The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, October 02, 1858, Image 1

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    :MS . ' OF ;TES ......__
, ••
s Xar, gtascLIPTIIIN:
'il 11.)L1.A.U.S per annurn,p‘yAble fo &dram,
it not rril'lrltlriti Ilziaoatbs—•and r il2 81
1 - "-: TO rr.rnii . :
s ip, to one.u . blrer.s':\ In.idrstee ? ) L
, . ..
di, (1.
, ~, , ,),,,Ip. 4 odt tlVailt ba ineallibly paid in
n.l sent to one addresy, •• .. ,
TO; i: ttudte sikotuns: • . • •..,
.res tt. will be furntidied to Carriers and of e.
1,,0 c oo l ,. cash on &dick,. • , . ' . r .
!,..,y r sers *pet School rtzte...4erf supplied with th
at it iu ;advance,
rut taw or !rev/lemma. ' s
,Ltriberantder the discontinuance of their tlegli•
ne.pubileher may continue to aged them dtittl
ira7es are itial d. ' . 'I i
lisAiNirerlect or refuse to taiii MAI. nevicrpa•
um the oat e to which tney are directed. they are
monsthie oil they have reittlAt. OK bills 1 rnad
them dis4tintinued. ~. - 1
14 •rib?in tilm re to at her places witheAtini inning
li eller. end !be newspripera lite sent tta he nrmer
a. they ere held rommisible. • I c , 1
4 6 .0 yr
Inch. huo;letel.led tlrtt refusing tO ii" 'Ta
m the nflii.f. or TeMIIITing. and. Tr* 1 4 , m no•
or. le pritita facia evidence of intettionai (valid.
i .1.
• i
• •
.. 1 claw of 0 lilies. 40 Cettt4 for ono inserticin.-:iiii s- ",
t insertions, 25 rents each. 3 lines one time, 25
itilise went insertions. 1214 cents w t et t . AP i l. 1
inen t a eveir 3 lines, for short periods, char - V., 1 u a . taro. Tong a o t. z. ' IL‘L
Tines, lr4 84 $1 25 $ 2- .. 5 . 43 °°
hare, SO. .1 25 •1 75 :-, 2 " , 1 4 " l •
in-s, ..1 00 150 . 2. 00 ', ' 4l .1 5 . e °,..., I
Ines, 125 225 2 (4) ' s " I" "'
0 'O. 4 50 7 00
,lln (4 . 1;25 2.$ ..- , I
- ~. 2 .t 4-. 265 400 • 800
trines, ...i. •300• 5 50 I 9 . 00
linea, 1 :!.5 . 2 ~ .
.0v c t . rive jjars rowtrrp ARA katiAtE or TES LI r.s.
re, j .05 2 2'i ~3 1.0 ti 00 -10 00
a ,,,:,.,," 225 ' 400 500 . 900 •14 90
9 . /60 z 6 (5) 750!12 00 13 1/0
. 5i 11.1,14 •
, wire', 4, 00 600 'BOO- 15 00 11.0.00
ii:r col., 0 o'l 900 'l2 00 . 18 00' 130 00
.0q....e, epos 'r for abort periods, as per agreement. . 1
4...9,, ie 5,, Notices, 51 each—ncimm panted 'with in
•ert i i seinen t. 50 cents each. -•
,d,i ,. .rliseinentsl,ofere Marriages Anil Deaths:lli cents
It e fortrat insert lon—sti,hsequen t insert lona,l eents
i i i t . Nine iverilaareconntedas a tine in adver Whiz.
•rdrints .and id hars.'ndvertising by the yv 3 V, with
rue , . ands Standing advertisement net °teeing 15
w ill be chervil. isclisliiig subseriptiral, , .10 00
. 0 (he 40a-4.16f of tour squares, w ith;rhare
nil snit...ollllOn. . . . .. ' U . . ~...
it ebanae.o.nt the rates dOslgnsted above.
eke...ills ret • in larpritypo- than usuallll'he
d can per amt. advance'. op • these prices. A 1 cuts
ib irzedi ho ss me RA it , tfer provg, '
• ' •
• on de ildr,',:rilaemenis received from Adver
- .1hr ,,, , , 1, except at 25 . per cent, :tile:ince oril
unless hx,iipeelAl Agi eemen t with the p'uldli
rinses 25 erents each. Death's *Crum pan Ira vr,.'
's4ents. without Witter', rio charge. • I
notice.. elrept those of it,religious character and
u,,, t3on ol I,arprnttri. will bet dia rAtted 25 reo tle for any
er of lipetrunder 10. Over 10 lines; 4 rentAlerlirie
penal. i
.edings or meet i urn not ors ketsrral or pohllc char
°hinged it 4 rents per lino for each Insertioi.t.
lilltrito calculations we witl State that ;I:* linen
coluntiti-U4 lines a balleolumri—and 82 lines a,
::952lirnrd14 intik e rolurnw,-147 ;nllnlf
-and quarter column. All odd lints over
are. rhit tat the raze (t 1 4 cents tier, line, for
. and Scents per linos or three Iltnrs. _
advertisers Must roan& thetr '3dtertl3ing to
Ito 411e..11 AL:m(4os Sri others.,ertle (f .1(eal
aroilint inch:pled In buslnon; ddirerttFenlents.
,_, • - ;
M'EpICINAL. ._ ' '
- -- r ----- 4 . 77 ----- .
THAN i,500,000 130T1I,ES;
Sinai IVY , VI ;
I;N•(SNE , YEA . . 11,... =• 1 • I
Woll for restoring, hair pert:tent:lnd Iperuin- !
:an no •er yet had a 'rive); rplunte Idler volunto !
elven Iran all: •artattlie world And film the ;
.11Igent to pr.:pie that' it is a perfect ilf,.st ralrs-t•
the lirculer' . ,,and you cannot doubt; riad atm
wing li,, ' I . I• .
. .
tr. II ilii.—Peopinha'Ye fan' centurifs.twel afflict-'
1,3/11 heads, And (140 l , liky rUltledy• h&retttliire
las talon ttlose.nbolidnable wigs. fly l `recebt
of •'ln,froor Wood 'these at t 'cies are being fast
'wily. but II grind many parsons still-pitronlxis
tut4,dlinv Intvia been so otten imposed upon by
ten of different kinds, To nil such peniuna we
tu..,Q.,. Mt.! req.u !, :Ina they will try linen
' hi Wood's Restorative theta •Is in) such thing
We 14:ow ot a lady who lids brill, Who used the
shot`tAlal Ite, ud hot head it: now terertd cone
II li t le thticil and niost beautiful curls Ignagln- 1
:•kil ~. of unm:frotts , cases where hair shut rare I
e,•r ottf, which it. restored - In gre,iter perfe n ctiuu 1
er yrt been din re. I" s I
trl . pliant doubt 111t10 of .the bestk rtiries ter
be leilr in gm. 41 condition. twikiiiky ,It soft anti-!
.111,101,V,S 113ndniti. and dins proved Itself Ilia .
lowly to all Ile Mist taut blii• is hair to.' • •
le ditty of every one to Improve their personal
q: though town, may differ In regard to the
lug ail; Jul 'every one. will admit thane beau,
I titdinir..tilt her in man . or W 1.111311. IN au eldert.
i:e illisired. and there are lid weans .Idoil should
nt Heti to ohi A in such a considerat lon.—i
I lloware.f.
, .
, Plifiatielphin. ,
; 1;
.7— .. . .
, 1 . enefIUCTON. Ohio. 7
S•nr. 7 I , i;d.,
j 1
o() i 4 CO —=thmts: As .1 Woe iteett eaptgett di
itir lair It.e,torative the last season tur one of
I itu.lolts. tit. St. Itact:lnson.) and° intsfrig expo:
In lioneticial effects of it' myself, I' would like to'
nglitcy for the Slate of:Ohio. or same bite In
sh mid you wish to Mike such an mange,
I inc convinced MP!" ir-wiltlng egmo -tn f! in'
f Suctroyi,r reotore no the hvir. el havetteen en
lite.'Drug business for several yeArs. and have
us iireparnth'nulbr the Milt:. but bnie found '
ittllrcot in
oro-treern.llvoAtrgang or tn v I..olottes
to Ittell Avr YOU ' iln. bring fully tnntrinced Ong '
,ratlve in what you represent It to be. II would ;
tga. 4 .; in: the sate of it. an I nib' natl.stled it must
1 Yilint truly, SI T:STOCIiiIIAN. - 1
•I i .
°I ' WAVY OM. Mono.. Feb 45,1557. I
O. 1. WOOD &'CO.--(tents!: Having !realized 1
itfects of your fl.tir Restorative. I wioil l to state.l
ng.'my tiair growing thin. its *ell an gray, I wa:V.
1 1:11t' what I rend an I licartl, In try tit ;war'.
Icy You:to promote Ito growth and Change Hi'
t alto In pent h. (ub .of which 'lt iml . effeettnY
iy„ phi th e oporntiou I faavo 'unki 100, ly I btu°
_II Yours, ' P. JANIE:IV:4SSMS.
.WOoD & ('O.. i'roprietono.3l2 Oroadway, ,nren.,
In tint groat S. Y. Vire Railing Estabitment,)
I Mat!sel its.. lit. L aim, Mo. . 1 : .
IA ad sold by 11 good Druggists. 1 .4
.mhen '25,
. "} tn
'53 3 . i
i , .
i: WILL MS'S, r l .
:pa' - s Ind I g e 11 . 1 1 o wt . liyppepsy 1
11 , 1()R1111) .SENSIBILITY,Ier the
konirirh :roil Bowels, 114/ It 11 (4./Tictus dis=
t , f t llti;tll:to.tiviriTgan.
pri.y,Moi it', attend'aiit Ills; such as
4sca. tr. adoche,
tifin, 17 , tinne.t.te of Kohl', . , '
alit, Ili' the ;Verrone . Syeteut, ~
. . .
. ,
e. 7
ast. r,9 flf !!". .err ?Vb.' • .
:atulrnri . z. uit Prquent tacking of wind,
I . el f.
. and .
le 'stip, eat uneasiness of:lhe Dowels, ,
',tient {' milling, I
'nraitny ensahun at Mepil ,j the 'olliae.h:,
firer coMptaird, ''` .., .
1 - nn ,r . ttre Arlinfi, . • •
dpitnikt, .! r t" the Itmg, . .
,t,14 in a, pit .i t iih f ..ct , nnach, or Inwards the right side;
llowne4s ht . e,nrpl ...,:un, . • .! i. • :f spirits and irrilnhility nf.texiTer, ite., 1
in itrimy races &GA the shill. her; - dentre. of the
,i.,,1141 rea'.ltitinuierF In the world,'anduilloy ussit ,
.lt.1: II ateindottea as sins:treble. - i I I
.1, WILI:1.01.9, Che Mist and l'harrnaceirdisti atter
itg cioselFthe practice of Drs. Abernethy and J.
.u..l;il;:land, and ii the nature el the dia•
aUI ti e ,tag,,e', -- au e in g a ...I•.ttril In the :southern
Oct)) portion of tie United tr.vt.,•ft. wheredt tar+
a greater extent.l 311 elsorhere.'prOcuted rAut
AttUtric.t, certain rocits and herbs. front which he
ed an . ..1:tflut;” which, after eighteen years' i Use—
rate practice, has pruned itself more eitiracionsitt
ire ofillyspepsy, s tlian any medicine that. has 'ever
trepared In any age or any clime, for UM/Unto puO ,
I. . . .
ng submitted il, with an explanation ; of its emu
s, In , a number of. Physicians of l'hiladelphi.i
h,i,m-iik‘re tie, latellrs..loirph Hart thortfe end
or ,t 9 n, it has rereived their entire approval, and
if at.; 'Medical fatuity are now not otdy prekrill•
ror their patients., but are using it themselves,
illy,•and in their families. As a took', it Is usni
,And its preperties are of AO ittrigorattng a na,
lat it is given with perfect slaty and success to
't lende,r.lnfinzts. I t ' • 1
Iltutirel is t--- - - 't IO its actin'
;cry gradual. but Certain lu its action
...organs of aigest ion. the !erre:pet! regret ions of
r,itancreas and inueous'uyetnlstane 'of the Ste.
Obreit ulieS that nnly one dire be taken In liven.
Min.; fur romirined Dyspt.p.y ,an roily bPrti red
444 restoring (be organs-of digestion to a heal.
;e. ;',llitt great surft`f.S Met W . 14 itt'4uring the
ngr(vated case of Tspeney, .Im...4mi:toted seine.
Ith a high grade ot hyporttondrlasts. has estate
he Most unbounded. rontitient e in the ruratlie
1,9144 this "Ettatit;" in corroboration of w hj q b
' h';:lowing te.thoor Luis: .•
I '
aTATlO74.—we, hiving used Wllliains's "Ant l i.
le pi x tr." nthlhe most perfect satisfaction and
tako 'great eiteure ire-recommending it to all
solfering •rr h - Ityspepsv. on we the bully eon.
p l Ils most PSI • s
vide qualities lu restoring the
0 powers:removing all patios and nueasiness,and
ingn healthy tette to the Sioutach:
R. 'Penrose.ll4 tiouth Wharves; Caiper Morris.
Theutak 41 (bone, President of Balak of Penn=
i; t•;I liter Eliot... Mei ket street above Sixth; )d.
.ItOwley; No. VS North IYharres:. Michael Vann,
itendent Morrhants' 'Earliange: Ran:lab Fitton,'
;twil l Road ; Hannah Webb, 28 Filbert etriet ; 11.
rry.l2 Edward street; - Lawrence Newbold. No.
eittiut street, Philadelphia; 11 . m. Yard. 6 City 1
tutiotpli L'Arnl, 267 Broadway; 11.14. %limns,'
r street, New York.,
, ..
. ;
Ist of names could be Pxteruled to almost ' any
'tut the hiezolug Is deemed sufficient.
'or 11. X. SPERll)",litahe'tc:is alninartned as
lnelirable. and Oren op is Die.i. • 1 . I
, WILLIAMS—Dear .fir:—lltnr •00 - 4r.ii yr.a ra p ro . ;
1054.1 sulTertd so mush teem , Dispepity. that 1I
?;, t ipi,ti e ly pepatrated, loth in tnltiti and body; I
igth became sti; weakened, I entildnot attend th 1
t.ea, and was sinking into adecline. and It was
en ever ennld recover; the bold medical aid Was
for me, and every means resorted to ''vrithrtht 1
; tlll I was advised to use your .lEllxir," and
lime I began taking It d IteinaliallY Improved
completely restored to health. • The dreadful - 1
,di endured from Dyspepsy r inutint deserlne;
tilsi/ntido of that without the use of your “Elialr."
!She Itt my grave. I 'assert that 1 ;solemnly be-
oq...Elleir" has Raved me from an Itittly deathl- 7 .,..
tinge now la the enjoyment o f toted earellent•
• r .. • H. N; SPEIZIVY,
r 4.4, 11.57. Nn.'llo4 N..Thlrd at., P 11111474..
h e undersigned:have known. Mr. 11. N.7liperry
cal years. and take Oseteure In rotating. (bat his
i /an be perfectly relied on. and that we our•
tiew that he has •heen wonderfully restored; to
rim the brink of the grave: and we belleve4 an
ls, solely by the man of lir, Wllilantee `'Ellair."
I Time. J. eltektnalt, No. 143 !gorilla et
J'u't; Lunn., Itar at., above fieeond.l.
ally apPwireil before me (one of fife Alderman
I,ty of Philadelphia.) 11.th1.-STERItT. who being
rtnedoloth &Toss, and say. thot the Inch% last.
the alum.. rettlfiCate are true In every particular. •
~and subscribed this ntlrday of June. 1857. ;
1 . •
, • i Fa EDMICS ,R5XL.'4161(7111(//111
"f:11,111-" Is sold 14 l alticr.kt $1 iewh. or 6 bottles
Proprtelor—JANl Et , WILMA I'S,' 31.1),'
C'oriniff a t eu'ser , havelist. 1
No .4 fle . uth Seventh street, p.iinado n hi 3 , ,
,a• Sale by Jona G.' Ititose, Central `. `
: [ ktiv?el, Petti
91Y '2O, 'Lk ' i x-i. I •
befit 31lointifactureelVeirranted,
•"ribe".. All Pianos 'Ad, Morn
hhn alit ba.'warraintotiz7tif •
theY ark•serreitonttA,tbsit2ein be r eturned. —
'" 4 Nl ,4, 4lenn ot will 14.: Mauutselmers'
trans 11. wfn,r6eh the pov Pi hsoreg 'etre
trlell.ln. aitioa trill he
Vl') $2.1 relistir oily pukes oceordr
•Aloc , •t w„ hsaninuetny Those who preterit,
!er ' 4 4 (A. anti "peening a letter tif credit,
'..rarirel,ll nnrailliellauaraettirets.aarertalh
there, la my doubt. In thhelhat.,''
‘‘,:ll"ne tu•b.y le—Tla- • I
. A . IIIIA n N Z E t m o n . b
anda and
for ado by • Joq e
s 1
X°. 306 Race
A wz.ust 21,'55 .
• N 0.415 and 117 Arch lid
x.ll.—Also, a Lugo assortment 01
ITItS of own manutlietnie.
August 2S, 'a
. • • FILE CUTTI C, r
-.• .
1.. N all its.' branches, at tha.Mabufac.
. • tort. New ' Street. above Second between Rae, and
'toe. Philadelphia, where out be found the best
assot-ttnent of FILES sod ItASPS.I the elt, of Phila.
delphia. 410-111 d Files Re.eut.aud made eg USII to Dew;
at a caring of-Su percent. I .1. It. SMITH.
New street File W ka. Philadelphia.
August 2s, ll' _ , 36.3rn '
91HE subscribers ^hat' , jos' opened
ij their New Carpi( Warehouae, Ith a deb a ndspfere ,
did stoes,ef CA'RPE fiNtIS, cow pit Igen the latest and
beet Atyle• of 11101,7, TAPE , TE ,DEUSSELS.Three.
PlY.'inirtin linellet len, of the . t celebrate.' mand.l
Lae - tore. also a tinpefjoi,,stock of t IL. CIAYIIIS, GMAT.
TLNII: I, . MI.-, :-. -k.,. ..i.,l_ '
`lll-The *Mee 'unfit of pod* It a been tasufht ex.
Inemely low fercash. and It is the - Intention of the sub-
Scribers:A o 4iell'aecordingly; this, ith milt crpenses
bud cash tninsactim* will enable u to give purchasers,
kw& from 10 to 14 per coat. lees t au usually charged
by. bther ealabliehtnents. OLDE. k lIICKNER,'
!- ' •
Importers and D Ws in Carpeting.
$32 .; AtICII ST 2 doors below Ninth (South side.) Phila.
*s lept. 4. tris 36'4m
- . •
' • .WINCHESTER CO.'S. .- - -
Gentlemen's Paredatlaglitore,
rateit Shoulder Seam Shi
i.C3—tzut street, ruir f iprxruie
tr,ttou blouse."
, .
'A.N.INCIIESTETt will 1103, Ali ti
al supervision of the Cutting an
partitunts. Orders for his celebrat
Collars filled at ;he shortest notice
Per.ons &String to order Shirts,
the formula for nteasuretnent. on a
Constantly on band, a.vaticd an,
flenfen's Pura IsblurOoods.
I aa-Wlttile f •ale orders supplied 6.'
Septemb4r:4; Sg
!I s 3,9.1 NEW. STOCK .01: BAL D
1 Arch stftets . . Philad tpt ia. I.
r:eking aline flock of Fall Dry
Near Trade. I
FasEinnabltf Fang Sittcs.
~E.llcuals of all the accost s
, Divas floods. In tali var•
• ;Staple (locals, in large
, ••.FaityyVatachnere CI.
' • Blankets, Quilts,
11 N. li.-6 d bargain's daily Fear
find InTl6lptilt A iirt lon Sales.
4.0-1 . tti1)1.,---Vel Qui/ .tend
Aligned XI, a 8 •
MOP" Thiel: Dark/snit cover
Cross Duriims
AND'At,t;lritwits; WILL
riNTAT they shp
t ) any.quantlt k og, with'
Joneso Far-Fame
1 1 At th., iiholeFAteina
Acottdgtreet. PIIILVDELL,'III A.
;The onTy plire where 'exo'rugire
tattled fur the States of Pettosylv
Del 'ware. ' ,
Theae•Lluipa gire• *nett eitua
and similar In pto• par.
aupeilor to all .vtlier rottablit.
Par of txplOaion —no offenalyA od
ally trimmed—tnr easily regulated
adapted nit all pOrpoaea---and belt
man-5U ter rent, rbiraper ta'a
now in attotuan u k er •
Knapp's Paten Rosin an.
yieks. shade
the Hue. P S. E. SO
• No. :IR Eolith Second
Saptember 4. '5,4
For Ladles and. C,
(oeur•litt).Mitritot strek. abtry
1 inpi,rterit.l%l3nuinettners
ers in Fftaicy Fttrsi for 14,11,
dren ; ;ha, c;. , nts' Fur C
The numberhf rears that -we ire been en; age d In
the Fur boslneos. and-the'penera ehnractm of on Furs,
both for 'polity and price II:sego %Tally known th ugh- ,
'out the Conntry, that we think i Isnot neceSsary for no
to say 01)4 tang more than we hos. mos epereell ouraqsort
meta ef Furs, far the Fall an Whiter Sales. of the!
lar4est 'and most beautiful aosort vit . that we hareever
offered before to the public. Our Fun; have all been 7m
'ported duHug the present sea n. when money was .
scarce 30 , 1 Furs Much lower thsrat the'prerent a time,, l
and line.'l,;.n manurnet,nred b' the most crimtielsrit
workmen ; we are therefore detalnined to sell them at
such prices as will plutinue to Rive ua the reputation
we have horneler years, that Is o sells good for
a very rmall pfol t.•
Storekeepers', will do well to lye no a I 11. its!. they I
will 111,1 th , e , largest assortment ,y . far tekeleet find in
the rity.'alpt at manufacturer's p ireo.
.1011 'FARE! tt A k
.Nlaket Street. Ilon it bib., Phi ladelplaa.
P h iladelphia. September 11,V5 37.4 M
Surglial liandag
No. 113 i North Ninth 5t..,7
i. [..
Inc. WidlithES (1. ItAVLINTI 4. .
. Where may be had .3 fulil and varied af.
s.rtttlVl/t Ot TRUSSI.N. FESt j I FUl'.
, yOlITERS.: 4 1101:1,DEI: lilt ACE 4, and oth- :
(I', for sale at ,nly•F2re per coot. lower
than at any other esfahlielunent In the city.
NNW lire: celebrated r teal cure TIIIIB3 has
cured hundreds of cases w,her ottiers, have failed.—
' Price. $4 00
Dr. RAIELINfL3 has treated sqoesafully many bad
cases of Spite Disease. Club Foot, Low Leg. Knock Knee,
and Weak Aneles: with his new nod hnprored amen
tut.fbr these whiCh case; reference can be
given. ranging Iront $3 00 tosls 00
at triwxr pricey than ran be bought elsewhere.
CilefellES:sPl.l.STS, and eVery variety of SUROI.
CAL. APPLIANCES. at greatly reduced prices, placing
the best make of goods within r ch of alt.
Lichen a t tended ,tia.private ap rtments at the atoreyhy
Mn'. It C. Evranrr.'S'-: .
l*Z-l'articuLar tittention paid to 'lnstruments for de:
Ihrmity In-children. and raleftpc ion to oil guarantied:
Seplember,ll, fn.:lna •
Over 3000 yards; of N
ceived by THORN
SrAirg garden streets, P
• Itotmht for CASH utl4t4
carktldentlnlly nFpett tha'
CIIE.,I' and as GOOD atent t e ~
Blinn! l t
Pa" We Chirtleqe n Pm
Ne‘y Tae LI( n6s, In deaufltul
PoII do ChererrsVidenclas
Engll4l, Frew% ano Amur!
• ,
Ginghamocof Mem, ma S k
hawls"ClOaks Circa
New Stella StiltWle. le 'ell eel.
Long nod Square Brucha , Shal
►.ong nod &quart Wankel:Slit
►'lnln and Etritxrdidered Cfaps
4 1 11erineille Shawle, reench di
oExTust kiNt jki H A W LS.
Ertrything, Ana in CLOG'
French Merinos's, Casiimer
burgs, Parainattas
wo keep atylintut
Llneng. Flanne)., Cir;thit . . eni
Blankets, Morsellita Quilts,
:-;. , - - Table Corers, Plano Corers.
We are eieleretheed to &diet*
one wt the REST DRY GOO
phia. ..Wehooe only one
N. I:. eoiner'Elglo and Laprln
r — Atil-Perseris can ride fur 5 re
tgwithlu two squares of our st
Etzlith street hue of Omnibus
Atli nkt 2R, '54
ALLEN .& r
E again offer th ;
• and dialers, *sin ring t
Moo., vad tinder ntt• eircpum
*GtK)ll AKTICI.I.: t h ey Lava be
The put/hi:urn phn bear . 1
Phosphate of)Litne is ANT ayi ,
Ire • sell re, in e
Tbese remarks are rendered
that a hags number:of article
PhrspLates. are offered for sal:
are represented to be.
Our new pamphlet 1$ In pr
diettibutiou In a fie'days.
copies gratuitously by 'mall tol
Price s4s,Der 2000 lbs.
A liberal deduCtion
Pacific. Oce
ilavinx mild this Guano to
safrlr nvrtizni‘end It.. it bas
Peruvian Gnaw), andl , Po , "
all resreets. futer our
letters resperthig woe
of value to the anwr. ,
No. 1 Gloveroviont
Far male, et the
We have Men tar ante—
as We frol tufa In r.enunruendi
lia.G..ets cum be loadtad at
hoxiarr. .lapl facilities are
atal alleadiag to The h.rsr.s.
' The leading Agricaltara tJn
ragedarly,fitd alma. ' , Pee jo
' No. 42 8.-Wharvoi,
1164 mn re ab.," el k
August "."3,*305'
• ,
, • '
.1:- l•
.FH • •
• 4 - -•
• •
. ,
.. nENE A A :irt v ICE
; ; ' •.1
R_ .1.
• -I
LL TEACH TOO TO PIERCE THE BOWELS Or THE EARTH, AXD Santo out ram THE cArEAss or NotiNTAISS, BETALS Wpm! WILL Girt sufscint ota itasira 'Aid) SVR3UCT .AILLL HATIIBX TO OUR 0814.1 p L .j
▪ DS.
e of the' best
~ Mans:travel/red
▪ PhiLtddpia fa.
• 34.11cti
• BES •
.t, PbtlAttelphla.
t Manufactory,
D, 700 Chest
opposita tbe -IVasti-
retofore, his person.
k3lan uf.teturio g de.
Ft) le of Shirts and
an be aupplled irltb
'Oration by mall.
'Pried stock of Gen-
'Fourth and
1,„ In ptoreand.laily
nods rutted ti the
I, tuck..
,inop DemiAlas, Le.
,red from Now York
OR ..turth,
. /topte."qiit
ly, themselves,
li d Qua der', : 2 IF South
Agenelea can be (.1.
nin. New Jetiwy.nad
in In . tenslty of Berne.
nd 'arx claimed to be
ble. now In um. No
smoke--very ea
s a naS Light—cen be'
• r then ell for 'poor
y other portable.llght
, mit
Coal Oil Lamp.
and every rorttpleila
text, Phil:1110011a.
CO., No.• 818
nd - Cbil•
liars, and
doors above ARCH,
r1"1"S Preriii
tipportem Trustwe'and
OL 1858
Silks,' just re-
ET dt, CHISM, •
i)rner Eighth &
111 LA fELPAI A'.
,the allows good iate as
/MIAs American an.
Yt ry handsome.
•*u Chintzes, ac.
ars Daskrs, &c.
• .
Shawls, 3e.
Itaal may offer/
.1 and DeLaines, Co
• Alpaccas!
; se stork of
▪ lonn , es, mc.
uuter panels.
▪ able Cloths. tin pk I na. &c.
nue r , putalinn as &dna
r it.
'onNtxt k
! I . Garden sta., Philad'a.
,tx by the City Hal:mad,
:re, and for 3 cents by the
k i k) our door every fire
I , T. kC.
35.3r0 •
above to farmers
tan that they will. Ai all
atieea, receive the IMMO
eletore purchased onwa
mind that our Serpa.
:ere, or. none at nil .
nerve*, from the' feet
purporting to be Super
; which are not wfutt they
r 14 t and *lll be meek for
ir t kbAll bd pleared to Feud
Our titrudNtbeirdreired.
1-41tefits perlb )
1 'de to DEA iams.
..ri Guano.
four years past. we ran
n le Ind tide by aide with
nerd fully equal to it In
. tIW Pamphlet, mmtalateg
other futeyeatlng matter
ream*** Guano,
owest rates.
• Islain,.
each °that% fertilisers
ither fmet of our Iran
grant to wadi*" sta/nuts
I rids awl Netaitpapert are
the. we .1" Farmer,.
nd 41 . 8 Mater St ,
(nut itFeet,l`hflulelp4,l.i
• Oh& lea Smith, Proprietor.
All kinds of • oal shcrnas, spades, coalriddlis,
The patron of the public is respeettullysolietted.
January .10. 'BB 24f
THIS' 'most edmplets ' invention is
mannbieetned by D. LEIB, Norwegian street, 0 1PP 0-
to lloarmaol Carriage Factory. -
11. ilat-Ca and see it.ljoll
TE stibscribers have now on
and win 411 for CABII, at tim lowest market price,
a large atoek of the best quality. merchant Bar Ironalat
Bar it:Broad !run, and light T sells, for mien,.
r HE subscribers invite the attention
• of miner, and merchant,' to their Mannfaeture of
i, andAILIV.F.: SOAPS, de, dc .. Th ese
Soaps having oug Wen extensively known in Schuylkill,
Carbon and L-inerne 'counties. are recommended is of re.
liable quality. Orders received by mall promptly atten
ded to. nar.ial Soda, Starch.kc.„ always on hand.'.
.105. ELKINTOif & SON,
44ne 2G
„ .. .
'5l 78S South Second street; Shilade/' phis.
, 20.4m
_ ,
orember 2R, '67
filE• Double Thread, Family , SEW.
C. ISO MACIIINF These Mac Line a: sew with two
threlds. making, a ble • Lock Stitch,' equal to any
high priced Jtarbl e' use;and: perfectly reliable for all
family, nurpo t tes... sem 31aellines are for wale by the
subscriber, a the &SCUM:111.111 OTI:L. Poitsl tile. The
publisiire invited to callaudexatninetbem. Prices2s .
airlnstruzlions given 4il those p,urchuslog, as to the
We, ke. A. M. SHEA FE. Agent.
August 114,1448
Sunbury Erie Railroad and the canal,.
/ c
(Oppodi fp the Furtiaeo. WllliainVixirt, Penna.)
( r. BANGER & C. 0., Whole
iale an Retail Dectleisand 31annfacturers of white
and yellow pine looting boards,sashAloors.blinds„shut•
tars. siding. stood mouldings. kc. Ji'g and scroll sawing,
fancy and plain. All deSeriptions of t urning and planing
done with pr+mptness, and In the hest manner.
February t.t. 'OB . r • • ' tr-ly •
To3oal Ofiersurors end Mehtaytkill.coun.
•' , ty*plerchzints.
K.) : power Albs a tilnY4 at ffamttrx..Smokiini T
. .ae ,
co Aljti Seim fanufaetory, on hand and ready rot lb.
200 harrel sweet Sctinted i , moktog Tol/acro,
.2 , ,Q,0t.10 lia f Spanish Segars.
~ 200.000 Six a:Spanish Ewan!. ' e': •
. 100,000 : andllstra Sears. •
Orders thatautly rece.lTed and .pniniptly attended fn.
Terms easy. - . • SIAItY ANN MO V ER.
'' Hamburg. Berk; County, l'a.
-,,, sett
SeR. 5. '.57L_
Mltitantetego Street, Pottsville, Pa.
THE suliscriher is
prrpared, at e lshi old
stand, to tarnish c'"
hinds of niiterials
/OS line, Toruiltil
purposespl in and
namentai. feitlrl
particular a tentiot
the Vent)) times . a
stonnments fhb , nig
ufacture. T - ey ran
had In e'er • varlet:
style. andw I I comp:
where. and !Ire offere,
June 5. '.lB 234y1
Wire Rope Manufactory,
ir.tisupx• seirmarca. sib ;
Manufacturer of Wire Rope, for inclined planes, shafts.
;dopes. Ar., c ould lutort the puldic that he is now prat
pared to make
At the:al:Client notice , of superior quality ;and on,the
most liberal tartan. at bin Wire Rope Factory: •
Manch Chunk, Carbon Co., Pa.
Refereiteelean bq made to klenariZE. A.AMuglas, D. D.
Cortrlght acid A. ti. Broadhead. ALM:furl' Chunk: to N.
Pat terlein. Summit fill. to Sharpe,l;eineuri n g./t Co.. TI!
more, Luzerne county, Pa.. and in fact. nearly all theop
in tli! Region who have Least using his ropes.
August 1 'SR (August 8.'57 33.-1)) '
. . f Wholesale, siud Itskasl -
• rIEAIiER in . Stoves, ' Ranges, . ,
LI Ileatele,Tin 'Ware, Ilollose. Ware, Rd- v .....
tulle Ware, Brass r 1 are. French Ware, nod 1' 4 1 4 - .
' Cutlery, Range Rollers, Pertable Barep.s.Gos, • 5:. — ..,
, Orens, Sun:Mier Furnace. ac.. &c., has added --".•.'
to hid fender . stock of Stoves a varleg of new pat
terns of Kitchen Benzes., of which he con giro the
highestkrerdmmen dation. ~ • '
lie calla pl.articular attention to hisneW "style of ilea
. ler;Whqh hi, Is confident wilt make the best Heater t hat.
„has eter•Wn need Ie ibis part of the country.'elso, a'
`-eariete.of new patterns of Cooking„ Parlor, and flail
Stoves. llcalls plrticular attentioleto his sheet Iron
_Parlor *to e, Ibis an improvement on theßisferliseh,
'which he I confident Is the best stove in net,, lie hail
,i now the largest stock of tholibore articles. (teo unmet ,
cue to mention° that has everbeen offered In tide part
of the conitry. !le invites hie friends and customers
'll3 call and examine for thenisejlies. feeling confident
that he ca u suit them Inquality and price; he Millers
himself 'that he has bad much experience In bls line or
bustoefg, therefore ke.frelr confident thatho cannot be
surpassed fit quality , p<c.heapness.
gal . .. Booting and..*poutlng and all kind ofjobbing
done at the shorteshnot ice.
,C , ette sired. f, deep above Alarkekterst side, .rbltrrilk.
'March 2i, '57 ' I , 12.-
'virtu Ag, la and by stied of t4General Assembly
VT of th 4 Comsnonireallh of renne3lianis, entitled—
.../to Act gulating the GenerSl Election within this
Connnonweellb, pawd.the 24 day or July. MA. It is
mote the fluty of the, Sheriff of eyery county to give
public notice of: Su h to bo hohten, and to tusko
known in 'uch notice ;tat officers are to be elected :
Therefore, I. W11.1.1A11 MATZ. 1I h. Shorn! of the
county of schuyl kill, do make. Llanelli by this advertise
ment to tlie electors of said county rtflichuyikill, that'll
GESS:BAG ELECTION' will be held In the said county,
on TUESDAY, the 12th day of Octet:lir next, at the Rev ,
eraldistrls thereof, as fotlowa, to wit: '
The electors elfin' bontogh of Orwlgsburg, *lll hold
their chitties at the public house of Daniel Boyer, In
llaif boreu . uh of Orw Ignlnirit. •
e %
' The el tors residink In the followittg described hems.
&tries of Vent Brunswlg township. Schuylkill county,
beginnin on the township line of East Brunsuig. on .
the rand f Daniel Dreher: thence along a publle road.
leading t Daniel Foust's mill and twelllng,includlng
the same theuce to Zion's church,; thence alorig nail
public mad. leadinu past • the dwelling house of tleorge
K. Moyer
j b
including the same; therto g. alon Feld road
until it it terseets the tp. line of Mirth Manhrim tp.,
loam - Iln , all the voters residing north of s old mid, in
the luirns ip of West Druntrig, afojitsalti, shall he-ree
ler, at al generaland nimbi, eleetlOns, ea all* at all
elections tor judges and Inspector ,rote at the same
times tut places anttin the same haF . ,with the voters of
the tarot of Orwigsburg, In the county aforesaid.
The ett. tOnt residing in that part of West Brunswig
township lylng and being cost ot the cottoning described
line, sled hereafter, at all general. rperial, and at elec
tions for j udges and inspectors, Tote In the mine box
with the' untitled voters In theborongh of port Clinton,
at the ho se of Henry Boyer; commencing' at the river
Schuylki I at the lock-house of the Schuylkill Mule*:
non Co patty, number twenty-feat, now eccupled by
John Laqt. including the same; thimee In. as Dwight
tide to t e house of Jacob Mengle. I cludidg the same:
thence t the house of Conrad Mengle. now occupied by
313uasetp Metigle, Including the same:. thence to the
harm ofJ hn &,halt. now orcupled by Henry Klutele, In.
._ .. .
rlildlnC qt. 1.3110 e; thence to are f;rin orttm heirs of
John•itond,,deeeescd, now occupied :by George Mengia.
includin the same; thence 10 the house of the Widow
Treukliti Including the same; thrnre to the farm of
Henry K trier, including the same; thence to the farm
of Sturm l' Miller, including the same; thence to the
farm ofßenjamin Moll, Including the same; thence to!
... . _ ... • .
the Minis! Point Mill. and the dwelling hodees belong
ing ther to; 'Mimed by French' iticherdt4 excluding
the avue,, thence to the house of George Beer. a:bidding
the same ; thence In the form of . Ch arles Miller.
- ding' the:same: thence a straight lion to the ,sand, tiole
at or neer the Berlin county line. .
' The electors ofWest Brunswig township not Included
In the above boundarieto ' will bold their elections at the
public house of Michael Moser, in mid township. .
, Theohfctors of the borough of Port Clinton will bold
their elletions'et the hionse of hoary Boyer, In said ho. !
rough: ' •• I
. The el..ctors of East Brunrwig' township will hold I
their elections et the Louse of Joshua Boyer, in the town ;'
of Meliesneburg. , .. -
• The el forged Tinegrove township will hold their;
election at fife house of Kenfirdy Robinson. in the bo.
‘..ropgh o Plnegrove : and the elector,' of the borough of;
rinegmre will hold their elections at the same house. • ;
• The ebletnie of Wayne township will hold their eiee.l
flour &tribe house of George Daman, in the, town ofl
Yriedeopors. ,
Thitel tor* of Washlrigton township will hold their?
generalelection at thapublie ionise of Isaac Batdorf, In I
said towhshlp. . ,
The el tors of Porter ..townsblp , will hold their elee-t
Bone at he School House, number tin said township...
The el *tors of ifegine towbstolp will bold their elec.!
Bons et, he house of Edward Osman, In said township. 2
The electors of iinbley township will hold their *ler:.
Dons e the house of Jacob Umbolts In said township.
The eiretono of Upper Mehantango township will hold.
their elections at the house of John W. Ilepler, in said
township.. .
The electors of Eldred ,township'will told their el*
Bona at the house rofJohn Weisel, in mid township.' J
The electors of Berry township will hold their else-,
'lions at ghe house of Viands Deo g ler. itt said township. I
The electors of West Penn township. will held their'
election{ at the' house of Gideon Whetstone; in said
. township.
• The electors of Unlit township will hold their eleto
Moe at Itito house of John Febstentoaeher, In said town
ehlP. ' • - . '
- The e onion of Rush township will hold thelielection4
at the house ofSemuel Davenport, In said township,, 1.
, The electors of blahanoy township will hold their elk ,
'- thane at the Masi. of Henry Snyder, in aid township. 4
- ' The e odors of the East Ward of the.Borfaugh of Mt
flex/wine; willhold their elections at the hone° of Isaac
The' rotor* oi
f the West Ward of the Borough of tit
nersvil . will bold their electionsat Oe house of Charied
, litehen.l . - ,
The *tore of Schuylkill township will hold their
election* at, the bonne of ilinenth' Bensinger, In. raid
township. .: 1! '• • .
• The lector of Being township will hold their elec
tions at the'bonee of avian( Donnelly, lit said tow*.
ship, I • ?...
The e/cetors Of the bormigh of AShland will hold their
eleetionitat.t tie house of Michael limn, in mid borough:
The elector* of New Bindle' toonshin will bold their the house now occupied by Ephraim Philip!,
in the frwajoiNew Castle. ' . .
Thai elf...tors a Branch township will hold their eleri:
' t e ns at the'. bonne of 'William Miller, in
. I ., he town of
Lleatelitit,.. , : , .Y . :
The eleitoriof the bmouelt of. Pert Carbon will bf 4 i
their toted imrs at ihe Pori Cartgwiltonse, Ito said borough. ;
The i,bietor*:, of East Norwegian toten*hip will hold f
their ell clines it_ the house lately occupied by Win. Co t
Bart...rola suldintenshipt - . : . . • r
The electoritiahNorireciait township tail hold their [
.elcetione at fiarg :Park : in aid ton whip, at the bourn ~
now oeupleoy B.F. ' • .a .
.• • -
..-- ... i !
OBER 2. 1858.
Theelectore of , Blythe townebip will hold their elm-
Hens at the house of Daniel Randenbush, in the town of
The electors of Treiriont tolerable will bold their elec.
ri id the house of Edward F ; Wiest; in the town of
The! eleetors of the South, Ward of the boroSch of
porteride, will bold their electiono at the bootee of Jos.
Yeeer. i
The eleeters of the N tur d
orth West rd in' said liamagh
will bold their elections at the h e el. oriebn Ben In
The electoce of the North Kist Ward Indoild borocrgh
will bold their elections at the boom of. l'atriek Cuts ,
in mid ward.
The elector. of the aliddleWard In raid Eargagh will
bold !bele elections at the houseof John la said
ward., - • t••• • e
The electors of the borough of Taltieterltill field
their Cam-liens at the house of Da nkl,Derrtopitri sold tro
rgneb. • .
- 'The sissies of Foster
township will budd their rime
Alfonso t Hie beano of Joseph Bellner. In said townsbigre
" The 'leiter' of CAM township will hold'their elect loos
at Hui house of A - rebibitd7lfltter, in sold township.
The erectors of the northern distrkt. of. Cass township
will held their elections at the hone lof Patrlcic (Argo I
ner. to raid township. I - I
The electors of Buller township will hold their elee
`. the house now occupied by Jamb A Sehlestaani
In mid township, , t
rti;eleetom of Fridley township' will bold their elee•
tiopalat the bootee of David Landloch to Motown of Don
aldson. in raid•fiurtirhip. • . -
The 'electors of South Hanbefira township will hold
tbelrtelections at the publk hones now occupied-by An-
electors of the North Ward of the borough of a-
Smola will bold their election: at the public house of
Mfchael Beard. to said ward.
electors of Ihe South Ward In the Borough 'Of TRa
maq4a • shall hold their electiolos at the Union Hotel,
kept iby Henry Kepner. in said ward. •
The electors In the Diet Ward 'in the baronet of re
madam, and those rexid , ur north of the Sharp Mountain ;
In'the township of West Penn, hereklfore rutingst the
RUMP School House, In the borough of Tamaqua, 'boil
Mild; their elections at the phblie house of tLewis it
Burbler, in said ward. s • -I •
Alio qualified riders of that girt Of North elan : helm
township. who formerly voted In the SUuth Kara: in the
losuagh of Pottsville. and all .41tat tenitery on tale , east
side et the rirer SchnylkllT. an& within ,the Penman
elartion line. the southerly line of the borough hf Patti.
'Die, and the old liries of thaw township of !Wertheim;
whore electors hare hitherto sided :in the Norwegian
election dlstriet, stall hold their election at the public
bade of Georgd ritp,dn'raid township.
iThe qtaalitird,Totent in that part of Berth lianbelm
tag imbfp, who formerly xoted in An: bormtkh of Or
wig sburg, 'ball hold their elect ions et the house of 'Autos
140frman, at L'irolingellle..,
Irbtere of Ntath Hanbeictr township. net
ettlVraced itithat held their election. at
tbilhouse now kept by Hen. Susaniut.Stoyer, to , raid
;The elector s of tile North Ward of the borough ofSt.
ICIail• will hold • their eleetioris St. the pullie, boni4 of
Jon thaM,lohnson. IS said ward 4 '
T e electors of the South Word of t ;the 'borough oil
mil. will Bold t heir el ectiou ft attbe palate house of John
Yeti. In said ward.
Tbe•electors fq,the borough i;fituburn will hold their
elections at thadiouse of Sthion Moffmanein sal& he
r rtmgb.,
1 The el.? , tors' of the South Ward
,in the borough of,
Sehityltill flatten will bold their el ections at the public I
,tioupedt Edward Boyer. Inyataborengh.
' Tlfe eieeinrs , of the Fast Ward lu sildbugh !
hold theidelecttone at the public bouie"of oro
llThe elea , rs-Af •the West Ward: In alid...boreugh, will
old" their elections 'at the public house ofJohu
I TNe ob.:tors of the North Ward will bold thelrelee.
tlonsat i fie public-hods. of Nal hen Hats • .
'l l lt able!) time and place are to be eleett4 by the free
nien of the County of Schuylkill. to wit:
1 One person for MEURER of the house of Represents-1
,t 114... of tho United States, tp repreient the CA.ttgremtlnti,
rll tttetriet cdtutneeirof &huylkifl and Northumberland
Coduttes. - , A
; One person to MI the office of JUDGE of .the Supreme
Cotirtof Pennsylvania,
' One person for CANAL COMMISSIONER of the Con
mmisyealth of itennstlvania. ' •
One personVrepreaera. the Count yl of Schuylkill in
ille•d}..AlitTE of Pennsylvania. : " I
„Three persons for 31ENBERSof the Rouse Of Repre
sentatives of tffe General Assembly ot Pennalratria. to
reptet.ont the Conety otSchrtilkill In the Ilb.nse of Rep•
resintatlrea of the General AfArmtly of Pennsylvenla.
Cleo person to falba loth° kg SIIERJES of the Conn.
tt f somyiktii.
J One Iverson to till the oIIicertiCOOKTYCO3I3I.ISSION
. Elti for. the County of Sehuy I
One person to till the. olllcsof DIRECTOR OF VIE
POOR of the County ot Schuylkill.
,' One person to till the office of AUDITOR of the Conn.
ty of Schuylkill. • •
_ _
no the qtuilified eleetore of Schuylkill musty ire to
vote st the maid elettion in the manner preNribed brthe
find section:of the net entitled -r.A . h.Act Itrgttlating the
.tnsoner of voting rat the general tdection In the counties]
;or iWnyne , fnd Schuylkill," approved the 4th day of
Apelt, A. It; 1557; which section - le In the 'Words fallow- 1
ing. to wit 't
WThat from And after the pamiseprof this set. ft shall
h e laufenl ter the qualified tdeeniesediTsyneaud &Mut,
--klfroseesetkse so vote - nteheft , "geCtio' lreleettona for Goo
!erenr, Cane' Comouiesloner,Snefeyor General, Andlter
'General, Member or members of Congreer. Senators and
members of the General Assembly, upon one slip or t lek.
l et !and all county officers, including the-judges of the
:Court of Common Pleas. also-upon one eepaette slip or
1 ticket : Provided, That the ofticeSoi , *blob every candi
date is voted for shall be designated as required by the
le Aiding' lame of this Commonwealth: And Prodded
. , /either, That the Sfitte and County tickets shall each
1 beleo folded as to conceal the namts of t be pennons voted
Sfoi, and no the outside of this State ticket shall be writ;
~ ten or 'platted the'vverde-ae,State Mears:" and on the
1 out side of the County it icket Flinn , also be written or
• : prink l the words--County Of
. The genen si election to be opened between the hofirs
prig' and 10 o'clock in the forenoon:and shall contlnne
':without interruption oe adjournments:in tit 1 o'clock in
the evening, when the polls shall be cloned.
i In pursuance of an Act of the General Atwemblyof the i
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. entitled "An Art vela - !
Ilhig to the elections of this Commonwealth." passed the
!second day of July, A. D., 1839, notice is hereby given:
' "That the Inspectors and Judges, chosen as aforesaid: shall meet rat the respective placesappointed for holding
, the election In the districts to which they respectively
be. before nine o'clnolc in the teeming of
.the second
'Tniesday in Octrefee, in each and every yten r. and each of
'said Inspectors , shall appoint ono clerk. into shall be a
tphdified Teter of such district. ' ,kr r . ;,'..-- . -
In case the person who /hall have reeeleed the second
%highest number of votes for Inspector bbsal not' attend
on the day of election , then the person who shall have
received the second higheet number of votes for Judge
at; the next preceding election, shall art as Inspector' in
bk . place. And In case the person. wpo 'bail hare re
. sewed tins highest number of rotes fee Inepolcior ;hall
. net attend. the person elected Judge ahaliappoint an in
s pecter In his place, and to care Gun persoh elected Judge
shall not attend, then the litepector whb received the
highest number of votes shall appoint. a Judge In his
' place: and If any vacancy chill continue In the Board :
for the apace of one boor after the time fixed by law for
• the opening of the election. the qualified voters of the
township, :reeky* district, for which such officer shall
'here been elect I), present at this place of election, shall
elict one et their number to fill suit vacancy.
It shall-be the duty of said Assessors reepectlyely to
attend at the place of holding every general. epeeist or
leurnehip election, during the whnle time said election
is kept open, for the purpmne of gliing information to the
latmeeterneand Judges, when called on, in relation to the
001 of any person assessed by them to vote at such
eketion, and such other matters in relation to the as
174ezionents or intone as the said Inspectors or Judge,. or
either of them shall, from time no time require.
Iscriett no person that' be permitted to vote at any
' election as aforesaid, other limn a white freeman of the
age of twenty:one years or more, who shall baste resided
10 the State at least one year, and In the election district
*lore no offers to vote, at least ten days preee ing such
election. and within two years paid a State r Connty
taxorhich shall hare.beeir neweseed at least t days be.
knee the election.. but a Citizen 'of the Uni ed States:,
who had pre ilously been a qualided voter of thia.State
atoll removed therefrom and returnind,and who shall-have
resided In the election dist del, and paid tax as aforesaid,,
shall be entitled to a vote after residing in thins State six!
nionthe; provided that the w him freement citizens of the
United Slates, between the ages of twenty-oneandtwen
tY-two years, who have resided to' this State one yes
and inthe election district I dip* aforesaid, shall 1,1
'entitled to vote. although th
shall not havepald taxes.
person Shall be permitted Parole - whose name is
.not containedin the list of tenable Inhabitants furnish
ed by the Coottnitelonere as at *maid. unless find be pro
,duces a receipt for the payment within two. *yea re, cf II
Stare or County tax eanneesed agreeably to the conetitn-
Gen, ant orisons satisfactory evidence, either 'OO his own
oath, or anirmetion of another, that be bas paid such a
.tax, or on - failing to produce a realm. shall, tonake'retin
to th.gioyment'thereql: wr eel:cud. if he cialtisa right to
Trete 11: being an elector between the ages of twenty-one
and teen tplwo years, be shall depots.. on oath or shim*.
tlon that he has raided in the Elate at; least ono year
next before hie application. and ma ke.such proof of roe. ,
iffence in hie district as le yequited by Ibis act. and that
he du* eerily believe from th e account gi 4en hide' that:
he is of the age 'Remold. sod utensils:ls other evidence!
as lirrequired by.this act, whereupon., the name of the
person's() admitted to vote. shall be inserted In the al
littabellestlist by the Inapectone and a note made ppm-,
site thereto by writing the - synod "tax ”if he , shall be'
admitted to vote by reason of having ;mild a tax, or the
Wood *sage." If he shell be admitted to rote on amount
of his age. and in either ease the • reason of such vote
shall be called out to the clerks who shall mark It In the!
list of Totem - kept by them... . • .
In all eases where the nameof the persowelaiming to
Vote is not foutedon the list furnished by the Commie•
stoners and Arrestor*, or his night to' vote, whether found
thereon or, not, is objected to 'by any qualified citisen, it
*hail be the duty of . the Inspectors, to examine cinch
person on cath as to his qualifications, and If be claims
to have resided within the State for one year ; or more,
his Cop shall be sufficient proof, thereot - but,he, shall
make proof by at feast one competent wltnene,'.who shall
iv a qualified elector. Shit be hes resided within the dls
tact for more than ten days :met immediately preceding
raid election, andahallialso swear that - his boos fide reo
Planets, in porsuanee or his lawful calling. is within the
district, and that be did' ot retakee In said district for
the purpose Of voting therein:. .
! I :ffretv person quali fi ed as , aforeeald, and who 'shell
make due prcot, - if required; of residence and payment
of taxes, aforesaltio shall be permittedijo vote In the
iownahip, ward arlfflittriet in;virbich he shalUiendtis.
"It any person :Stall prevent orsttempeto Present t any I
. Officer of, en election under ibis set front each
t ar
threaten tiny violence to any
ofil s
I erupt or Improperly Interfere with him
In the execution of his duty.or 'hail block up ot attempt
to , block the window or avenue toasty window where the
same may beholden. or shall riot/nutty disturb the prate ,
in such election or shell use or practice - Intimidation,
t hreett, force or tiolence. with the design to influence
'unduly or overawe-any elector, or to prevent him front
;voting, or to re'st'rain the fretudom of choice curb persona
on conviction shall be fined In any 1111 M not exceeding
!five hundred dollars, and be impriaoned ihr arty time not
!leis than manner more thantwelve months. And If It
. ;shall be shown to the court) where the trial of retch of
i fence shall be bad that the Wenn so Offending was 00
IA resident of the city, ward. district, township, where
I,the paid offence was committed and notentittedlo a vote'
I, therein, then on emit ict ion. be dill be sentenced to
'a fine of not less than one hundred dollars; end be itO.
.. prisoned not lon than elm months nor more than led
1 years,
9f any person or permit abet) make any .tet or Ira
gee 'upon the vomit of any electlon within Ms C 0113111011..
wealth,. or. Wean offer , to mats any aneir bet °roarer
!either by etwhal proelateat4 thereof, or by any wrlltie;
or printed adreettarnient, etedtana or invite any re.
Nen or permea to make each bet I)irager. upon comic.
1 .. lion thearof. be or they shall torten and pay three times
the amount oo bet or offered to be het" ' l . -
The lodges are tontake their !rearne for the reentyof
Reboelkll 1,, a t the Court Demote rotteritle. oul/RIDAY.
the 15th day of Qc ... tehar,LA, D., ISiti at 12, o'clock IL, of
lead der. • " ''' . - , , L • ~
I, °iron muter tny.Vetid and seat at, the .Sherifre Oldre,
t'ottcwille.'aud dated Brpt.3otb. in the 3 Niro( oor Lord,
if one numeral, elsht hundred 3114611 y eight, and eighty . . l
'wood year at Ihe lOdepeiniesee t4' the Malted States of
, • ati sate the Calitcairepia. •
EbesUntOfflre, MATZ. EAnqf
pt: 10, 16;;$. f
.•- • ,
, .
. ' Hew Two BOUloholds Became Que.
• Irs. Benoni. Benson way fat, t, r, and forty
totti;,. when,' her burbend,,,* sump i Bee= in very
o ,
go4tl cikutristateee„wae , calted 'train hie life lack'
rf.euntritin . ting to the generalinrification °flue
„kind. ; . Benson took refuge - Irons be:grief in,
i a *dill t i tage,' situated': on, the •pritoipal sheet
ill.O ! ;., :V.
• . .
At ilqt tie erns Inconel:Able; and die need. to
'‘"•?:?, wil . W.flrul„vnin.ellt:nhiteis, which carried coa
vietioWitio:t "is heartimf her`heerere, that nothing
litiqteqhbeghte of, her daughter Florence would
':'..irli ;tit ted.her from terininating bele:Menus
VI i t' Pt' w en then of,poiriai. . .i . • - . ,; , ,
)14.1 . esosi , was _;-eivall degree, ,
taller dategbter--srace in less -then' three mOntha
' she threw ; aside her , mourning, and become as
lir'elv - as ever. • • ,;• ;
- tiuthing ~ Florerice, she 1 bad new reached the
.. miteriage of nineteen, and began:to thinkcr
sefl marriageable. 'She was quite pretty land
tulerality'vell - aceomplished; se th - at her wishis
lel that Impeel,., were . very likely to lie fulfilled:
Just is* the wa y, lived Sqltireqililarlifinm, e.
viOnge lawyer, just verging Open- fifty;-with his
son Cherie!, who wife / about halt his age:” Being
" a jamig Man of apeenble extevior, the latter was'
toile a favorite with th,eyoutigiedie• in the neigh-
I . ldlitil.!: fi r 51 17
• buhood, and - amnsiderkd a in ,ten on ' parlance (cosanat . csr nd • -
c hTa Na illanSt - CO'• Airy eer7rfee eereen *M
in. i
seifously•entingletaandmight have remained Messesbarrens sTnthepeopleof , theUnite'
reified it not been ; for the sodden 'apparition, one Slateibelong the privilege, the right and thedutyf
ei rein', of Florence 'Benson, riding by on barge- to regulate their own affairs. ;"They n
beide. ' • ! appoint and
.watch overt' th eir own govern:urn;
It etrtick him at once that she was remarkably but they should insist on having nice lows faith.
grcettil, and-really quite pretty. Thereupon, be fully executed, grievbrice proinpily redresectl, an
cu'tivated het acquaintance with increased assi. at all times havo!sucli nolasures adopte d nee wouli
doity,aod after a while asked the fatal queetion. secese the ! goners! defence . and oral *rte! the
.. Flcrence answererb in the affirmative, and in- whole tom unity. : 1 -•I 1 1
stead or-referring him dutifully to her mother, The way i la do this. it d e . welt known, is •by the
hihtcd (trill a romantic young lady,) how charm . ballot boa: Every citi en should bat a • setilinel
ink it would be to into! away to the next - own over his own soverair I franchise, and einisidef
and get married, withoutanybody being the, every attempt to depriv ihiun of it, ortittrostitute
wiser. ' ' ' the elective right of tothig feeely an, independL
Charles Markham' caught at the hint, which entty, us treason to the State.' Such a crime vi o l
chimed with his own temperament, and! ho re - . ,lates the sovereignty, and ouglit to be is much de!-
, solved to adopt it. . tested aid pouisheil as lAroold's attempt to cur.
,fln order that it m
alight, be carried out with per- render (Vest Point, er the go . skie
ii. per plot of Gil
, feet success, it was resolved to seem indifferent to Fawkes to blow up-the giney4went in Englancli..
eili other until the day fixed, in order to word off ' But are' our citizens eternise enough to protec
any r iuspicion which might otherwiiii borouced. their high electoral privili.*e? 'Do Alley nut a
: ISo well were these arrangements earried out, low themselves to be distratiehired•byl party fill..
• thin Airs. Benson had no .surpicion of what was imam Mg, and- inetead of winching with Argus
Ig . on: • •' eyes over their individpat free born rights, dofti
• ot so with Squire Markham. Ile bad eh- they nut allow themselves to be tots on.tansperi
ta ned:* clue to the riffaie in some manner, to.that ml with and endanger the faithfultransmissiuu O-
W not only discovered the fact.of the elopement, theta to their posterity ?; Le t shei-frriede at elel,
kit even the very day tin which it was to oilier. Pons, the consequent . distrllsea in biseinees an
f"Sly dog, 'hat Charler,"theight ,he to himself, the increasing, heavy embarrassmentihnd distrust
as be set down before the tire i i his dressing gown 'of our citizens wha! fitao..that
~,,,there ismu -rented/.
aid smoking tap, .leisurely pu ff ing - away at a fat these growing evils, give , the hosybr.
• choice Ilarana. , "But I don't wonder at it; he Nuw, the truth is, -Meters. ;Edituu, iwe do un
'oily takes after me. Still I owe hlto - Poroothing detente° and betray. 'the trusta eoraniitted ( to us
fur keeping it so secretly Irtim me: It would be by one brave and wise Oncestore,lantil are under r
a geod Joke if I wore a little younger, to cut him mining the privileges which belong to our peace
o•t, as d marry her in spite of him.' .. ity. And what is most, remarkable, isi, the atiatb
• Squire Markham, who was one of tibia jovial, End Submissiveness with - which i we gut up wit
w dowers.
• who takes life as it conies. mused more; losset,, suffering and shanie,l . hetiped on us by a
and snore on tHis idea, stuck out by chance as it pack of hireling official s who;fatteu.sin rho spoil'
1 whre, fill he really-began to think it worth some. of our dearest interests. Is j there no pride, n
thing. . 4. ', independence, no moral courage', to In exhibit
After all," *hooted he,' "I 'con - not so old dal- by men who have the Sight Ito go 'to the, pone
et, or at least the ladies tray se.--and they ought without fear, and without being! 'swinilled out of
• nthe good judgeiin such matters. I have been.» the profits of their bard: earned Wage', merely to
bachelor a good while, and ought to have found be thought good DernoCrata or tranecendentifl
•• ant before this bow much more comfortable it Free Soil Whip? Why wiiiieut;trutlAinerieanti,
silo, old be to lame a pretty wife to welcome me native or naturalised, tube the troub le to count
hlwrie,,and do the honors.of my table, titans help the cost of flinging swity ithete rtychte ; • to tii!
. ute keep that rasit : ti Charles in order. Egad !Tee ! trampled under . the feet ail th ose they really
half a Mind to do it.", .
~. despise? ' .• - : . I.•' ;1 ;
i Squireldaritiato took two more whiffs; And et- '-.!'llo is *freeman whim the tenth makes , ' free!'
1 c aimed: . If this is so, let us see it realistdi, in greeters, If,
.. , "
. "I vow I'll do it." !"
• . as we have already statnd, labor Is tit life' of the
- What this myrterions IT woe, We will leave the cinotonwealtb, and deierves foSteri. g and-prir aders to infer tient 'his' very next anovetneOL-:- Jection from a Guverniient chuseh•be the peep.] ,
login': the bell, helnquired of the servant : -why do we-permit that life to hal betthjed by sl;;
1"Is Charles at home?' •- ; : ' ..
. Judas of, party demagogueisio ? That allegian
A "No 'sir," wae•the reply, "lie went out this morn- do the tree laborers of .1 enwsylrenitt,ior.any of1;•••1
Mg, and will be gone all day ." ' • ', er Statecown to any party' that dcfrriud. ;Ham f
4 1 olluotph I that'll do. So much Ibis better fur the ' -cleans of laboring. to !aileliiita ! e? ..:/stlie ,
my purpoßes," thought. he, *hen alone. Farmer any better offs being ab e 'to bey it'
I "Now I shall have the ground , left to myself.— foreign made coat a little cheaper,,lii " voting fr
Let! toe see; the rascal intends running away ! a low th rift; which ruins the consumers of h is
• sfeat•Thorsdey evening; and to-day is Monday.:.-- grain, fruit and vegetables, thaO he Witold be by
Irothing like striking while theliun Is hut. I'll giving an independent teete.forleuehla proteetron •
rite to. her in 'his mace, tellieg her, that Illness as would make him and ',them richer freer, and
o tared my mind, stud wilt go just at ! dirt kimet'. Mate comfortable cyst,' way rlinster this, ye
sitw, night. Sire Won't
,easpect• anything, '
midi! ' blind guidia;"whostrain• at a putt • ad swallow
the limit is tied; and
.then' whet a laugh 'we Shall a camel." Tell us hohistlY, if you', wish to set
hive:" , ~' i ~- ~ - • the priCe of i days table reduced to ten cent.; and
1 Squire Markham did 'net consider that it might corn, wheat, and other farm produce through
make a little difference to the bride expectant.— down fo price fifty per ieent: lower tfian•they at'
m e % considered it a capital juke
.on hie Con, bat OOP ? ,',Mllst our hitherto ; well-edirated, well
Looked no'forther.' - lle accordingly drew his *el- clad; cotulortable-liring mecluinies lie bleed oli
twig materials towards him, and indited the fol. like Caolies; In gauge, under task' misters, lo or
liming epistle: . ', : • . • ' ' der that. rich office bidders. and Sonthein sled
O!klietircst fforeace::-.I find the ,:day fixed for owners may get their fine brecd'elonie.und flaw 1
ur elopement on •some Recounts 'objeltionAble, lbg silks and Satins a little thelperiland ;b. !
cud would like, with your peimisrion, to, substi- labor! berproteoted while' foie latboreta are 'c i
roe to - morrow evening. :Jr I bear nothing from, ink? , These are no` idle Twirler.' TC, thiwt , 1
u, I shall . infer that you' assent to this arrange- - plosion mutt oe come if. last, hod isooneajo i,
Inset. I shall have A carriage in readiness under some suppose, if, frecnien;yint allow you,. .' i
the old oak tree at half past eight o'clock.- Tea be whipped or cheated:at the polls. j premed
can !walk there wlthbut attracting turpieion; end' Year first duty' ie fn understand leshatere ..i
as - there nil be no moon s we shall be able to carry ' your own interests. And here let 'mi..
but our plane without ! fear of discovery. _I am have to pro ect: ~. ..f,, 1 .: . i , demands
bappy to say that 68'C/overarm Ain't suspect 1 -Labor, the great staple Of bidehisibing bit
in the least that a is in store for employment. UnetnphiYed,',lt brittightly _ens.
tam. Won't he be ashamed? - , ' , misery, -want lied deteminliestiroa4 pragres-
Tone devoted ,• Cheater." :ployed, it produces wealth,' coadeounnon lease
. Piked !" said SqUire Markham, 'laughing hear- Imo improventeut. Taking, nu advantages 'of; I
Hy, rtbat isn't bad, especially about humbugging , view of what it demands; nrs•for productive I
me. /Charley couldn't have done any getter Itint-" feted in this vast country. of . a nd will of our
set f.",, • , • ' employment, and the!!eapstrge4 if they would
Ido saying he sealed It up and vent it aver by A yeople to improve these edit therm tights un
little Irish buy iti his employment; having first only uuderstand and imais; is thers, l f ean there
--Marked "private" in the corner. .. - • trammelled by pity ticly a sty, aaWailerceureer f
. i "Ile carefuLlilike, to give it to Mita Benson, be any doubt, that Arodretet.for she C 4 , 4 1' 4441. " t '
eind don't lot any one else lee it," was the patting au fatale..rage of wear', tii-priglacts of profile-
. Injunction. '• •
_. ..! ..-, , • of slicersifled lobar ,4,,,erre . e Trod+ arhome,
A • Um. Beason was sittit g in' her quiet parlor, /de ittctusky and unr4or dm benefit o f our own
11 .-
,catting her eyes over w late number of ibe Arlen- ari - Iftst tb be ptersttlyfog idle, or working for .
lie Monthly. Florenceiseing absent MI a shtipplog free Chigoes histel e ertala rite of wogee to en"
esceirtion, sbe was left alone:., Tbeeinging of the a low,
limited :Minato qiesseased of .enslaved
{bell brought he f to the door. With surprise she rich foreign !cfdierl!%This. is the . Ocistion.—
!!sew that the person who rang the bell - iraallike, Chattel or peon t k y,tini• people fheuiselves, not
}Squire Markham'. "boy of all waik." •- - Let it he stored.
,uvlersign Free Tirade hire
; .lileate ma'am: l /Q hei-holding not tee mhi- by the cotton k• .. : ' I
itiec.s"a letter for' ,Illiii Beason, ate lea very par- lingo. ,I. copper. Iron,! Coal, Sand, Clan!!
'titular that Abbody- elle should *ea It/ . -,- •• •- -"- Gold, SIL; 10 , and A thiinseno ogler native!,
i, Tho air of..toystary convoyed in!this character- . Marble, c,,, r sail, heThies COttoti. TO.noece. - lintil
.iistic address aroused Mn,, Benson' curiosity; es- products o labors skill en!' i industr y't o - brin l
[peel:illy whets she pestered that It Was Addressed •Rice, ill i se Med ,!'#ut ,unnutaisis Are. crowned I
i ..
(to bar. daughter, and, bereaif , is she sup. theist it,risi isait. and' Slin": 1 U every "Miler kind
;posed. She. returned to the parlor net teitted• with I - to /strife nevightian 'fur till v/41 want and'
'the MAg2121136 t • that bad lost Its attreetiona. ! ! of liff a I_
~ ,_. t itilirisild besides, if wanted, and in s
1-. "What in Ihe World - enn it be I.".she thnikeld, hari o d oda* ijay. baste we.tloPtoitioot formic '
I "that they- * so" secret about It I'. : Cut ttio;iginettorkinCit at home, if Ise glare not in: l ,
i Florence be efteryieg on a eleadestine eerrespoi. Pr o ,' sefsg by dear-bought foreign articles thiii
I dente? It may he-.sumething that I ought' to tito nettekint or could!inake ourselves if fairly!
! I
know:' - ;.. ! / ! 1
! . '
bre ei.
; • , Stitsolitid lty ! her feminine curiosity , Veil. Bei. ifejtaied .we eerier , f etl i flui d t e i 4l n !r" '
son speedily
„duet ;sea Would be false to s ok, an wrought • info Inkets, 'ls *bout aunt
; the respartaitillitiei of A patent if ihedid nut sio i sipt fotriga lahOr
4 ravel the mystery. ,• • . - 1 „4r tistoithr by their hiliotatitt'skilretiuld make
and akill'arblei/tO it, abed
l ; Fileresatmetty doing!" die eitlaimed,sia IP', I %It i . K . piu a articles and tsupport the ! rgradves and .
i +tithe cotild-..reeorer. breath: "Sol Orinoco 1, Ildp support otheni at hintle ?;
1 OiSig to run iniy,aud get married to that •Cht o Os: be bought ' Abroad, or or INireelain.or
OS is hi, rhouldt , af
i .10/I:ei , haw. - without ecs. math. as hinting it we Itsarthenware, the ekue'ot whirls euntists almost
' d 'arid; thi
1 4 e2 ''' ' '. '''' .• ' ~i . -- ! entirely in labor, erli n lois have t h e la s h . ,
i f him Itentd her heed iapon bee hand - omit ,- - " • ! - I ; c • . l
1i • . , • ' _ . i . i f
„.,_• , . , . - i i I i ”l• '3l
;: ~ F
':)aß~'u. ~ .Y !. T~ ,1 G"'4:S:wWIS Ju4i~S.~
... ~ r..F
_ - ~
_. .
fivorbauging of the banns,.
whirling of the plane. .
• lib, entibing or, thi busy saw, -• • • ''-' " , " 4- -.- '.'
. .
The analog of the crane, . •!.-. ••••: - .
ringing of the anvil. • . . •,
~••••‘......! .
• ..... l'hs graft's; of the drill,
. .
!; - • detrain/otitis tinning lathe,
The whirling of the to .- - - '- -
Wising of the, ertetiks The •
tiling of the tome; -
the pang of thwatisiess. '
'c.Tbsidan's tontlusel.hotad.
I Viti"elloplog of thistalioe tt eheers,:.
, Tbe driving of the awl, •
' ow mounds of honest Industry
I ,
Ice.--I brothels all. . .
a clichini of the Marie We, •
• The earned talk of - two. ' , , - •
, . n tolling of the giant press, .•
• Tb 6 Snatching of I hi•pen,
1 e tapping of the yard stick,
'atm/tinkling of the scales,'
The whistling of the neeillo ' . •- -
l{When no height Cheek It pales.)
- . ) ,* The bummlug•of the cocking stove,
• ' ' i The surging of the broom, - • . •
1 'The pattering feet of childhood, - •'
• Jim honvewites busy hum,
• ' ' TO* bunting of the scholar, z. , 1 •
The teacher's kindly tall—' •••,.„."! • ' -i '
' •"•'
The sounds of ottivkindeldr, . ''''-`. . - 4 .
• •.1 ye-1 love them all ..
.... . , :.
'.* Me thelflowlfisn'iwtitetk , • , * ` .1,:i .. . _
-The newer rbeetftd - cdelk• , I."' ' - ''ckch..;:.
The drover's parepeated disk* .. -.;, -
.. i,•-• . !
. - fputribs WAWA' tatigi k ••••• .? -' ~
.' : - The.Lustle of The market Min.... 4: .. '.‘'.'
„ .As be bin; him to iSurfoltot ''.r - ' - ''. "!
::. 'The hallway's'. the terti4ver , ' ''",', ' '• •
.1 :•••,.
A. the rimant fruits of - docent ':"..7.,•• ' v.:
irbe busy 'Whit of theeetteng. : .
Ai - they theist) the elkned,tenin;
etie litmKeek joke and catch' o Ore • '
... ,' . "'Need( die mcmilightto ttiontsin; ' •
-1,.... The hind vole, of th e dreytosn, , *. ~
1... :, iThe shepbenrs inmlte tall— • `
r .11 hexer emendsof pteeietot Industry, •
1 ' ! love—i Imre them Ill..; '-. . ' •.,
~ , . flh- there Is a`good n labor'`
.. ~....! If we labor bur - arigid„. • .r ,: ! _ - !' •
... i '', • That gives vigor to the day.time, , , ;:!..., !
..," ; A sweeter deep af.nlght7; •' ' % -
• .1 7. - A..good thitt brin ge th pleaeire; , ~ ' "••••'
• 4 •: "Even to Ilie telling.. hears; : • 'J. ! ! ! " • !
i ! For duty cheers the,sPliit; . ' :1- - - . i:
• I
.") 'ga dew revives the.doelne: - - •
~,,,-, • ' -Then say not tbet Jehovah ' .•
-- i• ' thee Isboria• p'0.211, . - • . ' - •
1 Not-='Tis the rieheat merry
. pron,l6-e cradle:to the tomb; •
„Then let us still bidolog . ! • i, . .
..W.lnttet.r we lindAS do, .. .
• ' .. - .liilth choerfulAapeful spirit. • -, ,
,-; " A.nd free Wind, stroog sod true.'' ' ~,,,
A '094 csltetili.
• • ,
• . . , _ •'
to consider. 1114 was naturally: la ,
teilnk of
her ownasairlage with the {late .24r.-Beaioa, and
thohipplbere et her wedded life, and.abe enure
not help beating a sigh at t o reeellection
"Alt i. • t
"A I abutyr to masa a that solitary r she
thought... "Ns half a mind mist to siniss the letter
. 2•sn
to Iriorenne, but to run away with Cherie toor•
row - night - on - nay own 'maggot. It's odd i 1 eau%
persaidi him 'bat the atether'aiet es . as the
doOgiatT;" and she gtaneed eomplemily at the
stiltattraetive face and form selected from the
mirror.. • . • - • ! 1 I • ;
, •
• Just than she beard the door open and . Florenee
entered. She quickly crunipledep the letter ' arid
. thrust it into jeer pocket. Florence and Ch arles
did not meet daring the su&seding day, ahietly in
pursuance of the plan theylagreed to, in !order to
avoid snspiclou. •• 1 •
Squire Markham acted loan exeeedinglY strange
manner, to blimp's thinking. '. Occasionally he
would burst into so hearty &ugh; which be would
endeavor to stipple's. and fpace' up and doe xt the
room, as if to walk off south of his subersibunddut
hilarity.' • 1 ' - ,
. "What's In the W indt" thought Charles to hem=
self:' "It met be the Geverner!s getting erasyt"
Something was the tuatter,l . beyond a doubt. • But
what it itrally t was, he bad not the fainteSt conjec
ture.-, i- - : . i -
. At the hour specified, lb" Squire MO his ear
rlsige•drawn op at the appointed' rendezvous. lid
hegeul o peer anxiously: fa the dirklui Porgies.
-At length a feurahfortn,),lll muffled up, made
fie ip`paiironee, Thanking:her-in a eery ow wh Ito 1
• .per,•leir it Might be.-suspected that he was the 1
wrong person, he helped her inoilloseurriage, and ;
drove uff., „ •1.
Dim ~, , . ; • '. 1
.. 1
During part of the -„ journey nothing was said.—
Beth., parties 7. were desirous of concealing their
identity. At length - Squire Mari hatisidonsideritig
that after all he could nut merry the tidy without
her consent, and that thediseovery 'ustiSt bitnade
before lel irriage, dee.detlt!to 'reveal Ihimeelf, and
then urge his own suit se lien ei he might.
"My dear Mistql.reoici," 14, eontinMpd,ln his
natural voice.. .. . : -.. ,„ ... i
!*Wbril shrieked the WY, "Ltht. o l l3 it v i m'
Charles." • -• I '
~ A nd I," said SqUire illarkhate; recognising
4lri. Benson's voice, s•thouglit it wee ;Fluosoce."
• "Was it you sir, who was arranging to 0)14
with toy daughter?", . i l' i , . -
• "Nu; but I coneindeAt was yo ; to 'am, who
was meaning to elope:with my son.; -I
M • .•
• "Indeed, Squire Markham, you ere 'w ong; die f
efreir coming incidentally to tarknoisledge, I con- f
eluded to take her place iacreq, 14 order to !rot..
trate her plant." . . ' '•.. - t• 1
. j, •
- t.Bgad ! the very idea g• had ralielf saidthp
* Squire, lnughing4 "hut the' fact it Ma nut, we've
both ,of us been confcium4dly *Old; and the mis
chief of it 4,1 Imre, lelt.a letitir fiir c •Cl tales, let
ting lam know it; so unlloubtedlr'he will take"
the opportunity. to run MI with ll,;ret(ee during
our absence ' and plume biinself, the rasitat, on the
way is which I was-token; in.! , I - -
"I euless thdt I left a note for rbk nor to the
some purport. - New ihe viiii'linst,N et iII. What
an ' etnbarresstueni r i • .i - •.! • i.
"I tell pm- whati" , saiiT the 13qn,ire, after a me
min i's• pause, " we Can carry dot - o,or plans.- after
all. 'We seed mime out•with the iMetition of get
tifieltutrriee••• ,Why not I enntiy each. inher„, avid
:then you know, we - con mike theuilbelif vs we.hatif
11 in view all Moog nod odly intended to frighten
them." 1. - 1 ' `, I
Mrs. Benson 'nomad with • a 'little oiling, sod
in•the course plan hour the toil% arereluiarle one.
Thtb itntnediately returned, htit'Llnhod, a they an
tieinated, that -Florence Mid Charier, iseuveringf
their 'departure, had theniselves stepp d o ff in ai
t it
different direction, with aisimilar _lntMit; • i
They' made their.appet4ance: till next morning;l .
,pre p ared t. ;laugh heartily ifir•ihe Irnitiated plans/
of their parents, but learded Within° little eaten- !
isimient that they loud itrtielt dP a bargain for
themselves: Squire dtlarihatk, and hiv new wife'
had the nddress to cousin - iv the, that it was all it
premeditated .plan, and fu- thVi day the younge
pair ; are ignorant of the,i.plcit and e uitter-plel
tr birh•led to thisdoublii•tridOp of the o honse
holds. • • 1 t• • - I -
-~c~, scat. ~'
. r . • 1
- • .
• .
. r •1 ;
I-.: • • :- , . i -
ilay, which by our own lahor. and skill could be
Made into sneh article* as Ilia wish mad, out of
them?, So ot Iron. Copps:grand other articles,' 2 5
Well to th» native products t c.f .otiv farms. Intl .a a
Wool,llides,aterop,.te., &e., the manufacture of
Which would einploy . hood is of thousands snore
.lalteren thaqwe now havd at hetes who Would
eon:unto all ear farmers coeld raise of grain and
'prevuitons at fair exchange prices, atesoillls If we
had a ipermatieet and adequately. Protective Tar
.OM But I nine; quit - these familiar illustratiuni
• and quote fi4ins 'the address orthe Home League
!loth* Petipl, of the United thaws in 1842.-
1, - "When a emintry gifted as ours has been by the
beneficent bounties of Providence, posiessing
• ieverilidvaniage of sell, climate, free institutions'
land tie hlesSinge of profound penes; and* itself
i Red in its onward career,. its consoler°, hew
guistiing, hi agricultural products a burden, its
interital iniprovements suspeoded, its rcinufacter
!lag and lathering • classeslwithout adequate sin.
ploy*ent,no4 the credit of the general govern- ,
itnenterippled-or repudiated;' it. Is certainly th 6
I'duty. es well is • the privilege of an Associative,
1. constituted Pia' the 'Home League is, to Present
rtheir 'views 61 the'publictrith the hope of railer.
log vema °Chi° existing Tits.. • ~,, et- .• .
But our couhtry is laate4tably divided by !war
Iprejuilices.iprodueed in, some measure by seem
; tngly antagniilatio; intsr;ts. The machinations
of political liteplritnts, k ed• by foreign and'see.
thmal indullitceiti have a - constant tendency le'
Par 2l :3 4 e tb2 free potion of 'the people and to sab,
fvett ;the public good. the. obstreee dogmas of
political ecohlimy, -under . the spaded* name of
i Pavel Trade; an; • artful eouthined with party
,I"crecds and tidlidal promi es, , so is to Inducts our
eoutirtneoftohrow sway their .eleethre franchi
ses f ritliatiarhieb prutit4h them nothing. Thus
our national interstataare prostituted and one woad
f almost 'elites,' that we •werarsistreely . able to
IWalk(withuitt the aid of ;party leadintetriert or
I foreign ernlchis. To be really free, sovereign
1- •
and indepepdtiOt, to elOstim national defeat. as
much i tigift•4ll that of Individuals, to bai, a'
hem, and i, Po:O re
alley of. ou i own:: deleg oar , -
rigirdi f and ilirateetion,. is damned transcen
..r,' te: ;0 • • • ' TocoinGer thie fatal
I• deluSion, 4„e4 I lie sego t you. attention to the
I folloSsing'(utitong otber)involations passed at our
1 last euniversary. "..•
ero/i4d; That our rat duty,' American ‘iiti
sons Isa;pfetirenee to be 'Country which leg the,
f land of our hi th or the home' f our_eliolce, end'
that Iwo are Pined steadfastir to .maintain those
PrinP'Ple° t brh will sidkance its prosperity,! One
Of these Prole pies, we Uelieve to be, that o
taring alktile industrial pursuits and nsefe 'arts
thatimaytetnd to our .1 pport .and tOdepen one')
as aination; This ,eon ntion,, therefore, o enly
Jo i
takeS theigreend. that all the revenue! neat sary
-fur an eeonpOiral and Inhere! udiniiiiitratidn- of
the (lovei•Mnot shoeldit levied by" discrimina
tingldutiestfor the protection of, American irides-.
- try, the eneoulnigement 1 the Useful arts; and the
supOrt of ;cou national independence.; _
'•lesolcid; That su protection is- right in
pri eipht as e ll as practice. ' Every nation that
i ado ts. alit tolice - advlpnees In
,eivilissition and
r i
,Indepehdeace All,whi neglect and abandon it,
'either remain poor or ignorant, or nitrograde hip'
lharharity.l , ' . ' 0, C. 11. ,
'...- Tree:oo,lN -
11 ge ADTIERTMES of siti ENO!! PI
f 7 It 4"••••• tl 1
. tillOW:RlCDagurwotrials Witte - .
Early 1) 1 .1111S Spring of 18 . 0; tilde - attired at
Sec York; ta out of the Canard st Mors, a fam
ily lot four persons, viz: Mr.. Gteysob, • his wife.
hell l Maid, pity Apo bielliron, and ilall. 'clerical )
looking man, named .Stark, a sere , .consin of
'lllri.: theywuted. The Allreysons . ho “resided for
'malty ,eirs in, or near a village 'of Devonshire,
Enland. lintil.they received a viait from 'Stark,
nth had 1 Sad in this Country since 1836, and who
per usieditheui to Pen their farm and cows to
America, ringing with them' a girl brought, Up
in , Itbe lit ily, and whose nano) Twos Mary Ann .
kloi.ii•on. - On ,reachlng New York, a mansion in
Third.Ar+Pue was secvscd, and fUrnished plitinly
forrtheir treconimodation, and the four immediate.
ly look riresolon of it, - Nttryeetiritt as cbtitaber
tuald,Wnttoeticpyitrtholliceof's favorite do:
tuebtie. In 1858., Stalk-persuaded Cireyston to id:
vent* hiseveral thousand doll:lie, representing
ri4 n , one fin apecalation was offered , in , e t the .
Western tates t l So completely had. be 'monad
lolls the ebnfidence and respect:Pt the English- . 1
men. that the latter scrupled not to aceode to-bit
whin, and, with a lull pocket, St k
„departed for
tlit West - Ain:acing Mary a hands *no present, and
arron.siti 4 With her for a eoiresp ndence between
; .
them. Nothing was; heard of him for men,
inoirths, - ard . greyson began to:f 1 uneasy 'hoot
bittioanec funs,, until August' of the last year,.
when belrrottie Mary, stating that he had.been
very rucerssfuT, but was engaged ins burliness-that
rerluireddri et•nstant attention ; end , therefore he
could- nu leave it ;: but wished. they would all
cable tohitn, and wound uwith alllowing rob..
giam of thellient West. 'S p- ta i rk . afeowroleto Mr.
Uneyson,thegging laity to leete.-Ifew tork, end
.1..: him it Cincinnati on the 112th ollileptember,•
•a• said hi. "I shall be there on business at that
; di l e, and I know that if Alri,areyrop; Mary and
- No rrelf; b ould once be in - th e ' West, you would
nerer wi4s to leave. it." Being _rather wearted',
with kllehrss in the Empire City, and finding hie
wile antilhlary eager to sea "what a prairie is."
th eor.fiding slim of 'John Bull •hscl an. :met!
sae of his chattelsoind havingteceited a gum
Rll a ln
therefrnm, started: ver the Erie road on I
fr y to kiin 'the speculating Stark. ,Accordire 1
n greemenh that personage met the tntvelersA c!
Btirnett Nottre,in Cincinnati, and forthw i th "
(elded his lames to the. family. They. iar• ~.,
an isnutedla e journey to Salt Lake City.• /..: '
ty quite en oaten to the Greysone, sod ter'j
wi tingly Kell into the trap. -,..-Tbe s p e ok!s.,- 4 .-
th t ho hitkparch 0
ntiad property in . 1 '. ;,
A terice,!and would seillt at en stlro",4 / 7
I . rat bundled Pit mintage; ' All was ~..,5
' ~ i
pe by Oivieets, and in high spirt . ' , ..1
crossed thelaias, - qtark 'paying oar r .' I
'to Mary till he while. and studi os t !'i .. :.
bcr ereri•er tat.' '• , - ......: tore'',
Witholft giving further detrl'.' • peculiar
,th t the firm' nines soon disor , ..,! ° ": , ' •' 11l bitterly
'in titutiobs f Brightin V -,0 P •; er Greyson
eat red their deceiver; but 0 !"• 7 ', • .1 when he
hei bin d toe jeetioa to n 5, ,4 ,: , - ted In town
brand that his money kale',4llls wife' 'hired
his, be became. toexelsa l u,, , ,beld, , But
all immediate addition 0 . - ' Stark openly
Pohr, lifar,b , eras the gr.:.," . W. declaring that
friiiwpd Ns feally t ..''; 'disciples long he.
bel hailsten one ofi r ''' - d sternly informed
. itS
- fore he Visited" Fi l .. - his wife, according to
Miry that sbe,uo l " ' 1 11gb Priest, Tbe Da:
the eomniund i;fl:' ' 'his tnsoleace with 'so'
vonehire itnelde ke rim her, and sto appealed
• snitch far, th.:;isdng that he would call, the
,to(ldr. 0 py, -.. . giT if. But tbere,itio was mill
i intoner lb elittiee before statetf,the English
I Jaime; bin 'kid the novelty of Mornian 'natl
rumor r4t!e,ill4..edriperl Ler to beionte one of
t , - ruilone, sli!at,demestie drudges. Mary next
r t' ther lel of Mrs. prey -ion). bpi the
. putir .
I. • 00 , ght 0, I l iait.brliken; and 'seen Nand rest In'
I "wpotro from the lime of herldeatii; the best,
1 the,s'arklotrard Miss Motrisenbename insup.
r ins: Jr., apshe determined to' y, ye. the
a Killed_ s fixed fot her sealing te the grey
I aid fibert ne. We next behold her wandering
t Vibe prairies like a hinted deer, turning-Pale
el 'irdry whisper of the wind; and living on . heti
i. t a t; I ra, She bail roamed thus, neariy two day i,.
trbentthe pursuers, the heartless !Danitee, caught,
plakt,e; her.; and with loud ?haute, adrineed to.
ward her. With a scream or - anguish; the: incur.
Pinata girl fell ' l the ground , expecting to feel
their 'hands Imo her. the next moment, when .a
tall, tistsky tl;,, sprang from the long grass to
whet+ she _lay agghtiter up, bpre bar to a - wild
looking mustan that stood in tbe shade of an ad.
jaceWt tree, leaped with her lean, the ,saddle, and
1 ri;debff on the wings. et the air; just as the die.
i aPpointed '",avengitsg angels came tip, sending
the War whoop of the Daeotahs dow,n - the wiad.—
In eXplanation, of this romanticiffoir, tie never
, sary ko ray that the Indian had. been :Watebing
Mary for some hours previous. and divining from.
i her ietions :that she' dreaded pursuit, bad - staid
I near lend rescued her, as abave piloted. - Ou teeny.
f .
1 ering her souses, she fogad herself in lbw camp of
I ColonelrJoitniton, attended by her deliverer, who
I spoke very bad 'English, but woe' nevertheless, a
;vetylcolnelY fellow to look at. Witbout relatirei
• or friends, in si strange place. and without money,.
-theettentiobe of the Daeotah bed ell the weight
f be iniends they should, and at the expiration of
a week kora the day 'Of- ber arrival' In Out camp,,
' Mary Ann Mortise was married to the red man.'
Hare we clt'se tbi carious nnrrative, the , truth of
whi bis et este by Lieut. I)—=, of the Volun.
teer Teias Regiment no w Ger the way to the camp
inUtah Territory. - -
. - ! ......---- f i , -a 4*. -
• [i ‘17.0 wolen1161011.":- ...
Within altar or two of the birth Edmund
Borbe, • Ifrenebwomnn, - Madame 'Violent., bad
en in Dame meet of the same city.—
Ileiaventi l on was 'tweeted to IR very graceful girl,
whent the r ebserrod with a pitcher um her bead,"
dally i k7airYing water' 'from the Liffey,and whom
sh 14411 . 6110 on inquiry,. to be , the daughter of •
pour lekluiT who kept Angell grocer's chop end.
took lu winking .on Ormond Quay. Instructed
br;}hii kind patrOoese, the beautiful child played
PeWin ilme“Berrars' Opera ," achieved a signal
11G/FOlO, and became tba talk of the town, This
trips the first introduction to lbe siege •of the
+kits?* wbo;;es•ldargaret Wodlngton, became so
widely colebieted in England and Ireland. She
woe undotibtedly moor tie Must fetch:tiling *m
en f her day. .Tall 14 bar funn..sind with-the
roo t. gusetful proportions... eyes - as , black• as jet,
ecnr tparliting with atiitiation oiad overarched by
el brows lit..qtaeo - soft,- full, and' deiicate,- it nose
ter ;ling to the aquiline, rich liskr.'haltging . is
pr orlon runt& a finely .mouldwf neck, full'of
life; full 'of humor, and 'full of Intelligence. the
%%MI the envy of all ir.itueu, and appeared formed
' loteaturetu trio llos heats - uf nil mon. Though
N 0 .40
- 4:
J., Sept.
is itio.*l.l'
IlaTteirproeursd tbrcs l! are nay I
ob}e4w JOS 44 tic* pia finild
411011110eiptth iailluorie Joausixolimint taulik r
It CIO ike dons at any other satablisiossat is tits teen Iyi•
i sfeh as
Dieu, reins " t. " BIM d'.4lPaity, t
<, • Lpxm i tzt ; ,... Altibtori vpr lTZ. ; ,.
Articles it/ Aprenteil, rits* AWN • •
an ?iv", _ . Order - Bag% 4 - 1 1 N •
.A; "m 7 simhot I;;; 4 1: 0 111.' ate* of Jett TTPX t.
image Sesotho than Meat mey other Oka Ilklsrase.
litte OM, State; as 4 V 9 /1•91 k 1911119 / 9. l olo Mt"Priali -
OV Jab/4. Brien I practice Miter awiel4 Tr tell
suarsotee Qui work to be as seat et any Outt ton be
teresdoutie Mk& PlaMisti IN 001,01 t. dole
at the .beast sake , . • • • ; . •
looks bound la 'leery tseloky oestylo. Moak books
al ovary doseriptlon tossubetiged, bosod and ruled to
order at skoviAst notice.
she oCessionally played lady Mieetalt, there sae
nothing tragic in her style. It was into ethandy
that she threw all her itxubereat spirit", her non.
.rat playfulness, and het untiring energy; pad she
delineated four different sets'Of weals ebariotere
which bad nothing in reommon. Elbe pintoalliedf
the ca. lady of fashion., with a greet. tut. int
dignity, which astonlahed' this" who hem her
humble origie.l . She petsoeldad the velgirity of
a city dame, with. breadth- and force at beater
which drew laughter and tears from ell eyes.—‘%
Site personiemian old women with all the gar.
feethiesi end Irritability of age; 'add,
what was then th ought extraordinary mignaelet;
ily : un the stage; that she might represent senility
more effectively, she did nut hesitate to bide her
lovely face under a hideous mask of paint, patch.
as, end panelled wrinkles. She personided a
young rake, so as to make women fall In love
with her, and deter Garrick from ever acting the
part of Sir ferry Wildnir, after ehe had by her
ease end vivacity rendered it peculiarly her own,
lint eh* was sot • merely ea actress; the weiman..
- and not the.irtist, predominated to her 11644.-
While In the arra element of ell female hoothshe
iris Maid to be degolent, 'and _could f therefore,
'neither be truly verpedted nor rarely' loved, so
many romantic tales were told of her sytisPethetie
benevolence, and eaunideent charity to the deed.
tote who bad no other benefactor, and to the
wyetched, who bad no other ebeioler, that even
grill.e people could not bat pity her in her degas.
dation, and regret that, exposed as the hid been
to contaminating infiUMPOSS from bertaarty 'youtb,
with : none toadvise or direct bet unguarded steps,
the shadow of her view should follow : with'ennal
Kee the seduetivelustriwbieh her talenta,beepty,
aciompliahments, and impulsive generosity threw
around her, and all who came into her prawns*.
Afackalpit'a,Life egad Tinto of Edmund Parte.
Catalscr.—An extraordinary memorial bar heed.,
addressed by 407 Austrian priests to the author of '
'the Concordat, the . Cardinal Prince Archbishop of
Vienna. iii this 'document, the lower CAtholie
priests put forth their grievances in language, the
like of which has not been beard sines the Jaye •
of the Reformation. The memorial begins with .
a rough onslaught on the absolutistic preroptivai
of the episcopacy. • "This Concordat,, ` it says,
"has conferred upon the bishops_manyneri privi
leges and s largtinereass of power, but the priest ,
has to bear ,the whole odium of the Indignation
and of the mtjTa l resistance which the bated Con
vention has c ated among tbil people." "There
is no doubt," • doeument co ntinues is a entree , •
qoant paragrapb,,"but that our religion hais - her•
come the ohjectof uniiersel'derlsion. Tim Con : .
eoriathas arousedihe 'wrath of the moat teas,
rate men with respect to the antiquated, media la ,
ordinances of the Church, and the , indigos ion
against the executors of those ordinancee ea
louder and more universal from day today. ble ,
sentiment is the more dangerous et it spread,
among the main body a the people." •'The • Me
mortal complains of the wretched pity, (issalelltnee
less 'than that of a cato-driver)of the Iowa! cleat).
in eAsequence of which they are drlien to thet
collection of fees and taxes atiehitre the antes ,
of the most diagreeefel ;sad elirganing - etretticrta
with the people:...lieligied is that mada:til *filar
in the light of an insulfer,anhr burden, sad. agita
tors inersass the ill.feelhiery directing attention'
not to the penurro( the borer elergyi but. to the
luxury 'lnd, abottdaee•,4ol.lthich.tha.blaltepa are
revelling. In the next place the petitioners lay
bare the laziness of mookheod, and demand the .
abolition of these begging orders and the appro..
priation ;of. their revenue to the maintenance si
dle really working priest"- •
A more important demandlollows. It is fa the '
abolition of celibacy, on the ground of the imio- „
sibility of enteringinto the married state render/
the priest the victim of ruspicione, of Ptifetir
and contempt, and produces laxity rocagrt I.'
clergy - thus rendering them contribut4s to '
moral dissointion which Is invading even the;: 1
.• i
ulernlitises. '. Io conelusion.tbe ref iduner as
Mend that "each reforms should Le iotrtlu tb .
to make the lower clergy no longer appeJ:,„; . 2 . l '
odious light of Opprersors of the poore7 o kw.
and that the priests, by the P,boiiiioll ' on ties .
of celibacy, ehould ba reatorea,ro then . .4 0 ,..e.)
of family and hamenity: If this t ii di . o _
they assert. "all oar induenm will rriieli. Eli te ..
pear; th e Citholle religios will b , -i sts t ii 4 ae
arch 7 be totelig overthrown, and 'id complica..
lite 1014-ban, of taailder attack/ o m en " hope
Clone." They express, (0 0 . .. veer Ahab safety
that. they . may not ho driven t. , ,i.iii t P oet.
from the revolutionary pin , - . .
- 4 A.DIF"'" I "PPlHirs • ,
' SUPPRISSIUM Or rur..."'i ) ust' hawed that In
froni.a Parliameutsry re'' cera and men, were
1854 twelve ship' , *MT 1 t he slave trade-on
engaged in the ,0 1 , 1 , " n 1855, twelve shim
the wept (wart of 4 imchl in 18513, thirteen
with 1,082 .1 45,411 1', Out! men; in 1857, fifteen
ships, with 1.2221. 5 and men. . •
ships, with 1 4 24 . - Bops: In 1854, four Alps, • •
At the Csita rfo ien; i n 1855, lierishipa, with
with 575 arme•ittni , Ja 1856, 'hire ships, with
775 'Anew. 4 .ofini and in 1857, three ahips,
760 015,ert , aba mail', . . ~
. .
with 6 10 < 4 4 - and West ladle,: In 1854,eltivels
Ilarlh' ,4 ss6.ol6cters and men; 113 1855. twelves'
1111 1 4 , id:Streakers and OHM; in 1856, four
shit e, 11 ,
_ . olollr 2,843 otlleerp, and men ';
and , In "
ten `s &int, with 3,363 ifilieirand men,
15,57, ainthease roast tif Aimee*: In 1854,1118, • ;
7 4i t
or, 541 officers and men ;In 1855. iii
rhi ' 905 o ffi cers and men ;in 1856, seven .. '...._
* 1 • . : th 1,200 Officers rind men ; . and In 1857,
, Akfilt, with 1.335 of fi cers and men. • • .
, total dealha on the tour station vete fortj.
6 './ . ' • ' in 1854, filly two in 1855, one hundred and •
I' ''':
n in 1556, and ono hundred rind lerly..une in
rt• '
~r. The nu'uthera invalided were one hundred ,
d tbirWaix in 1854. onel hundred and ninety
din 1855, two hundred and one in 1856, and , on. '
;: undred and seventy/13in° in 1857. , • ••
In stares, for whom head-motley was raid, Wel* . ...- •
iftry.two in 1854, none in 1855; taneteett In 1856,
and three hundred and eighty-four in 1057. •In -;'1
none of the yenta was any hendlociney raid for
. 4
dead Blares. - • . . . t '' ' - t
Ova people, nomadic as the Arebs, 'lmpetuous
as the Guth" and Moil. putts' themselves. along
our Weston. Voider, carrying aith . them all their .
wealth and 'all their institutions. Thy drive
schools alohgwith them as simplierle drive sheep,
and troupe of colleges go Irving over the Western
liko Jaeob's e. "
'I? is not work that kills men; it it: warl7 ,4 *.
Work is healthy; you Mtn hardly put moreon- a
mutt than ha can bear. Worry is rust upon the
blade: It I. not the revolution that destroys the
machinery ; hitt the friction. Fear secretes melds;
but love and trust are sweet juices,
Our children that pie .young aro -liker . Attila
spring bulbs which have their flowers prepared be
forehand., and have nothing - to do but to break
ground, and Wesson), and pass away.' Thank Ood
fur spring dowers among men, as well as among
tiro grasses of the field. • .
Nunn a man unites with the church, he. should
not come saying, "I era so holy Mal think I must
go inamong the saints,", bat "0 brethren, I find/
am so 'weak and'wicked that [canna stand alone:
so, if you can help me, open the door and let me
. ,
IT is with the tinging els congregation*, with
the sighing of the w ind le the .forest, artier. the
notes of the milli on mating leaves, and the
boughs strikitig upon esah_otter, altogether make
s'lrennony, no usettcr:whet be the tedividoal dis
. .
Towns are many Christians who like, about once
4n twelve montlip, to We a good realist In their"
heartv. They think that, like the year, they eau'
make up fur free:sing end snowing all winter by`
• period of inienre beat in the summer. - •
Maur men want wealth—not a competence
alone, but abe stow cioupetener. Everything
Bolin:Tye& this ; and religion they would like as a
sort of- lightning red to their bontes, to ward off,'
by and by,. the,Lolts of divine wrath. : - •
WHEN we •think of the •labor required to rear
tha fah ihnlAre in oar hoosehrlds,--lbe weariness.
the anziow, the burden of ife,—how wonderful
seems Uore work fi foi' be carnet heaven, ettd
earth; and AU realms in his bosom. . • '
O'sn of our great freebie ,s as ministers. Is to keep
people (rum w :stae g em be awfully eouverted.—
There ore those who will not some into God's .
kingdom unless they eau Pope, as Dante went into
Paradise—hyping through bell.
A wins filled wale selfishness, and the Sabbath
stuffed tall of religion, thereto's, will make a good
but, sign" Christiatt.-• There are msny
piVi l nis who think Sunday is s.sponge with which
to wipe out the sins of the week.. -
Nor parties. but principles. Let es lea of no .
party but God's party, and use all other agencies
as we see rail road ears—travaling upon one train
as far as it will take us in the right direction, slid
then leaving it fur another. -
• , t
• A US always needs . ' truth for *handle to di •
else the - hand wonithet itself which sought tWdrire
It hams upon another.'.-.Thestoist lies, therefore,
are *eve where blade is raise; but w hoa' bindle
is true.
Ton Church has lawny% imen so fearfalof •
amusements that the devil has had the care of
thee,. • The etisplet of Itowerrehas been snatched
from the brow of Christ, an'd' given to Mammon.'
.Tag abettor* of slavery ire weaving the thread
ib the loom, but God is adjaiting - the pattern.—
They are asses harnessed to tho chariot of Libor.
•ty; end whether they will or no„ meet draw.ii on.
Tatum are some people who forever add, i"bst
Ales" to every positive", basing, mud so slwa.P"..
make a drain ett dnle o nmy by w)ielt the heaveitly ,
stream of God's Meant escape Crum them. •
MANY Milli/MI era like ominute—eery plea
_ tout auto, bet eueloted in vet, priekly bere t whirl'
`need various atorings of Nature, and
,lice-grip et
!tun, before the Iteml is disclosed.
sat ought - to entry himself is Ili.' world at
mu mop. tree would it it would Ittillt up .and
duwn in the garatu—swinslng pertutun from every
little count it holds up to the air. •