The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, December 07, 1861, Image 2

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~:4~ ~~-.
OM ftiftMlatiarMEM'
) I this:ireck tetie4,l, *to
oar readers In full, - I
the President's Smear * 4 dee. 0 1 . iteerdn' s
• Remwt, . vrids. .stwitute -of *bet .iwiPmlitit.
• decennial& We stied hardly ,site teen all an
anent* petuittl4 i&eles *PAW as_they
de licereet vi e w i 4 ;thl. act"' state of the
• cones* is this time. .1 'i • .• - .
• ~Thettrst,iinAbe reader the**.
me, will reeektiOnit he iii. marked contrast
fames Wood* Message of the, rebel De.,
vie: , lane Pt r eehlsa Liecoles : Remy
. .is
*Vita and ltannoutoutt, fa the trOt,„coloi
-seers and dignity,lwltieh paved' it, that of
mp,*, is In spieit,l.,tratalent„ mogninary, 1e
eiela4c.'' The teeetrl eed.the world I'M 6 0
fail to see in tutseta, conclusive
and h evidetice
of umi'despirate • Offitioa of, ope
Seat Of the fetid oans& ", ThikPomident Mt.,
• 'rim! clearly, the plied' 4, the Southern' re!
hellion; proving Oat': it is a war upon . - the
- pepper dignity el labor, . anti upon the
- cal franchises t# the poott an attempt - of
detepotisniOnd ar;istocrecy, to•sule the misses
with a rod of iron, as its tits Park . Ages,.
The President **thee Me *Melees is
• the war, on the .part. of the rebel, , and -says
•thitt they must bi VIIXICLEddIed . and put town.
.. , ,T.,, e ff ect' this, Mid preserve the Uniun.l "al
indispensable otitis:is ' mast be- employed."
Qa the Slavery: questiOn the epirit of tit
President is admirable .: " -Hu • willies to: re i,
store the Union', if possible, with the least
pOisible sacrifice of pre•coistinglies mar :inf
. - - terests; but be Plitepettie duty
_of preserving
the *ion above all conflicting considerstioni,
and what Congamarmay deem in , - its, :kali.
•'' • • 'will do - li • • ' ''
- ' Inent,nessteary, • a dem, receive, bat
sweeten, The. : 2ribune thinks that he may
be late to realise the tuitesSityof still sterner
measures aimed at tbe - sOurce and mainsprii*
of the rebellion) but ,he will not defeat dm
• s willof loyal people, as : embodied and ex. /
~ the .
- 'praised by their representative& Band in
• '' hand the Executive and the Masses have en
• said upon this ;tremendous stenggle, end
. , they will sot, they must: not, fall out by the
way to'its triamphant, conclusion. I •
To its it seem plain that if the rebels, In -
tinue in :arms, refusing' to taiga the oath of
- allegiance, that it will become 'a necessity to
- emaricipate their slaves, tbeir - great element
'of siren ;tit. 11" . the•Government confiscates
. . a rebel's house; horie, or cattle; why not his
slave? • What distinction 3inder, their oSit
ruling is there? We believe that 'the co ca
policy is,.to notify-by proclamation, the re.
'bets to lay down their arms eithinw, certain
specified time.. if they refuse, the . Govrn.
.`'. meat his the right under the . war powe r to
.. weaken the enemy; and the most effective
. - way Willbe found in emancipating the slaves
• ,of the rebels, and remunerating loyal 'slave
'lholders for any losses they May sustain. This
r....- -
, - policy ai .meicitut as itleould be effective;
- - • will we believe, if, circutastariees 'warrant, yet
' receive the sanction of the President.l
r • The Report:of i
the Secretary of War s ate
interesting and important document. 1 tiy it
.• we learn thaktbe Army- now numbers
. 640-
, 63 1 7. men, which does not include 77,875ree
months' men. Gen. Camercia'At suggesti ns
i ;
and views on the 'Amery aspect of this , war,
. are able , and generally approved.: . Tide - , De
partment of the Government : has been con-
I I 'ducted by Gin.' Cameron in a manner
„ that
. ' will challenge the admiration of 1 posterity.
•-,, An abstract of the Report of the Secretary
• of the Navy; will be found in another column.
-' f " Much hermilean labor has been-done' in this
. ,
Department since t he' commencement of the
. i - War-•-a Navy havieg in fact, been created..
. On the whole, taking the public documents
. - nes basia r for the opinion, the affairs of the
Nation Me lwfaithful hands, and all its ,_,ln•
. • termite are carefully and wisely attended to
in the exeCutive branch - of the Government.
• • SLAV= 1 . •
The senseless clamor of "Abolition"! which
woos heard from a few traitors and iraittor•
ous journals, cannot alter the' fact that" the
dratructinn of Slavery itt title Republic, will
be the mutt of this Southern rebellion, The
'heretofore solid fabric . of Sla v ery,.}'aving for
its cornerstone the Government, is crumbling
into dist. - Whether a month! or a year be
°num . :mad in the demolition ', whether it goes
piecorma4 or 'suddenly in one grand crash,
the result Will'be the "ate. Slavery in the:
United States; as in Institution, is doomed
In Itisso i ttri, "alone; Within Ole last eight ior
,nine months, the idave population , of about .
90,000 is diminished by 50,000 ; of these, 25,
000 have ha their muter*, and ilispoied . of
themselves iteeordin'g to their own will and
pleasure, sod the other 25,000 have been hur 7
riell off to the South from a tdirket where,
it iipieetnied, they, eriltireently be an after
lose, &I,ill will speedily. be introduted in
to the KentncliiLegislature for the confisca
tion of tie property of rebel•, including slaves,
`and !here is every reason to believe that ii
.will become a law. The system in a whole .
tier of !Stites from Missouri to lielaware,
.._thongh.not let plucked up by the mitts - end
east away, is loosened and t brokett-ao that its
leaves and branches are withering and shriv
sling, and it mast presently die. 'The same
esuses .that have , produced these results in. thi
border States will be introduced,' into those
iuuth of them,. and will have like consequen
ces. It heist!) , needs the intervention of the
,Goveniment to announce' emancipation as W.
militar l y, necessity, for events , proclaim. that
• a death-blow beer been 'trail .at -Slavery,
whether we like it or not.
Ihe'greatroblem seems to be. what shall
be docie with the four Millions cif 'aloes, when
"lei are emancipated. Wise statesmanship
r . mai here step' in, 'and so Order, that free la
bor and Sot idleness, should follow the dint).
.pearaeat -We need cotton -fur
our. own Manufactures,' and still more as an
, i
article of ez,port. , There, s no mme . tsity,lin
• the nature of , the case, of _sacrificing a staple
" vorths2ooooo,ooo because heretofore itu
• been by. unpaid labor whish r •is to be
elno longer, al, our command. -- On the coat i ry
. the value or the staple oughi l o ba inereased,
not only by offering thistimidas of wages" to,
those who hare heretofore' worked 1 in a shift.
• less *ay swithont •it, and bygiring- to them
- the example, and to t h e production the , ed.
autsp, of the a pplication of f roses
'igen" labor ofliforthern workingines, •
It u follito gay that Ake men - canna
bear tbaexpoaure of the Southern eliatiSte,
fittt the het is that tbey alwaie have bornsi it,
isborers; and are doing so more and merit
elerY Poe. lar!. l{ Posell ainnti)As in 'one of
his earlier letters in ,a description' onhe
.Hottnias plantation. on, thee won Lodi of
the , Illississippi, that there alre _twenty miler of
40 1 1 . i.lElehing uPoilits exclusive of canal; the .
16 4 nsiTim He 'naively adds,
c"7 - lbat "the workss tweet's,* for ArricitkillOWS l
Wird Orierieorroloso.ohown. it a bird ecogiomy .
'St streusel' elm:" other words, a.
• ; as*ro oasts Xiatioj, swi whew the *mew
lois Work to do . tbat tilt mobs" *lter .
- Ariibtoei on ivriros.4'nosesideratina -ea • tba
PIA Air. it3oadlisra &robins" Which' OW'
' 3 llO fenOW:,Chitif Ite. , % oho have. 'tree • invei%
• ``‘
gledibrni!l" ,ll
'halls* I eq. ,
es Corthen ail , .
liFir!sil , , ties*" t
the*illsii " 11 4 4
liertakeli;;;;;; 1 ba eraldr,
4 1 4
7-1-"- iti seegiutri;
4 lit* y
, sod of, ,aw pelmet ea
' , I strictly in t cold of alto",
1 ,01)0'were ffe• whi ea. .lii- ,- 1 '
NMI. die Gore= t 'estdi a
pateial leeptaall ' ' tieetl bi p • . • 1- et
Shwas Of titiSontb, . `agal4, a i j ali cr
teaLcattlet foe ' ala ,:, "tifidteut ist
1 Hayti; ;auheequestly furs large somber An
' - 1 • tilutei!se is
Labe,lia'i when aka , , ta es.
.tabSisiti..irith t cotintly; i ssit Central
AceeMit treuhl • ise a ai, sober.--'
Hayti , ere pee , Induce" . a tor un—i- I
I t
4ff • • a te ' • 7 -
kratiog to the teen, , !" - the lal
lewitig from the Hs iao Pisa t , , •
L I ' i - ttea,
Hritt will Boos rs a her pool at ressider.- 6 . -
t i ed
This i ssirirelloursoll out ries* by
avkeeksorga for as *la soya siel tOis tbg
Wealib bow bidden in its beam' Le out bli •t*
ind yellow Itstitten. 4l, . ilia ,Autil.
les, and Ninth and th Am al to co-
Overall with us hi rt. Ls the ' tory 1- the Itie=
idgetti t
publio.L ilityti it th 00 aumu u Ur t h ul
black ties. Our an in. g possession
Of it. wen weal to nosil , the 'tuition
that they published. — all th e is of 1
Africans sod of the toibilants fth Wait In-
4ss helot% by *4 eta t he ' Hay fanaily.—
Tn. kb& was gnat puwwwiti. -,1 ' -,,
Listen, thin. ad y isgross'athi mu
Bo r
roos t a ---7
of — Ail, si;f;;m ou sh . •
Ilto Repo io
het:l y luo sod,
itkm . : ork
ritt e e d hill ' rZigt ha se th w il bFri
• 'I ' - '-) - - 1
Or stootior raid Tasking
QUos pf !oho stilles,, wilt 1
oat. sloqooo sod 'mpiory, 1
tap of oils . ho I coolest , 1
/ t„
to ottota big dogroo of
1- 1
andante, from !Med man
Id be -pa ish ,in these
their ismisl 'tio• We have.
foll'oiSing eitra a • ,iroin a
Lewis .
ormerlr. ot,
Ad now eats of St.
sin the ,vsist Cititinesq
,prejudfces of caste.
106.1 invites you. to
your minds.' Ms
Oectishes interests
toectdints, no matte
rtiar place , of birth.
.lbsyti, regainiog
hei ancient sceptre
be* foriaal denial.
agitinlst those del:
oaf desire and abili
giyilitation:' • ,
ITestimony in a
now in .ilityti,.co
' colonins, shoinn .
o i y. space for th
letter from John
New - i Orleans, an.
Mark: . ' . .
' Liberty. - • ' ,
"pimp! Sister :—I trteivo
goit,Llsnd wis-veryluippy
all vrell svpresent. I arrive
ire* and equal the 22nd of
~beiti four muntbi, / bane,
Reeler', dell I bate all the rill
both Hayden.. I stber;after it
year and a day, yen have all Ms
ties born person ; bat, deai f I_
tights that I want now.' ' I baits
me !'Pall of your liiie,*or , •uu
lo#11)d In beret" bat it is in this
'and sister. hand rid - brain.. I
i ail
Dear father, d sisters AMA
dcir all of you, to Ms glorittaili
cabrive wi'd'be, fpin :land tit
Ibis only One on h governed
You wuald be th re than Eaton I
capital; Tbesident and
T y
,irbul• of them loredll !,Thai •
free: 'I - I I 1 2
t lt makes me to litirticl.w
:years this time; iid now to iiiej
where I am colt Captain BtO .1
'and sisters. -
To rune to tit
nh vlensel at Ne
Mr. Japtis Red
and resister yo
, this country.
Dear *later. I
*lases prOgress
give her eta cdu
atosses;Cr any!,
s country 71a :
, Orleans. go
' tb, thq Hoyt
r IMMO, sod hs
as glad to bear
bat if I had•be
•uion. ecipal to
lona else. •
; of Ibis !:fla
the clime whold
b milting -to. ti
Oliver Col.
/ 1 4til.aurng
the chance of
td diem; of "8 1
6.4 longer.
Foi The inf
ring to emig
.ratotion of
to to Hayti, w
lowing : 1
ilfew York Solent y fir Bi
intending to j9l O this 'Colony
allies inn:lel:eV AO Janis
Grose Street, ow. York 91.
Persons. sold sting me 'en ;.nts
einication, iiitiolease diiieet tb
Hayden Omani:tie .odine l atni
2135; Walnut, etteetot, Philos elphi
should be dieeeted•to- site at to
ghiladelpitla. 1 , J:-B,
. .
; These few! I fa . its are giver
there is a way of treating ,pr
Sufis of 'etnaucipatiOn, 'and • ii
all Citizens . whO truly lovti ti
Ilie.intereats of free;.111.1304
white workingman a , his
cerned, to -f'
rget - psit iire
lections,.to address Amam
which even h a ve for Ced
' That Charles J. Biddle,
' .
`chosen to Congress while t
meat of v lunteera in the 1
' • ~
his res i gn hisColocielcy, ,
his fellow leading' Democre
phis, and t ken hits seat ititit ,
, •
say ilia ca use of gratulatio
uing his lel ter of acquie.scerc
1 •
'hive'hien t rusted w w ' with' c
with tissue nee of , his ideliv
Much less da n g e r ous in:Con,
,- • ,
only eOnfreres are .Yalatt
.and "Bent Wood , of' Nell'i•
dle was at elected asyt Mi
since the oblication of his'
suppoited him, itinong th
• ,- , ~.
I •
patriot, F enck Frail
l ti
in no m ured languwiti>l
the Repu lim n party and tb
in cannel, ion with the Wei, I
"Tb le. t .wifoay stay fur the I?*
it tosistal its away. • dererelon
zikrue. as Hie depnbliran party iOU
aa army LOl twaturin." • 1 .11
—That is to sir . : - Pielidi
ter, liaso f p, Faulkner, Slidel
Co., did not see fit to *bill
lion awl ost they ha
. r ( . I.'
Govern ent•anffpolicy,
bountifu salaries,
1 ' •
allo wanc
front its revisory ; but, so i
plated tGobernmentio
sprung ei mine which sc ,
beenWrtY 'eq. preparil
best to . Marco ylhe Ftipta l '
• ,- • .1, . • .. • ...r
anythut in ttiese tacts-ou
cm is. Of! the loyal Stat es ;a
Col. Biddle welcome to
fpliliy, during his Congre
meanerisict than the writi
. , •
ter, we ithcll propose that,
aented.4o Jeff. Davis; with
his warm admirer. Acker,
.140 tb• Venerable the. Jokes t , ll Court ~.
Teenette. and Quarter • the es ,
_ Count et Sebaylloll.- ' .'' , 1 ~1 .
• The 0 1 ; 1 2d Ingneet lineable 0 4 ' ,,,,),, :r 6 body of the
ty of debsylloo, Deeembo r isa, ~.1 . 1
?bat jaw have acted es y wen BM of
ft i
4 .
werat.,o whirl. wataber.fultj • w .OU/sea roe
and 'whin were 'lnwonid "enoeff al Own aglov)
Off.namei • - ' i 1
aye t hey de farlifelvieit il ik a i t s they ba eleite
Public Redding, Wavelet tel be county, lib,
lien ef the °hart, sad temoyse yto ~Is t ni
bat. found Um* mortally In Wendt; a, eid
nevi knit autaapetaent.t, Th e flag a fiat
CoentylPrhou referred tn,by 1 Iferser 0 ad ;1
bdttfretitlL we irehappy tenni two ii vet
byed thes of the keeper. full ItelfeaYder by - den
Mira b Imprinted eonstreetarlikh appear teiibe a...
4sare to fbe'perpose for f
wb itery are derived: and
they enniel fitter/wad the ledwnewe Off the P - 1 1
Om " ; an apploydetkes for. tWomywast at (bete L,
Ovoid *lei dad team mime The puree m+l *bat lb.
yawl eel tore than to asaatibr Abe _ derdAptioii
of fainisbed to others. 1 .
Wit *OOll4 alit mealier d 4 att tof bile i.
few werapird by the Prot y nf the ty' s by the 1
'imam; of th e partmas on t who rid e the rah*
sod bi, lb, orerttoo - of ale additional Sr. dry ali voted
the pineal Ire proof awarded to.berh al eztoirt as to I
Vol; prow CM brill !elute of Ala papers and 1
torte toodbid_to the dire. 1 r I ,
.to r to the Alm- !Mu* they lug lien, WI
siate l it bet they are matt tilled by t rad teeter', ,
deal erne. sat rotaiet whirili ammo . pervade IMF
whole eetaldtrbseut, sad araletlttlat to t tiottaldif
to thi e rldefittay of the preoldtlillturard. - , Iltpdriala,
and t atelstaantyptarrally. , 1 . , . I ' ,
said Wee big forte tb; , etate, t bob the dp
=Of the hem, the erit*Mil the hattt
Clic tO die Onialy t that the foam Jared ta
i t , *du pews .an. the eat *Mob bto Ma SIM* ,
bo th - Fentent thereat ; ,t• • 1 .- , , , )
4 1
la ' wino. the Galati Met tlitir limbs
flooorabte Court. ind soed•wee, their wadi
attrotk•ta to time dativietlho! `-e.,' A llot vilrb
Wfallystitneitte‘4 I
. Prltortfi• -• :
ea atm
' I
1 Via. OM
, I I
' 70,
A 170.topkoty hos bolo 1 doolilri tat Sim
.11,• is 1 - • ,
r. i isi l I
A kttertort4otit lb. lit ' it N'ltsloia i'do+ l l
top that hialsomill to "sorue lots a Oa; botH way ol tiotrobolit I via. Dbollerioooll.,..
, notilatoost. awl diesoo mai ltirCl twos Ulm 1 TAIO
Ott 100. (Oa "rison . ' •1 - t . - , 1 • 1. ;.! tl
- Silsorotiol ins at Ilar it Pain ion Otilt4ol
1 i 01614. sand Os Iloitts • tbeittboild bits Irsetbi
"sag** • 1161* viol, ' lottodltet It Hitt!' tbst
ur r i sow 4ko U. hot Wire Ow ; WOW 101111
- poiot'at A num .solo ell tomitolig loarlOtliti O P4I
tolOitak ,, Aolt "NOWA Irtoutlitiostoty N. *WS Ilso odt
=AB doliollitr i lt .it to moompill4 Om.
to Ma be *gig ootiiii 11041 lA'. ado, TAW thimpt-
,4 4 , ohms It toilot. 111 A, 'try IWO to ligni lia ,
lii . pal fa . , wine "t& 're bn, brikei,irmiel !linte r
, 2 , • ~, ' i I ~ •
. ' ' ' ' • 4 1 ; t
4-4 ;1 'i
:bill est
I .
illitiaosi dISMINO Ns.
41, mittome party. If sat k
ateribre are met 'ions able's.
/dad and saasioaS
.Masimma widow
oho sad. Kerr r
, —*d K
of *Vatted Illatos.'whd
..r mtry hisetrtrti Ow Wield '
as 1
Imo lempluld ahiverd. and balm tre- .
to aid iseomillt Might them 1 ,
it warlijust to wt
Ito hissime. that sallissl .
-ohm all moral. eociallaid ty *di
this, _ .ot mit MIA" alaillillishly ihe the. most.
restorallim al ankserma hielletag esporially ft*
Slims of cab* Omar dot loss appear as yit mot tp ha*
spegi 2 ,tray to thair,istglet bon Smear ar doubt
thsfallth he dstrsatisia. thas thwakiltilis
a Oa 13
• ion. ~ .- l '. d. , , • i r • .
i f .. dale* *Nem that &Maga Sagas iire
'herded - higher' prisclple this thb.l ass qui*
'a ahead t muld b. made to riase ibis Matt
my shit amiiiiemility ased only by IMlllalf
:Stith thiSiollaintent Usti by *rims eissieregamant to
• Tha primelsol Isserimilist maw Nto blearrato gm , '
thighmlga set** le tomittUtitts* sm.* abet* 1,.
4 , 3
tt*a is this etaof istalmerm:. Thaw •
IMO" OW. dote Ilathroa the Gus that t
sap the flak , * which toadicas us* our *reign _as
eosiesems limy.** ernisslY hate hiled to i
*peek that tie Jowl, dlssidnu`presisars Use' ell* l
lag di ' ity. ma Mat ale ;Meg salsa Swamies am* I
- lien p ones aid a Owe estiumbre leigmelgemt e ps.
on t o,
memo. hair sia the sine sallow %ease lute kin*
fr ts. ! It is lot gry pit** * swim tertillatme-'1
s aktos ith ferellga, State*. lallalida.!liblite"gf Pitlibt le
*dr w or thee. the basSity odour amastli
omit issbilify of out Onseprominit tastaly_depeS. sat
macs t - halos Om toyaltf.ibrtis; patriotism sad ba
teili o f tk• 4110140111 WAS; ".,
"The espoodwocelmettorith the usual raservallorm .
•Is ith astwaltiad. I 1 motors to' hope that It will,
t i
'aPpiar at we ha Prorthed prods** mad liberality,'
tow librolga Po oes.adroottirg Oman of irritating'. Mid
with *se ma taming oat owls tights wad blmp , ' r
Blom wave; It appre eat th at hark as la *my ,
al; St* foreign gem neeelorily attomd domestic IS,
kelt ' 1 maim that adequate and ample mama
tu *rola talithig the molar de fi es" os
. :eilla: kilo • OM cease* renosamandatimi, 1. ,
Mon 'ileSaiding lir smocust Noe occurs to Ito ml
it in the as eimmtmetbia.,"sk: -the sttemilos of
ChumMut to our greet bikes lad Thom It la , Ost ei
that lortificatimis and rdellOti Mamas tad; at *-
them. hit harbor and - usolgsaios tatiwovolosats a: at
limit ed pasts upon timer. wradd ha of groat la
Linn o tier national 4116oceasd prommiation, •
` 1 attsnitosto the slaws of the Secretary of ar.
' ill ids report upon the maw gesso* sat L
1 ditLeit taimetwere that th e lord olltloult of •
Tim and Wisdom 115,11 Carolina should be
*sod; with Ileattorky sad 'Mbar ; faithful. ports of lor
''ll by mitroad. 11 therefor* reemanomid. es aad
is. that Contrails prooldii for the roastrucil of
' emir d nistiordily as smith* iirobselty. so bt.
will e. andalwoualabper Leithistianionski this'
moot Audlrloss relation of a 115 e... The Soothers to to
Sus most ammosti i ii ;lith some •ipsbaug . .
whet er the routs • 'II boo Irma Lextuetosi Or • N
*lie the Cumberland Oap, et from Lebanon to ,'the
Ten mi. hi the dire:lion of. Kwmotils. pr es soma
attil *flood timi.Olin readily bidaterintoed. Iteadeity.
-Mod t Gessral Goierntnont cooparating. theirorb , may
he en . *Mut In t isrey , shirt time. sad. .1.1 dolt It
awn mot oily °Priest rages haefulsess. hot al `a
Oats patinae* imprommeat, with Its eat.* al , tbi
torahs. elliiedy tar the Intrerlasts of tom-
E a • aid having ;1110 grave palliest importaace. hate
!well lartntiated.aod.will bit sablittted to theSsaid ',Sir
eonsideratloa. j
1 -
•.' A hmuth we bay, 154•41 AA lodine Polme pf the -,
Id *wars to adopt .a desirable seelloratio• lb.
ri of a with* oar. we bate removed ail' a
llop from tlar way etthis human" reform. except Writ
its *MO crimsons, lad areldsatal ores - .
i ,1 omit. yomAtiratloite the tworespV - iitooro bet arm
WO .9V.
-. •
Or' dated Au!
sbatyou were
land of the
' I bi,e_bees
..olbs Ulan to .
4U the , native,
411 blue one .
rt .
• I ll av ° e r ' at tho
100 ne to may
Int it pursue' al.
tett*, brother
um, where you
I t betcugi to us.
4 1
il ' r people.
she to see 'our
is shinet.--the
th ' laud .of '
we ji lt mu th ree
imain a. eaantry
n' leir my brothers
;.• • r , ' • '
.Is 4: If amt.,e is:
b i
o r re e nllt a u r i i n . : ° ;r
tolks:nd yo to
it i dear. little
emitter', Iticeittl
Illirriet Breaker
,I 1.•
il *
mu r
flee *hank klejesey'a Ilialsten atmedited to this;
brutiont, and the brosetaritot lbatit.'intlatitro IIn l'
!roofing d tb• Stifilll ship: Perthshire In loan
te baited Stew igleSaier klaseadrosetts.* a lab.
broads' of -the blockade: As tbis detention - was th a l loar
ad* me obvious ufisepprebesid* of the bets, a as
~just no reclaim' that wit should ro man nobs) tact
not andel In strict richt as eanctioned by *di law,
Sr,.undul that an spotopdatitro be made to, tidy
It* ' rosable doodad* the *bees of the fier
flier etefitine. , ,I -• ", ::' 1 ' . .
~ I t the rerommeadatioa of, a7strob:roodr,Ltbis
lan gal seiseaps to,Corignee la Deoneter lest. in ard
I tut . dl•Pailli Ira At the eimplua which will
: mabahly rd
ma n after catisfying . the claims : of Ausevirea =
ace not China, perdu* to the awards of the
do re under Unt set of the &I of jillareb,llls9. .i .
I bommer, It ebneld rot he deemed *debit* .ta'
. e*
ry - harreeommeadat ken into efieet. I would strop* Unit
an horny be Open' inverting tb• primly* ores thafttv.
sof the simples referred to in good neturltion Ott •
evie to tie ratielsetina of oda caber Prot Adam ado r
cit ions against, Chine as are: not unlikely tombs hereof.
ter in the cootie of nor eztetudee trade with that *dm
y the set ot:dielStb of August last. Coe**. anther
i the President to hotrod the rommandere o salt*
et volo.t. to defend ittoomoos against and P ll 9 l r• Pt'
at ' This authority hoe** exorcised in ;wed le il*
at ate only. Pair the m a re effectual protection Of at MP'
I SO a 'si t ili t ie lin i. r pi l i se d"einrs t* l.. Mwo mbini. use n''"ule tidere ahuleire. l ef t sri la a°u fi ti ll .a c lU trosi mPtbßat i n s
I d neap lr°ll•
any Oils* bit plrst4 any sate of pelt States
omeebtand their 1111110"; and the Consul " Con s now
established bib* le issinto countries to ad)* te the
eaves in the eve* tbakthie should not be objected lo
by the *el *thorn:he: If any* * reason eziatebby
we **old perentere loanerin wittibeldine mer *mini
telto of the indegendeme tied envereigety of Ileyti and
Llbeiria,l'am unable to'dhenver Ng. ; • I. ' 1
' • Itiewillioe. however: to Inaugural. a bolsi Volley Ii 1
Mflird to the* *Mtn* tbi approbitkro of Coegreer, I ,
yebtott for your enneidetatiten tint eirdienei of jan tap l
letto= o *a ft* eadvitaloing a charge: d'affaine ear eakh
oft , aow.res tit dose Met admit of a doubt that'
*portant co *refill *tsetse* might be moored by •
enable tre e hie with lbws, . .
• The optima** of the Treskory doting it period
which basrolepecti to Tier *perm:teat; hat. lame
arodueted witnjele ' : poe t .e* The pateloUsa of the
• retrofit** 111 t ' ' *mond *the tlavernmeet.the
ece mons bounded :by the public ezigentim e ildikh
0 the Nat** to*. has bon taken 'by titbits * the'
I 'ditstrial elite*, whole conlidenee in their , oroy'a
ith and nol for; their (country's Militating* -frost
•- t peril Say. induced that to contribute to the
• • ' mart* the ifbroortateet the elude of *de Wait*
' . oidtioas. I TWA bet *poem peculiar obi***
Pau us to semeamiku dilebemeneent and eamt Oka so
•• 1; '-' ' . , ,
i rri• rennet fend all some* Including kw* ' kW . kb*
' *mid year. ending ;on Ale 20th ot'Jone„ I I, was
10111639*0 Z . ,ned' the eigneditures lot lb. sa Maiod,
'killable paTatents on menu* of the public ddibt, were
1194.516,1134 61,11Mving a Wawa la the Tremor .ou tiro
Sit of Juli. of :fit.t.4,066 SO. ; For tiro !Ord q rut of
the fi nancial year: dialog , ote the 301 of Se loafer;
t .
1661. lb. Node* Irma 'Ali mums. itielb lag th habit*
if theist of July, were 11102,5,T2.509 22. and Om epee*
9e,239.733 09; 1 4Erib' a Wat:, on the'lst of Ifietteber, ,
.• $6l, of 11194116 19. ; , ! 1. •
': I I tittheetes SW the maid eine tbriesquirtero Ml* yein
and bribe fietteetal year of ifink tottether eine pro:
le; ;f t t....atitsittunroisztri:ineetiling t
ad o r .: 4lenteed: con,
ary of the Treasury-
' ,
!It Is gratify-In/to know that tbe expeteditmes' medi
ry by the rebellion Sr. Van beyond the reneerad
the loyal people: and to believe, that 'beams *tria
ls which ha' thus tar sustained the Goverument will
' Min* to Pellrold It till peace And union shall egeli
lase the laud,' - I ' 1 . ; ; • l '•
momoolly refer, to the repert of the Seerater/ nll
r fur informatl w nipeeties the atetierkal strength
tbe army and recoloassolatlonS.fislint IS Mee
Ineneme of its el leieney and the wellbeing of tin
rictus brand**. the ferries entrusted in his can.-
kis grittily,* to• paver that the pattiatient et 'the NW . '
la bar proved equal to the oecasioa. trod that sum.
of trivia tendered greatly *reeds Oho fore which
'Often* audio** me to all into the field ' • ' 7 .
1 I raw with *imam, to Uwe portions of Ide roped
which makejallosion to„Abs creditable degree of. Mad
ill* already; attained brour troops end to the ezedleat
unitary eondltion of the trotire Army. ~ -
.1 t
. The reecatineadatioa of the SemeterY for is mesh* '
'ton of the Rill* upon a welions-bmin Is Aceulthwttet
end imposed. to the tots* safety of the country, aid
I. comoroodot to these** attientim et COlertfaa j _
I I Tbe Let.; addltlnn to the regular army le commetkein
With the debetioa that bass consibtrebly diminish*
the antsber of Its ofikees, giros peculiar lutpOrtasee to
lile reemommlatioa. foe imiessing tbo ear* of Cab*
to the 'greatest tinselly* tbe lifilitary Academy. • ;
: By: usertromiesko, I ptesunie, Coop* bog Idled to;
Oaids Chaplains for hospitals roeuded by volauteers.
b4;*ilea was opt' to's, notion and 1 was in!
dee* to Mew opt :formate Utter. row copied whieb,
property adtkroltd, m been delivered' to mob of the
pletentia,and at the tokteepretivey mimed. and staled
in i schedule eetota stet. the fen, of _the letteljlet
ter marked, A.) end with tran
naltted - ; ;, 1 .
1 ,Tbigeolleumm I attnatend, - . at wed upon tbe ditlie
designated et the them reiemilveiy -pat* lel thi:' setup.
dale:Ord has*, labored faithfully there , ever aid* I
Um** tecommeed libeti, rompensatod *lb*
Maw rates as Cloplalos la the Amoy. farther suggeatieg
that genetel provision be made Ran Cheplelos to *WI at,
• hospitable" well in With regiments. The,roport of the
*tottery of tbe N Ti presents be detail the allorelles•
OfOf that breath of the .cola. the *Kielty. sod deem
have chaise*** its admlnietration and tbanc,
kaltrof 01010041.0110 to lamas, Its viddeney and poem
Swett bake been the *Oro* hy- twastrweiloa.... wed
kturrbase. tbatit may almost be odd a Navy: tos .been
created and twerogro d ijoto wake .alga Our • dillictilties
notateeneed.. Beal blockading our alteatilveteroast,
MI/adman larger than everibefore a eembled Roden our
tag. hive been put allnet end performed deeds', which
bare intros** our Naval runowa. ' : ! 'I" :,
I would invite *Mist attention to the reensaleitinte
aloe of the ittendary fur a more perfect organisation of
the Navy* lateedmitg additions' *An la Abe ter.
aim. Tiro present onmula Ilion la defective sod untatlin,
Ifeetory. sad the emceed** submitted' by the' Depot
dada tell; Its. belle/Wed. It adopted,obriate dillealties
ttlinded to, promote harmony and lacrosse the ellitienc*
Of the Navy. _ ,: j
TbersOre three vacancies an thalami' of theft***
lemon:lda bqbe , detteas la Jnd km throb; sod kieLese,
and one by t resksinallott of J edit. Cesepleell. ;.l bent
;laud .:10 tar ihrboreemattlig nominations 10 fill tbesevriesadie
(a tb• : bit raltraw•: 1 12 I WO; now state:, ;Two Of ;the mat
,. *tog J *got ' ett with* the States now *wren hy
lb** remit, se that, if therlr eunessews wove topidated In the
drolly game localit hp, thej could ant now meme wpm dude 491 M.
• .; it,-
cult, and many of the most eaarpdent ' OMR Idol t inel , •*:'
fadieb ' bly would sot take the 010[004till keret of WY bkic to
B/Ital tef•*. weele hero; upon the Sepremelfeeik„ it bah been
'also . now iillec tett** all the appot.l e.u ta e Neailleard.
_ I . thus diltablidt mynah tram *log j to the'doetleen
ad illie, Uro fst:sc - pssw, itlilisiosk 1 may; ; that' to
dl red treet i tt to tied North *el Whitt km ' been ke
t they kW t vuellid ad, 111 editawke Ito *dicey sad
*dee 1 popeimion, be ardam, 1 ., 1 , ,
lan ILL r berbg ltro beg trod bril brat palfithlelvere of allies
BO fili' larlose,bleleireell, grew .to an mo re altoptber too
platted .large kw any one Judo *lel* Ihe Co et , Manta 114 "
tr tut- I th an A *taloa Attend/awn Mogi* popeletlote Inc.
-AO • MIMS In Iltreto6.l6l;rolit In late.: besides ibis. lb.
-.. j reentry peetaltrlrosnmegfewae* k judicial cya.
roil, stets. If uallueadti eat at ell late ' tiro dated Inr
, J., quires that ell lb. Ste* till ha • to with •
I ( eitelfil Cuetto • t 10043011 80P0/00 4 die* wltllitis .
I ; fle•lllr ) armliiladlieswetsi, e. insime, : Tidos,
t'Callf - lbta• 00 0 . 4 11 103 00 100110 emir heft au :sigh Unites.
. , . Nor ;eon ; tida nail its ini Iti a Ilattidin if
1: 106‘.
, I (ballet*, beeessee the adding otJatiew umiarpriiii
; 'UMW 01011011br the eroommoblina ot pieta* the
: country with Cirtitt Cbetne, le** • I fir' 0.•
; setpubee too aumemos let &Pallets] et es, wei...-
. Ind the evil. if It ihe eg o, will biro* as new , States
nem into the Union. Ciro* Court** usetal:fir ISO'
arts eel natal. , If .waelkoll. ao State to deli*
them. ' If we •••fidel. * Slate *Auld It e. 1b ... led
' lb* le you'll/44U all, or abolislesdke I. "r t• ' •,-.
nem moiNkatione 'War to be,•el ' et - *kith k
tbisk;aseit ha sahaptanneteset npok Aweirid sea'
lOU. lb* tho trolerdatetenin te Of eau Isar ' n
its anti *out. : Than" bet, id tbe et le comae, he
die Into eirrllSts SI o.oisillislt : WWI berm*
Jo to pee lee easel* oft dime to
their nwe iw ou su mber i‘s , amill .
or t l cliree .
timi ltJ t edgett oolo td
L ul l pi rdimed from Medi the ' CUM* dellpits
trap I beeintilta; arthiedly. telth the
Ct. t Condi all legetber.leaviat timhl ' AWN*
what to the Ansitset prod . and an k, Si'
broeb. I r J. I t ' ! I r' :
I ully netotaiseed lot* tietent'CO6o:
, promil chadi lost .et t/ o Slat to .Pius, with
'the '.-thateeagtentleill *able Ind end, nicibtO
kir dewy.* the, isteuateelettose and lia ; 044 oar'
tuaatly emberotem thniMetetatedift the seUmiletbuit•
twain •ili .filtem‘l El ere aeon** 'et the ktiewrien
;Wed. Oesittese bail ,smasted MO* S 1 1 0 46 .1 04 kil l
wet JoilieMehrloor.leliier lii e ats, As tootrarisa
!el 44 •10 , 1, 614 ”fi1ki1fi1l w; Mi ttens 0 00 0 Plais >
:p Iliaddi r, , ', a f t, I , , ••'• . li i ;i• i,,,,,. ~ • 1
t -*my osh... . I lene -bees, ,llPths ', : Di
; wins* eidistio* thin, se tbal Heel *MI Mt
edien ehallere le theMOdweee Mlb wat t , , . ' Ob .' '
tar:' ~ at as ta non* 11-9101 ill Orel!
`Sw ...., 94 teel, lauteed - persiii le doll **Mk
VP ' inentatiro l iazaly la, .it ' F 0.. ,.., wry go !
Ohio' Oil th e . laws *mid: WilowW.ii oda:
at 4;fatedli k ible puesible; end be vroberdi tube *all •
crone* lie any en**. elfli Or frpro/rikaiiii v • oid*,
' i,... , 1 : '', :, 'I -' -- , . .. -, ,' •
ia tn!. in
fn non' that
re- is opened
men deg,
nblish the fol.
; ; 47% . n5e pereonri
tilt report- them-,
Ji, Bfraaaall. 79
litres i relating to!
;lett let Llititere t . n !he,
44 Ice 'ldtan
t k eataletters i
i 4 8 lath 'Street'',
pit! BilAgests. i
to 116 4 Os t i
iO icll7, IP' re i
spe, dnIJ of
ioogirj and ,
i? i'hicht 'veil'
family 'age cog;
kcal and I.,predi!,
Teltigir work
9 114 1 JP; ~, 1
ottel '4, a regi
• _
ticulat i ! errice( ? -
the • iviciest of
of ,Philade
1, for ter .pett- ,
ce Oa not
Tgo I's gq
ff e
isress when: .14!
iiiheun of Olk`ip,
isprtizaD, and
ter,..noy .
that, stetli :fr
, condemn him
•Alter !bluing
. .
lentle party—wbH•
- wigs a little *mid
I ,.flemoW4VtookOW
I r e .1
ms, Wade, - Him.
11, Jeff Davi} i 4 ,
I:against I the lin.
Il coiltriill: of
,i its
i' d were l : drawing
'pod perquia,itit
' oas the people
trier hands, they
owe or them ;'bird
!Ing, and : id their
lie. If there he,
hints- tr'..,DeMio
, e proud, i Maio
If he
_ - abonld il)e'
' Ismal ;, cd . ' - ai - :
gof his ni let.
I. Biddle be [pre.
the, compliments of
)1 the.aandard.
' ^,
F a in so
! Saar
' •
" b
Medial* a
- meat- Ur'
Lod fig+Mai
NUM la Kan
squid tots.
,tbe, übqb Oi
.011 On*.
eimier lb,
or el, ago ses
lastitstioa b
mac as Ur
It' IN tap
sbooll bo,
nob b. -
atiiiiiPW arsine. Its nil
Cowertilisatosit•lllsAile •
le sad osilis. or by
his met Ss be a
sisbaSitats, sal tiMeis7o
its ism rests. is
mime ism' osovitegliot posse
• Ihr.thi
..temeastly4l ll Z 4 et
rooms at tin saw. Itas
mot Se mass ptsopi ssi pstks
Mimes es WWl° Win
sdpidisatio• a etas* ip noir
Wad titissrlosat it is
se sr OIMMIN•41 Win buill4o time
tins to ems. t st
mach the dal
imelisst Itrif
tli• mow t .
The lac
asters; bel
'mien* tl
! It was tat
Claims Sabi
the bath of C
to Woo *SW
It fa *groat I
itoo, by wool
Folly swat
tbo oottiott,
ybetber tbt
tmvparly be
ps*l els
snob Cabolf
bat usteowi;
I ask au
lb* tollowl
Nos cit.tb•
Tbo few
engin JUr
aPP"P n ' t
Ilan Milt
1•114 tips
argashistleta at tbe ; liotirt NI ,
deb bomb of Uwe
at oldie ths Coati ;has proud
talnable awns of hives, icy ,
Ito *far tlie object of i evitit•
~. to make Its j lima
acky.alot to ray lb' &inn of
I to your enefal renalberatioa
taking judos/sea final may sot
i Cure, rerenlog timetufap
or to the Supreme ,burr, oil`'
I frignitare may have shawls la
* taint of lbe, Poshestar diusenaj
maisary statement of the wadi.
, • I • • H I
Parr* daring the Ilwal yearA
neluding Ow *nasal raermanient
Sitir tb• transportatios of fro"
2116 40, being alma* 2 ter ant.
1660. The •apeaditaree were
mitred and MI thwarts& nen
dollars and Aeon esatObirelag
entailer met. so comp end with
ear. and Inman an ocotillo of es
t/woof* the hist bial year of $4
nvenne.for tbm your endlegJose
It an inenramol tour te amt..*
01061 1 3 000. to furbish shoe 4 brad.
a Department In corn''.Svc Mat.
lag 2901 11 3A 00 . f no total Otiose'
lasted at it ,000„ Unitas a.
P.14.5.0u0. to applied from the
lb* per t appoOdatios. ‘,
ion rhows4 I ink. Mat the on. ,
earns the Potomac Nino at ili•
lb. ; copilot bore, was intim/ally
di. that tbo nellemaisheeent of
Ella *Mao the State of Virginia
' I submit kw yam Molividerm
, entainlog I bat part of the die.
n of the Mona) brood/ales 'bear
ii. shill the State of Virginia. je
naary of lb. Interior, et* the
to. leabittlio tba noodle ten of the
. publicbadness patella en Id that
..ielet Ingenues, of lb lan&
Icy felt lath* *pent aOf lb.
And Oda* Tire nab neaps from
ads during the past year ban, es.
~, Of oar laud slalom only about, $200,.
haul bode ntinly. ran ended In lb.
*bib. tbe Intornept lons to the bislpraw
fad ibe diversion of large nondrers,of
N military Mgr Ira, ban obianicird iot
a States and Tenitarima of the North
f of the Ihsteutollin bovo'diellant he
• 100,1100.•onderina a large redortiale
I r , inciatory to lake It selteutaln.
'flee Pauli* Ogles will be yinody
orrislion. tiOnsemoss applitation
4pon tb• casualties of the arising
same made. note is reason to believe
taw apse the proximo- roll, and la
set of tbe Gonna mem, are he thew rasks
i roc giving them, aid mid make.
1 the lacinoi has directed a PaPp3.lll3oll
I: of the' peados' of such persons inns
&skint's. I reamomeod that Comps*
427 to nun tbe Waite of inch persona_
from he pa** rolls. • '
Also' India
at' be Ontrament• filth a
• Frio ly.dietarbid by nut losomectioss
*Clunk Superiotendeary. and In Ibis
- .lndian envier', South rt. Isom
insargento from Tens and Orkin.
v U.S. Government. spook led shire
tathe ouprinterstency. have bon
.• pots, vt tale thei most of throe wbo
(that time have espoused the WIMP.
4 assume to exercise lb. Owen of
Mloomadosions hem the laseencelon.
Mated to the, public pan that 1 ow.
4 have been impulsed as a military
` to the army of thorlasargista.' Al.
,rat bas noodicha Information ayes
bare ben "ninon to thoromwar
Amin by leveral peoesinnt Meat.
Moir loyalty to lb* Uaitsd States,
sf fcr the. prunice 'of del federal
t -It to biliond that. upon the
*try by the Tedeirat form. tho
err, ell bostile demonstralloas,
or relatkass to the VOinarmaest.
sdly Mohnen Wooed of lb. too.
taunt nor a bureau, hot a Vistbablp
in the Govensmoot. W hi* it is im
t Intend. Woo" indetestedinit In its
e demanded and extorted mono horn
vorpertholly a* Comes,* to conker
won cannot be given volnielarily•
vie. ; Annual reports. italatation the,
icalture, rommorns, and • loaletlfav- •
fond of halennatiou of gnat pram
ally. While I make no regpstion
n People** tbat an, Agricultural
in might profitably be orgallent
the laws In the samirepidoo of
ma been confided to tbe Department
Is a; sanest of gratulation 'plea*/
tine* made for the anOpreadon of Me
we been rernalif attended with on.
Five wends being i 1.4 out for ibestan
seised Ind niammetied. Tmli *aloe it
lis the rade' and one peva* Ingsged
nose' al ' s sawn bane been convict*
to the peinalty of BO* and implonmeet.
i taken with a cargo of Adkins an board
I beau coolvicted of **high,* grade of
oar laws, thepuoishment of which II
. . ~
?of Colondo,Teaketa and ilainah. eon
‘faitrees have been organised', and Noll
been Inaugurated thenin ands, at*
tifylng when it is considered that tbs
I was found •marthatin tome of than
a the, Faterat Alms arrival there.-
the ...remounts of theme Tordtatios.
rod', pentectlon afford* by an opals*
Mims invite to tbese a lane ham'.
'shall moon time bantams of tbe
Wend channels. 1 submit tlime• no.
Amore ef I tfeloradl, obi* Olden*
of the people) of lb. Territory: do
of lb. United Statue has boon upheld
le, as lib hoped It will be In the lee
theirt re ateron And deb** to tbls ao.•
;ca of emigre.* , I '
' time favorable ronsidonalote Of Cove
of tin Olsten or Colombia.. Tbor lie
thiamine.; of much Sleeting and .an
tants. and. nie lb,y Dave no reprices*
It Avoid not overlook theirjoiat dame
tent.,) [ -,
*edition dvs^al
fria.a joist , IMI I i ---, -id,
idiot to take nieocaree for Minn
fonts** ed Um ladosnielloarrostavf
t tbie IrablUdon of*, loduietryofall
at London is the rear Itrat., I Ce
sen unsold. to givo pawns' Mingo*
*nen at ince o Intending lo 'init.
and intimately emenivehoil Nib the
1. of the world. Tema& thie Punta
a( *be-Interior, a plan' or system bras
' , Portly nestand. abide will woe he Odd
I: J . ! ' •' • ' I•• I . 'i
rlettie of the aet of Coanne. Willa
is parity emit for ,merrier an
' 4 us. 6,11 , 61. the legal shame Orae.
labor and pervini of certain ; ether
lbefelted. and omobersof tbellatikr.
, alitoody depoodrat 'on ' deo Vaned
be provided to to some Var. abilde
incibb. that moo af the S tr e i l i alll
Fink for their own benefit lee
• l
tin of which persons of the Nan
a ; . upon Wm for disponi.. in crab
al 'bit. Cosmos provide tor scrupling .
tm *lt Mateo accordion to. stain Mods
se proton" of dlrert tans. noon law
weed wooer with *web Ptak. nense.
pone**. cm • sorb . areeptlikill!bi Om
wet, beat'nee deemed fru, and that
it'd taken he solosiohn bath classes.
mistimed ; If lb. ether -1*)1, net be
raves. at nen place or pUfew I. of oli
o thorn. <lt might bowetllto coroditel,
, file adored- people; olreody is the
Id •14, so; or as %divides& may &tin
A rolonismairm. • .To cony coit lb. phi
AT 1111/0113, the arquirlog ift territory,
*pianos of room* beyoud•that to be
linefeeds' arquidillnos. Ilavlng pre&
1 illoa ti l te l t r oa t i ogr ar Liten 46 11 .0 17 0 7 .03. ...,..;th..
1 ... The pow was at firit quirollaisel
f hereant: la tMe panbame .of lare
I mks 01 deeply., of evest‘pedleracy.
i the only initiesate of ;Int anniriag
3 Ish homes Sir while moo: boramisurs
" I vc ivoun t. °w ile ' ib w a bl a ie lgt mo st u l" . eems "l l "lk liting or
Wanes, hOwner: Ylsondllof fliSSlrtillw•
Islam, man on politlcalood rommordal
provtelleg roses So panlition. • 04 Ibis lb. Oppeplislion of wan
titles of Unitary, Moo not tin 'ozplali
abocant• aerially 'dhoti' I Mach 'Um
't went be perostaolad if tim "sena.
a..Polley to heisitoated 11•141lOalabig
I bine bead 8111133611 awed Meal !Oil
olikt far this wpm 'ball not dune
net Sod monersetees revolutlenan. Onus ,
relife. to every cam. lloregta ItOnion to
ty oClbi Vans proationt ral OM Vivi*
;Oculist.* oar part having sill nantions
;Mai military haparaiesee to Lb. was
i ILL_liiiSolgiiistari.l, I* thre,emereiss
liont time, sesend 10 tbabiatkaybrof the
( 1
lopergeste honed of potting la form
the law' of CompleinmetrilLat Um Iste
log those carts.. fie also obeying the dlr.
v *swell Las Mei obliptloss rag liiwAte
4lngi I Iwo maimed lo thilat at Zoe.
A property and In lasornietionary pm ,
t ae now Um ennoutieet elmll be Fo
lly will be dilly mosbisoad.. Ila Petra
el. and besot all Isolkommadds emus
rod,' Ws aboald • ast lie la boon todeiter.
tat and }ravish meentn, whielt may
M well as Hie dialeyal;atv ladbleallalel.
Atkin* sithishigUleilig at lb. Atha*.
Ifeiesom te Cilliplill at the 44 tlliiliii.
t malaly flontod to the done* Sow 1
bleb Nis laiiimositiea and tioleransail
Skala; more Wets to add tonsab.
nipleo or geenta putonee 'MIS aid'
doesoewora. ,Tboi last n 7 of Imre for
1irb17.4210 11 4 at On posed
as gesiend inionit Of !Vag b ace;
4 ulperalitibia.: • AnNo gni palei
• I Is; me* ; indleer .4404 sad Man
liel plogrem of eireatehlitla tioi
s Inorgratie oradideng a il
Milli Of 1. M al* end • 'snag
we listen wen oat Ineoleme ,a
it. I . This baranos. wat Ona sattlial
le *id -1414:•:' bulb Of thie limn
lei aright Itom the findo Nato.
• IlligdOut lies UaleloCeln.
1 Oralfii bel ies
l a" . • isul
araillati Mi
.. let fan
ft he lo s t Vidif
she olligniO ilk=
ili MO WON lit t/WIIIIIII4ebIaiI
111 bog 9044 odanair fiderflial,
olllt bps. Mild. le imdk 0
Om. "Or 4 ,1*. MOM,i to say
=ll l !rak .r atlih "... m it i t:lf 9
14 of tbs U•l4l,,,,illiaboalli emir
Pilailli.. l 4 ll r 4 4 1 . 111• 1 4 !• ; Orr,.
" f• ' • .; -1 1. .i'. I. 1.
•- • ',... i : 1 • ..,.
Moo of
that of 061
&Oho 401
ter, VIZ: $
dOurao f 4 or
Innoory ,
The pr
MOO id
that pal
VMS 0011
tiro the
trier. or
of, 0
Ilas bap
Patent as
al lb, ass
aura tam
Sur pew
war bait
pot mat
of ilbfr
of Ott
root t
to be .t,
~Th. n
tribes ba
of N.!
Isle in
ease fE
1 the Ith
I nimbi.
non of'
ten., it
the sal
Ural ,
as to
of th•
to •
In al
.1' 4
. _ _
L: obbilis
.114 - Weillll= -1
- 111000 g, 1011 IMO
.taalisitg liw iti , Ober
l' ' iiithili
1, assolasTi.,:• - ,.L' I-, . ,•• . :..
- Aligundtibleitic ,
-11110111.16 1 :4 - 1 700.1
.1110111lia ' Silk
.lited . Weilitet.
t . 04 .1 1 " k i
t i f o lt amimu titsimillu ,
~' Atli
the :•,.. '-
'-' .11C t o
s tsliandaSS
, U . bast !mos .._
t mode tishaltetthe
150 . 8. ,Thalti ON*
thir Casts Is •itei2 le ti # p.
' . ilrell bawl US_ ,bittli
bade Us
the sattisibbot gat sr
1 ' waning lit Saud brew, tibia
tee' tbegoestrytnio
' . sq. _ultimo ili?o ommemoime eif tie llt asy lis
, ate stillitis diOttor. I oats
Pettesi Kat IMPS WM
god to lisseltin at s slat
lifitlititt ietbegtestof I
ditty of, soptistiad la Ms ,
I !. drasyt:l It Is 4 belegatit
ologiwitoor ogiatilf me f
beineeef mistini as fa!
1 i The Miring eh/straps
'- n Sob of GM. Udltidlan
' - the Ratios mesa to gin
11 4 diAraticellithlallel"
littww* &Va. Us Pleetko
ef tbe t Ssetutitrwattd hare '
Itsje t ines will Irt Psi bit
wobittifEthss liy bit ingillaill
whlckheosillot, stilt so fisill
Vit. Iris i , ~,
t., 4 „: o w es mod Ma Agri' ltio u,
impo tlatit,
1U temali thiteas 1
.4S _ dog that NI IlOn7 L
di holdit is Own „
"44_0".....i, , Mogi*
l ey
Sos iii
all t opeodima wherein tle . IMO 01106
bat a. son sod lo irks ant! I to' thit
ebef o l i a :. II a. Mom. I beard
ma te h the St to slak.'aini ' Sly aU
• Ito bet berates tee nod ne
slog .. mind be allowed to gm tit
tha the leogrreett matte
ly, ,it r o a the int pis tam* •
is dr
-- " k i Wi t * Mg WO.. Mt!
Ile 5 ewers 'as welt as is ~_ . the le.'
sufsitits• I ' , Om, loressets. •••._ .rre algid**.
meat lot the; skies right-of oalfrap....._. ihe distal PI
the•Kiioble an, right to pudieipatt IS the sibr.tko efl
pose ell races the. letielatke: body, is teirocstid!
! wllhtit orpiment, to ' that lialtde etwilki .ot!
I . tbi GAMINS. tbf nil/ 'to tbe, mire, of all poiltl.l
te! *tilt ' 4 1dootortl bolt le assetlngs lasted; at, es b
' i peel ie Wept Igoe lb. potter of the pen*. ,I,ltt tor
1! presibt positlow. I !gild aesSely bejitr a tiled wen I to
' pall Iralpiti 4 warolog sides !rani& isi approach of'
Merging tietspotisa.• • ' ,'' , I' i j
4,1, riot bawled nor /site mete that a Pee& aratisJ i
rignidiat Nadel. bete of popelato Indltallogni
Agit Ogre te met pent, with Its as negkea out all hack:
. Itkl as mist &bent, ca p ital I ask Slitief attentkon '••••••
hi ift;rt to placeon an oiled bating with. l
. If l ontobeirs labor istila strortnettif the Outermost,
Ills merited that labor is available only Is emennettire
with ' caplet i that nobody khan oaks+ wontebodt rise
*lroned caal. essehete. by the ass id it.iladom hie
to tabor.: Its" weenier: it is neat 'teeteklered whether
Ude best t t capitai!shalt :bin moir Ur
e, and thus .
. direlbew , "wort by their owe cagiest, or boy thew
. and Missal.. 'sit sitheast tbedr tettiost.
• 'fairing prit us br. It fa aatadidireeedoiled that
adiOlettorses anaelther hied isbagere °robed •os toll,
• illates.•. A ! rinks . it Is passed that whereon..core t
dodged Is ,la laid It that condition for (Us. Now
• llegt Is all such ',tiding tektites capital and labs', as
• astoded, • ;is there My each thing's. ahp ma being
' Tagil.* il Os the rendition of a hired taboret. loth
thaw mil km are falocond al
l l isformws km tees
El togindiellit Like tit, pier e and indepodeot et
• pital. Capital is - *sly the Malt It labor. 'god mold
" verbs', Sada& if. labor bad sot that edited. Libor
' fi e the ' .of omits!, and dwerees inert lit* higher
. pseiderat ta, Carnal has Its -ffighte, tititirh am as
wiethy of . halloo se .ley of
r ltt rights. / 11 ° 1 0 It
tled that Sees is. sad •Perbly lways will te, aMr
n ' t We, labor aid triplet, p . wing widest Imo,
tte:' •The wor is to assuming that the mask tabor of
heroauss ity . extols within that Station. . ! - . • ,
, A pa w owe cepital,tinel Sees few avoid later or
[buy "toe by to label , tor theta:. A Imp tarlarity
" si
belong to thatch" NUM, work fir Shirrs oor hare
begs str ins As th em. )1 . -. .1 7 ~ • i 11 ,
l• • •
la - most tt he solitherailltataa a majority 'of th•Sho
0O or I coil^ ?IMP silks elates nor masters: /bile
i t
Ma me sort en akw majority so, walther hirers nor.
lhineLl. bait on their kotillei—lives. eons and da*sgh
hire.—iork fie thelartiss oa their faros, In thelrbouert, I
lend lis th r shop, taking Ow elate pealed to theta.
aolites.'snd toting leo favor. of capital Go the one bend.
Moro( hlr atones °esteem on the tithes. it isnot for.
Mertes ' 1 • eonaiderabl, anaber•ef porgies stogie:
their) Pre labor with their coedit- 1 4st li. they. labor
tt itts I Mel own *tads and altar hey or "sire others to
:labor, Our •t SP this is only si wised solos I disi
-;' II net •No Orktei Pe stated Es distothed by the, east
lungs of is mixed Ciao: ,1 .-. I. . i ; • •
a I Again, ham alnady tete stl4,ltattral Is sot of !tees-,
!telly any mach thing so the ins Idiot laborer being, Used
an that maditioo ter life.' *any indipensisot mes two
I 4 iiibeire le them Station few yews; kelt in lb. h.! livel
!twee* biro! laterite The prodefiLlostlalltas beginner
lln lam 'amid tabors lor Sages awhile, take a sorties
~ w ithshich to boy tools and land for himself. them lI
I ••
hnts ma his non' account anothe" *bile.. sod 'at length
is }kwon antitheft sew beglaikr to. help him. Thiele the.
, Jed sod gamma and prommes ardent irbikh opens
lb* way 16 GIL Alms bop. to all, and consequent eMergy •
Sind progroas is the iospr,carentent of their, condition to
lit; NO Well lIVIIMS all mot. ',Miley to beLnanfol tban
him ott. *toll op Iron" poeetty; none lees toe.lbed to,
she or to b sight which they hare not honiatly earn.-
Lett beware of sarrenderitsg l political Polio
Shit% they Woody porpree, and which, if saneadeted.
• 7 1-1 sorely be seed to aloes the dos of advaotsmont
• - i lost • eh es 'thee, lend to lin Mew disabbitimi and
), as p ore the. tillall of lihrti Mall be lost. .
'f, ram t dert tilting etner Palma' rinses to theist
-11 emelt yam and we 01134 air pipulatios at !he wed
i.ii the rid eight bake as grist 11l it was at the, be,
iig Int. 1 Tr. Noma-. or 'hoar rliitioi.tlgoirs.whica lots
. irablatehis Pee sei`o grater. ,Ws thus bate,
! ait one: • w what' the plonk prioriptie, l applied to
fititteretwe Obroegb the isarbt eery of Abe States and
it r
the Unio has pri-dored tit agar Om t• aid Shin what,
IJ' Gana, . lotoiliot.«1 rootlike o r the (Sore. There
rPe *heed, among as thou w 'if the tinkle be ,prn
,' *reed; slit lite to sea it enatalOOG.titin,lNW The strop
] Eletter to-day Is net aluipther f* todart It Is is the
'lt east fotige!, aile s . •
ii '• . I !
I . t l With afro rei one im:Preti
ewes. all the ;OM* Ors
'l' Mitallniet for • ai r present t Wes, let us. proesed, in
thii, greattothshith epeeists h:ll4teolyed a p e s tat. •,,
1• - ' r • . l i' ~ • •,- •1 ' AMlAnall LascOln.
'lWssinaMOS iticetalisr AA' .' ' • • '
at of— r .i sai liiie ,
=sad lie.
voimmarto, A im
looms. le
eneitere he to
coi tla elletems.
taboo etVetl,
mete to obeli.
bre Mei. Ow
_....7 , doebt, Mal lb.
alb, erse Os% sit
--. saiilllet 'Pi V
lei re
i-e" --------
lv ta DAiT*c r ?t r i g r'l4
Sus: iiave Yebone A a the annual
upset of this Departinant.
il i,
,i'l'ltet seco pinging reports pf the chiefs of the
leers! Bare us present the estimates of the ip
pristions required for the service of this Da
rt/tient during the fiscal year ending June 30.
1463, and also the appropri ations necessary to
cover deicienekts is tea Es timates for 1861-'62 .
the following statement peptones the entire NI-
Cleatedstrength of the army, both volunteer"
and regulars :F i
4 Volunteen.
States. $ ;' • s nio's For the war. Au
California. ---4, SS 4,68i1
C,..4lonnitellaul., 1 2,236 12,400 14,616
4/Impre, I 776 2.000 2,775
1111nols, 4941; 80,4 0 4 81,941
11Mbane, i ) 4.686 57,312 62,018
liars, I I - 966 19,800 20,768
JKlntutiY , i -I 15,600 16,00
}6l eine. I 761 14 2 19:5,007
11110,31 and, --- I 7,000 7,000
Milliachsatts. 3,435 20.760 30,195
Michigan, I 7811 28,550 20,331
Minn off . -- 0.1 60 4. 160
Mlle 14 . 9,356 22,130 31,186
New aalfssite. 7:9 9,600 10,379
Ow only, 4,018 9,34 1 3 13,410
ll4w Fork, 10,1116 100,200 710,339
Oblets; 1;416 81,205 91,441
Peo r i n l i vs la, ,190 714,760 113,959
0 a lel d,
0 4,28$ 4,898 I 7003
V• t, i 'l7llll Luso 1 B,7ss
virgits, 779 12,000 13.179
Wiseolualit792 14,153 14,945
itols3o6 I ••••..ln 5,000 ,0,000
Colorado, -L- 1,000 1,004
N 37evoila, ebeaska,ll. --, 2,500 2,560
--.- 1,000 1,000
Ilw !clic'''. --4- 1,000 1,000
Dlst. f tumble, 2,8" j 1,000 3,833
77,87 ---
irAsuisatea strength s.
of the regale* , at- ,
My, including the
nit* tnllmments
under the act of 1
Co grits' of ,loll'
29, 1
186 , -...-
1 Ma ] en wri
1 Th;t sesral arms of the service are eatiMated
as follow s: 1
. ' Yobiiitepri. Itsitillan. 3 Ap,
ia8147 I j 1 ' - ' 451404 ' 11.175 IsllBoB3
'galsy '•1 t ' 54,641 4.744 66.624
''' t .''' I ' 26,36 f ' _ 4,206: 24,688
ellory t _ ;,:. ~ ~,' , ' ~, ~„,5 _. 6,693
2u6 A Ifterprrph Per .jO7 • :,-, io?
lai 0864;, ' ' !"77 - - - • , •
i DI
} ii
I ..- I 616,137- _ 20,534, ea Int
-Ai94ropriplose asked for the serviee 'of the
imiiikheoit leer; on eetapated for a fores'of ' 500:'-
000 isisa r , They haws been reduced to th e hilliest
poseiblo ,saSooot 'corisistiat with thapohlio, inter
ests: sail ire based aptai'i a strictly. tootaiwical
, adn hafratiotil of the ivarioae brooches of this
Dr meat: i , ,IL-I . " , r -'• L :tti = l - l I ,
agificrosietkass to leaver delicieseles. aro
son Bred necessary b7itlos *seen of tbe f - crce-ia
l ige held ; ver that spool which Mt &daisies
viers foes; r Alla ey extriordiaar, riPendiliiirOs'
ecameeted ith thii ecepkiitatat, ad discharge of
sho i lThree MoOtheti Contingent -i ' , !
. a its of: *cry heavy expo". is lbw hi*
i ise
minuet f ' which haii, base orgoalaed. eqiippo
eadisade lartdilable' 'shies the called 'session Of
titagrees; adiabieb wae silt comrated for . la: the
Siting**. While in howeise of't.avalry Vas ion.'
doslitetify ectrees.y, it ,hairesehed a nineteen
101111191 . 011* Owe" adaitsatt to the wisest Of this
"Wyk,. 1 • it' esti oily lio, maintained as a gnat,
OW, ta - will -he saki* for ite gradual re- -
dabtioh.4 . ,
fix lees out ross army. Iwo. ,fe stively
114•4,101 the loyal (laymen - of 'the ' deferent '
IS 'hien, 04 Ucbeerfalli isitirsettledge the maga
tettrietisai with which . "hie reipoatiod to she ca#
i =
*CAW DOPO ci thrs. i ia l 'i .. tra ' .. 'di m i 'n' dio;lig l e ' d
til :I'l l l l tA , be li g i ll e i rwiTaid by, dm acwiptasei*of
v tett fares of hisfOtte an. aid made ma ap
' _, of ive baidrod eallilos of doninl fOr
ei 'A tall for the troops Wag itallii." o o
do ;Is! , wi' aolaerimos were the offers that it
*read li= 4 ,diserisitaste to 11141'441AM
dote this if As people (Wielded thiit
the!, ea
0 3
the' sir isiskiedoEupwa'sellitstotta
'Every irshoisf the loyal States &Are& to Edell
*ask* Faun every ODlSlMiltryras sal*" this
Ittell b kelneetkil la la eau* th at "tatted
eta)dit aakantlapelase et oar 'pia*. r, I 1
, - t. doitaiithly sloped was tbe aatkoadlwart,
et I have o tleabitthis fens *odd bite bon
ellartis &mention, lleflaot the 110partmit'isla
, tii flatlet i t, is oboe* el igathoeV
~ :. . 'th• ioathostatine of the peplum( J.
olio ;naked awaher. ilt.wiili, ho far Oa.'
• ,
dieallolVer Illstifiesfaqt be tardier
, - , *is *Obi 11 tilir i11.*11010 11 14. 10 0a .
WI 4.-Initiletliborialpilsiiien. l4 esaima
' • &oil met lola* ;40,.the let.
lthl ',. 'la" as shilis it lodilitl'amet*l•
WO fetihr siiiill^i; peOpites with' the'itat
tesissiiie malt& sock ,4 Oa xiibiati
Jo ,-,' l l-, , - 1 - .r... i ' . • 1 ~ i . , .
1 :dd ~ , ' -I - i -: ', i' . - 1 .• ,'
'44:7-.44 1 4N.g
, t ---
r' • " - =` - 1 - ' -. . 1 7 7 1 ----, '-:-_ : , ' - 4- '7",.
46 ili 0 . • ala OW, Olt
bilisfairtd. 1 , 2101 atiogatei at eh
'iliothamitthdaimber at.Allsetas* ,
ib* 61 lig Witaja WWI J. - - , I.: .
,- -Iv sal At Werth* by Jamabil -3a ili
ar e *I Mk sloil'gras• ea thn
4 ,bra a regalir lOW .1 1141 °
that' 14 )ellmilitla hit; hid ineeesall ' Mao
"didiell.i:lhatoirpsrtitib'aidlitZ ' °bad
:thanglist -grew es lisaililtarata a 1 OTOS
441110.14111.11)11141,1111111.411.147119 am toy
,let of &Somber." • • At the eau - eltaillaa=t at this
rehellimi. limigandad VOA attack 'ipso Tart
I Sinatar; *I esi - in igniter foie at thtsesal et
WO Goletasisithaell th.P9O-itagalaraePria 4 P an i
' rapt - eyed In the iffeetti hold is Ault marsadias
ladiumt In AprU c leth Itehattawn weak 0011 4,
apes to &Ist ter th iniailissai fel
isokeigh sash amity that 17.144 IWO I,iWi
minliet4 - *alas& : 'tinder the datlmcity or the
set of animas et'Salp rt. Ihiliitha States wan
sited to Webb • $ 44.1100 , volsateft*Ae *mei tor
three years. or &nag tie wart nett by ' the' "ell
approved the nth 44,•the seine month, the Midi.
tkiie of WWI men to the Regalkr kw - of the
Ilatited. States sae anthorited, , ?he await is:that
mi have sow an anmiAtorwardslot 4111: 1 1 0 hthea•
It add to this the bember el tlil discharged
Three *tithe VolanteenroW_ ginirste *es
farelsbed to the Goventssitt sines Oil last As
coeds 740.0114 niea.: 1 H I I • 1 •. :
We have hoe an ,evidenent the : weinlertel
*inset% or cot iikpiiiioto. IN at eallecitis
ties.. levies. drafts; or o th er en w a dlilents.uchavi raised a easter
which, gathered by if eon edit the aid at all
these &plateaus. way' diered an Misses it
his, weaderfel genies dad energy. Aid of tint UM
tasy I Writ of the; 'Preach sole 1 Sere entry
man has an fineness .in the versuest; sal
nukes' to its &Atm mhat
~.- *mat_ Itt._,H,
By retinae, to the twee ds ' saireleur a
will b• sew %bath lagulb • per`
(lei o f *vs, twilit oat time 51.001Itraartat
the lid, er over ouselath of hiaisire *pie..
slua gravy sitheeding, tbsi Mhole ass thu of
Weeps fTisitti by .11 Ms Sonthita States dating
14 41 t
that liar. -8b es the ptelastloyaliStates teridth
troop In Ike pro aloe,- Ishii: 1 nadoatitidly.
ereald:bernt Mum eh 4*
any emergency demised
It.thel Government - ant prom Jr . pat late i the
‘l, llx.
Sou an Ty tit *tit three il IliS i . r '•- -
- li i gii sme great-;tatlsf n-,,t0 refer tai the
aredittibl degree of discipline troops. is
'etmbou Mere. bat a short dam si engaged I
the pandits ape*. j, They arirepidlyattatilla
in ellteiepqr which estmot tail to being Mundt to
Aar ague. Olken sad men alike Arises an'eara
eat drib" to inensaplisti•thentselvee
_in every th
of the camp end lel& and the 'Melons carpi
Animated by as emehition to "zeal each other in
soldierly -goalie,. - 'cll.'_i_ 1
. • The I conspiracy against the Government Az.
tended:over an area OF 13,,1,1de sqlsremiles."poo.;
isi, Ur -• SASSmiles. and A shore
•p 7 4l!-
. •ledd.
sassing a coast Hue of , __ ....e.", alas ~..
hue of: 25,414; miles, with an interior boundary a* in VI; field :: Al prei , st each Got ertiorLe°l
line df 20,31 *ills In leregthl This ; Otalorace . lids '
and appoints the °Seen fur the troops furl
stripped ',us of 'arms and tannin° if. and scattered ,Dished'by bk. State, and womplaint hi, not -us ire i
Our nary to the moat distant q 'of the globe. - quently l made, that when vacancies ocesir. in . Itbe
The ONO to festers the Vole°. bleb : the'Elar•i .11eld,:men of inferior quilliffeatlons are placed yin.
*fumigate entered on , is 'April t. mut the most . comes it'd over those io the rinks eau are their
gigantic' endeavoilit- the .eivil- War.— . superiors in military experience enCensmolly.
ll ° I°_,..Mr°ll of ' , Pm meimbe heed Tint - in The 'Sdvancement of. merit' should be
- the I. adios
history hi tt
'preparation. •: : ! •il ' 1 - • ' principle - in ell !promotiohs, add the Volunteer
The history of, this , rebellion;; ; comm o n with • soldier 'Omuta be given to understand that -pr4fer-.
.ill others. for obvious warm reeet* the Orin sue-. . men( will be tee sure reward of ititellidosee, Adel -
tresses 17 favor of: the Insiargeotil. The ''illesiter ity. end dietingialhed.ienriee.. • • -..; •,. 1 --
1 1 ,
of Bull Run was but! the, nature eotecquence of . The bourse above recommended hisbein Po r ..
the premature advance of bur brit e but oadisel.' sued by this Department , and it is my : lntention."
plikied. temps. which:the impatience of the Poen so far as is )0 Imy power:lto ' continue a syktr m, ln' diMeiaded. • lbethetraYel ease of, oar , Move- eiticliestinet fail to haveS.:Dlalt beneficial effect
Menu by traitors,in oar midst enabled the rebels upon the entire service. .-, •• • 11----.' rii it
to Amos* Ind terrenchl their positiow. sad by a - ..: By e xisting laws end regulations an, other of'
reinforcement in °great - strenittlfissi the moment the Regular army ranks an °Mier of Voluntitiv
or - vietdry, to., snetchtt frets our grasp.: Uhl re- or the seine grade, 6 out ithetsodiaff -tb° em"""
verse, hoe seers 'Reel no discouragement to our slots of the iota" may be of antecedent datO• In
gallant i le°l4e ; the ' rhav°. " l " did 1616 s a ! M ills, , my 3uffeetent,lthls practice has a tendency 'tci re
and although tarp' lustiabers hve been seces. press the' ardor and to • limit the opportunity for
t i
sleily rejected, nmighty army is invincible amity distinction . of Volunteer °Meer"; and a change
steeds Otter to !Feel hate Itse pop Mut -fees47- 'should be made by- wblitir seniority. of commihsion
The cheek that , we sire receivtipon the. p#o should confer the . right of commend. .4 • _i' 'I
mad bait. &tweeter*. hist postpon edthe conpsd , I =brill for reflection the , q uestion. wether,
fur 1- fest mon t hs . !The •cther iiiiite." 4l- or di' the distinctiem between Regulars slid !Volunteer!
lebels; though dearly :ion, n ererinseee effairs,Wit which' now Petite, thould - ha ; permitted to consist.
no important or pennanentadvantages: The Os} • be.; The efficiency of the army. it sppeare hi. Me,
sessionlof -Western !Virginia and the' occupation might be grektly forfeited by et couseltdation. of
of ; Hatteras ;rind }Usenet lime ' nobly redeemed theme during the continuance of the , war. Wileh.
our trinsient feriae", ' ; . I
_.! 1 ' -1 CoMbining both' foroes, would constitute Jinni One
• 4r:the date of Imf last report the stOtio o f -;grsod army the Union. - .. •11- -. 1
Delawere. Maryland, Nenteco.y, and . Missifuri ; •Betruiting for the Regular army has net peen..
were threatened i with ; rebellion.: In Helioare, ;attended with that mortis which sas tintici , thed,'
the geed 'ease and patriotism , of the people hive illthongls. w- lance number or en beam e n tered
triumphed over the ; unholysektites" of tesitsoi.-i- this; branch Or the service. - While it is ride:fitted!
TIU people of earlylireinounied the • !that ioldie ,e in the Regular army ,- ender theleorft
c i l
selveNby en ithquiireicit deeds* Sion at the ballo . 1 trul of . Ofloers of military e•iumition end .en 0041
bek , is tarot i of Ibi ,Union ; . and MarYibid. n - ; ence.[ are generolly better eared for than those io,
itrithminding the efforts of boa; men is, power 1 the-Volunteer Service, it is certain that (hi] tult ;
I the city of. Baldwin. Oben . the opportunity of a ! elm !preference is largely given. to the iiitter.',
general election was afforded." under tire had , 1. Young men evidently peefer , to enter aco to gif t
het breve-and ; patrioticGovernor , rebuked by ll fleeted by their friends ;and acqusiotenee ; ; and: .
,overe befitting , make-its the "'baton who; would i; beeides; the boanty grinted to volunteers in! most •
have led her to destrection. .Id Mitsonriiloyet I of, the States, Ando:races" ire Oft" ° 41 4,!0 4 :
Siete ! government! has beenf
,w ''sti ! ,tablisheld by the ; feted to them I;,' th o se whose somini4sioni ttipend
people, thousands ohom hates the ~, upon their success In • obtaining' recruits . L Ii JO
n -
support of the Yederst auttarity, and, in ebojune. ; dition, Abe Volunteer is 'allowed to dragf ' h lf tal
;lir° with troops from other POrt4che of tbe: circle- ['pay of $l3 per l month, while, by law $2 per invent''' .
trY, hive forced the; tiled" to retire into the a - ; are deducted from the 'pay of the Regularyi , l' be
1 j o iing States. The government es it ! returned ,hint et theend of big term of, Seirilee. 1
Virginia by the loyal portion Of her population is - In my judgment, this law repealed.dod.
' in successful oPeistiett;and I Ousels doubt w 11 , the Regular soldier be Oltheed to receive his full ,
be sestelned by dsit people - o f ! the ' entire . State pay 'el hen duel. He ishoult; Oleo receive either i. l
whenever the thraldom of thit.ribel force" shill- reasonable booty upon' enlisting , or art.advsoco;
hive been removed; .-. , !! i 1 ' ! -• of $2O of the COO which a law of the isit see,lion:'
:Thee hag iibects lade cleirlyi apparent!, that n. of Congress grants to revilers and volunteers on i
whatever direction the forces pt. the Unitise' base the expiration of their eriridi of serv i ce. The
extended ,their' pri•teition. thisirepreessul: loyety would iloobtleits - stimulate imilistrnent., sof it woad,
of th e people: Irresistibly manifesting itself, has enableithe soldier to mike same - roviiihn hirthose,
aid to restore hid maintain the authorityof the dependent upou hiui for susiport until he 'receives 1
governinent ; and 'doubt net.thatbe army Oise his pay- : 1 •1 - 1;1 " ,_.; 1' 1 •:* - -
assembled on the 'hank" ot - the .Potomite,lr'll,. By this Act npproied'Auguit 11,1881. - the Prod
f l it
under its hide !eider. soon lmike suablaideturto. diet euthorised to: applint as 'Many - a:ids to
Mention, as will reestablish its authority "relight- Major Generals of the.- Regular aniar r noting in
out an tbe , rebellious States.? 4 -. ; ..- -. • the fie d,',.as he may deem proper. -The 'number .
1 The loyal Oovereor,of Virginia Is proceeding to of aid ,In my opinion, should he limited, - anif no
organise courts' : under the constitution' add laws more should : be iglowed •to 'each Major General ;
of th e' Stae lis illielirmetert Olutleeire the tic- thso e n s be advantageously employed' upon his ;1
enpation of our troops, I:4.00441211r so t 01111 peoper-staff.' Much expense would Libus be;
that authority. should be ; given to the Pres ident . saved, and - the . Rum:alio and - thli Department
to send eolimissiotteU with IMO army, with po ,ef would: be relieted'of applications TorreathairOst .
to exercise ell , the firections; of; local goiernment slog r . theitultureandlextent. - . ' • • ".- "'
wherever , the the e'en. authority her ceased te 'lst, • !II fifth section of the • Act approved ,Septein:.
end *specialty to; nforce the - obligation' of Is; ber 2 . 1850, makes the dieltargelf minors - eV,
tra end. the, collection of debts; due to loyal ligatili upon. this Bepertrient; u pon print!' th-.t
sired two- . ..i I ii . 1 •
o t : ' ;1 ~:. ' theieenlistment yes without , the eoneent ! ef their
•.A stated in my'last:Repsiet,hit , the ecienmence parents -or guardiano - In. view of !the injurithis
men of Odell-a - hellion the Voicroment !found it. operation of ; this lio,'endrof the feCllliieewhieht
t j
self 1 deficient in'lsrma - and einsitioni oar; it opeueto frauds.-k respectfully "urge it* ei., ! rly;
Mrtogii the bad! faith of, those intruste d . Ith repeal. 1 Appleationsi for l discharges ..f minors
their controt'dering the prebeding adruhiis on.' "eau then be determined ei th er by thii Department,"
Thal Armorrat Harper's F having !been de- in accordance with snob regulstiolOseesperieneer
strayed to prevent its possession and nee by the may ;have shown to be necessiry, 'or by the civil
ieb l u • sb° ! fhrMimilect ..LoomPollid to y tribunals of ; the'country. ; • '. ; t :1' ',.: '
upon, he single smithy . at Springfield;; end 4 pon . The emplOyMent of Reg i mentsl l .Bandi•shOnlei
thirsts establishments, for a supply of a be limited; the . propertieu of Musietiele now al.,
Every effort bee been made inereasif th ca= lowed; by law being -to:street, and theirfluseful
pacity of that armory, thegreatest prods tof ness, not at ;all 'commensurate witti-theit
mhiehi Prier fo these.irothrles. had. .es - expense. 1 • . - 1 -_•• :: 1 : I- I •-_ ;; -
ed 00 musket; per month... I charge of a -en- Corporations , like individuals , ire !Habit - to be
erg tio end ableOrdnpbeit ofliiier, the fwee'lbeing ,governed by selfish motives in the abeam* of
don led.l arid Operatfone ';vigoroutij prosecuted . rompletitiort. An instance of 'this kil r occurred
!de ; and night;there litres:tads at this , este bib- •in the management of. the' ; railroads bet teen Bel.
;menu, during the past month' ot October. a, tal timer, -and. New York . I The sum To 1 ,116 .Wis
p ito
of, 0,9011 'toast eth ; and it Is, eionfidently CZ ' did -charged upon that route or the traospoOttioa 'of
tha 'lO,OOO wiltbe man .factured during the' res . 'encbisoldiect frost New York to OalliMre As
1 1,
ent In ntit Oni . a recent "lag with a view 40 en- this fate seemed *strain int lotto Department.
tar e the upset y of!the'l strawy, I torsissd the Wheel ecinsidered is Connexion with the great So •
:pbrehavb of a large i quantit of ,msettine al; areal, of trade upon roads, made Iniseeseary
ready .finished, which; who pat in , ope tion, :by thel wants of the government, inquiry ,was
will ertabfe this establishment' to prodiee,: ring I.msde concerning , the expediency of . ' using the
the next yeti?. • 200,000 stead, of the justlycele. : foists ! from New York to Baltimore, - pie Harris.
butted Springfield rifles, I I recreation, "so et ' burg. ; The result, was and arrangement; by ; istrieb
the'recisinuiendeticia ef -a libefal appropriate n b y, - 1 iroops; were brought by ithe lastniined ; route at
i t .
Congress ffir the purposel - of et -farther hearses,- '44 .eac h ; sld, as,• consequence, • thie rue •iii at
ing the bepacitY or this..tem ry.- believing that it ', onwi necessarily 'Adopted hy: all the raihosidi in
can be made eufficlent 14 supply, jell the to4sktris the,: loyal States, making a saving to IthOlgurein- -
and rifles which , the government may !be after me tof ,331 i per 'cent. in ell its treniportatf
need hien* .oentitiginity. ! Limited in health- sot iers, and at"the siturotime gieing to tbe Rails
ful country, Imibe. mids t of-fan .Induittriotte and roil throligb increased. businese,Oliberil mini,
ingenionspeople. whersicomPeteat WO! 0 cis 'pin Won. 1 ' LI ! - - I ,1- . ! 1 ,
allays be obtained withent difficulty, d ffiel-; 1 , ; e Railroad connesitin ,betweert - 1 Washington _
si ci
PO/ rear to lathe meteriali needed th' man - had Balthnore has been late much imouvettly ,
'tincture of arms , it is ecibelesmetime ' NMI. ,- additional sideings. and by-ex. Monate-tithe-IV..
to every Pitt of the country by dater drailway in,,erder, lioerever. that 1 *bond t Istatiiiiee ;mar
echtmeOltalion. -. 1 • ~. . - . 1 . 1 • ,1' alley" be it the youtinsied of th Department. nr-
Alter haiing madi.esintreets for urns w i th the rainents should be Made for layin g ' a double
private establishments ;; in is: country , • I was trk :•betireen, this eitl'and•Annapitlie iluncinn.
deemed tweeriter/ be the ' indent Ito 1 the -1 . wi timproved sideittgalnod' facitifies et;Aurratos
speedy and ample supply, to Inks special spat lis;juld along the Branch road. ,• 1. i!'• ;; 1
to:Europe with funds to: th anilunt of two mil. - - - • bould lb* navigation of tbe .
• Mini of dollthi to purcheis nre. lam gratified ' Intirrepted byfilbekede site the severities of Witt.
to;stale ' that . fie has InidefOriangementi-,for.i tar it would become - she:A helthriessife; fee:this:,
large Dumber of arms part o i ; which have already Proper su'p'ply of the troops in tlui District of 0.-.
been deliveredi ' The teasel der "wilt be l i t:pied ; lambi". add vicinity , atd ,of the-inhibits* of
briuiceesivostitametel until all shall- have been; this city,tto provide s ad d itional railroad oonnoti n
received: ' ,••• 1- '"'II ' , „" I 1 , 1: I between Washington and Baltimore. • A•respun 1•;
Combinationsamong SSD thatirettli.•llll rtes , 1 1 41 - -comPauft with a charter - from the -; SW° ,rit ,
and agents; teethe sale of ;
,t o ms, hayi. 1 inlay! IMaryland ; have proposed to do this upon mh&
wipes. caused an undue `- increase in [Pri it. "To; Mon that; the Government will endorse their
mom solvietage being tb 'ltakeit of 0 neees-' I bitids ; they binding themselves to set a s ide leo*.
i /e
sines of the floverameat. lleetote.l of Customs !ally a sudleienr sum fis • their:red• -optiiin at Mati-:,
hove been directed to delis tet the ages of the: I'll, anti:thus eventually: release the. Government
'United Stattil all arms sit '.. snirtitions t mar, ;;: from any, liability; w ekever, - , and ;to "haw. for ,
be impoiteditto i bi s noun . - .1, 1 1 , - 1 I thenspcirtiftion, rates nno cies •to exeeedlfoni
! en r ! : lo th a rid ; Liao 4 istrigiio ' cents a top per mile f !freight, sad terse i °oat
!The dem 'fa' arms • , ..;• - .. ,
„ me i," . os oadi s o m oo to for
,t o e o,
per mile f or paseenge . .Daring the - -erth . tintisnets
throughout the toy's) partied of Ol• 4101101 , 114 of
th• • War. h s heir churl firritassiitifter•
boa es , at polity of ad o Department to fe m .:. ,lis not to exceed two ntiper mile.' The - • charge
courage the , evelop i lsent ? of the: Molt , enter.: 1 - for the transportation t penerfirere between the
s'-ise. and skill of eta people io :Ibis; iiin.-:•.• ! two chfrele at preset l `;/ coal* mile, and -for
be Government e o o idd oi b ree !h ov e - than * ! •freleht, th e rates per. ti stilt average! Robs
Mimi of. muskets In iu alienate, 1 with :cortex;:; Ileight OPP per m il . 1 ,Tb_,Wlerlfet!einfilif°o .rite,
PPudilit 046110 0 ; 1 4 arms • sod' !Oilier is for 1 0 ove.rnme" , fr; e ll : oi °P"ProMemPtliiv i dold
artillesty ad I I 'ivel . ! Otbenfrise, It 7, et a ' it,., PRY compensate:' : all liability. and give to
Mott critical lonsent . And itself deli - Meld in gin. PP ahem° of `, all I * 074 ISPlPtitimMt7 lin
*bile hoeing lan abuidenen of enrol - I , -f I. Pieced fiteiiidee for r "Meg the no itinal capital,
1 0,661,125e1udi tbas!!application corn
4 . l ii for'ensithaiii, to
!es a a ; oao-i-t f oe. . , Oiled to!piy. • To; •eitiiint of 'thODimrict h
"fary 4 . saiti o ict ie s . of h l a y as , ' would cheapen the tof lupines, old prove ilf,
nick polka is/ way. afford the g re atrest;Omsilities ' m enses I. *" I°, ever, f e• Vec t; !.. :11"' '' • i
fur t o o li o n po se . ; _lead e * „s e i s m, s l i ther of; ; frecniousend Oise h . Beltway 'he Constituted
i n
Cantion. , peihnstes meddle procured' , tom privets - ; gb ibis' city frins the Navy' Yard, 4 1 -y*: . the
ouno o seni t i p• the toc wienipa of ikik lgia a l of t' a b ! ..'. ; *pito.); to Georgetown . for Ming eonthetions Ifitb '
ael o o, oL o - id 14,4 to ! eo p or a n thr e 1 which * o a th !! if existing rallroaddepOti.'and moot we 44...; -
bo' olefut tit the eounts7. aid - - preireet 1 ' parities I Pet bridgerfor the i.flielnit r.f teeming the river
%Owe by theseeinst• I bowledge would i" Georgetown. „ _, -.... O ran
a junction , ”' of this. PO"'"i d .
b e . oev ithol !! ef abi ilia thine of o e t am; 11411111".111•11 , 111111 VII 1141 1 .116•411 Alexandria rai lroad,
=thr, 4my I lmi,*. repatt, r, netted . ' li o n i - ,1 not onlyjwOuld tbnottanienirtatiori with our, ntroits !
o the feet l a : l er i s t a tjantwis rasa f o r th e I. le Virginia be 044 improved,
gin emir se
heti , eiliers entrees iwthi, - the us..l!;,resis bis obtained tit the Baltimore - tied'. -Oh lit -- roil "
;;;;• ef , the Oars 1 Soaie initsral ' should': red - beef Reertei Forri..l4 ineiati;.oi , the Lee •
.p ro vided by Cowen aid ! o f Ak e g,t,", by i ! 11 and Haupt ire 'shoed. ::"I'd :he ihapertante
Which wed' liiilitistiesn -•bit erganisefl, ' •
mid 1 es affording facilities for moving !troops aen4l .thp. !
flisciplined,ned made t stiff" lei liteY atitiaettel`i: to ' ii-Mo of marl r dm/ be
~added f Al l , 'fiiotO
for uninediste, perigee, ' thormigleb; trained as 1; atilt would comer upon the Dishiet - .4 Col:
rof ;peals; when oolodlOis defrauds. It
- maybe 1 - ill, ..bii* - Tb„ O meth,' reillina would;
_ . be sVrod I. •
*ve rs e d bin s * miss a m o v ii - - emeggthe In;teas: a 1111 W 11 - 1111U1/1 by': enaabling the I Govitiannetst l os .
Irani : Wiwi lineonisuirtibli In its In dhrfeholl:With tb• "Prnef°°•feett.4 Georgetown.
di, gook* of,sny genes, sYinsee of brienise- I. °OO by Creed y decrePlat thlreorri. wages trans.
blest wPweribt of - rt o . oo, theft :bath already; beesoli partition of tho army through this ithy. • ,
brought late lake Odd; and, , in;;Tieir ofj.the elan' 1 - The injuries to isintids. lieggired Itillie ie.
nt, aid MitthecihWlP that hive Atha 414444! ti h at authorities of .Bahlthere , ia• corder: tole's*:
Ito not hesitate tisexpreiMtbe *diet' thlr no caul 'nee isomunanktego it with the NOrtbeindiffetkiiii
Iblastles of tuts eau iitif in liblehthiatoon- Althrisharg, and sllk Oa dosia. sail PhiladatAia,
try will net he able not 417.xdtriieeti tedV, but, , ibis* been , Milted ;14 the 'threw, 1064461 u
contrary idlislokkidpi which to: Pope tb all th e that own these,: This !parties of the • BbltlM,•re
11 4
ercield.4a miter otos eggrissiver giber land Ohio railroad West or R4l4e. Ferry., which,
ida7 *DIE!' that -'inSenwid our 416 -"' I *se" enthlesely: iiestrOiod by the ribs* , bide ;not
seestiOaMeM6 A einimitioe a leifsmieletted 1 ! let beim hrthered. , 'l'leiliriost latineste , nf trade
Iby ' with latltoeitif to eft 1 0° 1 1 g th e ro- I esquire AM ' thts 'treed. should 114 rokiOeoolt as
thoes,l *Pelee aist nperi a pied tee - general . .I speedily possible,as oy the . eliepsay,,ter the Items;
of the Ilithlas et , th e Val eitatea.l i soothe et th e immense eep* et the I '4rieal, .
'thi of great Ispeththee thith -' ellintal - ah`,-'tiera of ;the irest.! •To eht: PM 0 0 :
lesion should .be **MN* ;the .thediden sr ant limit teat has seadethd to . the Misplay ,
ort. l •Pf e dal' sad Ato loolotio la safi th eat fetes its proksiebth dariag th e pre ! I
nod gee ear goosed trader"! i I dbeY *add it J peas t• the veto; aid yotilrethier, seek toddies .
nil IM:10_
_ll,6o(olSed,oldie ; - as it maybe Ole tk *tide, id rthithentea with
'416431 4 16 ' • Mfils."-. onsoar AffififillePith I', Its raft toospisialdpittle'datimb.. ;,','• . i - ,' ,- -i::: • 1
chit..: Opt reedy is 4444 Isis boilorf itual to poi. it '--- 'For th e Stith* St 'tsatiltotang the' tOresepooda! '
tat too* ; rued we - shah" limill' bil tkio ',M t i -dos ot thityltee te - :alesaidths *Oa i , toe ' ; rebtholoa 1
- -,' - ' • ,- 1 ,- , Il -- 1 - i';-. -- I , ' i' V, '. - -i. ' - - .--I 'T "; - 1 .- ':', , - . :; , i` .. 1 1! -
1 . J f' . •I - 1 *:'. :' '- , •-. r - -,. ' ..'J •.• ,!-. I
1 , '1 r: l, Fi",.._,,
. - .;1 :1 I. - . 1: - • i.'i.- - 1 .- . - i-i i 1 '. .. , ... .
. ~ r- I - i . _i - • i• '' 1 - •l',' 1 ' .:•'" ' '
- 040.637 718012
• • i_;
_ ,At
iiiiii4 editendoi.,l had hoped
4,111 mars o issioa. would autholisel no is
Of thi naothir. _gating foiled tei 1
that at the approsehip'g session an ga l a
be 'eastlooleirl. sal that , the seWilon of an.
a will to hilted - othelosively to : those! State*
Mb eiseprlatiat cordially with thei ()ovens,
mt. have ',}roes ht their foram lot" tha , hid to'
Ila the mitiatenitioe of he euthority. " •
this emisilion. jitatiee reqeirm that ,I shovia
salt,attaittioe to the chimes of a viteraaraffierv,lth
where, more that to any elbet. the IfilltiryAeak
eat ii; indebted foe its preemie• proaperoue and
gement eon
a l ,
ion. - / I alloile to Ctiel iiilvernia
Thayer.' of e liugineer , earns, who now, hy rea r
Minfof Salt d years and faithful public servires.
Is theanaoi d for duty in , the lield. , 'Mid.? the
!NC* , law of Contest he may Judy *Leith to tat
{retired_ Arco* aiitive eertior but believing that
1111S;.611Whitlekett. aweless 'should Melte mine
of aelinowleilgment , from the goverment.
II recommend that authority be asked to .red l ro.
bies - upot his full pay and emolomenta; ;- 4 .
' eh .nl ikes,
-- 0 b--- o f an army is a oonsideration of the
tattiest en evince. GOOd. me* end women iin
dilferest hapilled by the; highest *otitis
or Wend mid have mail le aid.
a the leci ated ammo arrangements . of the
gortramen and hien greittly l iestrumental tis
diminiehth disease Is camps, givist nierrod
comfort,tind happiness to tho•life of the sold ier,
sad imparting to oar hospital service 'a more , .
mane and generous ammeter, Salubrity( of situ
Wier mid niessanuseu of sorroindfogs are die.
teed the tholes of the hapitol ' sites, hgid 0 .1 01- •
iiablinfialo fOr our sick and woutideak. of Which ,wo
have iverylretioa to hi prised. have liven e. efiedi
I i St. Louie, Withington, Goorgetown,ThillimatO ,
end Annanolls, and will be attached to ove , y Idi.'
vialots,of this atm•in the field. ,[ To! the. elosoof
tho war vigilant 'este than be given to the health
of the wial!tddiet, and to the mailers and n"" - ,
41 . : in
the sick. 1 I ' - - i
' 1 '
,teeowend' that the ,systeta of promotijowc
whi /needs hi the Reinter ' , eerie° be aPrioli,.
'to the. Votioteer forces In the respeotivO makes 7 1
reittlating; he sever, the promotions, to seta.
'1! - !'.f , f -. , arr 1,.*,:r,
r igillitk; ~'
i 4 41 tlieiri4.
•, iv tay 1, j i ikei c
4t,o«itt gtat , e.oto-
1 'L i • '; i - *'.. - *
tot fur thatr. 4 r;..
.11:•,falegrapt i k. j ;t ,„ '
iron btotSt us rh o
l i • iliti " l 'i Eight : •
iTfitesDbie lice
11 : 11 * nitretiao.-: ;
Atari, *DO tam e . -
" 4 00 10 9da.
the' Lon Briag, •
litart'ebtl4slipia m . -
Wino purianiusz
ass; 4 ere!y• ':, ha._ _ _ ,ie d kut;•- tibial& iii' •
terrOpttais to unite' Or 'tr. es. is viipt'dili aoproat; : 1
tog,tomplittath snlbl tint Ibis 1.; tit he a sob. ••
1 :1
etentiAl Ftrusmits. ' .. ' '-- .. I -"
,• ; :,; • l
• f .
Os theliror eltAtie p -tit taint; Lieutenant '
fitate - tat' Wilta ol 4 , scat,: i) l l l 4 l siriii -r'Eliispligt.,l ••
Die ,ihight: essitsii.ate li' i.fia e we ot i tis
kutrri alt emu:. tie bet faithluty aft—l gap ,bil y
' , eve ,' Li s manor nor op ;rds. of Dols a erntuiy,
- Ind it'lleau? ell, Ibis acid iptiente has giro, a d.
digit:wail lame to ilia- 10. gburvt-pigva , ic 011411 . . rya:
•Vielial insets. fitiiell bairn,' • grateful peeri
'folli.w;4'hius i'eelfie vet rettlent-,, ,Th.,-pr vi4eat
itetivistisiely euvisteired ve,o7“iumlm. , '''4 Ytilie *nay- •
Open th's. Wilco. lest 't ran" ,•.'• • Foristbas•ly. for. -
,tbaeuostry.ll44 l pfli+l $ 4141 in WO prei't
.hionarlf :vista Se t::: Arittratiatt ; in snitch' hi, -
`grehit talent* hid - e 11.41..intsi tierrsiset. ; Hi s •
briltiolattiehieventrite• 'i ;Wee era, Vivginia,.ib t .
untiring ester", and Dan *initiate ability he h as •
diefulsield ,to, the ergotnit. 114 ..:,d disci pllnr, of: I x
eutirety;rtess, tinny bar jitailY •eron'flor - him it t ,
euAlldined old 'Applause oCchia,.teucapd and ',,i.. t h e
i ! ,‘
Deftest. , '. ! i•-1 ' j. .•l' • •' - , • •
; tistivierdinety labia:. erg!. ra it. teentlu kv ,
1141110 ftlitrirlM of. the esiteue erg ! .
of this D s •
.pettsoesst,triiirsteble for hi *IDS; orior brs t i,
erutp.,.lWhile orrivni us yliare b.htsiteeasiariall,..
oonansitsed,bir ',mithsonite seeo4,l :abu t eiu f yi i , . .
gab' pflees bate anima issoly lin; rooki sates; !t0 ....
traltid by beet* • A the molar, of.,rapid steer;
iseaD pain fart Sul, ben cur .174 ti osvt gratifies.
al, 1
titta . thoo. I ref.%y s i the suicides, ashisiolstration
ei! &Ishii dieptiovifo i i,vartsato branches's:ll,th.
seSrioe.!• Our furore; b not • eoly to be armed:
siOinvd.llo4;ted' hut lis , to' br stotideolY Pr,olidbi!
wi: *an* tot ;tritisep..rt (ion ,tona ',Refit Immix,.
f t , utiparaibell' F .l; , wbi..l'6liiita , Wet there ti c
oestrus . , to stair erviviii h.! Wl' prffirvied for to every
reepecsthati oar It *gut • Shit V'slatitaless. I Can
. slblly . ;think ihntl - ues ' t iiec is) large, and so, we l l
etistippe4,wamieeer pus in tbe geld .ttrosi short I
spine Of .time it au ... M • last rap ! •nee." ; • •
. i While is-is toy fSietu to,' prereiSr die strict.
eipt,4o,luonyiitd!aid.lll t kiiiill; I ibiuk ; thi, bui
aohirirbeelit' Lai . ixi: nIA I,and ':' the lain wit
ifjc , , mid ,b; i tu i . ,4l . lk. 1111,0 Oat tip hot rebellion to
isepOsly slud'Orr•0 0 41 6 ! 1 1 1 : T n ‘ !
—. . . • ,
The;getagrajdaila 'Po it:iiiii of -the Wetropolleof
the nati.w, Menaced b the relole, and required
ti.,lii -kletendeil ihy. the 'ielids - '-,of our troops, i n .;
ducal 100 to ingest for otitidcratiort the,prrPri:'•
ety4-stad expedtbniey',.,. r* ~pastruetiun ut d i . •
houtideries of; the St -:t eof Delawire;:hlarylaus. .
end' Virginia.; l Windt. : and iteue l idat , Pivanstile .
wetildldictster, thee the seat ef,:the , Nut'orial C..
Vervittient, foe anytime 4: Cotive,-should is placed_
heyott i reasonable den -
ere oil.eeistare., by _ et.einies
orithiil, ea welitisi from caret ' by fuer Irma whit:
_ant': ;Iny'szteemelst 11 ;Wee the titeteit timed,
-ti..b .inn • testi rffcatkA, for , imilar purposes. by
Michigsa , nod Obta.: la :; hy -. liiisourii, tied , lowa'. •
tbeiehoundarieb ton@ beitto -hanged is to reader'.
the C'epitil tiorel'renno -' th ...hpresiiitt. from till'
lollneeeelot Stitt, ;gee ' mein. ' *bleb . have " T .:
-,rayed theun;eircsi 41 I. tietlioli ; 11 . 01011 the Fette...
;rat titittsoiity: 'To:ihia• 64,:,ibe Halal,* of Vir.
!gielie.might4tio sn lilted as to tea .e tier teliteli. '
ftleacionviet 4 the RI e; Rittito on • -he East and"
illetinsylvloin on'thel.ficietb,-tiering thee.- un the
;bout* anti. Vest sent- 4
By_ this stracis.
merit: t- o co:uwi ea of hfarylind - :(All , gbaoy aed
?,•Witspingte. , ) would ;.1) -,tratisterred itu the jorii. .:
;:dietien of- Virgittia. Ail. ttiet portion Of Virginia
which lies between, he I,blue ;'Ridge i and - Chest:
'petite bay •...buld. then itiaddieW tellairylmod,`•bile .
' ihat,Poitina! of the pen insula tuitieno thi ;waters
:of. the Chetnpe lte"tin the iAtta ,tit - jemtly
held by llari latiised : Virginia - could , beloror.
pore tett: him the , Steen of -Debi wire. '-, -A ...reference
to' the:Whip 'mill 'show that tkice are grist cannel
bOunderlyo,..*liii-b. !or! ail' lime to ;eutue,!weitid
serve t. Mirk
. tior Rini!, of -these states. :-
TO ,iiteke ith..: Pro ,ref.,t3i of the Capital cure Piet*:
in ceaeiairlition of., the terio Sec , pip') at Cerrito -•
ry•WhiebMA7land! woUld - ,:reertee ender the , sr
rangetnent itrotOsed, it rotild lie nee. wary that
that State should 6-nieilt iintti :nudity her euusti.
tilting) is tti lituiti' the Loci/VI , ki.o' representiuoci
to lia,-wol9ipopuintino.:, .1,- - :
.• 1,.
..„. 1 . •
1 '. l'n this cyanotic** itierotild be. the p . 14'4 Ws- -
dour to reaireex.tottbe,,, Diet Hee of 14. , lotahht , thet,
portatn-of itsorisinal littafts whien bin , tef am:
grin was retr..ceiied - itp . toqiState of Virginia.
, It ha-- beeOute a grade quo,ti. , n foe determine.
don .whatlehall be done with, :the i Slaves abaft.
Tuned ' bi, their owner*? en the ideates of KIT
troops inle Sentberri territer,v: se in the Bunton
diStrict of Stitsth Cariiiitia`.. ,:The whole white pup..,
elution therein is . Pir ihounand. While - the bomber'
of Itnegrees inceedi 1 thirty-tiro - thottesna. : Tbe
- panic whiCh drove their Piasters .in' will cotta.
sitin* from 'their homes, leave. item in undisputed
peterm.siure of • the soil. IShallithilf. 'mined . by their --
intint.'re, be pi :ied in - ' the ;field tit•figtit agrainito*
Or isliall ti eir labor he einitititially , , employed is'
reProduriqg the, means for ~. sapportiog.the ;twiner
Ot frebeititM T . - , - s ,- ' 1 i .. . 1'
: The woe' inpi'vriiielithiii , :governinent bas:beel
forced hy Irqhtlbous iraithrs,ir earited.on forth'
ptirpunie - til \ leposeesitog 1 1 b., i prope. ty villle'stii
and treitelij-reuely: seisettjutoin by-tbe enemies Of
the Goieriainent; and'io re!eitabl-sh the authority
- end lawsOf- the'lluited St4teein'tlis places where
inlii.oppored or orerthre to py'erutedinsorrectios, ,
land iebeition.. Its -Pnirphse is to filmiest and de.,
find what is jostir its own. •4 ' •,, .. ...
War, fret' ; between independ ent nationi, is :
[made to euhdae the:weeny; ! and that belongs
AO that 'eremy,lby oecupyieg the nustile country,
:and exercising dotnitilun over all the men sod
:things. Within. its. territori; Thin: being_ trite in -
'respect to independent nations ate w r, with rich .
-other,' it fellows that rthelp .1 ethia are laboring by -.
torte of arm. to dverthrtsw"E et: ferment* justly'
bring upon thetuSilves elf . the -Consequeneei of
War; anti provoke tr destrOptionlitneritetl by th e'
"worstof- crimes. That government
.would be'
false to national masc.:, andriisUldTjutly excite
the ti,tieiihti on the Priiseid cont,.llitit , woni i sir'
stain frouk the use i 1; any efficient m• ant's pie.;
serve its;iiiin glib:trice, .Or,to naeietoue a retieki
lions and traitorous entrui4hy . spar ng or protilet.;
in-. the Prtiperty . - iit: thuse. l who are wagiat we;
• , egninit it. ; : '.- 1 ' •I'
The peineipal wealth ; soil poet of the r•bil
States is ; a 'peculiar rpeeleti; of PrOperty, coniiit
ing of the serrice.or", lahur:ot African vlaree,'or;
' the desei. nd ante of A friebinci Title ; property , kw;
been variously, 'talented' at the 'yable of 114/11;
$7 00 . 00 4.0 00 , to sl,:ooo,upo,lipo. ,
..,Itijiy: ehould thii property-, be exempt from tag'
AltiarSli.itid:cottseqiiences of - to rebellious war?
-: It 'wan the boast of •theleaele of the rebel' I. !
while hi yet, tied a miet•in iltedenate of the•hob:
,ted Statee that. the Elluthern 'Stites would it
'couiparitii ely sefii and tree , from the buideni iI
war, if it sheitli b.- • brituz,ht tin ',liy 1 the coatexi.
;Asked rebellien, and'thet. bout was amiatepAatel
'bi the ihtvaire threat' ' the' , , tonito sod
curies Amid: 'become ; the victims of rapine WI , .
military spoil," and that! "NOrthleri, men- shedd.
- ante!' AooLi a reas. gnaPotil ler an t i feel :Soattleel
'eteel - .' 1-Nu Dee:doubts ;its disposition of "the reb.
els to. carry that threat ~in,to -eatioutiuri. ' Tat
wealth Of lkierthera rosins and cities, the product
'of Northern fitinspr.rtheiro worksitops sad Uni ,
ILUfilOtOniol6 would ; certainly be seized, .110111pye11;
or appthpriated i .oia , military spoil'. Itio propiiiy
inthe !Forth, would he spared '
-,rtim tttii hands-of
"the rebels; amid their repine :Would be defended
undeitlasta i olwar.'',l:While - the loynl Sum
, thus 'Mire all„their 4roieriy and -porie,sionist
' flake. are the., tosirgent , rebel's ; to • cerry Ito _war.
feee'agliiest the government Ili' peace aurisecorl•
ty to-their own propertyl( :-,-,---". .'• ' . --
... 'Resitheland Justice soil self.preservstioeforbid
, that 'dish l shout ( -tie, the 'p lie, of title 4 owe! i
went. but ;elemaild, oft the contrary, that, being I
.turced by t.tgitoil , a4il rebeii- 4i-the.. entreasincei
war. all the rights and - _powers .; 've.trouould le I
- - exertieed :to. briug it to , , a speedyrend:. •..
, , Thutos : who make war feigeinet tit , GoreyAmon
jirstly•lortat Al rights• O f -property, privilige, of
-secity; derive...l'l'n". th.: cousittution mai, Leib ,
against which' ~ they.' ere' ica ;aimed. reht4liAti
and as thelebtir aud itere, , ee Oetbeir Star6 , ce - .
etitute: the chit;if itiaiemy '24nt the.- rebra, •-otei
Piopetty •abould e are the 'etnieou !sc.- citrin to
,whiehithey. have ': devoted , the pro'verty 61 1914
.ottizttns. -,- ••• ' ; : ;-- !.- 11
While it; is plain - that the SI ire :pr opert of--41
81111til l ,ts Justly - sitjected to, all' the.oonrequene 4 .
- of this :rebellions war; tin i- thif the.t3oirep. oo4 1
would be 'Untrue' to' its 'trust in; out e;inpb.),iiug el
the Krim. and ,prwrers' , .4 , was 41, br a ,ll . 4. 111011
;speedy aline - , the detail, of thq eon 6:4 duingla
"like all 'other. in litery ; measures; ' '
most, in' a gnat
degree.- tmlett ie . , be deti.rmincd-by.pariieuhu is
gentles.', The disposition oftiiider property br
foogibit to the rebeb that broom's itai.4.4t hP 0 1
- mewl is ',govertwid by• the circumstances at tie
• Tbe ,CiOvetutoeiii bon duo pulite r hl hd
ilSvia, lane, in jeu.tesio a ',lie e of-his liberty. :
to eibet-bit iu:nviee. ii:t. , -.a. a eight, busrsverft
nen the iriduntary,serel e br r latititibeteatrllt
vat from "their 'rebel *mien. Ith- sox
arty 'id the rebels. in-Whatever - Mode may b e ass
'etriojiht the the; defence' of rue iioverroueot. In
'prosecution of the:War...Mid tote nuppreoleit sit na
lebellion. .it ii as clearly [ll right of the Veva ,
mea l to arm ileitis, When' it no I T; beg use teen
•esiy,,,its it is to Oro pinto) der sake* •leUto the to
emy.,i -Whether , it; is' exprdieut to -4 s. , !is poi!
a military querwlett. rite 1110 in bill motional*
by the lass of :eir. :Thq tip ; teitt4- ,uuot:ue de 1
teEntitted by:eitennistaness,'- it... 4 I tn. •A algal ttl
peal °tient. 4 ov,rrariinsitry4. toe reb?ir.' rireit Al
iiihhil the how intfseatoring: , p‘ ace fo Oi' 14 '
tiattei ~.:••• .; •.! : '' - 1 . .•-'' ,1
. --
hi is 114 1, - uttd - idie' for' the tlovertinseutMOl -1
on *hi,: i i -, or Woke. to witnistn•
stabass iithellions fait*, without
'the rights . *l4 ow* , of a ag. . A.
the right tosiee stioi rebels' of
InsWasi end s eve labor, is as 'alto
as the right . to ' mho forage t r ots th
*lron (hermit-emotive) or powder,
tho;insiminn.. -- :Tto 14vo one, envoy:
or os434.prutleitas ,totity and cot
hart stoFes..:4o4l the,. menus :O. rule
dieing theta,
lioutd[tiv taa-wien.e. ,
wig madness ti, leiwire'itboui in p.
cure possession of 'demo cru'perty.
'hid edfotritt throffienal"..y,a!tr, tbaL
mid military starve- .ducit'f' pidie;
tieWalittiebli. " Weitito do rim
pr4Prrty, is 'e cia. stfuta Allot tomes
Will sole: eiws aunt nit
*him te r eepslos_ that 'bey. atiou..t
4.lnrartoient no. stavq. ' It lasi
trip theat'nt ipti!iostis, of , VIM j
iiikout.thio,lii.bestil duly of • ig. ,
individuals, tiisnioiii thitthery ...
ut sir .osipiqyta in I he] iemat ;‘ , Ei
ifiltiesd glom; simig4 o, to iiIPPr..
Ilea and restore Lie tatbarity ot
11 it 'Bait be fulte.b titat she'll"
held tit ib ribas,ai•.llll‘ll4 are ;
leg wring ~ , tiot. per4restag elitist
vice., it lc the tight: lind treat' bee
tit' Gourmets% ut.inst and 11811
i t rie
Of E.
e.. 04
It I
cal en"
has bum
In mil
I la Tt
" t' i