IN EMI ==: £ Mad )tutruni. POTTSYU ytlq A g Ai es, ' •-3141 NEW ROUTE.." " The: 'Anima snit Allentown shailroast. The yearlrebaoglng phases In the Coal Tr a de or this Region; ' not to spealsof the disastroui or • prdsperous •efeet those chanty-is sze . it on every tiller description of bnalue point to this-necessi ty of • revolution 14, the system 'which otir bast nen inSn ip to tisis period haralrenionlent to la ter 'lndef. Schuylkill County impeWively de mands another outlet.lo.narkst fdr, ha Coal—* release from the oner Su s. burdens which have crimped her eaerglai and impoverished bet lusts- • 4 • The ditto, for &robin from Our difficulties-- fur au Opportssitylo compete .suecessfully with other is -offered Shall we spurn it? Or shall we , wisely , oaa titankfitO7 4 44 . entetrise which prints' ebiudint for gpitai invested? • lint 10 bets end liguits. Tbdy ere the strOug. W I et:plead, utile/1 .- can be adduced to awaken ,tboosticatidieenreconviction: , he estimated cost ot the projected road from Anbirn Allentonnziptatre To equip,the ~roati for i Mishima of hair A ';'of tops of Coal, would in iouad . nurehers make the entire ciulil2,ooo,ooo. the chestnut moil. of this Region,' nrd never e;: 'Jtmateriel.redut;nf the rates of tollaof the eaLetieg. ttiaiapor qOonspanies. Alt are -,OwsitO l that thidoubled the compan . -- . 'its ists l great thatthey are forced to charge high rates,:stid conseqneatly. cappla the" trade, front ihieitthey derive their he lest revenues. If we 1 _sre cdt oft from all hope of ameodinent in those quarters, It belmoves--ne in self defence to sock re lief fsliera it can he found. On ' the 3,000,900 'of tool of. Coal sent- to therkeWthis year, theti viai . tiit.'-eitra e l linrgO of 50 cents per - ton, to' whieh. amounts'_ , 1,300,000, Or sufßeient to ~ . 1 _ ' Imild'thel Auburn aed Allentown- Railroad.. lo ved thalithrin tbe censtruettou-of the Road, and '..wo- . _ ti e lia . - directand .. .w0 -._ti er ly' ye a exped i tious route to '' the waters Ofl4w York Rubor, et-a cheaper rate is .of tolls, : hut.tve kayo' the added fact, favorable to the Coal 'trade; that the freights' froth that liar.. bor to the more remote Eastern' markets, range . , • froin 30 ito tdi cents ,a ton less Mai Tient Port Rielimod. ' i --. ...i , , : • 1 , There .re other reasons however, whieb &inland the Coastrdetion of.a new outlet from thirßegion. A premthent ono is the fact Mat the capacity of `the existing trausTorting cominutes is intulequate to the ihereaeing growtN of the •Trade. The ca pacity of tho Sebuylkill Canal, up to iti full Os. tent, with locks.. doubled , along the entire length of the line, wouldpot exceed from 1,700,000 to 2,000,000 tons, 'while it is reasonably suppoded by s unny that the enpacit - P - of the Canal, in Any emer gencytviould not be eq unite 2,000,000 tone.of all kinds of tide', allowing it a \caspacity Of front 1,606,000, 41,800,000 tots of Coal. As for the Reading Itailroad,lits capacity also worked up to the moat feasible.jeitenti will nut exceed 3,000,. 000 tone with MOM* , trade. "SO Lard pressed is that Road with the gr dwin g Trail e, tha t a third t rack I - is oo:totted. That however, would occupy from • eighteen months to two years to complete, and even then a new outlet to market to accomodate, the Coat - Tilde would be required. '.: ' ,One thing is certain and the conditiOn of the . Tiede warrants . the ,assertion, that if the costyni 1 - transporting Coal to market, should not in the . future Le reduced 4 some plan devised end ego; ' idea hy Muni interested .ia the Trade, that the rimers of red ash portions of the region, will have •to reduce their rents one. „half. If this is of none by: MO . red ash owners, in'ease no rr lduction iipiffected,in the coot of -transportatiop,• ithe white 'will sppercede the rid ash in the East -ern markets. Amid owned- themselves c -have 'deep interest in the cOnstruction.Of the tie* load, Thai? interests call as 'loudly for protectiokaa . .. those of the operator.' . In another: portion of to-da'y's paper will be found a plate of the various rail way connections, towbieh,the Auburn and Allentown Railroad will occupy the4mmithin of an imptirtantliak..l Other interests besides t ono of our own Regiot;Sre in- • volved in its , Su ess—others are- prepared to is. le. inpushing I energetically to cempletteti.. t# l3 • Irk. insides o the projected Road for S Aavy ' tonnage are more favotatic . than, thost of any other route proposed or in existenee. Tb esti ra Il e est..grade against the Trade at any point; is 12 feet,' to the mile, but being on straight a, a ategle locomotive could !aka , 100 loaded ca a to isep. marketand return them, witl3 equal facilit 'to the Reeding Railroad, which although 'pos alai. the advantage:of on evenly, descending made,' still labors under the difficulties attendant upon teharp curves. Comparing both roads therefore, w e are iinprested by the fact . that 'notwith'stand ing its grade for a few miles against the. Trade, the Auburn sod Allentown 'Road will be able to take is train of loaded Coal, cars from Auburn, t 3 &Stun and- return the etas with the same ease that a simper train is now transported frOm Au burn to' Port Richmond. As will readily be per , • ceived, 'with a capital Much Smaller, the expenses of transportation would beßte sawn on • the 'Au burn and Allentown as on the Reading road. ' • 'With these facts before tbeio;the business com munity will . eaally'rereelve the advantage which will accrue to it from' the construction of ithe new projected outlet from this Region. Everjt. feature of tbe'increasing Tredapf, Sebuilkill County points to the necessity of the re:Citation of the link of the 'grand chain Of railways connecting NeiYork with .the _terming ,West. ' If we are prudeot, t re will. promptly avail ourselves oc,lbe metros t r : reli4 not; offered is in the Luildin4 the Aubi#,,e. and Alleotowa, Railroad._ II . ' ' '''''. 1 'int 6211!911VANCI: or :rIiAtGBG 'YIN n,—Year af ter year this Festival, origingilly local Jo its char actor, is i ( iieoniing tnore lind•tnare midi:inst.' Lai Thursday week, we kiwithe pietysing spectacle pre **Wei of twenty States joining io praiee!to „tile r t P e ilini tt ig d :}n t t o d' u P)t s i: i Yi n eer :he ohra' fu llt t ' u lhl r i e.. 73n r il.nel A uir t :fil o cd n e e t'llic t c° i: mi e t p gy e g c bi u en l ' i le a hz r e - - rly New Englaud'in its observance, it is'nor oli• served where Christlinity has a foothold, in all its purity, on the Western Continent, ' - ..bur New Englandifriengs, bare we think, some. . • what the`advantage 2 of us, in the manner in which they_eelebtate Thanksgiving. With them; it loan occasion of family reunion, and or a renewal of those courtesies and, social . amenities, which re vise and freshen the . nobler sentiments of theln . .than heart, 1 Throwing aside the vexatious cares -of business,' they enter,info the feitivities, with a , _spirit we have yet to : acquire. ..-... , Last Thanksgiving, we—t..e Junior--lpent in New Haven, Ct., beneath the hospitable roof of . Evehard Benjamin, Esq. In the morning wo lie - tenedtir a discourse ipproprite to the occasion, re , • from the Rev. Dreittleon—Co gregationalist—one of the =oar - able divines of C nnecticut. Itiras • historical, treating 0! the carry sufferings of ttio ' New England colonists, commencing with the ; landingeof the. Pilgrlins, Dr. Bacon 'deduced 1 ' .• from their brave and , self sacrificing .defence of the right, the feet that their descendants should . - indeavor to deserve In every respect, the liberty. which their , forefa thers had bequeathed to .them.. ' ... . We will 'not attems.t , • o give even an outline of the sermon. - Suffice it to say that it 'was, worthy of ' the occasion and thek:man. . • • The number of poisons who leave New'. York. ' ;for the New England Statist; to spend Thanks.' ;giving is large- Oitithe afternoon precedlog the -Oast obeertrance;lims train was composed of fifteen ,•'• '-. passenew eta!e, all crowded. It hi thus that 'the ~..4 .a ffrititia throagliout New England run et that -sea.' ?,".7son, conveying pertotie visiting Mende nis4 - kola ' , tiros. •.1 ~,-. - . - ---,..'-;;_....4-frei i.. tocirsmt and prejudiced may'scoff at what • they are pleased to, term puritanical, fanatical New England; but that galaxy of Stites occupies , • I poritiOn in the Federal Union, prominbut it 4 impOrtant. „The Autrey .of that light deed* eventually to illuminate all the Free and many of ... the tillaion Suites --we allude to. the, Common School system—had its birth in' New England.—' : •In what ever spot her sone lueate, we find their influence converting (de wilderness into a garden,, ' ~. and eausingit to blossom like a iota. New Eng land has sdrviveri l , will continue to survive the,' ' arsaulle made upon her people and inatitritions, for she has the proud eonsoiuustiess of knowing that 4o this country she. Luis , been'., the , pioneer of liberty, indestrycenterprise , , progress arid.. Johan ' . genre. ' Tr fror lorerzcklons, it is in ra just and ' righteous eausi\the,ptinciplesof which:if etaniln .. ed,w ill be found eon totnporon cous With the s es which .' sped the 9dayflowei" on its 'Wkstern voyage and •' inielred rise sturdy, New England colonists in a -,'\ seven' Yearn war with the powerful Indian • chief- - . . , tern, King Philip. " .' e . : , . Chan Vaults says that ti 532 signers , wara•saanliatd;tn Otrbeat %misty this , year, •In Mann Pounty, nineteen Wen natural- *es! : =OM *ilittE.LATir.a EVILOPM.- i"ti the eteeteehlP Penria at gee- - Vork , to Ices then ten too troin Ectiope, we are , tOomesion of news to the 15th inst. - The Persia brings us the news that'; the great ] questions which agitate the public miiidin Surveil -the dispute between Rens is raid - Western Western Powers, the Neapolitaa girl:gime; aid the stability . m 1 of the English and.Yrench hill:ince 7 -remain preta ty omit the aranSith the exception of the last, .. is. , the Change In which is, that It Proclaimed em-, phitieidly on both eidee,pertieularly by the Organs. list tberliettish , Soeivinfillifilitinttlint albeit*" bial ^ tween Feint* and England is ati - cerdisd Eel dose . as it has been at any hodr since it was first estab-• .. Wiled: • Pante basin fact droved the 'high key note in which the eeettntlistinglit •to r sgite - Hie ilinte" to England,prid Eoglaadinpestisjuit pow to be striking the key-note and giving the "time"l tlathoce.',, ,- , , .' i, i 7 , • The eciesunetien - of a sub-marine telegraph', =tenths atthanticils,excittlall jn , Znittattli , outebi attention. That it is practicabe is now admitted,; sivin by the move skeptical men or science;: while; ' the LOpdon' Time* argues that it must prove a, profitable investment to ita stoCklielders. - Mr., Omit W. Yield, of New York," his addressed the Merchants of Liverpool at mama length Open the suhjtdt.' We infor from there that Abe preparations for laying down the wtees'are now PO ini advanced, , Abet we eise reasonably Otieipate - the mompletion Of thnline Within the caning summer. • While the Persia bringslit 'Mach' iii • reference to,:the penned world in ;Europe, eh° brings also intelligence relating to the social world in England, wbieh forms a certain kink of parallel with the *Aides!. While the surface of the political - world in' England is ruffled need dieturbed . with. the, . . gre o glaciate= of state, the social world is stirred into great commotion with new and start- "X-r-Alliays happy to hear from yet l'aisie to ling developments of crime, against which jnetice t 1 a l t ijui lagers 4'' ' I . - ' : • agnlllo y • . , : seems to beat fault. , The Times givee the particulars otseveral moor- !. Tee Meow Magas:Pm for Novembratte on our table? derone assaults nod robberies_ after the .garrote , • Th° kiti tt ag i °° 7 r w . a o eanire g ular !yr u U't kg valuable t° fasbio'n. ' The Times of N0v . .14, takes up the same t , n il Interest : A In udnea;minlng operaGous, metellurge. ,abject, and gives a fresh development of murder' -,OE':' it shinlo have tiOU l •u e ffw u a la kg atirrulatt°° ' in the streets of London. It sap: . "Deana or Patcoinomas."-This humorous work by "The'cold Spanish war-cry of " IVar to the knife,' the late Jonathan F. Kelly, morethinillarit kntrwt as is noet:tonnding. with a witness throughout the, „ e &urea "Jerk tumphrietvi " Stampede,," A.,... etreite.,of Landon . Our own national habits are -3lecn - ' .t;• ' bad 'genii inenarly rispects. We have every day has been published In Mad form' 3; T. ill, Peterson, 103 la lament the oceurrenee of outrages of the most, Chesnut street. Philadelphia. The book is finely illus. the lanes and by ways of t h e t, tinted, anit !ghoul:ids iciakfialles,inimitahly Denny.' The brutal character in metropolis ;• but, at least, in only a fractional per ! Work Is published for ' the 'twat of the widow of the ceutage cr cases are deidly irdapone deliberately ;_author, which teat, Independent 44 it, merit, shodid se .used by the ruffians who raise their_bands agaluet . cure for the Humors an extiaidve Isle. It,ls complete their wives and their mitupaniuns. What is, is in one large duodecim6 volume, hound in Cloth, for one bad enough. We bave therefore no wish .to bur- dollar and•twenty-fire cents, or In two volumes, piper row from foreign countries their worst custome; ,,,, emer, for *nide : Mr. Collie* o f ths?rcirleolllbe sent to and to see out streets matte the arens'for nn egad- . . bition'of the art of assassination as practised among ' an parson, ✓free of portage, on their, emitting ibe price all nations. Happily, this speeifie- change in the" to the Publisher, in a letter', Also the Lib ' st Reiman's. character of London crime, can be traced to a' • . . specifie andtrattaittery cause. The tire of the' knife is althea , entirely confined to the lien who • have been discharged from the foreign logien,. so .. _ we may trust, it the evil be dealt with at once and /Ur Newipaper Allife.-Thelaittavyle Cktaeffe iris mid, ere .0:- ace t me , u _a e root, with a firm hand , i h I 1 t k at Coostablesoade on Monday last for POD; alre.Walker , that we shell fal ldiackMgain upon lour 'own old - w.A the and abominable. bubit of knocking each other , Pure "P ' , down, with the usual , addition of , kicking, pommel- f ie A ,m, rw r m a id e n; e f Schuylkill Cnunt Y B u rned lug, bruising, unit so forth." ' ~ • - to _ to . . ve 4 in Gihjenazia..-We learnt/ea Bath Psis*, fin.-' And the Time& goes on to give 'the ; particulars . - . nicely of alrwigaburg, and during the Mexican War, a of a number of recent murderous attheks withalie knife be, these ruffians of the disbanded' Foreign 6 ' n ' het 01 C '''''' Ica ' rk. " C '"" °7 ' ""a tlie A tli P I. r " Legion. • , . • , tn . . burn. d to death at Minnesota Springs, Fier a coon- This street development of crime -is not all.-:- - ". t j• e ' ilir " r "' s • 'lle ' we's en g e ge d , in k eep in g n t e etnenint . Hardly !um Robeon of the Crystal Palace Comp,i is a frame buildlng-the house caught fire, end he per ,ny been,tried and sentenced to iniptisotiment--for • Wail In the Semis.,' , . his extensive trauds i , when a greater than &dame ... spriege up in 'the : light-a magnificent, ewiniller Ifir Raabe:rm.-0n the night or, the litb inst., as a east in the same mould as the American Schuyler ; . "rly.of market own were returning to Itabseoy from ---One.Lempold 'lledpath by name.. Ith:leatir was ; Vettsville. end while stopping at - the. public house of the registrar of shares and the tioniferrer of stock , Francis Denelir,their room was entered by a thletstrid in the Great Northetn Railway, and bad cominand : clothing i teed at about SlOO In money.; Singular to over the ;thole of the shares of the Conipani 'agar, another market party solouniing at a neighboring his salary was not Cory exterieive, I ? tavern. were gag) robbed. The thief effectd' his elect pe amounting to something between #.250 , t0 £3OO a! Du ' dolocted • •6. Year; he lived Ins luxurious style in , a fashitinuble . . III house, hod a box at the opera, was tin habitue of 1 air . A Worthy Ohjiet.7-1 concert Ito this benefit of the theatres a governor 01 Christ's Hospital and ' Mr• Jacob Chrismin, an employee of the Liimber Comps' of the Royal St. Ain's Society, and a - hubscriber` : • • • , • and director to many of th e most permanent me- ' ny who was jutiuma 164 week hy a ''' acciden4 win take tropolitan - institutionsi. There wail , scarcely 'a place at the Town RelFthis evening. ' The concert will be conducted ender the auspices of hie Pillion workmen, fashionable party, an operatic 'perforMance. or a who have secured, for the, &castor' the services of our gathering of the barn monde, in which! the • name . 'of "Leopold Redpath, Esq.," did , net appear.- bud native talent: We earneltly 'hue that the Malt ltedpath dressed well, but natloPpishly, had a' will be thronged by a brilliant audience' this 'evening. quiet, respectable ~look, and like a second Dr.. The'unforiunate accident h'ae deprived- Mr. of Cantwell, watt in all eespects regarded as a model the ability to priiilde for the wants of his Welly; and man. All that .seemed out of ' the general way ' they are Ina manner, thrown upon the kindness of the 'with him, and thisiwas regarded rather as an ee- commun it y z n . tom ' port i ry i onic LA the response of centricity, was a hurried or "jolting!' manner in ..our citizens to the appeal be worthy of "heir proierbial his walk. This "jolting" eccentricity,. however, , . .. . - l - • in his walk has prneed &otting" eceetaricitylni ge f er°s"-Y. ' _..........------.> his yin, which has throwe the flneneial world into i D a • ' • . i • ea- ightruf, , Musical Eatertasestesets. , -The very commotion. . One fine 'horning Re.dpath disap.l i i co • rt which , eas ng OM was given bz yealassont Janie° . neared, with his disappeatunce the a stound- i and Pratt of Boston , at the Court 'holm last evening : : ling fac t Was disclosed that he had eabbed his ens- 1 , ;will we are happy to bairn, be repeated this, evening it . ployers-rthe directors and shareholders-Of many thousands of pounds. It is toakids-and apparently ' the acme room. Miss Briggs arid Miss Whitehouse:both upon. the' best authority, that the defalcations posseesing superior voices, render th'e most effective as amotint tome less a sum than 1150,000. Whether 'lateness to the Professors,l6 their endeavors to y preeent - that calculation is above or below the ameuat of ' cm! , 'rill sees with 'tine:clad/enable I muldral entertain which the company' his been defrauded, retnatha i merits. There is nothing which merits more atteutien- Jor future investigation to reveal. . , e warmer patronage. than music-Goole is. nothing as s ItOpath fl ed to Parie,mnd subseqhently return-, general rule. which is se much neglet . tisl. •To the pa' tn. ed to London, where he was arrested. Ile, togeth- • .o f affording cipant, and the auditor. It is mashie . the er with . / clerk in the office of the same Railway : most exquisite pleasure, where a proper degree of taste Company, by the' name Of Kent, arrested on the and cultivation exists. The time and money spent on charge of being an hcctinplicel now awaits exam- r 'nation. - -.., less creditable amusements, would if- &rioted to the ' The suicide of the cii4iier Of the Midland Great cultivation of mutileal talent, repay the devotee ten-fold. Western. Railway of Ireland, is also reported, but This evening a fine opportunity to hear good music Can r the.eause is not yet known. _,.. ' be embraced. We trust that nu.: rittnies will not permit , .. , 'Redshid.Pasha is now prime Minister of • Tur- it to m...: nenteetPO. , key, and • Omar Pasha, Minister of !War: The L . English capitalists do not stem inclined to con- • 41111- Mr. Eden:ode Concert et the Court House on turis into the new railway schemes of Iturnii. ' - Thuisdey evening, was well attended, and passed' off _delkshtfullv. • The pm.gramme wee rstbeiler,gtby, but ;. "A CRANCIR CAMS Vat Taw SPIIIT me y , r ~-• . necessarily smite enroll:tie, In order to give Mr.E. an op linzawr"--Notwithetanding the t .. Orleans pert unityto eihibit fully, the proficiency of his pupils. Delta recommends! Gov. Wieer of Virgi ia, as Sec- . It would lie invidious perhaps to select from the large ,1. rotary of, State, in place of Hunter / to have a number of yo ng . ladies who 'irerin•Meol on the co. check upon ' the President in the shape of a man . caihin, any for stocial mention. Aft Swatted . them, . a b i lity, and reflectei much,' credit upon air nerve and deCision, yet it seems hardly noes?- ' seleei with that instructor, Mr. Edmunds. We cannot refrain how eery, fdr.upon'tbo occasion of The ' Governor's re. over: from complimenting relit ' bliss K. Weaver upon cent pilgrimage . to Wheathind,, the persuasive hi+ evident improvement as a pianist, since we last bad eloquence and political wisdom 'of hie chief up- the pleasure of beeripg her, and the Misses flammer pears to have had a wonderful effect in modifying , , 'upon the correct andarthtic which they ox his efews. At least OWL may an judge from the ' *rated the several pieces allotted to:them.. The gem of a .1. ..., Ri c h,. the evening Bowever,i in oar opirden, was “Midtmeht, pheisfrenoff, • coincident with his return t o • i 'Chimes," performed:on the piano with taste and heves- Wendt, of the kppearance of a maderate ants eon.. - . • .. , bliss M. %Emu. It is almeettoo delicate for li ' .I drvatiee article in the Richmond . Fuquirer. The ' 'large and crewded hail. Ina parlor Its beauty would be Enettirer, with somewhat oriental ondt•Coneeels fully a pp re qtatea, ' • ; • . the; motive that indue,ssaehis notable change. While congratulating Ma Edszionia upon the 'newest Though the inepiration comes from Wheatland, 'lt °flits eoneert of Thursday evening, we treat' be will seeks to disguise its trail, by going Sohth for the,,... kale at nudist:Li:a period, titer cu- citizens with an other of his plealing and awful musical entertainment?. occasion. Tutmi ng suddenly on its-late allies In ' , ipa ~ t a,--_-_ .. extremest counsels,' the Charleet e'..lfeer,,,..: and •7 tar A _fame near, Vino' n.-The Philadelphia iscaing the New Orleans Delta, it obj ect to their taiurse . Jelanal remarks that could the life scenes that lake as throwing . difficulties in ihe,,waa4 of Mr. Iluehan- ' place upon this world, north and south, east and west , . I 1 one moment of time be pictured , in a sumer,' man an and as seeking to commit his adMinistration in "' to "u policy .which in the entire of things he can- enact& te. enable the' human eye to comprehend them at - aoing le glance , whets mighty shock would the mind of dot undert nkO." . The "blunder& of , the Demcieru- - . ~ the gazer receive. i . 'cy" says the Enquirer, "are to the advantage! of - .11ren no* the sage's o' joy and grief have "visited Black Reenblieanisin," and it prneeds to show many a fireside--cloud or etinshine have darkened or what will result from the irdlopt ion of the blunders Mem ibed many a home. Tht' breath of the new bord - which th`e Jrercury and Delta advocate :'i . . infant has Wed the cluck of Its mother 'alibi perfume "The Democratic and Black Republican parties are • sweeter aunt that of the violet . pn the gale-the last iiiiiirly Milanesd in reaped of power. Theron:pier was Tie:. groan of the weary pilgrim of life .10101 fallen upon the tortoni in tbe - velvet, ;treacle, but..success was Melly , 1 Irbil& with a weight unutterable,- won with the aid of important accidental advantages.. hearts "f wrePirat The latter has atonal nothing of its seelY, and hes sutler- The bride has crud beside the altar in her pale purify, cd no puce in iis preparations for Xi:tether battle." h•' ' ' lbe 0 M dull owed that, at the SCUM nun:neut. arose. ' , in the next contest. eircunititatirest must be against i '' • from the yard besidithichurch: There were two voices us. The Deinoeratie party will be plated in n very eriti.i ml d prsitian. and will to subjected to a trial Glatt will .Ithen, th w ono the. hiding of two hearts, the other tax its nisi tut and its at reo gib to the utmost. limier : ear th to earth and dustio dust." • . the bent empires. an Administration eantiardly service . .. ', • ' the vengeanc e of its fora and the treachery of its friends, ' • Whit , the prisoner Peeve his cell, Olilltit forms - glide ; [low difficult then.lfor a President to steer safely into on In the mazes of the dance: while the IMMO cry of I heeler. when his courselleaameng b e ,,,k, re ,, i na he must , start libin touches the ear of,ileaeen, the merry laugh- encounter the hely of an inevitable stoma! everybody ter of the beibreeni t o not silent? . foresees the diticultko and dangers in Mr. Buchanan 's . 1 path. ,Everj body oudetalabds that hi. Administration Thus, in one and' the same moment,' mingle joys add must stand the hazards of a sectional euatroiersy. But sorrow;-life and disith,lopninetis and napery. It is ' this is riot alt. The Black Republican party will watch and waylay him at every step:of his pr0p.,,,,x will jute, . well perhips for humanity that all :these cannot be pow all manner - of obstacles In his way: will harass him; viewed eimultaimously,aod that each . One for hiniself in epee &exult; will undermine hitreby secret treeichery ; alone thinks and acts upen'the stage ninth. • . ' till' aggravate his emterrarstuents; wilt oppose biFtnea4 , sores; thwarthis policy; detect his blunders-in short,l .. will light him with every weapon known In political war- ' Alir Tawny ilea's arist ion Assoefation.-rThis Asso. tare. Can his Administration triumph over se- elation, whose iefidence on the character and habite of eumulatiou of obstacles? Can Mr.- /mailman conduct our young men, is calculated to be most heoefkk , now the Democratic party through all these difficulties and dangers; and bring it Into the field in 1110 with no less numbers some ihtfY members. Throlato ' the kindneas of prestige or power? 'The exploit would rival the re- of Anthill, Russel, Essq4 the Aiworietion occupies In' his treat of the Runlets after the fall of the Malakoff.. But office building, a comfortable ream, reel free, which will the st stogy of a Gortaehakoff is essential to Its aceona• pUshment. The most brilliant reputation for iaatemaan- con t a in as the Associatires is ensiled , to. carry out Us' ship will be the prize of sumer ;Abe irreparable over` Planer • One library. . - . threw of the party, and the ruin of the country will be .' The oiled of theta's:mention is AO -engage the niters the penalty of failure " . 'kin of young men in the pursuit of Useful knowildge-. .. i. .. To avoid this irreparable overthrow, the Eas ' ati- ' Ind them to visit the room regularly, reed,.vrrite eve rer says the " fidelity of, the party moot he equal' says, etc. On the subject of soya, by the way, in &no t() din ibilitymi the it:edit," and it points out the -, ther column will be found an essay reed before the As result of the extreme doctrines of the journals re- ' ' ioehttiort on the 27th init., by the Rev. Mr. Washburn. fetred to, and lectures them in this wise: ' , 1 It gives an outline of what's required in prep:Mug an ' "We are surprised therefore, that though they may; essay, and the manner. It is fL i matter requiring but a care nothing fur the exigencies of party. they do not see little eamest e'ffor't to prove successful, and a rears of 'how effectively they alit the at use of Black Republicanism . ' In repelling tbe sympathies of the a.fortbern Democracy im prov ement and pleasure to the particle:intl. and betreying a distrustor the incoming Administration. Another attractive feature of the AssociPtlon during Why despair in advance, of Mr. Buelianan's - ability to the coming winter, sell be the delivery of a Perim of shield tee South from aggression. at least during the lecturer. PrbrainentiSeturere from abroad •will - be-en term of his Presidency t Why presaibe a policy to him which in the nature of things he cannot undertaket- Meted gm the occasions -' • 1 - This prophecy of wril contributes to the fultilmeat of We warmlymate time of our pules men . who bare its own tonebeallne: and these extravagant speculations not Yet cannot be over enrolled their MAUNA as members, to do in can only end in diSappolutment. Meanwhile- hOwever, - • ' tbey animate the hopes of the enemies of the South, promptly. , The honest to thane/Wes • • sea depress the spirits of our Northern A Ilea. Can we estimated, wbllethii eireinple will havia . beneficial effect pin any . advantage for the common cause, by batraying et, the mo d e o f t h e r i s ing irrner nii,iin. '., - an inordinate ambition, and by tendering our support Gl ee by your anti !MO re, in ri an lip elite to to Mr. iththanan an impel:able conditioner Ile we notPrener'' , ,- Y run the hazard-of alienating his confidence amid' losing, , the efforts' of the Young Men's Christian ',Association. the Influence of hts Administration!" . i which will redound to your and its credit. . ______........„.......•...----- . . . THE COSEpPOIATAii Any ASSOCATtO2I.=—Tho ' : arrangetpenti for the third year of this. new pod' popular Institution, have, been .completed on, the ' • , ' • Pea tusedx Norm 24' • most extensive scale . At the appepachinig animal - . 'ximisseAorreass.-xe:muse al Po r t b i er ee • em igsa n gattlitous distribution of aorta '- of ert, i' which oindY "rat t les the ' early t'u:ra g aneo:l:4lntr the 147 next, there. Clinton Allentown Railroad. TheY all t:el more in takes place lm the 28th of Januaryto this great piujeet than any of the roads in -*l.l be dmitn 310 paintings and pieces Of •senlP. ' operati on here now: A b t rilg eri e n conn:e i t L ia? fkhaylkill county with Deets- le 6m: • Antong Awes:liptore_ arc the following ex-'l,_ quisite picies, excented front' the One - ii Carrii4 .' ,I,ldringl44.lllith A couteyatifeleic.jltio way l r loing inif tta. the tta Ha ; tirm.aklAyt pttrpoeod dge see!;l or e t tglt t o t tig tw il while 'rouble :—Tbo "Wood Npuptyl . *,,tha !uts of Clay.. 4 Webster and CaThetin,. iraltner'l ideal butt, lf a stranger wishes to go to the, Reeding De . pet_ . Y : r 4 S'Spring," and others. terms- of mil:Scrip= ri. l o t ti,:arte,TAtarlgesNegy,„oantwia .Tdir a nd p i rig ,.. , - ;, a_ young man employed on the L. A. U. U. fell dforst w erir s th u o bs u a ri no b - ii3 t.b i re te lle 4 .19, 1 h ):7 1 : i.i w 4 4 t i tsi t e teig o t it l e e .ngrip t he 445 er;•, , , r er sehutetwltile ern on to th th s e Dope!, g s e u e l l hart him. a p4polar Masashi., eer:pr.:o*e posmopolitair'lklntris Ealltglllo.)WaS hurt very !ugly imam. Art • Joaraulf—a - quartirly4ir,hete ,year'', ' and si 4 f ? iioitch hiteli a e° orrfi a daTet : I I:L a b:It two Teere i , a g ent. ticket in the•distribution of Works , of Art. Tlitilr, ih:D°ll,l,.°?°°,,ltrisliene: a takthl! Payout saarri* terms are rearona • ble, . and the fraine rendered eo • ' which -theeniereStii sa ke c. th ousand dollars astisfactoryohig no person Can! hesitate to cater- this town. amuburtr ir his Te r ry mach ("Posed to . info the pitieCtie a member:' 11. Ba unlit le the' least:: ft appe ars toeno - Cfiei n sy o mi t i% t a ni l i m bl aa 4at ' 7 per : Actuary foe'. Wisticiatii;o la 'this ' County , lied '' eon oar 0t,,,, the ~I b er l it bat theuusdem.. ;h e y m ow is prepare:l t 6 issue certificates of. membership to ~ • w3r woohl teletittlttl e . 4 wa ! esmid not oat the I n 'th ose desiring to fothaeilho. The object •of the • tal te cottrt; lo tt r o ding i the necessity fora bridle vas 'AssociatlUn is principally to _aid , in' `the distribtr.l• =UV eh° ennukt n i n ot ohei= "n VIP& ant r Lion of, knowledle sn A 9 . rfiee att i ll ,. ie. , denledV A Jury was selected several months ago 1124 . n 0• . Berksandgehaylklll taksis view of the • • out the country, and attbo...faine lime -.fester nu- I rad irri!tge;SusetAtt7 rgortlntnnelfittnerf lii: in to= tire telen4; ; We beeittly - coottietta Itio ihotittan-i• • 7 1er . e she ' l e ' - .: deg . ' •: ' , 4 o e • • - ,flon of 'ttioierie Our , elitietti, !oho. hive' tot iie 1E" 14 ° 10 " 1111 • 814 """ liki i r .- 11 " 111 * 116 .' . 411'' a ertrollWd• theline Ines . see members. ,I ' . ; .'' - 1.. m do's.. is , ta•eadedeenning eit's ern* lOWA tisKie ._ roar.. respertfulty, •.. -; , -_, • X, • _ \ =SI 1 ; , .14 EEO We ear 'lliattunaireatunr.-L.The Get- 1 tysburg Mirr hat'sferted the; - f3*tt Of .chneetl4, Stetistles la relation to fission:Ali:of persons nut;. 'wanted-in thie Susie during the present year, sad rsquutiltsraontemporeries to furnish Interim* owe* suloeet, and consionsielite with It. iR compliantly with the Styes' wisltii we turnlsCit with the: number naturalized hi this County dur ing the present year. The nutuhes.wijeksettle/- ly noised their naturellustionjeists, wis 1148,' while' between 1101/stml 900 -exPresecsifilsliir Lions of applying for their papers., thatgehityliftl eoistity gaiiiiiktip *storied by any ousttlY oat?" , Of Phil adelphia, in the.fitate,irs "rowling", up ths "bet. :titer" cities's& ...19e hope.ihe Ster's eltorpsto _ob.. rein spijselsbitielt d in regaikip iltetsniltef 11V, be successful. It will be interesting to ascertain the ratio of the increams of , the. Puwerl wields such an immense iillnence In our 'State' and Netitmal elections. - ear RECIPROCITY.—The pulpit, of Now Haven, Ct., some eighteen months girl, wriltaluted iiierally , for tbs. =forma at Norfolk; iri, bI yellow tovit. The;bligalloe has been repaid by mobbing a ret. spec blo•oitissitCapt:Timodly .13metard. (ltte: of New llayen,) for voting itonordinnto the•.die. tams rids judgment and ooaseionce.. q•-is &IS; milt t exercise the tights or als Antsrican oltisen in Vi gin's:. In the North however, it io not ita- Rossi le to nritin•:_overy man to use hia 'Kiwi .legts, and to'relleye faltering, wherever It exists. awmassmsaismissiemmi •- • i, ' I I,li EDITOW !VALOUR. focal Afairs. POST marrow wens. PUTS MID Willi.gB4; , Eli- in liesteMlut week, 91. la Deltheione: last meek 91 " egmßestbe la Ikeda's% last week, 52. eafeYale Cottage coot:du 692 Module. -:.>j -. ear-Madame Embed is at Cain lEgy Cairo. pt. . Affehestile be New York, WI week. 395. AfirDeathein Philadelphbe last week. 192.. . , dirlismanen tailed meSateudsy last for LeselipM. - Deplreareet is playing an engagement in,llostens. • • 1. - There are • 04,000 pianos In use ilithit t ratrp. eirelohn 04axe, the ls poet, Ant expand raseree. ffridelf. *bury itss been lenighted by Xing 01 der ditylitialew thebriates elm pining be fifror Uwe nut the ceuntry. . , Arnie' full vote of itetStats of-New •,Torl e t WEraft% Mir-George W. Porter, the Inventor of the a Di• flo." died recently. .. '- , ff WirTheiberg. the planted, gave a meet In Philadel phia. Ust *veining. ~ ,dipin the Cesammeicheolet of North Ceram* thorn kor'l3o,ooo '