipi-s are daiiy ;ao..c I. I O" ILL A AD'S "Y.VCnT CLUH' Sinnkinp Tohncco hn nn supcrinr : heini' d-ni-cotiniit I. ii catinnt injje nevele-s cviistuu tioiij. or I c.i le of srd-iititry li.ih'.ts. It is pro liH'td from e!e'-rti.ini tf t!i fr.e.! sh.ci:. uu i picpared by a j.aiKi.icI aal oiiiual unnnrr. It is very aromatic, mild, and italit weir;ht ltenco it will hi imic'i 1.,i,,er tl-.-iii others; " '"s i' luii ii or hl'.Kg the toi guc, or Ic-ve n disaprreealile lutcr nikte Ordeis fur p-iiuioe, elerint"'y eirved reerchaum Pip-vs silver nmuuted. 'nti.l p.ic,: cd in neat leather 'ekrt c:io...-;, are lUcidu tho Q adit Cub brand daily. L 0 P. 1 L L A R D ' S CE N T U R Y CUcw'nj ToVacC'i VI.13 biiind cf Tira Tut Chcitlng Tob;.cco ha' t.o ;rp rior anywhere. it i.-, wiihoui Jtmbt, tl:e best cluwh-g to bacco in :!;; coui:trv. I.OIill.T.A lilVS RXUI.'F S I iih-b netn in giieial u;. i.i luc Ci;nea jia.ia . over 1 iU years, uni still uu'.uowljjjcd '-iLn best wherever n -r 1 . If your Hiorekuppers does Tint have tins? articles for ta'c-. a ',; him lo g-.t them. They are su'.d by rccj-tctable jwbbers al most every where. C.-n ulai s mailed en application. BEST CABINET OilGA'S AT LOVi'LST I'ltirss. That the MASON k II A.MLIN C.MU NET and M KTROl'OUT N !i.J S arc tho bctt in the voi M is piovcj l;y !,,. almost unauiiiK.iis opinion tf p---f s-.iopr.l musicians, by the award to shiui t::v iMVfivr. nor.D at:d sji.vkk m ii u.sm otli.r !iil,i .-t preiniiiiiis, ut pri,.i;ipai iu. liustiiai c(m))oii!ioiis within a law yeais. ii.cludiiiL' tho Medal t the Pan? rspuM tn.u, r.!M .y a sale veiy tm,-li -r, :,tor .han that o( any 1 1 1 I ! Tt I" Mit i-.it'ii t.s. 'l'itij Cutn puriy l'i:inulactiif o.i ; Jui .r'tus iiis.ru inents. and wiil nor iiiase 'c.tican organs'' lit any pii'-f, or suflr an iniViibr iu. iru meut to nr tl-eir n.'tue. ILvit.-i trn-aflv ilH'reas.Ml tin ir (;icii;;;, s f,,r inaniil.u'tiirp. I'V the iti'nj.!ucti.in of new mntd.inerv an.) f.thevAi.-o, tiny are iv,7 in.ki: 'better Organs than ve: lud.ro, at incri jM-d tt-.m tuny i.i c. st, whicii, in teeorduueo with their fix.-d poli.'y m' seliin; plv;ays at It ti.st remuiicrutivo profit, they are nu-.v tificiitm til prices o!' inl. rinr work, V () LJ ; 0 T A V E O I! G A N S . PI,,',, yunt Oaso, ')0. FIVE OtlTAVK ORGANS, Double Heed, btr.p.s ( Viola, Il,i,ot, ,!,V lotba, Eiif, TrfiuuLtut,)'$i;), Oilur styles in pfupnrtion. Clieulars, with full particular?, iiicludine; accurate drawings of difiercnt styles nf or j:ans, and much inl'.ji matiuu which will be of Fervice to every purchaser of an orau, will bo sc tj t free-, and pusta-o paid, to Uf.v one desiring them. MASON & HAMLIN ORGAN CO. iw lo4 Tremot.t St. Rston; iOG LroaJ way, Nw York. ANIIOuI) : Il-JiV LOST, IIoV RE- TO I; ED. Just publ.-hed, a new edition rV- (tf hit t ' I ' 1 V r ; n t-1 f t- Cr.btl.ii.Ui.I) nil t!io r ulait cure ( without iiu dici.ic) of .