The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, December 16, 1843, Image 4

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soug Di t{fie J 0 t.
The nr.v
A Iktadsa.:. 41',1111 flt
A lady 01 love rat lattey
Ve34:ts 61,171" Med
They made•zi swieCtc irt,
They ttine.c.b. sviq.l. - r!zoly. • -
The Poet sana-LI. Mid-day tide,
Bei:tenth the branettei high,
And little birdion every bide
To emulate his mein vied,
'And :made a sweet reply,
And made a. sweet reply. •
Tho Met sang at sunset /PION
Bent..eth the rosy sky ;• :1]
The evening breeze ti'er.tteld 'and fle - ocr .
Crept him an unstxn fairy poser, • _
And made a sweet tentY,
And made a sweet reply.
'The Pact sang With . warrnet tone,
Beneath ynt.tnir Lain a's eye;
tst And when. he el A sped her fren , Wing nne,
And ivciped:the4ll t 4) be his o e n,
She made 'a sweet. reply;
She made A a'ecet reply.
The: Ilusion Thmeript--g13,11 whtnity
inatterS; !tilt is etl.tet by a ta , ?y,-.(s-) it his been
FiAtt . d,) communicatOs the LA1.,..tar..!
which; is important to tbute sar. , se it it a y con
arn•:' •
HOPI TO !CAT has bren &Aid
be “the ape; of this ti,s -twit irp.let.6.l
ad, often, that vihoher it be true i r wit
it has certainly euine a
A gentlenvin, *bore st•s-hiseiet t t s, lariy h 4,1
cant 'knee.) in his ) . thel4ht 14 , fulfil -
meet of his ..Iv,s, c.-,1/•
su,nnicion devoutly tr be okbel," infciitu(tl
f tit' 'one by lotto of hi 3 pia) iii hit an err
ly aniwer. Tins lady hat &noon Ib' wyrlty rub
her life, and, reeivrocso4.4 hie rent,l;
merits she bad - no reason fur int her anaiaaPE l :
She 'vent him the tolhorti:4 reply .
dent As Nbrand,k,szd To Fetal nozel:-.4.
ern yutlf wi:e if y : . O 1.% id marry E4r your.,
• iVhat worda 'caufd b.. more to are porpoo
They were all the lo'er w• 4 we.k. w!l.);,whvr, he
hew to" her h3r)d. - v.itii hi. CieArt iaa
confeirticCl her cantor and I..rcy“y rare as 11We!•vy
nu/ of lieu/Lice .
The N,a York tt Ils an .13 a:.e..-cee
over which many of oar ....tier-, we 4 ,11:4 tb .1 .
have Anna Um. viaioher guffaw will do
Yon no hsiM. It ta reisted th'at. we a c4.rtaio oc.
C4811)11. a M. Griim trom . tkr , country, tend bi L.
Veil, for the flrit time in the cuurao of his life, en.
compassed round a'soisf , tise walls of a tbccre, 011,
an evenina'when the players were t doing' the
tragedy of °nail:). Eery thin? about the estab-
Meat , seemed ; with strangeness to Mr.
Green. As scene 101 l twed .SC6IIO, the more cu :
.'wrapt becime Mr. Green: and the intensity of his
'attention evioced' by au open mduth, distended.
optics, an d other outward shows and symptom. , of
wice,der, might have I, , rrned a picture fa r a painter.
At tenth that high.wtought scene touching
'the handkerchief spotted w ithetrs wherries, w here
the_ ntloost nay. Much abused Wolir' Will not; be
551'^fied, but says:
• retch me the handkerchief!--(panne)--The
h mdkerchief!— . cpaus9--The handkerchief
• '' h, handkerchief!—(pause)—The handkerchief;
1 -e, !—' . •
nir.mnat absorbed Mr. Greemoultl no longer
a vain his emotions-rhut at tir4top of his
Limed, , 13.10 w your nose with your fingers, y ? st
nigger, and let the ploy go on!'
' rtue wants mere adiniters, Wta
-411,-n mare
. supplrants, Truth more real frievttit,
and Heitesty na4O practitioner& •
rhe,Tradera want more profit, or les* evoy of
'thtir mor e neighbors.
Tha'Printer wants [kitty of goOd ready pay
aubs:ribersi and. tots of advertmug 'an t job wak., !
accompanied with the ob , j4ful !" •
Religion' want's less said 'abaul'the theory, gad
more done in the way
Philosophy wants a residence, and
. •
Love, Charity and the Ranks, wtat to ha in
Pride wants to be - discv . l.J, an 4 MAe‘t
Acne@ introduce.d.
'Our Country wants more true awl diriimercived
patriots,--, ao Tiny unprmcitted .yco
phantie °ince hunters.
Como - moil wants less Pretiviii2 *trice, itrti
trroro of the iron epiritiof Christianity.
'twat - ice wants to be rebuketioaDA
:Unaseurning 1I nt support, d and !chertr-hrti. •
Ilartcti or •itti:' Aft xt).--A Fenkee boy and 4
Dutch boy!weot t f 'bet:OA to a Vfmkee achtiolmel
:ter, who accading to us
. I rVhat is your na , rol)
1. '
.Great A, li tia a r.o
sn'qp; take. your Pta': ' o s
Nest dliy cartre the Dlich o :4'!ett',:*?:yur
..My name
•Sp.ii it.'
.Great'ltapr.R, lime ITatrni
a Jilan; e t (191n.'•
.Ni'Pt N = late Earl cf . 711!alt •
10 ezentive a pr-vrt,tar . .ibt..l patron ot ti,11)117,1“,
thnt herctuned Whit mernber:, every P3r:i
:who nh,:refueeli,,h,ty called 1,•-61 Longtt:A . F.,
nine pt S." Ono of tilr:lll!ar,S, gL.a.
)laving mll76_3_vtly.,
an,:wer4 . nt7by tir ilurke,.in a vri:, oi
sarcasm, wroicl% truer t(t•• I.mA .1:1,1
l er" th'
• ,
.ikpta.., 11,:•1•.• .•••+, •t-t. 'lnvlr.
.1 ot yv4s cheeri-:g i).
- of c•i:l4,Au•-:.ce. irpre.l •Varii,tati, mi.
1V B‘drke h duns, raw of I.,, , td , Lotts•
deteN nine' pil a f "
IllAcKlNANc:thrr.4-A perched otidg cute
,driven in -tile ha. at nt.cltin3w, and I .T.i;y in
wring ro.hook up.f.orrre .of the Army trii , e,
the least poti.ble exertiakr to hitn-cli, vas accosted
by a stekmbi)at paiseng,eAnt, the -darai; Irlad•eon.'
atitta whAftiud,of LI: he caught. The youthful
hank ecititinizhig the atranger with a piatzisel
look, replied=--
'They ere'lniorty perch, ruich, hult-headt:, sht
netwond euiinterfi.4. /lad.' _ _
.What - d 6 you u.e for bait!' said 'the cfringcr..
•sorriatime 4 one thing;
but when I can't g , t rket urt rayseff.'
FILL. PAsiiioNs.—.Why John, said . a citizen
or: the Levee,
,0.) to no acquaintance of his ;
.csby;Joilo,Aho pick• of youi c rat is covered Over
with Inotassis.' . .
. •Yes?•ssid:l - uhn, •f - slipped on that infernal plat
form, fell on my back, and (lasi) rpaifed fry new
coat? •
VI:A . not at atir eaid John's friaq; it it only a
specimenor the Fall Itßhicing,' -
A Civil. Rsuci si.—During the, oermon et a
tweeting . house in this plsro; nibs* dresyd boy
ahem:four years of age walked in, and . when 4t•
hoot half way from the door to the pulpit. in, en
anditdevme e , very respectfully wid, " Mr. Min"
iste r•,pease seed my sister home." • •
shall new.. -
newer get °sit of this arra* as
;tbs hot
s soul when they were rubbeglho. bristles_
cfr with ered ni wars% -
L •.;
OONsumynos OF THE idljNfalkt
.'Urciihns of - the Liver, 4Jahma, Bronchitis„
' Pain or Weakr!cas of the Breast ar .Lungq,
C4ronic.Caughi, Pleurisy, Hemcrrhage of
Lungs, and all affeclions of , the Pulmonary
01214 M.
A comulmod Balsamic :preparation of the
Pram::: Virginian° or Wild Cherry- Barki."
prepared' by a new chemical procleas,,spproved
itrid recommended by the, most 'distinguished
physicians, and nuiversaliy acknOwleged the
most„ valuable intofteine ever discove l red.
• . No Quackeryi:!! lleoptuni.
In seitieg forth the virtues of thi4 truly great
is•O have no desire to deceive thOise
rim ere lahunriog under affliction, nor do we.
' to eulogize it (mire then tt Justly deserves.
Vet when we Mott around end ere{ the vast a
mount ',if stirring and distress occasioned by
Many attic diseases in which this 'medicine 42
to lo k hly sliceessfut, fret that we can
not urge its claims too strongly, or Fay too much
iisluvotir 1
Such indr'eri - arc the •
Ut this that even .in the'a&vo need stages
CON-VIIPTIoN,"ulltr all the mo.d esteemed rem
tdi plivzdniatts have failed, to rtiset any
, rinitize,• the use of this medicine has been ;fro
'dactise ill' the toast astonishing and ae
tually eff.eteri mires after ill hopes of recovery
had In e{, 6/94irc if of:
in the first statiss of the disease, termed "" Ca.
'tarrl44l . C4nettniptinn." originating (loin neglect.
id OOLD, it has hen used with undeviating
she - etas, am! hundreds acknowledge they'owe
the restoration of their health to this ital . /doable
tnylierne alone. In that torte of Consult:oon
' an yr . ci.falent anitnikkt delicate' young telltales,
e , annaiAlly ti . ri - ncd bitity,iir , .
v.-, •
v•101.NO INTO' A DE . OLINE,"
dnulohont. %civil which thou-ands dre finger
has ula•v provyd highly ..zuccessilth avid not
oly posseau•a, gni poworAt thee4itig Oval 'pro.
g , •16 tins aliranny tquiiplaillt;hut 1114 n ;it r..righ
2:0 iiivizorhtcs iy tern twi . ie etFerivaUy
than any ant •% , 6'ft have vvyyr I,ayssescd.
li : 4'ov par: lenla Is so! 11r. Wistar's Ticatiqi
Ivy! had of tine meats.
Sybi. In i',3t6ialb: by
la Reading! by. fklrF. , SARAH MORRIii, and
tili 4vt ry bl,:ti ill ihu A...ute.
Pbtb.vOle, Oublbiq• QS, 44
udwiticii. by all wiw - Imre wcdlLent;i rand
wh., has , ma) that
111 MOUS h •,
4.RE the Moil unrivalled remedy ever discovered
t the 111,`11UM or min. l'nev are a sovereign
cure ler !ix tuliewitez comphinon mil iv and Bile•us
Fevers, Fever and Agee, Ow. p.da. Crot4l. Liver
Ccaunlattit.Siek headache, lam dice. Asthma, Drop
sc. Itheuirvetigm.gnlargement (A the Sideeh,
Olnaruetions . , Ileart,:hurnj Furred
l'en2ce. beitoitiona at the Stonilch and
flovrela Ineipient Iharrhma,i'lintlenee, Cos
livenef.s, LOP4S (11 Aprki:te`:litotelted or Salibia7Cotri
ptextun, and in all C2bclo nt" Tnzpor of. time BOWCiS,-
Wite.:e a Cathartic er an A perientqa needed:
They are tireiiedingty mild in their operairen., pro
deem, neither iN auger' Griping, or De 'They
are nu m - and tied by PnAcrtsiNct
PHY.I.CIANS., in all•parts'ol' the'.Unton, ['rein whim)
any qiiiiintityiir Ceititientes ot' their %able can be ob
I rr ' lliV moat IOW; and effectualieoltd? for
\‘l,6 ,, ,imo•.ougnolist r itnits, t ight-
rn, of the Ainngs or Chest. ,s,:el,,Ste,
tla •
J ho Stark y, rant vrGotierneur st', cured of
,c,,11,1g eighteenll standing, fi Ilp0{;11 to be a
nettled Con‘uititionn, ti) •when the
could di) t4r
Mr. Charles liiiwery. was cured at
a ',ever t :. is Inti and of thrrti it,hth's standing, by
hails b.,' ~t tile
Iles. 11r. 11tvit,r k , 497 Pearl st., has lied thrin in
lila foully with taihirriti4i a 1141. 1 .5.5. and recommends
thrat t„ hii aho are afflicted with cough's, colds, or
dot "A lliv:i•nnt• of th,•
.114. .11 E. Marlin suffered several t‘ - erks with a dis
tres,int; cough. w i nch todtitni.,; relTred, till trilid
o we 1,1 , 7 ° ,1121Ni, e , hirh cored horn in a telVlhciurs.
'Mr...bin/es It" 'laic, No 5 foo:ne
si., gave, some to a- friend aho had not enjosrd a
night's alviip`for Set enal.wee. l / 4 4, being every few mi
mute• a ltAcked with alone tiii,tres'inite eintgkihi a lipoid
to take away life. The Lozenge./ mode h im
cagy, and i o ta hied hint to steep Moll attoich. He hail
tried every tkting else he heard of, and nothing the
zar,,eded the It-ant telt:l . —another instance of saving
front. 4ii.iiiititnely grave. :
;3,itp,ROAN',-; v:0101 1.07.F15-GERs
p r „ re ,l ur inure ;hail 401a.a) eases to be infollible I
the unly errtaia wortu-destro'2,tog. medinine ever chs.
covered •.
Sr lIPTOMS or . Wuamn,—Pain in that jollies or limbo
offensive breath. Mania at the nose. grinding Of the
teeth dllrinz sleep. and 2( tunes a paleness about. the
'1•1 , n with flashed eloogoc btnetiiiig at ttie nose, a t.,•fiair-
In Pt:II6.I.IOMM the 14 , 9twicli. thistles (if heat over the
1,11112 Ce el he body. nloritt chtlla m shivi•rines, head
Pehf.. tirowgineCiii,%crugo; - I•.rpor, dist tirbad diems
turldi•o starting in sh•na with friLlit -mt screaming ,
:•nei niter 3 1 ebtiti!esam, cnnmh, leverisineos,*
o n d o .:1 tin.'. fill, 13..1d last e'in the month, ditTitult breath
Me. iron in th' ,;I.tat.tch or I.lowele, hitiatte,,nausen.'
voracmas appetite, leaMiess, biintied
atmoach or limbs, g.rtnirozn, shooting palits'in rarond :
plrts oftbe body, a sense ot' notneihing riving t the;
throat, v.chite., of the aims toviardo u4ht, a I:rluent
d•vlre to
p sontethine . tr,•to the bowels. and stone: ,
J tm en ulneharles of s'tn' nsd atqctv.
Pr ('it'i lborfer. 101. 1 A ventie',knew a eliddi
that wan enrod of liar I.y lit -se Imzent , ,ors,after three)
7niidtatt . , and when nothins ek ,
e give the'
t as r u l l nr. A my dm user iof or. the Havre!
()Frio; by any one done of them.
Mr..76hh H. Wed, . - %7 'llanr street. gave them tnl
alai they brow It atv r ay :he warms by thou 4
I Ea
fh. Zybriskie, IS Doane et.. has used' th7em in noes.
Emort Of Urn of t h e bloat tdarining, char;
ac . r0.,...rd .e:,‘ s nirtt the greatest t3II(3SS.
lii'ltirl7[o , l 11; ,,,,, vp5t , f. 130 Sixth .Iyeatie, has nit
rd there to id.. iMmly for two years, Wall 2311
'TV:V.II)-14e me per ?not.
r cite»gers'j
• - 4•11• ti. r• hr•l' in I •rt•nnn or sick !lead:1114.
19v:tiara of Spirits, despon
d, ; , ::;....mtuntle•lt,try, nr ;:iv.1 . :(1 sore throat, bowel Or
moo. m. 4, op;:le:ishin or a snince (If
spa ran,. itranios, ne . t*
•-n• ht,o, nfr :Ind all mil ,
"oils dteves.s. , :; - t; ihrongh the thy and
or ettoiern titUrMet.,..iarrhtCa,
3 Peke Persona travelling
nr attending parties. n ttl lied thy Lozenges real
ly. and an t ) trl:n z t the thi;kvatiey of youth—u.
vet altcr dissipation, they restore tut; tone of then ' ,
trig generally., and remove all the unpleasant .., e
tom , am.) fre Iteme.
Joh., 11 . Mo , me. Esq., E itor of the Brother mitt.
than, was cored.6l a severe he titachciin six minutesby
three of the Camphor Luzengm—he was prejudided
against them.'
Jogeph B. A . n.lics. Ens l . , Vice President of the Wash
ing:ou Aldrin. Insurance Company; has suffered For
years with tierVolll; headache, that nothing would ['re
here till he tined these -Lozenges. sVhich removed it
entirely in fifteen minutes. •
pr, G. bmter, Rib Si it Avenue; has been indueet
to violent attacks of headache. so asdo make shim 7 al
rnos* blind fiir two or three hous at 'a time. Nothing
c;% • er • afforded linn nay read' ttll he fried these Lolen
rg'iS,—arid they cured !um in a fete tninutas:
IV. H. A time or the New l'o . rk herald, ;has
need them for the last year for headache.or ossitilde,
and always thund immediate relief from them. *
S.l. , erman'iPonr .11wes plaster!
1.000.000 sold yearly, of this best of all. Plasters
Rhentnvietn, Lumbago, Pain or ;Weakness in the
Back, Loins, side , Breast. Neck, or Limbs, effectual
ly cured by it. la' Only' DM CeUts each, and War•
ranted superior to all other plaster's tt use, Be ;par
ticula r to get Sherman's Poor Hart's I'lasters, or jou
will be imposed upon. Avoid the s urions and woiln
less imitztaon.s. The t amain stamped on the back of
cacti; get none without it, or you will be deceivtd.
Cough Lozenges only 5 cents
Worm Lozenges - 5 do !de
Camphor:or headadhe LozengeS, 25 cents per box.
Poor Manly Plaster, only 12;:, cents a piece,
The above Medicines for sale by-
T.& 1, m •
, . e
Agents for propnetor. •Alsctby_
Ifugh-Kinsley, Fort Carbon.
Georg ••Reiiettyder; New castle'
June 10, 1813
ew Ribbons . and Ilonnet Silks.'
MIS- MORGAN. haa.juitt 'remised -fine lISR
ezarintent of MU and w Ban:
not Silks ; and the fall faatn/na for flonnata..
Nay.,4k ' 114.•-•'
• • - TUEEI.§. •'.
`Plants lind-,Seeds.
0.1,:::e . z - -?., 4. - PciOcesi Litirrieati :Poi:into;Garcon.
3„:::::1;; 4; : : a i . . d. Nurseries,. Foshine,.• near New s
kV;.-.-. York.. VILLLAII ,;11. Pc.t.%cc.i.& Co.,
P-6-= “recessor•to the late. IV Ohara Prince.
dee, , i;•..ti ;,ff i r !Or ... , ;11i the L.1112E , T .1'I11:1C1101CR.sT
eie,ORTII ;NT 6F TP:Eis,' FLEINTF,AtiDtzxFp;., to be
found in emierica. il , ' .1 : '; . . '
' lie . rw•CatakoAcs of this 111 NIEISiSE COI:
Lturai" w hich nornpriscathe : inost.'valuable
producta of Europe, Aska',' and Acherica, will 'be
sent on Os to ever t , post paid applicant, andall
orders !ill be. executed witli•that precision , and
di,pateli which bilv4 distinguished the"stabli4r.'.
men!.rrike'revt. deseription:eattilogue" isone of
remarkbble intere,t. as it not.only eornbinea the
:twat. a' l siple - descriptions of the estimable Fruits.
but slot' enumbrates the bad Fruits; and it will
be found on examination thatthe latter abound in
the catlogues olother.nurseriea. - :7 ' -,
The priers szed in the catalogues, . ate from 15
i, a
to 33 r, cent. beltivr thOse Lit others; and . from'
the loi.g.slunding of tins estaLlit.litnetti, the treeS.
and shrub: are large and of superlor iquality... 7 .-
Among the Flowerl area large 'variety of spier.
did Diable Datiliatil of surpasaing beauty. The
catalogues cormirisi : ; . •
- 1. Fruit and Oinamental,Trees and Plants.
2, Enlbous FloWer Roots, and splendid Dah
lias. • -,
3. (41:1..n-horse, Tffeg arid Plants.
1 •
4.: ciarderi and Agricultural Seeds, with redu
ced Wholesale prices.' • ;
. ' Th . pniprictorti of Nurseriss' wili,ion applies.
lion,' s' furnished ! with a catalogue of Trees and
1 Sorul hely of the smaller, siT.',6.tit 100 , wholesale
c havini Oren appointed A
I:Jr, the AlcSto . .4. R. Prince .& , Co.
ieeiVeniA,•r:s C . ir any ,'Ot:the Treei, P 1.1
ect, , , furnished , froin„thetr celebrated Gar
and Nureries. t
T 1
or S
tahizuet , with the prices annoxed, can b
at the utTicc of the Miners' Journal.
' ' • B. BANN AN, •
Pottsville Pa,.
.vember 18,1 I
firs re ci,mint ticdd ilce Manulatture of !'
Yargarrtfa Street, nre Juan aliare
64wect attd .
SSillueu Street , rail road, ,
. : I.IIIL*DZI,VIIIA. . • ,
1. 7 H ERE' lie - offi.rd fOr Sale; on reasonable
r • term'', wholesale and retail, 'fi rat quahty
vllow Soap; coniinoU Eirnwn do., White Filler's
(.1., Paint-do-, Castile [do., fancy Shaving do.:1
Augai,Cl2, . • I ' ~ 33-Ivl
_ ..._.....:..--
i i -. • ,NEW I'iIIi?L'ESALE , ,•'
i I C L. 0T a i N G 'SI' OItE i •
1 Lippincott & 'll'aylor )
Living ni:rdn extemive.preparations, ate,nbw
! , , :Ready to,Supoty
1 VROli . 1.0 . t0 tiiteen per cent lower t h an qtb.
er,whole.ale dcttiers, we sh.lll, do this by
1 buying for cabb,and.t:ellior entirely for the same,
those. Who bay by yloail lonntitiys Eel well. ati the
ley , dealer, wtll End it to their advantage
H call at
.. ,
No 200, 200,Market Ititrret, third dqpr above Sixth,
Laud, one doter t5.d , .,e..,he Red' Lion Elotul, Philada.
From the Pharphi. fr-lz,':r , 'of Syptem6cr, 22d, 1813,
1 ' The . rioe'tiorl is {often asked by at:rani:era
i ;
Where Pen we ira io hny the,he't sod•cne:tpe-.1
-alit of clothe.; they' ; are - referred by 11'104 ot our
citizen. , bliH,eiteivere t,, ;;tabii•ipment bl'-Lipp pi„
e 01( &,..1 ra;, ' 14; 200; Market Sure thtklorirs
we.,t. riwitiuh.
Lemdkextit i Sc Taylor are vf It oleaale dda le r, , ,
and ;be:, ill reeeleeihe larceat At.sortutent in the
cite, iht• y tal4a lis`f! tbe repotittionlq doing the
finew otork and tike special Imes to ofeasettloyi
• wh o ho t a e i t mle 0 0 ,!,, a. well at the eveerive
scabs. Their it cetoltritt-' the phiec.j:lt Is next
t door to he Red Liiai lintel. . ' t -
PhiladiL j Oc:orei 7, 0?-13 , . 41.
NYE --
W , ,
.04 , 5 - w 1 74 ) , (.1 B 1 EIcHEIOLTZ, 'dz.C O.. re
I›.--- t.prelful y •,inforins .the citizens .s
i.-Z , °
' Potsville, SIM Schuylkill countv gen
~ ,erftlly, that?
,they h,tye ripcne.o - ,- ( in
tlik . .,tore t:' , rinerly 1 Ge.eupied by Mr. Slater,) a
general .as ,, ortment of
' Drrce, i l
• '1
1 Chemteo/s, • .Prvints,';
1 00 5 1 , Dees 1-
• .1 - rmishes, .. Putty,
' : Gloss, . 47dices, . .
• : l'atent .illr.d%cines. 4c.. he: ' .' •
. , 1 . ,
And solicits a share of pithile patronage, cnnfl
dently issurinif 'the public* that every article in
their line, shall he of the first quality, and pure.
ly gen ,. uine.. ; 1
iiivihe, served a 'reviler nri;orenticeship io the
busines' in Philadelphia. thoie wlici favour thein
with a Call, can reit,”tisfied that they willguard
s'trictly' against all mistakes,':and have their mcd
icineti Put up with the greatOst cam and nicety.
..:Phy4iciunspre-eriptmils ntlended to with par
ticti!.ir ?-sre, at ell hnurs. Country Physicianii and
Smrelli , epers, a small Advance sui ci
y prices. r. i . Pottsville; Ddcember 3 - . 49-1 . -
1' , ~
• The'Greatest thrts,nan P u blished, r 'moaned, •
'. : luyitt,n EIiENN
Fanners' and llechanics ,
t El NG twice the it-nal stye, and designed ex.
p'ressly for the i4tates of Pennsylvania, De.
ware', Maryland, Ohio, &c.
Containing. b'esidtis the Wild Calendar at
Calculations of Eclipses, Weather Tables, Signet
‘s' et • j .
The times of holding - OM 'Supreme and other
CUTs, General end 'tate Eletions, Election
ter g i Popular Vote, for Presidents, St te and
County Officers; School Fund, Salaries, &c,
Members of the U. States Senate Classified,
and the date of the expiration of their ternis.—
Y:l4fly• Meetings of the Friend', Population of
States, Cities, &c. Receipts. Anecdotes, Bon
Mots, Enigmas, dr.e. Together with an err
tralsrge amount of naeful Reading, just recetved
and for sale ,W Judi: l 4le and Metall at this office--
Single copies 6.1 ets. Also, al large variety of
EngliNh and German, Health, Comic and Tem.
warm° Almanacs; by the Dozen, or Single.
November 18, J ,l 47--
• P../2- .FOR SALE, • a•Vii":"
:Pi • • - •
1 1 it t ; Also, a;'• large number of el
Builitinis - and out Lots. of
eizes s on BIC Navigation tract', lying princi-
pally in the Borough of Pottsville.. Apply tp . • •
1 1 , • ;' SAMUEL LEyvi,
July 16, 29-1! Real estate agent, Centre St. ,
VAST IRON SCREENS.--Cost Iso4 Rolling
Screens of various sizea' for.CoaL ion band
and for sale *at W. IL _NI ARSHALIAI . Cheip
Griliery Flour Fee'd & Provisiciti Store Orner of
Norwegian Street and Mount earboo ROI - Road ,
June 10 •
s 24-1
EFL ANG DON'S 'Celebtated Drawing geneits
75 cents per 'dozen, or 4.1 .cents' each' .3net
'reekiea and fcitirOly - „11.
IDsc,, 2,: • I I: • " . !... Agent„
T110':.::: - ,MISEIta.... - _ - ,7 ;OVItNAIi.;
. .
Geo-rt phy - of PonwAlvatuai
ildIS nevi 'intl . justly 1s Wort" bas, bean ,
'receiVed 'aud TIOVV 1100d - fur fide ,b,fil+
subset-pd.. It is a work , that dtmatcr 'be'm
hiands el:cry : one who is 'Pennsylvanian*
ho .wishes to he.Coine ticqiiamted with thellleog
rliplir. and the immense resources of the, States+
hoWce - rex orniiiindatoCY notices, w se
feet the -
from , Hon. 'caaries.ar6tcre, Secreiaty of the
Commonwealth-and Sapinaleadent
mon &hoe/sof YeansyLolnia. '
Hartieburg, Septemberl2l, 1843. -
I,llr:'En.varixi,G • Bunn.; • ' •
Sir,—l hbve given a careful perusal tb the C.c.
,ography Ol,Peniusylvania, by Charles B. Ttiigo,
; Esq., which vou'have latelY .published, and find'
It to contain a : vast sziount of useful and intetes.,
Ong infotmation relative to the History, Geograa
tiny, Geology, Government, Internal Improve.
merit, Productions, Sr., &c., of our Comnion
welsh h, admirably condensed and arranged.
a book of reference it is itivaluable, and shbuld
he in'the PossesSion-of eveiy one 'who desire's to
be . come acquainted with time eliaracter and re.
sources of Pennsylvania.
'Ube wet k will also be Most eminently useful
us a text - book, bulb in the Common Schools and
hi the Seminaries of a highei order, throughout
the State. Askuch, I have no hesitation in re
commending its adoption by ihe School Direc.
tors, and others having charge of these Inatitu.
lions. .
' I am very respectfully, 4
• I venirobkdieaservant
Sup. C.Schoots,
. --
, .
~. ~,'
A. t,
Philedelphia,Onteber 10;1843 .
At a Meeting of the• Roared of Controllers. o
Public Schor.lS, held atjthe Controliers' chum
her.on Monday, October 9th, 1843, Wives
Resoked, That -Ttego's Geography ofiPenn
sylvanre be introduced as 'u Class Book; into
the Public Grammar *hoots of the Distriet, as
a substitute for “Eatou's Geogrr phy on Penn.
sylvania." ..,.1 1
Extract from the Minutes. ' •
THOMAS B. Fl...reil9s7oE,
.Seciercirti.Board of Cuntrallera•
EDWARD C. 131DDLY. e ESQ. 0 ,
For sale Wholesale and Retail by
Agent for Schuylkill County.
( ..45 .
November, 4
Fashionable Tailoring Eitablishinent
'• • "
". t! It APER''.A.•ND TAILOR,
TAiC Et-. this opportunity to inform inhabi• l,
tants ufPoitsville and vicinity that, he has!
lak&) rooms in Centre street, three doers ‘above
the Exchange:lintel; where he-intends , :carryingt
ou the' Tailoring business, in its various bran'
ches. The public May rest assured Othaving
their Garments =dein as new and fashionable
style as tn any city. in the Union- • I
Having had long experience in the bilsiness in
various cities,; he &Vera himself that hi:t can give
gerieral satisfaction to thOse who may favor hiiri
with a call.
`ErGarnients entrusted to his care will be war;-
ranted in all cases. Particular attentiim paid to
cutting. " '
Pottsville Oct. 7.'1843,
Agilet fete ,vale of Smthwurth Man4acturin,
Conyany's Superior Writing pOper,
follawinz kinds constantly on hand ano
3 for sale to the trade at the lon Get market
pace ;
Fine tl.•ick" Flat Caps, 12, 14, and 16, lbs,
and whit.
Extra super r‘d superfine Fulio PuF•fl, blue tut
white. . . • l'
Extra super Packat and Commerciall posts. b h
and white.• !, I
Extra Fairer Linen note papers.. •
Superfinit and fine Hitt.papers, (Long 4
do ~ do do . ' (Broadi)
do , do Counting House Cl'ps, blue ard
white. ' 1
Extra t.uncr Congres. Caps and Lettets, plain and
riled. bine and white. . .
sqperti,nt French Fusty pliin and rwied. t -
- • - - _
Superfine and fine Ca p. and Posts, r Myd and plafM
(flae and white, of variotri <plant iei and primfr ,
Alin Bonnet Beards, Tissue, - Wi4pping, OM
• ,
Hardwate ',frets; &e., &c. 1
i;1"' 50 to lull tens of Peach Orchlfrd or Bro ad)
Munntain coat will be taxen to exchange fur ixti
mi.-. at !liFietit; price., •
.i 1
Jtik ISt.i, ;
i 29-3rd ;
-- t --
..rial US. %fina %N. in Market ArCct, flex Lion!
to Mr. Wn;finger's tavern, rff.,.i.eetfully i iol.
fgrtnN the citrzeit, et Piet:Agile, aid (he publm
giMerally,'ilist she has just reeeterld a newland
m..lnottabk ar•urttaamt ur millinery and I: no-
good's, amongst which are the Attain Braid, Fin.
rPrice Ilraill, Needle Straw, Engliiih Straw ff and
Fintiri 'Lawn thioneti., with a finel i a”sortment rd
men's end biros' Leghorn and Sea.geass Hari.,
all or which wili be sold much lewpr than thC,
coil pricey fot cash. llunitMe altered and Idene
PI p lii fin.itsm.t reasonable terms 1 . l
Pottsville, Apiil;l3. , . ..2 '—
ruing buthseritici, is induced frqn the veity
.1 4 o ral 'encouragement ho lias',lrecoved (aim
also fri,il:Stite neceacity !!!cir :being a cheap
ft:dail Sutra, to thin part of the :)owttt 'oar Np
cured and will mep constantly on band—Flour,
Salt, Teal Sugar, Coffee, Cheese, Molasses, Vine
gar, 61. c., &c., criiich in conneetkin with his pm..
sent stock of (lams, pouldera, .Mackerel (fer
ret, and Cod fish. Brown Yellow rind White
Soap: -o a very superior article of Pike
Palm, Almond and Fancy Soaps—Sperm ahrl
Tallow Candles—Winter , - and Full Strained
Spat m &C &c., &c • All rtt Which )i
sell at the lowest Cush feetail: . rricea—And' ,to
families ; or those' buying to itgaie, a (liberal,
deduction will be made, in proportion to thi OCR
tity taken:' !'
P. S —Front the fact of my, having , a4ieition
lit "the QV; whose time"lnd attention, is &voted
to the Selection of the articles I ,pronore se lling
1 hive no hesitation in saying tnat I can ru'rritsh
na cheap; as any. in Pot6Niila. 'Call and
P.. d p e o e lo
t sy I o s u er eT.
1. 1% 33 9 .
1843 . . P (3 .
WE have just received a large assortment of
Seasonable Goods consisting of
Cloths, Cassimerea i &Mittens. Beverteenii,
Alasltna, 'Prints, Checlts, Flaanells, Tickirigs,
Ginghams, Cambricks, Cotten Flannel's, pia kre,
Linens, Silk,'Cambrick, and Cottoh Handlrer
chiefs, Hosiery and Gloves. Furniture; ;Cheeks,
Linseita, ic., 4c., he-, and wish - to selllttierri at
a small advance on cost and charges; }hose in
want of any of the abiwe or anything. elle temal
'kept in our Borough Stores arc respectfully !in
vited to call on.
FISH E Subscriber announces ;to the pyblin tha
JIL. n o has opened a Lumber, Yard; In the bo.
rough of Pottsville, immediately back of thd nes
Presbyterian Church ; where he will nonsttuitly
keep on Rand; a large -assuitrtient- of Lumber, of
every description. He has oWhand Pine Sleds,
front ell) to .$l6 per M. and Oak, film $10: to
t2O Ter M. • 1 1 . • •
lie..:respectfully sahebs the: pitrontoze. of :
f r i en d s an d the .public, .and feels Confnient; that
he will be able to supply. Lumber, at such ;Mies,
as mil giv,e general satisfatitien. . • ,
September 17,
/000 •8ARR14.4 134.itNA
Constanti7 on hated, a fall otipplylor•the
aboie superiof mildew bartrlil; 4 1-2 buithele; whieb
will be sold ler/ low, by 1
- '.---, GRAY & • RENNKIT i 4
Jane 170143/, ; ,
• - •
- ,T
vnitADEL'ela.i.alEALOG .& PAY/'F•
. - 1.4 - '11..E RAILROAD.'
Otr.', 7 ...5; 441 ».....
~...: W• I.= , 1 ,
.- addia.' of Freight oti'Dletiloindise.. -', :
1 - b, , and atter Moaday, ; next, Jong 26114 1E443
.4 .-" A dods...wabe forwarded with:despatch atf
the fOlowing rates of Freight between Reading
and the, points below stated ; pet-ton of 2000 lb s..
-•- ' ' - Betwers Between 1
... 1 ~.. Readino• Reading
. .
:• .. - .• . - and . Ind
. ' : • .'t= . Phila. i Pat/mine;
Plapi, Slate, tiles &c. . $llO , 75 eta
Pig Iron, blows, timber, • ' '- - i
arhle.iosin, tar, pitch, -1 20 ' • 90 c
a ti
ti t
- d grindstones, '' '.. - • !.,
Nitta & spikes, .iron,) , ..:., • i
c Stings, lead,turPeutine 1 „ ,
bark, raw tobacco, i..nft.} 140 " 100
1 prntisioe.kpotatees kiln. l- [ -..: - , ;i
stoves & - e.•' -• J i -:-- e' ' i it ' - -, •
Flour per barrel,. -.1 - . i . 16 eta ,11 cis
Wheat, corn, rye, clover i it 41ci
'' , 3 1 1 8
Seed, &salt: per :hustle% $
Gr'aperies; inird , vare, steel,'
~, , 1
hopper, 'tin,, brass,. d I
Irriet•tie liquors, manilla- . ",. - - 1
, , .
ail,' batter- - and ' eggs, }., 2 10 , 'I: 35
cheese, lard and tallow, '
ioil,:wool,cationjeather, ~
Iraik hides, paints, oys. ,
tits, tr.iinp and eel dage. J ': - ' ,-- I
Dry'_goods, drugs & med.l • ' ' ' 1 ,
,ig l u es, , foreign! liquors,.f ' !„
' i wines,g'hiss,patier, fresh 1- 260 170 1
0. h, went, confectiona. I„
ri; books &
.stirtionary. J' ' '
! No additional 'nh . a'rges for commission, stor.
age; or receiving or delivering freight: at any C
the !....!oinpany's Depots an the line.
July 15, 1843, . ' '
. '
FRESH sunOtyof the above Medictne.a certain
:Llt cure for the fever and agile. Just teceived and
c::* at Sthre
September 3,
; '_
• !.
THE subscriber most respectfully, announce
to the public that he has leased he abov
splendid and delightfulestablishment,
....ON which will .be opened for their Itic.
• 1 1 1 : t. V.'iminhiodation oh Monday the Bitli
inst. • ' r I
iThe Hotel has 'lately undergone a thorough re-.
+alien with such improvements and additional •
fdrniture as will much increase the e.dratort!and
a'....commodation of his guests. ' • •
This Hotel is situated at the termination of the
F hilndelphia and Reading Railroad, 93 miles froin
Fhiladelphin, adjoining the Borough of Pottsville,
and combines all the advantages of both toWn
and country H-attached to the 'establishment ex
clusively for the use of its guests is. a beautiful
ornamental terrace garden. in enctrised Pa!rk of
several acres, overlooking from its rising, gqiunds
the Itaiiroarkike Schuylkill River and Canal, the
reservoir of the Schuylkill Navigation Cof t , and
commandirw a romantic and beautiful , flew of
thel'arrounding mountains. The
pouses and stab4s haie a plentiful supply of
pure mountain spring water. The extensive ar.d
airy stables rind coach houses, will be attended
. by careful arid attentive ostlers;'a lailroadl plea
sure ear andcarrip4es, !will be kept tor 'the ac
commodation of guests' wishing to visit the renines
;and Wiwi' places in this; interesting region. As
a pledge - of tits disposition to use his best exer.
tides Io give satisfaction to his guests, he begs to
refer to : the reputation of the Catskill MOuntain
;Blouse and Congress fall in the City *of , Nevi
when, kept by hiin, and assures thchri that.
daily, access to!the Philadelphia Marker,
supplies, both for, the Table and the Mir shall
'be the best that can be procured. ,
Families and individuals are assured that eve
ry attention will be, paid by the 'subscriber and
:his family to render their visits as .pleasant and
as conilortable as at any other establishment in
this country', and a share of the public pdtronage
is respectfully solicited,
Monnt Carbon, July 8, 4143. 28 7 -1 y
. ,
VILLA.; !t lll.ltOAn.
14 Class Cars. 2dClaLs Cars,
Fare to Pottsville, $2 fd) . $121.t0
tmtrieittate puititsttleo reduced. ' 1
The Passenger 'Frain now leaves the Depot, corner
or Woad and Cherry street daily at 7 o'clock A, 111.
stopping ai the'usual way points, and arrivn at.Polts
vile at 124 rt cl , ck. Returning. le'nves Pottsville a 7
o'clock A. M. daily, tied arrive in the city at 12 .
chick. '1 • , I • ,
Passengers for Nortlininherland.Suribur'i, Danville.
and t,atawissa meet stages at PonsviVe on the atlrt-
Ri the trains dadv,rand are carried. ilwbogh with
out deity fq ithCr thtl , c places foi ..91.
Passengers for Tarriatina, Hazleton, Much nk
and Witkesharrie. quit the cars at Port Clinton t'lB
mites from the eitypind take' the cars Di' the 1.11)1e.
Schuylkill Hail road to Taindqua, thence ego hy`geuil
stages to Mauch Chunk, where•they meet the packet
boats for Wilksbarrei
• . Fare tti Mauch Cptink $3 50 .
• Fare to Wilkesharre ' !' :5 00
S. BRADFORD, §ecretaiy
P dadelphin, July . 2.4, 184 1 3.
, 1 . [IAA'S & LAING j
•jrt AKE: pleasure in announcing to 'the citizens! o
la Schuylkill county. that They have just opened in
the basement story ;'of the Towai llall on Cinzre
.street. iii the' Borough of, Pottsville, a splendid ho
sortment of , [
ust ,brouilit from Philadelphia, wliere . they yvere,se.
ected with great care, and purchaseti lat unueually
ow prices7compri3tng every variety ofd
Dry Goods, Groceries, Gloss WaTE:', Cli inh
Ware, Queens - and Eariheil Ware,
Among MIMI may bofound.
Superfine Cloths. , of variant+ cam and 'oualitie#
-Blue, Back and Fancy-colored Cassimpres, • I - •
Sattinets, Flannels, rind Woolen Blanket's.
. Prfnua.Lawne, GinghamOdorinoes and Plaid 4
S:lk,'S din. Linen and Laces, ; ,
Canton Flannel, ficillands and Nankina,! •
Marseillesand Valentia Vestings, i
3-4,4-4,54,6-4 Alluslins, Bleached & , Unbleacheil
Silk, Cambric, Gingham and Cotton Handle.
New and sit; error styleSummerCloths,
Cottonades 'and Bevemeens, • r ;
In line, a vets general assortment of J
Gentlemen's :Summer Ware, I '
Sitk,Cottoni Mohair, Morino & Wors'd Stoe.klngs
Ladies' t nd Gentlemen's Super Kid, Makin, Yprk
tan. Silk, Thread, Beaver & BuckskiwGloves,
Ladies' Silk, blonair and Picnic Mitts, &c.
New 'Orleans, St.' Croix, Porto' Rico,: Loafland
Lump Sugars, i
New Orleans,Sugar Home, and Syrup Molass s,
Tea and Coffee, of various kinds, I
Cheese, Candles, Soap and Vinegar,'
Salmon .Herring, Mackerel. Shad and Codfish,/
Hams, Shoulders,: Smoked Beef, ancl i Venisonj
Olive Oil,Fresh Fruit, and Oat MeaL "
Havaunai Half Spanish:and Common Sars,l
Soda, Water rind Scmir Crackers, I !
Sperm Oil. Butter, Eggs, and Lard, ! .
• Dried Apples and Peaches, • I L.
and a great variety ofother articles, all 'of Whichi will
be sold at low prices for cath. or R&D change for
country prucluce. ; .
10 - ' &member the Town flail Store. I 11 .
Pottsville. Mari 14, i. 1"
To Dyers, Bleachers, Paper Maker's, n'team
Bngine Builders, and (gibes*
.. - • . • ' '., I
- •
1 :
'f -
;From 4 inches 'to t in.calibre and 2 tb 12 fee
capable of sustaining pressure from 400 t« n lba.
,per square inch,j math Stop Osaka, Tr, 1... , arta
other 'fixtures 'to *Mit, fittingtogether. with krevo
oiritS, suitable for ;STEAM, WAWA: OAR. and far
i t
• '
. 1
~ .
seg o '-
' cgi ll ' g : k. V, - •• • I
• ,
• Manufactured and for sas by'
Warehouse td. E. Corner of Third lc Walnut streets,
ray 11,
pr: "ale qd
ptoiember 18,
..--rUi:J 4 iC_ . ALIE..7e,.
DIURSANT; to ; rn loVer _of the ,Orphanb t
Court of D , trs Coonty, and' an order of the
it tr Ni ns , c 0 ,,, t nr ; tiebt)/14 tit County. the sub.
,•cither's. A4mltihttratitrs of the ut
thso lines. late of Es4Sl tow,thttit,
the Coont) Selt1411:111, deceaied,, 'Witl
ut Poblic Sale, at the !louse ofJohn Flaky.
Berko County
On ,Satur do y r the Fith day of :December, orst..•
the undivided one foUrth partsof.aill the felloW.
ing Real Estate - of - Jones, Ranh, da Co. -
No.' 1.
,WINDSOR' FURNACE, -and • about
-3600-Acres of Mit:A and Sprout Land, 'situate in
Windsor,' GTECI3WiCII and Albany
. 044; townships Barks County,3 miles from
-„lilamburg„with the following improve.-
_ manta Otte Furnace with- the ne.
cet.sar) buildings attached for Moulders, large
Coal Douse,. Ware tlouse,Carperiter Shop, Smith
Shop. a new erected Stamping Mill, a good and
well finished two , stiliv Stone Man
-4,.1 glen-House, Mee. Smoke these, and
;: ronventent Dollars fur workmen, large
Darn and strble all in good order.
No licres of Wood aitd Sprout Land.
situate in Wllldsol township) •Berks Counts.'
adjuirtimr Wingor Furnace, Lana,-and land of
,G. , orge Haller, Peter C. Baum,„
Jonathan Weidman and others.l
No. 3. F.. 8 Acre, of Wor-d and Spruill ,Land,
situate in West Brunswick township, Satiny!.
Itill-enontY• ndjoining Windsor Furnace Land,
lot NO. 4, and lands of John Segall and Jonathan
No. 4. Abmit 120 1-1 ores of Wood Land, situ.i
rite; in, Wc4 Brunswick toWnsllio, adjoining
Wii,dsor Furnace' Laud, Lot No. :3, and land 'of
John Snhall. 7 ' • •
No. 5. 551 Acres of Wood and Sprout Land,
,A7Ml....:74,,situate Greenwirdi township, py rt e. ,
• County, adjoining hit No. 6, and landrl
of baniel Keller '
John Greetiwatd,
and others - •
No. 6. 864 Acres of Wood and Sprout Land,
sitoate in said Greentliieli township, adjoining
lets No. 5 and 7, and lands at'Samuel Berhart,
John Greenwald and others. '
No. 7 . 135 Acres of Wood and Sprout Land,
situate in said Greenwich Township. adjoining
Windsor Pinnace tend, lot Nu. 6. and hinds of
Martin Zettlemoyer, John Greenwald and oth
'Sale o commence at 12 nionic.
By order of the Court of Berks-Counly.
- By order,ot the Court ofSchuvlkill County.
I. JOHN T E R JONES .0 N ING, crk.
• PET,
• ! Administrator?.
November 18.
, N. B. The Assignees of Jones, Keim & Co.,
Will sell the , other undivided portitin of all the
several properties above mentioned, at the-same
time and place.
Pursuant to. an Order of the Orphans' Court
of Schuylkill Co:inty, the Subscribers,' adminis
trators of the estate aforesaid, tv ill offer at Public
Sale at the gulls° of Michael Graaf, in Orwigs-.
burg, Schuylkill Cuunty,,on.
)11onday, the I 111 ). day of December next,
at 7 o'clock in the after-Loon; A eertim undivi
dcd half part of 2004 Acres and 84Tereh'es •of
land more or less, situate in said East Bruns' :
wick township, bounded ty lands of Elijah Hum
mer.B. Kepner, Jacob Rumble and others:. The
improvements are a F Age with three fires, two
large 470al Houses'. Saw Mill, Sintth Shop, a good
tWo st , ry Dwelling House, 9 comic
's•'::l dent Houses for work men;atmul 'lOO
II " 5, rotesthe bind is arable and in . a
high slate of cultivation, a good young
Apple Orchard, The Liitle Schtulkill river pas.
see through the laud a now tl4ce miles, and the
Little Schuylkill Railroad, the same distance.
and Cold Rlun'also -passes throUgli the same, and
there are several good watcr'poweis on the same
By order of the Court.
JOHN 11. DOWNING', Clerk.
. • PE fER JON KS,
• Administi story. •
November IN,
Pursuant to an order of the Orphan.,' Court
of Pcrlitt Coottli,M.. tolwerthers.Adrntinstralors
of Ilie Foam aior..:-atit, [till t,ffer at Public Sale ! ,
at the house of rienty NloKeittt,i I'l6l:et:per, 11l
the Village of Illtni2laseville, ' i ! - '
On aturqtry. the 16th daynj,
. .
at I Oboock in the Uflernoofl, a Valli:llAV F!trot!,''
now or late in the 1 , '11111 . 0 Or JAC.:I I .I . %L. , 14.1 . , •••ii..l-
ate in Amity- tmattimip, Berk. C o nine, b oun d: u',
by.lands of .1110,13 Geiger, Setutiel Fin; Admit!
Egolf, stMepMetsks. Punnet - Iteadr, J.B
nob 'Newer. ;vat D. Barrier,. curt 'ming 't.lit7 A
ere ni:•re or le , s, about 14 Acres of which"' i,
1ie4 1. • Wooe le till;a n d about 6 Aerei. , Meadow;
a•-t!A tthe remainder in Fertillatid, under'
ot- t•tog.ood Fen'cite, and in u high state 01-!
i ......!
eoltivation, bring. well limed. The',
imprEvements arc `a good two ttory Stone lino
loon House ti.) a Ilf!Ve/ !fail, ig spring of good,
Water convenient; a large Swiss liatM. Apple Or. :
chard and other fruit ! it cite ; aim a convenient one!
d t .. .,,...i Story Stone rotund flnitte and b
,ftli Stable attached; a aniblie road passe:
Vii:4. through Inc above property and it is
-. - . .......14p._•,....... ectrivertient to behinds and ;dace a'
worship,. - • •
By order of rt . u.". Court-
_.., - .!.
• wiLLIAm scrit3LNER"- •
PETE* ,:i0i 1 ;:!:''!
~,. - NICHOLAS ./..'. I NES. .
. . , Administrato.7•
• Noye liter 18,: 1 . ' 97--4
• / iiiiLEINERY.
iirIIEAPE . CTFIL/LLY announces totlie Ladite
of Pottsville and, vicinity, that she has just
opened her '• - .1
Among whickare a variety ofnew Style Bon
net Velvets, Sults, Ribbons, &c., &. Her
, 4 , - . - : ! Are pi the latest and most
iT .; 4 :i tz44 fashionable Patterns; which
r 4...
! ! ,.4, , , : 4 ,,) fi she is determined to sass
- --4' cheap as they can be pur.
" -'s - r.'", chased elsewhere. She re
• spec-01111y solicits the pat
- A
. renege of the public.
Nov. - 1 - 8, - ' . :47—'
. ,
John Farrell
RESPECTFULLY announces to the public that
the Eagle Foubdry is in full operation, where
he would thankfully receive orderefor casting* of ev
cty description. j Fie has constantly on hlnd Hollow
ware. Sad fron,r, turnouts and rails, cart SBA wagon
boxes,. plough. points, mould boards, and' cultivator
teeth: he also has a variety of rail road and drift
wheel patterns, coal breakers and screens, lire grates,
&c., &c., all of which he will sell at•the lowest cash
prices. Dealers would do well to give hit ea pall, be
fore purchasing:elsewhere-
Notember 25,1843,
mum subsdriber would respectfully inform his
JL friends' and customers, that he
..has located his •
Military Cap Nun-jai/01
in Third Stredt, No. 101, a few doors below Race;
where he would be pleased to ace his old customers
`and as many new ones as are disposed to favour him
with their custom. He still continues to manufacture
Military and Sportmen's articles of every description,
such as leather, Cloth, Felt. Silk and Beaver Dress
Ceps,. of all patterns; Foragis Cops; Holsters fof troop-
Body do; Cartouch Boxes, Bayonet Se.rhbards, Sword
Bette of all. kinds; Canteens ;
.Knacusacks, dtfferent,
patterns: Fire • Buckets', 'BuiSing .. - Hines, Tube do,
Brush and Picker's Flumes, Foutpoons firemen's
Capp; Leather Stocks, Gun Cases, superior ipitility:
§ttOt_Bags,g4me Bags, Drums. ikc.. are.
113 2 0rders. daafikfullyn received and - promptly-1u:
tendei to: • • ' WILLIAM CREWMAN ,'
No. 10t NortitThirdStiect,s few doors below'Raco
~ : . 28"4!za
:44.•-.lalt recta.
; •
11 , 1 • 14, ITY AG N OSSBYFIR E
'PIitt.APILPIIIA; - • 1 -
:Capital' $400,000, Paid -
CUALTER P.VargTUALt, , - ' •
CONTINUE tit'rnake insuraniC,'perinititelitrt'
Imo limited do every description of pr O pirei
in town and country on the usual favorable tenn. 4 .-
01Ace . 163 1 yChetinitt Sireet-itear frakstri-mti ;
Charlet' N. Ranker, Samna Grant, - ,
Jautec Scott. Frederick Brown, .
• -Thomas Hart, - , Jacob R. , StniO,
Thomas S. Wharton, Geo. IV.Richircify
7bbitWagner. 11.rodiebi D s Lessor:''
The iSubecriber has been•appoitael agent'
the above mentioned htstitutioe, and is now•pri..:
pared tit make insurance, on every, description's*:
property, at the lowest rates.
vale. June 19. 1841. :5-Iy.;
Pot t
luderanity against loss o r dainage , Pira.
Cu pita' $1(10,000.
PANY. make Insurances. either. temporator '-
perpetilally,•against or Damage by FIRI6,4ii
town or country, on Hensel., Darns, and - UMldinfo - of
All kinds, nn Iloutelfold Furniture, ~ Merchandiser
.horses, Cattle; Agricultural,,CommerciftlindAlanu• -
factor ng Stock , and Utensils of every . description ,;.g
VESSF ts and theireargoes in port, an irellasblortgit. ,- -
ges atO G round Rents upon the most favot able terms, 4 .-
Applications for Insurance, or any information .on
•the Object may be I made either persOnallyor !kit
letter:, ut the Company's office, at the Noithwest. •
corner of Sixth and Woottatreete. -
MORTON 'AleMlCHAEL,,Preaidmati
L. XllUMBlllialjt, Secretary.
- Morton MCMichael, • Charles Stokes,
Joseph Wood, Archibald Wright,.
P. L. Laguirenne, Samuel Townsend, „.
Elijah Robert. Liangheadi ;
George 111: Troutman, R-111. Pomeroy,,,
• I George W. Schreiner. • -
The subscriber has been appOinted AGEN:ifor thlr , -
aboye mentiOned Instibition and' is' no w pretrired
malt,e I iisusAxczs upon every description of ?NOM
at the lowest rates. BENJAMIN BAANAN
Ainqville. Feb. 27; 180
S t O _
4:11.E rotAIIONTA - _R
Il7fIE remedies prescribed fur the cartfof
' easerdiave correctly been divided into clint- •
se" according to their operation upon the hOrnan
syStem; Thus we have one class whichreaustsy
tfi stomach to eject its contents, called
another inducing perspiration callerhitenplioret..
and a third which evacuates the • Stomach
. 11Z-:,
and howelsidenominated cathartics, tSt.e. Ca:thar4K:
tics or purging medicines, have in every 'ageandi" ,
country been the fayouritei of the physicians. for
the cure id the most obstinate and alarming ms.! I
ladies. The ,wonderful
attending, this
mode of treatment will readdi be understood
'when we reflect that the stomach andlMwelsliave
assigned ,to them, the important function of
gestion, or the conversion'Of food into hermit,
vital fluid intended for the growth and.
!tient of, the whole system. It follows that4yhenlAl -,
eyer the. digestion organs become depraved 01 . 1!. ; -
disqualified for the healthy performance. of thetr;V:.
duty ( and this occurs daily in civilized 6eiety
impure•blood, and, conscenently disease rare the
results. , • - T' • - 1j47 , '
; it hari been remarked, that, whenever the
mach is not usefully employed it is alWays at-';'
Mischief. • That individual who woulrldeny,thal; , :tf
the molt diseases are daily cured
the.use .zit rills compounded and for side in a
most every h•tinfet of our country, o °Old Ciettitr'.
iy risk 'his ietnitation fir veracity.; The Pociti..'„,
tiontas,, Or Indian Vezetable Ping .cleanse
J4 , 11=0, ourify the blood and iers.. ye. milarriskii .
?Lion, and have proved eminently use.ul in ciirine.
bilious 'lever, bilious eholici inflammation oethio
'liver, rheumatism, dropsy, jiandiee, pleurisiVr
ruistiveitess, &c. &e. Females of sedentary hatiO'
itsand;subject to indigestion, flatulency', headlP
ncite, depression of spirits and uneasiness, NOV'
find relief from the use of these pills. There'
not a diseaSe attended with a ftill pulse , drii;:;„ •
t end a coated tongue, that, these pills' vr111 , 72'
, not re li eve . The following simple. narrative tite(ll.'
..trim the benefit derivedfrion these•pifbi;in
ty common disease :. i .•rf
flaying been cured by the use oftlie - I 3 ocalio*,i .:
tits of an alarming disease of-the liver of 41,
venal years standing, I deem'it a duty ,
my case .I,nown to the pubfie~ for the benefit*
others. 1. had taken ya . Hott,i remedies vihicliA
iordeil only ;empty:try relief, after using . tWo 1,4;
s nf these pills,-my oisease yielded, and 1 • h
enjoyed greittealth fin the last siz,moriths...
April 9.3, 1843,
A, It- - • lh' •ele
,genlB . pr the auk of flirt abort.:
W. T. Epting, George Reirst444,
:getv Castle, Shiner
Hugh Kin-ley, Port Carbon, Sehuahn fielq#l,
th•w i igtibtirg.. , Throughout the state refry
can hlways be had of Fred: Klett & no. Do l.
corner of 2d and Callowittli streets,
lelphia.• '
ApriP29, . 18—tie;
• •
war ETILERILL & BROTHER mantaketu ' •
rer', No 65 north frorit striet;ThilOet .
phis, havonoa good sopplylhrtheir wartkiled
,ure w hict lead, and those customers whii r tiive
neon sparingly ,supplied in ciiinseqUoncelg
r u n on the article, shall now- Mom the
NO known suhsai•co possesres . thotT pretortra.
ive and beautifying propetie's eo dcairablii.)'n a
,:Ent, to an Equal exent ivith onettoltiittiited
t•i t e ; - .9d; hence any admixture of other tii4crii•
-, ars AN value. It , has thet:oftireActql.
is only . the .manufacturaye, loOinany
the steady aim . Dublin perfectlyqpure
years, to supply LP • ' • deinand for 114 tir.!t
white lead; and the uncouth % 'h fairoG,kAt iA
tide is proof that it has met win •C"? I WILL
inVariably branded on'one head—WETt..,,l , 4!. Ft.
&'BROTHER, in full, and on the 011er,,Vr...
RANTED PURE—all in - red letters.
November 19;
cumteGoops. Ton. CASH. i .
And n();pedy..giren. ; i';'.: '
~ 1 1/1B subscriber tho iititusis ~
' I L of Norwegian Si., and the Mount Abon. -
Rail l'oad, a general assortment of GroceiisWand;
Ptovisions, which he will sell at the loivekpos... i
sible prices for cash : Such as Sugars,.!tliggsses ? ,
Coffee, Chocolate, Tea,Chees e , Bice, Spteek&c.
Sperm and Whale oil, Spermaceti. MoulirAnd
Dip'd Candles, Soap, Tobacco, Seger; :- ama.
Shoulders, Mum Pork, Dried Beef, Codfish, ack.
eiel, Herring, &c. 4.e. _
WILLIAM H. MAII.§HAU. , -;"..'
April 8, 1943, - '' ;" '1540 `;
No. 53. Norllr i.Vatz:r Street,
I Doon Brum Ancu t •
Philadelphia. ,
HAS constantly on tAnd,a full aesciqmo . -
IRON, r 4. STEFL , which may bh.:;ad tus.
the most, reasonable terms: .•
September 9, • . ;
ITIHE subscriber respectfully 1/111i
JR ' friends and uthere,that he has re.cerNy
new and conveniently, furnishei4Ailet; 'ati •
Conitland Et., ,a short dtstsnce'rtbm . lrlais
Acri t and nearer to Broadway.)
Ile will be better, able io . acUornodata:Vs
ors as his house is larger. and fiired apilbjait; .'
Ring parlars in modern 'style, Snit sovew
oished Bedrooms:
fie hopes his customers .wilt coritiOi flick
patronage to the
,rieureatablishinent, alit would
inform them that he. has reduced hia:lrrico • at.C .
soarding to oniidollar per 'day. _
- • CHAVLLES.,WirgPerc-,-
Philadelphia; -AprA 29,
• •
• • Nperna:
Tjtecerred . at:feria! *alga 4 0.44 1 iLfti l
Speroi 'Oil, for tole 'by '
Corner l'iotWegiso St. r Nt. ; CAr6 - 4
Novembei 181184?.