''i.:4tlit': - -:01.ti,"_.: - .Xt:it*.t. "130 ET. 'FOLIC'S EALEPTGIS." "Mercy knows," said Aunt Jerusha, as she settled - herself in her small rocking chair, and wiped her steel bowed specs on her apron before placing them astride her nose, "mercy knoWs I never slandered .my neighbors. I've enough to do to take:care of - my ownstfair' s. 'Now there is -Dorothy Ann—Lalways knows just what every one. has on in church. The idea of looking at people's dress in chtirch! Mit that is some folk's failisgs. Weell haVe our failings, I S'pose, ' and a sigh finished the sentence. • Whether this harangue was addressed to the: world in general, or- was for . the especial , . benefit of a tall young lady seated at a table nearby, inserting a sharp .pair of shears in to a piece of cloth, we do not know. The younglady made no reply, but a mischievous smile flitted over her face, • and a silence fnl lowed, unbroken save by the 'vengeful snap Of the shears as they closed over the cloth, and the loud tick of: the clock in the comer ,- Suddenly Aunt Tertisha peeped out of the window. - "Look Minerva Jane-Lain't them the car- , -penter.girls going by?". . • 4 ‘Tes," was the laconic answer. • "Do see how they. are dressed 1 .-. They . came sailing into church -during prayer time last Sunday, -looking like peacocks.. I watched them down the aisles clear:. to ,their seats. They wore'green silks, :veivet cloaks, 'and their bonnets looked like flower gardens, 1 noticed their furs in particular, they were new and fashionable. Much cause they have to be proud I should think -a glance at home would lower their feathers some. But there comes Mrs. Baker !- Oh dear! :Sheds a regular gossip, and ,we shall have to listen to her long yarns all the afternoon: What a - . A. vigorous kriock at. the door was follosied by :the entrance of ihe . lady .in question.— Aunt Jerusha rose witli - .a . beaming . face .to greet her. . . • . . • "liy dear Mrs.. Baker, holV do* you do? : I was just thinking about - you. Lay aside' our. things' and . spend the afternobn. Minerva Jane, bring out the rocking-chair • for . Mrs. Baker." ` • .. - The two ladies were soon seated with their sewing and Aunt Jerneha.aaked : • '. . ' r 4 ., "Have you seen Mrs. NAsh recently? I. wordyr of her husband is as bad as ever 7 I i . declare, that woman has a time of it. I s'pose 11 ' '. • you know he stole the pork from Mr. Brien's Y. cellar a few.weeks ago? . .• - "Yes I he r ard of it." • '' - —,,,.. ,- "Have you seen Mrs. Slocum riding with -.: the young doctor?" .. . . • r !qo be sure; some folks say be!s her „cousin, but I don't believe it." • '!Well, now, Ido say ; " replied Aunt•Jeru . ..:: Oa, "I don't slander my neighbors;.but that's i 1...' :_ pretty doings anyhow.. Did you ever herd 4' what a wild girl she:was before she was mar- ried ? My sister's husbands cousin used to know her, and she said she was perfectly in -dependent ; didn't care What folks said about tY , .• her. But I suppose you have heard of Mr. Este 's failure? or my part I don't wonder • ..•,. at it;• his wife was so extravagant ;, you've p c , t Idea how much waste there was in that hoUse, .t: I don't Slander my neighbors, but Ido say • I'm not surprised that her.husband has failed. They say he drinks; I should think .Mrs. Smith would feel dreadful bad to have Susan marry him ; .they're engaged; Pm told. I wouldn't have him courting Minerva Jane:for anything; but then_ Susan ain't any better -; ..than she shmild be ; I don't • slander my - neighbors, but" must say I should-13dt want a daughter of mine doing — as she does. Why, Mrs. Baker, yo*ain't putting up your work - do stay till after tea. Well, if you can't, good bye ; come again, soon," contintied • ' Aunt ..ierifsha. ' "There'! if I ain't relieved. Did you ever . hear a womadgo on so about her neighbors ? The ideitof slandering everybody as she does; to be sure, I have to talk with her when she's here; but mercy knews I don't slander-my ' neighbors!' - . • Josu Boa..tsos ON "BILLTArws."—As many of our readers may not be familiar with the game, the following description by "Mr, Josh Billings," may not be,entirely uninter eating: . "Everybody seems, to be gittin crazy. over a new game which -haa been discovered ,kalled billyards. , It iz played on the top ov a table which iz a little longer-than it iz square, and the game seems to, konsist in pushin sum round..white bawls Until .tha drop into, sum little puding bags which are hung onto.the Outside ov the • Intakes': men to pit - the:game, - but 4 , or 5 .• kan look on. • - • They take oph :their cotes and stand up tew the Label; vith u - 'short piece offishpole an . their .hands, wich has. a .chok mark onto :the end or it. • . 1 • - Then one begins by. giving, one ov the bawls a punch in'.the belly, -which sends it`. agin the next onci's , helly,, and so on thee tother tiller's turn for punching comes on'. • , But you'ought to se.the gamic; it kant bo • deliniated by Words. .• . • •, -:• i • One•feller generally_ beats the other feller, • and then he puys•the landlord ov.thekoncern . t .25 centn• for the privilege-ov-gittim - beat, and .• buys some gin With lemonade in it, Saudi awl. •-••• hands,drink: - , • t • Then 2 more takes hold .of the fish pole and • .• . they punch for . a spell, and so it goes till•-2 pl o'clhck in the uming; then c ten goes fitn, having erjdyed fine enereise, a.littie drunk perbspo,.but,the mussels in then:Aire:lst are so ex psnchal that they ktint • ketch the kOn-• •Y 4, sumptiop nor the smallpox..... • This . is Bill ids." •. • •• • • I..swvi.tc " ly.1.1.:"- Tlttre wire few ablerlawyers in the State of Illinois during The Fist tinarta of,a cent* than thelate Judge Potpie, of I'cdria..:lle was the. author. of• several . imporcaut books. .y his entire chi-otion to his 'vacs -slop, he bad attained meritid celebrity as an . ads - dente jurist. "•- . Sonic years since . Judge .1'..,• - wilvdn• i the City of Washington:met. WO a geuth:plan from 13oston -who, upon learning • that 'the Jhcige - was from Illinois, thade.partieular in qhiry as to . the, success of : a young sprig of the law.by•ihe name of li----; wiTo had em-- - 'grated .West sonic . five•year:i hefure. • •. • "He is doing very well, - promptly replied 'the Judge. . . - -.• . , . • ... lie is? • I allt giad 1(i bear it—glad to it, indeui. - • . , .i tida:k I.e has at gr-141 . pmetice, -do you. .Inffee ? - 4 ,". "Don't !snow - . .r., ihin_. ' . q•Teplied Purple :, "Mit I,e - ;s d4dus IA ell-.-sur _ -. A eeeediiig finely - - . - C e 1 ,4 *lfahiug u..(411 'y, lilt.n, is 'he r . persisted '' . o*.; Boston. .- '. • '''t' •-I tell you I don't know anything ab3ut • ' ". his busiress " said l'ufple. -'- i "Well, - ;aid the 11. stun man, "you seem 1 to think. he is doing %%ell, and yet you know - ' nothing about his pracime or busiuess. What a do you mean?' ' .- • • . • " 1 ''l menu this." said Purple "that any man i . who praciices law in Illinois live years. and - •••••wito keeps out of the penitniti.ry. is doing ' • i';' , p • : : well, whether . he has practice : or tmt '. - WAsrs "-rile SIDEBOARDS" AL.:O.—The .',editor of the Home (New York) Citizen •re • ~;cently had a win elbarrow stolen.' He inti • • • ,mated in the next issue of his paper that the Ji thief had better come after the sides, since bey were uo longer of use. The next day. ... ' be followin ,, note was sent to the office- • . Home, s.pril 16, I stf6.—Miater Sanford deer • . . ,2er i seen a‘• nods in yure Paper That sum-• ( ..toddy Stole yure. Whelebarrow i linowed i .• ' .:,ii 'that be Fore i seen it la the paper you sed i ':!../. hat if The Man that had it did not want to 1 --. ' A ;fetch it Back you would-let him 'have The I • .. ~ .ttj• amide Bords it you will leave side. Boards right •• ''' t. 1., . faint of the flower and teed.store to• Afar .-:. 4...,1xfw nits i will caul and git them mid mut& 4 , sobligd the.'wheel was Brok But i got it fist i• •-• lisade 2 shillin to git .ii fiat could you leve 'a ilf;i:2s cent stamp With the, side Bords where i vcan - find it ,p i shell Want the lords by frida - • - 11 morning fur i want to wheel some gravvle. ... -.fii: , . • _ yures Truely. :-.. 4 ..,.....-4i. . .. ,'''''-• . a. t, A LADS passing through New Hampshire . - ..- :-- -- : f' ; '• ' observed the following notice on'.board:— .: :'::',.. -... :'• .•Horses taken in to grass. Long tails three ,'' ~'"•?, i ; 'shillings sixpence, short tails' two shillings." .. ", - ,1:' , ..,',i - .;l;Tlie lady asled the owner of the . land the ` 3 '...,l3.lreasort for the difference in the price. He. °-"'''' --''''''' ^ `4f wered : "You see ma'am the low' Mita ?7 -, _: - 1 - -•:. - - , 4 f a " ' - l i e 'nosh away the flies; but the short tails , 'tormented by, them - that they . can eat at all." . ' . - : ~• . my belief, Qmy son,. - that the garden guarded by lions, let it be thy sole .vol bete below, to learnt() combat:these 6 not say- that the man will steal, %witness on trial, "Nail I was a chid roust 4111,11 wbcu be , was around." . FREDERICK INSTITUTE. FOR YOUNG 2tEN AND BOYS . The tinter Session of this. Institute will commence on.:tiondayi October gr.l4. :Prof. Chides Long- Mott, M. of Cambridge Univereity..England.. - Rev: F. T. -Bootee. B. and others. equally competent.are in charge of the several Departments of inetnic lion. Send fort' 'Catalogue. Address... • A.: PRINCE SUPPLER, Principal; Prederitk."Siontgomety CO, Pa-. eIIIEGARAV INSTITITTE: V • TRENCH AND ENGl:rem • • For Young Ladies, Boarding and Day Pupil& 1,527 and 1,5 N, Spruce etreet, Philadelphia, • Will open on . be it/ O. • .• .Tbotrodari Seine= r Board and tuition ; per annum • $450 du • • do .do .. for two or more Big . era; (each) - 400 French is the . laiagnage 'of. the - family,: and is con; itantly spoen in the Institute. • , CIA3tE - D. EIPtftI.LY;.PrinCIP4I. INIDEN•1111.1.1., • MORAVIAN SEMINARY FOR TOFU LADIES, At Litiz, Lancaster; Co., Pa., (FOUNDED 1794,) Affords enpe:rfor adraarages for - tbortligb and accom; plished - Female Education.. • •••• •. •• • For Circuit:us and Information:, address • . • • •• : • JUN.- W C. REISH.F.L;PrinciPaL BRYANT, STRATTON & KIMBERLY'S 003/MERCTATI COLLEGE TELEGRAPMC INSTITUTE, dl: - Chestasut B4.,)Fnsijada Book - Keeping ,'. S Penmannhip, . - • . , • • Camrec.rc jai Law,. '• ' • *- Commercial. Calcalaiians., •.: • Buidwrsi.Fapers, ' - • .• • . . • TClegrapking, .Phonographs,, . . Stadetfts received-at.- any tithe: Dipionaroi . nwai'ded on 'a satisfactory examination... .ftirthar, lam please call or sand fora airardar. .Sept.fi9, '66 The Quaker City •nosinemo' College, Tenth and.Chestnut t and Bread and Spring :Opining Of the Fall Stashing, [Sept.. 3d. , dieZount -of 25 per tent allowed on all Scholarships purchased daring the - Month of August, reducing the terms to 330. Ilisney may be remitted by, natal, and Scholarships secured by those who propose to enter at any-future. time. . , • Muporior Advantages...:-This Institution ranks the first in the country ; is a regularly - Incorporated College, authorized by law to grant Dlplomakand•Con• fer. Degrees of 'Merit. • . .• - The Fall Sessions Will open 'with greatly Increased fat Int ies.. and young men desiring to qualify themselves 'fur but inelis life will find .tere advantages. to be ob.: . tallied nowhere else. : . Fairbanks , .Work..the' most:cotnplete: and extensive Treatise nu Bookkeeping ever Written ; containing pages; - and composed ex elusively of Actual Business Sets, Will be ready for pub slicatitin in - August. Price. :• by subscription, paid In adVance. 5- 50. 'Remit money, and secure a copy.' Descriptive Circulars on application. Improved Course of lustrucaion.-With the introduction 'of this hook.:" and with able and ex perienced instructors, the students of. U.N . -Institution are, guaranteed. Aecomitnuths Course of thi highest value, such as has never before 'peen placed within the reach of students of Com.mer cial tithools. . L. FAIRBANKS. - A. 31.; -Preat. . T.'& MR:RC:RANT. Secty. - 'Aug. 11, '6G--;t2 Pni (cfih",;7. , ,- ,l;amiuttciaL oatt - cfcla AT CARLISLE,:PA: A MODEL BUSINESS INSTITUTION EDUCATIONADAI 3 ,TEDTO ALL: , rlll.llE.Fai-mer,l7ifechanic. Art,ixitn. I owl . netts or Pri)feaqonal man. - Ceurbii rif.inttrtirtion timirokb and comprchenaive, combining ,Tur.iihr; end Pr.ten:a:as applied and practiced by the lietA TlllO - and busineee - men or the country: . . . , . • ..In this departnientlegltinaate transactions of Trade and •Commence, are daily practiced, by making •nurcha am+ and epics in the Model _Store, connected with the College ; supplied with samples of pry.(4ocls; also, a regularßank of peposit and issue with a wonting cap ital of $lOO,OOO, (consist:Mg 'of•flnely:Migraved „Bank. in Which students till 'in tutu the- positions* Of Vaunter, I'dy big and ;Receiving Teller, "Instuunt 'and Check Clerks., • • 1 • . • Book Keeping In lilt its forms and applications... Busincas Calculatiutui, Correapondence„. Vorrite, 4.te. • 'Mercantile LaW, With regular recitations'. Penmanship in esery style of the art. Phonogiaphy, Telegraphing by regtdar -circuit of, Wire . and Instruinents.' For further particulars drew_• , Carlisle, ra. August 4.„ ,, G6 • - ; • .- • . ' '3l:ihn. • .;.sp.v4: - : :•-7..-.$.._ PORT ..-GjtApE: WINE I . • ME AND FOUR. YEARS (:).p, For the COMMUDIOII Table and Fatally . Fie. PRESCRIBED BY PHYSICIANS FOR Females, The Great llemody for Kidney Affections, R A S , AND :. ILL CARBONIC DISEASES. EXCELLENT WINE ._FOB. FEMALES •Vory fatally at-title season thouldneO Sheer's VOrt .Grape . Celebratedbilitirope roi-iti medicinal . and bent:tidal •quilitka :.highly..esteemed by eminent physicians, used - in Euro:wait, and •AmericatCllospitals::.and ; by some of the htti.o.thinilies to Europe and America. • AS A T0N112,--It has ao .emcial; catising an appetite and budding up the systi,ra,- being enthelya pure of a most valuable grape. - • • ' • AtA Dluitrric—lt.imparta healthy nC tion or the cisrds: kidneys and urinary organs: Very beneficial in drol•sy. gout arid rhanmatic affection)]. . • ; Speer's Port GraPe Wine 1 7 a artlyla tram the jniee.of the Port Grape,' - poi r !.• M.`tliC inh l propel 11, rnperidrto any other wine. tu ore, and i.xeellimt miivter h,r all weak and debili tafrd let mr..and the Belli and itgirM. improving -tile a; petite, anitirenetitiug and children. . Try it °bee, and yon.will . not rflie sure the signature of, ALFIt Et.) SPEER . Is over• the ma:of 'each hotitle':' Sold hr• 11. Fa3lor' Shindel & Boird, Ta maqua; ilermany.k.-Allen,llabanoy. City.; Lawrence' tt BrOWn. N. - Core, lichttylkill haven; . 11. 8.-Davi2..StSlair; and by . all flret :Mas..drtictrists, who -112dthe CASTELIA PORT . B111.N1)37,- a .e.hcilce old artfele, imported • only •by.Mr.'SPeer, direct from the Valley *of Oporto.- . • Trade supplied by. wholesale drag.ziets'in',Nerv.Tork 'and jelilladelphia, and til'F.Elt, at his Vineyard PRINCIPAL - t.).FDICEttOS trronawny, N. V.- .- Mayl.2, ul6 " 'l , , 40 biz: pplclicts 11 LEI.II3IISRS, of Pot tar it I 0.. Pentan'.. 111.• dealer in NltrilC, .M.I;bICA I stiTitum ENT'S, PIANOS, :11.ELOOR.G.NS;, ORGANS, ac., 'having been, apPointtal sole agent fur the celebrated Mason - Sc llianiAin , s . Cabinet:Ora no, -ln the County. 'of Schuylkill, .would 'restaictlully an-- num:cc to the musical commitinity that he can fdrnieh there ivieqUalled favorite Cabinet OP4II.IiS, In all' styles and kitAg", at manufacturers'- priers.. The, quality and 'volume of tone, with.the pcnver bf expression in these . organr, is nuiversrdly . admiriai and praised,' while their . portability and beautiful &dab make them the most et egant parlor ornament.' . . •. , . Every Izunsity ShOuid nate One. • • TIIR -CABINET ORGANS are adapted to PAM LIES, cItURCLIES.ANDSCHOOLS. They vary In price from $llO to $6OO each. OrEveiry laustrzonent Wairannted. Alan; Agent-for the Sale of the much adinired , Spring italodeana and Harniordnin . °tans, • - for. the Counties. of -Schitylklll,'Noithemilerlaerd'and . Lebanon, whlcfi instrumPtits are. urilvensally.liked.— 'Phey Timmer, a sereetnete and . ..fullness of tone, which has received the united commendation or the Tanaka' proicsaloe, arid Induced an almost unprecedented sale. Purchasers are respectfully Invited to call anilexam- Inc for themaelverf. All. communications and orders 'will be punctually answered or' filled, and every infot mation in relation to them gladly.given. - . Store and Ware Rearmost the Jewelry Store on Oen. Or street, four. doom front Mahantadgo sized, Potta- •••• gRN • F • A Septls, 'a Jwit received . aflpe lot of Salt Flab, eonsieting pf .Heasliackerel, Salmon, Herring, Cod Flab. &c for sale ati by • DECK & COllO. • . . . T he ilargrai.ansoinnent.Of -Dress ..Conli BottOna • • 'and Trimmings of all kinds at WALKER &-Irftl.. rK , g. 'New 'Mine null. • " '66-211-Gm ', • . rio r gi'ir n orart to call WALKER Prams, ap e_ 1 J HAI, to .te usseaFlie -Ingortreetit of Silk and Cloth ti4o4 for ladies. June 9 . 65. rilabbe Oil 'thee at. at JOKI 9 , 166 4 11 • 0 1 3 1 NYAJAMB It PRIMO LN:"TERNATIONA.L -ASSE3II3LY B=IliGS7 Tile Collegiate Coarse cmbrae rs ANITIOUNCEntiST. TO Catgut Sts., Actual Buaincais Btasu;lies Taught Weakly Persons, And Invalids. STEEL WIRE ROPE For Mining( ForpolßO. The snhetribereare agents for GA.HNOCK:, . BIBBY C 0.13. Celebrated Sim] Repels, which are Of the very beet quality: and de-. cidedlY superior to Iron Hopei on. account of their greatei strength, tightnese and toughneee, and are riving universal satisfaction thiongbJut the mining Be lona.. JOHN W. MASON & -• • • 43 Broadway, .15. Y, . . . • • THE 'J".:043-ItAL, OCTOBER 13, 1866 BUSINESS CARDS. HENRY• •.• • • CM" , ANI) . . inveCts :Collieris; a n d.n ei.amines Mineral ind Oil Lunde:- Orrinc•Lillsinuinex Building, centric opposite EpiairCiyal Church... , •• • • _ . ET:-:QUILITCII 2 Ciyil'and Mining Enniueer,•Perturille • Pa:: • " • .OFFItS on Yd Geo. id ' ghtss. Buildirie'Oen ire street... • I: .• • . . ..• Mee. .6.1.50... fr • EFICIIIIB' BROTELEIFtIifiCiaII aiid BLi t ning - Ent,rlneers; linsaFts Building', Second and Mahuntanrostreetr. STEPRRN - 114nRIS.. - JOSEPH SALAMIS July • 'Selitember yGa . . • W. eSp il n E u "g . ottival lute Survey, plorlandti, mite* &c. October 13, '55 BANK CARTER, Real Etallie Agent, F ItiATIANOY•CITY: ScullyMill County; .ra.. .• WirLettex Address. 7 'llehtimoy (5.". _• Ruth 30, 761. - . • : ' , 13-tof : AG SC. 7V—For ..thc*Purchaise end 'Mi!le or P.esl /Ittate buying and - felling Coal.; taking charge of Coal Lands,'ldtnen, &.c., anti • collecting ieran, 0111a,liabantaitgo Street, Pot.ville: . . _" • Ap.rll6, '6O - 144 . CHAS. 31,..11LLL.i cpir - mAN - t) itaziriiet Erratakm Office 7 ,,Boxisel 4 n Building.. 3.!lahnutozign IStrcet, l P.olluiville. • • • • peogPirir . AV. GEARY,• • • Cavil •neid . Mining Engineer; . . .. -.POITSVILLEt, PA., Orricmo,.Eli.vne . . • 1T . ..S . P.. 0 H.N • • • • B CHER' Market St. - isorth'aide..weet of . ceatra • • • Choiec Fresh Bcef 3.lcittdn, Ser, ,sup~lled to .• The'patronage - or the public res pectfully . eolleited. • • • WATCHES, : • • (6 . - i••• •.• CLOCKS, •.. ALWAYS ON HAND . . • 1131.1.11 duds of I.lnalml Itistrunenti;lln,Stiings; Bass Viol Suing s; Guitar and Banjo Strings, constantly on hand. . . • - Jan 30; .If6Al,lCLlAtfir.. • .'01.41.6. . 11. AU & W IL D - E H,. • , tSuccomoni . toF.E. • . ' yuoL4ALi 10415 DY.ALes4 - N . TOBACCO, .SNUFF . and 1 NEARLY OPPOSITE: THE '1!,10H - TINIER; HOUSE,. DB W.' LITTEAWEAVER, DENTIST alias successor to Dr: 13., S. Latigdon, (Gradoate of I'ennsylvania C011i.,-;e of Dental Surgery.) : ROOMS —3lnriket above Third. rar - kither and Chloroform administered when 'de sired.. . . • . .. . .. - 'R.T.I'EFIEi.:CM .I—Prof T, 1... - 'Buckingham,: D. D. S. M. D.; Prot. H. Wildman,. D. P. S - .. At .D.;:Prof.' James Trumaa, D. D. S.; C. ". , .:.*Pleree, D:: D.. 5., 'of Philada.,• aad Otters; • . ".. -. ' March 31, .66-13-1 y ' . • Teeth Extracted • Without Pain or Morrneism. • - The mtciereidned has introduced an entirely new meths,_ for Se.xTRAcTING TEETII, which is perfect, Ic safe, ltenniet-s and pleasant. Cowie and try it fur yourselves. Also; Nitrous Oxide GILS administered in Its pure btatiL Artititial Teeth immted.. Teetll With the greatest care. Otlice, fiorner Second alia Market Ste., Pottsville. Sept 1, •66-15-6m*l G. N. BOWMAN, Dentist :-- .- : ,-,•,,c.5.0...D.kr,ir..1, ..... - ~ ..a 3 / 4 , _., Watchmakei /14 Jeivelc - r,.. 1.. . ... 416 . 5 ' CF THE ST.,• POTTSVILI.E,-'l'A., - ' (tree. tioorrt 111:1)VC the Mortimer ilomm;) has now On hand a large and well eeleeted asawrtnrent of ,•• -. , • - '. •: Siii-er Ware, • - ...., - : - . . pr. the latest style's and highest standard of Also !Silver Plated' Ware. A large and general. variety of superior Plated . ‘Vare, -. such as - Tea•and Ta ble Sugar Spoons; Oyster and ~ioup' Ladles, .11e and Fish Knives, Cake Baskets, Fruit - Siatuls. .Castors, Better. Dishes, Waiters,'- Pitchers.' etc., all of which will be sold at the very letwmit'prices. •• . . • • . Silver bought and taken in excharg.te„. The highest price given. . March 3, ' , Eirkeoturcit a 11oluae litanu lac tu'reN CHAO 'mANaeecruara or' - .. SALAMANDER:- SAFE.S.;. Second - I. Announees - to Ihe husints. community of this .• and the•adjoiniun counties; that. he manufac.- tures. SA LAXANDER: SAFES of 'all sizps - and kinds, warranted Fire , proo . f, - . which, in point of workmanship and finish, will compare with. .tho,e..oh-; tattled from any-other. establishment in the, country.—; He always keeps safes on•hand for fiale,'and will make. them any size, for.lkinking and other Institu tions, as cheap if nut cheaper than they can be obtained froth abroad. • . . He refers to Beajamin Haywood: George Bright; Tlios. Ce*ch Anil A. Henderson, - of-this Borough, - who have • his Safei • • • . (Jane 130;3.-- tf BOOK D E R.y 'A LL kinds of Booka, Magazines,' Newipapera, to- A gather with Music and Olti•Buoks rebound at shoyt notice at oar Bindery.' • : •• . • " All . kiuds of Blank 116Oks tilled:: and • bound to any pattern at:the Bindery of-the subscriber. • . &nd in your orders. .111311131.NG , AND GAS FITTING ATTESLED TOTS :4 1,4 17.1 FIR BRA .SCII ES. fr ALIKG itl4 MO DE RA lirE,Jl2. Onlera left. at the stores of ,BosmsnpLL & BRO., and GEt)it:CiE BEILNET,• Centre St., *HI receive • prompt. attentiop. . • • . . , I.7ol(ll.lraes,,COpper and Lead bought. : • • - • , DUWNi'N . I3,• • Corder' of Sixth and 'Schuylkill Avenue. • • Pottsville, March 3,..*titi , ' b-tf PROF. F. VELINGr 'Would raPpectrally announce to the - .citiaetacdt. - Potta. .• that he will aka a etaOs cot' Instructions. ()TOL- . , Every Tuesday and Friday eithings," . from ; half .pruit until lialf ; patt irti'clockL . • • . . A ,COLiRSE OF 60 LEsso:szs,'ss . . . . . Those desiring to take lessons will pletissleaN'e their address at Prof . -.l)ell'e house, Itallroad street, or with F,,StiietTel, as 'Mr: - Veling' inteuds - opephig the class as soon ay he has ton Kbolor8,•• Aug. IS; 334 - :• •:' • Tueo. F. liessi.4 . . . • •,)", A C.K. . - SO'N " • . ROPE; . TWENE, CORDAGE & PACKING, • . . regpectfully rnolicii a share of the patrouge the buainer.t. man of.richu)lkill Comity.. - • • I{OTELS. . • • Noith•western. .House, . . (late Daniel' III 11,) as - • Centre P. 5 treet, Pottn~iile.. mil, 3T_ Large' accommodation:4or•DroverA. a ' • • • • WILLIAM. sl'Eltlillit,,Proprietor. June IG, K 615. : •• • • . . . - . . ~ • .. UNION: HOTEI_,. -- 1 - ,- • , p. (late EXCHANGE 4 HOTEL,) •- - , _•'`.. •., • CENTRE'ST„ 1;0#61711:14E, ' , i - TO ... JACOB LINDENinTH, Prop.r. -•:'' -"--- - 2 L A • ..• The Suilscrilyers haying lee . seit this tavorite house brut bcen .REEITTED • 4..isTD . REFURNISHED • IN. ELk(/OT ?d÷:;'N11.11, - ' . .. . .. ... .., . And is ii.c , tr PrePaeed aith , the 'moot perfeet - appoint ,:. . 4nrnto for tke ree..epti2ii of. gue..,:te.- . . . . . . . The tivaoh. flrst-clas - Flute's will be trkaiirmiued iu the tittU're*, iheletet: •. • ; • , ". DAILE.It &PAI{LECY, , PLMNSYLVANIA, HALL„ The iinilersigned. having • REFITTED IT:THROutan --2. urr MOST %. ' • -:.ELEIPABT.It!AIVIVII'It,„ • !kilt ofr 'che - Tiarelfpg The-Proprietqe v; ill , ;pat e - no pain; to.muinra . ill'. the Chario.tvr ft has hlways . - ,tnjoyed :cue a the beat of the' . - First-r 4.4 ss • Ileihel;s Of the cpantry, air& favor him. - with theft palibiLige way that.n9lbini,t' will be left 11n doneLO secure The etirnioit and -ezitir•litellon gueetec 11,11.12101:11141 a T IN Ex. • June IG, •GC .USITEI) 11191rEi, Broad Street, tajnaquit, D.'H. WILCO:X., l'ropfietor. The I.'nite,l.Statvs.- liotel'in.Well 'and. iridciy knowb, to the traveling it is oms - trolly lo . ateil iu the venue and ban:her,. part- ot vau toWtv.and• near the.pee-; - Railroad Dep!...it ; • it. in vi and' sesses'every nick terninipcovement for"the contiort and entertainment of -its'intuntes ; • the root& ure spadions and ti ell - ventilated.::.proyided with gas aid :water; the al.o?.tidinice is Prompt and respecttut; and thii Tn ble insvielt. Provided with the. best, the market. affords. The Bar is ttucked with cholcest With n.lorilt . 't!,;perictic'e.. as hotel-keeper,.. the: Pro, prtetor triotS, by niodernte charges and a itberal to receive a sharc-of than.pAttc pairoliage.•• • . ' . EUUllaft U.. 'IS'A E It, dealer in - . 'liardivars;- - SECOND STItEET,' CI; A kOld *.tandj.: -Also Wholcsale ., ' dealer in :Miners' Ltlitpa, .Lamp Chimneys; . lortnt Lud 'Tinware generally'. New work made and 'old '.cotk -. repaired at short nhticer -,Roofing and Spouting executed with ptatuptne:ta mar despatcli: '. Tnanklui ter past patronage, be'llopea•tai merit a continuance . or the mine be- strict attention to buaines's. - • ---• : WAGNER., - . St.clair,"Sept . S,.!66 .." ' -; :3t:3-2m• 5000 tr. i n aWre and for snlc by ' n-P3-1 . • . • •-.••• 13. E. C K • • - 1 Having . removed Ironi the Take., corner Market .iund Second P.:reets. to the siore . -between ,O.:Dobson's and J.-G. Brown , . on Centre ",treet... oftere..a large and va ried aiaortrnent.tit dry goods and geucetien..ut the: 'nert.caah prices. Being thankful Tor peat. faVoir, 8411 8,5- licits a continnaniv of the sime:;. • - •• • now Dirop, Wien a article-L(or sale by . • XIC)IIANNAN iC SCILNERIL . Market St. above :+l. June EIZ-2:5,. .EMERSON'S NEW BOOK, THE JUB.ILATE, In many particulars. his .colehratal collection,' :.. • • . BAR? 01'4 . • • • •- • ' who limn seen B . decidethit-it is 7Teh ß es t e. Beat goo k k fo fi r i ( ; ll Sc 6l ll . . g 9o : Iti: : - , . The Best Book for Societies. • . The Best Book . fur Convections.:' . • .. • • ' • The Bestßook for Practice. . • . • The I st Book fer.SOcial : Singing.: .• • • .The Elest'llo