.. ~:4~ ~~-. ate M:Kal POTII OM ftiftMlatiarMEM' ) I this:ireck tetie4,l, *to oar readers In full, - I the President's Smear * 4 dee. 0 1 . iteerdn' s • Remwt, . vrids. .stwitute -of *bet .iwiPmlitit. • decennial& We stied hardly ,site teen all an anent* petuittl4 i&eles *PAW as_they de licereet vi e w i 4 ;thl. act"' state of the • cones* is this time. .1 'i • .• - . • ~Thettrst,iinAbe reader the**. me, will reeektiOnit he iii. marked contrast fames Wood* Message of the, rebel De., vie: , lane Pt r eehlsa Liecoles : Remy . .is *Vita and ltannoutoutt, fa the trOt,„coloi -seers and dignity,lwltieh paved' it, that of mp,*, is In spieit,l.,tratalent„ mogninary, 1e eiela4c.'' The teeetrl eed.the world I'M 6 0 fail to see in tutseta, conclusive and h evidetice less. of umi'despirate • Offitioa of, ope Seat Of the fetid oans& ", ThikPomident Mt., • 'rim! clearly, the plied' 4, the Southern' re! hellion; proving Oat': it is a war upon . - the - pepper dignity el labor, . anti upon the .politi. - cal franchises t# the poott an attempt - of detepotisniOnd ar;istocrecy, to•sule the misses with a rod of iron, as its tits Park . Ages,. The President **thee Me *Melees is • the war, on the .part. of the rebel, , and -says •thitt they must bi VIIXICLEddIed . and put town. .. , ,T.,, e ff ect' this, Mid preserve the Uniun.l "al ~. indispensable otitis:is ' mast be- employed." Qa the Slavery: questiOn the epirit of tit President is admirable .: " -Hu • willies to: re i, store the Union', if possible, with the least pOisible sacrifice of pre•coistinglies mar :inf . - - terests; but be Plitepettie duty _of preserving the *ion above all conflicting considerstioni, and what Congamarmay deem in , - its, :kali. •'' • • 'will do - li • • ' '' - ' Inent,nessteary, • a dem, receive, bat sweeten, The. : 2ribune thinks that he may be late to realise the tuitesSityof still sterner measures aimed at tbe - sOurce and mainsprii* of the rebellion) but ,he will not defeat dm • s willof loyal people, as : embodied and ex. / ~ the . - 'praised by their representative& Band in • '' hand the Executive and the Masses have en • said upon this ;tremendous stenggle, end . , they will sot, they must: not, fall out by the way to'its triamphant, conclusion. I • To its it seem plain that if the rebels, In - tinue in :arms, refusing' to taiga the oath of - allegiance, that it will become 'a necessity to - emaricipate their slaves, tbeir - great element 'of siren ;tit. 11" . the•Government confiscates . . a rebel's house; horie, or cattle; why not his slave? • What distinction 3inder, their oSit ruling is there? We believe that 'the co ca policy is,.to notify-by proclamation, the re. 'bets to lay down their arms eithinw, certain specified time.. if they refuse, the . Govrn. .`'. meat his the right under the . war powe r to .. weaken the enemy; and the most effective . - way Willbe found in emancipating the slaves • ,of the rebels, and remunerating loyal 'slave 'lholders for any losses they May sustain. This r....- - , - policy ai .meicitut as itleould be effective; - - • will we believe, if, circutastariees 'warrant, yet ' receive the sanction of the President.l r • The Report:of i the Secretary of War s ate interesting and important document. 1 tiy it .• we learn thaktbe Army- now numbers . 640- , 63 1 7. men, which does not include 77,875ree tv months' men. Gen. Camercia'At suggesti ns i ; and views on the 'Amery aspect of this , war, . are able , and generally approved.: . Tide - , De partment of the Government : has been con- I I 'ducted by Gin.' Cameron in a manner „ that . ' will challenge the admiration of 1 posterity. •-,, An abstract of the Report of the Secretary • of the Navy; will be found in another column. l• -' f " Much hermilean labor has been-done' in this . , Department since t he' commencement of the . i - War-•-a Navy havieg in fact, been created.. . On the whole, taking the public documents . - nes basia r for the opinion, the affairs of the Nation Me lwfaithful hands, and all its ,_,ln• . • termite are carefully and wisely attended to in the exeCutive branch - of the Government. WILT CAN BE DONE WITS BBILICIPATED • • SLAV= 1 . • The senseless clamor of "Abolition"! which woos heard from a few traitors and iraittor• ous journals, cannot alter the' fact that" the dratructinn of Slavery itt title Republic, will be the mutt of this Southern rebellion, The 'heretofore solid fabric . of Sla v ery,.}'aving for its cornerstone the Government, is crumbling into dist. - Whether a month! or a year be . °num . :mad in the demolition ', whether it goes piecorma4 or 'suddenly in one grand crash, the result Will'be the "ate. Slavery in the: United States; as in Institution, is doomed In Itisso i ttri, "alone; Within Ole last eight ior ,nine months, the idave population , of about . 90,000 is diminished by 50,000 ; of these, 25, 000 have ha their muter*, and ilispoied . of themselves iteeordin'g to their own will and pleasure, sod the other 25,000 have been hur 7 riell off to the South from a tdirket where, it iipieetnied, they, eriltireently be an after lose, &I,ill will speedily. be introduted in to the KentncliiLegislature for the confisca tion of tie property of rebel•, including slaves, `and !here is every reason to believe that ii .will become a law. The system in a whole . tier of !Stites from Missouri to lielaware, .._thongh.not let plucked up by the mitts - end east away, is loosened and t brokett-ao that its leaves and branches are withering and shriv sling, and it mast presently die. 'The same esuses .that have , produced these results in. thi border States will be introduced,' into those iuuth of them,. and will have like consequen ces. It heist!) , needs the intervention of the ,Goveniment to announce' emancipation as W. militar l y, necessity, for events , proclaim. that • a death-blow beer been 'trail .at -Slavery, whether we like it or not. Ihe'greatroblem seems to be. what shall be docie with the four Millions cif 'aloes, when "lei are emancipated. Wise statesmanship r . mai here step' in, 'and so Order, that free la bor and Sot idleness, should follow the dint). .pearaeat -We need cotton -fur our. own Manufactures,' and still more as an , i article of ez,port. , There, s no mme . tsity,lin • the nature of , the case, of _sacrificing a staple " vorths2ooooo,ooo because heretofore itu raised • been by. unpaid labor whish r •is to be elno longer, al, our command. -- On the coat i ry . the value or the staple oughi l o ba inereased, not only by offering thistimidas of wages" to, those who hare heretofore' worked 1 in a shift. • less *ay swithont •it, and bygiring- to them - the example, and to t h e production the , ed. autsp, of the a pplication of f roses 'igen" labor ofliforthern workingines, • It u follito gay that Ake men - canna bear tbaexpoaure of the Southern eliatiSte, fittt the het is that tbey alwaie have bornsi it, isborers; and are doing so more and merit elerY Poe. lar!. l{ Posell ainnti)As in 'one of his earlier letters in ,a description' onhe .Hottnias plantation. on, thee won Lodi of the , Illississippi, that there alre _twenty miler of 40 1 1 . i.lElehing uPoilits exclusive of canal; the . 16 4 nsiTim He 'naively adds, c"7 - lbat "the workss tweet's,* for ArricitkillOWS l Wird Orierieorroloso.ohown. it a bird ecogiomy . 'St streusel' elm:" other words, a. • ; as*ro oasts Xiatioj, swi whew the *mew lois Work to do . tbat tilt mobs" *lter . - Ariibtoei on ivriros.4'nosesideratina -ea • tba PIA Air. it3oadlisra &robins" Which' OW' - ' 3 llO fenOW:,Chitif Ite. , % oho have. 'tree • invei% . • ``‘ gledibrni!l" ,ll 'halls* I eq. , es Corthen ail , . 1. [ liFir!sil , , ties*" t the*illsii " 11 4 4 liertakeli;;;;;; 1 ba eraldr, 4 1 4 7-1-"- iti seegiutri; .._, ..- 4 lit* y , sod of, ,aw pelmet ea ' , I strictly in t cold of alto", 1 ,01)0'were ffe• whi ea. .lii- ,- 1 ' NMI. die Gore= t 'estdi a pateial leeptaall ' ' tieetl bi p • . • 1- et Shwas Of titiSontb, . `agal4, a i j ali cr teaLcattlet foe ' ala ,:, "tifidteut ist 1 Hayti; ;auheequestly furs large somber An ' - 1 • tilutei!se is Labe,lia'i when aka , , ta es. .tabSisiti..irith t cotintly; i ssit Central AceeMit treuhl • ise a ai, sober.--' Hayti , ere pee , Induce" . a tor un—i- I I t 4ff • • a te ' • 7 - kratiog to the teen, , !" - the lal lewitig from the Hs iao Pisa t , , • 1 L I ' i - ttea, Hritt will Boos rs a her pool at ressider.- 6 . - ente t i ed This i ssirirelloursoll out ries* by avkeeksorga for as *la soya siel tOis tbg Wealib bow bidden in its beam' Le out bli •t* ind yellow Itstitten. 4l, . ilia ,Autil. les, and Ninth and th Am al to co- Overall with us hi rt. Ls the ' tory 1- the Itie= idgetti t publio.L ilityti it th 00 aumu u Ur t h ul black ties. Our an in. g possession Of it. wen weal to nosil , the 'tuition that they published. — all th e is of 1 Africans sod of the toibilants fth Wait In- 4ss helot% by *4 eta t he ' Hay fanaily.— Tn. kb& was gnat puwwwiti. -,1 ' -,, Listen, thin. ad y isgross'athi mu who .. Bo r roos t a ---7 so of — Ail, si;f;;m ou sh . • Ilto Repo io ooti het:l y luo sod, itkm . : ork ritt e e d hill ' rZigt ha se th w il bFri • 'I ' - '-) - - 1 Or stootior raid Tasking QUos pf !oho stilles,, wilt 1 oat. sloqooo sod 'mpiory, 1 tap of oils . ho I coolest , 1 / t„ to ottota big dogroo of oboct OH FRAUD. i 1- 1 andante, from !Med man Id be -pa ish ,in these their ismisl 'tio• We have. foll'oiSing eitra a • ,iroin a Lewis . ' ormerlr. ot, Ad now eats of St. sin the ,vsist Cititinesq ,prejudfces of caste. 106.1 invites you. to your minds.' Ms Oectishes interests toectdints, no matte rtiar place , of birth. .lbsyti, regainiog hei ancient sceptre be* foriaal denial. agitinlst those del: oaf desire and abili giyilitation:' • , ITestimony in a now in .ilityti,.co ~ ' colonins, shoinn . o i y. space for th letter from John New - i Orleans, an. Mark: . ' . . . ' Liberty. - • ' , "pimp! Sister :—I trteivo goit,Llsnd wis-veryluippy all vrell svpresent. I arrive ire* and equal the 22nd of ~beiti four muntbi, / bane, Reeler', dell I bate all the rill both Hayden.. I stber;after it year and a day, yen have all Ms ties born person ; bat, deai f I_ tights that I want now.' ' I baits me !'Pall of your liiie,*or , •uu lo#11)d In beret" bat it is in this 'and sister. hand rid - brain.. I i ail Dear father, d sisters AMA dcir all of you, to Ms glorittaili cabrive wi'd'be, fpin :land tit Ibis only One on h governed You wuald be th re than Eaton I capital; Tbesident and T y ,irbul• of them loredll !,Thai • free: 'I - I I 1 2 t lt makes me to litirticl.w :years this time; iid now to iiiej where I am colt Captain BtO .1 'and sisters. - To rune to tit nh vlensel at Ne Mr. Japtis Red and resister yo , this country. Dear *later. I *lases prOgress give her eta cdu atosses;Cr any!, s country 71a : , Orleans. go ' tb, thq Hoyt r IMMO, sod hs as glad to bear bat if I had•be •uion. ecipal to lona else. • ; of Ibis !:fla the clime whold ,greiping b milting -to. ti Oliver Col. / 1 4til.aurng the chance of td diem; of "8 1 6.4 longer. Foi The inf ring to emig .ratotion of to to Hayti, w lowing : 1 ' ilfew York Solent y fir Bi intending to j9l O this 'Colony allies inn:lel:eV AO Janis Grose Street, ow. York 91. Persons. sold sting me 'en ;.nts einication, iiitiolease diiieet tb Hayden Omani:tie .odine l atni 2135; Walnut, etteetot, Philos elphi should be dieeeted•to- site at to ghiladelpitla. 1 , J:-B, . . ; These few! I fa . its are giver - there is a way of treating ,pr Sufis of 'etnaucipatiOn, 'and • ii all Citizens . whO truly lovti ti Ilie.intereats of free;.111.1304 white workingman a , his cerned, to -f' rget - psit iire ju lections,.to address Amam i which even h a ve for Ced up( conozaramt. ' That Charles J. Biddle, ' . `chosen to Congress while t . meat of v lunteera in the 1 ' • ~ his res i gn hisColocielcy, , . his fellow leading' Democre f' phis, and t ken hits seat ititit , , • say ilia ca use of gratulatio uing his lel ter of acquie.scerc 1 • 'hive'hien t rusted w w ' with' c with tissue nee of , his ideliv Much less da n g e r ous in:Con, ,- • , only eOnfreres are .Yalatt .and "Bent Wood , of' Nell'i• dle was at elected asyt Mi e since the oblication of his' suppoited him, itinong th • ,- , ~. I • patriot, F enck Frail l ti , in no m ured languwiti>l , the Repu lim n party and tb in cannel, ion with the Wei, I "Tb le. t .wifoay stay fur the I?* it tosistal its away. • dererelon zikrue. as Hie depnbliran party iOU aa army LOl twaturin." • 1 .11 —That is to sir . : - Pielidi ter, liaso f p, Faulkner, Slidel Co., did not see fit to *bill ti lion awl ost they ha . r ( . I.' Govern ent•anffpolicy, .tt bountifu salaries, 1 ' • allo wanc front its revisory ; but, so i plated tGobernmentio tie sprung ei mine which sc , beenWrtY 'eq. preparil i best to . Marco ylhe Ftipta l ' ~._ • ,- • .1, . • .. • ...r anythut in ttiese tacts-ou .. cm is. Of! the loyal Stat es ;a Col. Biddle welcome to _it: fpliliy, during his Congre meanerisict than the writi . , • ter, we ithcll propose that, aented.4o Jeff. Davis; with his warm admirer. Acker, OBAND AMY T. .140 tb• Venerable the. Jokes t , ll Court ~. Teenette. and Quarter • the es , _ Count et Sebaylloll.- ' .'' , 1 ~1 . • The 0 1 ; 1 2d Ingneet lineable 0 4 ' ,,,,),, :r 6 body of the ty of debsylloo, Deeembo r isa, ~.1 . 1 ~„ ?bat jaw have acted es y wen BM of ft i 4 . werat.,o whirl. wataber.fultj • w .OU/sea roe and 'whin were 'lnwonid "enoeff al Own aglov) Off.namei • - ' i 1 aye t hey de farlifelvieit il ik a i t s they ba eleite Public Redding, Wavelet tel be county, lib, lien ef the °hart, sad temoyse yto ~Is t ni yits, pc. bat. found Um* mortally In Wendt; a, eid nevi knit autaapetaent.t, Th e flag a fiat CoentylPrhou referred tn,by 1 Iferser 0 ad ;1 bdttfretitlL we irehappy tenni two ii vet byed thes of the keeper. full ItelfeaYder by - den Mira b Imprinted eonstreetarlikh appear teiibe a... 4sare to fbe'perpose for f wb itery are derived: and they enniel fitter/wad the ledwnewe Off the P - 1 1 Om " ; an apploydetkes for. tWomywast at (bete L, Ovoid *lei dad team mime The puree m+l *bat lb. yawl eel tore than to asaatibr Abe _ derdAptioii of fainisbed to others. 1 . Wit *OOll4 alit mealier d 4 att tof bile i. few werapird by the Prot y nf the ty' s by the 1 'imam; of th e partmas on t who rid e the rah* sod bi, lb, orerttoo - of ale additional Sr. dry ali voted the pineal Ire proof awarded to.berh al eztoirt as to I Vol; prow CM brill !elute of Ala papers and 1 torte toodbid_to the dire. 1 r I , .to r el.tt to the Alm- !Mu* they lug lien, WI siate l it bet they are matt tilled by t rad teeter', , deal erne. sat rotaiet whirili ammo . pervade IMF whole eetaldtrbseut, sad araletlttlat to t tiottaldif to thi e rldefittay of the preoldtlillturard. - , Iltpdriala, and t atelstaantyptarrally. , 1 . , . I ' , lit said Wee big forte tb; , etate, t bob the dp =Of the hem, the erit*Mil the hattt Clic tO die Onialy t that the foam Jared ta i t , *du pews .an. the eat *Mob bto Ma SIM* , bo th - Fentent thereat ; ,t• • 1 .- , , , ) 4 1 la ' wino. the Galati Met tlitir limbs flooorabte Court. ind soed•wee, their wadi attrotk•ta to time dativietlho! `-e.,' A llot vilrb Wfallystitneitte‘4 I . Prltortfi• -• : ea atm re!...11 ' I ti► 1 Via. OM , I I ' 70, A 170.topkoty hos bolo 1 doolilri tat Sim .11,• is 1 - • , r. i isi l I loot A kttertort4otit lb. lit ' it N'ltsloia i'do+ l l top that hialsomill to "sorue lots a Oa; botH plut..so way ol tiotrobolit I via. Dbollerioooll.,.. , notilatoost. awl diesoo mai ltirCl twos Ulm 1 TAIO Ott 100. (Oa "rison . ' •1 - t . - , 1 • 1. ;.! tl - Silsorotiol ins at Ilar it Pain ion Otilt4ol 1 i 01614. sand Os Iloitts • tbeittboild bits Irsetbi "sag** • 1161* viol, ' lottodltet It Hitt!' tbst ur r i sow 4ko U. hot Wire Ow ; WOW 101111 - poiot'at A num .solo ell tomitolig loarlOtliti O P4I tolOitak ,, Aolt "NOWA Irtoutlitiostoty N. *WS Ilso odt =AB doliollitr i lt .it to moompill4 Om. to Ma be *gig ootiiii 11041 lA'. ado, TAW thimpt- T. ,4 4 , ohms It toilot. 111 A, 'try IWO to ligni lia , lii . pal fa . , wine "t& 're bn, brikei,irmiel !linte r / , 2 , • ~, ' i I ~ • . ' ' ' ' • 4 1 ; t 4-4 ;1 'i :bill est I . - illitiaosi dISMINO Ns. 41, mittome party. If sat k olialirodalliadiereemtls sad ateribre are met 'ions able's. /dad and saasioaS .Masimma widow oho sad. Kerr r , —*d K of *Vatted Illatos.'whd ..r mtry hisetrtrti Ow Wield ' as 1 Imo lempluld ahiverd. and balm tre- . to aid iseomillt Might them 1 , it warlijust to wt Ito hissime. that sallissl . -ohm all moral. eociallaid ty *di this, _ .ot mit MIA" alaillillishly ihe the. most. restorallim al ankserma hielletag esporially ft* Slims of cab* Omar dot loss appear as yit mot tp ha* I spegi 2 ,tray to thair,istglet bon Smear ar doubt thsfallth he dstrsatisia. thas thwakiltilis a Oa 13 • ion. ~ .- l '. d. , , • i r • . i f .. dale* *Nem that &Maga Sagas iire 'herded - higher' prisclple this thb.l ass qui* 'a ahead t muld b. made to riase ibis Matt my shit amiiiiemility ased only by IMlllalf :Stith thiSiollaintent Usti by *rims eissieregamant to • Tha primelsol Isserimilist maw Nto blearrato gm , ' thighmlga set** le tomittUtitts* sm.* abet* 1,. 4 , 3 tt*a is this etaof istalmerm:. Thaw • IMO" OW. dote Ilathroa the Gus that t sap the flak , * which toadicas us* our *reign _as eosiesems limy.** ernisslY hate hiled to i *peek that tie Jowl, dlssidnu`presisars Use' ell* l lag di ' ity. ma Mat ale ;Meg salsa Swamies am* I - lien p ones aid a Owe estiumbre leigmelgemt e ps. on t o, memo. hair sia the sine sallow %ease lute kin* fr ts. ! It is lot gry pit** * swim tertillatme-'1 s aktos ith ferellga, State*. lallalida.!liblite"gf Pitlibt le *dr w or thee. the basSity odour amastli omit issbilify of out Onseprominit tastaly_depeS. sat macs t - halos Om toyaltf.ibrtis; patriotism sad ba -1 teili o f tk• 4110140111 WAS; "., "The espoodwocelmettorith the usual raservallorm . •Is ith astwaltiad. I 1 motors to' hope that It will, t i 'aPpiar at we ha Prorthed prods** mad liberality,' tow librolga Po oes.adroottirg Oman of irritating'. Mid with *se ma taming oat owls tights wad blmp , ' r Blom wave; It appre eat th at hark as la *my , al; St* foreign gem neeelorily attomd domestic IS, kelt ' 1 maim that adequate and ample mama tu *rola talithig the molar de fi es" os . :eilla: kilo • OM cease* renosamandatimi, 1. , Mon 'ileSaiding lir smocust Noe occurs to Ito ml it in the as eimmtmetbia.,"sk: -the sttemilos of ChumMut to our greet bikes lad Thom It la , Ost ei that lortificatimis and rdellOti Mamas tad; at *- them. hit harbor and - usolgsaios tatiwovolosats a: at limit ed pasts upon timer. wradd ha of groat la Linn o tier national 4116oceasd prommiation, • ` 1 attsnitosto the slaws of the Secretary of ar. ' ill ids report upon the maw gesso* sat L 1 ditLeit taimetwere that th e lord olltloult of • Tim and Wisdom 115,11 Carolina should be *sod; with Ileattorky sad 'Mbar ; faithful. ports of lor ''ll by mitroad. 11 therefor* reemanomid. es aad is. that Contrails prooldii for the roastrucil of ' emir d nistiordily as smith* iirobselty. so bt. will e. andalwoualabper Leithistianionski this' moot Audlrloss relation of a 115 e... The Soothers to to Sus most ammosti i ii ;lith some •ipsbaug . . whet er the routs • 'II boo Irma Lextuetosi Or • N *lie the Cumberland Oap, et from Lebanon to ,'the Ten mi. hi the dire:lion of. Kwmotils. pr es soma attil *flood timi.Olin readily bidaterintoed. Iteadeity. e, -Mod t Gessral Goierntnont cooparating. theirorb , may he en . *Mut In t isrey , shirt time. sad. .1.1 dolt It digwd awn mot oily °Priest rages haefulsess. hot al `a Oats patinae* imprommeat, with Its eat.* al , tbi altl torahs. elliiedy tar the Intrerlasts of tom- E a • aid having ;1110 grave palliest importaace. hate !well lartntiated.aod.will bit sablittted to theSsaid ',Sir eonsideratloa. j 1 - •.' A hmuth we bay, 154•41 AA lodine Polme pf the -, Id *wars to adopt .a desirable seelloratio• lb. ri of a with* oar. we bate removed ail' a llop from tlar way etthis human" reform. except Writ its *MO crimsons, lad areldsatal ores - . i ,1 omit. yomAtiratloite the tworespV - iitooro bet arm WO .9V. de. .by 1 sllty. -. • Or' dated Au! sbatyou were land of the ' I bi,e_bees ..olbs Ulan to . 117 is 4U the , native, 411 blue one . rt . • I ll av ° e r ' at tho 100 ne to may ,to Int it pursue' al. tett*, brother broilters,-4ome4 um, where you I t betcugi to us. -7.1 4 1 il ' r people. she to see 'our is shinet.--the th ' laud .of ' th'e . I. we ji lt mu th ree imain a. eaantry n' leir my brothers ;.• • r , ' • ' .Is 4: If amt.,e is: b i o r re e nllt a u r i i n . : ° ;r tolks:nd yo to ObP.I. it i dear. little emitter', Iticeittl Illirriet Breaker ,I 1.• il * mu r flee *hank klejesey'a Ilialsten atmedited to this; brutiont, and the brosetaritot lbatit.'intlatitro IIn l' !roofing d tb• Stifilll ship: Perthshire In loan te baited Stew igleSaier klaseadrosetts.* a lab. broads' of -the blockade: As tbis detention - was th a l loar ad* me obvious ufisepprebesid* of the bets, a as ~just no reclaim' that wit should ro man nobs) tact I not andel In strict richt as eanctioned by *di law, 4 Sr,.undul that an spotopdatitro be made to, tidy It* ' rosable doodad* the *bees of the fier flier etefitine. , ,I -• ", ::' 1 ' . . ~ I t the rerommeadatioa of, a7strob:roodr,Ltbis lan gal seiseaps to,Corignee la Deoneter lest. in ard I tut . dl•Pailli Ira At the eimplua which will : mabahly rd ma n after catisfying . the claims : of Ausevirea = ace not China, perdu* to the awards of the do re under Unt set of the &I of jillareb,llls9. .i . I bommer, It ebneld rot he deemed *debit* .ta' . e* ry - harreeommeadat ken into efieet. I would strop* Unit an horny be Open' inverting tb• primly* ores thafttv. sof the simples referred to in good neturltion Ott • evie to tie ratielsetina of oda caber Prot Adam ado r cit ions against, Chine as are: not unlikely tombs hereof. ter in the cootie of nor eztetudee trade with that *dm y the set ot:dielStb of August last. Coe**. anther i the President to hotrod the rommandere o salt* et volo.t. to defend ittoomoos against and P ll 9 l r• Pt' at ' This authority hoe** exorcised in ;wed le il* at ate only. Pair the m a re effectual protection Of at MP' I SO a 'si t ili t ie lin i. r pi l i se d"einrs t* l.. Mwo mbini. use n''"ule tidere ahuleire. l ef t sri la a°u fi ti ll .a c lU trosi mPtbßat i n s R I I d neap lr°ll• any Oils* bit plrst4 any sate of pelt States i omeebtand their 1111110"; and the Consul " Con s now established bib* le issinto countries to ad)* te the eaves in the eve* tbakthie should not be objected lo by the *el *thorn:he: If any* * reason eziatebby we **old perentere loanerin wittibeldine mer *mini telto of the indegendeme tied envereigety of Ileyti and Llbeiria,l'am unable to'dhenver Ng. ; • I. ' 1 ' • Itiewillioe. however: to Inaugural. a bolsi Volley Ii 1 Mflird to the* *Mtn* tbi approbitkro of Coegreer, I , yebtott for your enneidetatiten tint eirdienei of jan tap l letto= o *a ft* eadvitaloing a charge: d'affaine ear eakh oft , aow.res tit dose Met admit of a doubt that' *portant co *refill *tsetse* might be moored by • enable tre e hie with lbws, . . • The optima** of the Treskory doting it period which basrolepecti to Tier *perm:teat; hat. lame arodueted witnjele ' : poe t .e* The pateloUsa of the • retrofit** 111 t ' ' *mond *the tlavernmeet.the ece mons bounded :by the public ezigentim e ildikh 0 the Nat** to*. has bon taken 'by titbits * the' I 'ditstrial elite*, whole conlidenee in their , oroy'a ith and nol for; their (country's Militating* -frost •- t peril Say. induced that to contribute to the • • ' mart* the ifbroortateet the elude of *de Wait* ' . oidtioas. I TWA bet *poem peculiar obi*** Pau us to semeamiku dilebemeneent and eamt Oka so •• 1; '-' ' . , , i rri• rennet fend all some* Including kw* ' kW . kb* ' *mid year. ending ;on Ale 20th ot'Jone„ I I, was 10111639*0 Z . ,ned' the eigneditures lot lb. sa Maiod, 'killable paTatents on menu* of the public ddibt, were 1194.516,1134 61,11Mving a Wawa la the Tremor .ou tiro Sit of Juli. of :fit.t.4,066 SO. ; For tiro !Ord q rut of the fi nancial year: dialog , ote the 301 of Se loafer; t . 1661. lb. Node* Irma 'Ali mums. itielb lag th habit* if theist of July, were 11102,5,T2.509 22. and Om epee* 9e,239.733 09; 1 4Erib' a Wat:, on the'lst of Ifietteber, , .• $6l, of 11194116 19. ; , ! 1. • ': I I tittheetes SW the maid eine tbriesquirtero Ml* yein and bribe fietteetal year of ifink tottether eine pro: le; ;f t t....atitsittunroisztri:ineetiling t ad o r .: 4lenteed: con, y ary of the Treasury- ' , !It Is gratify-In/to know that tbe expeteditmes' medi ry by the rebellion Sr. Van beyond the reneerad the loyal people: and to believe, that 'beams *tria ls which ha' thus tar sustained the Goverument will ' Min* to Pellrold It till peace And union shall egeli lase the laud,' - I ' 1 . ; ; • l '• momoolly refer, to the repert of the Seerater/ nll r fur informatl w nipeeties the atetierkal strength tbe army and recoloassolatlonS.fislint IS Mee Ineneme of its el leieney and the wellbeing of tin rictus brand**. the ferries entrusted in his can.- kis grittily,* to• paver that the pattiatient et 'the NW . ' la bar proved equal to the oecasioa. trod that sum. of trivia tendered greatly *reeds Oho fore which 'Often* audio** me to all into the field ' • ' 7 . 1 I raw with *imam, to Uwe portions of Ide roped which makejallosion to„Abs creditable degree of. Mad ill* already; attained brour troops end to the ezedleat unitary eondltion of the trotire Army. ~ - .1 t . The reecatineadatioa of the SemeterY for is mesh* ' 'ton of the Rill* upon a welions-bmin Is Aceulthwttet end imposed. to the tots* safety of the country, aid I. comoroodot to these** attientim et COlertfaa j _ I I Tbe Let.; addltlnn to the regular army le commetkein With the debetioa that bass consibtrebly diminish* the antsber of Its ofikees, giros peculiar lutpOrtasee to lile reemommlatioa. foe imiessing tbo ear* of Cab* to the 'greatest tinselly* tbe lifilitary Academy. • ; : By: usertromiesko, I ptesunie, Coop* bog Idled to; Oaids Chaplains for hospitals roeuded by volauteers. to b4;*ilea was opt' to's, notion and 1 was in! dee* to Mew opt :formate Utter. row copied whieb, property adtkroltd, m been delivered' to mob of the pletentia,and at the tokteepretivey mimed. and staled in i schedule eetota stet. the fen, of _the letteljlet ter marked, A.) end with tran pt naltted - ; ;, 1 . 1 ,Tbigeolleumm I attnatend, - . at wed upon tbe ditlie designated et the them reiemilveiy -pat* lel thi:' setup. dale:Ord has*, labored faithfully there , ever aid* I Um** tecommeed libeti,tbey.be rompensatod *lb* Maw rates as Cloplalos la the Amoy. farther suggeatieg that genetel provision be made Ran Cheplelos to *WI at, • hospitable" well in With regiments. The,roport of the *tottery of tbe N Ti presents be detail the allorelles• OfOf that breath of the .cola. the *Kielty. sod deem have chaise*** its admlnietration and tbanc, kaltrof 01010041.0110 to lamas, Its viddeney and poem Swett bake been the *Oro* hy- twastrweiloa.... wed kturrbase. tbatit may almost be odd a Navy: tos .been created and twerogro d ijoto wake .alga Our • dillictilties notateeneed.. Beal blockading our alteatilveteroast, MI/adman larger than everibefore a eembled Roden our tag. hive been put allnet end performed deeds', which bare intros** our Naval runowa. ' : ! 'I" :, I would invite *Mist attention to the reensaleitinte aloe of the ittendary fur a more perfect organisation of the Navy* lateedmitg additions' *An la Abe ter. aim. Tiro present onmula Ilion la defective sod untatlin, Ifeetory. sad the emceed** submitted' by the' Depot dada tell; Its. belle/Wed. It adopted,obriate dillealties ttlinded to, promote harmony and lacrosse the ellitienc* Of the Navy. _ ,: j TbersOre three vacancies an thalami' of theft*** lemon:lda bqbe , detteas la Jnd km throb; sod kieLese, and one by t resksinallott of J edit. Cesepleell. ;.l bent ;laud .:10 tar ihrboreemattlig nominations 10 fill tbesevriesadie (a tb• : bit raltraw•: 1 12 I WO; now state:, ;Two Of ;the mat ,. *tog J *got ' ett with* the States now *wren hy lb** remit, se that, if therlr eunessews wove topidated In the drolly game localit hp, thej could ant now meme wpm dude 491 M. • .; it,- cult, and many of the most eaarpdent ' OMR Idol t inel , •*:' fadieb ' bly would sot take the 010[004till keret of WY bkic to B/Ital tef•*. weele hero; upon the Sepremelfeeik„ it bah been 'also . now iillec tett** all the appot.l e.u ta e Neailleard. _ I . thus diltablidt mynah tram *log j to the'doetleen ad illie, Uro fst:sc - pssw, itlilisiosk 1 may; ; that' to dl red treet i tt to tied North *el Whitt km ' been ke t they kW t vuellid ad, 111 editawke Ito *dicey sad *dee 1 popeimion, be ardam, 1 ., 1 , , 1 lan ILL r berbg ltro beg trod bril brat palfithlelvere of allies BO fili' larlose,bleleireell, grew .to an mo re altoptber too platted .large kw any one Judo *lel* Ihe Co et , Manta 114 " tr tut- I th an A *taloa Attend/awn Mogi* popeletlote Inc. -AO • MIMS In Iltreto6.l6l;rolit In late.: besides ibis. lb. -.. j reentry peetaltrlrosnmegfewae* k judicial cya. roil, stets. If uallueadti eat at ell late ' tiro dated Inr , J., quires that ell lb. Ste* till ha • to with • I ( eitelfil Cuetto • t 10043011 80P0/00 4 die* wltllitis . I ; fle•lllr ) armliiladlieswetsi, e. insime, : Tidos, t'Callf - lbta• 00 0 . 4 11 103 00 100110 emir heft au :sigh Unites. . , . Nor ;eon ; tida nail its ini Iti a Ilattidin if 1: 106‘. , I (ballet*, beeessee the adding otJatiew umiarpriiii ; 'UMW 01011011br the eroommoblina ot pieta* the : country with Cirtitt Cbetne, le** • I fir' 0.• ; setpubee too aumemos let &Pallets] et es, wei...- . Ind the evil. if It ihe eg o, will biro* as new , States nem into the Union. Ciro* Court** usetal:fir ISO' arts eel natal. , If .waelkoll. ao State to deli* them. ' If we •••fidel. * Slate *Auld It e. 1b ... led ' lb* le you'll/44U all, or abolislesdke I. "r t• ' •,-. nem moiNkatione 'War to be,•el ' et - *kith k L tbisk;aseit ha sahaptanneteset npok Aweirid sea' lOU. lb* tho trolerdatetenin te Of eau Isar ' n its anti *out. : Than" bet, id tbe et le comae, he die Into eirrllSts SI o.oisillislt : WWI berm* Jo to pee lee easel* oft dime to ; their nwe iw ou su mber i‘s , amill . nos; or t l cliree . timi ltJ t edgett oolo td L ul l pi rdimed from Medi the ' CUM* dellpits prow trap I beeintilta; arthiedly. telth the Ct. t Condi all legetber.leaviat timhl ' AWN* what to the Ansitset prod . and an k, Si' broeb. I r J. I t ' ! I r' : I ully netotaiseed lot* tietent'CO6o: , promil chadi lost .et t/ o Slat to .Pius, with 'the '.-thateeagtentleill *able Ind end, nicibtO kir dewy.* the, isteuateelettose and lia ; 044 oar' tuaatly emberotem thniMetetatedift the seUmiletbuit• twain •ili .filtem‘l El ere aeon** 'et the ktiewrien ;Wed. Oesittese bail ,smasted MO* S 1 1 0 46 .1 04 kil l wet JoilieMehrloor.leliier lii e ats, As tootrarisa !el 44 •10 , 1, 614 ”fi1ki1fi1l w; Mi ttens 0 00 0 Plais > :p Iliaddi r, , ', a f t, I , , ••'• . li i ;i• i,,,,,. ~ • 1 t -*my osh... . I lene -bees, ,llPths ', : Di ; wins* eidistio* thin, se tbal Heel *MI Mt edien ehallere le theMOdweee Mlb wat t , , . ' Ob .' ' tar:' ~ at as ta non* 11-9101 ill Orel! `Sw ...., 94 teel, lauteed - persiii le doll **Mk VP ' inentatiro l iazaly la, .it ' F 0.. ,.., wry go ! Ohio' Oil th e . laws *mid: WilowW.ii oda: at 4;fatedli k ible puesible; end be vroberdi tube *all • crone* lie any en**. elfli Or frpro/rikaiiii v • oid*, ' i,... , 1 : '', :, 'I -' -- , . .. -, ,' • ia tn!. in fn non' that re- is opened Late oied men deg, nblish the fol. ; ; 47% . n5e pereonri tilt report- them-, Ji, Bfraaaall. 79 litres i relating to! ;lett let Llititere t . n !he, 44 Ice 'ldtan t k eataletters i i 4 8 lath 'Street'', pit! BilAgests. i to 116 4 Os t i iO icll7, IP' re i spe, dnIJ of ce. ioogirj and , i? i'hicht 'veil' family 'age cog; kcal and I.,predi!, Teltigir work 9 114 1 JP; ~, 1 ottel '4, a regi • _ ticulat i ! errice( ? - the • iviciest of of ,Philade 1, for ter .pett- , ce Oa not Tgo I's gq ff e 'Wilk., isress when: .14! iiiheun of Olk`ip, isprtizaD, and ter,..noy . that, stetli :fr , condemn him •Alter !bluing AdministrstiOn, r;itiddle' . . lentle party—wbH• - wigs a little *mid I ,.flemoW4VtookOW I r e .1 ms, Wade, - Him. 11, Jeff Davi} i 4 , I:against I the lin. Il coiltriill: of ,i its i' d were l : drawing 'pod perquia,itit ' oas the people trier hands, they owe or them ;'bird !Ing, and : id their ti:ir lie. If there he, hints- tr'..,DeMio , e proud, i Maio If he _ - abonld il)e' ' Ismal ;, cd . ' - ai - : gof his ni let. , I. Biddle be [pre. the, compliments of )1 the.aandard. ' ^, VW* F a in so ! Saar ' • " b Oa% Medial* a - meat- Ur' IwfY-/ 464 Lod fig+Mai NUM la Kan beypoill jumor. squid tots. ,tbe, übqb Oi .011 On*. Abetipirts eimier lb, lrohusessmr•l or el, ago ses lastitstioa b mac as Ur It' IN tap sbooll bo, elabotapb nob b. - _ atiiiiiPW arsine. Its nil Cowertilisatosit•lllsAile • le sad osilis. or by his met Ss be a sisbaSitats, sal tiMeis7o its ism rests. is I: mime ism' osovitegliot posse • Ihr.thi ..temeastly4l ll Z 4 et rooms at tin saw. Itas mot Se mass ptsopi ssi pstks Mimes es WWl° Win sdpidisatio• a etas* ip noir Wad titissrlosat it is se sr OIMMIN•41 Win buill4o time tins to ems. t st mach the dal imelisst Itrif tli• mow t . The lac asters; bel 'mien* tl tr ! It was tat Claims Sabi the bath of C to Woo *SW It fa *groat I itoo, by wool Folly swat tbo oottiott, ybetber tbt tmvparly be ps*l els snob Cabolf bat usteowi; I ask au lb* tollowl Nos cit.tb• Tbo few engin JUr aPP"P n ' t Ilan Milt 1•114 tips thimen hpiared a!" argashistleta at tbe ; liotirt NI , deb bomb of Uwe at oldie ths Coati ;has proud talnable awns of hives, icy , Ito *far tlie object of i evitit• a ~. to make Its j lima acky.alot to ray lb' &inn of I to your enefal renalberatioa taking judos/sea final may sot i Cure, rerenlog timetufap or to the Supreme ,burr, oil`' I frignitare may have shawls la * taint of lbe, Poshestar diusenaj maisary statement of the wadi. , • I • • H I Parr* daring the Ilwal yearA neluding Ow *nasal raermanient Sitir tb• transportatios of fro" 2116 40, being alma* 2 ter ant. 1660. The •apeaditaree were mitred and MI thwarts& nen dollars and Aeon esatObirelag entailer met. so comp end with ear. and Inman an ocotillo of es t/woof* the hist bial year of $4 nvenne.for tbm your endlegJose It an inenramol tour te amt..* 01061 1 3 000. to furbish shoe 4 brad. a Department In corn''.Svc Mat. lag 2901 11 3A 00 . f no total Otiose' lasted at it ,000„ Unitas a. P.14.5.0u0. to applied from the lb* per t appoOdatios. ‘, 4, ion rhows4 I ink. Mat the on. , earns the Potomac Nino at ili• lb. ; copilot bore, was intim/ally di. that tbo nellemaisheeent of Ella *Mao the State of Virginia ' I submit kw yam Molividerm , entainlog I bat part of the die. n of the Mona) brood/ales 'bear ii. shill the State of Virginia. je naary of lb. Interior, et* the to. leabittlio tba noodle ten of the . publicbadness patella en Id that 4. w ..ielet Ingenues, of lb lan& Icy felt lath* *pent aOf lb. And Oda* Tire nab neaps from ads during the past year ban, es. ~, Of oar laud slalom only about, $200,. haul bode ntinly. ran ended In lb. *bib. tbe Intornept lons to the bislpraw fad ibe diversion of large nondrers,of N military Mgr Ira, ban obianicird iot a States and Tenitarima of the North f of the Ihsteutollin bovo'diellant he • 100,1100.•onderina a large redortiale I r , inciatory to lake It selteutaln. I I 'flee Pauli* Ogles will be yinody orrislion. tiOnsemoss applitation 4pon tb• casualties of the arising same made. note is reason to believe taw apse the proximo- roll, and la set of tbe Gonna mem, are he thew rasks i roc giving them, aid mid make. 1 the lacinoi has directed a PaPp3.lll3oll I: of the' peados' of such persons inns &skint's. I reamomeod that Comps* 427 to nun tbe Waite of inch persona_ from he pa** rolls. • ' Also' India I at' be Ontrament• filth a • Frio ly.dietarbid by nut losomectioss *Clunk Superiotendeary. and In Ibis - .lndian envier', South rt. Isom insargento from Tens and Orkin. v U.S. Government. spook led shire tathe ouprinterstency. have bon .• pots, vt tale thei most of throe wbo (that time have espoused the WIMP. 4 assume to exercise lb. Owen of Mloomadosions hem the laseencelon. Mated to the, public pan that 1 ow. 4 have been impulsed as a military ` to the army of thorlasargista.' Al. ,rat bas noodicha Information ayes bare ben "ninon to thoromwar Amin by leveral peoesinnt Meat. Moir loyalty to lb* Uaitsd States, sf fcr the. prunice 'of del federal t -It to biliond that. upon the *try by the Tedeirat form. tho err, ell bostile demonstralloas, or relatkass to the VOinarmaest. sdly Mohnen Wooed of lb. too. taunt nor a bureau, hot a Vistbablp in the Govensmoot. W hi* it is im t Intend. Woo" indetestedinit In its e demanded and extorted mono horn vorpertholly a* Comes,* to conker won cannot be given volnielarily• vie. ; Annual reports. italatation the, icalture, rommorns, and • loaletlfav- • fond of halennatiou of gnat pram ally. While I make no regpstion n People** tbat an, Agricultural in might profitably be orgallent the laws In the samirepidoo of ma been confided to tbe Department Is a; sanest of gratulation 'plea*/ tine* made for the anOpreadon of Me we been rernalif attended with on. Five wends being i 1.4 out for ibestan seised Ind niammetied. Tmli *aloe it lis the rade' and one peva* Ingsged nose' al ' s sawn bane been convict* to the peinalty of BO* and implonmeet. i taken with a cargo of Adkins an board I beau coolvicted of **high,* grade of oar laws, thepuoishment of which II . . ~ L.. ?of Colondo,Teaketa and ilainah. eon ‘faitrees have been organised', and Noll , been Inaugurated thenin ands, at* tifylng when it is considered that tbs I was found •marthatin tome of than a the, Faterat Alms arrival there.- the ...remounts of theme Tordtatios. rod', pentectlon afford* by an opals* Mims invite to tbese a lane ham'. 'shall moon time bantams of tbe Wend channels. 1 submit tlime• no. Amore ef I tfeloradl, obi* Olden* of the people) of lb. Territory: do of lb. United Statue has boon upheld le, as lib hoped It will be In the lee theirt re ateron And deb** to tbls ao.• ;ca of emigre.* , I ' .;; ' time favorable ronsidonalote Of Cove of tin Olsten or Colombia.. Tbor lie thiamine.; of much Sleeting and .an •Inig tants. and. nie lb,y Dave no reprices* It Avoid not overlook theirjoiat dame tent.,) [ -, *edition dvs^al fria.a joist , IMI I i ---, -id, idiot to take nieocaree for Minn fonts** ed Um ladosnielloarrostavf t tbie IrablUdon of*, loduietryofall at London is the rear Itrat., I Ce sen unsold. to givo pawns' Mingo* *nen at ince o Intending lo 'init. and intimately emenivehoil Nib the 1. of the world. Tema& thie Punta a( *be-Interior, a plan' or system bras ' , Portly nestand. abide will woe he Odd I: J . ! ' •' • ' I•• I . 'i rlettie of the aet of Coanne. Willa is parity emit for ,merrier an ' 4 us. 6,11 , 61. the legal shame Orae. labor and pervini of certain ; ether lbefelted. and omobersof tbellatikr. , alitoody depoodrat 'on ' deo Vaned be provided to to some Var. abilde incibb. that moo af the S tr e i l i alll Fink for their own benefit lee • l tin of which persons of the Nan a ; . upon Wm for disponi.. in crab al 'bit. Cosmos provide tor scrupling . tm *lt Mateo accordion to. stain Mods se proton" of dlrert tans. noon law weed wooer with *web Ptak. nense. pone**. cm • sorb . areeptlikill!bi Om wet, beat'nee deemed fru, and that it'd taken he solosiohn bath classes. mistimed ; If lb. ether -1*)1, net be raves. at nen place or pUfew I. of oli o thorn.