rvKuman irmr fmdat Monnino, ar O B.GOULD, Editor. TERMS, TWO DOLLARS A TEAK IN ADVANCE Rates of Advertising. 9ne Sqnare 1 week, 1 1 01) 1-4 Column 8 months it 00 do 1 60i do 8 " IS M1 do do do do do do Two Pqrs, a mi rt() 80 (II S3 00 4 " AO, do 14 5 month! 4 ti .1 S Column 1 week 7 ISO month 19 Oil " VII 00 " 80 00 40 00 week 19 00 month 90 OH 83 00 " 4.1 00 AO (HI " 78 00 5 " S oo 6 " 1 M do 1 do 8 do 6 do 12 19 " 1 00 1 week 1 7"i 1 month 8 Ml 1 Column 1 do do 8 " 8 no 6 " IS 00 do 1 do 8 do 6 do tt do 13 do H " 18 (III 14 Column 1 week oo 1 month 5 oo; 1 001 Ppeclal Notices after MorriitRes lind Dentht an mldl lorml of one hnir the above rntes. Btwlnens Cards five lines or less, 5 00 per year; ovor Ave lines, at the nnual rate o ridvcrtMnu. Tub papers complain tbutfcinule lobbyists in Washington aro becoming a nuisance. If yr were to give our opinion, it would be that a lobbyist, whether of the male or female persuasion, is a nuisunce that no well regula ted legislative body ought to tolerate In regard to the female lobbyist, a correspon dent of a Boston pnper snys they have of late advanced npon the capitol in greater force thau ever, and have even commenced to lay siege to members and senators nt their boarding houses. This correspondent says the other day he asked the door-keeper of the House, who is opposite the ladies' recep tion room, bow many women bad sent in cards in one day to members, and he replied, three hundred and eleven. Tho notorious Mrs. Cobb is a daily vhitor, circulating in the corridors aud lobbies of the Senate and House, and plying her vocation of a lobby-1 ist. Perhaps, from this standpoint, all that Mr. Spruguo has said about the social condi tion of things is true here. Messrs. A. T. Stewart, Horace Greeley and Wra. M. Orton have been appointed a commission by the Secretary of tho Treasury and the Postmaster General to make a trans fer of tho present site of the proposed new Post Office in Xew York city from the lower point of the City Hall Park triangle to a point several hundred fet nearer tho City Hall. This will give much greater fuci'ities for the business of the Post Office, and if effected it is proposed to keep that portion of the square between tho Post Office on the lower point of the triangle eutirely clear of obstructions, so as to give ample room and easy approach to the building. Ge.v. Neglcy, of the House Military Com. mittee, is preparing and will report on Mon day, a bill reducing the number of officers of the army who are on tho retired list. The bill provides that Commissioners shall be ap pointed who shall examine and report wh&t officers ought to be mustered out, irrespective of rank, below brigadier generals. The Com missioners shall, however, coufine themselves first to those whe have not received wounds or rendered distinguished services in the field. The bill provides that not less thun three hundred shall be mustered out within sixty days after the Commissioners stall re port, and when mustered out one month's salary shall be allowed to euch officer. Thk hopes, fears, successes, and disappoint ments bave so long hung on the result of the tedions Civil Tenure subject, were nil ctment ed or swept awuy on Monday, by the message of President Grant to the House of Repre sentatives, announcing that he had approved tho umended bill which had passed both Houses on Thursday last, relating to the tenure of certain offices. The bill was sent to the State Department by the President for record. And? Johnson says "there is a good deal of life in me yet. If the people of Tennes see should require my services, I would not feel justified in refusing them in behalf of the public good." If ho don't rmidttr his services till they ore required for "the public good,' the life in him will be pretty well stretched out before be has a chance to refuse. Thk House has, by a vote of nearly two to one, postponed the bill providing a provis ional government for Mississippi. This is regarded as a teat of the temper of the House on the question of Reconstruction, and de cides the fate of all the other unreconstructed States, including Georgia. The Reconstruc tion Committee intended, if tho House had passed the Mississippi bill, 'to have brought in other measures relative to Virginia, Geor gia ar.d Texas. The manifest disposition of the Honse not to consider these matters at this session will relieve the committee of any further labors. In the meantime it is ex pected that the President will put such mili tary men iu command of the unreconstructed States as will uot ouly preserve order and enforce the reconstruction laws, but who will discourage the loyalists. Gettysburoh is enjoying a "row" over the Katulasyne Springs, which appears to be founded on the following facts: The proprintor re entered and forcibly ex pelled from the premises tho agents of the New York Gettysburg Spring Company to whom be bad loosed the spriug, sticking up posters announcing bis repossession and the forfeiture of the lease for breach of contract. In addition be placed men iu the bottling es tablishment to hold it, and has on duty an armed guard to perambulate the grounds at sight. Tho agents of the Spring Company are said to be rallying their forces to regain possession, and serious consequences are ( apprehended. A PTES dinner naps, it has been discovered, re very unhealthy, and persons are advised to sleep before dinner, bo as to vest, refresh and prepare the system for vigorous diges tion. But, if the sleep must be had after dinner, it should be tuken in a sitting pos ture. The torpidity which results from par taking of a hearty meal arises from overload ing the stomach, and the rule which enjoins risiug from the tabje before the appetite is entirely satisfied -will prevent any disagreea bls eonaeqaenoetv A Novm, I,aw Sorr. A novel suit will come off. at Victor, Ontario, N. Y., wherein a young man sues for the return of money and articles he had given a young lady while Keeping compnuy with her. It seems that the couple were in each other's society a good portion of the timo.- and the vounir man sought her hand in mnrringe, urging her to have the ceremony performed immediately. But she was willing to wait, and suggested that the nfiuirbe postponed until such time as they could accimtilute more of this world' goods and start housekeeping in ncomfoit ante way. lie could not brook rieiuy, and importuned her so much that she was aneuv- ed, and finally jilted hi in completely, lie now -sues to recover ins outlay. The com plainant resides in thn village and the defen dant in the town of Victor. Grant and thk Indians. President Grant seems determined to try the Quaker policy on the Indians. His inaugural already has it good influence. A despatch from Arkan sas says: I have seen many Indians of the Cherokee, Creek, Osage, Delaware, Neosho, Shawnee, and Paolo, tribes, nnd in cleanliness of per son, respectful quietness of manner, the con struction of their cabins and fences, thy aro quite ns far advanced us the majority of the white settlers, their immediate neighbors. They were greatly distressed at tho talk of extermination which was so prevalent lately, but tho cheering words in tint it's inaugural on their behalf hns given them new life. A Talk Willi Young Men. Under this heading, the Auburn Xcivs indulges in a conversation with young men, which that class of our readers, we know, will thank us for giving promi nenco in the columns of our paper. Young man, a word with you! You have been attending school -for several years, and if you have improved your time have acquired a fair English education. Your parents have been at much expense in rearing you to your present years nnd stature. They natur ally feel much anxiety to know what is to result from all their labor and outlay to your behalf. Now, that you are fifteen or sixteen years old, they naturally think it is time they should know what you are good for. Young friend ! show those good parents of yours that you aro good for something. Uow 13 this to be clone t you ask. It you have ever had any notion that you would make your way in life without work, get rid ot the loolish idea immedi ately. Hesolve that you will make your self master of a cood trade. Don't look for a situation.' Ho only who is skilliul in some trade, art, 0 busi ness, is ' master of tho situation.' Many a yourg man has been ruined by waiting tor a situation ' or an 'opening.' Think over the long list of useful and profitable trades, and study to know which is best suited to your tastes and abilities. Talk with your talher and mother on the subject. Their longer ex perience in the world, and their affection tor you will cause their advice to bo in valuable to you. If they are wise parents they will not try to make this, that, or tho other out of you to gratify parental prido, or foolish notions ot respectability. Having carefully come to a conclusion ns to what trade is best for you proceed 10 learn it ny going into some shop or manufactory where your chooson art is thoroughly understood, and successfully practiced. Don't expect to make money at first The trado you acquire will be worth mucn more than money. As soon as your services are worth moro than the trouble of teaching you, and tho value of the material you spoil, you may expect to make some money. Apply yourself diligently and attentive ly to your business, and in tho course of no long tune you will find ourself mast er of a trade worth more than money. A rich man is richer by being master of a trade. Possessed ot a trade, a poor man is independent nttho outset, and if industrious, economical and prudent, will become rich in a tew years. Our advice is not given to the poor yonng man alone. Jt a boy lias n iortune in prospect he should learn somo branch of honest industry, in which lie may profitably and usefully employ his capital when it ccmos to him. In the mutations of human atfaii s his fortune may fly from him, and in such a case the trade acquired in youth would be a good thing to fall back upon. Young Peter of Russia, was heir to an Empire with all its vast revenues, but he wisely applied himself to tho work of learning the art of shin b'uildinsr. lie was a better, a wiser, and a happier king, because ho was a ship-carpenter. Wo have known the sons of wealthy fathers to serve a faithful nnd industrious apprenticeship to a trade Early and lai e day by day, they have applied themselves to their mechanical toil, buch young men show themselves capable ot building useful and .enduring superstructures on the foundations of wealth and influeuce laid by their fathers. Go thou nnd do likewise. Ducliiuaii opposed to Insur ance. A certain Dutchman, owner of a small boose, had effected an iusurance on it of eight hundred dollars, although it had been built- tor much less. J. he house burnt down and the Dutchman then claim ed the full ainout for which it had been insured ; but tho officers of tho company refused to pay more than its actual value, about six hundred dollars. lie expressed his dissatisfaction in powerful broken Eng lish, interlading Ins remarks with some choice Teutonio oaths. If you wish it,' said tho cashier of the insurance company, we will build you a house much larger and better than Che one burned down, as we are positive it can be dune for'much less than Bix bun dred dollars. To this proposition the Dutchman ob jected, and at last was compelled to take . 1 - 1 a a an , mo fu-nuuarea cjouara. come weess after he had received the money, ho was called npon by the same ngei.t, who want ed him to take out a policy of lifo insur ance on himself or on his wilo. If you insure your wife's life for, $2- 000," the urent Raid, and she should die, you would have the sum to solace your heart ' ' Uat be tarn I , exclaimed tho the Dutchman. You surance fellows ih all tiefs ! If I insure my vifo and my vife dies, and if I goes to do office to get my two thousand dollars, do I gets all tho money ? . No, not quite. You will say to me. she vasn't voi t two thousand dollars 5 she was vorto nbout six hundred. If you don't like do six hundred dollars we viil Bivo n bigger ana butter vite. LiiiKitrif. lho " Kazor strop Man" used to say : " When first I got acquaint ed with strong drink, it promised to do a great many things for me. It promised mo liberty, and 1 got liberty. 1 had tho liberty to see my toes poke out of my boots 5 tlio water nnd the liberty to go in at the toes and go out at the heels j my knees had tho liberty to come out ot my pants; my elbows had the liberty to come out of myooitt I had the liberty to lift the crwn of my hat and scratch my head without taking my hat oft. Not only liberty I got, but 1 got music. When I walked along on a windy day. the crown of My hit wnnld (ro flinporty (Inn, Aud lho wind wlilmlu "liuw uo yon do." Conxs and 13i;nions. To cure corns tako a lemon, cut a piece of it off. and nick it so as to let in tho too with corn. Tio this on nt night so that it cannot move, and you will lind tho next morning that, with a blunt knife, the corn will como away to a great extent. Two or three applications will effect a through cure. I Simions nro more difficult to cure ; but the following has proved a remedy in same cases: Make an ointment of half an ounce of spermaceti and twelve grains ot indine and apply twice or thrice a day. Aliuewithoutaspace. Tug Penusylvuniu Legislature has ratified the 15th amendment by a strict party vote. TheSenate passed it some days ago and it passed the House on the 20th of March. The "oldest inhabitant admits that it is sweet to have friends you can trust, but more convenient to uuve tnetuM that "trust you. NEWS irBM3. Thero aro 22 prisouers in tho Clearfield county jail. Doylestown has. a millstone which has beer, in use 12C years. Williamsport cluims to have a man hale, active and strong aged t)3, whoso father, by 110 means decrepit, is living in Muryluud, aged 120. Mr. C. W. Itay, of the Sharon Herald, has recently done a very seusiblo thing, by taking unto himself a wife. "William Gurrity, a brukeman on tho Erie Railway fell from lho tup of a box car, near tha Jamestown and Franklin crossing, lust week, nnd was run over and instantly killed. A new well, pumping one hundred and twenty-five barrels a day, was strnck nt t'leasuntville, C'ruwlord county, on the 20th uk. It is owned by Collins Brothers. Hon. Edward Bates, Attorney General under Piesident Lincoln, died at St. Loui on tho 25th of March, ugtil ".t years. The ann.ial woo! crop of the Uuitcd States is over 1;)0,M)0,UU0 pounds. Two thousand million pins were made by a company in Uoiiutclicut ixst year. Kipe tomatoes, ri;e fctrav.lii rries, and greeu cucumbers are for sale in New York Ono Kentucky merchant scut North 12.- 000 dozen eggs in one consignment last week. Sixteen hundred cattle were wintered ut a town on tho Union Pacific Railroad by u single firm. Tho peach trees of Delaware are uninjured by the winter's fronts, uud promise a good crop. At a fox hunt in Wnvno county, recently, the fox rau forty miles before tUo hounds caught and killed him. The Appletou (Wis.) Post says that salt mixed Willi a little butter sells readily there at thirty-five cents u pound. "Wisconsin asks for tlte repeal of the law by which murderers are exempt in that State Irom capital puuishmcut. It .is estimated that there are 255,000 thrashing machines iu the United States without counting the "school-marms." In one wiudow of Trinity cbnrch, New Haven, there are 10,000 pieces of stained glass, each prepared and cut separately. There are 42 329 miles of railroads in operation in the United States; Pennsylvania has the greatest number 4,JJ7 miles. Oregon papers teport snioko issuing from Mounts Hood, Jefferson uud Three Sisters, and apprehend earthquakes in consequence. A man who passed twenty-four hours in the New York sewers emerged with a bag full ol watches, jewelry, and other valuables. The burning of dead bodies is being strongly advocated iu Pnris. It is thought that the French Assembly .may make crema tion legal. The Sixth Annual Commencement of the New York Medical College for Women took place lust week, at which ten students gradu ated. A Boston paper estimates that the United States contains 8,000,000 horses valued at 2, CC6, 000-000. Five eights of the whole number are valued at $200 each, or under. It is estimated that there are in New York at least sixty thousand girls aud women who have to earu their own livincr. . One third of thcBe do not average five dollars a week. j The Peusacola and Georgia Railroad and the Tullahas.ihce Railroad were sold at pub lic sale recently. The first was knocked down at $1,250,000, and the last at Sl'JO, 000. The young men of Erie havn't got the velocipede fever very bad. They dou't mind fulliug, certuiuly not but then they bate the trouble consequent on having to get np so often. The election in Meadville on Friday re sulted in the choice of J as. Foster, Esq , tLe Republican candidate for Muvor. and the election of ttie Republican ticket, with two or three individual exceptions, in three or rour wards or the city, the Democracy carry ing the Third Ward. Ah Alabama paper announces that it will net, beretTUr, tk payment in dog Col. John J. Patterson, of Juniata nnd Win. II. Woods, Esq., of Huntingdon, have been elected delegates to the next State Con vention from the Huntingdon, Mifflin and Juuiatu district They are uninstructcd, bat ure understood to fuvor Gov. Geary. Jerry Monyhan, a wutchmun on the rail road at Beaver, was knocked down with a stone by somn oue nnknown, on Wednesday Inst, and robbed or his hut nnd coat. He srot away with his watch and money after a severe struggle. The Titusvillo Herald says that a Mr. J. E. Holley, a cabinet maker of that pluce, was bitte'u In the hand on Sunday, by a little dog which had till the syinloms of being rabid, me ciog was snot and mcuicni aid promptly re'.dered. He is anxiously await ing developemnuts. The friends of J. V. Douglass, Esq., of Erie, will be glad to learn that ho has been appointed Deputy-Commissioner of Internal Revenue. He bus for soma time held the office of Revenue Collector, nnd has proved a very competent and efficient officer. The election in Titusvillo 'resulted in th" re-election of tho prescut Muvor. Henry Hinkley, Kn., without opposition, and the choice of the full peoplo's ticket, selected by a caucus :n which both political parties par- 'I I... M ....... : l . fin... i;ui J fit ii.n. I IIW .,11(,1II 19 U lrilllRJIHh 11113 new Board of Cuuncilinen stands five Repub licans to three Democrat'). Upon tho docket of tho Superior Court of Hartford county, Connecticut, for the present term, lljero ore forty-four applica tions for u dissolution of lho murriasr' tie. Iu very tmtry of these cases the parties have lived together but a comparative short time two or three or five weeks. n some parts of Pennsylvania they aro said not to wait for a forum! divorce.- The Erie Dispatch says: On tho 19th, about two miles north of I'ittsfield. Warren county, a couple of yo'ing men named re spectively Jackson, Sin it'll Buell were en gaged in a shooting mutch. A question arose as to which one was entitled to the first shot, aud a scuffle ensued f.ir the mastery of the gun. During tho "'tumble" tho gun was accidently discharged, ami the ball pene trated the back of yonr.g Smith and passed through his heart, producing denth instantly. The deceased was only eighteen years of age, and the only support ofhis widowed mo-her. James Kennedy, employed nt the Rankin coal hank, was almost instantly killed by falling down the shaft, a distance of Bixty five feet, on the 23d tilt. He was pushing u car on the tunl but did not observe that it had goue down, and the car and the man were precipitated to tho bottom of the shaft. His body wn3 recovered us soon us possible, but death ensued in a few hours. He has been etnb'oyed at this bank a number of years, and leaves a lurge family to mourn his untimely eud. It is snid that American (lairvmen repre sents a CiipiUl of $700,000,000." - Wb can know ourselves through the con stant study how to govern oun-elvs. Ex -Senator Hendricks is supporting the Democratic Legislative bolters in In diana Sidney Webster, son-in law of Secre tary Fish, is mentioned as likely to be app anted Assistant Secretary of State. There was an evident diminution of tho throngs of office seekers both at. tho Dc partments aud the Capitol on Monday A Washington letter says that. Horace Greely has perem t irily declined tlid mis sion to Spuin, nnd has declared that he wants no office in the gift of tho Piesi dent. Good for Horace ! Professor Sanborn, Democratic Senator elect in New Hampshire, has among other disabilities which prevent his accep tance of the office, the uncomfortable one of not having resided in the Slate seven years, as is required by- the Constitution. It is said that ono of tho nplicants for the postofficc at Columbia, S. C, is a negro and another an ex-Federal Captain from New York. The Captain has the recommendation ot the business men of Columbia, but the nero lias the co opera tion of n Senator from South Carolina, and will probably get the place. The Pennsylvania Legislative Com mittee which lias been engaged, since January 14th. in trying the contested election case of Mr Kussell Thayer, Re publican, against Mr Thomas Greenbank, Democrat, for a Judgeship in Philadel phia, agreed to report in favor of Mr Thayer, who will accordingly take the seat now occupied by Greenbank. The LastpSucccss. HittRDRESSM BY ITS USB Gray or Faded Hair is quicidy restored to its yout hf ul color and beauty, and with the first application a beautiful gloss and delightful fragrance is given to the Hair. It will cause Hair to grow on Bald Spots, It will promote luxuriant growth. 0 FALLING HAIR is immediately checked. Fr Male hy all Drngeiats. DEPOT removed from Gri'tnwlnh St. to 33 Barclay St. & 40 Pork Place. gALOCLN AUD REST UK AM T. I. MORCO, Proprietor; Allegheny Avenue, Emporium, Cameron Co.I'a. MEALS AT ALL HOURS. Oy&ten and every luxury usually kept in a first class Saloon fnroiahed at short notice. 4titf. Ayer's Hair Vigor, For restoring Cray Hair to Us natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which is at once agreeable, healthy, and effectual for preserving the hair. Faded or gray hair it toon restored to ill original color with the gloss .and freshness of youth. Thin hair is thick ened, falling hair chocked, and bald ness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles are destroyed, or tho glands atrophied and decayed. But such as remain can be saved for nscfulness by this application. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. Free from those deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous and injurious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can bo found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long ou the hair, giving it a rich glossy lustre and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists, " LOWELL, MASS. PRICE $1.00. 'Ayer's Sarsaparilla, FOB PURIFYING THE BLOOD, The reputation this ex cellent meilieino enjoys, In ilerivcil from Its cures, muny of which arc truly marvellous. Inveternto cases of Scrofulous lis- ' ease, where tho system teemed saturated with corruption, have been piiriilril nnd, cured by it. Scrofulous uflV lions and disorders, which were :ir- fruvated ly the scrot'ii- theyjrere pninfnlly nfflictinp, have been railii nlly cured In such vrcat ntinihers in almost every sec tion of tho country, that Hie public scarcely need to be informed of its virtues or u?es. Scrofulous poison is one of the most destructive enemies of our rare. Often, this unseen anil unfelt tenant of theorpauUm undermines the constitution, und invites theuttai'kol' cnlreb!mnor fatal diseases, without exciting a cusplc inn of its presence. Again, it seems to breed infection throuirliout the body, anil then, on some favorable occasion, rapidly develop Into ono or other or its hideous forms, eitl'ier on the surface or unions; the vitals. Ju the latter, tuher clc9 may be suddenly deposited in the lungs or heart, or tumors formed in the liver, or it shows ils presence by eruptions on the tkin.or foul ulcer ations on sonic part of the bodv. Hence the occa sional use of a boltlo of this s'nmnpnrilln is ad visable, even when no active symptoms of diseaso appear. Persons alllicled Willi the following com plaints generally Und immediate relief, and, at length, cure, by the use of this SAKSAPAM I L I.A: St. Antliniiy'n fire, Hnxti or Eryalpela, Teller, Salt Khtunt, Srald Jrnd, JUiigirorm, Sore F.uii, Sore Jinrn, nnd other eruptions or visible forms of AVro'iiIou disease. Also iu the more, concealed forms, as ys;ic;,in , Jirmisu, Ilern-t Vlteane, J U, E,,il,-),t,,, Xrurntgin, nnd the various I'leerout utl'ections of the muscu lar ami nervous systems. Siphill or Venereal nnd STereurlal Di urn net are cured by it, though a long lime is required for subduing these obstinate maladies by any medicine Hut long continued use of this mii'licirie will cure thn complaint. Letirorrlm-a or U lttli M, Uterine Vlceratloiis, and Veniole lieasen, are com monly soon relieved and ultimately cured by its purifying and invigoraling cllect. 'Minute D'ircc lions for each case are found iu our Almanac, sup plied grntis. lihennialitm ami limit, when caused by accumulations of extraneous matters in the blood, yield quickly to it, ns also .rep ComplaintH, Torpid it i. Coiifeitlioii or Itifnm Motion of the Liver, and ,aiinfltee, when arising, ns they ollen do, from the rankling poisons in lho blond. This S.l USA I'AK I l.I.A is a great re storer for the strength nnd vigor of the system. Those who are .,.;iil, nnd J Intleaa, De'npon ilent. Steeple, and troubled with Xerroua Ap prehension or Fear, or any of the affections symptomatic, of U. ;.,, will lind immeilintil relief nnd convincing evidence of its rcstoraUva power upon trial. PREPARED 3 T Dr. J. C. AVEU dc CO., Lowell, ITIasa., Prartlcal and Analytical Chemist. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE, ELK COUNTY rjO ADVERTISERS, ADVOCATE. TIIE ELK COUNTY ADVOCATE PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNIXO, 8T C. B. GOULD. Editor, OFFICE IN TIIE COURT LOUSE B IDG WAY, FA. THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM elk: county 6. B. GOULD. hOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS," HOOFUND'S GERMAN TONIC, VUBPAHKD Br Dll. C. M. tACKSOX, Piiu.tnit.FnM, P. ' The greatett known rtmtditt for Liver Complaint, 4 DYSPEPSIA, Nervous Debility, JAUNDICE, Diseases of tLe Kidneys, ERUPTIONS of the SKIN, unit all Diaars arising from ft Dl ordcrcd Mvera Momacli, or imvumty or this nt.non. Rtid ttit foffotrt'ng tymptnm, ffrf if frit find th-tf jfnur tyttem i$ nflrcteti by iw.y f (hrm, ytw map rntt aurel Uutl han coinuwter't itn attack on tht mit important organ it nf your bntty, and unit $m-n checked by th" utt rf powerful mndi'nta trnVroW , iom tenninttting in dfi-ith, will bt th result- ConntipnUon, Flatulenoe, Inward Piles, Fu1ne of Blood to tho Head, AoHity of the Stomach, NoiiBen, Jloart burn.D'KguBt for Fond. Fulneas or Weieiife in the btomach. Sour fch'ucUtior.s, Sink inn or Fluttering nt the Fit , of tho Stomach. Swimming of the Hand, Hurnod or Difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Chokinn or Suttooalinn SenHwtiona when in a Lying Posture, Dimness ot Viaiou Pota or vVebs before the bight, DalL Pain Jn tho Head, ban-, oienoy of Pernpiratiofr, Yel lowness of the ttK.ii) and Eyos, Pain in the Bide, Baokf Ghent, Limba, etc., bud don Flushes of Went, Burning in the Flenh, Constant ImainiiiKS of Evil, and Great Depression of Spirits, AU tftest. indicate disuse nf the Liver nr !iige$tiv Oiy&ns, combined with imptai blood, )ooCaiibs (5mmm DitUra Is entirely vefrttnbSc, miii contnlno no ll(Ur It la aoiii!Mifcd of Fluid Ki tract. The liooiu, He' it and lltirk from tvlilcli lurse extract art mnde are gnilii-iid In CJrrmaiir All the mudlulnal vli'liteM are rxtrr fctd from lliem by n Nclt-iittftt' ch .,!( I'liene extracts nro thru forwarded to this country to be ed ;xprrly for the manufacture of thenc liltlrr. There ft 110 alcoholic ftiiliMiance of any kind used In compounding the Hitter, lience It Is the ouly lUlter that cim be ued In cases where alcoholic stlm ulants are not advisable IJaoflttnb's (Scrman (Sonic it a Combination of all Hit ingredients nf the ftittrrit, with viins .Sinfu tVu Hum, Orange, etc. It is used for th samt disease as the Hitter, in cases where some, pure, alcohntic stimulu is required. J will bear in mind that these remedies are entirely diflemit from any others advertised for the cure of tht diite.at's named, there being scientific preparations of medicinal extract, while the others ar mere derKfion of rum in some form. The TON IC is decidedly one rf the most pleasant and agreeable remedies ever offered to tht public I'm tastt is exquisite. Jt is a ptramre to take it, while its life-giving, exhilarating and medicinal f-itnlitie have catutd it to be known a. t-ie greatest of ull tunic$. CONSUMPTION. Thousands of catte. when the pn tie ut auppoued lie wan afflicted with till trri-ihie dlxeae9 have been cured by the iie of t hese remedies; Extreme emaciation, debility, and cough are the u aim! attendants upon severe cftMrs of dyMprpida or dUeaxe of the rii(eit Ive orgiiux. Even lit r a ties of Ken nine CoiiKiuiipl ton, theae remedies vILl be found of the greateat bene fit t strengthening and luvlgorating. DEBILITY. Vtere is no medicine equal to Ifonflmnd's German Bitters or Tunic in cases of DtbiWy. ' They impart a fane and vigor to the whole system, itrengthen th ap petite, cause, an tnjmyment of the food, enable the Btomach to digest it, purify the blond, girt a good, sound, healthy eomp'exinn, eradicate the. yellow ting from the eye, impart a blom to the cheeks', and changa tht patient from a ihort-breathed, emaciated mtk. Weak and Delicate Children ure mixta, at mug by imlng I lie liltiera or Tmilr. Iu lad, tliy nre Family KltilicliirK. Tlirrimi be nilmliiUirrtil Him pri-fret nuftly to a mi Id Ihrrt mailt u nil), (he must delicate female, or a iiiiui of ninety T'tete Rmitdiu art. tht but J!looil IMirlflers tvrr frnmm, unit will curt alt diuuut ruullina from tin ... J. ' K"i s'-ur WW purr; kerp your Lirtr in enter; k.rp tiipettirt artjant in a umlt heult.y eomU. ti .u, iy r,t mh. 1. thttt rrmatia, and no dututt uill iff r umiil ynit. IiiMlle who tvUli a fair akin and C'l complexion, free froip a yellotr l.li l Inge Hint nil other (It (lament nit, Klionlil u.e tlieae i-mt illc- oceatlnu- lly. Tlie I.I ver to erlVct oril-r, anil lite hloml pure, will remilt in tpurk lli'S ej e mill blooming clierkn. V . V X tax. 1!i,.i!.iiuVi i,'.,.,h,, It.mn.'ia me niinlrrf.it'd. Ihr iifiH.-it huvr. l.f sv-nalu.t f '. ,V. .Iiteksnn in l.,t ir oit "f 1'ir rM,v. i, Mr ' ,, i. u ;.. Hi wiui. . ;.t? ui ti- U tttinvit ill ttlri 7w.. All nil...: ure ci'Uut.ri'il. 'I lioii.uiuls of letters bare been re. cel fil.ir.lifj lululUr virtue oft net, remeiiieh. BEAD TIIS KECOMtfF.NDATIONS. fllUM Uu.N. uko. w. uoomvAitl), Clllof JllKl'-lof tllC S . Ouiirt of 1'iiii Iv.iIh. 1'L'iHDi.Lrnn, March I61I1, 1S67. I find "Iliuiflund't 6,.-im Billn t" it nut an itilia. failmj htitri'31, hid it a ..' tunic, urrlul in ihtur. dtrt 1. tht ilvinlirr. nrpaiis, an: 1 grmt benrU in tasrt nf debility and mmt nf nrrnut uctinn in t,t lystem. l'imrt truly, 00. If. WOODWARD. FROM HO.V. JAMliS THOMPSON, Judge of the 8iin eiiie Com e of Pvuiinylvaula. I'HinniapHU, A ma 28tli, 1868. I cons' der Hoiiflnml's German Kit. lei " a mimfe's tmtlieliie In caa of at. lacks 01 Imitate!. on or liysuensia. I caai certify lUls from my eiperUnce fit. Yours, with reaped, JAJIlis THOMPSON. From RF.T. JOSKl'H II. KK.NN'AUI), D.D, Tutor of His Tsnth Ilpiit Clmrcli, PliIliuMpIil. Us. .UrKsoMIXAn.Sn .-lliarrbrm rr'giimily r I'"'1"1 '" wy name u ill, r.n,i',. n,au.mt of dilhi -ill l imit nf si,Wni. I.ul rr.ir,liq ll,r pruHU t a, mil of my upnrnprialt tplmr, I hue. in alt lu.rtde. Mmd; lul witl. der pro , i ,.,.,.,, .nr,uJ pnrlu uliirbnn m ,mm . mil,,. ,,, ,,, f ,tr ll..JUm,et U.rmun lli:l.r,, li.:,.ri ,'.., .. V.., my utiuil ninv In rJ-i. , , ..,(. Ihul fJJ colieriil .lil-.I.I.v . f tli.,.,-,!,.,,,.,,,,.! ,.,,.. jMlvf lir tr.m; i.li.t, It a,,.Hr.. soil vuliml.i. .i1m,:,ii..ll U very ben'Kiul to tl,. ,;., ' J ' tauttl. uurt,rtry ri in,i , J. II. K:. AIU l iijliiii. Inhu, Coatet S. Friso of thtf Litters, U.00 per bottle I Or, a half doajn for 85.09. Vrluo of tho Tonio, $1.50 pur bottld Or, a halt dazen for 7 53. Tin. Tonic li j.tat up In v, ut lj .lilts. JttcollKt tl.ni it i. Or. Il...jh,.r, torman BemeiUe UiL nl not ' " ""'"' to induct yon to take any thing elu that ht may .ay ,',( Zd. b to tt lreu to any locality u,Mm application PRINCIPAL OFFICE, AT TH I GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, An. 031 ARCH STREET, Philadelphia. CII AS. M. EVANS, Proprietor. Formerly 0. M. JACKSON tt CO. These Retnsdles are for sale by Drugtclsts, Storekeepers, and Med!, clue Deslors everywhere. Da 'rf to eiomim urU Uit articU yon buv iu truer to uei tki tamw. "" .Dr. JKa 7. BUSTOH'S TOBACCO ANTIDOTE. WissiSTEo hmon all pniuffba TotuoM. A snMrefy sauxuMs 3i karwdm. ytinm sud mridi Iks WooOnTiaremVh. VMsiafo.WtraM soVrUa. Ins sad rengibealiitower, yu sxceUeal tualo sud sr. jelUsr, snsblss ths iwasVyG diicen ths hurt Km food, cukM sleep rsfresauyJKd ssuUiiubes igbuat bsshs! seals Per box, eoal frT An inuSaulnr trsstus on las Is- eusss, sssittVss. AssnU wsato3SAddisss ry OT ALL LM llUfe ifK . - iHah MltU.M A k 1 j.C V
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