The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, November 09, 1844, Image 4

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In Joys of old. when first I told
A tale so hold, my love tothee,
In falt'ririg voice I sought thy choice.
And did rejoice thy blush to see;
With doWlicast eyes I heard thy sighs,
And hope reveal'd ha. dawq to me,
Aa - soft and slow, with passion's glow,
• I whisper'd low, my love, to thee.
The cannon loud. in _deadly breach
• May thunder on the shrinking foe ;
'Ti anger is but loud of cpeech,
The voice of lose is soft and low:
Thetempeses 9 hint. the battle's rout,
.31ake.haroe wild we weep to see ,
-But I.llllllllg wind -and friends when kind
All whisper low as I to thee.
..;Now gallants gay, in pride ofyouth,
Say, would you win the fair one's earl
'Your vtitive prayer be Aloft soil youth,
And Whisper low ai.d she will hear.
The math bell may loudly toll
!:The bridal morn, when ull may hear . ;
But at thii time of vesper chime,
Oh, whisper low in beatify's ear„
'%I'2I'CLU Do.—lf I 11353(15rd the most
!aluttblo things in the VVor'.d. yrnd aLet:t
.trill them rint-ay, the fu;:o:Ainz 1:e. um -plan
`of distribution : •
would G...ivo to elt) C:l3rld, truth an] fritad-h:1
whiph are cry SC
A'wouid g ive an allnional portion of
lawyers, traders anJ inerehentzt.'" .•
;ice t ihycl,:tane and learuiltg.
• ,"lju.'ol.2ltl gitc to prinicirs their pny.
To gossip women. short tongue:l 7
To youingmAyneii, go.)1 :case, large'vy.lists, and
natural complcxionl.
".. To yOung sprout/ or dandies, common Ecuir,
little cash, and hard * vork.
To old Aail+, good tgrniibrs,: grunt!' facca„lit•
tic talk awl -good huAlmndm.
Tu old bachelo:s, a love fo: virtue, children and
: Tdo Gunn TO Or. Los r. We endorse the
folimv.M7, from Marklin's n.l.Coie to 'us son, au.l
put it again in circulation, as toag. , 3od to 1:e le,t
• I have often told you,' he ' saps. that ever;
tnan rrua.t he the maker br mater of his ow :ur
t•,..twie. I fepaat the d,:ctrire. Ile who depcnils
upon hie incessant industry end integrity, depot:der
npost . potrana of the nt..!l!cAt and most eirdte.d kind;
• , _--.._esiirn - the creators of fortune and fame, the
...7joander4 of families, and e. afFnever disappoint or
: 2 ;' - itacti von They control al human dealings. and
- ;e - Cen vicissitudes of any unfortunate tendency to
e contra'ry nature.. You 'bye a genius, you have
learning, you have inC.:untry at times, but you •
want perseverance; without it, , you can do noth
ins. 1 bid you bcar-this motto in mind— , I'sn
• szrgta.'
Taos ea TIIILOVG:1 THE. Morton—A good sta.,
7y is told in a Now York paper of rC dssipated
character, who irient home to his wife one night
'boozy, :and called fur supper. The poor wire,
who, while she could do so,,provided food fur the
family by her own toil, informed him with tears in
bei eyes; that there was nothing to get a supper
out of. said he, 'haven't you a piece of
cold meat?' ':To!' Givo me a piece of breads
then.' He Was told there - was none . 'What!
have yeti nothing—nothng.7' Nothing at" all,'
repliad the poor wife, 'not even a crumb.' After a
well, very well ! give me a clean
anti fork. By dupiterl I'll go throrqh
, the molipns any Isto, rf 1 stark ofterteards !
A Llcarontsr.—The Duke of .Montague r.-a l l
a great ;humorist. Anten3 the oilginal moJeo
which ho contri;.eti to miniztcr to his own arnuso.'
, he.had a der.:::tiveanirror suspended in hiii,
drawing room; 60 that all the nuble guests who.
chanced to dine at Montague !louse were induzed
oripassing the treacherous mirror, to adjust their
• , wigs In that day a full dresse,l wig- was as e:.•
sential as a full ciresszd coat; and his grace's L.-
7 bl• - i 1 commonly presented an assemblage of noble .
. lords_ with their pirukes dragged down into the
right ey'ec esch wondering at his neighbor's disor
derly appearar.ce, and congratulating himself that
in setting his own wig in the drawing room, he
bad escaped fro'in the ribsurd'ity.of disfizuring,
- the rest of the company. ,
Arc iou unwell!' said a wag ye.iterday, to a fel
low whOm he met with a very ti;ly phiz.
L' well !' was. the reply ; , why I rivor f..0.t bet
ter in Ali , my lire. What' do yciu sve ailing me 1'
;0, noihimg,. 63i:1 the only see that you
look Veti , ill—or, in other, wordw, that you are a
very ill-looking 1.2110w.' • •
. _
He ritivcr looked so 'nasty' in his life. as he aid
•' L
on hearing till: , negative compliment paid to his
personal beatity. '
Jean Paul flai in o ln4. fine thol.glits. :Hero 'is
Man has wro minutes and a hail to live—one
to smile: one to sigh, and a half to love—for in
rthe middle of this lie dies. ; But tho grave is not
.deep—it is the shining tread of an angel that seeks
Ant; When the :unknown hand throws, thr•
fataVdart, a: the end of man, then .boweth he his
head, and the dart only lifts the' erawn of thorns
from his wounds.
:far AT Til z I NU) intent 'on.?
—A machine for paying every body's debt:, also
squares accounts, rind strikewthe kalance in an in.
Istant. Books like a horse pistol.
A patenffer. making tight boats feel easy. The
modue operand( of this Very ,lrt:irsble receipt, is
giving them to with sta4l,7 feet.--
Naa. - it's' Times. •
•Do yon 'one (ii - Ohe) ho-e 1; irlq6i-e:1 a
zirite man Ca, C , ), - .. kney, fi-obtless) deficient in tite
animation, to a Luber. - •
Then 'one this, wiii,you 1 .
'I will inz:•i it: wit'a pleasurc;.sait i l the Itni.;ht of
the razor. '
.Whlitle your )ther ton7,oer sail the Rnor-
der yesterday t) a witeeea. -
ANty rdether's tongua said the letter. Well I
can't say; but it 171USt be mighty loag,lcr iity ra
ther; says 'there's 1:(1 cad to it !'
What Was the Lady of the. Leke when idle took
Kin 4 James late hji canoe
Mian 1 WA Lin'o says ho don't:
believe in anything liky , ).4 ir cm c:-...nrre
hend, and in no more of that than jat what suite
him. [ ,
ITRI: - ..mtka-sTEEL Nll)fmal gni oth
cr Ste.' Penc., rirm.tfactured•tly 'Wright of New
frria!,2 BL J. DA:;:"; n A.^l.
!AI:: J 5 5 . .
Perfarriery Pertamery -1 . - ::tuThcricrs: anti tonsu-mero.of Anthracite• •
rill I . .-:subsc:rii - i;:r Laz opetyd,a icq Ereott
and nperin; rrer.. Verruniery; nrnong. sxhica
. . . ..
'' 1.4 " r3 C."lng"-F 1 ` .4 : 01 -Wzaer• ll, n l '.`. , tiwit'r• a
~":17;1112BA.Zin: 110DCSDN. itifornas these concerned
ser:, pita , nnt I ,,rrutze„ ai..l is ao execti, lA, article lor , di' the: he continaks the bustnesS a' purchasing and
;yr t .tyg I:;ttr :o . .l:tat torn titer.l.a.ti , s,.t.lenilenton nr ',''slii:ipingcotil, by Rail Road and Canal, in the capacity
..h , ' ,. .; , 1.; Retain F. ,tyli.r, i.,r the Cee lt ,legion,.!:.4ll4 liro',;ivine the foroi;n dealer 11l advantage
tz tr4 , l ,:,, 2 p,,,t 0, ....1.,,,„,, t , c i. ‘v i ,,,., t z-,,, t 0 ,', 1 - k ..,,,,,... pirhis constant residence and experience in • the region,
~,•,,,,, 1 i t . :, ,.. 6 (,:.,;,. ~,,•,_ ...,„;,,,
~,,•,,, "„,,,,..,, ~.,,en a statedr ornmieeien. .
-,, , I ..'' ' ", t.. — , ';,i .7 . 7,' ,'" *. f .,. , , s ''., 1. , .:. Letters addressed to hint at Pottsville , mid treet
, l , '"•ln. ''''' '•'''''' " •'''• ' "“'" c "'''''''''. . 0 " t"-r 1.-pronmt attention '
1:' s.::and l't-1'.. , , I. et . liti and, .11 , ,:i m, the. fur col- ri ' •
4....r!eg I t.,it a toidutilhi 1..p.e. , e ai.d tidrlt color; Ma- ri • REFEIUNCES. • '.,
. .
ca.:-...., 0.1..5,: , ,nr 113;:i ilk, (lc nuine Otvo of ''lliilsdelplua—Meners. D. d. Brown & Co., merchants.
ileio,,, in Lioitit s, ikoten A.Vinti.rer, .Mnek, Orange i'. ' ." " ' Farquhar & C'erpentir; Brokers.
-,, d d „, , ,,„ : „ 11d ,,if:,,..,
~,,L . 4 ‘,.
~,, naps, JA,. i 'Pottsville4llr. J. '..rhippen, Pre.r.d't. Timers ' Dank.
..0 , . t ,
::. .". 8. Slily-mean, men hart.-
. t .., t , ,' s . 7 < i , o n , c ,..? -', 'or,l i nunt. ,or
..,,,, Ivill;, • , " " J. Pinkeitcn, :diner.
go:l.:etre il,d, la i',,,,,i; , Cit"ant,
. 1, ' .. Pottsville, Scpt.,":
111tt:4;:rit"..1•::::,,t41t.t.1..t.1; , ..,, , , , -.0.,,,s Pave, for whiten-, ' - , • . •
1Z.nt•.....!"... all, ;To•• ::!i:,, of 1.1 , 1;er, for-the Nlootb
aiol -Ti.e!ii. h-0,05..? tb_ hreatih fief 11 and sweet,
N... • ~, ,V ,Cg ille iz,oo' , in a hotly condition', and
- , .. , ?nt0'v,.: t , • , rd , !.a.2: i , izr. of th e tceta.rucononcLdcd
.„. em i t .4Li:uoi-1. , .
. .
l'-<i,7 5.14. at ';;;;;nit:de:}o,L.l Fires: by
. g. LIANNAN, Agent.
I cure fur Rheumatic affeetron3. This article pene
trates to every nerve and sinew of the p•rson uiing' it,
and it has attained a reputation unequalled by any oth
er artiale in Rheumatism. This will cure the niest se
core rase;—extend contracted rauscles,and bring feel
to; and sina-ility todnaha long paralyzed and useless.
%lie only need refer to coma cases below to obtain the
confidence of the paid:L. for that; articles. i I
Toe foliowin.; are two respectahlc,and the gentlemeu
Ice iti rei tire ce.nament. Let them he read.
I hive b:a.r: ted lanst rierausly since lair2l with
atteut , ,all:: - , and cot.tractiiin of the cords of ntv tags,
caused by :11, cramps ef ti,e chniara, which I then bad
in no air c:I - 01:7. After trying,. many remedies
to vain, I have found relief—had the cords of my legs
relaxed--de swelling reduced—and am greatly benefit
:ea by the 11E2 ti.f,ine'liott of . Lmuncrit,ttied externally
and nae !tett!, r,f Indiaa Vi - tt•talt:e usul
ly the can r.olv walk with ease in g0:V:1,77.S
:V:1,77.S that 1:tould net a week ago endure at all.
. ,
11PCtiryt:tte street, corner of DPlanc cy street.
Thot—eh tbis was riven more than a year since, Mr
Ite:otolds, was a felt- days sea at the Cffite, where this
remedy was obtained in full health and perfect prissas
el nof his lee - s and feet, sod though over sixty Years
otil i et onil up on his toes repeatedly to shots the spec
tatore how er-mplete he was cured. This remedy reach
es 1.1“.1 scethtz the nacres, and allays: Pains most effec
tually en its fast application, and by a few repetitions
remoras more effectually and speedily Rheumatic pains.
than ens (talus application was ever known to do. Its
effects are p , :werlitl and immadiate. Let those, afflict
ed try it hut once, and they most hesonvinced.
Tice Liniment rutish counterfeited as to erterna
OCkgi and the only tits! ttenoiness is to fiul the fac'
sirmle ej , mat. , :re of CcLtst. , c't & Co.. If that cannot bet
thatt'd it is .i3o,y only at Comstocles.Branch"
Mins?, No. ^_, North bireat, and I
rejt of
. 1
1 - ::b 17, . 7 —ly J. S.• C. 7.q.01.T1N...
JNOTICE. • ,- i ',.•=
7 . .;TOTICF. la here: K.: eloco , that applicition . Will bi ,
'', made to the Levislature of Pennsylvania, at the,
ensulnz session.[for the int oiporation of a Bank, with a'!
capital of Two Hundrni 77:' , firrill Dollars, to he located!
et Schuylkill Htven,Schu:.liiill county, to he callthl the.:
Tarmer'a Bank df £c:ltty kill ccunty.
, • - . . ' WIPLIAiI HUNTZIN . GETI, 7,
. • ..:!
' . ' JAMES B. tr.v.vs,
•. ' ciriecr...; BAsT, - . -i
• . GEOitoc KALTr,.I.4.N, 1 ~
, .
July 2;I, ~ - , . : C—f mli
(CENTRE STEELnearly opposite the Pennrylva-t
k. . ma Hall, Pottsville. nunue s to operate in all the i
,t 1
various branches of the I)..ntal Art; such as
Pinging, Filing, CI eansing and Drawing. i
Ile also will insert In the bast manner, single teeth, or j
whole sets, at reasonable prices. , 1 ~
Navin', had a practi,al ex-term:ace of many years, he
fasts conadent of giving sailsfaction to all, who may I,
favor him with their custom.
May IS
rrlIE subscriber has just opened at the Store former
occupied br Cresla^ 4 Cl'rist-,pn Rail Road si.,
a "geniiral assertnAit of Groceries and_ Provisions,
which he will at the lowast.passibla prices for cash :
Such 23 •
Sugars, rklolisse - ii, Cotrie, Chorolate, Tea, Meese,
Rice, Spires, Scc., Sperm and Whale Oil, Sper
maceti, Moulds and Dipped Candles, !
Soap, Tobacco, Segars, Hams,
Shoulder., Mere. Pork, •
Dried Reef, Cod
fisliNackerel : • !
OE ITE:3' 31:011 ' I
DESPECTFULLF tnnounce to the cltlz.enC of.
tSehuylkill county', that they have commeirni hj,si
neet in the Botta rel'ently c•ccupi,l by William C. Leib,
one door • foullt of ,The Post Ofryte, ihe Botouzli of
Putt...die, where they bane - Just opened a new . and
carefully celectecl 1 4 tock c.f
Dry Gvp(le,. drocerie.,?. Gle:s:, •
. Quecne r Eurllien -and
law 'Ware, 4.e., 4-c., he.
Among which maybe found Cloths, Casstmerea, Sat
tinetts, noun:irede Lains Ginghams, Lawns, Meri
noe3, Silks, Satin, t..ace,, Sankins, llo!lands, Flannels.
Marseille , ., Valencia, Silk, Satin, and other vesting., a
great variety of tuslinai Bleached and Unbleached.
SAVA, Cotton; and Cinghams, Handkerchiefs, Summer
CO:113, Velveteen•?, Ladle's and Gentleman's ;Stock. •
lace, fits of ail descriptiors. Also,:SYruP,
iturar House and New Orleans .: , :olasse:,,Sluzar '
and Tel. Cheese, Candles, Soap, Salmon, Shad Mick
el-al, P. r.rring, ILtras, Shouldera and Smoked Meat
eericraliy Tot. co, Segura. Crackers, Butter, Eggs,'
.t,tveat Of Lamp Oil, fcc. with great care and
en reaLonaLd.7.l erns. they as bl enabled to th3pose
them, at prices .quite P. 9 low as their neighbors. '
ruhruary •
• S.-1,
- Dr. Be,ohter'Et
c.-41 7 -hRi cnkl3-1 influe . nzaa, Catarrhs; Whoc.;iing
Pains of
' the Er.:a :t and SlttiiS tiroticlotis;
As: ma; Croup ' Ditil•;111t yof Breathitt.; and Ex- . -
• • p..:cicration; short:::,fa of Breath;
• =lion -of the 1.0 ncs; nod •arrt,t cf
apprneahing Consumption.
j 1' has been but a few years since thin medicine has
I been introduced this country, and has pro
dutuve of the most astonishing and unexpected results.
As several hundred ic.:1111:V:i1.1 es of its effects hare been
heretofore pubilelied, it is only necessary 're
mind the public whe re it can be obtained genuine.
Tth nrouout Germ, ny it Is known an the "Life P e -
ecerce," end-is the dn:y medicine in use there for the
trove affection=. I • .
It in put up in half pint bottles, whit fail directions '
.1.0 Centz a licf 1:c.
rt . :Tared only (fr m the original receipt obtained at,'
a';tren: price,) and ,old wholestie and r,tail, at Dr. Let
dc's fltalthEmpori rm, No. 191 north Sa.cond street,
v t ...,r Vine, (sign of the Golden'Ettgle' and E•erpents,)
r &labia
For sale-in f'ettsv.
IL,baihci•, -MG occo, Shoe Fhiahlgs
r ,
„Wc.:l rinri S. iacre, a few doors Eat of Go
Trtnt'S l'ut.or.ri, R. , :ady.:ng, l'a. . •
Thq suhscriber raspectiolly informs his
cituoiner,i and the poldlc generally, that
.. he has removed Li; store to the room
. .-1' lately recopied by Mr. 1., W. Ringer a 3
3 Grocery store. in Penn strnet, a few, doors East. of
Gernant•s Tavern,:here he keeps an assortment of
the follow tr. 6 articl , 3.
, .
Cnn:tstint: nf ht. , Baltimore rolled %Sole, Red ind
!dinghies do., IVatt and Grain , Lipper,. Calf Skins, and Spaniel: Icy, Iroise Leather, Whip and
Grain KIN S.c , &c.l
. .
S:rat2. rrionh, Win% Boot Morocco, Kid Coach Li
il!ncr, Bat Linings, 'Beak Binder Skint, Pink, Red and
Wh.te LiriiitEs, tzc. ,
El ctrl Nt,S & SIIOrM AKER'S Krrs.
,llalf Bleached and' Giam Thread, Pegs, - Spirables,
Awls, Hammers, Knives. PincPni, Thistles, Rehires',
Ranes, - Shoulder Sticks. Braes Heels - ,'Welt Keys. Men's
Women's, Bey's•and Cididren's Lasts, Boot Trees,
coMprising boards, all of which will be sold cheari for
melt by • . M. IL LOCLIEB.
Reading, Aug: 21 !. 35-6 mo
D r.rncTruLty announces to the Public, thee., he
1.1. has taken the Ltahlishnicnt known as the.Potts
vine Iron Werki,. - n Norwcsian street, where he le
prepared to h.til.l n kinds or Stearn Engines, menu
fatiure Ran C. rc, and Machinery' of almost every
descripnon; at - the s crtest notice, and on the most rea
sonable te_rms.
Pernons f:nnt Sirhd, in.want of rogines
will find !I to their advinta^e to give him a call before
engaging elsewhere.' May 11
11'1 - :.' i i'S AIItIIITECT. •
nit Frattleal llodse Carpenter, illustrated by 84 en
it ptlringz, for the use of Carpenters and .Builders
Ist. edtoon r'f IStl.l '- juot reretved and for sale by
• Ang 2t, -al B BAN Apr
. .. . .
art pevenittig,c l !lap
Veo.`l . lt:ll',.;
Dccen,bi , r,
11ud nu Crcdi! .Effren.
May 25 1224
NEW s oR E
by J. G. BROWN O I g
Coal Agency..
Wholesale and Retail, Store.
MBE subicilher is induced firm the very liberal en
_L- cot:rat:ea:eat he has received (and' aiiio: from the
necessity et,' their being a cheap Retail Store, in, this
part of the tots n) has procured and will keep constantly
on hand—Flour, salt, Tca, Sa,rar, Ciate, Cheese, 'Ho
lama, Vinegar, Lc.,.&c., which in connection with his
'• present stock of Hams, Shoulders, Mackeral, Herring
fend Cod fish, Brown, Yellow and ‘White Soap: Also a
very superior article of pure Palm, Almond and Fancy
Soaps—Sperm and Tallow 'Candles—Winter and Fall
Strained Spr.nie Oil, &c.,. L . c...A.11 of which ha will
I; sell at the lowest Cash Retail Prices—And to families,
or those tiu•ing to sell again aliberal deduction will be
made, in proportion to the quantity taken.
P. 9.—From the fact of my. having a persen in the
City, whose time and attention, is devoted to the selec
tion eftli2 articles I propose selling, I have no hesita
tion in saying that I can tarnish . goods as cheap, as any
in Pottsville. Call and judge for yourselves..
Pottsville, Sept. 23, 151:4 . 30— E. V.
Fulutirrt - aEI FuitNLTtltEt!
11£..V12 Y G RESS.ING,
pESP ECTMLY informs the Schtt‘lkill county
public, that he Is now prepared to manufacture all
articles of How;elidli and Parlor Furniture in the, neat
test, handsomest, and most satisfactory manner. Ile
has also on hand, at his Wart-room in Mahantarigo
street, corner oredam street, an assortment of
MAHOGANY CHAIRS of the French pattern with
Hair Seatet Fine- Mahogany Centre Tables,
• Mahogany Dressing Bureaus,
made after the Frerich etyle, with glasses, &c.
In addition to the above, the advertiser is prepared
to receive and execute all orders for repairs. &c., which
will he carefully -attended to and finished at the shortest
All kinds of uphiLstering such as covering Sofas,
Chairs. Lounges, /Pre., will lie finished in the most ap
proved manner, if entrusted to his charge, a long expe
rience in the business having qualified him for the un
The advertiser would inform the public that although
residing in Pottsvilie, he can turn out furniture of the
best workmanship, at as low prices, as any of the city
Warehouses, and respzetfullv requests those who need
articles in his line, to eivelim a call, Worse purcha
siug elshwhere. Matt 2.5 . '
It!tteks./ Coal Banval:ea•
'Ns illS tcoromico machine is now in sucessful oper
a ation at :Hr. East's and 'G. spencer & Co's mines,
near Mint!rsville, the Delaware Co.'s mines soar Potts=
rills, arid Mt. Prickei's mines near Mauch Chunk.
ThiS machine is ibipnrftint to the land owner from Its
:Teat redti,tionof , XAstap, in breakina, and still more
important in the collier, the cost of preparing coal for
market being by its,use reduced to less than onefifth of
that by the ordinary method.
Inquire of the proprietors, J. &. S. Battle, Philadel
phia, cc the subscriber at Minersville.
sabscrthintakes.this method of informing his
51_ customers am:Utile citizens of Potteville generally;
that he has remove'd his
from Centro street to !he corner of Norwegian and
Rail Road sines, where he will be pleased to merit a
continuance of their patronage.'
4 , eb 21
eigVIC sulscrihet l has'jttr.t received a-beautiful as-
El of flair, Hat Crumb and Clothe Brushes.
hip 10 cents to 1;1 37i of American ruanufarture, bet
ter. handsomer o.rul cheaper, than the English and
Frttnch article, all of whirhavel be sold very cheap.—
Among the lot are ladies' Bair Mulches.
September - 01, 2s—
MEAT! A.,IFAT!! • MEAT !..!!
. •
• V . NNOIINCE to illicit friends and the public, the' ,
:X they'lts.:e ta , .co the •
i 3 T Ejt ST AND
for Melly occupied by Mr. John Sites, in Centre stree
riearly opppsite the Penn6.ylvania Hall, where
*ill be happy TO slimly the public, With all kinds of
of the very ben kinds. Come on, and giro its a trial.
JUllti 8 •
.1/. N. Mein),
Lnporters of hlardware and Dealers in A'ails
I=ron, Steel and Tin, •
IT AVE constantlV on - hs'inl. a full assortment Or A
!. merlvan 'and Crialiqh', Tfardware and Cutlery,
:Nails and Spikes, Ride Baii'els; Planes, Iron and Steel
. :of all kinds ; Tiu wire and Rivets.Saddle' TIT G 3, Pa
trz,;:t Leather and Coach- Mounting; Glass.. Paints, Oil
and-Varnishes; Cedar and Ilollow-Waro,Duponts and
Common Powder. &
c., &c. to which they invite the at
tention of the citizens of Schuylkill County.
Feb. 10, ; 6-1 y
1 J
Dr. Jcu.eph Utero Abdominal
SI1:410r/ Of s•
A supply of the above oricles, jest - received
and for sale, at cin inanurael wen. prices. by
October 28,44--
New Tailoring Establishment
ratiliE subscribers inform their friends. and the pub
tt lie, that they have located themselves, over th
store lately occupied by R. T. Taylor, and are prepare
to do any work in the Tailoring line. Prom the lon
a:sapience of the Semor.Partner, they with confidenc
solicit a share of the public. patronage, as it Is their in
tention, to give satisfaction to all who will favor them
with Jheir custom. R. M. GRANT
April 0, '
- 14-ly
JJOSEPHMORGAN, has Just received a new assort
meet of :Goods. arriona .which are splendid new
style Frints, Silk umnroatra Nett Jcarfs. Brussels
Net 21 yards wide fOr Shawls, Thibet and Silk Shawls,
lisle and lshhnrton Lace, a very superior article of
Stripe Jacunett Mullin.. Thread Lace,jacnnet Inserting,
and a variety of other fancy zcods, all of which will be
sold at the lowest cash prices.
Pottsville July 13 .1 25
Cheap Book & Stationery Store
trim subscriber has recently fitted up his •Establlsh-
Davit, and is determined to sell all kinds of •
. Sdhool .Books, Ofacellaneous Books, .
Blank Books, Statiosary,
Fancy .Statio-ers, " tt.c.
Wholesale and Itetait, at the lowest Philadelphia
;Cash prices. Being determined to accommodate the.
he respectfully solicits the patronage of all those
;in want of articlesbis line orbusiness. •
ce Ceuniry Store ...keepers, Teachers and others, sup
!plied wholesale at the very lowest cash prices.
If Storekeepers and others, will be kind enough to
, fitrnish us with a list of the Books, they require; we
is ill.b'e happy to furnish them with a list of our prices
per dozen, in-order to sail:sty them, thatwe do sell
goods at iladelphii i prices.
• Mar. Phil 2, • B. BANNAN, Agent.
• •
- „
......,- THE subscriber-o ff ers for wile a well se
r,.EL7.1.:14: ected and genuine assortment of
1 . ) 11 Uf3S ME.ACINIES,' dtc.,
con3istin g lof Chemicals, Medicines, Perth
.L. • 'very, Window Glasses, Pat4nt Medicines.
Drugs, Paints, Dye-Fitifirs, Oils, and Varnishes, Pain
Bri , lies, &ie. W liieb he is disposed to sell at a smal
adtrance, and respectßilly solicits a share of the patron
'n^ ' e °film public.
rZ•• Physicians prescriptions carefully compounded.
Maich 10, • ' I 49
MIRE subscriber h as just received a bt , atitiful ar—
: a tick: el fools'.thp paper. ruled and plain, aim oil
as touch es Parchment, enitablefor Instruments of
,writing.'which trill he sold by the reran. quarter or
hall ream. i• B. bANNANi Aet;
Atig-v9:10 ' 82--.
THE - '
A 1.80,
Plll LA I) E L.P HI
DX ll .2 ,. Cheuilealsi - Medlancsi &c.
7710.1145 . P. JAMES,
TWodescik Drug„Ti.4, Chernid, and Phanna
tea fst, 212 Market street. (a few . r t .
vi,rs ab.rce LI le Rid LeonMolcl,) !
Phil delphia.
rrHO IAS P. JAMES, would .inform Drug
gist, Country I'lerchants and others, that he
has tak t tn the Chrmical 'Warehouse, formerly
by, the late irtivoi Meredith. Henderson,
SiCo.,aud that he hap, laid in a carefully selected
stock of fresh Drugs,, Chemicals and Medicines—
Also, Points, Vs rn4hes, Oit;'.Dye Stuffs, Glais
wret &F-, which, he jwill dispose of, on accommo
dating terms. . .
Phystelans,.tupplieti with dll the recent Cheuti
cal,. Itegt,able Alkntigs, extracts and other Mate
riftliedi.lea:. The fullest confidence may be pia
eedrin purity of all the 'Medicinal preparations
from our; Estahlishtmint, as much-care is tal - en in
their preparation and !selection.
Philada.; 0ct..26
V Ware.
. Quepps
TAT E hire just received perxecent arrivals, a gen-
V .ernl assortment
• and Qupess WARE,
:Consisting of assortments of Ware of the b arious col
our3. Also, Granite, Faincy Colored and Yellow Stone
Ware, of New Styles and Patterns, with a variety of
DINING SETS, Corcl'lcte•
TEI . SETS, du
TOl ET SETS, do''
1 We svotlTl respectful y call the attention of our
lends, aecl Country Merchants generally, to the above,
as they wi Ibe sold very low for CASH. •
126 North Third street,-Philidelphia.
Philads. Oct. '26 I 43-2ino
DALE'S Patent Pre
mium Platform ait d
Counter Scales, celebra
ted far accuracy andvon
venience, warranted to
keep in order, and weigh
;correctly, longer than
anrother Stale in use.
We have. a large rottn
ber of testimonials, front
Rail Road en's, Trans
portaiim Ca's, Co a I
Dealers, Merchants and
others, who have these
Scales in use, which can
be seen atNo:. 42 Walnut
st., Philadelphia.—F o r
al;e by
tentee, 12 Walnut Phila
Sole Arrnts for the P
Ton Dealers a
ID:alets in al:
Inut street, PL
d general Comthission Mer-
I kinds Or Scales and Weights,
del phia.
Coat & It
Lhants, arid(
No. 42, \ I, al'
feb 17
ri RAY .
‘..X below
tetorage, or;
sends. Ad;
trees. Ap
BROTHER, lave taken the Second Wharf
Locust stree , and will receive Coal on
to sell or re hip, on the moat favourable
•ances made if required. Office 92 Walnut
1611.11. cm:
1 G
1.03 MA
orr ek. co. •
TylonAl BEATTY',
• Joil:f=JOLT.
l on Waterhouse, jr..,
(Portnerl of Pottsvillt)l' • j
the :Merchr,
S. 11. BAR
J. 11. M.
Would 6
tst s"
_._ ._.3 - 4., I; .
111 Water 8!.,1 t, door clone Arch S
150 Mids. P. 'Biro; and N. 0. Sugar,
200 Boxes Brown ll,Tvanna, . " '
100 Ihrrels Claritind " "
50 Boxes Leaf and .Lii mp,
100 !This-erre , ' 4. Pulverized "
1.60 New Orl ans Molasses,
100 Mids. Tidua " . i
50 do 3l ein atanzas "
50 ,do Syrup & Sugar House
20 'do Levering's superior do. .
500 Bags
Sli, Coffee '
. " L. gnayra ' ~
300 '" St Domingo, • ,
. ,
Itha ." Id racalho,
Gunpowder, Imperial, Young !Tyson, :
Chulon and ouchong Teas.
Pepper, Allspice, Nutmegs, Mace, Cloves,
Cassia & Ginerr. Also, Lard, Oil, Starch,
Cheese, Spem Candles 'and Wines and
Liquors of v dons qualities, for sale. by I
3rocer & Co mission Merchant , 59 DI:
Water st., Philadelphia.
ants and Deal rs, would do well to call.—
bargains bad von Calm:: I
leptember 7;1 , 36-2 mo
No. 59 110
M . OLA3SEff
The mutts
1 , Ingrain and Venetian Carpetinge.
Robert _ll3l. WRlKer,
, _r ,
1s notvopenliiga ver;4xt: n •Hsive,a d beaiti s,nrimentofoAurE,o
The goods lre fresh and f new \styles, and being pur
chased prln litany for Ca 11, Will be sold at the lowest
prices. They consist in part of
. .
Splendid Brus ! eels, (4cirpatterns)l - ,
Beautlfnl Imperial,3.ply, I ,
'Superior extra Ingram, }.. Canerriaos,
TwillediVenetian, 2-4' 4-4,.5-4, l col'rs warran-
Plain , 1 do "r " " j ' ted durable.
, - .. r
Superior quality 6-4 Etiglish Bockiogs, with a large
stock of well seasoned 01 Cloths, of all widths, Rugs,
Piano and Table Covers., - Sheep skins, Stair Rods,
Bindings 4e.c., together withan extensive assortment 'of
Low priced Carpeting, of all descriptions. 0.5- In
grains of good quality and patterns, for 371 to SO cents
per yard. •. 1 1
0.. Purchasers are reqdteted to call, and they may
rest assuredlof being pleasod with the goods and prices
Phllada:, September 14, 37-3 mo
. t f
. .
A lt"l'Ekli 'HON: ; -, ,
1 ... , .
T . i
HE: itibscriber would respectfully inform his
frienOsond custoiners, t hat he has located his
' , ilita'ry Ca' Man-factory
, Ili
In Third_Sireci, No. 9;, a few donrs below Race,
where heiwould be plea cd to see his old customers'
and as manp new ones a are di.posied to favour him
with their cumin. Ile still manufacture
Military MA Sr:airmen's articles of every description.
sack as IC':lli'lnr. Cloth. Felt, Silk and Beaver Dress
Caps, c,f.illniatterns; Forge Cops; (holsters fortroop
rt . irly do ;.Cartouch Boxe ; Bayonet c ibbarffs, word
Bats of .1111 kinds ; Cantl ens ;• Knapsacks, different
r , aitterns , Fire Buckets Pasting Boxes, Tribe do,
aruxli and 'Picker's Ploes, Poinpoons Firemen's
'Caps, tliN. Stoc!ci, (in Cases, supbrior quality
Shot.' tit7.l.9amo IliesVDrums.&e..&c.
aTariLirs thankfully] received and promptly at
teadial ti.- I ' , 'WILLIAM CRESSMAN;
No. MI North Third S reet, E. few doors below Rac.
Ph ilattil6 hia,Januar ,13, 1844 ' 2-6 m
• i -
: I
Phrind warranted plire white leac
have been sparingly suppli
on the artielp, shall now t
No kn4wn substance pn
and beautifying properties
an equal extent with onnl
ary cdmixttire or oilier
value. It has therefore I:I
mannfaethres, for many
a perfeedy pure Whiie I
eland furttul article, is pr
ver. It is kw:wieldy bran
EIIILL S r3f10 1 111.:11
WittnaNi.o Puce—all in
Si ; Itrother, . •
No 65 north Front street
t w a sood supply of their
, and - those customers whc
lied in Consequence of a run
;we their orders filled. '
ssessee those perservative
so desirable in n' paint, - to
Iterated whitn dead; hence
materials` only; mars It,,
en the steady aim of the
ars, to supply to the public
ad, and the tinceasinader
of that it has met with fa
.ed an one head--4V(; U.
in full, and on the other,
red letters.
GOLD Pencil Cases, frnm $3 in $G each. ,
Silver Pencil Cases, tram 25 oentato $ I 75. .
Gold Pena and Pencils, vriO Diamond Points, warren
ted Corrode, and Till last from 10 to 12 years
in constant use—price $ 50.
Togethertrith a variety of other useful and fancy ar.
tides, all'of whir h will be old at Philadelphia prices,
by' t , iB. HANNAN, Agent.
. .
Celt. 21 1 ,
. .
, ,
FRECKLES, Pimples, Tan, Sutibnrn, Moth, Rlothes,
Totter Ringtetrm, and other obstinate affections of
the mil, removing every impurity and giving to the
complexion a clearness truly beautiful. To gentlemen
It is reccommended for removing the irritation and oth
er diseases °fate skin, often produced by the use of
strong alkaline soaps and creams in shaving. the Katy-
dor may be used without the least danger on the most
delicate skin, and is a refreshing wash in warm weath
er, or in travelling. price as cents per bottle.
GLENN ' S 'INDIAN HAIR 011..—Th;s ele
gant preparation is compounded of various oils, Corning
together a compound of great value, fur proinnting the
growth and presereing the, hair, it nourishes 'thri roots,
thereby causing it to erns , : with vigor, and preventing
it from falling out, or turning grey, removing pt the
Ante time, the dandruff which tames [hi! hair to fall
out To those who liavelost their hair by sickness or
any other causc,'except old age, it is centidcntlY rec
commended. it gives a glo,sy softness to the locks, and
has the singular property of making the hair datl,. and
is therefore recommended to those who are beg nning
to turn grey'—it u al, an excellent curling fluid and
being pleasantly perfumed it is notch esteemed for dres
sing the hair in general, and for the heads of children,
price 50gents tier, bottle. .
43-3 mo
, •
This very pleasant and truly efficacious dentrifice, is
prepared from ingtetlients perfectly harmless, it ; gives
a pearls whitsness to the teeth, firmness to the hums,
and fragancy to the breath. removing spots or incipi
ent decay, and preserving the teeth effectually. H has
been usi d and reecommended by dentists in their )4/11C
tire, and is belieied to be equal to any article of the
kind in use. It is put in neat China boxes, and having
a solid fhtin. is not liable to waste or spill, and is free
from the grit of Tooth Powders in general, price " cts.
pm' box. ,
!ed to change grey nr red hair In a handsome bro.,
jet black, without injury to the hair, or even staini
the skin, and mai' be used with perfect safety
those who have, become prematurely grey, it is in
able,. and to gentlemen who'are troubled with
Whiskers it is .Itromily reccomincmleil, the color
duced la natural, and will not 'rub off, or soil the
test inuSlin. Price 50 cents
prete reinedy for Freckles. This remedy,was inve
by Dr. Chs Nlichaux. of Lombardy, a distingui
Physician of the last century: The proprietor has
ry confidence in if; as a superior preparat ion for
purpose,designed.ti may he used without the least
[ion, and for pimple.: and other atleetionsof the sk
is a certain cure. '.Price 371 centS per bottle. '
The above named articles haVe been sold .very
tensively by the Subscriber for many years, and
conscientinnsly redbmlnended to the public, as prep
tions ofreal value,; and not to be ranked with the I
bugs of the day, a kinete trial will convince the
skeptical, thanbefr good qualities are not over r
"A Good Slzcve and Yet no Shave."
PO U'XD FOR S11.111,1:517
To Gentlemen who shave themselves, this ar He
offered with the greatest ecinfulence .as (moil, if
not superior soanY other Shaving Soap in use:, tor a
delightful and consistent lather, whit it wilt not (ley u
pon the face or irritate the most delicate skin, the the
ease and comfort if gives to the often troublesome ,pe
ration of shavine,.rendering it surpassingly easy, this
compound cats be Safely reccommended. It is equally
effectual in warm Or cold water, nod after noise it the
trice is refs soft and pleasant. and entirely free twit the
I:fitaticn and roughness often caused by the use of
strong all‘eline fz'oaps a:I:I ':lhavore Creams. ,The(lm
pound is pleasantlY perfumed anti pa up .in in a veat chi
na box, 'answering all tile purposes of a shaving box,
and on trial will be!found very economical and enprve
nient, during the tl.,v years this article has been b%fore
the public, the prlaptietor has sold 35,000 boxes of It,
and the demand is constantly increasine as Its merits
become hnown. The agents are; authorized to r( turn
the purc!.asernowly, where it does not give entire sat.
isfaut ion.
- 'The liaponace4is Compound Is compared of iiiere
dients, so admirably compounded. that shaving with it,
is an absolute plOsureT—U. S. Gazette.
'The Baponaccrius Compound, is the best *par ition
extant fyr shaving", purposes. It is extensively pa NM
ized, and l deserves to be ; every gentleman Who
shaves himself. should buy it.'—Philadelphia Gay ette.
'Wc beg to ca‘ll the attention of the bearded porti m of
our subscribers, tO the Sarm:let:oils Compound. It is.
without exceptimr.the best shaving soap,we ever tired.'
—Phldada. Transcript.
'The Repot:mem - Ins Compound for shaving, is the best
—per haps the very best article in use.-fOr seraph, the
heard from the human face divine. What with a - e'en
razor and this corimound, you may shave your fame in
half the lime, you! are pronouncing the word. It is an
anomaly in lancuage—it i. a very gond shave, and yet
no shave.•--Bostrus Daily rime, !
Prepared hy . I L. W. GLENN,
Manufacturer of Perfumery, Cosmetics, and Fancy
Soaps, 52 and SI South Third street, opposite tal Ex
change, Philadelphia. And also sold by -
BENJ. BANNAN, Ael., 'Pottsville.
May iS . I 20-41 v
I '
Philadelphia,. Reading - Si, Pelts
vine - Mill Road. I
• •
'eduction Pre;ght on Merchandize.
3 00
OiN AND AFTER• M0n(133. next, June 25th, 1511,
floods will be 'forward d with despatch at the fol
lowing rates of lireight, between Reading and the
points below.etated, par ton of 1.000 lbs.
• ' i Be . WCC7Z Between
Reading, Rx.adinff
and and
, -
• I , Phila. 'Potlbville.
Plaster, slate, [(lea, 4 - c. -..7 .• C/1 10 - 75' cte
Pig Iron, blooms. thither. I
marble, rosin, iati, pitch; ' i s • 1 20' 90 cts.
and grindstones,{
Nail., ..1. spikes, bar iron, 1 •
bark, raw tobacco,' salt, 1 40 1 00
provisions.potac,es, lum
ber, stoves, 4-c., I
Flour per barrel, i 16 els, __ __
Wheat, corn, rye ‘ .? clover
4 ctn. ...3 cts
seed, 4. salt per bushel, •
Groceries, hardware,steel, .
copper, tin, brass, do- ,
me.stic liquorsmachine
ry, butter and: ears, ' 2 10 1 35
cheese, laid and taunts, .
oil s wool, cotton, leather -;'•
raw hides, paint's, oys.- •
tern, hemp, and.chrtlam..J
Dry Goods. drugs . niedi-1.
tines, foreign l iquors, I
wines, glass. papi , r,fresh 2 60 1 70
fish, ton al, confoctiona- 1 •
- ry, books 4. Stationary.) •
No additional charges for commission, storage, or
receiving or delivering freight at any of the Conma.
ny's Depots on the:line.
July 15;1813
31 No; 41 S'tr'awberry S't., Philadelphia
• .s
THE rents oldie subscribers In their present silo
'. 'ation being .very low; and their terms CASH,
they are enabled to sell at such low prices that cus
tomers cant lb to be satisfied, and they invite the
people of Schuylkill counTy to call and examine th e i r
stock, as thev Mier an excellent assortment, compd.
Henutifid (1 •
Superfine Ifigrain,
Ileav'y Twilled Venetian }t, ...••=
Fine English
Plain 'Striped o do
With a large stna i 4 of well seasoned,
of all widths for rdoms, halls. dooripieees, A'so
Foiniture Oil Cloths, Beautiful Hearth Rugs. 'Fable
covers, Floor Bate, Rag Carpets, 34e., &c., together
with a large sine of low priced Ingrains, and entry
and stair carpetad wholesale. or retail at the lowed
prices in file city. i
\o. 41 Strawberry street, one door shove Chesnut,
ucar 2d. Entrane aleo at N 0.50 South Second St.
. Sept. 7, 36-2rtio
To Dyers, Bleachers, Paper Makers, Steam
- Engine ;Ballaersirhad others
Prom 4 inches to I. in collate and i to 12 feet long,
capable of susfatning presrure from 900 to 9500 Ihs.
•per square inch, with Stop %to:As, T., apd
other fiztures tc suit, fitting together; with screw
Joints, suitable for STEAM, WATER, GAS, and .for
. ( 4 3 ..„11fi
Manufbeiored and for sale by
-Watehotbse S. E. Corner or Tuird & Walnut Streetip,
inlv 11, • ' : .
. .
D. B. Smith & W. Hcdg - Ecn.jr.
Manufacturers of'Pharmaceutical and chem.
iced Preparations :4- invaders of Foreign Drugs;
E. C9lo:Ett Or Allen di: SIXTH $lll
DITYSICIANS, Dibaelits and Storekeepers supplied
A with medicines bf the best quality, on liberal terms.
Medicine Chests, fer travelling or Mr families, of va
rious sizes. The various new remedies and rare Chem
icals, with particular regard to their purity.
• August 3 ' 31--Aron
Letter Presses, liery Cpteap.
/LT iho low ram ore 50. which-are equal to the
Sl_ Iron Prmes, anawill last as lung,just receiv
ed and Cor sale tin
ept. 11.
It iicchnitted by all who hate u6rd them, ran
RE: the moat unrivalled remedy ever discovered
by the int:J . :null) , of twin.
,They area sovereign
.eurc l f;ir the following complaints: Yellow and Bilious
Fevers, Fever gee, •DL6sper4ia, Cri 4 o, Liver
Corriplaint.Stek Headache, datitali, e.AEgma, Drop.
Rheumatism. Enlargemeat of the Spleen,_ Piles
Cholic, Female Obstructions, Heart-huh, Furred
Tongue. Nausea, astentinns Stainach and
B,i,veh t incipient Diarrlra,Flabilence.llabitualc oi .
tiveness, Loss oIA ppetite, IR:itched Cr Sailor.' Com
pfesion, and in all cases or Torpor of the Roweis,
Where a Cathartic or an Aperient is needed.
They are exceedingly - mild in their operation., pro.
diming neither IVausea Griping. or Debili.y. They
are extensively used and commertled by PRACTISING
PIITSICIANS, in all parts of the Union, frOm whom
any quantity of Cm tilicates of their %aloe Can be ob.
Are ',the safest. most sure and effectual remedy for
Colds, Consumption. Whooping Congn,Asthma, tight
nos., of the Lungs or Chest, c.
• Mr. Jhn Starkey. foot of Gouverneur st:, cured f
cough of eighteen month's standing, supposed to be a
settled 2_lonsumm inn. fly these Loienges, tylien the
physicians could 'do nothing for ham
Mr. Charles-11. Perhins. 71 flowery. was en red of
a severe cough and cold ofthree month's standing, by
half a box of the Lozenges. • 1
nee. Mr..flancach. 497 Pearl st.; %as used them in
his family with invariable EUCCQS.S.! and recommends
them to all who are afflicted with coughs, colds, or
any affcetions of the lungs.
Mr. M. E. Martin stilierrd several weeks with a dig•
trcssing cough, v,'nothing •irlict. id. till lie tried
these Lozenges, which Cured' him in a few hours.
Mr. James IV. Hale. No .5 Tontine Buildings, ‘Vill
st., gave some to a friend who had not enjoyed a
night's sleep for several weeks, being m cry few mi
nute: attacked with some distressing cough, as almost
to takeaway his life. The Lozenges Made hem raise
easy, and enabled him_ to sleep 'well at nigh., lie had
tried even• thing else lie heard of, and r.othing else
afirdcd the least relief—another instance of saving'
a fellow-being from ap untimely grave.
n nr
r z to
• [fli
Proved in more than 46.000 cases t be - infallible
the only certain worm•destroyine medicine ever dis
Strvirrosts Woll3lF.—Taiii indlte joints or limbs
Offensive breath. picking'at the ttose. grinding of the
teeth during sleep. and at times a paleness about - the
lips with flushed checks breeding at , the nose, ignaw
ing sensation at.tbe stomach, flashes of heat over the
surface of he body. slwltt chills or shivelings, head
ache. drowsiness, terngo, torpor, i d.sturbad droms
sudden starting in - sleep with - Irish: and screwing
sometimes a t made-some cough, feveizslitiess, thus,
nialid hue, Ids, bad taste's, the niou:th, tildir.,lll; breath
ing. pain in the s:otnach or Powcl4 - . fdligtieolausea.
riseamishness, voracious appetite, - bl oa ted
Stomach or limbs - , gripings, shooting. pains in nations
parts of the hody: a sense of motnet,liing rising In the
throat, itchin4 of the anus toWardS it ig lit, a - frqueni
desire to pass something from the 1 1 ,-owels, and some
times discharges of Any . .and [linens.
Dr. Gillen Ilattler, lit - I . =.l.athAJcl i nue,knciv a clifld
that waF cured of by iht se , Lozengers, after three
ear sufFering, and o hen nothing . cite would give the
Ictst relief. A boy ye hoard of of the Ilavre
packets. was coma ofli , s by only one dose of them.
DJr.Joldt Wad., p 7 Third ettclot.. gave them to
his child, and they hi-mm.7h away c wormv be thou
Dr. Zillais7iic, IS Duane st.. It t and them in .ovet
700 cast's, scone of thf.mi of the TIP st alarming char
acter,v'cd alwa‘s with the greatest SLIC:CCSS.
BC4ajillaln Gondsped, 120 , S1'.;01 „t venue, has m.
ed them in his Calmly for two years', with entire sue:
cess. Tweet.) , live cents per Lox.
Shcruirtn's Ca mphor,nr Ileadtiche.Loaongtrs .
(live immediate relief in nervous or sick Ikralache
palpitation o fthe ?lean. lowness of spirity, despoil.
dency.infl - imion tory, or putrid sore thro-4. hovel et
surnme.r complaint, fainting, oppression or a 'sense o
s i n ki ng o f 6c chest, rhodie, vi;:ismsr ; cramps.: of rat
stomach or !towels, hysteric:4l.l7a coons ancl!ail non
emu": diseases. droWsitess through the day acid wake
fulness at night; cholera or cholera'tnorbus.ciarilio:a
las:situd,e, or a sense et- ft tonic. Persons tra sell tc
dr attending large parties, will find the Lozentres rea',
ly reviving, and the buoynecy el y o uth—o
sed after dissipation. they restore the tone of the sys
tent generally..end remove all the Unpleasant spelt)
tons floo free
JOho-M. Moore. Esq.. Editor of the y ilrother Jona
titan, was cured of a severe headache in six mi'cutes..l);
three or C tclphor L., ,, zenges. he 'lrate. prepttl,cec
against them.
Joseph B. Ncne4. Vice Pres ident cif t ine W.tslt
itifftrot ;‘!.inner Insurance Corn panj„ has suiirrd
yvars acid: nervous headache; that nothing would re
lieve till he it.;ed these Lozenges Which removed' t
entire:St is titteen tole:ties.
Dr. ilohter,lt:S :ill Avenue, has iced sulticr
to violent attacks of headar.he. so as 'to make
mos , blind' for tot, or three lions alp time.
aver him . a y relief till he teed these Lozno .
;Teg, and t cored lion'in a fl a y ,morns.' : •
IV. H. A tirre , :he New York I lerckl, 111!
treed them-11.r the let year for he.nlklie.or pii.sttude
Ind ti ‘va3. rutittn",tintiwtliaie rebel i , rotn theni.•
!'. , or 31.4:17. k
.I! 1,0.000 sold 3 eat ly of thishcst all Plasters.—
Blietrantisoi, Lust tgo Pain or Weakness, in tht
Back, Loins, Side, Breast, Neck, or Llitithn,effeciet.l
ly cited by 11_7'(h11s 121 Cent each, and war
ranted supertor to all othir in use, Be par
iettia r to get NI", marls l'oe'r Man's Plasters, ov. vat
will hn iinpo , cd'opon. A road the s itrious and woo to
less intitutiolm. The am.; is Ilto hack o
earth; eel none 55 ilhottt it, or 3,ttu wt)l dcceitted.
Cotigh I.ozenget. .
cents a box. : •
Worai Lort.nees .15
Camp'bor or lictrdiehe Lozeopes. t rents per boa
Poor Plaster, only ILt:, cents a piece:
. -
The above Medicines t0r.,...1e by ;
J. BE. Try ; .
Azentsror. the proprietir. Also by
JOHN S. C. Ali Ditqt7int
Port Carbon'.
William Tagzart,Taniagna.
George r:e:t,riyder, New Cast
June 10. 183,3
. It Dann. De4ied,
( Pdr.Tritth is ?nighty ) that
T is warranted to be strontter than 6 bottles of MOST
I others.—stronger than four of SONIE. and stronger
thanqhret , of the STRONGEST prepared by any °the'
in the United States.
Dr: I-eidyni Sarsaparilla is recommended by all res
pectable physicians in preference to any other.- Jill who
have ever used it, have derived MORE BENEFIT front
one bottle than three to ten of others and those who,
after having used other's preparations, without benefit,
will use Dr. Leidy's. will soon be couVinced (as than's
ands have already been) of the fOregoing assertion.
The apparatus with which Dr. I.*iily's extracts used
in his preparation of Sarsaparilla as prepared, is the
only one in the United States, imported by Dr; Leidy
himself, front the celebrated house of, Pelletcr fsc Cav
anon, in Paris, at a great expense. and is capable of ex
tracting the medical, virtues of Sarsaparilla and other
roots, more effectually than by any other process:
markable cures and recommendations from clergymen
and physicians have been from time to time published
it is only thought necessary to keep the public at:initiated
as to where Dr. Leidv's Sarsaparillalcan' by obtained
renaint. namely, at Dr. LEIDI"S HEALTH EMPO
RIt..7M, 191 North SECOND Street; near Vine St., (sign
of the Golden Eagle and Serpents;) Fred. Brown's and
Fred. Klett's Drug Stores. Philadelphia.
PrLe ONE DOLLAR per brittle; 3 bottle's for 82 50,
and 6 bottles for $1 50.
Also by J. F. Long, Lancaster ; end at J. G. BROWN'S
Drug Store, formerly W. T. Epting's, Centre Street,
Pottsville. • .
May 11," • 10—
. .
IS that I would not give one bottle of DR. SWArivE's
-Neompound Syrup °Mild Cherry.f or hair it dozen
of any other preparation. I have tried all tho Pop
ular onea, but this stands unrivalled for the Cure of
the following diseases;viz't—lnttuenza, Cou;lis
Colds, Consunipiion,Spittingof Blond, Palpitation of
the Heart. Whooping Cough - . 'Pickling or risintz sen
sation in the throat, Bronchitis, Asthma, or weakness
'of the Nervous System. or impaired cnnstifution
from any cause, and to prevent . persens from falling
into a Us CLINE. this meMeine has, not its equal.
And when too much calomel M. iminine has been
used, tins medicine will prevent its evil effect en the
systrini. and repair the hillier). functions. As a proof
of the above medicine giving great stiongth and clear
nese to the voice, a gentlemen from nue of our large
auctioneer establishments in Philadelphia, who has
been using Ails Syrup, says that it is the _ greatest
medicine to cry on he. ever saw 1' Of course, the
Minister or Lawyer, who have to exert their voices.
would be equally banelitti it. Reference will be giv
en to the auctioneer, by calling at My office. ,
CAUTION.— AII preraLitinils from this valuable
tree except the original Duet. Swayne's Compound
Syrup of Wild Cherry, arc fictitious and ctuntedeit.—
Prepared only by Doct; Sway nr , . whose office is flow
removed to N. W. corner of Eighthland Racestreets,
Philadelphia. • 1
For sale at. the store of DANIEL. KREBS, in
Pottsville, who isthe sole Agont. forl l
Schuylkill coun
ty. : •
January 13' • 2-1 y
B. BANNAN, agent
who has •not ?j' that •
Is the purest, strongest, and most rfficaeinms of any
other preparation of Sarsaparillapult is made.
The Most Common Saying.
• E'V'' FALL GOOD.... i fr i
BEA have just teeeived.a
1 Splendid nswelinent of rich Fait Prints, New
Stylo, Men, eassirneres,'Clnttis,
Muslins,Canion and IVardki Flanifel, besides a 7,rt-at
variety of senimonble goods, all of which will ho
sold at a rmall advance, ' *
• July 27 30— T, J. BE:ATTY
. ' n
• An'ar•l3(t ' S c. 0 ripplf7h.l Krco.spre 4 . - e •rizgalic Oil;
, . . ~,,, , -
E 7 ORthe cute i.:' Dr.AT N E.lti , pa le and the
. lik•
I' charge of nroter from the ears- attioll those Alma
greelthle titris•Js. !Ow the Itttizii,g Ur th 414,. (tilling. of
wale'', buzzing of - steam, &c., &r. whit•;;;are symptoms
of approachihg de fliesi and ale° litte4latit with the
ii •
Aht . eatie. .
, .
• CresTI2.IECAT:E -
The f0d1... ink Fslitortalri anti' Tot . ..reid
with iiiter..,st speals (Acts, whiCA ' re "stutrloon,
Mosr EaTa tray danbte
iliey Way how 4isthiss 111,111,' add 0..0 ul increittunns
may Consider Deafness 0.9 curable:- DialpetOUS capes or
cure's, and many of thein very reinarlMW-411 the tine
ortitiarlia's Oil,' have L•cert this,Vaps
the climax.' Yining r old May yß'ttrsect , hearing' ,
A lady h Stitiihlirld, Pennsylvania,' andlitosi- about NO
years . of had been crailoally "eettirtr.4eat thrlnvirii
than .10 y ears. so that it war nest to itopcqdide tntnrikv
her hear conversation .in the loudest le* of lisfee
Last inter 5110 was induced to try ..qaic tires tyiV fort
It is only necessary to add tbc she trzef t ryi.. , .
ed two bottles. and that her Itea . riltg restenr,
ed,ll, itr.
e , ti.
DE'AVNESS ft , IWN/11.7,1', ract from a
by Mr. Jnitason of
letter written be Mr. Ji.,. h 13100. :,
this city. is important, •U??.;
'The bottle of Scarpa's Oil for Deaflvs, that' yotr
sent ate, with the wish that my daughter•Avould try it,
ha, been used. and in it. effects, • have aa. tDisheit all;
M e
you know
o very deaf she has been tee she.vvas w
I ;
three, yearsold—she no hears ititeAr. I,,hut nn the
'medicine has all been used. I wish volt , send the an
other bottle, Ivlik;i I have every reasoff; - 01 believe wil
cure her entirely.[Tinies. . l'i I 4
For sale by B. ll.' (ILT NI PERT, N. 11!0',6' °rill - Second
Street, I'll il -Mel plita. and by- - ff,;.! - 4 '
EICIIIIOLTZ & sii&hratEsoN. •
- •- ',. i •?8 30—
!=• , 5 '
July 1613,
Concentrated' Fl *7 1 ,. Cxt act 'of
. ._
- :._!
e P.
I 1 `Ott the cure of Scrofula. Chronic Itpljuialism, Gen
eral Debility. Cutaneous Diseases Apaly Eruptioni
of the Skin, Tester, Pimples ov,'Pitstilleit„.'on the Face,
Liver Atrections, 'Mercurial and . Seth rid Diseases,
(tiles, from an iuireltre habit of body. all Orations of the
Throat Pains - and *well in:: of (tie Runes, and
all Discasesarp‘itic from ao_iutpure stmt(; of the Blood,
Expositresivind Impruitmces in Eir,,• Wessive use of
Merritry, &O. . i 31
An:in:moult, edlirt Ins hoe?, lately 41 . .! 1! to introduce
various rolui.iiiiitilt called - Extracts, oflarsaparilla,'
an poilitiv,g,aMl sp , vilic cure .alas'. if !fire ~i. ere to beliove
e ar
the ur-agant arsenious of the adviitti ers who are
pushing thrill. all tlispse that "tt
flesh .'l ,ir to,'' can be
. 11. r
governed and reilinived by these wouttlfh " extracts."
Now; we,Want n e tt customers' o our arttetis but persons
of conititon sritsti tit least : and those 100 have. That,
will ilnd it imp4sible to believe, these :eitEravagant and
ridiculous a.serrions. Depend upouttilliAn, if you get
f , OMSTOCK'S trite extract of the realttal,P•aparilla, ev
ery disease, that Van be cured by this and/various other
riots that Germ the compound, will be rur,,..lit by it. Such,
partidularly: as .Scrofilla.-Illienniatisni. 'rt .. / all diseases
of tlit, biotic!. and particularly disease atilt itrering front
the abuse of mercitrv. Coms•rocit's i44,.,5,tti mitts is
warranted as rood as any in the city, atyl at Just half
the price of °thins, and in as' large JAM, viz :-50
, ' , uli•illrr isitutri• of :iv . I Tier-dozen. Sou i'Votirselves.—
To lid - found only it Com..tock•s.ttraiielP . Itoitse, No. 2,
North 51% St. rhiladelphil, and
,is Potty at '
rvh. 1:;• ,-Iv . J. S. ti; Arcrix.s.
• ~..•
1 , n• it 0 .;.37::t It r.. 1 a n Op':
0 , '...!-
Dr.} Leidy's Ceebrated. tantment
FAILI:“. in it,, , ~,, .P >mor, Itch, Lt' Watery.
1 , ...
P0n:41... ~- 1- On , fare t.:l body, :iratr'.., ,ritptiona, and'
.4 • l I I. 4 C(I3CS Of OIC , 5'4191 r ,
or ilq. ip:111V thou:4lnd 1., , 1:1.'5. (it i ,- ; pttis4.elmttics frith
thp nimds - Cr.: Lpidy's Totter and Il Ointment "
!.1.1 . .M in tho , jdo.) tlt•re 11 to all illstae . .Vlsi.,4•ll klitrWl.
,•r li,itird frian'whoro it hail_ fhilial. A
u.t. tier her of ri•filr
tice.: tart I.e made,made,WWll. 11 11:14 been in nitwits,
factiiii7:4, nn board of vr.iel.,. :laid in faint es, and err.'
title:tics could Le pialitisliell 01 them. Itt4 Otir the detica
ry Fn, linviiin lialitt•S IttibliSliell in crinneittinii with an
loarlironie aid ilisier'eraid, atreition..!:l,lt..
hence 2v rents per Sortie.
It is prepared' only nod sold wholf:4;krg ;g and retail at
Dr. Leidy's Health Einflorions No lin `fe•tli SECOND
slvol, below Vine street. sign of the ( lOin Earle and
Serp. , .nts.) l'lnlgdelpilial`onlf by all Soft dTerent Drug
-7.1,1 and Storekeepers ntiaelled to Driteidy's adver
tkelnent of his ••Illood Pilk'' anotbersOnion. (which
idease ref4r to and read, (besides inalOkfiers thniugh
wit the ugan'n y. . •
Sql•li" P.,t;;•."'.r.L, ar.'J. C. BROW-11t, - Dcug Store.
(111-irptin.:'• ) if f
•:11:ty H, Ph:, - l' la--
rr 1.11: a lid •mi. or
A Falw,toick's Ivro4iugo WiOnduced per-
,ths who ore eriltibus alto sneers -4 t4pilm off upon
he pot,hc prep: , r4to.os which 'ail malliol men know.
ne lncfiic..t ous tit eapoll..n.; trOifrzi from
This VerMlfoqe has made it:: way tinipubiic favour
211 •
, .4puhm; ...
u ion the crowd l.t . its own .iiiirinsie.,4terds. more
tha'any 'other inedictiie of ilic, kind;' w mitt]; and
.chile many V. orm remedies hate bi, nt of puffing , .
been foir,d into silo, and shortly rfVr gone into
the obscurity whi th i:ier worililessuOsq jdsily trier
nett,: B. A. Floors ork's. .VeuilifuOitf..ontinues to
be' Criumpharitly susriined. It his 091 to be used
and its elll•cts wdl fully sustain • all 'that:as said rates
• e 4;
writ:tic, fnl expelling power.
.: • . Cerlific.ate. T:4
• 1, j
. : Wake, Erie Co,- New Y. icl'ie 7, 1443.
We certify that ive have used B. 4t,falinestock's
t'erinifuge in our fluidics, and in cveby case it has
provided a d;s.irie.l ..nd etfuctu tl Jeniclly for expel
ling w tries from the s)stefo. We cOOlally recom
mend,: to parents : wlin hart cbildrerf l Vilicted with
that dangerous malady.
ELON VI 1f.G1E,.',;.: •
tt Al. B. PM:NW ' •.
• - ROIPT, itIA v. 1 - ,.
• • JosErti Buittixclis. •
. .
. ..„ ,
For Sale, wholesale and retail,tit rfl Drug Wife.
house of .
. FA II NESTOX dr. Co.
Corner of Sixth anti ‘food sta. Pi4urg„ Pa.
For Sale in Pottsv , lle. by ' .
CLFM'E S& PA R , Pqr,ggists.
December, 9 • 50—
• .
A Wiest every -disease that flesh . i;tidoe,,,. ir to may Nit
- 1 % Mired by the timely use of ciA tioxEr cosr— .
l'otm I) u.r.pti KATivE I'his may be
proved sa I isrictorily to those who w*lcall at any of
the stores where this tilvaluiblc niedf4ine is sold, by
eertincates (pro perly 'autheaticatek)enfilres perform
ed on individuals whir had lost all . 6 - 6-15 . es of relief—
certificates of Physicians who had tl‘ most severe .
. ,
cases under treatment, their patients fu, ing takep l / 4 4nk
medicine byllicirridvice and been cnto—certitgMe,3.-
from. the Po otliondtaiy, Clerk of Orphs' ComMiNfV-
tary, &e.. stating their setplairtancettkhpensons.of,
respectability and standing, who liawe,,,e, tits good ors
their fellow men at heart, have voluniiiyily conie for...
ward and given a stator:ion t oftheir eitZe and its cure...
for public:won, &r. rece; "The numbm , pli hese certi 7 „
fieates beiwr too great for newspaper; iiriblication, the.
subscriber has deemed it advisable, tk. a v,e ncopi of
the most invariant cert:ficate prop - y authentica
ted, under seal, to be. react d • at the tit, res of agents,.
who ha ve The medic:it... for sale, wherOpersons Mille,
ted with SCrolitla o r K 1 : ,
.ovil 'll,yhito'Swelling,
Chronic Incnroatisit , 1 t.ti r . filer rial diseases
Eruptions °rifle kin, t . e ; t of lontS-•tanding or in
cithent Consumption, r::•; flead-ac.4; . , . &c, %:e."may
have , an opportunity of ascertairdophe na - tics and
rerddences of those who hare beered by, lks use.,
and who will he willing, ii . 611 ed up, to4ve every
information rennired.
As 'a more general evidence". tha,is is no quack
medieine. I would.refer to the rani:& of the follow
ing, well known physicians, who iiiW attested 10 its
elficaep—Dr: J. P. 11;ester; Dr. . o.ll,ren. Dr. Jiio.
Otto, Dr. 11.11, Mohlenberg, Dr. J.* miler, -
Sold wholesale and Retail at ihei lig and Chemi
cal Store of 1
E. 13, E:ICIMOU ~, Pottsville. •
J. li. &J. IL Palls, IVI in er evil 1 Hugh Einsley
Pori C.:6Jan ; Henry Voute. Orwir , -*o r ,,
a" o•
January 21, : 4—ty .
Lard Lam -
r. 4., .
100 1 1 A a ll :nt i 'll r e s 'b b e ot t h l T n i :1 l i riV„ r!' p a r n o l v 3' e l ii r li q i e n a ti s
jastrecrived. Br the iise ofiheso La; s,a more pleas
ant and orilliant light is obtained, tit.- by the, use of
she Pest oil, andsit a saving of On y.,t SO per rent.—
Bold at Mantifarthrer's ritires by , ' % ,!,,t NA
P4.:ni., 11, .7:— .1; • /Ova
Pao 'Ls for the . Peofie
z• -x:
o a friend in