"DJl)i.oper AT CAXL - EL LOVER, In Joys of old. when first I told A tale so hold, my love tothee, In falt'ririg voice I sought thy choice. And did rejoice thy blush to see; With doWlicast eyes I heard thy sighs, And hope reveal'd ha. dawq to me, Aa - soft and slow, with passion's glow, • I whisper'd low, my love, to thee. The cannon loud. in _deadly breach • May thunder on the shrinking foe ; 'Ti anger is but loud of cpeech, The voice of lose is soft and low: Thetempeses 9 hint. the battle's rout, .31ake.haroe wild we weep to see , -But I.llllllllg wind -and friends when kind All whisper low as I to thee. ..;Now gallants gay, in pride ofyouth, Say, would you win the fair one's earl 'Your vtitive prayer be Aloft soil youth, And Whisper low ai.d she will hear. The math bell may loudly toll • !:The bridal morn, when ull may hear . ; But at thii time of vesper chime, Oh, whisper low in beatify's ear„ '%I'2I'CLU Do.—lf I 11353(15rd the most !aluttblo things in the VVor'.d. yrnd aLet:t .trill them rint-ay, the fu;:o:Ainz 1:e. um -plan `of distribution : • would G...ivo to elt) C:l3rld, truth an] fritad-h:1 whiph are cry SC A'wouid g ive an allnional portion of lawyers, traders anJ inerehentzt.'" .• ;ice t ihycl,:tane and learuiltg. • ,"lju.'ol.2ltl gitc to prinicirs their pny. To gossip women. short tongue:l 7 To youingmAyneii, go.)1 :case, large'vy.lists, and natural complcxionl. ".. To yOung sprout/ or dandies, common Ecuir, little cash, and hard * vork. To old Aail+, good tgrniibrs,: grunt!' facca„lit• tic talk awl -good huAlmndm. • Tu old bachelo:s, a love fo: virtue, children and IE3E2 : Tdo Gunn TO Or. Los r. We endorse the folimv.M7, from Marklin's n.l.Coie to 'us son, au.l put it again in circulation, as toag. , 3od to 1:e le,t • I have often told you,' he ' saps. that ever; tnan rrua.t he the maker br mater of his ow :ur t•,..twie. I fepaat the d,:ctrire. Ile who depcnils upon hie incessant industry end integrity, depot:der npost . potrana of the nt..!l!cAt and most eirdte.d kind; • , _--.._esiirn - the creators of fortune and fame, the ...7joander4 of families, and e. afFnever disappoint or : 2 ;' - itacti von They control al human dealings. and • - ;e - Cen vicissitudes of any unfortunate tendency to e contra'ry nature.. You 'bye a genius, you have learning, you have inC.:untry at times, but you • want perseverance; without it, , you can do noth ins. 1 bid you bcar-this motto in mind— , I'sn • szrgta.' Taos ea TIIILOVG:1 THE. Morton—A good sta., 7y is told in a Now York paper of rC dssipated character, who irient home to his wife one night 'boozy, :and called fur supper. The poor wire, who, while she could do so,,provided food fur the family by her own toil, informed him with tears in bei eyes; that there was nothing to get a supper out of. said he, 'haven't you a piece of cold meat?' ':To!' Givo me a piece of breads then.' He Was told there - was none . 'What! have yeti nothing—nothng.7' Nothing at" all,' repliad the poor wife, 'not even a crumb.' After a well, very well ! give me a clean anti fork. By dupiterl I'll go throrqh , the molipns any Isto, rf 1 stark ofterteards ! A Llcarontsr.—The Duke of .Montague r.-a l l a great ;humorist. Anten3 the oilginal moJeo which ho contri;.eti to miniztcr to his own arnuso.' , he.had a der.:::tiveanirror suspended in hiii, drawing room; 60 that all the nuble guests who. chanced to dine at Montague !louse were induzed oripassing the treacherous mirror, to adjust their • , wigs In that day a full dresse,l wig- was as e:.• sential as a full ciresszd coat; and his grace's L.- 7 bl• - i 1 commonly presented an assemblage of noble . . lords_ with their pirukes dragged down into the right ey'ec esch wondering at his neighbor's disor derly appearar.ce, and congratulating himself that in setting his own wig in the drawing room, he bad escaped fro'in the ribsurd'ity.of disfizuring, - the rest of the company. , Arc iou unwell!' said a wag ye.iterday, to a fel low whOm he met with a very ti;ly phiz. • L' well !' was. the reply ; , why I rivor f..0.t bet ter in Ali , my lire. What' do yciu sve ailing me 1' ;0, noihimg,. 63i:1 the only see that you look Veti , ill—or, in other, wordw, that you are a very ill-looking 1.2110w.' • • . _ He ritivcr looked so 'nasty' in his life. as he aid •' L on hearing till: , negative compliment paid to his personal beatity. ' Jean Paul flai in o ln4. fine thol.glits. :Hero 'is =MEI Man has wro minutes and a hail to live—one to smile: one to sigh, and a half to love—for in rthe middle of this lie dies. ; But tho grave is not .deep—it is the shining tread of an angel that seeks Ant; When the :unknown hand throws, thr• fataVdart, a: the end of man, then .boweth he his head, and the dart only lifts the' erawn of thorns from his wounds. :far AT Til z I NU) intent 'on.? —A machine for paying every body's debt:, also squares accounts, rind strikewthe kalance in an in. Istant. Books like a horse pistol. A patenffer. making tight boats feel easy. The modue operand( of this Very ,lrt:irsble receipt, is giving them to sameho.ly with sta4l,7 feet.-- Naa. - it's' Times. • •Do yon 'one (ii - Ohe) ho-e 1; irlq6i-e:1 a zirite man Ca, C , ), - .. kney, fi-obtless) deficient in tite animation, to a Luber. - • • Then 'one this, wiii,you 1 . 'I will inz:•i it: wit'a pleasurc;.sait i l the Itni.;ht of the razor. ' .Whlitle your )ther ton7,oer sail the Rnor- der yesterday t) a witeeea. - ANty rdether's tongua said the letter. Well I can't say; but it 171USt be mighty loag,lcr iity ra ther; says 'there's 1:(1 cad to it !' What Was the Lady of the. Leke when idle took Kin 4 James late hji canoe Mian 1 WA Lin'o says ho don't: believe in anything liky , ).4 ir cm c:-...nrre hend, and in no more of that than jat what suite him. [ , • ITRI: - ..mtka-sTEEL Nll)fmal gni oth cr Ste.' Penc., rirm.tfactured•tly 'Wright of New frria!,2 BL J. DA:;:"; n A.^l. !AI:: J 5 5 . . OM Perfarriery Pertamery -1 . - ::tuThcricrs: anti tonsu-mero.of Anthracite• • rill I . .-:subsc:rii - i;:r Laz opetyd,a icq Ereott and nperin; rrer.. Verruniery; nrnong. sxhica . . . .. '' 1.4 " r3 C."lng"-F 1 ` .4 : 01 -Wzaer• ll, n l '.`. , tiwit'r• a ~":17;1112BA.Zin: 110DCSDN. itifornas these concerned ser:, pita , nnt I ,,rrutze„ ai..l is ao execti, lA, article lor , di' the: he continaks the bustnesS a' purchasing and ;yr t .tyg I:;ttr :o . .l:tat torn titer.l.a.ti , s,.t.lenilenton nr ',''slii:ipingcotil, by Rail Road and Canal, in the capacity ..h , ' ,. .; , 1.; Retain F. ,tyli.r, i.,r the Cee lt ,legion,.!:.4ll4 liro', ..er--;ivine the foroi;n dealer 11l advantage tz tr4 , l ,:,, 2 p,,,t 0, ....1.,,,„,, t , c i. ‘v i ,,,., t z-,,, t 0 ,', 1 - k ..,,,,,... pirhis constant residence and experience in • the region, ~,•,,,,, 1 i t . :, ,.. 6 (,:.,;,. ~,,•,_ ...,„;,,, ~,,•,,, "„,,,,..,, ~.,,en a statedr ornmieeien. . .. -,, , I ..'' ' ", t.. — , ';,i .7 . 7,' ,'" *. f .,. , , s ''., 1. , .:. Letters addressed to hint at Pottsville , mid treet , l , '"•ln. ''''' '•'''''' " •'''• ' "“'" c "'''''''''. . 0 " t"-r 1.-pronmt attention ' 1:' s.::and l't-1'.. , , I. et . liti and, .11 , ,:i m, the. fur col- ri ' • 4....r!eg I t.,it a toidutilhi 1..p.e. , e ai.d tidrlt color; Ma- ri • REFEIUNCES. • '., . . ca.:-...., 0.1..5,: , ,nr 113;:i ilk nr.o.ve:E, (lc nuine Otvo of ''lliilsdelplua—Meners. D. d. Brown & Co., merchants. ileio,,, in Lioitit s, ikoten A.Vinti.rer, .Mnek, Orange i'. ' ." " ' Farquhar & C'erpentir; Brokers. -,, d d „, , ,,„ : „ 11d ,,if:,,.., ~,,L . 4 ‘,. ~,, naps, JA,. i 'Pottsville4llr. J. '..rhippen, Pre.r.d't. Timers ' Dank. ..0 , . t , ::. .". 8. Slily-mean, men hart.- . t .., t , ,' s . 7 < i , o n , c ,..? -', 'or,l i nunt. ,or ..,,,, Ivill;, • , " " J. Pinkeitcn, :diner. go:l.:etre il,d, la i',,,,,i hy..in; , Cit"ant, llf.-- . 1, ' .. Pottsville, Scpt.,": 111tt:4;:rit"..1•::::,,t41t.t.1..t.1; , ..,, , , , -.0.,,,s Pave, for whiten-, ' - , • . • MI 1Z.nt•.....!"... all, ;To•• ::!i:,, of 1.1 , 1;er, for-the Nlootb aiol -Ti.e!ii. h-0,05..? tb_ hreatih fief 11 and sweet, N... • ~, ,V ,Cg ille iz,oo' , in a hotly condition', and - , .. , ?nt0'v,.: t , • , rd , !.a.2: i , izr. of th e tceta.rucononcLdcd .„. em i t .4Li:uoi-1. , . . . l'-mor, Itch, Lt' Watery. 1 , ... P0n:41... ~- 1- On , fare t.:l body, :iratr'.., ,ritptiona, and' ~ .4 •..il l I I. 4 C(I3CS Of OIC , 5'4191 r , or ilq. ip:111V thou:4lnd 1., , 1:1.'5. (it i ,- ; pttis4.elmttics frith thp nimds - Cr.: Lpidy's Totter and Il Ointment " !.1.1 . .M in tho , jdo.) tlt•re 11 to all illstae . .Vlsi.,4•ll klitrWl. ,•r li,itird frian'whoro it hail_ fhilial. A u.t. tier her of ri•filr tice.: tart I.e made,made,WWll. 11 11:14 been in nitwits, rl factiiii7:4, nn board of vr.iel.,. :laid in faint es, and err.' title:tics could Le pialitisliell 01 them. Itt4 Otir the detica ry Fn, linviiin lialitt•S IttibliSliell in crinneittinii with an loarlironie aid ilisier'eraid, atreition..!:l,lt.. hence 2v rents per Sortie. It is prepared' only nod sold wholf:4;krg ;g and retail at Dr. Leidy's Health Einflorions No lin `fe•tli SECOND slvol, below Vine street. sign of the ( lOin Earle and Serp. , .nts.) l'lnlgdelpilial`onlf by all Soft dTerent Drug -7.1,1 and Storekeepers ntiaelled to Driteidy's adver tkelnent of his ••Illood Pilk'' anotbersOnion. (which idease ref4r to and read, (besides inalOkfiers thniugh wit the ugan'n y. . • Sql•li" P.,t;;•."'.r.L, ar.'J. C. BROW-11t, - Dcug Store. (111-irptin.:'• ) if f •:11:ty H, Ph:, - l' la-- L.. rr 1.11: pormhtt.cy a lid •mi. or A Falw,toick's Ivro4iugo WiOnduced per- ,ths who ore eriltibus alto sneers -4 t4pilm off upon he pot,hc prep: , r4to.os which 'ail malliol men know. ne lncfiic..t ous tit eapoll..n.; trOifrzi from .tho This VerMlfoqe has made it:: way tinipubiic favour 211 • , .4puhm; ... u ion the crowd l.t . its own .iiiirinsie.,4terds. more tha'any 'other inedictiie of ilic, kind;' w mitt]; and .chile many V. orm remedies hate bi, nt of puffing , . been foir,d into silo, and shortly rfVr gone into the obscurity whi th i:ier worililessuOsq jdsily trier nett,: B. A. Floors ork's. .VeuilifuOitf..ontinues to be' Criumpharitly susriined. It his 091 to be used and its elll•cts wdl fully sustain • all 'that:as said rates • e 4; writ:tic, fnl expelling power. :.--..., .: • . Cerlific.ate. T:4 • 1, j . : Wake, Erie Co,- New Y. icl'ie 7, 1443. ~ We certify that ive have used B. 4t,falinestock's t'erinifuge in our fluidics, and in cveby case it has provided a d;s.irie.l ..nd etfuctu tl Jeniclly for expel ling w tries from the s)stefo. We cOOlally recom mend,: to parents : wlin hart cbildrerf l Vilicted with that dangerous malady. ELON VI 1f.G1E,.',;.: • tt Al. B. PM:NW ' •. • - ROIPT, itIA v. 1 - ,. • • JosErti Buittixclis. • . . . ..„ , For Sale, wholesale and retail,tit rfl Drug Wife. house of . • . FA II NESTOX dr. Co. Corner of Sixth anti ‘food sta. Pi4urg„ Pa. For Sale in Pottsv , lle. by ' . CLFM'E S& PA R , Pqr,ggists. December, 9 • 50— • . • JOYFUL NEWS.'.. . A Wiest every -disease that flesh . i;tidoe,,,. ir to may Nit - 1 % Mired by the timely use of ciA tioxEr cosr— . l'otm I) u.r.pti KATivE I RUP.io'his may be proved sa I isrictorily to those who w*lcall at any of the stores where this tilvaluiblc niedf4ine is sold, by eertincates (pro perly 'autheaticatek)enfilres perform ed on individuals whir had lost all . 6 - 6-15 . es of relief— certificates of Physicians who had tl‘ most severe . . , cases under treatment, their patients fu, ing takep l / 4 4nk medicine byllicirridvice and been cnto—certitgMe,3.- from. the Po otliondtaiy, Clerk of Orphs' ComMiNfV- tary, &e.. stating their setplairtancettkhpensons.of, respectability and standing, who liawe,,,e, tits good ors their fellow men at heart, have voluniiiyily conie for... ward and given a stator:ion t oftheir eitZe and its cure... for public:won, &r. rece; "The numbm , pli hese certi 7 „ fieates beiwr too great for newspaper; iiriblication, the. subscriber has deemed it advisable, tk. a v,e ncopi of the most invariant cert:ficate prop - y authentica ted, under seal, to be. react d • at the tit, res of agents,. who ha ve The medic:it... for sale, wherOpersons Mille, ted with SCrolitla o r K 1 : , .ovil 'll,yhito'Swelling, Chronic Incnroatisit , 1 t.ti r . filer rial diseases Eruptions °rifle kin, t . e ; t of lontS-•tanding or in cithent Consumption, r::•; flead-ac.4; . , . &c, %:e."may have , an opportunity of ascertairdophe na - tics and rerddences of those who hare beered by, lks use., and who will he willing, ii . 611 ed up, to4ve every information rennired. As 'a more general evidence". tha,is is no quack medieine. I would.refer to the rani:& of the follow ing, well known physicians, who iiiW attested 10 its elficaep—Dr: J. P. 11;ester; Dr. . o.ll,ren. Dr. Jiio. Otto, Dr. 11.11, Mohlenberg, Dr. J.* miler, - Sold wholesale and Retail at ihei lig and Chemi cal Store of 1 E. 13, E:ICIMOU ~, Pottsville. • J. li. &J. IL Palls, IVI in er evil 1 Hugh Einsley Pori C.:6Jan ; Henry Voute. Orwir , -*o r ,, a" o• January 21, : 4—ty . Lard Lam - ris r. 4., . 100 1 1 A a ll :nt i 'll r e s 'b b e ot t h l T n i :1 l i riV„ r!' p a r n o l v 3' e l ii r li q i e n a ti s jastrecrived. Br the iise ofiheso La; s,a more pleas ant and orilliant light is obtained, tit.- by the, use of she Pest oil, andsit a saving of On y.,t SO per rent.— Bold at Mantifarthrer's ritires by , ' % ,!,,t NA BAN.N. P4.:ni., 11, .7:— .1; • /Ova MI COMSTOCK & COS Pao 'Ls for the . Peofie z• -x: o a friend in