ftf IP VOLUME I RIDGWAY, ELK CO. FA., FRIDAY, SEPT. 21, 1809. NUMBER 44 ill 11 ii hi m &m kw w m m m , FEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Book Agents Wanted. We want Ten Tlioumnd good, reliable Agents to solicit for Our Hew West, To whom the nirrlie.t rontmtanlonni will be rnld. NootliprworksellinghaltaRfast. Beau imily Illustrated, over 600 pp., and sold for :. The raciest n nrt best Jtonit on the Qreat irest exttmtBO say nil the leading Journals and emt. pent men. Send for our Circulars, with full Informal ion and termn. Address HAHTFOUD rUBLlSHLNG CO., Hartford, Ct. 10,OCO AGENTS WANTLD FOR PRIEST and IJUN. This mot exciting nnt3 inVrcsf ine book, by a populnr nuthoivss, is now ready and tho pho wish to oimvnf for it 8hu Ul apply immcliatc.y for circulnr, (with Ptntnp eiirlfwprl, Ktiitinir teritoin fli'sircrl.'.-xpo'niv, A jsawt vntitcd cvorvwhure tr this and olur iirst-ehis booh , ndJ enpravinps, by l'in;Mi.N & ilcKlNMt Y, 1308 Ihcstuut btreut, 1'hila. I'a. AOKN'TS WANTED FOR HOMES and FORTUNES In tliebonndlcu Wort, niul bunny Ninth. It peak to the young; man ot il limine nnrl liu'tun.', ami t'llslnin why where uiiti liuw to firk it; it ti lls the eajiiiitliat w here to invest; the 1 iliurer, to tine (rood wup?s; the farmer, the best lnnils; the ri 'ithant, the m.uiulucturer, the prolea fciomil Hum nnil th'j meilianie ol the (Treat eliiuices open to tliem; it tells eveiyoixly just ivliat tlicy ought to know, uhout tiie vast resources and wondcriul irotfivwi in eqely part sf this great country. New, fresh, interesting- ami popular. tscnil lor cir"ular. EnternrisinH men run learn ot a money-in ik ing business bv atidi-ess-jngl'K.Ol'LliS rCBLISlllAU CO., (ill Ardl street. Philadelphia, Pa. COLBCKN'S PATENT IlED JACKET AXE la belter f an our regular shnped Axes for these reasons: First It euts deeper. Second It donl stick inttiewood. Third It dues nntjiir the hund. Fourth No time is wa-tcd in tiik'ng the axe out ol the etlt Fifth W ith the same la.'tor uu wiil do one ihird mote work tlian with n eul.ir ax.'s. i.Vd p.'iint lins noihlnt; to do wi'li Ihe good qu'iliiies of this a?:e. for all turaxif are painted red. If your hard ware store does not keep our jioods we will hli.uly iinswer lnquhies or till your ordui'sdiii ct, or clve jou tlie name of tiie neti.est deal er who keeps our Axes. LllTlNCOTT Jt BAKEWELL. i'iit-b;:ru'h, Pa Sole owners of Cclbura's and Red Jacket l'ateuts. MUSIC VALE. Youny 1 tics clesirini? to broom Q tln-oivlKul and practical mrsitiuTij and Teut'lH.T.H in tho nhortost timti und lit tlie least possible expense up on th'j Pinno, II. up, Uii;an 6c Ciuititr will upily i'or eatuln;me to the I'riiicipul iusic Vaie beiuiuury, WORD TO CONSUMlTIV S Peine i 8hnrt snd pi-ncfloil treti-o on the imtnre, cifae". und Hynip'oni' ol VnlTiH'itfiry c-nninpt ion Hroi'chhit. nntl A-llitnn; nnd their prevention und trp'iinietit, "d rive bv f tililbninn Si iit b innil. Thh', Addre-i Q. VAX HUMMKLL, M. 1 , Jti West Four teenih M , N. Y. Jnno 17, ltitjlt. ly cad pATENT OFFICE Invnntors who to toke out lottor Tn'tnt arond Tted to coun-e) with Mimn t Co , Ldiiora ol'ttm Sel entitle Auiericun, who hnvo )tiifeeuu d clnlin homr) tho 1'nttent Oiiief for more thu Twenty yeMrw. Tneir Ameriean Hiid Kiuopenn i'nient Airency the mo.-i ex tensive f ii tlie world. Charyes lee-a than any other rcli able n-ncy. A 1'uinphlet contninlng fall lustructloDS to Inventors, U tttut uritUM Addivf. JILN-N fc CO., 37 Park Row, New York. ihu gPIRIT riIOTOGRAPII3. SPIRIT niOTOQllAPPS. Attested In my trial und nrknowledrred by all who havu cut for 1 1 ir pit-ii.itjr the Great Phenomena of the aire. Four of the principal pictured of prominent par ties who U A u lied in court n lo tiei- geimjiicn-t, will he ret pfi-t paid ou receipt of one dollar. Alo a tn'l report of my iriul. lllustrMted with wood cuts paget, oti tentrt Addict, VA1. A. MUMLtlC, Nas- $1000 to $ Pawnt it never 1 learhdrfb.. Chicmro. SLOW IIORSEB made FAST and at hordes made fatter Simple., prHcucal h-titructinn fur imrprov ing"ieed and iyie, and other valuable Information tor bore owner-, iu No. IH of Hanky -4 Jouienal, only PiVO cei.ti. F4r sale by M. M. LA KAUKE, Km- Itorlum, Coiuerou county, Pa. Uuh exposures ol hum Uf'a. 8iu $10 A day. Address A. J. FULLMAN, New Tork. ilin GUABAN TEE. Any good m"i fiterprlf'ng refoon can make S,0 In the next iluoe moutlnt bj fuUevt ing our luauuciious THINK OT THIS Ye who stand with yonr hndc- errtmedin yonrpockeU mnltering what shall i do t makn money? We want one good pmart man in ev ry town on who can keep hi itiuem to hlmueH o act coutideuiially with us. ISTO OLD MAIDS Nor minister winted Bnslnesa not to be known to your nearest friend. Persona in makiDg application will consider iheuiselve under oalh not to el' ulu ihe DUcitiea. Kuclotw Vieeuta with pl'duly vt'r'tleh ad ditM tor our confidential, giving full iust netiour. Addreet, UK LAV A C'U-i Broadway, N. Y. " . 8in JfZtnU Mri'n -i-ftadil'-e4 the AMi-stTVAS a . w.iii.m jvTv.. or Iti T 1ST EN to the MOt Kt.NO B1IID. The Prntrle Whistle and nnlmnl Tmltttnr ran bo n.ed hy r.hl'd. It Is made to iinllnte the itoiiim of every lilt-cl, the neltjh at a l,ore, the br.ny ofan a-, the itiunt ol a hojf; lilrds, ben-ts and pnnkes a e eneliautrd and enirnpped by It. 1 n-ed bv Dan Bryant, Charley While, and all the Minstrels ami Warbler. Vanillin qnisin can be leirned in three days by Its nid Kent rnswhere npsn receipt otio cents, three for 6U cents ; 91 to per uuzen. W. T. VALENTINE, Jereej City, N. 3. 8m t ItEAT UlSTltlUUTION I T Hy llic rtIltno!itiiii Ciift Com- :.IV. I IIMI (illlH l lll lllllOIMlt of e!i50,O0O, livci y Tlcliej iiraws n I i is B Cash Gifts, eneh $ Itl.tHHi I -III Cash (lifts, esch $.71n in " s iHio o0 " " 1HI " " 1.KI an ' " " wi oiiElecant Hos.v.ood Planus - each f"00 to f'ul) W " " Melodeous - " ."i to lim 8..0 Pewln" Inehtnea - - " ti l to 1 61.0 Go d U'aiebcs ' 7.1 to Sml Cash Prize, r liver Ware. etc.. all mined at 5l,lin.(Kj a rimi'co to riraw any oi tno i-.tntve l'rlzes tor v.'cts. Tit kels de-ciibiin i'rl.es are e.n.led In Enveli y,,s and well mix'-d On receipt f S." eis. n seided iicket id drawn wiilionl eheii-e ai d r.t hy in-dl to any address Tlie pi inn nnm"d upon it will be delivered to the lieliel hold'-ron P'lytnenl ot On" Dollar. 1'iizes areimmedi Ole'y sent to any address by exp-efs or reluuli nniii. Von will know what your p.iize is In fore yon pay for It. Anv prize exrhrin-jeu Cor another ot the same Value. No blanks. Our patrons ran depmd on ftlr dealing. IthFKHiNCEs We select the I'ol 1 ow I n tr from nutny who have lately drawn valuable piizes iuhI kindlv.per milted us topiihli-h them: S. T 1 kins, HuO'ilolfit 00 .Miss Ann'e Monroe, cuieieo, I'iano, f ImO; Jolm l. Jloore. Jiul-il!e, f 1.IKI; Jliss Einum Walworth, Mll-w-aukee. I'iano. 4'" i0; itev, K. A. liar, New Orleans, f"iii . We pubii 'ti nou-rmes without Vcrmis-don. Or:sioNs tiFTHR 1'iii.ss: '-The linn is reliab'e, and de,rves their succ's-. ' Weekly Tribune, Oct , h "Wo know them to be a fair oea'ine fii'm.'' N. V. Hernld, Gel, Si. "A frterd of ours drew a JSUti prize, wliich was promptly rce ived." Daily Nws, 1-ec, 3. Send fur circular. Liberal, inducement to Aeents. Paelsfaclion pu'irilileed. 1 very pickaxe of Sealed Envelopes contain one cash 'jilt. Six tickets fa $1; l.'lfor $i; 33 for $5; llilfor Jl.'i All lef.eis nbould be nudc'ssed to . ll.Uil'i-l!, WILSON AC '., Uliu3 113 Uroadw.iy, N. Y. . gEND one dollar and get by ecturno mull ouo of LOKI.MiS DOIiliAU BOXES of tho richest ImtKW Frennli Note Puper. All thj Led'tv a e m love with them. Address, lAMINO, Pub lUler, iiostou, Mass. 3ia rpilE MrssiBSQUOI POWDEH rctnillv cures Cnn J c. r and f-eioiulou" lusi ;.ses of ihe stin S"e re port lo L. I. lledicai Soei-tv Siaienients id' Plivsii iins I.i circirl ir ei,t fu-eon aopiicition to c. A. LXllOlS, lii 1 carl nireet, New Vo.k City, liox lC5ii. Cm rjMUS IS NO Ill"MBCGI By f ending S" cents, w ith acre, height, color of eves and h-ilr, you will receive, bv return mtl. a con'eri pietureol yirnr luture Inisban.l or w'fe. with name and ilaiefifniniriage. Addresn H FOX, P. O. iirawer No lit Fultouville, N. Y .t pEAFNESS, CATARRH. Almlywhol.assuffiredfMryenrsfrr.ru feafness and Catarrh was cured l.y u siuipic n lu-iv. Her svniputliy and (.-ralitudo prompts lur to send ti.ti receipt! free ot ehulre, to any one siniiltivlv niiiioted. AddUredi! Mrs.il C. LEJ u ETr, lI.ibou, N. J.. ui 111 GENTrf WANTED for tlio best book of tin? poriol, WOMEN OT II E W YORK! Or tha Undar Worlrl cf the Groat City The most stnrilinir revelaiion of modoiu limes. Now Yoik Society I'nnri-ked. '1 he Arhncracv, Women of Pieu-iir", Mnrrli-d VViiineu. and all cIiiim's thorurthly veiih.ted fi1' lliMtnitions. Address at once, The New Yolk liook Co., 145 Nass iu St , N. Y. St AHENT WANTEP ron "WONDERS OF THE WORLD," Over One Tlmurm I Tllustrntiois by tiio tuoflt distin guished Artioti in turojw and America. The laivttst, be.-t illiismited, tiuwt ext-itintt, omnnitiff iimtructive, entertaining, Btdrtliau, hinnnrou-s, aua at tractive subscription bookr ever published. 8i?nd tor Circubirt, with term-, at once. Address UMTKD BXATLij PURLlSiUNO CO., unUt 411 Uroouie btivet, New York, V GENTS can now get Teritory for a Mark Twain's New BOOK with 231 riigr:ivin?$. Who has not heard of tho author! Who has not laughed over his quuint sayinga and queer idius, uud fairly nuucuincd to his racy atunesf TIIE INNOCENTS ABROAD Is the qumtcsppnne of himself, tne condensation and con centration of all his powtjra. No stouibni ckm wituaiund its geiuiilitr and humor It is the most readable, enjoya ble, luuliublu and popular book printed sor years. 0,000 Volumes printed in advance and now re idy for AirenU. Adiln.ss for an a'jenev ULIsS & CO . Newark. N. J. AiIliICAN PLBLISUINO CO., liatttoi-d, Conn. 1 1 -A I X AGENTS WANTED FOR eca'ets of tla A work descriptive of the Virtnea and t'a Vlce, the Mynteiies Miceries uud Crimes ot New Tork py. If you wish to know how fortunes are m.- 'v and lost iii a dy; how Slirewd Meu are ruined in Wu' ticet; how M rung-era are tswindled by haric:; how 1 tiibtei-s uud hunts arc blaoft mailed; how Vnuva F . ana Con cert Saloons are conducted; how Uunibln Ioumis and Lotteries are conducted; how Stock and Oil Companies originate, and how the Bubbles burst, thai this work. it cotiiJilns iSL nee enu'ravimrrt; auu ih the spiciest iimt thrilling, iusuuciive and Cheapest work publish- ONLY $2.50 PER COPY. Fend for Circular and specimen pages of tho work. Addroea JONKs BUOlUhUs CO.,l'hila., Pa. n2iii AOENT8 WANTED FOR THE Sights I Secrets OF THE NATIONAL CAPITOL. The most startling, instructive and entertaining book of the day. Send for Circulars and see our terms. Ad dress L. S. PL'liLIdiilNli Co., ill lirooiue street. New York. nlbtl -piMPLES. The undersigned Will cheerfullv mail, Free, to all who wibb it the receipt and lull direetiuus tor prepaii iu and UAiug a simple and beuutitul Vegetable Halm; that nuii -diutely remove Tan, Freckles, lilotches, and all erup; .u and iiupiities ot the bkiu, leaving the auine soft, clear, HUiooth and beau til ul. He Ul also send, Fukk, iuatructions for producing, by very einiple means, a luxuraut growth of hair on a bald head or smooth lace in ltos than tlaiay days from tirst application. The above can be aatained qv return mail by address ing TUOEi. F. CUAKMAN,'hemiHt, P. O. Box 512t. . m Broadway, New Voik. August 5,l6uil. ly fJK) THE LADITJ9. The Married T-adiea Private Companion contains the desired inforoLation on unpoitant matters never before made public. A copy mailed fuke to those who wish to give it a candid perusal Addreas Mrs. U. 0. (jODFKEY ureenpoint, Kings County! New York. August 6f lbOu.-ly STILL A7TEAD. The only cheap and tucful Bewinpr Machine. Doen ALL nny mnrhine CAN do f 18 00 ouly. -ninp!ciat cost fioo'a month to Rtn-nta. Address ABUUELLT, a. M CO , llinwlnte N. II. n4t4 rpo CONSUMPTIV.KS. Tho advert l?er bavins? horn restored to health In a rcw weekn, hy very himil roineny, after hnvmfr nT leved severely tor nevetnl yeam wltn a lung attention, and that dre id di-ea-n 'onumpllon la nnxlon-i to ninkfl knmvn to hi fellow fHitl.'ier Iho mean ni'cure. '( o all of thon wh i (I'Mln; tt Iim ill pend tho pro acritjtlon fled ifrce f rhnrfe,) with the dliei-MMia for prep.'ulnirand ntwl nMtiir thu sum", wh ch they will Ibid a fine cure for I'on-mnptlnn. A-lhm-i, Bionehlti. &c 'I he on'y obj ci of the advei ti-cr in pending the prescription I to heiieltt Uifttilhicted, find pprexd in-forn-alion whh h ho cnnci iver to b? Invaluable: and be h"pfr every Mitf -rer will try hi remedy, u it will co-t them no hitifr and nmy prove a hie. pip. Partle i-h-Iii2 tlio pi c-c ipil'in will plMi.nil nti ltev. ED VAI(LA WILbtN. H,5 South becond bt. Wi'ltams burh, King- Co., New York. 4'2yl "1 VrANTFD. All out of employment to canvass for a y new Jielitrious Work, ot rare mi'rit.wruliary aduprt ed tothc yoiin, but cquullyeniertuinitnj and instructive to ail, and invaluable I o every Christian family; nr. equal ed m eietiance ai.d cheupneKfi. bjinft cniUjllishcd with nearly 3W enfrruvintrs Exjiorieneed Atrentfl id other-, wuntiua- a wurk thai vud b-'l1 ut tuiilit, hhonld peenre clmice of territorv at once. For particulars, terms, &c, address P. UAluiEII 6c CO., Philadelphia, Pa. 4w Veget&blo Goap, Tor the Dulicate rikin of Lalies and ChLdrun. E0LD BY ALL LRTJC3.SIS. 1 f HOI Venders and ppeakcra wanted, to buy the first IV",' ''-'edition ot let) Choiec rJekelions, No, contain ing; ouo hundred of the latest iiotid thiufis for recitat'Ol, dei Inination, scliool rtnidinj?, , in poetry and prose. Send 30 cent for a sample to P. UAltltliTT & CO., Phila delphia, Pa. 4w riMIE ESTY COTTAGE OI10AN in the best and cheap est. Contnins tlio latest nnprovemeuts Vox Ilu n'.anu and Vox Juliilanto .T. J-oTliV CO., fciole raunutaeturers, lirattlcboro, Yt. SK yonr Poetor or Pnitrtrlst for SWEET QUININE Ii opi-ds (bluer) tj ii nl it", is ni.tdd only by P. bTEAUNS, Cneiiilst. New York. irolins OF WISDOM f,,r Younor Men one Huline H l'asion ill Youth & l-.axly manhood, with Self h Sp for I lie erring and unfortunate. Sent in sealed eu vei. pcs free of charge Address llOWAUU AohOClA TiUN, liox P, lllnla. Pa. qtHE MAC1C COM Pi TEETH AI!E COATED with X solid DYE. Ytui wet our hair and use the comb, and it produce, a tierinnnent black or brown One comb sent bv lie il tor J 1 .'.". Address, N il. PATXON, Sp.ingUeld, Mas 3 m pATENT I.YDICO ULL'I.VG RAG, Tlie most Economical, Cleanly and Complete article ev er used by the thrifty Housekeepers and Laundresses. Each Pair is nrovtded with u box so that it can be Tmt salely away at. boon a3 ued. Pit ICE 50 eta. HALF SIZE ll) cte. T'jis IVlue contains no acid, and wi'l not iniure tho ti- nof t ntbrics, Cne 'J'wimi: y cent b tr wiil outlast eilit two ouueo iuls of Liquid Hiue, besides Kivinfr a (softer color uud avoidin"- the danT and aunoyaueeol broken or uu corked bottles. For Bale by Their, Fmith & Miner. Patented Dec. 2 1. 1 s:7. and for sale Tiv tho rivmouth Color Co., C. T. ltEY.NU.LDS i; CO., loO and luij'l'ultou en., jN. Y. April a, isti'j. cm Ayer's air or, For restoring Gray Hair Id its natural Vitality and Color; A dressing which 13 lit onco agreeable, healthy, and effectual for in-eserving tha hair. Faded or gray hair is soon restored to its original color with tho gloss and freshness of youth. Thin hair is thick nrx ened, falling liuir checkoiL. and bald ness often, though not nifctys, cured by it? use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles are destroyed, or tho glands atrophied and decayed. Hut such as remain can be saved for usefulness by this application. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or lulling off, and consequently prevent baldness. Free from those deleterious substances which make some preparations daugcroiis and injurious to tho hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich glossy lustre and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., PBACTICAL AND ANALYTICAL CliEMISTS, Lovrrxii, mass. PKICB $1.00. HI lACilMOOSE, Tho t rent Indian Itemed y. By thoroughly ckaualug tho blood, it radically cure Dyspeiwia, IJvor Coinpliitnt, Couphe, Col 'Is, iuseasos of thu Kidneys. Dropsy, Gont, ;iual Weakness, Juundice, hheuuiatiflm, Chilht and Faver, Phthisic, Croup anil Haiti Hrnthin& Fever 8ires, Kryxipt-lu, E tlt Kheitm, Neural gia, Lkms of Apputilo, Throttt lieabea, ore Kym, ('anker in all foiius, luilAUiWution, Cenural W eukoofcs, J. P. FELT, Gen'l Aflt. ?H Arc 6U, rhilti Aromatic vig in 4 Qi V SELECT POETRY. LIFS'S PHASES. tThO following touching poem wns found among tlio posthumous papers of Guy II, Salis bury. Lifo is joy To tlio liglit-lienrtod, careless Boy, AVho sports aiming tho benutons flowora, Thro' all the golden. Ptinitncr hours, Companion of the bird and bee; As aitloss, thoughtless and as free, IIo knows not how tho moments fleot( Until, at cvo, soft slumber sweet Binds him in blest repose. Lifo is gravo When all the joys that childhood gave Change tu stern cares, ns tho worn soul feels the hard sway of Care's control ; Tho flowers stil think tho morning dews, But all things wear more sober hues, Life's mid-day heats the soul oppress, Tho spirit faints in weaiiuess, His years near o'er. Lifo is Fad. When Boyhood's dreams have ended all, And Manhood tees Youths' ensiles fall, Vhcu worthless 6oeins the Soul's poor aims, And nobler jpn-rd our being claims; M'o feel how weak the strength of Jinn, llow childish is his w isest plan, And sadness on tho spirit weighs, In Life's fast moving Autumn days Ere yet they close. Lifo is holy, In lofiy sphere or lowly; When tho pure soul to Heaven aspires, And turna to good tho heart's desires, When kindness Alls tlio heart with lovo For Man below and God above; When every day Porno graceful duty, Makes Earth a scene of joy and beauty, Tho Soul needs not an Angel's wings To soar above vain earthly things, Tho' prisoner hero. Asa Packer stood fuir us a citizen of Muueh Chunk until 18G6. In July of that year ho was uotified that his taxes for all purposes (on a valuation of $1,153,433.) omouuting to $'33,332,77 were then due. lie paid no attention to tho notices, and when called upon by tho collectors, positively refused to pay tho tuxes, savin?; that ho was assessed in Philadelphia, Upon examination, it was found that ho was assessed iu Phiuladelpbiu for $10,000, personul property, over one mil lion dollars less than bis valuation in Mauch Chunk. The officials of Mauch Cbuuk suc ceeded in ... collecting bis tas. from him, but at on expenso to tho county of over two thousund dollars. Since that time they have concluded to let Lim pay his taxes iu Philadelphia rather than contest tho mutter at so great cost. Accordingly, for tho past tow years Mr. Pucker has evaded tho pny ment of a largB portion of his tax. Is the nmii that will descend to so paltry a subterfugo for tiie Etike of saving a sum of mouey, which is ce'taiuly trifling to a man of his great wealth, a proper person to be elevated to tho proud position of of (iovernor Pennsylvania? The frieudship of Asa Pucker for the workiug man, fiuds ample proof in the record of his business career, as it is developed from diytoday. For example, from 1841 to 1348, ho paid his employees in the scrip of the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company at par, aud tlieu redeemed it from them at 40 per cent, discount. Tho scrip was next to useless.' The men could not buy anything with it, aud were compelled lo submit to tho shave, in order to procure food aud raiment for their families; of courso Tacker did this all out of pure kindness of heart, llo knew that "mouey was the root of all evil," and that he was doing the poor men a service by just giviug them enough to keep body aud soul together, and puting the extra 40 per cent iu his own pocket. Is it any wonder ho is worth so muny millions? AVhut a fricud to the working men? Heaven save them from such "friends." A favorite argument with the Democracy why Packer should bo elected, is his shrewd management of his private business. That he is exceedingly shrewd, Cuaueially, can no longer be questioned. Tor example, ho furnished tho State Committee with $100, 000, to ruu the campaign, and immediately ruised the tonuge on coal, over the Lehigh Valley Ruilroud. which he own3, fifty-five ceuts per ton This additiouul touaga which rr.ust be paid by the cousumers of coal, who are priucipally poor lubormg men, will soon make up the $100,000 furnished the State Committee. AVho will doubt the "shrewd ness" of a man who can make the consumers of coal pay tho expeuses of a Gubernatorial campaign? Wonderful financier, is Asa? But it won't wiu. Workiugmen, be not deceived. Tho Dem ocratic purty if, they hud the power, would inaugurate Free Trade, which would closo up the workshops; greatly lessen the demand for coal; destroy our manufactures, and not only throw out ot employment thousands of luborers, but ajso greatly reduce the wages of those who could get euipioyment. This is an important quesiiou for all laboring men to consider. A vote for Geary is a vote for good wages, steady employment, and money to keep yourself aud family comfortable and respectable. A vote for Facker is a vote for Free Trade, low wiges, unsteady occupa tion, misery and distress, GEN. GEORGE W GEAR 7. Gen. Geary hits served his country and race in many capacities, but always with fidelity, and to their entire acceptance. In his career in California he rcudered good service to the cause of justice and right, and materi ally assisted in tho organization of the Golden Stnto, and of helping to place her upon that path, which has led her people to unparalleled prosperity. As Post Master of Sun Francisco, aud Mail Agent for tho Paci fic coast, or Alcade, Judge, and Mayor, we find hitn discharging his duties with impar tiality aud scrupulous conscientiousness. His admiuit-trution in all of these capacities was marked by integrity and ability. It was muiuly owing to his efforts thnt California began her career as a free Stato, and for his ugency in this respect (en. Geary has richly meiited the respect of all lovers of freedom. Appointed as Governor of Kansas in a time of unparalleled excitement, and placed in most trying positions, Gen. Geary's adminis tration of the affairs of that territory was creditable to himself and highly beneficial to tho country. It was breaking the way for the establishment of law aud order, where bo fore anarchy and violence had ruled with a high baud. Drought into contact with tho very worst men that slavery ever produced, and compelled to deal with desperadoes of tho lowest class, he was able to enforce a law and to preserve the peace; two things very difficult of accomplishment with tho means he had to work with. Gen. Geary's career as Gsvernor of Kansas was in every respect a maiked Euccess. In the war of tlio rebellion, Gen. Geary filled un important place and by his services placed tho people of this country under new obligations. Ucwasono of the first to tender his services to tlie government iu its hour of need. He raised a regimeut the 28th P. V. composed of 1,700 men, tit his own expense, and, marching down to the front, remaiued at tho front until treason was subded. At tho battles of Bolivar, Leesburg, Cedar Mountain, Chancellorsville, and Gettysburg, he took a distinguished part in three of which Bolivar, Cedar Mountaiu and Chancellorsville ho was wouuded twice very dangerously, once in tho arm aud also in the chest. '1 hi se scars ho vi ill carry to his grave, and they are evidences of his valor and patriotism. IIo commanded in the terrible battle of Wauhatchie, and while he gained a decisive victory, ho lost his son, who was shot dea'd at his gun. In the bat tles of Lookout Mouutuin, Mission Ridge and Ringgold, and in the hundred day's fight on tho road to Atlanta, Gen. Geary bore a conspicuous part, and won imbcrisbublo re nown. He marched with Sherman down to the sen, received tho surrender of, and was mado Governor of Savnnuah, and rendered iuvaluublo service in cutting in twain the rebel Confederacy. He also took part in that series of battles which followed the capture of Savannah, and resulted iu destroying the Southern wing of the rebel army under com mand of Gen. Joe Johufton. As a soldier ho was always at his post, and neither danger nor peril could drive him fiom it. 11 is ca reer as a soldier was successful from com mencement to closo. ils Governor of this Commonwealth for tho past three years, he has made a record of w hich uone need be ashamed, and of which any man ought justly be proud. His administration has been char acterized by firmness, sagacity, moderation, impartiality aud strict honesty. Gen. Geary has mado ouo of tho best executives Pennsyl vania ever had, uud so history will record him. after the heut of political bitterness shall huvo passed away. That he Bhould, and will be elected Governor there is no doubt, as certain it is tho people of this Commonwealth canuot find one more compe tent or worthy to serve in this capaciry. Ho. Henry W. Williams, of Allegheny county, our candidate for Supremo Judge, was before the people of the State two yours ago, and through the unprecedented frauds perpetrated by the Demacracy, the certificate of election was given to tho opposition by a majority of less than one thousand. It is duo to the Judge shat his honorablo course beeudorsed by a handsome majority, and the party of corruptionists given to understand thut tho houest majority of our pecplo shall fill the offices at their disposal. A Judge of experience and conceded ability, never guil ty of partizan rulings, those favoring the elevutiou of the Judiciary will give him their suffrages. The opposition, C. L. Pershiug, itn Attorney at Law, has not attained to the diguity of Judge, and has been known as a politician, belonging to the ultra anti-war purty, and, as a member of the Legislature, voted for every Copperhead measure, lie is a politician, which "Williums never was, and our people, of all parties, desiring to beep its baueful influences from this depart ment of government, will make a note of this fact, and rule their actions on election day by it The Congress to which Asa Packer was first elected met on December 3d, 1855. The session lasted uutil August 30th 1856, a pe riod of niue months, und wes one of the most important sessions ever held. During' the session Mr. Packer wug absent from the scene of bis official labors at various times, amount ing in all to seven months. And yet for two months' work he drew full pay, Three Thousand Dollars. From such statesmanship w pray to ba delivered. Facker and Pendleton. I "Show me yoflr company and I'll tell yori what yon are. " Never was a truer proverb. Mr. Aa Packer (soys the Pittsburgh Ga zette), whose cordial hospitalities were ex tended to Vullandigham in 18C2,hatalso an other Ohio friend by the name of Pendleton. The latter was in Congress in 18G4 and voted against a resolution introduced . by Gen. Smith, of Kentucky, and which expressed a terribly Radical idea, as' follows: "Whereas, A most desperate, wicked and bloody rebellion exists within the jurisdic tion of tho United States, and the safety and and security of personal and notional liberty depend upon its utter and absolute extinc tion; therefore, Resolved, That it is 'he political, civil, moral, and sacred duty of the people to meet it, fight it, and crush it, and forever destroy it." Mr. rondleton waa ono of the sixteen nays recorded against that resolution. His friend Pucker would havo mndo the seventeen, if he had been a member. These two men are candidates for tho highest offices of two great States, put up by the same party, and stand ing on the same platform as iu '65 ono of opposition to the duty of the people to meet, fight, crush and destroy a wicked rebellion. It was crushed, but without the aid of either of these gentlemen, who now propose to un do as much as they can of the nation's great work. now A Youxo Girl was Saved. About ono year ago, a young woman whose age was uineteen years, was arrested on the Btreets at night, iu Detroit, aud tho next day commit ted to jail for vugrancy. It was tho third time iu as many weeks that she had been similarly captured. Sho hud sunken very low, indeed, though tho policemen noticed that sho did not insult them when arrested, that uo profanity escaped her lips, and that when before the justice she seemed thoroughly ushamed of her situation. Yet tho depths of degradation to which her course had car ried her were fenrlul to contemplate. Sho came there from an up-river town, and had parents respectable und highly esteemed in their place of residence, living to bewail tho life upon which their daughter had entered. The girl's appearance in court, together with tho story of her life, which sho told, were) mentioned in the newspapers. Tho item at tracted the utteulion of a German lady, who resolved to tiy aud save that young woman from destruction. She mentioned tho mat ter to her husband, and he alter a great deal of coaxing, to bo sure secon led her ef forts. An interviow with the girl resulted iu the husbuud's giving bail for her appear uuco ut court, and she was discharged from custody. The lady took the girl to her home cloathed her neatly, and set obout the work of reformation. I ho girl's past course was never ullutled to and so fur us she knew, the utmost confidence was placed in her. All the time she was narrowly watched and guarded, and many an evening was danger warded off when shelittlo know it was near. Tho girl became ouo of the most grateful beings that ever loved a benefactor, and in three months the lady trusted her abroad with her children, for whom sho cared with a vigileut eyo. Ilaudsotnuly dressed, her whole appearance changed, ono would not recognize her as the fallen creature so recently a sub ject for legal punishment. After a most thorough reformation theGermau lady had the pleasure of restoring her to her parents, a: true woman, ennobled by her redemption. The Copperheads ore complaining that the' President aud all of the Cabiuet were out of Washington one day not long ago. They regard it as inconsistent with law. We can quiet their fears. Under Democratic rule it was necessary for some member to stay at home to watch the others, so that no ono could steal more than his share. As Grant proposes to be content with his salary, and to employ no Touceys, Floyds, or Thomp sons to do public business, the old rulo of setting a thief to w utch a thief is played out. It is not abusive of Cyrus L. Pershing, the Democratic candidate for Supreme Judge, to recall the remembrance that when Pennsylva nia soldiers were in the field fighting for the restoration of the Union, he, in the Assem bly at Harrisburg.stcadily voted against them and their interests. For a like offense Heis ter Clymer was condemned to private life. History should repeat itself. The election held in Maine on- the 13th; lust., passed off quietly, resulting in the tri umphant election of Chambprhn, the Repub lican candidate. This has been done in spite of the fact that the Temperance party run an independent candidate. The admirers and backers of Packer in! Pennsylvania, and Peudleton in Ohio, are respectfully referred for a first-rate opinion of their candidates, to tha following extract from a letter of Gen Rosecrans to tne Ohio Legislature in 18G3: 'I am amuzed thut any one could think of 'peace on any terms. ' 1 le who entertain tha seutiment is fit only to be a slave; ho who ut ters it at this time is, moreover, a traitor to hiscguntry, who deserves the scorn and con tempt of all honor able men. " The election for Governor aud members of the Legislature took place in Vermont on the 14th iust, aud resulted in a Republican majority of about 20,000 on the State ticket. In the Senate there are do Democrats, while the Republican mujority in tha House is about twenty to oue. Vermont never gives an uncertain sound. Now for PeonsylvaniaJ , - Asa Packer was a candidate for Vice Pres ident, a year ago; and only failed to get nominated, because he had not votes enough. That it what will prevent him becoming Governor or Pennsylvania. He will be short of votei.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers