"(filfe (mint gpriwtntt; fcrusbid iTcnr miDAT woiwrao, bt O D.OOULDi Editor; TERMS, TWO DOLLARS A TEAK IN ADVANCE Rates of Advertising. 9ns Sonar 1 week, 1 1 OU 14 Column S months 13 CO do S " 1 MM do ft 15 00 SO 00 do do do do do do Two 8qr. do do do do 8 S W do 9 4 g 60, do 14 5 months 4 '! SColnmn 1 " sn oo week 7 60 month 13 00 " SO 00 " 80 00 " 40 00 week 19 00 month 30 00 85 00 " 45 00 W) 00 " 76 00 8 6 mi do do do 0 " 1 M 19 " 13 tiW 1 week I 75 do 13 1 month 8 51) 8 ' 8 00 8 " 13 00 1 Column 1 do 1 do 8 do 6 do 9 do 13 19 " 18 Olij 1-4 Column 1 week 5 (Kl T 00 do 1 month Snednl Notices after Marriages and Deaths an addl tonal of one-hair the above rates. Business Cards five lines or less, 0 5 00 per year; ovor ive lines, at the nstinl rate o advertising. Tub nowa that a Constitution for Cuba has been formed, probably by the exiles in Washington, makes more plausible the story that the leaders of the island itself have de clared outrieht for annexation. Whatever pinion may have been at first entertained of the expediency of this act, there can be little question that the Cubans earnestly, if not altogether unanimously, desire such connection with the United States as shall save it from the grasp of Spain. Washing ton telegrams say that the new Constitution divides the island into three States, which will some day knock at the door of the Union. In that case we would have to add to our banner thrte stars instead of ono out of the largo extent of territory re presented in the names of Cuba, Havana, and Cama guey. But let us not be hasty to "count our birds before they are hatched." The Cubans hove still a very serious work before them. They have to apprise us definitely that a republican government and state is held by them. While they are striving to do this for us, no sympathy and aid we can give them as a people should be withheld. The cable undertakes to explain for U3 the fantastic course of the London money mar ket. Its advices correspond with tho pre vious judgment of our business community. The Londoners were first alarmed by Senator Sumner's speech. While thoir market was consequently in a sensitive condition, there came on effort to place a Spanish loan to Bay nothing of one or two other National stock-jobbing ventures and tho Bank of England made resistance by raising its rate of discount, ond threatening a still further advance. Trade had already been somewhat depressed; and these succeeding circumstan ces served to produce something which was very near a panic in London, and near enough tho same tiling to bo uncomfortable in New York. The effect must, however, be only transitory, since it originated partly in mis apprehension, was stimulated by temporary expedients, and has been counteracted by the entrance of the United States into the market for its own bonds at the rate of a million per week. To tho many questions already disturbing the peace of Europe, there is now to be added the Gibraltar question. From tho proceedings in the Spanish Cortes it appears that Senor Orense asked the Government whether it had entered into negotiations with England for the recovery of Gibraltar, ond that the Minister of Finance, fully sharing the idea that such negotiations should be opened, only desired them to be put off until Spain shall be fully reorganized. The sym pathies of the world in this question will be with Spain. Gibraltar, though it has been long under the rule of England, is a part of the Spanish nation, and sooner or later Eng land will have to consent to its incorporation with the Spanish monarchy, as, some years ago, it had to give up the Ionian Island to Greece. Col. Forney, editor of the Philadelphia Press, has returned from an extensive trip in the South. He has contributed a number of very iuteresting articles on the conditiou of that country which have been published in the Press, and which hare given much valuable information to parties who desire to settle in that locality. When the North ern people have a better knowledge of the South and things ore settled, we may expect a tide of emigration to pour steadily in that .direction, instead of flowing westward. The President declared some time since that he would remove one of his own ap pointees as quickly as any other if he found he was unworthy of trust It is understood at Washington that this rule is being put in force, and removals are being made whore parties ore shown notoriously unfit for their positions. In the State Department it is mentioned that several places have been rcn .dered vacant in this manner. In the other departments the same laudable policy will be enforced wherever it will be of benefit to the publio service. Great Britain appears to have assumed the responsibility in the Mary Lowell case, nnd to have demanded redress of the Spanish Government at Madrid. It does not seem likely that Spaiu will cither hasitafe to apol ogize for the offduse, or to repeat it at every opportunity. Madrid will do the apologiz ing; Dulce will keep up the illegal searches and seizures. The arrangement works well enough fort a short time; but it cannot last Spanish naval officers seem bent on pro- , yoking trouble. Admiral Hoff complains that they are in the habit of , searching American merchantmen in neutral waters, for deserters or contraband of wan . A little knowledge of history would enable them to understand that the United States, when weak, would not permit this, and a little common sense would teach them that it is a very dangerous experiment to be practising bow. Atd to Cuba. The New York papers chronicle the secret sailing of the fast-sail ing schooner Grnpeshot, nearly two weeks ago. She sailed from Ilutiter's Point, where for a week previous, she had undergone ex tensive repairs on the marine railway, foot of Seventh street, under the superintendence of Messrs. Boggs & Davis. As her object and destination were kept perfectly secret, she excited little or no curiosity among the few frequenters of the neighborhood. The schooner was heavily loaded with boxes con taining arms and munitions of war, consist ing of muskets, rifles, fixed nmunition of all kinds, howitzers, harness, &a, beside a num ber of barrels containing about 1,000,000 rounds of cartridges. Those were placed in the hold, taxing it to its utmost capacity, while the deck was loaded with boxes con taining harness and other light articles, with the necessary water-casks for the voyage. On the night of her sniling, 50 men were taken on board, together with the necessary provisions, and the vessel quietly sailed on her hazardous undertaking undiT the com mand of Capt. Kempton, formerly- of the United States-Navy. The Grapcshot has probably reached her destination ere this. The vessel, it is understood, was fitted out nnder the auspices of the Cuban Junta of New York City. We are not without hopes that at the last moment one or more Democratic Sena tors may vote nsniust the Assembly tax levies. Henry C. Murphy owes Tammany Hall nothing, lie denounces tho levies in private. Will he not net according to his known convictions? kdwaras ot (Queens is an honest man. Will ho not dark to do risht? Banks of Albany is youn?. Cor rupt Tammany cannot always rule even the Democratic party. Nichols of Buffalo is houost and independent. We hope for one or more of these mcu. The substance of tho communications be tween our Government and the Spanish Min ister at Washington is semi-officially an nounced. Complaint has boon made that exncdilions nirainst Cuba are fittinj out on our soil, nnd instructions to the proper ofli cers to intercept them have beeu issued. The emigration from Ireland will bs im mense this year, thousands are waiting at Cork and Oueenstown to obtain passage on the steamers. Death on Hie Rail. Ono of the passengers on the Long Island Railroad, in the awful disaster of last week who was in the car where so many were torn to nieces, describes the death of Mr. Rush- more, the Bank President, and a lady who was witu mm, in inese woius: "I guess, it must have been ubotit tlirco minutes after we started, when nil nt once there was a bang! bnng! kind of a noise up at the front end of the car, which jumped up nnd down, and twisted and strained Iroin side to side, as thoush it was off the track, Then there was an awful, tearing sound, nnd tho front truck seemed turned on its side, and tho wheels cnnie rinpins through the oor. scranins it off, smashing all the seats, and scattering chips and splinters all over. This all happened in a minute; there was oo time to think 'lue passengers an except, two or three who, like myself, clung to tho top of the car, were thrown down; some were stunned, I think, by tho flying fragments. Then tho truck came grindinar and splintering the floor, until it reached the middle or tue car, wnera it beunieu bluj l-u hv Ktronffer woodwork. First of all, the lady who was talking with Mr Rushmore fell down on the wheels and was hurled over and over; she came up twice; I taink she was killed outright Mr. Ruthmoro first was caught by his logs, when the truck stopped a minntn in the middle of the car; he was wedged in; I never can forget how he looked; thorn was a snliuter iammod in his cheek close to the eye, but I could see that he was moving his lips; tUero was too rnucu noise to hear anything except shrieks. and groans, but he threw up one baud ond turned up his eyes aud I could seo ho was praying; I only heard one word, it was 'Jesus. Tho next second the truck crushed him down; the enr cot loose, thousauds of splinters new all overme like needles, sticking in rr.e there was a numbness in my head, and I knew no more until I was pulled out from under lire wreck. WliO Dares Sell Himself! The Bepublican Senators, says the'TBi- bune, are muicing a gooa ugui uu mo- iu levies. Beaten by tho recraimt .Mauoon in an endeavor to have the right, which all usage gives them, oTsolecting their own Con ference Committee, they have thrown the re sponsibility on the Democrats by relusing to serve on the Conference Committee. The Democrats tried till long into Sunday to pass tho Assembly bills, but the quiet points of order raised by Senator Crowley, backed by all the other Republican Senators, defeated them, aud finaljj' at 2 o'clock an adjourn ment was obtuittftl till to-day. To pass these levies the Democrats must get one more Republican voice, os the Lieutenant-Governor has no vote on tho fiual passage. They are hard at work to get this, and rumor says are offering what is literally a fortune for one vote. Tho range of selec tion is small. No one supposes that they will dare to approach such men as Folger, O'Donnell, Crowley, Palmer, Morgan, Hogan, Thayer, Hale, Chapman, Nicks, or others whose names do not now occur to us. In fact, in common belief, there are but two or three that they can even hope to corrupt. We do not yet mean to believe that they cun get any of them, because we know that no man who seeks for any politicul future, who wants to bo admitted to deceut company, who dn9 not want to co through life with the brand of corruption and the mark of Cain upon Mm, can allora or win uare to vote with the Democrats on this subject. No nnibbles. no excuses, no arithmetical calculations as to items, can apologise for such a vote. The Republican who gives it should, before the Senate adjours, be for- mnllv denounced bv a cauCOS Of the other ReDublican Senators, and to be compelled hereafter to find his political home with the party that has bought his services for a price. We shall do our best to see that his coustitutents know his course. A thousand times better that the levies should fuil than that the Assembly bills or any resembling tnem mould pass. DroniNO gold in snow shoes, nnd dressed in furs, won't that bejollyl We reckon then ho' for Alaska, with snow shovels and ica picks. Tho schooner Ann Eliza has ar rived at son t rancisco witn nowsot immense placers of gold in Alaska, and the Ann Eliza broneht with bor some gold dust, quartz, and gold nupgots to prove the truth of the state ment The principle discoveries are in the neighborhood of lat (il dog. N., ond long. 150 deg. W., on the Kuyak rivor, which de bouches into Cook Inlet Other discoveries have been mado about sixty miles above Sitka, between Mount Fairweathor and the Chilcut rivor, ond a third placer has been found upon one of the small islands on the coast It 18 said the existence of gold on the Alaska continent was well known to some or the members oi the teiogrnpu ex ploring expedition, nnd whenever the country is opened np for scientific exploration, we have no doubt large quantities of it will bp round. The gold bearing mountains of Cali fornia nnd Nevada push far up in Alaska, so the geologists say, and the evidences ore stroug that they carry the precious metals throughout their entire length. e hope it is so. and that we mny be enabled in time to get bnck that seven and a half millions tho country cost us. Finn is PmLAPEi.pniA: A fire occurred on Thursday morning, about four o'clock in the large five story, building, in Lodger Place Second street, below Arcll, Philadelphia, owned by Messrs. Harvey & Ford, which de stroyed quito a large amount of property bo fore the flames wore extinguished. The fire, is stated was discovered in the fifth story, occupied by William Mann os o bindery nud printing office, nnd the contents of this room, consisting of Hoe and Gordon presses, type, books, &c, were cither totally destroyed or badly damaged by water, the stock was valued at about 10,000, ond the machinery at 820,000, nud is fully covered by iusurance. The basement second nnd third stories, tho first being vacant, were occupied by Harvey Ari-ord turners or ivory, bone, Ace, Ihey estimato their loss principally by water, at ."),000 on stock, which is covered by insur ance. A portion of the fourth story was oc cupied by llooley & Son, manufactures of sowing silk. Their loss, which is insured, is estimated at Si, 500, Mr. S. S. White also occupied a portion of this floor as a deutul manufactory, and his stock was damaged about 2,0U0; insured, tho bmlUintr was damaged to the extent is $10,000. Insured in the Royal, Spring Garden, aud other com panies. Woman's Grave. I can pas3 by the tomb or a man with somewhat ot a calm ludiil- crence; but when 1 survey the crave ol a femolo, a sigh involuntarily esenpes me.- V ith tho holy name ol woman 1 associate every soft, touder, and delicate affection I think of "her as the young and bashful vir gin, with eyes sparkling, aud cheeks crimson ed with eacli impassioned feeling of the heart as tho ehasto nnd virtuous matron, tried with tho follies of tho world, nnd preparing for the grave, to which she must soon descend. Oh, there is something in contemplating the character of a woman l!:?.t raises the soul far above the level of society. She is formed to adorn and humanize man, to" sootho liis cares and strew his path with flowers. In the hour of distress, she is tho rock on which he loans for support, and when fate calls him from existence, her tears bodew his grave. Can you look upon Ler tomb without emo tion? Mun has always just ico done to his memory; woman never. Tho pages of his tory lie opeu for ono, but tho meek and un obtrusive excellencies of tho other sleep with her unnoticed in the crave, in her may have shone tho genius of a poet with the vir tues ot a saint, bho, too, may have passed ftlong tho sterile path of existence, and felt for others as I now feel for her. A Gentleman What He Does and What IIu Dors Not. He is above a mean thing. He cannot stoop to mean fraud. He invades no secret in the keeping of another. lie betrays no secret eonfiJed to his own keeping. lie never takes advantage of mistakes. He never stabs in the dark. Ho is ashamed ot inunenuoes. lie is not ono thins to a man's face, and another behind liis back lie bears sealed packages without tarn pering with the wax. Papers not intend ed lor Ins eye, arc sacred to lnra. He invades no privacy. IIo may be trusted anywhere. He buys no offices he sells none. He would r ather fail of his rights than win them through dis honor. Ilo tramples on no sensitive feel ing, lie insults no man. it lie lias re buke for another he is straight forward, open, manlv. Jle cannot descend to ecur rility. In short whatever he judges hon orable he practices toward every man. Silent Me.v. Washington never made speech. In the zenith of his fume he once attempted it, failed, aud gave it up, confused and abashed. In framing the Constitution of the United Stales, the labor was almost wholly performed in committee of the whole, Geor-io Washington was, day after duy, the chairman, but ho made but two speeches during the convention, of a very few words pitch, something like one of Grant's speeches. the convention, however, acknowledged the master spirit, nnd historians affirm that had it not been tor his personal popularity, and the thirty words ol his lirst speech, pronouue- ws it the best that could be united upon, the Constitution would have been rejected by the people. 1 nomas Jnierson never mado a speech. He couldu't do it Napo leon, whose executive ability is almost with out a parallel, said his greatest difficulty was in bnding men ot deeds, rather thau words. When asked how he maintained his influence over bis superiors iu ago' aud experience, when Commuuder-in-Chief of tho army of Itally, he said, 'By reserve.' The greatness ot a man is not measured by the length of his speeches, .or their number. In one of the courts, a few days since, a very pretty young lady appeared as witness. Her testimony was likely to re u It unfavorably for the client of a pert young lawyer, who addressed her very superciliously with the inquiry j " Youitre married, I believe." ' No, sir." " Oh ! only about to be married T " " No, sir ''Only wish tot" " lieally 1 don't know. Would you advise such a step 7 " " Oh, certainly ! I am a married man myselt. ' " Is it possible 7 I never should hav thought it. Is your wife blind or deaf? It is scarcely necessary to add, that the discomfited attorney did not vouchsafe reply. Got Urn. "Why, doctor.'1 said a rale. thin, young Yankee, to a deciple of -Escula- ius, "you ennrge me, in this bill, lor ten visits. I have only received six." "Ah! Yes, I know." said the doctor, pull- neon his gloves; "the-other four visits wore made. I called in the morninir yon were not up and so I loft my card." About a week atter, the voting man called very early in tho morning, on the doctor, for tho purpose of settling his little bill. Tho doctor was not up, so tho young man left the money lor six visits, ond also laft four cards. The doctor mot hiin the nor.t day and com plained; but nil the satisfaction he got was: 'its a poor rule that won t work both ways. news Items. i Easton is to have an elevator in one of its hotels. Professor Wickersham has been re-nomi nated by Governor Geary Superintendent of common schools for three years from the first oy or June next. A Miss Sarah Snyder, near Slatincton, Northampton county, a short time ago slept trom bundny evening until Wednesday morn- ng. without waning. The Slocum Ilonse, built in 1805 ond the first frame .building within the preseut city units ol iscrnniou, lJa., was destroyed by fire last Saturday evening. Milliken and Wheelock, chnrced with manslaughter in the killing of a boy last summer, were tried ot Wilkcsbarre on Tues day lust, and ocquitted it having been clearly proven thut the killing was occiden tal. It is stated that tho Pennsylvania Railroad has obtained control of thantw rDad from Cincinnati to Louisvil'e This with the ntere8t in tlio Indinuiipolis and Cincinnati Kailrond, gives them, in prospect, through i nos between JNcw 1 ork aud bt. Louis and Louisville. Two Germans wpre crossing the track of tho North Ponn railroad the other day near Sanchon creek in a covered truck wagon just as the down train was passing, tho locomo- tivo severing tho horses from the vehicle without injury to them, but demolishing the wagon, though doing no serious injury to its occupants, who, when the train was stopped, were lound seated on the cow-catcher. Plumsville, Bucks county, hns a decided sensation. One night hist week a German shoemaker, named Schroc, rctnrued from collecting a number of bills. Immediately upon his entrance into his room he was knocked down, gnggod and blindfolded, in which poMtiou ho was found tho next morn- ng. 1 he parties who perpotrated the out rage secured about $215, and escaped with the booty. Newspaper dealers will remember the cir cumstances of throe atteivps upon the life of .Mr. Samuel lemple, at i urdleyville. Bucks county. It has just been discovered that those altompls were made by regular assas sins hired for the purpose by a lady of New York, who, upon being thrown Irom a horse which she was riding near 1-airmouiit l ark, some two years nio, was rescued by Temple, when she fell in love with him, but beinsr re- ected, determined to put him out of the reach of any other woman. Another commercial convention is to be called at St. Louis, about tho middle of June. Instructions have boon sent to Commodore Philamore, commanding the Britinh West India Squadron, to demand of the Spanish authorities in Cnba tho restoration of the brig Mary Lowell and an orology for her seizure. lhe bnghsh 1 rv.su continues to review Mr. Sumner's speech on the Alabama claims, which occasions no little anxie'y in political circles. lhe Timks, in the conclusion of a long article, snyt,: "I ho Queens proclamation of neutrality at the bct'iiining ot the rone ion, was a prohibition, not on authorization of blockade runners. I he only evils caused by it, wns the position given to the Alabama n Kn"li.sh lrts, which point would have been within the rejected treaty. " At the granite quaries above Richmond, a block of granite ninetv-fire feet long thirty eight feet wide ond thirty-one feet deep, wns blasted out. It contains 1 1 1,910 cubit leet and weighs 9,32G tons, or 18,652,000 pounds -. i : ., .v . ..e roACAraoosx:, The Great Indian Itemed y. By thoroughly cleansing the blood, it radically cnrM Dyftptpsia, Liver Complaint, Cough. CoMb, Pisoasea of the Kidneyn. ProplT, .Oout, Spinal WeakneM, Jaundice, Kueninutian), Chills nnd Fever, Phthisic, Croup and Hard llreathiug, i'ever Sores, Ervsipelai, Suit Klienm, Neural gia, Ltwi of Appetite, Throat liueaaca, Sore Kycs, Canker in all forms, IuUauimaui.n, General Weakness. 8ou ii Dtcaoiau. ). P. FELT, Gen'l Agt. Ko. ili Arch St., Flilll. E. W. CLARK 4 CO., CANKERS, No. 35 South Third St, Philadelphia GENERAL AGENTS ron tub National Lifo Insurance Company, OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, ron tub States of Pennsylvania and Southern New Jersey. The National Life Insurance Comnanv ia corporation chartered by special act of Congress appruvcu ouiy jiu,iouo. wun a Cash Capital of Ono Million Dollars and is now thoroughly organized and ready tV busuiKg. Liberal terms offered to agents and solicitore, who are invited to apply at our office. Full particulars to be had on application at - . 1 . I . I , . c 1 1 uur uiuvo i-.H;uit:u iu me etconu tticiy ui our uanti ing house where circulars and pamphlets, fully .1 :u: .1 i . iv i i . i " ue&uiiimig wie auvanmgvii uucrou uy tue Lonj' pany may ve uau. Applications for Central and Western Penn sylv-Hiiia to be made to B. S. RUSSELL, Mana ger, Hambburg, 1'a. E. W.CLARK 4 CO., No. 35 South Third Street, ' Philadelphia, Pa. J. W. Chapman, agent for Clinton county. J. W.-CHAPMAN, Agt,. 3 ly. Lock Haven, Pa. "TV W. COOPER, M. D., Fhysician and Sur U Sur Surgeon, Wilcox, Elk Co., Pa. TTELMBOLD'3 Concentrated Extract Sarsa XX parilia, in Um great bloed Purifier. Ayor's Hair Vigor, For restoring Cray Hair to its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing -which is at once agreeable, healthy, and effectual for preserving the hair. Faded or gray hair is soon restored to its original color with the gloss and freshness of youth. Thin hair is thick ened, falling hair checked, and bald ness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles are destroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed. But such as remain can ba saved for usefulness by this application. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. Frco from those deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous and injurious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long on tho hair, giving it a rich glossy lustre and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr.' J, C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists, LOWELL, MASS. PKICB $1.00. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, ron icniriH the blood. The reputation this ex cellent medicine, enjoys, is ilurivcd from its cures, many or w hich are truly marvellous. Inveterate cases ol' Scrofulous ilis c:i?e, where tho system seemed saturated with corruption, have been purillcil nnd rured by it. Scrofulous nflW-tinn and disorders, which were k- fravated by the scrofu tna fntitntiiitii.ti.. ....til they-TrcTe pr.infully nfflictinp, have been radically " (s'v.ii. luuiuicn iu hhiiom eveiy sec tion of the country, that the publio scarcely need to be informed of its virtues or nes. Scrofulous poison is one of tho mop t destructive enemies of our race. Often, this unseen and unfelt tenant of the organism undermines the constitution, anil invites the attack of enfecblinKor fatal diseases, withoutcxcilinunsusiiiciiinof its presence. Attain, it seems to breed infection throughout the bndv, and then, on some fnvoiablo occasion, i-apidlv develop into ono or other of its hideous forms, cither on tho surface or onion the vilnls. In the latter, tuber cles may bo suddenly deposited in the limps or heart, or tumors formed in the liver, or it shows its presence by eruptions on the skin, or foul ulcer ations on some part of the body. Hence the occa sional use of a hnltle of this Sarsapartlln is ad visable, even when no active symptoms of disease appear. Persons mulcted with the following com iilainls Ecneiallv find Immodiiifn relief, nnd. r,t .leiifcth, cure, by tho use of this HAXSAPAJilL- mjji: ri. stiirnotiy Atrr, Xnni or Hrynipelait, Tetter, Stilt Ulieum, Scald Head, Hlnntrorm, Sore J'len, Sore Jiiirn, nnd other eruptions or visiblo forms of Hcrofulau disease. Also in the more concealed forms, as nrspepala, Jtropnif, Heart Vinea.ie, J'itg, JUpUrnnti, Xeu raftla, nnd the various I'trermit iiflcctlons of the muscu lar and nervous systems. Sijphiltn or Venereal and Mercurial Dineanet fli-c cured by it, though a lone lime is required for f ubdiunn these obt tinatc maladies bv any medicine. Hut lonu continued use of this me fliciuo will cure the complaint. J.rtteorrhna or Uliltt t, Uterine Vleeratloim, nnd lemale IX.iea.itn. are com monly soon relieved and ultimately cured bv its purll'yinB and invigorating eilect. 'Minute Direc tions for each case are found hi our Almnnnc. um. plied gratis. ltheumatUm nnd Oout, when caused by accumulations of extraneous mailers in the blood, yield quickly to it, as also liver Complaint, Torpiiliti. Vofctitlon or Inflam mation otxbc Lirer, and Jaundice, w hen arising, as they often do, from the rankling poisons in the blood. This SA USA FA ML LA is ft great re Morer for the strength nud vigor of tho system. Those who are Lanauid and J.MlenK, Despon aent, Sleenlegm. and li-ouliled with Xervn,, Jn. lirehennion or t eam, or any of the affections . miuuiii.uic oi HeaKnenK, will una Immediate relief and convincing evidence of its restorative power upon trial. PREPARED B Y Or. JT. C. AYEll ifc CO..I.M.II. m. Practical and Analytical ChetnUU. SOLD BV ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. Tlw UsUJjffifflfl Success. PBESTO Hair dressi Kfi BY ITS TJSB Gray or Faded Hair is quicKly restored to its youthful color and beauty, and with tho first application a teautiful gloss and delightful fragrance is given to the Hair. . It will cause Hair to grow on Bald Spots. It will promote luxuriant growth. FALLING HATE is immediately checked. For Hale by all Druggists. DEPOT removed from Greenwich St. to 85 llarcky St. & 40 Fark l'laco. r I iHOSE who desire brilliancy of Complexion X must purify and, enrich the blood, which Uelmbold's Coventrated Extract of Sait-aparilla invariably does. Ask for fielmbold's. Take no other. "rVTOT A Few of the worst dinm-dei-a tl.bf -i -L fliet mankind arise from corruption of the I.I 1 IT .1 L . I . r. 1 ... . uiwu. neiiuwiu .viiact oarsaparilla ia remedy of the utmost value. ELK COUNTY ADVOCATE. rjlO ADVERTISERS, THE ELK COUNTY ADVOCATE PTlBLISOtP EVERT FRIDAY MORNING C. B. GOULD, Editor, EOFFICLV.TJIE COURT nOUS0 R IDG WAY, PA. HIE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM ELK COUNTY', Our facilities for doing nil kinds of Job ,Jriuting nro equalled by very few t cfahlish lents in the country. Orders by mail pi ompt lud. All letters should be addressed to HOME AND FOREIGN ADVERTISEMENTS INSERTED ON REASONABLE TERMS. TERMS OF SUB SCIZ IP TIOK: 200 ri?B ANNUM IN ADV ANCE JOB PRINTING: ALL KINDS OF JOB WORK DONE . WITH SEATXESS AUD DISPATCH, AND IN THE LATEST AND MOST APrROVEE STYLE AT TUE ADVOCATE OFFICE. SUCH A8 ' POSTERS OF ANY SIZE, CIRCULARS. BUSINESS CARDS. WEDDING AND VISITING CARDS, BALL TICKETS, PROGRAMMES, CONCERT TICKETS,, ORDER BOOKS, RECEIPTS, LEGAL BLANK? BILL 1EADS, LETtER HEADS. PAMPHLETS-. f APER BOOKS, ETC. ETC. ETC. ETC. ETC. ETC. ETC. ETC. c. . covu.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers