The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, November 29, 1856, Image 2

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Mad )tutruni.
ytlq A g Ai es,
' •-3141 NEW ROUTE.." "
The: 'Anima snit Allentown shailroast.
The yearlrebaoglng phases In the Coal Tr a de
or this Region; '
not to spealsof the disastroui or
• prdsperous •efeet those chanty-is sze . it on every
tiller description of bnalue point to this-necessi
ty of • revolution 14, the system 'which otir bast
nen inSn ip to tisis period haralrenionlent to la
ter 'lndef. Schuylkill County impeWively de
mands another outlet.lo.narkst fdr, ha Coal—*
release from the oner Su s. burdens which have
crimped her eaerglai and impoverished bet lusts-
4 • The ditto, for &robin from Our difficulties--
fur au Opportssitylo compete .suecessfully with
other is -offered Shall we spurn
it? Or shall we , wisely , oaa titankfitO7 4 44
. entetrise which prints' ebiudint for
gpitai invested?
• lint 10 bets end liguits. Tbdy ere the strOug.
W I et:plead, utile/1 .- can be adduced to awaken
, he estimated cost ot the projected road from
Anbirn Allentonnziptatre
To equip,the ~roati for i Mishima of
hair A ';'of tops of Coal, would in iouad
. nurehers make the entire ciulil2,ooo,ooo.
the chestnut moil. of this Region,' nrd never e;:
'Jtmateriel.redut;nf the rates of tollaof
the eaLetieg. ttiaiapor qOonspanies. Alt are
-,OwsitO l that thidoubled the compan
-- .
'its ists l great thatthey are forced to charge high
rates,:stid conseqneatly. cappla the" trade, front
ihieitthey derive their he lest revenues. If we
_sre cdt oft from all hope of ameodinent in those
quarters, It belmoves--ne in self defence to sock re
lief fsliera it can he found. On ' the 3,000,900
'of tool of. Coal sent- to therkeWthis year,
theti viai . tiit.'-eitra e l linrgO of 50 cents per - ton,
whieh. amounts'_
, 1,300,000, Or sufßeient to
~ . 1 _
' Imild'thel Auburn aed Allentown- Railroad.. lo
ved thalithrin tbe censtruettou-of the Road, and
'..wo- . _ ti e lia . - directand
.. .w0 -._ti er ly' ye a exped i tious route to
the waters Ofl4w York Rubor, et-a cheaper rate
.of tolls, : hut.tve kayo' the added fact, favorable to
the Coal 'trade; that the freights' froth that liar..
bor to the more remote Eastern' markets, range . ,
• froin 30 ito tdi cents ,a ton less Mai Tient Port
Rielimod. ' i --.
...i , , : • 1
, There .re other reasons however, whieb &inland
the Coastrdetion of.a new outlet from thirßegion.
A premthent ono is the fact Mat the capacity of
`the existing trausTorting cominutes is intulequate
to the ihereaeing growtN of the •Trade. The ca
pacity of tho Sebuylkill Canal, up to iti full Os.
tent, with locks.. doubled , along the entire length
of the line, wouldpot exceed from 1,700,000 to
2,000,000 tons, 'while it is reasonably suppoded by
s unny that the enpacit - P - of the Canal, in Any emer
gencytviould not be eq unite 2,000,000 tone.of all
kinds of tide', allowing it a \caspacity Of front
1,606,000, 41,800,000 tots of Coal. As for the
Reading Itailroad,lits capacity also worked up to
the moat feasible.jeitenti will nut exceed 3,000,.
000 tone with MOM* , trade. "SO Lard pressed is
that Road with the gr dwin g Trail e, tha t a third t rack
I -
is oo:totted. That however, would occupy from
• eighteen months to two years to complete, and
even then a new outlet to market to accomodate,
the Coat - Tilde would be required. '.: '
,One thing is certain and the conditiOn of the
Tiede warrants .
the ,assertion, that if the costyni
1 -
transporting Coal to market, should not in the .
future Le reduced 4 some plan devised end ego;
' idea hy Muni interested .ia the Trade, that the
rimers of red ash portions of the region, will have
•to reduce their rents one. „half. If this is
of none by: MO . red ash owners, in'ease no rr
lduction iipiffected,in the coot of -transportatiop,•
ithe white 'will sppercede the rid ash in the East
-ern markets. Amid owned- themselves c -have
'deep interest in the cOnstruction.Of the tie* load,
Thai? interests call as 'loudly for protectiokaa
. ..
those of the operator.'
. In another: portion of to-da'y's paper will be
found a plate of the various rail way connections,
towbieh,the Auburn and Allentown Railroad will
occupy the4mmithin of an imptirtantliak..l Other
interests besides t ono of our own Regiot;Sre in- •
volved in its , Su ess—others are- prepared to is.
le. inpushing I energetically to cempletteti..
t# l3
• Irk. insides o the projected Road for S Aavy
' tonnage are more favotatic . than, thost of any
other route proposed or in existenee. Tb esti
Il e
est..grade against the Trade at any point; is 12
feet,' to the mile, but being on straight a, a
ategle locomotive could !aka , 100 loaded ca a to
marketand return them, witl3 equal facilit 'to
the Reeding Railroad, which although 'pos alai.
the advantage:of on evenly, descending made,'
still labors under the difficulties attendant upon
teharp curves. Comparing both roads therefore,
w e are iinprested by the fact . that 'notwith'stand
ing its grade for a few miles against the. Trade,
the Auburn sod Allentown 'Road will be able to
take is train of loaded Coal, cars from Auburn, t 3
&Stun and- return the etas with the same ease
that a simper train is now transported frOm Au
burn to' Port Richmond. As will readily be per
• ceived, 'with a capital Much Smaller, the expenses
of transportation would beßte sawn on • the 'Au
burn and Allentown as on the Reading road. ' •
'With these facts before tbeio;the business com
munity will . eaally'rereelve the advantage which
will accrue to it from' the construction of ithe new
projected outlet from this Region. Everjt. feature
of tbe'increasing Tredapf, Sebuilkill County points
to the necessity of the re:Citation of the link of the
'grand chain Of railways connecting NeiYork with
_terming ,West. ' If we are prudeot, t re will.
promptly avail ourselves oc,lbe metros t r : reli4
not; offered is in the Luildin4 the Aubi#,,e. and
Alleotowa, Railroad._ II . ' ' '''''.
'int 6211!911VANCI: or :rIiAtGBG 'YIN n,—Year af
ter year this Festival, origingilly local Jo its char
actor, is i ( iieoniing tnore lind•tnare midi:inst.' Lai
Thursday week, we kiwithe pietysing spectacle pre
**Wei of twenty States joining io praiee!to „tile
r t P e ilini tt ig d :}n t t o d' u P)t s i: i Yi n eer :he ohra' fu llt t ' u lhl r i e.. 73n r il.nel A uir t :fil o cd n e e t'llic t c° i: mi e t p gy e g c bi u en l ' i le a hz r e - -
rly New Englaud'in its observance, it is'nor oli•
served where Christlinity has a foothold, in all
its purity, on the Western Continent, ' -
..bur New Englandifriengs, bare we think, some.
. • what the`advantage 2 of us, in the manner in which
they_eelebtate Thanksgiving. With them; it loan
occasion of family reunion, and or a renewal of
those courtesies and, social . amenities, which re
vise and freshen the . nobler sentiments of theln
. .than heart, 1 Throwing aside the vexatious cares
-of business,' they enter,info the feitivities, with a
_spirit we have yet to : acquire. ..-... ,
Last Thanksgiving, we—t..e Junior--lpent in
New Haven, Ct., beneath the hospitable roof of .
Evehard Benjamin, Esq. In the morning wo lie
- tenedtir a discourse ipproprite to the occasion,
re ,
• from the Rev. Dreittleon—Co gregationalist—one
of the =oar - able divines of C nnecticut. Itiras
• historical, treating 0! the carry sufferings of ttio
' New England colonists, commencing with the
; landingeof the. Pilgrlins, Dr. Bacon 'deduced 1
' .•
from their brave and , self sacrificing .defence of
the right, the feet that their descendants should
. - indeavor to deserve In every respect, the liberty.
which their , forefa thers had bequeathed to .them..
' ... . We will 'not attems.t
, • o give even an outline of the
sermon. - Suffice it to say that it 'was, worthy of
' the occasion and thek:man. . • •
The number of poisons who leave New'. York.
' ;for the New England Statist; to spend Thanks.'
;giving is large- Oitithe afternoon precedlog the
-Oast obeertrance;lims train was composed of fifteen
,•'• '-. passenew eta!e, all crowded. It hi thus that 'the
~..4 .a ffrititia throagliout New England run et that -sea.'
?,".7son, conveying pertotie visiting Mende nis4 -
' , tiros. •.1 ~,-. - . -
---,..'-;;_....4-frei i..
tocirsmt and prejudiced may'scoff at what
• they are pleased to, term puritanical, fanatical
New England; but that galaxy of Stites occupies
, •
I poritiOn in the Federal Union, prominbut it 4
impOrtant. „The Autrey .of that light deed*
eventually to illuminate all the Free and many of
... the tillaion Suites --we allude to. the, Common
School system—had its birth in' New England.—'
: •In what ever spot her sone lueate, we find their
influence converting (de wilderness into a garden,,
' ~. and eausingit to blossom like a iota. New Eng
land has sdrviveri l , will continue to survive the,'
' arsaulle made upon her people and inatitritions, for
she has the proud eonsoiuustiess of knowing that
4o this country she. Luis , been'., the , pioneer of
liberty, indestrycenterprise , , progress arid.. Johan
' . genre. ' Tr fror lorerzcklons, it is in ra just and
' righteous eausi\the,ptinciplesof which:if etaniln
.. ed,w ill be found eon totnporon cous With the s es which
.' sped the 9dayflowei" on its 'Wkstern voyage and
•' inielred rise sturdy, New England colonists in a
-,'\ seven' Yearn war with the powerful Indian • chief- -
. .
, tern, King Philip. "
.' e . :
, .
Chan Vaults says that ti 532
signers , wara•saanliatd;tn Otrbeat %misty this
, year, •In Mann Pounty, nineteen Wen natural-
*es! :
*ilittE.LATir.a EVILOPM.-
i"ti the eteeteehlP Penria at gee- - Vork , to Ices
then ten too troin Ectiope, we are , tOomesion
of news to the 15th inst.
The Persia brings us the news that'; the great ]
questions which agitate the public miiidin Surveil
-the dispute between Rens is raid
- Western
Powers, the Neapolitaa girl:gime; aid the stability
. m
1 of the English and.Yrench hill:ince 7 -remain preta
ty omit the aranSith the exception of the last,
.. is. ,
the Change In which is, that It Proclaimed em-,
phitieidly on both eidee,pertieularly by the Organs.
list tberliettish , Soeivinfillifilitinttlint albeit*" bial ^
tween Feint* and England is ati - cerdisd Eel dose
as it has been at any hodr since it was first estab-•
Wiled: • Pante basin fact droved the 'high key
note in which the eeettntlistinglit •to r sgite - Hie
ilinte" to England,prid Eoglaadinpestisjuit pow
to be striking the key-note and giving the "time"l
tlathoce.',, ,- , , .' i, i 7 ,
The eciesunetien - of a sub-marine telegraph',
=tenths atthanticils,excittlall jn , Znittattli , outebi
attention. That it is practicabe is now admitted,;
sivin by the move skeptical men or science;: while;
' the LOpdon' Time* argues that it must prove a,
profitable investment to ita stoCklielders. - Mr.,
Omit W. Yield, of New York," his addressed the
Merchants of Liverpool at mama length Open the
suhjtdt.' We infor from there that Abe preparations
for laying down the wtees'are now PO ini advanced, ,
Abet we eise reasonably Otieipate - the mompletion
Of thnline Within the caning summer. •
While the Persia bringslit 'Mach' iii • reference
to,:the penned world in ;Europe, eh° brings also
intelligence relating to the social world in England,
wbieh forms a certain kink of parallel with the
*Aides!. While the surface of the political - world
in' England is ruffled need dieturbed . with. the, . .
gre o glaciate= of state, the social world is
stirred into great commotion with new and start- "X-r-Alliays happy to hear from yet l'aisie to
ling developments of crime, against which jnetice t 1 a l t ijui lagers 4'' '
I . - ' : •
agnlllo y • . , :
seems to beat fault. ,
The Times givee the particulars otseveral moor- !. Tee Meow Magas:Pm for Novembratte on our table?
derone assaults nod robberies_ after the .garrote , • Th° kiti tt ag i °° 7 r w . a o eanire g ular !yr u U't kg valuable t°
fasbio'n. ' The Times of N0v . .14, takes up the same t , n il Interest : A In udnea;minlng operaGous, metellurge.
,abject, and gives a fresh development of murder' -,OE':' it shinlo have tiOU l •u e ffw u a la kg atirrulatt°° '
in the streets of London. It sap: . "Deana or Patcoinomas."-This humorous work by
"The'cold Spanish war-cry of " IVar to the knife,' the late Jonathan F. Kelly, morethinillarit kntrwt as
is noet:tonnding. with a witness throughout the, „ e &urea "Jerk tumphrietvi " Stampede,," A.,...
etreite.,of Landon . Our own national habits are -3lecn - ' .t;• '
bad 'genii inenarly rispects. We have every day
has been published In Mad form' 3; T. ill, Peterson, 103
la lament the oceurrenee of outrages of the most, Chesnut street. Philadelphia. The book is finely illus.
the lanes and by ways of t h e t, tinted, anit !ghoul:ids iciakfialles,inimitahly Denny.' The
brutal character in
metropolis ;• but, at least, in only a fractional per ! Work Is published for ' the 'twat of the widow of the
ceutage cr cases are deidly irdapone deliberately ;_author, which teat, Independent 44 it, merit, shodid se
.used by the ruffians who raise their_bands agaluet . cure for the Humors an extiaidve Isle. It,ls complete
their wives and their mitupaniuns. What is, is in one large duodecim6 volume, hound in Cloth, for one
bad enough. We bave therefore no wish .to bur- dollar and•twenty-fire cents, or In two volumes, piper
row from foreign countries their worst custome; ,,,,
emer, for *nide : Mr. Collie* o f ths?rcirleolllbe sent to
and to see out streets matte the arens'for nn egad- . .
bition'of the art of assassination as practised among ' an parson, ✓free of portage, on their, emitting ibe price
all nations. Happily, this speeifie- change in the" to the Publisher, in a letter', Also the Lib ' st
character of London crime, can be traced to a' • . .
specifie andtrattaittery cause. The tire of the'
knife is althea , entirely confined to the lien who •
have been discharged from the foreign logien,. so .. _
we may trust, it the evil be dealt with at once and /Ur Newipaper Allife.-Thelaittavyle Cktaeffe iris mid,
ere .0:- ace t me , u _a e root,
with a firm hand , i h I 1 t k at Coostablesoade on Monday last for POD; alre.Walker ,
that we shell fal ldiackMgain upon lour 'own old - w.A the
and abominable. bubit of knocking each other , Pure "P ' ,
down, with the usual , addition of , kicking, pommel- f ie A
,m, rw r m a id e n; e f Schuylkill Cnunt Y B u rned
lug, bruising, unit so forth." ' ~ • - to _
to . .
ve 4 in Gihjenazia..-We learnt/ea Bath Psis*, fin.-'
And the Time& goes on to give 'the ; particulars . - .
nicely of alrwigaburg, and during the Mexican War, a
of a number of recent murderous attheks withalie
knife be, these ruffians of the disbanded' Foreign 6 ' n ' het 01 C '''''' Ica ' rk. " C '"" °7 ' ""a tlie A tli P I.
r "
Legion. • , . •
, tn . . burn. d to death at Minnesota Springs, Fier a coon-
This street development of crime -is not all.-:- - ". t j• e ' ilir " r "' s • 'lle ' we's en g e ge d , in k eep in g n t e etnenint .
Hardly !um Robeon of the Crystal Palace Comp,i is a frame buildlng-the house caught fire, end he per
,ny been,tried and sentenced to iniptisotiment--for • Wail In the Semis.,' , .
his extensive trauds i , when a greater than &dame ...
spriege up in 'the : light-a magnificent, ewiniller Ifir Raabe:rm.-0n the night or, the litb inst., as a
east in the same mould as the American Schuyler ; . "rly.of market own were returning to Itabseoy from
---One.Lempold 'lledpath by name.. Ith:leatir was ; Vettsville. end while stopping at
- the. public house of
the registrar of shares and the tioniferrer of stock , Francis Denelir,their room was entered by a thletstrid
in the Great Northetn Railway, and bad cominand : clothing i teed at about SlOO In money.; Singular to
over the ;thole of the shares of the Conipani 'agar, another market party solouniing at a neighboring
his salary was not Cory exterieive, I ?
tavern. were gag) robbed. The thief effectd' his elect pe
amounting to something between #.250 , t0 £3OO a! Du ' dolocted •
Year; he lived Ins luxurious style in , a fashitinuble .
house, hod a box at the opera, was tin habitue of 1 air . A Worthy Ohjiet.7-1 concert Ito this benefit of
the theatres a governor 01 Christ's Hospital and '
Mr• Jacob Chrismin, an employee of the Liimber Comps'
of the Royal St. Ain's Society, and a - hubscriber` : • • • , •
and director to many of th e most permanent me- ' ny
who was jutiuma 164 week hy a ''' acciden4 win take
tropolitan - institutionsi. There wail , scarcely 'a place at the Town RelFthis evening. ' The concert will
be conducted ender the auspices of hie Pillion workmen,
fashionable party, an operatic 'perforMance. or a
who have secured, for the, &castor' the services of our
gathering of the barn monde, in which! the • name .
'of "Leopold Redpath, Esq.," did , net appear.- bud native talent: We earneltly 'hue that the Malt
ltedpath dressed well, but natloPpishly, had a' will be thronged by a brilliant audience' this 'evening.
quiet, respectable ~look, and like a second Dr.. The'unforiunate accident h'ae deprived- Mr. of
Cantwell, watt in all eespects regarded as a model the ability to priiilde for the wants of his Welly; and
man. All that .seemed out of ' the general way ' they are Ina manner, thrown upon the kindness of the
'with him, and thisiwas regarded rather as an ee- commun it y z n . tom ' port i ry i onic LA the response of
centricity, was a hurried or "jolting!' manner in ..our citizens to the appeal be worthy of "heir proierbial
his walk. This "jolting" eccentricity,. however, , . .. . -
l - •
in his walk has prneed &otting" eceetaricitylni ge f er°s"-Y. '
his yin, which has throwe the flneneial world into i D a • ' • . i
• ea- ightruf, , Musical Eatertasestesets. , -The very
commotion. . One fine 'horning Re.dpath disap.l i i co •
which ,
eas ng OM was given bz yealassont Janie° .
neared, with his disappeatunce the a stound- i
and Pratt of Boston , at the Court 'holm last evening : :
ling fac t Was disclosed that he had eabbed his ens- 1
, ;will we are happy to bairn, be repeated this, evening it
. ployers-rthe directors and shareholders-Of many
thousands of pounds. It is toakids-and apparently ' the acme room. Miss Briggs arid Miss Whitehouse:both
upon. the' best authority, that the defalcations posseesing superior voices, render th'e most effective as
amotint tome less a sum than 1150,000. Whether 'lateness to the Professors,l6 their endeavors to y preeent
- that calculation is above or below the ameuat of ' cm! , 'rill sees with 'tine:clad/enable I muldral entertain
which the company' his been defrauded, retnatha i merits. There is nothing which merits more atteutien-
Jor future investigation to reveal. . ,
e warmer patronage. than music-Goole is. nothing as s
ItOpath fl ed to Parie,mnd subseqhently return-, general rule. which is se much neglet . tisl. •To the pa' tn.
ed to London, where he was arrested. Ile, togeth- • .o f affording
cipant, and the auditor. It is mashie
. the
er with . / clerk in the office of the same Railway :
most exquisite pleasure, where a proper degree of taste
Company, by the' name Of Kent, arrested on the
and cultivation exists. The time and money spent on
charge of being an hcctinplicel now awaits exam- r
'nation. - -.., less creditable amusements, would if- &rioted to the
' The suicide of the cii4iier Of the Midland Great cultivation of mutileal talent, repay the devotee ten-fold.
Western. Railway of Ireland, is also reported, but This evening a fine opportunity to hear good music Can
r the.eause is not yet known.
_,.. ' be embraced. We trust that nu.: rittnies will not permit
, ..
, 'Redshid.Pasha is now prime Minister of • Tur- it to m...: nenteetPO.
key, and • Omar Pasha, Minister of !War: The L .
English capitalists do not stem inclined to con- • 41111- Mr. Eden:ode Concert et the Court House on
turis into the new railway schemes of Iturnii. ' - Thuisdey evening, was well attended, and passed' off
_delkshtfullv. • The pm.gramme wee rstbeiler,gtby, but
, r ~-• .
necessarily smite enroll:tie, In order to give Mr.E. an op
linzawr"--Notwithetanding the t
.. Orleans pert unityto eihibit fully, the proficiency of his pupils.
Delta recommends! Gov. Wieer of Virgi ia, as Sec- . It would lie invidious perhaps to select from the large
rotary of, State, in place of Hunter / to have a number of yo ng . ladies who 'irerin•Meol on the co.
check upon ' the President in the shape of a man . caihin, any for stocial mention. Aft Swatted . them,
. a b
i lity, and reflectei much,' credit upon
air nerve and deCision, yet it seems hardly noes?- ' seleei with
that instructor, Mr. Edmunds. We cannot refrain how
eery, fdr.upon'tbo occasion of The ' Governor's re.
over: from complimenting relit ' bliss K. Weaver upon
cent pilgrimage
. to Wheathind,, the persuasive hi+ evident improvement as a pianist, since we last bad
eloquence and political wisdom 'of hie chief up- the pleasure of beeripg her, and the Misses flammer
pears to have had a wonderful effect in modifying , , 'upon the correct andarthtic which they ox
his efews. At least OWL may an judge from the ' *rated the several pieces allotted to:them.. The gem of
a .1. ...,
Ri c h,. the evening Bowever,i in oar opirden, was “Midtmeht,
pheisfrenoff, • coincident with his return t o
• i 'Chimes," performed:on the piano with taste and heves-
Wendt, of the kppearance of a maderate ants eon.. - . • ..
, bliss M. %Emu. It is almeettoo delicate for li
' .I drvatiee article in the Richmond . Fuquirer. The ' 'large and crewded hail. Ina parlor Its beauty would be
Enettirer, with somewhat oriental ondt•Coneeels fully a pp re qtatea, ' • ; • .
the; motive that indue,ssaehis notable change. While congratulating Ma Edszionia upon the 'newest
Though the inepiration comes from Wheatland, 'lt °flits eoneert of Thursday evening, we treat' be will
seeks to disguise its trail, by going Sohth for the,,... kale at nudist:Li:a period, titer cu- citizens with an
other of his plealing and awful musical entertainment?.
occasion. Tutmi ng suddenly on its-late allies In '
, ipa
~ t a,--_-_ ..
extremest counsels,' the Charleet e'..lfeer,,,..: and
•7 tar A _fame near, Vino' n.-The Philadelphia iscaing
the New Orleans Delta, it obj ect to their taiurse . Jelanal remarks that could the life scenes that lake
as throwing
. difficulties in ihe,,waa4 of Mr. Iluehan- ' place upon this world, north and south, east and west
, .
I 1
one moment of time be pictured , in a sumer,' man
an and as seeking to commit his adMinistration in "'
to "u policy .which in the entire of things he can- enact& te. enable the' human eye to comprehend them at
aoing le glance , whets mighty shock would the mind of
dot undert nkO." . The "blunder& of , the Demcieru- -
. ~ the gazer receive. i .
'cy" says the Enquirer, "are to the advantage! of - .11ren no* the sage's o' joy and grief have "visited
Black Reenblieanisin," and it prneeds to show many a fireside--cloud or etinshine have darkened or
what will result from the irdlopt ion of the blunders Mem ibed many a home. Tht' breath of the new bord -
which th`e Jrercury and Delta advocate :'i . . infant has Wed the cluck of Its mother 'alibi perfume
"The Democratic and Black Republican parties are • sweeter aunt that of the violet . pn the gale-the last
iiiiiirly Milanesd in reaped of power. Theron:pier was Tie:. groan of the weary pilgrim of life .10101 fallen upon the
tortoni in tbe - velvet, ;treacle, but..success was Melly , 1
Irbil& with a weight unutterable,-
won with the aid of important accidental advantages.. hearts "f wrePirat
The latter has atonal nothing of its seelY, and hes sutler- The bride has crud beside the altar in her pale purify,
cd no puce in iis preparations for Xi:tether battle." h•' ' '
lbe 0 M dull owed that, at the SCUM nun:neut. arose.
' , in the next contest. eircunititatirest must be against i '' •
from the yard besidithichurch: There were two voices
us. The Deinoeratie party will be plated in n very eriti.i
ml d prsitian. and will to subjected to a trial Glatt will .Ithen, th w ono the. hiding of two hearts, the other
tax its nisi tut and its at reo gib to the utmost. limier : ear th to earth and dustio dust." • .
the bent empires. an Administration eantiardly service . ..
', • '
the vengeanc e of its fora and the treachery of its friends, ' • Whit , the prisoner Peeve his cell, Olilltit forms - glide
[low difficult then.lfor a President to steer safely into on In the mazes of the dance: while the IMMO cry of I
heeler. when his courselleaameng b e ,,,k, re ,, i na he must , start libin touches the ear of,ileaeen, the merry laugh-
encounter the hely of an inevitable stoma! everybody
ter of the beibreeni t o not silent? .
foresees the diticultko and dangers in Mr. Buchanan 's . 1
path. ,Everj body oudetalabds that hi. Administration Thus, in one and' the same moment,' mingle joys add
must stand the hazards of a sectional euatroiersy. But sorrow;-life and disith,lopninetis and napery. It is '
this is riot alt. The Black Republican party will watch
and waylay him at every step:of his pr0p.,,,,x will jute,
. well perhips for humanity that all :these cannot be
pow all manner - of obstacles In his way: will harass him; viewed eimultaimously,aod that each . One for hiniself
in epee &exult; will undermine hitreby secret treeichery ; alone thinks and acts upen'the stage ninth. • . '
till' aggravate his emterrarstuents; wilt oppose biFtnea4 ,
sores; thwarthis policy; detect his blunders-in short,l ..
will light him with every weapon known In political war- ' Alir Tawny ilea's arist ion Assoefation.-rThis Asso.
tare. Can his Administration triumph over se- elation, whose iefidence on the character and habite of
eumulatiou of obstacles? Can Mr.- /mailman conduct our young men, is calculated to be most heoefkk , now
the Democratic party through all these difficulties and
dangers; and bring it Into the field in 1110 with no less numbers some ihtfY members. Throlato ' the kindneas
of prestige or power? 'The exploit would rival the re- of Anthill, Russel, Essq4 the Aiworietion occupies In' his
treat of the Runlets after the fall of the Malakoff.. But office building, a comfortable ream, reel free, which will
the st stogy of a Gortaehakoff is essential to Its aceona•
pUshment. The most brilliant reputation for iaatemaan- con t a in as the Associatires is ensiled , to. carry out Us'
ship will be the prize of sumer ;Abe irreparable over` Planer • One library. . -
threw of the party, and the ruin of the country will be
.' The oiled of theta's:mention is AO -engage the niters
the penalty of failure " . 'kin of young men in the pursuit of Useful knowildge-.
.. i. .. To avoid this irreparable overthrow, the Eas ' ati- ' Ind them to visit the room regularly, reed,.vrrite eve
rer says the " fidelity of, the party moot he equal' says, etc. On the subject of soya, by the way, in &no
t() din ibilitymi the it:edit," and it points out the -, ther column will be found an essay reed before the As
result of the extreme doctrines of the journals re- ' ' ioehttiort on the 27th init., by the Rev. Mr. Washburn.
fetred to, and lectures them in this wise: ' , 1 It gives an outline of what's required in prep:Mug an
' "We are surprised therefore, that though they may; essay, and the manner. It is fL i matter requiring but a
care nothing fur the exigencies of party. they do not see little eamest e'ffor't to prove successful, and a rears of
'how effectively they alit the at use of Black Republicanism . '
In repelling tbe sympathies of the a.fortbern Democracy im prov ement and pleasure to the particle:intl.
and betreying a distrustor the incoming Administration. Another attractive feature of the AssociPtlon during
Why despair in advance, of Mr. Buelianan's - ability to the coming winter, sell be the delivery of a Perim of
shield tee South from aggression. at least during the lecturer. PrbrainentiSeturere from abroad •will - be-en
term of his Presidency t Why presaibe a policy to him
which in the nature of things he cannot undertaket- Meted gm the occasions -' • 1 -
This prophecy
of wril contributes to the fultilmeat of We warmlymate time of our pules men . who bare
its own tonebeallne: and these extravagant speculations not Yet cannot be over
enrolled their MAUNA as members, to do in
can only end in diSappolutment. Meanwhile- hOwever, - • '
tbey animate the hopes of the enemies of the South, promptly. , The honest to thane/Wes • •
sea depress the spirits of our Northern A Ilea. Can we estimated, wbllethii eireinple will havia . beneficial effect
pin any . advantage for the common cause, by batraying et, the mo d e o f t h e r i s ing irrner nii,iin. '., -
an inordinate ambition, and by tendering our support Gl ee by
your anti !MO re, in ri an lip elite to
to Mr. iththanan an impel:able conditioner Ile we notPrener'' , ,- Y
run the hazard-of alienating his confidence amid' losing, , the efforts' of the Young Men's Christian ',Association.
the Influence of hts Administration!" . i which will redound to your and its credit. .
______........„.......•...----- .
. .
arrangetpenti for the third year of this. new pod'
popular Institution, have, been .completed on, the ' • , ' • Pea tusedx Norm 24' •
most extensive scale . At the appepachinig animal - . 'ximisseAorreass.-xe:muse al Po r t b i er ee • em igsa n
gattlitous distribution of aorta '- of ert, i' which oindY "rat t les the ' early t'u:ra g aneo:l:4lntr the 147
next, there.
Clinton Allentown Railroad. TheY all t:el more in
takes place lm the 28th of Januaryto this great piujeet than any of the roads in
-*l.l be dmitn 310 paintings and pieces Of •senlP. ' operati on here now:
A b
t rilg eri e n conn:e i t L ia? fkhaylkill county with Deets- le
• Antong Awes:liptore_ arc the following ex-'l,_
quisite picies, excented front' the One - ii Carrii4 .' ,I,ldringl44.lllith A couteyatifeleic.jltio way l r loing inif tta. the tta Ha ;
pttrpoeod dge
see!;l or e t tglt t o t tig tw il while
'rouble :—Tbo "Wood Npuptyl . *,,tha !uts of Clay.. 4
Webster and CaThetin,. iraltner'l ideal butt, lf a stranger wishes to go to the, Reeding De . pet_ . Y : r 4
S'Spring," and others. terms- of mil:Scrip= ri. l o t ti,:arte,TAtarlgesNegy,„oantwia .Tdir a nd
p i rig ,.. , - ;, a_ young man employed on the L. A. U. U. fell dforst w erir
s th u o bs u a ri no b - ii3 t.b i re te lle 4
.19, 1 h ):7 1 : i.i w 4
4 t i tsi t e teig o t it l e e .ngrip t he
er;•, , , r er sehutetwltile ern on to th th s e Dope!,
g s e u e l l hart him.
a p4polar Masashi., eer:pr.:o*e posmopolitair'lklntris Ealltglllo.)WaS hurt very !ugly imam.
Art • Joaraulf—a - quartirly4ir,hete
,year'', ' and si 4 f ? iioitch hiteli a e° orrfi a daTet : I I:L a b:It two Teere i , a g ent.
ticket in the•distribution of Works , of Art. Tlitilr, ih:D°ll,l,.°?°°,,ltrisliene: a takthl! Payout saarri*
terms are rearona • ble, . and the fraine rendered eo • ' which -theeniereStii sa ke
c. th ousand dollars
astisfactoryohig no person Can! hesitate to cater- this town. amuburtr ir his Te r ry mach ("Posed to .
info the pitieCtie a member:' 11. Ba unlit le the' least:: ft appe ars toeno - Cfiei n sy o mi t i% t a ni l i m bl aa 4at
7 per
: Actuary foe'. Wisticiatii;o la 'this ' County , lied '' eon
oar 0t,,,,
the ~I b er l it bat theuusdem.. ;h e y m ow
is prepare:l t 6 issue certificates of. membership to ~ • w3r woohl teletittlttl e . 4 wa ! esmid not oat the I n
'th ose desiring to fothaeilho. The object •of the • tal te cottrt; lo tt r o ding i the necessity fora bridle vas
'AssociatlUn is principally to
_aid , in' `the distribtr.l• =UV eh° ennukt n i n ot ohei= "n VIP& ant
Lion of, knowledle sn A
9 . rfiee att i ll ,.
ie. , denledV A Jury was selected several months ago 1124
. n 0• . Berksandgehaylklll taksis view of the •
• out the country, and attbo...faine lime -.fester nu- I rad irri!tge;SusetAtt7 rgortlntnnelfittnerf lii: in to=
tire telen4; ; We beeittly - coottietta Itio ihotittan-i• • 7 1er . e she ' l e ' - .:
deg . ' •: ' , 4 o e •
• -
,flon of 'ttioierie Our , elitietti, !oho. hive' tot iie 1E" 14 ° 10 " 1111 • 814 """ liki i r .- 11 " 111 * 116 .'
. 411''
a ertrollWd• theline Ines . see members. ,I ' . ; .'' - 1.. m do's.. is , ta•eadedeenning eit's ern* lOWA tisKie
._ roar.. respertfulty, •.. -; , -_, • X, •
1 ; , .14
We ear 'lliattunaireatunr.-L.The Get- 1
tysburg Mirr hat'sferted the; - f3*tt Of .chneetl4,
Stetistles la relation to fission:Ali:of persons nut;.
'wanted-in thie Susie during the present year, sad
rsquutiltsraontemporeries to furnish Interim*
owe* suloeet, and consionsielite with It. iR
compliantly with the Styes' wisltii we turnlsCit
with the: number naturalized hi this County dur
ing the present year. The nutuhes.wijeksettle/-
ly noised their naturellustionjeists, wis 1148,'
while' between 1101/stml 900 -exPresecsifilsliir
Lions of applying for their papers.,
thatgehityliftl eoistity
gaiiiiiktip *storied by any ousttlY oat?" , Of Phil
adelphia, in the.fitate,irs "rowling", up ths "bet.
:titer" cities's& ...19e hope.ihe Ster's eltorpsto _ob..
rein spijselsbitielt d in regaikip iltetsniltef 11V,
be successful. It will be interesting to ascertain
the ratio of the increams of , the. Puwerl
wields such an immense iillnence In our 'State'
and Netitmal elections. -
RECIPROCITY.—The pulpit, of Now Haven, Ct.,
some eighteen months girl, wriltaluted iiierally ,
for tbs. =forma at Norfolk; iri, bI yellow tovit.
The;bligalloe has been repaid by mobbing a ret.
spec blo•oitissitCapt:Timodly .13metard. (ltte:
of New llayen,) for voting itonordinnto the•.die.
tams rids judgment and ooaseionce.. q•-is &IS;
milt t exercise the tights or als Antsrican oltisen
in Vi gin's:. In the North however, it io not ita-
Rossi le to nritin•:_overy man to use hia 'Kiwi
.legts, and to'relleye faltering, wherever It exists.
awmassmsaismissiemmi •- • i, ' I I,li
focal Afairs.
POST marrow wens.
PUTS MID Willi.gB4;
Eli- in liesteMlut week, 91.
la Deltheione: last meek 91 "
egmßestbe la Ikeda's% last week, 52.
eafeYale Cottage coot:du 692 Module. -:.>j -.
ear-Madame Embed is at Cain lEgy
Cairo. pt. .
Affehestile be New York, WI week. 395.
AfirDeathein Philadelphbe last week. 192.. . ,
dirlismanen tailed meSateudsy last for LeselipM. -
Deplreareet is playing an engagement in,llostens. • •
1. - There are • 04,000 pianos In use ilithit t ratrp.
eirelohn 04axe, the ls poet, Ant expand raseree.
ffridelf. *bury itss been lenighted by Xing 01
der ditylitialew thebriates elm pining be fifror Uwe
nut the ceuntry. . ,
Arnie' full vote of itetStats of-New •,Torl e
t WEraft%
Mir-George W. Porter, the Inventor of the a Di•
flo." died recently. .. '- , ff
WirTheiberg. the planted, gave a meet In Philadel
phia. Ust *veining.
~ ,dipin the Cesammeicheolet of North Ceram* thorn
kor'l3o,ooo '<Wilkes.... ' ~.•
'.• AKPet Illosunes IlisittiConrentkie was in Medea be
New York this week. ! 1
• Len Winonsin, Mr. Washburu's Canal
Medority ier overllo,ooo.' , ~' .
farLort Pelinerdon . eammUy visited Liverpool gar the
first time in his long life. ,
4/Seek Arent Er...LOWA, On ifedneadayereeki destereedi
$59e0.0n3 worth of property.
IripThe total atone and salt vessel tone built eml
the Western Lakes; to 6=9. 1. !
WA submarine Wiens& between the 17 ted States i
and Cuba bin contemplation.
ege-A.D.L. Whipple, a note Mahn og 4 ellmitella
under arrest clamed wish fraud.'
%el be National Ent, at Washheetee -hie le I ,
discontleued for want , f support i „
..... .
AgrThere were seven towns in TefilletilWhige the i
vote we unantmons her Fremont... -", ": I .- -.-
faekllisha Sailtb. Jr-, Ct, der Iteellmem af . ....Mgee
Flee Department. tiled on Monday. f ..,... - - - ' - -.-
Ark pair of omnibus homes rate MUT PhEllldel-
phis. a few days since. Marvellous I. - - -, -t. '
fferfbere is building, at Riga ilednee eta WS eleiggia
- thipof war, for the Viceroy of ,Egypt. ' - .. , '... -__-'' -,, ."1
elegoEx•Governor Slade, of Vensont, tuts Wed,
ith another bevy of-Leask leachers ' I
± eir
Winn. John Areleyton., among the seta of his
life, gave ellXi to* eately, 'elerierman. •. . I
ffirfha NisgstlePplites Train nil) bet sitero of the
Romaine Railroad= tled let of December.
• eiprohn D. Clout h going on a Temperance. Cane
pip, out Wed, abed the Ist of Decemtituced
at the I
air -ur 1w the title of a new piece p
Arch street Theatre. Philadelphia. this week. - .
IQ-Lieut. Jain T. Walker, of the United States Navy,
. eq.:emitted 'Made to New . York. on Tmedae ' -._
e .- • 1
ffi)Ara Maria fienyee, the last daughter of th ode
John died in New York a few days ante.. • ,1
nest regular term of the United States' tie-
promo Court win commence On Monday next .
Ape:Warp !limey, seta of tie lion. 0. pinny,
died at Lower Saginaw, Mich, on the 12tdeinse
ifirSer hale rs do coludderaide buideMst Inuit beans
railway tickets In many of the
Mos clUseof the W .
irerThree Ametime steamboats ' now st 7 peeing l
• the riven; La Plata and Parana, In South Antedate : I
Off - Two millions. oue hundred an& slay thoneand
shoeas are manufectured annually Mehl' country. 1
ger By the Ist of January. tbe Letetoon Valley Rall.
road will be completed from Reading to Womelsdorf,,
-1130 - Atbert Sumner, brother of Charle s Sumner , with
his family, wan on beard the French at' , Lyonnais*. ,
IQ-Buchanan has aMajority Mini A Siniadasolinty of 1-
Michigan. i. e., Wayne. where he bas 350Iciver Fremont. , ar neellitlewiferel Ei,Thele weff
illesee LeisPepast
' $l'J. Lawrence Gets, of Routing ' is a iinent ern- Gyred.—Among 'the triumphs of tide wonderfn mode
',Mate of the isemoeratleparty for Speaker of the Hutoe.
. eta-queen vieje going to have anoth" -baby. Tes, eirm met confirmed disease* or the , stomach and, /pips
tommou, but int e resting event will pies to ',betel trials), the ibilewing b not - the - least eemattate. Ed
ary. ! . • s' _ - _•1 Irani SWinsue aged 151, melding at Mande a Md.,
ea-The Emprese Eugenie (on dit) it good seark.-1. b a
She recently shot nine pheasants In flints 'of s t' d been far eleven Years a sufferer from indigestion and
Coed. - 3 • I its painful concomitants. Ms appetite wag Irregular.
' strileThe table Service, lamps, and.:ors of the stab I his frame onaciated,hb , skM of a livid, unhealthy hue,
rooms alone, of the new Tilos steamer Adriatic, cast , mute bad a o i na t ant feeling of constriction at the pit
$1.5,0t0. ' ,- , •
erie‘The "Rice Haile." the first brie bundles built of the stomaeh,asif a cord were being drawn tightly 1
in St. Pall. Minnesete, (In
.. 1842,) was burned down oe . mound It. Ile was continually in a Mete of . great mete
the 16thinek .‘ 1, • • ~• _ - ' ' '-'
- " ' cal as well as bodily distress, and, to use his own em.
eleer - A clerk of the Artmde pant, of Pr o vide lum
I 'mixtled." ay the operation the ,Bank gaffers to the Presstew. "hie had betimes bitsemM to hire." In the'
tune of ed 3,000. , , / Inoeth tf December Let he commenced tablet NOM'
lgirffr. William A illoson,.of Remit has been ape , way ' s Pill.. , week, three „i.e. te„,,,,,,m0r . m 1 th e
plated hy the Canal ilard. n State Age n t on the Co. • . a l f 1 b og e y
tumble Railroad. above symptoms be valikhed. ore epee em em
' Idd - Mrs. Annie Seater Mut been .pMeMisa , engettem , mimed. and be Is now as robed and active as Any mew -
ment ed the Walnut. street Theatre, Pidladel Zing of bie years la ale elerylause - Fer disorders of the
the meant. week. .
4-4... m. e dit or , ~g South 0 i „., 3 1" t ro i r.a. t a ki ad to ~ stiuch, Irver and bowels the Pills are the only reliable
erect a monument to W. R . Taber, toy killed to a remedy in existintie;
duel it Charlerton. • I --
- eirt mna the opening a GnenslasodOemetennon tong , R.•, R. 'R. . - • '
Island, New York, September, 1840, the Intermar t bare
amounted to 47,2.1. 1 , . ' . ' 4?-Radwars Ready ibillietee final purposes
eire - Robere Wats, editor of the IlDwaultie Atlas, was . where the body is seized elth pain—whether it be of a
run over by a train of ears on the ahem Road, Olt simpiec h anic t er, orthe , ost ia rtur i sis paroxysm ... , .-
Wednesday lase and killed., Dell!,
trielhe marriage of the celebrated for of thou Paris fir it be Toothache or Cholera; whether Headache or
Prenc, Emile de Ginudin, to the Count de Tielenbech. • Sperm! and Cramps; whether aches or pains In thee
bee been ce lebrated l a P alle ' lbreets or joints, shoulders oi - back 'or the More terrible
elln a company of fifty nee 11. 8. it was me . ,
c3rtained that , the enlistment of nhiselen th et of them Osetnee of NeureletV whether !w i th , ' twwole or joints
was from sumo female difSculty. head, back of stomach . Radway's Ready Relief will in a
AR r The public debts of all the States of phrlstendom. few minutes restore them ost terribly afflicted tamale
both In Europe and America . amount In round numbers,. ,
to a grand total of $9,000,000,000. and Comfort. , , ''',....,
4V-leese Deckert. reed 38 years caltain. of the canal A Lady eared ef Puley—Rhepraullses.—Januari3,lBs 6,
boat. Mary Decked, of Liverpool, ' l' was accidentally —ldeserseßadway A Co. :—I tried your Ready Rellef,and
killed at Philadelphia, on Monday. !
bad My Joints rubbed with it, and I never felt pain at-
A3-Tbe Governor Of South Carol! Advocates the me - ter the first ten minute,' I was rubbed with it up to the
viral Of the glare trade. and think. e ery department of present time.. Sir e. Ido not know what to compare It to
labor Mould be in the handi of slave . - but a charm ; for it is a mystery tome . / was 0 cripple
44-Proressor N. P. Rents. tiled a Kenna, Florida, for tine years, and had not tbe proper use of my, limbs
on :he 6th inst.' He was the husban of Mrs. Caroline - f a r three years. I wee worn down tea skeleton: Fthen
_Lee Mentz, whe, died about a year si n 0. commenced the use of your Ready Relief; Resolvent. aud
F - Ider•Tbe search for the steamer yon is, recently Regulators. The pain lett me, In ten minutes. and I be
wrecked off our iced, has been nun I, It is fen- gan to gain strength very fast, and could walk with ease
ed that she foundered shortly after the, colt . le a few weeks. Berne 1 beard of , your Remedies, I was
eGii - The earnings of the Camases :Railroad for Octo- taken to Pr. Perkin-. Dr. Reese, Dr. IVardie, Dr. Maclellan.
her, were $.10.577 el, being an Increese of PADS 28, to and many • ther physicians in this city, I- cannot now,
. compered with the corresponding month last year. remember. Iwu completely pulled to pieces by them.
I ACieTwo villains in Tanabe=recently went Into a My emanation was troken up with medicines that did
honk and attempted , to violate a girl aged 18. Sbe , me no good. .1 could not put a foot to the ground nor
seised a gun, shot one fatally and wotmded the other. Vick up a pin. I was lifted and surfed up and down
raiThe Americas Banner, P delphis, hes been stain, like an Infiniteand now,thank Godl by the use of
gnspeoded for the preesent,—Mr. Jon the editor. redo your Reenediee . lam as drone as ever. ; I had the com
ing on account of ill health, and illy remittumsted labor. mon rheamatism— lnflammatory And ehrotic—and the
re - Judge Begins. toot the place Judge Jones upon peley. :You pan publish this if you like. '
the bench of the Berke county Court of Common Plus Sateen A. 'loom,
last week, In the trial of a cane In w let the latter was, 2.44 36th street. between 7th , all Bth avenues, N. Y.
to some extent. inturestaL 36
, November 29. ',j 48-tit ''
Wi - Tlie following notice Is posted complemnaly In a
publication office Down East :—"Sb t this door. and as
soon as you have done talking poi nee serve your
month the same way." A poi I lictigious )tittil tort.
, fiiii - Tbe accounts brought by , rece t at-deals from the . .
Superior country concurs:idly In f oretelling unpreredent- _
ed suffering during the coming winter, in ;that melon, as Ail- Samos Senora . It is stated , that more thin
the remit of a leek of the usual supplies.l. ' _ 2,900 new Sunday chools have been organised by the.
shis-It te emiorted• that a match for V... 000, and the American Sunday School Onion, with over 1.600 new .
ebampleash - ries, has , been made up In Philp-,teachers end 170.000 pupils. The national organisation
del . wren Dominick Wadley and AWful Gardmer. appears, to proceed vigorously In its labor of love. , ' ,
'fb s elntest will probably take In about 2 month*.. pie Asa T Atlas i thatJohn I L I
Kettles ox L ram CASS: i- J • !IS Boston rays ,
Drifted ashore in the nation I gale, , ' •' 41 th at eity. hareordered of the Amerimm Bible Soddy,
• The Tetanal OM lies bele ~, '. • - • obrober of Imperial quarto Bibles btitTid in -Turkey,
Whose pint I likt eras a musk scale, morocco. with panel covers, each to 'lre enclosed In a
Begiuning nd ending with °ugh). • eosewood case. and presented to each ,of the, crowned I
heads of the world, The books will .cost about 13.0 a
. . 11E,Fetenator Dou as and his bride' ogetber , with Gan- .
;oral , •
`t j tields and oer toomberte of their bridal party, at- copy - —! , ', ' . I , I
,tend ,ht opera in, New York on Monday , eeming. In 1 1,. ESSAYS:! 1 . I
a box directly appetite CoL, Fromm at an teUdy were seat- As Lang, read of the public mening 1/ 7 Vie IreentO !fen's :
ed. '
/ - Christian Association of Pbestille.-held on Monday
! Lieut. Avery late of I.lte United-States Navy. who " towing. Nerreiber 241 h. 1856, up Me Ret; D. Wash
ita: dropped from t e servicfm by t a action of the Naval i burn. Chairman of the CbinmelecosiEtt?ift: . i
Board. committed s kid° al, Hon Kong. In September, An essay is simply an attempt or endeave. Thus dee 1
where he was in, command lof th - clipper ship Ch:Vneek It is somettling which any, person '
rain do. kr roes 1 ,.
City. , i . . earliest. Mem yto the most advanced age, igyerywhere '
pear Thursday , Michael Keenan, whose chit and in all times, mankind have been making eons.—
died on Tuesday, in South Iltoston, Man., welt out for The Infant's essay may be deemed unworthy of even a
the purpore of procnring a MOM, but got drunk by the - pulsing allusion; yet Its attempt at, mother a limit, or
way and was run over and instautly killed by the New . making a cry. or seeking nourishment, issurgestiveand
York train. - , ' ... , • I,t I. a the same timelnetructive. It suggest,. that tel make
A3F - The smoke sauce is becoming a Peen% or new • Attempts, according to one's age, abilities and cireune
an elms diecussion in the Western eltiesl where bituod- .. !dames, is at once palatal and necessary to, the devel
nen% creels burn , and a trial Of the smoker eineanniting f I opinent of faeulties. And, like more advanced child.
apparatus in use 1 England Is to be made in th e cliff ell . hood's enuring to walk or talk, to.,young . persona who
i t
Cincinnati. • I ' I
_; . may shrink from witting essays through some vague
rail cop year Proved a kllcire lcr Boston thle see. . appreheneion af difilculty or fear of failure, it lagers
son. This year in that city, of the ;lumber of minim , this valusble inetructlinyof encouragement that axed
er,the total tip to'ovember Ist, was only about 2,400 .—, ogees reicaral-eforts, whether Awkward or graceful at
year, about tee thcaman marriages were solammi
ca ihr, wa te t i e tt h as vur sycl is y the lre chremmedero
,r eet ry s• e ceres. Its victor'.
I in Boston.
td-Stunnel S out died at 'en York, on Friday tut; ' - For the ways prescribed m part of the exercises of
a al 73. He was he Collector Of that port . under Gen. I '
this Assechtion are but trials at composition on any
aekson. and his OM" stio ntly became notorious ,. -
proper sUbjeet. The experience of generations testifies
, throuebout the untry, in consequence of ieniain un- I to the practicability and espediet cy of such trials.—
pleasant esents.
ii, 1 They formed& part of the mental education in Jewish
Ager The roprie or of the P ilcdelphia .Satterdery Bel- I families of earliest nholastic record, and smug kap
/Sin. A.)lstmthio Eel, bald g purchased the Interest i 'knee Phoenicians, Greeks and Roman* developed Mole
the American trier. the wo papers will betexforth ' seems of achievement and thought which -on the one
be united! under t e name of he Saimaa, Ad/MU end hand distingulabed the fonder, and on the other con
:American Churier. . I thine even t o Mix day to excite our admiration Jr, the'
I tor Slx school girls Of n, aged feign 12 to 15 yam, varied [lassie writings of the latter. They were male •
a-knowledge that they , have been in the habit of ohne : nixed as Indispensable In all ithobotic training At the,
ing stores In that city for illteit purpose", andhave eeer-; middle ages in Italy, Spain, Odenetty and Fiance, and
aged abate two dollars per w kby their vicious covirse.l here been elevated to Um highest dignity by thy, genius
Ilorribledepravity. I of Baeon, and the dill more briliLant essayisteof modern
eirThe shorted passage !wean Boston and Halifax, Britain. Among the *riling* of Lord Baron, the father
by a saltine Tenet, has been made by the barque Hsu- of Inductive Plallow , phy, aimed numberless emays. are
ie./. which left Bolden on t 17th instant - . She weds tans testifying his appreciation of the peculikr adepts
the passage In thirty hours horter than the &Terme run teen of this mode of treating almost every variety or
of the Cunard steamers. I 1 subject in natural science, morals, general literature I
utdeSmith la the name o the fighting editor of the and philosophy., first published In 1597 ten mum
'Fro City, (Mies-) [Femur. Mrs. Prewett attends to the on the followingSuleects, vie - Study, Discourse.Cereene
money matters l of the colleen. while Smith remits noes and Respects, Itelinwers and - friend., Suitors ex
challenges, other . warlike Missiles, Insults, dentine ' pease, Regimen of health; Honor and reputation. Faiiion
tines. duns. ke.. /ie. es r , epan-ible position. and finally Negotiation—the volume of which be dedi
eld•Y'be last wicked th ng on hoops is the following:— fated to his brother Anthony. In 1612 he pubilehed I
The Utiles' hoops are kettlao en wide th at It le - difilenle another volume containing more than thirty additional
for them to get into a milreal ear, most of them being . mays; among the subjects of which me found nub as ,
built of the "narrow tom , It will be a note shrew the following: Of Friendship, of Atheism. of sneered}
iar if fashion ebould drive Irthertravel to the six foot! tion. Of Death. of Religion. of Young Men and Ap,of ;
gauge, ratio:ads. ! • - Love. o Beauty, of Determity, of Praise, of Parente and
I tra...The young man vett ug out lo life, whatever ea•l Children. of Marriage and Single Life, of leveeing
rear Mt protegee to himself should reeedve that If skill, education, and other like matters. tin whirls els entice
genius or applieatioe can ti p et. he willimprovo Unlined mind would express more or lean . Its prool al and phi!-
, within his sphere of a c t i n .flfbe is diterally to "take I osaphic views. In ono of his dedicatory epistles he says
It as he finds It," it shouldflet with & determined purpose, of these writings, that "to write just treatises requiedh
in reserve to leave it better ter haring lived In it. t leisure in the writer, and , leisure iu the reader. and
fleer The Cape May and
ti t elands Railroad predeet, tot therefore an Dot et AL tee, which Is the cause that bath
I form a better coniallinfes n between Philedelphis and 1 made me choose to write certain brief notes set down
Cape May, is represented aS awakening lutqest In its fa-, rather staldlS=ritlr 4han curiously, which I bay* called
, Tor. and truberAptione sn a ring in. ,W tit $600,0001 Essays. The•vrord le late. but! the th ing is ancient: fee
are required to build the d. and about 171,000 areal-!' Setieca's epietlee to LneillUS, if you mark them well are
. ready obtained'. Ac soon s $300,000 am. berthed tb• but essays, i. e. dispersed meditations though conveyed
I work will commence. I ' 7
Mem of rebate*. These laborsof tniue (rootlnues
I eTrLast week, a little girl, daughter °ea widow ant - I Bacon, writing to the Prince of Wales) can notbe worthy
.ed Ironmonger, was killed and partially eaten by ase of your highness, but my hope be that they maybe as
, deem sow. near Jaeksonvillo. 111.. The shock of the boot grains of sett, that will rather give you an'appetite than
tilde spectacle killed the Mother also, and on the next; offend witheatiety. I have endeavored to make them
I evening a cAmpbene lamp exploded, whereby one child of a nature whereof a man shall find much in etperi.
1 wee burned to death, andenothei so dreadfully injured I sun and little in books, so as they are neither repetl—
them its life despaired . ,
cl l .
, I lions nor fancies."
Sie•Mr.Sparrowgrass—Come, let's go and pt a glue' The title whith Bacon adopted lisurely nolonger neir,
of Lager neer. but a familiar, school and household mod. And whether
Mr. Mabletick—Thank , you, Rparrowgrasse I, believe we include under It the writing, of =eh as Addleciand
not. Johnson, or not, the fiery . dissimilar productions of
Mr. Sperrowgran-0, u'd better. It'll do you good.. Cheeks Limb and Mr. Macaulav demonstrate the simple
It's a tonic.. .1 range of subject, mode of thought ands tyle of eaPreso
Ilr ilabistlck—Yee, too-tonic, - . doe, belonging to the essay.
__ ;1111
dire The receipts of the New York Temperance Society _-• And, to present but one more thought ells su bject,
for the veer, from donations, amounted to $33,0111. Five if guy think the standard of our Quarterly Bedew, sett
persons—Erastus Corning and N. C. Delavan, of Albany;' des too high, let hint remember that lumber productions
Charles Under, of New York:Gerrit Smith, of Madison eresou o ebt for with avidity In our monthlies and more fre
ecrunty. and Dr. Nett. Schenectady, gave lil,ooo each.— quiet pi Galati publifetions. These alt are included in
The a wbole amount was expended in the publication 91 one or anotherspecies of the genus essay. and as melte
Temperate° papers and doetttnenb. ' amra both capable and worthy pf the eaperlountd un it s .
Wine asetcsk— Julia —Now, Alfred . dear; I must ties of the as yet, inexperienced ens Ist. ! '
Ire you. I 'am about to shut myself out from tho But over and above all this, it may not be forgon,
world , 1 that the great etilombie essayist, to use his own lan-
Al/rot—Why In the name of madness, Julie, Ten are Made. drew ^muds from ears,rience. ittle from books."
not thinking of retiring into keonvent ? 4 .ltuttprolific Sell:Lever widening to with individual, and
~ Julia—No, dear: don't steno pureed L- - I - ara -- FM il - fj — to .-
presenting ever new otPcte of I nveseigatlon and subjects
..-InglopcitotriCrinelino these. - f - , - Ike tetlectien and discourse. is the property of each Me*
- ag ar complaints are,mada. of
in In insurure. ter a ' the Amortation. Its gram foliage endji ring rte •
month aist the Cul dealers of Cincinnati. It is sta. tilde ere accessible to the humblest and the Melliter w . Its
tel that the load of Ccal. nbich la supposed to contain tuella and prociong minerals are abundaut but_
to the
twenty-are boatels, and Is bought by consumers with dleilllng.
superficial Ilm r ote" aT t i i i; l i t t : t r t ertZtleettb the
!,that understanding: het been found In Innumerable In uswt eAM A '
dances to Medan no Metre than twenty. Warrants have wag, are taskln gazer gmirtatterfo r t ti their prorudien. ha re_est,
. been issued Again
a large proportion of the dealenorho greats end enjoymen . eAnd above all, there to the Tree ,
!rue to answer on Friday morning . __ - of Lifie and the River of tha Same, with their dependent !
branches, indestructible products . and multitudinous ,
I ellifeAt Chicago. a most singular bet 'was made upon vitality Immortal. From ell these, which are, or may be
I the Preeldoni lel election. by a Gerteanorttotee blehrtme, L o me in the field of emebeane's experience, can any one;
lot, and wife and baby, that Fremont would be elected. will an} one fall to lay - bb essayed offering on the altar
After hearing the result, he took hie deal, wife and or the amciatioot
, child, and made a tender of ail in good fidtb. But his - • - ,
j • friend. having one wife and eve children, refused to In. - • - :I,
crease his stock In that way, and, thecetbre, declined _ha dree vaiginvg mi. - rilonier CHURCH. ,stiler . of
take the poor mates Bunny and property. beat gave Mita /elm and dd ~. at every
street: Divine were' Sabbath at 10 1
piece of advice, and they parted, good felende..
~ r, . , o deck, A- M.. and 6 o'clock. P. M. •
ffr'lliiml -Rem! how mnrb beg th aw ba l saa me r "''' nod Street, Pottsville, Mir. Wituirs L. Gan, st
In Philadeletta. Thomas McDermott ts under-arrest, Dtetne service every Sabbath at 10 A.M. and at 7% P.M.
' cheered with eansiug the death of his wife. Mary., path Mir SECOND METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH ;
-were of In ...e teen_twraje .. _ . .beld,_.. ta • From t tbe...„„ teatlaten l,,,, i cd ,..7,__ lt ' Market, Skeet, Pottsville, Itev.3. Tater Olney. Pastor,
UM*" d "'"m " a "" '" e " - "" t111/ ."'"""'""""' "' •*"'" Divine service every Sabbath at 10 A. M. and 7%P. H. •
cased. we extract the Dliewitt , !entente' eeerilad seen ~ rife E'NO MR LIJTIIER.AN CHURCH. Market Square
Mrs. McDermott In the yarderaveting upon her tends mad
utemoi '
she woo " to be drank.. .n o once bad black
Rev. Deem Smcw, Patter. Divine eeMce In
this Church negularly every Sunday . Morning, vet 10% %
eV" t b r i i i w o ks, bY f ailin g about the Y ard w h eg i rbm '' _ ‘.
**deck- eventne all ed.:wk. Weekly Prayer Meeting,
—lla4 can McDermott strike hbs wit almedde of her , tb • ecco r ti ' d. at 7 o ' c l oc k .
hod with tits fist, aud then Melt her op and throw her Os I WINITY CHURCH SERVIC PA— ircrealeT.lBs6:
down t be beat her on the Friday being , her death: and '
—On Sundarcat 103 f A. IL, and VA P. Le,sis follows
threw. her dawn amid kicked bar calor thie Near—Heber ..,„,,,. _ ~,.., sandal o Advent, and St . Andrew's Day—
melt was in the habit Of beetling hit wife with • porter w r, c ' •• "
bedsit 1-8 .Luke 1, and Isdalb ii—Romene x.
bottle—He kicked her about the bes and eyes—Mrs iitie For Matadi and I6tb. the Collect, Epistle And Ousted
De rm e t ' t m
meeeteratetantlY drank — McDermott , nets * when will be those appi n 4 ted for the 3d and 4th Sundays a ft er
drunk Jell OneOf witttesneetilldren. andettem near E m. i d p b a .
killing it—Witneest badmen men carry liquor to Ilm do! 1 DANIEL WARIDURN, Rectnol
armed" It baud tale of city lie. i . -
ffrA dnitnher ineideni OceMiled In New Toth on Yd.
day last. A man killed by a filleted nettles. at Tarry
town was reported lobe Patrick Burke or New York. sod I
bit wife at once proceeded to the opt. Oa anidrigthere
she sew the body. and laving her mind made ap Poe tike
worst, without nothing dereeteeffie bee ceneto&d OM
he washer bushand, lad forthwith Made treangeesenta
for thermenaL The supposed Pattiek was brought to
the city In • neat Mabee:earned, theexperontand heh.
arks of au old issbloned wake meet knurled. She on.
daps was bired.enni se the Weed ems about to emu
War the Williandelteg ferry MI ihnlikniffilltir DM the
teal. genuine Dad* Jerky met Ids bestend bieekele, in
-DM health--+s , phis Endue be bar teettaltelys erprommt
U, to ibalt tour olimov." tie morseno not burls te
think thelheid teen tersented.and sumereenoub=,
iterrtiedtherhaelles Pat to the Illellemselloullbsl
bean, whip the Me tine Patriot rode Woe he a tee
tiage with_ is wife - •
' , i 7, : - 'c ;.tw - i,.=. , ..Z - '4
, r,Z , -.; 77 4 , 1• , : , .'..• c ..•
art Yaw httlyif 16 or 18 yank named llitebilli
' redding at Omar. tr. T. did: few days 2;6 attsoked by
a might:We dog. who inalantly sprang at her t'utat.—
She pat Oast bee hand to ward him off, when he • seised
UM grmitakbps ent *Orbs of Mesh and tearing bit tter
slew.' Ile ibis tithed lter other arm. all the while try 1
tag to ma at ber thrtst. and managed to pt her down_
bat Ore sameeded la ining her feet, and the
0 .
' of *bid to w orkher tray towards th enuse.
all th e while shaking and menzling her In a
manner. AA she neared the door the gaup
: - escreided Itt gettingtold of her jaw, dtiving. his
, 'Mettitatbr taw.- ' neat begat rtt in, and with her
feet encreeded fa partly theism the door. We bride dill
to her fire with devilish tetotity, only beteg
b a l: ft/ who the dOor was Shot upon Ids and the dada
mons amyl . The poor girl conk to ciiintOor &our exhaus•
We, covered with blood. and with heady alt her clothing
tees ML... Nfor fees sad Heil* wan .Siempleteli sonaghwit
sbettsvittlg received, It is said. tuna one hundred aid
&Way awanstis os her passe Mani Is. no bops erbm
earthing., -
- - - - - '
ax taw -,Xonc,esnile,ssill *4 closed by, the
flintjhuitborides!ois 1.4100 oLneersuber; unless
sooner closed by lee, - ' •
itnOrst of Fremont and the
.eleetion - bf: a'
Betknbibutp.legialitore. is Michigan lay* Generit
Cue upon Vie shelf. Ills term in the Senate ex
'philif On the 4th of March. arid he will go ont u
Mr. Buchanan goca In. - The 'only thing the 41en
eral can do to 'preserve hia Veaceedin.,. good , w i ttier
it to buy one- of ifilianvill& Sfokce tuagnitiorat
nib, No. 200..Chunut street, Philadelphia. ".
TnI3,CHAIITEIL Stuart; the owner et'
the tree; bee taken, me:lum to hare the trunk
converted into articles eihibh.will lin for years in
nounnetnatation at ; the noble tree, while
tiopesoilinoit isalisst bepe.'thst there is sufficient
AltaMy in the roots to send forth thrifty shouts.—
We item meth - doubt whether these attieles can be,
preserved as long as a suit of clothes bought at
the celebrates! Brown, Stone 'Clothing:. Bell of
Backbit' 3 Wilson; Nos. 205 and 207 Chesnut St.,
Philadelphia. • ' A ' ,
/Fiero IfervAsui filailbrerarea *lnd clerg
-6114 restated to heellh to a fen days, after, Owing, years
of peat hennas stiffer*, la an to - nithe ;known
the means of cluck . Will atoll (tree) the Orcatmintkw
amid. Direct theitay. Joan M. Dassida„ i No. 69 Welton
,street, Brooklyn, B:11%. •
• Wept. 6, '67 I • 6-403
• Wewsnald remind the citizens at Pittzetile and
'vicinity that lean. Tynale & littettell, menders of
China, Glass and Qum:mime, 219 Che ro ot street; Plaii.
deiphia, are . now ready with their. large and Weigand as.
Midmost of new itoods, ' . .I , .
Marna: ?Alt M. keep drily disertski i?t• in their
aNtr , t;
Ua, and sell them In hate : oi Beall ' quatztiti to the
throw and the citizen eh they ran, obtalited
. Weinilte our noir to give them a mall or send them
S. ,' . • . - DIABIUND, ... :
WELLIASISCiii—,DsCORSY—Ort the .2nd iisitt. by I
Rea. D. Stack s Unix, WALUX3I3 to ELLUILMI MtDoi
both of Pottswilki., - '
. .
ELTZEJLOAItitEIT-04 tbe- :Sett Ind— by the
lle*, y..b. ' Sams; ot Den ote ; %
,J hi Hung ?I.
(Anklet, of Pottsville. •
, , ' I
• '•
WIRD—On Thursday. the Sithiat Annirille.tabssion
anunti;larEasa li.BritiN L son of Joseph Bard. 'el inSi ,
atarounty.billialithysar at his 4 .
tnill7ls4oldoillomo esisda_y IN& Jour
Pro% 1441 ritikipa,"l *VI an marrAin
altaigli&411111801; OD 010411 1 -144 , 1
-Orr 10111014tkat dauslttirr or.t's . and Anus •
'rank aged 2 sonnitts. . • • - -
• ;i
.". '• --- .11
y, ~1; ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
- t IMAM
I • ..
7 tit ALE-- About ' . 800 feet o -8
ivirb woad bawl slope ellaba,rearly ?TIM Ittquitr
of CILAS:MALLEY, P . intrttc .. celinyttountyi Pi t
• Novehtbei 416_ e•thult
OR SALE =--As mall . I 11t e
with tarnbirw l &Ws, and slide fat, chieltt.te,
good Order ao4 Cmlit too. Apply to It.
l'ottmille, November 2.2.'541 47 :Am,
fr O. 1.01!---A comfortable
Mate with ;a& bid'. Le.. in. 3Latisnt"nr,o st.
For parWulat, inquire or IL Ai. ACIATERNAC4
Pottsville, N0t.12, 1G • 41-ti
17i0,,. SALE. 7 .- Irwo Three. Story
, lliiet Rouses IsMarket street, Softie. 'Perils easi
Pottsville, lioveastier IS, '5O • . 46-tf
.FIRE BRICKS for Cipollio' ,Puddling
and Blue Furnace', from the Itinulinst Works, for
tow. at the PIONEFIt FURNACE:
Pettarille. Jan.l9, 1946 , 3-tr
tIHEAP FUEL—Coke for salit,
1,./largo or mull qUitutitlip, at the law prise of jt cattle
per bushel. Iniuiro either at the oaks, or stork* of the
Pottsville ass Coto ploy.
,Pottsville..Norliulbef 22, 1 4 • CAT
Paper, of emery die and mash; of soierf4
elle at MU prices. tlCited.
Centre street, Pottsville.
Awust 9.'6g
L story feAmo booms. titatto Ili Pratte diva'. no
lot l 40 feet trout, by VII Amy; (=boo lu.deptb. to Scott
AlAeNil:llorti Wad excellent welt of valor on fikpritud
tia lod.Ltiottpble. Apply to W.
Pottsville, Never -1416 . 4640
I) . RENSIUM AWARDED to Brig h t
Lerch-at tbe SChiljiktlllisTOU and Orniptsburg
. fur the burst mud best assurttnent of Itatderare
and Cat'cry. Call and 61111311111) their stock before, pur
chasing e'sewbere. ;
lottarAte t OctoheslB,l6 t A
LUST RECEIVED.—A large aasort ;
Itmeat oftpleddid Per fu mery . .ie.; from the Unman
torles of Julds Banal it Co- Harrison end °them.
- All those who want- finoNrorthoies7, call at Q. RAIL
LKT'S Book and Variety Store. •
Jaanary 21.1884' f. - • S-tt . •
rto RENT.--The Offices latelx oc•
copied by P. W. View, Keg- is Contra ?kiwi,
wh s anesultabbr ftn. a Ron, or any kind of business,—
Also, a stone dwelling house ou Railroad street. iAnnly
to,. M. MURPIIV.,
0tt.26,'68. 48M'
IJUMPS . FOR SALE.-Two.' ori
4, valuta& tibia artinglift end fares Pumps, 16 inch
'bore. 46 tusk stroke, fitted with wan metal italree,!at k od
tbeillest material and workmanship,. hare nerer n
used, and will be sold cheap: ) Apply to or addriiii, ~. ...
H i Nr.wnow 11. TILOTT4t4
' ti.., 1 . No. 16, Arch street, ehliadolphia.. '
`for.., c. 56 , ;
__ _ ____.
. - n - ,l oogt TO The ILET. thiee
I 1 story I.lrlct Building, located on Sewed irr:.,pt
next oor, the Ist Moth Wist Church. The bowie one ,
of the t desirable in the borough, with .all the mod-
T ito
ern Impro omens . Posiesibn Oren komedlatelt. For
termsand;Other particulars, apply to (-- 1 , 1.
L. wismusixonr.
July 28,'56 ' • • , art _-4-
A ItifABLE PROPERTY for .ale.
house and lot now occupied by JObtt IL
Aoibm,toOimWelibue street, 00 feet *out b3r 110 144 deer
Also. a 1410 by 110- Omot., -Dow occupied by R.- Dodson,
adipintugre. above. Terms to suit purebeoenk L
Pottsville, October VMS . 40.1.0
. .
ki— • undiergigned wUI tease the Cost Operaticakson
the Bc h lirPert7 , beim! Pittstonaestil ,, el town-
"hip, L emnly.. A shaft is sunk. and all the ne
cessary 5 ur. an, to towlines, for slapping. 4 tpror
ablii lease Slat heOgiren :to pestles desiring to • omit -to
thr Coal knsiness., . • .A. PRICE. :
Pittston; N0v.15, 156 . ' - 46-30 .
FERALL-Bright .t !Arch were awarded premium : ll at
the Sebuy kill - Haven and flrw (pitmen Fairs fir tbe• best '
Sausage Cutters and stuffers—which tbo we to
'Wive ma islactlon, haviK 'the exclusive sale of tut:A
bater & qn.'s Patent Iron [lox, Sausage Cuttereorblch
Are all Irak:anted. .
'l' 1
~• Pottsville, Oetotfer la, '5l; _
li Steam Engines,.'with steam eylindrr 22 inches di
! rooter. spd 6 Poet stroke. 2_lllowlngeyllnders62lnebes
oilatieteri 8 feet stroke. with Boilers. formerly In 1106 at:a
Blast Purpace‘ Would mate exeellant Pumptngor Moir.
'log Enghltes. Qua or.bpth will-be sold.aidealred.l: t t
pr to t 6 HENRY tA)NO F.:NECKER k co..
i • ; . • Shamokin /ran Werks,Shastokinl
Ok to _
.t. • • • HBO. W. IDTDER, Pottsville, .4" tt.l
. ' Octobe.'rB, 1656 ~ 404 f ; 1
. .
PERT TO LEASE., Prop ells wiil be retwavad
for leasing the 3lieea. 4e., of this Ccasipany, Minded at
Wllkesbirre. Luzern, county, Pa.. for a term of yams.
Petwesaltn Cabe given January 15t.1857. Said Proposals,
to be. oceired at the ogle* of the Wilksbarro Coal 'Co.
No. 74 r
t .
oaditayi New York, John Urown . White Hal Orin,
cud et e Aire of V. J. Maxwell. Wilksbarre, until the 1
Sib day of December neat. • AUG.- HEATO.P ra t{:
Nov- 1/4116 , -
" 7
Ij" USE AND LOT F.,04 5ALF....,-.1
J_The Subwriber will sell st.PtibA Sale at Joseidt i
' 'Hotel . on Saturday. the Othof December next,,
at 1 o' ock. p. H. A Brick Honse and Lot situated In
the to n of Auburn, Schuylkill eounly. The Lot is:4o
feet f nt by 125. fret deep. The welling House*
built . ° brick 17 by . . , .. - 4 feet, two and a balf stories( WO,
and well fi nished. It Is one of the most desirable houses
In Al4 , llfll.bedne on the main street of the town. Per
sona wrinz' to ! ,,,, e the premise* before sate. can call on
Henry latish. Ilitio.: in the haw.. J. H IN SHHEER:I .
Nortemtor .2 1 .r.r. qi 474:t* .1
iti beretolhre existing be - twice T. T. Jenktni.
II lia ih Williams and Mahlon-at Mock,a4nder the name .
evi grip nt T. T. Jenkins Ai CO.. 11-taiS bay
All petions haying claims against the late firm will pn,-
sonttbs same to the utulersigned fur adjustment. ;
Nor.[29, 'fig 4
c. .
It, SIUDBY has associated with him W3I. J. BOW )
ff... under ties, firm of 3indoy 4 Bowen. , • t 1 .
We evrejifepare4llo execute all orders'. for. Painting,
Glacin*, and Papering. at short notice and on reanonahle
terma. s We call t tie attention of purchasers to our IXrge l
stock f Paper Illuglngs. Windoir Shades ,B 'lre Board.
eclat is., Includißg every variety of style and price,!
•if hichhie offer at the lowest city prices. Letterint ofl
• every description poimptiz 'executed,. • . - 1 1
I. . MITDBX k BOWEillii
t Tdoors abort thiAnscrican Houtt, antre:Jtre.
Pottimille, September 20, '66 38-. -I
j'iCiPAR'rNERSHIP.- . --*--JAMES M.
‘_)IIgATTY. of the late limn of iiisitty & Thomas,' Iluis
wood ed with him Theodore Garrlitsort and Jams B.
Dealt . to th e Coat business. nuder the firm of James,
M. tty i ho will continue the - mining and eVI
ling o Coal as Co., Zurtud. BB AZT, •-••• i,l
28, 1 • 'I
l i i
,tt .
Pot vlllo, Juni2B, '46
r partnerehip. in the Lumiwr business: heretofore
extettag between It. C. * O. Wilson, was ttli day, (Dec.
1, 18 ,) dissolved by mutual ecneent. R. C. WILSON, ,
Th t undersigned have this day, (Dee . 1,1856 .) entered
Into p partnership in the Lumber business. at their
steam raw mill, on thefils_thanny, under the , Srm of WIL•
SOW* Ir.OYMt. .. - P R. C. WILSON': •
01* •".,, • ' LEWIS ROYER. i
ra fgr all kinds of 'Lumber will be reserved ands! ,
tendidbi by O. C. Wllion, at the mill, or Lewis Refer,
at Sibayikill thee*: • , February 16.'56 7-11
DISSOLUTION of Co-Partnerkibip,.;l
—The co-partnership heretofore exbdlnlibetWeeft . ,
Mt Eft A FRY. in the milling and commission buil.
newt, hoe this day been diesidced by the withdrawal of
E. J Fry. Ap perwlmi having claims =lnd said Srui
wilqpresent them to /An S. 3111Ier, for settlement, and
ill persona owing said firm will pay the same to. said
Johs S. Willer, who.nlme is authorized to metre all
con 6 es - dna thelata ;arm of Miller It Fry. , • • , ;
JOHN S. 311LLER, i
' • E. J. FRY. •_ _ . ;
1. • 1 •
• Pottseil November IP; '56 • 46.1
914,S lirr 1.014 .of Co-Paitnersliip.
i!., --Ifhe Nerartnenthip heretofore existing betweeni
John. Thom s and James W rep . under the titles of J..!,1
W a ii:S.d BR 1:1.. Washington frotrWurks. POttsvillet - T4l
WS EN & 13., St. Clair Colliery: and THOMAS k 4, 1 111E3:,
WftES it CO., Wyoming Colliery, Wlikesbarra, Is thin
dor dissolted bit mutual eonsent.- ,' . +,. - A
,i'he Wasitinnten Iron Works will in the tubire b e con{`
by Thortuis and James Wreu. who will settle thil
ariounts of the same. up to this date. ..
The Coal business Gmcnerty• connected with.thei firtni
will from thie
be: uryder the sole- tuanagementrot
• John Y. Wuxi. whO will eet all claims against , and Soft '
ti n up thuaceounts of the same to this date 1 L- : i
, .
THOS.- WREN, !€, l
' . Vent !i
Pottsville; Noiiembei. 11.16
geotkllsetist, Mai in Brick DaildlnueOesejv
Market and Second Streets, Pottsville, 1.81." 711 lir
Oetober 1.1853. . • .
jlate 'or the Pennsylvania State esological Snigey
explores lands, mines, de. • - -
4.letoben 13.'65 41-tr '
- - • '
TOIIYHODGKISS, • ,Mining En 6-1
4p, neer and' Surveyor, Cet.tre Si.. Pottsville: Pig.. iit••
tends to Surve ee ying and Exploring Coal Londe. 'hipp ie.
big 11in. de. Agent tor the purchase and ink or - grill
testate: toll.fettmi of rents, dr„ • ••• ; ' 1 .4.
f 1,31ar011'2 2 , 1F54 • 12-tr. 'lll
nem of ;LOlllt J. 8ET.1.05:1 k SON has this day
, (May ],2,18:61) been diasoired by mutual consent.
Thf rut of FARRAR ' k BELL his thlsday (sfirt
t i - E(i.K SMITH ,, -GI
MINING EN- 12,1 .) been dhlsolvedbi mutual consent.
• • . .Th Coal talsinees heretofore trammeled by the above
ik, lir ne,:r and Surveyor. Silver Terrace. Centre 9treet, '
Pottsville I I!a.. Rxemin'ations. Reportst•Sutveyf and named firms has this clay been consolidated into one,
~, end will henceforth be carried on ,nutier the name and
ItaP of Oft 3 • 11,, V. C . °° l lands. Mining' mad'it't 2i it, firm Of ItELLONI, FARRAR k CO., at the old locations:
exerrqted n the shortest notice. Agent for Coal M neirik - 12 Wooster;street t 9th street, corner Stnyvepantt 10th
iSeptemberTlLlSs6. . 394 1 '''' ,' l sires near Avenue Tl, and also at No. 35 rite street, op
IT ENRY W. POOLE, Geologleni,` Pc' i cir `i tb° Call Exchange "-
Topo,rraphleal and Mining En2lncer. Centre streit,' . ' , . CIIARLES EF.LLt NI.
gattimille„ Pri.. gives tltention to surveys and:examina• . 5: York, May 31.756 _ -.- ~
rFalltb'ns of coal Lind*, to surveys of mine: requiring tor
. I accuracy, and to the superintendence and entire , : . .4
, rue for proprietors of estates ."--.
- • i , *The trusteesof the York Itarin, adjoining the Fo
rel-nu., 47. 2 . ' 56 Pile V, '5 4 2141 s. ' tf i I rough of PottsvMe, other to lease That valuable portion of
i '• the west end of the estate. which embraces about 5200
GENCY--For • the Pucrchast a nd', feet t)f the celebrated ;bre& Nine rein, Red Ash i.bal, ~.
k qK.
. ale of Real tate: baying and selling Veal; 4 2 , . Renter tith the runnel, Rabbit-link, /mug and Sate=
ling charge of Coil tonds. Mines. tc.. and collecting_ ' VelVa• The west end of this Colliery Is at Westwood
re' uta—from twenty years experience In the Connt,%he when' the Mine 11111 Railroad passes through the prop
~,estn g i ve , wi tufgetiog, pok e !d a u n t - i mp, gi rt .; ertY-Hise dlidance to Schuylkill Raven leanly five miles
rrAtsvale. • ' • - • CIIAS. Si. 111.1. L. .It is therefore among the nearest entliariet to Philadel
Tk p rt:l6l ... 7.s 3o lcE • lwiin;
.civfiiitf l iir .t i t i t t . li l ng phiii The:inverter quality. of this Coal generally cam.
../ Is Engineer, Ashland. Pa.. attend,' to Sareryltig : it ' - el;
turpectinx Sfines. 'surveying evil dividing landa.;enti. AllFilfAttthl fur fur*,
.ts minds more than the usual market pi-lector the beat red
rude' Cold, Ind the quantltyjs sUpposcd to be a Arleta to
supply a first class colliery fora long resi d e r s of Tears.
erinformation an ter . us of e re
ling Town Lots. and all other b us i ness in the Übe of to be made to I. I A. LICSFU , Agent.
profession. , , •, , . corner Second and Slabsotongo streets, Pcdterille
Letter address , Fountain Spring P:
. 0., gebtljatil t9brbart 2 "id -. 1 ' ' ' ' Potty
County. Pa. ' ' - )' ' , ik E t IIGH CQAL, at Elizabethport,
Feb. 23.1656. • . Ely I
' .--- 1 .
M. D. L. DODSON, Oppra-, G,
reee the nsl. bean opened from the Lehigh Coal Region to
re of New Yea Bay, at Elisabethport, New Je
4 , nye and Mechanical Dentist.ha" fitted IP one- pey, wa rs
Is the neaiest-appmach whkh has yet Ice;
of the best Dental Zetablhatmemte in this part 14 the mode by , railroad fro thelleal deposits of Pennsylvania
State and intends to afford his patrons the benefit or en to thegreat market: f New Yost and New England
ery Improvement in the Art. Ile guarantees to imitate
.Fortnerly. Lad before the present. Inland routes were
nature to a nicety to the adaptation and arransvittirflt ot. lorened, the dealer, in this tidy obtained their Lehigh
Tetro-metancor Titteseent Teeth; inserts partial orwholt Coal from nrbtal, Peartrylvania, at a distance of more
ration A fatarkerie pr./Imre, to the entire ex . ..111,10n o ' Mitts 1330 ilea. and" E st a freight of. about St 50 per . tan.
!Spiral spricrs: extracts dead teeth and rooete with fnell Mow, it cad be had ley an Inland water communicaUme
ity, awl ells decaying teeth with sold, reederlng, then of 12 mike; and at it freight of cleat 25 cents per ton.
i useful during life. I , ' " " ; ' ~- ' - The Male Selene* Ono Mges will ales be derived by all
Mier in liarket street ,twodoori. above COMM. ?a:brit , the buyer* on the North River and in the vicinity el
Slam, • i t • ; New Yorks and In all the Now England States. Dyeing
... ,
the present mums the subeeribere will be the ezeinsive
el EO. BROWN, Mine Ineptetor,i ten -1 'shippers of the celebnted South and Weal S pring Moan
(den his cervices 61 Landowner', loom of tiliffolla : 7 41 1 0 , chlith Coal, al Ellzatethport, and vessels will now
and capitalists. /Win his. a:peewee In aslanig,apd; be able,el all time* tp obtain mined wh delay.-7
knowledge of value. as ha le engaged In Ude and COM* . Trains of loaded' rare with fleshl Coal are now
lug counties. In examining mines and .eXploriti a ti Coal i received **ills dirent from the mine*. Conslderinh order
lands. be hopes to be able to give gatlsfactica to yip. • lateness' oft melon , it le very important tat
may want Ida "crates. ' il': ! i Ike this celebrated Cosi. to be promptly emanated.
REFERS to Dettfall *Op nut lAiizetiritl4 VAIL t 'be watt *Wed delay to our odic* at New Tork, PhDs-
Platadelphia. aad D. It-Ntes., aid Wilma , Ititart. Jr. 4110 1$ 1 a.W , Breton/ - .
Ur" Pottsville, tar capability and latevityi ~ , , ~,,, 1 , , ,
.. - , Isms AtenREED A Oft..
Addresa-01: 4 1.. BEDE:N. Mines Idepeetort FOC 7for : Nee. 110 Broadway Item Yak ;47 Walpat street. Plata
weebrn street. Vettgrllle, Pa. ~ ,- • •
debits t neiState street, restcn. e _ .
'July fp. ISsit - i f'e.=i ,- - I July ". IA 1 , • e
, ,
'-F'l.ttiFc3u,~ ; ..~~ - ,_~7(+._ , :~~:~k1 , ."k:.=T" K=~.,'^.. , ~.~. , .r:i~i`' .
I —„7 --
' limn Idols intlypetinit to.luitp took!, to double
entry. Not referee :Ono. , Addnpse.:-.-A.M.. Miners'
:Joratal.” 1 -_! • . 01 ' Nov. IS. 415 4 6.3te
r• HCK NtINERS.—Good.; R . ;ck
... ..,,,,
I.llairs may bent•rinth'e elopioyrnent. en tom
b-Act or °Uteri . like. Ilicrtp to tut a very ornutderstas tittle,
by 19PlicntIon to li. ttn N NAN, It. II AtIPT. 14. C, FL,
tri Xxchenge.'4lmltadelilli. or TEIOII I 3 PETIIEHICK,
Morrie. Addition, P M
id,tyt t.
Oct. fr,.'itli.
g • '
AThi 'undersigned' haring boon appointed Admix:if&
tr3tora of *the Estato'of 6olotoon lobengood. late otthe
berveigh 'diOryiseb*. Itereelled, all' pawn* haring
elms etelgst, mid 104ate,aillpiesent Man to either of
the eubersibrrs tor settitmerit, and there indebted will
Mar' itatholialo Carlerlt. JACOB tiAalll6l ,'
ltrfvtAnf) izar.:44oD, wad naves.
November , !! I . • 45 61
- The andersipHed. baylnr. been apprdnted by the
Register of :Lamy** t:}owaty Adastaistratriz of tbe'ro
tate of David Imuw,lite of the Bototigo Of Port 6SirOd.
to said county. all moms haring datum amileat the ow
tali will prement-thetwto tier for, settlement, soci, those
illebtel tb said estate will make immeSilate paymeot.
iIdARY JONES, ttitaitiaeretrae,
Oct. • • 43411*
4t131,4 fist I ATOWS NOTICE.—
Tb*,.vinderdtavKl having been *Muted fichnin
or te 3 Apo Sonia itarts4ato of Landlos•
'llk, Novi b Mantloh*: Cori:ship. deft -wood. . perilous
- who are indebted tcto e dd are Leraby notified
to wake lintnedlate.pannent. nog thcoi baring rialtos to
protest them Tor settl.usert to •f • • ,
ltl 7r. KETN iR, A4toinistntorp - -
; ; Schuylkill Harm. •
; , • 434 t•
Oct. 14.
W Peres* let . tekilibt,Atlethel.traticin ha re le.en grant.
eitl,!by the llegloverMf Schu)1k111mtoll. tr the the I:Mate of Peter E. late or the bo
rough or*. Schuylkill octant,. dm:eased, no
tice Is herahy gteon,"eeque,tiog all these, ioilehtrd to the
said P.etate to make Payment, amA thCsa claims
present - them Ihreettlement, to the nrlerstred, et•
thic at orlr lob= Or Tamaqua. I ' 7, •
, • ANNA, V. B. LUDWIG 4 Athultaletratita.
vor o mh, 16. 956,
, • •
A SiCIATIO.—A "Attlee stated meeting et this Amo%
• elation ' ill•he hrldSt the fluldir hens., ul red( Lynnis•
tin; Schnylisill MVO. on Saturday, ib hit day of Dit
realbsr,!lB.lC. is 12. WOO., P. M. • ;. A....1641LL1:11, .
Nor. V,'Sti. 4.61 . 1, , . Item ding rs.vretaty.-
CO4 PAitTNER:Sji IP.--The under=
. :
signed Lase 'hie day its/misted themselves together
in, the-wining sod sliipping t:,tal (ma the Mount Las .
Colliery, under ttie 41 . 11313 and filth et Thomas T. Jenkins
.Cco. . ' I i - • 711031 AS T. JENKINS,- '
. t ', ; ,WM MidIAVEN; • •
i'' : WM. U. WILLIAMS, -
•T i - T CI . k.a * periods holding
bonds by the School Directors of !Schuylkill
- yen, under they of the 241 of Aprti, tutd, autboris-
Wig a loan to the Add Board, are reqpestod W Potent the
add txmds,wlthaktt delayito Danifdll. Stave. neeteUry
of the present bofipd &brad Modena end Tarnish him
with the date turdlenount of the ,kaid bond! order,
Mat the pr es ent 'Sand may take measure. for the liqui
dation of the said bonds, If correctly [segued. Those not
preeented within ninety. days from the publication of
th I notice, Sill Mot be n cognised hy the hoard as valid
' and subsisting. 114 the, nostnl,,_,T•
P. W LICK , Pres%
-Pfrnrensber-119, The I 7 " !* •4B-3m
! I !
! S. Ae rr -rWashingtOn' Camp, No:
:-Sty .14,"Juni*Sens of America' 4 , meets early Monday
reyeningot Mechanic's liall, (Third story), corner of Can.
tie and Market streets, Pottsville, Pa.
I ; Gsc. J. !Kase. P.
Nov.lo, '55 45-iyj pouters Taggoo l lt. B
NI 1 'rho Delaware and ICar.
ii tan Can:1111011 be opened for Nartgr tier; go YRS
DAY; the `th - tie greater draught of water. 'than
lix Let will be Wired smut April sth. • .
4011.. N & ry.
THOMSON, Secreta.
March 20,1 , • 13-ly • 7
O'PIC An Asatiii — nent of" the
tittate o Peter BOWMAn, eclat Afeithant.haibeen
made to the undersigned the the benefit of all his credit-
Ora All persona Indebted to theAtald Peter Bowman ate
reqUested to make immediate paymant,and those having
demands will whs*t,the setae to 6.11. WOAD& ,
; Tamaqua, lieimabm• 39,'4 6 • 4841 t
LORBEfiRY eictgit ifiCICRXRD
.COMPAN't.-Nottce is hereby given to tho stock-.
holden of the L borherry Croak Railroad CoropanPt.bat an
/on:mil iDectlcas rail be held on Monday, the Bth -day of
December nexi.,at the public house of Samuel Mi ll er: in
the of Pinegrsve. echnyikilt county, to 'elect by
tallot—One Putistdent, eight managers, one secretary, one
WlLSurer,—to ;Om he the ensuinear:
- 11. • JOHN S 4LIMPYLER, fieey,
l'lneirove, November 15,'66 40-3 t
• FFICE of the 'lllonnt CarbonAail
ma, Company. Philadelphia. October 3h, 1850:
, otice is hereby Oren that the Annual meetingoth*.
steckholdent Of this Company will be hold at the °Mee,
7834 Wainnt Street, on Monday, the lat day of De'
cember next,•at , lloWock; Pt, at which time and place an
• election for a President and Eight Itanagerk will be held
to Neil.° for the! milintog year._ JAN. C. DONNELL,
.1 • j ' , Secretary.
November it;i '56! . . • ,
A SSI q; tiEE'S NOTICE.= he un-
I . derslgnad: As I , llPleesof Valliant Davii, of the DO-
Tong of St. ..04N merchant. under a Deed of Nolunta- ,
ty Assignment for the benefit of Creditors. hereby Alves
'notice to all Oriobs Indebted to mid SIMKO Davis; to
liliavite payment veltteut delay to the AMON*, and all
!ttioase hieing kiibis to present them properly autlientl
;lotted, tbr settlement. . 1
• .i 1 - t JA3IE.3 It. CWATED,ASSignee.
• ' As h land, libv.l. '56 ;•
; .., • 44._ i fit l. •
ii 97 0 11 .-I DIC " cA Trade of 8011)4i - ill 'Co'
; j —BCatedmeetingsof the operators will be held etas
;rooms of the Coil Association, In Centre street, over
IParrigna's Bookstore, every Tuesday and Friday, from
;11 o'clock, A; M., to 1 o'clock, P. 31. - All those interest
j ed In the welfare of the Trade are invited to attend these
,-; meetings*, Ouch which, it In hoped. a permanent es
It•I t • tablishment f " I:he thatErcharipe of &e/IWhu comely' ,
1; *ay be elf.' ,• • -8. SILLYSIAN, President.
ii • Potties ill .4April 19. 1856 . ' : • 16-
r i T.OTiE la hereby given that ah ap
t i nest . ,
,i pllcat leill be made at the lesilon of the
i gist/duel f Fenneylvanta, for the ,Incorporatlon of a
sank with the vueval privilege/5. Raid Sank to be called
'.; the "Srhutlkill 'lavtom,Bank," with a capital oT One
Kandred Monet d Dollar", and to be located In. the Bic
I r gush of embuyiliillitaven, Schuylkill - county.
i 1. Schuylkill for en Jule 12..10 --; - ....
BROCKS h CO:8 Colliery.—Tbe undersign
. ed have, in conneetlon with!the General Coal nosiness,
taken the agency of the above Coal, and are prepared to
• receive orders, which may be addressed to Port Carbon, ,
'or 49 Wall street', New . CABT2fER t NOLING."
August #1.•'58 - , 3%4 f• "
J ' BERLANOCCIAL, By the cargo:. eir,ton
, r .Aggrixt bushel -- warranted Lobe oi
!i. elteellent quality. • Demareand large cum
,I sumer* supplaal;at wholesale prices. Will be delivered
at any point along canal or railroad. Address!, or apply
it to t• ' 1 t . TDOI.II. CAIIILL;
? ! 1 - • ! lul Walnut street, Philadelphia:
:.." ...' A . ril ge, 1856 i ! '.. ~ l-lyss, „ • -
Si : , : , :rIOP4I3.II!NERSUIP -s— Q. F. NOR ,
f, IllN 4nd IR. TJ0r.0rEn..3%.; of the late tem o '
P 81 iman,lNerten & Do., have this day aneociated with
ithem, 'lY,' S. &DHABI'S, J. AY ALTON and J. ii: VAN
I HUSEN,Of the firm of Walton A Co., and the •
; • business 1.111 be continued under the firm Of VAN
DHSEN,NORTON &CO., et Na.2B Walnut street, Phila.,
• Tier No. , Port Richmond. .
, .. Phlind !phis, Feb. 0, '66. .:. . . _ • .0-ly' -
Irl i fiik. tiffill 3--'--i fil 7-- a -----
, I - 10 ,A . .---- e uit er
't', k,/eigne/havO this day (January 2.lst ~ 1ii.50,) entered
in• -- , ernhip for the trabassi ion of .a . •Uenerai Coal
-roes!, and also for the purrhase anti sale
se fain of -W. bl. ROOLRS I CO.
Hoe sway, New York, end irt '
Centre street, -
lenient' Hotel, Pottsville. , •
• . W I . IL - ROGERS, New York.
P. D. LIMBER, Pottsville.
i•kiston, Cox & Co.r •
:S lin and Shipporwool An -
i0oal,; White and Bed Ash, or superior
No.. 2. Richmond. Cumberland
.48 Freniain Cod Comiiny's dap..
-- •
ded byithOtai Balt4note. .
Jrio.lll.. BLAKISTON,ea Walnut sireet, ?Wis.
' , la. ;P. COX: *
4 I'..NICitIN, No. 4 New street;-New Tot*. • •
44 15,18 ' • 14,9 m
. .
The underslaneda re prepnied to Tin - rive order*
or the celebrated Atildand Coal Ai= the.-liancroit Pi
oneer Conk-v.I , P From the est/miles alterations and Ica.
pretreinnitts made at - the Colliery this winter for prepet:
og tlieCtml; they foiel no hesitation in offering It toils
tradean article that ran have no - superior in the mar
net, both at to quality and freedom from diet, state and
other lespass: The) are also prepared to make eon.
tracts for gh and dchayikilt Coal from other mines.
. ' I ' • I ". BANCT.CIET, LEWIS k CO..
tsio. 19 Walnut street, Commercial Building.
-Pebrnary.9.; 'BC . . . . 6-Iy
HA~tISBtJRu.~" -- "
oulikentkurs t..uld rrprw T t. ,
fixßy Inf.rns the eillroMtT tit OP 0 , 31 Ite
' 14 zkns lltat ho tc prepared to man Marto:.
L uz. , Sttortx.Vln7lnes of any rya, pr pattom.
Pampa of anyrapte4ly.aptlemll4,•3l,,,,
of vvery,ltArtiption. Blast Eurnseti.
andSasr $llll ilaehhoery. and as:dings Or carry varlet
form. 14,14.* spry extent to variety of pxtterox..
trust fat iatlm4 fcr doing llm.ineis. nu* wArk can Le ex,
puled wtlß thitartatrairittimot<h. All writers Sur mat 64
nt•ry tbsottftally PikelVed and promptly elbe nt .4.
9 J. It. JuNI-A.
risburg, Julie 14,'L6
Tilt; litttoryitHmt resprettriliy 1:1114
thi. *trent ion.of tho Mixtuom mina, P,
Mohg' 41 ;;;;I to'thelr new Foundry and Stachineetv p
tta := the town of St. Chair. Schuylkill el u,
ty, where they. are prepared to hui'a
2`,34"3112 talgilleS, Coal Breakers. Pumps and Machinery it
erery patterd. Alao,brift Can. Iron or Bras. ca s ti nv ol
any Mid or *Hera. Being practical median Ira 1 . 4 al op.
cratori and tales l who want machinery would do well h
else them aleall and examine their work. Orders I han k.
tally reeeired and executed at the shortest notice atd a
robonable fermi. CATliEfiti.'6llllWlTll9 L Ca)
St. Clair.i.juue 1,'56 y
'et . THE — sußs.ool its are tom- fully
prepared to furnish. at It Ashland boa
4„, ,,... ••••• • Meths.:qt.:am Engine* a Paso pa of ant •
..; Zuc,-,7 i power and capacity. fremiulog and othrr
........ .. . purpose', Coal Dreakentof evert site anal
otztern font i use, tobreher with eating's ant forcin.,3
of every' .•criptiona. Coal and Drift Cats of all viol.
and patte r s. large Truck and Uorsc Cano—all furalsh•d:
at the obat notice. The subscribers natter non,
selves that, iiiestanch as every weather of the rasa Is 4
practical mechanic, they-will he Ole to furnish ta 'r m.
eery that will compare fesorablyetith any it. th e 1: ,
glop. -All ord , ra directed to 1.. Prtiatteta A ft. o ff.. A , h.
land, Schuylkill county, Pa , will r••mive pronn9t utter.
Lion. . 1 - , L. P. GARNER.
' • : • t JOHN C GARNER,
* Ashland, M a r 10, *.so • 19
. • .
anis q ua, s M
mr onsity,
TX, Subscriticre, preprikors of the
shore named extenalte esfablishtnen Eau
nonnee to the eititeneof
• II ty; and the public generaity: their
nets to turnout any and alliinds of arc:rk
In their tin .at the shortest notice, and to the DIOR, rat
!flattery matmer-4uch as butldin e Steam Enutries,ensn•
-ufseturing ltallroad and Drift Can, Pumps,CaSithngs and
Machinery bf all kinds':
)uly the test workmen are employed, and satisfaction
may thereibre be saferyr guaranteed. Orders from abroad
.pr•.opt!' Pea. •• I CAEtE.It a ALLEN.
Xammiui., January 27.11455 • . 4-t1
Ei: . ER MAtO,Ovg !ref WORKs.
er St). A It 1 ' , iron end Hiatt •
Pounders, respectfully Informs their a
, ~,I,„=
: ' " , " --- rt hone, and.the Public generally; that t r •
m, = are folly,preparyd at the above etist,ltsh•
ment„to mauutacture ;Steam Emtlne., of .
Rory aize; Pimps, Railroad and Drift Cars, and ec e ry
other deseriptlan of Iron and Wass Castings sultat l. VA
the Cost mining or other business: on the moat reasonable
.1 mina. Also, Blowing Cylinders for Blast Furnaces and
%ratline work In general. .' • !
- Repairing. of aft Muds done win, neatness and despatch
at the lowest pricer. All work (drubbed by them,
ranted to perform well. They would solkit she niedorn . 4
thews wine saws want archive - Mt their tee to thlselcinity,
All orders isdll meet with - immallate and prompt atter,
Owl," i,__,' ' 8. W. HUDSON.'
I March 4.,"1/54 11-1 y - ' IT. IL. HUDSON.-
lib. i n A meson r. O 1 WORKS.
Lolf.iirm... co • .t CO. rerpeettui.
• " invite the attent n of, the 1,1,M...41
t , their new Foutolr and
• ...bine 1 . t t own riat r.
Schtty 11.11 cola ty• 'llly an. , now
toady to rte ute all order. ; for machinery, J.rell as
steam I,4inea, pumps. coal break • will getting tot'
grist 1 , 4 W wills, railroad and drift cars, ie..
Bei .1 1- practleal tuotltaulc , -, intlitterentwelteathat all
work l‘Wle at IN; Toonsiti.ti 'Trod Works. will :such
sans 1.0.,n, •as will INV e the faturi cosh ‘ r
theirnbtrcm• Oreers•thenitibily received and e!wea •
ae l he shortest notice.; nd onree•Onable
LEWI • ,111 1. 1 ! .
'2 TVS , ' '
NinrEavvl LLE.
, ._,_......... miners'e•
~ .
etj i 1c .....- fac - tent PEAM H EN l tiliTr i r., . e an t ; in r::::
: gggi Poinpaof anicapacity,andCeal Ore atm
• .... of every destription; as well as every '
' 7 I ' r ' - _ -, -
otherkind of maehlnere rised in 3/tze,,,
11 .. rurwiete,itoUlng.lllllr. Sate =la. 4c. ~ .
.prom, t. • facilities posetemeed titt manufacturing. esi ,
hum to • , experience In the business, work can be turned
out at th : establishment, at the very lowest priers, and
of a /odor quality. .. .
Perso diwireue of putting up machinery of any kind;
are %netted to call, and examittesatterns and hemna ar.
pi:minted Pith pricer before cavil radius elsewhere... • .."-,
Orders revery kind are solitited, and strict atrestke '
writ be gtcon to their prompt eeention . . ' I v•• •
. • IV I LLIA 31 DEl' ‘
i f i•
-kik. December 9,1831
-----7--- TlREnioni , r,. • r,-
, ,
Trepr 7- ITRENLONT p t i firt WO RIV . '..'
ire 'omit, char
'omit, k oussay, craia,; - :
The Subscribere re•pcert e'') invitc '
t 1, 1 1 . 11 311 ' the attention of the husin....: ,
T 3 l. , taifq td their . New 3(arhlne Shop and km.
, t..
ai . = dry, erected in the town of Tremont, aril
urt_the superintendence and wasp ,
Inept . f 31emari.- ... Batdorff and Philip Umbolts; when
they a . prepared to execute all ceders for Machinery rt
Press nd hint, such as Steam Engines of any prey?,
.Pump of-any capacity, Coal Breakers of every don* •
i ll
I kinds of Gearing for. gelling Mil?, Gat( rai
8aw , 31 lhialtift Cars, and a ll kinds of Railroad ear fl ap.
mach Chairs for Flat end T BAIA Frogs, 13w1 tcher. red
all kits of Cast and Wrought Iron flhattings. . 3 1r. Ulu.
'Mhz hog a practiesilieehanie,and havinginni tams.
/dent and experience for many year. in the Cul Recire,
desirous of putting up Machinery or any Mad.
are in ted to call and examine our patterns asd superior
quality of work. and became acquainted eitit price* at
these ".- ' contracting elsewhere. r' ova of el.
received, and strict at tentinn sinter
of executlon,having eperalls,ln,
nines on hand. I '
C. A. kA. 11. IkELTIKR. ,
FOUNDRY & meomirrsiv,
• ort * coon, Se my ik Ce.l, a.
- "I', 11. W.INTE WYE F.,f annoubc.
l i l ( ) 71 es his readiness, from the co mplete /mutt
. ~.... IM•• nIIWPI . of the .
i la,„. = ply • all orders In by line of bosine , e•-
. ..- . such as for Steam Engines' Ealireid and •
DIM Cars, ramps, Coal Breakers. Castings add Siachir,'
ry o
~every pattern. lle warrant* his work to give sat ie. •
Car on, and accordingly solkits patronage Al home and
ab • 1. .,1158E 4.1 y
FRANKkIIIS Ltaitr woll - :
T C5...0 •rt rs ;unman, ~ the. Pub
pe,..._.,___ lir that they are the Prop dors of the
..! PR" , PES Franklin' Works, Port Car t , , lately rar
er cc e z sled on by S. Sillyman. *hero they etn
- tinge to manufacture to Odor. at ti•
shogteab notkw. SteaM Engines. Nun!" Coslreakertand
M achinery of almost any alts or &Ile fintiOl . f o e' la wn '
or o r purposes. Also,Raltroad and Drift / C an, Ina a
B Metiogs of any sigs or pattern, Orders are respect.
m,i ;tec ,
fall solicitel.
' Frani/AO Shovel Works.
Thmcbereibere ointinue to furnish the Collier. and
Doale of Schuylkill Cannty, with Shovels , of all kind'',
at th lowest 'Philadelphia prices. Attention is parties
larly c
' lied to their Coed Shoreht. Orders fur ;hovels el
any s i *eor pattern
, promptly u a to ttc:nt n edeo ss . Lin
1350. , ‘
Port Carbon, August M, 1412./ 31-tf
- _
Steam AND Factory, MACHINE
rasa' NOTlCE.— of the latefirta
Of SNYDER k lIIILNES, will be senile •
:7" red by -the 'sul.scriber la all its ration
aziz branches of Steam Engine building, hag
rounder, manufacturer of, all kiwis ri
ilaithinery, for „Roiling Mills, Mast Furnaces, hellcat
Cara, kc. Ile will also continue the burliness of Mis
lug a d Selling the celebrated Pint .fbrert While AA add
end Spoke Yeats Red Ash Coals. butte sole propris
toe o these Collieries. , OEOIIOIII W: SNYDER.
ja uary 21. 1884 •
~ 3-tf
Pioneer Stolter Worsts:, '
The subscribers respectfully Insite.tie
• Etti attention of the burliness community t•I
their Boiler Works. on Relined stmt. bsi• .
az4 low the Passenger Depot, Pottsville. P.,
where they are prepared to Undilliketure.
Stnolle Stacks, Air ,
Stacks, Blast Pipes, Hasolsetemptift
-Cars, he., Jge. Doilert on hand. •
Being, practical mechanics , and haring for years dentri
I henuteires, entirely to this branch of busluest,lbey fat•
ler therms:lees thativork done at their establishment s it l'
tire saticiartion to all who may favor them with a (111.—
nerldnals and CoinViniell will find it greatly to their sd•
vantage to examine their work beton, engaging elsewhere.
May,s, 1553 19-4 f JOHN t JAMES
7TTSV ltriitrnhri Ci e!t riilLi rr ra
or,L y.
e 3
finance to the pub c that r tneh t n i % g
lug Mill is now co pleted,aud in full
-'cr= ration, and that they are prepan-.1 to et
ply all kind/tor Dar iron of tat too pile ,
which they
. 01 warran t to be superior in quality t, at!
obtained - from abroad, at thy teline prices. • •
They also manufacture T Rails, for the use a the Col
lieries and Lateral Rinds, weighing from Ile. pet
-yard, made of the best Iron, andtriial lid i w Ili be hunt!
much cheaper than the Imported Lille
Being practical mechanics, and haring consideribis
experience in the iron trainees, they Satter themsehrf
that they San wire entire satisfaction to purebasers• art
also make it their interest topatronize home inastitw
, I urea. -• • • JOHN BURNISH Er CO.
•1 December 5.1814
1 ' . c,tatitsvilies I'IL., [ • ‘
r.tAR, Til'eultttr, - TlONuarrel t u'''' . ' D. l :
...:,, mii. , w4 to their New n Machin b e Sh nr op s. and F rn ou u tiari , •
;,.I:thig erected between Coal and Italleradidoen .
. _.. .. , and front* on Norwegian street. wb''"
ey aro prepared to tarred* all orders for machinery a
'llrgsaand, Iron, such as Strum Engines, all kinds Or tic
ing'llm .Rolling Mills,. Grist and Ssw Mlle. lll*lle en
Don le =Box Pumps. Coal Breakers, Drift Casts. All Idea
of Brad Castings, such as Oohs for Plat and 1 1131:;
Prot, Switches, Ae.; all kinds of east and wrought Inn
Shafting. Being practical mechanic*. and haring note
the dentanda 'of the Coal Region their. study few pert
al all kinds of Machinery in their line of business the ,
eat er themselves that work done at thole establishes:A
Irl give satisfaetleit to' all who may hemor them vitt '
call. AU orders thankfully receihd and ilrou3ptly ev
euted. on the most marroviable terms: • •
Nov. r, 'COI • ' [October 2.1852 40-ti] 474 •
t,a4 Tti.4 onbseribors beg leave to sr.
, i t
t p;: o uxi council to their friends and the pot ii,
• •.. reWeelfile, that their new Rellitig 818 s'
f ,
Palo Alto If now v i n , :lete. and in fel:
. - operation, and tha 10 ,. are prepare' w
Itlienlsh . rails of va s tious v &items. welghingtwia 1'7.1 r
'TO !ha per yard. Also. different else of flat. square sr,l
lee dnd merchants' bar iron.
Older* tvr rails or bar trim are respretrUilr 14,104.
anti - wlll meet with 'prompt attention If loft t fthe `.t.
the Boiling Mill, Bright t 14.erh., uard . of D, l
Centre rotieet. or at their &flirt. It AYWOOD, LEE A lf
[ t IFFICE-;—N. E. corner Centre an , "
m otabrus k tret t eedl. .st : n n , e nde ti , : , s 2d Tli x . b .. , r )b y i , rro l" .. o ,l t : t .o ß t v yt il ra l_e. ,: j ini a .. n o: u 3 l,7 ry ...
laZ.d. The undersigned bare this der Inftn.A ~.,,,,f-nership
nership under the style And firm of ilAlfW , S 4 ' , Il l ' i
CO. for the purpose Of manufacturing Reiland s pa Ssr
Iron, at their Palo-Alto Malice 31111.
BENJ AMPS' 11.4.111VN5 .
- - - iII Kono F. ammo. .
, •
rim. HARRIS'.
1 The badness or the late-MID of Leo. Bright 1 C" . 11
ft="tf ib .... : ............. .....yw00d.1.cnk Co.
1.,r •
Jan. I. 'SO , . ..
1• situ
n,lOTOlsupirior ,Tni ! .
',--11iitilitsfil tio its - rEfo OTit s 1 .44 ,,, .
I. l . l ,4 enoub 7 a : *
$ 1 ILi e W VlNT 's in tl te b isve r Se E r ‘ i . re b n i :e . r i : r :l s l t di ;::if il s' i t, : -T h ; f tr. iT :l 4 3 . ..
.iv,i,„..rtment „.., Standard end Iltralarpl;
en sell nor books with better and more durabletall, .„,,
quite a s cheap AS for se reered at iiOCl5O2l Di
i l : 1 :4051.13111.11:41:71:100hehb°cal4.walitipon""lfacod:e
j eection. wholesale and retell. 31erthanf , tve• .
parrot.-ro Wird at it•• Icwrer ratts,
:.• ' '
. . .
, . .
. .
E. I
Is 3.