-'i-tiiM T iiuimeA, or Seiiiiual Wi uk ues, I 'ivu'.untai.v S luiiii,! Losses l.Mi'o. t::.i v, Mental and Phi: eal Iiu ai acity liiipt-diiu -ins lo .Marriage, etc.; n!.-o, Co - si .Mi-riux, i i-ilki-sv, at. J in?, in,!iR. belt' iii-lu'jTfiicu or te.Mial exijavairance. d bv l.r ' ice, ju a iTica enveK.i.i-, cents. only U Tho celebrated amhor, in this admirable u i ruble thirty es.-ay, cieai ly Ucaonsti ate V ,, a yeuis nicceo-lu! praolio -, that nlariiiing c.Jiis. (iieni'es of self abuse may be radicaliy cuie I without the daii'i ruus uso of interiml iK.ui.iuo ur mo n nucii ion ol the knife : I oiuung oiu a uio. le ot ciiio at ot.ee simple, certain, and ell. -dual, bv means f which every sufl'eror, no tualter what his oondition m-.i u.,, niay euro niiuscll cheaply tirivately ami ruliculhi, ' ' ' ftJThis Lecture should bo in the lmnds of ever youth and every man in the land. Sent, under peal, iu a plain envelope, to any address. o,.,aiJ, ou receipt of six cents, or Uo post staiiiis. Also, Dr. tulverwell's Marriage Guide," price 2-5 oenta. Address the Publishers, C1IAS. J. C. KLINE a. Co 127 Bowery, New York, Post-Office Box 4,58(5. Tln35yl. ' 1Y1 Vt.f PoWELL & KIME. QOODS FOR THE MILLION. ! POWELL & . K I M E, At their onpnoious store la RIDGWAY, LTaTQ on hand, a splendid assurtatent of all seasonable Goods adapted to the wants of tho people of Elk and adjoining counties, which they are telling t prices that dcy competition. Tl.ey would simply stato hero, that being very largo dea1ers, their facilities for purchasing are un cq'tal'ed" by any establishment in . tin. county. They buy directly froni mar.u faciurcr and on the GROUND FLOOR, Another advrntae. You cm always iret what you want tit their sli.ro, l.tt:ce yu will save time by gumr dir;c'.!y to thtm aud TIME :i MONEY. have no fpucc hcra to c-nutsu-rata all the ad vantages you will have in ptilroniaiag their cslabl'ahti)eiit. Eut ci!l and see, and reap the advantage! for ycur.-elves. Among ihc'r Goods you will find r.HY GC0D3 in enlh-as varieties, GIlOCElilES choice an J (rcsh CLOTIiINO ofbtst material Bi'perior cm and Eiilsh, 1500T3 k SHOES of the best stocli nnd mU, CrOUKEIir for newly married, uidJU ngii aud tldeily. DlilED FaiMT, LETT EI!, J-GGS, IOEK, HAMS, LARD, FLOUR. COPN 51 EAL. AND EVERYTHING ELSE. Nearly all kinds of country produce taken at the market value-vlaltf. .SPLENDID PRIZE lull THE LADIES I 1 ue finest, most pleauiiijr, and costly enjrrav inn ever published in America, to be presented as a premium lo each subsniber to PEMOREST'S WON rilLV, a mB.ea7,inc of practical utility in the house, a mirror of the I ishions, and a literary ennser valor of surpassing interest and artistic excel ence, acknowledged lo ho the in .deru ptirlor uiapazine of Anierica The eii(traviti(!, 2Hx;i'2 inches, Is from the or ipinul painliiiR, entitled, 'I he Pic-Nio on the lonrih of July.1 The painting took a whole ynr, and is enn sidereil the finest of the entire lil of nimie mis popnlnr product!' ns by Lilli M. Spencer. Tlie cngmvitig was the luhor of four years, by three eminent ai lists .luhn Rodders, Samuel Ilalpin, and Siiniucl liollyer ; The Id yt uann-ii having been induced lu cnuie from J'.uropi: m finish it. The engravers have ab'y seconded the syecessful labors of 1 lie painter. None but in lists can fully ap) vtciale the skill anil labor lavished on this engraving Tho g'-neral ef tect is very tins and iuiprcsivc. ind t'to 'K'li rate finiali to ibe In ads wiil bear the ruot ini nule inspect Ion. The tir.n.n of line and sli;.p!e is exeeuieil with uniinual ability, and liie.r skiliul combination has pieatly contributeil to the success ot the- engrav..is iu this una upa.'S ed I'ronf of i heir genius. The work on the eujnavin! nlonc cost over seven thoutaud .1,1 1 it-.-, besides tho enst of ihu copjrighl, and is neUr.ow edged by campetei:! iuilgen the most chit nl-atiiy finished lar'o work of ait ever engraved in Amei-ica. Kine ci -pies nf this la.iii-l'ntnf pjornr-;. on heavy late paper, w.-rth tl'l tael., a;e lobe givtu as a picuiiuiu to eitv-h lubicriijcr to DEMUR EST'S MONTH LY MAGZIN'E Yearly stibseriptloris only Three Do'.lnrs. an-l tn cents wiiith is lu be .sent with il.c. sub scviption). fur the I'n.-tnne nn the enrnviiiK (which will be inaiieJ kecuiely done up on s roller. This is certainty tho largpt, r.inst pbi-val and splendid pi rniinui e er oii'ei ed to king's sub.-ci ibers by 1 ay publi-iier, and nt'nrl:- an easy einl -e.iuini:-il way I. r any one ,i sceuie nn eb-eant v, oi l; uf art, a l'arb.r 'ie;ni.' that i only neil to a piiun, in tin' v. ay of nrir.mi.ii tat inn, uint a pi'ipeiual reminder of a tle.v which ouaht to to be therished aud Lvld in re-ui'-iiil'taiice by ivtiy true Auieviean. 'I lie r. i'i.-pt ion of liiia tuai.iii.-rtit pietttve will lul.e ei-ry one by surpr!e und v... Ou n .! venture anyi Irtn; in s i.yiiig thai will not j.-.-oi-ure au.itlier tnat couib.iufs so ;n;.cli ef in !(! l-.-.t and be. il. I J. . SpeoiMi'iis of I lie aga7ine, with civeti'.tr. fivn, lull particulars, v.iii ! .; v.. tn a.iy ;.v. eu ,'ul il -. hs. p .. I tl t-c eil f. e.eiA t vl' io ce':.. AJJnss 0-:MuKi:T- MONTiiLY. J.Jj.i'.4LiO.L.i. i i i i K) ".ER.MONo IN PLY MOUTH CUUilUl. Ar? br'n? read by pnnpla of ev. ry ela Js and 'K nominal ion all ..v. .- t!i:.- -onetry and i'.r.w .:. i'hey tue I'm 1 1 '' vl'-tl, b.-aii: l-.il i : irU' ..is thi.r glii an 1 ioelir-g. 1'i.vM.a i ;i ti'iti, is pubi.she-l wei-Wy an I eoa'.ai'.iy Mr. lie. . i.er's ei mon :i.d pr.'t;in.. iu Jori.i ' su.'.aoo- f,.,' preservarnn tt.'.'l I. u ii'-;:. Fur n!i; ly a. I nuw.-idval'. i 1'i'K-e ill o.i.Ih. i.i-tv i.l.i. : .-ript . .:! -i I-'.-.".-; . e i by the ;i : ' 1 1 ; hi-i-s 1). jiv ing two handsome v.ilui.n .