The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, April 26, 1856, Image 4

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    it esti §tunat.
Tits Antiesod lisss *Sae Profited to the Sew yogis
iddiwe Aar the larder - of The Alge, • wok), jossail,
published to Maw:- • •
The Are AIMS bright on the booth at night,
Ana the curtains: low
Min • ssolr &am o'er .tho Poet's dream,
• As his Studio come sod go.
Me bevy le pale, and the rattltag:hall
That falls as the frtstypana,
Quit tweet the deep that We worn eyes keep,
As if new to wake *pia.
Tatbarkl he haat& though with luilteicead earn.
On the door &tamping Sow
Still ha turns net round at tba gentle sound,
But Malty untrninsa."Poal" •
4 'Tis only the hied that Mal board,.
Am he tapped at tile window ack,
and I's no craven to tsar a raven,,
Or let in a Imply amt."
Sark, it isis=arandwith railkit Ana main
The that e at hut.
And opens the rloonne with angry roar
• The wild wind hanks put.
13e the C Bot, who irisbef hintloy,
tad asks in a filtering tone.
If he will write • for lista that n.ght,
Awl kindly giro bias the loan.
Rise Ind kohl wild at the bitweytKi child.
Tb n chuckles him by the bar,
land makes bin abide by the chiginey-aida,
is betake tack In his char—
Pulls up thi =whine, and with diasittui idea
/ Ida oils each rusty whosir .
rbaci arises the crank, and with 'many a yank,
&lap o*t a poetic squeal'.
A Rtle IN EITACY AND • fitiol/0 0 FIDG.
Sta.—The deed 'is aceouiplisbed. wife hat,
• got Is plano,-. l !and now 'farewell the tranquil mind,
...farewell content and the evening:papers and[
the .134, cigars: that , make =Within virtue--4hi
Unwell! And oh; ye tunnel engines, whose vale
throatii the Immortal Jnve's vlittnti • even-.
terfeit;" but stop,:l ahem mresrell, for'
ins of. them has...last arrived. It came nn a dray.
Six men carried Mute the parl.r, and it grunted s
awfully. It weighs - a. tau, shines like a luirrox;
a.d has carved Cupids ehinhingsup liinh.. And
langs 7 -wheir!• My wife has'commenced
'practice, anal the first time; She •touchea the ma •
eninto thought we were in the midst of a Ahun..
der • storm, end the ligbro o>t had lora kt :the
sirucker7 chests., The cat, w , b i•re-t.• took a
bee linelor a particular friend upon the baek I
fence, demolishing a six seining pane of
Tne.batiy awoke, and toe little fellow tried his
-best to beattheinstruinent, but hit didn't
sit best him. A teacher has been aifitioduced into i
• the house:, lie says be is the Ihst "nf Nitpoleotes
grand army. He wears * s ilage •mtitistaehe; looks I
at me fiercely, smells of ;Arlie, and goes b 3. the
mime of Count Runaway anal-neveracolue bark-
again-by.. He played an extract 'de opera the
other night. He rue his fingers through his hair -,
twice, then grinned, then he cooked; his eyes up
at the ceiling; like a monkey huntiog • flies, then
down came one of his fingers. and I, heard 'sole
lightful sound, to that'produeed by a mek
roach-dancing upon the - tenor string of a fi td e.
Dciwdeatue another finger, and-I was retuin led •af
the wind whistaing through it knot tqle in a It n
soup., He touched bi thumb, end I thoug I
was in an Orchard to the distant brat, lug
of a jackass. ti 7 .4 be rati• his lingers ale ig the
hays, and I thought.of a buy rattling a stick up s
on a picket lance. All of it sudden he statitped,
and I thsiught sotnethang hatrhappental. Then
' down came both fists, and ',h. Lortl! such a noise
was never heard before. I thought a hurricane
had struck the houFe, and the walls were rayiog
in. I imagined I was in the eellar, and a
„ton 'iaf
coal was failing upon Illy head. I thffilgilt the
machine had burst, when the infernal
peal:and I heard my wife ejaculate—"P:squis b ie!'
"What tho deuce is the matter?" the atia.t'er
was, "Why, dear, that's La Sitmettinhelit !" "D—n
Botrinambular thought I; anal the Count nailed
up his sheet of palter. He calls,it an ash.; but for
the life of me, I can't make it loolelike anythlng
o ee than a rail fence with a lot orjueettile nig
geri climbing env :•r it. Before that instrument of
. torture came into the holism, I could enjoy myself:
hut now every darned woman in the neighborhood
must be invited to hear the new piano. and, every
time'the blasthd thing shrieks out, like a Meow.-
tire with the bronchitis, I. have to praise its tone,
and 'when the invited guests are playing, I hare to
say, ,!"ExqUisiuF!" "Delightful !" "Heavenly !"
and all such trash, while, at the same time, I
know just as much alolut music as a blind codfish.'
There are more tuning hammers than comforts in
our housasa-and—and I wish the inventor of the
piano was troubled with 41 perpetual nightmare.
and obliged to sleep in one of. his instruments all
his life. Ass for myself, I had ratiter put my head
under a tin pan and he drummed to sleep with a
pair of smoothing irons than hear "Lai Soinnam•
hula," or any other La thumped out of a piano.
Scatter pennies in front of, any house, and draw
together all the wandering minstrels in the city--
hand organs, banjos, fiddles, tainhourines", - rattling
bones and fish 'horns. Let juvenile monkeys
erawl'in at tny windows in search of three rent
nieces—let me be awakened at midnight by the
cry of "murder'!"—rin..; the fire bells and have a
devil of a time generally--do all this. anal I will
taut complain; but banish the ' , Mails! ' alc pian o
has got, to ge, ; , .Itl4 to launch the inferno!
machine out'of the window the first dark night,
end, my friends, I advise you to sleep with cotton
in'your ears. nar when - she gives her dying grunt
you'll ycin'ye fallen out of bed er it fallen
• star has goairto roost tpoti your housetop. Fur
theitifurinatilin of "Votitti America," I will state
that all the pieces of bras; wire and irory keys
they are, welcome to, but the skeleton I want fo
a Defrigriat
Tut folios:1'w; 1-1 a ,zenu ne article,' which
reaches us from New, Philadelphia, Ohio. 'A cloud
of witnesses.' says our eirre-rion-feht, mite
of its entire nuthentii•ity.' It i.the.
2 Jii,lier* tile I ) ,riee. of ',hut ilk; • ..j..ry
of re .lci in, 1, 1- it to.- ,•i• vi•ry i t o
' 4 O-titTLE3IEti OP ynn Y:
of replevin,
.the purpi—e •Al ohnsptllig• the v 0,31 60. t
No.. Tiro, levied' ,ii by sa; l----,—, .p! tis e
property of •11:1:1 firs: clrirge you as
to the rule of construing evidence, namely: tryou
bave reasan to believe that tiny one witnesii in
this ease has wilfully, tonliriously, delherately.
snit aiintrary to the pea . er and dignity of the S,tata
nt Ohio. ' , warn that which i..talpo in any single
instance, yini are bound to believe that bedsv:ied
thrOnßh nit.'•.
• 'lstr..,B-.•fir, plaintiff, inquired: 'What if
le he enrmhorntedr
'Ma C9urt, wi.h much dignity, replied :• 'Wait
until I am !*
"Anil if you should God that the aforemention
ed witness is eoemborated, or .sustained in liny
particular, by any Miler w'ttiesl,:you ire liUund to
believe that said last-named witness, lies also,. in
every pa ticu ar ,if his eta Lain also re.
que,tert tii.charite you that y,0.1 fiu.l it, y ur
diet the value of the property . at issue.
."After some deliberation, l bare'e , neltled nut
do that, hut will simply say : if y.lll -find, , in
year finding, have...found—you will have
teund, in your finding, whatever at that time you
may find: 'on the other liana. gontioneo. if . you
' fiind in your finding. that you have not t und—
yed will not horn found-iti - your fmlin..r—what
you•oplht to here found! Now, gentlemen, you
tiara heard the testimony of the w•tnerree. the
nrgutnento of counbgla. - nod tnj charge. Take
the ease !"
4 . 'DISTINGIIISLIED LAMES -A French deer he
.. tintn f)titiener'it Porto:mend!. England, wise'per
mitted to walk abßut the ton potrole, and
accordingly- tn“rt:'ow, et . 4-eh,
be. to* the Mayor's dayai,t.., a, rTa.a"r,•,y h A talpatar
"Ah,"‘sairl enme home,
*!two'vtri,fine.lncliet. care at de Chureli die mora
inic." • •
"Who weri . they 2" inquired the I:inequity.
"Me bare. toriret de name; hut ilia% be dot .
ling slat niitle ie er ,ss
"0.." said-the trindled:kyr"a cdw ?"
"No, no," eagerly interrupted the Frenchman.
"A_sheep.. perhaps," said she. •
uN o. P.
"A hull?"
"Perhaileyou-mpaa a horse?"
"No; no, not de horse ; but What' de horse's
wife's name?'
"A mare ?•'.
-• "Oat! de maie'it two daughters Tare at el:lurch
dis Morning—two eery pretty young -ladies; dey
put de tooter in nig mouth."
HoiltaLthe locksmith, has picked fine:of Dim:
Antic ilklocke; he did it with a pick-ate: Be
it now.a.tiwwork on a wed-ToCk.
"Rave you read my last peerh"l" said a prosy
orate, the other day to a friend. 4"I hope so,"
was the satisfaetor7
A watt in Kentucky steam' enormously big, that
when he died it took two der/amen end a boy to
Tread' hie funeral aermnn. ! :
Tess young lady who toll in keg just horn
palled out by the daring. fellow Whit successfully
struggled with the world.
c ty,„
Tjte way to make water.!apee hotter than them.
. pa;ne . is to cat salt fish about 4: hours previous
to imbibing it. ..
Tee SLI,V6 OF TEM RING.—The. man who has
pt l t tne eredding'ring upert the finger (AA Ftll.llg,
minded woman. I._ 1
. •••
TER GILEATEBi , OI o:Aig Ur ltir I% OtLn.The
Org.'n ~t';peeeb in ►um:,n": :I 100 . ST:S117
0 ' Sinp!. • •
y .
At ft - o• pol 11.: b:„no - ..-f .t• b.: 1.. , 0.i...,,c, in If,. 1,..,.,. ~
.:t i.i:: . ... 1- v... :11-•rco,1•1!---.111, that k•Ftsin moistm;;....i
tonctro...t nerd tr.irt , If I.o d situnfo partly. in Itnocr••se
- an<ijoirly co Wa...binr_rioo towt.shipo. In - solid county of I
1. 4 chu , , - iki:i:' t:t lio ---- to.ld as the pr .perry of said John Peter!
Paffonberrt.•r and Ellsaboth • afronborori Lunatics. in!
si," tortrota trod, or pieces. rir: • -' : I
No. I, 141 that cortain-tractOr far 311114 14 1 .1" 11 A
: Inc lan& of Danlol llumrui44lepr,wllotain. John I:: • 1
..- ---• . - • • 4 Derfler a•.d Frodorilt 0. 42. - fulbrr.reir 'lnd trite N 0.,.
Bag that , manias a wan hi lea "Rood ': and No. 3. e •ntaining• 119 Acres acd I•o por.•hos about 10
ms eh," tn 4 et not be surprised he turns out "a 1 or 50 acres whereof ate covered. atith escelicnt timber.
Lucifer." - i nether with the appurtenances. consisting of a .tre
' story.log dwelling house log stable. &e.
No: 2. A tenet of wood land adjoining the aboieiract.l
land of Frstilorick Pafrenberuer. tracts Nos. 6 and 3. con-1
talttlnkft rtoreicand VI perchea. befog covered with es.'
- ! eollent - oho:aunt timber. . - . " ..
-. 111 - 66 . 16 it 11.13(1,'• ill borlon she is hahitnaili inl . N' ). 3 ;i l .- "rt. of chi-flint timber land. toundrd bj ,
trues - boa 1.2 and is land of Daniel numisiol. con
Alakapy Ihar }lei eatin.i!e eAnrwt he awnkened: - .1t
1 1- %leg 7.,arros and 57 perches. - < •.:
• -.----..•• ... 1 1,1•101114 . i No. 4. - A:trart of eseollent. ottt•ltriut timber land. teem-
WHY 1 - . 4 fl. • •; fl '4l,e,te . :' Be-,
he “ver rix c. r • or
Alru~~uuint c. pfety of
ehttnetng the popti' . fl,ine evd, f .w.iik. to need
/awl work. •
• Tax people of Cincinnati are the beeet , ctora of
the human meet for they rlant the lean earth."
. , Tent sieve through •hi h the my 'Writhed i i deiiiilaads or obn Kreider and Daniel linnautel, and
every nem," is for MN at half the drat coat. 1 natts Noa.7lendl. containing 7 ash! and C 9 gwrehra.
---• •qr go .--.--'-------- No, 5. A tracrorecod land with aleallent Among 1
. .0 1mb "" HA H nIng " d.6l.jtin it "16"nd frusta Nog
Goma once eMnp, tined that - a certain 'writer
. Z.t. 4 and 6, Containing 7 acres and 110-percbm . 1
"lita too much water in his ink." • no. si: A 'tract or;wood lend with :cheat IP thnticir, a4ll
......—„,4. 1e ... i %Plug landkot ?Wendel' Patranbergor CAI & Zimincr.l
WRY it it ivine iike a soldicr? Kase it isitiiiin.. . man* and tT"t No. B. tent ' 4l/1 " 9 11e ". a " 4 54 1T h ," L ,,,,j
id—has tmdrilsatla it ;ai,,„,i a
• Pe r &patting rortber hformatiO M n reVIM .. ....I
. - • . "
I. Anne moper t y. will pin. &thaw on. the andetitgraid. re
-1 aiding about 1% tones from , t'imarittim. or on LEV! HU
.yotn. In tn. trisnuen cf ilmerrots. at whose Mew s
draft or Mot of said property can he awn.
,--....-015 , 44111•11.............-.--. . i Tll+ o Oa. will centrowne• at 10 o'clock In the tineumm,'
. WlT.itt s . joiner . • nitianths Ati,..ihili• mit r ' "an thecondltiona will barna& known by •- •
. ..,- • e i . PTtitnEttlCK V 1.1:1PE en t Raga, Cotninnee.
*el bolas 4.4+.40.t. , ,•, - -... , ' Pittman@ township,' April TO, Pm ' Intl.
Wart Lit it at ea • a cotd,curol . cold sot /
MTV Os Anetoi?. ''A 4Poro.
111L'etOsetibers being appointed sole
&grata tar the ale a Ettonedifer & Cade!' Eitiiit
Lard lamps, to San:pall" county, losik s taro * l .•
rartmered r gab, wbkh art highly »mmm.nded few
soolsomy sad convireicares. WORT & UMW:
Apra 1.4. 11M1
211.,. Kate Heti
nen' Bank, Pf
an wetland
Coach Tritium*, • •
dreseasskar'S Tools.
Carpenter's Tools,
Class and Pabst.
Bar Iron oral:nth/oh
Boiled "
Nails and Spikes.
Railroad Iron and Nails,
Smith Tools.'
Banding Materials,
duct Ina& °
Shear '
.ann Blister, .1
Mill Saws,/
Onsisent Saws,
fins Sand-taws,
G. B. return Methinks to the toibl le foe the petrel:awe biotin iditindividwateaparity. and h. pee
the new grin. by the quality of th it,:goods. strirt atten
tion to htudneee, and seeommtdati t na, 3nitea, &WWI , *
and eounand,their continued support,
• beatersis Rltriseart , peet Iron. O'er. oiNt.t.
itnttasitie.iiinnary s.viaa • 141;
- .. cLigirgis a.
• At li AKm , igitreste a few
.I,k) haveconal
tent of
imitn s i'... ..' .
Building 4afeilalsi , , .
ilvveutaker's Toole, . '
Piles end Hasps.
Katt& Spikes and tirade, -
Cinuter 4+1.1 , latforut icales,
Bar and Roiled Iron, .•
'Kite and sheet
e,itat. Shear cud glister steel.
L Tin. Plate andiihelit /.in,
ahr. 0 .pper lord Shoe! Brass.
Pl: l end Bar tread. -
Cla,lags of all:1.-scriptIons. -
' 'Kill. t-clit'uld 'lirentar Sam.
Butntiev's ".h' .p .ns. ,fl e . wer ,,
and Knives.
Anvils and Tires. .
' an.l failties, .
Cluin Pumps: ,
Iron. .1 nipr and 13,vits Wire. Caps.
Garb Trimmings - ' ' Rifle ifnuntings. .
The inliscrihers vfnuldvOspertfnllvinvitn the attention
if tho nub I' 4enerally, to the &Nat - and other art telex of
' Hardware. tonmamemns to menti ol: as they are deter
. min-d 'n cell to t-or assay concern out of Philadelphir
f trutet!t 27. 1853. - r•-iv i 1
10 Lt.i.
- - -•
IBranch of the Mine Hill Railt'Outi
...zt -.mann to AP 'land if , nt. , llt to be eonant: red
forthwith ,to'extend up Ili: ltun (about 1 1
,!.i mile% w, st
of Asttiaudi. For lemies apply personally or by lett r
to J l'. Illbilli.
lUl4uuth 4th 'greet, l'hibi telptilit.
April 19; 1i156 , ; • .' ltAin :
O i
$ -
1000 R
•o AI„E.
acres o f Vaiusole CoarLaud.
N'l'll . olJ SAN D Acres of , ;ihe
f Broad . Mountain , tied lands: sttuatld, lu
Butler and .Barry t wtthipa. trhuy,
kill county. 1
hereby offered at private sale. The Ashland Exter.sion
Railroad runs tliti.ugh part of the pn.perty, with+ is-ttn
deritld with Coal seams and well timbered... For rater
eore or Information apply to 'Samuel Lewis. Esq..'.C . entre
street. or to th suisteritser. at his Real Estate Agent",
In Railroad street. Pottsville. Pa' The terms are halt
and half mortgage bonds. FRANCIS SPENCFR.
Pottsville. April 19. ls'Sti *l.64fj
`VPL Li he void public sale,} on
Weddesday. may lath. 18& 10 &el ek.
at the house of J. M. Felet. in Pottsville. the following
b Pu 4.; ind lots belonging to W.M.RICIIAILLSIIN, lu the
A tr..u.zh of .l'ottav Me. lb wit: •
1 4 . '0 feet rot! and 4 houses on Centre street,
Nlabantongo itrewt,
.?0 feet lot hod 4 houses on rear Ceptrestrest, .
2 01 feet iota:Last Market street. .
For further ; particulars apply to CIIAS. M. lIILL,
Potts% file, April IV, 1&.6 10-4 t - Agent.
rill) have Fertile Laud at a cheap price
and on 'eery terms, your attention is called to the
utly AI FA lt 31 AN D CUAL COM PAN Y. Twoiti fi t,"
Acres or cibni in proportion, are given for 120. , payable
in sintsalments of $1 per week or $ • per month. It is.
located in Elk county - , Pennsylvania, and has (meat the
Oust markets for its produce in the State. The soil In
rich loom, and is not to be surpassed fur foranny, A
4ruinat ion will show. It has ihe best elements orpms
perit . beinidunderlaid by Cwo`tich veins of MIL and
will shortly be intersected by, four railroads:': The tim
ber is • of the most valuable kind: Title uheicepit len
ably good. and warrantee deeds are given. Itpresents
a good and substantial opportunity to comMenceilar
,ning, providing fur one's children or making an luve.t.
went. Further particulars can be had from the pain
phlets which are sent to 'mining's. Letters anssyered
prompt/y. Apply or address SA3I'L -ATTELL; k•tee.
.133 WAILNi UT itrret. north aide. between Fourth and
Fifth its.. Philadelphia. Full information is contained
in the pamphlets. ‘,,=, • Feb. 9, 18-6 6-3 s
V.lll. .MILE COAL ' I.A ill DS AT
- -PRIVATE SALE —That Celebrated tract of splen
d,t ..;.al laneolown as the -Sp din T act" containing
toe justly, celebrated and ‘• Spoint Veiny" also what 1.
geoerally, kunwn am the -Seventylive acre tract," ad
j , ialog, on thb Mt. Carbon Rail road and in West At r
wedan Township, owned by NieholaS .E. Thouron Lao.
Is hereby °tiered at private sale, on the niost:advituta
4eo a terms. :
ihe tract contains all the Coal :reins In the atom
Southern Anthracite Regions—including. besides otlttr.
tracts t hose generally known as the Palmer. Charley Ft tt
C",r, rm I .cri Ordain/. Orcl,ord. Primrose and lat , Pa
moth 'with all the uoderlying, though yet unexplintd.
beds “f co a whi , h are known to exist in the formation.
averatiug ben ,proved, over a hundred feet ors-lid
00111. In flit, the tracts now offered, contains
he richest Coal depolts Ili the County. ' • !
i'or i tin.rtnatlytt. apply to Fran, i :Fencer. Esq. agent.
.r Coai lambi and real estate gelirtally. Ofli.r iu Lail
~.)....1 street alter. a....llarket st r, et l'cittaville. ra.
t• 1 )11. SA liE ---,Two of the most
able C llierb sin :Schuylkill county. Pen tasylvertia.l
: the BLACK C 'LULLI . at Tottsville r end
he Mita 'K 1.1.1 i CIILLIEyat Brock%ille. ; I
I The- subscriber now rrSidilig in this city and being'
tumble :nun Other oceupa ions to Five to these Colltekles I
personal attention which they require. has been ii..
duced to offer them for meat the pet-lug of one ni the
unit s assons which has e, er occurred iu the mining 01
Anthracite Coal.
Mc. BLACK' 4INE or York Farm Colliery it Potts
title. embraces all 'the free binning lied Ash velar of
Cmil in Schuylkill county. 'and the product has always
b ei. in great 'demand and met with a ready sale' at the
hi-hest prices in the New York and ngland Mar
k ts. During the past summer:an expenditure of 15.20 .
) , I was ma lie at this Colliery in taking a Deli tilt
o , r the Black Mille tein.,Theproperty to now An a
spin .did condition. and. capable of producing annually
40.00 t) tons or very .uperior bed Ash coal. The Hoe
hn,: a first rate inn; T rail. and ail th 'roads on the outside
are laid down in the satne'sithelja•.l la: manner 1I has
a . breaker operated by a twenty, horse engine, with ea
lore large screens. and all the hit nn:s necessary to d
the work In the best and mOSt economical manner.--
fhere is a large amount of,ther personal property.lour dal
as ars • Wit.:oo.. reams. Shales Ac.. which will bit
%el h it.
At the IlltDCKV11.1.1: COLL EBY., a tunnel his red
cetstiv been driven to rut the eelebrat. d Turcoroni veit
which runs 'ttimtzh the , whole estate for to arlY one . '
mite. and whi , ll is now In a very flue condition.! The
two engines.ll the Slope and the Breaker. and the !rot, ,
Drift Cars Aofirbleh the*, lea large number) were •
by II tyw,s,d' ft Snyder. All the roads have Fern laid
down with the. Trail. and all th fixtures and imProt c
tnents which have been made upon this valuable proper
ty are very advant'ageousd, arranged for ehrip teor ing.
Under a caretul and active =inurement. this Ctilliery
will produce pnnuaily a large quantity of Ilk al fort:ratty
years to come. The stone Storeln us and other pre,
ty In the town or Iltrfvkville: wlll (if ianted; br Indiaded
in the sale.
,•. .
kppl , to Ar. f)ror;re C. Potts at Pottiville. or to th, in this .•itc at 114 Dr. INN ay,
Y0r;... ; Nlarrti
•I N porilance of an;order of the Or
' phew: Court of Sthnylkill erunty. lames 11.OraeA.
; rence 11. Frick and Hobert F. Clark executors of WE
CULT. lace of the borough of Dal rille. in the county of
Montour. deceased. will ' , soon' to puhlicaale at the Ph 1;•,
'Wel ph la Exchange; in Philadelphia. on Tuesday evening
May 13th. at 7 o'eloek. the following descriled real es,
tate :—Thirlyeigh full. equal:undleided erght hundred
and tenth parts (the whole Into eight hundred add ton
equal parts to he livided)of. and in all, that certain
tract or tracts of COAL LAND. situate on the heed wa
ters of Swatam river, in the townehlps of Tremont and
Fralley. in the said county. of Schuylkill. surveyed on
warrants granted to Hobert Irvin, Elijah Weed. George
Weed. Williani Cook, John Cook. Robert Lyon, William
Monttromer, James Miller. Jonathan Walker and An.
drew Carson. containing in the whole Flair Thousand.
three hundred and sixty six acres and six perches. Mud al.
lowance. bounded by binds now or late of the New York
and Schuylkill Goal Company. by lands surveyed io Jas.
Eiger and other. with the appurtenances. late the estate
of said the decreed.
The above described lands area part of thiwidelpoele•
brated lands known as the Donahlum Oral Lands. the
"richest - and Most productive In the county of Schuylkill:
d the Interest proposed to be sold contains about Tie..
hundred and /Current acres. necCyteasure. together with
the interest of said. deceased in 'the improvement,' ow
mid lands-;.)liddie Creek Collierk. which; a capacity
of producing one hundred and thirty nd taro of
Coal. per annum; Morton ' s Colliery. with a capacity 'of
eighty pousandlons per annum ; S. B. Spangler Cn.'s
Colliery,' yielding from thirty to forty thousand tone per
annum. The Mine Hill Itallroadsodenda into the most
avkilahle points on the property. The Harsh Creek
Branch of the Trianon? and • Mount Eagle Ratted is
about being constructed along the - western bord er , of
said I,los. -Itailroade 'connect these lands both with
therastern and southern markets.. With the present trn
, prorements and facilities five hundred thousand tons • f
Coal ran be taken out per annum. Conditions:of sale
will 1w made known on the day of sale by
c , • ROBE= F. l" it K., • Executors.
By teder of Court, JOSUUA BOY ER, Cler: of 0 C
• April 19, 11,56 le-tt
• situate abut one and a half miles from theism ugh
j , 'l.•e•zrovi- In the county of . 4
Will be soN.I purnont to arineder.lthe Court Oonl
rn.n Pleas of the county Schutil by Fr'd.-nek
Pai..nbeczer cdrcodtr• • r br Polo. "affellber', , vr +lva
• 1 / 4 1.• t.ursn - o at publi,:t h at a
S itti 'tlY Irlth. labri. -
wo doe!. be
/and nonelyoppodtethe 511-
tingle. when , will be found
wartenantof iinenwean:
,Files, • .
Trnts,- .
Blitlinbi Weis,
went of Sue Locke,
Table Cutlery,
PoSktot Caney.
Tablet Spoons,
Lavas sad Vbis.
Assortment of ens Oars,
Shoat Iron Crucibles. ,
Wino. Tin Plata,
Brass Rattles,
Sad Irons,_ .•••
Pans and Bohan, • •
Chains. _
Railroad Tram,
Pordar and Shot.
AA . :A0.% 6 . fi11it..„ Centre
doolit . above Market (Last
tant4 on hand a full atatort
. .
Aalqi and Springs,
TOM - Cutlery,
Pocket Cutlery.
Carpenter's Toole,
Br' toils Ware. i
Allen.. i:elrOilferll.
ltite Barrels.
Table - laud Tea Spoons.,
Mum and rlnatnelril. set.
I 'ans. Ernipns A. TP2I Nettle',
I !Ira's' Otiil road Trares •
la" linoid?nin and Splkes,
Bouhle*ad Singh. thins
Zhiubleand Plnele viatols,
Shot and darts Bags,:
toarder FbOtks.
lawder and Shot. ,
%Petri Proof Peeeisaion
Second Ste._
. above .Market ht.. Phil:Wel phia.
Ylarch 2 . 1...15r. , ' f, ~:
. .. ,
. 1
, ! r y h l N .
i T s Cr t : t 1
i i . ) ,o u . r vi ch; t a t set4 w t , ::r A entif e : stock
, II hi. thankful fora continuance of the liriV i l
rat patronage bestowed upon Mr; Ridgway: a
having Made arringetuents to be in constant receipt of
3 full assortment of ol LS, we feel ctinfident we can give
entire satisfaction to the customerit of the sate house.
' au I respectfully solicit the trade in! general o esti and
examine our stuck before purchasing elsewhe j r.
311TeittL1i a ‘,3lttt SDALE.
Sept. 23.1935 . 38-ly NO. 30 . N. Wharves, hila.
FoNEy received in. any aum 7 .
Ti tame or knoll. and interoV paid from tbe day
I I. Iclt.
.111 re 111 opegn erery day. from
. ktielocki.iLttre tn. •ri)
—.rept opens,-, ,
Inc_ AM : WO:irk in the eiening. audom Nionctsy and
rinrsday evenings 1111.9 o'sloek.i i ,
INTEtt ELT FIXt. .iiirt-Alr.s.7. I ,
All mins latize of small. are paid' back In ... 6, tid 6n de
mand wltticui notice. t 4. an 'y virimnt.
?Frte. , --Waintst streei,BouttelTst corner, of Thlnl
. ~
%troll, Philadelphia =' - ' I
• II .n. It ENRY 1.. BEN:Oil.
• It:vat:Rl 4 i'ILiERTI.R3E.''V.e. President,
WM.J. It 11E10.. - I , ctetacp. •
nt. tzTnt •,• - • . •
Henryenry L. Benner. , C:lwatilireth Mnnun
Edward L.llarter ' F:eariel Brewster. •
Robert Aeltridze. J,ie. ph B. Barry.
• Sawa. IK. Ashton. Ifanry L Churihman,
' James 11. Smith. Finnan Lee.
The Investments ' non' an:tout:dicta to more than nne
miill" , n(4l.llart In aemrdnuce frith the act nftworpnra
am are mad. In 3i.cteacten gretif,d Rents 11 ett.l
first clansmen:miles an must *lva - P innure peke. t &curl
ty to the depesitnrx and Once beyond all 114 the p.'''
tuanenec and stability of thin and n - ell-1:13 . 1.11-le. , 1
Institution. '
Marrh 5.'551 t 10-
[May 19:::U.
HAMMER' & OlLiEr , ,
Wholesale 111;ealer•
1108411 Y, - GLOVES AND yiatecus,
103 Noith Third street', Philadelphia.
!Well n. hc) ' lug
In Cutlery and Piney Croat
.1," su6scrib. r mts'a tell as! +,.
44r tine l'..ckut Cutlery. .5444 irk.
i'UtgeS. nn . .trei pe .15. and time steel g.. 1 tin .4 fin..)
artt.tcs • ever:. ilt,criptiett fur, salt; to the ratio at, h
seuall eat:ince en let te4rtastion rest. tit. 1. fi. T 04.
."s.North 3cl street, ibove.Arch,
April 12, Itieti Arr- I
..111/LESALr. to.ALLI:t; tV
Fist Cheese & Provisions' •
0 47 North below
1.1 Itace Streets, Philadelphis. keeps coL l atantly un
hand a large astiortmeut yuq". &
which they are prepared tV dlxp , se of , at the
lowest Market Tula: Orden. pr,qmptty exacided. ' '
Feb. Z 3, 1556. m
Tiili Altlekleall Puriicliint Aluittilactu
ring Company, a-e daily receiving from their
H. rite at tiluneeptia.. ls.. J. large qbantitiol of China.
aimi b t . t ! y viii son to the trade at r.ry biw pr;ce.c.--
They arp also fully prepared Co rieehe orders to any
sax ent."-. , `'
. I
No 3 erty-Ituildltms, Jotrus - kllep beweerl Front and
P,aper warienouse,
VOS. 3 At. 5 Decaturstieet, Philadel-
A i - pilia. II litiA 11(1E4 fittOg., {toper mar ufacturers
I ,
and importers of tnanufactureni" materials. , eg to call
the attention -of purchasers to thiiir extensive ssortment
of papers and paper makers' materials . sup id to, the
wants of dealers and consumers in every sec ion of - the
country. All orderawill receiVi pcnnipt all .ntton and
be tilled at as low prices as any house in the nion.
Up- 109 tons of rags wanted f ur oph. .
Mar..h I , 's6'
. ~ , • -dm
E batgaius7l am , now
CI are worth the attention of ....1; °
B. to , ola carp6t. kllot. worth Chatnbt ,
worth fq coats; Gobi Window Shad.* . t. 5:
low as 26 cents. Merchants. Ifotwelihopers.
otors. owners of 'veaaols. and ateadnhontx
and. in f..,ct every clam who want lb furniah
gonag at low rai:oa. cannot End w hitter moo
soci. reduced prt •oa, as I ate now:stains:at
and a at NO. 217 North tiocohd ;stioat. a.
ril 12.1856 , 1.
al- T VIM 'E'D R F.S.-itlt
p J, WII.LIANIS,° : No. 12 North
'ixth street. Philadelphia orizinator If all new
style-of VIITJ A N LIN 1/6,11u1d iiiirdered a d Painted
of NAutitui d. sins. Buff: and all p het colors
of II Hand. used for Shades. FEtturi4g Trim tinge. Se .
ke. Store Shades Painted to t tnkfut for
Fts t patronag.• respeelfully snlieifs thieltizensief Srhuyl
klll .unty b. ran and examine tils large asts , ttnent be.
her pu: eltasim• elsewhere.
itudy to Pho's,
April r.. Itso ' ' 1 2m
No. 45 South .Secn it ot - ....t.reti! Ph iltai i . Iph ia .
\y OVI ) ' particularly call ithe at
tentioo of merchants anti milliners tidtheirlarge
and handsome assortment of .I.IPKING MI.LI.INERY
(ht tliS. such as Glace Silks. Creiesollbbonal Fancy ha.
res. French and AmerVati Flowt,ts, and every l artiele ap
pertaining to the millinery made : , -.
The above bonds were impirted; express l y for our
Spring sales. and comprise the'.., eit assorttrleitt to be
found In the city . - -.
Philadelphia. April 5.1866 '5 '.' 14-2 m
1856. SPRING MANT.ILLAS, 1 8 56.
At W halo -tale anrl Hirai&
,may 11 T
iC., 'io. 179
i, Jetiesnut Philadelpiia.; ,i 6 coutioition wits
Or:01.01.: BULPIN. No. 361 Itri'..misiray. New York. are
0' w prepared to supple the Trade. fts'qn every section of
the Union. with their Impnrtatione , and '3l inufactures
f.r the coming season comprising tattle newest designs..
front :me Dollar to the most rein ly :garrnenti manufac
tured*. Morch nts will End it Much to their !advantaire
to examine our store pi evious topurehasing. !Close boy
era per basing f.r cash or short :credit. will ritelve a lib
eral disenunt. .'„Dlii - 1.111:41.1. - A CO.,
174 Cheenta - . 4trvet.betwee'n serviettli and Artith ate.
Philadelphia- April 5. 1550 : "i: 4-it
I L. ISA ACS & BR(1., No. 133 N.
OP • ..eeond street, 13d door ;Who/ Ilare•east aide.)
Piti.a.telphia. have constantly Mt hand a la a assort
ment of the 's hore gno is. whiett they offer W'flexile or
Retail. at prices lower than any , . other est •hl pshment in
the city. They also keep in store. huff. H.4land and an
endless variety of Gold Bordered,: hades. which. for beau
ty and cheapness. cannot be .iirpacwed. Their assort.
ment of Wall Papers. Paper cutainst. Borders. Art., Ac..
i--complete, and persons about purchasing wluld do well
to give us a call. j
N '.111; ISA %C. A 11R 1..
. 1-
• 133 2d street. Philadelphia.
April 5. 18.511 ~ :, 1i4.6Lil
BTO/1E; -: -- 1
3. E ,ornr ath and Arch Afrraci. rhaadflphia.
'IMIE subscriber h4ting .male very
11 important additions to hi& establishment, by eon.
netting the flirt floor of his old.itore with that of the
I , eautifni four story building adjoining. known as'Alar ,
mooy Hall." (surmounted witka high, cupola.) invites
/ 4
Ids old customers and friends It, an examin Hon of an
entirely new stock' of Fancy anti' Sittple•Dry Goods. so
lotted expiessly in reference Witte, present opening.—
The assortment comprises:—Seinsonable dres material&
of new and elegant kinds; plaid, Itidia and Mack silks:
shawls. of all kinds: hosiery. g3ov&it and mitts: 'ernbrot
defies and linen - cambric, ha,ndkerchiefs: furnishing
goo - ds of all kinds: Irish linen*. flannels. ntoreens. &c .
In which are added new goodsldaity, of choice descrip•
lions. ' -i: CHARLES ADAMS.
I'. A.—Persons wishing& splendid view of be city and
• lirinity. can ascend the cupolk, by a. priva.e stairway
which will he found well wortha visit. 1 '.
._March 29..56 , !. -3.2 m
...; , Cheap fisEeskih I' t
KELLEYSc - BR()NYN.; No. 13 North
Seeond street, Philadelphia, have just received from
the tote Auction Pelee. • large gumrtment. of Spring and
Summer Dry Gwelslncluding ~ Superior Blark Silks. (oil
tooled 1 Plaid In lie'do.. Mont.:de taines. Barege do do,
clrolli do do. Moue: do Begs. Canhtisere Sheila. Stella do;
Thibet do. `ilk/ Mantillas, Alpailm',llareges, 'Lawns. Par
asols, Gingham. rations& Brilliants. LlnenShoetlnPA-
Shirtings. Tickints:- Clothe. Ciesemeres. V eit ings. Gam
hell, ms. Linen Drillings. Cattottiatet CounteTtnes. Table
Cove. Plano do, Gauze Flannels. ilosiery. loves. rm., •
Arr. , . .
our {Loads being bought and; snl4 exclusively fur gash.
enables us' to distance all 4amtforitl-n. Purchaaers
eharg d hut a small advance on 4tictlon Coat and no
ateitenient in prices. ..?; • • I' •
No. 13 North Sicced street. o,llll'4olphi/4
April 6,1836 114-2 m
JOHN wit. oria*v iL. Co.,
Nor. 46 and 47 South Third Street, Philada.,
co I yrrt: itraptivairEtow fwk,s,str. •
yIXW upon, remit
.;,to, and eelleet
u ; ,,n every ?Ant in the UstißD Statra and . AN C •
"Ikea:lts art ded'with pmraptnaw et current ndeant
Esehinee without charge. F2rela:u 2nd Aawrican Cnin
Tamil:bed for Shipahor and Cuitotn 'louse pitrpasea,
up ee th e voeatik,24- Ireland. (ht . authoilt7.)
F. //o bit hod furnish ExOnnae. &rat i 'Me in any
a let of the lirtish . Kiltadam;: in tuma of £1 and up- ,
went.. •Seltrq I'M CENT. ( . ..42 4 Yaikrate.1 paid deposit
ors on cur - .. nt accounts. and tile ,highest rote, on _Time
seroont. Stacks hnoitht and seld at the Drpkere'lkstrd.
in Me rite. New York. Fkaton Arid Baltimins. Business
paper and Inane neap. tared. ; .1
The latest of storks Old amearltles through
out, the United Shstes can be wen
_St the.oldre.
Dec. Ina 4 4140 m
%VE are constantly -feceiving Dres*
Onods,of almost everrileeer iptien, ;mint 'bleb
wlll be fi , und a' large assortment Till Bleck 'Silts. Stark
Moiree' Antique. Lupin's Mensellne de Lefties.
Plain Shades. Rich Printed%Cilallles: alani neat styles.
Suitable for Friends, Sileerinei Write. flames. Embreb
deries,*r.. WILLIAMS Al CO.,
MO.l ll Senn, Second street, rhUadelphia.
Stella Sliaitts. • I
PLAIN wnrrg,
811 his.
- PLAID. '
emit A 1446 No. IS Swath Airod itelet, Panitt
1344as olPhla•
. - •
Simon B. 84der. • J. W. Grubb
N North Seennii Sorest (erect
*A.I 4:14
Wltole..ale Deslrr It* Bomb, sOisors. mind
FANcv s ritA N AND PALI! 1.1-1 A P- II A. S,
,V;, 14 !lc V Wth TA vtl SI reef.
Janwiry. 19. 1%51, 3 I v
Fir ir.,. : ;. , .. , ....:.,„E.R. , , v0t.,,, re.,,.,,.,.
• fully ilf •rin ,h Ir .iiiii..n.ii fri..ndp n. d , al , 'll. , t
&aylkilt•' , ant, rh A t 1 , 1, .ein.lit .4 oluthi*l:.•
'Yowl , •tentletn.••• l, ~su...h Lir ...,., ilirii ii* re awl !h.
aft thqr.vori t • ..ell .4. '7. 1.,. r ... nn 'I, I n , a t n ',Anne ;
have the p - irikx, •,? .•,-111.,zin . r tntliin :-..- pur .tri , rii it
itibigifire. if they do neei.nii
F A. ll'irf A IlltoTll VP:
272 'h..4t nut St.. turner i (Truth. Plillada
April '21,1.65 If,- ',-1
J. B. A. &. S. ALLEN;.
7 acid $ 'bomb Wharves, PalladelpSla,
EALERS IN OIL: have .just
direct from Noir I!ediilrd the fellowittosnp
14 •m. *bleb they offer for:sales! the . l.owest
TM. S . L,
: , perm n 1. 3.01.00;:al. I M Into %hat.. fl. t• 50 •rml
d int do I arl..od d• d..
Also. Fri ."r.. dreagl...: •It rate 314 14 . 01% 0 .4 0a p.
trot and Atiminarititie.C4l.4le,.
' • • • t
-11-• ap. nralinii •;11.iiiTT
•• rat- ar,d ta,nilk ay.
- itrJ" • iTeutlitie Tilt,' -
•• hi!,•:
t)0 ••• • Stearin.. and 't datarAir..: Candlt:
200 . Tallow 47a Ales . :
PIO casks Sal Soda: Or tale in lota in suit urrh. ,
genr. .MAULE
0 , 0 ”• , ssi , n .Iterrhtlatr. No 22 B,ltth
itlx,r. , • CA+. nu! street Ja. 19,
. I. S. CUSTER, , .
N • .89 '4 , V. 2n .I .1' rer'. 4do r.rg &,r Green.
re3peettully informs no.r
-t 111,04 141111 ., •,111 and th - • pu l .lic
I. 3i1.1 wits I,lltinne to !ter!) a large
114..0 .4 StMw lod rtnes lion nos. Um, t
l'rones Frim.l3 and * America! ,
“rers Ittninj:ll aryl millinery
n ,1111.1ercile nud 31‘....s
and Boys, Vmmina and
Philadelphia. March 29. " 5 4 13-4.4
rlin ent
, H. WARD,
Manufacturer and Deal*-r in Straw Gouda
PS. 77 and 79. _North . .:d St.. Plana- I
delphla. would e.tll your attention V. I
Ids piotit desirable stork of Imported
• Frenclai Lwet. flutist:l'4,g and fin, I.
Spilt Straws to.jetlier 'with a Is•auciful ag.ortment of!
l,e•zliorn.itutland Pedal aid Diamond Satin lkomets: I
Lilies' tildlo4 Hits. Micges' 1..-,,thorn and other Mats
it-o;t 0 and ' , 'll:' In.:Ws:Mats. ke.. Sc. All of whirtiwill be
.old at a small profit for ea.h. •
Mirth 1:,. '56
1856. 1856'.
of Black Silks ; New Style Spring Shawls. Dress
Bads ditto. Litienke . f strong fabric. Mu.linstif hest
cloths - . Staple housekeeping goods. Men's wear of a ll
the new styleir, EYRE R LA NDELL.
. ,
r ith and Arch 'greets. Philadelphia.
P. S.—Storekeepers. families. and all Wnod nett t .cash
buyers are reswe fully It,, ted to examine this stork cd
uew goods before pdrchaAng. as we prefer selling low
and selling all the more goods.
Storekeepers may often find great jobs from Auction.
as we attend the Auction sales of New York and Phila.
delphia.. • ,
Loftus Fire and Thief Proof Safes!
OF till sizes, suitable
.lUr Alerehants,
itv)ers, lartners, and others ha .ing Books..
PCP , Or other I,alual.les to preserve fCIII Fire or hunziars.
A CAlill —“The I , ire Proot•tiafe that preserved our
!looks. Pallets &c.. during t I e great tire ai Hart's
ingot. was purchased of ouvt.n k.vs:se. LI et..
Philadelphia. ULTZ /t. 1.11:t.
Evt,.. premium V.-1;0110 ,-d 1416;er:tilts I r
And proirr%Dig Mod. Ruth r Milk. ato nt d ail an I.
for cub nary purr.. neF.. %%lat. r. I . incl. 1, i% i 010 11 . , •
tug trackitlh or eludo water. in be trot .opAratohr t •
filched to the hefrieetatt rs—a ket,ol
- the whole ll+ the uarthyst u rahhrr.
firin g
irtng n
ery one
r 4,714,
ISbadnx as
with Bond
rtment. at
1.11 and
Dnve Vine.
Also. in Store onii,for S,/e.
Portfthre Shower ISaihs .yrranged for worm or er Id water;
Watqi.,Coolers. Or hotels. stores and dwellioe , : , lore
fru , for "moving boxes. bales, crates &e.: l"eal Pro,,e•,
Copying tresses. and Druggists' Prtssa-s.
(GOtablisbed In Ib3A.) 411.1 Y :I: Li".‘•
lil d..tlecond Atreet, 2 doors lwlow lo ,n
Philide:pbla. February
tL=Leh a ALA SuevesN•rs il.
11 111.16, airtatiut sirtatt. under the
.itch House. Philadelphia. are ouistantly
puhlistutt;. the latest Musir. from the. turns? popular Au.
'hare In the United States. in a etyle that will vie with
guy Istsdild at any other house, either in this eountry
.t• Europe.
They.haore also the pleasure to announce to the public
that their stock of Sheet- Music on hand. consists of the
argent and st complete assortment to be found In the
•ountry: they are constantly adding to their stock all the
Vew Music published in New York. Roston. kr.
hey also publish ',Tens] Instruction Rooks. which are
n general use throughout the country.
PIANOS—A fine assortment of the best manufacturers.
I New York and Boston. at the lowest cheap prices.
Also. a general assortment of tlulta.ts, Banjoes.
Flutes. Aceordeons. ttc„ Vl , .lln.llultar and !tarp
4 the best Italian qualities. all of whkh ell! he furnish
to . l puhlh and the trade at the est rates
Orders punctually attended to. •
kit:Ltie & Walker's Musk athl C3ll he
- .ldained at It in.l T I Potts.
1'6112 4, 1 i• 1 , r. • .
11. 8; Insurance. Annuity and Trust Co.,
eorii2r and Uhes.
reels. t'hiladelphM.—Capital a**21...0.000. Money
on deposit daily. The 111131/1111, deposited is
eotereti it. a Deposit hook and :then to the itepositur.or
if preierrt.l. a eertineate will lie given.
itlrgti 411 d small 'are received, and the amount
pai.thacii on demand without notice.
tuteresi is taiki at the rate of Jive per cent_ couimen
clog from the day of 41vpmdt, and ceasing fourtetiu day
prestm. to the withdrawal of the oney.
;tit the first day of January. in each year. the intere.;
of each deposit is paid to the depositor, or added to tin as he tue) prefer.•
ft), coinpany have now upwards of 3,500 deposit. rs It
the city of l'hiladelphia alwne.
Anv.addltional information will be given by itddr..salii i
the Treasurer.
;4tephen IL Crawford. Pren't. , William - M. Godwin. . •
Law. Johnson. Vice Pros's. Paul 11. Goddard.
Ilmbrose W. Thompson, GeorJe IlcHenry,
inj. W. Tineley. James Devereux.
acub L. Floraneo. Gustavusiinglish.
&crelary and Frealwrer - PLINY FISK.
Teller and Interpreter - J. C. OEJIL.SCIILA GER
September S, '35
I[AEIBURG'S. original and gehuine.
ifivrarranted of suPerior quality. the cheapest manure
lu the world. Farmersanddealers supplied at low pilots
5.000 barrels Kilns Quality Laud Plaster, selected for
its fertilizing quality.
Ao:tarti bushel, of None In bulk.
10.000 barrels best quality Ordinary Land Plaster, equal
to the best usually poi& at the low priCe of 20 cents per
bushei,.or $l.lO per barrel, with a deductkin for large
lots. •
25.000 bushels of same In bulk.
1,000 barrels Calcined Plaster.
1,11(k) " Casting " • •
500 " Dentist "
5,001) " Hydraulic Cement.
1,000 " True Roman " I •
This article we offer In eonfidzuee to cur easrp mees .
u equal to any imported. and far superior to most in the
10.000 bags of this superior Guano. forTkida, at the
lowest market rates. Also POUDDETTE, MEXICAN
At the Steam Piaster Mills junction York , Arenue and
Csllowhill Street. Philadelphia. "
Match I '.6.
M. W. BAt.DWIN & CO.,
Braid and Hanu.don streets. Philadelphia. Penns_ -
WOULD call the attention .of Rail
road Managers. and those lute ested In Railroad
Property. to their dirsten of Ideermsatire Engines. in whirh
they are adapted to the particular business for which
they may he required; by the Hire of One. twp. titre. or
four pair - of driving wheels; and the use, of the white.
or so much of the weight as may be desirable for adta
s on; and in accommodating them to the grades. mimes
atreng h of imps struction. and rail and work to he
done. By these amine the maximum useful effect of the
power is secured with the least expense for attendance.
costa fuel. and repairs to Road and Engine. With timer
object' , In view. and as the result of twenty.three year.
practical experience In the Wiriness by our senior part
fire ner we nisnufactmere & fermi !Inds of Engines. and
several :lame-Apr gam of each kind. Particular atten
thin pail to the strength ot , this machineln the plin and
warkmanship . of all the &tails. Oar long experience
and 9pwwfunltteli of obtaining - Information enables us
to otter three eng flea with Or asatiranee that in ender)
ev. economy and dombility. they erilicompare faysiablv
with thew of any other kind In use: We also furnish ti
order'whe Is Axles. bowling or low moor tird (to et cen
tree with cur boring). compordilon.eastbigs for bearings)
every description Of Copper Sheet iron and'. Boller Work:
anti every article appertaining to the repair Or sentwal
of homenotive Engines, 3L R BALDWIN,
Jantriri 3.'55 • l-tf
II Av7sl3 RaMOTIJS Pica -so. 62. omusacx mem. To- TH7
South- Wed corm?, Sirth onti,fireicuce sift*,
Phtladelphit, „
.1 1 ):EG to call the attention of Fiurchas•
to their extensive aasort meet of Paper and Papa
Maker's 'materials: Printing Papers-5w Books and,
Niews. Water leaf. shed. uneallendered and calks
tered. elan (manilas and prima always on hand: Bard
AVH and Manilla Papers. Trunk &bards, Mudeest Bunts
ltantring Papers. , .
Particular attention is invited to their extensive u
sortment of : • - -
` 'PAPER&, • •
Fru. • the amer Cliebnatd ,Mnutfactorits in the country .
Among their mamma mesa smut may be lbund
cem.,Norm. Polio Post, Atlantic Note,
Thin , Medium,. Bath Post, DronV—
Quarto Post.' Medium, ' Vool'aCap,
. Bup. Royal,
' Papers of every description. dm and fIltolltv•—•
Step Ammo in resat ralety. Earriope Papers. white
.7nd ge' d mold. olthaylald or wove. Chinned 14pers. BD"
!laud: and-other riernies'
itanniacturrra era invited to examini their Mock of
tbrettn and domestic. Blefehitos, Powder', of ay ,
sowed brands: atom. around or crude: Pal Poda Soda
k %h. yeitin2ii. Wire Cloths, Ultlyamino, and Payer lds
urea motorists rottorally.
Sr' They are alin 'moored to fah" orders dada "ha
and weights of any of theaboya dasaipttoa of Papers.
Phlisda. February 9 ICU.
11. WARD
1I 2m
HEAPWate andJew
kith., Store, N 0.72 North Second
Street, (ote the Mt. Vernon
nouse)..FbiWdelphin. . -
heverWatetun. full Jeweled. 18 K ewes. $2B; M
eer Lever. full Jeweled. $l2: Silver LetAne.sB; guards::
$5 to $7: Gold Spectacles. ill 50 to $10; :".11 Ter Spectacles
$180: Silver Table Spoons. per set, $l4 to $18; Miser Dea
rer'. Spoons. $ll to ill; Silver Too Spoons $4 75 to 7 la.
Kvid Fens and Gold eases $3 Al to $5: Gold Pens and
Silver eases, $1: together with a variety of tine Gold Jew
ry, Gold Curb, Guard and Fob chains. All goods war-
United to be as mpreeented. Watches and Jewelry re•
paired in the,best manner. Also. Masonic Marts. Pins.
Se. =de to order.
N. H.—All uy coati nr otherwise. wtli be
Otineitis. at cooed to. Sept. fa. 1.3 fly
(31.,,AP %Art:lir:4. 4 ... n ...L.. w—wh,,teisre
and retall—rd the •P. iladilplm. Mad. doff
.wiry gory." No. 9l North Second istret.4.'ettr.
C... t .r of t).u3m... P'hi adolphtet.
:, G.. 1.1 1....r,r IV Oriect. -full Jowdeit. tt eartli $11,%. V. .
•;.4.1 I.epint Watches, 18 to i'..4. , . ...
S.grrr 1..t. , r folli.otelled.f.l2 q..l.l . ..pertacl,s; $7 OW
:4ilv ,i- 1. , ,p1y0.:2-‘49 , 15. 9 Fine Silver do 150
7-'11...ri -...-, a toiors. . 7 Ladi,.... , 7..14 rewils 1 01)
brit ra.,10... , . 4 i1,-.r're:l 9,,,1,s F.t. 10u
:, • ~k 1 ern'. with o. , ncil dod ,i err litiders. $l.
4: ,, 1 , 1 Fin,....,-r:r1;,:. :',:t,.. .99)1s tt , ;Mt; % % Ad/ 61.16i.e1i t
pl tit:. 1•2:: .. , , , ,ts, j , Art.W 11 .. 4 r., uts: Lures. '..t.5 owls,:
Att.. , trtt , l.“. t' , l99 , l,,tinit. All '," , ' ,, ,i5 , 5y . .1 ,- railt.9.l to 1,
jvhy• th y 9.9- s 11 tor. '1" 11•1•TEIC 1 ii.kkLEY, •
~. "4 '' ~,1—..0 0, - , ..hi 111 , 1 Qilit.r it. , Wi: and I... Tines
Ow low.. •tv,.. Iht , ((!--,‘,-, 1,11(9.5.
W A T o fit S. • i
, .
i,IU , I' :tkicr..l% ..,:,, alt cxtelltiTt; raCtiltUeLltuf
%. ;I t . ite ,, . a , 1....!1, ws:
Fillet U •Itl NLigic and Hunting Cain.
"stem r,ver from 4 . .,,11 h. i0...3j0. . . ..
• :•.d klielv.r lover and Lepine from $::::. to PO.
-13 r., tr.khra—Huntin• and p-n Farr from Pt() $ 4O .
&wiry—Al. , a very eitensise assnrtment of line Jew
al rv. •
• - Plated IV•re.—Just received. a variety orthe
latest patterns and best quality. by the set or sin
ie piece
P. , ,,wy 6"e4.4-4u VTlery variety. such as fine
ittsinm Figlires Flower Va...s. Inkstatitiv • 'nutmeats. *r.
'.. II .sict h , str , tmenbt.--- 1 .-Soperior Violins. Guitars. c oot
4,. ns Flutes. &c.. Re. . t.
11l of A hieh sr . Jeered at the lowest market Prleies.—
C ' , II and .:e for .numelves ..t.
. t
MAX tr TIIMEItS, , Late L. Fisher)
, . centre street.... doors above Mahaataitrto.
e•• tsviit, rh, pi. pint a n r . 2r 04' anti ) .
; _....,
. 1 -Vatting n• ; svhu, kill Colmar, Pal.:
r75.,..1..... rhe Surrst:Nners. proprietors of the
limi e r
El al lalion. ab ~ °named extensive establishment; an
,:...r ' ' ' warier to the eitigen% or Schuyikillesittn
, 1. is .y. and the public generally. thelerriadi
ness to flint our any and nil kindsof stork
in rine. ar the shortest notice. and in the most sat
i•tfa'etory manner—such ilf. Minding: Steam Engines. man.
ist el uri n:: .:silrad and Drift Cars. Pumps. Casting, and
,',Slr.dli,,y, of all 'kinds.
,; /illy the hest workmen are employed. end satisfaction
Anne th«refore twsarely . :usranteed. itniers3 (min abroad
j,rtenptly CARTERS & ALLEN.
fine !um. January la. 11365 4-tr :
oz.), a B.; Iron ni.d Lames'
under*. respectfully inti , rm their,. pa
,•,na. and the puldie generally, that they
'' Nviairz .re fully prepared at the above establish
neut. to manufacture Stetni Engines of
elec.:. hire. u.ops. Ihtitroad and Drift ears, and every
other doe•riptisii of Iron and tfrass Castings *liftable fin.
he Coal niiiiimrorfother business. on the Most reasonable
Alho ' Mowing Cylinders for Blast Furnaces and
a..rlc in gtieral.
ttepairitex of all kindsdone with neatness and despatch
wt the lowest prices. All work furnished by then) war.
canted to perforin well. They would solicit the custom of
those who may want article: In their line in this vicinity.
`. I orders will me e t with immediate and prompt alien.
iamb 1,1854 0 r 4 .9 W. 11.. HUDSON.
LOESER. t.OX &" CO. rertsertful.
111.11110 n t Invite the, attention of the busirte , s
• ..onintunit) to their new Foundry and
‘lachtne Shop. In the town of Donald
son..4chut-11.111 county. They are now
read to ese.ute •all orders for machinery. such 21IP
Steam entrines, pumps. coal breakers mill gearing' for
kris , and MY/ mills. railroad and drift cars. &c.. &c.
; Beim: practical mechanics. we fintterourselTes that all
;work done at •t,. Donal&on iron Works. will eive such
Ontisfs• .n. as will se , ure the future custom of
;heir patron.- orders thank J Ily rectived'and execu•
ell at the shortest notice. and on reasonable terms.
February 2 ISLOI 5- LEWIS 311LJLER.
5 .. f re subscriber is prepared to mann-
Titurn STEAM FAO' NES of any power.
uwpsut any caparity.and Coal ilreakrrs
. every description: as well as every
her kind of machinery URA in Slints..
. 111'hU , i s. dolling Stills Saw Still !. kr.
; I r •In tin p fur manntheturinn. and
Sr nn bar- • pelieure in the business vnwk ran he turned
'mt. it at the very lowest prices. rod
.t a sup,' •r ivallh.
Persqu- I,lr nis • 4 putt op mo.-hinery '1" ony kind.
i re ins ?„ ,•••,;1 And p.ttb•rps ntbi bernine he
ir 1,4•• n• 1 . • t rwt ;.; elsewhere.
.f I,ind .tre 1441 nh4l p.rriet attention
il! th,ir prompt
1 i;o4 {R-tf
Tremont. SO it !kill County, Penna.
h Ittentio: of th. husinesserimmunity
• • \ ilactline :gel) and Friuli
-Ativoit„, :IQ, -reefed in the town of Tremont. and
under the itilwrintentlence and manage•
inent of II:lido-ft and Philip Vinholts where
They are'prep.ared to exert:tie all orders for Machinery of
prais and Iron. such as Steam Engines of any power,
Pumps if any *opacity. Cool Breakersof every deserip
i ion. all kinds of (learin g
for Rolling Mills. Grist 'and
Saw Mills Drift Car. and all kinds of Railroad Castings,
Such as t`bairs for Flat and T Rails. Ernes Switches:ond
)11 kinds of east and Wrought Iron Shaftings. Mr. rtn•
!edit being a practice' Mechanic. and having bad the'con
tidonee and experience for many years in the Coal Region.
persons desirous of putting up Machinery of any kind,
tricinvited to call and examine our patterns and superior
Juality of work and become acquainted with prices at
these Works before contracting elsewhere. Orders ef ea ,
re kind thankfully received and strict attention will be
%riven to their nrompt execution. having several 16. 20,
in. and horse Engines on hand.
dan.O.lssti 1-1 v C. A. & A. M. SELTZER.
Port Carbon. Scha d AWL' Co., Pa.
,- .. .. T. li. w tz: T MIS I EEN anuoutie
, 11l . 'ma UM .ti I readiness. from the complete outfit
' ---' I the nhoi e named establishment. to sup
' "1 t Its ply all orders in his line of business—
such as f. ir Steam lineibes. Railroad and
Britt Cars. i'uttips. Coal Breakers. Castings and Machine.
ty of every pattern. Ile warrants his work to t tir t , sails.
rt-tion. and aecordingly solicits patronage at home and
1hr. , 304. Jan X. 1k:,5 4,1 y
a .
1 .. 111 II...AIR:II announce to the l'ul.
lie that they are the I.mprieturs of trie
• Mutiklitt Works I'mt Carbon. lately eat
. Las ". d by S.wherethey cod
: tinily - to manufacture to order. at the
Shortest twills- Steam *:mine.. Vuttips.eted Breakers and
.- ;‘111-111itery ,4 almost lily size or d,s , riotimi. for niltdnir
:br .dher purpeses. Also. ItailmnsiVand Drift Cam. leen or
ltrass l'astitals of any ohm or pattern. orders art. respect
solb Ited GElt. B. FISSLEIt IL BRO.
Franklin Shovel Works,l
The xnlawrilwrx continue to furnish the Colliers and
Itealerx. of , Schuvlkill County. with Shovels of 'all kinds.
11 the lowest Philadelphia prime. Attention is particu
larly called to their Coal Shovels. Orders for Shovels of
,tny sive or pattern promptly attended to.
Port Carton. Autr.uxt 21. IPA?. 33tf
Steam I;ar Factory,
A ir W ..—rhe ton.iiiesa, oft he. late erm
of SNYDER & will be contio•
• , died by the eubscriber in all lie %nion',
•rato•hee of Steam Engine building. iron
. Founder. manufacturer of ail Rinds of
ilachinery, fur Rolling Mille. Blast VM•inicerii. Railroad
Care. &c.. &c. Ile will alto contimle the buximise of Min
:lug and Stilling the celebrated Pine Are.d White ;IA and
'Lewir and '}in/in Prins Red Ath Owls, being sole proprie.
:jot of these Collieries. GEORGE W. S.I . iYDEIt. •
January '2l. 18:4 134 f . •
Pioneer Bollitt Works.
ll The subscribers respectfully invite the
.1At....,1 111 attention of the businesa community to
• their Boiler Works.. on Railroad *tier!, be.
mug low the Passenger Depot. Pottsville, l'a.,
- where they are prepared to manufacture
Smoke Stacks. Air Stacks. Blast-Pipes, !gasometers, Drift
Cant &c., ke. Boilers unhand.
• Being practical mechanics. and having for years deioted
'themselves entirely to this branch of business. they flat
s ter themselves that work done at their establishment will
give satisfaction to all who may favor them with a rail:—
r i Individuals and Cstmethies will find it greatly to their ad
vantage to.examine their work before engaging elliewhere.
May 5, 1t53 li‘tf JOHN & JAMES NOBLE.
respectlinly an
nounce to the public that their new' Roll
Is now completed and in full ape
rtilLSicraig ration and that they are prepared tr sop
'ply all kinds of Bac Iron of variety. sizes
which they will-warrant to be superior in quality to any
obtained front abroad at the 1.4111 e prices.
They also manufacture T 1:11111.4 for the use of the Col.
&ries and Lateral Roads weighing from In to on mi. per
'card made of the hest Tron..and which will be - found
3 much cheaper than, the imported article.
Being practical mechanics. and having ha& considerable
expalence in the Iron busineis they flatter themselves
l ; that they ran give entire satisfaction. to purchasers and
; Alio make it their interest to patronize hom e maNuf,
.Decemberli. 1851 494 f
Pottsville, Pa.,
1. WREN A BROS. respectfully invite
- he attention of the bustmse community
C ZIEPER- ro their New Machine Shop and Foundry
' auk oected between Coal and Railer - lad streets.
and frontingon Norwegian sheet when
they are prepared to exerute all orders the machinery of
Onus and Iran. aneh as Steam Engines. all kinds of 'Gear
log for Roiling Mills. Grist and Saw Mills. Single . and
Double acting Pumps. Coal Breakers. Drift earl. all kind,
of Railroad Castings. such as Choirs for Flat and T Rail
Frogs. Switches. re.: all kinds of east and wrought Iron
Shafting. Being practical mechanics. and having math
the demands of the Coal Region their study fax yews
alen all kinds of Machinery In their linen( business. they
ratter tbetmebrirs that work done at their establishment
will give eatlefietion to all who may honor them with a
all. tAil orders thankfully received and, - promptly sae
entertion the metre:tamable terms.
Ontabom 2. len
TILE Stibpieribert , beg 'else° to an
ioanee to their friends and the public,
mr: • enerally". that their Dew Itolliug 11111 at
.-- car; :..- citz •sin Alto la now complete. and in full
tipenitinn. and that they are prepared to
Jamb& rails of carious i atterne. weighing from '22 to
Volbs per pird. Alan. different sites of Oat, square and
Mond merehenta' her, irnti. • •
Orders for rails or her iron are respectfully solicited.
- end will moot with prompt attention ((left either et
the - Rolling Mill. Bright & -Lerch's hardware Store.
Centre st root. or at their office. lI AY WOOD. LEE& 00.
IFFICE—Di.. E. corner= Centre and
Market streets. 24 story. Pottsville. January /et.
ISM The undendined hare this der formed a
ner,hip under the style and frm of LIAYWOoD.MTIk
CO., firs the purpuee of manufacturina. Railroad and Bar
Iron, at their Palo .51totallint •
• • •7' RICH AltD LER.
Tb• heathen of the late ern of Lee. &debt & o.,erilf
be Wiled by alarm of .Ileyeaoll. Lee Oe:' C •
AIL 1, '54 - . • • .1-tt
Adiertisetteents set in larger type than usual Witte
charged 60 per era. &deanery on our ainat rates
STRAW 1.3,) +tof.t In eye , •r.riP.i,
- - :rd. ISY Mar.. el aii, 71 , Li . Philqdrlphi d , 1 ,
J. A. moonii , (with liodonii &Kenn) Agent. Otto
. , Pennoltraula oat. L - Gitomille. - ' 1,
January ifil,. 1866 - :I•ly 1
G.:O. W. POMIELDY & co.,]
X r , 0. :10
South %Voter 2_,truet, l!e
~. .
sperm Lard. tirph3t.z. t‘ !I:v.-. , t.t.r,"3 , d 'tl.l..llln#
Al ..peru, a. tl ~ litt, C31”,ii.. , ' 1
Samuel T. Miller, Salesman
Phlia ..•litlii t ,7,ittutu, .. s tt -
‘ t
'' l Y ,
a - . A. 311.0007. ELM,
Nos, 5 k li S. i.l.Meßves, ~Jitiiaile ~
General Commission Merchants, and Dealers i l in
OFFlCE—PtxxsTLvaxiA HILL. Pottni)lo
Sept. te., '36
No. 268 Chesnut St., above Ninth, Phibuietiptiii•
invite attention to th,ir exteusiv4. assortment oil 1
wHIGH they will open to-dny, em- I
bracing the new and choicest styles of
Velvet Tapestries;
'Tapestry Brussels,
imperial Three. Ply,
Extra Heavy Ingrain,
Beet Vetaitlane; •
All of which are warranted to be of the best quality
will be sold at the lowest pri+esf nr cash .
Philadelphia, Sept. 15, 1858
, .
tRE prepared to make Designs and
81110 I'S and to furnish all the necessary
Blowers,• '
Forges, Be
Machinists' Tools of every size and descrlptl..t..
lug of the best piallty. with bummed adjustable II;
era. Pullers of all diameters and Cuts; Pulley and,
nra Yly Wheels. and all such Castings as are mad
Loam. of any size required,_ Itolis and ltolling
work. Ste ;
January 5,'16
Importer, Blanes Weir and Dealer in
prays, Ch.ntocals. Acids. Oye Sti
Paint*, Oils, Colors, White Lead, French ail
American White Zinc, Window
Glass Ware, Va'rnishes. Brushes, In- I
struraents, Groihd 4iees, Whole
Spices, and all other articles
ma - ally kept by tit aggisto,
Borax, Indigo. Glue, Shellac, Potash. &r.
All ..rders by manor otherwise promptly attendk
Country merchants are invited to call and examittei
stock before purchasing elsewhete.! Goods sent to an
the wharves or railroad stations. Prices low, and
March 8.'56
. _
THE subscribers take pleasure in an
nouncing to the public in general. aid the Co*i Re
'ion in particular. that they are now prepared to supply
them with all articles in their line of bust neas. As f hey
Alil intend to confine themselves to .... . .
rtißiv ITURE
manufactured , under the immediate an- -
perintendence of one of the firm. Mr. 1.. M. KA ERCI EN,
who has for many years had the entire charge of Mr Mho
kle's best work. they feel confident that they can fu nisb.
the public with ..trtlcles in their line. nut t , urrat d by 4
any otbek . establishment in the Unites . Stare, for Lyle,
durability and finish. . ,
SILLYMAN L filhltelicit.
l'abinld lion' Rear and Eanufaciary AG. 1;;., Wand
- dreel.4.l , avEltal Oral. Phdoilelpt.u.
A. M. Sillymsn. ) .M. M. Kairrel4er.
a'. .6'..--i 'ur trii-ndi. Irvin l'otbio ill. cod the Old itetika
ti ill tiOli it to I brit ilitert.St« i , a call Ati at is
~ ur native place. i.e are drlet mined to do our . li 1 . tc
please 'nein. All ord«ri , will be proniiiil3 attended lo
l'hilad«lpliia , Irtuter b. I sfil, 44.-ly
Granted by the . State of Pebnoylvania.
CAPITAL $500,000.
Fire. Marine & Inland Transportation.
Vice President. '1 fzeretar3.
GEORGE YOUNG. Treasurer.
' Dieertors:
Aaion S. Lippincott, '.'icholaS G. Taylor,
Mahlon Gillingham, Mtn d Weeks,
Wm. B. 1 homaa, Orrin Rogers.
Wm. Neal. . ' John P. Simons,
Charles J. Field, James P. Smyth.
This Company was drganized with a cash capital. and
the Directors have determined to adapt the buiiness to 1
its available resources. To observe prudence In - conduct- j
lug its affairs, with a prompt adjustment of lows.
OFFICE—No.IO Merchants Exchange. Philadelphia. j
; The undersigned has ne-r. appointed ,Agent for the •
above Company, in Schuylkill.rounty. and will effect all
kinds c:f Insurance, as above, on application at his utEice, j
opposite the Town Ilan,
February 21. 1S
w as, The largest Stock of
Glas - s and ,Qacensware,•
ever Imported, consisting .of ,
1. ANTI • .
Vhall, French and' Bohemian !
asaware & Fancy Articles!
for the Toilet Table & Etegerik!
'ln,zet her al; h every variety of staple and lowprim iwares,
for te.useliold and kitchen purposes. all nt which all' be -
sold at RETAIL. in lance or small quantities. to stilt the
wants nt buyers. Wefts prices than they can be •futuid
anywhere at wtterw;e.
Oar motto is Buy of the Manufacturer and I
sell to the Consvmer, at a small profit tar (NIA.
earth ^9, "A
COMMISSION MERCHANTS , - ~.Nedleal Diecoveiy of the Age.
Aud wholesadealers to all Rib& of
VOREIGN and Domestic Leaf To- FA R. KENNEDY, 'cif Roxbury, has
barna. Nlanufa•tured 'Tobacco. and Foreign and Do. 13 tiscosered in unu of our com,uon posture math a
theatic Segars 21 :south Front street. Philadelphia. remedy that cures , ,
importers of Fine Havana &gars - 1 • Every Kind of Humor,
of the choicest growths of the Tuelta-Abajo. A lam I from the worst scrofula down to a cunanon pimple.,
assortment of which areckrpt constantly on band. and I
Jr sale at a small advance on Cost of tuliortatiou. i He his tried it In over lluo cases. and never failed es-
I Alfereonsignments r e spectfully solicited. un which lib., rept in two cases (both thunder, humor). lie has nos in
eral advances will be made when desired. 1 his possession over two hundred : certificates obits virtue,
iN. H.—Special attention given to orders for purchase all within twenty miles of Boston. i
on CoMMIS , MII. of Tobacco. is also every description of Two 'bottles are warranted to cafe a nursing sore
Merchandise. for account of parties I sing at a distan te mouth. ,
from this market.. tine to throe bottles will cure the worst kind of pimples
*.e,,,stiole agent for F. 'A. asetze's celebrated German on the face
Smoking Tobacco, comprising thirty ditteread varieties. Two to three bottles will cure the system of bites.
April 12, 185 ti 1:i-ly 1 Two bottles are warranted to cure the wtsrat canker In
the mouth and stomach.
FAKEERS OF sustryLElLL COUNTY : Three to nve bottles are warranted to cure the worst
Leinatt , s American Fertilizer . 1 case of Erysipelas. i
One to two bottles are \ warranted t; cure all humor in
if AN he had at $25 a 100, or $3 50 'a the eyes.
,barrel; also. Leinau'e `super-Phosphate of Lime. at Two bottles are warranted to cure running of the ear,.
~ 1
14 cent. per pound by thel.s_rrel. or Stet ton: to whole. a rid blotches among.tbe hair. t
sate dealers a Carte deduction ; also. Lein tis Bone Ma- Four to six bottles are warranted to Cure corrupt and I
no e. 1 heetheapest ben- manure it. the world—sl9 a bogs- running ulcers.
dead: also, Leh - 4112'P Liquid Manure, iu coat/ In En 2 to One bottle will cure scaly eruption of the skin.
!As) goslings. . with directlt ns for use. same as is used in Two or three bottles are warranted to cure the wore
I:nzland with such great success: also, lelnau'e Fertil- case of ringworm.
leer for fruit trees and grape vines: , LAnan's" Fertilize- Two or three bottler are wart link,' ore the most
for lawns and grass land. also, Potash. Bone Dust. Plaid desperate case of att. utoatisnt. '
ter. Oround t'harcoal. Nitrite of Soda, Soda, Sulphate 0- Three to four bottles are warranted to cure the salt
Ammonia..Crusbed doges. Ac.,r . . rheum.
haThe above named Fertilisers and Phosphate of time Five to eight liott les will Blear., ill n - , rat ease of scrofula.
ve been in use for the past five years sucomeduliy in A benefit is always ex peileti ttrot Iron,: Ili. nett bottle,
Maryland. Virginia.-Delaware. New Jersey. PerthaYirg* and a perfect cure is warranted when the Libor e quantity
dia. and in the !Mande of Bermuda and Barbtdoeet Di- i s sak ei ,, .
pumas from the three states of New York, Pennsylvania Reader. I peddled over a thousand bottles et thieln the
and New Jersey State AgrioilturalSocieties and Crystal vicinity of Boston. I know the effects 01 it in every
Palace Association of New York. Delivered free of ease. So sure as water will extinguish tire. so sure will
;iertatre at any st-tion in Philadelphia. Orders by mail this cure humor. I never sold .a bottle of It but that
remitting Chi cash. registered at the Post Office, or draft i I.i another: after a trial it always speaks for itself.=
On any good house In Baltimore. New York or Philadel- There are two things about this herb that appear to me
phis, will be satisfactory. O. A. LEJNAC,
Philadelphia. ! - surPrising. best that it grows in our pastures , in some
No. 19, South Front Street,
places quite plentiful, and yet its value has never been
i February 23. '56 tt - tat . ' known until I discovered it in leiri--second, that it
vhonld cure all kinds of humor: , . tt,l,!
1 OILPER_ PHO SPHATE OF LIME,. In order to give some idea',,! lite etid4n de; and great
Tv ,
.FLOmAShave been RWarded to . ty of the discovery, I will state that in April,
11.5 the Subscribers • for ,the above article, by the fOrpeddlect it and sold about six Withal per day—ln 'I
'4 Pennsylvania state Agrictiltitral Society . April ,18.54. I sold over one thousand bottles per day of it.
, New Jersey '-, • tt. • .
1 '' Bnclut County , i
tw ilo in ni eu e of tw th en e t w y h a o a l d esa t l h e i d rt nl y g y V a s to ts . w n h; rithsastrte.en.ohlionlr in:! 1
p Schuylkill County the annals of patent medicines ;was ever like it. There
t; ..., Berko County w Is a universal praise of it from all quarters.
for humors,
1 ' - New Castle Ottinty. Del.. "
i 1 The quality and high character of our preparation is '
—lhutlnsYllwlftPsracinttrisliceulcatliownayasskaltnietwilrfilicmtlyily medicine.'
' :well known ; It is considered the Beet and most Reliable } 'treat and wonderful virtues have been found in it that
"Manure Sir , ! , ! I never suspected. .
pins, Oats, Wheat. Potatoes and Grass. Several rases of epileptic fitet—a disease which was .1.
:„Not only producing large crops, but permanently int- . ways considered incurable. have been cured by &law bat.
proving the soil. t ' : ties. 0. what a mercy if it will prove effectual in all
Prise 840 per 5300 lbs. (2 mite per lb.) : .301eS of that awful malady—there are but few who hav e
i Cat now.—Observe' that every Barrel of our Article has seen more ef it than I have. =
line name and that of Potts & Klett %tamped on the head. I know of several cases of Dropsy, all of them aged
: Pamphlets describing its qualities and mode of using people cured by it. For the various diseaxes of the Liver.
,eau be-bad at our store. or by Mail. when desired. A, • ilek Ileadadre, Dyspepsia. Astnma. Fever and Ague, Pain
liberal deduction made to Dealera. ' in the side. Diseases of the Sphie.and particularly in die
Agents Wanted. ' does of the kidneys. Ac., the discovery has done more
We have for sale one (urger of the celebrated Pacific prod than any medicine ever known. t
.Ocean °nano. (imported toniShip Ilarriet Hostel similar No change of diet necessary--ett the best you get and
to that sold by tut lad season. and which gays sorb great enough of it.
datialketion. It is Dilly equal to Peruvian Ovate ' at a Directions for use.—A d u l ts, one table-spoonful per day ,
Layer Price. Canomine.or Fi‘h Manure. A full supply —children over ten years. a dessert s
p aoe rid—rhildrest
of this new an valuable article. to which we full the from five to eight years. tea-spOonful. As no direction/.
"attention of Farmers. I ean be applicable to all constitutions, take sufficient n
i O. 1 uomounurr rearms GUANO i operate On the bowels twice a day.
constantly on hand and for sale at the lowest rates.— Manufactured byl DON.tLD KENNEDY.
:Corn Shelters efts manta vat construction at Kann. No.M. Wort , a ifmt. Roxbury, lass -
Pricel One Dollar.
iiketunsrs' prices.
i • ALLEN &NEEDLE& ' Wheksale .Agerder—New York city, C. V. Clickner. ill
1 No, 23 IL, Wharresand 33 8. Water it s first atm above Barelay_street; C.ll. Bing, 122 Rrosdway; Rushton !I
".Cbsidind 0, Fbils. • • Chrit.'osllmtderny: A. B. A 1) , . Sands, 100 Fulton St
i- Banat it LlRDl.Agistsat Pottedlis. I Wholesale agent. Vs. Pettniyhanis. T. W.lnall? A
1 ' •W. W. Twos, "s' Auburn . d0r5,132 North 2nd Street:Philadelphia:
' . D. 8411414 " aB. Omen. + Per ale In Pottsville, by J. G. Brown. J. C. Mocha
ass".." 9i. 64m . , irmi R. Rahway. - Nay 19.1566 201,
No. 219 'Uhestn.ut
above SeVentl Stieet:
/ lENRY SAYLOR,! , forrperly,,d 'v
est tur J. B•L'. Martin. respe , tolly 11013011Dof to
t o polite that hello establisheu. Ourself in the
apuhergry business. and opened a aew drugstore
user W. a it. liline's cabinet ware...wan, in Sin.
'street, abort &trod. sod' invites the patron age , '
those who toa, require anything In hie line. prouesl...„
that ever, care at d a tention the his experience ‘, 1. ,
*nettle him to,gire and that the nature of the hum
demands. ' [Pottsville. April 12, 185 t 151
C g . H. NEg,,DLfS
Truiks amp" Erace to dement,
QOU TII, %Vest Corner of 1211,1 a
ltace streets l'hliadelpbia: importer
of one French Trusses. combining 'sire ni • lighl.c.a. YAxe
and durability with correct construction.
Hernial or ruptured patients cap Is: suited by remit.
tlng rtuquntx is below :.,tiendi n rlumberu(inebern wad
the hip. and stating sPeau e et e ..d;
Cosi , rf single Trois. sys. 3. S i . $5. lb.ubln—s:.. $6,
{A and fttr.
I ,o,ruotiohe as to wear. and how to effect a ebre. when
pre, , it.le. wnt ettki , ht. Tram , :
f-r sal.;
'Dr. Banning'sllmproved Patent Body Brace,
Tne ,ure. '7,l•lti
11•1 - !. (h.-1 fAranderot a: d
Ero.l or Itra , , a. ep.pti-.1 to All r „1 1 ,.„
,:14,:t.hElv,tic.- Al
:It:1'11-0o. •
wiz!' itt,.`?l,./mlt'•
"41/ii.Tri '4I4Y
- ao u.N.mitica
• D ALL BOBBED WES 111[31011e.
Have You Tried It) •
This important question shook) beasked every invalid
who Is suffering . ,from pulmonary ; trouble in this tickle
climate. Have you tried WlLBOit's tIoMBOUND uF
OODLIVER OIL AND LIME? It will not nauseate like
the plain OIL. but is on the contrary, pleasant to the
taste; moreover. the Phnephate of Lime is. in this emu.
hinatinn. a most remarkable aid in the healing pr o p.,
ties of the Pure Cod Liver 011. at the following cretin.
entre (selected from a host of like grateful acknowledge
menus) will amply show. No person -hould neglect. for
a single hour. a cough. Or any affection of the lungs. hat
the mat 'serious consequencesJ follow. Dr. Wilbor'a
preparation is both safe and simple. and sure in all ordi
nary cases, and has performed some surprisina cures in
derided consumption; where ordinary medical aid has
failed: • 1
DR. Wawa :—During nearly tbo whole of the past
winter. Phad suffered seriously with a cough. which had
so Irritated my lungs. that my physician frankly admit
ted his fear Of consumption following this trouble Is the
Spring weather set in. Medicine seemed to at rd me
little relief. until I tried Our preparitlon of Cod Liter
Offend Lime. 'The effect lam forced hr facts to admit.
was almost imaginal, and I have the pleasure of saying at
this writing. (May 2d, 13530 I run entirely free from any
pulmonary trouble.
With.thanks to von for your valuable discovery. Pcor
dial ly recommend it to those wht are thus afflicted
, !harm C. titan,
Chamber street. Boston.
Manufactured Only by ALEXANDER B. WILBOII.
l and
t• in
10 , Court street. Boston.
For sale in Philadelphia by T. W. DYGTT k 4nxs. 13::
'orel) Second ' , tree. For gale in Pottsville by .1. C 2
linonrs opposite Eptschpal Church.
AB . I...ttsville. March
i 1
iy of
I 3
fonrth stomach of the OX:after directlons of Ttarm '
tiehig. the great Physiological Chemist. by J. 110 1311-
Tt IN. M. D.. Philadelphia. Pi.
This Is Nature's own Remedy fqr an unhealthy stom
ach. No art of man ran equal its curative psVers. it
contains no Alcohol, bitters acids: or nauseous drugs.—
It is extremely agreeable to thetiste. and may be taken
by the most feeble patient% who cannot eat a water crack
er without acute distress. Bewareof drugged imitations.
Pepsin is not a drug. • •
Call on the agent and got a deseripti.e circular gratis.
giving' a large amount of seientific C , ldt.nre, from Lie
bl•t's Animal Chemistry: Dr. Conthe's Physiology of Di
gestion: Pr. Pereira on Fond and Dirt : Dr.. .1, he .
Denser. of New York University: Pion. Dunllison's Ph
balmy: Prof Stillman. of Yale College: Dr. Carpenter's
Physiology Ac.. together with ii-ports of cures in' tn all
parts of the United Stat-a.
trir- Sold by all druggists and dealers in
Price ONE DOLLAR per bottle. :
B. BANNAi, Wholetali and Retail Agent.
• Pottsville.
it u Tii4,. 4
Why are W i Sick)
I'r HAS BEEN the lOt of the human
race .n be weighed down by dliesse and suffering.-
11 , LLinTitl"S PILLS are specially adapted to the relief
of the Heck. the ..Nl!rrous, the Delicate. and the /Om,
of all climes, ages. sexes. and constitutions. Professor
Holloway personally superinterlda the manufacture of
his medicines in the United States. and offers them to a
free and enlightened people. as the best remedy the world
ever saw for the removal of disettae.
These Pills Pamir} , the Blood.
These famous Pills are exproskly combined in operate,
'on the stomach, the liver. the kidneys. the lungs. the
akin. and the bowels. correcting any derangement in their
functions. purifyi i the blood. the very fountain of life,
and thus coring d ise ase in all ift forms.
Dyspepsia nd Liver Complaints.
Nearly half the human race hale taken these Pills. It
has been proved In all parts of the world that nothing
has been found equal to them in Vises of disorders of the
llver.Ayspepsla. and stomach complaints generally.—
They 0311 give a healthy tone to these organs. however
much deranred. and when all other Means have failed.
General Debility., 11l Health.
. .
Many of the Most despotic Governments bare. opened
! their Custom Houses to the intreduction of these Pills,
' that they may become the medicine of the masses
Learned rolleges adroit:that this: medicine is the best
. remedy ever known for persons of delicate health, or
where the system has iceen Impaired. as Its invigorating
properties never fail to afford relief.
Female Complaints. !?'„
No Female. young or old. should be without this cele
brated medicine. It corrects and regulates the monthly
coursesat all periods acting in many cases like a charm.
It is also the best and safest medicine that can be given
to : children of all ages. and P , r; any complaint; muse
quently no family should be withoutit.
llolloway's Pills ore the best remedy known in the world
, I for the following .7iseoles:
stlatua. Headaches,
Dowel Complaints. Indigestion,
Coughs, - lutitienia,
• Colds.. inflamation,
Chest Diseases, • Inward WeaknesS,
Costiveness, User Complaints.
Dyspepsia, I;Ownett of, Spirits.
Diarrhoea, , Piles,
Dropsy, • Stone and Gravel.
Debility,- • Secondary Symptoms,
' Fever and' Ague. Venereal A ffert i ,, na.
Female Complaints. Worms of all kinds.
Sold 'at the manufactories ff -Professor Holloway. go
Malden Line. New York. and 24.1 Strand. London. and
- by all respectable - Druggists arid Dealers of medicines
thriiuthout the Coiled States. and the civilized
boxes. at 25 rents. irl:44: Cents. and $1 each.
Arr. There is a considerable saving by taking thelargar
. N. R.—Directions for the voidance of patients in every
dl Border are ;on zed to each box •
May 2d. ISM,
%E. -. 1
In the last of . 1 /oore's Re, al .1,,,
erp we find an elah“rate iir isle on the I. •
clover fur plowing males a- a Immure.' •W. ~....: .' I
iLtert ' ' •. ' 1
;the -following extract, tvhich may . Is—. i,ci. ,
farm. r :
14,04 r,,,
"Time manurial value of clver, as, , has ii.Aitsiltitr"•
road) remarked, is greater than th. 4 of an. - 4"14, 1, .','". 4 -
plata which can be as ec notnivally eMpl o , ,'''
Easily and cheaply rah., d. atlettea 11 fttw . , r , 4 ,.., ..;,,
casualties so con.up n to wont env, ~ .Ella;;,,
form readily applied to the soil, it take . rtisictient. sso
rank us green manure. It Wan available neveft):'„"_'' l •,',
returning to the sod not only ttiltiniterieo,n w .*:' ' s n irs " ew
the plant has drawn out of •it, tut th'e :oti „ Nwita ~,,.1
organic matter which the plant itself , . h a , .. Ae .s l isti . et a ci :
rated from the atmosphere. 'lt ha-,c..Z e tq h 7:, u ,
says Dana, 'during the stink period of its r ig .. . no s eui... i
more rilieutes and salts than the air coup ut clizio.:,-
during the same period, which, being ti 7 7, tpt:iii..4 . o
restor e wale soil from which they gton ,
et Z tr r.. 1
and silicate- in a new form, whose action i.elsrad.'3l,
, .
itabies is like that of the alkalies. , flit & b e ,ad. .
"It is tt question of c ' uportance :t ttnl , "Y"
culture, vi hetlier we had Let t er duly clover 1"
in the height of its growth, or t How, it tire 25 et',1n,,t4,..5.:
pen and partially dry livid decay Z , IILIC Cr Crt jr,i, ti 1
that it pustesseee far the greatest T lue in a of lin...
ter ewe, and their experiments id. 'cal it to Ili. net
This is explained by the anthill Ity lS;Ic , It''. , ' '''
118 'at result of the fact that dry pl. L. , go.: .'7 l 3 . .
organic matter than green. Oreeti plants 4.. emi .„.,
dry plants decal,. A large pot tioo , r;lapr, ' ~.„1 , ~,,
mentationeas gas and more v.latile pr, t, --,-, I 7 •
formed. than during decay. The trily, Li , '0
tr . ' ''
L ci.ntumitig fire, the other a slow motilderc.' ri L 3 1 1 „':;„
her, giving off, during all its progress, gi .,4,f n '
teed plants and tJecompuse the roll."'. . ems.
----,---4'' •••••..... ..
„, : Pr B
let' this folly atm,
,g h.• line id i,, rd i a ," .
our elan Illiq I I:. Vt I. ii. rt a.. ~
.. i , , , 1 ,,,,,, .
of rye, unit ther a vigortni• gr .,,,,,i, ; ,4 ~a lture,
barley. Sumetiniee Indian .! . 11; io. 141.11''.1. 1
young orchard. We believe the preeti.e to.;
.. 1.: R'
husbandry. - A neighbor of on-• li d d m., f I, e A
t o
'orchard, eet tatiout ten years sim.e. Ile t E. 11j•
it iratile care of, it for eeveral year., •u.i.di...3 -en ;, ‘;
nooksend larger limb, with •triti..„:t ...e l .. A ,;,,.,.
end BM nt.ting them abut iiditil,.. The or,A„ e.,:e.t . ro
was a liettuti ul isi,L. lit, and lieg.,n itt'i.oir hi, y•, , It ~r,
Three yeale ago he atm kil ii kil w ' O l ''' , t‘ , r '''' Y`' :,'
The er, p WAS a good one, but it ;twirt d i „ r t ` j ,,,, `!!
i ii
to hip Orchard. It cheeked the rowth...i sosas t.,
i 4.
and it has borne no fruit -Mee. Smitlar f, N o o,,fialt '
abundant in the experience of farmers, 11...ettoele.fill
not tell, perhaps, all the tamers of this i tar
fruit tree•. Any grain le a heavy draft :.,,..: e t, A ,„
'land. and probably uses up the materiel 'Le!, t's l'iii
trees want to purft•et their fruit. it .r. ~• crier
shades the soil ver s :4 much akii, aiiii •;-..,.., .tk t•t,.l
prove injurio %)
us.• It 1- well to keep a ~....•. ii
h.` I
surd under cultivation for eon'', years. :,. " (41 .• ~,, ,t
ground should only he cropped with r ' 's .tit
abundantly Immured. An orchard t ~ 1 i • l atag's It
Jr'ur tritutile aceoriling to the capita' at; , ' do.
~,I .:'
we expend upon its cultiv.ation.—..l4.-i," , , ~.:
culturist. , -
Ie al
WL. ~. . Betiekenridgi , an intellieeto hilt,. 41L II "'
at Goviiiistiosn, near Beltittiore..Nl ary hil , ;i, . ,":
to'llte Commieeionir ot I'll4l it 'Pi, hill, e,• r.“;fe/Pi;
"The ten retitle aril r• o s 1 pr , ', irvil,„tr.: p •
last }ear tut nett ont Well p.trii, (daily tid i-IN,CO
lilt red eititha e. the lie. dp rise , ! :Ir. a:
~,. .. l At „ „ Li
vier!. a I. wed to Ite the fin, et ever- brought , - 0 7, - ,i n - d t i,
Baltimore markets. 'I he Iwo email tuber, .eatatten..
di,...,,,, a boto . tita (Jtipaii yani) .whii.h }o. are worth,.
; tie I eim.teil it: mind bed, end then piano nimble w
ah• et the middle i t t Ma) If, a deep . yellow i Y in u z n ::::;
i ii
si il. Aio.ut the middle ut • Noveinbor 11 d. 0 , 53 e ,,,,
; th e roor N and-found tao of tlela ever tat, f ' ~41 . ,,,
; length and an inch and a half. in ; dilute: Prie r •, ~
iThis eeileon J intend planting these niiit. e ,. ; , Ina ,ti
• email tui , ers taken. front the er , to. and ei...:TartW hit-
gati is
. low thil,!in to remain in the ground alTnext a „ s l ime , i s ,
ai.l think that in the eccond year they wili•m pram r.,
to a large pixe in my twit when pietedeinaungott'"'
Iron timing the winter.. - , anal, b1a.4 , ,
- - - lost popul.
--. ...• -
dth 3 res.,
• BARN - YARDS.—A corretpoodept i,f the -nit war, Of
Sr,r Yorker says, barn-yards, basin t‘hilis. ither hemt
these ilisailviiiitages :—They mill file wa:: lslanro
espei:ially in the spring, and there Itand
out all that is soluble, und
cause it to overflow and carry off thi• liyc ss
nure into the swales and ereeks adji,ining rite Molt ,
ond, it causes the earth •to poach up itni m.t 'rho brim
the manure during the wet portion of the
mt. vi e,
Third, it makes it very unpleasant in gs - „.l,,puette
about during the spring and fall.. I had I , - o ho, ttta c
yard when I came On to my piesent farm. n
removed. my barn to a able hill—built a Larrha i rr u ,
and sheds sufficient to protect all thenninurit",,,,, i i
the stables, and put up rave-troughs. &c. I.:' ,
eider it policy to keep manure us dry as p.s
It will retit - ri moisture-tn.ugh to iletpuip...,t
better than it will lying in water. •
PULLING STUMPS.—Luther Hampton, of ;
bridge; N. Y.., in the Country ( ;elate:eau, in . pIOIIRT
to the inquiry of a person in Illinui Who s.
to know n here he could nutelia , c the ch.r../LU
and hetd 'Autno-puller, say;:, "The ehe,ipe.: sttlie tu •
be:4 I know
rig about, is a log from :-
inches at the butt. It i. hc,t n o t tv ,pring,. A 11
digging around and chopping the main
chain the sweep to' the larger[ too . l4in soo
manner as to it from flying ut,-..a% 1 '
you hitch your team on. Your oxen a no 01 1 o
the stump, is all the srumo-pullera farmer yc.
It 0
PIGS is BARN YAIiDS.---Ali 01710 ;hauler
that pigs will devour much of the
horses, e-pecially when the latter are Wien, , 1
on unts, , .and that lie is sotisfied it is. injori. , l
thew. lle might have adileJl vows
should ever be 'allowed to occupy the (11,1 , 2 "
where:the manure from' the hore.--stohle, I.
t entw
An Excellent . ...14:jar
of &or, three (palters of n pouloi t.i'
II pound butter, six eggs, and sea , o,ii to ts , ': 'no
Pour into shallow paw-, and bake half Ant 4
a moderately, but oven. • .1 1 ;i r
An E.rerilrnt Plain Tea Cake.-:.-01.. Ct. , tall
white sugar, half a cup of butter, one cup gee
milk, one egg, half teaspoonful of so l o.
urea U 3 •of tartar, and dour enough to toll Lr
soft gingerbread. FLiviir with in, jon, 7 777 ,
small lutuon„• This makes ono goal pnd 1.•:c
Excellent Fruit ii , th - 5. , ---One cup of horet,
of brawn sugar, ono of m.:lases, :on"
milk, three of flour, a d four eg g s , his 0
half tea,poonsfull or Cream of tartly'. and Ijri
soda. Two pounds ot raisins, rh0p)....1
nutmeg, and is little broth if you ra g ed
will make two good s, zed WOO, AI. , sagek
moist 'Withont.liquov front four to k•..
properly covered. . nor tn.
• etninty:
A nnther Fruit Cal.c.—One and 4•1,..11 i j itt en
of sogar i , one and'darter poool., th .
quarters of a pound of hot: r -Ix e4gs,
sweet milk, one te.ispooo of sa . .
or wine, "tie of brawir..:l l l.l friit a
you can :,fiord, on n.• In ire. Ole' t.
Cap e. ke.—nve cops of dour, thlye ea
Aire one cup el blt hop, fl !ORE
~f, good botterti.ilk, with
sweeten it, one ouitm
To 11AkE A BALKY - 11t , 11 , C BRAW
don Times gives a remedy whip!. peeved -0 , 1;1 , .1
fut. Aft. r all sort. of means ha 1)
d ,en ir:••; :,,•,,.' ' ' l '
failed, it w•is suggested that a awn, IC re;;;,••1 :•-- - !'""1
ID Itolia should be tr ed—that is. 6. get .; •Cil E ti ,
rto end *twit it to o.e a ir M
the •forel ;,: 1;
stubborn ahimal, the person holding the • ,, ,IMI", ,e
of the rope to advance a few poem:, ts.• - • ,, 1
wit h'; him the hurne'r foot. • when.;h' acd 11 7,
01 course, the horse moat 1.11 w. The suggol ( q,
was at 'first, ridiculed, but at last a r;•t•t , .1., a
brought mid applied as described, when the Ir'llr ol 4 I
immediately advent.. d, and in a few minuteo 4
out of sight, much to the a mssementmf the cr, :"
The experiment i- simple and worth:a trial.,isite,
--....-1---.-----• • • • *--7 .
FOR BLE•C11150 ltaTuN —For six p• omit d
lime: ... , ,
4 1 ,
c', take ba a pound ..f chloride id' r -,.:. t
two quarts of boiling water up((n the lira.. , u
welt: and let it remain half an hour. B•il : 4,-
cloth in Soapsuds; strain the lime-water thr , u. i 5.•
a thick hag; add five pailfuls of tepid water' It '
Keep the cloth in the mixture thirty or f'
minutes, frequently moving it its the water. : •,.-'
better to bleach the cloth before it Is made t
The writer adds :—Tho shove i 4: am' tie(
recipe,. the process dues nut injure the eioth.-'
dey',! Lady's Book:
. .
-- ;:qc
RECIPi. FOR BAVARIA `! CRISAII.- - -Mi ra ' V' .7',4:01:
of thiek•creatia with the 'juice,of a: large 1 e' : .::::. 1. 7
and.a glass of white wine: ' put the peel . t f ::::-
lemon in whole, with a sufficient( quantity u. '‘l'-•
sugar to"sweeten it; beat them welt logether , 1'..;,,, .
1 a whik ;.: put a piece of clean muslin evo:', , } ,
'tannld.and pour the cream in: let it drain ti. , ~-,
following day. then turn it out carefully. T. , "
are earthenware moulds ou:purpose t with ..%)' ---.
holes to let totit the whey. ' . ,
Sroitr: CEMIK-NT.-41 cement of three
coal n,hes, one of red lead, three jof.esed ,
two of chalk (liy weight) made into a putiy.,,,
is excellent for filling up the eXpiised
o f st,,ne, bricks, Au. ilt becutno lot hsri-k
marble._ '
- -
Con Ftsn.—A queer be i nning, yeit
but wait until you read the end. Most houssteo ,
era hnve been annoyed when cooking cod fit.h
the stern that pervades the whole house.
f charcoal put in the pot will prevent it.
A Linv sends (i.giey's Lady? Boob the
• g :—..1 would say for the benefitlif thew
Mad with the large black ants, that
.eatiered where they rise will drive them ass!.
I have tr.ed