The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, October 13, 1866, Image 4

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    ''i.:4tlit': - -:01.ti,"_.: - .Xt:it*.t.
"Mercy knows," said Aunt Jerusha, as
she settled - herself in her small rocking chair,
and wiped her steel bowed specs on her apron
before placing them astride her nose, "mercy
knoWs I never slandered .my neighbors. I've
enough to do to take:care of - my ownstfair' s.
'Now there is -Dorothy Ann—Lalways knows
just what every one. has on in church. The
idea of looking at people's dress in chtirch!
Mit that is some folk's failisgs. Weell haVe
our failings, I S'pose, ' and a sigh finished the
• Whether this harangue was addressed
the: world in general, or- was for . the especial , .
benefit of a tall young lady seated at a table
nearby, inserting a sharp .pair of shears in
to a piece of cloth, we do not know. The
younglady made no reply, but a mischievous
smile flitted over her face, • and a silence fnl
lowed, unbroken save by the 'vengeful snap
Of the shears as they closed over the cloth,
and the loud tick of: the clock in the comer ,-
Suddenly Aunt Tertisha peeped out of the
window. -
"Look Minerva Jane-Lain't them the car- ,
-penter.girls going by?". .
• 4 ‘Tes," was the laconic answer. •
"Do see how they. are dressed 1 .-. They
. came sailing into church -during prayer time
last Sunday, -looking like peacocks.. I
watched them down the aisles clear:. to ,their
seats. They wore'green silks, :veivet cloaks,
'and their bonnets looked like flower gardens,
1 noticed their furs in particular, they were
new and fashionable. Much cause they have
to be proud I should think -a glance at
home would lower their feathers some. But
there comes Mrs. Baker !- Oh dear! :Sheds
a regular gossip, and ,we shall have to listen
to her long yarns all the afternoon: What a
- .
A. vigorous kriock at. the door was follosied
by :the entrance of ihe . lady .in question.—
Aunt Jerusha rose witli - .a . beaming . face .to
greet her. . . • . . •
"liy dear Mrs.. Baker, holV do* you do? : I
was just thinking about - you. Lay aside' our.
things' and . spend the afternobn. Minerva
Jane, bring out the rocking-chair • for . Mrs.
Baker." ` • .. -
The two ladies were soon seated with their
sewing and Aunt Jerneha.aaked : • '. .
r 4 ., "Have you seen Mrs. NAsh recently? I.
wordyr of her husband is as bad as ever 7 I
i . declare, that woman has a time of it. I s'pose
11 ' '. • you know he stole the pork from Mr. Brien's
Y. cellar a few.weeks ago? . .• -
"Yes I he r ard of it." • ''
—,,,.. ,- "Have you seen Mrs. Slocum riding with
-.: the young doctor?" .. . . •
r !qo be sure; some folks say be!s her
„cousin, but I don't believe it."
• '!Well, now, Ido say ; " replied Aunt•Jeru
. ..:: Oa, "I don't slander my neighbors;.but that's
i 1...' :_ pretty doings anyhow.. Did you ever herd
4' what a wild girl she:was before she was mar-
ried ? My sister's husbands cousin used to
know her, and she said she was perfectly in
-dependent ; didn't care What folks said about
tY , .• her. But I suppose you have heard of Mr.
Este 's failure? or my part I don't wonder
at it;• his wife was so extravagant ;, you've p c ,
t Idea how much waste there was in that hoUse,
.t: I don't Slander my neighbors, but Ido say
• I'm not surprised that her.husband has failed.
They say he drinks; I should think .Mrs.
Smith would feel dreadful bad to have Susan
marry him ; .they're engaged; Pm told. I
wouldn't have him courting Minerva Jane:for
anything; but then_ Susan ain't any better
..than she shmild be ; I don't • slander my
- neighbors, but" must say I should-13dt want
a daughter of mine doing — as she does. Why,
Mrs. Baker, yo*ain't putting up your work
- do stay till after tea. Well, if you can't,
good bye ; come again, soon," contintied
• ' Aunt ..ierifsha.
' "There'! if I ain't relieved. Did you ever
. hear a womadgo on so about her neighbors ?
The ideitof slandering everybody as she does;
to be sure, I have to talk with her when she's
here; but mercy knews I don't slander-my
' neighbors!' - . •
Josu Boa..tsos ON "BILLTArws."—As many
of our readers may not be familiar with the
game, the following description by "Mr,
Josh Billings," may not be,entirely uninter
eating: .
"Everybody seems, to be gittin crazy. over
a new game which -haa been discovered
,kalled billyards. ,
It iz played on the top ov a table which iz
a little longer-than it iz square, and the game
seems to, konsist in pushin sum round..white
bawls Until .tha drop into, sum little puding
bags which are hung onto.the Outside ov the
• Intakes': men to pit - the:game, - but 4 , or 5
kan look on.
• - • They take oph :their cotes and stand up
tew the Label; vith u - 'short piece offishpole
an . their .hands, wich has. a .chok mark onto
:the end or it. • .
1 • - Then one begins by. giving, one ov the
bawls a punch in'.the belly, -which sends it`.
agin the next onci's , helly,, and so on thee
tother tiller's turn for punching comes on'.
• , But you'ought to se.the gamic; it kant bo •
deliniated by Words. .• . • •, -:•
i • One•feller generally_ beats the other feller,
and then he puys•the landlord ov.thekoncern .
t .25 centn• for the privilege-ov-gittim - beat, and
.• buys some gin With lemonade in it, Saudi awl.
•-••• hands,drink: - ,
• t
• Then 2 more takes hold
.of the fish pole and
.• . they punch for . a spell, and so it goes till•-2
o'clhck in the uming; then c ten goes fitn,
having erjdyed fine enereise, a.littie drunk
perbspo,.but,the mussels in then:Aire:lst are
so ex psnchal that they ktint • ketch the kOn-•
•Y 4,
sumptiop nor the smallpox..... •
This . is Bill ids." •. • •• • • " ly.1.1.:"-
Tlttre wire few ablerlawyers in the State of
Illinois during The Fist tinarta of,a cent*
than thelate Judge Potpie, of I'cdria..:lle
was the. author. of• several
. imporcaut
books. .y his entire chi-otion to his 'vacs
-slop, he bad attained meritid celebrity as an .
ads - dente jurist. "•-
. Sonic years since
. Judge
.1'..,• - wilvdn• i the
City of Washington:met. WO a geuth:plan
from 13oston -who, upon learning • that 'the
Jhcige - was from Illinois, thade.partieular in
qhiry as to . the, success of : a young sprig of
the•ihe name of li----; wiTo had em-- -
'grated .West sonic . five•year:i hefure. • •. •
"He is doing very well, - promptly replied
'the Judge. . . - -.• . ,
. •
... lie is? • I allt giad 1(i bear it—glad
to it, indeui. - • .
.i tida:k I.e has at gr-141 . pmetice, -do
you. .Inffee ? -
4 ,". "Don't !snow - . .r., ihin_.
' . q•Teplied Purple :, "Mit I,e - ;s d4dus IA ell-.-sur
_ -. A eeeediiig finely - - . -
C e 1 ,4 *lfahiug u..(411 'y, lilt.n, is 'he r . persisted
'' . o*.; Boston. .-
'. • '''t' •-I tell you I don't know anything ab3ut
• ' ".
his busiress " said l'ufple.
-'- i "Well, - ;aid the 11. stun man, "you seem
1 to think. he is doing %%ell, and yet you know
- ' nothing about his pracime or busiuess. What
a do you mean?' ' .- • • . •
" 1 ''l menu this." said Purple "that any man
i .
who praciices law in Illinois live years. and
- •••••wito keeps out of the penitniti.ry. is doing
' • i';' ,
• : : well, whether . he has practice : or tmt '. -
WAsrs "-rile SIDEBOARDS" AL.:O.—The
.',editor of the Home (New York) Citizen •re
• ~;cently had a win elbarrow stolen.' He inti
• • •
,mated in the next issue of his paper that the
thief had better come after the sides, since
bey were uo longer of use. The next day.
... ' be followin ,, note was sent to the office- •
. Home, s.pril 16, I stf6.—Miater Sanford deer •
. . ,2er i seen a‘• nods in yure Paper That sum-•
( ..toddy Stole yure. Whelebarrow i linowed i
.• ' .:,ii 'that be Fore i seen it la the paper you sed i
':!../. hat if The Man that had it did not want to 1
--. ' A ;fetch it Back you would-let him 'have The I
• .. ~ .ttj• amide Bords it you will leave side. Boards right
•• '''
t. 1., . faint of the flower and to• Afar
.-:. 4...,1xfw nits i will caul and git them mid mut&
4 , sobligd the.'wheel was Brok But i got it fist i•
•-• lisade 2 shillin to git .ii fiat could you leve 'a
ilf;i:2s cent stamp With the, side Bords where i
vcan - find it
,p i shell Want the lords by frida
- • - 11 morning fur i want to wheel some gravvle.
... -.fii: , . • _ yures Truely.
:-.. 4 ..,.....-4i. . ..
,'''''-• .
t, A LADS passing through New Hampshire .
- ..- :-- -- : f' ; '• ' observed the following notice on'.board:—
.: :'::',.. -... :'•
.•Horses taken in to grass. Long tails three
,'' ~'"•?, i ; 'shillings sixpence, short tails' two shillings."
.. ", - ,1:' , ..,',i - .;l;Tlie lady asled the owner of the . land the
` 3 '...,l3.lreasort for the difference in the price. He.
°-"'''' --''''''' ^ `4f wered : "You see ma'am the low' Mita
?7 -, _: - 1 - -•:. - - , 4 f a "
' - l i e 'nosh away the flies; but the short tails
, 'tormented by, them - that they . can
eat at all." . ' . - : ~• .
my belief, Qmy son,. - that the garden
guarded by lions, let it be thy sole
.vol bete below, to learnt() combat:these
6 not say- that the man will steal,
%witness on trial, "Nail I was a chid
roust 4111,11 wbcu be , was around." .
The tinter Session of this. Institute will commence
on.:tiondayi October gr.l4. :Prof. Chides Long-
Mott, M. of Cambridge Univereity..England.. - Rev:
F. T. -Bootee. B. and others. equally competent.are in charge of the several Departments of inetnic
lion. Send fort' 'Catalogue. Address...
• A.: PRINCE SUPPLER, Principal;
Prederitk."Siontgomety CO, Pa-.
V • TRENCH AND ENGl:rem • •
For Young Ladies, Boarding and Day Pupil& 1,527 and
1,5 N, Spruce etreet, Philadelphia, •
Will open on .
be it/ O. •
.• .Tbotrodari Seine= r
Board and tuition ; per annum • $450
du • • do .do .. for two or more Big
. era; (each) - 400
French is the . laiagnage 'of. the - family,: and is con;
itantly spoen in the Institute. • ,
CIA3tE - D. EIPtftI.LY;.PrinCIP4I.
INIDEN•1111.1.1., •
At Litiz, Lancaster; Co., Pa.,
(FOUNDED 1794,)
Affords enpe:rfor adraarages for - tbortligb and accom;
plished - Female Education.. • •••• •. •• •
For Circuit:us and Information:, address • . • •
•• : • JUN.- W C. REISH.F.L;PrinciPaL
dl: - Chestasut B4.,)Fnsijada
Book - Keeping ,'. S
Penmannhip, . - • . , • •
Camrec.rc jai Law,. '• ' •
Commercial. Calcalaiians., •.:
• Buidwrsi.Fapers, ' - • .• •
. .
• TClegrapking,
.Phonographs,, .
. Stadetfts received-at.- any tithe: Dipionaroi . nwai'ded
on 'a satisfactory examination... .ftirthar,
lam please call or sand fora airardar.
.Sept.fi9, '66
The Quaker City •nosinemo' College,
Tenth and.Chestnut t and Bread and Spring
:Opining Of the Fall Stashing, [Sept.. 3d. ,
dieZount -of 25 per
tent allowed on all Scholarships purchased daring the -
Month of August, reducing the terms to 330. Ilisney
may be remitted by, natal, and Scholarships secured by
those who propose to enter at any-future. time. . , •
Muporior Advantages...:-This Institution ranks
the first in the country ; is a regularly - Incorporated
College, authorized by law to grant Dlplomakand•Con•
fer. Degrees of 'Merit. • . .• -
The Fall Sessions Will open 'with greatly Increased
fat Int ies.. and young men desiring to qualify themselves
'fur but inelis life will find .tere advantages. to be ob.: .
tallied nowhere else. :
. Fairbanks , .Work..the'
most:cotnplete: and extensive Treatise nu Bookkeeping
ever Written ; containing pages; - and composed ex
elusively of Actual Business Sets, Will be ready for pub
slicatitin in - August. Price. :• by subscription, paid
In adVance. 5- 50. 'Remit money, and secure a copy.'
Descriptive Circulars on application.
Improved Course of lustrucaion.-With
the introduction 'of this hook.:" and with able and ex
perienced instructors, the students of. U.N . -Institution
are, guaranteed. Aecomitnuths
Course of thi highest value, such as has never before
'peen placed within the reach of students of Com.mer
cial tithools. . L. FAIRBANKS. - A. 31.; -Preat.
. T.'& MR:RC:RANT. Secty. - 'Aug. 11, '6G--;t2 Pni
, ,- ,l;amiuttciaL oatt
rlll.llE.Fai-mer,l7ifechanic. Art,ixitn. I owl
. netts or Pri)feaqonal man. - Ceurbii rif.inttrtirtion
timirokb and comprchenaive, combining ,Tur.iihr; end
Pr.ten:a:as applied and practiced by the lietA TlllO
- and busineee - men or the country:
. . . ,
• ..In this departnientlegltinaate transactions of Trade
and •Commence, are daily practiced, by making •nurcha
am+ and epics in the Model _Store, connected with the
College ; supplied with samples of pry.(4ocls; also, a
regularßank of peposit and issue with a wonting cap
ital of $lOO,OOO, (consist:Mg 'of•flnely:Migraved „Bank.
in Which students till 'in tutu the- positions* Of
Vaunter, I'dy big and ;Receiving Teller, "Instuunt 'and
Check Clerks., • • 1 • . •
Book Keeping In lilt its forms and applications...
Busincas Calculatiutui, Correapondence„. Vorrite, 4.te.
• 'Mercantile LaW, With regular recitations'.
Penmanship in esery style of the art.
Phonogiaphy, Telegraphing by regtdar -circuit of,
Wire . and Instruinents.' For further particulars
drew_• , Carlisle, ra.
August 4.„ ,, G6 • - ; • .- • . ' '3l:ihn. •
.;.sp.v4: - : :•-7..-.$.._
. • ME AND FOUR. YEARS (:).p,
For the COMMUDIOII Table and Fatally . Fie.
The Great llemody for Kidney Affections,
R A S ,
•Vory fatally at-title season thouldneO
Sheer's VOrt .Grape
Celebratedbilitirope roi-iti medicinal . and bent:tidal
•quilitka :.highly..esteemed by eminent physicians,
used - in Euro:wait, and •AmericatCllospitals::.and ; by
some of the htti.o.thinilies to Europe and America. •
AS A T0N112,--It has ao .emcial; catising an appetite
and budding up the systi,ra,- being enthelya pure
of a most valuable grape. - • • ' •
AtA Dluitrric—lt.imparta healthy nC
tion or the
cisrds: kidneys and urinary organs: Very beneficial in
drol•sy. gout arid rhanmatic affection)]. . • ;
Speer's Port GraPe Wine
1 7 a artlyla tram the jniee.of the Port Grape,' - poi r
!.• M.`tliC inh l propel 11, rnperidrto any other wine.
tu ore, and i.xeellimt miivter h,r all weak and debili
tafrd let mr..and the Belli and itgirM. improving -tile
a; petite, anitirenetitiug and children. .
Try it °bee, and yon.will . not
rflie sure the signature of, ALFIt Et.) SPEER . Is
over• the ma:of 'each hotitle':'
Sold hr• 11. Fa3lor' Shindel & Boird, Ta
maqua; ilermany.k.-Allen,llabanoy. City.; Lawrence'
tt BrOWn. N. - Core, lichttylkill haven;
. 11. 8.-Davi2..StSlair; and by . all flret :Mas..drtictrists,
who -112dthe CASTELIA PORT . B111.N1)37,- a
.e.hcilce old artfele, imported • only •by.Mr.'SPeer, direct
from the Valley *of Oporto.- . •
Trade supplied by. wholesale drag.ziets'in',Nerv.Tork
'and jelilladelphia, and til'F.Elt, at his Vineyard
PRINCIPAL - t.).FDICEttOS trronawny, N. V.-
.- Mayl.2, ul6 "
'l , , 40 biz: pplclicts
11 LEI.II3IISRS, of Pot tar it I 0.. Pentan'..
111.• dealer in NltrilC, .M.I;bICA I stiTitum ENT'S,
PIANOS, :11.ELOOR.G.NS;, ORGANS, ac., 'having been,
apPointtal sole agent fur the celebrated
Mason - Sc llianiAin , s . Cabinet:Ora no,
-ln the County. 'of Schuylkill, .would 'restaictlully an--
num:cc to the musical commitinity that he can fdrnieh
there ivieqUalled favorite Cabinet OP4II.IiS, In all' styles
and kitAg", at manufacturers'- priers.. The, quality and
'volume of tone, with.the pcnver bf expression in these .
organr, is nuiversrdly . admiriai and praised,' while their
. portability and beautiful &dab make them the most et
egant parlor ornament.' . . •. , .
Every Izunsity ShOuid nate One. • •
They vary In price from $llO to $6OO each.
OrEveiry laustrzonent Wairannted.
Alan; Agent-for the Sale of the much adinired ,
Spring italodeana and Harniordnin . °tans,
- for. the Counties. of -Schitylklll,'Noithemilerlaerd'and .
Lebanon, whlcfi instrumPtits are. urilvensally.liked.—
'Phey Timmer, a sereetnete and . ..fullness of tone, which
has received the united commendation or the Tanaka'
proicsaloe, arid Induced an almost unprecedented sale.
Purchasers are respectfully Invited to call anilexam-
Inc for themaelverf. All. communications and orders
'will be punctually answered or' filled, and every infot
mation in relation to them gladly.given. -
. Store and Ware Rearmost the Jewelry Store on Oen.
Or street, four. doom front Mahantadgo sized, Potta-
gRN •
Septls, 'a
Jwit received . aflpe lot of Salt Flab, eonsieting pf
.Heasliackerel, Salmon, Herring, Cod Flab. &c
for sale ati by • DECK & COllO. •
. . .
T he ilargrai.ansoinnent.Of -Dress ..Conli BottOna
• 'and Trimmings of all kinds at WALKER &-Irftl..
rK , g. 'New 'Mine null. • " '66-211-Gm ', • .
rio r gi'ir n orart to call WALKER Prams,
ap e_ 1 J HAI, to .te usseaFlie -Ingortreetit of
Silk and Cloth ti4o4 for ladies.
June 9 . 65.
rilabbe Oil 'thee at.
JOKI 9 , 166 4 11 • 0 1 3 1 NYAJAMB It PRIMO
Tile Collegiate Coarse cmbrae rs
Catgut Sts.,
Actual Buaincais
Btasu;lies Taught
Weakly Persons,
And Invalids.
For Mining( ForpolßO.
The snhetribereare agents for
GA.HNOCK:, . BIBBY C 0.13.
Celebrated Sim] Repels, which are
Of the very beet quality: and de-.
cidedlY superior to Iron Hopei on.
account of their greatei strength,
tightnese and toughneee, and are
riving universal satisfaction
thiongbJut the mining Be lona..
-• • • 43 Broadway, .15. Y,
. . . • •
THE 'J".:043-ItAL, OCTOBER 13, 1866
HENRY• •.• •
• CM" , ANI)
. .
inveCts :Collieris; a n d.n ei.amines Mineral ind Oil
Lunde:- Orrinc•Lillsinuinex Building, centric
opposite EpiairCiyal Church... , •• • •
_ .
ET:-:QUILITCII 2 Ciyil'and Mining
Enniueer,•Perturille • Pa:: • " •
.OFFItS on Yd Geo. id ' ghtss. Buildirie'Oen
ire street... • I:
.• • . . ..• Mee. .6.1.50... fr •
t ning - Ent,rlneers; linsaFts Building', Second and
July • 'Selitember yGa
. . •
eSp il
n E u "g . ottival lute
Survey, plorlandti, mite* &c.
October 13, '55
BANK CARTER, Real Etallie Agent,
ItiATIANOY•CITY: ScullyMill County; .ra.. .•
WirLettex Address. 7 'llehtimoy (5.".
Ruth 30, 761. - . • : ' , 13-tof :
AG SC. 7V—For ..thc*Purchaise end 'Mi!le
or P.esl /Ittate buying and - felling Coal.; taking
charge of Coal Lands,'ldtnen, &.c., anti • collecting ieran,
0111a,liabantaitgo Street, Pot.ville: . .
_" •
Ap.rll6, '6O - 144 . CHAS. 31,..11LLL.i
cpir - mAN - t) itaziriiet Erratakm
Office 7 ,,Boxisel 4 n Building.. 3.!lahnutozign
IStrcet, l P.olluiville. • • • •
peogPirir . AV. GEARY,• • •
Cavil •neid . Mining Engineer; . . ..
-.POITSVILLEt, PA., Orricmo,.Eli.vne
. .
• 1T . ..S . P.. 0 H.N
• •
• • B CHER'
Market St. - isorth'aide..weet of
. ceatra •
• Choiec Fresh Bcef 3.lcittdn, Ser, ,sup~lled to
.• The'patronage - or the public res pectfully . eolleited.
• • •
WATCHES, : • •
(6 . - i••• •.• CLOCKS, •..
. .
• 1131.1.11 duds of I.lnalml Itistrunenti;lln,Stiings;
Bass Viol Suing s; Guitar and Banjo Strings, constantly
on hand. . . • - Jan 30;
.If6Al,lCLlAtfir.. • .'01.41.6. .
11. AU & W IL D - E H,.
• , tSuccomoni . toF.E.
• . '
yuoL4ALi 10415 DY.ALes4 - N .
successor to Dr: 13., S. Latigdon,
(Gradoate of I'ennsylvania C011i.,-;e of Dental Surgery.)
ROOMS —3lnriket above Third.
rar - kither and Chloroform administered when 'de
. .
• . .. . ..
- 'R.T.I'EFIEi.:CM .I—Prof T, 1... - 'Buckingham,: D. D. S. M.
D.; Prot. H. Wildman,. D. P. S - .. At .D.;:Prof.' James
Trumaa, D. D. S.; C. ". , .:.*Pleree, D:: D.. 5., 'of Philada.,•
aad Otters; • . ".. -. ' March 31, .66-13-1 y ' .
Teeth Extracted
Without Pain or Morrneism. •
- The mtciereidned has introduced an entirely new
meths,_ for Se.xTRAcTING TEETII, which is perfect,
Ic safe, ltenniet-s and pleasant. Cowie and try it fur
yourselves. Also; Nitrous Oxide GILS administered in
Its pure btatiL Artititial Teeth immted.. Teetll
With the greatest care.
Otlice, fiorner Second alia Market Ste., Pottsville.
Sept 1, •66-15-6m*l G. N. BOWMAN, Dentist
:-- .- :
,-,•,,,ir..1, ..... - ~
..a 3 / 4 , _., Watchmakei /14 Jeivelc - r,.. 1.. .
416 . 5 '
CF THE ST.,• POTTSVILI.E,-'l'A., - '
(tree. tioorrt 111:1)VC the Mortimer ilomm;) has now On
hand a large and well eeleeted asawrtnrent of ,•• -. ,
• - '. •: Siii-er Ware, • - ...., - :
- . .
pr. the latest style's and highest standard of
Also !Silver Plated' Ware. A large and general.
variety of superior Plated . ‘Vare, -. such as - Tea•and Ta
ble Sugar Spoons; Oyster and ~ioup' Ladles,
.11e and
Fish Knives, Cake Baskets, Fruit - Siatuls. .Castors,
Better. Dishes, Waiters,'- Pitchers.' etc., all of which
will be sold at the very letwmit'prices. •• . . • • .
Silver bought and taken in excharg.te„.
The highest price given. . March 3, ' ,
Eirkeoturcit a 11oluae litanu lac tu'reN
'mANaeecruara or' - ..
Second - I.
Announees - to Ihe husints. community of this .•
and the•adjoiniun counties; that. he manufac.-
tures. SA LAXANDER: SAFES of 'all sizps - and
kinds, warranted Fire , proo . f, - . which, in point of
workmanship and finish, will compare with. .tho,e..oh-;
tattled from any-other. establishment in the, country.—;
He always keeps safes on•hand for fiale,'and will make.
them any size, for.lkinking and other Institu
tions, as cheap if nut cheaper than they can be obtained
froth abroad. • . .
He refers to Beajamin Haywood: George Bright; Tlios.
Ce*ch Anil A. Henderson, - of-this Borough, - who have
his Safei • • • . (Jane 130;3.-- tf
'A LL kinds of Booka, Magazines,' Newipapera, to-
gather with Music and Olti•Buoks rebound at shoyt
notice at oar Bindery.' • : •• . • "
All . kiuds of Blank 116Oks tilled:: and • bound to any
pattern at:the Bindery of-the subscriber. • .
&nd in your orders.
.111311131.NG , AND GAS FITTING
fr ALIKG itl4 MO DE RA lirE,Jl2.
Onlera left. at the stores of ,BosmsnpLL & BRO.,
and GEt)it:CiE BEILNET,• Centre St., *HI receive
• prompt. attentiop. . • • . . ,
I.7ol(ll.lraes,,COpper and Lead bought. : • •
- • , DUWNi'N . I3,• •
Corder' of Sixth and 'Schuylkill Avenue. •
• Pottsville, March 3,..*titi , ' b-tf
'Would raPpectrally announce to the - .citiaetacdt. - Potta.
.• that he will aka a etaOs cot'
Instructions. ()TOL-
. ,
Every Tuesday and Friday eithings," . from ; half .pruit
until lialf ; patt irti'clockL . • •
. .
A ,COLiRSE OF 60 LEsso:szs,'ss . .
. . .
Those desiring to take lessons will pletissleaN'e their
address at Prof . -.l)ell'e house, Itallroad street, or with
F,,StiietTel, as 'Mr: - Veling' inteuds - opephig the class as
soon ay he has ton Kbolor8,•• Aug. IS; 334 -
:• •:' • Tueo. F. liessi.4
. .
. • •,)", A C.K. .
- SO'N " •
• . .
regpectfully rnolicii a share of the patrouge the
buainer.t. man of.richu)lkill Comity.. - • •
. •
Noith•western. .House, . .
(late Daniel' III 11,) as -
Centre P. 5 treet, Pottn~iile.. mil, 3T_
Large' accommodation:4or•DroverA. a '
• • • • WILLIAM. sl'Eltlillit,,Proprietor.
June IG, K 615. : •• •
. . . - . . ~ • ..
UNION: HOTEI_,. -- 1 - ,- • ,
(late EXCHANGE 4
HOTEL,) •- - , _•'`.. •., •
CENTRE'ST„ 1;0#61711:14E, ' , i - TO ...
JACOB LINDENinTH, Prop.r. -•:'' -"--- - 2
• ..•
The Suilscrilyers haying lee . seit this tavorite house
brut bcen
• IN. ELk(/OT ?d÷:;'N11.11, - '
. .. . ..
.., .
And is ii.c , tr PrePaeed aith , the 'moot perfeet - appoint
,:. . 4nrnto for tke ree..epti2ii of. gue..,:te.-
. .
. . . .
. The tivaoh. flrst-clas - Flute's will be
trkaiirmiued iu the tittU're*, iheletet: •. • ;
• , ". DAILE.It &PAI{LECY, ,
The iinilersigned. having •
--2. urr MOST %. '
!kilt ofr 'che - Tiarelfpg
The-Proprietqe v; ill , ;pat e - no pain; to.muinra . ill'. the
Chario.tvr ft has hlways . - ,tnjoyed :cue a the
beat of the' . -
First-r 4.4 ss • Ileihel;s
Of the cpantry, air& favor him. - with theft
palibiLige way that.n9lbini,t' will be left 11n
doneLO secure The etirnioit and -ezitir•litellon gueetec
11,11.12101:11141 a T IN Ex. •
June IG, •GC
.USITEI) 11191rEi,
Broad Street, tajnaquit,
D.'H. WILCO:X., l'ropfietor.
The I.'nite,l.Statvs.- liotel'in.Well 'and. iridciy knowb,
to the traveling it is oms - trolly lo . ateil iu the
venue and ban:her,. part- ot vau toWtv.and• near the.pee-;
- Railroad Dep! ; • it. in vi and'
sesses'every nick terninipcovement for"the contiort and
entertainment of -its'intuntes ; • the root& ure spadions
and ti ell - ventilated.::.proyided with gas aid :water;
the al.o?.tidinice is Prompt and respecttut; and thii Tn
ble insvielt. Provided with the. best, the market.
affords. The Bar is ttucked with cholcest
With n.lorilt . 't!,;perictic'e.. as hotel-keeper,.. the: Pro,
prtetor triotS, by niodernte charges and a itberal
to receive a sharc-of than.pAttc pairoliage.•• • . '
EUUllaft U.. 'IS'A E It, dealer in - .
'liardivars;- -
SECOND STItEET,' CI; A kOld *.tandj.:
-Also Wholcsale ., ' dealer in :Miners' Ltlitpa, .Lamp
. lortnt Lud 'Tinware generally'. New
work made and 'old '.cotk -. repaired at short nhticer
-,Roofing and Spouting executed with ptatuptne:ta mar
despatcli: '. Tnanklui ter past patronage, be'llopea•tai
merit a continuance . or the mine be- strict attention to
buaines's. - • ---• : WAGNER., - .
St.clair,"Sept . S,.!66 .." ' -; :3t:3-2m•
5000 tr. i n aWre and for snlc by '
. • . • •-.•••
13. E. C K • • - 1
Having . removed Ironi the Take., corner Market .iund
Second P.:reets. to the siore . -between ,O.:Dobson's and
J.-G. Brown , . on Centre ",treet... oftere..a large and va
ried aiaortrnent.tit dry goods and geucetien..ut the:
'nert.caah prices. Being thankful Tor peat. faVoir, 8411 8,5-
licits a continnaniv of the sime:;. • - •• •
now Dirop, Wien a article-L(or sale by
Market St. above :+l.
June EIZ-2:5,.
In many particulars. his .colehratal collection,' :..
• • . BAR? 01'4 . •
• •
•- • ' who limn seen B . decidethit-it is
7Teh ß es t
e. Beat goo k k fo fi r i ( ; ll Sc 6l ll . . g 9o : Iti: : -
, . The Best Book for Societies. •
. The Best Book . fur Convections.:' . •
.. •
• ' • The Bestßook for Practice. . •
. • The I st Book fer.SOcial : Singing.: .• •
• .The Elest'llo<ik for Families, • • • • •
. .
• The Best Book-for all Singers. . .' • •
Stated to all Denominationa:Seited to itil Occasions ;.
Suited to all CapaCities: - .Slatted to every Singer,:
• •lu itiSinging,Sehool Exercises: . ••• .
• Inits • Glees.;•Part-SOngs, &e. • .•
• its'inthans arielSentencei, •
- : :In its Chants and Selections.. • "
•• - Ia its Variety Tunes..
• Prki $1 3S. 'Sent by Anil, post-paid
'sale price, SI% a dozen, -Send' in, your order* earlys---
Sold: by all Music Beaters •• • •thronntont the: United
States and Cdnaelas,
.-., •, • OLIVE B DITSOI4 t 60.,:Puhlishers .•
Sep-It 'to —SG-tc • 217 Washington . St.:,,,Bcret.On'.
WIRE ROPE woitics . OF •
Tre.nlon, New Jersey. _
• gar large assortment of Wire Rope constantly on
hand. Orders Ailed with &tape*, 'tomtits, strength s
awl coot, yea circular. asul, 1 06,-14r . •
LEWIS C. - .THOMPSON - •.& .00; •
- • • pAzriir4- .
HARDWARE,•:,f'rfLERT,. 1130N,••TOQLS
••,-•• • • • •
•... • • ,
.• : cnspr. C:=5"l7.Z AND .ILAR-61ST, !**Ql.. , ! OP : 71.1 . r. 1!{1T..." • •
. •
, • . •., . * *111."
. . . .
Pottsv illy,' PO
Sept 1 66
Vie most : r lMiable
. phd • ,;'Prii»ii .for
Mies•nitta at Ilse
We are now.prefaired to' famish five different, sizes
of - .Pumps to lift a'l2 inch column:of water frdm 100 to
4011 feet perpendiculd bight s - and thnity-as Mach
water as a tie inch Cornish pump: • . : '•
• . Price lists and estimates fur.- puMfle, and all other
infoimation-Wiit -be - furnishe on': appiicittlon to the
undersigned.• -Pumps - will be Set by •respo:.:sible nice
and olaranteed, and all to be of - theliest material and
,i/r.rhmanlike manner: : . '. • • y
• Column and steam - pipet-and .bellrs, ac ienuit'ed
• about Illilla4 famished at lowest pricer and. short
. no-
Lice. AddresS • . : PETF.I3.IIIN.NEV,. .•
' • .•'• •-• • Danville, Pit
. ,
IVelave'an MC , at our *Locust Dull .C6lliery, a NI).
3 'Thatcher Steam Engine and PumP, , . purclawed from
retcM Ktnney, &q.t. ? . general. lig, , mt of Naferman '&-
116:Leer, Mann raelLirers; D:nivtllb, PL.. Thu pump dia
chhrWrom 3:io to 400 gallons .61. wetter per 'minute.
all is thorongWy priictical, economical. and. compleM
Success: • •• J: LOWDEN BEADLE. Supt.: .
Lotust Dale, - Aug 1; Ms 3 August 4, '66-231-:
. ,
t ! E.WIS',O;.T)IOIIInQN:i &'.03,:,
73 .0 I_, 17 'S
Sheet Iron Flat
- Bar Spikes
Aug 4 26, '6t; 3
A: . . .
A -
..... .
scrap.. IrOn and , Metal Merchants',
- .IIISIIERS,• S. .f.:;corne.r of SOUTH ,4 l
: .. . ••
PBXS and. No. Ti SOUTH Streets,. •
. - .
Pill LA DifhPIIIA. • ..-- : ••" ,
Ingot Cop Per, Ingot Brass -Ited,.do. do. Yellovc,,Plg
Tin, Bar Tin, Pig Lead. Bar Lead. -Spelter,2 . k.ritiriu.ny,
. Babbitt. Metal, Bismuth; Solders,,Ba...lron, Sheet. Iran,
...loot Zinc; Steel, Borax; crucibles, 'Foundry Facings,
•Atiils, Vises:lli.* .tc.. Old .r.ic alp, Old Vopper,',6l4
Brass. Old Lead, arc., Ice.. .•• ; • •. . •.. •.'.'. '.
- .r.i 4 " , New and Second-and Machinist.; .. and 'Black
:smiths. Tools, and Steal° pigines„bought and scilit .
rir - Articiesdat every description in use' by Machin-..
IStsalul Foundrymen. fulnished to order.'.• •:-.. -...-.•
Calili paid for Scrap Iron, Old Rails; and ail •icinds 'Of
.'Metals. , •... . • -. • ' July 1. .04; r...y . ;_ty: .. •
. .... . .
Spring and Summer Medicine.
has becnine po . cavoriblv.bnnwn a. 4. a TONIC
ANN) RESTOIMTIVE by Phys , icialla And In
valbli in all parts of .lbe country... . • .
The new - preneration.• 4 .senirma paril I a -in - Com
bination twit!, loilide 1. utt, , •promnits One
of the prompt . t era t fre. age nt.., in tc Gan capable'
of exerting. lull action upon the pystem,,.
and this in
Mite and pleasant (Macs.. -It ie conceded that the„alte,:-
wive, reebbrent, - or.touic cif , eets Of Lnifdc. nic . ekerted
most decidedly when ae+ociated With tither, alteratives,
in combination; and the' Sareaptirillit ireuis- , to fulfill
perfectly all the favorable reqnieitions. •• -
titar effect usually observed. when
LA 'WITII i/V•LINIE't is :taken, is- an'increase of
appetite, ehoiviim'.that it - .bus .tut te• propertlea• of a
marked' character.. I te - alterative . etlecLq are, manifest. In.
its readfcombinatiOn with Lint • blood and tisenee.
Pale,icrofulbus women and children improi'e- rapidly
under its tree;,.aial the vital function, aseurne a healthy
-- It Is'admirably edapted to a large rininhentlf chrimic
or acute allections•pecullar to children. • .1t is.saited - to
them; both by the mildness - and'eflieiency of medicinal
efibet acid the phuisant, attractive form Of - the remedy.
lk may be lived for a long. period where constitutional
intfuenceS are desired,' and. nO. repugnance, br•dietticll ,
nation to take the syrup, encountered. While
litn:Joint -Disease, and . Dietortions of the
Spine:, it should be given'persister,tlyOu Inoderatedo
s; until relief is obtained:. , • • • ..••••.*. • . •
In the Spring of.the Year, rind during . the
• - Wirm Wenther, •-• .•'• •
.accnmulation of morbid , m atters in the..mtem
seems to become manifest and - very tronblesomo. • Las
situde. ileadache..Bolls, -Costiveness, Loss of appetite,-
Pains in the Joints, Indigestion. etc , Ilre.very common;•
Nothing ever devised is better adapted' to exterminate .
'or drive off tifese4•ectiOns than this new combination
of SAESKPAILIi.L.A .- wrrn 'Annum or' Live. • - •
.-No prettaration like.kt, or.
has 'ever bdfore iteennlneed within the reach of invalidS.•
Indeed, it entirely Niw and.sotr.z,rwro cotrtina;
Lion. in 140 T.cmbling anything hitherto
The opinion of inedleal 'filen concerning:it. rite de
scription of :lie .chernical.'clutracter,therapeutie value,
Manner of Use, -etc., are glven:in a circular. which "can'
be had at the store of any and' atl drat,clar,a Druggists•..
Sold in .Pottwrille . by N. Stiodenion: -Henry Snylor; J..
Gr:Brown and Son, and all Druggists.. • .
FOB 1111,41401 4 11 Ac .- INAIRLIFN , S * . . : •
. ---. • Cabinet Organs, .: - • -..;..
.—; CilletahßlNG , S PIANOS,: - ..
.• . DECKER'S PIANOS,. • , - -•-•
TREAT, LIiVPIEEIir dr, - 100. 1 d1
• ' - . , . . . .. ..
.: IVCIM MI o x:t m.o -wis ~
•Addi6sis - '.. ..:.
••.- • ••
• ' L D POWELL,"• -..
•• . --•— • .- ; Wholessfe AgOt.,Scrauton. Pa.
• June 9., 4 66- ' - '.' [,-131 . • -• •• - 'll- -•- ..;
, , - . •
DArldr . . . . - . •
ill. 4.: 4A.R.P.IECE,.. id; •• ~. • . •-- ..
City Cabliact Vire Rooms and Manofactoiy,.
was sou= szcbND siltzer,
.IF. B. —Persenut gohig to'the City will Aid it to tlielr
advaateg to call and etainine :UK! stock. D. M. If..
Of a highly reipee!able i:itizen. known, to *4
• ' blercatatlle:coramaarq, •• . • •
. . .
•.. .' • . OrricEN. asp Gctres:c.
No. 2 . 9 ;Nassau St.,•Natelriirk, June 1, 1365. •
Sr., , rts—Dear Sir - - --For ever fifteen Year's -
I have _been troubled'..
with a severe cough, and usually
two or three times a year with: more or less
:hage:.*hich tgether. for the 'last -few' - years; has kel 3 ..
•me thin in'titsh :and' too wea k: k to d.Chitsin of. ally .
kind •without . suffering: : In August, hint' I hid' a
very severe -hemorrhage, and. at:Cording to. the jadg
.nient of a gpod New York phySician, I. war. classed' as
beyond the reach of medicine, and was. advised, to be
prepared, so.fer property matters were concerned'.
to leave this world at short notice.. The physician(and
•My.griesi-friends)'thid' -that the cold I took must
- prove fatal. Fairly •in . January I took. rise Vere • cold, •
and fortunately. was occupying rooms. at So. 32 .139 ND
STREET,..directly over'yorir office: ' ".I think about the
it of January 1 procured -a bottle •of your .Paltrionio •
Syrup and eominenced taking it freely:, feet and
limbs *Meyers mach swollen, :mid allthecymptonis
of aspee&y.derith _seethed to•. accomPany mt . cold_ ••• I. •
sent for my physician; - and stated to him that,''
: was taking your Medicines, and-Ofte.r showing them to •
him and hating tasted of them. fie., be replied, ....You
can tatelthem if you like, they will Or Yo . u.noharm.ii
:He Said:...Vol:du:low what Ptold on last sumther,"and
I ady•the • saine now; if ..y:oo.hav-z. any brtsin.e to close
up, do not put it off... Ile said - to. . othei.triends•that
he !tepid see no hope for rias;^ and - my - friends and re-..
lotions concluded my.time bad come: At thl time I.
was. taking freely of your medicine, but had not seen•
'you. The doctor' called fen' times. and found me
• (much bolds -surprise, .be cald.) improvirig,; and he
• could•hot,gialestand ' 3,!.y faith was increasing in •
your" Medicines; and I had a Wish to bate Wan examine , .
my case.,.end see what, yoobadto you drat,'
came to tfroorit and Made tho examination, pun gave.
.me but iittleencouragement,.. :hat on the-contrary:-
. prmSed end doubts of myeterinch; helped out of ray
'then seeming diHlnilties. The second time that yon..
'called; finding me still gunning, you gave MounFour , '
ugement, saybfg.•`miy r.ymptonis were improving the
Pulmonic Syrup, Sty-weed Tonic and llandiake Pills •
had:acted liken chrifut.. , 'My "circilation,; cough,
„my.appetitc; all - begen tO • imprOirc. coultl:Walk
about my room a.little. , • . You••Vicited •rite nearlymerY
.Trieeday; and:found me improirtOg; and told. ing.uor. 'to
• go'outo my room until - the first daY of• May. I !obit' xi •
cold While under your freatment,my. appetite became
lirst-rite, Mal you told - - me 'lO ,at eve*. - thing..l wished •
of a nutritious mitore,,and•th* eiercise about the room
hshouch pwsdide. •. I followed your advice, and to
the surprise of my old physician and. friemit., I seen
much:better than r have -been 'for everul
breathe better' thou fever expected a person could with •
one lung,•the- Feft. being 'completely dried hp:- I felt '
very grateful to you,sud o wnasider your - adt ice and med- '
icinas ouvaluable, • . •
.• • lours, truly,
T, S: .
• . •• ' 1 ". "
DE. llctimckL-Dear Sir two years agol was.
taken with a very troublesome cough and a pain. in my
breast:: •silved or eight ;months paaised • s.way without:
my doinganYthing, for' Mysnif.....• '
Then applied toe
Physician, who attended. me for' -abbot three Mouths
without rendering =linty service. . • I also obtained the
advice and treatment of e . phYslcaui' In 'one of our hon-.
pitals, and also had the -advice and. treatment of two
other . physiektns, but all to no purpol-e. During this:
long space of time I.wa.s -nearly . , dead: several
my friends, tame to see, meend • witness • my exit.into
the spirit world..l-wati confined to my bed two months
•at elide. breathing was exceedingly shurt. •
gave up, several times all:hope of getting - better ; - and .
as regarded tretling.w*ell. that 'was entirely: 'ont of• the '
"question: And to think this day lam wellend hearty !
1. was advised • by .
some of my. friends; to-try" Doctor
Schenck's : -. 4l.edieines. .accordingly . .bought bottle
atter' bottle;until.rreSehed :the ninth ; then Lfound
tecideciehange immy cough ftir the better :. 1 suffered
-severely from palpitation of the heart, and' Iwo - weeks
'after 1 commenced .taking your medicine this difficulty
• When I first went Sclienek's. °Mee it was With
. ...diftleulty that *1 could - get - tip into:his reception rocim,l:
was su weak anti ski Swelled ;.myskin sallow:1s
,though I. had'. the: -jaundice: I felt . dull,. heavy-and
' Dr. i'..cheuek,-after examining me, both
my liiegd were affeetell,and . • gave. •me little hope.; but
'his medicines; in, about txt - d weeks, took right hold. of.
'.me; it seemed right through *my whole system.
The PM - Moine Spilt); Sea-Weed . TuniU end 3lundrake
took, right hold in therinht place.:• TheTil is
brought tiWiay right
quantities bile an liihne the
spop loosened the nuttier in any lungs. which. came car.
Sea-Weld gave tau nu
wind everything seemed-tii taste'Maisl.
Tu 'show what great 'power the . medicines, have . in
purify ingmy . 'systein. and to Slimy :how ;bad rwmi
e a sed, beside all thn bile that pas:ied, my bowels, And
- the great cm:unities and matter I expect°. •
• rated, I.broke omen over in large .'that-would
,euntinue.' gutherand run.for abOut Six Weeks, and I
had sit one tine. overlwenty•fse bulls: . Ihaye rwUtitig
of the kind now, avid [genital auuther.persou altugeth..
er..l can eaftily any : that 1 have-nut enjoyed tichtealth
fUr tive.years as 140 . now, had tann!A praise rinsand
medicines 'enough. - God abundantly bles4
and Preserve you! Is thiii:lncere desire 'Of..onU . who has
been so winiderfuffy relfeted through yolir itgency';nud
li ana one desitiss to "knuw with regard ti.) the . truth
fulness' et 'this report. :if they will call upon my
- Liends,:ur upon me, Yb. 4'Drldcn Place; ilear.Thenip
sue s ireet.,..beloW.eadwalader., they will
he•perfeetly Kati:Med' with - the ivalidity cif. ' the ca s e.
YoUrS, with Inuell respect,.
. •-. .. • .."N3l Y.~CiiS:IIDT..
&a.. &c.,
is perfectly correct.
know it be be [tile,. Yotire; .:.• .1% B. STILLER,
.• • . . . Ihtucbck..St. ; . E. Church
..• • .. • -
Dr.. Selletirli protesionally ' at • hia principal
bllkkr No North -- -corner .Onnitp•rce,
Polladelphei,,ev,ery Sal'urday, from a.A until .4 M,
No. 32 - Irond street.-New - York...ev,eryTnesday,fr'orn o,to
e,cry Wed
•neKlaY, frorp.'n to 3, and every:other - Friday at los.lial
•tithora.strect, &thin:lore: Allndrice• - Step, but fcir
alliorough eantolnation pt the. lungs. with lik? • Renpi 7
oineter, the charge: 'mil:tree • ---• '•
. . . ,
. Price : t)f" the Valmonic- Sithlp an SeaweedTonle,
each VI fie per bottle, or s7's9l,erAktlf dozen.: ; Man
drake 11119, 25.centi per bor.. .• .-. .. '..' • '
,:t . .
: ;For F•aii-tiy . .sall Drtjggistiand*Dealerg, ' . ,- - .
DR. 4 n.'gcnfttK,
llorso all Cattio Powiloys.
yr. Thia._prrpdrstfon,:
long, uitd fatoraltly
known, , thor..
.origlity teitivigbrate
I, S‘T 7 o wit .and .
lckw-spfrit,d - horses..
ii i v , • by, strengthening ,
t. and' cleansing' The
• . • stomach .and
".* • ,t ••••t It is a .ittro pre
'l' E E t 3;
'cpuu us DIS
1.95" 'API'F
ENERGY;:iie. , .It
use •iraiirot'es. ti
n. inereato
a •stnoo t It. an
glossy' sttin—trint
transfoint3 tit
miserable kkelets
To.kOperS of 'Con'Alliis - preparatlOn is invaluable;
'ives the quality
,of the has
been proven
'nil eSperiMeit .to
lerear r e . the (plan'
ity. if -milk -and
ream , tifenty %per
and*Make the
utter Erin.. and
fattening .
It gives,them
art appetitV.loosens
'heir .11 i d'e , and
iakes them thrh:e
In ali,diseases of, Swine, such as Coughs, Ulcers in
the Lungs, Liver, ~ , -,,5g'."7, - ..7 ~... , • -
/cc.; this - artiile* T. ' ~,-'''' -- -.1 , •`-‘M -- ..
acts as a Specific. • , 1:5=•• • ;4 4 7. , - - s .
4 (1
13y putting from ~ i'' l' - -,... , -- ;' , Z....".e , ,t0
one-half a paper " = - ::: e:",.;..: 4-, ,v,-;:l - ' '
to .a paper in a -=-• ' ' ' ' -' 7 r''''
barrel of swill the ------- 1.- . srs.-----,_.
above diseases i
4 - 7- - - ,•;" -- i'' - . -- 4 1 '="..
wilt be eradicated --'
`-- - _, ^
_- - - 1 -or , - ,-_-•
or entirely prevented. If given ba time, a certain
preventive, and cure for the Hog Cholera.
Prfoo 23. Cents :pel.Paliet . ; or ..1 - Pripers for 81.
S. S.A. 1 7 4DUTZ Sz 33110.,
No. Il6' Franklin
• Fp,r:SAre by. Ditigi . ta. and Storekeepers" through
out .the United, St:atq; • •
For rule in' Pottevil Ieby:LIERY SAYLOII.-Eituggist
. .
I:IIII.I4'.SA:LE .- of"VA CA - 4 w I -11.1.".".".i;
E.-111 111.1n , b:ttice (.4 an order of tbelYr!
phAns' Couqcif L4zerntt. •
. ...•
Thloyettray, Noiew Wei;
At 10 o'clock in - the frirOtoon,- at the .hon,e Of • Lewis'
Oti the-premises, Lawson Iftighes, administrator
of the estate of - John:lingoes; late ofCatithpi,. Luzern&
'county; deceased, eipose• to . sale -all those three
contiguous tracts of land ;'imaged In. the tveziStill) of
Locust, in .the 'county of Coltimbia; adlelidor.• lauds of
Robert . Watkins,. Jr..-Atirik . itich:ifd.. John l'ellg, - :and
others ;- the flirt thereof containing acres and-nine
ty perches, of which abOal oi!e-hal f is cleared land, and
in a gohd state of cultivation, whereon is erected
a good two story Mick house; large hank len:n,
spring-lititi;m. a blacksmith. shop, and aliet • •
buildings ;_some fruit- trues; "a *large •meinhe.v, Mal
never-tailtrg spring near 'the house. The balance-of
said land is well-timbered with white, osk,•ma and.
the . best of chesttitit. The Fecimil thereof'
lair,lng ninety-nine acres and . slity-sevep pereh;
-es, - of which more than half is cleared . -and PIA
good state of_ Cultivation': the balance is Well ttmhered
with most excellent-large; Out ftyshestnuk - white, oak,
ancisrutte Pine and' hickory. The - third thereof. con
taining. : n acres,. of , which - . 6av • aerea are -
•cleared ; the. most part - of it timber . laral,.and tou
sideied by. many persona to be ti,e . best-tiri',er hind in.
that vicihity. The - land Is-excellent; a .n . eyer,fillili;-
apring of..water on it: clad a,-stream of water: tallith !
through all of the aforesaid ,
es:criticit and-'nit
.said tracts have ti titildic.road runtiogihrangli them or:
: joining 411 a public road, -; ". •-• •:,
ALSO, Five other clintigeous tracts .or good-thither:-
land situntoth satellmiliship, and ad : Hailer lauds here.
-inbeforettekribed. -..The'llskthereof..6mtaining-sixk.-
acres . tin& .pvrehts. • The - second
thereof containing for ty-flre .acres wild, Rey entfperches.•
The third thereof containing thirty-seven "aches and
ninety-nine pe . rchett. The fourth Otereof containing
serenty:thrce acres and thirtj•-two perches: The. fifth
thereof containing ninety.nine wires:and ninety-one.
perches. - strict . m casnre. All of said tracts are well tim
bered with most ti,xcUllent chestnut and other timber.
•ALSV, (Inc ot.ter truct•sitosted in 'mute township;
-adjoining luncis Uf•Wright . litighes, Samuel Nears, ant •
others, containing ltClicres. moue 'or less. 10i:rifts Well.
I i tnbered -uith the best of•chesoutt. ALSO; Oneietlier
lot :townshrp, .(hear. SlabtowTh) -
joiidug:lntidsi of widow Troxel; the heirs of. widow.
Roach. •ind Joseph. Cap. containing three acres ini
- T 9 be, *old as the puitkrty ut. ssiti . deriessed..• • ' .
dP:...SALTI .--Tee per itent:
mohey'-pad at the striking down of the.pr4eity,
the remainder of the pirrthas.e mtMc;rto be . .paid-as
loses, tu.teiL: one-third.rin the confirmation or sale.
'one.-third on the first-tiny : D.,
which: time . pos,esoon hill' he :given, and the balance
'on the first day of. April, one thoinMna eight hundred
and sixty-eight,•hith interest 'onennie Lom , the
day of April, ISSI. The,pnrclt-er.tti,pav ler deed and
.•LAWSEIN. IRA:NES, Administrator.
33ughe. , 411.1a,'Septeniber 24. , : t.c.4„ : • • • 40-at•
.X E T.OR'M 21 IL F. of - Real Estate' in.
Btrks -Countiep.. Will be sold at
pubhe-sale. at 'flotise. , ..'ner 'the
itailroad•*n of Port'Clintoei on Thee
.13itobri:16th. 1566
- • .
I.—All'thstvalnable TAVERN STAND sltnaled
netu-lh6, Reading : Railraul.llefio(• in Port- Chilli); and;
k-nOWn as the --i'ort Clinton liOuse,"
occupied by.theiyl, With ample ac, el:: •
cOmmodation for Stunmer.boarderS„
andall necessary conveniencH-•-with the tpetof idta
upon ' which the 'same is. erected,: 'containing G acres •
more•cir . Tho'bnildings and grontidE are in good,
repair,.and tritmedlatepelssessinn Oren,
2,-Thc tract "of Mountain le..t:td adjoining Isto.
.conlaining.4l2 nem, more orters: •'
valuable FARM near the ti - A-ranf llce
.lti. (Ringgold Station,) on • Little _Schuylkill 'Ruilroad,
.110Niptellpied and farmed ha- Frederick - I_,enlyart.
!Xuttaining 13S sereA rind . :11e, yierches, wii lett : are
erected gOod fund buildings. , . • , •
.tract of land. in _SchrJ:kill Township,
Schus lil.CoautyF.- adjoint-nz lands Ad•. Dan iel J, Yost, •
Rli - Miller and others;..tontiining . ll . l -acres; more
. . -
cnalivlded half . 0t.a.11 that b•tiet: . cii land
aitnateti in• West Penn .Township ; . tktnylkiit 'County;
adjUliiiir , lands of Solomon Goebert, 13°110.4'
and rothera, contaning. 19 acres. 'more or less.
'All the chore properties, (except No. s.lani sitnitted
.upon the route of theAtlanticl Great • Western :Rail
road, and will undoubtedly increase , lart:;ely :value
'upon the completion, that important direct Read
(Corn the Allantleto iho great Went.: ; • . ! • ,
.Sale to commence Mit!''l". • Clat.k... noon. on ;said day,
when eonditions will belnide kunien ire • •
. • • Executor of Willem A. Iticluirele,,dectigired2, :
.Q nib UTACINTUS, diffwidut 'double and
1.70 dißerente olnrs TUITPS; sines aud double,:
just received - and- tor isle; at BANNAPPIS Beek
iai arei tiy.th4 stogie, down' WM/44-
. . . . .
NECCEES ANN EYE or f etfNk -
S'tate Assort- -
mutton Lind:hod for sale by' . JOSKFII.CEIYErat;
Watzhmater .Jeweler : Centre St...;.rottsillle, three
oticivithe Mortimer Honse...ltartt tet.L.9
STf11"11E - 01ill P I e,PEI4. - ,. - .
. .-.-.:..
. . yo u i d
'3 .Cent• a pound paid for clean. White. Writing and .
Magazine Paper—and 5140.61dNewspapera,, .Pampida. , ,,
and Old.BoOLF:nitla the covens taken .cht". Ordered Pa
:peel cent azonnd. ''••• • • ', • -.. B. 'BANN .414 i.-
• • . 2 • . . .•. • . • ....
.:Thesibscriber.tuis ontand a Mt of Pcire • WINTER.
BLEA.cflgn WIIALE 0!L, Mao . -••• . ,
. • -. ficerieriar•Lubrictitille Oil .••• • :• •
For. , Ftni . 'Machinery 'of 41- kinda,. - oqual; to .. . Lard or
Sperm Oil—cheap.' • .
3tecen.,xtudillAgine..l.!ibricsitint Oils -
from 4 centato TO coots a gallon, .alt Of .which will be
•sobrat the neey lowest rates. Caders solicited.: • • • • '
April 7. '66 14-tr
, . . .
'-'-- •• JOS EPII totrEit.%'. - • • - :
v. .. , ._. • • 6
~ .. ...-Ceatire s ii, Pottsville , .-, -'
(three•doose above the Mortimer litameo . has -n Av'On .
band Et large Untl.well selected amirtment of line • •••
•- •• •,' • • Si: old Innd Sils(l. Watches, • '.:
Alio a fakt.e vuriotx of fineGolaJewelry. Gold Chains
Medallions. Ear atid•Finiger Rims, •Brea.qpins,, Brace
lets, Gold Pamils.• pens, Armlets: Thimblm , ,'Sfuds,,
Sleeve . Buttons- . .ic„* of which.will'.be offered.
for Sale at greatly:reduced prices. • • ':' •. : : '.. •
•• 'Particular attention g,iyen -to prices., Of. WatCht94 .
Clocks and Jewelry. • • . .ofarch 3;.•66 •tw- ~ .
E S - R ei E. 011. E
•••• Minirsv ilayi 14e,
. .
. •
- : niursion:jmns O F ; . •
. . . . .
; Raspberry Syntp . si - ,
ichilCh he selti. cheaper Ahan • can he • purchased In the
gire him a call; arid indge tot Yourselv . es.-.- • •
• ORAIN : 11011S1, - •2.
.3141.rket . `arid "Cal.
„ Where .I.9',ahi : ays kept a Iprge'.as.l3ort.!nent of
Grain, ...Feed, ' 'doe
July 21, ,G 6
• •
Centre .St., Qpposiie Anierican Hoise,
tir - . A.SLO, SOLE AGENT: FOR _an
A.Sure. Remedy fur D)spepsla. •
. .
Westeen White: and 'Red Wheat rltsr,
Illuy, Grain, Potatoes,' and ped .
" • . and White Ards. C 0.41,14,• .• .
. .
June 2, . • • • •
. The 'undendgnedftre now .prepared to furnish, a fine
ameortrneshr. of . - 1.3001ia and flretclass .:Smlonory; -ut their
New Store on Centre Street; four doors 'below the
Epleccipul Church,
.Printing; pinding and Stainping to
order, . •
. ' .• • • •
• ...lbuncy Soap. ,
. .
. . • d‘c.. Ace:, &O. -.
Ordera promptly attended to; Give us a call. .
• .130SBYSTIELL:&:11110T.HF.R.
0. C. Boansenzt.L.
C. hos . wranil.L.
11-!oit4ville, April 22,,,G0
HE N •
1 - 1.7•••
••TE A R • •0 F- .S I C; •
• • • .. Pdt T.SVIM LE, PA.
. .
Bccker.wlehhez. to establi , 4l Minself .15ermacent
-ly In.Pottsville as a Teacher of. Muejc. would most 're
spectinlty announce twills friends and .theintidie. that .
be t now.prepared to recelye Scholars for.the.Plano..
Ile: can ho seen at the 'Music Store' of .111 r.. F. Altstatt,
Centre Street:•' The best of referenceaglyen. •
Sept It 1,- .".. •
. ,MILLI A V • J.. E
3 . ll:!ket . t . it.', 4 dikor!..4ove
. . ,
. . . . .
ilasjust receited a new andwell assorted•stnek of La
cties, Misses and Chi Wren's Gni tern; Bondi
and Bit 'morals, which -he uffeia fur sale as
cheap as can hs had in the market. He is 111.40
prepared to make all wuik:in his. line with
' n6strwBs apddpatth. • ' , • Sept. 2%, , iit3—.3s4f: . ..:
• And Nyholeialeana 4etail.D . naler iu . •
GILT,-1r4L0.1" b ItO.SEII'O.O . D 7111.111f.DINGY,.
Looking-Glam . :and Picture Frames,
porrs . viLL.?,
AT i!IttLIP Ftfizirnii:E.;E:T4E, 2D ELOCift.
ritraititirfng lding dcire:rit the shortest Notice
171/ . 31. E. 1101iElt,,' • . •
NI'4O4E.S.A.LE, AND. . RETAIL .pg..Autrt IN
16.entre. St., Opporite. the
• New Seasohable'l •Gciod.g. •
JC~T - .RECEINTI) AT.: • .
• .116 g iti ‘ -.ll.*GfrOkit'Sj . . :•••••
. 'Centre . S.treet,.•Pottsville,.•
A new. and Firlaulicl foieortfrient of iipring . Airy Good's,
consistinv of t4riqus- kinds of letwcy DreF•?.riffil stutilo
Alinthuide u4 , urtaient of Urocerie..e.,"all of
which ll'otlers for the very..lowpst cash priceei.
L.. 'W:i . i BP-5.13 Y:p . -1U...L 4.1
. .
' • :•• - . 4..,-. 1 .311111),/-..dc..C . 0.. • •
OFFICE-Ski:26 Xt.;
The afieution of MINERS In particular :is called to
the.eicetiCnt-uili for Coal Cate and. Stationary Engineiy
that we are now• mannfactwing., Parties ;using our
Oils will find an, immense wring. 'They will, not gum
nor congealin . Wild weather and. are entirely' Iron'
grit. "Oiir OR for Engines, "C" for Coal
Cars, Cannot be. equalled.... Orders should beleft at
ItailrOad Ticket (Mice, Mt. Carbon, or at EUSBY-
Si t ELI - 4. t 11R95% Rook-store,: Centre ,St., Potts Ville,
The Excelsior Axle :Grease,: manelliethred by us, Is
the best.artiehi iu the market. fur. gifeasing wagons,
'.ffieltr4de supplied tia
44- ,
. .
.; WARREN'S GEN,ITLNE PE131.1.1.17, ROOFING s now
nsedmirre then any.other kind. - It: is both •Pire • And.
Wider Proof, and will ontlast...twif tin roots; while it
costs only about half the' price 'or tin. , This. tooting is'
put on by the subseribers, at short notice.: .
. • - BAXNAN PcittsvEle..
it cannot tic put on roofs pitchinghter 3, inches . to
the Loot. It earths put on flAtig neeessary. •
T; • KILTICTEN, CUTLER; Norwegian 814
betiveen Centre and Railroad street, -Pottsville,
P.a., -has on taunt .a flue•-assortment t..f - CUTLERY.
for marking .elothlng. , LAMP FIXTURES at thejow
eat cash
,4.11 kind of repairing neatly . •,
ad examine the iargn
,-/- 'Lawns and Mite - Goods for Ladies' Wows, at • .
WALIMR, & PItIC)113. New Union 'Hall. •
090 CA'NV-ASSE RS. w*NurEto
•.: TO :SELL'
Jnnp to, vat
"The }Torte and ofher . Live Stock'
. . .
.This liook.cOntainsl:2oOpages With over . 200
6:W0'111,70d - is the standard work upon the .111.A.A.5.'
E. 3 and their CURE,,oT HORSES :CATTLE.' WEEP, -
SWINV; liouvray, ic.c. treate of eivitehig: breed
ing,' feeding..and general'. management Of an kinds of
hock.' and la a complete guide to Linnets. Reinedles
'are given for SPAWN, CURB: RING-80NZ.,. STAG
PNEUMONIA, SORE ;THROAT, in Horses, and, all
disease' of Sheem.,Cattle, The kali al this'
work is unprecedented Agenta wanted in everj7en-,
faat district.' where _ the book is immensely pozadsz..,
:Sold,earrvastie,ta.: . *ls iiadrfor . delivery.-: Bend,
for -.e.ular: "and 'nanas",,the Townsblp .wanted;'
•diemi 4,A111141/9t . 1 A 90 4 ,. M Oheatngt WM*
4 , 41 11 1% • • '. • IM-ei Igl-4NOt
. • •
EUY ; 611.11 ...'l'.E r..
eorner. of Tirelfiti and Market-Stride's, iip7
posite the.Gralt Farmers' ,Market_:. • '..
. .
BO VD & C 4 o,i •
• Miff, 1142 Market SL.Philadeltaita.
• .• 914 Chestiani. Street,
Dec. St;
51.1 y
Voss re. Liberty e - preferred by all,
L ,Prne.tiCal Paintera I ~Tly it! kind you will l'iaive no
other. Idanufactureif only by. • ' • •
• • - : - .;Ziegler It S mith, • •.'-'
-.• • • Wholesale Druz Paint and Gise , s Dealers,' • .
No. in.North.THIRD erect, Philadelphia. :
l_lare'Liberty White Ceiid....-The 1,Vhit0...t . , the
L. • mOkt durable and the mind: economical:
: Try it t
Ilantda&lured only . . , : -1 ' •
-• tieglerlic Smith.
• • Wholmile Drug. Palk andDealerN •
•- No.l3T.Nuith'Tp_llll) &aver.; PhilacielpLii.
Pure Eiberti , White: Lend will :do more and
• : tietter'work at a-given Cost than any other!" Try
it •htardiractomd oniv . by --
• • '•
Wboletale'Drua: Paint inad.Glass-Dealers,..
Jan: ST. ' • - 4 tys.
. ,
.• Tour attention-ii invited' to my large and elegant
stock cif. Brmales„ , Three-Ply . and. Ingrain.-CARPET
INGS. of best makes and newest designs. •• Aldo."
Wool Dutch. Cottage, - : List and. Rag CARPETS, OD
-Clothe, Windovr - Shades, be sold" low :
,Wholesale and Retail, for cash ` ! - -•-•
• • "-• DEtACI . I . I)IIIE, -
• No. 37' Sonth SECOND Street, above Chestnut;
Sept I,q3C . Philadelphia-
- .
tA66. • 11TILIADEtP17.1.A.-. ' '1866:
. .
W . 'l'. Ar:
. 171.11. -
.H . W.E.L -.,& OURKT •
Paper•l[nnginge nud 'Window 'o4lttidea,
Corner Fourth and.hiarket Sts..; '•-
• N. B.—Al*ays In Store k large. Stock :orLINEN
OIL SHADES. • , Sept
car4s. TAYLOR
. • For the •concrnienCi of - o ur
, . : : : patrons and others at a•distance;
..•••• 7 ' . we. here proaent a diagram of
•- • • ' • self-measurement; by . % which - a
rl good fit will •bo'gtuirantied;. by
. sending the. sizes • in: the: order
dartgnatedl the accompanying.
and from *: • •
.• • • •: • Length. of :Slteve,".!'!lth arm
•• , • ' • • crooked.) from 4to 5... •• •
• . • Breast Measitre:—Aro,andAtti:
• ::•• . • .
.•.• •• most prominent . . part of. the
• :•• Waist Merisure.--4rOund„ the
• . . •f/ . -State whethei the •person Is
17 erect or yYovping. .
3 t • -The same measure as for Coat
-.•••••• Measure' inside seam and out
aide from hip-tenne,mitdground the watst, ant.
-• GOODS TO gE . R.rrrfriiitO, IF :NOT SATiSiA(II:OIIY.
:CIII.AS.STOIEIIiet4•& Co., • •
• -'B24' Chernist Si.,'Philitdelphiri.. •
WlLTZVitettt;;M;l',ll, l i."•!•l 3 ;ilttle .
and BetAl' Dealers in. • .' • : •••• • •• :
••• ,BERLIN ' .. ' •ZEPHYRS, - -
•Einbroideries, Flue, Emit Goods..ete:,.personally select -
, • Europe.
• , . •
Germantnien,W,Ril, Cashniere inrmyele., Latest-styles
in Ladies Dress ntid - flnak. •' • . •
. • ' " I 31-bI I N •
titanns, - ,Drtip Fringes, - L,lce . s, Shawl mgracm....etc.7—
White Embroidered Rands, - The :gbpili being all
carefully selected our: Wholesale Department 61Ters
great indnnertienhi to the trade.. Sept s,,yq3•— • litl-3m •
• S . L•Nr
•_' , .
'l4._j .
4 . - • .•
;; Surer Plated Goodf.4, -:
-, -,
~ No. 704 Arch t.,'
4. ,
1.11111.:AIDE L P 1111 A . 418°'
Those*.izi 'want • 0 - -srurn or SILVER • PLATED
WARE will and it r 'inuch to their advantage by visiting
(.nr.STORE beflire inakiniz their purchases. Oni.loug
experience In the nuninfucture of - the above kind of
goods:enahles us to defy competition. ,. -
- We keen no noridsm4e;;Whicit. are. of. theibit
elßlass, fill of ourown make, and.will-be SQld at- fedi:iced'
prices: • -
[,T)ine 2.3..!1 . 3(1 25-1.t.7
C I. U-11 A HOU S
111 d 113 North Broad - St.; (Attove encti,)
.. . . .. . . .
• , Tbe subscribers .beg leave. to 'inf%nm their -many
friends'and thn, piddle, in ueneral. that thekliave taken
this old and well known house; and .have refurnished
it in thebest manner ; and are now accom
modate the public on the most reztimnable: terms.. '
. They also desire to finwitnice to the tr:Veling COM: .
MI; lay: [hat this house is Very-:convenient to the Phil
adelphia and.Readingß4itthad 'Deput,:atitl but a few.
steps to - Arcti Street; where.thestreet ears are running,:
up and down town: the most central railroad line Inc, and a . .yory desirable-part-of theeritp for corn:.
tort_' All we auk is to give us'a call.. ......-..:• ' - •_. • -
Sept 2 BERTOLET BARNDT, ;Proprietors,
30-3 -
Ev i c .E.k I A N:D
Fourth and .
Have .110 W completed •their.'lMPßOVEldENT'and are
now offering on. the' BEST. of TP,1045- , .-•
Tine Stock of SHAWLS,' . ••• • •,.'
Fine Stock of. SILKS, • : ' 1 '•
• Fine Stock of DRESS cobps,.• : •
Fine Stock of .WOOLENS, •.,
, • - Fine. Stock of STAPLE; GOODS,
. .
. .
. .
: • . ' ' • . Flue Swk•of FANCY GOODS.• de., bt.e.•
[3i - New And. dilmiyabl 0 (:Soda daily .receivo, -- aud
Sala at Satat advapca.Wholesale! -.,. ,- '. .• '
' • Sept .29, ioti. .-.. ,-.- -:. ..- .-, - , , Gi •• ..
,GOOD& • .
CATID:.. • •
. . •
No. 1005
Whose estahltsla r uieot f')T.t.!it : •-
• . - . 11 . 0155E . -FIERNISIIING. DRY GOODS
, .
. . . . .
in unequalled in the extent and .carietf of •iti•a..B.6rt
rrieut., beg to ant:mince to 1101T:SEWEF:PERS RE- .
NEWIS(; THEIR SCPl'lX,'or . .pbrs:ous about to fur
nish, that thej• are:now receiving their • . • .• ,-.•:
, . . .
.. .
' - : . G00D., ...
. •
11r- -! l •74[ 4 :lo n t . i t t :o l ii i i. o M i 7, lLe. fi lrt:ii i itr: i i,.... : . : • ::
.....'...,.... ..: ''..... - :
', - • IP ill o iv:11424 itiv, • , -
~ ...' . '-. .
.. • -
..:•I)::us.imli Table-Cloth's, '•.:' . • .
..: . 'ruble Litateir.;
. .
.- .. ... . ..
• .. . ' :
~ .-: .:.. Minim& Napkins;: ' •'
. -:. : .: . • . :• - : - 'l:ordered 'rowelli,
. ..
- Tolit•lings, :• •' ..
: .-• ' . ' ftoilto, -
• - ' ' . . . - .B lanketa,
.Titble and Embroidrired Planci and' Tp.-
, ; - • - • bit: .Coveils, ,-.. • ' .
. .
r. . . .
AOA every. othe,artleleuilalile for zi. oell-ordered
hdusehold..., - '..: . . 'Sept: 'n, ~ c ,r,s9, 4 ci- •
. .
Carpd.loi, Oil lAiotrig Shades .
' • STEWARt.DEI?IIY, • .
233.5: SrCnnd tit ,
raqx•e'thllly inforni . his custinnera and others,
that he.t; selling troth 'one of the largest and best as
sorttnent- of CARPETS, 'OIL. CLOTRS,.. WINDOW
SHADES, &c„ that.he.has:had for many l'ears, nut&
at.fedueed prices, .• • Seut.2.9,
a*d 4.letcn.u..tioliators,
. NO; 435 WALNUT ST., PIIILADA.. . •
Patents'. r•cilicited-L,Consultations on • Engineering,.
Draughting and Sketches, Models and Machinery of all .
'kinds itADE and' skilfully attended to: • Special atten
tion given to' ItEJECTED CASES' and INTERFER‘:
• ENCES. Authentic Copies. tit all Documents from
•P.atent Oftlee.p.mcnied. •.* ' • •:..
'N. 8.. -Saye yourselves' trouble and travel-
I init:eiiientes, - as there is nu actual need. for personal'
interview with us.: • All business with these Offices,'
can be.trausiict4 in.writing. • For farther. information
direct as above, with•stairip enclosed, for Circular with:
references: . •• .. Jan l 3„ • •
. . . . •
• CKAI-3.11(E . : &13IDDLV, i
. s
7 4 E 4
U 2
C••• W
Ilay.i.on - Mild a•iitp=t
. . .
Wfi,tehim Jeweirr. Sil vci nnil Slaver i!lii
• ,ted 'iVni'ly,-lirouzem,•-'CloiaLy; AU.:
Strangers rdepoC!fully- ipvite . d. to examine 'ntir.Ftock.
. .
..OctoJer.C., '64 . .. •
1/ONUSS " 1 VS. T."
New FA:1!.
Are In every respect , i chip.," and: embrace a CAM- •
plete e& - mrtin ent. for Ladies. • aud.i ren,'of
the Newest Styles, erifry ,Length and Sizes of Waist. •
. OUSt Icnown, are more univer
sally popular than any 1 - ',t hers bi. , •ll , re the publi - e; They
roan their slims , better, arel i!...h.ter;•' More blastie - ,.
More - durahle,.and real I v cheaper; . than any other Sloop'
Skirt in the market. The :59 fings arid fastenings are
warranted : perfkt.. 'ENe.ry Lady Shrink' try them !—•
They aretww. being. rxtentiv,ly ; Sold by ',slerchantS,
throughout the ecinntry. and- WHOSYSALE':and
anntactoand Room': •
s2S' ARCH Stri;e - t,beloW 7t ' •
• Ask - for ISOPEIN'S rib
cAtlric.):l.-None g.eunine unless - Stamped on each
• Ski patt—"Eimkiles Hoop Sidrt litar.ifactory,No;62s
Arch Street; Philadelphia."
..A1.t0, - tonstantly.;,on rhanfl.: fell line 'of - Sew York
made Sktrts.'at. very low. price-s: "
Elatnbli-hed FUR Manufactipty,',
.. • . • • .
Third now In Store of M2,.own IM
portation and hlanufacture one of
..the largeet and'most beautiful eelec
Ilona of • Fancy . IRA re; for Ladles'
and Children's. wear ..the
Also a tine saaortmentof Gent's Fur
Movie and .:• •.. - •.
lam enabled to dispose of-my goods at' very reason
able .prices,: and would therefore • solicit a call from
my friends of Schuylkill County and •
Remember the name,'-ntimber and street. • • •
FARETRA,Ieo. ilk 'Arch St.; aboye Itb, South
tai tuiv6 no Farther, nor cohnettiott with tuiy'oth
er Store la Flaseelphla.‘ ; ' Oct:, 6;' . 66-40-tm .
. ..
No:' 446. Navels ISecosird. tet, Phi Isidelphia.
Just . opened .with a spleinild New &deli of 'FOR
ELAN and, DOMESTIC. DRY GOODS, conststin.Ot
LADIES , . WEAR --Stliwt, Shawls, Dress Go9da,.Wnits:
Goods, Notions: Yeti - eta:etc., etc.: . . . . .. .
GENTLEMENS• WEAit.Cloths,' Imetes, Sat
inetta.Vestings, ?dusting, nuatkela, Bla els, etc. -
' N. 11.--Just °period A Sue lovot Euro currant
ii!ouriir Amp Lama. .J. MILTON - RA l' t BRO:.'"
- • (Fouooloor, to A* Aso) 4465. 948 t.; ?WNW
!WOO, dp ~. .- , •: : - ~. -, -;- S.
. ..
3 / 1.11N%II .. I . 11.1! -ISCOCYLKILL MA.
- Clattnic orTime of Posserigtli Troia S.
. • . .. . .
' " On . and after 1101%,7DAT.:November 2116,13f:4 Fan- ,
senger Tralns'will leave Schuylkill Haven as follows;; '.
..- :.-
*. -- - 'At 12 . .20 P:7‘l'.; FOR QM - 4 PARLION:
, - -..
' • ' Returalng; - will leave Minemille at 5.03 *A: M., and
Glen Cirlarin at. 1.40 1"..M.; counocting at. .*huylkill
• Raven with morning:rind afternoon 'Passenger Trains
tor_ Philadelphia.
'.. • Passenger Train between Ashland . and Loci:Est - Gap
Jtinction. connecting with Stage to and from-Shamokin.
I. . Leave Locust Gap, Junction at 10.30 A: M. i.' - . ~
Leate Ashland at t 45 P.'3l. . .' -. • * -'• ' - .
. .
. .
tonnectingzdith•Pamenger Trains on M.. dr. B. M. , R:
R. to' and from Pottsvilleod • width point. connections
trill'boitiade. with trains oii.Rtilhula. and Reading R. R.
••• • '
' Cremona, 164104 4 . . . .. • 4i . .;:tf •.
. _ _
,4f!Al BOA ge , if Hour..'
On and atter•Nov...3l;••lS6s, .Puwenger Trairis will'
'leave Pottsville dally (except Sundays) at '6.4T, A M for .
Anburt„ Pineg,rove • and Harrisburg, and at I P.M for '
Auburn ; Pinegrove and Tremont. • •
• Pamengers by 6.15 AM 'train from Pottsville. NOR at
rive at Harrisburg via • egrove nt 11.30 AM in time
to connect with trains sat or .west On Penn.a.,•
Cumberland . Valley, Noribern . Central and - Lebanon
."alley Railroads. • • . • ' •
Thel.oo PM train from Pottsville will' connect at
Anburn.With up morning traltifrom Philadelphia, leav
ing-Auburn at t.:50 PM tor.Pirtegrove,. and' arriving at
Tremont at 3.30. P M. leave „Tretnont for.Pme
. grove at *. 6.00 P.M, : connecting there with 400: P M
train .from . Harrisburg *and returning to Tremontat
PM. -• Returning will leave Harrisburg at 4.00
P air connecting at 'Phiegrtive • at 6.4.3 P Zit:with train
for Trerriont,. and at Anhuria with aft Pwsenger Train
for•Pottsville,..Pamenger Train will leave Treniout at
7.00 A IC connecting at "Piuegrove..ivith tram to liar
' risbutz. at, Auburn • with down. morning Passenger
Train from Pottsville to. Philadelphia; and arriving at
Pottsville at 9.20 A SG.. • ' . •, ••• •
.. -
Fare from Pottsville -to . Harrisimrg; $9, a • 'For
tickets or othct• Information • :
' . .• . WHEELIAL Apt,. at. Pottsvine.
• *- ' IL R. TRACY, Supt.
Feb 1. ,G 6
Summer Arrangement of Passenger Trains.
. •
-Leave Pottsville at 7.00 ar,d:8.45, arid 2.45 P.
M. , . arriving - In Philadelphia .it I.oo' and: 4,40 'and
Leave" l'hilndlPliia 'at 8:00.. A.31.; . 12.4.5. noon. and
'3.31},.P. t- arriving, at . Pottsville at - 1'425, noon; 7,35
• The 1.00 and . 0:45, A., M., and 2,45, P. M., down, and
8.00, uP Trains, connect at Reading
for. _allen
town, Easton, New. York, Lebanon, :Harrisburg, EMlR':more,
more, and the West., •
.• • . . . •
:.The 12.45 and 3.30; P. ?if., up 'Traine, connect only
'for. Lebanon. Harrisburg, 3c., and with Reading and
Columbia Railroad. . • • • .•
- On Sundayleave Pottsville at 8.00, A. M., and Phlla
delphia at 1.15, P. M. . , • •
Down Trains leave • Minersvide at 6.10,,A. M . :.; and
Glen -Carboit : at .1.40. P. M., connecting at Schuylkill
Haien With 8.415, :A. 31.. and 2.15. P. M., Tralus for
Philadelnlita; :Up Trains leave Schuylkill Haven at
1.11; A. 3L. and 12,20-moon. connecting with 7.00; A.
.M.,.Truiri from Pottsvilie s , and M,, ,from Phila.
delphim-• Leave LocOt Gap '16.30. A. M.. and Aildand
2.44., P._ M . .. connecting with '2.4.5. P. M.," Tratn"for Phil
' adelphia,- and' 8.1.10; M., Train 'for Pottsville. No
••••. . _ . •
• Schuylkill and Susquehanna R. R.
The• 7.00,. A. M_, and 6.00. P. M,,-rains. from 'Pre
-mint, and 3.00, P. M fromlllarrisbur4; connect at Au
burn 'with 0:45, A. 'M.', Train for Pbiladelpliia,.and - r2,13,
'talon; Train. for Pottsville. - • "
Th e t45.-A. N., and 1.50. P. M., Trains from Auburn
coutiect'svitb 0.45, A, M., and 1 . .00, P. M., Trains froin
sv ille: No Sunday Trains, • •
. .
litichuyl. Val Herald Mounfitin Link R. R.
Lenve, Pp - townie at 7.00. and and 7.15, Pi
M. Leave Tamaqua at 7.35, A. It.:.and 1.40 and 4.15.
Sundave ; Leave Tamaqua at 3.i5, A. 51.:, and
Pottsville at • :
. .
The 6.00 and 11.30, A: M.; 'Pratne from Aabland er n •
nect at Mt.:Carbon, with • S.kti, A M. and '2:45, P., :111..,
Trains for Philadelphia .'• • . - •
' The 9.45, A: M., and 1;60 and 5.55, P. M... Trains frem
Tamaqua, connect at Mt. Carlain - with7:6o, A. M , item
Pottsville; at Port Clinton with 8:1 A. AL, up Traiu
from Philadelphia„ and at Mt. Cachou withll
- .3d . P..M.,
up Train from Philadelphia: A - mixed , I'meciu-erniad
Frehlit Train leavits kehland at-1.05, P. M., for ' . Tama:
qua. Suudaj'a. Leavp Ashland 3.00, A. M., and Tama-
The 11.40;A: 31:: Tnun Irani Port Clinton; and 2-.15;
P. M.; Train:frnin Tammna. connect with :5.00, A. M.,
Frain • from :Philadelphia, and'
,2.45, I', 51, Train for
Philadelphia. • - - • . •
On Sunday?: Leave Tamatpm at 7.30 A. M., ,ind -Port
Clinton at 7.00 P.
.. • ._ •• •
. The 8.45, A. dow Train. fieadin„,tt, 'stops 'at
ali -stations between Pottilville 'find Rendini:. The
3.3n.;P. up.:Traln froinPbiladelphin„ stops only at,
principal ilnitiontt.: • • •
. .
Wlt.hl26'cuapptis attached, between any prints desired;
at t 5 per cent, diEcoant„ . . . . .
,Goixl for:1,00o miles, between. all: points; for - Families
and-Business Firftt, ai. Ro: .• :. • • -
;Season Tickets between all Is)iiits t . reduced'rites.
fAritool '&!ason Tickets one.tliird hiss. • .
lbs..of baggage allowed each I'as...4:tiger. • '
. .
Excurmion TiclteiN from Philadelphia - to -Potts -
%ilk and back, good for Saturday, Sunday.and Monday,_
s4' 33 each. ,
.'• ' • '• G. 'A: .
..I , 7ICOLLS, CAMeral S.uperlatendent.
L E J Ette.lia , ytr.cEy
. .
. . .
. . . .
• ON AND AFTER SIONDAY,• May: , 4lsti,' Trains on
the-Lehigh 'Valley Rathen(' will rnw in connection with
the secural roads ruining to Wilkenlaarre New .York
•and Philadelphia, as follows: • • - • ~ . .. . .
' • .. -. . ' • ?DOWN TRAINS.•• '' . .. .
STA:Twee: • N9.:5. No. 1. No. 5. No. 7. No.
• .LeaVe • .• P.M. A.*: A; AC P. M. A: 31.
-Wilkesbarre • • •• • • ; 5.90 - - .1.15 • .
Whitt. , Haven ' • • - • 9:30 3.00. '
IliCkory Run . . ... . 9.45 3,15 .Ct
Mud Rnn .... : . • • : • - 9.51' 3.22 ',
. - • 10.0 u .3.31
•Shenendoalr:. • • • 2.10 'F. ,
Mehanoy " 2.15. 'tz , •
. ' 2.15
Beaver Meadow • •-• . ••• 2.35
Weatherly •-• •.•. 2 . 2 5 3.2 0 . .
Penn Ileven • .; . • 10.24' 3.53
Mauch Chunk -•'•.• -4.30 10.41 4.25 •
..... - • 4.40 '10,57 . 4.35' -!*
Perryville 4.40 4.41
"Lehigh Gap • , 5.01.; 2' - 4.56
Slatingtoh • 11:20 • 5.02. . • .
... ..... • 5.17 • 5.13 . .•
Mite ifitll • -• • , 5.34 • • . •• 5-30 •
Cbplay' ..
. 5.12 • . •
Catitstluvia . .: . 5.40 .11,47 5.42.• ••,
'Furnece. - .;'; .... ... •. ' • 5.5-4 - '5.10, : .
Alleutown . r.' , ' • . 6 .00 . 11.51.' 5.55. - • 1.10
•Bethlehgni • ••" • '12.40 " 6.15 , •12.13 '6.15 ' 1.20
Fre,ernansburg.:.l,: -. ..12.43 • 6.23 • .• • 6.24 2:00
Easton • • 1:10 6,44 12.43. 6.45;
Philadelphia•' • .9.20 2.35 5.45
New .. ; . :.20''10.10 4.19 '10.45 6.00
•• . . . . .
STArIONa: . . - No: S. - No. 6. No: 10.'N0." 0 .3c0.
Leave • A: M. 31. P. M. A. H. P. 31'
New - York • 7.00 -* 12.00. 4.95 ' 9.00- S.OO
. .. . • 5.15 • • .
.En.aton • • • 9.41 .5.9.5 7.40 • 11,54 11.24
Freemeniiburg .10.07 3,49 •• 9.06
' Bethlehem ..... - 4.50 .9.15 '1 2.24:. 11,53
Alleattiwii • • • • 10.37 4,15 8.30 12.35' 12.51
-Furnace '• ' • . 9.34 '
Cataeauqua .....10.47 .• • 4.29 9.42 • .
Hokendauqua - -• 10,53 • 4.33 .S 47
Copley '• - 10.57 4.39 8.51, b•.l •
White Hall • ' '1 V 4.43.-"5,511 e
Leary's .- • • '11.30.' 4.50 9.04'
Rock Dale' 11.19- '5.00 - 9.14-- r" . - ••5.
shatri g ton • • 11.29 . '5.12 ;9.25 • H T'
Lehigh CRP • 11,30 • 5.19- • 9.31 ; • . r. 7
Perryville • - 11.48 , 5.33 9.45 r. .
.Lehighton_" • 11.55 • , 5.39 • 9.50 •• •
`Mauch „Chnk • 12.05 5.50 10.00 • ,
,Penn-lluven..:. . :.. 12.32 . .6:13.•• •
.• • u •
Weatherlf . .......12.54 , • '••
.Beaver .
,1.24 ,•- • . • • :6 •
Jeanesvillo,. .... 1.39 • - • •
'Audenried: • • • ' • • •:.
0 •
Mattanor City..-. 1.45 •-• • ~ • •. • • • ,
Shenando4h - • • • 'l5O . • -
Rockport: .•..: . 0.31 • ,• • : •
Mud Hun •• ' 11 1 '2:. '6.40 •-•• • • . ~•
• Hickory Run' . 6.52 '
Tannery ....... . . 1.11 1.01 •
White •
123 7.01' . • . • .
Wilkeshatio ... .. 2.50 .9 . 35 ' - . •
. • :.• • . ricarnAL a. E. OF NEW ACMES": ' •
. , .... ,
All UpAnd. Down trains connect at Easton with the
trains of the Central Railroad of New Jersey to and from
.. .
Down trains Nus..l, 6 and T, and• hp trains Nd 6. 2
and B,..ronneetat Bothlehem• with trains rot-Philadel
phia. Trainatrom.Philadelphia-tonneet at Bethlehem
with dowh train N0 . ..T, and.witit 1113 trains Nos. S & 19.
. . .
DoWn trains Nos '1 and N and up trains,N . os. 2,.4,
and B.'connect at' Allentown• with trains for Reading
an'a Harrisburg. • Trains from Harrisburg and Heading
' , connect at Allentown with all down trams. . " ••
Down trains Nos. 1, 3 and 5 connect at Phillipsburg
'with.trains foT,Philadelphia. Trains (loin PhiJacielphia
connect at PhillipAnrg • with np trains . Nua. and•
ivad trulis froth Belvidere codnect•with. np trnins . Noe, 6,
. .
Down train. No:.:. and .np train . No, 4, connectat
QuidraknJunefion with trains of the - . Catawissa. ft. R.
•D(*ri trains N05,.6 and f, and,np train .N . o: 9, con_
nect with.traina of the I,litzletop• Railroad, .-• • .•
r - Down trains'. NOB. nand 7;' and op trains Nos. G and
8, connect at Willie -Haven with - trains of, the'Lebigh
and Susquehanna Railroad to• and . from •Wilkeobarre, •
without change of cars between Wilkesbarre and New
York:. No. change. of •cars -between WU hesbarre - and
Philadelphia on up trait-No. - S and down train 'No. b.
. .
Superintendent and Engineer L.- R. R.
. .o
Cures, ineers of -the 'Throat,. and
• • .. • .-• Nose,'Elong,ated•Palate; Swell,
•''' ..-•. -:. - ..•
7n^ 'of the To - nails:Coughs, • -
• . Colds, Sops. Throat,: :. ...
' ICRIN:LAT...I.7Q.nPinsOy, 'VIER
- .... newt; 'lliptheria, Cler-
. •
gyman's Sure Throat, Va-
• -. tarrh of the Nose and 4ronchltis.
. . .
. .
• let, his specific, otrarating on the mucous .inetri
bmnes of the nose'and throat, and In no case has been
.know to •
2d.. It acts loCally, may be easily:applied' to the pal ,
ate and tonsils in'. such. quantity as to give • It :time to
ict.,and being •very light, penetrates,' by l Inhalation;
'those piartions of the nasal and bronchial organs which
rather remedies 'cannot reach_ • • .' • ~ •
3d. It - does not act on the pores of the'sitiu, nor will
it affect Aigestion 'or the stomach in the- least, while
.syrups lozenges and'expectorants often nauseate and
frequently derange the stomach?
• 4th. Out-door business may be attended, to .without
'risk or apprehension, its beneficial effects being' great
ly promoted by exercise and fresh air. . - •.. ,
Ath. a• few minutes it will arrest. the most annoy ,
• ing conch or troublesome flowing from the nose: . •
. etti.:4 will prevent sere throat or hasrseness.if
ken'after 'exposure.oi
,public speaking, .SEE CIRCU
LAR Depot 324 Broadway; N. - Y.. .
. Oct. 6:'66 40-3 m 311 Walrtutstrent,
. 'O.A P .
. .
A new and Superior SOAP. for family nee.
. 'F'oreale at the stores:: • Mannfactnred Gy 1. • -
' . • Office No.-IA South 'Prima St.,. Philade
--; Also-Fan:lly Snip, Number One. SotiNl.atincliy
Soap, Brown Soap; Sal Soda.-etc., etc.
. Angina 25, '66
. • . •
To Reboot Boirdr and Tn . :inhere...
. We are anthorlied by the' publishers of these BoOks
to litrnish them - AT REDUCED : School-
.floardsnrid Teachers of Private. ,SChoole for Introdne-
Jion. •••• 'rhese• Books;. after` a thorough examination;
have been hatrodaced into the Public Schools of Potts
ville; as the 'best Readers now published.- •
Po; terms' of introduction, •dc., apply at the Rook-
MAY 23, :ISG6
'Mine Hill Rail Road
M.'and U. Mt. auttE ; M. U. U.
ILitil! Ir,
er r ge .ents.
Wsated:-AGSNT9 $ 75. to . $2OO .PER
,for gentlemen,' and $35 to sp. for. Ladies,. every- introdace . the . Cornmon Sense PandlY- Sew- ,
ing Machine, improved and .perfected... hem,.
fell, stitch, quilt, bind • braid,' and ...embroider beautl-•
l:l101.$20.-MakIng the elmatic Jock stitch,'
and ftily. trammed for three' years. -We pay the above..
'wages, tommhislon. Item which -twice. that
amount can be made:: Address or cation BowEtts
&Ca, Office Na:2ssSenth Fifth Street, •PhllailelPhia:
Pa. All letters answereti proinglY, with circulars and
-•-/- well selected stock 0(AI/etc:hey, Jewelry end Stir
Ware, &interning all the newaill t es. Call and mun e !
ine before purthaal4. All .warranted u repre ,
nanted aridalna- sr 04:Kka for nes and Dinforlfrirarte...
coutlfBtil rowic •
. .
. . .
. .
. . . ____ _____
... . .
- • -
... . .
• - - .:-
'. i f'.,•:` ' ---,'"';'..--'-''''''-'-`...
.. _ .. ptis...-- ~....:-:,.--,,,-,..-:.,-.:: c.
... ..,.-4 • . ~.,_... ~. - -4,...
'"-,...--: - ..Q. , - ,. ...., - 7‘ . ... i). .-.-.." •••••• ...... ' - 4- : ,,,,,,.. a.. ~,.. ,•• 1
, . , . ^. . : Zr ' k.•,4'4 . ....*• -• ••• ..
t ‘-' • ‘ r .--- ''' ' ' '4.4- 1.:-. 7, .
• • Pew edible phints •It.'tye rnory
history than the tonna°, As is well knirAl),
if.belongs to the or:ley, of the
cF - ..tan order ..nhielt ibelades ; One of ti„•
most.nutrieions" of • esculen IS, the pf)tato, aed
one r.t-tlie Most dangerods an,l 'te . adts ,
vegi7t able - ia i od tictil Vne, t 1'
origin . -:Seems to: be •an upsettied.';fitilsti on
among britanical writers. : Is • etitersily
auppnsed bovrever.'iry he a native 'of South
.Littierica;••ahil to lin ve heen I t ivatcd at xi
early bet -' the tir.opleof Peru and ex -
iteo,, It made its
.ar.Karanne in Europe in
the sixteenth. pentury,. the first
being byltertibert•Dadoens, the ruinous
herbalist, .wboSe....iverk, pnblished in
speaks . of yegetaliles . .whict;
be eaten as a sort of :'s - alad with
.peypt , r, s a 'l.
and • oil. John':c4eraple,, an I aSlisLw: u.
whose "Het:bal"-was giyeti to :lie ,1;
. .
1597, tcilsist.hat in his time several
were to be found iu the gaden9 of his 6 , ;iln ,
llalta century lafei, in 165 G, John
another Eogiish on.
. .
treats of theafas , gard'en corh;sities,
ted-more for their bettuty,of, appear:lnn , th,.„
for styles them - sornejim,; :•!.,,,
iipples,,".sotretimes,' , •••utnefrous appl,, • .; t ,
sometimesy‘goltieu. ailples: 7
. a.nativelot tlolland, :iv ho eotuptli:,l ,
rate treatise on the flora of the . lrf i f,,z,
Indies, informsus that :two vari. • ~f ti . ,•
.tomato are- grown by.: . the. •M ! 1„,,
Asiatia. Archipelago, and thttY-•
cooked and - eaten by the. lower a p t
; that the name. given : to them. is Ai
noteworthy that several species 0f.501...,
are by the' IlexiCar tk
thus dal - .an Aztec. word.., • current
• Asia--j-an extraOrdmary iddlohnienl
. menOrt,' Which wptild seentio•t Stab!ish
sort Of: connection; at a Very ntlitoteitje,
*tweed the Old and the New - World.
Notwitstanding the:, faCt. that the t0h,%1,,
was.knoWri to be used as an article of rito
several semi-civilized races, it was 10n ! , ..h..
tore .the - People of any enlightened itatit.e .
ventured_to introduce it to their tables. 1'74.
More than a-hundred and . tifiy years aftei the
death of Parkinson his description-of its pOsi
-tion-In Europe continned to . be dhe correct
orie. It . ivaa grown to a limited extent Mere
asan Ornamental plant. - Not very old Fir - -
Sons easilY'remembered when it-was regaid'd
only in that light in. this country: • Its be
tifulred and yellow fluit was esteemnd•tne'r....
IY as an ittlornMent of a parterre of dower,—
tui A.pretty - thing in the front y;trds
.1106,Ses. was one of-the most titre..,:
tile - and WhOle - solue of vegetaldes . nOotre eve r
It, was not until :the t
and 1840 that it - began to - bent all-eaten. At
ter' .the latter date;;hOwever,.:it grew rai.;;l'v
in public; favor i :and .tltc increase in is
suriiptiin has - Inrdly a parallel in the Iti...cory,
tif : edibleplapts. ; A ;
Its real name took the place of "lavi . .a. o .
iile,'by - . : which the last;:ffeneration of .141;A - -
leans Thislatter . de . signali;i4
cads. tliat it. ryas.. introduced', into
throub::sotrie• of Abe Latin nations.. .17h,
Preneh still style it 1 , ;, - )lp.: . n'aNiot. - ii.,.or .. 1;a 1 1,"
apPle.". • TheAtaliauS, :NritoAi • iti, , :n7,., -
r cultivged;'called it iorinerly
':golden .I:he . ..tic:rut - an ninl;,
`Paradise apple ;" the tiwedes . and 1)-tat
have no title for it,- b.;ing absolutely unkn
in' the north of:J.:m - (11)e. • It: .
that - .the. - United States, .*lterc it has. Deer.
knewn' a comparatively .s . liort tinn.„ shoal
be.the first' to- make-: it a corninou - article et
di'et. In (termanY - MIA France it is• scarceii
employed.-except in the manufacture of .s 1 : 1
ces and to -give a tlaVor' to soups, and
in Italy,. with 4:climate - admirably adapted
its - Culture, it:is car 'froth. kidding.. the plae,t.
which it dOes,turiOng us. In _England;
iCis atill'regarded rather ash luxury :than
ati,article •of -general-cOnu option, •
The large re 4 tomato is the' variety
commonly-to lie'-found inihe market. 13 tit
66re-ere many others. , There are the small
.red tomato; one kind. of which is_ sprifetimcs
styled tlie
• cherry toruato,: frotn ariAl
sprightly acid rlavor,, formibg - an excellent .
pickle; the pear tomato; very tender,. hnt.ti
.peitirig.ver'y SloWly ; the large yel low tom atn„
Well differs very- little from thelarce. red
the fig tomato, which, when• dried, is pre
pared as a sweetmeat; and the
mato,-with large juicy fruit of elate' it scarlet
_ . . .
color or a crimson tinted with - violet. A spc
ciederiominated the UnniliOli4 tomat.i. ws,
brotight to Europe some_ years ago . from'
ru, MI is said to be a perrenial,. but w . ll;cli
has not_yet - Made its .ws) 4 r.tO . Our gardens:.
: .
yarniers 'Cm; this Out and paste it on tip.'
pannels of your kitchen doors -
It is, perhaps, safe to' say that. on- three
farms out-of - four the wife Works harder, - en'
duresiniore than .any other oti
: the phee,.
more than . the husband, more - than - tin : hunt
: hand; more than the hired help of - the kitchen.
Many a Cutter . speaks' . to.his - wile-habitually
in terms more imperious, itnpat lent, and pet it -
lant than he would use to-the - scullion of the
kitchen or to, his-hired man.
. Many a•fermer:Swife- is- literally worked
death in an inadvertent manner, from want
retlectiOn.. :None eau understand better than
be,' in:;plowing...or sowing, or - harvest time, •
that it's horse . gets sick, or runs away, ,;t• ,
stolen, another must :he procured thlt 'voy
day ; or the work will inevitably go behind
hand. 'He does not carry the same prae:i,
sense into, the kitchen:when the hired blip
leaVes-withoutwarning or becornes.disablt
although•lie knows'.iis well. as' any min r,it
km?* that they will expect their Meals-with
the same regularity; with the same-Prompt
nesS, and. with the same proper mode of pre;
parefloit ; but: instead of promiringeother help
on the instant, he allows . himself to be her ;=
suaded; if thehelp . is: siek, 4 v, ill.gei well .
in a day or two, or Week at - farthest,'enti
it is . hardly worth while' to get another for
.so. short ..atime. If the help has - taken.
.'French leave," his.mind fixes on the . ..fact
that it is a.very busy-tithe iind i neither he'nor
asiholdband can be spared, or that, the
'eourse ofa . week, some ono. will haye to go to
town for:B6We other -purpose, and both-these
Matteis can be . attendedto at the same time..
3.leariwhile the wife is expected . not only to
attend' to.ber ordinarydinies, usual; but
somehow, or - ofher to spare tiine to do all that
the cook or Washerwoman: was accustomed
fo to do the . : full work of two
persons, each oPC . Of whernhad atready quite
ris.rwsi . eh labor toperforrn . as shp,.could .pos
-Bibly attend to.. The wife attempts . it 2 . By
herculean. &torts gees on .well.. The
:fun:lei..perceives. no- jar, 'no -bitch in : the
.working: of the Machinery, .and heeause no,
Complaint is uttered," thinks 'that. everythin4
is going without aweffort. '.Meanry,hile
time paSses, and . infinite..sharrie on seine of
than; they .begin to - Calculate how much.nis
been saved from. Servants' wages, and how
much less food hits been eaten, and becatf§e'
Still no complaint has• : been made, ttle : reso:
hition quietly forms ;in the mind to do noth
ting until:she does complain ;-, but:before that
takes •Pface, she fallS a-victim. to her over
exertions:iti,having laid' the. foundation. for
weeks. and Months - of illness,. it not of pre
mature decline awl death.L-Dr. Hrill.
13Aic Qr.A3t4.',l'ake fifty . good Egg.llar
ber'clamS, :ppen them without.scaidiug, ii
you can:;.if;not,•stfald_therittilith s e shells - are
:Well opened ;. preL-prve,the juice, ;cut them or
chop them. very floe, finer than sausage frfeat.'
Take tWo . tomatoes, - one onion, a little pars •
thyme .rind sweet marjortim;•.popped
erpt'Uy mit.these and the , clams, put
ting tt . little salt and.soine pepper, with bread,
crumbs,,adding the juice of the clams, until
the mixture is about the consistency Ot soil
age meat. Fill this into asmany shellSas it
-will require. • Sprinkle on each: dried bread
.eriimbs, jiving flrst'put firstOtla pieee ofbutter:
Bake for tWebty:•,minntes4—
CHOWInR.-AS have seen' it MAde in
New' 141ngland; and: suceeeeded with It at
home: - ,
Take a pound of nice salt pork, cut it -i n
small pieces and put it in - a pot, and let it
• gradually heat.until it . is all „melted." Then
take out what are termed .the .."cracklings,"
and lay on theinelted 'pork a layer-of fish cut
into pieces two three inches square ; have
.ready some. potatoes, cut into pieces, mixed
with two onions:. Also cut flue and put .a
layer of these over the fish, laving first put
some salt and pepper over the latter, and
also,on the onions and potatoes; then 'a little,
thyrite arid:sweet. marjormxii and then a lay
er of Boston crackers; :and so proceed until
you have used five, black fish; or as-much as
you 'desire to took: .Fill the pot with water,
and cook f ()fan hour.` A few - oysters will be
.11 treat impmv9lnant,, and also a pint of claret,'