it esti §tunat. Tits Antiesod lisss *Sae Profited to the Sew yogis iddiwe Aar the larder - of The Alge, • wok), jossail, published to Maw:- • • The Are AIMS bright on the booth at night, Ana the curtains: low Min • ssolr &am o'er .tho Poet's dream, • As his Studio come sod go. Me bevy le pale, and the rattltag:hall That falls as the frtstypana, Quit tweet the deep that We worn eyes keep, As if new to wake *pia. Tatbarkl he haat& though with luilteicead earn. On the door &tamping Sow Still ha turns net round at tba gentle sound, But Malty untrninsa."Poal" • 4 'Tis only the hied that Mal board,. Am he tapped at tile window ack, and I's no craven to tsar a raven,, Or let in a Imply amt." Sark, it isis=arandwith railkit Ana main The that e at hut. And opens the rloonne with angry roar • The wild wind hanks put. 13e the C Bot, who irisbef hintloy, tad asks in a filtering tone. If he will write • for lista that n.ght, Awl kindly giro bias the loan. Rise Ind kohl wild at the bitweytKi child. Tb n chuckles him by the bar, land makes bin abide by the chiginey-aida, is betake tack In his char— Pulls up thi =whine, and with diasittui idea / Ida oils each rusty whosir . rbaci arises the crank, and with 'many a yank, &lap o*t a poetic squeal'. A Rtle IN EITACY AND • fitiol/0 0 FIDG. Sta.—The deed 'is aceouiplisbed. wife hat, • got Is plano,-. l !and now 'farewell the tranquil mind, ...farewell content and the evening:papers and[ the .134, cigars: that , make =Within virtue--4hi Unwell! And oh; ye tunnel engines, whose vale throatii the Immortal Jnve's vlittnti • even-. terfeit;" but stop,:l ahem mresrell, for' ins of. them has...last arrived. It came nn a dray. Six men carried Mute the parl.r, and it grunted s awfully. It weighs - a. tau, shines like a luirrox; a.d has carved Cupids ehinhingsup liinh.. And langs 7 -wheir!• My wife has'commenced 'practice, anal the first time; She •touchea the ma • eninto thought we were in the midst of a Ahun.. der • storm, end the ligbro o>t had lora kt :the sirucker7 chests., The cat, w , b i•re-t.• took a bee linelor a particular friend upon the baek I fence, demolishing a six seining pane of Tne.batiy awoke, and toe little fellow tried his -best to beattheinstruinent, but hit didn't sit best him. A teacher has been aifitioduced into i • the house:, lie says be is the Ihst "nf Nitpoleotes grand army. He wears * s ilage •mtitistaehe; looks I at me fiercely, smells of ;Arlie, and goes b 3. the mime of Count Runaway anal-neveracolue bark- again-by.. He played an extract 'de opera the other night. He rue his fingers through his hair -, twice, then grinned, then he cooked; his eyes up at the ceiling; like a monkey huntiog • flies, then down came one of his fingers. and I, heard 'sole lightful sound, to that'produeed by a mek roach-dancing upon the - tenor string of a fi td e. Dciwdeatue another finger, and-I was retuin led •af the wind whistaing through it knot tqle in a It n soup., He touched bi thumb, end I thoug I was in an Orchard to the distant brat, lug of a jackass. ti 7 .4 be rati• his lingers ale ig the hays, and I thought.of a buy rattling a stick up s on a picket lance. All of it sudden he statitped, and I thsiught sotnethang hatrhappental. Then ' down came both fists, and ',h. Lortl! such a noise was never heard before. I thought a hurricane had struck the houFe, and the walls were rayiog in. I imagined I was in the eellar, and a „ton 'iaf coal was failing upon Illy head. I thffilgilt the machine had burst, when the infernal peal:and I heard my wife ejaculate—"P:squis b ie!' "What tho deuce is the matter?" the atia.t'er was, "Why, dear, that's La Sitmettinhelit !" "D—n Botrinambular thought I; anal the Count nailed up his sheet of palter. He calls,it an ash.; but for the life of me, I can't make it loolelike anythlng o ee than a rail fence with a lot orjueettile nig geri climbing env :•r it. Before that instrument of . torture came into the holism, I could enjoy myself: hut now every darned woman in the neighborhood must be invited to hear the new piano. and, every time'the blasthd thing shrieks out, like a Meow.- tire with the bronchitis, I. have to praise its tone, and 'when the invited guests are playing, I hare to say, ,!"ExqUisiuF!" "Delightful !" "Heavenly !" and all such trash, while, at the same time, I know just as much alolut music as a blind codfish.' There are more tuning hammers than comforts in our housasa-and—and I wish the inventor of the piano was troubled with 41 perpetual nightmare. and obliged to sleep in one of. his instruments all his life. Ass for myself, I had ratiter put my head under a tin pan and he drummed to sleep with a pair of smoothing irons than hear "Lai Soinnam• hula," or any other La thumped out of a piano. Scatter pennies in front of, any house, and draw together all the wandering minstrels in the city-- hand organs, banjos, fiddles, tainhourines", - rattling bones and fish 'horns. Let juvenile monkeys erawl'in at tny windows in search of three rent nieces—let me be awakened at midnight by the cry of "murder'!"—rin..; the fire bells and have a devil of a time generally--do all this. anal I will taut complain; but banish the ' , Mails! ' alc pian o has got, to ge, ; , .Itl4 to launch the inferno! machine out'of the window the first dark night, end, my friends, I advise you to sleep with cotton in'your ears. nar when - she gives her dying grunt you'll ycin'ye fallen out of bed er it fallen • star has goairto roost tpoti your housetop. Fur theitifurinatilin of "Votitti America," I will state that all the pieces of bras; wire and irory keys they are, welcome to, but the skeleton I want fo a Defrigriat Tut folios:1'w; 1-1 a ,zenu ne article,' which reaches us from New, Philadelphia, Ohio. 'A cloud of witnesses.' says our eirre-rion-feht, mite of its entire nuthentii•ity.' It i.the. 2 Jii,lier* tile I ) ,riee. of ',hut ilk; • ..j..ry of re .lci in, 1, 1- it to.- ,•i• vi•ry i t o ' 4 O-titTLE3IEti OP ynn Y: of replevin, .the purpi—e •Al ohnsptllig• the v 0,31 60. t No.. Tiro, levied' ,ii by sa; l----,—, .p! tis e property of •11:1:1 firs: clrirge you as to the rule of construing evidence, namely: tryou bave reasan to believe that tiny one witnesii in this ease has wilfully, tonliriously, delherately. snit aiintrary to the pea . er and dignity of the S,tata nt Ohio. ' , warn that which i..talpo in any single instance, yini are bound to believe that bedsv:ied thrOnßh nit.'•. • 'lstr..,B-.•fir, plaintiff, inquired: 'What if le he enrmhorntedr 'Ma C9urt, wi.h much dignity, replied :• 'Wait until I am !* "Anil if you should God that the aforemention ed witness is eoemborated, or .sustained in liny particular, by any Miler w'ttiesl,:you ire liUund to believe that said last-named witness, lies also,. in every pa ticu ar ,if his eta Lain also re. que,tert tii.charite you that y,0.1 fiu.l it, y ur diet the value of the property . at issue. ."After some deliberation, l bare'e , neltled nut do that, hut will simply say : if y.lll -find, , in year finding, have...found—you will have teund, in your finding, whatever at that time you may find: 'on the other liana. gontioneo. if . you ' fiind in your finding. that you have not t und— yed will not horn found-iti - your fmlin..r—what you•oplht to here found! Now, gentlemen, you tiara heard the testimony of the w•tnerree. the nrgutnento of counbgla. - nod tnj charge. Take the ease !" 4 . 'DISTINGIIISLIED LAMES -A French deer he .. tintn f)titiener'it Porto:mend!. England, wise'per mitted to walk abßut the ton potrole, and accordingly- tn“rt:'ow, et . 4-eh, be. to* the Mayor's dayai,t.., a, rTa.a"r,•,y h A talpatar g;rla. "Ah,"‘sairl enme home, *!two'vtri,fine.lncliet. care at de Chureli die mora inic." • • "Who weri . they 2" inquired the I:inequity. "Me bare. toriret de name; hut ilia% be dot . ling slat niitle ie er ,ss "0.." said-the trindled:kyr"a cdw ?" "No, no," eagerly interrupted the Frenchman. "A_sheep.. perhaps," said she. • uN o. P. "A hull?" "No." "Perhaileyou-mpaa a horse?" "No; no, not de horse ; but What' de horse's wife's name?' "A mare ?•'. -• "Oat! de maie'it two daughters Tare at el:lurch dis Morning—two eery pretty young -ladies; dey put de tooter in nig mouth." HoiltaLthe locksmith, has picked fine:of Dim: Antic ilklocke; he did it with a pick-ate: Be it now.a.tiwwork on a wed-ToCk. "Rave you read my last peerh"l" said a prosy orate, the other day to a friend. 4"I hope so," was the satisfaetor7 A watt in Kentucky steam' enormously big, that when he died it took two der/amen end a boy to Tread' hie funeral aermnn. ! : Tess young lady who toll in keg just horn palled out by the daring. fellow Whit successfully struggled with the world. c ty,„ Tjte way to make water.!apee hotter than them. . pa;ne . is to cat salt fish about 4: hours previous to imbibing it. .. Tee SLI,V6 OF TEM RING.—The. man who has pt l t tne eredding'ring upert the finger (AA Ftll.llg, minded woman. I._ 1 . ••• TER GILEATEBi , OI o:Aig Ur ltir I% OtLn.The Org.'n ~t';peeeb in ►um:,n": :I 100 . ST:S117 0 ' Sinp!. • • y . It At ft - o• pol 11.: b:„no - ..-f .t• b.: 1.. , 0.i...,,c, in If,. 1,..,.,. ~ .:t i.i:: . ... 1- v... :11-•rco,1•1!---.111, that k•Ftsin moistm;;....i tonctro...t nerd tr.irt , If I.o d situnfo partly. in Itnocr••se - an