- ot' ever '; piy each. Ilalfycarly. .?! Vo. A lic;v :l:d '.p..-tt-steel piitri.ii i.f Mr. liie.inv pi sei::,-.i ii, -,i: ';iile S..1-ei-'bi: I'.:.-1 a,. r,iiu:.rv eii.-i 1 PIA'MO! I'll PI. 1.1'IT and ihu CI! it IS Tl N U. ION 2 ',!). an i-i-eUrU.!, Ii-.i-pi-n. it-til weekly j-'til n.tl ef t'n. i.-;ii.u:iy v.-'r.h lc i.ue ioein laiLs at; 1 e li i.;l a rti. .-!;! by Mr. iM'.cliei' vent to o-;c a Lire s I'.u- 1 ve.-l:s ier t-Dl !l Dt LLAIiS. v;v..;:.l Lrine-iiK-i-.i to C.ltiVii-.--is and t:n?;' j;-tt-.ntr up i..b -. t . i nien Cepics. j -.o-tae ti,-e, ror o '.cnt. J. ii. 1 :;:ii c t. it., Puii.i.it.rs. A'r 'u-t i'a: l'.ow, cu Vo. i:. rs in: r.A'jv s i :::m). TWO Mu:'lili ui.ATIS : 1 be 1 alv's Peier.,! hiiu"i.ne,--s tho f I'o'.vl.'U' Ni.'Vl-ivL!-. iui- I.-,"-! : b..l ili. i .:ru ; i,ee V ' i... Lou'.-e-I. a itt'ii -r ';oii!iou : Toe ''a-e. union b j uui,' by li;lai.el li i't v. c.-t ! , a-.-.! vr of lie- trtvcu Two.' ,..' : ' .'.i .lid .Si'v.-v ; or. Ciii'-i.' j Deauo's lii-idal (iilts.1 by A: i i d i M. Ivui-i , j author o! li.c i'-.-ba.-ey Fvi luiie," w o Ii nu j ni.-ro;;.' rh.irloi- bt. ie ly a buli.aut jjalxy of j .uily . l it eis. A fi..ely eeen'..;l teel er.r .v'ti a liitred sctiio doubl.j p.ige. I'm -ly e n...-.-.l i:,.-lii..n pi.,.e. Hint a targe u.-isort.e.eni ot v.o.el out-, lhnslrat- I nig ihu la. b'.otis, fancy work ct.-., arc given in every number. It will give - p.ipular piece of Music In ev ery number. 1 0RTR.UT5 OF MSTINCJUISHED AUTHORS. The January number will contain portraitf (engraved ou itOil) of .Mrs iieury Wood Florence Peicy, Louise Chandler Muul'nn. Kitzabeth 1're.ieolt, Ainaii la M. Douglas ills., Margaret llosuier and August Dell, NEW f'rLr'TRiP.EES Who send in tliclr names before (lie first of No vember, shall rcceiue the ovember and De cember liuiubeis of lu'.s e tr iu n lditiou. maik log luurtec-ii nuialie. iu all ! Ai-d lien t-ub,er. bers ae.uding in their iiamei t y lie fist of kecembtr shall receive tin; in igai.i. e:;t De.-ei.i her holiday uuui'ue., loak.i g tiitrtceu Uiouths iu ali 1 TEll'I : $-SO a year; two copies, j 4 ; four copies, $u: tpoie.u.tc. '( a'ai one graii.-1 i S One copjr of e Lady's Friend and eve of I lie l'ot. Si. st copy of the lot ge and beauti.'ul Pieiuiuni Weel engraving Taking the Measme of tho ceddin lliug ' engraved in l.ne'aii l a! a soft of f JO;") -will nu si ni to every peiou euuing a club This engraving is a gem of a:t Address DKAfOX a Pt'TKl'.SOM, 319 vVah ut street, l'hdudeiphia. Specimen oopies sent a.r teu eeuts. N EV STORE. The subscriber begs leave to inform the citi zens of Kidgway and violuity that Le has opeued a store where may be found PFRFUMERV, FANCY GOODS, TOILET ARTICLES. STATIONERY, FIXE CONFECTIONARY, OYSTERS, CHANGES, LEMONS, in bcason. 121" J. R. EAIRD. TiLL AULAU J - . , : OUH GREAT POSTON DOLLAR STJUEI Wo want pood reliable ngeuts In every psrt of the ceuntry. P,v employing your tpare lima to foi ai clubs and seiiding ub your orders, you can obtain the most liberal commissions, cither in cash or merchandise,, and all goods sent by us will be as lepres-ontcd, and wo guarantee satisfaction to every one dealing at our house. Ageuls bhnul'l collect ten eeuts from every customer, nnd forward to ui in advance, fur deseiiptivo checks of (he goods wo sell. The, holders of the checks have the privilege nf either puvcbssiiift the in tide thereon del cribed, or of exchanging for any article men tioned on our emu egue, numbering over 600 ditleri-nt at tides, lioi one of tvhieh can bo pur uiui'ed in the usual way for tho Ham? money. Tiic advantages of first sending tlis chceka are these : We are cuiiatanl'y buying sumll lots of very valluah'.a goods, wliich uro iwt oi our catel'.gues, and for which we i?Jie efcers not. I all ore Sold ; besides, iu eeiy, club, will put ducks for walchrs, quilts, hiaakeli, oi e-: i patterns, or oouie oihur at iide ofeqaal daiue. Wcdo not olfer a finite artie'e of tnerchan-vu-cthat can be sold by regular dealers at our pi ice Vi c do not ask you iu buy goods fioni is ukless we can sell them cheaper than you can obtain them in any other. while the ;altr p ut of cur goods are t'oid at about o.veh.vlp the nr.ouLArt patls. Our stock cotitisis in part, of tho fol'owin ;:o..i i.. : 'ii-iv.-!s. niatik-e ts. Q lilts. Cottons. aig'axa, i're.-s (io oi , Tat'ie l.inen, o.vcls. H..-i-r , tllov-!'. s. k:r s, Corsets. Silt er hk.ted Wan-, Hpoons j-lsted on i.iekci . il jr, bi-ijeit l-'uri.s, i'r.'e 1 ! '.ie 1 1 .! I Cas tors Pritinnia wari, tihss war-. Ta- b'e ur. I ).e:..o.Ca.U.-r, in U;.;.U Imnty, T-.l. t-etu Fi-euch and i.vr rr.ru Fancy Oaods, JJ. aittifol Phot' ajih Albums of tho Nt v. e-t and ( bor e-it ,'tyles iu Mri cco cut Velvet Jlin I'.is. Heavy ti..!d met IT' -ed J..wc!ry of iiie latest au-l no west nvh-l. lb' have aiJ . i; nl.- ni run gem eu Is with sourj "f tiie li-aditig publishing houses that will ena ble u i lo e.l the -. ai.ibud an i Irucs.t works of aitieo,-., in about ii'iflialf the regular prices : ' a in nveoti, iKirns. Jl.for:. Mi! ton uu.l T-i.itj M.n-s V,'.,iks. in full pi'.t and cloth b.ud iiih, atnl bu.i..ii e-1 j oi" oil '; "l he?c and tvo th;i'6 (1-e for .: E DtiLL1 f. Fuli L.vc'il AIUICLB. . In every oi li.r limoiin'ir.,; to over f5', aa ! 'rLi ;t:ie'l i iU; e.ol;. 1 1 mny lfttaoi . - : led ia i.y.'i j-.d n- ever may be :. :...!...( t,l I r..Y 7vi: i::::iirs ciu.-.om! ci.'- .i ,ii.-'.-:i'.'..N fd Avixu. r-.r r. r -f 5 .0 "10a a clrb of t'.tr'r. w I ': i". '-.-'ill i- jo.:.-h. n. -yris cf . eae'.o.i I ,M-ij a: 'i i. .-.. jtiem, .1! e v! i ant-, p ,!i ! u. or i C i in en ii. For .in ..: lo.i f tit., tn.iii .. ctol; ..I sixty. n .v:U ;.u t-.e a;- ..it V.ayanU of Lr.:wu ur Ui-.-ai-ti-I -est l:o:,t:a cn v.iilch, all Wool Ij i r 1, or -1 in e .li . i'oi-- mi or-l. r o: :.- kilt, from a dub ltd. we .Yl'.l p:.y li.e r.t-l.l I 10 yui !.- '1 ;,aid wi'i- ., lie.' l;i;;. Sj.lt ti-.il i-.cn in.; ui'u-i'iue, or $U ia as... :1'-Ni MONEY RY RECHiTKRElt i :-;vt;i.!. I 1 "- : r:ii.v p-i'i'eul.iij .e-.-i !,r u:c0. I (ii:w. a i r.r.M-.iEu ci), j ( ..-.--oi.- to SiaerU l l'ii.uiuier ) i ' s "ai :,.! -it) II mover 3.r t, P.-iou, Xah. j 11 V 'J, i !i;i iTL'-.i'A i iJVl.Nl ii.! 1'UJ A tit: m-. .;::.: o a a i i -, n.Is eb'.' i; e-t v:id b.-i ," li.e fiteeary V'eek-:.e-' ..-l (. ... i';u i.nei.-mlle l i.. U:v.u.ci.l lo tevr lu ii..-iir-t p.epoi-r.f Cet'-ber. it c.D.rr.euet J i l-i'iUionl i'o. 1 !. ( .i'l. d a I ai li'y- i',.i!i tl" ' i'1-ei....it. it al.-:o o, tow ro i; ant g i ! rii.i, failed (iforc Ca at . b- i,-. 'j Wiil. ' ')' ''' Ik'nry H ood, the )'uijou4 kt-tiior ( L..it I.y . ne," i e. NK'.V NOVli: UTS will cnn!'ni,a"v su.n-epd pert, r.,. ino-e a. ready ou hand or in niV'n-.'.H A,'e I lule:- a l! :ii," b Aii.uu hi M. i.,l'S!a ; ' l.-uiue s :;eeeet," by F;-,i, k Leo-Den. diet ; a Novelet, by .',!,, k,-,;,,,,.,-, ,e. " 'i he t o.-:t tiisu gives the gems of the Ktik'isH. luiiai'ii-s. Mi .V SUFilli.t :,Cli IV r 1?71 w".l hau. the i'l.ser:.li,..lf ,l,ti b'tek to li.e jnpei-ot tie;0vti -,, tIll:i a mice t xii a cl iioii ot thai da'e iu exlnusti-j. tins n.i: bo tiiiiteee,, pajM'i- in udd.iieu to li.e reg'ilar weekly i: i-n b,-s lor ,,P e,a u.onih.-i iu aa 1 , bei. our extra edition it x haiieted. the: i. imes of all new eubtciibers fop 1870 w.ll le entered ua our iisi the vt-ry wt,s ihei ale ioceived. . 1EP.V3: P .'-". To copiea. T I. Four oopifa, ju. I ive-oTiies (and one g.nti.-) is. ouv copy of the Poet aud on of ihe Lady Friend, A copy oflheV-ee and bemitiful Premium ."'t eel Fo"i . nine-. Ti,-inif i:. ,,. " ' ' . "'"K wgravet in IJi-'and eo-t of t J l-.tl will be sent to every fudii l.bs.iril er, nd 10 e.erj p-.-ion senJiug a t ab. '" i.'u-y a ucauiiiul engraving A.idi ess ii. pi:ti:i..n,on.,v.co. 819 Walnut Sn-tet, Phil .d.-'pl. Specimen cepis scut treo tor tivc ccuii OUIl HOME lIIYSIOIAN A neiy llandp Hook of Fi.m;ly Medicine. I'.y Dr. Hil t Ilk, of iho Fuiveri-iiy of the City uf Sew York, assisted by medicnl professors i i tiie varioiH dopanmi nts. TitTee vearg devo ted to liis preparation, yuaekery "and hu,u. buggery exposed. Ptufels,.ri i our leadii.K ineelicul colleges testify ,1U, u t t,e hctl faul. lly doctor book ever writ ten. Outfit and sam ple free to agents, A. II. UL'liDA KD, 400 Chestnut St, Phil a, Pa. A THIEP' He has been trvaling about humbugging druggist and private parties mixing up and gelling a base compound which he calls VOLCOTT'S PAIN PAINT. All of Woloott'i geouiua reoiediee have a white out eide wrapper (wiili irignaior Ihryoj. Loek out for aoimterfona.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers