filh (tymnig gufootatc. Car Time at Mlltlgu ay. Srie Express East 9;41 p. m. do do West m. do Mail East 2:5 P- m- do do West 2:00 p. m. iocftl Freight East m' do do West. 6:36 p.m. m " Elk lodge, A. Y. M. Stated meetings of Elk Lodge will be 1 1 at their hall on the second nnd fourth Tuesdays of each month. , J. K. WIIITMORE, Sec y. I. 0. 0. T. The Regular meetings of Kidgway Lodge, No. 250, held every Wednesday evening at .beir Lodge lloom. C. R. SLnr., Secy. AG3NT3 TOR THE ADVOCATE. The following named persons are authorized Igents for the Advocate to receive subscrip tions, advertising or Job work, take pay there for nnd give receipts. Wilcox. A. T. Aluhicii, J. L. Tjnows. Kano. Frask W. Mkkce. Johnsonsburg. Isaac Haoan. St, Maiys. Ciias. Ccntrevillc. IIomkb 1J. Lracii, M:ij. Ritbkk. Caledonia. W. P. Smith, B. A. Wkko. Ecnnezctte. John C. B.m, J. tV. Buows. Shawmut. John FAtinEn, f-'pring Creek. A. W. InviN. Highland. Levi I'.li.othoiu'R. Ilorton. D. C. Ovs-ren. N. M. r.nTRWAT. tlllllllBH HI "HI l lll I. W. Rarrctt is gaining slowly. Chas. Mead. E; q , is aliment on a visit. On nceouut of ill hesillh. Rev William Fampson has not been ublo to fill poin'mctits tliis week. D. Davison, who lad his f-kull fractured, is gaining but suffers consi titrable pain from tlie injury. . Five or six duns came to an abrupt death tbis week, supposed to bo "pizencd." Who v.ftl take care of the carouses ? 0. W. 1 nnr rr, publisher of the TIkh Al.n, Emporium, paid us a short visit this week lie is n frond winter, n cb-ver fel low, good-looking and sports a great bifr Jut of whiskers Coat.. M. T. French b;,s made arrange wonts to furnish the citizen? of Ridgwny with both anthr.ieite and biuiii:;n us coal nt rcwonnblo rates lie will have several car loads of anthracite, to dispose of the first of next week. Send in your orders. On the day of this Mineral in Paris of Victor Noir,'ml ( "en rob. it, the. cui,-Tiia'ider-in chief n? the forces about the city was aske.l wh.-it lm wool 1 do in case f ." Vi.)t. P.o replied :"I .-Vi" shoot d c.Mi lO. (V.ii) met) if iice.'---rv, and 1 only a.-k G- ll.iliU'CS to fjuiet 1'ati." Tron Ci.y Cnt.n.u:: This h one f.f the iil .sf popular. ,i :sH certainly one of th" mo.-t si!ce.ssf:i) institutions in the Country. Tt is init an instil utio i id an ho-ir, p.esis--. ing a'io rip'Uatioii ;" it Ins ace. merit, an i an cstaMish d'i. From oi,r pi.-rso'i il kno'A'le l;e ol the .School aid i -;ejcoui;!i.s!u'd Jt im.i a!s, Weinke ll'iis'iiv in recouimoiid'ufr it to all in pursuit. ol.a tlioiou.'h Lrt-incss ed in. a', ion. tilealnu- The citih hour tin :i will not be rui prifed at tlie appearance of j four In ur nun, who bus taken the trouble, to argue that fieo inen should not work more than four hours a day, and should devote, the rc-t oi' their time to sleep and stlf-iii'j-vuvi incut. Work ing men, however, inilit object to the otlxr part il his tlieoiy, where he shows they can live on sixpenny dinners, and thrive on meals, consisting of two ecuts' wurlh ol bread an 1 a jug of milk. ' Uniikk a 15 .." Ibis is the title ot a now novelet j 1st commenced iu The Satukday 1'osTof rhiladelpiiia, by that admirable authoress, Miss Amanda M. Pouglas. This uovelet will run for about three months ; and will be followed by novelets by Frank Leo l'oncdiet, Mrs. Henry Wood, Mrs, Hornier, Miss. I'lihs. cutt, &c. The Satuiiday Kvexino I'ost is one oi the best of t lie literary papers, and adapted for bimly reading by tlie un objectionable, useful and entertaining char aeter of its contents. Price 3J..r0 a year. Addrees II. Peterson & Co, 3U Waluut ?trtet Philadelphia. Sample numbers sent gratu. Tub Donation Pahty at the Ilydo House on last Sauiday evcuiiifj; for the ben efit of lev William Sampson was a com plete success. The amount was, iu round cumbers, 82o0. The ladie of the committee of arrangements acquitted them selves with great credit ; they, with the co operation of the ficnerousand obliging host and koettss of the Hyde House succeeded admirably in making the party one of the most pleasant that ever assembled in llidg way. The occasion will long be remem bered by all who participated. Ought not this donution, which we dare gay will Ee found at least equal to any niado wiibin the bouuds of the Erie Coulcrencj during the curreut year, suggest the idea to the appointing power of the M. E. Church, that they bad better send us good n. i aud get good pay, than otlciwise ? Swallowed a Knife. The. New CaBtle Courant has the following tough story On Monday or Tuesday of last week a small boy named Charlie Henry, who tor some time past has been going to school near Prince ton, this county, and living with his uncle, swallowed a small pen knife, with the blade open. He told bis uncle what he had done, but he did not think the boy was in earnest, untill some of the school children told hira that Charlie had really swallowed the knife. He then become alarmed and came to town to tell his relatives liv ing hero, nnd confult.a physician. We do not know what measures have been taken to place the boy 'out of danger. Up to last accounts ot the time of this writing, no uneasiness had caused the boy by the knife, oud he was in his Ubiial good spirits. A Wilful Woman. Tbo Duchws ol Malborough, wife of the "great Duke," was a termagant of the worst sort. No an. ccdotc so forcibly illustrates her temper as tbis: She had long and rich hair, which her husband greatly admired. One day, to spite hi'.n, she cropped it off close and threw it in hi3 face. But she was of a natnre to defy death it self. When very old, she was taken sick. The physicians told her she must be blis tered. She relused. At length ono ot thenifcaid. "Unless your ladyship is will ing to bj blistered o'l will die." 'I won't he bbstcred and I won't die," returned the incorrigible old woman. And for that time she was as pood as her wofd. Pkatii or Gottschalk The steam, ship South America, from 14io Janeiro De ct iiibcr 25th brings intelligence oi the dca'h of the celebrated American pianist and composer, Louis Goottschalk. It np pears that whileriving a monster concert at Jarcrio he fell senseless at his ins t. ument during the performance of I: is fa vorhe composition La Morte. fie was taken to Tijnca, where he lingered three veek:', and expired on the 18th cf Decem ber. What's the use of saying Catarrh cnnnnl be cured when Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy is so sine and positively" certain that the propr etor ffers S50U reward for a case of 'Varrh which he cannot cure. A full pint i f the n.edieine is made by dissolving one fifty tent package of the powder in water.. Sold by Dmggists, or send Sixty Cents to Dr. R. V. Pierce, BufLlo, N. Y., f.,r a pack aire by mail. Paper Grass. Paper-grass is bcinsr ex eis've'y cultivated in England It is said that i ton oi IliU Mibe'a'ioo nmkes nearly one ;1 oiivai.d pi unds d' paper, nf a touuh, diir ib'o fpn'.'.iy ; but it is doubtful if it will eve r Mipcivcdc lags for all the finer qualU it f. LonsviiXK. Jan ol. The last of the 'ihio River bridge wa? completed this after noon. The length of tbe bridge, exclusive of approaches, is one mile. It has two main spi'iis of i;70 leet, and another of -DO feet, and a draw over the channel. The time occupied in its construction was two year and six months. It. will be ready for tbe passage of trains in tbice or four days. A resolution was introduced iu the Ohio IIou-o yesterday, looking to the amending of the State Constitution fco as to permit wo. to vote. The Consolidated Bank of Louisiana was robbed on Sunday iiirbt of nearly SoO.OOO The robbery was evidently the work of an experienced cracksman. Darius S. Skinner, a sr.tton buyer of Prov. dence, had his arm shot off recently in Tex as by the accidental discharge of a gun, while returning from a hunting expedi tion. A snow s'ido from the root of the Kirk, st, Church, at Lowell, Mass., yesterday, carried with it a chimney, and killed a stranger who was passing through the street. ir :nky WcitD BEECHER'S SERMONS IN PLYMOUTH CHURCH. Are being read by people of every class and denomination all over this country and Europe, i'liey are full of vital, beautiful religigous thought and feeling. Plymouth Puli-it is published weekly and contain? Mr. Beeclier'e t-et iiionn and prayers, in form suitable for presciVHt'ou and biuJing. ' For sale by all newsdealers. Price 10 cents. Yearly sub. scrip! ions received by the publishers .(3;. gi ing iwo handsome volumes of over -tOO pages eucli. Half yearly, $1 75. A new and nuperb steel )mii mil ct Mr. Beeclier presented to all yenrly subscribers. Extraordinary offer ! PLYMOUTH PULPIT $3. and the CHRIS TIAN UNION 2 GU, an uuseolarian, Indepen. deiu weekly journal of Christianity with lec ture room talks and editorial articles by Mr. lieeeher sent to one address for 52 weeks for FOUR DOLLAKS. Special inducements to canvassers and those getting up clubs. Speci men copies, posiago free, for 5 cents. J. B. i'OI'.D & CO., Publishers. 4w 39 Park How, Y'ew York. C H. Y'OLK, Manufacturer and Dealer In I m Raa nrtnneit t h a Pailrnnrl bept, Rt. Mary's, Elk county Pa, Blar- tili-i Powell & kime. QOODS FOR THK MILLION. POWELL & KIME, At their eapacious store in RIDGWAY, Have on hand, a splendid assortment of all seasonable Goods adapted to the wants of tbo people of Elk and adjoining counties, which they are selling at prices that defy competition. They would simply state here, that being very large dealers, their facilities for purchasing are un equalled by any establishment in the county. They buy directly from manu facturers and on the GROUND FLOOR. Another advantage. You can always get what you waut at their store, hincc you will time by going directly to them and TIME IS MOSEY. We have no space here to enumerate all the ad vantages you will have in patronizing their establishment- But call and sec, and reap the advantages for yourselves. Among their Goods you will dud DRY GOODS in enllcss varieties, GROCERIES choice and fresh CLOTHING of best material superior cu". and finish; BOOTS k SHOES ef the best stocrf and make, CROCKERY fur newly married, iniddle aged aud elderly. DRIED FRUIT, BUTTER, EGGS, PORK, HAMS, LARD, FLOUR. CORN MEAL. AND EVERYTHING ELSE. Nearly all kinds of country produce taken at the market value vlnltf. - TANNING & LUMBER CO KE EYSTONE STORE WILCOX PA ATTENTION EVERYBODY SPRING OPENING The largest store in North Western Ta., lit Icrally filled to overflowing. WINTER GOODS closing out regardless of value. We are opening the spring campnign with the largest and most attractive stock evrc offered in this market. We shall endeavor to keep every depart ment well assorted the year round, Our DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT will always contain a large and well selected slock of Cloths Cassimers & Cloaking, Black and Colored Silks. Komonnlnc dross goods in great variety. Table Linens, Xapltins Towels &c, white goodsof every description, bleached and brown sheetings all widths. GLOVES & HOSIERY TRIMMINGS and NOTIONS CARPETS and OIL CLOTHS WALL aud WINDOW PAPER. HOOKS AND f?TATIOXi:nY CLOTHING, HATS nnd CAPS, BOOTS & SilOLS BUCOS li MBBICI.XES PAINTS, OILS & BYE cTCFPS, I.EA'jUER, & SHOE FJXDIXGS, IIARDWAU'L, S7 0VES.I TLX WARE, JROXit STL EL, XMLS .f- V.UiLDERS JL: ED WAR L. NUTS & WAS'IEilS, I!0"?E SHOES k NAILS, WACOM SPRINGS, PATENT AXLES & DONE 5, CROCK ERY and GLASSWARE, STONE WARE, FLOUR, FEED & MEAL, CORN and OATS, FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS. SASH & DOORS COFFINS, MATRASSES, REDDING, &c, TOBACCO & CIGABS, TRUNKS, VALISES & CAT. PET BAGS, 11UUI3EII HELTINO. CLOCKS i" GREAT VAR CTY. Agents for Iloyt Bros. Celebrated Leather Belting. Wiih our superior facilities for obtaining heavy good3, iu large quantities, from first bauds we defy competition iu Grcocrics & Provisions. We invite particular attention to our choice brands of extra and double extra flour, we get direct from mills at tbe west thus saving to customers the profits usually pocketed by middlemen. Our flour is always fresh ground and we guarantee entire satisfaction with every barrel TANNING & LUMBER Co. w"Uuo Pa. Iln21tf. THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED PA PER IN ELK COUNTY. THE ELK CD. ADVOCATE. HAVING THE LARGEST CIRCULA TION, IT IS THEREFORE THE ADVERTISING MEDIUM IN THE COUNTY ! Scrotcd to the gutfi'cs.t.3 cf the gcopte of lh (County. Ovttcw fov ifcti mcvlt Solicited mid I'vomjtta dUtcnflcd to. Addukss J. S. BORDWELL, Rjjjgaay, Pa. LOItlLLAHD.'S 12U1U3KA ?mol;injr Toaro is granulated Virginia. an excellent article of Wherever introduced it ia unirersnllu mireil. Il is put np in handsome muslin hnn-s in which orders for Meerschaum Pipes are daily packed. I.OUILLAAD'S "YWCIIT CI.l'P.- Smoking Tuhacco has no superior : bein" deni- C"lin:;-.e.. ii cannot injure ncvcless constitu tions, or people of sedentary habits. It in proiliu'ed from selections of the'tlnesl stock, ami prepared by a patented and original manner. It is very aromatic, mild, and licbi wootIm bonce it will last much longer than others: nor tloes it lnii u or sting the tongue, or leave n disagreeable after-taste Orders tor cer.tiine. cbtrantU- curved "eer:-c!i:iiii,i Pipes silver mounted, and pack ed in neat leather pocket eases, are pluud ir the lie.eht Club brand daily. L 0 II I L L A U B ' S CENTURY Chr-v in; Tobacco This branil of Fiufl Cut Chcwine- Tnbnnnn has 1,0 sim.rior anvwlieve. Il is, without doulii. the best chewinir to- l-aeeo in tlie counirv. I.Olill.I.A 1T RVUVP'S Hare liucu in general nsu in the L'niled Stales ever 1 10 years, and still acknowledged "Ihe lies.''' wherever used. It' your stoi -cheepers does not have these articles lor s.i!e. ask him to eel them. They are sold by respectable jobbers al most everywhere. t.'M-eiilar:! mailed on application. E5 CAS! MIT at lowest rairrs. That ll.n MA PON &. HAMLIN CARI--NETand M ETR01 OLl'f.i.V ORGANS are tbo best in the world is rn-ovnil hv lw. . . . . i j nnt unatiiniiius (liinon of rrcfessiona) IliusicmiiK, IjV tbo uward to tin in of xi v knty rivi: f;.r.i)uud is i'i. -it muialsov in her iiiuhest ti'Tiiiiutr.s. ut nrini-irnl in oo:i!pc:i!ions within t f: . ' 1 w yens, cxiiusi i::c.:tUin tlie Medal at 'ion, an I by a sale. ve:y the Par ninth renter thai, ' liat of any fimiiar in.itriMii'iitii. I -n ii v inaiiulaoiur'S an i h,t iiiruf., mo! nor ., '-,.1 iit any price, or su.'l'.-r an ii,f, Thij Cnni Ass in at f ii i up oro-ms" riur instru ment to hi ar their name incensed their luciiiiLd lltivin uruatly r i;i..iiuf'uelure. by tlie. introduction of new machinery and (ithevwise, they nro 7mw niukinjr Letter Orans than eve? before, at increased ccon miiy in cost, which, in nccm-danco with their lixed policy nf Felling always at leas! reiuiuicrafivc profit, they arc now iifTerine at f.tices nf inferior work, F (J U R O C. TAVE ORGANS, Plain Walnut Case, ?5L. FIVE OCTAVE ORG AN , Diml:!u Reed, stops ( Vt'odi Diupmun, lo,,,!, Fiur, I'rcmitlautmb. Other sty les in proportion. Circular?, with full r.irr'cnlur.s, iacjudirip aceur Ue drawings of iiiniYent styles of or gans, rnd much iuformutioii which will be of service ii every purchaser of an organ, will be sent free, and postage paid, to any oue de.irin;r them. M A SON & IIAMLTN ORGAN CO. 4ff l.jd J renioiit St. Rostuii; o03 RioaJ way, NvW Ycik. IIO'.V LOST, 110 W RE- I'll. SitlKEO Just published, a new edition Ulkv;:-i ,f Hit. CULVER WELL'S ('IJ.KlHl.yTi:!) ESSAY on the r ilu-ul curt (withu'it. l.iedic'.ie) of Si'Ki:iATor.mic., or Si'iiiiiml Wiuknes;. Iivoliiiiiiir.v S -minul Lo?sos, Imimh kncv, Mental ar. l Phis ee.l Ineapacity, Iinpid :n -nts to Mairiagc eio. : alse, Co-siMi-noN. 1-ini.Ki'SY, mid Fits, induced by self iudii't'iiuR or t-exioil ex'ravMcince. w 'I'lia', iu a g'.aled envelop.?, only ti cents. The celebrated a'llhor. in this admirable essay, clearly i'.e.'iioisir:ites from a thirty years' nic-. essl'u'. jirielio.', that the alarming coiisi'ipienci-s cf self nbnse maybe radically cured without tin) il.merous use of internal me 1 t'ne or tlie application of lha kuit'e ; poiiu in out a mo le of cine at once simple. certain, and elt 'etu i!, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what bis condition iimv hi, n. ay cure himself cheaply, privately, and ri:u4cili;;. f;-rThis l.eclu-e fhou'd l.e in tbe hands of ever youth an I eveiy man iu the laud. Hint, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad .ics. jum'p i if, ot six cents, or iwo post ttauips. Also, Lr. JL'u'verwe'.i's " M irriaze Guide," price 2") cent s. Address the Publishers. CIIAS J. C. KLINE Co., 127 liowery, New York, PosUOilieU Bos 4,580. vluSoyl. TOU WORK of all ,J done ut this office. kinds and detcri- VISITING CtilDS el at this ul'.itt. SEATLY EXECCT. MERRY CHRISTMiS ANDIIAPP NEW YEARS TO ALL 1 1 TOYS ! TOYS J ! Just Received at BAIAD'S VARIETY II ALL, a fino assortment of Toys forllolidaj Pret enta consisting of r All IAN FIGURES, JEWELL BOXES lit Endless V ariety, Vases All Kinds, Toilet Setts, Toy Tea Setts, For The Little Ones, Harmonicas, Accordcons, Dolls, Doll-Babies, Toy Speak ing Animals. Also the Latest Novelty in Doll Heads ofTarian Granite witb Head Dress and Ear-Riugs. Something new j drop in and see them No trouble to show goods if you d j not wish to buy; also a full line of other Toys too umcrions to mention. vln84 s TJLL A II LAD I OUR GREAT ROSTON DOLLAR STORE f We want good reliable agents in every part of the country. Hy employing your tpare time to form clubs and sending us your orders, you ?au obtain the most liberal commissions, eithou in cash or merchandise-, and all goods sent by us will be as represented, and we guarantee satisfaction to every ono dcalinn at our hoase. Agents should collect ten cents from every customer, nnd forward to us in advance, for descriptive checks of the goods we sell. The holders of the checks have the privilege of either purchasing the article thereon des cribed, or of exchanging for any article men Honed on our cata'ogue, numbering over 510 Jill'erent articles, not one of which can be pur chased in the usual way for the same money. The advantages of tirst sending the checks lrnlheSA! Wa nt-n rnn.lnrlli, I,. lols of very valluable goods, which are not on our catalogues, and tor which wo issue checks nntil all are sold ; besides, in every, club, we will put checks for watches, quills, blanket'-, dress patterns, or oonie other arliclo of equal diilne. We do not offer a single article of mcrchan nisclhat can be sold by regular dealers at our price. We do nor. ask you to buy goods from is unless we can sell tem cheaper than yon can obtain them in any other. while the greater paitofour goods are sold at about OXE HALF THE REGULAR RATES. Our stock consists in Tiart of the following - - - a .goods : nnvls, rdankcts, Quilts, Cuttons, Ginghams, Lress Goods, Table Linen, . owels. Hosie ry, Gloves. Skirls, Corsets, Silver hlaled Ware, Spoons plated ou Kickel Silver, Dessert Forks, Five-bottle Plated Cas tors Uritiania ware, Glass ware, Ta ble nnd PjcketCu'l.-ry. in Great Variety, Elegant. French and Ger men Fancy Goods, lieautiful rhoto-jraph Albums of llio New. est and Choicest 6'lyles in Morocco and Velvet Dindinzs. lleavv (iold nnd rimed Jewelry of the latest and newest styles. We have alsj inado arrangements with some of the leading publishing houses that will ena ble us to sell tlie standard aiid-l.-uest works of authors at about onedialf the regular prices : such as Ilvron, Uiirns. M.ore. Milton and Tennyson's Works, iu full gilt and cloih bind, ings, and hundred of others. These and cverj thing ebe for ONE DOLLAR FOR .EACH ARTICLE. In every order amojinting to over $50, no mipnnied by the cash, the airent tifav retain ; and in every order over $100, $-1 may be retained to TAV THE EXPRESS CHARGES. COMMISSION TO AGENTS. For an order of $30 frorr a club of Ihirtv. wa will pay 1 li o agent as commission. 83 vanls ef bleached or brown sheeting, good dress pattern, all wool pants pattern, or $3 60 in cash. r or an order of $t!0 from a club of sfcly, we will pay the ap-cnt. 05 vards of brown or bleach ed shcetinir. huntiiiff easo walch. all wool shawl, or $7 in cash. tor an order of $100. from a club 100. we will pay the agent 110 yards .'I yard wide), sheeting, spleudid sewing machine, or $11 in cash. TEND MONEY RY REGISTERED LETTERS. For further particulars send for catalogues. Address GEORGE A. PLUM ME It & CO., (Successors to Harris Pluuimcr ) Nos. ilO and 40 Hanover Street, Boston, Jfasg. iiivl!0,'o9 tf TJOOK AQENTS WANTED FOR 15 Struggles and Triumphs of k 9 3 V I'ilten by Liin?lf. Tn one large octavo toI uuia nearly 8iiO pages printed in English and German. 83 full page engravings. It em braces forty year recollections of his busy life, as a merchant, manager, banker, leoturer and showman. No book published so acceptable to all classes. Every oje wants il. Agents aver ago from 60 to 100 eubsoribers a week. We oiler extra inducements. Illustrated catalogue aud terms to agen seut free. J. B. BVUH & CO., Fublishere, 8w nanford, Conn. ENVELOPES. I.ABELS & .TAGS neatly primed, t the Adtwcute OtSee.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers