4 Local and M iscc-llnny. Var Time at ItMsu at. Erie Express Kf,sl B' ni- do lo West " do Mail East Mop. m. do do West a:1U p. m. Loenl Freight East J1:'"- ' do do West OtoO p. m. Elk Loago, A. Y. M Stnlod meetings of Elk Lodgo will be Ueld (it their Inill on lbs second mid f.mit It Tuesdays ol e.icli monlli. ' J. K. wntTMORE, Fco'y. I. 0. G. T. The Kogolar meetings of Ridgway Lodco. No. 2-"IS. In-Ill every c- ..liii-sday evening nt their Lodge Room. W. C. Tixm.i:. Se.-y. AOENTS FOR THE ADVOCATE. Tho following named persons arc nuilicvizi -l ngents for the Advocate (o receive subscrip tions, advertising or Job work, take pay thorc for nnd give receipts. Wilcox. A. T. Ai.MiiriT, J. E. EitowN. Kano. Frank W. Mkkce. Johnsonsbtirg. Isaac II. mi ax. .St, Maiys. Ciias. Mi-Vkan. Ccnlrevillo. ITomkr R. Leach, Maj. Ernsi;. Caledonia. W. P. Smith, 11. A. Wi-.ttn. flennczetlc. John 0. Baiii), J, iV. I'-kown. Shawniut. Jonx F.nnnn, Spring Creek. A. W. Ir.vts. Highland. Levi Ellotiioiipr. Hovton. 1). C. Oyster, X. M. Bi;oi-kway. Gold dosed on last Wednesday in New York ntSUOJ-. Foil female con-plaints there is notliinj.' in the world equal to the " Maea moose." Tiy hand be convinced. Sccrr.srur., beenuao of superior mcvii. Mis. 8. A. Allen's im;rovod (n,w style) Hair Restorer or Dressing, (in one bottle,) Everv Truggist sells it. Price One Dollar. Goody for June, has been received, it i US usual, full of miscellany, pretry, f-t.-liioi plates &c. Published by L. A. GO DEI 1'hiladr-lpbia, IV, nt 80 a year. Skinoh J. II. PitAur, the "rrat cole bratcd ventriloquist is coming with his bud pet of fuu. Will exhibit at the fi.ilow'ii places, Pt. Marys May l!8th, Ilidway Jlny 31st, Wilcox June 1st, Knns June 2d.. M ARIlfEI)- At the Tlyde Home Ridgway Mar 21th ipcf, ny Kev. r . ernon. r. JAI Oil M i 1-"F liit'l and "Miss JOHNSON, both of J one Township E1U Comity Pa. Odituary. We are called upon 'o an pounce the death (f Lib-hens .1 uthn Esq , who died at his residence in tl.i- place on latt Tuesday the '2oh iitit., ol pnrallissis, after an ilhiw-s of i-e:ii 1y tr yc.'.r.s, at the advanced age of 77. Mr. Luther was one ol thu oldest eiti Zens of our County, and until within a few years has borne an important part in public jjfluirs. lioforo his removal t-i this (.ount) JiO was SheiilF of Cleiulie-M county, and sinco has occupiej the offices' t f Commiss ioner of this county. F.,r t. nunibot of yars the deceased was propria-' of this paper. He was rer-pecti il by all who knew him, nnd bis loss will ') siuccrely re;: retted. On the Husticate. Ulo?s, of tin Tifusvtllo llcnttj, has been front fhhii; in Elk county. It is hard to tell from bis account of himself, whether l e wa.i. idoii .Captivated by '.he speckled bcaulics of the brook, or the rustic beauty of tha dau-liters of " yo bold uinuntaitiocrs " iu that region. Coin fitpr.h!itu. State Suxdat rtmor, Cnwiir riox. The Annual Cotiventiim will be held nt Willianisport, IYnnsylvania, brginnin on Tuesday, Juno 1st, at tun o'clock, A. M. Arrangements have been made on a Jibera! scale, to mako this the 1 rt Sunday Hcho'jl Convention yet hull in Tennsyl v.inia. Sunday .school tcac'icrs and guperiiilcn detts, and clcrp-yuica ir.tcic.-jieJ . iu tie work, arc cordially invited to be presei.t, from all parts of the State. Each Sunday school is requested to fiend one or more delegates. In order to seeuro entertainment, dele gates will please notify the committee at Williamcport, of their intention to attend the Convention. Address as early as pos . Bible, A. jUTDEGUAFF, Esq., Williamsport, I'a. Why do you drive such a pitful-looking .carcass js that ! Why iitu"t you put a heavier coat of fletdi on him, Put f A heavier coat of flesh on Lim ! By the powers, the poor crea ture can hardly carry what little is on him now. Some genius ha.? conceive! the brilliant idea to press all the lawyers into the military service, because their charges are bo great no one could withstand them. Warninq to MoTiiutts. An exchange warns the mothers and nurhe.- aguiu&t the too iprevalcnt practice pf drawing Utile children . .around the streets backward. Il lma been kuow!r-lp produce insanity. We make a note of it becu.usewe often meet with sueh instances .iu our witlks alio (it town. If you value the .health and comfort of your little ones, get hein carriage in which they can ride naturally and eujoy it.' he fiipsa's I'nrniiuL Po not trnpf him, gentle Indy, Though Lis voii-o be low nnd sweet, lloed not him who kneels before you, (jently pleading nt your feet ; ' Now thy life is in its morning. Cloud not thi, thy happy lot, Listen to the jipfy's warning, llonllc lady, IniHt him not, Do not turn to roldly from me, 1 would only Hhii-ld thy youth From this slcin and withering power 1 Mould only tell Ihn truth ; 1 would shield thee fr -in nil danger, Hivo thee frnm the lenipters simro ( Lady shun the iliirl;-ryed sirnnger 1 have Mi'ii J yon, noiv bewiuo. Lady, onre there lived a maiden, I'ure and bright, nnd lilie tlie fair, Eut be m "ui 1, ho wooed an-l won her, Killed her genlle heart with enre ; Then be heeded not her plendinir, Nor cat-oil l e her life to save , Semi she ju i'i -bed -now she's sleeping In the co'.d nn sileiil grave, Keep thy gold, 1 d't not wi!i It, La ly, I have prayed for thb l'or the hour when 1 might foil him I'eb him of expeetod ti'.iss, (ieiitb- lady do wonder At my words so cold and wild ; Lady, in the green grave yonib r Lies the gypsy's onlv child. in i m iniMwi wi ! im mm mim ill I I .'AM HL linFOiC, ih ; well known author of llobinson Crusoe, it has recently been posi lively imoevtaine 1, while pvctenuing to be a Tory, was in reality a whig, mid served the English administration from 1710 to 172il by editing, writing in and managing lory papers sueh a way as to poften down the political attache upon Irs emj ioyers. Ibis and otoer useful informtien as to (be socul and political condition of England at the beginning of the eighteenth century, is contained in a recent edition, in three volumes, of the life and vrriti is of Et loc. A NV.TEivoKTHY Fact. The Moaivill I!:jt''i!iciit 1ms the following truiini, which ought to be published in every journal in the land ; " If a drunken man could, in the midst of his inebriety, be made conscious of what n contemptible fool he makes of himself, it would at least shame him into moderation, f not into a total rejoetio-i of tha intoxicating .up. A iliiiiiknid does n't lealize his own legva. buion, for ibe rcr.son that, at the time the degradation is nt its greatest depth, the cns arc steeped in obscurity." DVERTISEMENT3 LLEG ililN'V VALLEY KAIL EO.VU. Tlie only direct route to Pittsburg WITHOUT CHANGE OF CAi 'mm Oil City. (m nnd after Monday n-i'.l r in as follow.'. : May :ld 1SC0, tra:n- GDIXa FOUTII. lay Express leaves Oil City nt :iivi!- at Pinsbui-g at ight Exprrss leaves Oil City at Arriving at 1'itl rbm-g at Mixed Way leaves Oil City at Arriving at West l'enn June: ion nt lO.in a. in. fl. 1 5 p. m 8.30 p. m. 0.30 a. m 7, 'JO a. m. 0,00 p. m. GOING NOUTII. -Express b aves Pittsburg at S.fiO a.m. 51.10 p. m 7,;; p. m 5.40 a in. .rr.v;n;- n.t 0:1 Ci'y at Vight Express leaves Pittsburg at Arriving at. Oil City at MixcJ ny leave West Penn June, at O. I" a. in Vrrivii.g nt Oil City nt P- m Connections nt Corry nnd Irvine'on for Oil !.!ity nnd l'itisburg. At Franklin with James 'own nnd KraiiKliu R. 15. Connections with Vest penn, li. H. nt West Penn Junction for tlhirsv'll-3 and Till points on the main line i'f tlie Pciiii-sylvania K. H. Sleeping Curs on N:?M Trains. .1. .1. LA WHENCE, Oencral Supt. Tims. M. Kt.v;, Asst. Snpl. nir.i).-: or wi:sio;.r. ron yr.uvn men, tla th- Kr.ling Pn'sion in You-h and E."' Manhooa. with SEEK II LLP for the Eirin inn ur.loriiMialo. M-nt in seaieil letter en velopes, five of oliany. Ad dri-s. ltOWAUU ASSOC! ATIOS. Pox P. Phiia !d:iia, Pa. ADiNISTRAT O A I 1'y vb Ine of an order of lii ."; b.:... " u; ' of l-i'k rotui:y. die unier--i--fr'l vi'l i-;: r to pu'-lic sab: ! tho premises on SATURDAY 1 1' c .".' li day of .'-ine IS'o'.'. All thit ce:-;ain f.a in ov trjcl of h.u-1 t-if i?. t in I'ox towushin, Elk County Slate of Penn sylvania, tlu3 .esmte f A. ("uiteo decensed coiii lisingtwo adjoining trite-. s or pieces of land, "no l)i.'iniiing nt a post on tho Toby road. Iienrc wi-jl L'( I rods more or less io a maple tree, thence north 0: rods more or less to a post, thence westbl rods more or less to a Mcmioc:, thvi:co south 100 rods more or les ;o a poat ou the Draudy Camp road, thence nor: hcasterly along s lid road CO rods nur.j or less to the line of .Ii3 grave yard lot, il.ence uortii 5 rods more or less to stones, O.ence tiiM ;iu roils ni'.re or less to a whitewood on tiio Toby road to the place of beginning. Cun. hiuiug GO acres more or less. The other picco commencing at a post on the Drandy Camp road being Ibe foittlnvesl corner of iba piece above described, thence uoi Hi 11 "j rods u-ore or let t to a post, tlieneo west 43 rods mora or loss toepot, (hence south ,ilong!i-ie of I'rancU Cnpello 10'J rods more or less lo a p..-1. thence south east 3S rods luoie ur less to a post Oil tho Brandy. Camp road, thence northeasterly nlonng said road lo the pine ) of bcgl.miug. Containing 31,0 acres more or less. The whole couUiniug Sil.lt acres more or loss, of which about 20 ucres nro cleared and fenced, with a young apple orchard growing thereon. A frame houee uud log bai o are erected on the premises, and convenient to a Hue spring of water. TERMS. One half in cash at date of salo tho balance in six months thereafter. 27t:is. R. T. KYLER. Administrator. SHEPJFF'S SALE. By virtuo of Sundry writs of Venditioni Ex ponat issued out of the Court of .Coiuuiou Pleas of Elk County and to nie directed I will ex pose to public sale or outcry at the CaPt douse iii Ridgway on, TUESDAY JUNE 8 th- 180'J at 1 o'clock P. M. the tallowing described property to-wit : All that piece or parcle of land situate in warraut No. 2i)31 Elk County State of Pena sylvania, bounded and described as follow. Beginning at a point on the southeasterly cor ner of laud In possession of the Rocky Run Oil Company, thence northerly along the line of said Rocky Run Oil Company's property three hundred and twenty rods, thence easterly one hundred and twenty. eight rods to laud in tho possession of tlie Lennox QH Company, thenco Eoutherly along the boundary lino of the Lennox Oil Company three hundred and twenty rods, nnd thenco westerly to the place of beginning. Containing two hundred nnd filty-six acres of land bo the same more or less. Fciz?d and taken in execution nnd to bo sold as the piopcrty of the Huena Vistn Oil Compat'.y. ALSO. All 'that piece or pnrclo of land situate on Warrant No. 2:131 Elk County Stnto of Pennsylvania, bounded- nnd ile.'.jribe-l ns follows: lb-ginning at a point on the south easterly corner of land in the possession of Lennox Oil Company, thencn northerly three hundred nn-l twenty rod.s along the line of tho sa-d Lennox Oil (Vmnnny'R "land, thence enst- etly one hundred nod lliirty-lwo rods to lands in tlie possession of the Paliuer Oil Conipaoy, iliei.ee sioitherly along the lino of the said Palmer Oil Company's lands three hundi od nnd twenty rods, thenco westerly onn hundred nnd thirty two rods lb tho place, of beginning. Containi'ig two hundred and eighty acres of land bn Ibe same more or less, Seized am) taken in execution and to be sold as the properly of the lann Oil Company. ALSO. All Hint picio or parcie of land situate iu WiHatil No. 'J:;.il Elk County, State ol' Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: IVgin:,ing nl a point nt tho south ealerlv eonii-r of land in the possession of the Piiieua Visla Oil Company, the .ee north three hundred and twenty rods along the lii0 f said Huena istn O l Company s lands. IhiMwo cnsletly one hundred nnd twenly-cight rods to I ti tt l in i lie possession of the Dana Oil l ompaiiy. llience soutlierly nlcng Inmt ot the lianr.n Oil ompany, three lninilieil nn-l twenty nn. s, i iei:ee wesicriv cue nnnorc-i inn tweniy- '3 t ods to the jdaee of beginning. Containing tivo hiu:)iod and fifty-six, acres of inn 1 be the snmc more or less. -'c-ized and taken in execution nnd to be Fold as the property qf the Lennox Oil Company. ALSO. All tho right, titlo, interest, claim ami -leinanit ot tlie cleleniliiut ot in nml to nil hat piece or pnrclc of land situate in Warrant numlH-r two thousand ilirco hundred nnu thirty-one Elk County Plnte of Penn sylvania hounded and described as. follows: ib ginning nt a point nt the southwesterly cor ner of the land of the liuetia Vista Oil Com pany, thence westerly one hundred nnd twenty tight rods to a stake, thenco southerly three lu-.ndied and twenty reds to a slake, nnd u'lencc easterly one bundled nnd twenty-eight roils .to the place of beginning. Containing 'no hundred and til'ty ix ares of laud bo the same nun c (.r less. Seized and taken in execution nnd to be sold as the property of the llocky Kun Oil Com pany. ALSO. All that piece or parole of laud situate in tho township of Spring Creek County of Elk nml State of Pennsylvania, hounded ami described as follows : Ecgin. uing at a Hemlock being tlie northeast corner -if NVarralit No. :".'(j2, thence north by Wnr rant No. 2'J'd, one hundred nnd fourteen ;ierc':es to a stone pile, thence by lauds of mith, Pen- Drown, cast one hundred and sixty perches to a Hemlock, thence south by burls of -'e:h Clover one hundred and fourteen porches to a post, thence west by Warrant No. -7o'i one hundred nn-l sixty porthes to the nla.to of beginning. Containing one hundrr.J mid fourteen noris more or less, nnd of which th. -.re is nu improvement ol'e.bout twenty acres. F"izffdai:il taken i:t execution as the property of Charles W. J'ortei field, and to be sold by J A COD M.-0ACLEV, Sheriff. Didgway "Mi" Il'.ii IS'iO, L'TiOs. Special ISToticos 4 rjp0 CONSUMPTIVES. The Advertiser, having been restored to heibh iu a few weeks, by n very si.nple remedy, nfler hi.ving sneered several years with a severe lung sircet'-on, and that dread '.isoase, eoas-.inipti"n-is anxious to make known to his fellow-suC'crei'S tho menus of .1110. To nil -.vl-.o do. ire it, ho will scud a copy of the dveseription used, free of charge, with the directions fer preparing nnd using the same, which they will find n sure Cure for Consump tion, Asthma, Dronchitis, etc. Tho object of ilia advertiser in sen-ling tho Prescription is n Venriit the afflicted, and spread information which 1 cooioivcs ly bo invaluable : nnd be hnfo j- :-;.!r.-rer iii tiy ins remedy, as it will cost Lim Holiday, ejid may prove a bless ing. I'a-ties wi.-h!ng the nvcscrlption, will please ;blvc:-s. DEV. IMn'VAKl) A. WILSON, AViliii.a-sbu. g, Kings County, N. 1'. .:2C,r. ? nor.s or youth. A Ceiiliemnn who suileied for years froii Nerv i:t i !j!;.iiy, Pei-inaiure Dee.iy, and all tin- e:V.-,-'.s of ynu'hful indiscretion, will, for tho sake of f ulli- ing In. inanity, f tnd f.'eo to ,ili who need it. the receipt and directions for iking ii.e simple remedy by which he was citie-l. Siifi'e-n-rs wishing to profit by the n-!-c:-l:.-i r' ixp.tricaap, can do -it by ad li-cssiug, ::. i '(.: e-ji.i dencn. .I'.'ilN 15. (lUDEN, vitioyl. .No. JJ Ltdir street, N. . nwnamnu 1 n i t-t.-t nmu i iiiwwuiBiiuiinM "jr 7-EE SLY HOUSE. Ci:.m-i.i.vii.i.e, Elk Co., T.. IT. 15. Leach, rrojirictor. Thaiitful for tho patronage herctolor e so libi-i-iiliy bestowed upon l.iai, tho new pro prietor, hopes, by paying strict attention to iho jcoiufort- nr.d cunvetiienee of guests, to merit a continuance ct tho same. vlr.-.oiy. CARD TO TI1F, LADIES. Dr. Dupon- co's GOLDEN PERIODICAL PILLS loi lemale:. lutiilltblo in correcting lrreg. ularitlies, Removing Obstructions of the Month y Turn-, from whatever cause, and aDv.iys (successful as a preventive. One Pill is a dose. Eemiiles peouliurly situated, or those snposm t'leinsolve.ss , are cautioned against using these Pills while iu that condition, k-!t tiiey invite miscarriage, after which ud uiouiiiuu tho Proprietor assumes no re sponsibility, although the-ir mildness would pi event any mischief to health; ntK-rwise the Pills ure recommcu ded as a Most Invalu able Remedy for the alleviation of tUoae iill'ui-iii Irom any -irregularities whatever, us well as prcveut na iucreuao of family when henlth will not permit it; quieting tho nerves and bringing back the "rosy color of health " to the cheek of the most delicate. Pull and explicit directions accompany each box. Price $1 per box : G boxes, !;5. Sold in Ridgway, Pa., by G. II. Messenger, Druggist, cole agent for Ridgway. Ladies, by sending him $1 to the Ridg'way P. O. can have the Pills sent (coiifuU-uiially ) by riiail to any part of the co.uulry, ireo of postage. Sold ftlso by Swayuo & Reynolds, St. Mary's, and by one Druggist ia every yillage in the Union. S. D. HOWE, my2 C8-ly. Solo Proprietor, N, Y. CARDS, Bill-Heads, Lettor-Hcads, Tags, Handbills, &o., done in a neat manner, and nt the lowest i-bice, FOR. CASH, at the Elk Advocate Printing Office. Job Pbimtinq of every description doje promptly at this otnee, and In a style un- equalled in this section of the State. Entire eatisluctiou guaranteed. VISITING CARDSNEATLY ed t. this oce. EXECUT PHIXADEWHU & EEIE RAILROAD. WINTER TIME TABLE. Th-rvijh and Direct Route lit ween rhilathJphia, Halt inure ITarris Ittrg, Wilfianmport, nnd the GRLAT OIL REGION of rcnnsvlv-nnin. ELEGANT On all SLEEPIXO Nijht Trains. CA1I3 N and nfter the trains nn MONDAY, NOV. "oth. the Philadelphia & Erio Uailroad will run .13 follows vi:stwai!i. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia. " " " Ei-lgnay " " inr'.ve nt Evie Erie Exp leaves Philadelphia... " " " Eidgway ' " arrive at Eric IIASTWAllll. Mail Train leaves Erie , " " Kidgw.-.y it nn.ivc nt l-iiiPid',1.. Erio Espress lunvcs Eric IO.-Ti r. -; -i r- 1 . p. 1I..-.0 a. ;; - t l'l.i.-j a. Iu. a. in ...m.r,-) r. i.i. .... !. 'i j). 10. .lt).00 a. i,i. ' L' p. III. " ' itluway J. l i a. pi. " 'I ai-'at Phibi lel;-iiia 4 L'O p. m. Mail nnd Express connect wi'h Oil Crick nnd Allegheny River Rail Do id. DAG GAGE CHECKED THROCGII. ALFRED L. TYLER. General Stiperiuleudent. OIING. HALL, Attorney nt. law, Ri.lg way, Elk county Pa. mar-i-'t'0 ly H ENItY SOUTHER, AtiQrnev-al-Lav (tcbJ'.t'O.S), Ridgway, Pa. ALP1NR HOUSE, .SI. Mary's Pa.. Mm man Kretz, Proprietor. ru-itftiil Dand l'a. W. JAMES DLAKELY Physician Surgeon, St. Mary's, Elk county iiinr---'U,3 ly. T'RANK. S. BARRETT, Attomey-at-Lnw, Clearfield, Penn'n. Will practice iu lk nnd Cameron cout iics. frepSI.'OS-y. F. C. KRUMME, M. P., 1'iiysicivn nnd Surtreon, P.idgwav Elk Co. Pa OlScc above store of 11. ti. Oilii-;-Ollicc hours from 8 to 10A.M. nudOtoM P. M. vlnftf. I71XECUT 2j nns, 1 UTI0N5, c-'UMMONV", SL'Di'cE, AVnrrants, &c, on hand and lor sale at this office. r h. Dealer iiilrnad Vy, in Lngtr Beer, opposite tlie E Depot, St. Mary's, Elk county Pa. Mar-.r00-l . JO. I.N G. It A 1. 1. .1 S. K. 1'. 11 ALL. HALL & BIiO. Attorneys - t -Law HT. MARY'S: BENZINGER P. O. EI K COUNTY, PA. Scptcmbpr 20, lSOli. ly. TS. Bordwcll, M. D. Eclectic Physician , Olbco pud residence or.l n;ito the Jail, on Centre St., Ridgwav, P IV. .opt at- tcntiou will bo iriven lo nil cails. 0 :i;.i. luini-s ; r p. m. 7 to 8 A. M- ; 1 i to 2 P. M. ; and 0 lo Mar. -11, (jij tf. rpilAYER HOUSE, 1! IDG WAY, PA. DVID THAYER, Prnprieior. The undersigned having tilted up a largo and commodious hotel on tl.o southwest corner of Centre and Mill streets, with good and convenient stabling nttn-hed, respeit fully solicits the patronage of his old frien is and tho public generally. deeloUli ly DAVID THAYER. HYDE HOUSE, Rl'.lOlVAY, rjl.liCo., I'A, M. V. JIooftE, l'loprictor. Thr.nkful for tho pnlrnmge heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new pro prietor, hopes, by paying strict attention lo the comfort mi l convenience of guests, to merit a continuance of the tame. Oct il lSiili. 17 li A N KLIN HOUSE, JjJ M.MiV's, Pa. LAROEY it MALONR. Pit.i-ii's. The proprietors re -pect fully ak the attention of the-ir friends and the public in gt-ne' i l to their large and commodious hotel. Every atteutiou paid to tiio cvnvcnii-neo f jsuc-its. H. LARGLY, miy-'iO 1S0S.1 j J. A. .u ALONE. XCIIANC-E HOTEL, RIDGWAY, PA. J. HALEY Proprietor. Tiiis hotel i bunks of ihe i pleasantly sitiH-le-l Clarion River and ElK on ibe Creek. at tlie lower end ot toe v-i:i..;o, spare no pakis i.u- the con goi-iits. He invites one tiui. cull and ivy bis liottie. Sent, i7iU'07-ly. ' .-. l.e . 'Oi-.e-. 1 to I SOMETHING- XJ:V! Jf,u.ii, Si;n and Cnttimi ndd Vii;it'nf!. rj'-IIE SCBSCUIRI-R W OULD R K- t-pectfully in form the citizens of Lit; county iltui he has just started iu the nboye business in lib'wny, and feel confi dont that he can plcr. jc ail who ir ly lbvor I ti.i with their custom. 0 RAINING, PAPER HANGING AND CALC IM1.N tNG DONE ON SHORT NOTICE AND IN THE re.ost fashion able and improved manner and style. Orders left at this OIHce or at the Banking House of. Souther, Willis & Souther will be promptly nr. lendi J to. W. P. WILLIAMS, May-17'tei-ly. NAIIS, SPIKES, HINGES, RIVETS, locks, bolts, nnd all kinds ot . tiilder's materials in general can bo had cheaper at the St, Mary's Hardware Store th.iu mo uther place iu Elk counrly. (uliS'ei") A IV orders for Stoves and Hardware will be promptly attended to as soon us received, at the 12 U7 St. MARY'S HARDWARE STORE. JF YOU WAST TO BUY CLOTIIIJTG for the .Hi 1 1 Ion flo to A. DURLACHER, DEALER IN CLOTHING ! CLOTHING GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, TRAVELING ST. MARY'S, ELK Jao218G8lypd BAGS, ko. COL STY, TENNA- TrT.AVTTJ t n kinds for Bale at this of- 13 no. A GREAT 11EMEDY FOR TftE CURE OP. 2 IHIO AT AND LUNG DISEASES Ir. Wislicvrt's Pino Tree TAIl OOIIDIAL. II is the vilal principle of Iho Tino ree, ob tained by a pccn'inr proceis in Iho dislilalion of Ilia lar by which i's hijhet-t mce'ical pro prieties nremlainel. It is the only safeguard and reliable remedy v.Lh,h has ever been prepared from tho juice of the Pino Tree. It invigorates Ibe digestive "r,tt" -'-t-d iv:;;oi-os the appetite. It Strength ens t!,o dil iliatcd system. It nunfics nnd eo i os tho blood, nn-l expe.lls from the svs- li ni tli.reoi'rtiptioli which scrofula breeds on tho Uint-?. It-h.sl'ng plneiplo ncls upon the ir'tnted siiri'iu- j of loe lungs nnd Ihroal, penelrating to each di.iud pm t, relieving pain nnd eub !u ing ii-fleiiiut-on. It is the re-nit of years of study nnl expe. vimctit, and it is olicre-l lo the n'illicle l, with t!i - poiiivn assuraneo of its power to cure the loHowbtg diseases ir (ho patient has not too lontr dc'jiycd a resort to the lncnns of cure : Consumption of the Lungs, Cough, Sore Throat aiol Dreasf, Dronchitis. Liver Com plaint, Blind and Bleeding Piles, Asthma, hooping Cough, Diptheria, &c- Wo i.rc often nsked why nro not other reme dies iu the market for Consuinntiun. Oonehs CobN, nnd ntlior rulinonarv allectijii enual lo Dr. L. Q. ishnrt's Pino Tree Tar Cordial. We answer 1st. It cures, no! by stopping cough, but by. looiiening and as-dating nature lo throw oii" (he unhealthy mailer colle-cled about the liiro.-ii.niidbr-jiiehi.il tubes, causing irritation and cuiigh. - . Mott T'iroat nn-l Lung Renif dies arc composed of a-iodync, which alily the cough l'or awhile, but by their conslring ing eft-els, thc fijiers become iiav-lened. end the urihea'.fhy liui-ls coagiilalo and are retained in ihc sys tem causing disease beyond the control of our ' I ino.-o. i'iiiiiiijr-1. pnysioiniis. . l. I !-o l'Mi-j 1 ree I ar Cor I-al, w.lh its as sistants, perfectabl ;. becau-.e they i-ito,- the c:iie of irritation of the niocuo'n ta rnbrine and bronchial tubes, assist thi hints to a',r. and throw olf the unhealthy sec, ct. oris, and purify the bio id, thus soicutifi jaliy nuking the. core ) orfuol. Dr. Wish-art n3 on file nt. offics l.un .l.eds, and Thou-'inds or Cei : 'fis.it ,, fro n men and women of un U',s!i.r..'.li!a elnr.ic--:r who wee otic; hnpolesqly n -i-n tip t' -lie, b:i' tiir-jugh Iho provide-ici'of fiod w:-rt! c-m-p'.ctely restore 1 lo health by tiia P. no Trc; T u Cordial. A phy.-ician in alten-lanco who c.r be coiiar.lt cd in jiet -.on or by mail, free ,l cliarge. Price of Pine Tree Tar Cordial S 1.50 per bottle, nnd S 11, t'O per do. Sent by Ex ptt.s on receipt of price. Address L. 0. C. WISH ART, M. V., Nj. 2:?2 North 2-J St:-,t, Pliil'a. Pa. Mity i:i,'im0vlni7. A Niiiv RkmkiiY in Cjnsi:mption. A Physician who had Consumption for seveial years, v. iih f. ciuent bleeding3 of the lungs, cured himself wi;h medicine unknown to tiio profession, when hi" case appeared hopc-ie-. He is the o;.iy livsieian who has used il in !.: - own i-e;-- jn, -u- who has any 1. lowledo of U ,--:h. ., ; a id he can ascribe tlie degree of he-. ''h L'! no-,- e!;i.ys to nothing but the Ui-c of his luediciuo ; and nothing but utter despair nnd cn'iie extinction of all hopn of recovery, together with a want of confidence in nil ntheis induced him to hatm-d tlieenier iisotit. To those sink-ring with any disease nf l oo lungs he prolfers a treatment ho con fidently believed wiil eradicate the disease. Price $1.60 per bottle, or $8 a half dozen, se-tit by express. Send for a oirculnr or call ot. Da. E. DoTt.sruM .Iacksox, No, J!$0, Horlh .lYi'ih Stroi t, Philadelphia, Pa. m.ij. '10.GS-ly TEW STORE. The subscriber bogs leave to inform the citi zens o: Ridgway nnd vicinity that he has opened a si ore where may be found PERFUMERY, FANCY GOODS, TOILET ARTICLE3. STATIONERY, FINE CONFECTIONARY, OYSTERS, ORANGES, LEMONS, in sense nl-' vltf ' J. R. L'AIRD. LOOK HERE! WATCH E?. JEWELRY & SILVER W 'A RE. ri!iAELi:,s J ker, .lev HOLE.s. Pr.icl'tal W.,!..-lu.ia, i-le-r and Etigraver, Ri.'.ivny, t. The Mil.ve; il-er 1"- -i ici.e to Eii- :til lo i l:o cltitons ft 'Rh'gwt.y ami that he- is pi-.-n--.red to 1) till work in on short iioticv and at reasonable e-intly : lit;. r.i-fi ia t!i - very b -st iii-ini.i r. Shop i.i 11. .'pec'iul atteutiou p.ii l lu .store. IVili1.' has 'on hand a largo assortment of lies, Je-velry and Silverware-'I'-rs l'or sole un l-Cauil:iblo I'-rms. ;-..U. uov7't;7tf. .ich A TTENTION MIL L- O WNh RS '. MiE liAGLE TURBINE WATER i. WilEEU patented July SO, 1So7, is suroiior to t oy wlieel in use. Tlie under. sigi.e I have the neency for said wheel in the Stale of Peun.'ylvaiiia, nnd can recomn'.cud it us bting tho best manufactured. For further pariiculars, and circulars, inquire at our Foundry i:i Kersey, where machinery, mill-gearing, castings and steuui eugines will be made to order at reasouablo prices. We expect by giving satisfaction iu our yoidi to receive a uogJ aLare of public patronage. J. F. ROBERTSON, It. DELL. Kersey, Elk Co., Pa.,janlti 1808pd. JICKE & CAMERON, Le-itcs of Ihc Company. Mines of the Kersey Coa Miners and Shippers of, I3ITUMINOUS COALS ! .Of Bupeiior quality, for GAS, GENERATING STEAM, MANUFAC TURE OF IRON, SMITHING AND DOMESTIC USE. Aro prepared to receive Ordcis nutl make contracts for tlicso well.kuowu coals. OFFICE, KERSEY, ELK CO., PA, Kersey, Pa., March 12, 18G8. vln!7tf. D Pa. R. W. W. SHAW Practices Medicine and Surgery, Ceutrevillo, Elk county tnar-2-6ll-ly. "I7NVEL0PE3, I.ABELS & TAQS neatly Xj pniue-u v mo -i.itfuctlie Ullicc. HARDWARE- JEW HARDWARE STORE ! Tho subscribers have just 'opened ill G f . MARY'S A new and Complete Stock of Heavy It Shelf HARDWARE ! ! And will kep constantly on hand a great variety of COOK AND II EATING STOVES liar Iron, Steel Anvih, Btllnus, Nuil.'s Ior.it'. Shoes, Sjriuif.i, JJaild inj Jf'rdirnre, Saw and FiLa of Even Daseriptioii GUNS, riSTOLd AND CARTRIDGES, Cutlery, ritilcd Ware nnd Houep Furnishing QotoJs. AD kiiidsof Mechan ics' Tools! TINWARE Of every elescription, which will bo sold at tho LOWEST CASH TRICES. They havo also tho exclusive ngency in St Mary's for the IMPROVED ORIENTAL DASEJ5U11NING COAL STOVES AND PARLOR FURNACES ! -r ff-T-.i-ir-" ich have received Four Tirst Class Pre miums at the New York State nml oth er Fairs ; Also, the Great Silver Medal at the Fair of 1'ie Ani erican Institute, held in New York City, UGr. They ore Perpetual Burners, only one fin being required to bo inado during the sensn. M. BEECHFH, Jn. WM. 11. COPELAND. :8'C7 ly PATRONIZE HOME INSTITUTIONS. FLOUR, FEED AMD GRAIN. npiIE subset ibcrs having completed their New Grist Mill in Ridgway are now prepared to furnish (lie people of tho fcur rouuding country with Flour of the Ee3t duality and of their own manufacture, at the lowed market rates. Tho n;enlion of lumbermen nnd others is called to our laoiliiics for famishing I hem with FEED OF ALL KINDS, cheaper than it cau bo bought atiy other place in the county. CQt-Casii Paid vor Orais."Qh J.S. HYDE, J. V. IIOUK. J. K. WI11TMORE. Nevembcr 7, ISOTlf LOOK HERE! CENTREVILLE TIN-SHOP. Ion to OlIN WAPLE' desires to make kuiv.o the ciliens of Ccntrcvilbj nnd tb i siirrouiiding c-Jiuilry that he has taken lioi slioji fonnerly occupied by R. .). Maloney, ( ., McCaiiby's Corner" iu Cenlrevillc. nn-l thai hcjiope-s by paying strict alfenlion io his bitsi:ie.-:s and Ihc wants of his custom-1 . lo merit their pnlronay;i' in bis line. Hu wi't i;e.ip on hand a large uud v, ell uelvele l a.-.soi : lllClll of S'm nmi itfrt-rou "tVuvo, of his own tiiauufiicluie, which he will warrai-J 10 bo of Ihc best ipiulily. His slock COllSo of everything that ia useful in the tinware In. j . aboula house. 1 ask a lair trial, aud if rny work ib. not give satisi'ac'iou, uiy customers will not obliged (o take il. JOHN WAPLE. bCpllJitf. J. S. BORDWELL, M. I). rcLEcnc i'sisici.j.r. Ti !u: word cetcctio means to choeso m-1 - loot medicines from all tho dill'ii-eio schools of medicine; using remedies thM m : safe, and discarding from practice all i..---: cines thnt have an iuijurious cll'ect on the sy: .. tern, such as mercury, antimony, lead, cop per, &c. 1 lay aside ihe larvc tho old bloodb--tev. reiucor or tlcploter, und equnlizo Jtho cii '-n!--lion and rcsloro ,tho system to its naiur-i; state by alteratives ond le:.ics. I shall 1, ere after give particular attention to ehronio .'i - easos, such as Rheumntlsm, Dyspepsia, Live-.-compluiut, Catarrh, Neiralgia, diseases of 1 1 throat, urinary organs, and all uiseascs pecu liar to females, &c. CATARRH I treat with a new instrument oi a Lit invention, which cures every case. TEETH exlrneied without pain. Oliico and residence South of the L--.il n Centre St. Oiiice hours from 7 to 8 a. in li to l p. in ; ij to t p. ui. Dec. 23'07.-ly. J. S. BORDWELL. TOUIS II. GARNER, rilACTICAL MACHINIST, Can be found at his Foundrv at St. Mai-v'a where ho is ready to have all shop. work i-i his line done ot) short notice. St. Miuy's, Beuziuger P. 0 , Elk co., Pa. uiyEOei ly TOli WORK of all J doue tit this office. kiuels uud dwe-.n- BLACKSMITH'S CARPENTER'S AND joiner's tools for salo " cheaper than the cheapest" at the St. Mary's Hardwaio Store (nov28'C7.J ' GUNS, riSTOLS. RIFLES, KNIVES pocket and table cutlery, of tho beii giadity and most approod patterns, verv fheaii at the Hardware Stoio ou Bibcrcer's ulil corner in St. Mery's. Tim AnvocATB has tho largest circulation iu tho county, aud is .the best adverfisiug uivdiur .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers