Local and Miscellany. Vur Time at Mlldgway. Erie Express East. 12:45 a. tn. do do West :84a to. do Mail East G: 16 p.m. do do West 8:21 p. m. Local Freight East Q:40k. m. Uo do West 7:30 p. m. SUc tbif A. T. M Staled meetings of Elk Lodge will be behl Tuesday evening, on or before the full liioon of each month, once every two weeks Uwreafter. J. K. WH1TMORE. Sec'y. . I 0. G. T. The Regular meeting: of Ridgway Lodge, Ho. 2i)5, held every Wednesday evening ut their Lodge Room. H. A. Pabsos, Sr., Secy. AGENTS 70S THE ADVOCATE. The following named persons are authorised gents for the Advocate to receive subscrip tions, advertising or Job work, take pay there for and give receipts. Wilcox. A. T. Alubicit, J. L. BnowN. Kano. Frank W. Mkkcr. Johnsonsburg. Isaac Maoan. 3t, Matys. Cas. McVkak. Ccnlreville. HoMi:n D. Leach, Maj. Bcrke. Caledonia. W. P. Smith, B. A. Weed. P.enneictte. John C. Babd, J. iV. Bnow.i. Shawmut. John Fariieh. Spring Crock. A. W. Invite. Highland. Lkvi Ellothoupr. llorton. D. C. Oystkb, N. M. Brcckwat. Masomc The proceedings of the dedica tion of the Masonic Hull, are c.owded out this weck ihcy will appear next week. An eminent physician has discovered that the nightmare in nine cases out of ten is pro duced by owing for o pnper. A bill has been introduced into the Senaic, at Harrisburg, to annex part of llorton towu hip, Elk county, to Jefferson county. Thi Supreme Court of I'enn rylvanin has fit ciued that the seller is bound to mnke a deed , as a deed without a Blampjs useless, the seller is bound to furuifh the stamps. A StTB Agricultural Convention will meet ot Ilarrisburg on the 17th of march, to which all county agricultural societies arc requested o send delegates. The "Grecian Bend " was affected by the ladies in olden times. The Bible refers to wtiircthing like it, in die third chapter of Isaiah, verse eixleeutli. St. Patrick's Day. The 17ik of March nmes on Wednesday this yer. Preparations Are already being -uade iu (Uo crtiea fur its celebration. Tfcx Canton (Oliio) lUiiublican proposes I maVen velocipede with rimmed whec's, so that it can be run at fin rate of a hundred miles an -hour on a single rail of a railroad. In c".ro of -meeting or overtaking a lightning train, Wouldn't it be very disastrous for the train ? As unusual amount of siokness prevails in Iterksand Montgomery cnu dies, the prevail ing diseases are diptnerin, pneumonia and rftrtveWaudTemittniit fevers, and quite a nuni hcr uf deaths have been the result. A vtkkk aga Sumhiy aiaan named Sheet, at !-lnmbi, wsd ie of the largest hauls of fish n record. Tie net his ne on Saturday after noon and on Sunday a&eruooa pulled up twenty even handled suckers and mullets, Josmn WtinTiai), on March 3d while un loading his sled , the hordes became frightened und as ho caught tbo horses by the bite he fell i;d one of !he horses steped on his faco cut tiug it badly. Dr. Bordwcll attended him. To take a strong fortress surroatiii to and cut iff the supply of food, and the ccemy will soon B'arve out. To conquer disease purify the bloed and you starve it out. " Mucamoose " is the greatest blood purifier known. Baldness, gtaynessaud other imperfect ions of the Hair will be regarded as inexcusable after a trial of Mrs S. A, Allen's Improved (iut$tylf) Hair Restorer or Dressing, (in cm lottlt.) Every Druggist sells it. Price one Dollar. Jkbss, Masss of Wilcox whilile drawing logs from the hill side (March 3d) Lad his leg broken by a log rolling against it. He was at tended by Dr. Bordwcll. Th number of patien in the Btnghamp ton, New York, Asylum for Inebriates, sinco May, 1807, has been 810. Of these, 147 were periodical drinkers, 100 constant ones; 146 were married, aud 1G4 were single. The num bar known to have reformed ar er the first trial was 112 j after the second trial, 11, after a third, 4. Owing to distance or other causes, 08 have not bean heard from. Gkobgi a announces an early spring. The peach treos are in full bloom, the buds of the forest are bursting, the woods around Savannah re redolent of the perfume of the jasmine and honey suckle, green peus are knee-high, Lya- eyoths and other spring flowers are blooming, ud.arly vegetables are abundant. Ma. Editor. The enigma found in the local columns of the UstUsuo is incorrect. It should lis as follows t I am composed of thirteen letters. My 11, 13,8, Is what every on who wishes Jo solve this enigma should do. My 10, 12, 2, 8, Is not far off. My 6, 8, 12 is a organ of seuse. My C, 12. 10 is a biped. My 8, 2, 4 is a quadruped. My 10, 2, 7 children often take. Mr 6. 12, 2,8, 11 young ladies like to con- quer. My 1, 0, 6 the printer likes better than 1. 0. loue. It is my 1, 9, 11, 8 that my 2, 10, 3, should not promptly do my whole. Ana. Pay the printer. SPENCER. Hon. E. M. Stanton id still juite biek with brunchilid. CONSOLATION. BT THKOUOBB P, COOK. We listen calmly to the Impious laughter Of those who gloat beeause the Right Is bowed We listen calmly, for wo know hcreAfter Sunshine will gild the cloud. A little cloud It passes from the present A little loss it brines a larger sain The laws of God were never evancscont, Though oft in bitter pain His children bent, and far off followers doubt ed, And placemen yielded to the love of pelf, VYhilo scoffers, as they did at Calvury, shouted, ' Now save thyself 1 " Well, shout ! but when you hear the awful thunder. And see the veil rent and the dni-kness enme, Then will your guilty cheeks grow palo with wonder, Then will your lips bo dumb. By all the fields with ninrtyr-blnod made gory, By all tlio stars that light our stormy sky, Fair Freedom shall arise to grander glory, And tyranny shall die. Iforpcr'n Magniinc for March. For the Advocate. BENEZETIE C0H3ESPCNDNE. Bcncaotte, Pa., Feb. 20th 1800. Ma. Em i on : I cannot refrain longer in ex pressing my heartfelt tlmnks, and congratula tion upon the success your valuable aud in teresting paper has attained. From tho time it changed hands, up to the present, it linn become an able expositor of the truth, and a most useful faniiv journal, more so thin ever, since" the period of its origin, and meager appcarnuce before the public, as a coun y paper. The valuable receipts found now in its wccVly columns, and life giving elements of its Edi torial articles, in defense of the true and right, render it worthy the support, and most liberal patroiinge, of each aud every iudividunl in the couuty. It ranks among tie first class of our county exchanges, aud is a live Repub lican paper alive to the best interests of society indispensable to all who desire to be well posted in the news of tho county. Indeed, Mr. Editor, it afforded me much pleasure, on first learning that the deleterious sheet which once si rancoiously opposed our dearest and nearest of humnn rights, and privileges of freemen in a hind ot liberty, had changed its course in regard to politics end the right of equal suffrage, since its transition, which makes the Advocate now, an iinliupcniilte in every household. Such a paper must eventually thrive and prosper. And should be subscribed end paid for, ami rcafby every citizen, especially the ycung; for a steady perusal and reading of good papers and good books scarcely ever fail in pioduciug a marked impression upon the minds aud clmracter of properly t ruined children, and having upper most in their youthful minds the love of country ; which never let selfish views pre dominate over the duty f patriotism, And then, in the future, if question of iinporlnno.- should cglKitc lit: luud, all shall be bum safely through- Oh, WiVY the time never fitnin come, wheU party sp'rit will rise above tho love of country j nid srrk to rr-propvinte to itself great honors, italic expense of future peace. Parents, be ivare, vi i:i men of this nation see to your works ! that iho patriotism of other days be minsmittud to posterity, that the latest genera tion limy drink ns deeply of its spirit as our ibrofnthors iu their days r f trial. Corrupt men in other days have destroyed ',nPl'y governments ftn J if ours should ever full, it will be by the same instrumentality. But iluinkc-bc to God, all attempts to aunihU late this great and glorious government, by foreigj foes, and domes! io traitors, has proved futile. It becomes then, tlon of importance second to no other, in selecting competent aud true men, wuch as Grant, for the highest office of civil government. The destiny of this na tion is of too much consequence to he readily commit led ngaih to hands of misguided aud time-serving men, the- once choice of " Dixics'e " Lnud. This Republic, th won der and praise of the eurlli, must live, and its uuion be perpetuated until the inhabitants of this continent and the world shall rochne in the shade of the tree of liberty. Respectfully Yours, JOllXB. LEWIS. Daniii, Tfr.iistEit believed in newspapers, and ho used to eny : ' Small is the sum that is required to patrouite a newspaper, and amply rewarded is its patron, 1 care not how humble and unpretending tile gazette he takes. It is impossible to fill a printed sheet with matter without putting 60un lung in it that is worth the subscription price. Every parent wh"se sou is uway from home at school should furnish him a newspaper. I well remember what a marked difference there was between those who had nudjiadnut access to newspapers. Things being equal, the first were always superior to the lust in debate, composiiiou und general intelligence. This Pittsbubo Fkmai.h Collkqr. We clip the following complimentary notice of this institution from the Pittsburg Chronicle: " The Pittsburg Fenia'.e College is enjoying marked prosperity, especially in the boarding department. There is but a siugle vacancy. Philadelphia, iu the Fast, and St. Paul, Omaha, and Iudepeudeiicc, Missouri, in the AY est, and intermediate points, have sent representatives to our institution. Among tho numbers are the daughters of Bishops Simpson aud Kings ley. Unusual facilities are afforded in all the solid and ornamental blanches, aud the College Faculty ranks among the vry best in the land. The .spring term will commence March 23d." HcuU to Dr. 1. C. Pershing, Pretidcnt of the College, for a catalogue JonPntJtTlNa of every description do.ie promptly at this cilllce, and in a style un equalled iu this section of the Jituie. Entire gttiafaeii'ju guaranteed. Mr. Culfai gava Satuiduy uiylit. larjjo dinner party OHti 'ounijj girertoi;). COUNTY OFFICERS. President Judge 11. O. Whito. Additional Lav Judge II. W. Williams. Associate Judges E. C. Schultie, Jesso Kyler. District Attorney J. K. I'. Hall. Sheriff James A. Malono. Prothonotnry, &c (1. A. Itathbun. Treasurer Claudius V. Qillis. Co. Superintendent James iukcly. Commissioners II. .Warner, J. W. Taylor, Louis Vollnipr. Auditors Clnrk Wilcox, Byron J. Jones, Jacob McCnuley. Couuty Surveyor Geo. Walinslcy. TIME CF HOLDtNO COURT. Fecond Monday in Januury, Last Mouduy in April. First Monday io August. First Monday in November. Special lotirr,$. A NKW RkMKIiY IN CoN-SfMPTION. A Physician who hid Consumption for sevetal years, with f cquent bleedings of the lungs, cured himself with mediciuo unknown to the profession, when his case nppe ired hope less. He is the only physician who has nsed it in his own person, or who has any knowledge of its virtues ; arid he can ascribe the degree of health he now enjoys to nothing but th use of his mciticina ; and nothing but utter despair and eiitiro extinction of all hnpe of recovery, together with a want ofcoutidence in all others mdiicod him to hatard the exper iment, To those suffering with any disease of tho lungs lie proffers a treatment ho con fidently believes will eradicate tho disease. Prico $1.60 per bottle, or If 8 a half doictl. sent by express. Send for a circular or call on Da. E. Bovi.ston Jackson, No. 250, Xorth Tenth Sireet, Philadelphia, Pa. mayS0.08 ly I I .. .l.....tJ.l.J-ll n PEW ADVERTISEMENTS GENTS WANTED $10 A DAY. TWO 910 MAPS FOrv $4. LLOYD'S Piient licvlri)'j Double Mop onl the Of America and Europe, America United States of America. Colons in 4000 Comities. These groat Maps, now just completed, show every place of importance, all Railroads to date, and thelatest nltorati ns in tho Various European States. Theso Maps .no needed In every School and family In tlio land 'lie occu py the spaceof one Map, and by means of the Reverser, either side can be thrown front, and any part brought hivel ti tho eye. County Right) nnd large d'scoiint given to good Ag"iits Apply for Circulars Terms, and send money for Sample Mips, to J. T. LLOYD, vlnll-k Sit Cortland Street, N. Y. N OT1CE TO BUILDERS.. Scaled proposals will ho received by the Commissioners of Elk Co., at their oflice in Ridgwny on the firs .Monday of April next for buil ,ing a stable upon the jail premises. To he a frame building 1 feel wide. 'J4 feet" long VI feet high and haven stone 'foundation Proposals shall coutai3 pla:.s and cost of building. J. K. P. 11 ALL, vlulUit Clerk. gents wanted. liberal Inducements offered TO GOOD MEXTO SELL MACHINES. THE W0XDF.ll UlE AGE, THE FARMERS PRIDE, THE STUMP & GRUBBING MACHINE. tl will dn more work in one dav than Toll Men with grubbing hoes can possibly do. and leaves no roots or stumps to spriiut un in the spring After liriilihiner with this Ma chine the farmer can cut his crtiin or Brass the first season with the Helper or Mower. It does its work ffeciually. Any person or pcrsous desirioiis of making money, will do wen 10 Address, S. C. KoS 227. vlnllni. Bellcfoute. Pa. KW ST011U. The subscriber begs leave lo Inform the citi- sons 0; Ridgway and vicinity that he has opened a store where uia,y be found PERFUMERY, FANCY GOODS, TOILET ARTICLES. STATIONERY, FINE CONFECTIONARY, OYSTERS, ORANGES. LEMOXS, in 8GisnH. h!2 vltf J. K. EAtRl). "jOTICE. All persons knowing themsclves 11 to be inili-btud to the undersigned will please sctlU before March 1st 18(l'.l, to sav costs, ns after thitt date our books Will br closed for collect iou. JOS. KOCH 4 SOX. Kersey Feb 1st, 1800. ull 4t, IT F. C. KRUMMK. M. D.. 1 J " Physiciiu anil Burgeon, UideWay Elk Co. l'a. umce anove store or it. u, Uillis Oilice hours from b to 10A. M. aud 0 to 8 P M. tluStf. A LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN JUST published in a sealod entelojie. A Lecture on l lie ivalure, '.treatment aha Radical cure ol Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal Weakness. Iuvoluiitarv Emissions. Sexual De bility, and Impediments to marriage generall. Nervousness, Consumption, Epilepsy and Fitst Mental and Physical Incapacity, resulting from Self-Abust, do- Ly Robert J. Culver noil, M. D., author of the "Green Book." etc. Price in a sealed euvelope, only uii cents. The cclebraled author, ih this admirable essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years'. Bucoersful practice, that the alarming vonsequences 01 sett souse may be radically cured without the use of internal medicine, or the application of the knife, pointing out a mouo ui cure ai once simple, cerlaiu aud effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what bis condition may be, may Cure himself cheaply, privately, and fadl. cally. BfThis Lecture should be in the hands f every youth and every man iu the lnnd. Sent under seal. In a plain envnlope, lo any address, postpaid, ou receipt of sia cents, or two post stamps. Also, Dr. CuWerwell's "Marriage Guide," price 25 Cents. Addiess the Publishers. (.HAS. J.C. KLINE a CO., 127 Bower,, New York, P. 0. Ex 4,080. janltiWZ FEILADELIEIA & ERIK BAILS0AS. WINTER tTmE TABLE. Thi nigh and lfi'rct lioule between lJhi1aihtph!a Iktltimyrts Ifarrif '"',7i Williumtqtort, ami (he O 11 H A T OIL 12J2GIOA of Pennsylvania. 12 LE OA NT "SLEEPING CARS On all Night Trains. OS nnd after MONDAY, NOV. 25th, .the trains on the Philadelphia It Erie Railroad will run as follows t WKsrwAnn. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia. " " " Ridgway , " " arrive at l.riu Erie Exp leaves Philadelphia.. Ridtfway " " arrive at Erie... BASTWAKI). M-iil Train lenves Eric , Ridiway ...10.4' p. 8.21 p. ... H.AO p. ,..11. fit) a. ... 'i il I a. ...10 00 a. .JO.r,-, a. .... fi.ltl n. " " arrive at t'lulad a ttMiti a. m. Krio Express leaves Enc 'i.'J'i p. m. ' " ' 1'idgway li.4i a. m. " " arat Philadelphia..... 4.0 p. in. Mall nnd Express connect with Oil Creek find Allegheny River Hail I'.oid. BAG GAGE C11LCKED THROUGH. ALFRED L. TYLER. General Supcrintemlo . J OIIN G.HALL, Attorney at lnw, Ridg way, Elk county Pa. mar22 (10 ly HENRY SOUTHER, Ridgway, Pa. Attorny-t-Law (febii'.l'uS), A' Pa. Iter. pugO'UO man Kretz, Proprietor. DR. W. JAMES BLAKELY Physician and Surgeon, St. Mary's,. Elk couuty Pa. I mar... Jy. T7RAXK 8. BARRETT, Attorncy-at-Law, I1 Clearfield. I'enn a. Will nrnctlco iu Llk and Cameron courtics. scp'.,'08-y . -XttorrtON?, SUMM0N5, 6UI1P05. nas, Wnirnnts, &., oil hanu and for Sale nt this o!!icg. Cll. Yi , iu I. VOLK," Manufacturer nnd Dealer Dvput, St. Mary's, Llk county Pa. War-W tili-1 . .10. IN O. llAt.l.u........ ...IAS. Kt '. ll.M.b. HALL Ss 1UIO. Attoi'iicyst -nt, 'Lnw S'f. MAUY'S: Bfixmanti P. 0. EI lv COUNTY, PA, September 20, 18C0. ly. TB. Bordwcll, M. D. Eclcctifl Physician' , Ofiioo and residence opposite the Jail, on Ccnirc St., llidgwny. Pa. Prompt at tention will bo given to all ca'ls. OOlce hours : 7 to H A. M' 1 1 'J to a P. M. ( and 0 to 7 P. M. Mar. '21, lit) tf. T UlAYEit HOUSE, RIDGWAY, TA. DAVID THAYER, Proprietor. The undersigned having fitted up a large aud oomiiKidious hotel on the southwest corner of Centre and Mill streets, with good and convenient stuhling attached, respect fully solicits the patronage of his old friends j RB,1' ''; l'.'1.1''0 B'-Uy declS'iJU ly DAVID THAYER. XT 'YDS HOUSE, I jL RiiiUWaY, Elk Co., Pa, M. V. MoOUB, Proprietor. Th.-nkful for the patrcnige heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, tho new pro prietor, hones, ry paying strict attbtilion to tho comfort and convenience of guests, to merit a contmuauce of the same, Oct 21 lsoa. 1?HANKI,TN MOUSE, j Kt. Ma iit'h. Pa. LAPiGEY & MALONE, PltntVs. The pviiprictnrs respectfully ask the attention of their friends and the puhlic in peUerul to their largo and commodious hut el. hvery uUeutiun paid to the convenience ot guests, 11. liAttur.i , irttylO-iiiVl J- J. A. iu A LOSE. 1 EXCHANGE HOTEL. j RIDGWAY, PA. J. llAl.r.1 l'roprictor. This lmlel U pleasantly sititvled on the banks of the Cbniuu River and Elk Creek, at the lower cud of the village, Mr. Ilealy will spare hd pains for the C011vcnie.ee of his guests, lie invites one aud all to give him a cull nnd try his house, Kept. lith'Ui-ly, BOMKTltiNGr N12W1 House, Siyn anil Crtxtmnitnt iKiintiny. 'I HE BUB8CRIBER WOULD It L spectfully inform the eiiiaeus of Elk county thi.t he has just started ih the above business in Ridgway, and feel confi dent that ho can please all who may favor him Whit their custom. G it AINING, PAPER HANGING AND CALCIMISING DONE ON SHORT NOTICE AND IX TUB r.cst rashidu tible nhd improved manner and style. Orders left nt this Oilice or at the Banking House of Souther, Willis i Souther will be promptly at tended to. W. P. WILLIAMS, Mny-l?'CU-1y. TAtr8, SPIKES, HINGE, RIVETS, locks, bolts, and all kinds ot builder's materials in general can be had chenper at the Bt, Mary's Hardware Store thittt nhy othor place in Elk counrty. (n'Jb bT) t 11 orders for Stoves and Hardware J will be promptly attended to as soon as received, at the 1207 Bt. MARY'S HARD WARE STORE. C1ARDS, Bill-Hends, Letter-Heads, T.tgs, 1 Handbills, &0., done in a uent liiattucr. aud at the lowest ruim, l'OU CASH, 4t tho Elk Advocate Printing Otilce, JF YOU WANT TO UUY CLOTHiJrc roi the silition Go. la A. Dt'RLACIlER, DEALER IN CLOTHING I CLOTHING GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, CAPS, BOCJS, SHOES, TRUNKS, TRAVELING HAGS. io. ST. MARY'S, ' KLK COUNTY, PENXA- B LAX Kg of all kinds for tale at this HY MRS. SMITH HAVE Wby.no I pray to get La sokes! no, Mrs. Smith. But I beard Mn. Sandwich, lay to Mn. IluckloWnn, tlmt she heard Mrs. Spendthrift say to Mrs. Stingy, tother day, that, nshowi when hl.e waa dowa to Bidgwaj seeing tho sights, Bhe called it Thomas' warofooms, nnd of ull tint sights sho ever erer beheld, tcly la me " she gays that that young man showed inor'n thirty different kinds of chairs, and I declare to goodness, if she didn't say that s).m believe -1 every other one was a bnbychair, and the cribs for babys, why ! they opt ti ..mi shutjust like doors, so in the day time they can bo put away. And then the d n nt styles of BEDSTEADS, TABLES, DVREAVS, AND WASHSTAXDS, SPft!NG-BED3, MATR.ESSES AH1 LOUNGE"; why will you believe it, ho sdid ho had Louugas, aud Brackets, and Hat-Trees, ntul w!tt do jou call em's, that como all tho Way from Ujstitig, only I dou't bolicvo no sui-!i s'trf h that. But, Oh ! my, that wasn't a begiu'in of all I saw, but as this Was tho most tf.nu!,-. r.il of any I thought I'd tell you. Cause if you want to buy furniture, or tj uf y.ur neighbois they can't do better than to patronize tho establishment of vlultf. s ash sash: : sash: : : DOORS ! DOOR3 I ! DOOR' ! i I MO VLD1XGS ! MOULDING S ! ! MOULDINGS! ! ! For every man who is going lo build a notsM. uao, snoi on stiAsn. 1 have on hand SASH Glnzcd or not, of all kinds, sines and pn'tcrns. Also D00US OF ALL KINDS, and MOULDINGS or every description from a half inch bead to a heavy crown or arehitcctral moulding. BUILDINGS nut up by the day Of job," at short notice. LIME by the peck or load, always ou hand. Anv of the above named slock can be seen or had by (Sailing at tho Furniture Wareroeitts of B, H. TlIOM.VS, above corner of Main nhd Depot streets Ridgwny, Pa., who is tho agent fur the sale of tie same. 0iu2 SALVER JACKSON. LOOK HERE I WATCHES, JEWELRY & SILVERWARE, C1IIARLKS HOLES, Practical Watctlma kcr, Jeweler nnd Engravor-,' Ridgway, Klk coUiily, Pit, The silbsciibcr begs leave to announce to tho citinens of Ridgway and vicinity that he is prepared lo do all work in his line On vhort notice nnd at reasonable rates in the very bese manner. Shop in II. B. Thayer's Store Special attention paid to engraving. lie bus also on hand a largo assortment of Clocks, Watches, Jewelry and Silverware which ho offers for sale ou reasonable terms, Give hiu a call. novT'Oi'tf. LOOK HERE! CENTRVILLE TIN-SHOP. JOltX WAPLH desires to make known to tile cliir.cns of Centrovillo and the surrounding country that he has taken the sliop formerly occupied by 11. J. Malotiey, on "MeCauiey's Comer" in Conti'eville, ami that he hopes bj paying strict attention to his business and the wauls of his customers, to merit their patronage itt his line. He will ke.ip on hand a large und well selected assort incut uf of his own manufacture, which he will warrant to bo of the best quality. His stock consists of everything that is useful in the tinware liue about a hvUse. . . ... ..... .. 1 1 nsK a tair trim, and it my worn uoes not give satisfaction, my customers will not be obliged to take it, JUU3 VtAl'LU, Bepllhtr. .t. 8. BORDWCLL, M. D. EfiLxwc v n rs i via .v lhc Word eclectic means to elioaso r-. sn. lect medicines from all tho (".'.(ferent schools of medicine ) Using remedi" illlt ftrfl safe, and disaarding from pra"',',f,e ftn mcdi. cinis that have an injurious tftecl on tll0 s ,s. teltl, such as fcteroury, ntu10iiy, lead, cop per, &e. I lay ftsido the 'lftce(he old bloodlelter, reiucerordepVjer)nll,i equan,0 tiie circuitt. lion and r-jofg t,e Sy,iem to its natural stale by alteratives and tonics. I shall here a',ev. give particular attention to chroma dis p j'tfs, such as Rheumat'.f m, Dyspepsia, Liver cnuiptniut, Latarrn, ae iralgia, UiBeases of tno throat, urinary organs, sod all diseases pecu liar to females, &o. CATARRH I treat with a new instrument of a lale invention which curesevery case. 'L'l.'lTIt ... . -.1 ...I .; ii.i.iactiiavtuu ,,i (lain. Oilice and residence ouih of the iail On Centre St. Oilice hours om 7 to 8 a m 1 12 to 1 p. iu 1 6 to 7 p. in. Duo. 20'G7.-ly. J. 8. BORDWELL. A TTENTtON MILL- 0 VNI RS HH EAGLE TUREINK WATER WHEEL, patented July 8f. 13U7. superior to any wheel in use. The under. signed have the agency for said wheel in tho Slate ot Pennsylvania, and can recommend it as being the best manufactured. For further partiuulars, And circulars, inquire at our Foundry in Kersey, where machinery, mill-gearing, eastings and steam engines will be made lo order nt reasonable prices. We expect by giving satisfaction in our work to receive a good share of public patronage. J. F. ROBERTSON, It. BELL Kersey, Elk Co., ra.JaulC 18l8pd. YOU HEARD THE NEWS ? wWi happened, any one died of gown married ? It. II. THOMAS, liidgway IV HARDWARE j-EW HARDWARE STORE! 'i'lit! subscribers bavt just opM'.erl in 8 T. M ARY - Anew and Complete Stock Of Hortv-: fhelr And will keep constantly on !..u, t a Variety ef COOK AND TIE A TIN'! MoYF.x. Ear Iron, Strcl Anvilt, . A i Horse Shoes, Sprinyx, .'?. ivy Ihirilmirc, iv-"-and Files 0 E'ciy y'ti.'r 'm GLNS, PISTOLS AND KVr 1 i" . Cutlery, Plnled Wnve ,'t.l t-'-.o Furnishing Qood. Vl' hindsof Mcch:iu ids' Toots I TIN WAltH. Of every description, Which v 1 1 lie so'.'i at tho LOWEST CASH PI'.';- r.-. They have also the ekcluetve K"iey in ftt Mary's for llii' IMPROVED CmEftf -U UASK.IHJHNIXG COAL MuV'iS and PAitLoit ruii::.V'. iii ; fit. Which have received Four I'i. -t '"','1- . uiiunis at the New Yoi !- pi: (iw'.'ihi. cr Fairs ( Also, the tire ,' s-Ivm" Medal nt the Fair til 1 ; 1 vi' Ciiciili Inslititir, l.M ly Ntew York City, if I'hcy hro Potpctitnl Buinvis, !y t V being required la 1 : Inrlj uuring Iho s 'i'.':iH. M. lliiCUi' Vi'M. II. v'Oi'ii' -iiy, tov28'C7 ly PATRONIZE HOMK .iTl","','i L.NS FLOUR, FEED f;D JtrtMi rlini? sitbsoubo,-!! hrtvi'iif X New Gr!.,, 'Mill i.r l'. Jilfi 1 '.vitV it 1- e prepared .fl furnish tbtt iho t'oundir j, fioniiirv ir'.il, i. . FVuur of the TMi ftlld of their own manufacui:Vr mnrket rales, Tho nttcntion of lum'..- is called to oar laciMi.tv, : them with FEED OF At.!. A' cheaper than it can be !' .,. place in the county. JfcCfCAsn Paiu r..M li in iiif k a ind it t'S. k II v Vi !'. k III TVIOIM'. J. V .1. II. Nevcmber 7, 18G7tf " OULS II. GARNER, fRACTtCAL SlAi-niNl-T. Can be found at his Foiil.T at m. M.iy's where ho Is ready to h;,a i'.'t -.h..p- . . tt Iu his line done on short untie'e. .n. Ahm '-., Benzingei- P. O , Elk co., P i. my I'fV ly TOIi WORK if all kmus J dotio at tins office. id uY T)LACKSMlTn'S CAHI'i'.Nl'I'.li .1 AND I) joiner's tools for sle ' eluni'er ..ai the cheapest" atthe.fei. M.ly S II 'irilwitit Store (notUtt;7.) I is GUNS; . lMSTOLS, Bin I S. KNIVES pocket and table ru'l- y. of the List quality and most approved i'itiMns, Very cheap at the Hardware Stol e 1:1 Ell cider's o. J corner in fit. M'ry's. 1 Envelopes, Labels .v 2i printed k t the Aduo-nti' Tub Aovocatk has the I n -&a cgunty, and is the fcv-' T.W.S (fl.r.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers