CII I soug Di t{fie J 0 t. The nr.v A Iktadsa.:. 41',1111 flt A lady 01 love rat lattey Ve34:ts 61,171" Med They made•zi swieCtc irt, They ttine.c.b. sviq.l. - r!zoly. • - The Poet sana-LI. Mid-day tide, Bei:tenth the branettei high, And little birdion every bide To emulate his mein vied, 'And :made a sweet reply, And made a. sweet reply. • Tho Met sang at sunset /PION Bent..eth the rosy sky ;• :1] The evening breeze ti'er.tteld 'and fle - ocr . Crept him an unstxn fairy poser, • _ And made a sweet tentY, And made a sweet reply. 'The Pact sang With . warrnet tone, Beneath ynt.tnir Lain a's eye; tst And when. he el A sped her fren , Wing nne, And ivciped:the4ll t 4) be his o e n, She made 'a sweet. reply; She made A a'ecet reply. The: Ilusion Thmeript--g13,11 whtnity inatterS; !tilt is etl.tet by a ta , ?y,-.(s-) it his been FiAtt . d,) communicatOs the LA1.,..tar..! which; is important to tbute sar. , se it it a y con arn•:' • • HOPI TO !CAT has bren &Aid be “the ape; of this ti,s -twit irp.let.6.l ad, often, that vihoher it be true i r wit it has certainly euine a A gentlenvin, *bore st•s-hiseiet t t s, lariy h 4,1 cant 'knee.) in his ) . thel4ht 14 , fulfil - meet of his ..Iv,s, c.-,1/• su,nnicion devoutly tr be okbel," infciitu(tl f tit' 'one by lotto of hi 3 pia) iii hit an err ly aniwer. Tins lady hat &noon Ib' wyrlty rub her life, and, reeivrocso4.4 hie rent,l; merits she bad - no reason fur int her anaiaaPE l : She 'vent him the tolhorti:4 reply . dent As Nbrand,k,szd To Fetal nozel:-.4. ern yutlf wi:e if y : . O 1.% id marry E4r your., • iVhat worda 'caufd b.. more to are porpoo They were all the lo'er w• 4 we.k. w!l.);,whvr, he hew to" her h3r)d. - v.itii hi. CieArt iaa confeirticCl her cantor and I..rcy“y rare as 11We!•vy nu/ of lieu/Lice . The N,a York tt Ils an .13 a:.e..-cee over which many of oar ....tier-, we 4 ,11:4 tb .1 . have Anna Um. viaioher guffaw will do Yon no hsiM. It ta reisted th'at. we a c4.rtaio oc. C4811)11. a M. Griim trom . tkr , country, tend bi L. Veil, for the flrit time in the cuurao of his life, en. compassed round a'soisf , tise walls of a tbccre, 011, an evenina'when the players were t doing' the tragedy of °nail:). Eery thin? about the estab- Meat , seemed ; with strangeness to Mr. Green. As scene 101 l twed .SC6IIO, the more cu : .'wrapt becime Mr. Green: and the intensity of his 'attention evioced' by au open mduth, distended. optics, an d other outward shows and symptom. , of wice,der, might have I, , rrned a picture fa r a painter. At tenth that high.wtought scene touching • 'the handkerchief spotted w ithetrs wherries, w here the_ ntloost nay. Much abused Wolir' Will not; be 551'^fied, but says: • retch me the handkerchief!--(panne)--The h mdkerchief!— . cpaus9--The handkerchief • '' h, handkerchief!—(pause)—The handkerchief; 1 -e, !—' . • nir.mnat absorbed Mr. Greemoultl no longer a vain his emotions-rhut at tir4top of his Limed, , 13.10 w your nose with your fingers, y ? st nigger, and let the ploy go on!' ' rtue wants mere adiniters, Wta -411,-n mare . supplrants, Truth more real frievttit, and Heitesty na4O practitioner& • rhe,Tradera want more profit, or les* evoy of 'thtir mor e neighbors. Tha'Printer wants [kitty of goOd ready pay aubs:ribersi and. tots of advertmug 'an t job wak., ! accompanied with the ob , j4ful !" • Religion' want's less said 'abaul'the theory, gad more done in the way Philosophy wants a residence, and . • Love, Charity and the Ranks, wtat to ha in •better Pride wants to be - discv . l.J, an 4 MAe‘t Acne@ introduce.d. 'Our Country wants more true awl diriimercived patriots,--, ao Tiny unprmcitted .yco phantie °ince hunters. Como - moil wants less Pretiviii2 *trice, itrti trroro of the iron epiritiof Christianity. 'twat - ice wants to be rebuketioaDA :Unaseurning 1I nt support, d and !chertr-hrti. • Ilartcti or •itti:' Aft xt).--A Fenkee boy and 4 Dutch boy!weot t f 'bet:OA to a Vfmkee achtiolmel :ter, who accading to us . I rVhat is your na , rol) 1. ' .Great A, li tia a r.o sn'qp; take. your Pta': ' o s Nest dliy cartre the Dlich o :4'!ett',:*?:yur turner ..My name •Sp.ii it.' .Great'ltapr.R, lime ITatrni a Jilan; e t (191n.'• .Ni'Pt N = late Earl cf . 711!alt • 10 ezentive a pr-vrt,tar . .ibt..l patron ot ti,11)117,1“, thnt herctuned Whit mernber:, every P3r:i :who nh,:refueeli,,h,ty called 1,•-61 Longtt:A . F., nine pt S." Ono of tilr:lll!ar,S, gL.a. )laving mll76_3_vtly., an,:wer4 . nt7by tir ilurke,.in a vri:, oi sarcasm, wroicl% truer t(t•• I.mA .1:1,1 l er" th' • , .ikpta.., 11,:•1•.• .•••+, •t-t. 'lnvlr. .1 ot yv4s cheeri-:g i). - of c•i:l4,Au•-:.ce. irpre.l •Varii,tati, mi. 1V B‘drke h duns, raw of I.,, , td , Lotts• deteN nine' pil a f " • IllAcKlNANc:thrr.4-A perched otidg cute ,driven in -tile ha. at nt.cltin3w, and I .T.i;y in wring ro.hook up.f.orrre .of the Army trii , e, the least poti.ble exertiakr to hitn-cli, vas accosted by a stekmbi)at paiseng,eAnt, the -darai; Irlad•eon.' atitta whAftiud,of LI: he caught. The youthful hank ecititinizhig the atranger with a piatzisel look, replied=-- 'They ere'lniorty perch, ruich, hult-headt:, sht netwond euiinterfi.4. /lad.' _ _ .What - d 6 you u.e for bait!' said 'the cfringcr.. •sorriatime 4 one thing; but when I can't g , t rket urt rayseff.' ..1 FILL. PAsiiioNs.—.Why John, said . a citizen or: the Levee, ,0.) to no acquaintance of his ; .csby;Joilo,Aho pick• of youi c rat is covered Over with Inotassis.' . . . •Yes?•ssid:l - uhn, •f - slipped on that infernal plat form, fell on my back, and (lasi) rpaifed fry new coat? • VI:A . not at atir eaid John's friaq; it it only a specimenor the Fall Itßhicing,' - A Civil. Rsuci si.—During the, oermon et a tweeting . house in this plsro; nibs* dresyd boy ahem:four years of age walked in, and . when 4t• hoot half way from the door to the pulpit. in, en anditdevme e , very respectfully wid, " Mr. Min" iste r•,pease seed my sister home." • • shall new.. - sell newer get °sit of this arra* as ;tbs hot s soul when they were rubbeglho. bristles_ cfr with ered ni wars% - L •.; 1 OONsumynos OF THE idljNfalkt .'Urciihns of - the Liver, 4Jahma, Bronchitis„ ' Pain or Weakr!cas of the Breast ar .Lungq, C4ronic.Caughi, Pleurisy, Hemcrrhage of Lungs, and all affeclions of , the Pulmonary 01214 M. NATURE'S OWN PREScRIPTION. A comulmod Balsamic :preparation of the Pram::: Virginian° or Wild Cherry- Barki." prepared' by a new chemical procleas,,spproved itrid recommended by the, most 'distinguished physicians, and nuiversaliy acknOwleged the most„ valuable intofteine ever discove l red. • . No Quackeryi:!! lleoptuni. In seitieg forth the virtues of thi4 truly great is•O have no desire to deceive thOise rim ere lahunriog under affliction, nor do we. ' to eulogize it (mire then tt Justly deserves. Vet when we Mott around end ere{ the vast a mount ',if stirring and distress occasioned by Many attic diseases in which this 'medicine 42 prf,vCil to lo k hly sliceessfut, fret that we can not urge its claims too strongly, or Fay too much iisluvotir 1 • Such indr'eri - arc the • I SURPRISING VIRTUES Ut this that even .in the'a&vo need stages CON-VIIPTIoN,"ulltr all the mo.d esteemed rem tdi plivzdniatts have failed, to rtiset any , rinitize,• the use of this medicine has been ;fro 'dactise ill' the toast astonishing and ae tually eff.eteri mires after ill hopes of recovery had In e{, 6/94irc if of: in the first statiss of the disease, termed "" Ca. 'tarrl44l . C4nettniptinn." originating (loin neglect. id OOLD, it has hen used with undeviating she - etas, am! hundreds acknowledge they'owe the restoration of their health to this ital . /doable tnylierne alone. In that torte of Consult:oon ' an yr . ci.falent anitnikkt delicate' young telltales, e , annaiAlly ti . ri - ncd bitity,iir , . v.-, • v•101.NO INTO' A DE . OLINE," dnulohont. %civil which thou-ands dre finger has ula•v provyd highly ..zuccessilth avid not oly posseau•a, gni poworAt thee4itig Oval 'pro. g , •16 tins aliranny tquiiplaillt;hut 1114 n ;it r..righ 2:0 iiivizorhtcs iy tern twi . ie etFerivaUy than any ant •% , 6'ft have vvyyr I,ayssescd. li : 4'ov par: lenla Is so! 11r. Wistar's Ticatiqi Ivy! had of tine meats. Sybi. In i',3t6ialb: by JOHN S. C. MARTIN. . la Reading! by. fklrF. , SARAH MORRIii, and tili 4vt ry bl,:ti ill ihu A...ute. Pbtb.vOle, Oublbiq• QS, 44 udwiticii. by all wiw - Imre wcdlLent;i rand wh., has , ma) that DR. PE ER S , V Et; ETA DEF. AN. 111 MOUS h •, 4.RE the Moil unrivalled remedy ever discovered t the 111,`11UM or min. l'nev are a sovereign cure ler !ix tuliewitez comphinon mil iv and Bile•us Fevers, Fever and Agee, Ow. p.da. Crot4l. Liver Ccaunlattit.Siek headache, lam dice. Asthma, Drop sc. Itheuirvetigm.gnlargement (A the Sideeh, Olnaruetions . , Ileart,:hurnj Furred l'en2ce. beitoitiona at the Stonilch and flovrela Ineipient Iharrhma,i'lintlenee, Cos livenef.s, LOP4S (11 Aprki:te`:litotelted or Salibia7Cotri ptextun, and in all C2bclo nt" Tnzpor of. time BOWCiS,- Wite.:e a Cathartic er an A perientqa needed: They are tireiiedingty mild in their operairen., pro deem, neither iN auger' Griping, or De 'They are nu m - and tied by PnAcrtsiNct PHY.I.CIANS., in all•parts'ol' the'.Unton, ['rein whim) any qiiiiintityiir Ceititientes ot' their %able can be ob tained. .sHERNIAN'S COUGH L(ZENGIRS I rr ' lliV moat IOW; and effectualieoltd? for \‘l,6 ,, ,imo•.ougnolist r itnits, t ight- rn, of the Ainngs or Chest. ,s,:el,,Ste, tla • J ho Stark y, rant vrGotierneur st', cured of ,c,,11,1g eighteenll standing, fi Ilp0{;11 to be a nettled Con‘uititionn, ti) •when the • could di) t4r Mr. Charles liiiwery. was cured at a ',ever t :. is Inti and of thrrti it,hth's standing, by hails b.,' ~t tile Iles. 11r. 11tvit,r k , 497 Pearl st., has lied thrin in lila foully with taihirriti4i a 1141. 1 .5.5. and recommends thrat t„ hii aho are afflicted with cough's, colds, or dot "A lliv:i•nnt• of th,• .114. .11 E. Marlin suffered several t‘ - erks with a dis tres,int; cough. w i nch todtitni.,; relTred, till trilid o we 1,1 , 7 ° ,1121Ni, e , hirh cored horn in a telVlhciurs. 'Mr...bin/es It" 'laic, No 5 foo:ne si., gave, some to a- friend aho had not enjosrd a night's alviip`for Set enal.wee. l / 4 4, being every few mi mute• a ltAcked with alone tiii,tres'inite eintgkihi a lipoid to take away life. The Lozenge./ mode h im cagy, and i o ta hied hint to steep Moll attoich. He hail tried every tkting else he heard of, and nothing the zar,,eded the It-ant telt:l . —another instance of saving front. 4ii.iiiititnely grave. : ;3,itp,ROAN',-; v:0101 1.07.F15-GERs p r „ re ,l ur inure ;hail 401a.a) eases to be infollible I the unly errtaia wortu-destro'2,tog. medinine ever chs. • covered •. Sr lIPTOMS or . Wuamn,—Pain in that jollies or limbo offensive breath. Mania at the nose. grinding Of the teeth dllrinz sleep. and 2( tunes a paleness about. the '1•1 , n with flashed eloogoc btnetiiiig at ttie nose, a t.,•fiair- In Pt:II6.I.IOMM the 14 , 9twicli. thistles (if heat over the 1,11112 Ce el he body. nloritt chtlla m shivi•rines, head Pehf.. tirowgineCiii,%crugo; - I•.rpor, dist tirbad diems turldi•o starting in sh•na with friLlit -mt screaming , :•nei niter 3 1 ebtiti!esam, cnnmh, leverisineos,* o n d o .:1 tin.'. fill, 13..1d last e'in the month, ditTitult breath Me. iron in th' ,;I.tat.tch or I.lowele, hitiatte,,nausen.' voracmas appetite, leaMiess, biintied atmoach or limbs, g.rtnirozn, shooting palits'in rarond : plrts oftbe body, a sense ot' notneihing riving t the; throat, v.chite., of the aims toviardo u4ht, a I:rluent d•vlre to p sontethine . tr,•to the bowels. and stone: , J tm en ulneharles of s'tn' nsd atqctv. Pr ('it'i lborfer. 101. 1 A ventie',knew a eliddi that wan enrod of liar I.y lit -se Imzent , ,ors,after three) 7niidtatt . , and when nothins ek , e give the' t as r u l l nr. A my dm user iof or. the Havre! ()Frio; by any one done of them. Mr..76hh H. Wed, . - %7 'llanr street. gave them tnl alai they brow It atv r ay :he warms by thou 4 = I Ea fh. Zybriskie, IS Doane et.. has used' th7em in noes. Emort Of Urn of t h e bloat tdarining, char; ac . r0.,...rd .e:,‘ s nirtt the greatest t3II(3SS. lii'ltirl7[o , l 11; ,,,,, vp5t , f. 130 Sixth .Iyeatie, has nit rd there to id.. iMmly for two years, Wall 2311 'TV:V.II)-14e me per ?not. r cite»gers'j • - 4•11• ti. r• hr•l' in I •rt•nnn or sick !lead:1114. 19v:tiara of Spirits, despon d, ; , ::;....mtuntle•lt,try, nr ;:iv.1 . :(1 sore throat, bowel Or moo. m. 4, op;:le:ishin or a snince (If spa ran,. itranios, ne . t* •-n• ht,o, nfr :Ind all mil , "oils dteves.s. , :; - t; ihrongh the thy and or ettoiern titUrMet.,..iarrhtCa, 3 Peke Persona travelling nr attending parties. n ttl lied thy Lozenges real ly. and an t ) trl:n z t the thi;kvatiey of youth—u. vet altcr dissipation, they restore tut; tone of then ' , trig generally., and remove all the unpleasant .., e tom , am.) fre Iteme. Joh., 11 . Mo , me. Esq., E itor of the Brother mitt. than, was cored.6l a severe he titachciin six minutesby three of the Camphor Luzengm—he was prejudided against them.' Jogeph B. A . n.lics. Ens l . , Vice President of the Wash ing:ou Aldrin. Insurance Company; has suffered For years with tierVolll; headache, that nothing would ['re here till he tined these -Lozenges. sVhich removed it entirely in fifteen minutes. • pr, G. bmter, Rib Si it Avenue; has been indueet to violent attacks of headache. so asdo make shim 7 al rnos* blind fiir two or three hous at 'a time. Nothing c;% • er • afforded linn nay read' ttll he fried these Lolen rg'iS,—arid they cured !um in a fete tninutas: IV. H. A time or the New l'o . rk herald, ;has need them for the last year for headache.or ossitilde, and always thund immediate relief from them. * S.l. , erman'iPonr .11wes plaster! 1.000.000 sold yearly, of this best of all. Plasters Rhentnvietn, Lumbago, Pain or ;Weakness in the Back, Loins, side , Breast. Neck, or Limbs, effectual ly cured by it. la' Only' DM CeUts each, and War• ranted superior to all other plaster's tt use, Be ;par ticula r to get Sherman's Poor Hart's I'lasters, or jou will be imposed upon. Avoid the s urions and woiln less imitztaon.s. The t amain stamped on the back of cacti; get none without it, or you will be deceivtd. Cough Lozenges only 5 cents Worm Lozenges - 5 do !de Camphor:or headadhe LozengeS, 25 cents per box. Poor Manly Plaster, only 12;:, cents a piece, The above Medicines for sale by- T.& 1, m • arry, m , . e . Agents for propnetor. •Alsctby_ Ifugh-Kinsley, Fort Carbon. Georg ••Reiiettyder; New castle' June 10, 1813 ew Ribbons . and Ilonnet Silks.' MIS- MORGAN. haa.juitt 'remised -fine lISR ezarintent of MU and w Ban: not Silks ; and the fall faatn/na for flonnata.. Nay.,4k ' 114.•-•' MEI TO THE WHOLE WORLD,. • • - TUEEI.§. •'. •-1 `Plants lind-,Seeds. 0.1,:::e . z - -?., 4. - PciOcesi Litirrieati :Poi:into;Garcon. 3„:::::1;; 4; : : a i . . d. Nurseries,. Foshine,.• near New s kV;.-.-. York.. VILLLAII ,;11. Pc.t.%cc.i.& Co., '''''',, P-6-= “recessor•to the late. IV Ohara Prince. dee, , i;•..ti ;,ff i r !Or ... , ;11i the L.1112E , T .1'I11:1C1101CR.sT eie,ORTII ;NT 6F TP:Eis,' FLEINTF,AtiDtzxFp;., to be found in emierica. il , ' .1 : '; . . ' ' lie . rw•CatakoAcs of this 111 NIEISiSE COI: Lturai" w hich nornpriscathe : inost.'valuable producta of Europe, Aska',' and Acherica, will 'be sent on Os to ever t , post paid applicant, andall orders !ill be. executed witli•that precision , and di,pateli which bilv4 distinguished the"stabli4r.'. men!.rrike'revt. deseription:eattilogue" isone of remarkbble intere,t. as it not.only eornbinea the :twat. a' l siple - descriptions of the estimable Fruits. but slot' enumbrates the bad Fruits; and it will be found on examination thatthe latter abound in the catlogues olother.nurseriea. - :7 ' -, The priers szed in the catalogues, . ate from 15 i, a to 33 r, cent. beltivr thOse Lit others; and . from' the loi.g.slunding of tins estaLlit.litnetti, the treeS. and shrub: are large and of superlor iquality... 7 .- Among the Flowerl area large 'variety of spier. did Diable Datiliatil of surpasaing beauty. The catalogues cormirisi : ; . • - 1. Fruit and Oinamental,Trees and Plants. 2, Enlbous FloWer Roots, and splendid Dah lias. • -, 3. (41:1..n-horse, Tffeg arid Plants. 1 • 4.: ciarderi and Agricultural Seeds, with redu ced Wholesale prices.' • ; . ' Th . pniprictorti of Nurseriss' wili,ion applies. lion,' s' furnished ! with a catalogue of Trees and 1 Sorul hely of the smaller, siT.',6.tit 100 , wholesale c havini Oren appointed A I:Jr, the AlcSto . .4. R. Prince .& , Co. ieeiVeniA,•r:s C . ir any ,'Ot:the Treei, P 1.1 ect, , , furnished , froin„thetr celebrated Gar and Nureries. t T 1 gent or S dens tahizuet , with the prices annoxed, can b at the utTicc of the Miners' Journal. ' ' • B. BANN AN, • Pottsville Pa,. = ktIEVSTABILISIMENT. CM .vember 18,1 I . • GLORCE M. ELKINTON, firs re ci,mint ticdd ilce Manulatture of !' OAP & CANDLES, Yargarrtfa Street, nre Juan aliare 64wect attd . SSillueu Street , rail road, , MEI UM . : I.IIIL*DZI,VIIIA. . • , 1. 7 H ERE' lie - offi.rd fOr Sale; on reasonable r • term'', wholesale and retail, 'fi rat quahty vllow Soap; coniinoU Eirnwn do., White Filler's (.1., Paint-do-, Castile [do., fancy Shaving do.:1 Augai,Cl2, . • I ' ~ 33-Ivl _ ..._.....:..-- i i -. • ,NEW I'iIIi?L'ESALE , ,•' i I C L. 0T a i N G 'SI' OItE i • ! 1 Lippincott & 'll'aylor ) I. Living ni:rdn extemive.preparations, ate,nbw II ! , , :Ready to,Supoty - C4II BUYERS WITH CLOTHING, , 1 VROli . 1.0 . t0 tiiteen per cent lower t h an qtb. er,whole.ale dcttiers, we sh.lll, do this by 1 buying for cabb,and.t:ellior entirely for the same, those. Who bay by yloail lonntitiys Eel well. ati the ley , dealer, wtll End it to their advantage H call at LIPPINCOTT & TAYLOR'S; .. , No 200, 200,Market Ititrret, third dqpr above Sixth, Laud, one doter t5.d , .,e..,he Red' Lion Elotul, Philada. i From the Pharphi. fr-lz,':r , 'of Syptem6cr, 22d, 1813, 1 ' The . rioe'tiorl is {often asked by at:rani:era i ; Where Pen we ira io hny the,he't sod•cne:tpe-.1 -alit of clothe.; they' ; are - referred by 11'104 ot our citizen. , bliH,eiteivere t,, ;;tabii•ipment bl'-Lipp pi„ e 01( &,..1 ra;, ' 14; 200; Market Sure thtklorirs we.,t. riwitiuh. Lemdkextit i Sc Taylor are vf It oleaale dda le r, , , and ;be:, ill reeeleeihe larceat At.sortutent in the cite, iht• y tal4a lis`f! tbe repotittionlq doing the finew otork and tike special Imes to ofeasettloyi • wh o ho t a e i t mle 0 0 ,!,, a. well at the eveerive scabs. Their it cetoltritt-' the phiec.j:lt Is next t door to he Red Liiai lintel. . ' t - PhiladiL j Oc:orei 7, 0?-13 , . 41. . ) NYE -- W , , W IWI.; SI f IIIIE; , .04 , 5 - w 1 74 ) , (.1 B 1 EIcHEIOLTZ, 'dz.C O.. re I›.--- t.prelful y •,inforins .the citizens .s i.-Z , ° ' Potsville, SIM Schuylkill countv gen A ~ ,erftlly, that? ,they h,tye ripcne.o - ,- ( in tlik . .,tore t:' , rinerly 1 Ge.eupied by Mr. Slater,) a general .as ,, ortment of ' Drrce, i l .19rrlieines, • '1 1 Chemteo/s, • .Prvints,'; 1 00 5 1 , Dees 1- • • .1 - rmishes, .. Putty, ' : Gloss, . 47dices, . . • : l'atent .illr.d%cines. 4c.. he: ' .' • . , 1 . , And solicits a share of pithile patronage, cnnfl dently issurinif 'the public* that every article in their line, shall he of the first quality, and pure. 1 ly gen ,. uine.. ; 1 iiivihe, served a 'reviler nri;orenticeship io the busines' in Philadelphia. thoie wlici favour thein with a Call, can reit,”tisfied that they willguard s'trictly' against all mistakes,':and have their mcd icineti Put up with the greatOst cam and nicety. ..:Phy4iciunspre-eriptmils ntlended to with par ticti!.ir ?-sre, at ell hnurs. Country Physicianii and Smrelli , epers, a small Advance sui ci y prices. r. i . Pottsville; Ddcember 3 - . 49-1 . - 1' , ~ • The'Greatest thrts,nan P u blished, r 'moaned, • '. : luyitt,n EIiENN Fanners' and llechanics , GREAT WLSTCRIY ALMANAC,FOR. 1814, t El NG twice the it-nal stye, and designed ex. p'ressly for the i4tates of Pennsylvania, De. ware', Maryland, Ohio, &c. Containing. b'esidtis the Wild Calendar at Calculations of Eclipses, Weather Tables, Signet ‘s' et • j . The times of holding - OM 'Supreme and other CUTs, General end 'tate Eletions, Election ter g i Popular Vote, for Presidents, St te and County Officers; School Fund, Salaries, &c, Members of the U. States Senate Classified, and the date of the expiration of their ternis.— Y:l4fly• Meetings of the Friend', Population of States, Cities, &c. Receipts. Anecdotes, Bon Mots, Enigmas, dr.e. Together with an err tralsrge amount of naeful Reading, just recetved and for sale ,W Judi: l 4le and Metall at this office-- Single copies 6.1 ets. Also, al large variety of EngliNh and German, Health, Comic and Tem. warm° Almanacs; by the Dozen, or Single. November 18, J ,l 47-- , •HOUSES & • • P../2- .FOR SALE, • a•Vii":" :Pi • • - • 1 1 it t ; Also, a;'• large number of el Builitinis - and out Lots. of eizes s on BIC Navigation tract', lying princi- pally in the Borough of Pottsville.. Apply tp . • • 1 1 , • ;' SAMUEL LEyvi, July 16, 29-1! Real estate agent, Centre St. , VAST IRON SCREENS.--Cost Iso4 Rolling Screens of various sizea' for.CoaL ion band and for sale *at W. IL _NI ARSHALIAI . Cheip Griliery Flour Fee'd & Provisiciti Store Orner of Norwegian Street and Mount earboo ROI - Road , June 10 • s 24-1 L4ll7dOli EFL ANG DON'S 'Celebtated Drawing geneits 75 cents per 'dozen, or 4.1 .cents' each' .3net 'reekiea and fcitirOly - „11. IDsc,, 2,: • I I: • " . !... Agent„ T110':.::: - ,MISEIta.... - _ - ,7 ;OVItNAIi.; Mil ME WRNS . . Geo-rt phy - of PonwAlvatuai 19 ildIS nevi 'intl . justly 1s Wort" bas, bean , 'receiVed 'aud TIOVV 1100d - fur fide ,b,fil+ subset-pd.. It is a work , that dtmatcr 'be'm hiands el:cry : one who is 'Pennsylvanian* ho .wishes to he.Coine ticqiiamted with thellleog rliplir. and the immense resources of the, States+ hoWce - rex orniiiindatoCY notices, w se feet the - lIBC9SISIENtIATIONS. ; • from , Hon. 'caaries.ar6tcre, Secreiaty of the Commonwealth-and Sapinaleadent mon &hoe/sof YeansyLolnia. ' SECRETARY COMISuNWCALIII . I3 OPTIC; t . ," 4 Hartieburg, Septemberl2l, 1843. - I,llr:'En.varixi,G • Bunn.; • ' • Sir,—l hbve given a careful perusal tb the C.c. ,ography Ol,Peniusylvania, by Charles B. Ttiigo, ; Esq., which vou'have latelY .published, and find' It to contain a : vast sziount of useful and intetes., Ong infotmation relative to the History, Geograa tiny, Geology, Government, Internal Improve. merit, Productions, Sr., &c., of our Comnion welsh h, admirably condensed and arranged. a book of reference it is itivaluable, and shbuld he in'the PossesSion-of eveiy one 'who desire's to be . come acquainted with time eliaracter and re. sources of Pennsylvania. 'Ube wet k will also be Most eminently useful us a text - book, bulb in the Common Schools and hi the Seminaries of a highei order, throughout the State. Askuch, I have no hesitation in re commending its adoption by ihe School Direc. tors, and others having charge of these Inatitu. lions. . ' I am very respectfully, 4 • I venirobkdieaservant • I CHAS. M'CLUB Sup. C.Schoots, .• . -- , . ~. ~,' Flail` SCHWA, DISTRICT OE i ERN , A. t, Philedelphia,Onteber 10;1843 . At a Meeting of the• Roared of Controllers. o Public Schor.lS, held atjthe Controliers' chum her.on Monday, October 9th, 1843, Wives Resoked, That -Ttego's Geography ofiPenn sylvanre be introduced as 'u Class Book; into the Public Grammar *hoots of the Distriet, as a substitute for “Eatou's Geogrr phy on Penn. sylvania." ..,.1 1 . Extract from the Minutes. ' • THOMAS B. Fl...reil9s7oE, .Seciercirti.Board of Cuntrallera• EDWARD C. 131DDLY. e ESQ. 0 , . For sale Wholesale and Retail by BENJ. BANNAN. Agent for Schuylkill County. ( ..45 . November, 4 Fashionable Tailoring Eitablishinent '• • " W. A.WILLIAMS, ". t! It APER''.A.•ND TAILOR, TAiC Et-. this opportunity to inform inhabi• l, tants ufPoitsville and vicinity that, he has! lak&) rooms in Centre street, three doers ‘above the Exchange:lintel; where he-intends , :carryingt ou the' Tailoring business, in its various bran' ches. The public May rest assured Othaving their Garments =dein as new and fashionable style as tn any city. in the Union- • I Having had long experience in the bilsiness in various cities,; he &Vera himself that hi:t can give gerieral satisfaction to thOse who may favor hiiri with a call. `ErGarnients entrusted to his care will be war;- ranted in all cases. Particular attentiim paid to cutting. " ' Pottsville Oct. 7.'1843, N. S. LAWRENCE, 1 Agilet fete ,vale of Smthwurth Man4acturin, Conyany's Superior Writing pOper, WAREHOEFF, Nu. 3 iNttNott ST., PIiq,,ILDELPIIT follawinz kinds constantly on hand ano 3 for sale to the trade at the lon Get market pace ; Fine tl.•ick" Flat Caps, 12, 14, and 16, lbs, and whit. Extra super r‘d superfine Fulio PuF•fl, blue tut white. . . • l' Extra super Packat and Commerciall posts. b h and white.• !, I r Extra Fairer Linen note papers.. • Superfinit and fine Hitt.papers, (Long 4 do ~ do do . ' (Broadi) do , do Counting House Cl'ps, blue ard white. ' 1 Extra t.uncr Congres. Caps and Lettets, plain and riled. bine and white. . . sqperti,nt French Fusty pliin and rwied. t - - • - - _ Superfine and fine Ca p. and Posts, r Myd and plafM (flae and white, of variotri