inii - . itand Autn#t. MII2 - • -- . . Alltr. Mosby *Sided as Last-?b. cist-iii . Maw - Wait 'so be M. - WIASaI Ilesding .Answir-Uosi Us is Unsaid sad Haw - es Lit!. Is. . - .. IN , TIM 6TII 17 1 7 NO 1 0 011 g, Dec. 10, n 1869. The dove with --ISToat:4cm. out corne track to the Ark .becoz the wa ters • kivered the-, land; -when the dove found-a - dry spot it come back •no more: •lam a dove. I win sent out from the Corners ; but s the prey, alctice us-. water druv me back, tithe and lagen. Now, thank Heaven:l ' hey found. a -spat wlier ther,is no, water, (at,least rie"trever seen any usek here for ,ntiv purOse), and here . I stay, 7 . : lly - fOotte . kfound a retting , place. . I an 'the sole -proprietor -uv the "Harp uV.Erin" Sloon. The orig, in:it:proprietor. . uv. the "harp ue Erin ".died the'evenin ub the last much regretted by his .politikle assosVates.- he hed only' - voted thirteen times, when in tan • argythent techin the - merits uv his carididafe, ez compared with his op . ',orient for the amminashen, he wuz hit With a brickbat, a - nil died with hi's day's Work half-done. The matt who struck him stAz-expelled - fronr the society to with be belonged for killin an able-bodied Pemocrat fore the closin us' the polls.' Ilow-I got possession UN' the sloop shel not stmt. ' Suffice it to say, it liertanSC Minei and the Fri - p - ek wise, nud that I shel,neter hev cashes todenve it. Here I shel live, and litre I shel die. UV course I've decorated it to soot the tastes us - my patrons.- I took down the:portrait us . Jackson, and cut off e uv the bat • torn the 'words,' " The Yooprun, it lutist sulk sliel be preserved !" and substitootid, " He serves hit t party best who 'votes. the most," wicli I read -to those-whO drop in ez the last words uv the Ilero'uv Noo OrleensL Idles- an Irish slag turned roand an Irish Harp over the bar; and pot.- trates uv the Head Centres uv -the Fenian. Brotherhbod, -properly wreathed, all about the room. On the cud uv -.the bar, in the spot where in other neyhborhoods the sv:,ter-pitcher stands, 1 bey a box with a hole in the top UN' it inscriti ed;."Contribusheng -for the benefit our . su , Lfri .brethren in English 1.;:,-tecls may be. drapped That box more than pays my .redt. Then 1 her quite a cabinet uv reljoi. I heV -a peeeenv the rile with hum! John Brown ; th'e slab wiert killed the' liras nigger ill the riots of 7041 y, 136 . ..; a hullit aired at the Triboon ollis at that time ; Vith. other •boUveneerS •derar to the DettiOoratie,beart, athaeh .many. - These hang on to the vans, and underneath I hey the pr'xes ny drinks irr:,erhod, with the cold - tennis, Tlust l•' • • • I inn , :!geratea . my i•stal4slimelt hi=t 11712(luesola'y trite. lininctnberin the endirptiv all my c,tber 1110 , 2:gi•ra-iliong, i Ic•cii,neil at fu, , maki• . any formal opeitio, but my tliaT it xlvu.7..the cus tom uv thp %yard and that I must do it. Ibndc will binn weir set] one. -4 p'11) dtM't mak,l a ref 2: ler . . 1;:f . I.. make a regler opeutm" Zed L ," I won't. hes a droP to st . :!l]"tlur. Stay—l • it. ,- ! , ( 1 ) , Itibrt , a dash ov 1 . 1:0«` anti tali a-sol emn oath Oct to drink uitythin, , ,..E., that nTwoti't do,'' - sod tut- --Oaths diiiiTenunt in this ward4' .• Various plans were rejectid: One ;, , amtli 7 niari prbposed that 1 sho,,d hio tied dcwil Do that - I coon„. ettt-git likker. and , thailie.. shuud .1 . 10 the honors.. His nose wuz a4in hint and I declined his propo sishem Finally I hit upon tliti Van. .that twenty wood :111 . .'t - T, oil I put that amount'' in - a barrel. The balance uv the stock I 'a roam,' and then put the key away in a drawer.. -There' triumphantly. , atatOenty gallons is eggan : slid I do e kung where the key Ap the roont.Mildin - the !lie stuck I,t. caved It nuticiptid. Ai tiro Wl` l lli'll !Zpecolle4, and toaAs; - . Our adoP-tidc,inntry." lie sed th' e adoptid country': wuz a happy wie,q'or so fat ez 111 York woz concerned the sons UV Erin lAA . been chaired with 11 lack uv love for this .country./ 'repelled the charge with-corn. 11" it OloodWt he love this eonntry Iravat other eciuntry Ncrizrk-0t.. , :: worth a dollar apeec'e - Where-clse eood siell'a•ntan ez he her s;, ; high „a posishen ez Alder man, and only two years on the .!•• • , °Tonna • ;„ . 't nolo jined in . the 'ssinti . Mont. - iVliere else under the eon opy cool a man like hisself viho eiludent read he Ek. - 4ol•direcktor.' Tlello4l.9tten hin'thankful °Jai he rninit,tlistime wuz in'the,prisoli at Livirpo i 4 Tiler wuz less risk in 4 N,10 York; than in burg 4y in England, and .the re cults Ninz shoorer. . .. -- Ther•wuz . .nt much more„speeelt inalinn The drinkin. went 1,11 fast ana ; fifrion.:.tly.\„ and 4.7, 6ntisipit :tett twenty gallens wuz wnu very dfunk and ihcapafile nv any effort, ,mental or %ala.l the oth'er : i were in verv . muclz . :the predieautent. Four 6r live cv t•III did try to roz.. , e. ine, - to;git . ntote. hut ;t wttz nse tnite ea well hed pored Lint's elezv in 'The - 2!ar uv d• '01.! • "Ti..i.0.• lilt 0,1. ur it slept, et.; 1 did. flirt her flew. !trail inc.rning. 1 shelhtt'lntiq . ‘y hen.. i hev.alie ed,.v pasronagruy . w , p . Alder t tucti, three shool direcrors toi.fourrcon tractoys, and when the Mayor fits the ai pintin. uv. the poleece there will he twelve poleecnten whose - trade I kin count ore is my back - twin is where the caucusses tII7 is held, and I steel jltc paid for-wat the managers think till I ait an othls myself. At last my -line's is. east in. pleasant places. , • t . . l'f.Tnot.ru4 Postru'asitr . ) • • D A.R I. E S „ • ••• •FlCArt.ilB7o,, •• • ••i - ' 5, IN cittEATWAEVIETY, • • AT LOWltit.'lPltlllrlll4, . . BANNAN•& 'RAMEY I B. rase •at elleriamaao Pea° XX eeele—G. A, belt WAIITZ, lOrit Mreatte street. einme Srattt: Palletelsee,4_ respectfully Inhales LW afstoasero out Use kabl le to ete..ral the M b a roe iryea all eb Now importonenn or German, Trepea, sad'. , Ingllott Fax.y Goods sad Tilt. • ' • Ea. - Mg:lotted all the larilnlEiliopzas rips °meanly, I an male% Mey.t.ll4 . VO.RIEIT and CEIEAD.IESS of GOODS auto Lca4r - lusra to ctudry. AD are the° ta to est the 0:1;e, whether they titrehale Or °Monitor, O. A. BCIICCARI Z. Imparter, assi azel Ititsll Dann. . Dro4, . . ' 49 4t • . HORSE BIA • A - .14.P.A-DQUARTteRS ' f •. LARGE STOOK • 7 At , BRIGHT 1. Co'3 Ila . rstyare and Iraq SW-e, Oct 96'31 41411 . . frirtlon. Itentactaneth r tutu aseth ,thesby esalthese ingstaet the nutaathaent, stee,: re a say Pample arc set Istrtheetnent an Alliances Teen. Weer_N. tan. se they tent be peon what Wine fa extent of The Isle. : Lbw , alreatth eastauteed enit aratnet setae' par. nod sill prosecute all ether lelthasses. Oietsth. hiell S. VI. /WM 4.g..1.80/11. • th went al an ite sappiled la mail . his Oath oi the ._ • APIANYLat, iteallth Ina Wcda l / 4 Bart %dog Ai. hl, le • • , 1 MIS' AINFIA' II Z. SOMETHING NEW. It R -MORRIS, 186 Centre St., Pottsville, Woliad reopeadtallylinite the stletifos of kis Men& *ad übe Flabbe Oreveral io Lie sew stAtek of • . READY MADE CLOTHING •••-i Width-bolo ikelitog borpood imnpoUtton. I goods Moo been work op to the tri sod most daraCJl e =or one laid need bat. teal 'LI :pommel:A tbeWelve.— Perooto dee - Ir. - us of proCtirini( I Low o2it / ebouki 't " At , to ere bLek a call. • ~ , Hie ma of - ' " • • • • t • . , Dry Goods,:: Poe varSety fad choke of etyle/eszatot be fuelled., The reumbder, of We Succurtot cock be liacatra AT tOST, To make room Lo t new - Fal I Stock, stock .af =MIMI qyzietvsyrAust. 0169111 . 4i0.1*, te., i e_. , is ;‘ , .Pictis, Cid be needs be' tpv convinced. Don't Forget the Place, IP6 CENTRE . STREET +w417,1 LADIES' CLOAKS, MANT/4121111, 1 1 1HAWL01, rVati Arm AMENS 1%.11.711Tri, FALL AND WINTER. . OPENING DAILY IN (MEAT VARIETY.. FINEST MATESIAbB AND NEWEST DEBIGE S . - Also; Black Silks, I By the Yard, 10/ Drew*. AL , , AT TUE LOWIIIT CAhll PRICES. AGNEW ENGLISH, 1, OS 0110177 . 11 NINTH STREET. (Pow doors elora l'brptznt.j and MlO. .S3O Eft 11 TZM r NT , (opp+Alte Contmn.tal HMO) Pill LAD}C.L. 4.1111 A, tic...Mr 9, 1,.."1 4 3m' EDVIRLIDS! CASSIMERES! JOHN S. MORRIS &. SONS, FO 420 Utr. NI., RALY.(AtALb, LADILN Ct 'AIDING% VELVET S CIOTTI, IVILITE COLORED 3 NI. , - 11ILAWLN, (it - X.16, I.oolt 4 , INDIA TOWELS. FERN( 11 . LINS,IIARVF.D CASIBItIeS, LACE CURTAINS, BECE E. EVE TOPPED LINED 1111.!S fix 13.1.1• snd `CAE RELL fled i nj,l , *m.tylLCLUgq.l.S. ' • lc, 8c ideltlon to - flit it'tpttls Ty'iy (foods. lotion.. thatch dsr../. I)...ortnions JOIEN u. 310111111 M ,Ac MOPiM.- ' No. 770 EEST/LE :111481.7'. nrry, Sept. II 'O9 F7.w • etti,t. •.:11, iL-tid FALL OI'EN I,N (r; _ OY— , • • DRESS GOODS • . • SHAWLS TRIMMINGS; &c. • bbtertur 01.114 y nt Dl A( K SILAS. • COLORED S. L liSflt, Me Lem tLadre. -SILK AND WCOL POPLINS. . ' , FAIR/ ALPACAS fin el: umbra') PAT 4 LET SHAWL., (ES.LrILt and FD kNC ii ('f7INTLE4, TAI3LE LINENS AND NArKINs. • . A iTirs dd . PRENCII FTtll NUT SIIAWIS AND A HAIN, r:22, In ESIBIIOIDDIt RI; FLANNE', WALKINU SUITS c.ade unit, WHITFIELD & - ROYER, Craire' :Pottsville, 5.1,11, •ro 1.9/I.tvr Bean tifnl Linen Sumer Corsets: 11.ATE•T FRENCH "Cr VEX • GREAT BARGAIN S. , M. 1313 Chrome* , Philadelphia: 04.rch 10-Iy. D. A:. SMITH ,_ mEnciIANT TAI I MI? , Centre Street:.4 Pottsville, Penna. G It 0 V E 11'& , .. 1-: A li." r, It ' S n it,yr vi LP .1 tt - . Lt . . I . % s ' l ' It ' s 'l' 1 lew ii . 1 : - . A.,..f. ) ; - SEWIN G • M A - C H I NES, 493 11110ADWAV, PILIR Li' YORK, • 710 C I . I V I.I I I, LtytiT„IIIILADELFEIIit. . Poisst%' of , tavellcuice : Beauty and Eludietty of Ittlteb.; Yellen , op and 91m- Ohl it of Machinery. t'ette,f botb tLrendsdtrettly trout the tit.teda. NII lAelt Li. v. of trams 1 y bared nod no '4 SAP of thotad Wide lead.: of apitltdttiott tt dbott than. eof atquelortit Tbe ;teem rel;tlna to beauty and f mantra after areuldne and Ironing. Beeldes do. toe al kinds of a ora,done by otta•rtsew, log Mcentnot throe Ilennteete execute the tnottitttetnt tint and perrna tent Etohroblery and °mann Mal Wort. • . F., NU , . by 111 E. ttlrAnlltEll3, I, l .4tAtille. Jp15.31, 1 69 . • . 51-1 y Ar_ , TAßLlsit Vll-1 , : 1 , •74 --RE 11t A A L. J.14'09 114411.-13 V. Jeweler. - ..- Irtotter lox p.trrn, and Iht public dereently. to M. now nom., fte. , 1340 t be.hoot mt.. Phi I at.l It.. where Oa y will (Ind a large and well se -1.1 f r ., l Pug* ..f DIAMONIIB, IVA IV,' CS. CLOCKS, JEWELRY, htLYER nod FLATEI/ WARS, at Mod elate Fricett. • N. B. . Waldo'', soil :Ictielry estrful , , , reptiffll.—* de•rdry .1511 bl Ilia Ware pf all kinds made-10 order, Attout it. • • •. as r. EiWatches!,WatChesit iti Chewiest in Town. - large•irsortmen , L-qusllti wilmintr.l. Also Jewel 11 it. 2;34:emirs . regi•ville. jurp,ffic,i!,,kr slterith. Ore.n (h' , r• it of Mr. gr . .. 11," at ta". 119-Ir-If ct s :„„- ISAAO K. STAUFFER, 2 Watches and Jewelry, le. J 4 N •b iseeowd Mi., ewe. et gastery, rhiledelphls. An guatortment of Wa'c, rti .I,aretry. t-itver and ted Wire bmatitut , y4.o hand. lie,..s:rtnit 1.1 Watches and Jewelry pr, mtalv "Pr-T.4ml t, 4201.1 D put.x.rn and Pl. AT IV I ILA[ of es dee., ietoti and 40.4 atd , able fl 4 7 . ljidal 'Traomarda`r,. 11 11. P Prt .111,11, P rkra.g.r thin Itp- ;. regular market re fle I:cyan:4lr It • , 011nr0 nO.O 0 , 0. .n ch,iern. 11 - FIG IitF:L.:No. 71G Arch etr.ct, (( , :d K.00:54101 Mand..l„:• txt n. ca - as 1r HOLIDAY .GOODS. HAD3O,y.F - 4 6ENAMENTAL, USEEUI AND NLAi 'SABLE. .7 , ~t , 4 thathwie Par:, WA tt Men hti t 1.4 I .1111:111: ;2rct,....Dr.1 en here. - I.3IIOTIIERS. - Ip3 S • rttEir, • ` - .PO'rTS VILLE- r' • & I A 1, tis 1,1,4 VPENING DAY, Ii01,1111A1( - GOODS* lirrinct,lartretururAnim it.a Flores marketa.:l eni the 114 oi 0.. rit•K.r.•tte 'Atm.' 4. rt. meet tve 144444 r (i., trr-th:p m.rket, ierobritcll 4 rrrimg a. 4 am, r.ucy uonds. sueh at • Glare ••11 handkerchief Boxer, ' 'World Bure•, - • Jag Bonnet *nor.. Wigiaera, It a, he. l‘teritag SVAVI. %Vivo 4u fieent variety. Fine Platri Wtre new/visit I.leiga. y our weloaloa. • R. C GRIZEr.N. 1112 N 11. Ire Ft, , t, m•a XI [Left , ' & mt. Potters - 111e: _ P , ltr ,, ke. /tub mc ,n, 19 , 15•Itdw • WI.. li.iii.i. wire p....a.. 4 . • • rot Store Plant. Pact:4 - tes, dr.. II 4 r Z., C4lE:lord Wire Cirgh for cleaning brers. -.....-.- ,enel,,de. nary&men Clo ths , g WO ticrerna. Wlre Webbing for sheep and :,,o yards Paper V iterte .Wirot, Bra.B and !nit Win mut Sinn. Prlnced lien.., Ornamental Why Work * tree', information by addrese,lchr the manufacturers, IL WALXBR & BONN , ' ' , lca 11 North lth Street. ' • ' - Ptdladelhli. -- . p Pe, I. 4.1111.1,11 ..._. _ . GAS rivrettr.s. , • KtROSENFI" . .L/AIPS. • CIL? *MO., OW IPITLLS. MERIDIAN BURNER. Sktr.4 pad &at 4 Iktlinitrket It crire• tl. ktrovi figAt of tory fretyu, inure . , 1 1. 1 0t1L.TBIlt, . 100., Naatafacturtinit..m4 'Wholesale Ditidres. tOSI ARCH STROM FAULADA. ;raw O. 14-lp i.PititlSTl , ll..._ • ir • NIW PATZMT ' Orapaliveleielder RIM* aad Cbert Sap. Ifo Have ender the ems. Peireet make and bawds nerioteed. ea Norm Frreera tar, below Ara. Philed•lphis. *deem de ere, Mantle ioeeltae ldeda, Crutch" lady ta, •ae Wry R 311 , . 11/0/&117:r1 & sror to rim, G. iiint larrorma, Nortroorrtros 4os ircruotor or Stilitary. Church, Society, Theta riCai GOotht, Flags, Banners, Bridges, acc. , 181 'North Third Street, PHLLADELPHIA, . 4; - • 0.4 =En IRON WORKS. e L EIRHANDOII HAWN EYSIERER,;-* otibuclibor no. gnome to bola Strom Peps. Plop°, 1 1 2 IR sad Drift Ous. k.holeot and 'moo ludo m Order." meth= ;old to pm roaradietare or Pr Moils. IRtetirodaph Ira ros , ORCHARD IRON - WORKS,. .113/11. The ...cnb.n Ys itrepeeo to tnrn INOISItt and &Ili:twig of ACHINERY and cum INGS for. Ithus.-Brant and Roißror.litno, aott tame a M (Delnas tarlw. kw TERTIcAL ROLLING 111 Ir SEidtrErt. tiyjCCIZEBtt SHRARS, PURIM'S* 'LACHINE& and 111 other Favored la tbitioorteloctore .or Bailrota irp0 . 4.1u4 h.. , ?OTT a ThfiTINE. slept 1, all!' • I:l7dir FOUNDRY AND MAOHINE SHOP btenm Cai Factory, fcc.. • enberfiber Irnaln .011 nr =Una - the kd it=teell no. =tenn E irM i.4.l lir m n , ociannitn. Iron Fnundini. the rozontacturtan of an Ma& of ma ninrery for Itol!Ing Wl*. Bled .Punsecon, Walt Cam in, in It- will sin enstinne the bniikene of adnhir And nein? the &d red Pine !Potent Whin .ma cow. hrtng dote implant of tale eollt•rv. isgu 1 va-4 -1 id lan 1, Ole GEO. W. ANTI:MFG OrDtPtottnn... P.n.& instin 'Dv fq„,AI'SE & REEVES. BRASS FOUNDERS & SMELTERS • ANAl.Mreellann, 1114111Orivrek. lip. Bletale. CopyperemAtire- et Irjamelthe *older. White Allem Rermali. Mimi% Pewter. Red AAA Vette., Brom. Heavy nod lambi l'aedso, !later/ AAA 11.sequer Work. Rolling Mill Journals& Rail- • - Road Car Boats ; • . P Lvius • ISO mouth iire•d'wtro PlBiladelplaii. tr - Ott Naafi, 6ougLi of dad ..ernmforfora -. • M arch G. %II • tole . 7 • f rell 4 PINISItgIAT'LLO IRON CO. "ate rrom 24 to TO psmds pee yard—STREET boa 4.51.64 Wood. For 'Yard or either 4or bone can or loneedirea.— ' All tlre rule are of the LATEST AND liflrnT, APPROVED PATTERNS-- A lur a worm! assortment of !MUCH ANT BAR/ RON. Rooode, FICA. Oral, figif Round and Onrored. HOOP AND BAND IRON, CAR RAILMAL CHAIRS. PlltH PLATES AND 11.100 E SPIKES, for !oll_a, ROLLS trade of the twat *rand. of odd Mud charmaldrob ready for Du% eith er for.? raga, urea ralls or bar Imo. Also all Node of CASTINGS FOR RoLLINOLLB..._ We alm la. 'rite att‘ation iv our DIFFREJLST PATTERNS OF SHEAHS, for autt'tur old calla, poddlod iron. tn.. Le. I BENJ. HAYWOOD, . President, Jam Ofßee Comer 24 sod Markel. SR., POterillei, Pa. FIRE 133ELIQ3EC. • TRADIZ MARK. , MOOVF SAVAGE." . : K GOV RIfinIENT f',l kRD. rrandarturtil I , • orclu.l. - -). by IN. COY , ' iLIDITED VOA L CIJ Pt • Mt•T'Amd. ter 111.tirg. Pokl4 rnft Ci , s4, - Fa,sr , • starl nit Oltver tx1,1,44.4 rtrrillirr th, &.' , T QUALITY. D eurr,m•.t-bs,,,edr- az.d 1!-kes w:11 tM lu-a-tobvd by ttr uLtlcrrignecl: Alms, geoige's CrOk Cumberland Coal 137 XL. 61 , 0, kola the Cantotairs Ore= Nine . . .C. II DALTON, Pt - vile-A, 4 Pemberton Squire, Bretton JAS c Nt.CBI fi, liquo Pt etude B - o tde ay. N. T. , - JIS MILTIOLLINIt. id {'oe Pool. Mount Elevate lid. L iLSOR IntriNLLOIL fk South Gay St, • tide more. Pei- 41, •cr-VI tot • - BALI/VI LOtOMOTIVE 113 'NCO ik COMPANY. Broad in •• mod thunkbut COO% Philadelphia, Penna., Would mil the attention of Railroad t liata..ltme. sod throe inn-retted rood Propmy, to their room of Loco- MAW; matte Koval., in which they are adapt. lay =a vo u. to. , per,lralar btadoew tot which they may be fey tonal by the one of one, two, throe or tote .ronug • ; and the hat of the whole Or , math of tee weiebt so may he dertrable for ad ho lon . and in woommodtang than to the grade. curves. ototteth of ouperttrnethati, and rail and Watt , 41 be done. By thew mow, the maximum mein] effect of the power to wcured with the laud cams, kw at. tenrionea met of fuel, and repaint to Road and Enutzte. With tease objects in orw. And w the itralt of twenty throe yarn pradiral expenenee le the bust:mom by oar ..minr nort er. we manefamare !We different kind' of Ibrinto, and 'Mend dermal of sizes of each Lind.— Particular attention paid to the otrength of the ma thine in the plan and workmattatdp of all the details Our long eaperiewe end oppekt - unities of obtaining in -formation, enahlos rot to ram- there meow with the swum., that in effteleney , eormomy and ditrebilfty, they wail compare favorably with- theme of arty:other Sled to nee. We alto farnieb triZonka . , whale. =le% bowlax I+l . low xn..ur t tlohtertreswithootlmting,) ,1NT1V10 , t1.74( replitul , for bovine Of every Macriptioo of Wire* leen end teller Worts t and every at title Ippertnixdur Lo the repair or renewal of Loom*., tire Roaltwa. BALRD, EMBEZ3 O e 0.411, OPERATOR/1 4 - .IIIIINIERNO. T —ri lt.iler works. . The !atterrihem respect:lllly lni lte the att,mion ut the beetues• enmmunity W C lbe,r Boller Worts. in, klailsesti Street, ..„ 1 C below the honcho, Del.; Pretaville, /Ea -= where they are prepervd w matelfectee, I:OILERS US EVERY DESCRIPTION. Smoke resci., Air Swim Blast Pipes, Damotoetem Dret Can, &r.; Bi. 'Boiler" ou Ural Helms preettcal nne, ha&e.s, and Metric for years de. rut Ail therne:ve, entirely to thin branch the hootneen, datUrr tLerneei‘ that note dene et their entableth. rnet.t will gire . amtlefactien to all who way farm them with a indieLdnel, end Companiee will end It greatly to their r:innate to newel. their work be. 04r,noi el,evrtern. JOHN T. NOELS, Jan" 'MATHEW RIIMHE. WANI . IIINGTOIII MOM WORKS .4%0 T —The wnrks of the late Erm of Winn a lir, Ktolcu as the ...WASHINGTON Jill Wr•IiRS... located .m Coal .toad; e In, tl.r lion - null, of P0t:n.1.114 'he continued by the rubscrtl , er 0:1 all vs ; - serums branrhen, 'SI, tar Engine building, and an kinds of Machlne7 for mining etch coal or ore blvt furt.acen of hot or cold blast: all kind. 01 rallrond caelin.7 and'railroad co f./10,,, r d wrourbt and ond . iron ; all kinds of by. caging., el kinits of •arllla - ol . t. and all Ka', of the latad pumps, and double noting. Hepthing prorardy utterdoi. to and neatly ever-cited; By careful attentton 10 buolneen. the ea Ibcr t r .t. he Will receive a etare of the ;albite onage no Mr endly bestowed on We tale ann. J 'ESN. Jan 1. • 1. - A4IIIII,AND if 2 0 ,1 WOICUM. et, are 001, tI11!) pre d to f [mild, at the Aehland bun Sort., M.. 11,11111 wad rtalajo• at.y polier .opleap- 0, Gar mink:, 21,1 Gay =1;11 other puri.., Coo: Idratero of eaery Ala, and p4ttern now in re.e.t.e,, ,,, d.r alto ca.tinza and lorrintr• es• Coal and Drat Cars of 11 a o.e and parer., hum Trnek awl Clore Ulm— InrldAhed at the eLoriest males. The enhaextber. flatter themwdvm, t at, lroternnel as every member of the (CM In /3 prol tderldmic. they will b' warn to farniah machmtd) L:-01 will &Impart" favorably with any to the Region. Ad (icro , din.eted 4,3. aR. GANSLII, Ashland. Srbn)iki.l County. Pa.,. will 'attire prompt, attention • 3 M. - I. AWL:and. .1k 1 .1%,. EIA (3 T .1 1 _1'1110N WORKS. • HENRI" WA ILTER.I , Prwprirtor., TAVAVUA, tnII I IYLKILL COUNTY, 1 4 EbINA. avow et, , romasi fas f 'wen , and ma.? rhit Er.e., Ir.n Works; 7 "'L- Tam .qat, end tba. - 14.7 matorlally In thvi• ea;,,e't. .r Ant . ryta Zi= Wiwi& la 10, :Tr% bap he 1. now premred to makl. ' , team Emrimat and Nemo of any power and eni,rfiy.-tor maim.; Ya. hitem . for Itmak - ere, Hot 14 her Y.lle , and fir Yunamce; as klnlie eat trunks and buvinot..ike , dr, An erne ; Ict tat suuny .ear. In the htmineel,' with the feellithw whack those Work, now txre•-.., .nab!e the proprietor to torn:lnt the very bee; and rat..t rat• factory work, All order/trainmen! to HENRY WAI TRIM, Rag!e Iron Work", Tamaqua. ti..buyik,ll trty. ra,will mccivo prom;4 attention. June V. '49 ! POTTSVILLE ROLLING MILL, ATKINS BROTHERS, Proprietors, Pitit••lll... Nwhetyllicill • Corms,. Penis., Mutat. of liallotta,l iron 0.13: T and d RAIN rue Prt•Partd to rut, Iva an.: etc cute order4.ll rhort notir, t , fur any Ima all the ord.hary atm. lu '• • '• Mat au ear own 'l , :^ metal, are IT, Ahr i x iz . meta! to notecl bultattio Ur ; hop, • Cal therefurr rely upon noo , rine.ll: o'l that duo mita. . Ibr nuttller of T Hattr. IT, 22, '34, 33, and,' 41 puituch , to the yard. always .1 ba.hd, and PolVnedt. frogman ha. am ',land. • . • Pothofille, Jan 1,14-1 w fh it, 14,'C7-10 tfd T . MOUNT CA 101E1. IRON COMPANY MOUNT ICARMEL,. flf OICTI111:1116A.131LAND. COUNTY. PA, - Ono•nra, Conn..raz Law or Jta.rlgya; 11361, IRON AND BRASS FOCIAIIRT, tt arnine. Sr reen: and Car-Shops. C.lmpiny t. r•mp,.l rA P-Artkal 1 1 4cr_6igles /P •al! 110. falthfully GII dl Orders (Or 10 ,, ek xr tru.N.{ lo them. , We are Maltz Jona" LA.b -er=fl.4s•e. Enla..l . Wary bCreew ". ' DANIRI.I7IO(7I, Past.. • Jag 1_ T. L , BODUW2S, Snpt. .IP . . _ _ • MAR ANOY IRON. WORKS. iAi . - ' - ' 4- - ..411 ,..'1---. 1.. :. ...r : _.•; ; : . 1.. krim:i.. •," .- • I L , .:,, i . , :,..- - fi. • 4 . :A , .. • d ~.,,.. ~,..:-..—; , R O VED PATENT -,, COAL-SLATER, The abort. - cat kap horst/en:teat no to P. (Wart. Patent of 1540. Icor/pitch as the irroorte are coati ace on, aro. i the *creep, with a tenanted or flanged Rol ler and track mating In them to keeathe Screen twat Glranzanr shed the oral I. wet. It .tutywerm The pen mac sell, o the trial man oat dry and clam of alatc We atra build a . COAL BRENKER. whl , h we wl!I roarantec •to make! 5 peternt. waste than any other th . t.wser now In sx•. Earisoveto MT IR Ael PUN ry vybk-b can tw p:srei no every pitch, enierberi 4 the elope. No denger of droyaPag oat- to cost for cm. Vateva. RELE-PACIIIMIG prricaon PISTON. 'warranted tows lo per etzt. den *3 than as, caber near mt• lc are • • • . AD rhea of FTRAN reargn,..aitel CI Maas of (Nollara d e , that ara made elsraraere. are made at oar above. GARNIIR d CHRISTIAN. • R Gams, W. A. Cazumaa daly at. GO . - ' " 111 HOTELS. 14CRANO -*TEL, • rums !timsoar..! coriseceeutries4 C.lNoblll useeo,s, ' • rorartiviLLE,ri, SAMUEL GARRETT,. Proprietor.' e, Ms pionfirriorxwits GRAND OTEL. Tuna rnv, Jr., h or i e t ai . Relensace—lloa. BecJl Panay. .•Ods Nawitubsitf, miaow ww wow: . milfarbrOOrriga..tboroe!bo w ie s j habswopeast. • • aaani a Razors vagiivulei • BIS 1223311 llMMilati *Matron. I • • S. la. Mann/AI STRAUCILA 4'71111:1.11, =TA, AND 11131/NR ENGINEERS f ; • .„ •DitAIRIII-ISMENT dzi.pesienOtrees, Pot viNe, ice swiss). . Jan 1. .119 1 1- • ' . ( 1' '.. 7 : ...•••••'' 1 •.7: lLlGressang &Eton ,1 - - '• t 1 ' '41 11Y77 ' . ...„ I;t iurnitivc Irareromo; a i --- ... - I 4..... ' - f. ' s. ~_ . - c.,,,,, CAl:area thacm eta 1 . 1 - ' L It y. ' 4 i gt ItI" • rprrsvit.a.E. - .., .- - t . . • H. gtvoterg bating admitted Itto bls butlnew We Ktb, Jobb P. thconast, the Inn If bott tstroarect to l'arntalt tae clttzt!as orPottatillts at! 'lenity with tar zdturotol all rod@ of Ow 111.1. i and bat etylea. trutaLthlrat tavatttly LlWinglrfatlamlw ath.r„ted to. - IL Glltts....t.bili a. WPC - July Is .Gb. , SAMUEL - ORBJSM.AN, Jaalce of also Pierce. INstatc Agra). mod 'Maimed A oralourer, , Flo 1 3Sanayrostuo Prairr, Pt...smut, Pc•aa. Sprdal au aralto glvrzi to all balances la lb, above ilavi•g a larger exocrlrtze. patlafollon and pramonesaamarnateeaL acHe 'tad and +Oll twelve Imautlata Jau 1. Gtr 1. 111181M2RE Tun -- suatoscuanirit aril NOW PRE. pared to vent Ira.* cm the f..,110s log Veep of COM at (lrantrule, wroth Owe babe rOcroct on aid. pored: :TN. Mannuoth,Ve/n, G 6 lfet Ink'', ; the bald- Mere Van, )9 (Set tialta r l the Best n feet Vein, 7 to-t . 1 think. , These Veins tom a baron with a run of one mile, making • two m il e run: td are now beim:, worked on the 11.0)0inlag. Overly by the New Norton CmlOorerscoy, , There law.° tare, area Vein. mooing tisorogh tire 1.17,46 b eastern end of ibe tract, reed the Nock Mouulain and the Isidgb, rate of which. is 12 Yoet thick, and the other xalcvl *hal. root thick, -ink), have alto been shafted on. • The 111:11,C 1 Prom Mi l Ashethyort to Eastim... , ' 61 milts. From Easton to Nana Chunk . • 4e .s. Prom Manch Chunk to Gnarl:le. ' - FM " l ; 146 , At_lj( cents per mile. ranking It I^ y toll auto trelibi Irrfur palinclion apply 1" 11. *r ' M. 11111,P11 , P.01,11411E, Pottsville.-Mareh 26th. 1 , 43.1 , is U • , . 1 .. . F" . 111 Pun NA 46. -13ItOtte in Hartley Tp , thilon riormiy,, Ps., forta!lag IS I acres. 1) log Moog the nonce bank of i'muls l'reck. . Mont Wu acres are order cakivatkin , the re slimier is covered with floe timber of While (Mk. Maple, Prat and i Atom The dwelling booecl%a 2-story frame, • early new, • flank Barn 702/M, Or new, sod a never falling Polito: tear the hrone. with spring how ; I trneatone goarrics amt led on tae laud.— It Is in a e., d nelyhborhond; fad within 2 miles otl thwart& a. LA-, a denting no 4 ta nnery, rinith shop lI to., and no tattoo within o MI MI This properly will be sold at a Very km prior, *tut one easy. UMW 01..tAy marit to clone an state. PoseesslA given -April Ist, Isle. Apply to the anbAribef, JOHN bIi i IITEN an Executor. Pottsville, Java 1,1449 to-If 4 IV 14.4,1,140-41 Penn .r•lti/u. pert, Wi th Ila 1 . .prormarnt• and stock, er-dsts on toe Sue of the Schnyhtlii and Snatrietinns • Ifailootl, It mli.••• from - Pottsville. too urea of the.hum ate ander cultiv•Mcn, 7a acres are covered with Mtesthotleperints of 16 warn gromth. which wooed make excel', BT prop t imber.— Macros are covered with heavy, tlilbesh ae . Th e t 0,, , ), inente consist 4): ara butanti ...thin , a . stew barn, ottt boom* Ind a new saw mitt ob Males power.— Stock consists of berms, cown4 rt i p. hey, aod farm. Mm g Impltmts. The price rat can be renlizod lora the timber alone. Terms,- Apply t o JOHN If SHICAPEJt. FalerleY's Suildino, Poll Attie., or to ricutius G. PAHIJI. I / 1 413.1N0, Ito tkoore St, Pollsville ' Ati.LA t 7. '0,1241 .PROi V VATIC lilA1:16.-4/ni , trod of coal land in New Gun Monty (knOwn u the Port holabont tract of no sacs of CO. Min , To Voluble towl'7ll _ I:nt iota Illahanhinno street, A Wound Lid oat hchnahl Ancinie4 23 flit front oo the Avelino sod a feet front do 4,14 ninth Ad, y. Onisfoartii bottled in the . 1_1 . 4141111. Trani of Lind In ScEroyik harshflll'ounabiti, to claeo the iTtatz of }lie late Yin, Hart. . APP I ' _ . Neal E.iata and minuaate Ai•ou ED St.. PuttrelP.a. VOIR M Fifa cilia TWititii Atth (to:I:tory L 1n the 34tilt mit! Cos , ItTh.ld, to years to rim A iqt;otattl ram, too sacs, the intttinclanot. River. I • A twettly feet lot In ..SetOnd strettonotable for prl rate t021.42Gee. • • - Town lots In Dlsbuoty ' To Louti—ldiannotli aadmois sod Pilmri,i_d Veins, Gear Mahar./ Clty. ' For Reht—An ontlce to ittilver Ttaiter. Apply to trAItTETI, - lira Mato Agtmt, Elliva,Tetrtu_e, Fadt Is, 41 99-14. ' TIMBER FOR ALE. Flop* and 1.14g10g. lot War 2.. di:adrit Potts anttlLals; Ihittrial tad Vitt Sal, XL: bit at use pill It dd It 'vote. to. JOHN L!cacik,; Sohn I If 11W GEO. ' , I3IIRNI.IAZ, CHAS. T. PARRY. CM= FOR SALE. - .. . i c TWo grOTIV PHA Si E DWELLING It , 4:6& and A. I , llollB.ntinate r n i' mre it.te.„ Matatuy Ca_), tut LeZISIP apply t., .H. M l4 ETNEH, Esq.. , ' , ,• I Mat .nny Cay, . ~ DO tin. DlLL:ilex:s, A ourney fur not ern, Y 116.13.1rAtdin , *bent Pi.turelPe. 45-3nl Very Desirable Coal .eases eso be 1.r4 -eared • the !hods ot the 4.;0/1 torsi:soy. near Yremont. Ps_ 011 ILe VlLOOreire, sok Primrose and whet Vesi... Rio trona took. sod alwt w tso miles. ]he lietiaiat• of easy Rectal Lod Wt expenti re to °p r'. 'Lowy 11.1 MEL 11()IrFiLLN, Eta . herr, thee—cor. 4d sod Datetotougti Oa 23, •_ ' 41.. J . . . LOB sAl.fre..-The /trick' , Yiktd 1;,,1ed at 11111 I! Crept, tear St •, t.v.itol w . :11 9,Y, • t—e. of lard. 2. -c ature.lultp tnpablt," I.llri.trir at One ,e4elhala -.,wag- Vll . O, ott. There are ficihliii r t tr.scotar tam a tnlri,an at I,lck )6 a arroo.r f., 200 Nal -Alta4 21,0,aw iLI4 3.• FERNI.SR. • 3 ,• ti 2`m 0 el 1' OR SALE OR TO; lit/T.—The st e m attuatad at eennyL 1 , 1 114reu. Itemer , y.cae 'fled an by Wm. IL %erten. The WI tete awe° pales bon, dna pair of tleippera aUdlkor, power en rine —all to gum' otter. P7sto. Wren on toe /a , day of April, 1469. y 104:, Ocoee No. 10 (twit February 20. 'Cy • p - -- e MALE .— Amberr nn I anner: Acre . n viotatland to Lehloon Connty,;atx tniiee wadi nf .Prot grore, ah , ng the Itue Itie L,hanot..k and Pule- Ctorr Bad.road. 'feed t:roher to prh,oll7 oak.. Ply to • MASON W6lflAl k,N. !Pt.:1,11.1. Pa, or to'W. kOkallS NSJD3I./..X, Ur F.n Forge P. 0 , • Jn•ly 31, .64,-31 tt • io . hannot Co.. PL 1 - 4 , 0111 *ALEC on eaey tertal , ., a' It three atm' , Brk Co.tago on Georg. Pottkill e. enotatning roma, Including Bath nal:n.ll,o t and cold aster, no. tat tat and Zd tl lore. A glid ;cellar and garden we.lintxkod lelth choice littal ,, ef outre,,f the owner. • WLP . SP 1N , 01.G, 3L D.. Ocet.t , %n -42 2ael Escha'E,o:ll,te.l. Puttst. tcvng.carca noviNE ROB 3 story Brick, llahrirtiorlga • i tiri awry •• • i'• 11Th rre gory brick dyrellirp, Sib ativet. R. C. RUSSEL % Real Setae MALkiltauigt. • E ote BENT—Two Ot In RuevereSee comer Stroud an t ISlessutoceo►melou 111 ZS ftl" 13; RCS.SSL. I eal &dale oiceut, 15 Rallanto9.,:o Street. 13-tf ,oitore... Tr I 1 11 elf 1 1 11 11n -'- rITIF -1 9IT i . -° -----. destrahlocftlec, .. 7 id wary, corner Centro stet MI start Sr- tn. Ap 'p; e t .1.6,W IS Ifß'lll.lllPreal‘t.t. Cr, :NI tf FFORLIR ALSlll.—Tbe valuaile tract of Onal . Land knovrt as Robb. Vtnetecter Tract, late llRford. situate In Illytbe au h*sitlll Toorrltite, and oustrOuteg about 1:110 ac t• uttered fur true ep os, reasouab:e terms. ,Apply to I' • F. B. BANKAN, Agt., ! teet! , e or Ft. Caron. February ta, 4111 ] 1 9 tf VO/I $ 1 11AT.E....31 new thliG Oki Frope Wagewm, 4 Diet Dampe4 it new Wsier Warms, CI heavily Ironed, to ICI 40 Inch towir...l W. 8N DIM, .14,n .61-1. roar,Die. •FO ic ratl.O.—A Ftro 74:14,remotir t e o .. Pultable log mil and c:11 11 11 al ,he mom' wad to tri "m = cr. Apply to (:Et./. W al VDU. ruturl4e. , Jan I •69 I• . f. ,. , i r- 1 , . . .I• - T Et„ii BR. ... H. .. ; ... 4. -..... 's lia , ....• . T.- - :i.L. , '..-i i' . ze- i. - ,:4 4i.4 . .' H •?S A ' -- ..,..w..) . 1.. ....„. *P, , - i . , . . ~ • Itww. eery waltz . Instratrie4lare k' rec -- :raza ' Palled as embridreag all the napetiorf qttalittat of a ... • i : FIRST CLASS; !lAN°. y the emit pmealsettof Mr leadieZ &WA.- /bead for (taxable contaittlez Eaetenteeneata latt Pries LIM, before vaastaseing 'lse mas' hirawhett. . . ADD li. .K SlSii , .. BANNAN & -. BAKSBY, ~:: rotirsnLL ,init*rei. :•. . - .. : MERRICK'S I -lIITENT r sarzrz 'APIiARAITS, • rce OOIIBLS OR tiDahUt Ca s t zuzinints • ' . MI,. and 'lllllla , Itoreilets, • _I , Wan OH ensols +RACK: IN'CLINRD PLAtett &Ann 61100Ri, Itt the etottottion or 1 . 14.ei110n, ea ecti4'e' from the brows, ol • bohut perent“tritith tertatety: 110,11,10 i No. 430 Washixteci Avenue; Trniax!miairs THE EARTIIIeIhBET BRIGIEIT it fe ' Agents. j 1 lil i rililli7=l.l6l3.4l at lii mast . i lim th• .ft(i 'kv im aiNtless a". lg limo sod Os Itimodifts: Jug bum arl Copper Qom, MO '''''`••• 141Ahrot" ... ‘lesiasIs sed nXell tit ' "TY .ratintlla. w ilirarli•taVrinSitir le Mkt i . e!ir mg , .„ , oidukT7 . , • CARES. OM,H E RS, 11) LEI ~,t;rt' itl, — nr4.; Bar.i. le °moldy). tithaylklll .. . Ind,' tontsia ' • • TLIIIIIOI Leic. C ItSSFL, , No. 19 11. , 1taLtts6 11 ' be 10411 Levi pijx, lIULI Z. " • MEM Cl uatr, PUN, 11t: octErt, JR , Kitavine., . s tf PIANO-r*s t i A I • 1 • - • ..vt•c•c• 1801 Centre 8. -.• 9Erszermss Tits tr9ILLOIO , . . _ , . AlmMb_ mew loch Lite_.__- .. ~......- ... : .. . ...- r .... ..............- .."-L-;- 111L1401111,900 O ' Travelers' Life & Aceldest...: --4. - ...-...., .........- ..."-. : 1.1131.491, Olt North Bridals & !Mercantile F ..(11.14):..... - .'.... 14,94341,14 ss Itaperial Fire-Loadloa74.-{Clitlo,--:..4.. 4 ......... ,:.., '160040.0011-110 Manhattan Vim 1 1 116 W........;••••••••••••er-..., " 1.0911,11011 SS Manhattan Flre." ..,..--4......... —.—.....4...-. ": 1,11•90104 99 flatterer Fire, " " ' ......... 4,...4 . ' ' 1.919 19 ilminart Flre.-11artfarti--..-.-.k...4.g . . .... ......--.. ... , ...... ' 6111.1140 00 Glenn •Falls, 13. 1.. * f.....i'.. City Fire. lairtfod..:. .. '''• 1 ..-,..-.' ,s 5 oo6s.9ellsl4e* se Caterprise. Phila. •r Albany City. b. 1 :.ts..----.-.-. 919 . 193 es iiortb American, Ibrtford..../-.•. 433, 13 449.0311.11 bonsicit. Conic-- . ......- .... ~ .......4.. ' ' 516,171 - 11 . Air Paiticnlar Alt/nation Given to Laurance On ,Voal Breakers, lie 1 ”pialy Ilk VI . .i . Sheafe . r Li . - it . , ourx•mtPs . :, . . . INSURANCE- :ROOMS ~,. 180 Cientre St.. Pottsville.e. 1 ecrrri rati Aetna of Hartford, Ci05iii...—...:...., : i Hartford ' .. . Phenix of Brooklyn, N. V - . • ' ' Lorillard of New Y0rk....... : . .....—.. Pliwnix of Hanford ' ' - .......:-.4 International ofNeW York Opringneld Fire and. Marine of Spriagecld, Mass ' Yonkers and New York of N. V.. Berehants of Hartiord...,.„.. . . ‘• ': • • ALSO AOIESTS FOR Tat • - 1 , . MAW MIGLANIS BIVTIALE. LIWk IMPIERANIVIN COSIOALIST OW EIOSITOIt The OLDEST as 4 ote of the MU& BILLABLI We Intimate Coweskr In America -. . . jrThu , thme nre =sag the OLDEST And MOST BILLABLE Inenratee Caeopoupes de(n)t Ede eese Is Ur me:wry. Tet,..unu Loos raid trey $ 11 3, 1 6004,160. In teleee to As Taus. •-, . : (Dec If TA—AI- AMERICAN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMFY. PHILADELPHIA. PENNA. • _ . .!' • i I33OATZD !OF 3D.LEZECTORS : . W. W. KURTZ. Etrm nt Karts & fitnearit, I R. ad oaf EMI aRD WOOD. Pt= of Wand Yank Hayvard, SARI, it PALMER, (Metier Onmmerelal NMI lank. 4 tt.i ,am Hmam at. . , - - J! E. KINO6I.F.Y. Prnprierrir Comitental Hotel I PRANtI.9 prim. 116 Ituket Bt.. Philadelphia.' HENRY W. ownilait, Getil Tickot and Pamerigeri JAI MI A. GARDNER. "Late of the Pima of Halknrell ;Agent. Prima. IL R. ' ' . . - ri,rdeer I Co.. 618 Marmot &.. lAN: oiligt.D3. - Pion of Shields it Dro., 116 N. Ed H. PA3..L P. KELLER, !ma drikoda, Sellat't IllittitT. TllO-111AS K FETITECION..No ES booth Pnorth Et. - i 317 Waloat Street. ; .. . Ai D Wo ;DIll:PF, Elea Preirideot of Me Comps: , y. f BENI. P.-rillitH. Foloodnua Obo,. - O. Wi CHILIM. President I.tratral Pranape,...mdoo r-d.! ANDREW CARNEtillt; New Turk. • . al. ' . JOsll.l l ll F, TORIES, J. F. Tont,. 1 Co. En 6 South; En, ii HOVEN:. POMbuoth, re... Front:Strret i iv to HICKOK-, RiIiTISACI.JA Pa. TLIONIAR It DiVIS. Peotalivarila IL 11... Compapr. TITOMAS L. WALLEHE, Halrlabarg, Pa. Eli Micah Third Street. • 1' . THIS COMPANY. - HAS .I;?POSITED ! - ONE HIII4DRED THODS,AND• DOLLARS in Govertuierit Bonct, with i the Auditor General of Pennsylvania, as security for ; I P.OLIOY •PiOLDEIIBI ' H nom iewr.:.; thole who Its= w' k th th:s Coatwk, un4cabhd ircarltrlot their lawestmett. ' t --- - . = . , i t t , This Company offers the following advan, tages to t h ose contempla ting Insurance := . ! - . . li'll'odcrale Tatou of ?rem lama' i ''-• , - : ,7.—Ail Poltles are Non•PoYfeltable. ''. . ; '4 : • . , , . • 34—There are no Premium Natal Wein. - i 1 4.—Premitat aro payable to cub—hut a ion of'dutitl 16111 - 14 e granted bj Uc Cusopsay what ; tb.! i ,., . • tall =lnd premium la pid. : .3. -nu rrdrictiono upon trErcl qualm than la aim', ' psnie3 . , , - 6:— Dleldeodt are declared annually In clan on the duallbutlon plan. on atl pardcipaUng yollciaa i.—Poltcles are Legal upon all dcalrahle plans • • ' I-. ' N.—Milder are Usual upon ibe low rale gnat An. 4 .. 9.—A1l lows ate promptly paid. • ' • , .•. • . . • , , i 1 .4 I ' , . ,' . • : • . . • . Agents Wanted in every Town and D is trict. , -.- 10 - I.'iltaltAL TER)I9 wilt be elide with GOOD cANvivu t a s wh o ~, ieemed . to p ikedreettLie'F,izi, jra -: MM./LIM PAMPIILE TH and WI partlcayre wlll be !tactfully liven on ibplieGieti to ', : LUTII E R . S•'. K A .0 F PM A N •• Millersville, Selravaill Ociniitv, Pa. Tier: t.' 6 ^--451.-eenttes ,Gesterei Mimi for Illebiejllttll end Caibete tb. ' . • • BERKSHIRE LIFE 4SUI ANCE CO , al : ;,PIII7I'SFI7iqLII, MASS.: , lacorporat(4ll A. D. 1941. :... . . - Char , r Perpetual, if _ .. .- 14.1:.iJ. CHIC:KERING, Svc. T. Fr PLIINhk.I7, rfit. JACOB L. IntEENE, Am. Sec. 91•ICoas Paid _ Ausuittly, ee Sipe Coes t . lliel Plea, fns 29 I. TO Per rem. • ••:, ,to Atott;4l, Paytoeht Lite Palley to NOT Peefift I - 7 Whim to parPremlim elee dim, bet Is 'walnut dla e•rhe undo the Ilamoschonettn Law is /4.411, 1..; . • , I •I t - EXAMPLE i4T. /MB 2.4 s .- • 1.: , . .1' • One Annnll Moment !tin enetlnue the.P.lll Is force ..i. , 7 , " and 3 dart. : I . ... . ' Two . I'4 - intent! .' ,•• ' . •.. .'4 It years - ."14" .. Three " . " . • 4 ' ' . 4 r; .. . • .3, .. "IT .. I • • ' - • NON Tbp• PERE:4IIIU wit. PITt_9T noitrANY in to, r A BLF. EvaitY PoLICY Lsta.xl py_ IL/ TABUN., wad so crpna.r./ tie rplej. Assets, Annual Income, All lin4rommt and Limited Mewed Life Pelides Poliry.'t tiler me Arlin! Pnrultm ;uie been tel. AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY tlrLl6Rltil..7lpl3 wtii he nvjda with Goal par , P al; Lwt and - (411 partlra':•. will be'cba. E. N. HARPE For Schuylkill, ' OFFICE-POTTSVI 10,14, V-4.3 -is ty GALLA lliVa lorß3 New 'Yorklff ry prom 2.10 Centre Ftr7et, 41 204 Centre St.. gad offer at tt abd Mee Mt Drew G./ndultihrotlf/ Fame, Elamite: G. 48, outm.,!,letitsn, ctn.. etc., et er (Anted In numtm.. Give as a Call at our Mien. S CKlnher IS . tiY - • Real Estate Agency. ... 01'110E-IS BILVERWIRRAOD. ondentiond having had 15 nisi exp.:lends In Prirstiyiriv. Examined.. Elphltl and Manage menEof Coal lead. to &t owed] sad adioinhaff Coen tea, .tespeci Lilly Offers his waked ta owners of Lands, Waterloo. and Real Eatate of every descrlgitioa. Be as prepared to sutad to earth... and Baia of Real Mate. and Devekapaleaaa of Coal Lands. • Branainatton sod Report •as Condition of Wineries. Colleition of Rent. Farmland 55 Talea htlf7cys of Law. Lands. tht.. AZ. IttAFIK.CARTIIII. Rtrearioes -aroma) Y. Trotitinch, , Preslden Ceara! National Bank, Plailsdadpkta. Thos. A: Rkt die & phlliadeliants. Joshes • Lippincott. SKI rod deli tda. Adolph 11.13,wie„ Isq , Philadelphia. Pept. IS; ' GS SOW XONSI BEL LAI ism 81;16, Hlngtain h Alpaca etittolt. 20 meta and abois. • • tilostiam, SI 00 • Tn. ' ' I. elm et $4 50. the cb•apatot In the city. H. DIXON, II Watt WORTH 'Met,: ATTENTION LADIES t • JmR rrMvrall • large Lemke of the RABIN? and rar 6: •BLEOANT ST YLOS et J iind other FRENCH JEWEL:HY cv,r cgrred In tel. marked, embracing Ptah Har-rieca, Necklace.. lockets. Com* Hair Or. neetritte. Le ; 114.1 Ft, le Fan., Leather Haim Pec.k. t h6.6e. Fr, Ja•dWers, Flower bold ere. Thllet sets, C” - e, Palen Gouda, HIR Ornamenta, &cr. he. Prices guarameed cc low es eta be crated le the rig " H ., DIXON. 218061 h EIGHTH Meet. ildied. l 2ll6. NOY 41, '49 elegm CHAS. WOLTJEN & BRO waouturz AND RZ?AIL TOBACCO WAREHOUSE, No. 262 CENTRE STREET, rolrrovaLLs, I:==1 Ws respectfully cant tbe attentka of the Labile to Oa .large SalweU ancesed Walt a gasoline lllemmas W Detseartle stegapie. Leaf, aseektaa anti Ckavelox Team% Alleeseekostat. W..d sad Clay nom, • Niamey Gras, ace. Lt. • At pekesonwremmo WITS 055 NAM IS VIM :fusers arm erOIIEHECIIIRS win dad it math to their iidessttece to ales es a call before boyar elaniketa as we sell them al masa Wtalesele City hieeft—Na• lag them the freight and Ihs twat 'Methanol darks .012 di? pills . . Owe us a teal. and rte yoursell "thetas we some ep to oar proralid. .11 good. la •sor Ines of Wawa. we keep the lama stock mutes. tidy eat kept to this • etricl4, Tobacco and Cl In Pack ages algal:ling to ms to au COILOIIII2I the WI Ofnetivtag La p e aid sooda. •All goods boas S kt at oar aes, *bleb aboald use p prtmtettlrsallow 4 amp mkt will bw, beitaulad. aad La •ft Chas. Wohfria * Rio ., Ocatatit. Potmetik . • Oyer Ite Temp Stipmeme bi dr Aiw. . PETER lILEADRICIVII! • • .minairah.osi .. - AIiZRIOU caorains won% : . Miasma. Xew a!stmerS• The sadestesed eta is a prsetlad Cesfs liseafee• Carer. Weems Coal Operators sad abase dud te Is =le mats Ara ar Came amass et dimes dm edam Ammo ar MisoMm rhea to TIM Chas Ibr daild. Fat Anther lollameadoirielid ar 4reater. , , AMU, Mi—tit - • mu. Wommir - *•r mkt o'co., or aorrxrum TOBACCO ,MABINAOTDRERB,_.. Dy smagemeati ma* ertb P.' ,W gees Oa. se tbetr IPSO meets be Ode *Mb Eel 211wrbt, we we ameba oattell Mete abibratid _Ned Deb esd ell ober N ibedinr COBefeeroebds, elbow bapbactio Pe= • WIWOJWILb 11111 OMNI 1114 Pliftray 1%. • - -•- '4 .• :. .. Der "'""' • , fer.e• 9 fp:g l az r • Aok N POtta t rillee 6%. coniquourai ow ns. -..83,032,880 ...... 8.018,220 ... 1,863,083 .- 1,31%448 1,234,193 1,039,180 822.112 801,308 '418,320 nßed Stair* to mato Ali OP ITS Po ouPszl ILDCe API!, A. D. 1501,14 NOli FOR. r' 6 . r 1 allied to a IPaid-!sp' . rtiiii4Forfellt4ibie • •: )WN AND DisTlflct m who are to itetinnaitttle offlre ij Zit?o on npplic ,thon to L, General Agent on and Lancaster Counties. CARPENTER, M. D.. It idical Euunther. D .& Co., ELL KNOWN'', . • • • .as Emporium el****t.eatablishmemt lb* tart.t. Meet tried :(gb*, Cloaking*, hoop . /Ilan; Corsepi, White e • 961 Centre Street AS J. DONOHOE, nriulmm 43P ' Cringes . and ;Buggies. p ?MT •IIT. NCR, AIIVIOVID ireriall; • . - . 1 inampatyrt):l4- C.r id 4lc Nordrtittait Xt... ode itioure bark dreriiirpor 111•••••; returnle, Pa. „ • , Ipbull • • toad satodzeat of mew anft otteoaddiutd 4 .. t.: ,Ila .ped to rcyalr th . : : 11Apel 1043 - 111•• • Col . .4antlyr. C react* and p glrStectial se 1. estnut & 12th Streets, PHILADELPHIA. AILEY & CO, . • Jeweleis..,, RAND OPENING FOR TEE ' FALL Chriatmaa trade op A AGNIFICENT STOCK OF ALL T,ITE NOVELTIES Watches, Jewelry, Silver-Rate; Fancy Goods, 4cc. RIDAL uiri A Speci alty; ILTY Adj. have the headiOteeet: slant la the ib avian at all thou be' prilied to naive aa 4 Ileitors thrueghtti* Whihndhard• • .BAILEY a t CO., ESP MARBLE 01 1 0 RE, I. eitimt and 12tli 54. 1 PIIILADELPIIL4. ' IMMO , No. SI IL 2101111111 allas,*lptotra. _ MUMS TO BM? 7TES& P RIM yalicr. •Is•D ?mar GOODS. , A sogo.aeoot issartatist , mild real vorloti., *Prams at .ok. or looderotioa tO Prim • I Fa* Tema Plamos lb' Jonbalm rklißolkomtto. led Mao Voted . data sod V Tango Allimetood dkozoodot eft mewed Oard itiol Pion*, ar04,..., strew." oak ati=.l , o4 rplis Matto. Amu. ad Gift Onomost. • _ kith Polio sod Vbsoa rari amit tat. Volloodto tad .p.ll Jamas% Chno. and Totals" doze of Rad-. Rettag Doak Okra. 1 a.-Pa ontdot sad Mali . Dermal( amoo, VW:Mw Cittorm • fiat. alnikig sad ALPACA . UDO% , - *OA o &filmed other oracle% aaboootAg, an tbeilii 0100 agairatoe fortaidtl Wad* or Anti* poi; lb to. nroorkir tli loodity sod tooderate to orica. tlttl. DIXON. No. tit IlloOkatorotametowto Wit* • Chooot. emotoido. . tOm. 4 0-414414 . .. • . '• = COTTON • WASTE. . 1 fail Lt. road/ OM= OLMAKOki WANT! pro , pared lat - Ilasiallaidait n ari libu. itaitroad Ala tasaiquappip tff ma la pesaviit26. ta - • ' a.g. UMW ai Oa. -. _:- , Oa 114 aillatalit star. itorist.h., -, ...:, ill,P 16 4., „..!it ~ .. -, . . t'. : ‘. • ',,,( .. o .6rak- ' . , • -. I k' 1 1 ' ' •• . - • - ' - . EIRICHT ;41t1110.;', • ' •. BARDWAILE,..IION. iArwri,; ‘11.4614 4143.. swan on was pump max. • POTTVILtE, PA. . , Isnar'r vo ' ' _BRIGHT le CO., . . 1 1 " . H AR to WARi. POTTSVILLE. PA. ' I ' ' Tllleiebeaitier'aioald 'all the' attestioo of. . . (10AVbPERNTOES • ,A24ll,orapti!,o4?aiiir. raIILASTINU, ; ig . exus .4U* of tteadaili pawed SALTPETRE POWDER, warrantee NOT TO MOST. norm any. Interi m ethenhe after Wye. 100°90 mat to 'a ware ere there to ao earoollatiee. It la 1010 Imo IS to OS per nd. 'loon toyeertel Mon' any Saltpetre Phonier Wary oxer befog cord for tatoxfoog pare oa,IO - be end wed p _ * , Solemahodeoetourr end Prortletor. la. to tem II Ma at Itarneavtle, the Coe, t win reeettreary woo prompt atterakel; ; • reberi NE. BILL. te;o„,ftim *I sew Pee BID ro hatkes' tad Ocestatdeut ea revised sad adotaed be - the I..ekteatztre, Li P i r e z tit *au . Mailed kw m re• of dev to the trade. _ AN a ItAllttinr. out a titatlawrt noel. .SFIIPPiNCI AGENT; • itenatias Pas. Bail. alma Ater lima. and - olhai • Bp.AVY FRIZIGHT at: ELITAB III I 7I PORT.;FENInzaiILIIILIZOADJX:4I - JIMMY CITY .... .7 • " • BIZ/10Z= " 1101011.4 MAKI IV" Corrapnadenap and Cotrizzdnenta rtepectfalli analazd. tar P. 0; Addzaaa—Sazzaarrovorr. N. J. an sz , Iza • SAVE YOUR MONEY I,Y' SAVING T . 017:13, LEATHER. C • S. WATER-PROOF 0 BEASE AND , LEATHISi PRESERVATIvfo Inkroe qtraLittee if leather mute baparelons. Water. Old Leatherynrideeoft dad pliable with col or renewed. more Riau than sty other of tut kind In mattes. anti applicatite to al ktuda of, loather. Miners milt tied it Or beet article they ever leeltto protect belt DNA* or awes frocartalphthr water.. • Parr aye wholeaaltior retittl'by CU:MONT& FOOT OIL Oakland Pa: arid to Pottnitle by &Rig &GO, L C. Thompson t (W. trt. L.:Rawly, 8 k . Ricer% Far A Roe. 4eserilittathr,- Thomas Weser. P: I L. 'Pester. i • .111a1Y11019-4241 . ATBAit sientren Peer.le or Opakea; VI persons *loth & nlshes Weed. ths eres,sbouldrept JOSEPWe. Mire abet etrt be kited witb tillatf slimsreetc, H DM= o O he ptician. Ito. SS St of t , Mg prie *web 10.'all-1141 • • ctris*.alit ll&TEH Ls. • I. 1; WALRAVEN - • ; 111.150N . 10 • nu , NO. 719' 64..5 ; STI•IPT ST., now receiving his 1 -all faile)riatione. cbwistiell to pert of 2 CWITAIN,BIATERIius in Silk klaimir. %Coifed., Linen and outtalk en:Arnie , tag many nen, • • ' . ' LA:OE. IaiIRTAINS,.. !• Of Parltin,' Nottiezhain make . COIDHOES AND'DDOORATIONS: r . of - new ind original deeignet. '.W it 1) Di* .SII.B:DSeB 01 the theetroull or **Untie at nuintfaMarear prvees. ‘r* MOSQUITO' C.Los:YriAT RED. ED PRICES , , _ To., Malwitarers. Ewa io ow itNim PAT RT ANTI. LAssINA , P irlli tre tamed on appllcattou to the ntalcze!goad. It In 4; " • - Swie Prereatiie t Scairo in Ster;ns nil &tido toOldited at mar Do:imams PER CO; or me wul gel to stake and un, Menials tor TES: DOL LA fiS EE ANNIii! FOX , 4'.4 Cyr DQILER, -'! • Tba catertalsl tosk'nea the "ANTI-LAMINA.. will be 'applied by til . 4 U darited, at lo* prima 1111:11:1'1•6 to? 'Coatles, Mates or - colter Tanltoty-.4. $1,250,000 500,900 ALLEN i& NEEDLES, DEAtESS IN OILS, No. 42 Sala Deffiseti74 - Arinvi,' hiladelphia - Circulars win be sent on applyntlon. • Seo /3. '0 inr!"7l - • A . PATENT SPECTACLE it;xyg • H _ puss; In 1/2•4,1 1 11I+r as#,Strel With Ottgnat Crntll Lanaies, corrncily adJostial to . > • the cis; , fur by JOS>EPM DUE.RR, Optician and Watch ilium:, Ilan Ce:nfre Bt., three doors above rh Ymlimet Maw; ' . November 11. ' • 4c_ ~ • _ °Limit° mitt. *on 111,10 Rdastard oder toe sale the •11(OUNT CARDON ROLM* RILL^ located at Meant Cattalt: alma Prattville, Scbuylallt Coady, Ph. • • The-Rill =Weir. ftbro- paddling bartmets. I bett- I taturea, I bath IS-lock rolls for pa:W*l boo. I math= bar bon trala, I train Oda Celle 71 lathes la length byl4 Metes diameter, sad ail other machinery lot the bo adastac Of the abase of a.— The plate and paddlthghare mutt are mope on by,a rad'. cal enine of kla horse power : the bar mill -by a bort. metal mimeo* MO horse power, sad the ternaladar at the ieschinery, each me Mahn& shwa l» lac. by I. anthem of 40 aid Id horn power romectivelY. The lUD tenth* which cover an . „. area Of OVer kb.o o o attire ket. ate all ho are the thymus antlimcbteaty they s axial* of tecentermanatioo. bent In rrr sabamdal armed with elate. • art lea the Reeding Railroad , trbkh Kameda sl y arms for. the commaket dlachatt,o bf ana4 Meal, ar, and ha statenect coothmorm'aid appertemmt to. the atollmg RIZZI 131 sate of. arable wad .woodland; also sa dike. hoe ham tr rod sad - coerveslent dwelilog boasts and an emallest tarn. Part ot the lead, 11 MA Oct In tetra lota. woold meet with • ready sale. Aea tack= reservalr s plyea the 1 1 011. affords to the hole,. ere ea abundiutt am adpure mbar water. There la also an arreflent ftes. gam em the premises. For the secorattel prOsecatton of the tessubdare of Ina thadooshou Is ark es : tartly thrpseerat. Coal, of thalami malty is lathed talhe tannallate *Wily.— The ortatlon are atunle—either by the ReatilmtßathoWszeitts numerics otaneettotts, or by the Schuylkill Card Phelan tputalty at hoe coomeased la the coal region. affords en mmthines market sad an, abandeat amply oficrap bon. Whit teethe bakermalest apply to CL'ORDI JAW 41. MUCK DECkPrtoot Pannille. CEI J. arto CALM BASMALITTR, Path tou. IL Pa. in 1 Mt 1 / THE •g*E E-111 VE" DRY GOODS STORE, Iv.. PROCTOR & 620 . `. 9ESTNOTSTREET, PHILADELPHIA. NEVIf GOODS natantly , Rfsceiving, ‘ f PRICES nun, hl Plain' 'Figures, 17000 T it I lITION. tiLiowsiXllii€l4. siLiiit is the chum ..os rapssos im arado trirmadost . lac * lt dimil eat arrata gm mid: SIVA sot Wm, the IVA bale; I . 6 , 11 61 a l tar s i f o rdMiA n a 14. f• 1 &. Mar Am Weary of LOSGaon s 4 'Fpot= Matak' laiet. sad Irilibemer, as Oa Lbst: WI Mims go eaudielleit. RIZ. AOWIS BIXI sitt mks. mars wail! rise fast Wm, Vs mma wick a SaiMpt .' I Jam IL Ms ~ - , r . a • :'-ena xtvrder . Works. i • , `.2f. • le kinky atm. Ilea JAMS lltlll Mr bees V=lgiant Poe tie sale et CreseoseTneder snub Seeesela emielit et Itraill Ileastsea Is a Ito. bra a inti ltr d T t r a c=L : .: , The qtal .AA Mir Powder vlll- In ill • *at Maar Sew Ye* Ulf* sat II to Olve mama mithitectlea.___ Ilk 111 . f I'no inasboae, NOW Tut.• To lOrsaavosa An Oneraeateas.p—t take lift a mean 12140. irwrib ' boarmill trios lata three OM la tab andseeb.sie' il w * * - 4/ Wawa commetlat to lava til.aisetnolinull .. ateesbal. : Parka tabotta-sa abli theAr llat smanrol I. dart ad ate east alb be tit en testae • ! . , ; , . 14111 ' mom se - mews tionmmi Mom tolo Ps ode et paseNZ V9.‘ .111.401M01N , ~:.+~~~. HARDWARL 1111 Y • !FOSTER'S Popular FLEGMICARDS. Hul.,. a a trio 67.; rt.„„.„zer.". 111111111 anc rV. 47; i = 0 1 '1 1 1 M - 2 61- 1- 111. 118-3 ly nisetwilikikAmumn qua; 41.*WAXIT. 410114 AW. ,LE, PA. . • . 114. , 1111 OM* sr., Deafly aSgo. Maar Bask. April B. OHM W. 111031ZZ. A titarmetlas-Law. Mt Centre Pi" Patrdlie, as ty camalted Clansin. • . I las 1:411i4441 13 1101.141.11111111• EL AttaMlT as Law. ornce—ifthedoceo Bala atone Cabe, ; to 14 —I- 'rIIIIIIIII6TOPEIZIR • s.rrirLs.. • itioniser at. Law. wad aroater rwlalie. Watotaat by Law to adealmbao sMattta. dr ied .to joie • depeo we atiot r" o tad s altoS ir odvaatto 0 ditada . of rsoy, • ruTTIPM.L.L tiCERYTIKILL zavo=oca.Laanox hwalto Pod t omT4 ha WO. .11AMILIS Q. 411JAINPUZLL,' • • • AlwwW, az Law, Lwow TS ana 111 Saan Bollaxg, lio; Watuat -4'lllloWitaa, , • - 'll W' ILIIIITH.: 1..' I ow. 18n. 184 Centre 111-. Tttnint, TY. alwastr 1. MO . • .1 111111.LMAIII t . Aisstrumpal vaill&str Zier, ir:l9llalialatoo- AIM ItrrIZTLIIt. linlMomety , at Livr, clatior promptly coilected.,=b.r 13. i Atib 'API mia Armin: pie, 1!160,'0. P. Illi:CTlTS,Latttorneyat yaw cae.he Bret at hie am cam Zitkilf V Ralldlag ear ear Llebtre and llatazioheo Went. - Ititcoat -No 4 end 4. immediately cave. the ticemrameat :WNW Dot 'Mara YHA; 1449.- • • 1.1141 0/(10M CUAnIiERM:7777 %Jr A Cate of the . Chazobetsborg 8..), tta takeA l.9l l: '7 PA r . ICo7 . t, . ::44lm FERTILIZERS, 7ERTILI.ZEUS: simo• •*- xiusintsPllo6... IPOIATiIt -Or LIFFIt. Mainitarbire4ll Mains Sun. Sneer.. Warranted Kr.. inkadalteraial. antes reliable tertthter. For gale h 1 aLVIN a 8111.0 soota arei railroad street. . liberal faeoaat to &elm ft!to manulactunre - pilete. • .• • ; • 430NAinsox. Pattamile. WarctilT, co • • ": BOWE S • r .. COMPLETE mitnag, , nalosiorvisii sr sari, ;own. an!ot. • ' . . PaLLADRLP i a.I.4. 2 -4 •AD. fsPer-rbillaude 411 Use, pliiimrai heal" wass! ma amermeauriam. . - . ' MAI Xstiaire awdstas el U r 'stewards to produce Lugo crow ot all kinds, sad is highly reciwaamodsl bY all who have wad ..t. afro hY dballsrdadhed U lu who beer, by saslyals. toolnal Ha railtiss.- - • ' - i;acked ilw Bags of 230 tb,i . .earB. • - :': Dlipill, 811INUPLES111 di CO., 30 00110 t WANT sad 40 A. Gala. Ammo PWLADKIZHIL. `, Pot Silo to, WI LI.LIEI 1131111710i.D0.. , • 0011011 Street: • lavrnitoßa, lIARYLAITA' Awl 61 delta gemenillt thtoug l / 4 010170 tototri• Pot latotmtiTho, addax Howl Berieti PtOlada. ' Junita7 9 . 1% , tits • nit. w. H. ROBINSON, 1 iSacreisot tor. DozirsCli Saki WHOLESALE AND RSTAIL Dit&LIN Ri LIIIITtirS A N 'CIIENLICALS, Perfekery, Dye St* • 1.. - ee3 Centre Street, Pottsville. Pews*. F • • iv'B.—Partloilar attention 'WO: to Pbolciaaa PtsocOptioes at all bow( of the day lad , Tetouan I; 'Ma EARTH CLOSETS, rep mad Coriefia4t 6Nek, - - BRIGHT & CO., Imams MR: E. T. TAYLOR, LATE OF TIM k. 412.1 1. STO . K.SB i CO -•" - • • hiali Chemise. - St-, Pk laia. Anmoomeerrin pL Mends and betook , anvialmhseni that h' thth thle th..T. !Atli hith;:he.mclued dm self with the New Chestnut St. EstaleNsbanent Finest Ready-Made Clotklag &FAA ' laaalde ailortng,; • ! rail. °rawer NiSaaa 820 chestastiilmiretg. MB., I TOEIN WANEUWAICER. Iftee•he invites all his former patter; eilirk the as imiancd that he sww amusands better • &eagles thaa ever het ro for gtritg them ettierkallibettoo. behlit able to' enhmtt to them for aelectliart the largest and float stock 'of good., mach of lt imx,rttid, ever of fered to aar:Tatoring Mare to Pnitakielphis, sad a erip of Crater* who names are indillr...ept guarantee for the ixolierire riffled! , work. • Nora,—YlL E. T TAYLOR Ls W3II 1=49 to be Clothing Trade of Philadelphia, and tte pahlk geese allf r itea rein of etw,t nuns and quicktaptoretaticei of the wants orpentlemen the wsy of. too Garments, that it le only ocerwary for me to ikalri that lbw ammo of oar Iwo and extenwwiestabllstntiont will lw btookbt Ih his aid in We endeavor. to *am his friends and futon:Len. 1 I JOH,N r .WANAMAKER, sae ua 'IWO Cheeses,' ourevit. PkII May o *. •89' '•, . lit: 6169 k ` 11. `, I tii'VTOCIA I rt . 1860 , . . • r(iOn Hall • 28 BOTTEN BEOOND Unit PHILA., umait7e attention . of pore ha* oattiglilnt PhiLl dalpbls to their hogs and fleet stock of 3 D. ii _CI CY-D'S , . • • oweilith g .1. part of • - Black ard.Colored Shirk • . • hetet tad bleb POrltak • L , • net:road corded Pophnhe. • • • Meehan sad km pared Drew Goods. Drcepr (Ito& or the latest etyle, eonstattly reerdribg. Block Drees Goode la Ge•irett Tarim. • - PIZ* rod dquhrrßroehe Shawls, andswung ![!sate[ Shttrle,'t • L. drat" Uainehillt Txrke•A • 'Bllk Cloak Ve , eete, i • • tillk Plabh Velveteeti; • •• • Bdt Pluatav, *lt holOtt, pub, 4101,101eilM • Table LlOOllll And Nal.kins. Matting, sad tildrtlon. t . Ithtoketi sod Coonterpaned. :Moo and Teble WhltoPOode, Lei" tinbrolderies, [llama, floatery, • . N. 8.W.. deal In Good Gooda and thultaaa t o sell lalltrauratewthat wig elve aatl•Sztturet . tarTbe Obeataut and Market Street , ten will coo n? lea to Within a fair dome of the sti?re. • -EDWIN HALL & C 0. ,. td Oh. Petlad Oct 11. - 28 South Sibzu. Ilk . i . , 41-1101 . _ i pArncuLAIR, rtICE: - A tendon la,puttec:larly effPed to tbe abeezei lira of boobs reutalnlng uncalled for at ear Boot Bindery, for 'writhe uf tbstb reourlag trout alx =The to ten or t" FLObriE:S BIBLE 2 VOLS.— fell!Woroico—No sudoe. • CASTLE ON THE ROCK. fraud Mr Robt. Weber. WARISSOTONS FAREWELL ADOILEA bound for lir. Cradabarr. SKEEN ORLLSWINOL—No now ' • • PETIOLSON.S.IIIAOAZINE, bound for ik:erfe Cribo. PSALM BOOK—No name- AMERICAN. LAW aztasm. 6 !0W... Wan d lore. W. Richt. FIZAViCILY INCENSE, boorui for :loom WELSH Bin& (Antall), bound for Jabs Pargoaca. WELSH 800K. , -No nano. EYALL WALSH BOOK. t nand for &dor Timms; mummy)! MAGIA,ZINIL; Wand Err And. Eat. BOBIPTURII 9 1STORT—No game. TUN OUP. IVioldq. bowed for J.ho Jo nes. • LAWS'OF PENNSTLYANLA,S VOLt , bound for O. H. Albright.. N . DIOCIONART OP IIiCLIAMOS. b4tod f4g J. O. oi ' DAWSON'S BATTU:B OF,TIIB prtED SPATZ% YOLt, bound for C. Boyer. ,• FAMILY .13181. E. bound 611 Wm- Meal. LIPS UP CHRIST—No name • - 1 . HOLY 131131.8. hand for Mr Jades. DISCOURSFON tREE MASONMY. bogad lot AMERICAN ODD TELiOWS. boriudtW Mn, Jones, HISTORY OP THE L'NITEDISTATES—No name. PO MAH EDUCATION. bound 14 Mr. Jones. CANADIAN BELOW. . bound for Johni./0twu,.... 3fr HAMPRIPS MAGAZINE. I VOLE. 'bound Mu P. amm (WARTY/ MIA f VOLS bound tar C.. le. N'B PICTORIALPICTORIAL bond ,tf John Pettit. Mloonnt • • • BALLCHTSPVITORIAL COMPANION-080 nano. FRANK LISLIVS ILLUSTRATIM loth,. bound kw G. W Merl. • • _ LIFE OP CHRIST. bound She Hann multitude. UNITED STATES HISTORY. u VOLS.. bound kw Hr. Pox [' • LIVE OP CHRIST. bound f o r Moly *mac HOLY 81814 (rWto ItSZlej-2 GRAHAM'S VAG , I VOLS:.I bonitd.for P. MeDowekl. ' • • oortsrs LA ROOK. board lb? :P. Dnitel . d. ARMY AMON D A Y VY GAILY= AND MT. Y Mc RRNON RZOORD—FIo moot • • LIIR OPCHITST. bound gee Mm. coiner' 'AMMUOAM .acivaccurtair. bo we d tot Ir. VIIESONHILAGLE. blood Hareller . We tweOby 81re: sulks lulu ia7 bY UW , books umued,sbeme remain, to one bends sectilieW eltsr two wont. pektllteetiout lot ibis adrertio. lbw, wall he sold try se at esetlon to pry for the Mier M ;or t h e, rube . SAMMIE ,111 • Det„L Web CS ! • • zr , - Ina! num OREAP OD 009" Where Mere to. io way Thr Star. .. them le n the dty Thtladelphht It dintesit Jet tkeztr to detankles Wbere tont,. Thom libe Me the different 4maThst Atm hoverer. total[ tit go. ow those metiers ot this paper * X 4 lo . Sot qualated Nth Ilte aufte s 'we trattid id yls' Meet tette to en Itakteem ot beet rene gues, where they= mime lidtb 17 at ecas• . Seems: sad lie that. Wry me Omit Nth. We Owe of whetter or tome eel ewe men dee Ifistani. 111 CO- Vo. 510 haw lintitem Thum% hang Ihdr sew tooolow. who, we eps moldent hole their bang es le . Per ase. that persons mut let Wm end the meth PI their mem Tbetr New lime le the • mind ot so. watt albs dead hebt to width they °SOME* W _ Oa Streritegs My de et;4l, beadeMi. The most limbiasehle Tan Mb ileum • in i be the, beak WO, sad Ws to the arast soallatple War, .ad . they bere them I. MIAMI 11141131 sad Ilnentlea, sod 'foe prices to mitt all; aid rtes a lady da m s WM wish to tem gad set ot Fors irreng sasok lib t 0,.. whereto ke end otwebme good Pose • These tba silky IV gems sod tlealteset end eherelee ot Id* of elitirtr ton will welt 'they' ,Lt to this mitableinweet ad ea Mete Amami IPatiented "to Os water ad nwremend. _ • . Mak S . epit Mem Ilk Os Ph, itesesie .ay Tsm darkest* hrlew a bele Mahar y bet heliSPO te bef,elt =abaft iUlt re, led those sets MA • lab Imo •lirM to Mao Mete • ,Them Lbws litthe Wadies The theblej the. ti ' mareany Nk road l ilrother Ogle sad irr i keleed Thal etelhes lierkehm Bmitemberithit seme' et MOMS and 411 . , Wee mobs VS Ant Omsk IA as! south Oide.a. . tegoltmt sad Ohne - Chesiesse "Van. I , •4410 CHIPMLISo yr Qui: void%' iwkwowwww.lll73. I= i WOOD, I mmat =rllll Pi VII VilliaCuTolla. ME% - WO= SOW. 111111Pfle 411081 ta leak. iggity numb amok ghat Z.WillaWO TWO aft. AMMO LON ot every illsectiois. aide( Us MI boOVVVV4_,.. _an WV *V aWas ow VollowwwWwtm Outlaw - Tvosi 11 . - 13,1attor NV thowxy %woe . EDUCATIONAL. "THE HILL" • 83raCT FAMILY BO&BDINO • ; 801100 L ChMeieal. . • testlie Ad Am/the Isettam Slimy FOB YOIIIIIO . MEN •APID BOYS, At Attatotto. llearmeemy Tbe.llest Tern et the lemereeetA Armee! Melon Mmi Menem* ea IFAMBEBDAY, the stb DAY UV SiPTBIIBBB. In= Mitred et. 110 7 Dme- - Yee Creak., Memos moues 'num A. renit 9 4. , • 111111:11DICtO: REV. ILlCL—lgelge. Ackeefer„ Xmas. Mtn% BetM, Xablesberg, laremn - Butter. !Bork. Cotrad. Bamberg lifOrine. *Met. Xero7, Crallatheme, me. Izellow. Leonard llyem Y. Rime& Thayer, Bee). X Barr e Jamb 6 Test Mater (U -ser. Jobe ILMIAger. Me. , ' • - 28 1 4&--lesome Cakhrstl. Jams 1.. Clerbore, C. &Grove. T. C. Wood. LlarMry Baperofr.- Them:tore U. Bane. O. P. 'tattoo., L. - Borret. B. Okes Pry. sent. Name Al. Dm, dudes -Wannemarber. JMare Xem. Name SQL, ere. 1 . • July SI. Ve—gt-tt NAZARETH 111011AV-IAM NOAROING SCHOOL Dins. tlrPaplile renelyeei 4 et ikry_thae. Pa catalogues apply to Nev. Etatslll 'Alarm mulp k i, 4 *Ca Zkethamptaei Caul Penna.; Sept INSURANCE. 0 1 / 4 /1113/ . 10419. PERPETUAL. FRIMan FIRE MMUS. CO. - PIULAOSLPLUA. , • • Assets of Janatajry 1, 1849,, .677 37 4 13 0, ••' 13 . 00 Accrued 111 .001 1 01, - 1,003,3414 70 Wowed Prenallsais,..„ ~..7.11113.144 343 " Unsettled Claims, trcNe for MOM, 11113,740,14 11340.000., LOOM PAID swat 1121,-oser $3,000,900. I napartraz 'AND rzacetosAity POLL. OnCO ON WHERAL VOW& 1 1 )441.041:70111.11•1 ALrvanti a. BAKER. ALPIUED PITLICR, ILAXIML GRANT, MOOS SPARKS. taco. V. wawa*, WX- I. GRANT; - ISAAC LP.A. • THOO. S. ELLIS. Gra /AM, - OUST. S. BESoON. 01.14111114 -4E. 1111.41111111. Preol4szok. OMB. ,Alll.lltel Vloo.Presideat, o.o4.LLlsprig. Bon The eatheriber le agent teeth. above theationed tk ieltaticte. and to prepneed to make Iniantoto m m 47 Ilenetlytton at promt the lowest rates. . Jai I, o.•RilbliStL. krt. 40."— . 1) No. 18. Nahantongo Pottsville. r: B: LURCHES, Gad Ininuince Agt,' &Mee Peoasylvaals nail, d!eatavelle. Pa. aVZRPOOL & WOOS& GLOB& INBILTRANCI,CO On& bated and /mete ' ' .$15.000..00 Inuilod lbe Cradled States crear.... s takoo,eipe • . : ROME nismuros OOMPANT, - - New Idarelesissetkill a . ' cyb ro w the - • 117,00.000 . &sepias Jan.,lst,lB6ll 91139,070 W. • Loa edeeted in lb. beet. companies on tavern' . la* Itrum iniata ennentalTadloated awl pald art .t.,:nnt Jan 1, Nee.-1- L.. F. WHITNEY, 180 OBIITAS 87/11PT,. 'POTTSVILLE, Dealer in SOLD AND -SILVER. Foreign Exelinage, United: Stales & other Bonds, 4110NEY RECEMD ON DEPOSIT. • INTEREST allowed us per special ageentete • STOCKS and BONDSlought sod sold at thelNew York and Philadelphia Boards. dr &Aare at the meal. Comadssion. ,Taa 1. IS.. ' 1•i - PHILADELPHIA BURGEONS' RAND. ACT - AGE DIRTITUTE. No. 14 North NIN TH flues Soto Motet. B. C. EVER , NI• Tsar locattlarli ears !Spans. Cheap Tn. as MAAR Bel . fßocklas, gapportes Shaaldar arse., esP la. Pile Baadage& Ladles attended to br Valr IL 4114-414, • LIILLIBIDE.—Now ready, for Pic' 211 ca, letb an. Various Dadetaff Platform, 11 , We Arbors, Le. Alitok: large sad conmnalred Bathing' and Swim ming. tabliabraent, arltb and Gentlemen'. Droning Roo comfortably furnlabod. and a spa rk:Rai adil=n otat 413 ECUL an Mimed and under carer; nearly ed. , InWlt p.A. Ter premises to be:tund for a ,Cf ßika lutNbTectptlosa for year. ; eotitiloi; bolder family to aioxer and of groom* bothtzgrr • .at any time. &silica to breams member are regmeatod taivorabeeribe without debir. 41INOCistkalk tttindai ac., leeoMllo4.t!d reaannable tenon ' ' . CHititriOPHEß t.,1111.4 for PrOtlristor. Wife ill blettuitoego St. Pottsville. AtitOot to tf (CARD.) T.HOIVIPSON, . , • MERCHANT TAILOR, - ISSN X AL.YCr RT., Y(/ILA. relst attention Iniinelted tha COlinfoppleS AND et BILADTIPUL establletuaeet. the NITILItnIVE STOCK at seasonable, and desirable goods &leapt on band. the reputatita obtained as a leader in fashons, and the treat tacltlties pegs, aced for the filiticatioo . and prom t els - pitch ef all orders , 'Although emoneut In the prortetetion of every branch of the trace, for ttie fune der benefit of the. great oumber di•eatiefled. . . . . . .. Panisice n Vittlts A • epecl•lty. Is announced, which le an art not rabital nod by haltaildn 4 plan'tbroogb ,Flopetudy. experiet NI and tracticu. ' Thum neelritir easy aid etylish Notaioona. sie In. vitedlo ;nee ar4itoittest• trial. Wen n, .ne.l-40-anit. BORAR & RAMSEY, 168 centre -St.; l 4l..otteville, Pa., BLANK BOOK NATITAOTNREBB,I Alumni as, njuroses„.ani MIA vs Nur §loorsgudrits 37;37:4 nowt.% Oiler for Sale_ at Low Prices, . Ledgers for Bing . &afore and Remnants' Journals,- Cub and Day Hooka. Miele( Beaky, Jte.,,on hand or Made to order, ruled and Pontrd to my lOotern-- Writing Papa. ruled and plain, Lettenr.pap, Note, !Ledger and Journal raper. Ifteelopm Copyizur of every and Prows color, el P. se and qualttl; Books Fairy and Staple liteilorgry, for public or priest,' ofdeee. r • Aleo.'llogreya or Print to order Letter rand Note Beading% Bill Head,, Billy of Indian Shipping and Menet lroota, Pay Rolo nose llook. Legal Blanks,- Nada an., kea tom a cte dft. Neetetnee, seParepn e leta ' and Newspners 'et wirer to ttlb THE EARTH CLOSET. Binonir et C 0. 4 Agents LXHIO IIIII A4.LIiVIMMIIOA.D....67 2151 • • - Timms ox Tna Limon vsuir ma, ROAD ON AND APT= MONDAY, APRIL Nth 1967, will ran In mane atlas wtth the several reels running. CIO Wilkisbin* New York and Philadalphla, milbßowe. DOWN TRAIN& " •-• Nearanah: Lill . o irrd 8.00 1.20 Yount Comet. 2:24 8. City • 40A1.15 1 11V:alnow, • .4.10 10.118 41 r 25 Allentown '• ' 11.02 11.42 5.64 Al l entown . 12.21 GAS 11.66 1.01 . • ...... 4.00 4.44 11. 26 4 - 40 1 pannaraitit 0.10 220 0.40 . N• M Tat."' ' 10.1 00 P15 2. 1025 5 • " •el gammas.' 44 4 4 2 :0 ki - !: 4 L. i 4 g 4 ;da4 d . 6 , . •Z Z ''' 14434Tark ~ CU 111.011 5.011 9.00 8.01 runialers . 1.46 1.30 , - 11019100.50100. 1.47 'ILO .. Leo 11.59 10..54 13331384831—:: ' 10.10' 4.81 1.10 11.114 11,11 Alled9in3 18.11 . &IS C. ; ~.. IL Ow 88. 11.411 8811034 Ma= ' 1140 TA& . • -. in. 11,1 m - ... ~ 11111884138 ' En 1.48 , ' . • Vail Lbw.. "tvt i Mdany. • • ~_ !INF . 11: in r._.... ice= s. l . ea. morn mil. ~ as , of 43/117 - 1C183341 adleari *Miff km, lo sad trot Sew York. • : Dawn Patna ion 11. I and 4, 4, ad . op Untie Non 2. 4 fad Wesson* 41 Swoon wits trio= eit up Mei* and Lan Rannoodlo and now New Ye& mon ronoormune Ammon. Don Into *pa . 1, aid S . op Weil iloa. ond.a, women stieWnOrnea tndris HetPtdlodo ph* Tats freen.rwondolpkis eonneet ehlehem Mtn down teal' No. T, nod oittb ID tons Bkw. S4llO. moo rilinan*LlßlA a. I. Down teal" Mao. 1 old 5, ani no 1 Mins Now. R. 4. nod 14 goosed ot. Allenlown nfo thane for nad Sonionog. Teste w s ban conowd. arAllontown oda an oNni - ~,, rwargoas osnowaso ' DOllll Mai testae ion 1, and.s_eomret oak for nobs wonnect, wtOi train 10, awl Wan noon unmet Ten : sp. trine Nan 11 ad S. • • Dem tees so USW • iimillsdeasattlea ilk Wet et the Does balieltcs sad T, sod- tulle No. a. I. am. Net MTh Mho ot w Bake* Down Testa Mictsl='r;uti erteess4lial(es. e'sol eelaseS st. Mitts noes mite tusks et Us lotete lot listisseemastteateet to sal boo ltsoustea T s, mese at eetieete Wllketteret lad rs Talk Tio et toe beau. intionemne se w neelleilibie OR eat !ate Ite; s erwe trate No. I. . . led Istdettot t ra '. IL IMITOgoilMr) ian *.• Gala 1 1 1 114. Jan. LAIL , ininsassurirsa as RI *1 R.R. 40e me allot Maositorh dltodf 1111 b. ontWnd= t hor i tt 44 am A. Y. rpm*. A. Y. Me ighimplismomi P. /1.. otiolgog Poltottat ILO . • ,• TIN* trln - eta' DIM , A. 11IL teslC BootZ to Moldy% iod wit! Ws to & tot Cot osototto out tom Pautioutoo Itsi • bit Mt togs ,• ad kw ostrito i nn Item hewn, to tatf rottodoi• meow LAIITILWEtaL IPRO. , rook • THlLl3l3 o 446pins . It IS a 4 lamentable:: fact. that _ large Majority of 'Mir :farinerS, as much fro tu °a wan ' of.p rope iro re , . of ttiols'aslrona the acrual,w ear'l 1;,1- • teni• :of ReOated "ivetii.l,:- and•drying'spoils; : 'sooner• er liter . an kind of 'woodwork ; th© moist. ore getting into thec:rackw.soon in- crease th,eni„. This Tylay be prev.entel by a timely and. Occasional. appticii- ; tional of some cheap paint, -Much has been said.and.Written tipthcihe val tie •of toolAkiises,! and it IS hatilo, •neeessaryfoP.tis to add , )iy . :lnit(;.t,,, the collectiOn . ; hut • proyidin : z.::ii:, tool house is not, all that sbon td:he done--the sliovels;.spadeSand fork: are brotight intojho,tool house the dirt 'sticking to theta, and'in tint condition they reniainAhrotigh t , winter, or until they. are again, riCeii. r • - ild: • All prtietical farmers ki.4l- pots touch easitlr it'is•oii;team'ankb. driver, n td 'yet,t hey Will bring:Ala:lE -o'o\l's and. harrOWs itt every •spring • and fall ivith the dirtastickins t„_ them,-and - alkow.thent to.remitin iii -that condition until. l again, wanted, . touch tcitlieirownloss atid - expense; There are various mixtures which might be applied to thelron ventsustiug, the cheapest:of:which. is 'common (unstilted),. grease... :A. bertt r 'article May be „formed: . by . inelting.togetlierpi nounds of fresh (not salted) lard • ttert . twi?:of .A old-iron. pot is a - good'thing to keep and compound the.ltlixture in. As soon as a toot isgo , nelieing, used ., for the season clean At. od ;and give it it coat- of this inixture,,and - even' if it remains undisturbed for years,• . it IVill,COnae out aS;. bright as when put away . .-+Ger, Telegraph: •, .•-• • • COVERINW7.6IE: A' Latieaster county Partner in. the. Oxford Press, says 'Almost kll or winter. for more than twenty- years I havu . had +More eriess little - hauled froM ' PequeraYa)leV- and prif. in piles iii the fields; . 'to-be exposed tO.t.he and. snows till syriri .r:•:ometithes . -I have found 4 good ceifiditiou . to spread, -but.frequetttly,t9o•.wet, pecially if I could: TIOA . : get" ,it d one - • till after the .Tring .:Crops. - s'ere . put. Last winter pitt . frotn 100. to. 15,0 -bushels ju "piles, and heaped theM'in • Conical or tillonfi. shapes,_ and put bundles of corn-fodder eon, putty round them, slanting the:tops inward; so as to meet at the top of the -heaps. fodder is the best. • :I have seldom- had lime in Such nice order to spread that had' laid otitalt . winter; The fodder, after . *used for a - covering, wilt 'stilt he ut , some Valne-,,My cattle, eat it -Very Tim \VOL CLIP' 0v:18.69,--Thet. returns` of the - ..w00l • clip for this season have jtist been - madc, from ' which., we ascertain - that the•eritire number sheCp' ;fir: the,•United States. One-half.uf thesre,:atet kept - .int seven - States; • Ohio t,ak!fri4. the lead, and produsiiig , -,, nearly 'cine-sijahOf all the ',Wool. iu the eoontry. Michigan showsthirg in the 16t, and thii is all the more.. gratif,iing,l as *lt 'is. only" ;within' a ": 'few •years that. her. farmers have turned theirhttention lti'sheep tais: hug. The total arnotints • prOduced ih the pOncipal Wool groWitrgStateg - are as follows: : • ew. York, . Michigan, • , Iowa; , . TT is.a.-bail plan, to pidee piTitatoes .' 'ag'ainst the damp 1); • alls of a cellar,_ or to..put tlietiiiil large, deep bins; .-. where%they:will he. likely to - gailrer moisture. If •Iyins are. .used, ihe ..:. bottom, shohril . .he made °I .:41.4,s with small: spaces left 'beivi-een, to/ ~ admit air. Barrelsor'opeii boxesi are also good, as"w6ll as convenient . vessels; in which ! to •keep potatoes,•. and Athenes-,er it is neces's . dry to look :. over and'...pick' ont.decaVed "tubers, it is more easily Ilphe tinin . yhen a large number al tilshels are 'placed in one heap. orniti. Cellars in . which potatoes a4e kept shmild not be too light, beeanse it ivies, as . every , farther .knows, }halve theta Anna green,' and injure their ~flayor and value:—Hearth and I.loine. ==l . Cosillogx.,—Labor' event: in 'inak ing• compost will pay better, than money spent in* purchasing most of the phosphates in the - market,. 'Do not be afraid of making too - much. Have hundreds or thousand of cart* loacts to pnt . on your grassland , every year. • If you - can . raise . good - crops of grass, yoU will .spon fbe • able to raise good Crop.s-ofgrain. The' grask will feed stock ; th•.! Stock will•make nianiire ; then Au are all 'right. NEW )3 0 0 IC BANNAN •tt ilatiMar77: • 168 Centre, Street, Pottsville. .„ • . , ROBERT GRAHAM . , Mn,s Ler Heitz. " • WIVES and, WIDOWS: Siepheoe . .- CHRISTIAN HOUSEHOLDS. LEVIN'S TREASURY in BANE. : • - • GEMS of GERMAN LYRIC. LINDA the 'YOUNG PILOT. - . • SIBRINA HACKED, Prize Serlee.l'. . THE: Ei,IDE , S FATE. Mil. &,ritliwori h. UNDER LOCK and KEY.. • . • . •-• • VASHTI," or UNTIL DEATH DO CS PART. THE LAST ATHENIAN. ` • 1,E0N0114 CAKALOSI, Anthony Trollcpe.' DREAM - NUMBERS, • do 'do. • ANS. BREITMANE t BALLADE. Complet e, Ciotti. • • STONES FROM THE MOREtAND. • • TWO YEARS BEFORE THE MAST.. " SNOW DRIFT,• • BEAUTIFUL, SNOW. .THE MORRDIONE, Weiner', . TEE _AMERICAN YEAR 1300 K an d- NA. I . TIONAL REGISTER:. - . . OUR CHATHAM STREET UNCLE. •*, ' , MARY BELL)," (Priesßerisi:)^ - • THE STORY of WILL IAM - the SILENT. - WONDERS OF HEAT. • GEMMA, or, LOVE sod JEALALEY,A,"..TroI, 'THE W CEiIIER HERNIC,ES, or ANSERMO .at the CRAG,.. ••• •• •. AN- AMERICAN WOMAN In EticorE..-, WASHED ASHORE. - SPRINGDALE ABBEY, 4,11: Perks. D. 1). • GLENNAIE, nr LLFE to SCOILANE... • ANDY LUETREL, . DRIFTED SNOWFLAKES.. .. • . ' MISTRESS MARGERY, • Tale of LollahL • MAIIOONERE • EIGHT YEARS CETJAS,- Baker. • - PLIEF.RTY; Airs. Dunne. THE MESE 01 7 :0OLD, Heparin.: RUBY GRADS STRATEGY,' . do", • • PRINCE. 01/ DARKNESS, Its: - Brothmorth. • THE INITIALS., • ,• . THE RICH HUSBAND;, • . • " 'THE OLD PSTROONI r. . • FoitIAREN DAUG. - 'THE QUAKER SOLDIER. • HTER: ,• I . "• - LEGENDS of FAIRY LAND. • • -• BEE MAJESTY'S TOWER.. • THE EMILEIGH OM DRILL- ' late eueee nel Ctty, Jimme Ileponat tt7. et the , th, Meosielthott. Nem. In Cidehro. n Lake Nan *Mb. tect Craton Ps&ee Wi tted. Qs Hoetoe. ud EtSe It.itteed, the MI. , • hob sullechtsti Mu!. the Dee Mabee Rapids: d usee ether pine.. It le btepted t 9 &Disk Sbafte; Ore Cut TkAi ;11•e.. etidi Mutton be hereeneed by Mr Illiehine in otte. ' tided the tteee teeeketd sf betelbeot 'wet' In tat Apato • -4011 tr =MY. - • mime* it, T. • larcoSte Ilha 413; -,013 as! EE , 3,676,z324 3,948,191- 3,412,002 2,736,431 2,21)1,36u
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