-llih. to Albert Willis for 200 acres Each baol road, Bcntingor tp. 18th. to Joseph Wilbelm, for 20 acres St. Marys' road Beminger tp1 19th. to George Weis, for IS acres, avcn. ne B. Warrant number 4401, Benxinger tp. 20th. to Albert Willie, far warrant number 4076, Bcueinger tp., 200' acres. L'lst.. to Albert Willis, for warrant number 41"7, Benritfgef tp., 81)8 acros. 22d. to L. H. Eicholii, for warrants oum bora 4409, and 4408, Benainger township 220 acres. 23d. to Albert Willis for 60 acros ou Brussells r6ad in Bcnzinger tp. 24tta. toL. II. Eicbolts, for 30 acres on Rosely road in Benxinger tp. 25th to George Weis, for warrant number 4408, Benxinger tp., 84 aoree. 26th. to George Weis for warrcnt number 4407, Benxinger tp., 107 acres. 27th. to George Weis, for warrant numbor 4409, Benzinger tp., 29 acres. 28th. to L. II. Eicholii for warrant num ber 4874 Fox tp., 206 acres. 20th. to L. II. Eioholtz for warrant nun ber 4077 Fox tp., 296 acres. 80th. toL. II. Eicholtz for warrant num ber 4078 Fox tp., 246 acres. 31st to L. II. Eicholtz for warrant num ber 4081 Fox tp., 105 acros. 32d. to L II Eicholtz for warrant number 4082 Fox tp., 307 acres. 84d to L II Eicholti for warrant number uo xox tp., j-jy acros. 84th. to L H Eicholii for warrant num. ber 4088 Fox tp., 67 acres. 35th. L LI Eicboltz for warrant number 4096 Fox tp., 28 acres. 36th. to h II Eicholtz for warrant number 4097 TTnr fn 7P,S ... - if I uu UVI VUt 37th. to L II Eioholtz for warrant numbor J)ox tp., 429 acres 39th. to Albert Willin for warrant num. ber 4375 Ridgway tp., 973 acres. 40th. to Albert Willis for warrant number 4376 Ridewav tn.. 1020 a 41st. to Albert Willis for warrant number 06 1 J Iiidgway tp., 1020 acres. 42d. to Albert Willis for warrant number 4389 Ridgway tp , 675 acres. 43d. to Albert Willis for warrant number 4390 Ridgway tp., 127 acres. Seized and taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Chas. W. Ilnuting ton. JACOB M'CAULY, Sheriff ol'Elk county. Sauirr,8 Office, ) Ridgway, Pa. Deo. 25. 1808. SHERIFF'S SALE. Bj virtue of a writ of Venditioni Ex ponas, issued out of the Court of Com mon Fleas of Elk County, Pennsylva nia, and to'me directed, I will expose to PUBLIC SALE, at the Court House, iu Ridgwaj', on MouliiT,'Jannnrr 10, 1870. At 1 o'clock P. M., all the following uescnueu properly,- to mt : Besiiminsr at a nost. heino- th nnrt west corner of lot deeded to Laurette M'Cauley by Eddy Hyatt aud wife, thenrein a westerly direction alnnir thp Milesburg and S'melhport Turnpike 1 . 1 II. . . h liu u i bi. nu a nan rous to a post, inence southerly direction about eleven and a half rods to a nost. thence an easterly direction about six and a half roas to a poei, ueingtne south west cor ner of Laurette M'Cauley 's lot, thence a northerly direction along Baid lot nooui eleven ana a naif rods to the place of bPffinnill'T. conlniiiiiifr Kevnufv -1 o ' two square rods of land, being part of tnc 6atne Janci, conveyed to Eddy Hvatt bv Jacob Wilson nnrl wifi h'u deed bearing date the first day of March, seized ana tauen into execution na the property of William Wood, at the bum oi u. Ai.'&mun a uo., and to be old by JACOB M'CAULEY, Shiriff's Office, I Sheriff. Ridgway. Dec. 25th, '69. i dec26'09-tc. ALSO, bv virtue of a writ of Vn ditioni Erponat, isssued out of the court oi common j'leas; or Elk County, Pennsylvania, and to me di rected, I will expose to PUBLIC bALE, at the Court Ilouse in Ridg way, on Monday, January 10, 1870, At one o'clock P. M., all the following described property, situate in the town of Ridgway, Elk County, Penn sylvania, known and described as follows : One lot of land known as'lot number one hundred aud sixteen, according to the plan of said town, as made by John J. Ridgway, and recorded in the Recorder's Oflice of - said County. Beginning at the corner of Centre Btreet and East street, being the north west corner of said lot, thence along Centre street sixty-four feet, thence 60iith twenty-three degrees twenty -five minutes east along lot number one hun dred and fifteen, one hundred and eixty feet to an alley, thence north sixty-six degrees ' and thirty-five minutes east along said alley to East street, thence north twenty-three de grees twenty-five minutes west along East street to the place of beginning, having thereon erected a Two-story Frame Gothic Dwelling Ilouse, the main building being about sixteen feet front by thirty-two feet in depth, and a wing on the east and wc t sides each fourteen feet by fourteen feet, or there abouts ; also, an outbuilding (used for a coal house, wash room, &c.,) about sixteen feet by eighteen feet. Also, one other lot of land adjoining the Harness Shop Lot, commencing at post on the Milesburg and Smeth port Turnpike, thence easterly along the line of said Turnpike sixty feet to ft post, thence back by a line at right angles with said Turnpike sixty feet post, thence along the Harness Shop Lot seventy feet to the place of be ginning, containing forty-two hundred square feet more or less, having thereon rected a Two Story Frame Building with basement, said Vinil.l! n rr Via in n? about twenty-four feet front by thirty. - j - - muir-i ,,ri P, ' V "S buiU "nd Sei;:cd and taken in execution an tho property of Heury II. Thomas, snr viTing partner, Ac, nt the suit of Uenry Souther and Edward Souther, surviving partner, tc, inl to be sold by JACOB M'CAULEY, Sheriff. SiiBKirr'B Officii, ) Ridgway, Ph., Dec. 25, '09. f tlec25-ct I.It r.KSK NOTICE. Notice is lierebv p-irpn Mint lb fal lowing named persons have filed their applications lor license, in my office, to January Sessions, 1870, according to inn TAVKRNS. Btnczctte Township. 1. Beibl, Albert 2. Entz, Martin 3. Ilanscom, John Fox Townnh ip. 3. Koch, Jos. & Son 4. Leach, 11. B. 5. Vanbraband, John Horton Township. G. Oyster, D. C. Ridgway Tow whip. 1. Cook, Leonard 8. Gower & Sleight. 9. Healy, John 10. Schrain, Wm. II. 11. Thayer, David iSV. Marys Borough. 11. Beveridge, Walter 12. Fochtman, A. 13. Garrity, Thomas 14. Rogan, James 15. Volk, C. II. lfi. Winfelder, Jos. 17. Zelt, Wm. 18. Zimmett, Thomas KATIXQ HOUSES. Benezette Township. 1. TVinslow, L. Jgncs Town-filiip. 2. Devlin, G. P. St. Maryt Porough. 4. Blinzler, Ed. 5. Claujsnian Chas. C. Gies, Wm. fi. Sorg, F. X. 7. Wittinan, Geo. STORES. Benezette Townnhig. 1. Wiuslow, L. B. Iiidgway Township. 2. Messenger, G. G. 67. Marys Borough. 3. Bieberger, J. 4. "Wilbelm, Jos. FRED. SCIKENING, Prothonotary. List of Grand Jurors drawn for J anuary Term, 1870: Benezette town ship, Samuel Marsh, Benjamin Johnson, John King; Benzinger, Nicholas De walt ; Fox, John Tierce, John Mohan, Robert M. Wilson, J. n. Graybill, Eli jah T. Meredith; Horton, Jacob L. Taylor, John Brown, James Reilley ; Jay, William M. Webb, Jos. Cheatel ; Jones, Truman Garlick, Joel Beckwith; Ridgway, Jerome Powell, Tlympton ."em;, spring Lreeic, j icholas George, Hiram Carman; St. Marys, George Weigel, John Sosenheimer, Jacob So senheimer, Joseph Craft. List of Traverse J urors for January Term, 1870 : Benezette, Luther Lucore, William English, II. R. Winslow, J. B. Powers. Isaiah Kollinsworth riiovioa Sheldrake; Benzinger, Francis Kreig, t unam uross ; i ox, James R. Green, Frank Showers. Aaron Harrington. P. W. Hays, Charles R. Keltz, Jacob Mover, Coonrad Mover, Jr.; Horton, II. P. Goodrich. Jacob Tin Wood, Chauncey Brockway, Jr., Pat rick M'Cready, Willis Taylor, Wihner Brockway; Jay, A. W. " Gray, Elam H tiller, Reese Mavhood : Jones. .Tncnh C. Meflert, John "Weidert. O. O. Rr. lick, M. Deveraux; Ridgway, G. G. Messenger. E. E. Crandall. (!. V. Oil. lis, Loren C. norton, Jacob Dieble : opnng Lreet, l nomas Irwin, Edwin Payne. JACOB M'CAULEY. December 25, 1SG9. Sheriff. r"10URT Pr.OCLAilATIDV -ni,Arnn. .1.. J Hon. 8. P. Johnson. President Judge and Hons. E. C. Schultia and .1 ciatc, Juth'es of the Court t O Orphans' Court, Oyer and Terminer, and Gen eral Jail delivery, for the trial of capital and other ofl'enses in the county of Elk, by their prceipts to me directed, Lave ordered the aforesaid named Courts to be liolden at Ridg way, in and for the county of Elk, on the Second M on lay of January it being tho 10f.lt duy of the mantti, and to continue one week. Notira is hercbv sriven In tl.n f'..r., of the Peace, and Cons' ables-of the said county. inai iney are Dy inese presents commanded to b then and there in their ten e'olock, A. M., of said dav. with iheir rolls, records and inquisitions, and other re membrances, to do those thintrs which their offices ai.r.trtain to be done, ami thni nil Justices of said coun'y make returns of nil reoognizauces enterea into netore them, to the Clerk of the Court, as per act of Assemble nf March 4th 1884. And those who urn V,,.,,..',l i. prosecute tha prisoners that ire or shall be in the iail of the coiml of rih. mil) in ha n,nn and there to prosecuto against them as shall be just. JACOB McCAULEY, Shsriff. r.idjwaT, Dcc-nBer 2i"', nllio E XrXUTORS' NOTICE. Letters testameu- yj tary on lha estate of William Wernw.nr. duusased, having been grantej to the under signed, persons indebted to tha siid estate will please inakt payn.eot, aud those having claims will please present the same without do'.ay to John U. Wernwag, at Wilcox, Pa., or to Theo dore Wemwag, Wm. P. Wernwae. Executors, 242 244 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. rioveojoer id, iMiy-ot. REGISTER'S NOTICE. Notice is hereof eiven that tha follow. ing accounts have been filed iu my Office and will bo presented at the nest Term of the Orphan' Court of Elk County for con. toruiaiion : Aeeouut of A. W. Gray, Ad nilnistrator of V. S. Rrnckway, decased, Firsf partial aceount of Ralnh Joh nnnn .1 r ezeoutor of the estate of Ralph Johnson, aaceasea. FRED. SCnOEXXO, Register, 10n4 1 UMSMITHLN.1. J The nnderBtiTripd rnrftrnit o - - i'" i4ii y mi. tinittiAAfl Im I. '. i -1 VMI . - . iu mo ciicaiis oi j'iK, and adjoin. na counties, that lie Vins rponntlo cfv.i:..i..i , ' . , voiuuiWIICU a tiiin hhnn in Ttidirnnv at .-i j i ... i- .; lll.'liu III .Main and Depot Streets, in the be.euientot no DDtimng occupied by W. Service as a tin shop, where he will attend promptly to all orders for work in his line. TARGET AND HUNTING RIFLES, Single or Double, mnJa to order, snd war rnted. He also keeps on hand, and lor sale a NEW AND SUPEP.IOR Breech Loading Rifle, a good assortment of Ammunition, Revolvers, Hunting Tackle, and other articles pertaining to the trade. nlO. tf HORACE WARNER. IN ELK COUNTY COMMON PLEAS. No. 8 January Term, 1SC7. In the mat ter of the Voluntory Assighuicnt of Burke & Woods, NOTICE is hereby given that the un designed, Auditor appointed by the Court of Common Picas o! Elk County to distrib. me the funds in tho hands of the Ahk ipnc c will attend to the duties of his appointment at the Prothonotary 's office, in Rideway,on Friday, December 31st A. D. ISC), at 3 o'clock P. M., when and where all persons interested nmy attend if they ppo proper. FMUD. SO II (EN I NG. Auditor. Ridgway. Pa., December G. 1SG9. Pn 3t I !OOWKEB-OF UNPATENTED LANDS Ol:RTKTOR (.iENERAJ. B nrFICT. Hiirrisljui k, Pcnna. Nov. tStli, 18C0. J In ohcJirncc to an Act of AntrmMy npprov the 8ie ilny of April, one tliouKnud t!iK,t lnimlvccl nnd sixty nine, you are hereby nuli tied that the ' Comity Land Lien Docket,' con taining the lint of uiiioliuted lnmla for I lk eounlv. m-nnnrril iiiiflm tlm Km nf . r .i . i - i ......,. ... v. iiaM'iuii.y ,( the twentieth of May, one thousand eight hun- un-u auujHxiy lour, ami the nupplemciit there to. Ins this day licen forwar.ledto (lie Prollmn otary of the countv. at ivhoso nHii. it i,. examined. 'J'iio liens ctii onlv Lo lidniilir.l by the tiavment of tho nmplinLn n..,.,.- :..i est and fees, and rcceivine rnteiua lif..nc-l. this dpurtment. JACOB 51. CAMHiFLL, Nov. 13, 1S69. fiutveyor (ieneral. JJENRIT W1KD BEECH ER'S SERMONS IN PLYMOUTH CHURCH. Art bring read liy pcoplo of evevy class and denomination all over this irmmirv mirt Kin-..r They are full of vital, beautiful religiyoiis thoucrht and feeling. Pi vMnrrn Ir-i ;. published weekly and contains 5!r. Jieeckn-'s Hermons and prayers, in form suitable for preservation and bindirg. i'or sale by all newsdealers. Prirft ill ppnia Vndvlu c.i. Koriptions received by tho publishers piv ma iwo iiitnusonie vniuinrs 01 over -sun 1 ai'es eaeh. Half yearly, $1 7o. A new and huperb steel portrait ot Mr. llcechcr preseutcd 10 all yearly suberibers. Extranrdinavv efl'?v PLYMOUTH PULPIT S5, and the"CIU!!S TIAN UNION $2 f0, an unseclarian, Imlepen dent weekly journal of Christianilv with ko ture room talks and editorial articles by Mr. Beecher sent, to one address for i"'J weeki for FOUR DOLLAltS. Special inducements to uniivassers anu ino.se peuim? 1111 r. nha. sin-m. men copies, pnuiaji;a nee, lor o cents. 0- o " J. i. tunu hi., l-uhlif hers. 4w 30 l'ark Row, Yew Yurlc. "VT'OW IS THE TIME TO PROCURE CHEAP 1J x'aiuuio iu HARNESS. SADDLKS. VALISES TRUNKS, WHIPS, &C J. 51. HEARD, liavingjust returned from Phil adelphia, where he has purchased a large as. sortment of the above goods, along with nearly everything in his line, would respectfully in vite the attention of the nublio tn tlifin He is at all times prepared lo manifacluro to oraer a;i Kinus or Harness, or anything else iu his line. BOSTON TEAM COLLARS, The host collar for lumbering purpose, a; e KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND. I CHALLENGE COMPETITION AS TO PRICE, STYLE OR QUA LI 1'. fcsffGive me a call at a.j establishment, ABOVE THE CORNER OF MAIN AND DEPOT STREETS, RIDGWAY, PA. novC,'C91y J. M. HEARD. A TTEXTIOS MILL- O U Nf 11 S T M1K EAGLE TURlilSR W A T K I! WHEEL, patented julv 30. IRllT. I superior to any wheel in use. The under signed have the agency for said wheel in the State oi Pennsylvania, and can recommend it as being the best manufactured. lor further particulars, aud circulars, inquire at our Foundry in Kersey, where machinery, mill-goarh:g, castings and slcam eagineawill be made to order at reasonable prices. We expect by giving satisfaction in our work to receive a good share of public patronage. J. F. KODERTSON, R. BELL Keney, P.lkCe.. Pa., jasUi lSGSpd. B OO K AGENTS WANTED I'OR druggies aud Triuuipue of I 9 9 written by liimself. In One' lArrra nnlaea 1 ue-nearly 800 pages printed in English and German. R.t f.,li . : . " uS.viuga. n em braces fortv Tear raenllAlim.. .r l.; i t- v. uia uudt lite, s merohant, manager, banker, lecturer and 7""' "u oa puuusiiea to acceptable to all clasiea. Kvarv nn w..... ;. a . J l ... Aveuie aver age from 60 to 100 lubscribers a week We effer extra inducement!. Illuetrated eatalo ue aad terns te'agectt teut free. J. B. BL'II CO., robliieert, w Bartferi, Ceae. c 8ARNUM. TAKKIKtl & LUMBER CO K EYSTONE STORE WILCOX PA- ATTENTION EVERYBODY SPRING OPENING ! The largest store In North Western Ta., lit Icrully filled to overflowing. WINTER GOODS closing out regardless ef value. We are opening the spring campalga with the largest and mcst attractive stock evre offered in this market. We shall endeavor to keep every depart ment well assorted the year round, Oar DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT will always contain a largo nd well teleeted stock of Cloths Cassimers k Cloaking, Blaok and Colored Silks. Seasennble dress goods in great variety. Tabic Linens, Napkins Towels c, whito goodsof every description, bleaohed and brown Bheetings all widths. GLOVES & HOSIERY TRIMMINGS and NOTIONS CARPETS and OIL CLOTHS WALL and WINDOW PA IE!! LOOKS AND STATIONER!, CLOTHING, HATS and CAPS, BOOTS i SHOES DRUGS & MEDICINES PAINTS, OILS DTE STUFFS, LEA IUEll, Jk SHOE FJXDLXGS. IA RD WAUL, STOVES i TLV.WAJiE, IRON ,t STL EL, NAILS & BUILDERS HARDWARE. NUTS A WASHERS, HORSE SHOES k NAILS, WAGON SPRINGS, PATENT AXLES .1 BOXES, CROCK ERY and GLASSWARE, STONE WARE, FLOUR, PEED k MEAL, CORN and OATS, ri'ilNITURB OF ALL KINDS; SASH 4 DOORS COFFINS, MATRASSES, BEDDING, 4e., TOBACCO & CIG.AES, TRUNKS, VALISES k CARFKT BAGS, llUBBKlt BELTING. CLOCKS in GREAT VARIETY. Ageuta for Heyt Broi. Celebrated Leather Rolling. Willi our superior facilities far obtaining heavy goods, in large quantities, from first bauds we defy competition in Greocries & Provisions. We invite particular attention to our choiei brands of extra and oule extra flour, we e direct from mills at the west thus savintr to customera the profit usually pocketed, by middlemen. Our flour ia aiwivtf freak err iu i n ft and we Guarantee emir. .i;af.nn ;ik every barrel TANKINertltMBERCe: VTHee P vlaJltf. POWELL & KI ME QOODS FOR THE MILLION. POWELL & KIME, At their capaoiout itoro ia IIIDGWAY. Hbto on band, a eplrudid aseorkaient of all ieaeonab! Good adapted to tho waste of the people of Elk and adjoining counties, which thej are selling at prices that defy competition. They would simply state here, that leiog yery large dealers, their fucililtei for purchasing are equalled by any establishment ia un the county. They buy directly from nianu faoturert and ca the GROUND FLOOR, Another' advantage. Tou een always get what you want at their store, 'hence you will save time by going directly te them and TIME IS MONET. Wa have no space here to enumerate all the ad vantages you will have in patronizing their establishment. But call and see. and reap the advantages for yourselves. Among their Goods you will find DRY GOODS in enlless varieties, GROCERIES choice and fresh CLOTHINO of best material superior eu; and finish.- BOOT3 A SHOES ef the best stock and make, CROCKERY for newly married, middle ajed and elderly. DRIED f'atftTy BUTTER, JX3GS, PORK, HAMS, LARD, FLOUR. CORN MICAL. AND EVERYTHING ELSE. Nearly all kiad of eetatry produce, takes at Iks market van- Mju....u. iin.aiii.il it.i ii n MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEARS TO ALL ! ! ims 1 1 '' " I iTust Received at BAIRD'S VARIETY HALL, a fine assortment of Toys for Holiday Pres ents consisting of PARIAN riGUUSS, 'J9WP,LL BOXBS IN Endless Variety, Vases All Kinds, Toilet Setts, Toy Tea Sotta, For The Liitle Ones, Harmonicas, Aocordeons, Dolls, Doll-Babies, Toy Speak ing Animals. Also the Latest Novelty in Doll Head ofPariau Granite with Head Dress and Ear-Rings. Something new; drop in nnd see them. No troublo to show goods if you d ) not wish to buy; also a full line of other Toys too umcrioos to mcutiun. v 1 n8 4i A THIEF- "e has been trvalin;; about niiinnugging druggists and privnto imrtio. mixmrr un nnrl plIiM,r o l.n.. i ...i , ho calls '01,COTTS I'A IN PAINT. All of Wolcott'a genuine remedies have a while out fido wrapper (with signature lnrc). Look ut for enunterfeits. Six Pints of WOl.rnTT'S lvvinn . t t. ror Catarrh and Col-Is in H, K.,.i Pint of Pain Paint f.M. in '. f , i i mnr, sent, rice of express charges, on rcini 0f the inoney at I PI Chatham Sc.uarc, S5 f ,V,m ll,nt,,C''' etrength) fcr 5-0. binall bottles sold by all dugirisn- R. U. WuU'OTT.0 4sr LOltlLLAUIVH KUltlJKA Smoking Tobacco is an excellent article cf granulated Virginia. Wherever introduced it is univcrsallv ad mired. It is put up in handsome muslin baas which orders for Meerschaum Pipe, ar daily pao'icd. J i.onir.r.AAD-s "Taciit ci.t;B" Smolting Tuhncco hns nn superior ; being deni cotinized, ii cnniiol injure iicrfle.s coustitu tions. or people of sfdontniy babits. It is produced from selections of the tven stock, and prej.arc I by a patented and oririnl minner. It is very nromatio. mild, and litfht tri?l,t hence it will last much linger than others nor does it burn or sting the tongue, or leave a disagreeable nftcr-toto Orders fur genuine, elegantly carved Meerschaum Pipoa. silver mounted, ami pack ed 111 neat leather unr-L-nl xo.o ... i i ; the QachtClub brand daily. LOUILL-ARD'S C K N T V K Y Chewing Tobacco This bi and of Pino Cut Chewing Tur.eoco lias no sup-rior anywhere. It is, without doubt, the best chewing to liaoco in t!i country. I-.OUU.LAHIVS SXUFF'S Have bi'tn in renoral iw.. i, il,.-. r..i,..i u....Z over HO year, and still acliiiowlodijod "the best wherever used. If your sinrekppnpM ilnoa n.i v, .i articles for s.ilo, nk him to -et fbem. They are sold bv ri.r...ioi.i. ii,. j j,. u.u ikluuoiB H. most everywhere. t.Vi -ciila rs inn it... I nn n.i...i;.. BEST CAB! MET ORGANS AT LOWF.KT riilCKa. That the MASON A- II A Mil v n 4 vr XKTand METROPOLIAN OUifWd ire tho best in the world is proved by this ilmost unanimous ntiininn .f r.-.f, ..: i musicians, by the sward to thtm of br.r enty five ooi.nand silver mf.dals or other highest iirpiniiiina i .- , . . l 'i iliVIJJ'ii IU- dustrtal competitions within a fow years . p. llJH i oris expost- tion, and by a sale veiy much greater than that of any similar instruments. This Com pany manuineture on y Jtrs'.rfuss inxtru meats, and will not maka "nhuin r-. ht any price, or sufier nn inA-rior insii u ment to bear their name, llavitj" preatly increased their laoiliti.m f. ....!?. by the introduction of uew machinery aud ..... . ...j U10 n,lT msklI) better Oi;iitis than ever before, at increased omy in cost, which, in accordance with tlieirbxed policy of sel!inK always at least remunerative profit, they ate now f ffering at prices of interior work. FOUR O 0 T AVE ORGANS. PIu?u W.Innt Case, 8,r)'J. FIVE OPTAVM Dltrnvj )ouble Reed, stops ( Viofo, Jhapnson, Me. latha, Flute, Tremuhut,) C125. Other styles in rironortiun. Circulars, with full particulars, inolu line accurate drawing of different styles of or fctaua, aird much information which will be of service to every purchaser of an orKn, will be seut free, aad postage paid, to say one desiring them. MASON & II A M f.T NT ran.iv n 4w 154Tremorit St. Boston: 56 Broad- STORE. The Subscriber bers Uire ia isfnm li. .l.V ens ot Ridgway and vicinity that a has optned a store where may be found PFRFUMERV, FAXCf GOODS, TOII.KT ARTICLKi. STATIONERY, FINE CO.nFECTIO!ARr' 0TITERS, ORANGES, LEMONS, i. .ease' ml2 vltf J. R. EAIRD. BLACKSMITH'8 CARPENTER'S AND joiner's tools for sale cheaper than tae eaeapeef at tke St. Mary's Hardware (aev2l7.)
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers