:MS . ' OF ;TES ......__ --..4..........—........;.—....._ , •• s Xar, gtascLIPTIIIN: 'il 11.)L1.A.U.S per annurn,p‘yAble fo &dram, it not rril'lrltlriti Ilziaoatbs—•and r il2 81 . 1 - "-: TO rr.rnii . : s ip, to one.u . blrer.s':\ In.idrstee ? ) L , . .. 40 di, (1. , ~, , ,),,,Ip. 4 odt tlVailt ba ineallibly paid in n.l sent to one addresy, •• .. , TO; i: ttudte sikotuns: • . • •.., .res tt. will be furntidied to Carriers and of e. 1,,0 c oo l ,. cash on &dick,. • , . ' . r . !,..,y r sers *pet School rtzte...4erf supplied with th at it iu ;advance, rut taw or !rev/lemma. ' s ,Ltriberantder the discontinuance of their tlegli• ne.pubileher may continue to aged them dtittl ira7es are itial d. ' . 'I i lisAiNirerlect or refuse to taiii MAI. nevicrpa• um the oat e to which tney are directed. they are monsthie oil they have reittlAt. OK bills 1 rnad them dis4tintinued. ~. - 1 14 •rib?in tilm re to at her places witheAtini inning li eller. end !be newspripera lite sent tta he nrmer a. they ere held rommisible. • I c , 1 4 6 .0 yr Inch. huo;letel.led tlrtt refusing tO ii" 'Ta m the nflii.f. or TeMIIITing. and. Tr* 1 4 , m no• or. le pritita facia evidence of intettionai (valid. i .1. • i • • RATES' OF. ADVERTISING. . .. 1 claw of 0 lilies. 40 Cettt4 for ono inserticin.-:iiii s- ", t insertions, 25 rents each. 3 lines one time, 25 itilise went insertions. 1214 cents w t et t . AP i l. 1 inen t a eveir 3 lines, for short periods, char - V., 1 u a . i.se. taro. Tong a o t. z. ' IL‘L Tines, lr4 84 $1 25 $ 2- .. 5 . 43 °° hare, SO. .1 25 •1 75 :-, 2 " , 1 4 " l • in-s, ..1 00 150 . 2. 00 ', ' 4l .1 5 . e °,..., I Ines, 125 225 2 (4) ' s " I" "' 0 'O. 4 50 7 00 ,lln (4 . 1;25 2.$ ..- , I - ~. 2 .t 4-. 265 400 • 800 trines, ...i. •300• 5 50 I 9 . 00 linea, 1 :!.5 . 2 ~ . .0v c t . rive jjars rowtrrp ARA katiAtE or TES LI r.s. re, j .05 2 2'i ~3 1.0 ti 00 -10 00 "1 a ,,,:,.,," 225 ' 400 500 . 900 •14 90 9 . /60 z 6 (5) 750!12 00 13 1/0 . 5i 11.1,14 • , wire', 4, 00 600 'BOO- 15 00 11.0.00 ii:r col., 0 o'l 900 'l2 00 . 18 00' 130 00 .0q....e, epos 'r for abort periods, as per agreement. . 1 4...9,,..ir ie 5,, Notices, 51 each—ncimm panted 'with in •ert i i seinen t. 50 cents each. -• ,d,i ,. .rliseinentsl,ofere Marriages Anil Deaths:lli cents It e fortrat insert lon—sti,hsequen t insert lona,l eents i i i t . Nine iverilaareconntedas a tine in adver Whiz. •rdrints .and id hars.'ndvertising by the yv 3 V, with rue , . ands Standing advertisement net °teeing 15 w ill be chervil. isclisliiig subseriptiral, , .10 00 . 0 (he 40a-4.16f of tour squares, w ith;rhare nil snit...ollllOn. . . . .. ' U . . ~... it ebanae.o.nt the rates dOslgnsted above. eke...ills ret • in larpritypo- than usuallll'he d can per amt. advance'. op • these prices. A 1 cuts ib irzedi ho ss me RA it , tfer provg, ' • ' • ir • on de ildr,',:rilaemenis received from Adver - .1hr ,,, , , 1, except at 25 . per cent, :tile:ince oril unless hx,iipeelAl Agi eemen t with the p'uldli rinses 25 erents each. Death's *Crum pan Ira vr,.' 's4ents. without Witter', rio charge. • I notice.. elrept those of it,religious character and u,,, t3on ol I,arprnttri. will bet dia rAtted 25 reo tle for any er of lipetrunder 10. Over 10 lines; 4 rentAlerlirie penal. i .edings or meet i urn not ors ketsrral or pohllc char °hinged it 4 rents per lino for each Insertioi.t. lilltrito calculations we witl State that ;I:* linen coluntiti-U4 lines a balleolumri—and 82 lines a, ::952lirnrd14 intik e rolurnw,-147 ;nllnlf -and quarter column. All odd lints over are. rhit tat the raze (t 1 4 cents tier, line, for . and Scents per linos or three Iltnrs. _ advertisers Must roan& thetr '3dtertl3ing to Ito 411e..11 AL:m(4os Sri others.,ertle (f .1(eal aroilint inch:pled In buslnon; ddirerttFenlents. ,_, • - ; M'EpICINAL. ._ ' ' - -- r ----- 4 . 77 ----- . THAN i,500,000 130T1I,ES; 3 Sinai IVY , VI ; tNttJAND:ZTATES! I;N•(SNE , YEA . . 11,... =• 1 • I lIESTORATI VI: of-Z;ZOF. 0. i Woll for restoring, hair pert:tent:lnd Iperuin- ! :an no •er yet had a 'rive); rplunte Idler volunto ! elven Iran all: •artattlie world And film the ; .11Igent to pr.:pie that' it is a perfect ilf,.st ralrs-t• the lirculer' . ,,and you cannot doubt; riad atm wing li,, ' I . I• . . . tr. II ilii.—Peopinha'Ye fan' centurifs.twel afflict-' 1,3/11 heads, And (140 l , liky rUltledy• h&retttliire las talon ttlose.nbolidnable wigs. fly l `recebt of •'ln,froor Wood 'these at t 'cies are being fast 'wily. but II grind many parsons still-pitronlxis tut4,dlinv Intvia been so otten imposed upon by ten of different kinds, To nil such peniuna we tu..,Q.,. Mt.! req.u ! ..st, :Ina they will try linen ' hi Wood's Restorative theta •Is in) such thing We 14:ow ot a lady who lids brill, Who used the shot`tAlal Ite, ud hot head it: now terertd cone II li t le thticil and niost beautiful curls Ignagln- 1 :•kil ~. of unm:frotts , cases where hair shut rare I e,•r ottf, which it. restored - In gre,iter perfe n ctiuu 1 er yrt been din re. I" s I trl . pliant doubt 111t10 of .the bestk rtiries ter be leilr in gm. 41 condition. twikiiiky ,It soft anti-! .111,101,V,S 113ndniti. and dins proved Itself Ilia . lowly to all Ile Mist taut blii• is hair to.' • • le ditty of every one to Improve their personal q: though town, may differ In regard to the lug ail; Jul 'every one. will admit thane beau, I titdinir..tilt her in man . or W 1.111311. IN au eldert. i:e illisired. and there are lid weans .Idoil should nt Heti to ohi A in such a considerat lon.—i I lloware.f. , . , Plifiatielphin. , ; 1; .7— .. . . , 1 . enefIUCTON. Ohio. 7 S•nr. 7 I , i;d., j 1 e o() i 4 CO —=thmts: As .1 Woe iteett eaptgett di itir lair It.e,torative the last season tur one of I itu.lolts. tit. St. Itact:lnson.) and° intsfrig expo: In lioneticial effects of it' myself, I' would like to' nglitcy for the Slate of:Ohio. or same bite In sh mid you wish to Mike such an mange, I inc convinced MP!" ir-wiltlng egmo -tn f! in' f Suctroyi,r reotore no the hvir. el havetteen en lite.'Drug business for several yeArs. and have us iireparnth'nulbr the Milt:. but bnie found ' ittllrcot in oro-treern.llvoAtrgang or tn v I..olottes to Ittell Avr YOU ' iln. bring fully tnntrinced Ong ' ,ratlve in what you represent It to be. II would ; tga. 4 .; in: the sate of it. an I nib' natl.stled it must 1 Yilint truly, SI T:STOCIiiIIAN. - 1 :- •I i . °I ' WAVY OM. Mono.. Feb 45,1557. I O. 1. WOOD &'CO.--(tents!: Having !realized 1 itfects of your fl.tir Restorative. I wioil l to state.l ng.'my tiair growing thin. its *ell an gray, I wa:V. 1 1:11t' what I rend an I licartl, In try tit ;war'. Icy You:to promote Ito growth and Change Hi' t alto In pent h. (ub .of which 'lt iml . effeettnY iy„ phi th e oporntiou I faavo 'unki 100, ly I btu° _II Yours,..tr.. ' P. JANIE:IV:4SSMS. .WOoD & ('O.. i'roprietono.3l2 Oroadway, ,nren., In tint groat S. Y. Vire Railing Estabitment,) I Mat!sel its.. lit. L aim, Mo. . 1 : . IA ad sold by 11 good Druggists. 1 .4 .mhen '25, . "} tn '53 3 . i i , . MS'S I i: WILL MS'S, r l . , dLDYSPEPT C ELIXIR, J :pa' - s Ind I g e 11 . 1 1 o wt . liyppepsy 1 11 , 1()R1111) .SENSIBILITY,Ier the konirirh :roil Bowels, 114/tided.lt It 11 (4./Tictus dis= t , f t llti;tll:to.tiviriTgan. pri.y,Moi it', attend'aiit Ills; such as 4sca. tr. adoche, tifin, 17 , tinne.t.te of Kohl', . , ' alit, Ili' the ;Verrone . Syeteut, ~ . . . mehogirot.JanottiCe,! . , e. 7 ast. r,9 flf !!". .err ?Vb.' • . In :atulrnri . z. uit Prquent tacking of wind, I . el f. . and . le 'stip, eat uneasiness of:lhe Dowels, , ',tient {' milling, I 'nraitny ensahun at Mepil ,j the 'olliae.h:, firer coMptaird, ''` .., . 1 vrc.cu - nn ,r . ttre Arlinfi, . • • dpitnikt, .! r t" the Itmg, . . ,t,14 in a, pit .i t iih f ..ct , nnach, or Inwards the right side; llowne4s ht . e,nrpl ...,:un, . • .! i. • ay.vi.in :f spirits and irrilnhility nf.texiTer, ite., 1 in itrimy races &GA the shill. her; - dentre. of the ,i.,,1141 rea'.ltitinuierF In the world,'anduilloy ussit , .lt.1: II ateindottea as sins:treble. - i I I .1, WILI:1.01.9, Che Mist and l'harrnaceirdisti atter itg cioselFthe practice of Drs. Abernethy and J. .u..l;il;:land, and ii the nature el the dia• aUI ti e ,tag,,e', -- au e in g a ...I•.ttril In the :southern Oct)) portion of tie United tr.vt.,•ft. wheredt tar+ a greater extent.l 311 elsorhere.'prOcuted rAut AttUtric.t, certain rocits and herbs. front which he ed an . ..1:tflut;” which, after eighteen years' i Use— rate practice, has pruned itself more eitiracionsitt ire ofillyspepsy, s tlian any medicine that. has 'ever trepared In any age or any clime, for UM/Unto puO , I. . . . ng submitted il, with an explanation ; of its emu s, In , a number of. Physicians of l'hiladelphi.i h,i,m-iik‘re tie, latellrs..loirph Hart thortfe end u or ,t 9 n, it has rereived their entire approval, and if at.; 'Medical fatuity are now not otdy prekrill• ror their patients., but are using it themselves, illy,•and in their families. As a took', it Is usni ,And its preperties are of AO ittrigorattng a na, lat it is given with perfect slaty and success to 't lende,r.lnfinzts. I t ' • 1 Iltutirel is t--- - - 't IO its actin' ;cry gradual. but Certain lu its action ...organs of aigest ion. the !erre:pet! regret ions of r,itancreas and inueous'uyetnlstane 'of the Ste. Obreit ulieS that nnly one dire be taken In liven. Min.; fur romirined Dyspt.p.y ,an roily bPrti red 444 restoring (be organs-of digestion to a heal. ;e. ;',llitt great surft`f.S Met W . 14 itt'4uring the ngr(vated case of Tspeney, .Im...4mi:toted seine. Ith a high grade ot hyporttondrlasts. has estate he Most unbounded. rontitient e in the ruratlie 1,9144 this "Ettatit;" in corroboration of w hj q b ' h';:lowing te.thoor Luis: .• I ' aTATlO74.—we, hiving used Wllliains's "Ant l i. le pi x tr." nthlhe most perfect satisfaction and tako 'great eiteure ire-recommending it to all solfering •rr h - Ityspepsv. on we the bully eon. a' p l Ils most PSI • s .. vide qualities lu restoring the 0 powers:removing all patios and nueasiness,and ingn healthy tette to the Sioutach: R. 'Penrose.ll4 tiouth Wharves; Caiper Morris. Theutak 41 (bone, President of Balak of Penn= i; t•;I liter Eliot... Mei ket street above Sixth; )d. .ItOwley; No. VS North IYharres:. Michael Vann, itendent Morrhants' 'Earliange: Ran:lab Fitton,' ;twil l Road ; Hannah Webb, 28 Filbert etriet ; 11. rry.l2 Edward street; - Lawrence Newbold. No. eittiut street, Philadelphia; 11 . m. Yard. 6 City 1 tutiotpli L'Arnl, 267 Broadway; 11.14. %limns,' r street, New York., , .. . ; Ist of names could be Pxteruled to almost ' any 'tut the hiezolug Is deemed sufficient. ; 'or 11. X. SPERll)",litahe'tc:is alninartned as lnelirable. and Oren op is Die.i. • 1 . I , WILLIAMS—Dear .fir:—lltnr •00 - 4r.ii yr.a ra p ro . ; 1054.1 sulTertd so mush teem , Dispepity. that 1I ?;, t ipi,ti e ly pepatrated, loth in tnltiti and body; I igth became sti; weakened, I entildnot attend th 1 t.ea, and was sinking into adecline. and It was en ever ennld recover; the bold medical aid Was for me, and every means resorted to ''vrithrtht 1 ; tlll I was advised to use your .lEllxir," and lime I began taking It d IteinaliallY Improved completely restored to health. • The dreadful - 1 ,di endured from Dyspepsy r inutint deserlne; tilsi/ntido of that without the use of your “Elialr." !She Itt my grave. I 'assert that 1 ;solemnly be- oq...Elleir" has Raved me from an Itittly deathl- 7 .,.. tinge now la the enjoyment o f toted earellent• • r .. • H. N; SPEIZIVY, . r 4.4, 11.57. Nn.'llo4 N..Thlrd at., P 11111474.. • h e undersigned:have known. Mr. 11. N.7liperry cal years. and take Oseteure In rotating. (bat his i /an be perfectly relied on. and that we our• tiew that he has •heen wonderfully restored; to rim the brink of the grave: and we belleve4 an ls, solely by the man of lir, Wllilantee `'Ellair." I Time. J. eltektnalt, No. 143 !gorilla et J'u't; Lunn., Itar at., above fieeond.l. ally apPwireil before me (one of fife Alderman I,ty of Philadelphia.) 11.th1.-STERItT. who being rtnedoloth &Toss, and say. thot the Inch% last. the alum.. rettlfiCate are true In every particular. • ~and subscribed this ntlrday of June. 1857. ; 1 . • , • i Fa EDMICS ,R5XL.'4161(7111(//111 "f:11,111-" Is sold 14 l alticr.kt $1 iewh. or 6 bottles Proprtelor—JANl Et , WILMA I'S,' 31.1),' C'oriniff a t eu'ser , havelist. 1 No .4 fle . uth Seventh street, p.iinado n hi 3 , , ,a• Sale by Jona G.' Ititose, Central `. ` : [ ktiv?el, Petti t 91Y '2O, 'Lk ' i x-i. I • hAINOS AND MELODEONS befit 31lointifactureelVeirranted, li . kALE BY •"ribe".. All Pianos 'Ad, Morn hhn alit ba.'warraintotiz7tif • theY ark•serreitonttA,tbsit2ein be r eturned. — '" 4 Nl ,4, 4lenn ot will 14.: Mauutselmers' V4ll+l trans 11. wfn,r6eh the pov Pi hsoreg 'etre trlell.ln. aitioa trill he Vl') $2.1 relistir oily pukes oceordr •Aloc , •t w„ hsaninuetny Those who preterit, !er ' 4 4 (A. anti "peening a letter tif credit, '..rarirel,ll nnrailliellauaraettirets.aarertalh apleptedl, there, la my doubt. In thhelhat.,'' ‘‘,:ll"ne tu•b.y le—Tla- • I ffMn PUBLISH VOL. XXXI PHILADEL . CANDLEMOU ,I . A . IIIIA n N Z E t m o n . b anda and for ado by • Joq e s 1 X°. 306 Race A wz.ust 21,'55 . BUFFALO BY THE BALE OR 13, At OEOIIOEI F.! • N 0.415 and 117 Arch lid x.ll.—Also, a Lugo assortment 01 ITItS of own manutlietnie. August 2S, 'a . • • FILE CUTTI C, r -.• . 1.. N all its.' branches, at tha.Mabufac. . • tort. New ' Street. above Second between Rae, and 'toe. Philadelphia, where out be found the best assot-ttnent of FILES sod ItASPS.I the elt, of Phila. delphia. 410-111 d Files Re.eut.aud made eg USII to Dew; at a caring of-Su percent. I .1. It. SMITH. New street File W ka. Philadelphia. August 2s, ll' _ , 36.3rn ' ARCH STREET CA.EPET " ARETIPIISE. 91HE subscribers ^hat' , jos' opened ij their New Carpi( Warehouae, Ith a deb a ndspfere , did stoes,ef CA'RPE fiNtIS, cow pit Igen the latest and beet Atyle• of 11101,7, TAPE , TE ,DEUSSELS.Three. PlY.'inirtin linellet len, of the . t celebrate.' mand.l Lae - tore. also a tinpefjoi,,stock of t IL. CIAYIIIS, GMAT. TLNII: I, . MI.-, :-. -k.,. ..i.,l_ ' `lll-The *Mee 'unfit of pod* It a been tasufht ex. Inemely low fercash. and It is the - Intention of the sub- Scribers:A o 4iell'aecordingly; this, ith milt crpenses bud cash tninsactim* will enable u to give purchasers, kw& from 10 to 14 per coat. lees t au usually charged by. bther ealabliehtnents. OLDE. k lIICKNER,' !- ' • Importers and D Ws in Carpeting. $32 .; AtICII ST 2 doors below Ninth (South side.) Phila. *s lept. 4. tris 36'4m - . • ' • .WINCHESTER CO.'S. .- - - Gentlemen's Paredatlaglitore, . AND rateit Shoulder Seam Shi A T Tu. OLD STA i.C3—tzut street, ruir f iprxruie tr,ttou blouse." , . 'A.N.INCIIESTETt will 1103, Ali ti al supervision of the Cutting an partitunts. Orders for his celebrat Collars filled at ;he shortest notice Per.ons &String to order Shirts, the formula for nteasuretnent. on a Constantly on band, a.vaticd an, flenfen's Pura IsblurOoods. I aa-Wlttile f •ale orders supplied 6.' Septemb4r:4; Sg NET. CASH DRY CO 3, !I s 3,9.1 NEW. STOCK .01: BAL D YRE . IA 24 1 Arch stftets . . Philad tpt ia. I. r:eking aline flock of Fall Dry Near Trade. I CZ= FasEinnabltf Fang Sittcs. ~E.llcuals of all the accost s , Divas floods. In tali var• • ;Staple (locals, in large , ••.FaityyVatachnere CI. ' • Blankets, Quilts, 11 N. li.-6 d bargain's daily Fear find InTl6lptilt A iirt lon Sales. 4.0-1 . tti1)1.,---Vel Qui/ .tend Aligned XI, a 8 • MOP" Thiel: Dark/snit cover Cross Duriims ,t COUNTRY, ME AND'At,t;lritwits; WILL riNTAT they shp t ) any.quantlt k og, with' Joneso Far-Fame OSIVE I: EE O 1 1 At th., iiholeFAteina Acottdgtreet. PIIILVDELL,'III A. ;The onTy plire where 'exo'rugire tattled fur the States of Pettosylv Del 'ware. ' , Theae•Lluipa gire• *nett eitua and similar In pto•aranee.to par. aupeilor to all .vtlier rottablit. Par of txplOaion —no offenalyA od ally trimmed—tnr easily regulated adapted nit all pOrpoaea---and belt man-5U ter rent, rbiraper ta'a now in attotuan u k er • • BOLE AG lINCt A Knapp's Paten Rosin an. yieks. shade the Hue. P S. E. SO • No. :IR Eolith Second Saptember 4. '5,4 FANCY F , For Ladles and. C, TOHN FAREIRA (oeur•litt).Mitritot strek. abtry 1 inpi,rterit.l%l3nuinettners ers in Fftaicy Fttrsi for 14,11, dren ; ;ha, c;. , nts' Fur C The numberhf rears that -we ire been en; age d In the Fur boslneos. and-the'penera ehnractm of on Furs, both for 'polity and price II:sego %Tally known th ugh- , 'out the Conntry, that we think i Isnot neceSsary for no to say 01)4 tang more than we hos. mos epereell ouraqsort meta ef Furs, far the Fall an Whiter Sales. of the! lar4est 'and most beautiful aosort vit . that we hareever offered before to the public. Our Fun; have all been 7m 'ported duHug the present sea n. when money was . scarce 30 , 1 Furs Much lower thsrat the'prerent a time,, l and line.'l,;.n manurnet,nred b' the most crimtielsrit workmen ; we are therefore detalnined to sell them at such prices as will plutinue to Rive ua the reputation we have horneler years, that Is o sells good for a very rmall pfol t.• Storekeepers', will do well to lye no a I 11. its!. they I will 111,1 th , e , largest assortment ,y . far tekeleet find in the rity.'alpt at manufacturer's p ireo. .1011 'FARE! tt A k .Nlaket Street. Ilon it bib., Phi ladelplaa. P h iladelphia. September 11,V5 37.4 M .PHILAPEL Surglial liandag No. 113 i North Ninth 5t..,7 i. [.. 1' AGENCY FOR Inc . • Inc. WidlithES (1. ItAVLINTI 4. . . Where may be had .3 fulil and varied af. s.rtttlVl/t Ot TRUSSI.N. FESt j I FUl'. , yOlITERS.: 4 1101:1,DEI: lilt ACE 4, and oth- : (I'll4o.bn:es, for sale at ,nly•F2re per coot. lower than at any other esfahlielunent In the city. NNW lire: celebrated r teal cure TIIIIB3 has cured hundreds of cases w,her ottiers, have failed.— ' Price. $4 00 Dr. RAIELINfL3 has treated sqoesafully many bad cases of Spite Disease. Club Foot, Low Leg. Knock Knee, and Weak Aneles: with his new nod hnprored amen tut.fbr these Lliteastt.to whiCh case; reference can be given. ranging Iront $3 00 tosls 00 SfILL: and COTTON. /MAST' C SIOCIiINGA. ANK LETS, liNEE CAP:Land Allig” IN AL COMPRESSORS, at triwxr pricey than ran be bought elsewhere. CilefellES:sPl.l.STS, and eVery variety of SUROI. CAL. APPLIANCES. at greatly reduced prices, placing the best make of goods within r ch of alt. Lichen a t tended ,tia.private ap rtments at the atoreyhy Mn'. It C. Evranrr.'S'-: . l*Z-l'articuLar tittention paid to 'lnstruments for de: Ihrmity In-children. and raleftpc ion to oil guarantied: Seplember,ll, fn.:lna • FALL GOOD ' Over 3000 yards; of N ceived by THORN XTO 'C SrAirg garden streets, P • Itotmht for CASH utl4t4 carktldentlnlly nFpett tha' CIIE.,I' and as GOOD atent t e ~ Blinn! l t Pa" We Chirtleqe n Pm Ne‘y Tae LI( n6s, In deaufltul PoII do ChererrsVidenclas Engll4l, Frew% ano Amur! • , Ginghamocof Mem, ma S k hawls"ClOaks Circa New Stella StiltWle. le 'ell eel. Long nod Square Brucha , Shal ►.ong nod &quart Wankel:Slit ►'lnln and Etritxrdidered Cfaps 4 1 11erineille Shawle, reench di oExTust kiNt jki H A W LS. Ertrything, Ana in CLOG' French Merinos's, Casiimer burgs, Parainattas wo keep atylintut -DOA-lEBl'lO Llneng. Flanne)., Cir;thit . . eni Blankets, Morsellita Quilts, :-;. , - - Table Corers, Plano Corers. We are eieleretheed to &diet* one wt the REST DRY GOO phia. ..Wehooe only one TI N. I:. eoiner'Elglo and Laprln r — Atil-Perseris can ride fur 5 re tgwithlu two squares of our st Etzlith street hue of Omnibus aluutes. Atli nkt 2R, '54 ALLEN .& r •SUPER-PROSPHA E again offer th ; • and dialers, *sin ring t Moo., vad tinder ntt• eircpum *GtK)ll AKTICI.I.: t h ey Lava be The put/hi:urn phn bear . 1 Phosphate of)Litne is ANT ayi , THE SAME Ire • sell re, in e Tbese remarks are rendered that a hags number:of article PhrspLates. are offered for sal: are represented to be. Our new pamphlet 1$ In pr diettibutiou In a fie'days. copies gratuitously by 'mall tol Price s4s,Der 2000 lbs. A liberal deduCtion Pacific. Oce ilavinx mild this Guano to safrlr nvrtizni‘end It.. it bas Peruvian Gnaw), andl , Po , " all resreets. futer our letters resperthig woe of value to the anwr. , No. 1 Gloveroviont Far male, et the We have Men tar ante— XMERICAN GUANO, (reel GItOUND BONES, and PIM POUDILLTrE, PLASTEIt, a as We frol tufa In r.enunruendi lia.G..ets cum be loadtad at hoxiarr. .lapl facilities are atal alleadiag to The h.rsr.s. ' The leading Agricaltara tJn ragedarly,fitd alma. ' , Pee jo ALLEN ' No. 42 8.-Wharvoi, 1164 mn re ab.," el k August "."3,*305' nANNA:4 • ; • , , • ' • .•., , • .1:- l• • • .FH • • • 4 - -• .• • • . , • .. nENE A A :irt v ICE ; ; ' •.1 R_ .1. AND POTTSVILI T A :u • -I LL TEACH TOO TO PIERCE THE BOWELS Or THE EARTH, AXD Santo out ram THE cArEAss or NotiNTAISS, BETALS Wpm! WILL Girt sufscint ota itasira 'Aid) SVR3UCT .AILLL HATIIBX TO OUR 0814.1 p L .j D EVERY .SATURDAY MORNIN BY BENJAMIN BAN' AN, POTTSVILLE, SCHUYiKILL COUlitTy,-;PtiNNSTLViAisiIA. HIA: ▪ DS. e of the' best ~ Mans:travel/red CA TATA LACY, ▪ PhiLtddpia fa. • 34.11cti • BES • I BE WOURATIr?„ .t, PbtlAttelphla. LADIES' FAN t Manufactory, D, 700 Chest opposita tbe -IVasti- retofore, his person. k3lan uf.teturio g de. Ft) le of Shirts and an be aupplled irltb 'Oration by mall. 'Pried stock of Gen- M=iE322 DS HOUSE. 'oootis. 'Fourth and 1,„ In ptoreand.laily nods rutted ti the ;yles. I, tuck.. 11151Yrt)ngs. ,inop DemiAlas, Le. ,red from Now York OR ..turth, . /topte."qiit CHANTS, AKE NOTICEI • ly, themselves, Patent COAL OIL LAMPS' li d Qua der', : 2 IF South Agenelea can be (.1. nin. New Jetiwy.nad in In . tenslty of Berne. nd 'arx claimed to be ble. now In um. No smoke--very ea s a naS Light—cen be' • r then ell for 'poor y other portable.llght , mit Coal Oil Lamp. and every rorttpleila THLAND. text, Phil:1110011a. • Ildresal: CO., No.• 818 Eightb..vortADE6 np4.l nd - Cbil• liars, and 'OHIA doors above ARCH, ALE oP r1"1"S Preriii tipportem Trustwe'and OL 1858 Silks,' just re- ET dt, CHISM, • i)rner Eighth & 111 LA fELPAI A'. I ONLY fnr CASII.I ,the allows good iate as • /MIAs American an. Comparison deNiit. Yt ry handsome. •*u Chintzes, ac. ars Daskrs, &c. Ors. • . Shawls, 3e. Itaal may offer/ .1 and DeLaines, Co • Alpaccas! ; se stork of IUSLINS, ▪ lonn , es, mc. uuter panels. ▪ able Cloths. tin pk I na. &c. nue r , putalinn as &dna LS SPORES ,Philadel. r it. 'onNtxt k ! I . Garden sta., Philad'a. ,tx by the City Hal:mad, :re, and for 3 cents by the k i k) our door every fire I , T. kC. 35.3r0 • rEEDLES! E OF LIME. above to farmers tan that they will. Ai all atieea, receive the IMMO eletore purchased onwa mind that our Serpa. QUALITY. :ere, or. none at nil . nerve*, from the' feet purporting to be Super ; which are not wfutt they • , r 14 t and *lll be meek for ir t kbAll bd pleared to Feud Our titrudNtbeirdreired. 1-41tefits perlb ) 1 'de to DEA iams. ..ri Guano. four years past. we ran n le Ind tide by aide with nerd fully equal to it In . tIW Pamphlet, mmtalateg other futeyeatlng matter ream*** Guano, owest rates. • • Islain,. DONE DUBT.. each °that% fertilisers ither fmet of our Iran grant to wadi*" sta/nuts I rids awl Netaitpapert are the. we .1" Farmer,. nd 41 . 8 Mater St , (nut itFeet,l`hflulelp4,l.i MANUFACTURES. PORT - CARRON iOVELFACTORY. • Oh& lea Smith, Proprietor. All kinds of • oal shcrnas, spades, coalriddlis, The patron of the public is respeettullysolietted. January .10. 'BB 24f IMPROVED COTHES-HORSE, THIS' 'most edmplets ' invention is mannbieetned by D. LEIB, Norwegian street, 0 1PP 0- to lloarmaol Carriage Factory. - 11. ilat-Ca and see it.ljoll . 3.5.fti. Augury. AR AND RAILROAD IRON. k TE stibscribers have now on and win 411 for CABII, at tim lowest market price, a large atoek of the best quality. merchant Bar Ironalat Bar it:Broad !run, and light T sells, for mien,. E. YARDLEY A SON. 48- II Xi SOAP.. r HE subscribers invite the attention • of miner, and merchant,' to their Mannfaeture of lIWS,.PALii i, andAILIV.F.: SOAPS, de, dc .. Th ese E Soaps having oug Wen extensively known in Schuylkill, Carbon and L-inerne 'counties. are recommended is of re. liable quality. Orders received by mall promptly atten ded to. nar.ial Soda, Starch.kc.„ always on hand.'. .105. ELKINTOif & SON, 44ne 2G „ .. . '5l 78S South Second street; Shilade/' phis. , 20.4m _ , Pottsville, orember 2R, '67 * •., SEWING MACHINES.' filE• Double Thread, Family , SEW. C. ISO MACIIINF These Mac Line a: sew with two threlds. making, a ble • Lock Stitch,' equal to any high priced Jtarbl e' use;and: perfectly reliable for all I family, nurpo t tes... sem 31aellines are for wale by the subscriber, a the &SCUM:111.111 OTI:L. Poitsl tile. The publisiire invited to callaudexatninetbem. Prices2s . airlnstruzlions given 4il those p,urchuslog, as to the We, ke. A. M. SHEA FE. Agent. August 114,1448 WILLINISPORT PLANING MILL; BETWELN TAE Sunbury Erie Railroad and the canal,. / c (Oppodi fp the Furtiaeo. WllliainVixirt, Penna.) EO. ( r. BANGER & C. 0., Whole iale an Retail Dectleisand 31annfacturers of white and yellow pine looting boards,sashAloors.blinds„shut• tars. siding. stood mouldings. kc. Ji'g and scroll sawing, fancy and plain. All deSeriptions of t urning and planing done with pr+mptness, and In the hest manner. February t.t. 'OB . r • • ' tr-ly • -'' • I . NOTICeIII.O IIIIIIfr To3oal Ofiersurors end Mehtaytkill.coun. •' , ty*plerchzints. QMOK NG TOBACCO, by ST K.) : power Albs a tilnY4 at ffamttrx..Smokiini T . .ae , co Aljti Seim fanufaetory, on hand and ready rot lb. 200 harrel sweet Sctinted i , moktog Tol/acro, .2 , ,Q,0t.10 lia f Spanish Segars. ~ 200.000 Six a:Spanish Ewan!. ' e': • . 100,000 : andllstra Sears. • Orders thatautly rece.lTed and .pniniptly attended fn. Terms easy. - . • SIAItY ANN MO V ER. It '' Hamburg. Berk; County, l'a. -,,, sett SeR. 5. '.57L_ ..' EXTENSIVE MARBLE YARD,' Mltitantetego Street, Pottsville, Pa. THE suliscriher is prrpared, at e lshi old stand, to tarnish c'" hinds of niiterials /OS line, Toruiltil purposespl in and namentai. feitlrl particular a tentiot the Vent)) times . a stonnments fhb , nig ufacture. T - ey ran had In e'er • varlet: style. andw I I comp: favorably,lll?eaut: where. and !Ire offere, June 5. '.lB 234y1 MAUCH'e - HUNK Wire Rope Manufactory, ir.tisupx• seirmarca. sib ; Manufacturer of Wire Rope, for inclined planes, shafts. ;dopes. Ar., c ould lutort the puldic that he is now prat pared to make ALL KLATS, LENG - TIIS Ay"); SIZES'.6 . 2 , FLAT AXD ROMVI, RGI'E. At the:al:Client notice , of superior quality ;and on,the most liberal tartan. at bin Wire Rope Factory: • Manch Chunk, Carbon Co., Pa. Refereiteelean bq made to klenariZE. A.AMuglas, D. D. Cortrlght acid A. ti. Broadhead. ALM:furl' Chunk: to N. Pat terlein. Summit fill. to Sharpe,l;eineuri n g./t Co.. TI! more, Luzerne county, Pa.. and in fact. nearly all theop more, in tli! Region who have Least using his ropes. August 1 'SR (August 8.'57 33.-1)) ' • , SO LOMON HOOV-ER. . . f Wholesale, siud Itskasl - • rIEAIiER in . Stoves, ' Ranges, . , ...,-,... LI Ileatele,Tin 'Ware, Ilollose. Ware, Rd- v ..... : tulle Ware, Brass r 1 are. French Ware, nod 1' 4 1 4 - . ' Cutlery, Range Rollers, Pertable Barep.s.Gos, • 5:. — .., , Orens, Sun:Mier Furnace. ac.. &c., has added --".•.' to hid fender . stock of Stoves a varleg of new pat terns of Kitchen Benzes., of which he con giro the highestkrerdmmen dation. ~ • ' lie calla pl.articular attention to hisneW "style of ilea . ler;Whqh hi, Is confident wilt make the best Heater t hat. „has eter•Wn need Ie ibis part of the country.'elso, a' `-eariete.of new patterns of Cooking„ Parlor, and flail Stoves. llcalls plrticular attentioleto his sheet Iron _Parlor *to e, Ibis an improvement on theßisferliseh, 'which he I confident Is the best stove in net,, lie hail ,i now the largest stock of tholibore articles. (teo unmet , cue to mention° that has everbeen offered In tide part of the conitry. !le invites hie friends and customers 'll3 call and examine for thenisejlies. feeling confident that he ca u suit them Inquality and price; he Millers himself 'that he has bad much experience In bls line or bustoefg, therefore ke.frelr confident thatho cannot be surpassed fit quality , p