The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, March 18, 1854, Image 4

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PROS. raionvit ill -JERSEY
The N Pio:from gives its reedits the
benefit of Prof. Julius Cress, lieunitalts ge•
niui: From Ilia discourse we clip tbe,
Joiring :
When ! went to, Washington to see Massa
..Pierce logerateu by. the polenibuns, I was i
little frightened wen I heerd I had to va Ito
Jerry, kale I did'nt Doe what mite happen tit
snewten.once out oblis juryalicabun ob de
Vulied States of. Columbia. / always
understood Jet it wue a Wild region, and de
pepil only halt. eibilised, decilitre I took per
tickkr motion eb ds natils, and I befebsi t ire
been moss beeatifoily eucked in, fur in all de
towns / was jutked true by . de old he loco
. smoker, 1 seed dem ssisailuin de platforms
011 de car house, chewing] terbacker; and an.
side I seed dem drittkin ltn , so you 'see dey
am itbilized gas es well a you Yorkers.
I. was berry anxious tolfind out all I cool)
'bout de kountry while I wus in it, and once
when de rail "rode stop, liattek my head out
ab de deput;tnd I as tr., feller in row•skin
boot*, which boots ,wilapp to de middle oh
'de leg in mod, dese questions, aud got dese
misers: 1 • '
• War kointry nm dia
" Tainfod kounity--ifs Jersy."
- .• *ar'S de pri.sdocstruns de the ?"
- " Red rand, rail rodes, ingin-rubber stints,
jack-asses and Slates Prisons."
". Why, what da•ycm lib on ?"
''.• Sal mackerel', and erdend en de 'store—
sumumes on clams, at eighteen pence a hun
dred." -
• •' Don't-yon hab uo beer, nor no flutter, no
noffin 1"
" Yes, 'we gtt ,pleuty op de last snick*,
and we git beef to hog killing rime. We
cal lard, and - salt fur , Nutter—dal cussed. New
York takes all rnr batter. We supply O.
Inge.Koun tit mat milk and butter, aud grub
'long de bens watt we kw'."
-.•` %v 11 , dou'r yeu aiae itafin icy -ile
gruono ?"
• "Oh, yes ! parin stones, lecher thips, and
claw shells." • •
Oh, you . tuuss hub udder tings besides,
(14e, or. else. you• coodent. lib, Clin't you
sink oh mad else you raise here ?"
.4 Oh, yes, plenty, Feber 'anti Eiger,: pat•
an:medicines, consurupshuo,, badcolds,
!Wm fratutue, and now sad then a fire."
bou't de lo)ks Heber warty bere ??'
" Ob,*yes, , siberal married lass year; and
two poor -lima * hab hio built dis season."
I was just venue to ax bun his name
wen de old iron boss gab a spoil, and set us
Entockiograt the wrong door, and hesita
ting whetifer you Shalt 'run away and say
nothing about it, or stay and apologize.
Crossing the road until . you reach the
middle, when you perceive gig coming one
way and - a cab another ;so that it you move
on you are sure to be knocked down by one,
and ii you' stand still you may possibly be
crushed by. both.
Finding yodrself in .a damp bed on .a cold
night ;•and . cogitating whether you will he
still and Catch our death, or get up and
dress, and pass I
the night on two cane-60-
muted chairt.,.
Paling your addresses to.ti penniless fair
,one under ibe impresswn • that she is an
heiress and on discovering your error, hav
ing the option of maKryingthe young lady
or of being lot by flid: young lady's brother..
Dining at a friend's - house,• where you
must either drink wine till-you become tu•
toxicated, or refrain till you become disagree
able. " '
— CO'ming to tour cross roads, one of which
you must take at randoin, or just walk back
a mile or :No and it: quire your way.
Being blandly , informed by a surgeon that
you caw either have . tour leg arrilintated, or
letve it alone and die in a few days.
yilursi•lf " called ont ;", fighting
iatrd tieing enured an RtS. or declining, and be.
ItrOtiernittlied a, a coward.
.Seeing a mail by y,,iur bedside in the mid
dle of the night: 5:1 that you may either
smother yourstil wilt] the bedclothes, or ril•
low Jiim,ty do it plaister.—Dlogincs.
707 A: NovEr.-2,CONDENSF.D.-IVloolllight
night—shady gra - I'd-11w° lovers—eternal
delity . —vouris; lady riCii—young MAtt posai—
great .obstacle.--youitg 11Mt+ proud—very
laand.,ome— wry smart—sure to make a
fortune—young ladv 'a lather very. angry
svoti't consent—mother intercedes—nn
ricfrgtral—;cry ugly —very hard heartec
-lovers in a had lix—'won't part—die fast =
mor:aliglrt againr—gmlet . window optos - -
rope ladder—fliglit—purstrit —ion late—mar
riage-L-uld 'luau in a rage—won't forgive
them—disowns ibetri-Lold man gets sick—
sends tor his daughter—al.l. furgiven— . all
made up—yiAlug man getting rich—old man
then—Ltung couple g, t nil the rnunet
in the old niattwm quite comfortable—have
lade children—much hiippiness. Finis.
passe" pris are lovely."
Girls-it: a common Donn, third perton,
plural slumber, atid objeetaire ease."
" Oiiivetive case'?"
Nomiautive case."
tnivative to what verb ?".
" I cloii't ',haw, sir,"
WC:11, Wfißt hallows gtrlsl
Juba Pa:-Istan followed Gilt- gals, what
- we've ;rig iu bum, laiirSuclay.alternooo."
mau! Wen I suppose they
were la ;he uhirt.tiv'e case?"
".No, ! NVlieri I seill'ern, I slici.tiltl
tb.ixik; th v. were to the, possessive cafe, for lir
WasCliuggin',' v m like thunder !"
OD' MII:g ritARTiNE/LIZ tells a story of so
old woman vino wan urged to cross the river
Forth in a feiry ho3l at the time that a storm
veia brewing. She :hesitated. The boat•
mtin.asked it t wod i ld not trust in Provi•
Na. said the, 41 wriii not trust,
Provide4e as lang•as thete is it'bridge at
f 00"11asL:WIt ANT BONN;TE. AMONG 1)-9?
The rule Wow, to :place a little wisp of
pasteboerd and ribboalso far back upon the
head s at% the wearer C3nttot see any part ot
it. , The. .bonnec pa:ch is secured to the
" philcprogeniiireneiar 4 a wafer, and the
eters lac* 'down t‘ - ori the plate where the
bonnet ought to 14." ' ' • •
. •
zo A LITTLE GMT: was taken h er lath
er to witness the !
.representation of Uccle
Mina's 'Cabi \ o, at the National Theitte, VII
Monday lest. Whers• questioned as to what
the thought of it,-ahe replied that she liked
at very•wei;, but the'slart part, when they stook Uncle Torn up to heaven with a red
shirt on!
117. OrR EMEND g—was traveling. late.
ly in the care, when a man came up and
asked for. Ws Tare. Who are_ you?' said
B—: 'I ? My names Wuod, and I'm
the conductor." Ohl' ova B—, very
timictv, 'that catt't be, ( for wood if o non•ean
?iTILLD£LPIitA Judge and punster.
having observed to another Judge on Pie
bvtivh, that one of the veittlesges bad a egg It*"
dote'head. vol" wait the "inquiry.
"He has tarroiy hair."reddich chttics, gurney
nose, and sage look."
_ PCi" " Joxis, what in the world put mat•
rtmorty iu your fiend ?"
• "Well, the :at is, Sam, I wus getting
Short of thins:" .
PER K.o;s washes to keow why some
..otour first females wear lamp mats instead
of ;I:lntioets on Their heads in the street 7
# : stetted to committee an millharrs,
' 12:7" Way i's 7 n watch-dog target, at night
Ana he is in.she 'morning ? .13emise he is
lqt .nut at night and taken in in the mor.
Quzen,•thet two:cd the be things, when put together, should be
thi worst—a mus and fortune. youlfon't
Wine it, try a wo o s years , rforrb;
• • oisrAt mini raw* tuks3Wit
.0 ,5 PEW ilaittels at 1.4 fitilaitire Proof Yalta. atm
4 . 16 . an d Biawslic*l o l l 44 l9 riaafaa Oaths for sat* *y
the ititaattbar, Mao tam Ws 9( s at
cast9agallua, and Orsais at vista= i 9
dote oats tot, Fat W 4 1
aal '•
aptll3l,lol. - _ ' -•
- xviatuatmotis
darstauy, sad the 'power at It 'Was all•aimoo
pbaticiadasaces Auxin a teati4atiad Pariaa of time.
Qr.A Atrild at Oa Maras/re amok hap Atonal
DlsOttGlit BliEt UT.
" Agent fur tlitAboTA bast.
Av66t 6.16,33. att
DESZADIS unracraw OIL.
TOM baa ttle Mutt ;extetwilis oas, cad al mare
tagaiy recomMeculed for casetttwery.t.isrs any oth
er oa to the Market, *Farkas. clear and tree from
slue; Stilt gram/out mall case, to Italia** *bull Is
reeorecuesdedol au sale.- Operators vitae sae asa
chteery wtil Satt,spos trial. ItHit it tit the CU/4'od
sod Seat tlal adapted to seu tows.
Orders lett at 81LANIS4'017/rad Hardware State
dr /AYER 11l fitUlitte'rtLiqlsor flour s alteet* foe oda
coo my. wren t a promptly a ateaded to.
Jute 113- 1• - • .41143
. •
saustaures risTEraT
. • CO.ltti-VUND, •
OIL the prrrir•rruston of iimon totter*. from the
anlitaion of Oahe itlaninitaittitt,ecirrosspn, *c.
Patented to. this Britain, num,. kx,
This composition has,. been extensively loved on
&tow in:titers, by the Sittrenstrient or thy Vatind
states and intlictituals, it pbc.ams the adhes io n of
Stan.the comma of the ttotiet.and ii calculated
to protect it from the llijUliCili crises •tif ail wants—
It is Mb° isppi)catle to .11141 1 N I or Virrfrtr and
IRON where they [Elbe in contact t to Riiitsoeslitn.s.
Ohlophlets ''or its meths, alio ciniticaits from the
V bileil Mates Navy Deb:Mutat an 'Wiese flitaien•
ed,eod the Cumpubbd Or able by GEObVE. VV. Wa
ust. I. Ifis3. ' Siiiidat
Malt =art • =AD
r, ' ET/IEBIII h. glitiallEtt, alanufactlitels, No
1 , V 03. htSliTli FRONT streer, Yrritailetpida, have
ii. 4 a 'goods-lisp]; oft-heir warranted putt. WiivrE
LE:Air. and those customers who have been iipaitio3,
tupplted ill tossoustner ail ttla 013,tile ititiCle,lblit
11541 , tion? their - orders Oiled—
No knows. substance possesises Muse_ preservative
.ifia b en ~, ifyJitt WV s ritiesotodesirahle in et paint,to
an equal esinntwit unsonherated whltelead ; hence
Any adwirture °to es materials only mars its value.
14 42 , 4abertioreMea the steady flea ncint inanufse
surer:. his -many yang, to enmity to the putitie, a per-
Wily pure white lead, and the unceasing demand for
lite article, ls wed' Meiji has 'met with fawn. it Is
tuvaristrly bratrdedon ono head c wreliguiLL h.
iSlturtiha nt toll, anti unths other.'resvraated pees,
sit in red letters. .
ktillada.,July 39,'1553 id-ty.•
Etwitr,'S Pataut Iris PAINT.
Faux outo.
i 'IIE tubstribers have jestretlsed,a !caber:env
1 ply . of Attie Waggle', and veinal, e substance., In
sedition to the slatir color, they bare a.' heatttillil
..inssolate or brown, resembling the sand stone now in
ti,,, Acd No mach admired for Lae front of buildings
Jr, piinelpal ingredients are. ailira,aluminatiod'pro
tat tttreg' iron, which Intheopinien el setenthic moil
sattsfastarlit Itt4OUl3lll for Ito fire-proof—the
two fortnersebsta area bang 13011-erindoetora.and the
latter acting nil exteetit.tei bind the whole together
aud make a dun and durable paler.
frit ime It is tatted with. Linseed 041, stridappited
or r<l ,
with a brnsti t ilte saute ea a Artery it 3 . 41.. to eraud
tiori.t it. ries, esneasis.pli .rbe-, it bordello Valli&
ally.and beentne• hre-prou ...It is parilcularlystilta
bie G.'s reosfi of buildings, tenuthost a stem-decks
railroad bridgesde aces. Ikk l . in i (mica tend wilb Inn
article erne:elite dne eistate.ata veal saving et ex
dpertmentiniay br *eta mine office if she etakeerl.
HARRISON, .1111.0111.5ik6 t Co.,
' No.43kaoullf Puns Philads.
. einti 17-It
. SELVILIriI pzissa PINTS.
CklTai+, Durabet and . Prourtive..
MATlllitli A NO.IO PROOs ,
j HIS Faint grill -ctand any eilmnatr, eefibuel track'
nr nii2Lus, and is.trdens by exponnra, than nzakiag
•fin time AU ee.nuel proteeLleg Wood from.
dt.e4y,uti.f, iron dad Whet inetals'frwn teet II Ad
Yami ditfer.frcin the ad -celled iifintrat Fatties
di the day. which sin principally r.lcht• a and Clare
nifiste. entirely wonhtesa.
ehleree Pinson hlitite are purely MetalikAuntaln:
lkg no Allman! or Clay. .
neyarelechtated dnety, narl readily with Linseed
ctiL ceitnnut the I.oubte of ariudiner and flow un
der the brush as freely so the best White Lead.
These Putnts excel all others in hudy or covering
pri.r.elitts,o3lf poGnd of which will cover as marl;
enilate pour& at hitthe Lead.
]here are four Dittlinicolora, va :Mack or date,
Brown s (hive and Chocolate.
DIRECTION tr.—This Pains flows thadtly tihdorthe
Matt aud Ms covering property is torremsed'hy oaltig
pitied as thickly as persathte with rtar Lionel Otli
the eatot Is the tastlng or protecting hodyamithe
Oilsitopty the Medium or agent In spreasilaril.
Vre inus.tdupiti Of two tettere,ollB from the Prr3-
ici..ntuFr-thr Phitsdelobtarand &radon flattrouti-eu
theother from alaentictiatr, a well-itatoro resident
of Aurosta, _ .
tnette of the Phila. and Beading RailrrisdCo
PAtibidetyllia, May 3, DIM
J. l fitteta, Eiii_—Dear Pie t—We have word
your lkiastic Paint's" for more than a year ' cad for
Fainting Bridges. Depots. &c., Arc -, we lave found ts
quite equalto any paint we have used. In foci; we
now hive it a preference over all others we have
tried tor such purposes 'Yours respeetruily,
JOHN TUCKER, President,
Migrants,. Ow, &prone 9.1653.
Meath Brati.tig
Dear hti lax rue Busty antitumor "Ritter'
Mineral Paints," which yon have pinto my Machine
hhop and Mining Milt. I give you, with pleasure,
fell and hearty reconutiesdattun of li as a pre
ventaCite of Fire - - .m.ruunreetirg from Chimneys, or
rims snip - doing buildings. The paint which you Pot
ou u,y tooD i traenow bewail *shard am MATE, mid
1 fret ;in ',retire from Fire, in this direction, as iv post,:
stitte. A t',-nv weeps after the roofs had hero Witted,
an expetitrwitt on twit or three shingle* by
ititlfl 111 I I ,e fan/ace under the boilers. the
to-lilt way, shut the portion uncovered was entirety
c Jt,skitutd, while 'the Belated part wu apparent')
'Join*, though uptirreshuthistion the errold was found
to he !tarred ; the Parrot, IWUreVtl, wa± nix and nut
little Witte/ed. Ivcousidet 11.1. as severs I. test as
~ur Print can he put tis, nod under the circuit/scan.
cog I fro net hesitate to commend It as an Invaluable
pr,7: - .latariv+. agabbit Fire. liespectfully..e.c. •
rvigried,t tetAtiattictil ISFENDEIt.
• N. W. Corner of 10th and Musket Sic, rbllci Fa.
rot vale tr , Pottsville, Wholesale and Retell, by
GEt +RIM flßlGnits
July., 1+ , 53 - t 274 y
„.” 'TtINED -and ENJIME..I.tI) GLAS@. of evi.n.
+a,3,1 3 - of style and rha de of roV.r.. and of sow!:
riaenianufattil tc, ruit-abtp for ("hurdler, Ventimieo,
f,,r sale ood *rig br pot to by . -
lAMEA W. RfrINEN & IlftsTflEfitß,
drniv *burr. Amettcan flotkic, fientie Si,
Jan. I.'S, 1844 -44 r
1111 , 1.0,Y at EN T. for every person, of either *ex , In
iliTowu or Ckointry, ituarnoteed. A pre•poid c••r,
with enctoSoi, addrvated to Messrs, L'N02111.4 tent
k Mae , Bar 1 , 96 l'ovl °ace, Phil4delebliOvilltect iie
to rvturn T 4 Etig y 11t ETiHUU4 of reallziy4 front SA
to 341 at *v.*, it.rpend it ig a fact—a cenainty,and
Tisk. -=
firt• H. 194 thort/ 5-1 v 41
Wilt, most captivating and petfect selfene,for ei-
Lite f ass, lain be sent to any address on tecript of
A t ltifer, to MA DAM E. I:NORMANDY.. Eley a 96
enst Office, l'hitadelphis." .
KY MI faitrne strictly what, end tonfideatial.
Oct. fi, 3YASIi. [April 9.'53, 15-I.vl 11— ,
knowledge, highlylinpnetant to remotes
Land much debited by Lulli..* In,alt ranks uor t••
• y. Mho, ft - tett:let etere cut Female Weakoevs,Pslt
61 the Womb, Act, Witt be forwarded In any ait
oteee on the tfeetpt of 91 thereby preveriting moth
onhappinesa, puvotty and pain, Add/ebb Menu 99
BoxBdB. Poet Office rhitadelphte.. •
b, teak. (April 9, '63.] 41—
ItLinsirs =gloms
11 4 011 Hare at MARTIN'S DRUG FSTORE, an assott•
I t went of Matsd'a improved Trusael,
among atbfeblire
Double and Sing imp:raved Truasea.
13. do do aid ar.vie da
rter° Abduirsirrat Sappnrreso,
Ladies' Handldee tiracei,.
f;erdlerorn's Elastic diopeader Shoulder arie*",
doept_cenry fie adages, eita and
10:131 S. C. ..I.4ltrlfi. &cent.
- Sept. 1.553. ' 344. f
The Beal-The Cheapest,
, •
pitv: pleasantest Itooms and most convenient 1p
customers, whet* a row hundred *pee arena ran
fie teen Smeag which ale souse ofosir Ices I **- 1 411lict
men and tadtr.. Propitious's tiousetOsustair'ilt
iteoutry Sit:sliding and Girard +Doling*. All are
1E1 , 4414E4 to and tosrulme [bele spetiuseti as they
ate wets search; stet.
Pettus* witolisci bad difficulty - In ceiling pulsed
4 'pew here ate 'trotted 10 tile. me a Mat ap t t‘lt
4 ";'"k/ sInr•LIQIIT Ind AIDE-I.IOLIT Arrange
ment. .
Ltktromes taken fa a few second.% by
as I=pro , rad premien. fil.C4{l early tv avoid I
nuperter Picture*, Pearl and Chespertnes, at peat.
iy reduced prices at • e.• variDeNsuaG•a
peguermiett Ronnis. Cor. Centsnds Jdniadtortdo
al*Gcssriesuan and Ladled snip *sty npuis basing
s pe lot Picture-sand Wise intention.
ti urcinbat 5,,M3 • 45 , if
Ib:ROMAN'S MHOS Z1NP.082021.
• •
Su:scolpssons... to Weseepapers, Ma6usine 4 , 4.4
1 ,4,N0uNe89 to the pabitt that hts-fetbre having
13-given him the Newspaper leranch'-ut bit dtele.
be will receive subscription' re the fobbed:l pips..
papers lased *broad. 111M* UAW *V brc nptlna ptk rs
end the papiridelivered et U. ON hookatute,
Cootie Street, P6111171 / 1 0. . ~°.D)°'"te ti 1:44(43Pal
Churtit.iree Postage, or 1 , 4 f Wilided to: or dtree.
thin desired:'
Gleason': Ylatifiti rapcs,;Lnadon fifpittaied News,
Smound'allattinftedhleve*lN. Y. Weekly Teib tru ,
Flat of onr Delon, .do 'do Herald,
atorday Evening Post, N. Y. Dutchman,
kmetary Museum, . "ttucteralam.
Donte Joureal. Yankee trimmer,
6tietathe A merits ty I N N. Y. Pies y n ne,
Neal*. natutdity Gazette, N. . Pick,
Arthur . * lionie Daket*e.,Crgatal Palace,
LontlotsAttainglourost, DOM* New/paper, '
And *limbo: askesslble rep tetabl e papera in:l6ll*km!
4n vat kimea.
eloirrecr £lll *I4IMT:4LT 11140/111111r.S. Av.
li'identity Mittel Magesitte.Ustiicel Siberian,
arpoes Prthiy
reteam's do' +he • - karate% Abstract..
illustre'dhiagatine prArt.,Appletes'a N ec 4 i n Fe
&eclectic hilagAaluei • ! iEasaslee,
ti,uf.r's Lady Book. Joaree I, •
grahhaethiatteiee, Peeler. Farm-Journal, •
Kclckerbocker. She HerticaltelAtist,
CUMIN Livics Abe. Popular Educator.
/tether' Home ItlephtheOttertVe hiesteni.•
thacherecea hisigastae, inlelciaslioaticheleWords
hamburg!), Qr. Review,. ;Verure NeXiany,
1,10 4011 9.r. Review, The : Oracle,
Weateeteater ccr.fteittleht.trhocepsaa'ir Counterfeit
:swab tattoo, heetetit, i litle,g3flts.
Dourest, 4810164 " , I
- d 9 tip
Y~af 4 llthNtt el ether Magatities accessible oat , .
" to tea. Coustry *tin '
13toohitie plesoirr —Nzve Avrnari—lTNl
—l6O-110ktill tDiTiol liadb r. C. 1111OHT ,
Li, Esq.. irttb biartitaal firtareovo t ; Foot Naos to
*bo Jodie lal Docisteas sad tbr 4 rtit: et the Act .I'ma
Index of 190 pipe, refitting le the ttctioh he yen
ilf the page, ‘ 94 .-•
In ohs cow/eaten imperial Octavo Vomu m , p r i ce
•t. Jam publitheit aad fossil. b r
- , • i5. 9 .41NA.19. •
Lair anti altstahteteat hookeetlee.
Vet. 1831 - • - 49
nIALRIES Ite..—A temple** iwori.
Limns otDiarkei Or_ MK wipes Wu*. Phrd:
date Waling Lios itir IE4, ibr NO*
„:,...t-.1)147,Y_,W0D50, , ...; , :7 ,
DieW CarrifinniS*
A ?S.M. IlLarrria4.ll4 diaaa ! soma? le Ce el s
43. - .aa4 Ilioswepaa airera. P•Minimm , • •
in d ply I,Mrpaidap.' itt
TibiaOPT Oil AMMO.
Ingrao do •
Ttaitian ao • Whits Idantaga.
RAE • 1
do Meat do-
dam do I hoot Maw-
JOU.* stall aisanaleas of Wtastaar Modred% dick
imonattompleto. . .
Rich costorMl Madislet, BarLiaso
Wdixtdd Mdtcvaa. I Transparent da ".
And sadnotausd mailta eludes. '
E. M. Scatty harms inadtarrardieratots lattlk
principal inaniiiattarers fox a Comtism supply of Om
wowed' datigas itt Caapessag 4ae., britareal adaltled
to oar to We fabric a cholas 1 , u ,.. : t ja Marto at idatiaboda
gooadot oaparlor quality, and 3011111131 city pd.
tea.: . •
ESSati t a ILLY al AS ik Clitit42lllB await them;
DEL settee otate iftetttud or tetanus& tiwlr Oaten
tut aka to thole Woods sati the subtle gasentily ter
toe soy Missal pateoatuge bowed apoo them * *ad
be; keys to attoottace tool:bey are Wasted la
otter to the public the butauce sf Mlle spring siod
stammer Goods, at atseeseadurl aaeit9te, 311,0a4Stria
mote roam for omit of it. imam sad awn. tiblArl 3
&tuck of tali Goads aver Omuta' to Me
They have - also on band a epleattot as* aneeh
bought within its last ereittotoesopsa scull starry tar
inahealloot extremely low percasobergiseg tompat.
Mil ea la Me choice in styles mailAUltili fait
determined to accumulate so ale smut, tailleett
.tai p6 ,, : it et n t , u: d a yla sn s iter to ti oi ni b rA ti 11 11
ttaat ::: , W a lat ul e cr. 4lo6 d o are
atm tad ;Nish; acid this belay the season of prtpar:
iif acid"
t greatly to their advrinuge et ve Mean call be
use pureha stud -Marilthere•
August 13, 15.13 .
oU cot/Dram is saran
+.4 ISt% the subscribers have opjned,at their Start
ofi m e &Kilo above the Post °dice .ait entire newittock;
of trwJa purcbseed an New Votitoit Oath, Prices.ell-.
Awing tbeuttie sell cheaper ititqc mil tither nrarsin the;
Crusty I Then motit eunsuits to part s at -
Bonn and fancy prep dilist
fituatellis de Lawry. al bet/I.:out upwards.
Talbir.topti french Marinate. .
:I.7abcrg Clotha+all shadesewl
Macs Alpaca*, ' •
Plain and neared cohort.: .Alpacita,at its':
and upward+.
A Tine antartmehr of Calico, • -
liteittlied and Unbleached Muslin*,
Fianntls,alt colors a tid qualities,
A Lange Aaiun intent of alhaw Is, • '
idoshity, Woolen, blankets, Cloth.. Satinetts,
floor and Table Oil Uloths, Ike.. Ate.
Togriner with a general amortment of Goode to
please the fancy and cult the wawa of the Tampon!:
ly. 411.0,11 large mock al sugar*, (mini tei 9 eetiiii;
Coireei.,flreen and Mita Tens,sery cheap. with every
variety of klueensware and Glataware.ot pieta tow:
er than they can he bought alteration.; They will tit!
happy, at all time*, to 'thaw theft tirOd#.fiCe of - coati
Nesse give them * call.
if Country Merchant* will fled It is their idirahi'
bite to call cud est:mine Hut hew Gooch. ,
. !SY &
Oct,. 16. 1853. 41-If
PU1L6.04, 41i REAMING ,12.611.114349 Di
. -
"A"? 3: -..":' _ -- i
, -a. F
1 j EULIC i 10i OF PRE IGIIT Wit di Latazar4 coillE
111 to numnatil,ce March 1, tail. *
it6TEd or S'ItEIGIST PElt 100 LEIB.
•k-, : : Os It rtd
irS.4 2.1, 2 1
....... 717 , 4..
isgezele.—uicutotnoisocuw.thick-iI •sp.
•• ~..
ite„ Iron ore, Limeetune ,Ply Iron. )..ii ets- ili Cta'
.hlalitt.r. 451111 e, 'TI In*, , , j
Id C/644.—indOttii Burr Bionts,l
Cement, tlisadslouss. Guano. Laths,
Pitch, lialltead iron, bossy. Rosin, ;401 ere. Simi
*ail, dills, a:Mingles, Tar. TurPosi - j ' •
tine, Timber and Lumbar.
34 CU:J.—AIe. Liver and Porter,' ,
Ashes; Pot and Pearl, Darit,Dafte,fr
Bones, and /tarot, • Coffee, Cotton,
IS nnikry tk Domestic Liquors, Des In. i i •
Dos; Castitrgs,rough I Relied, Dar us t n .,
,;„„e„, ,
Siamaaered ir9n. Daher Plates. Flat c''' ""1 el "'
Be, liatirnad tree, Lead and 81;04 i
Molasses, Potatoes, itailsand Ipikes ,
Halt Proviviumt„ auger, etittntre Jr I ,
Totaiten, a:truant:ft:minted. J . f
PLOirit per buret, 15 Sta. Ilea.
en Oars-- Apples, Brew, Buttery ~ : _
Cheese Ceirdage,Es f Illta-lir ate Eat, I
Groceries, (except theseamted)iemP 1 •
ilardware k Cutlery, 1101101 r .irete, —i :
Ltird, Leather, U 15111
R? 411., ICLUIVAIIC- r fLII . 9 cis,
rove oflrou,as Machinery; 011,Ors.
tars, Paints, Raw tildes, aliga , RUl- "-- .
all *hest Iron, Seedr,ifitee;, tweet j
Potatnee,.Teitour,Vittrimr Jr Wire.',l
sth Ctase.—Linoks and tiltitonery,l
Coattand /Ones, Carephine dc ISPirit t .
Ott, (..tHatt, Glass and Queeneware, 1
Cigars, Confectionery, Deg Goods, ).tints . I I caf . I
Drug*, Pnorh rub, Intltt and Pratt.]
Persica. Manors. !taps, ealrits of
Turneutlne,i'eas. Wines and Wool. •
March 1,111,11 il-if i
-'• . TRAVELING. • i
Arre.ogrments fur 1833:
liour44x. GtAININEL Ai CO..
ouly au;horlud rosseoges
1 ' ';hats for dm stYALLoW '"
aJ Cut; Tli Street, :sew Ylok
ho 5 H.EOENT 11.04bAlverpool.
Agouti iA Lrels,:d.
t;den Quo', Vitali,
sna a, 6 nroxel ik Co., Men th!lis** quay, Cork,
!molar!! Poorzoi, Mord:sots Quay, Waterford. -
*x04,4 sdr,lro.oseit, tf Uxdford fluid, Llinetit.k.
.1.43. Moots, Jr.„l...ntdur.derry, •
3ter easy. , Ca.,5 West Camptroll.Bl.,Gtosarsw,
Charley Si. klalurins, Dolici;4l Quay.
*arnuetiiirtgan, 5 and 0 Mentiants Quay, Newry.
Voter "May, as Quay Street. Ikandata.
Jana Faso.rng. ktiht Hirst!, liroOorla.
It 11. rliookusonlk, La., 10 Sr. hotirew st, Edinburgh,-
Liverpool Pockets,
sal wand frcon Liv e rpoul,dch and aletafevery grion - th
fops Kearney— r eavt.Earyei l
Capt_ ltriliGni. capt. Deslt,.
Snip NEW WIDELD. Ship A513.1411/14.1.
f..;apt Knight. Capt. aloWtillunn;
QUEEN of Titk; WEST 3h. AttiERICAN
Henan. I Vnps. Minutia',
Zoniton Pickets,
gait to and from Lott.lust evcir atteenate Mbziidt,
eSitip ' 1114101) PaINCM lUIkRT
Cipt. Itubbaid, 1
1111( 11.013E1.T Pict i V 04KTOWN i
Capt. tnadvvie 1 Cattt. Metes;
, (apt. fieleher, f Capt. thatibutti
-4.IIIKIIICAN CONGILEI36 - (New bill())
C.tpt. Wlttlite4a,
i;,scket abipe;4l4lling weekly; and
go a trgahr Ist.e of Paeliets 1,0 Niw
to these slhiyy are well known fur their coniffirta•
.ctonthat.datious And thew feet ssillni qualities.
itey 318 commanded hy men of chanties and expe
rience, wt.° are reinalks fur Wets kindness to me'
lasseensers. •
Pas.oriscrs.iro.fornishtd .vithpnetvlalons actordlui
o ur wiiish beim to eve vatisfac,
it la not nectesary to welt for a ''Captain'ir tette .
front . Liverpool before' leas WE home Passengers
are lino - ever requested's* prevent their
LiVeqttittl, three days boron! there/plat milling day of
The office. in Liverpool, N 0.5 Regent Rold..le
itstrti opposite the Cretonne Dock Gate, where the
ateautcra lend from Ireland paaseagara on arrivlog
!bond go ttcrioctita)aly to the oUlce with their Id;
gage, which will be stored - five of charge.
Venice have the option te,f paying ill palmist : of
their friends morn any potalt Ireland,{ 11 svalep *see
they haysonly to Ott at-the * th ee o r dgetoiat
t;wir aeereatpatt oftrobetkotton. tad piatest 141 t
C4ll /601til, whtma they witi be forwarded with their
luggage ay **attract -to Ltverportti.
7 Fan Liveipoul the Shiiie lie in the Waterloo Doe
to Loudon, in the Landon ;Dock ; fn Mew York, a
Piet* tV and Sir, R. R. .
Remitunces to Earlandareland, liktottand
. an( Wale"
We it:Ant Drafts In :Mounts from CI and imam/Vs,
it binai at* par:taint ;iglu flan of charge, u •• •
'The Gann Dublltuuld alt Ira ballad:sem;
Menaia. Glynn, Mlllalantloo,, llaskent,Lotabatil
The Notional Rank of ;icon:aid (Zaino* !
Moms, Bociinan,'Utinuell s. V 0.., Liverpool. '
itte retrone-reotillng to lb. triunity &nitwit of 'fa
ding tnc•ney to !bete friends or engaging their poseige.
can do vo. by, remit' hig the amount in 4 letter post
adiltervail in Meagre. ikiverren.Grionell E Gtr,
with fult dirt ethine, nadeh wilt be t street!), atteneed
to nada retetpt reidttire by the neat Well.
• For futtlterotrorniotten Veil or by letter, Pet.
pahti to BOWMAN. Git/NNELL et 4.10.
E 3 South Street,. New VOTIIto`
or S Regent Road. Litterpoctit
ur to BENI. DAN NA N. Req., trusville, Pa.
Oct. LS, 1n53. ' 42-1(
, fac ,4 y:7_4 etA
Ntiaggaffi .
OE F A L l C LYZDl ti ri b lArt i ngglartagilt ".
Pruni Philadelphia to roiniville. Oa siadariot jday
17, ldStifiese wits epa 'two paosenger Trains Sally
(Sunda)sfacepieut intliVeltU ritliatielPh IS Ruda ig
end Putiovllln. .
Mustillria LINE
Tha Elptetallata 'tarts littlastatpttla
g„4. 2. y s,u t oc wet, Ai. Id. Tl, Way Train iglu , '
l'attollte daily.butteateeleeptcl at ifo'ctott,t4. lW
TILe WI! Train :mums PailFsdclphts (tatty, /limo
Sunday*. at 3; o'cauts, P. M. The 'Exprres Train
lesyrit Poets:Mt aliny; nataPt 'Ma ndlys, at3io'stotk,
lot delplllO it; riX5 - 454 Si., ao,l
4 a'ctact 51 minttiv.r. - 41. For Pottsville u o'rloci
34 taunter 4. M. soy at: M.
Bush -Tretnastapat!pi alkditetlimusitobgthe 46e
. , ...tames tare Sal claitscars.
Reeding to Ptitaatomata 2 at 7$ *1 41 ,
40 ,to Palma., ' Its • i '25
Philsea to Pamela., 2 7$ it 211
Depot in riliterkite, CMlitr of taloa sad Ulalettlitl
streets rear at American not. Pasieugen cannot
arlattlie ens males: prorated Itka tiekti. '
Fitly pound* ei arias* will by millairodso sails pas,
aespri lit 134.111 t ILMak, WO PUSittlirets ara filmset,
problalisd foga Wing**l l sthinil as blip=s, am} Ebeit
own er eat fait tppate.. *auk wilt be it nut rtikl!.of les
mart. _ _ _ _ ' '
Ity =frier of the 0011 . 4 of ii4oolgero, , :
- S. EISLADFORD. ffieretary
loafs 5. !EU. 924 t
N It n 4 afteiRIINDAI tact eta, 0453.11114 on ea
et, fultaariag alaimay. eatit forthas :aattesota
Express Riatttatna rsnenger Mkt WM line PM*.
deiptita it It, A. !Cann get am from Pallavilla at 4
14.. fame nay * • stopping at alt Way Roam ett
Una and at the atatioaaat tat Winona
- t! ' now.* .
• I M ale
a talon*. r74r I n: 81111°1114: IPtig
- Leant& 1ik144 . 5. 7 30-Laavrativttatlllar.i 440
rust*Plossls4lll6 591 'Puttee 144-Cllbol -.I 4.5
. Paustews b. 115 ,•• 54 - 115,45. 4
' nuldttag ' 1144 ! . 4 Rotas, • 5.11
1.• 2.llateeti ' 10.42 1 " PotIlltaW11.• 1• 13.0,
4 i Ilit-Cubou 1051 .s Pusultsllls, IAOI
arri . trepu Pamir, 1370 lArrirea u Ph 115. 1 •5 411
7.. .
FARES. c. ,
Per the round Itip, ro, and dews. la No. 1 Cana
Prole Silidelpb starhaaalavlltetadhact,esata
t grading.
• Yamada N - 4 4 44 73
" 44 11 4
4 4 .• ' nevelt, I._Carbaa Petaiville. SO
4 4 Reuling to Pastarall ll te- 81'4 day.. I as
Er NG Osillge carried *SO Oval ttabo.
Tirana mutt be put eba wed bete , *veering 41 ears.
Way la. len. vamt
urna oginrsulituAn,"4o o . .
0 1,17Vior ri l is at :7 l. 4 lll ifi t t a r iartoll y}
• 4N AND AFTER TVE/SDAV. fr l itilabs
Passeager Irkt3 leaveaage& daily Mager
mood.) it di iletiOtil Lead!!o'clock P. If..
aad easseefultb Ike Kerala, sal altatisacil
avast raat me roa the lllivanag Railroad. •
Murals will ran Port Clinton, ink thierilval
a, s
erTrainfrno. niledeipitasealbt Fa*
tail Rattles& • PANE.
Olistes .
To PittlialgOki elat
" Per - •
•• 31311 N A
. _
0 1 1 11X1111 rate bUrrig horipcstee *whey of
id NA* sit of a Sole lianatees *item winks
the pritesorghusry Orin&ahey perste have rendered
them 4
suivetestil OttPrilti /I' ll, Rtuti or iber
searldi Ithe tuathedealleeees they tome Ines with
amnesties the Attu diriessit eiteaordttiary.awieg,
it ill Diffilneri; 10 *TIT sitehteriest carat, in Ike c m
einottf ISYTOSiitTi 1104 Ownders of %by Liver lad
illreieseh. remits *lO gardeetrr• le using ;nerd to
deesirdanee *lathe ;1,01 Ileidatu tam .1a brim(
tesaupalatalth, • ~
1iii41,711 OF J OESTLEMAN *OEU 43; -
• 1.1008.
Copy Vsaisater'Asistlii Rm. Charrel
dryad'Work% iZt.Pirliss, ?sear IM , Sauter'.
*Limy 341.tresia;16 A
0,- • •
Tu ptomains WAWA , T •
bif.4ph ...a-mil, formerly a tealdent of
this plate..bad been in a declining taste of health
for tipararda Of three years. gradually ateallelineraY
to * shadow by nightly - patipleationa 'sag want of
appetite,whieh teased greathaesslisear to his Mends
MI he hadeonaelted wade* toadtnat sum to Bath.
without effect. lie aria* triad your Pins. and un
der Yrovidsoce, tau teetwieitt to health by their.
• mites. lie lately es...r i veted io neer York. eta hal
)ott wrltteo woo; that twines saverbeuer in health,
cud otalird the to ergitaitil Tort with the einem
misuse., E ought aim to wee we. that any wife had
derived great benaligfront the sae of your Pfill.
I semis. alit, your. yVapeelflalit
CpAlil Yd ddllrld. labranstuall Wattles.
• Of, 111A4tT....TCARS' DURATION,
.Copy of a • Ititsr. from,Aft.'Gras 4 Vera,
• YeaM44o - Praftator . Halvah:lb
' Dear Ake 4letrir i t. your Pma 'command a
cams extensive sate than any other proprietary Wa
king before the pileik; Air a..prgoi of their clime,
la',Liver Bilious templitlnts. I may menton
following cies lady,or We tows. with whom I
sea peounally acausinted.forleato was a severe suf
ferer from disease of the Lin/ bell dlaesttse argebel,
befatedlcal attendant aroma her that be could do
nothing to reheat her isifferines. am* It wai not
likely she coats; survive area months. Ito an
nouncement saturallYeatOedgrelit alarm among her,
friends cud 'abalone, and they lade ed be/ to make
b trial 04 yell/ Pills. wbkkuo unproved her general
health cholae was traduced is ranting* them until
she received a petite* sure.- This is twelve mamba
Igo, and the humor experienced any symptoms of
relapse, and ogles deal's** tag/ your rills beet bell:t
-übe menus of saving her life.
1 simrafe, Debt Aft, Issys Inas.
.1043134:4833.- ;.feigned) • ' 'Y. °nuts.
4 r
Tberecelebrated P u lpits wocuirtrtay'rlicircluits
Et tbs ffiliowfoge,otoplatotti:
Astir. - • itteratisrion. ,
Artbror , ' liattierre". -
Atiiour komostor. iLlrer Catorgaliere k , -
grottier on rbelk Its :timbal*. •
gewereoniplatnw, Pitd.. . .
Colter, - Aterritiattssu,
ViralittpagortottbeguweNgetentlat of Urbee 4 -
4:otisittipttait, • Adetordle, or itios's Evil
Dithdity, . Igor" Tbroars.
Dthpry, - ,!dture
-Dysentery. .• ;Igetoodatyllyinprezue,
Etynielri, ' Doutourim,
rentaie irrepiarit riltantita,
foram of ell tati.ds; ' •
Fits, - tVearree gelterlona,
Gout, . _Warm' of all kited*.
Undlithe, . IrCeekeire.frota whiter ,
Indio:Hot, er cause. ace, .tro.
gOld et the Eitirtitiolligeot or Prolinwor Ito &Low tr,
_22( gtruod, {Heir Teinpre Bar, Lei:l4l44J rod air* at
bre novas' tw.New Yam. Minn for utdrtree. fn
the Rill t,s , *ddrinea HOLLOWAY, New York."
will receive due tr , tentiort. gold also by aft reipett
able Druntrui earl Deafer* In Medicines thrtiugnour
the V. Mares, in Deter 8710. and 01 ZO each.
To be bad NW bele-rate t tie principal Drys Lianas in
the Union
ido•Tnerik is a conslderable saving by taking the
target alms. •• :
. It.—Direetrons ter the guidance of patients Is
very disorder are sabsed:tei each Bor.
* T. W. UYon. & dON S o 133 North Second Street
Philadelphia, Wholesale Agents Car Pennsylvania_
Also frr sale by .robe Q, lloornt, and Clemens at
Holster. Pottsville; C. Fll/ 'T11111141111 . 1 j .1., liens/
Stuns, , • ; ~ •
Foriio Rdi ff . allireitell of Szvforigg !Fonettes.
Int fer ilt) cant
•.pa,frarig in. all
dirOasti •to r
Ith it hcrevita
ladtd. usually
led •
lAtil . •
Csntst 1.411 g.
kr !bete are Pro
m. Urtrl, dr.
Meg of Cite
tmb; Fluor Ai-
I, o r • Whiins
reuit Eaßama
ttalt trirrr
*Ettm INOtrib;
idensti fielitur-
Ate; or 17190_ , Ihnv
Irregular Wu
their accurnpa-•
ter how stwere
_ .. .
The Cath.tiron fir eafpasiek other leMedies, hi
being- more eerie In. teas expensive, aid lect'llit at.
IyaFeel in a better encoitteett. Let ati interested coil
sod obtain* parophiel (free) , toolsinisk ample proof
from the most reapeetable source's" of the benelltiac
results of. its trie ; it/ether with tatters Roos kiddy
exPerleured Physicisms,Who base used if 15 their;
peiefite,soil speak Com their okiriebeerratiotte.
REFEBEfittEd.—P. D:Feekbant. M. D., WWI, N.
V -t L. D. Fierning. M. o.„Canatulaigna.D. T. ; M.
it. Mitten. Neil;. Ittehester, N. 11.• D. Y. Foote, M.
D-,.dlrarnse,tl. y.; Prof. Duelter, iD. i• D Dahl:,
chore, Md.; .1. C.Ortielt. M. D:, lialthwere, kid. :• W :
*. Reese, bt. D.. New Ybilt Clip; W.Prekebitag.
U.. Concord. N. 11.; J. P. Newland. M. D . UCce.
N. Y. Rev..C: el. Beard ; Glenn nptines; B. C. I
We PAAIPLILE rd "hilts GRATIS subs mote of . •
_ . - J. CURVE; If DOMES, Adapt Dultilill- •
'• ; • rarisviLLN, Pa.
• , daeo, cold by inasCegbe lefollog Dimpfetet In the
adioloine counties.: ••... ;
..W . Later 0e1drr.44441 . t; - naQt of • Mr. 'Cants
Retch, Agsut at ' Ruvenla, Okie...^- , - -
... To Mt ittait&ittsj:-1 Wive been tee--yeara true
bled with Feticide Comptatate—protapens - uteri. and
alt the. iltierttltiff tiltepillits ; so times teedertilt.4ey
life. marl reLerabte.' 1 lutve had the ettendance ek
some of the best pllsielanert with but tattle smocks
- rifle most, they toted do,wait to celleve—a.coreeree
net of the ciutitton. For five brith before- m
commie; 'with your:!naedleine, had_ not- en able
to perform any tabor, viola w If - bat a few*artepe at
a time, end oaf/rely went oat of doom—in shop, r
11 , 41 i cOmpletety prostrated , bot In body end- uttpd.
and expected toeing ma'am re of eg cloys in Hof - '
C s
fetter cud Infaiirsi • ent.resding *mar advertise
meal. i Wail induced to try your invaluable coed&
eine called Itierinceatholleha, es the last 051411 - 1
bed not used its week before 1 felt like another wo
man. Sy the, see of three bottle* j• was enabled 40
peT(Ol 111 an Cid laton for els In the tawny with ease.
end cuuld walk attyW here 111 the neighborhood with
out injury. hotting/ sutra settee of re y duty , to you
and to the afflicted, bas induced alp to state my rate
03 ;he public.l can merely recommend the moans
lion to all thoie cadmic(' like myself. •
. itilineda ! Mar, Satan A. Drattor.
Freeflefe, Pottage - Co.j Ohio. Dec. k 7.11153. •
"J. B. ItA.RClitlil;* CO.. Propthitom. Can
{tat depot. abiIfROADWItY, N. V. • - -
Feb. It, 1554 t i 6 .1 Y• •..
Dumnsuvas ligoieniir s PIACIt aN
pros prepared a Rarder gradaale and Phi
stcia# of tAtr : ty pears experner, •
..ZW; 3.0. SWUM
flit o , 43.,fikEß OF rlik.lo.lgll
ALL PAIN AltlitEli LAE At Attiet-:-This wonder
ful preparation la Vied !eternally and estetnally,ate.
iildlaXfuedlatv:relltr flora allboddy pains.
fre.educeNingto direct lons,itnotonly retie via all
p a t % hot it Cana it uvulae, on the first t.pplimalurt.
It may he relied *Poo for CUTIIII and tieing atintosli
stint thief , ti thousands who have used it cot testi
fy. to ribauraasisra„A;Ea. Sudden Golds, Cholera.
Dysentery, Cholera Itiothui, neuritis , . EArach e , eb o .
It, and Toothache. and 111,P4111 in the stomach or
Dowel.. Headache:Pains tit the Womb. Pitt, In the
Limits, Joint., Dack,l3pine Disesse,Lumharo, den Ida,
Burns, Chillidoleki Sprains, Wolper. Plittples.a ad all
cbtottit Eruptions. .
If you vrnibto ha mitered from ALL PAIN, nee Dr.
Rbeels PAIN , CDRga..' •
if you deeite to be mired of ALL DISEANES.iiike
hie Family Aledicioss.. Trice 144,23, and SO ermines
bottle., , s
. -
For Idyl* Complaint. Dyspep s ia , .ths. •
'PUB Liver being the- largest gland In the hunnta
1 body, it ist more frequently deranged' than any
other. Then'. (Minor Dyppepent, Conittpation, Cold
Feet and lots of Appetite—the akin beton:ea yetis*,
the..lPinte dIOoP , and there Is treat aversion-to. so
ciety. Begulate UPI LOW, and you Clime* all these
evile.—The :soma[ preparations to take are U.
ROSE'S celehtsted Railroad or Antibilleou 141.11.8.
Tey tarry *if the bile; and soon give appetite itui
, •
We Dyspepsia Compitund should be aligee whirr, a
Penton has keen ;troubled with Dopepsta a tong
time. Price 10 cents; tut for Colds, ittlioue habits
jaundice, dre.; take DE: ROSE'd *unbitten* or Rae
road PILLS: in mad. 2i cents pet boa. : • ..
raw Conti, Crp Croy wad Whooping
) Ceughl
Dr. Itoso's tole:wed Couch estop two Itonwittle
twisttotba vrona: Coqgh, whether CoafanWrit or
prooltodtor Boa a cold- Clays aro lvituttkot or
tits buys. fad Tottideittia systata modem -RSoro
tatty. In battles it Orti.attpt Pt.
ore OR Balte to pimp, orbitti dotigklctof
ctoopiatut yields Ottotidiatotp to Dr. J; Rostes ottott-
Candi C1udt1471111.... BOPP IS pinta.,
lEtroopios Ooostioutotbee utopia Ica, alogtOtoOtio
to Paid sod damp walker. no &Dieted bad mat
WOK to tbs Use of Di. J. Ilawes Whaipitug Couch
ertsp. sistpsotwopt pelloott,ftod pinion , the di.
seam from tomtits, tote otbsi dteeittei. tomb so le--
Sornatatios of the Luise, Dropsy to toe • plw., sad
Doototopitoto, Prictdßeente.',
. . .
For ell pisesses eta =Merril and
Dr. J. S. Safes ansintaid Bird tartri of Built.
Vtits is decidedly aim of tbo belie retes4l4% 'eve:
used.rot . disliNilk-Of Ibr Mims. Wilditsto *eamid
aUe nkt teetiti. getAtet loos; always hi,thty
eled• by the leftr'Br. Peyote:mad *thy OPlC,elon,
distiugukke4 Meilksktoon Woad: Pries Id tem'.
Havehe *hair pp/palmitin. tat • OMNI, with Of.
* DISMAL, AiIDVESUR teethes to 'toil
ettes ea 'Nikki !Untie - itionee of. B:
'Aemet for the Colintsrl Jobe 4, StOWII, Itibn O. C.
Bangs, PouttlUei J. W. Gibt.*, Hlenaritiai and E.
J. Foy, Tiosiga.v. ;
Ort.. 8 Ake ,
Devehints OKSAtp. " —Listreses.
-au? r swat, scliurzsgU4 Co.
rJ'UE S 4 bierither leveectrellrletlaritte lteftta ids
s. end the debt!" le peers' Ow Ss still telltibUilli
et his 614 stand I Centro etrest. .ernt etssiret s
Fotertille; and tense The .adprtnetry er gepd i os e i
hie thanks to his esneetoek fricasseed .11e4tielatite—
see. forth" soalldeack and sweiscas tbsp bay* p enes :
ed hint initb:throisdlCsiasy feu* at builees".
its Mate itustelise to eftwaserate all the articles.
watch lie keeps In nie etorr. I.
Ilte dahlia are irellaware:ttail be 'bee so other
eetesiieteS, este,* erballideetraUr test is
Drag Mori*. "
Hewlll,asaesit.contiaseto keep hi, stare 'Well
supplied with disistia frepik prods_oleseryilistrip:.'
tics ,
'pax HitOWN. -
sin* . • "41'
- aaroltlP WATAIAWYMIV - -
'a AVE jnif nig .I,4o3leXiiiittirnik lbrt6ohelit It
.114 I* onsnout de n ntatil folio with In ins weld.
sant* preenotwevo3i beneficial. far Dray alit Ilsbt
be*. . 11 11110114rloollilly_restarell at# 11,Is attores
battens ettwalfte tam wren:*
tie.; as Waren fluenfNel/ Talk:
Abe, Lynes' ItittnetalPetelinoniet illpfer, for
=Ea atiallsonernt ancvoluribrben u arA ll ein
•'' • ,
Plaffi#stfri Variety -
'14.14161f r414744.
va ltileil
c ul4 I r :
"R ;irtEdtllty le tls , ~riMrGi,it + d 00-
iptratiuts;thl iikfttiptirlina4ll l l l .*; 4.but
fmnit Ib
spaclallr/0 4a4arilitiliititatiO4;44 Yiabibets4ed Jur.
*await i..*lreravillitOsbisc.* wit idt4,4, 4 ti mi a
**gni& Wlakiat*lPlPlVlvAlt* WWI ice UMW,
iittlhAil4. ll •4 4lollo r.„ , M 41 1 . 1 . 4 41 1 .114 1144.1.1111 maw-
Jai wasticm.gx, ustkicii* at4Civi ma& *l*
tlft 'lO/14 vtyaGauim avd
latttis tl,b4lavrie
)tAgyleetftlikliitticift4itlis tete. 41.1Wiftititte* riu4
- .
llama 34 editinti,uritieracte r reu by %V ii.aticaLlte
gestameg has Wows taktorat tot Loughs.
ihtesibot.tieninpluit.hit &begirt...train •
ores/top tor thems, •
Tooth *aril.. tox eiellyea teeth - , arid iiimeared gnu.
faintly Pills.ui ottriiiat.tutryer, more tree metre xi:"
teusivetY mew end kayo gives' ttiore salletbeltolar
ttisaany other - iiiiiillatheirbiiitoe the pa Mir, bete&
pre-wed *lib reveal.* Limy a/tranvia* its* sniff
remsny tea trial otileuilltsten,. trims skean *
.. A ISW rip Abe Akers titildkiikril
itsdrilteieekg er POrroortile• OA gni Gat
40400 th ey rte iiirtitiait by a leguntsPhyeistatheihe
~e g e a s teee v eke - ernesenoks lu dtaea,
rs i and consequentlirare perreetty Mir to tate,—
its seamy./ they bete4we4 used sr it h midterm!' else
*awe envewirearr itam,,feettaa than any tith
er infeserthrfars the, peak. abirdiy,l
they anethe duty aiiiiietnes tam harogalaed theme.
guweay,e, at Phystmenr, whom they base beta lima,.
uni t tectorthiya that ate pirsop to buter•quatium e s
for the SAWS piltiri.:theti a altni r alsaielner ogr olb d
iraferd the yiblit., fthe same bind. A 4 the en brut.
b e y hgho iniamerufeannicorMitn has permission of
the Inghestsientort *bete" they have ' been' heti;
aPith Stie Wien ory be Will publish' a
leer of thew, fereningesitudie4 tau a mei will rbaure
Melt ricoaialesoalkitie.. Try Mem and Musty yew
assif.of,their atiperterity over all One Ira •
'Laid lied Is Crestactm
We, lbi having bunk made *taught
ted watt the ingrinaktis entering mottle commands
knows es liiiCererie , Oilettii, reetheitise; . ftrett, he ilye
putocrlbed sad boost. -them to be tisedowith We
awse - Sattafactery , taitlis, lake Pleasure in saying
that **believe thef!ttikr.lupea illedemprfor inxt t
they ate recomusended.
dltiAitfliffAlßDE. hi- D^,
• C: lf. hi- D., . •
: D: ,
- WA. Il,aratilddq-11. D.;
ft. At. 1,.,
Cara lj}stn;ls tadirente mortgage free erserseted
Uliir emipteme.
illes.-trobert Adar4; balloting under Obrottle Liver ;
Complartirouteommibleci trail ashen dry cough, pato
to the aide and breorit,, *cheep I debillty, foss of app.-
tite,,atter trying' Were tomtit ;runtime Steelton:en.
tied fee caughe and diseases- of the cow; with no.
Moat, she was reebtatuensted to try the Note Pecto:. I
rai.froas which ehai:rtat only derived itrunedituc, but
permanent relief.
Juba Mane. sini':oft hits [ Rabat Adams; was if.
armed with averysevere cough,psin in the aule,,end
*mamma Iyradiated;
_by incerhaat coughing: be ems
indueekto try iittillPote Pectoral. To use his men
tanguege. the first sfrAte enables tile. to enjoy a vest
night's rest—ni tharlepresegt headpectierate* *h u e;
halt pun of mattor4 , _ateealegliied to hoprove trout
hie geugh entirety sift him; %titan Lad the effect of
arengtheadisphts titintru„...whlch wee neutrally greet ;
Ore Mao ssystedit Ohm recommended it to a num-.
. bet or ere friends fakeindlas cateplaieti, and in witty
Owl It bu given sathilection. .
Tbe above pendia r resldepta of the town of D on _
stile fesitag tall litey hate derived vein benefits
teeth tae use of ilia /libee,rettorare ibetho l iz e,
Moser atsielcicht. f4Plho Meats of those who may
be +Maya in titillate: inautier.
irittiZAT "CURE,
Liner poke restebie *Rh one iiitare of lkit &tiara,
'Mies tuna Witithick,otitnaterownship, dentinal
berried CUUDI7. fin it tie mbar of years nu invalid , le
the ran of laid lsterteme other voice hoer a severe
cold else tomer Medg snot trying * uninbei of mow
dies, with no betielt4abe win entirely 'remind by is.
king one bottle OPXrote Pectoral, after which. she
to*, her voice ikerire;rtokt a freak Cord rho toatratted
rod sear aerie restated by lbw vie (another hottle;
she then took font" bottles mote lb strengthen tier
breast, which She derived the most decided be
belt, and bee bear; In the enjoyment of excellent
health from natildinto the present..
. Fbe.above atiteniirat it obtained from Dr- Porte(,
. the Physician bitehded her; situ her mother.
who think" Oat rift would not be living at thistly:et
if ft had not been.Prii the Ore Pectoral.
Denville, Jen. - 11831.
Solt Ana ir Afribed Cart 4:trieted..
ors. Simnel. rt ter, being oft it 'tunny weak
hied delicateetinittbilon, very susceptible to colds,
AI; adlitted With eitery Sitekretitellrik pain and sole
ness of the brmudi kiss of s,ppentor after terind,e.
number of the urn*" remedies frum,reirich she dert
red no benefit, alitikaa easFe4 by issue one bottle or
RUH Pet torsi, a MOM In ihe eajdy meet ef bat ter health
than fur years prelim:es. f tree, I. nye.
goata l o rtis FOLLOWING- •
Vile it one of th* etronstel easterner ran bri pro
duced in ramie or,lbd einee of a trettleine,
Doctor flit sfey,tDr. , —ln reply toyour *nunlike
;arde the cabers of rho Note Peek/till in my
f am il y , Ii eye l ets - egyfplisemireed satisfaction to lr
ferns yirisiber, to owner's, toree.ayreeiee with
cold and a cough fdy MAUI three weeks, *bleb Iron
bled 111.41t411, 04161.1101 , * IA disturb Dig ' B le e p.
I petwentel t bottlehf your Rote Pectoral, sad by irt-
Wagon* tahltestedeful far three sitecintsive night
Otrrlotoi to bedsitter; entirely Cared— i have also.
medic to entire serfsfectiOn with toy children, note;
, the Welt ran:art:Ole effect Wee le the-sure of ray fa
trier, at this ailnpiit his seventieth year of age 'Por
thetas; Arty yeats;he beriberi' troubled with nab.
en, a rid - teeth *brat distressed him very much, tear.
titularly when torliterild like coldja ad for which he
had mind anu mbeaof reatedies in vain. I Induced
ate. to try ri liottleref year Ross moat
wonderful Co reinter by ire tiara bn had taken half 'a
home, in doses at tine tablespoonful. three name *
day, nor entirely : cared. 'Doping yea may Cud It
equally berulitiatlnt person* emillarly: affected• lee.
man yours respeetitilly, JOHN IFOLEO,
oroset t Nadeau #:eley.iron Manor re.Dauellte,Pe.
: •i. 19anvlllr, Diu 1418*
Doctor Dlckley . 4 -4.lleing le the employ
~of Messrs.
Hancock Polett;ivith Whom you hare established
an agency for who, rale et your family Medicines;
I take pleardraia:nifortnlig you, that' n an rat as
*e bore - en apparkitelly Or Jedelei of their eirinee
front wittier* tehts,hese used them, [bat they give
ge tiriatt Mint 'Venn respectfully,
.; James COUSA OM,
- - W, fJ. PATTON,
Dories Wm - . MJltckley—Dettr.lsl-Please seed
Us three, doz, Poie - Petiotat, se Elba as you tea; It
is bow gents' twit:m.lM we find it to be Dee of the
brrl euegkter: foi, , eolde we twee ever bad. - • ,
: CLEbieffti k I!EItiLEIL
PettaVitie, N0v.14, _
Dear air utedersiased, being hi the ern._
ploy of biretta. titiriree and Comlya,it whose more
you topie rat agentg, far lin sale of your Faintly Med-
Itineestateihei we havediadan opportunity of know. -
tag the opinions Of-ntunarous Individuals who here
used them, end atilt they give ;east; aatiefsetton,
We have sold a Om many of your PHis, Whirls are
untremstly liked, krill Peet mild is their operation,
W. L 18ERl11 em .
paten, W. AL lik:PLEtt. '
Hoehn 13tektey Ay it Whine of meth, for your'
skittle. preparing Ohe ofithe very hem sad Loom et.
fettust remedies that I !bare ever:known need, tot
coughs aad colds, me to intoner you that hay.
jag had very bag eastala mid maida I took one bottle
of youi Hoge Pectoral. width acted like a charm. at
fordiog me the Unfit decided and' Immediate relief.—
I hive recommended it to a number of person,, and
have sins hada ts mmort Willy of observing the result it,
and ran safely saftist trrevery care it bas elven eat.
istartioo,- filerievleg rife remedies to be what they
are repretentrdi bed wotthy the patronage of the
'community. 1 frenialn leuri.remaactfully.
••••!....,_ 0 - -,1•4! AA** COMLY.
Firm ofComly & (Jttores.lton•Co.rhare.Osnrille,Pa.
Doctor Itliale_e!-,-Thts Is to certity,that abouttmee
month. close, mgWite wee attacked with Rheum.
dm throughout Itefigenerett ',item, but penkulatly
In her baud. and km-Which were very muck swot.
leo, fur the fart WIWI she tins been confined to her
betty mid ties not boat able to niftier turn or hem her:
selfoifter having !rec.:lutes to trety remedy I could
hear of„with no *Petit, site tooth:turd gBttleg worse,
when dope irlag.4lC. hetrecorery, I was advised to
try, the Careen Of fintaphor, as the last revort; - aud
,C4lO safely any, thrt it afro:deli her liormediste
end although We; hart. used but two bottles, hts
health le fin lmjrrpvtng, which I eau attribute entire
y to the age cif mitar Cream of Casophorias we have
used insibing Yourirtruly,
ELM A.ll !SEARCH, Danville, Dec. 1.1852.
Di. Sir.klayr-pets 81r r—as 1 have had some expe
rience a* well es observation In reference to the good
qnsittlea of mad ft, f your Medicines, I would imbue,
you that shoot elighteen neomba ranee, Chad 42i attack
of bitloai r.eo9itgit fever, which left my breast sort,
sad weak, ateolitpanted with a very troublesome
Cough Alleritgang a* /Mosher of remedies, with no
benefit, I was mired with leis MOO 4 bottle of your
Rose Pectorayisisify Mesa win rely 'ore from cough'.
Ink, it bed a vett:soothing effect. From Ste Maine
such a detillediglicnelletal effect la. my 'ease, 1 wee
led- to make anfitilry of different 021204* Whom
knew had aveifilhast u itifteneraluserna,aud found
ou t . of a veotnumber who have used it, but oat
case le which ledid notgive the most oaths salts.
faction. ffifpicia: Ibis may assist to bring your value.
ble medicine's loth general notice, I remain yourir
I Paileitil. Episcopal churehi Milton. Pa. •
Dec. el, 185 Y. =a'.
Dr. iiikkiey—do: —Ai toy wife:whir wsa troubled
with a dry tiardibugb, also your stomaebidepeadent
upottdebtrity; Minium to Dyspepsia. was entirely m
itered by uslog two bottles of your Ruse Peetorai—
O4MIII /122.-to sal!_tha(l Cotteldtt it 44 ' oittlfl2l2' te
medy; •Yours tespeettirtly. Dee. Mr. WILLARD,
!stow pottered Church; Danville, Pa.
••Danville. Yea. 31;184.
Dioh )l -41 r :44.• wrecommendrolun for rout
Invaluable medicine' 3,1 would inform you that linen
!apatite/I.i to thaervihr, not bet:44sloin procure the
same retnedhs4ll have beet! la the !habit
,or mar l ,
previous ta uiyiteskienes bete, war iodated to try
your Reit. Pectoial in my family, all of wham were
lebotieg undeevery bad colds, and and it more et
cir,ions than etly • medielerr I have e vet tored,l have
teed it lo me swap CU*. - Ale% that of" my wits, my
slister•Lmtaw Michildren. end ht each aud eeetyease
have amid it iMballyheneficial. 1 hers also tried
your Worm tigiffp end Create of Camphor, sad bare
found themulsiFvery effectual. Youie respectritlly,
ItIICHAEk 011OVES,Iiito of 3. P. & .1. Cows*.
Elletley t 41:toring the AOgnsi term of Court kt
Dantille,-18.54„Safews with toy window up, and la
the monthly fOttijtd this'll had taken such a- severs
sold. that it ermairtik difficulty 1 could speak 'eurfr.
c Witty lorsd.tqls to be undststood. baring ?mold of,
the celehrated,vaturs of-yout . Rost rectOral, 22.41'
induced to irrit;ted to my agreeable surprise and
satisfaction, wisentrrety currtity the time !had tit.'
ken bail a•biatielof Slate-Men. whenever I feel
tbireffeete of ribald la my system,/ tete a fear do.
cesend quit lt;ieltevea *ooner.sud more effectially
Len say needle-ism .1 have ever taken. la - addittoo,
vow ittoran yea fiat my cite imd a verveavere ae
lick of Rheumatism in. her arm sad shoulder,hom
which she suated ir great deal of pain, and from
which she wiettiltrely relieved by she use of the
Cream of CamOltor. ! COILYELHIS OLEEKEN;
.• o:Denir township, Manors; County. •
Hieing beetastmed al a mild la any . mot (Similar to
She stmatlstuf wfirch.deparld me of lb. fete ore of it
for &MOO four Minns. sty tisisgone bottle of Cream.
dl Eamptorl Wouldstite that I consider it She lienti
remedy or. the kind 1 have ever Used lo My hmlly,l
and 1 wouid &Orly remota:end letOrithere with elm-I
Hal effeetlette.:Ajollis respetiftilly. • .
out. sob iv.. Nonbta ca.
kly Wife hairlses libeumatiam of Asarco foe ai item-i
her of yeas*. Which prevented her from, veleta it Jai
doing her work t after having spent a. great diet of,
money In tryltigillffenrut remedies' with - two beneL was e minty - Med by using Only olio beetle of your!
Cream oj Oitiaphor. WILLIAM- EVANS, • I
• ildinirlhe 8 IL Wood, b. Pau.
Doctor Stekhr —Hering received a very severe;
in}nrf lame Or ANIMA offs load of hay,Mons
wawa I was apisbis .follow my work. was 121245114=
mended to trynitboilic of .Creim of Cramborothich
sillodefilintssegstrs trItIFFITII CABS, •
Sorb ep.. Yinstb'd Co.
My wife; anifering from mart suoteleMarto genii
bromfilioat befigeneral system, which preseuMd bet
.eselieeplagabethgocessloned by a brag end pro.l
woodsmen Of - 14Mtsle.) for whkh elm needs aura:
her oftsmedleazaillsont benefit, was entirely relieved
by the use of ce ream of Camphor, !
• GEO. D. SHOWN, Deutirt,Danvlitt.
Clll4Mirrel Sewer Complain ail Agee. Of hot
alsotritag.) by Wiwi* fignie. ,
Ny sting
.41 inlitted Wells let two yeare.witit
newel welleset Mid ague. Milli was redisced to
a on. 04100441,, I tried a number of reatedles..witb
topermanslithinellt, until 1 were It a bottle of your
Worm 4 1 .2 1 hPailife4 whiektlme It has kers wetland.
got trite 'also bare recommeatted it to ts
VORIVTI227/1/, 4201.11112 tattier,' case It hit glveu
oath ion:lst • - r 1.. LEVI.' I.
• ! ' Aitiontis Longa, [lifetebitst.}Dativilh. -
I hate essitiltiatWortuSlrliF In my tiatilltild.
"iliddeli it 0 0 1 9 1 . 1 , effectual, hot She mostitleahmt
article's* sotratedeslerith, J.l4llllll4l.l2,Deet6itte.
`Hiving useCyone Worm Syrup,-la wy Nallip,ll!
betas m children More density prepseutfea at Ibk
Itlnd.asd Le Wore pleasant to tate. D.lllloltaraf,
• • prottlOUr /NW, MEM*.
-I keel hektliebltsiontonse mar . Wages water 1..
soyfamtly,mMishefer !twang Iftwortfert t AMPS
FRED. BIM. Frosty Vent% Nealtelf efe. 1
aselyour Worm 212124:21.22211
Creamof,ClNOhotseed Family Pips 1* my (sally.
they ar ts fieeilltratlefeetion.lad l eamdfier tbetu the
mottelleetuel and plermatri remedies Teen* had to
our family. 1 JONATHAN wattetwel.
' rui n °OM' , of. ear ONO very bad e Liras in. diced 40 tiretelrott, hi of your Toasts Vilest. width ac
ted use itcbtrort. hardreteet my gems. aid ronoirteg
all disease. JONATFikk Danville.; "
The above Medicine* ere for Sale Wbolesakt an d
Be a al t t t yW. - *incaLßlFair.rf,,Pveedawymeartat•
Alstio4or 841 e 410414014 w lag,cfgeets le 114011,
kifi Canes r==,'' •
ct*mebcJain , a; Brissit,aftzt H.
ilartfai rocinfOir: West, Warn*-
* EO4 is 1 Ste Cram-ha n iffnernprifillt NW etingillet,
Jbeilth Paddli.ilk.
it Itthapter4gotemr.
a= , • •-•-
• liA otu ll ni ll 4l/estesad ist•s sinietai conalow.
41Mvastandk i Ms.. •
anti& W
I VI *Usti leethri deelnieite, nelleedfrotilt . titter
yeasting. ri refereath in thiseleate, lotanilluthertie
lila cOlinatutof this Opel: bersinded eyelet', la
kaira aide than hiebriegimpeellith QM tteoettetel;
table preimitatitristi'imi Me rise Or theile,strcuni•
einem* requiring bed she mature of the ',Object jut.
titylag . hfleleoSitaltert Intehatethelrealt fthety:ed that
lathers know midleeleitityriarultrichlett we hags ,
. • it is a ptletipliferith its twietidet :to Lamar.
the thittywkick ate theimess.analtelter to othhhohd
Us* the petite whet` IMatlibutereght lin:biellitseeme
bird witch we judge .eardient W themettertesse, Ise
metier what others may think Of thy. • • . 2
,Wthia Calmer/ Tat*. to all eve taeib. world
and]e . ellitiliterten ur
whoe t le.gacesth4tha b aw k
I holt *Ming irelt•hettittegefitationitiutri
tribberlestireeleatited for ervedenitt medicinal
properties. Bat its ittatlylisier to total 011ie of the
worst and west cPstreseitur dittoed' mope us, was.
probably **Mx Ditty int 'tomtit, haul the
wreataWf that distin , ithisheil bointilet end pity;
octavo Dr, dwaync. bad diirmasiams4lis hi ii mate
lame. whoa property Reba:wet to the -amble of
men, sad to the compute= with which hew Latch
'tined. The lumina etteleinau bee *mettle/
! ter the mots poorer/entre ;Warty, ,be bringing
mush mediest sate to bearnpon tie bubject„ th be
t:MUMS am, ettatithireting tin theourtrairriliestry vit
. tuts of this ottatithable math a Mottoes ne Its
coustittlte one of the mow eilimadoes'inimiedies. mat
at the setae Wow nimit Wrens MAO GOO
• : Ithowe bribe medical woitslaSethee this most in ,
loath thecorety or Dr.inwaytioiftiliptiati.dt hare
linen by it matinee to Mishit god the enitlott , to of
who were motorise film the ritragentii the ;nowt
excruciating dirtiest; iodise tinsel renionitibellsoe
that many Mandreas he* . bets laved heist ilit un
timely erave, wherm ease/ do other` tetnedy could
teeth. One thheg •that ft emliveritie esteetated to
inspire imuitileseir in the virtues oi the Nth; Cherry
It the Dm this the , aredient litculty thertughent the
probe Mt Itinletrutteli to their Werner r r tie medi-
Muer prom:hes Cr your: and. whett Preparert, et
by M. el aurae, there can be no doubt Of jth adeoro..
-bin adaptation. to citratife porpoise. 'be fact itsio,
that Dr. evrayne ii a regular parniiciinottol
teases Ohs sdrestagns of the eeperiestened tom.
tics tubas orefeasion. of nearlya . etterter,, OF* ten
. Wry, is carculated recreate Use ;melte ",euhridtute
in the superior merits of the medicine ittr+ ireMi Ivo- I
_ it is eat tieteleary for it, to yettit pb ;Wotan, 44,1
the molly rectathatim earth perforated:by ibleselb 1
Mel reetellly melee' teetasabeenimountsisd, or
toepenk of the ebfliitcs or-Dr. SweiyuCtiii, a peva.
clan, or lo Owen al length opon the pecuimi-iy
properties el the Wild ClMeelty. dultere it to sey
taitthepteperation Wirer' 10 is In abttlfol lands, •
that it is one of the greatiet and iefest itit
the blood that cap tie ininticathrede 'thole es besting
bad at the ilium .time strithgtheeing eqnethth ate
wonderfal I bad that the pthilatted: Yerrindaten - frdin
m a w ) mthaerable:thetvidneht thole ow, Its• teeny •
Instasste, tee eater effected by it; hare been trity
astottultinir Pawner, ti theamootto hifd been at.
Aimed tor yearn aid rendered the :mew miserable
creatures - ou the face of the ea rib , lure been; by the ,
In/ fie riotorek to perfect
Ithatth. • • i . ,
from the aerie* whlch'the Doctor hoe frequent',
toned it rimeasery tot tend Meth to the: public, we
should jeder•that attelapta have erten ;bees made, by
unprincipled wdirfdualello :prone :moo the coin
tenuity a smite= ettmk, attaching; the ammo: of
4..leltßY. To fully euitrd agatnot stop - bite Mid
palpable itopesitientr.the.gublie mitt en jretl to put
chase belly ottiltorived Shea/'. Tee newt; of Doctor
&way ne. ineoaneeton with the "Cmitiiimud Strop
of Wild cherry, - ' we understood bee Payer yet been
counterfettrd t so that if &he public Ml careful to
parchase•onlyituctual bears the liortore 'name end
portrait on to the Wrapper around eatti , thotite. they
rosy bemire of ebtaining the iegitimate4itlere...
td la with great preltstre.,eti welt tea euittS•jena to
Ira etroercy that we tecientuturi to. the iltittUisoli of
the settee/4 'qtr. 'iewayrie's .thimptitind syrup id
Wlki Clietty." the *air bore reeltedi lees disiloe
ered to comompthin to all it*,211110114
DYSPEdidiA: wotor,s:! ,
- stuagyne's Celftelmittid'Verneifogi..
site and erectile,. remedy for .WOrnad. Dethelists,
Cbittera Morton; gitki.t.or pyiemOli Children,
or anolis, sod the most uselui irahttly
; Went-,
cite-trer offered to ttir. -
This remedy is one that hes provetteliccessfuf for
a Mon fiat god it is *Mermen., eebnevriedted by
ell who balm tried in, to :be tar annetibr, (being the
eery preemie' to lb, hate - at the sante ;time elfeciiini)
to any ether medicine ever employed irrldiseas ea for
which it is recommended/ it nut only detifroys worros
but invigorates the whole system, I •7 ;
. ,
Rirosiribrr Dr. ftwayon'e Vornalfuji..lo put up In
'query bottles. tine that the ensue sle,ettelted cur.
. .
Dr...1-wares Sugar Coated Saradri-illa anJ
TAN 41.1;L5. .
- k aeons purgative and initiative fithileine.,fai•su.
;Dolor cu the PION if sensiat use, esure:isild, paiutga
sad uniform in Omni opesturs, may be 'Asset' at sit
!tines, fad in lass mere;* disease unto an spuri
ous, sictialits or putout's um:Metre s Fequitedl sad
(slam diseases lostdent So fetus's* .ulsikare uuessai.
led.. •
Dr. Swayne's Cholera Ousbut DiaStiort,auf
. .
neer" Veralsl. a neverAirine real
.e..: 1
The above 'skiable Medicine* are rittparrd intly
ft." Dr. iIiWATNEst bit Lsbeestory. Nui , 1, Plerik 'rib
street. Philadelphia,: ,
FOR MALE kV , ' ' 'l3
Jolix a. eiNowN.:otavilie ;
Jowl 0. V. MARTIN + de
&W. II , '!
•J. E. OURNM. liDnersvrite .• • . ^ .. .
i. W. lINTZINGER. beheivipill+keen::
ECIIEJ. & RAiihtit TiVebel i
Awl by ait respeciante otpretlicreprrkeortypwhel? r
Feh.ll. /BSI : .. , . -
4. 4 J 4 1 4
lid hitavell.
(Jeer Tweartrothr Titomfiland Botilai,acild in one
Month, i r e Lauri. "
?FBI'S valuable Lipithetit are been be . fore thepub
j. Mc oily mealy mouths, yet it has ;arced Aar It
self ett OttOtOstiVi popularity by lie (IWO intrl air
mettle- It is superseeing every other Liniment and
romedgfor the cure of eateries/ Mamma.
Dff perfaie efforee hive seen tnedie bt penprletuts
or oliterti inmate or-Injure the reilutattne and re ,
twat/Pe patent this Invaluable medicine; but"l's nth
mrabty," McLean e.Yatcaaic Ott Linsitient; he,
Tar nriascuitini curie that Vilma and c dailf ; pet
fOrtnitig, ant becoming known to every person (fat
Wellies: acid Solithern con ntry„and irterever it nee
bean heed ail other Ilairriants cad exterairl remedies
ha.-e been di - tattled-is olideea, s • -
%Vulture chronic or talitaimaiory
eyrie. aufaela Of Wilkfie:Ol JO the 4043114, IdaM , lea.
or Ligamanta,ccratraited ;Must lea, dinises,
Ititturatata, Tooth-acire.llar-acbe.ok ;tax pain. It
will remove any sweliing,Tntnor, i'llerirtard Lumps,
Calked Entiosia, Sore 'N.lipkilas, Sitra to Mosnusioev,
or any indentation. 1 • • •
And it will ekamwduirife end bed the Suultri Ul
cer dons no the legs or Shierit no difference pow
tang they may bane Weed. It wilt also Foote mad
heal Duitts.dtaida. Mitt Luti, Wouude;drt,seintes
limn any othatssmesy.: ; _ .; •
We eacnartly *dyke alt pertai' whir may be af
flicted withal. alga shove thaesais,to obtain a
supply.= envy of McLean . * 4.!riebtated
It Is the only reliable mile ]y. It wilt never 1131 to
produce a speedy and pitmitnent eine if proper!}
applied. liklacitistit will ander when{ a safe *noun:
remedy Is to easily obtained., We Ole recatvag
daily hundreds on email:ales front lad plltl4 of the
country. We adult the Ipltow/sa writ; he.autlitient
to cunt ince the most ladredunius at the initartiltsas
eldreia et this waadertuikeedieme.
11.1. McLean—Ober take this ineshini of
thanking ;you gratefully for harms btko the means
of restoring my 40a.:1Siteta Item entire crip
ple for neettg one year, him a bele mid betattry voir
RAO. '2: O ‘OYoO4MOH4 0 1 .1 1 !**4 bAtI in attack of Libra
aNed-savetal jaattsa at Mexicali Ultima
,Linunatit. oalstni, and various Other liniment i end
Centedlek but all to sal ; he edit; got worse.—
''he doh ou but lags dried to the Correa, be 7 autetk•a
trocaultottstotgatAlsowit err teat up co a mitt
an with trir,!rotly, ar,Wat be had o.crawi on hie
outdo and kneel, or hoopio along en ehort tit#l.6es
in a mitlog posture..' , Nite tael4at an idea' bon
the suffered by (necks the wesiker, their:l;oft
ioxeruclathea paint. ; . •
"Mr. Liston, et litinole,eallect , at our boom.. He
wit cured ecere ttrasago or. bleeding:oWe by' your
VOICAOIC 01/ Ltraimarrier.; .115 gave uc 040 or 4 40;-
oe, which to Almelo' carried whir brat. ristkci it on
hit hideous] II relieved; ,the pain itdaiediattly.., A
kw days after, he Sent lie twobnillu by
i applied It tirleso day; and if related the ottieries
end cored him entirely: Hecate now work, witilint
tee as welt as aver, Ito:ma reapecriltllv,.
; JES+16.01g1110110:1114.,
1 titre tont miles Wearer Alt. rleaseat.tadritaa.—
I can fel all tor nos/toots to contr.' , to the armee
tato, if necessary. tent aomewlis acqualuteil with
Mr. taquouaba. arid atiayr the above.. to be strictly
Me, ' !LOUIS VRONSON, Agent. •
FOR fitiftB,6B
McLeas's calebrated Liniment is ihe only sale and
reliable; reint47 i r, the curt at dpriina, Hint O'er,
mad Gaup, splint*, Onnstural tioalps, '.a4!ts at
It wilt titter fail to eurkUlt Head. Poll
evil. fistula, IMI Ittianias Aures or .Setatme7, if elop
ed* applied. for Spitting, Biatsea,W, almanac:Croak
ed Boot:, etisils, saddle or eel/4143015, Cots or
Woands,tl IS en korepOrtis. essurdy. , Apply as St
aettedotsul a cote la acitaln in
,avaai 4n,sumici.
Illireclionsataotanank inch MAUS in English and
Octmant. ' • -'
This Llolment Is now :pectin in Wanly-Hsi - cent,
Sky tem:and 'Minas cent site
euradaltts three limes the qususity at She mousy -live
goblin:a:4*nd an on inntoportion Mine coat.
For tale by J. 11l hieLEA.PC,
:sole Proprietut,oUr.iTialtif ay4 Pius. attests,
• Louis.
rir rot Hale is aillneraaltin by J
*rat Winikoole Ages fol Yee cuoisty.
- Jam. it's 4
4 ; '44 r ; •ff 4 . , I I ;
FELL() It t t i OCK 460 T,
Orilla fa* Partly iipiralid totaltritid.rciebtlacar.
is ly tsporad from ilia Dear Raab' ind lierb4 or th•
alatreld Nadi* and has salami ao t I vine d
tt-co for the following eaters, *is • •
Iterdating and ~. lfrititetkeisitig thi Liver-an.-
Drysttre gripines, sad L'irrinring the
Rtonnint‘ancl Bsrietti , •
and thus crime all I Ititious OtiottMO, Livir Com
plaints. Daciammti, IbtlifesitOtt, ctrottrooirli,
4 0 4 4114ne, tea lad *Ps. inoridite, ri4Unit• 103
Of 'Appttite.ic, and Mtellitsittm fßofi to b4urtl6 an ,
aupport every pan.i 1 •
• PUSt.trlfildlia TUS 1111A/013,,
and thus curiba ail Damon, Cittaneutts Emationa
derofula, Nab Menai. Erymp_elasiiircald Read. COO
kat Viands* on the fate. Rititchtb,Print. Tumor,
Narturial Insease.Canams; Er. ;.
Regulatingßerrtlory OferMil‘
and by eutabliug Ilteirt in prtfattti Weirlimpet
dons. ytemuttlaa and canna wady - gainful' and dab.
mona diseaserc larsititturadatam. awn •Quititi a •
ice .N cabana tatirrltll,lllol itinfitar Samtina Irri
tation, and ettaltm Litranael at Ott Nottirm,4 a* En.
ttria.Nsufaidlt. CtaMmt. lac.. i r •
••- •
air Wtakatim. IMlttat debility; ittmtulartly; Ohara
inns. arreitins of striSest. Lituntaiaintin n.e.. taus -
by "calmest.. albs; Arms and Tanya? Cosmos
or Ctr • dr.Cuntbf , Asthma, Oundapatiott.' 4e., al
Dropsy. I
Ravin made ussi of thiCampoititt Syron of yet
!tack Ricat.praparad by C. NORSE it tie.. eith
riassehmanr to one fincittitta,and lading Imo Ilea IMY •
tt olirnaidelfectuatprepacauof;rsdolitchiinter
Lay tecommend to ilte pahlicAti a t ; very
medicine. - ' .1 '' .
E. Rourae.F.o. 6o 4 l 7otihnallari.Ordvitlencr,
R. 1., A. W.,Spetair. Esq 2 ,'Cishter,ttille iktch Bun
Mad* Rey. Wltitimr,P ti ltim bawl B. Etchasonii.V.
/0111"odttor ?retail/num Sett.' Adet...Wm.,Ficid
ra. Id.. Cyrus hoer, 11. 8.104 P.. Jamenileteb
jeses,a.L.Dea. V.! J.Lartes. taact. Benj. Catty. •
OM Modred Whew ,b - Ina most rboamtablen fatal
of ?Incidence,, • . •
Thta ramifies that I itch ' - for number:ri L ,r ofplat
bean acilusi bird with Ors compoiltlon and 'mode o
itnitillaintra' of MOUS% 'CORPOUN d RTRUP
TBLLOW _DOM. ROOT. Ittirits Mao hues acmos
red mishits snodua lopenrati lateasa. and camas -
Immo ailtespeata R 'Ad#iltsbiv radcalatedur Mum
dy that clam of Diseasia for which it Iran dealmra.L
• Is is especially withrabin In 0414DIERTWN and at
sileadaar imayamaa, It extllollo hmaittry arripb
thirIVVER, - aelneatin TorPor.ortillfoltailatil of this
ORGAN, and itinititattm acalthy Melton - la au ths.
trystater." Ann DISFURITOR orparliVer et the Slo
laharannispartor. DAVID OuLNES, R.
provident, R. L.4**. 4, 0511
Prspatad ay C. JIKORNIC ED..:
' • ' afo.l 40 _VI ADIVAR. `" V.
abla by unmoor abd Miters hpughodlthis' ;
Miter Coublrirs. . t
Lisa tbikiiie 117 401 1'N'9 .
- • ' • ." I '' •
Rim SLIM/. - • .' 1 ;_ . - ILLy ; •
• • . . • ---. •
Tokomarildrr =apply= tee
• 'FSVlRALfrinArtirg tri
e r* *MILD: _
141111114011 es Vara ad 4ffis *Mirk
rprtZ Oar Porportorsii itire r4,t j pitioJsi tpcsin
* oredysturproirriot
ft eathyty eel! ham lattleisr*, its) 4thei la.
jatioaSsiolliotatic#.*liat ap to loogn -at fill ,-
j eriur
ow" m
taxitecn. No .
FliM i gurik.aroor Torr. 4 '
0. for 5iti0,17,1003 F.,litilrAtesol.lo.4lliii
or Poitorfpo.,
,j ; , jj•
, Arlo 11114111 V -1 - " `. •
NS - ban"! 01 a brnelteept Creator has Wanted
ety tumult, with its tabu proper atalstuteaajaing
the rereito of tntjand /larate.upun the human halal
The aberiginsfinsfinirsite'prnor:httats tset. RlMS
=taint acttruy ai4, atiteturt 4thet alas argot at eon.
atiiativit ensorpussed by any ether rare— It is hots)
the, roots and weals: which steer spontaneously aunt.
oar onto soft, war WRIGLIT'd INDIAN VEDETA.
lILE PILLS are eeettOuun4ett. They are,thiratote,
Letter agrAft!i4 to wort the ruriettiat roans etrillsenee
rev stilna in 'our tountry, thatt"any fore - Igo. used,.
etne.oraay nie4iciaitnacoste4 tutelar', dangle
Thad vonich [nein Flifitjacaleniliifed
inuronglnneto and fenders any 0 , 44
more than opoki.notite usidaert.aastuy, Bring cum
lasuadrd flattery nt.angetuala 'Tinnples; the produrts
of ow conrn son, b.ty ontirayifree - froni•Al noir
cuffs* aid cities donetetiour caLtione— pofrati'al for
goon. yid. lag ow:of of ilkitat, nrnn ro Me 'retit l ed
cuaosisot ion. Tbeyobautd no foaotied to et once in
nay of Inn Colioularcomptainfot:
asthma. ~ • ,inward Fever., •
Alrog..dosis Ji Oa, Madaerlfutinmatfon of the Ltyne.
and ffidneye. ! - . !Jaundice,
Acidity at the dtmusch, , ;humility; of the Blood,.
Iffioneiciiis, ' ;Lots el Appetite, .
Matches au the e k In, ' !Lit el f emapialuiJ very
'Odious Fever, in :sthlrh, efficacious tu this caw
ccatipisintitte- rip* nisi Maiiit t • :
very vittiable's - :La tabus° mai Lowness of
lliticius Vatic , -4, Spirits, -: • • - •
Bowel Compisints, . • iilleretiiial Disease,
/Meer -- •• - ;Night Sweats, - - .!•
41:014,i and Coushe,litturataik, - ' •
Censtipattori cir castkve• Neale*. -
r slesar - --, .- PI ervina Dirtittry,
treirlittyr ' . ' - frakiaintlen of .the 'Beset,
Difficulty of Becathirry, t Plies, - - • '
-Dropsy, • -- .• • -- illiltis in the Dutra!,
Dintise•e of Vision, '• Item lh the ilact, . •
Dyne Eitel y. :Pain in the €l.lsaniitireast
pyivsprdsi—No pee • itiorinyieri„
'batik! delay 1111110 t the Pleurisy, - !
the PtiLt in ibis distress. Itheaussitts '
' let acrutpintrit, •:. ittuffhhrilioTidso the Head,
tersimetar,,, . '.; ..- .- • -..iduisit hiss, • ~
Female lttegulat Vies,
.. iessitneatait a Sow Dead,
Freakier, _. h our tructatlonei . -
Fits, ,araurss of the Dreamt.:
Faultless of the f:ompri.s. ; Sllte throtti,
lan,,iiiiailiby - s, . ' '
Fe•nrnad'Ague. Fur t his.iqtaiiriu., •
I f tha Westecri,iccutays
aitruatty • these.-Pillw ate . ereeandary S ymptoms,
ti aequalivil by any other es!' Rheum, .... . . •
remedy, speedily. effect-,Vettei, ... .
log a complete and pit ;Titulars, . .
inanect moil. ~ • . . ' .Tic Dole's:rut, •
1 - Whitney, . ,Mese,* of all kinds,
Griot, . ,iteurtris,.
ciddiness.und Diatiness,Nelinisruess of the lb in,
Gravid: , -, '• ' - • lYrib)ir PtiftT. Eilry re.
ileadeche, sick sod uer.i cartento of tiiii ;fires&
isus, ' t tut tnahufy signalises a
lietesburn, • -• i cow cm:mph fur Virrabef ,
huitgesilite, - ' . ! Pills. ;
indon wt. .. .- •.. , , . -
' C.Millrif/Zl4—Tbe nubile are respectfully ran
tioo.ll a cut mit 4 ftftlett Wlthmorws4iwitar to iffritte a
!RAMER Vegetalila Pilit, but artiirb pa.#ll/411 none of
'Writ virtues. Always ask fay WflibillT'S PILLS,
and do not he put of with any other, . .
The RlOltttntf (441013/P.WbOIVOILIi F.lreLlii,eltb j et
in gniithiti, FriMcb, 0 441 27 410, 4 11 4 9paRIA,
he PriattpAtOitite.l69 RA ex tti,PAiltdelpbte.
An 4 for eAle by
And, by agros I nil parts of the t)tate and INfird
Jane la, 1853.
ri g el:Angst:and 4trs4 11 , 44. ever Pirb lisked
IA /ULM) rreive Passage througi.oill the liaised
I.l , lrititeett. 2701 American Edit Netorfy 2110
ge•.; the tar I.IOIC reading waiter tutu in.,,/
page Lalw. it is ruagii.ncetitly mitheliished with
ripicitle.4.lV.lLTO.ddatat; l ea d,
et h./tV h./
Win the Devotee Afeetlma oi the tipposiielliA,
The Arita Lunn, tunetbnip dud
Ti. have n tietutitul race at/4 hand,
Alno, very Irepartaut .14e:rm.:cast married people,.
T. clushge the
. rittliew 'fare ago one of beauty,
It tracers every person how , to he handsome,
Teachin; how to snamt.,Nlernittled tiktn -
. .... .. .
la ttxtt,ua 1141814 M Life Mie bundrect yritri w muje
To czwiNt a n 1fiC14 , 11.: Of tire 1141fiLlis7 .1 . 4.1•1.1”:01 it.
• .
. .
Tcs tilaoyo thr it Aatteanet3,
tipectal filmes vn the Itepilititkitiv Otsau,q ttwi t iji
•eaen and cur..D.
(4ire Whiling*: 111:Ike the flair iitaw t e
To ma ke ;Brown Tenth nu %. Lite as Tearta, • t
. Warman toe /lair-It kn. null' and Otonsy.: Alfa to
Chinn-Pray to lied Hair to a MILOS% Jrt
To Lattnutne tirowtlitof Whiskers, hltistachos,&c-,
To,ltentoro and I.terctvo theiEyealvit, fur Life,
Tu ituiono Tatt,fisupltis. Watts, Conte, 1110UL:ten,.
f'teektes.;SupirLigusius /tuirok.c..
ra lagoon:sand klztrod the Monza
To forctell Thinn to crone. ; and Mao. ;
11.oin W invake the Spiral untie Dead,-
How tolippear rears .11114 Terrine to na Enncay.
ionan Judge* tit Jut Ira sine ItttiPitooknitherfor
Of 341.44,
Tu 1.1140.0 Crlestisl linagea-and Malta. tlenre
To Utai.tivor ereitoleu A'reaguti,itlinen, Double Crops,wit hohi Mahone or Espiitoot,,'
To sake Iffkilearof Copper tii.louk like furs nitres,
TO Cure o.roultitode ut Diineeroun bisetkev, .
And to ni - coniptigh man) other Thinkal
It toadies Ohl _ruin* how 'Gluon .Young,npi tgntiy
Goy, and reel A.. To Ortilch is added
General tin tint Metrel Voulti
and MAiiitity. etl•iiite . trout tralui Liires,les ID boils
'Togs with Math 01sec:ions ler thrir Pt:v
*0 CUtr. A 'Mkt used, ini.4 anon. and perlecily
Prtrenf the bout —1 , 11141 n t 41,251-ants; Eire Cop
ies 211 • Twelve roples,.l!,; One Hundred coptea,‘ll/.
23 or celito, as also 4 nottonay 6e sent tly iettet.lit
petit:Ll moiety_ Addrei , o Dr. E. Dttviii,/, mincux,
pn4t Sunni seat 'free kr return
Offite„ No, 9•Cloepol at. Vapor tibtj-ere r.ondmtalca
led Huh" eonneeted'
NitTit:Erl OF' THE: PgEr3t3. . •
.11111 I* lft.ieed 4. work orstctilnkinet it. . To
ntta 4ii our t ettziers tk H womld cap bay.zemd, dialtatt
ute."—ateAmitat Alarczisr. :
" Ws a's ,try rar.• Iv.ti.sp4 4nqueotionably Ili, pia
ductum at a matter mind.'!—LMaao■ nmio,
" Ntt
..t. suartiect f•eruett,.tte t iettte ettittempittlicg mitt
tlielti be watbat4l Rita !funk,,; ifthr a trYtais Ler
ttlittitt tl,t I Fitt rtuTSOPF Of it Gfittiift ttitt OUrilt to
*tt• , ‘V." - 4 v rttif Daup
Ilabsts Vb ring Nen effectually (us
ed ; 114 , i:dime uts Mem isy,t;b2 buit, sexes' tf!mayed,
arid I) 8 yetems Inwiybutuqt. Nu cbut;t. r.jr
'tbr4ted by .letb,T,
,and blegitcibeb
sew free trout titttettge ur ettilueity CO ali Farm I/4 the
ettfett arrauted.
bripllF.44 it 9 44114+11:. •
AN,I?„ SESI. 14—) t•
n il. Nllblol, the cekbiated Liitralogetot the'
1J Cenintyihas the at ciet-that guidon tlie :tin
gle to s happy Muddle, end, la inakr the hist Ned
happy. Ladtas Who w..te unhappy through youbta,
!satirist u he, dlkoppoittlid hnties, and fatat
hate horn mad* happy by Wt. Hsi Ace
wat't trer known to fait. kit In a married mita' a
min of licitly. which nikket tile 14,144 contiat Mtn
in the moshitificate faun With pettect . cnntidttice,—
lie IA the tnirticithadttinilt Ladle? confidential Doc.
for and admen lie thaws', - _
Liatn, EilzeiP - ' Toys. vt.rults
• Itusa:kkni
GOOD :111111.TIIVii, AVE'Aterillt
Eminence and Happiness, are within tha nub
Those who bed bit.lock ,xiid found OA tucri"-they
;Lied to get forriaid the igkorethings want againilittena,.:
-noshed hint ; their hod luck his left theca, aid
peg are now fitituttate, rich sod happy. Re his the
secret. thatst.tir am Wander , a tut ?nil Inf You? eve.
. ;
Leak to your 'interests hetore ILO too late-. Men
who have heed unfortunate and an:Amu:mint In ttrr
and to his siness—rnett who .!lave *inked UN and
Airuggled againat adversity and ritisfottune the gra%t•
er put at theta litres, and friend the more. they tried.
to get torn aid the more I flings went against them !
these ruin have cousulted trim for she tut thirty years..
All those who .wlariy fullnscrd his advice are now
fir h and ham; white nest blinded hy porjudiee sad
ignorance, neglected htiv achoter; Ace stilt laboring
against adversity and payuty. shows you the
• A itini.eryietvA are strictly private and conhilece
tie!: No B ittref , t, second house, ?Saab
side,aboventchuilltill Sixth Wrote, Phlindelphty.
April 4,1853, •
The Schuy'l. - Ce.:Scheel Journal
WILL U LitlttED •THEI FOIST litrtEK OF , -
-'GERMS!, •
• •
0 t:Snlit per annum, Or 4 cents per' copy . , Pit
tmt leachers or pupils. who have nal nilt •
subscribed, nip hecitsrged!s cents Tor single Bom
bers. ;
The - patea of the deuroal will be r;pe's for '<lain 1. ,
billion' from teatners aria hope of the County ;eh.
eraily, and teacnere are earnestly entreated ,to lv
their enenuratement to an ...Prrterptise %Idris it be
lieved will be of math RPirtCg in [bit! latest
13- sornmutilcalloos most be addressed (pnet.
paid) tothe tiehurthill County Reboot deurnet.
OTestartattria others In the County who mall aid
lwthe eirenlrtialt - hf the ?burner la their Sauk( and
Distri t o. will be elloored Mpg? tem__ on the receipt
for sobserhithissraadelaktesiutabestraold.
td.dobterthtions received by theteatbet' thrnn b.
001 the rowdy, sot at ilt , DANNAN'S litonketate.,
fureootienleare. f . ,
MUSIC "1794441:11LN - novas.
Lee At WALKER * • ' • r '
ottCElEMnflitS to ..•E gnat wILLIO, No.• 168
SZITIESTNEM Attest: tattier the UTAH"
Phlladelphla.Att constantly publishing the latest
bfask. - Trom the utast poputar Amhara SO*.the style that with any Issued at ;tar
other boute ; sither lefthiee'outary at Europe.:
They have also the pleaaute to anununee ta- the
ontft that their Muck of hand can
siete at the !teapot bad onion complete assortseent to
be loom! In the (augury ; they are v 0 11941:fly adding
tatheir eittekall tbe.'aew %laic published In &IF'
Toth, Wotan, kc. '
- -They Van pnblisb sevietit . Imornettoo throbs obleb
are la general use theauthant the country.-
A dot aelOrnment •of 'the beet ; Inanctfactorers of
New York and Kasten. at the lowest cheap pikes.
. • -; 3.11141eaL thATIRIAIENTS... .
Also; a general aterittiorat of ealtars, Victlinv.-
Fa. qui. Aceordaons. die . Violin, Slither lag
leant Strings.. [be best 114111 outfitter; • alt of
wttlett Wilt beSttrulahed to the palate and - the.s mgt.
st-the to art rates. •
Orders toanstaany'ettetitte.tte.
0. my Lew ; a Watkefit Music and Pubileatinea
eau itenatabsed at W. BANN !wog ' agog . mum e
Snare, Totteritto. • • ; -
Feb. 4,1804 • 6.0.0
A New and Capital Arllkle..
cartodd •
1178 T, RECRIVED. balifotota'Pell, Amplutor
daillete•milli rot lorrodes' potoestille ten'
atilt." Ind flora t iny of the Gel 4 rm. it . ioir price,
by the cross or sisite peet. For Ate
t • ' t Bsoksnd etattorerr store:
•tcY Dealers impliad W,bnlesale - pike/.
- - .1 2 gb.141, /BSC- • ;
, . • ,
.0•1 • 14 W. -.4 1ealaietiOar-hasju3t rseottell s lac
of Mounted Radial Papar.: at anDeas, iissa• tsars. to
which he Invitee the SUMlift of goSeri,lo.Doefto
tara,ite. Methiossi oetewee Sajr.
ibou the Vaal kdot. at th• 11 1.
eattiasery Maa. PattsfilLi
if,—*t •
t poli , olie
. • .I.Ptb
aabsctiter is the do), authorised alteit sr
J. Clqtirge Past k 01.-'s Patent eltealar Saw htsll
sod caw tura,ish. at the sbartest•notka,atty of the
taw Willa imateuhtetated ht them, red lIE at few tato
thli7 Caff be Stout staf front iltern* nitfteturer. day
infonesatlee la regard to lbw' taith&can be had from
the satoierlase • :4. .; DENIEL 1.411811-
• -
- • . • • TOW* MILL
oTIimMUSCIS4 ad' tuarti.fa , sattre.lst urea
that bes matte utile 'etwatiltatt, cad i axe
chat able to oar its the public, cis her fur
their ittaPattlftwtw purchase, oh, •ut* the
knell And moil 'Useful:stock -nt _Fereigts Jed Doturs.
Os EIVIDWARE alter effeseti ia the Uttoniy• tVisit
many m u * a for ibt .passeesire sztatle4 to the late
erm : l m i n er mysetriblet to supply Cl! the itivai. in
my line .of' business; ;heap as the cheapest, with
clualPttlitllartgsvao itel, , P!Yit: , FaLarliii korr.
- - -Ap411410324, -- - -„: " . 4 .---- - ,, - In--1 •
t tentiondlnettiola,repprolftritylo EAU itiektton
.L liya of bilitetO, 0.41 North:into, sod oil taut! lo
*Lot of NUT AltitOW.4ll or Brai'LliEdT CHAU% t 4,
tor lotolog or QM! 'Ottoeiet, to LIB large i tot k 't.i
But Rut Cattiod, ato4l,ced uaea t now I ibt h to II
tack, motile 11010 Ptit
Also. fa t4ige 'Kir of Serf rIiOCIS ER tint
sovnted sluff, Now .k..t6 inch to i 3 tot h ; made
the beat coati trotforbich te ' Ol4 on s '"Y
•usibic by • • 4 DeV,FiEt hitehriloa,
• No kfl St&als46o Itictet, and. No, 1 Dock lit - .
- Wnart . ..fhilndelphia.
. .
W.V. APIA 4g. Co.. fitOtatt .11.1shu, Esq., Putt 4.. tit
am. ; cbi gr i gg „miner n...E4.,hict:iimitti-k de. illt-Kuinlit.
; Johinan Lartctt-1...n.
Nov, gO, tom] - . .
COVINUAN'S elkeaprVuttory sTont ;
;v.,. 3203, 34, 3.3, 30, and 37 'Arcade. Pkiladu
‘tyt:NTICV Alctchattisstare l'Intl) iG tv
Meant. ty Pttrehti•theat 64 , ataAN. :Stores. tly
fottthg• sty ‘tattu tinatht.pfyit.; bit/Wile ret - k.atla Ity
nig It ptaiu t=can ittik , t,teltut..y.rt,ltu
pilictittaft their Ottdsitgre t gag high tent., 3ad Ityr
CoulLtialyori el - ream:ld
IstNAO. kinvra.dvis_ith's .a. 114 Atazula,Tabie ,&ditt y
Arai Pork's , . Ia iTray, sa&g, hoot az:o tstind.
ttindle*.;Cahrtara &ad' farts, • littet*. Lunch,:
Knives, Dili*, Bowießptiven",, liev,dete; Sad plant
Pistols, -
ids! ttitiVemitli 51nt..3. utitodpirl* 444 iVes
t.tesuim.'"Ona Pen alit! 4Ningre4s Etayssi..
/are et.Aect.,rdeono,
rawe Engllvh TwLic "eituan
4 31..1051 • 55 .t
' 1 GEORGIik 13.11,1G141"3 •- . . 1
. . .
dll.lltE, d
down bi.forr Mate* tltairl,. and
; -
*ditty oppciat the M fliers' liadi,
PaGsvitd, where will he tunini .
an L. 14014364 41:111011me4t. et ti;':-.•• itit'W A k I.; :
Cdti.h Trlnadibkr,t, i , F.flaii,
iii.,;lnge,,i ' '4 ikilos reaps, . i
det.dttry, -, ' *rituals w+lir, -
cifidendikt•• re,d,l4, ~....d, s drinitint 4,f 8rt.!*1.0,r1,,,t
Liqieraters' Tonic, trabte 'llltiblY , ' ' . • i i ii
( anon tintl Paint:: - .Pc.,...ket t'tnie.3r, . . l• 1
11.1! grata anal! Oat*: Table 5P 64 . 4 5 41 4. - 1 1
L 1 ",41 , 4145 • donu = Atlvile lad Vices; ;
Yalta wild Splikra, -i ilamlrtment .4 , l'floil• ,aur.ll
k 4 . ll l4adiltun a ad.. 1 1 .411, dbeet Iron (:/041141e41„
"14aanit T.C4)ll', 4 , - .Witt., TO .T.lair..4 ~
iinit4fing atlaltati4l1 4: !,.. 11 , t.i.. 8 T . '" 1i4 4 -.
' 1
C.ltat 4,4,0, - - ; ±i yd 1 .
~d. rant',
talt 4 r heel, ': - —1. , dr. , ; add E.Alei*. • ,
didt,Ellites, ' .' ' .t.1,1.4da*, :
Mir/21141*e • : - •41.111r,oadTric+,/'
fldsidati.S***, r - , Powerdel 4nd•dt4l
Pint. Rand-sates, ~ . 1
G. U.:teturas his tint,ke to the putt. 34: for the 1,.d
trnhage they e tteadiO thilie• tun brill at: 11.110 t st
l'aft,stdd Straps tdrot , Md..d ,in tilt , in4ivtd , ,al capal
city, he *GI b• able :to denctre ;inn comMand !h.*
candioded•dpport liii Itid :iuniliy of 14 gonde b . : 1:4
in atnrk,htritt attedildh c 4, busin,,d , : , a n',4l the tow f.t,ri.
At +Allah bats datfra.lbed to sent. •
. , GEORGE:9IEIf, ) IT, •
Latt,orth,• dim dr Ugh Pvt. i
' ,, Mati,h ST. 1842. :2, , : 13-Ig. '.O
JUST • Alte1171311.: - - - • '•
i• qlk- u bate Met trikettully auaautees 1,-4,
received a large and opleutlld sago/talent vi t'uti
and Vtlateir 1.31101101:--1,:lhths.t%Natuir ts, Ves , thgc .
eaeatuuics the largrat Yl.t roust varied
tuck Oeei utreeed 10 the eataeauast3, 01t.4 widetia tit
l.esgidaEulistiatali tow sutes.
utuAts'brgfidi'm 4 :ftret
ifivp1.',14,1552 „ )1-lf
iCEI ! ICE! t
VI/ t sUbliesiber seDinlneti rathe public lbai he -Mr,
AL. mar4-bass4 fiertkiolo 11.1tat,'ai
ioltuglittet DAM., an.l Wilt,. 'he:peep/ea to supply- i
crair..oetty Wilts ea much tce la they may wam
Ow wbule of the IN; at isanonahle
clDerfettir iii the Laing 'drte!
to 'supply kMai euatmata'rt lb" pit rat tete. it.
ile $l4 e rai taitilatif iILSt lb WIEI give
furl aatinractiou Ihe •.
ci.e.t)RGE: J. II
_ _
' HIGHT 0111 TUE GORMISH. ) ' -•••
- GHRA CA.6/1 GROCk.fir
I ; i t:. L t titli dt CO-, Starr Caeca thy' (.14 4uat
. Wight oi.lbu 0111.0
Cuaraiud l'sinwegum brr4011...Wh..1e they have Lid Ili
sreott stark - of Fa,altty Groroips, *lnch they wth
disia.fe of at t t test' W.
vot-liu. to frti mud rtilltiln,
atimitOf tttigars. a.e., •
Attigtut 'ALS:I
J 3. . 3.1-if
Muth iai eat "InkirtiukoniN
ini,WlArl PAYED.
Lllr,AXil ariarged,...a
t~uf'64attti luasrusueura,vasysug pritta
iruin4l.4.4l SU. +Drawn Ana ettln rniaeitai.4
evary.durcriptnrn. :04natime - a cinema
furs, Engliiti Drawing Poprr, of all •ai ,
zaa. 'Moo, Ron larawing.un, 41 'and lac?! iti
4 Ur IdUltet;: 4Uttntra. 0. - awing us
ferakini, Mullin and [i , l NA:IC
• . Stailolitty
.1.111143,1.41 - 4 4--
crel(ifiT Jurrieut
and Flat Ut,r iron ,Mteciriac-., by et eta,
heir lincbartia—tbsi 1* orre or tit.. inniflti work.
puhlt.rhed for Dealers and Woylve,, k , in i fti n ta . i t t li n
ortett dee ft, ewer' Wane& trtt correct are the. wilco lb
itonsittutt airy per/mar-art eatery GUI and salt arttt-, toe
nituk,:vrtt/itrut even writ/tiling - the trot.. anti
dart ptlfbitabi , d,prtrir t. 5 trots roe hair
iiid . f‘'itltr by - 11.101 - NA tr
fly muctotiag nitro ponageatatopsolte wnrr. wrtlby
trailed free, to ail.) , ]Tall folit.i 5 , —Tit* Trade
akotplird are taro
- dun, 2.4 * Urn,
•• • 01ArGER.-
frit„ls Etseore ti a .rreparatlon uoosual elf it.
.L l*nee.• In ordinary ,disrrtima.troiplrnt
its *4 ea*** ui pr*stratiott of the chgt...qer *s of-'.theitansilile ll4lue. Dialog Ill*
prersileure ofepiQemlc thottia anti 11111{41er c(lit•
of Is ealcaeloo , ; Tic ,
family or individual abottld be vrlitsoul U.
V*llllov.—}le *We—to the psntritie
wincivas prepared 'Doty by - F. Ilitistliti,at ht* Lttlig
anti theibleat Csimsr gf ivtk and 0b.:4 f.
N t Streak, Pkilatfelphia, a 64 for sate by *R the re.
eperiable Apottsetsiri.** to the tinned State* ; *ll,rat
Potomitle, Pa., bylrtff!S BROW rt
lobe It, tsSi., - •
W1101,0A1.0 AND
A 4. & A., hnVi:iirrocenlly finectitted tslct
.`l.shilsheit standrif Hecker tc about, taspeotoil3
larihten the rutantutatty that they. are prnpArrd
°rases for aupthlat In their tine; pi niurtly audio the
sallifnellott of puritasets.
wit ,;Ins tiliar!ty of Extra Family Flom t.r lia
artrtlf , tor hind.
Bettis Atitirinintai to do their ;assort to Live tlitis—
faction la nil who play patronize tLeiu. they r , 4p;; !-
tulip solicit a sh.are or, the paiiltecitsinin. I
, -F., A. cliitaTZ ce Liiitt.4.
J it j 16,1851.
I I HE subacribe,alwqa - aeapt nu hand
sotto:test of , 'uaday about llama*, 10. I , 5* rgtr
iactettitypsed ra
.21uo.lay. Samald- Mho.
...Idoaday SalteidLlbAtits'nflistt 11 , Stn 4111
.; do • NO'. land :Leach, 30 lip`
. 1)0 ": . •..cto do 'At thl
DO • 'an< do at - s 511•
Cbttuge L.brity;,. • 3301
, Epdscopat atuada)-4eacrot .I.•tb rat y, 'Ovals.; 10 00
500 Testa meate,4ermin and kngl:Bll,.,
Ittli Etti-11451 and Gegazaz,
Eaahail and liairoon. Reward dtaata,. -- - -
1 Irian took a.tec.: ear., an of übtob .4.01 be si>l4 al
tfutztlogritho;.,l,ll;sioit j.Rites, a Int am 'cirthigt baeeG
by kts;c l3 - 15 Sni "tt . BANNAN'A
, IL:beep ild.:l and fkadione •
—lona 0.5 • „M.3.. • • -Xo—
panvitichOLAZlNG and PAPIZIZI:NG
1 r ' W.HCIWEN havilittsemoveJtrts *burs to 2 da,.re
ii 4 abov'e the American fluuse, Centre Streets snit
taken into partnaribip. iris taunters, the subser.lbos
11111bUbee4strie public that they are prepared th 1 , 2-
acute antirders fa their nail with the greatrei itr•
- *hatch, arid nu the meat reaspastile terms The, el.l•
:Voir good:vent kin Fit arid Weir eustioutere may,lbrtr•
fort , ,,bg sire bisatiarachrify jobb_
. There. illsO, bait. [sieve La call attraut,,,, EU its,- , 1
* *Ptebard 411,911111C111 of Itaitet.ttnegtrige; Wicittot •
.ttitittletrtkc,,ealttitrisittrevety variety t.t ,toet,:cd
Vality, in atuit the taste and pocket of hurrhascr:i:rinit
r , bleb they oirscat the lowest C ity times— . '
, ...I:W.I}OWEN & alitafil..litt.
It door* abuse American illatMr:CelaMS l •• •
- 14-Ir. ,
i - P Uttatille„ April 17 - ...1b31. • .
SeisqiiiihcLuna Lumber.
Iz altliaetlltar his received at lib Sleam
kat, Planing ;end Turnleg tiiit, WI ern hft nerere
; , 44•r isle * hate eiugt of Weti-sciected, seitsptiedLutei.
jibe, from the A r isquettnaria 01 the !killer. ins
• '
IF 1145-41, g.v.iind In, Fennel iltear. • •
4.4 ins $.4 13,Wallia alld•Veliulv Pine Flawing;
Supeitin - White audAellrw flan hairdo,
f ditteiceig iwsle. Plank ,end *tenoning,
Basiitiehanna , ethlnglaa.
f i r i r pr,parisl,to do all Made .cor
'And Trirxdpg to !order. 6 lame auuttanillat
ELltiniettrt, _.tetile Lets, U.,. convtaaify ct
Parehleit, are' tekiectfally caviled to eientlaie hie
befiltelhdy iltke,kt ibeir, •
•• !May 7, Iti37. . i 9 tf, .
Prarlsr,Boa ! f:settfe. laft4 Statraner, CArtrr:
PO2 VIZ. l; P.:, PA .1, 7 .
I) EMPEeTE4LIi asks the aitesitirm of Dfrrchillus,;
ItiVreitleenr, and the Pehhe genersliy, to shy
uwrwteni er fia'cred at his nee. loose:
.e . teepetsin etereleidwette ror ale prOte•dio64,tatutch'
Bitioits roc eeettdenueiteetion. Certain and Euillihh.!
•GUlt*S , itteiriEle, Tay fiScheal 130 , akt,'
Olnetepeol direcify Aver the Pabliekere,:by ii
iagerneut,and the Trade 21 Nies— lectpote4
musk tents end *lank slat
. • •
SlO(SOnirr .rtlnt tairker , y
an Jaya - loud.. il r iteo
• . -. • _Rutty Goods, ,Vr.
• Thette,goode ;ire all dive Auld - deft ratde ; tia%e
hems selected vita glee* Sr*i not* ths fnU at , 41.....a'
thei4 "l o # ll TritTiti , Useet qratt Ameeleast
tulttrem i'W Mk nut Faltadelphla ;
Large alert/use at of {
ri,C4301.1111T .11001 Clt Of • I
theireerst,meaufaaloia, oadottelax a
Maly, from me commost bad .booitd. to the el4t3. auk
petarti,osatiy. mod iittd eabstantlally. bound', 'With;
baltds_ _sad tilitas,Lsated blank Matnotandum and
}Mei amass, Cypttexlas an Copy Bontil. lima-J/01v,
Silts" Ladln, Cast• Ilea ete, CateliX, thilliq Pt°
tedtitoo Notes;fitt., 41se •
agog .11A - p JOB plir.rwo,
°I-a;;eri Mull, executed; Ms ok Sonk:
mint to say. pinery and bound to °tars; Muciri
11111 elatea . 41141 other publi cation* bound la leletty,
st Plata ami. Ornamental ilifthtl, the inn" "4
Table IlaikeieglOLL
• RAGS bong* fee cub, at nettled in eschsate for
N om .
. - • R. o.attEd.
ores* Of teat two isreepitist and
tit ton es. ialtabko for Mel, situated IA trig um;
'''Rumll with sits Soak nom. _
. • i• - • -
Ccu I$ elutc.ruft.viof
(Cie iftrintr. I
ORDERS received Mr ail kinds of Fruit Trir.
Grim+ Seed.% Agriculjtirat lintrlrments. P
& 11- 0 b 5" - , 1 , 1.• BAN?iAY,
It - has been said that there' at three li lt 4 *
of titipisters iu the church; 'l32theiy, ificis 4
Wlioll3 God has made such, those that e
has made, and those who were never mar
at WI. - •
It ie pusiible that•there are three kindS of
physicians', who may be known by classing
a follows : The physician who kills. an t i
the Ohysitian Wflta lets Ma patients 4.,r
die Bo they will without.hiudrance.
There way be three- kradi of lawyersl
th e ?vocal, attswering rt the lawyer
serves hisicliertt, the lawyer who serves him
• sell,.sati the l awye r who is of serytce to tw-.
• awye
These three make up the - frit:lrd the "leaf Ei•
Fd P i rofessiuns." As we belong, just now
the unlearned profesiloo, - theiprofesske
9181Priier, In -which' tt, is the privilege! et
the student to admit, syliettier others dol,r•
do Cpt anrge, ditet
• i. an. "ignorainuh, -
..e.40. will presume to say, :hat, in our -proles,
there - are also three .classes, includiat ,
the tarrnerwhotl a farmer, the fariner
it. oil farmer. and the 'farmer who eatinvt
make a-farater.--.
littera weeee a farmer who aim liss;. or
tins hall horite other way of making or get.
Ling money. ami then -toms to sad !ays out
iiitioeyin large sums upon Some *lle
birth, year , to year, mod vet gets small
large ettpendtture,soi/
.coMpattd with the
thiliks that by ro doing, he is a farmer ; :and
if It e gria a large crop at a yery large Solt,
that he is a greie,. faimer, we renterith'er
saying of Utzele Tim, that • 4 .• that
tinier tart become a farmer 140 how."
44ama : wit r en. We see a man who •Obr,
noilttng on a laim, 'not' even
of a latiti; but is -bhut .up groin .-, , ,t;ar
to 'year alranot, attiong learned esz.ays!,
dili-ertations; a!I prepared eolighttn: our
LIAO! einxicr .ot the proti:E.F;ional u 4.14, wr
whdt yid fa!lter BinitE tiled to say
Jteisaw such witting: "Weil, n e w t h' ff ,: ,
he; teti•ald say, 4'tha.t are is,jut the tlitn, tt:st
can't. be done no t,v . av, tbr that.ate h Ilu , l,v.can
nti:er make himself t farmer."
stint. end tuhstaiiee, ib bißtpit an:
enitipntind, orall Ads matter is just this,
ive inblr. as The . !Malik who, eviati:scio.
'oll to work Upli, canunt make hie faint a
nt 'real and pnai:ivii income, wiihou t
leesening the value et tho faun, to no terra
eri Slit, he mays overcome ail thtsrj d. tl•
ete'neie. , ,, and 'Su, lie can baccine a teitiit:.
it he iltve,•liales . prineiplee, by. his
Lr will proyeatilese: principles. and Lei ahl,
thereby- to impreve his lain:ug.
ftrnt which should be held at any valu
ation equal to a single red cent, must ''be a .
I:4m : which can he' made to produce, evil ::
ydar, sofriefent 31C.Cantit to pay for 11;1.6..1
ot cultivating Li r —the coit of the team
upon tt, the wear of -implemenis, the :Nati,.•
oi matiores.applied to It, the taxes, ttiti it*.•
re-I itE etazit or' valuation, and v..10,411.4n. !
tarot that t &nuit be ntael l do
0 muck's wurth nothing, only to helpLill ,
fie wucid together.
- •
true.lanater to out who has. .
Welt sittikd in Ina t.u.iitpes,s that he crialnia'4e
etiough Ittlra thr, cultivation of a
larrit to meet all expenbi.s . , pay intereli, drai
with alt men 'Without niggardly litqacii ?: .
el)atribute an litinorable share to the grierii'l
ititutest, - ol the tittles, and lay up - sorr4tliini'
With !itch to meet- .
tiY Llo a necessary good deed set a toonitiit',
warning. Top little of tiu:
,larmiligi now
IlitelS this turtt.---/Vely England
; FLOUR- IN :iALBS A.NI) 11.4.1tIZIcl„s.
In Europe thAir lind grain are trans iorieti
in,..acks'ins.tetid of barrels as with us. i ha
of the little *Pace : they tuk - e It
empty and' ihe recent dernand for tliread.
art:ffs has of eotu-se created a• corre*PiFurlia.;
demand for s. acks. ' rite. New burypori iter
-retirtring to the aati-bartet prejudi j es or
Ongitith traders and brokers, and that ttiti
wiil have nothittie to with our Attie/man
fLour in batrelq, until it hill been is tut
cererituay ot shoi:iing it
t t • i •
eonlintrally. going on at the wharves. sod
lie - Thatnes, and furnishes daily tin
uerit to a particular of mien. jTatta
ii another objectieilihe Europeans tatitke
barre,l: 'bora lack 91 the c,---dasional 41.10Yt
shaking which it unilergnes in
life flour strlftA down- in- theta, 'awl I:
. a •
iiiiiduChed for lung-, , perihtl,..has t 6 ti?dui
Out in lumps, and puiverized again to 4 roia
i'ng itt 14 close wire cylinder set In rapid 010.
Lt 031
cul io the Sprat ' s, mid
ocp)srtl 10 the weather with tits• teirk
enuch r...nouer tha l ult cut in tht3T3ll.
ts:7~Wt - Atp:n .AAA or, Boy. —f..,very man
tits earth ought it; contribute . sontething. I,;i
gat ohject—not'bec.tuse he ought altsa}s to
iyear clean linen--nut because he ought re
tits 41 11 Fr to jessen the labor
;it t oS e . who mater .l said line.o cleats
6wn 'personal comfort, or the comfort of his
hinter hi 'happen not' to bel'only a
half Of human eristence , himselli bill for Ito
'personal saletyl Because, when . Wishing
;day -romps round—and veashing - ,wo - r4 is Ifar
‘iticularly bard—iyoti had better believe, you
iwho nave-never had experience, it i4it toile
itosire for you hi come nrithiu reach :p1 snip
sudsand wash-boards. .If you ishou i ld ever
toe guilty ofsuch .. a piece of iosxarty, ju=:
!tell the opposition you Only came into the
ititchett out of the most benevolent • ••notives
:in the world';'isterely to tell that dad —crazy
folks" in the asylum: at flartlord,,Ponaec,
tient, mix a gill Of alenhol with'a gallon of
volt sisal, just as they are going to tiuti it on
"the clothes, which they; ihen soak' two or
three hours, and. then u.efely rittae . ottt in
dean water, anti 'all the dirt ta out ad EAr, eft).
ally as good sense is Out oh. a fellop after
;.drinking the same quantity of the ]"poisl.lf:
stuff:". Just tell-them that it is the easiest
t way to make washing easy, and geti them to
try 44 and you will tnereatter urine no reason.
to'run away on washing day.
• lo vraihing staira and pasaages,l always
ute a spOnge instead ofra . cloth...wOn
log-the space bE*A•ery the carpet tiod waf t
and you will sat soil the edges. Sponge is
cheap, and this information is elteaP, lint it
is valuable to all houseiteepera.—Thel Plough.
.COFFEZ.—A.,..igragUs Feed/ are tlitiS retona•
mined by a • aradroet a..-A, a pobsitiute fur'
cotre'e: "Asparagu;," i hf rtmarki. "cap
tains, accorditirf fir I,l4:htg. iv cottunan with
tea and coffee, a principle which [he -sails
tiiti tin,' and which , he cynsiders e ennui to
dm health ()fall Om rla not take i r reirie ;
this led nit m thrak that aspamp,u4night to
mute a. good substitute 101 euffie. The
rittag shouts satiate I . .iirst prepaird, were
Dot agretahle, having alkaline fisvor. I
theu'tried the ripe seeds t these, tolisted and
i •
ground, make,a tull•ilavored ,
eatree,' , nut *•3=-
ily dintiugn tillable from fine Alclia. Tint
seeds are easily freed trout the hetties t)
dryitag them in a cool (Well, anti theft lulling
them on a stei.e." ,Try it, tarineti,-7so'c'
tifie Ainersrair,
17"/ th'e tees and
Hier ettlic pig. with „lint water to .
cover iiterni. with A little' Bait. Let them
stew ftc wJy ; when. the feet are teLJer. take
aim up, Vat them to two or. ihtie
but do_ not-take oat the boats; chdp the lic
TYlina it. URI ate leet to the Liquor the)
were boded in; set the stew-pani over LLa
fit% add pepper, tali,- and sweet m l ajoram
the taste.. Roll a piece of buttStl in Nouri .
and stir it to, thicktrn the gravy, l iadd
sleeks of port %int. and serveit or. Asy
land of spree may be added. • •