WitanVumars PROS. raionvit ill -JERSEY The N Pio:from gives its reedits the benefit of Prof. Julius Cress, lieunitalts ge• niui: From Ilia discourse we clip tbe, Joiring : When ! went to, Washington to see Massa ..Pierce logerateu by. the polenibuns, I was i little frightened wen I heerd I had to va Ito Jerry, kale I did'nt Doe what mite happen tit snewten.once out oblis juryalicabun ob de Vulied States of. Columbia. / always understood Jet it wue a Wild region, and de pepil only halt. eibilised, decilitre I took per tickkr motion eb ds natils, and I befebsi t ire been moss beeatifoily eucked in, fur in all de towns / was jutked true by . de old he loco . smoker, 1 seed dem ssisailuin de platforms 011 de car house, chewing] terbacker; and an. side I seed dem drittkin ltn , so you 'see dey am itbilized gas es well a you Yorkers. I. was berry anxious tolfind out all I cool) 'bout de kountry while I wus in it, and once when de rail "rode stop, liattek my head out ab de deput;tnd I as tr., feller in row•skin boot*, which boots ,wilapp to de middle oh 'de leg in mod, dese questions, aud got dese misers: 1 • ' • War kointry nm dia " Tainfod kounity--ifs Jersy." - .• *ar'S de pri.sdocstruns de the ?" - " Red rand, rail rodes, ingin-rubber stints, jack-asses and Slates Prisons." ". Why, what da•ycm lib on ?" ''.• Sal mackerel', and erdend en de 'store— sumumes on clams, at eighteen pence a hun dred." - • •' Don't-yon hab uo beer, nor no flutter, no noffin 1" " Yes, 'we gtt ,pleuty op de last snick*, and we git beef to hog killing rime. We cal lard, and - salt fur , Nutter—dal cussed. New York takes all rnr batter. We supply O. Inge.Koun tit mat milk and butter, aud grub 'long de bens watt we kw'." -.•` %v 11 , dou'r yeu aiae itafin icy -ile gruono ?" • "Oh, yes ! parin stones, lecher thips, and claw shells." • • Oh, you . tuuss hub udder tings besides, (14e, or. else. you• coodent. lib, Clin't you sink oh mad else you raise here ?" .4 Oh, yes, plenty, Feber 'anti Eiger,: pat• an:medicines, consurupshuo,, badcolds, !Wm fratutue, and now sad then a fire." bou't de lo)ks Heber warty bere ??' " Ob,*yes, , siberal married lass year; and two poor -lima * hab hio built dis season." I was just venue to ax bun his name wen de old iron boss gab a spoil, and set us • QUANDARIES. ... Entockiograt the wrong door, and hesita ting whetifer you Shalt 'run away and say nothing about it, or stay and apologize. Crossing the road until . you reach the a middle, when you perceive gig coming one way and - a cab another ;so that it you move on you are sure to be knocked down by one, and ii you' stand still you may possibly be crushed by. both. Finding yodrself in .a damp bed on .a cold night ;•and . cogitating whether you will he still and Catch our death, or get up and dress, and pass I the night on two cane-60- muted chairt.,. . Paling your addresses to.ti penniless fair ,one under ibe impresswn • that she is an heiress and on discovering your error, hav ing the option of maKryingthe young lady or of being lot by flid: young lady's brother.. Dining at a friend's - house,• where you must either drink wine till-you become tu• toxicated, or refrain till you become disagree able. " ' — CO'ming to tour cross roads, one of which you must take at randoin, or just walk back a mile or :No and it: quire your way. Being blandly , informed by a surgeon that you caw either have . tour leg arrilintated, or letve it alone and die in a few days. yilursi•lf " called ont ;", fighting • iatrd tieing enured an RtS. or declining, and be. ItrOtiernittlied a, a coward. .Seeing a mail by y,,iur bedside in the mid dle of the night: 5:1 that you may either smother yourstil wilt] the bedclothes, or ril• low Jiim,ty do it plaister.—Dlogincs. 707 A: NovEr.-2,CONDENSF.D.-IVloolllight night—shady gra - I'd-11w° lovers—eternal delity . —vouris; lady riCii—young MAtt posai— great .obstacle.--youitg 11Mt+ proud—very laand.,ome— wry smart—sure to make a fortune—young ladv 'a lather very. angry svoti't consent—mother intercedes—nn Fo— ricfrgtral—;cry ugly —very hard heartec -lovers in a had lix—'won't part—die fast = mor:aliglrt againr—gmlet . window optos - - rope ladder—fliglit—purstrit —ion late—mar .. riage-L-uld 'luau in a rage—won't forgive them—disowns ibetri-Lold man gets sick— sends tor his daughter—al.l. furgiven— . all made up—yiAlug man getting rich—old man then—Ltung couple g, t nil the rnunet in the old niattwm quite comfortable—have lade children—much hiippiness. Finis. passe" pris are lovely." Girls-it: a common Donn, third perton, plural slumber, atid objeetaire ease." • " Oiiivetive case'?" • Nomiautive case." tnivative to what verb ?". " I cloii't ',haw, sir," WC:11, Wfißt hallows gtrlsl Juba Pa:-Istan followed Gilt- gals, what - we've ;rig iu bum, laiirSuclay.alternooo." mau! Wen I suppose they were la ;he uhirt.tiv'e case?" ".No, ! NVlieri I seill'ern, I slici.tiltl tb.ixik; th v. were to the, possessive cafe, for lir WasCliuggin',' v m like thunder !" OD' MII:g ritARTiNE/LIZ tells a story of so old woman vino wan urged to cross the river Forth in a feiry ho3l at the time that a storm veia brewing. She :hesitated. The boat• mtin.asked it t wod i ld not trust in Provi• Na. said the, 41 wriii not trust, Provide4e as lang•as thete is it'bridge at Stirling!: . f 00"11asL:WIt ANT BONN;TE. AMONG 1)-9? The rule Wow ..is, to :place a little wisp of pasteboerd and ribboalso far back upon the head s at% the wearer C3nttot see any part ot it. , The. .bonnec pa:ch is secured to the " philcprogeniiireneiar 4 a wafer, and the eters lac* 'down t‘ - ori the plate where the bonnet ought to 14." ' ' • • . • t zo A LITTLE GMT: was taken h er lath er to witness the ! .representation of Uccle Mina's 'Cabi \ o, at the National Theitte, VII Monday lest. Whers• questioned as to what the thought of it,-ahe replied that she liked at very•wei;, but the'slart part, when they stook Uncle Torn up to heaven with a red shirt on! 117. OrR EMEND g—was traveling. late. ly in the care, when a man came up and asked for. Ws Tare. Who are_ you?' said B—: 'I ? My names Wuod, and I'm the conductor." Ohl' ova B—, very timictv, 'that catt't be, ( for wood if o non•ean doctor.' ?iTILLD£LPIitA Judge and punster. having observed to another Judge on Pie bvtivh, that one of the veittlesges bad a egg It*" dote'head. vol" wait the "inquiry. "He has tarroiy hair."reddich chttics, gurney nose, and sage look." _ PCi" " Joxis, what in the world put mat• rtmorty iu your fiend ?" • "Well, the :at is, Sam, I wus getting Short of thins:" . PER K.o;s washes to keow why some ..otour first females wear lamp mats instead of ;I:lntioets on Their heads in the street 7 # : stetted to committee an millharrs, ' 12:7" Way i's 7 n watch-dog target, at night Ana he is in.she 'morning ? .13emise he is lqt .nut at night and taken in in the mor. Quzen,•thet two:cd the be things iulthi.world, when put together, should be thi worst—a mus and fortune. youlfon't Wine it, try a wo o s years , rforrb; . OILSvP-MNTS, • • oisrAt mini raw* tuks3Wit .0 ,5 PEW ilaittels at 1.4 fitilaitire Proof Yalta. atm 4 . 16 . an d Biawslic*l o l l 44 l9 riaafaa Oaths for sat* *y the ititaattbar, Mao tam Ws 9( s at cast9agallua, and Orsais at vista= i 9 dote oats tot, Fat W 4 1 aal '• aptll3l,lol. - _ ' -• - xviatuatmotis 011 (*WOUND IRON ?ANT. Fare AND WATER. PADOP"PATNT arm darstauy, sad the 'power at It 'Was all•aimoo pbaticiadasaces Auxin a teati4atiad Pariaa of time. Qr.A Atrild at Oa Maras/re amok hap Atonal DlsOttGlit BliEt UT. " Agent fur tlitAboTA bast. Av66t 6.16,33. att • DESZADIS unracraw OIL. TOM baa ttle Mutt ;extetwilis oas, cad al mare tagaiy recomMeculed for casetttwery.t.isrs any oth er oa to the Market, *Farkas. clear and tree from slue; Stilt gram/out mall case, to Italia** *bull Is reeorecuesdedol au sale.- Operators vitae sae asa chteery wtil Satt,spos trial. ItHit it tit the CU/4'od sod Seat tlal adapted to seu tows. Orders lett at 81LANIS4'017/rad Hardware State dr /AYER 11l fitUlitte'rtLiqlsor flour s alteet* foe oda coo my. wren t a promptly a ateaded to. Jute 113- 1• - • .41143 . • saustaures risTEraT . • CO.ltti-VUND, • OIL the prrrir•rruston of iimon totter*. from the anlitaion of Oahe itlaninitaittitt,ecirrosspn, *c. Patented to. this Britain, num,. kx, This composition has,. been extensively loved on &tow in:titers, by the Sittrenstrient or thy Vatind states and intlictituals, it pbc.ams the adhes io n of Stan.the comma of the ttotiet.and ii calculated to protect it from the llijUliCili crises •tif ail wants— It is Mb° isppi)catle to .11141 1 N I or Virrfrtr and IRON where they [Elbe in contact t to Riiitsoeslitn.s. Ohlophlets ''or its meths, alio ciniticaits from the V bileil Mates Navy Deb:Mutat an 'Wiese flitaien• ed,eod the Cumpubbd Or able by GEObVE. VV. Wa in:a. ust. I. Ifis3. ' Siiiidat • Malt =art • =AD r, ' ET/IEBIII h. glitiallEtt, alanufactlitels, No 1 , V 03. htSliTli FRONT streer, Yrritailetpida, have ii. 4 a 'goods-lisp]; oft-heir warranted putt. WiivrE LE:Air. and those customers who have been iipaitio3, tupplted ill tossoustner ail ttla 013,tile ititiCle,lblit 11541 , tion? their - orders Oiled— No knows. substance possesises Muse_ preservative .ifia b en ~, ifyJitt WV s ritiesotodesirahle in et paint,to i an equal esinntwit unsonherated whltelead ; hence Any adwirture °to es materials only mars its value. 14 42 , 4abertioreMea the steady flea ncint inanufse surer:. his -many yang, to enmity to the putitie, a per- Wily pure white lead, and the unceasing demand for lite article, ls wed' Meiji has 'met with fawn. it Is tuvaristrly bratrdedon ono head c wreliguiLL h. iSlturtiha nt toll, anti unths other.'resvraated pees, sit in red letters. . ktillada.,July 39,'1553 id-ty.• . Etwitr,'S Pataut Iris PAINT. Faux outo. ..- i 'IIE tubstribers have jestretlsed,a !caber:env 1 ply . of Attie Waggle', and veinal, e substance., In sedition to the slatir color, they bare a.' heatttillil ..inssolate or brown, resembling the sand stone now in ti,,, Acd No mach admired for Lae front of buildings Jr, piinelpal ingredients are. ailira,aluminatiod'pro tat tttreg' iron, which Intheopinien el setenthic moil sattsfastarlit Itt4OUl3lll for Ito fire-proof osio.re—the two fortnersebsta area bang 13011-erindoetora.and the latter acting nil exteetit.tei bind the whole together aud make a dun and durable paler. frit ime It is tatted with. Linseed 041, stridappited or rl4 al tfutztlogritho;.,l,ll;sioit j.Rites, a Int am 'cirthigt baeeG by kts;c l3 - 15 Sni "tt . BANNAN'A , IL:beep ild.:l and fkadione • —lona 0.5 • „M.3.. • • -Xo— panvitichOLAZlNG and PAPIZIZI:NG 1 r ' W.HCIWEN havilittsemoveJtrts *burs to 2 da,.re ii 4 abov'e the American fluuse, Centre Streets snit taken into partnaribip. iris taunters, the subser.lbos 11111bUbee4strie public that they are prepared th 1 , 2- acute antirders fa their nail with the greatrei itr• - *hatch, arid nu the meat reaspastile terms The, el.l• :Voir good:vent kin Fit arid Weir eustioutere may,lbrtr• fort , ,,bg sire bisatiarachrify jobb_ . There. illsO, bait. [sieve La call attraut,,,, EU its,- , 1 * *Ptebard 411,911111C111 of Itaitet.ttnegtrige; Wicittot • .ttitittletrtkc,,ealttitrisittrevety variety t.t ,toet,:cd Vality, in atuit the taste and pocket of hurrhascr:i:rinit r , bleb they oirscat the lowest C ity times— . ' , ...I:W.I}OWEN & alitafil..litt. It door* abuse American illatMr:CelaMS l •• • - 14-Ir. , i - P Uttatille„ April 17 - ...1b31. • . 4 SeisqiiiihcLuna Lumber. Iz altliaetlltar his received at lib Sleam kat, Planing ;end Turnleg tiiit, WI ern hft nerere ; , 44•r isle * hate eiugt of Weti-sciected, seitsptiedLutei. jibe, from the A r isquettnaria 01 the !killer. ins • ' IF 1145-41, g.v.iind In, Fennel iltear. • • 4.4 ins $.4 13,Wallia alld•Veliulv Pine Flawing; Supeitin - White audAellrw flan hairdo, f ditteiceig iwsle. Plank ,end *tenoning, Basiitiehanna , ethlnglaa. f i r i r pr,parisl,to do all Made .cor 'And Trirxdpg to !order. 6 lame auuttanillat ELltiniettrt, _.tetile Lets, U.,. convtaaify ct Parehleit, are' tekiectfally caviled to eientlaie hie befiltelhdy iltke,kt ibeir puttba.es, • - WILLIAM POLLOCRi At'l• •• !May 7, Iti37. . i 9 tf, . -• GIARUZGULS. , Prarlsr,Boa ! f:settfe. laft4 Statraner, CArtrr: PO2 VIZ. l; P.:, PA .1, 7 . • I) EMPEeTE4LIi asks the aitesitirm of Dfrrchillus,; ItiVreitleenr, and the Pehhe genersliy, to shy uwrwteni er fia'cred at his nee. loose: .e . teepetsin etereleidwette ror ale prOte•dio64,tatutch' Bitioits roc eeettdenueiteetion. Certain and Euillihh.! •GUlt*S , itteiriEle, Tay fiScheal 130 , akt,' Olnetepeol direcify Aver the Pabliekere,:by ii re `si iagerneut,and the Trade 21 Nies— lectpote4 musk tents end *lank slat . • • SlO(SOnirr .rtlnt tairker , y an Jaya - loud.. il r iteo • . -. • _Rutty Goods, ,Vr. • Thette,goode ;ire all dive Auld - deft ratde ; tia%e hems selected vita glee* Sr*i not* ths fnU at , 41.....a' thei4 "l o # ll TritTiti , Useet qratt Ameeleast tulttrem i'W Mk nut Faltadelphla ; Large alert/use at of { ri,C4301.1111T .11001 Clt Of • I theireerst,meaufaaloia, oadottelax a Testi4.lv.lti Maly, from me commost bad .booitd. to the el4t3. auk - petarti,osatiy. mod iittd eabstantlally. bound', 'With; baltds_ _sad tilitas,Lsated blank Matnotandum and }Mei amass, Cypttexlas an Copy Bontil. lima-J/01v, Silts" Ladln, Cast• Ilea ete, CateliX, thilliq Pt° tedtitoo Notes;fitt., 41se • agog .11A - p JOB plir.rwo, °I-a;;eri Mull, executed; Ms ok Sonk: mint to say. pinery and bound to °tars; Muciri 11111 elatea . 41141 other publi cation* bound la leletty, st Plata ami. Ornamental ilifthtl, the inn" "4 Table IlaikeieglOLL • RAGS bong* fee cub, at nettled in eschsate for N om . . - • R. o.attEd. ores* Of teat two isreepitist and tit ton es. ialtabko for Mel, situated IA trig um; '''Rumll with sits Soak nom. _ . • i• - • - MD Ccu I$ elutc.ruft.viof too• NEI4OVA (Cie iftrintr. I ORDERS received Mr ail kinds of Fruit Trir. Grim+ Seed.% Agriculjtirat lintrlrments. P & 11- 0 b 5" - , 1 , 1.• BAN?iAY, KINEJS - OF FARMING. It - has been said that there' at three li lt 4 * of titipisters iu the church; 'l32theiy, ificis 4 Wlioll3 God has made such, those that e has made, and those who were never mar at WI. - • It ie pusiible that•there are three kindS of physicians', who may be known by classing a follows : The physician who kills. an t i the Ohysitian Wflta lets Ma patients 4.,r die Bo they will without.hiudrance. There way be three- kradi of lawyersl th e ?vocal, attswering rt the lawyer serves hisicliertt, the lawyer who serves him ! • sell,.sati the l awye r who is of serytce to tw-. • awye i These three make up the - frit:lrd the "leaf Ei• Fd P i rofessiuns." As we belong, just now the unlearned profesiloo, - theiprofesske 9181Priier, In -which' tt, is the privilege! et the student to admit, syliettier others dol,r• do Cpt anrge, ditet • i. an. "ignorainuh, - ..e.40. will presume to say, :hat, in our -proles, there - are also three .classes, includiat , • the tarrnerwhotl a farmer, the fariner it. oil farmer. and the 'farmer who eatinvt make a-farater.--. littera weeee a farmer who aim liss;. or tins hall horite other way of making or get. Ling money. ami then -toms to sad !ays out iiitioeyin large sums upon Some *lle birth, year , to year, mod vet gets small large ettpendtture,soi/ .coMpattd with the thiliks that by ro doing, he is a farmer ; :and if It e gria a large crop at a yery large Solt, that he is a greie,. faimer, we renterith'er saying of Utzele Tim, that • 4 .• that tinier tart become a farmer 140 how." 44ama : wit r en. We see a man who •Obr, noilttng on a laim, 'not' even ovf.tz.eel of a latiti; but is -bhut .up groin .-, , ,t;ar - to 'year alranot, attiong learned esz.ays!, dili-ertations; a!I prepared eolighttn: our LIAO! einxicr .ot the proti:E.F;ional u 4.14, wr whdt yid fa!lter BinitE tiled to say Jteisaw such witting: "Weil, n e w t h' ff ,: , he; teti•ald say, 4'tha.t are is,jut the tlitn, tt:st can't. be done no t,v . av, tbr that.ate h Ilu , l,v.can nti:er make himself t farmer." stint. end tuhstaiiee, ib bißtpit an: enitipntind, orall Ads matter is just this, ive inblr. as The . !Malik who, eviati:scio. 'oll to work Upli, canunt make hie faint a nt 'real and pnai:ivii income, wiihou t leesening the value et tho faun, to no terra eri Slit, he mays overcome ail thtsrj d. tl• ete'neie. , ,, and 'Su, lie can baccine a teitiit:. it he iltve,•liales . prineiplee, by. his Lr will proyeatilese: principles. and Lei ahl, thereby- to impreve his lain:ug. ftrnt which should be held at any valu ation equal to a single red cent, must ''be a . I:4m : which can he' made to produce, evil :: ydar, sofriefent 31C.Cantit to pay for 11;1.6..1 ot cultivating Li r —the coit of the team upon tt, the wear of -implemenis, the :Nati,.• oi matiores.applied to It, the taxes, ttiti it*.• re-I itE etazit or' valuation, and v..10,411.4n. ! tarot that t &nuit be ntael l do 0 muck's wurth nothing, only to helpLill , fie wucid together. - • true.lanater to out who has. . Welt sittikd in Ina t.u.iitpes,s that he crialnia'4e etiough Ittlra thr, cultivation of a larrit to meet all expenbi.s . , pay intereli, drai with alt men 'Without niggardly litqacii ?: . el)atribute an litinorable share to the grierii'l ititutest, - ol the tittles, and lay up - sorr4tliini' With !itch to meet- . tXttUutthtittiti tiY Llo a necessary good deed set a toonitiit', warning. Top little of tiu: ,larmiligi now IlitelS this turtt.---/Vely England ; FLOUR- IN :iALBS A.NI) 11.4.1tIZIcl„s. In Europe thAir lind grain are trans iorieti in,..acks'ins.tetid of barrels as with us. i ha of the little *Pace : they tuk - e It empty and' ihe recent dernand for tliread. art:ffs has of eotu-se created a• corre*PiFurlia.; demand for s. acks. ' rite. New burypori iter -retirtring to the aati-bartet prejudi j es or Ongitith traders and brokers, and that ttiti wiil have nothittie to with our Attie/man fLour in batrelq, until it hill been is tut cererituay ot shoi:iing it t t • i • eonlintrally. going on at the wharves. sod lie - Thatnes, and furnishes daily tin uerit to a particular of mien. jTatta ii another objectieilihe Europeans tatitke barre,l: 'bora lack 91 the c,---dasional 41.10Yt . shaking which it unilergnes in life flour strlftA down- in- theta, 'awl I: . a • iiiiiduChed for lung-, , perihtl,..has t 6 ti?dui Out in lumps, and puiverized again to 4 roia i'ng itt 14 close wire cylinder set In rapid 010. Lt 031 cul io the Sprat ' s, mid ocp)srtl 10 the weather with tits• teirk enuch r...nouer tha l ult cut in tht3T3ll. onprarlit,nl. ts:7~Wt - Atp:n .AAA or, Boy. —f..,very man tits earth ought it; contribute . sontething. I,;i gat ohject—not'bec.tuse he ought altsa}s to iyear clean linen--nut because he ought re tits 41 11 Fr to jessen the labor ;it t oS e . who mater .l said line.o cleats 6wn 'personal comfort, or the comfort of his hinter half..il hi 'happen not' to bel'only a half Of human eristence , himselli bill for Ito 'personal saletyl Because, when . Wishing ;day -romps round—and veashing - ,wo - r4 is Ifar ‘iticularly bard—iyoti had better believe, you iwho nave-never had experience, it i4it toile itosire for you hi come nrithiu reach :p1 snip sudsand wash-boards. .If you ishou i ld ever toe guilty ofsuch .. a piece of iosxarty, ju=: !tell the opposition you Only came into the ititchett out of the most benevolent • ••notives :in the world';'isterely to tell that dad —crazy folks" in the asylum: at flartlord,,Ponaec, tient, mix a gill Of alenhol with'a gallon of volt sisal, just as they are going to tiuti it on "the clothes, which they; ihen soak' two or three hours, and. then u.efely rittae . ottt in dean water, anti 'all the dirt ta out ad EAr, eft). 4 ally as good sense is Out oh. a fellop after ;.drinking the same quantity of the ]"poisl.lf: stuff:". Just tell-them that it is the easiest t way to make washing easy, and geti them to try 44 and you will tnereatter urine no reason. to'run away on washing day. • lo vraihing staira and pasaages,l always ute a spOnge instead ofra . cloth...wOn log-the space bE*A•ery the carpet tiod waf t and you will sat soil the edges. Sponge is cheap, and this information is elteaP, lint it is valuable to all houseiteepera.—Thel Plough. 7ASPARAGIII SEF.DAF A SUBSTI t:TE ''....r. .COFFEZ.—A.,..igragUs Feed/ are tlitiS retona• mined by a • aradroet a..-A, a pobsitiute fur' cotre'e: "Asparagu;," i hf rtmarki. "cap tains, accorditirf fir I,l4:htg. iv cottunan with tea and coffee, a principle which [he -sails I tiiti tin,' and which , he cynsiders e ennui to dm health ()fall Om rla not take i r reirie ; this led nit m thrak that aspamp,u4night to mute a. good substitute 101 euffie. The rittag shouts satiate I . .iirst prepaird, were Dot agretahle, having alkaline fisvor. I theu'tried the ripe seeds t these, tolisted and i • ground, make,a tull•ilavored , eatree,' , nut *•3=- ily dintiugn tillable from fine Alclia. Tint seeds are easily freed trout the hetties t) dryitag them in a cool (Well, anti theft lulling them on a stei.e." ,Try it, tarineti,-7so'c' tifie Ainersrair, 17"/ th'e tees and Hier ettlic pig. with „lint leilou.gl water to . cover iiterni. with A little' Bait. Let them stew ftc wJy ; when. the feet are teLJer. take aim up, Vat them to two or. ihtie but do_ not-take oat the boats; chdp the lic TYlina it. URI ate leet to the Liquor the) were boded in; set the stew-pani over LLa fit% add pepper, tali,- and sweet m l ajoram the taste.. Roll a piece of buttStl in Nouri . and stir it to, thicktrn the gravy, l iadd sleeks of port %int. and serveit or. Asy land of spree may be added. • • II