( r Volume i . KIDGAVAY, ELK CO. PA., FRIDAY, JULY 23.-1809. NUMBER 30 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A OEXTS. The Taciflc Uailrond opned. Seven days J. from Now York to Ban i'ruucisoo, and a new in terest felt rn the Great West. The old West aa it was and the new West aa it is are lully described in our new edition of MCHAHDSOX'S " BEYOND THE MISSISSIPPI," Written down to Summer of 1869, with now Text, new M-ips, now Index, new Illustra tions. r20 Pukod, 21(1 Lupravingrs, and the most accu rate Map in the World. Don't attempt to sell other books, old matter rehashed and copied, under new Tiames. Pell the original, complete from 1857 to 1809. rtend for f.'irculara which will tell the whole story. Ad dress, AMKUICAN. l'UHLlSHINCi CO., Hartford. -onn., or ULISS & CO., Newark, N. J. 1O0K AGENTS WANTED. Extra Inducements J)m ouered irood Aircnts to cnirnm with us. ia the alo of Samuel Howie s new work entitled OUXl 3NTEW WEST. a very entertaining and Interesting volume, profusely illustrated, and sold for If J. A splendid book for agents, How meeting with an unprecedented sale. It contuins a full description of the Pacitio Ituilroad; describes Life fcmong the Moimons, Indians and Chinese; gives details of the wonderful scenery, agriculture, mines, social life, progress and prosperity of our New Wentein States and Territories, Ace., &c. Now is the time to secure an agen cy. Circulars containing full particulars sent tree on tipplieatton to HAUTl'ORD rt'ELISniNa CO., nartford, Ct. ; WTANTEl). AflKNTS for Tror Pearson's Laws of y Business. With full Directions mid Forms for nil Transactions In everv Slat?, by Tiikoimulus 1'au- Hons, LL.I)., Professor of uiw in Hnrvnrd University. A new book lor everybody. Explaining every kind of oninict and legal obligation, and showing how to d. "nd execute I hem. The highest and best author tye land. Send for our liberal terms; nNo for ur 1'iiirot Bible l'sospectiis. Scut free. i'AliMELEE CO., Vh.'la., Pa. Aromatic Vegstable Soap. I'or the Delicate Skin jji Ladies and Children. SOLD E'J' ALL DRUGGISTS. From 4 to 3.10 Hr.rse Power, Including the celebrflted f 'orllss t ut oil' Engines, fliue Valve talioimrj Enlilnes Portable rJnirines Ac. Also, Circular, Malay and Uriim Haw Elll, Mialllng, Piil'eys, hub and MiIulIo Jlills, Wheat ami lorno Mills l irraliir Snws, Heilin!,', v,n. Send for ile-r.r1ntivliiL' Circular and Price li-t. WOOD & MaXS STEAM ENI.LXE CO., Utica, N. V. MUSKET SIIOT GUNS, Warranted to Bhoot close and kill 00 yards- Price, 2.50. Wanted. Army lims and ltevolvera. Send stamp forprico list Hides, Shot Guns, Kevolvers, to JollN BTON'S GUN WOliKS, Pittsburgh, Pa. 89 A day tor all. Ad.lro.ss, A. J. rCLLAM, N. Y. 5jQ QQ r-L'MDAY GUAKATEED. Airerts to sell the HOME SHUTTLE SEWING MA. CHINE, li makes thu Lock Stitch, alike on both sides has under feed, and Is equal iu every respect lo an" lowing Machiue ever invented. Price $-J5. Wariant;: for 8 years Sen i for circular. Address JOHNSOI t.'LAUK Jt CO., Doiton, Na.-a., Pittsburgh, l'a., or St, Louis, Mo. A BK your Doctor or Dnif.'lst for SWEET lil'ININIi J It equals (bitter) (juiuino. Is mado only by F. STKAliNS, Chemist, Detroit. YOU CAN make largo ray with our STENv. , DIKfj. Samples lice. S. 31. Si'EN'ciai & Co., Ilrattleburo, Yeriuont. WANTED. Energetic canvassers to make from 10 to 15 a day selliu? one of the most remarkable mentions of the age, Wake's 1 Patent Chair Sprins ', hat mako an easy rucking chair out of any chair, lie ware of infringers. Send for Circular to the Patentee, Manufacturer and Proprietor, AN DUE W M. 11LAKE, Dox 54(1, Canton, Ohio. COLBUKN S PATENT 11ED JACKET AXE Is better than our resrular shaped Axes for these reasons: First It cut deeper. Second It dont stick iu the wood. Third It does not jar tne hand. Fourth No time is wasted In taking the axe out of the cut Fifth With the same labor you w ill do one third more work than with regular axes, lied paint has nothing? to do with the good qualities of this axe, for all our axe are painted red. If your hardware tore does not keep twr goods we will hfauly answer inuulrics or till your orders direct, or give you the name of the nea.vst deal vr who keeps our Axes. L1P1TNCOTT & BAKE WELL. Pittsburgh, Pa Bole owners of Celburn's and Rod Jacket Patents. SELF-HELP FOR THE EHHIXG. Words of cheer to Young Men who have fallen victims to SOCIAL EVILS, desire a better MANHOOD. Sent in sealed letter envelope, free of charge. Address IIOWAUD ASSOC'IAHON, Box P, Philadelphia, Pa. ' THIRTY YE ATiS Experience In the treatment o Chronic and Sexual Diseases A Physiological View of Marriage. The chenpest book over published containing nearly 8' JO pages, and liill line piatos and engravings of the anatomy of tho human organs in a state of health and disease, w ith a treaties on early errors, its deplorable consequences upon tho mind and body, with the author's plan of treatment the oulyrutienal and successful mode of l ure, as shown by a repirt of eases treated. A truth fill adviser to thu married and those contemplating marriage, w ho entertained doubts of their physical con dition. Seut free ol portage to any address on recelps of 5 cents, in stamps or postal rurrencv, by addressing LA CltOIX, No ill Maiden Lane. Albany, N. Y.--Tlie. author may bo consulted upon any of the. disouset upon which his books treat, either personal or by mail and medicines sent to any part of the world. SEND one dollar and get by ecturne mall one of IXmilVGSDOLIiAK BOXLS Of the richest Initialed French Note Paper. All the Jjulies H.e In love with them. Address, LOKIXU, Pub lisher, lloslon, M:us. am tibit rnoTocEArns. SPIRIT rilOTOQUAPPS. Attested In my trial and acknowledged by all who have sat for their pictures the Great Phenomena of the ago. Four of the principal pictures of prominent par ills who testified in court as to their geuuiuenurt, will he aet post paid on receipt of one dollar. Also a full report of my trial. Illustrated with wood cuts jiagea, 50 cents Address, WM. A MUMLEK, ty NAs uiu street. X. Y. u... rpHE MISSI8SQUOI POWDEK actually cures Can I cer and Scrolulous Disease, of the tkiu bee re port to L. I. Medical Soeiety Statements of Phvsiciana J.i circular sei.t free on adplicstiun to C A. DUIiOlS ifi Pearl street, New Yo.ii C'.tj. Dos liUt. Stn mmmm A.XD BOILEnS teah sure! tarlli trurj purt gt I'almt utmtm urttAif Wirb sL, Chicago. '-.V.r. Trdnm Christian Aawcati 3m TnE MAOIO COMB TEETII ARE COATED with solid DYK. You wet your hair and nse the comb, and It produces a permanent blnck or brown. One comb aeut bv mail for 1.B. Aildres, "WM. PATTON, Sprlngtleld, Mas 3m M AXIMS for BUSINESS MEN. Wlicn a biiflnesfl man reaches the point where he thinks that he ennont apnro any time to exmnino aonr ct' ornnunciiil nnd couinurciul ltil'onnnllnu, he mny MiR'ly cuuclinle that his cnnluefP is not well mimnirc(i. When a bu-inf'3 nimi llndrt himself In n llnmirial fltunilun fo emlmrm!Hinff 4tmt he ennuot nllnrd to pos senf evt?ry publlnulun that would throw mure llht up- tn hln btifinctri inninclioiiB, hti nlumld not delay nn lour, but ftiTiinye at once with an auctioneer to close ovt hia stock to tho highest bidder. Tin above Maxims are taken from tbc columns of tho Nkw Yuhk Mehcantile Joi:unal which U the best as well imone of tho larent uicroaulilo newspapers pub lished In the United States Its market reviews and carelully revised list of Jubber'i prices, embrncinp al most every vuotnble srticle of merchandise, together with its iudlcious editorials, till nioro than thirty-live (;i") coliniins every week. Tht cubscrlption price i only $." UJ per ysar. (less than ten cents p'rwcek, nnd lees than lli conts per day.) I'urties desirlntr to pos sens themselves ot this valvable publication, should ad dress The N Y. Meiicantilb JotiiNAL Co., ttoO J-earl street, N. Y. Uty. iim J ISTEN to the MOCKING B1KD. The Pnilrle Whistle aid animal Imitator can bo used hv a cbi'd. Ii is made to Imitate the songs of every bird, tho nelgli-nra horse, the bray of an ass, the grunt of a liog; btuls, beasts and snakes ale enchanted nnd cntrnpp'd by it. Is used by l);m Hryaut, Charley White, and all the Jllnstrels and Warblers. Vautfilo qulstn can be learned in three days by its aid. Sent iinswhere upan receipt of 23 cents, three for 50 cents; $1 itt per dozen. W. T. VALENTINE, Jersey City, N. J Sin EELOVPIUCE3 of China & Glassware. (lilna Tea Sets, 14 pieces China Cups ar.il Saincrs, 24 pieces China Tea Plates, per dozen White Stone Toilst sets, 11 pieces Water (iobleis per dozen While Parisian China Dinner Sets, 133 pieces, (beauitul shapes) a 1 45 8 5t , 2 00 SO 00 All our goods marked down equally low. Uutleiy, Silvcr-riiiled Wave, Tea Trays, fce , &c, ifcc. WASHINGTON II AD LEY'S (ONLY STOllF.,) MiJiUo of tbo tJopor Institute Block, Store running through from 3d to 4th Avenue be tween Hh & Slh sireets, one block trorn llroadway. Especial pains taken in selecting and picking of rr.ifnis for the country. In addition to the above list 01 goods, we have always on hand, at low prices rated ninncr, Tea, and Toilet Sets, Loloyi Deco tie Sets, Stuokicg Sets. &c. Sin J)ATEXT OFFICE Invenlors who wish to tokc out letters Pnltent are nd vised to counsel with .M111111 Co , Editors of the Set etillilc. Amerlcau, w ho have prosecuud claims before the Patient Oillee for more than Twenty veers. Their American and European 1'iiient Ajeucy is the most ex tensive in the world. Charges less than any other reli u'ole ngency. A Pamphlet containing full Instructions to lnvontor, Is stut grattls Address & CO., 3" Park Row, Kcw York. olll A CCAKANTEE. Anv good and enterprising person can make J3.0". iu the next three mouths by 10 1 lew iug our iusuuciions Tii iK or this Yo who stand with vour hndS crnmedin your pockets muttering what shall 1 do to make money" Wo want one good smart man In every town one who can keep his business to himself to act confidentially with us. ZlSTO OLD MlTDS Nor ministers wanted. Ihialnes not to ho known to your jienrest filnnd. Persons iu inakini nnplieatlon will -.uiiMd-r themselves under oath not to uinlire the business. Euelosi J cents with phiinly wrUten ud dress lor our cotiildntinl, triviriLf full inst r.ciionr. Address, UK LA Y & CO., Broadway, JJ. Y. oLtt -t SLOW HOUSKS made FAST snd fast horses made faster Simple, practleal inM met ions for imrprov iuirspced and styU, mid oihr valuable information for huvs owners, iu No. V.l v( Uaney's oi'KNal. only IPixro cents. For sale by M. M. LAltAllKK, Kin- IMtrlum, Comcroa county, 1'u. Ilia cxpogurca ot huia- $10 A day. Address A. J. I'ULLAM, New York. Sin AGENTS WASTED FOIt "WONDERS OF THE WORLD," Comprising startling incidents, Interesting Scenes and Wonderiul oveuts ia a I Countries, all Ab"es, and among all People. JIY C. ROSENBERO, Ovt One Thousand III ustnitions by the moat distin guish I Artists in Europe and America. The la-geat, best i"ustra!ed, most exciting, atrusing instructive, entertaining, st-utling, humurous, und at tructive subseriition books ever published. Send inr C.reu'ars, with t riiis, at once. Address UNITED STATES PL13LISU1NU CO., nut-it . 411 liroome Street, New York, $3,500 Per Year to sell " Wonder of the World.' Addrcs J. C. TILTON, Pittsburgh, Pa. uat4t J7URORS OF Y'OVTH. A gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous De bility, Premature Decay, and all the elFecta of yoathful indiscretion, will, for tne sake of Buttering humanity, send tree to all who need it, the recipe aad dii action for making the simple re acdy by which he was cured. Suf ferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience can do so by addressing, in perfect confidence, JOHN B, OODEN, 42yl No. 42 Cedar St., New York. AGENTS WANTED FOB THE Secret History OF THE CONFEDERACY. BY EDWAKD A. PoLLAlO). The astounding revelations and startling disclosure made iu this work are creating the most inten&e- desire to obtain it. The secret nulitical intrurues. &c.. of Davis and other Conledemte leaders, with the Hidden Myste ries, from ".behind the Scenes in Richmond," are tho roughly ventilated. Send tor Circulars, and see our lerois, aim u luu ure-iiiuuu in me worn. AUdress NATIONAL PUULISHLNa CO., Philadelphia, Pi. J uiy . ti CANCERS! TUMORS!! ULCERS!!! j Pnor. Kline, of the Philadelphia University, it making astonishing cures of Cancer and all tumors by a new nriieess. A Chemical Cancer Antidote, that moves the largest Caneers and tumors, without pain or the use of the knife, without caustie eating or turning medicines, and without the loss of a drop of blood. Fur porticuliua call or address P. II. KLINE, M. D. No, ill, Aith Ueet, I'LiUiIcllihia, T. July 22-it Agents waiitMjWLominiMion rrwl iniitt--TT fnll prttciitr nililrwt the Am OT ti VminirTN. or 16 lMrteM( SELECT P0ETIIY. To Tobacco Clicwcrs tintl Smo kers, Chewing In the parlor, Smoking on the street, Choking with cigar smoke Every one you meet. BpVting on tho pavement, Spitting on the floor, Is there such enslavement! Is there such a bo ret In hotel and grocery, Tobacco juice and smoko Defile the floor and air, And sicken us or choko. IIow we do detest it, II ow wc do deplore, On your vest to see tho spit, Trickle down before. Tour head a little back, When you go to speak, Will keep the channel dry, iletween tho chin and check. In halls whero Indies sit, Silk and tissuo skirt , Wipe up the foul tobacco spit, Mingled with the dirt. Fetid breath forever, ' Saturated clothes; Would that we had never Been created with a nose. Ladies with their long dress, Sweeping down the street Gathering up the nasty mess, Smear it round their feet. Tuddles in the corners, . Swelling into one, Forming lakes and rivers, Drying in the sun. Maidens, when you marry, Tobacco worms don't take Think nbt Dick nor Harry Will quit it for your sake. Declare the thing a curse, And when gents come to woo, You "pop the question" first: "Sir, do you Bmoke or chew!" Mark each word or look, And if they don't say no. Just cross'them off your book, And tell them why you do. Some gents will carry spice, Some cinnamon, some c'.ovcs, Make good use of your eyes, And good use of your note, , For when tho wedding's o'er, Perfumes they throw away, They spit upon the floor, They smoke and chew all day. Docs a lover promise To quit tho weed for you, Sec he has a firm bump, And conscientious too. If you arc no phrenologist, Let time the truth mako clear, And wait till ho resists Temptation for a year. POPULAR TALES. From Forney's Weekly Press. now she wo 11 1 31. liV CECILIA L. WIHTELEr. 'You promised to tell me, dear Anna, all ubout Mrs. y : and I huve come to keep you to your promise," said my young friend, Margaret Denton, she unceremoniously laid aside nor bonnet and shawl, und settle) her self iu the great crimson chair by tho win dow. A week before, at a brllliunt reception in Washington, blkbe Maggie Denton had been completely captivated by the beautiful wife of Senators . In the midst of her en thusiasm, I intimated to Murguret th tit the Senator's lady had a history, and that same day 1 would narrate the story cf her court ship. Uf course Maggio was delighted, and had come, with all a youug girl's impatient eagerness, to listen to tho great lady's life ro mance. Xow, go on,' said Miss Deutou, leaning back iu a very attentive attitude. '1 know I shall love Mrs. S dearly, for sho is so lovely; 1 always love everything that is beau tiful.' 'Yes, Maggio sho is bcautiftl, and her character is as pure and good as her face and form is handsome,' 1 replied. 'Wo learned to love each other years ago, when wo were both poor girls. 1 soothed her first sorrow aud shared her first joy; sol knew her heart deeper than society is permitted to fathom.' Ten years ago Mrs.S was only simple Alice Leo, who, liko myself, earned her bread by honest toil. You look surprised, but it is true. The beautiful woman you met last week surrounded by wealth, and the best men nnd women in the land eager to claim her attention, used to work early and late as a compositoress on auaily newspaper. Summer and winter through the cold and heat, snow and rain, wo went regularly to our labor. Day after day we Btood patieutly at our cases, that thousands might read. This had been our lifo lor more than three years. Alice was now nineteen, nnd I a year older, aud perfectly familiar with tho cutire busi ness of tho office wo prided ourselves on be ing thorough compositors. Uy aid of tho types, wo had succeedej iu acquiring a good practical education aud a solid occupation, that would always obtain for us a comforta ble and independent living. Do not imagine, Maggio, thut it requires uo ability to bo a printer. Aside from tho dexterity, I am quite certain that many of tho most fashionably-learned of our modern boarding-school graduated young ladies would find their edu cation deficient ia an hour's experience at the case. The art of type-setting demands a perfect knowledge of geography, grammar, orthography, and punctuation; the printer is not a muchiue thut must follow blundering copy, irresponsible of its correctness. I have set up buLureds of manuscripts fcaafully at fault iu one or more of these importaut branches that, too, of authors who have gained world-wide reputes as able authors. And then such mysterious handwriting as we used to decipher would utterly bewilder any one but a printer! The most brain-puzzling of all were the editorials; they were dreadful. Alice would freequcntly declare that the would be obliged to ask tho editors for a KEY. For nearly a year I had been engaged to our Foreman, George Lester, who had riseu from the errand-boy of the .office to the re sponsible position of foreman. We were poor (Jeorge and I for we had nothins but our weekly stipend to build our future upon; but wo were youug, energetic and hopeful Alice rejoiced in our happiness; and iu plan ning our future success in lifo, forgot the preseut toil of her own. As a worker she was far more rapid than I. Her proof-sheet never showed au error, aud her types never mixed. Often she wonld assist me out in my column, and, when I protested, declaro in her wilful, merry way, 'that sho owed it to me for had I not been her good angel when Bhe was a novice at tho cade.' Ouo evening, an hour Inter than our usual time for goiug homo, Alice cume to mo from the foreman's dssk with a slip of paper iu her hand, and an exceedingly ruful counten ance. 'Fifteen minutes more, Mnry, before we are freef she said, regretfully. 'Mr. S 's sou lias just arrived from Europe, and of course his return must be noticed in to-mor-row's is&uo. Hid papa has just sent it np. Isn't it too bad, and the proofs uicely lock ed?' Mr S was our chief editor and solo proprietor of the paper a king in tho office, whoso nod was law and whoso frown was an nihilation. His only son, Allen, was his pride and hope, aud his sufo return to his homo, after his protracted wanderings abroad gave great delight to tho loving old father, and a pretty item, from a paternal point of view, to the paper. Alice looked thoughtfully nt tho scrap of copy a moment, saying lightly: ''Well, never mind. It's only a few lines, so I will set the beautiful Allen up with all dispatch injsmall caps' and 'nonpareil." Tick, tick tho little types went into the?' 'stick;' deftly tho rapid fingers flow over tho cae, and in a few mtfrncuts the, beautiful Allen' was duly set up by as pretty a hand as ever handled" a typo. I removed a murder item to give placo to tho personal notice, theu wc leaded Mr. Al len securely, and locked tho form, and in this business manner au acquaintance with Mr. Allen S began. The next day au old, gray-headed editor made his appearance iu tho compositor's room, accompanied by a tall, elegaut stranger, with a foreigu air und faultless dress. We divined at once that ho could be no other than tho son and heir, whoso arrival Alice had so ungraciously anuouuecd. He seemed to be on a tour of inspection, and ready to make friends with nuy one. He shook hands heartily with tho foreman, and then saunter ed up to the wiudow where Alice aud I were busily at woik, carelessly glancing at our copy and over the galley, with thu eye of a connoisseur. Alice, intent ou her work, did not lift her eyes, but IthiukMr. Allen noted the exquisite) turn of her head and neck, as well as the mass of curling chestnut hair. The day was warm, aud a hundred moist ring lets were rippling away from her white fore head, uncoulined by hand or comb.- The largo loving dark eyes were hidden by their droop ing lids, but Allen could see the glow of cheeks aud lips, as well as tho marble-white hand nnd arm that flutters like a bird over the case; with her sieves tucked up, printer fashion, aud a hugo apron tied ubout her waist, to protect her pretty dresa, she looked as sw?ct aud bright as a roso. I can seo her now by tho window, just ns she looked iu thoso Jays, with the oft summer wind play ing amid her curls, and lifting tho ribbon ut her throat. Unconscious of Allen's admiration, sho briskly kept ou distributing tho damp types, regardless of tho lead-begrimed fingers that occasionally paused to tuck back a stray curl, at the risk of leaving a smuJgy stain on brow or cheek. Day after day our editor's son wandered in to our room, until wo grew uccustomed to his presence, aud could work unembarrassed under his shnrp gaze. Unconsciously wo learned to look for his coming, nud miss something if his kind faco failed to smilo in upon us during the long afternoons thatwero now gradually verging into nutuinu. Alleu was about thirty-three yeura of age, with black hair aud the blaskest of eyes, so full of depth and 'btreugth that ouo could easily guess tho lofty power and genius slum bering beneath tho polished exterior of the travelled man and scholar. Tho foreign looking black whiskers aud moustache, gave a peculiar'cast to his ulmost steru features; but the full black eyes were pleusaut and ten der, as if to atone for thu gruro mouth aud austere chiu. As I said, he camo often to seo us, and was want to linger near Alice iu a half-indolent, half-iuteres:ed way, not in a manner to attract attentiau, however, llo was careful to avoid remarks. Sometimes ho would amuse himself by setting up au item, or iu looking over a column of proof, for ho ykas a g'ood priuter, and quite at home iu ull matters pertaining to the office. Somehow ho took a sudden fancy of indulging iu long chats with nie, much to tho detriment of my daily number of 'MSS,' for you see I was engaged, nnd safe from ull malicious comments. I knew it was only as au excuse to be near Alice, who was begiuuing to bo nervous and uneasy in his presence, startiug every time the door opened with a hopeful blush aud beamiug eye. AU tins 1 noteil, but made uo comments, confident that Cupid would con quer in. his own good timo. One afternoon, Allen surprised her by tak ing up a 'stick,' and rapidly setting up theso very plain words; 'MAY I WALK HOME WITH YOU TUI3 EVENING? Don't qkny mbj 1 will call at bix.' 1OofTy he placed this leaden note before Alice, aud, without a word, went out. Alico looked pained as well as pleased; evidently she doubted the propriety ot granting Lis to- quest. 'While she was debating the question in ber own mind, the ever-wutcutul und in quisitive assistant foreman came along, and when his keen glance would have scanned its contents, Bhe quickly brushed the 'stick to the floor, scattering her note in every dirc& tiou, an irredeemable mass of 'i'i. ' With a provoking frown, the assistant walked away, and 1 laughingly whispered; 'Surely, Alice, that is ouo way to dispose ot an invitation. 'I Bhall not go, she said thoughtfully: 'it would be neither wise nor prudent.' I had my owu opinion on the subject, and fcltcertam that site would change iter mind for Allen had tender eyes and a persuadiug tongue, and, more than all, Alice loved him. At the appointed hour be camo, but bravely kept on with her work. 'Come,1 ho said, iu a uot-to-be denied touo. 'It is a beautiful afternoon. The twilight will be charming, and I want to enjoy it with you. 'Kxcuso me,' she replied, carefully justify ing her lines without looking up. '1 shall be detained luter thun usual ia the office to night Our Paris letter is in, and must be ready for proof by tight o'clock. It is over a column, and, ua you see, tho manuscript has just reached my case. ' biio pointedwith a most busincss-liko air, to tho closely written sheets belore her, as if their importance must at once silence ull further pleading on his part But Mr. iuen aid not Bceni to consider their impor tance in the least Qti the contrary, he looked at them very scornfully. '-oucensoi he satd, gingerly tnrmng over tho manuscript 'Confouud the Paris letter I Let it go, or let Mr. Lester give it to boiub one else, if it must beset up.' JJut all tuo rest aro busy,' she remon strated, diligently contemplating her caso, as if trying to locate the letters. V oil, then, if it must go in, 111 come back after our walk, and set this precious toreigu twaddlo up, Will that do? Como, get on your hat, an hour in this delicious autumn air will do you good. The foreman can t complain, Bimling at mo roguishly, 'can he, Miss Mary? Ihus urged, sho acquiesced, nnd together they wont out, leaving mo to morulizo on the heart's inconsistencies, nnd to work m tho Fans letter. After this Alico becamo strangely restless and abstracted, llcr woik fretted her, sho said, vowing that see always got tho worst copy, and never had any rest. Sho appeared changed in everything, aud so 0110 day I ven tured to ask the cause by remarking sudden- y: hat ails you, Alice? you do not seem yourself. " '.Neither am I, Bhe burst out empeluously, I hate this lifo. 1 bate this dirty printer's work. Once! was proud to staud at a case, mistress of twenty-Bix letters thut unlock tho knowledge of the world. Like a silly fool, I was vain of my expertnoss in handling theso dirty bits of lead. Xow they are my mas ters, chaining mo to this dusty, glaring room all my life. They aro stealing my youth and fading my beauty. 1 halo themr 1'assiouatuly sho Btruck her hand on tuo unofieudiug o's, causing many to fly uncere moniously over among tho astouishcil i'swho, in turn, jumped in atkight uiuoug tho star tled o'e. 'Yet, Alico, I quietly euterposcd, 'these little metallic letters havo been our best books aud most patient teachers. AVe arc but poor cirls. What should we havo dono had we lacked the ability to becotno good compositors? 1 would never havo met Uoo. Lester, und "you would ever have been a strau ger to Allen S .' 'JJetter for me 11 he nnd never eniereu this room. What business has he, rich, ed ucated, superior, to como among us poor girls? Tho world is full of splendid women, let him mate with his kind, und leave us to our toil,' she cried vehemently, shaking back her hair, as if iu beauty uugered hor. that she possessed it. r 'You aro excited, now,' was my calm reply. Allen is a man of sense aud fueling, and I always trust thoso two virtues; for whero they "aro found, a dishonorubJo act is never chronicled. You aro generally sensible, but just now your better judgment is perverted. .Look back on the past-, and uo true 10 your heart, and tho types, Alice.' '15ut the stick is so heavy, sho exclaimed, pettishly. ' 1 es, but you aro uod to it. 'Perhaps I am, physically; but I can never teach my mind to be conteut with this dull, wearisome existanco. l am tired of it ull. See my hands, how Btuiued beautiful, aro they not?' holding them up with a coutoinpt ous smilo nt their soiled uppeurauce. I was Borrv to see her in such a mood, and answered southiiwlv: 'What matters a little lead discoloration? A pint of water will remove tho Btajn from your pretty whito fingers aa completely as if they had never touched anything rougir than a lilly leaf.' 'lesjbut only to bo renewed with, the morrow. Jlow many thousand limes nave 1 distributed these letters! How many times must I yet do it? Tho thought makes mo Bick. Oh I hato it! 1 hate it!' She turned petulantly away, trying bard to hide tho tears that blowly filled tho dark, sorrowful eyes to running over. w TO UE CONTINUED. J Put The It ascai. Orr. While tho con gregation were collected at church, on a cer tain occasion, nn old, dark, hard-hearted skin aud bone individual was wending his way up the isle, and took bis scut near the pulpit Tho officiating miuitter was ouo of that class who detested written sermons, and as for prayers he thought they ought to be natural outponngs ot the heart. Alter sing ing was concluded, they were, as usual, cull ed to prayer. The genius we have iutroduco- ed did not kneel, but leaned his head aovo tiouully upon his pew. The minister begun by Baying: ".t ather of all, in every ago, by saint and savage adored " "Pope!" said a low but clearvoico near old hard-features. '1 he minister, after" casting au indignant look in the direction of tho voice, cautiuued: "Whosa throne sittcth ou the adamantine hills of Paradise " "Milton!" again interrupted tho voico. The minister's lips quivered for a moment, but recovering himself he continued: "We thunk Thae, most gracious Father, that wo are permitted once more to assembe iu Thy name, while others, equally meritori ous, but less favored, have been cairied be yond that bourne from which no travclur re turns "Shakespeare!" pgaiu interrupted tho voice. This was too much. "Put that impudent rascal out," shouted the minister. "Origiual!" ejaculated the voico, iu samo culm but provoking manner. tho Drovers vs Fops. Dinuer was spread in the cabin of the "Xew World," aud a splendid company was assembled about the tuble. Among tho pas sengers thus prepared for gastrouomio duty was a. little creature of the genus fop, decked daintily as an early butterfly, with kids of irreproachable whiteness, "miraculous" neck tie, aud spider-like quizziug glass ou his nose. The delicate animal turned hia head affected ly aside, with: Waituhl' 'Sahf 'Kwing me a pwopcllah of a female woos- tah.' 'Yis, sab.' 'And, waitah, tell the steward ta wuh my pluto with a wcgctnble called onion, which will give a delicious flavak to my dinnah.' Y is sab.' While thfi refined exquisite was giving his order, a jolly Western drover had listened with open mouth and protruding eyes. When tho diminuitive creature paused, ho brought his fist down upon the table with a force thut mado every dish bounce, and then thuudopel out: ' Here you ganl darned aco of spndos! 4Yis, Bah.' 'Bring me a thundering big pluto of skunk's gizzards!' 'Sab.' , , 'And you, old iuk pot, tuck a horse blank et under my chin, and rub mo down with a brink-bat, while I feed.' The poor dandy showed a pair of straight coat tails, iustuntor, and tho whole table' joined iu a tremendous roar. From tho Jtllwnnko Free Democrat- Cure for Cancer. Our attention has lately been called to a cure for cancer, which is of so much impor tance that we wish to make it known as wide ly as possible Somo eight mouths ago, Mr. T. 13. Mason who keeps a 'music store on Wisconsin street, and is a brother of the well known Lowell Mason ascertained that he had a cancer on the side of his faco tho size 4 of a pea. It was cut out by Dr. Wolcott, nnd the wound partially healed. Subsequen tly it grew again, and whilo he was in Ciu ciunatti on business it attained the size of a hickory-nut. lie has remained there since Christmas, tinder treatment, and has corn back perfectly cured. The process is this: A pieco of sticking plaster was put over tho cancer, with a circular piece cut out of the center a littlo larger than tho cancer, aud a small circular rim of healthy skin next to it was exposed. Then a plaster mado of chloride of zinc, blood-root aud wheat flour was spread on a pieco of muslin of tho size of this circular opeuing, aud applied to the can cer for twenty-four hours. On removing it tho cancer will bo found to bo burnt into, and appear of tho color and hardness of nn old shoo sole, aud the circular rim outsido of it will oppear whito and parboiled, as if scalded by hot steam. Tho wound is now dressed, and the outsido rim soon suppurates and the enncer comes out a hard lump, und tho placo heals up. The plaster kills the cancer so that it sloughs out liko dead tlesh, und never grows again. This remedy was discovered by Dr. Fell of London, aud has been used by him for six or eight years, with unfuiling success, and not a case has been known of tho reap pearance of the cancer whero this remedy has been applied. J t has the sauctiou of tho most eminent physicians and surgeons of Loudon, but has not beeu used in this country until rcceutly, nud many of tho faculty, with their proverbial opposition to innovations, look upou it with distrust We saw Mr. Mason at church yestorday, and huve Biuco conversed with him, and took par ticular notice of the cicratized wound, und. can only say that if the euro is parmaueut and, from tho evidence oT six or eight yeiW experience iu other cases, wo havo no doubt it is tha remedy ought to bo universally known. Wo have referred to this case be cause Mr. Mason is well known, both hero and iu tho Fast The experiment excited much interest in Cinciimatt.i, and wo call thu attention of the faculty iu this State to tho remedy. If it is what is claimed fur it, this terrible dixeuso will be shorn of most of its terrors. Tho application is painful, but the ( pain is of comparative short duration, which any one so ailiicted would cheerfully endure- "Olivia," in tho Philadelphia Press, gives woman's rights women thut indefinite but fuurful thing known as "fits." Sorosi.s fills her with anger and disgust, aud sho cries: "Club! Kxecrable word, conceived iu iugo nuity and brought forth iu sin. Lunch ut IMmouico's! Protty women making speeches over toast nud tea! Diluted, respectablo wickedness Tho Sorosis is the weuk puling infant, tho Cheyouuo sisterhood is tho stout, rollicking boy." Tho Cheyenne sisterhood staud up ut the bars with men, snmke, chnw, drink whiskey, nnd eat "bulonies,' nud "Oli via." thinks if things no ou'as they are goiug, Sorosis will be likely to do the samo .disgust iug things. For Susan 1$. Anthoiiy sho find.- some excuse. "Let us," she says, "visit hor faults tenderlv. liuby lips have never press ed her hard, cold chet-k. She has never last ed the sublimity of motherhood. Sho has never bathed in that immeasurable sea ol glory whoso waves touch tho gates of Para diso. " "Olivia," has evidently laved herself in that sea and thinks she likes it. Put then. you see, there are women und women. Facetiae. IIow to Btick to your oath- swear by gum. What is the most enlighteucd nation? Il lumination. A Bweet sight A pair of lovers chewiuS taffy in a theatre. Disgusting meanness Tun a dog's liido with his owu bark. IIow does a horso regard a man? As the. source of all his whous. Stocliiugs are now darued by machinery, and they aro darned nice. What is a husband's promise about civiu" up to bacco apt to end in? In smoke. Whut did. a blind wood-sawyer take to re store his sight? lie took his horse and saw. Why should a woo'd-cutter never bo hungry? because he can always havo a chop, by axing. Can a civil engineer inform us how it ia that the mouths of rivers are larger than, their heads? A late tourist in the Xilo district states that ho saw not only the traces of tho croco dile on tho river banks, but also tho prints, of whales. ' We have heard of an individual who buys one or two shares of stock in every railroad aud bank, so that he may go to all tho annu al clectious aud eat ull tho annual dinners. A correspondent Buggesls that tho inebri ated person who proposed to escort his girl to see "Crossiugton Washing the Delaware," should do bo ou "Birthingtou's Washday," A lady in St Louis has promised a gentle mau thut if Bhe does not marry sumo one elsu. within nino months she will accept him.. ! A Ivager 13 a fool'B argument
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers