The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, October 14, 1843, Image 4

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inyiap he &lent, and my y riven hair •
Shtharek hinvTrora the runbearria
Love !, 5110 i num tali bilzkacir?
• '
' • -
rlven'= ItickF. with ire,
I•or'he'nit im tlicir)trrsac.s! • • •
•'And illey:VfQ C..o.i 4 rtf r!d 1))! VCCUR ." 1 .»
5 . 7 -.Drectea•ii,thict(Floii:
We- fatini;t: hyhlt:v i resie•ecz..2.snry :raven hair
• Ahelt•ettrillivrars-4-IM'ailnlif:J/ins there.
ahltll-V3valitiltintio au?
if ite knew; • --
This trikt mine hi flii-42 L
arid his decay.
then he (1;.4
TQ 104:144%kv hire he ahr r pt., and 111 V 'raven hair
lihnfter'd itinVront the au u nen ma-there.
: ' , rouse hint and tell Mtn au?
A.• •• 0 nnt:o - • .
A BtaGo. • L ;31i. er.r.,l:llllaTKD efiARACTLII.-.. : '
lit a feCetit numbir-of the.lie'vue des 0001 . Mon
' ilea, we ft id the f.illowlpz• ace )(Mt of the' tie Of
Mr. Btlifut• the authur . of the, Bible' its Spain, ar.d
the Zit esti: ... . . , ~ ,
s :
`'Mr. BoTiewt,"says the writer, ar i as origlnaly II
horse j rcldey, ur s i oructittPg of that kinl ; Ninon i
luau, I purit'alni..-a . der .ttm navnig i seizA him; .he
liaa'travelletbevha:d t.yiread go,:pel i , ht 1
among the reeks, Papi;t4',-o‘lo2nalts, Satharistie: l
and &malt. To gmi souls , cu r e,lvin,)o con-,
quer liar. l .-• and trifile;s, andil'a wander over platc.s,.
tusrahes sod foists, are his, favorite i.letniures., Al
bonfiatiotte of the tif.h century, sad. an Eng ;
- -.
itch Flon.Qmstme the travel) d as a coliwieurla- ,
mono the Alpujarras, at • Gimp, Ceuts o Nle , ida,
upon the hanks of - ilie tigutl•titiq r svit', •and, thel
Dluro, w,ta a cargo Oi 4 I.o.tuleil - solo) inrabic:
othe to the' lloband in ton pie,--IMt that of 13u=
hernia, but that of Hin.lotr!io. . 1
• With a vigorous na - ure, a well 'temrirred . 664.
MI uncommon courage, rt..d a lnit.itioli ciirt”itty'
mingled with a lively lice fei al , entutes anl evert ,
fordangers, a 'pot ) 6;14 mod auk the 'gilt of to il
0.1. Mr. Bon ow untkrbt :tuts' Ptt:i so, Aratoe l .
Gertusn,D.,teh, Itit,staa, P:,:t,it, talk-twat), Purtt.L,
$ oese, Sweedish, Josh; N ,r,v tom, end the ol, r l .
iticandloaetao, uot to =audit - Umie, Kyuati 01,
. . - z Welsh„ Ssus4r,, and 7 1 malt, the litigu ge of:tbe
E 131 0 ,1110 gyp'etea. lie to ao athletic matt, thirty=
fa •eot,sia ye!tra Old, witha bight back eye, his
' hiow-already covered with a tweet of rematOte
• white him, aad art olive com i d zion, aid - he b e -
lunged onginally-to that race- of whew h i e
lie the chronicler at d Ir i tatid. , • - • • •
Ha was b...rai at Norfolk, auti.foulul himself, no
one knows how, and he dot a n A tell, in the midis
of gypco3, blacksoft:hti, fortunetellers, rope un
eirik-, horse itokeya,teld _chimes metcnants and beg
gars flow Zgypt p litio inhabit London end,us tn.
- vitas*. 'From ileac hanotab le mistructors, he re•
- teivid at an earl y' age hate fiat , ' knowledge nI gat).
berish, the tudi : ntntii if the Z ncall hognage. and
hiratary receipts fplatiao to the tearing and
pert art houca.• Aetna' grew up, tie went w Edw.
-- bilighi4ent . thrdugh the uniceisiti eourae, : ated,d
Ha . brew, Gre,t and re.,de
frequent excurouno into the,la to ieaiu
Gettig tiloruutOlg. - , Wtf-13,cause him
• • wards ISTo hoe • I kau P. Hid it lelidd lod) be
soared his wild octal `Some pretend that the toil
snd the oceupioions of a . j,ckry never h d a rune
heAlous sets-mat. He . hought.abd sold horsre, - Tret,
wori; lust, arid prob ady ran at N,,8:16 or D. 14.
by. Tow pacim inc Iva ;11. !peel-ha1e... 1 7
•HB attarweda re-aPpeafed, and we fi.ld burn and.
treuly: converve and tugeged in We pervice of the
• '.,lilbfa hioci iy, c...nirt3y urgitnz , l
. . iiagatiou cl the ti die lie
andiedv.d i . ?.s rou-e th.
•4lrbraise het :// as a nd .i.r ~.,
•Wu ihatSairit land iii r tw, ratit•i
ptirtsof ,itrzo gal! ill li Ncl a.
C i •
'Min to trudit iiv pout2c.a ya. 1.115;
Bible In nand, en I 4., :du, 0) 11
persists, lives in too woods hp.allit, m c,r•
etas, with gylisies,ka garrtii wituvcnrus,
the Alt:skits, stiowrs his e,.tetnei la curates,
clocks at tinuisiers,, Irsgu a :.1.11.e1f .11h ttle.leices;
offers his band to it's! Arsba,le neither he.iten nor
hung, eletracle„ and ttter having livid
:through the-Lust cuti9tis romance of adventures
which could he im'aji,ied, this uon.Qu•xotte with
_ phi a squire, this F4vpigoodist without fanaticism,
comes back of lorid,direfr white, writiklcd old
,Clisonirig in one of Wle
, teit addresses, said with as uanch beauty es f r ee,
.....71,itat the grand end of society is to placiS within'
• the reach of ill its members, the mi_aus of !in
-00•00301:11, of elevsti in, of the Pus hap i iness . of
man. There ie.a lyglier i.loty Manic) bui:d
house. for the po tr, and that Is to save men trom
degurded in the blighting inficenee of, an
almshouse. 111.,n has a right to something more
,than bread to keep him frAm starving. Fie has a
right to the aids and eacouragements and culture,
by which he may fulfill the de•itiny 'of* a m a n
and until saciety, is broug'it to rec.,guize and'rev
. enin:e thil,"it will continue to gr , an. under its
present IMAterled. \
ItTE . otacii. sum se.—The exidtence' of
ttfii singularenoantly in the him of truite, may
be doubted by many ( but inceziatence can now be
elearirestabliabed, and not as an exotic,' es
probably been supp Ihe Nlacon (do.)
;Wenner says it is a genuine native ofthat butte,
=fed growl in Monroe county,
,pear the .ocniul l
pe river. As yet it bas been 'seen but in one
field, where there are a considerable number of
bushels: The fruit is very white and tra4s i pa- .
rent, and of gaud cra end quali.y.—Binkor
. ELICTIO36IIIING stoT an Ben.—Tbe
Plttablirg:Monitn4 Nit has the following story
•in tofetvice to the present emir:tiro) for S..eriff .
that istirter, whore the cOnt2,.t iii-pOcoliorly ani—
mated; - In' epeJki• gof yhe an'irlia•ronic
date; ash:3 - ta••sportedl•l he 'tido3,; the cooky ~.on
two homes, the Poet any.:
"Thu only it.m •Ne have is !hat he esided at the
house of. an old :wiz n who happened ti absent.
at the time. The o d wife, suspee mg that he
vele on electioneering huainess:asked him to a
light and w iiil her tit,b,nif cam at the r•ii,3 what .‘ti:n h« was f !Innis
foi.r. When told,.Sllenifi' she hrt .htenetl: up,
up h=r with much ear.
neat:tom, .1 do %vie% yon -uron'il;,,e'oit: nil my cAJ
rain comes. hetne.; ..:3!c 'he'll romine to 'lroto
torsion—lb. he p , o„i-•-J tie wh.l:l6lndidatea for
hatertfrihat wereli, i .o?,vote for hot')
0 41 1 4 :11 :. .dani,' seict tlie'candidate
.—.rist tinny I c...tittW —an I‘ .. v i roy scampered
the two hlrses as if \ltsaivonews was withm
Irlibt , ed l ' thrp cipr c tel niaver.oke
Storm - honoi of
Rollo bs rt spoken, •t icole of i 6.. fo. caootri4
La. - Enrisit wheta' p serer ina.litad . nor
ktrkea npon . with I.; '..zEge,n at an inn, the
permtnla never epurdctS frcm the dour, and
not lc 3 ;iodised wordi;
and consigned to rhidlinorciesof God. Tins ie as
it slimed le. 1- . 4 . lttzh 'et the-; :try, - and preju
dice of Spain; I 6111,4 1 . the Lutuelty end ferocity
which have cast a state . oi.etern si infamy, on her
historyt - but I wilisi.ti`for i the Span'irds i that in
theiesoe:l4l 4 friterenorie; 2ogoplein the world ea
` }Aire - Seater feeliniof Q . 41 , 1i: is due to the dignity
- er human or bette';''utiii, , taland the t belts
tritit which it iidhqves !van - to adopt.
kiei towarlii his
fillell" bang.-->Borrotris 'Bible in Spetin.
.Searpa'* Compound Arms° e Acbgatte 011, .
want the can of DEA.FNESS, pairs, and the .
dir'eharge of matter liumlhe ears; also all
hose , disagreca,ble noi,-es, buzzing of in
sert, falling or water, blizzing of sinaio;.Stc.
ialuch are Tr.} mptrat). of areaching deafness,
and alio attoriait. .withi po he 'd" isease.
CEP, 11F
The following Editorials 'and certificates wall
be read with tiprest setheY.;speak facts which
are " stubborn things." i
• MO's? EXTILAOII.DINAITY ceRE :-11 any, have
iiinubts they may now dimfilest them, and the most
incredulous may Consider Deafness as curable.
'Numerous cases of cures, rind many of tht ve
. remarkable—by the .use of "Scarps.'s
hird been, published, but , this," caps the climax."
•Ydung or.old may yet rscMter,hetiring, A lady
in StnithOld, Perstssylvinira aWat.
years of age, bad been gracivatly getting deaf
more than 40 years. so,:tha
Bible to make her heariconversation in the loud
est tones 01 voice;. Loa winter she was in!ineed
to try "Searpit's Oil for Deafness." -11 ." isonly
necessary to a ) cld that shethi`s,used two ta•tlies,
and feat her hearing is perfectly restored—she is
cured, b•
The follbwing extract from
' I.)k:A FNESS CORM.— ___ , _ ~
a letter written by Mr.. JohnsOn of But•tml, to a
friend in this city, is iniptirtmt.•
" The c of'slOi for Deafness, that
you sent roe,' with tire wish that •rnv datoAter
would try ii,ltas been. used, •and in ii.s effects,
have astonished all; you know how very deal she ,
has been since she was three Years old—she now
hears quite well, but as the medicine has all been
used, I wish you to send Me another bottle, which.
I have_cvery reason to-believe will cure her en.
tirely.'—f Times. 7 - r.' .
'For sale by B. B. GUAIPERT;No.I2O North
Second Street, Philadelphia, and bf .
I "k Agents, Pottsville,
:July 22, 1843
Her re.rommericed.ll, Manuftuture of
.I . largurettf: :Stfet, five doors 0.663 ,
Sweet, beta+ti : Ca/bac/sill and
Willow Street tail rJud,
.41 Ns. 12
%'HERE he offers for Sale, on - !Tai - mat&
farina, wholeaskaini retail, first' qoaliti
,Yellovi Soap, common ph/ 4VII . (10.. Whit:
do.. Palm do, Castile do), Fancy Shuring; (to.
Atigdi-t 1:2, 1 i : 33-11*
• Cl.o'l'll liEIALI24I§ •
- A•
N .457 Nortlt.Secwid Sr., af. w di rs bcloW Arch,
I hl atlcipha. •
'Ft FIE aubseritiers . are tr. f lw receivinz and tct i ll
14 - eouttooe to reretve in t ; I.e , eap.on,
ce,a .1 English French[ni.d American C 11;:,
,Co!4inderea',4l(oin thcl 'pricad to the fie
eov . )r.colz tle laid steles from the
mu:4 ap oovt-d tn.tou!ae:ottrs, sorted to:he coon:
' in and cdy . trado, .
Rouble . .11thad fi,orid and phin Bea.
veil and Pitt Cloths, &e. for trip
; 1,1,00000, 1.4 ave r . Blur...end Nltxt
'or cc;u11 1 , N ool'ett Cloak lA.
hinge; new rtyle dark figured Verdiags, Silk
IVelvets,. Velveiteens, Tabby arid I , Voollent,Yel,
vets, Bombazines, Black s Siiiin and leashThritittte
.Vestings, Extra fine Instil Linen, Brown and
Black Holland, Silk and Verona Serges, Silesia,
'Casbans '
Paddings, Canvss, -Buti l ms, Sewing
Silk and Scarf Twist, tnielber, with various o
, titer trimmings tised in wear,
The above_ goods will l;te'r offered at the It c e
market prices, and warranted as represented..
bucklers' and Dealers in Clotbs,Caiteireerm.
Philadelphia, September if, 1843.36 •
pis :oLiv t loN.
T"E partnership her'etorore existing between
Nicholas Fox and Oli i 'ver Dubson, was this
day dissolved by mutual consent. All pert•ons
having claims against said fi in, a'relrecie.sted to
present their accounts foi• settlement and all per—
.ons" indebted to said firm ere requcited to make
immediate payment ti either Of satif;firm. •
Of e llitß iDOBSOIN
Pottsville, August 31, 1e43•
The business will be' hreafter' conducted at
the old °stand, (Centre third. dDi,below
streebt,) by Oliver Dobtini, where he hopes to re
ceive a continuance 'of parr -nags.
, -
• . -
'Mary &Martha. by Mrs. Ellis
i • • 12
Bernardo DSlCar t iie. by J. G. M - vin , . 2:4
Village D6ctors, by I`., S.' A rill 1 , • 11.4
Lintel) , of Life, by the - sof Blciaingtoot . 121
Letters from the f3altic. . , . lith
Nina. biMiss Bremer (a fresh Supply) i • I2A
Windsor Castle. by Ainsworth " . ! • , - 1 2
Philo in search of a wife. (a fresh supply) 'l2
Ten Thousaud a Year, • . do 0
Change for American Notes de , - 12
The Attache s I do • • 12.
:Muck is the Mother of Money . .57
Smith's Productive Parming,_bound. ' 50
.Mite Leslie's Magazine. for Sept. single Nos. :16
lust received and fcirsale by • LI—BANN - AN.
Sept. 16, - • . ' .• ad---:•-
, .
. .
subscriber 'ret:pcetfully notifies : pit
-IL' friends-and utherti,t Mit he has recently opera.
ed a new and conveniently furnished Hotel,; at
41 Cmirttand st., a short distance above ma 'old
stand, and nearer to Broadway.
e will be better. able to accomodate his yisit.
ore as his house 18 larger. and fined up with 'bit.
tine parlors in modern Fstyle, and seventy lur
ni.-lied Bed-rooms.
He hopes his customers will continue their
patronage to the new establishment, and N:duld
inform them that lie bag reduced nis pricti of
boarding to one dollar per day.
Philadelphia, April 21, 18--
•-r„ • FOR ALE,
pi "- A l • •
, L Fo, a are number ot ltiolgiy
Buiirtinka and! out tots. of
various ;sizes, on the Navigation •tract, lying priiici-,
palty in the Borough of Pottsville.. Apply to
Rea 1 l estate agent, Centre St.
- •
July 16.29-t1
Dale's PatentPlatirm and Canter:
• firiiLATFORM weighing from lib to
hi 2300 lbs. and counier scales in every in.
eiv, superior to any 'acalecbefore invented; for
42 .Wahath itreat, Philad Iphia..
Jima 17, 1843, 25=tf
- - .
11UST large,Qoarto illelah Family
Bible. printed in 117nglbili and WOO, which
wit be OW ehesp - by,lbe„subseiriber. • -
Septediber 37-JI 13. BANNAT.d.
Constantif on hand, a full supply or ,t he
above superior article in barrels, 4 44 bushels, whieh
•will be sold our, low; by .1 •
• . . • ,GRAY d REA NETT,
N 0,12 Sti clout. SC, and 2nd.w hurl below
Locust,Sl., Schuylkill,Philadejohia
June 17, 8143. '
I •
111ERCHAllir,S lipTEL,
. .
ErZNOW nil .men kivitlier.e' prer•
ii" I .I.IVPINCOTA:.' I ' YCOR, co
:Ind llnhaniungn St., ha li te jiist ri l e
c z,
chins of PhilJadiMia add New Y
splendid asi;ortmcint of lfnlibionab e
anildiap:itnikpasbiantreti, tilio fltiAn
milled elOtli,of every Oseription. l ,.
Just :revoked front their Nwliolqiii
foiltionable clothing kinrei No., F 1
Philadelphia, a new et-ieh of reail;
hoz, of which, they iiff.n. lat pria
timee r an'd guarantee tu l , give entire
all that may favour us 'wth a tall,
time: i , d
11; IC,
Summer Cloth Frock
do Dress I !do
do rectei, g ;do
°ids 1 1
Fine Frcie4 Coatt
do Dree& do I
do-Linen Itoun4t's Jacket
• do' Nom; ; :do
do Park GapbruOn Pala .
do I,ii du
Alga a handsome; assoitotnt
I Drcts and Frock Coa(a..Gray,t; 1 r
• i
111 In proportion to pr i ices its thpi
' , tortety ot.:iregti'and ivestiog.whic,
' low at Vie'r"oid" estalithdliocut .4.
and Mahaniangn Street' '
P. S.-,:. , l)nn't,. forgei,ic Calk a
doll - lea for it 3 00:
PotescilleiJune ,
To nimiLi Ls
I. •
fivrandla [lmprv,edi:Tonitl
filillOSE who would
, ha've reco,
Medicine for Filmic! AND
and Nervous Weakneases.:tiliouldl
twgen the 'thousand and due" re!
ly heralded forth tu,.l j .lie pnblic j ll
universally buccesslul preset it,t.q
Rottnind'e (Intpruyed] 4 mix,,44.
A few remarks will s e rve teitlillostrate the 'dif.
ferenee. 'in, the find place; the operettoh of the
'runic' NI tat ure In the dote of Fl kree and Ague to
upon entirely new arid pectiliar Vrt, toiler! Ortnei
plea. ' Secondly : It t.ot Only pi
1 , npilyari',Ealathe
eoorsh of the chills,'ieirlien punch .:liy - 11 ii d perbe.
vcringly I used, but ~ it 'auxin ri:i/orei thetvanted
fuhiranns c:f the general :s3o-tittli to a Oral:ay - 7
ticlat:ty state; whenlrelap , es n! ' 3 no more liable
to 01541e' ihat an atioeh of the rit i lea.:e in one who
hiss never 'had it I bt - tfort Thirt ; l'he,:sirstern,
during the adminlig'rittion (AO ' I . inprovdd Tonle
Nlii . iiire,'springs up!al once uqler it's be;rign in
fluence, and gives forth tin •in•nest of returning
iMalth and rigour: FOtirthl3llProducing mole
or less effect on the IMWels, thuleause of the di..!.
ease passes cli' , in the w`ay_rnost n'hongly, indica:-
ted 'by nature. Ftftillit I. Its etree.ts on the eye.
. tern are uniformly mild'and ad:fe;as well as OE
' etetit, and it is as well adapt“llhi the foible:4 in
latit,,siniply by a' Morlificationiol, the duce, as'to
I. the must vigoionsadn't. , • Il
' 'foe abovelnadich.e into be i hail in Pottsville
at the Drug acid •Chemie.ll tt.,4re of • i
JOHNS. 0. 11,1A11'1 1 ,114 .,
' --
Arr!,4o for Sal itylltill county.
P ttsville,July 2;1,1813; i 31—
'VHF: subscriberlis iiiducsd
•/ 3 -! circa( enconragriniet.t he
also from Ilia ncce . Fsity of Ili +
I:•.tail slur, in Or., part or ti
cured arid R ill 'mei) conriarril
sdii, Tea, Sugar, C. free, Cote.
r.rdr,,„&c., &c. wiiiirli in come
;Lint sinek of flame. 1- hoillder
ring nail Cod - frili, Brown I'
,Soap: Al-cr a eery' superibr
l'Ath, Almond and Fancy Si
1 - iillow . • Candlur-LIW inter an
S'piiini Oil, &c , & e , &c ,
s Al l at the loyc,t Caen Retail)
latiiilie. or thnse .terMg to Fel
(' f doer ion will be in4di:, in propi l
tity taken. 1
P. S From the faer . ol in)
to the Cite, whose pine and utt
to the seleptton of the Ili-ticks
I iilve no Itent.riton thinly rig t
rni cheap, nslarly in Pot
j .dge for yourselveß.
Pottsville Sep. 2:3. 480.
-4- • •
I %V E have l ,,jastke.
r rtvoil a Intl
SailsOnable.Goods consist
Clothe . C.litisat4re'!,, Sattitu
Prints, checks, Flati
Uingliams,CambriCkk Cotton F L
Lineup; Silk, Cimlirick, and
tiosiery and Gloves, Fu
lansf:vs ; &c., and wit•ll
a sinall advance 'on' cost .and
want ; of any of Ilienbovelir any l i
ly kept in our Borotigh Stores al
vitcd; to call on' .
E.i Q. & A.' II
Septeniber 2, 1 ;
ng the heat art'ele that can !le proeureo fnr
Cat./4,'Coughs, Asthma, I itrima, Coneutrip 7
tian and all disease Slot the Organs. '
It has been tried by thousands and can produce
the very best reecommendations
ci t. supply of this . Medieine for nt .
jOHN 1 4 ..e.'1N1 A RTOPS, •
'1 •: Drug Stoic, Pottsville.
Price 50 cents a' bottle.
.H iil.lS HAMS!' &C.
rl E. subscriber lanneunces i the public that he
a - has on hand a ' , rge quantity t well cored Danis,
Dried Beer, Torigutia,.&c. A c., Which lie will sell at
itErtv LOW RATES FOR ICASII, at. his eitand ,in Centre
Street, opposite the Town Hi11..1 AA stdokrd meat.
which on trial should Prove not 1.0. be good, will be
th4en beck. - I • . 1 ' I !
te always keeps for, sale all kinds 'of Fresh Mear
wh . ch wilrbe Bola at reduced 'priaer,,andgelpectftn
1y notions the patronage of the public.
Pottsville. Feb.ll j , 7
, -- ,
Office of the Uhiladelphia and Reading
• Railroad Company.
I •
I - Philadelphia. Julyl24. 1843.
The Phil*lpliia and Read leg
, Q,.. t . Itairoad. Company ,hereby give
l''' - - Lotice tint iherateeOffreighl un
coal 'and ‘iill cciutinue ns follow. 4: • •
From' iPuttsvil!a i in Richmond oil PTh)adelphia.
1 i
_' 1 181 40 per on t IS V 0 per pan.
From Schuylkill Haven 1 , ."1- ..- : I ' "
- ! • iS.BR A DFQIII3; S , ratify.
' Phil. delphia , Jul. 29. 1843 1 31—
I ; iiiiiiTAND s`=l.rEtt.' t ,l --•
. ,
JAMES !., STENC 111;' JR.,
, i • •
• ' h .11'u. 53. North ,Watir Sfrett,
, D uoa i AA ' • ' A b
.j 1 1 .
1 -
1 I , I
Ecn, AS constantly nn hand, a full ait,rtment o
• .2'..!' I RON ..5 2 STET.L . , nhi,h M'ai 'tie • bad 01
the most reasonable terms. ‘ !
. Sept l l ember 9,
07 Prints: p i
RUST receiyeilind for eni
ber<o largif tin? elegant as
at prices from fj to , f.'S cent
sevcro now ttvlee. ticd will
any cther store in t 4 boron
rho reline, quality'! , of gOodii.
pleasOl call and cFamine our st
sing elsenlidre.': ' I
E. Q. & A.
g 'IST'of the prices of coin
" ed for .ate et the York -
Nigh of.rottExille
I.3rownSosip by the box 4 etc.
I do . do • 4i
Ye'll'w Soap, !do 5 ",
troLfine 1 do 10P.
Dips to 9 "'
Pore ;Pale - iSoap! do 11 ".5
Almood Soap do 16 "
Sep•ernher 23; • • •
irate. IiECKFAt'S, j:YE•S
Ur this highly eclebr - ated
iriflairted Eyes-1-34st recei •
Jai mar". 4P, 1:643, ".
. ,
-------- •
PULL% Dtii P..iA•11.14',"Ap.',1.14.. ar•l'q'.l: 1 t..7
V.1,1•1r. 11.1;11..13.0.A.D. .: •
.E.-,•••-4-,-.T.41 , 1 -.7. , -,...,..,-,- 7 ,... i
-4 ~ ta
• -,-.•-'2 , -/-` ,. :- . 1 . ..' " , i.t.t.•-.7:- . :c. 'iL- . -
.: - • Reductio4 of Frei4ht on Neratii4te! .;
410 and niter Alcindiyi next, June 26th, 1843
Grinds will be f o ftesrda'd with despatch at
the following rats of 'Freight between Reading
and toe - pcnuts below 6 Wad, per ton or2ooo lbs.
' . . . ," Between , Between
.. ` Reading ,Reading
. 1
. • . ..- .. and and -
. ,
I • , 1 • Phila. I Pottsville
Plaster, slate, tiles &c. 91 10 - -75 cts
Pig.' Iron.' 'blows. tinal4r, ' • .
t marble , to, o.4h i •1 20 90 cis
and grindstones, i
Naile - & spikes, bar irun,l. -•, ' :
'astings lead turpelitibe I
c „
i ptfar,rirki.,iurrs.pto,tlizaLleoceod,itsir. p .,
. 1 1 ' 40 100
ber. stoves .&c., J ''
Flour per, barrel, . 1 ° -
Wheat, cUrn, r3c, cliiVer • 4 chi - 3 .cts
. seed, & salt per bushel, S
Groceries, hardware,st.lel , l
-.• weer, tin, brass, 'do-1 ,
inei•tie liquors, inaclini- I
my, butter and eggs, } 210 ~. 135 •
cheese, lard and t illlw. .' -
oil, woOl . ,nuiton. lostiteri,
. .
raw bytes, paint-, O I
s- -
t !rs, Irrrop and euida r p.l
Dry goods, drugs & ined.l
icines,'.' foreign livers, t - ' .; • '
wine.,, paiker, irinth :- 2 60L ' 1. 70
fish, meat, Contectiona , l
MTN, books & stationarY..l . .
No additional charges for commission,- stor
age. or receiiiine or dellivering freight at any 'of
the Company's Depots.on the line.
July 15, 1 - 843, •
lief of Crncre
rk new anJ
4 sit!gle nulled
ont;bie single
ale; end retail
4 Dtr rket. St.
made . c. 1614.
s to gait the
satisfaction tn'
ae prices are
$.l , 00 t•.).6 00
450 to - 6 00
4 60 to 3 00
4 50 to 3 00
O 25'to 3 110
24JQ't022 3
b 75 to 1 00
00 to 2 50
200 tO 51.} -
:2 00 to 2 25.
Blue ; Path
en, ono 411a.c.k
.above, cfitit a
t will kw. old
'net. of Centre
iet a r.Ebil. of
• Mixt or • •
pie to a ramify
out, Dyspepsia
r citerinstuate be.
flit; , dies uinstaut.
and thatlalintnit
n called •
from the, very lih.
ag received (nod
tr bong;a cheap
ie tow,olbas pit).
On hand—Flour,
'e,'lloles;es, Vine
, Lion with his pre•
clluw anii White
atttele of Pure
toir-t-Slittno and
d Fall l'Sltaincd
ill Ille:1) I Will
f'ritteh—lAnd „to
II huain, a • liberal
nto'. to the 'pun-
.plopore Felting ;
id,t I can furnish
,idle. Oalf,and
te.assur!inetit of
Orig 91
rnt E S, BrsverseenF.
4lls, 'fackineF,
l annell4,,Diniers,
li °tus 'llandker
miSture,i Chucks,
S I? to bell them as
safge,;•t)insse An
piing eke usual
'e iespeti Infly in-
•I~tltS'-: r
:43 e' r b u t e t n li t a ar s• p ibzi- .
which are
be inki as low, aa
h c4n or will Felt
fwe iu want r wili
uck .before purcha.
'ettlpieh now offer-
Stoic, in the Bur
0 114' or 6 . pwards 41
cTo 5
do • 6
do • II
I db 9i
be. tipxer l dt.l.2i
db s. 18;
ALVE7.I—A' supply
iSal4elor Sara and
d s id'lfni' stileby
N'S D.f tig Store.-
.. ; I -5
FRESH supply of the above Medicine.a certain
ila• cure for the fever aisd issue. •Just received and
sale at • NARTIN'S Drug - Store
September 3. •
MOUNT CA:a110:+1 140 TEL-,
THE subegriber mu.t. I regpectfully announce
to the public that, be his leased c he fiber;
' • 'ls splendid' an
il delightful establishment,
••• ' Which Will be opened for their cc,
111; 1 •
icno,mt.morlatlen on Monday: the 10th
The, liutelhee lately undergone a thorough re
novatioii with such iinpriavernenta and additional
furniture as will much increase the curntott and
accimmindati'un of I - Mi. guests. '
This Hotel is situated static termination of the
Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, 93Thiles from
rbilddelphia, adjoinnig the Bbrou'gh of Pottsville,
and combines ail thil advantages of both town
and. country—attucho to the establishment ex
clusively for the usetof its guests is a beautiful'
ornamental terrace garden, Ait.enciosed Park of
several acres, overlooking from its rising grourids
the Railroad, the Schuylkill River and Canal, the'
reservoir of the Schuylkill Navigation Co., and '
commantiinu a . romantic and beautiful view of
the ;surrounding mountains. The Hotel. Rath
Houses end sialites-have a plentiful supply of
pure mountain spring water.. The extensive ar.d
air'' , stables and coach houses, will be attended
by careful and atteMive ostlers; 4 ita ilroad plea
sure car end cal risges, will be kept for the ac-- .
. commodation of g u ests wishing tn visit the mines
and Other places in this into:eating region. As
a pledge - of his disposition •to use his tiest oxen
lions to give satisfaction to hie grieste, he begs to
refci to the reputation irf the Catskill Mountain
House and Cone refer Hall in the City of New
York when. kepilby hiriq and assures them that
having daily liedes+ to the Philadelphia market,
Ilielser ? idies both for the Table and the Bar shall
'be the best that can he procured.
Families and individuals are assured that eve
ry attention will be loud hy theisubecriber and
his family to render their visits as pleasant and
is.corntortable as at any other establishment in
this (impart', a'td a there of the public patronage
is resPectfully solicited.
• Munnt Carbon, Julyi 8p ISCI:
" • M'4l a
' -- 74A.5•-•
, • •Lt Class Cara. 2dClass Cars.
Fare to Pou,sville, • 82 50 .8200
.To immediate points also reduced. •
The Pbssengcr Train now leaves the Depot. corner
of Broad and Cherry street daily at 7, o'clock A. M.,
stopping at the usual way plaints, and arrive of Potts
ville at 121 o'cl 'ek. Returning, leaves Pottsville at 7
o'clock A. 111: daily, and arrive in the city at 12 **-
Passengeri fdr',Werihumberiand , Sunbury, Danville,
and uniawissa Meet stages at Pottsville on the arri
val of the trains and are.carried th‘rougb with
out delay to Either of those places for .54.
Passengers for Tamaqua, Hazleton,' Mauch Chunk
and Witkesharrie, quit the cars at Port Clinton t7B
miles from tne city) and take, the cars of the Little
Schuylkill Rail road to Tatiraipm, thence go by good
stages to Mauch Chunk, where they meet the packet
boats fo r IVilksharre. ' • • ••••
Fare to Mauch Chunk , s3 50
Fare to Wilkesbarre, , 5 00 •
S. BRADFORD, Secretary.
Philadelphia, July, 24, 1843. 21—
TOWN 1 ( 1.414 STORE.
►MARE pleasure in announcing to the citizens 0
,Schuylkill county. that they have just opened an
the basement story of I the Town Hall, on Centre
street: in the Borough of Pottsville, a splendid as
sortment of
'use brought from Philadelphia, where they were se
ected with great care, and purchased at unusually
ow prices—comprising every vartety of "
Dry Goods, Groceries, Glass Ware, China.
. - .
-• Ware, Queens and Earthen Ware,
Among which may be.found -
Superfine Cloths. of varieue colors and qualities
Blue, Black and Fancy•colored Cassimeres,
Sattinets, Flannels, and Woolen Blankets,
Prints. Lawns, Ginghams, Morinoes and Plaids,
S Ik, &din, Linen and Laces, • "' ,
Cahton Flannel. Ilollands and Nankins,
Marseilles and Valenti! Vestings; •
34,4-4,5.4,6 4 Muslins, Bleached (S.:Unbleached
Silk, Cambric, G'ngham and Cotton Randle%
New and sir; error style Summer Cloths,
Cotinhades and Beverteens,
In-tine, a very general assortment of
Gentlemen's Summer Ware,
Silk,Cotton. Mohair, Morino & "Wors'd Stockings
Ladies' I nd' Gentlemen's Super Kid, Hoskin, York
tan, Silk, Thread, Beaver & Buckskin Gloves,
Ladies' Silk. Mohair and llenie Mitts, &c.
New Orleans, St. Croix, Porno Rico, Loaf and
Lump Sugars,
• r.
New Orleans, Sugar IlouLe, and Skyrup Molasses,
Tea asid Coffee ; of variousi.inds,
Cheese, Candles. Snap and Vinegar,
Silmon .llerring, Mackerel. Shad and Codfish, •
!lams, Shoulders . , Smoked Beef, and Venison,
Olive Oil. Fresh Fniit, and Oat Meal,
Havanna, Hall Spanish and Common &gars,
iSoda, \Veer and &garDrackers.
Sperm Oil. Butter. Bur, and Lard,
' Dried Apples and Peaehes,`. •
and a great variety °father articles, all of which will
be sold at low prices Jar cash; or in Exchange for
country produce.
Remember the Town liallStore. ' •
Pottsville. Alav 14,
To Dyers, Blesiehera, PapeWltalters t Steam
Englue Builders, otticrs
Erom &inches to fa calibre and 2to 12 feet long,
capable of sustaining pressuro f r om 4 0 0 to 2500 ma.
per square inch, with. Stop T., Ls, and
other fixtures to stilt, fitting together, with screw
joints, suitable for STEAM, 1V ATER, GAS, and for
Manufactured land for eate by ,
isunwis, TAMKEft &-nroatus.
warehouse S. E. garner of Third & Watrait Streit;
July 11,
yffeetions of the Liver, Asthma, Bronchitis,
Pettp.or Weakhete of the Preest or- LungE,
Chropie Coughs:, Pleoriey,Reetirehoge of the
Lirmks,' and all' affection...o the Pulmonary
Oedone. • ;
Crinaponn - d,: Balsamic preparation of the
Primir# Virginistne or " WU! Cherry Ilark,l'•
combined ,witirihe Extract-cif The, prepared by
a bevi%lichemical,,process, eppro'vcd and record.
menciCd by the innst
and Universally icktw.leged ithe must 'valuable
medicine over discove - ted.-, '
No Quaeltery!!! No i Dereptfort.
In netting forth the virtues of4his truly gret t
inceliChte. 'wc have no ()egret to deceive thot i e
who a l e' lubouririg under taitetion, nyr du We
wish 'i,t? eulogize it more , omit It ;yistly ' ' deserve.
Strhen we hioit around rind iree' ;the'vast
inounr, of aulreribg and distress ocezlioned: tif
manY;ef the diseases in whieh this tnetilicine!hit,
proved so:Willy buccessful, cue feel thatwwe can
not 'nige its donna too strongly, or py tou inuelt
in ite favour., ' j
' ' I
1 7 ,iVions remedies it is true have heehloffered.
16cts 11 cts
and PPffed Pito notice for th*ecure of diseases Of
the Lungs, and aome hive no doubt Seen felled
verylUseful, but Of all that hairs vet beau discoly
ered;lit is admitted by physicians and all who
have;witueesed its effects, that none has pro led
as euccead i
ul as l this. Such indeed,ine the 1
i 1 '
Of this Balsam, ,that even in hee& , an l ced stages
Of CONiusirriorr after all the' moat cittremed rem. edi.rk of
. physicians have feile'd to- i ffeet any
chartge, the use of -this medicine Ipis been lifts.
illictlve or the Most' astotiOling relief, and cc-,
ail effected'eures alter ll litipes of recut ry
hid been despaired of. , 1 • ..,
In the first +gas 01 - lhe daicasa,lterlimil .' ca
tarrhal Consumption," origi l natingl frilin tirel74,
ed PILL ), it has been uiled With undeviating
success, 'and hundreds acknowledge, they h , ve
the restoration of their health to this :iiivaluilble
medicine alone. In that lorm ;of Cnasomp i tion
co pilt'valent ainongst delicaW young females,
commonly termed debility i iir
1 •
A complaint With which thousands ;are linger. .
, ingi it has alsoproved highly seecessfuloonci not
only possesses the power oficheeliing the itrog
. ~ , f
I rest, .
of this alarming complaint t het also strengli.
more ens, and invigorates the.syslete . ore effe featly
than any medicine we have everpossessidd,
Upsides its .surprising'epleiicy in Cons' my
tioti, it is equally efficaciousiin Lilies - Compldinis,
Asthma, Bronchitis, mull ail aff,eiSons of the
Lunge. and has cured sonny of 'the tilteit übsti.
'mit'e eases, 'after every Other- reint.ily•' hail lat W..
fErFor .particlars see Dr. Aril'istur'a Treatise on
_Consumption, to be hat or the agentS.
, , The Extruordinory . .Stceress • [
Attending the:use of this Medicine Jiri diseaaes
of ;the-Liinge and the] mipv sitigelar mires it
has effected, having fully esiabliSinat' its ef4aey,
and as se have already ptitidished,nerriciiiiis cer
lificates'from the-highest authority which Prove
its, virtues beyond all dilitibti, we I clinitder it un
necessary to e r xhilet along list OF them MI this
place, and will only mentiti i a fee. cases, to shiny
what it has dime. i I
IA SURPRI,INO Cunc:— Among the inanicin
gtilar cares which ibis Medicine has ttilHeli,
there is perhaps none tit Which its powi rs are SO
fully shown as iii tlieicue of Mi's.... 3 ostin. 1 •
' ,This lady had been ,con'sumptive's for - ,se,veral
year , and during the greater part \ 4.4111 1 81 time
had received tee beg medical attentioirjan ii i_
eda ,the most. Valuableriimedt'es; ' . 3,..t' nothimj
could h fait in arrest qs in-ogress. She. be
came !
subject l violent fits of coOglung, expecte.
rated large quaolities of matter oec:usiontillV tin.
ged with blood, and step V step thia fearful dis-.
eatie continued its couraeointil all hopes oil a re
covery was'entirely despaired of While in this
diStreasing situation, lingering, upon the very
verge of the grave; she commeifeed the use of
this Balsam, whitili to use her own expressiMo, op..
_orated almost Irked charm. - le a few Jaya she
expectorated , freely“the cough was gradually
suppressed, and every lay appeared to addifresh
vigour to her looks, and now, in the place ck that
'emaciated form withering to decay, she is seen
kingling in society, in bettei, health Then she
' hail enjoyed for years, . -1
DISINTERE4Tgn Te...rnaoay.„ l .-.= l lla,ving Witncs.
sad the surprising effi Macy ',OfDr. nistar's Bal.
seen of Wild Cherry, in the elite of Mrs. Xustin,
1 cheerfully acknowledge the 'beive statement
to, be true and correct.
1 l a
, !
.1: J. N. WAL'rEft i S, Mi D.
!Livna Comi.t.airri.--Mrs. , Elisa n Thom pst-M VWO E.
atll'eted with this complaint for nearly live 'years,
eurtrig' which time she was under the mosiCkil
ftil iilty• iciana—had tried itiereUry,'Butailir., and
Huincepathic remedies, and cveiy thing that o f.
ierred;, her any hopes of rellef.i.! She Iliacl'ithll,
wandering piiinS in the side, sometimes in the
shonider and small of the back, it hocking cough,
frequent paiUs in the breast, and had been Ull4.
ble Ito sleep on right 'side *fjr . three,yetirs.—
BY ,the use of this Balseih, she was cured in a
few, weeks, and sentaine well ta!thict day. • '
1 ,• I 1
- . : Woodatown, Sept 4,1841.
Dear. Sir :—Although - your invaluable imedi
eine has already found hundreds 'of jioWerful ad.
yOcates, ,it May still be gratifying to you to re
ceive a communication from any one that ha.
,been relieved, by it. Such, Sir, is truly my cases
I have been a victim to thati terrible disease
Consumption. for many months; and have Buffer.
ed do much, that I bad become almost weary of
nay life. Hearing your B alsam so highlyl prais.
ed, I began taking it a few weeks back, and can
usage you' it has relieved Me l'inore then any
thing I havO ever used before, and, I confidently
believe A will core me effectually.- Please give
the ibearer the worth of the enclosed, and oblige,
Youra Respectfully', . , !• 1
I • ' 1
. Chester County, Sept. 6, 1811..
Friend Wistat—lt gives Me much pleasure
to MN m thee th my wife's hialth has Unprov
ed very much sin has been 'Using thy Bal.
Sam! of Wild erry,,and we think there is no
doubt but it ill cure her. Site has taken the
two;bott purchased from Abea short time
since, and her cough is meal better, she also
sleeps well at night, and 'Bays, she has folind no.
thing to give ; her so mach!relieg Thee will please
give the bearer two bottlds more for I\
lily Friend, ' EDWARD HOLMES.
• 'Lancaster County,July; 18, 1841.
Lbw Sir:—Please send me.two bottles H of your
genuine Balsam of Wild Cherry. I him been
afflicted with ConsumptiOn for the last two yearl
and suffered very 'much with severe awe),
pains in my. breast, difficultiof breathing, night
sweats; dee.,and having ttied numerous remedies ;
end also been under several deters, veti,l could
not .find any thing to relievell me I used
some of your Balsam. I got one bottle from a
neighbor, amine who ire using It, and have found
such wonderfutrelief from it that I have no doubt
it will cure meleffectutilly. •
• _Very respePtfully yours, &e.,
117" Read the following from pr. Jacob Hoff.
math a physician of ego t nsiv& Prictice In Hun.
tingdon eounty.
Dear procured one bottle of Dr. Wis.
tar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, from Thomas Reed,
C-:q of this place, and t.hed it in, a. case of übsti.
nata Asthma. on a Child of PauliSehwebie, in
which many other remedies had been tried with.
,out 'any relief. The Baisam gave,sudden
and in my Opinion, the ehild is effectually cured
by Its, use. ' Yours, &e.;
December 23d, 1841. I . ,
Hear Sir,----.Yenr Balsam of Wild ebei 7 i• has
effected so,ne astonishing cures ;here. One of
which is an old lady, Mrs. RusseW who had been
suffering far a long time Lb shortness of brath.
ing, and ieneral weal:mos, until ehe we'Afinally
obliged toifeep her be& Alter vat ions Other re
medics had' been resorted, to iruiain, eho Cominen
red using Your Balsa ro,jand lift'ia6akine-two but
4.1 1 ' '•
n I
Li 1
ilex, u aS•iio tar recovered a , 3 to. bu'able to attend
in all ple.duttow of tier 140and.nn toting two
!!lutliCS more was,entirely -; •
".. Reipectfolly:&c.i .1
Pottsville. Pair•
CAUTIONO.4Ii time is a spurious mixture
c3illed syrup(/' lOU Chrrry, purchasers should
be - very particular Ito alit tot Dr. WISTAR'S
RALS4.III, and observe his signature on the Bot.
tie -
Prepared for the.:proprietor, and sold at Whole
sale by W ame de Co., Che m ists,' No. 21 Minor
Street, Philadelphia. • " •
Sold in Pottsville lig E. B. ETCH HOLTZ and
`JOHN 5,'C. MARTIN; and in .tihriost every
town and village throughout the country.
Price 1. 00 a Bottle.l
I taniutry 7, 1843:
;irl.k i . . .
\ i it NEni Fouptri OF LIFE , n i t s
. • -
PEED. - , . . -
AND ate healing atreams noW gtisfi:ing forth. '
brilliant star hi arisen in the Ent. and now
cheernit thotiaantls 'Wok RENEWED! tiIKALTIL LONG
LIVE, A.ISD martuz.s.t.
Irhat Star is -
These pills, let all Understand, tore disease by i
power peculiar only l to itself, which 'instantly cheeks'
the action- and progress bf disease, for their coin•
meutement is inucliMlike (which is when the
are so far depraved. 'as to! produce obstructions and
sores) that one tnctftt ie provided, it be competent
to produce stekness4will be all that is necessary fur
removing disease, and restoring ' . •
to mankind. Let it likewise be remembered, that
there is no medycine now -in existence - possessing
equal healing powers; and that no v(letable, or any
other kind of physic can st. Soon ret. / iore health, when
lust, even in cases the most inveterate. .
The admit of these pills upon ' the-bowels, arc
mild; producing not griping. pains or detinlity.but on
the contrary, after they have operated, ycih feel that
a load of taunting and corrupt humors have been
taken - fro - nip:lu, and the buoyant feelings of health
spring.upin their. p ace; and what is another great
object in these pills they; are alwaati safc,they may
be taken en-all occasions, and under' any eurcum•
'stances, without regard hi, the name of thedisease, for
they pperate. upon every part of the bo.,y, and .;:iel
tliseat:e from what eyet:part it may be seated. Every
perbos wile posses •«s a ox thee pills
, for iu them he can ind it cure. akdeonfidently rely
,upott , a speedy rest ration to health,,
. ..
• -
In Germany, the hind of . their ortirM.
t•ersoitif have canereneect their treni. fi vril efiikts, al.
the c
thousands wh hate used them here, sreak- 01
ihrui in the highestrai terms, un areuum of their cura
tive prorities..
. .
'I he joyful news cf tieahh and comfort, spreatis
from those oho hare happtiv used .
. 1/1 R,E:tcriTEws . • 1
VEGETA Bi e l E ItUNG Alf tvE eiu.s.
-and ihey_now 'prevail by their Fown excelleic . e, and
the Power of Truth' ,' . ,
And why, we my reasonably' Inquire, hive they
become so endearcr in the hearts, of, those ivio! have
. 1
used them. aod by thein gained such a popularity I
Simply because their action upon' he
• 11 I ;MAN BOP V,
was as the son and rain open vegeuttion;giving• new
life to -all who pant nk of its happy influence. A's
the health of the Id la depends - noon the sap wh'eh
circulates 'brooch I s branebes the hie and health
of niankmd depends dorm the • lblond which flows
t . trough his veins. ' And when this vital, fluid. n.h.Ch
is must necessary t i the growth' and support tit the
body. by stole unknown. cause becomes itiadcd with
inorbtd and:' . i 1 '
so that instead 'el: aourishikg and strengthening the
hody, it labors to produce obstructions in the system.
which engenders'clisrrase,have recotirse to a try-lime
that is perfectly sal in every disease,Sand that
produce a favorable termination, if !mini early to, the
complaint, rtmmently in a few hours and moat always
art a lew days, that medicine is
Dr. Reichrtr's . Vrgehible'PlN, , • •
which so throughly . .eleanses the hlood and system at
Loge, that disease of, aity kind cannot, possibly exist,
where . ' I I' '
We fiiiii : lLcir Pre.vence,
1 ,
provided nature is not beyond all' human asttistSnettt.
1 he price of thesllplll6 1:.• 25---eititts per box. with
full directions and cadbe 'had at the..,
Philadaphia littli6i Hall, '
. j •
established for-the stioores.,nn , •
Of QjJI ackery. - I
at the northeast corner , of EIXTII and RACE streets—
iii.C.WlSC of sub-agents,
' UttrietralEire'l'a„ Oct,lo. 1812.
Dear Sir t you doubtless remember my calling at
yourestabliShment about _awe weeks since. and ob
taining frotritvou one riollar'S worth of Da. 111111111-
one of my neighbors' who requested me to utocure
the art:de for theta. 0 ' ring done and my own
business transacted. fma - o r home. Alter trat el_
bag all day, I was tak n wt i s sudden chili, ts hid)
lett me with a-vinleni fever, head-ache, and consider
able pair. throughout, my whole system, with great
Sickness at my stomach, which so completely dm-en
abled me that 1 was compelled to stop at a small.lllll
on the road for teller and rat. Upon Moony, they
had nothing that -doidei possibly afford me relief.
While yet its misery - -; fOr I over was soul in all my
life. I happily thought oft-your hulls, and resolved to,
Open one box upon My riven account and seek relief
to them. I took six.of them drank a warm cup °llea,
and retired to bed.l . ...My pain here ceased to a measure,
• and I Soon fell. sonnet asteep. In the' mornitig, I
l iwokeinuch better,and all er the pills had wpetated 1
Was quite a difercni , person ; took another dose of
four pills, remained there all Dedoesday, nod on
enjoystarted for home as well as ever, and I still
enjoy good health—the parsons for whom I bong ht
tt Own), infirm& me that they have experienced more
' benefit from your pills than a Whole cart load of the
tioacks which they -had fo merlv used:, Surely ir they
Used them with as good an effect upon themselves us
1 hate, they have good reason for extoling their cur
f ucs ; and try ou take:my advice, yolk will perei t ere t
go on and recommend ll4mt to all who arc i ilvtring
Under disease. and my word for it, they will become
So poi ular as a general remedy that you will find it
difficult in suPrily mg, the demand.
, t t (Sigited) ~ 6. W. GRAN DON.
. . . Greenfield.
. 1 The above Medicine is Sold in Pottsydle at the
Stole of _ .
Pottsville, March IS. 1843. , I I—ly
. 1 - •
MBE subscriber would 'respectfully , inform his
friends and customers, that he has located his
Military Cap Murvfactory
In Third Street, No. 101, a few doors below Rice.
where he would be pleased to see his old customers
and as many new on as are disposed to favour Mit
with their, custom . fie still continues to manufacture
Military and Sportmen 7 s articles cif every description,
such as leather, Cloth. Felt. Silk and Bettier Dress
Gips, of all patterns; Forage Caps; bolsters for troop
Body do ; Cartouch Boxes, Bayonet SCA:bards, Sword
Belts of all kids ; CanteenS ; Knapsacks," different
patterns: Fire Buckets, Paitting Boxes, Tribe do,
Brush and Picker's Plumes, Pompom's Firemen's
Caps, - Leather Stocks; Gun Cases. , superior quality :
Shot Bags. Game Bags, Drums, &c., &c.
lalirders thankfully received and promptly at
tend° i t., AV 1 LLIAM CRESSMAN,
so 101 North Third Street, a few Moors below Race
Philsdelphid,July 28-6 m
FORWARDlSGbammimicoi l MencitAxT,
• Arch Stre:l l
wharf, Schuyll ill.'.
1--)EsrccrEmts informs his friends and the
Atlikpoblic. that he is 'prepared to reccive • and for.
ward Merchandise of every description, to all parts
on the Juniatta. West! and North Wenches of .t'ic
SusqUehannsh, and Schuylkill and Union Canals via
Schuylkill and Union Canals. which are in complete
order; and such arrangements made as to insures full
supply ofwatcr during; all theye'ar.
shippers of produce , wtf find it to be their interests
to send produce to the thiludelphia Market; via
Schuylkill and' Union 'canals, it being the cheapest
anc safest route. I
• Plaster, Salt and Fiala constantly on hand, at lowest
Every attention paid to shipment of March l andize
by rood safo boats. Coinihanded by careful capta "ra,ls
together with prouiptrin,Ts 'Tionesta produce.
Merehandrza will nut be detainod in store on ac
count of stormy or wets weather. the boats load and
untnad under the mei& in the dry
DR. Wm. Evan's celebrated Camomile Pills
do Soothing Syrup for children.
Baron Von Hutchelees. HT.I:I-21,11.8 - -
Dam. Goodie's Female •
Duct. William Evan's Fever \ & Ague Pille,
Duet. Hunt's Botanic Pill&
• For DySpeptic Pcirsarir Hauis BOLanie Pills
arc said to be•superior tVany Medicine ever yet
offered to the Pablic.;
A fresh supplyl of the above 31ediemes, Jost
received and for sale at the Drug Store of •
Dec 11 50-- 'JOHN S. C...IIIARTIN.
' Capital 8.400,000, Paid in.
CltißTik ruPETOAL, ,
C ONTINUE to make IMiurtinee , per m q tme, anti limited on every description of propertf
in town and enuary bathe usual favorable terniil
Office 1631 Chesnut Street near fifth street.-
C HARLES Ni BANC,K.ER.President.s:t l
• • DIRECTORS, . .
Chakes N. Banker Samuel Giant.
James Scott. I 1 Frederick Brown,
Thomas HtirS. Jacob; R. Smith, I‘.
Thoma's S. Madsen, Geo.. W.Ricnords,
Tobias Wagner. Nodeigi D. Lewis.
The Subscriber h i ss been appointed agent ftSp
the above mentionedinetftution,and is now pf 9.,..„
oared to make ißsiir'ance, on every description ali;
property, at the lowcbt rates.
Potteille. June ID, ISO.; . ."5-41`.
lii4e3llllity ngairibt Ins:: or damage by VirW ,
• Copittil t%400,Ct00. _ ;
• . .
PANY, make InsuraSOes. *tither ternporary;Or !
perpettially, against 11056 Or Haulage by FIRIt.,tiO:
town or country, on llouses, Barns, and Buildinge:o:
all kinds, on Household Furniture, Merchandise:;*
Horses, Cattle, Agrittultura I, Cotninercial and
facturing Stock and Ptensils of. ovory deseriptirnr
VF , SELS lnd their CargOes in port, as well as Mortifta
ges and (,round Rents upon the most fuvotable tC111*;
Application's for Insurance, or any infurnaationt;orT
the subject may be made either personally 00,1,;•
letter, at the Company's office, ot the Northwo:.
c orner of Sixth and Wood *streets. • ' •
• • MORTON M - MIIICIIA Prcaidont.
L. Knuaturusn,..Sceretary. -
DtnEcTons, . 1? • : CO
..Mortnn McMichael; Charles Stokcaq,
Joseph Wood, I • 11. Arclubblo Wright,';
P. L. Lagucrefmc v i - i • Natuut 1 Townsend;;i
Elijah Hallett, Robert Lotigh'eird,
16eurge M. Troutman. R W. 'Pomeroy t
George W. Schreiner. y ; •
'The subscriber has
_been appointed Aorslior
alinve•mentitined Itititution and is (lOW 1111:pare0In,
11131(0 I NSIY RA Nrks upon every description ofpruperty
al 011 'owe:4 rates. AM I N BA N/NANt:t
'Pottsville, Fel:. •27. 18.4 i ' ,
I• •
'1'111; PocAtiONTAs, OR I AVIA:7 , I
V Eta: i AIME;
.. • t
renierite.;'presei, " ibed, fur the et re of 141)17
eases, have eUrriet''y been divided . ..into .
sits according to their oidtratton iyipoo l the !Ionia!),
sy,tein. Thus ti:i.'iov.sololif - • eia,a lAIIICII esilite4
the atitNaes to Candelas; called emeticit:,
anotheqinchteing4ter,pliatioit called dicophtiielf:
tea and a third lit 1)1 t eva±:uaies the atoritiC.4
and bowels, denomida it d eat liaptes, &C. Catkiiff:.
to's or purging eT ery • age otftd
cooolry been the faTotiritts the
the cute of the most obstinate and alarming Ma'.
[node of trititervi.t 'TT, reionia undetiliand '
when we reflect Vial. the 4tu n iach and , :o.aTis Kaye
assigned il) the/cc the iinpormni Mitt:Son
g t•A:ton,-or the e(dive.rvide of fund tutu blood, Iliaf
vitai thud iittentht:d for OM g I Died, Und
recut of 11;e sysii in. It that
ever the •digeslitin is:eosin d. tirtive'd'er
delsalified for heal!hy, per lartnatice.or item
duty (.and tnisiorcursll i itly in civilized fioeitijy: )
tinpyre;bloud, and contfemectly dt.oeu.e are, jlie
resiill at
' I
' 1
has been rentarlire, that whenever thOtty.
mach Is not 11.jC11111Y 121111r1Q3 cdztt is alwa
Oidivir eel wholwoold detty.illt
the most tormilbatle dttletiaes tire' daily cured by
the use at Pills ecim pop tided and for file
moo emery ha ii It'd id otir opuotlt, a mild .certtiin. •
lye risk liii_repotiiion roe T re 6tclis
horitti , :, Or Indian Vt4etuble;
stomach, otkrlfr the bkilid and ICI, %tr
unit have pioved•ciiiiiiettiry usettil iii miring
ibis fe vcr, bilious eh die; inflammation id: the
liver, rhepmeti' n,, drupey,, j.tundieci• pleurisy,
cost it CIIC:4F. C!.
&. " F1;111416114 liE!dtlildry
tett'and subject •tu indip t esuoit, flattilency, lfoad.t.
ache, depreasion'ol wits, and utiCasiness,itviil
find relief from the use of these pieta. TM:fedi
itot • a diseite ttiunded .
fldl,,pal,e, ardry.
skin, and :a CI itvd that thcse Obi ittill
r aw relieve. Thi. 4„11.1w mg simple narrattveivill i
show.ilte benefil l ilrrweil them; pills
ry croon diH;ase
. . ,
• T
11 v inz been 1 4.1111,d I tril • e_o I, the Puca Inn.
an alarming rimsen - m.e oldie liver of
vend year's stundrmig, dm eta it a:duty to.tneko.
my case •known'to the imublme, for the boo ftt,of
uthere. 1 had taken remedies timmlatch:hf..•
!aided only tcgmArary relief, millet' it ing. two box
es of these pitht,elny commense
_t melded, and .1 *ave.
enjoyed good health timr the tote-Fix months. I
Milton, Aprilj2?,lzt4-;,
} •
Agenta'f-r Mei:fate (pie abdre. -
'W. T; Eptirig, Pottrydle; GeOrge Reirer.yder,
New Castle, Steiner e l l Hopp. Schuylkill Ilaven,
Hugh kinsley, Port earhotmr,Schualm F. trdater.
Or wig...burg. :Throughout the state a siimirmly
can almv.mys be liad olj Fred: co. Drfig.
volt,- corner o 1;; 3d and Callottibth oireete,
1:20 'Plri E Writ }.F.T.'. - . ..: I '
V . .. W . . 'Kimi all, solieds consigninent of Ceal.
trout the Sens- lkiil regioit;; of all Jinfyckrw
au• qualiiiev, a!ricrsii•as lot immediate sale, iy
tlie"ltargo` tor c i ash, apProved credit, or .exchatige
for Groceries, (
Provisions; '.Ory Goods, klard
Warr, l l3riots. Shoes, Ilati., Oil, and•orlielas, rd.
iphred in the eAal reiiinii. Pa w ilt . 'also.attend to
iiiiel ilegociation requiringNrsonal attention:. Ilia
experience in the CtUil Bailor:vs, and personal
acquaintance, rah - m[l6y of the dealers, iii tho
city and vieini y ulltrew York; gives hiut a dr:
tided adviintne over strangers or casual- visit.
ors. in makiligladt an ageuna,•oles. 'life will also
visit the ' TaVerni, sod Cities, oir the. North,
,River, for :the ,nip,,se of making sales, also the
'Eastern Cities Any one desirous to try our mar
ket by forwarding to l i me a bill of lading, , , ears
generally havhis coal sold on arrival if invoiced
within the Mar,
et range ofpriees. Adescrintion of
the coal, its condition. and from what mine will
always be necasary le guide me in sales. All bu
siness ectrust d to me -will -be attended to. with ,
promptness and fidelity. Refer
( to Messrs.A.&ll.
W. Packer,•Rdading,lPa.
New York,Ptine 17,-
WET FIER 1 dr, _BROTHER, mantifacta
rers;!No G 5 north' Front 'street, Phaadel
nhia, have noW a good supply of their warranted,
pure whet lead, and: those customers who havo
been sparingly supplied in consequence of a
run on the article, shill now have their orders.
1.• .
No known subsance possrcses,those prenyva,
the and beau' Ifl ing 'properics 'bo desirable in a
pint, to an equal dxebt. with unaritilietateci
white lead; beret any admiit ure of iple.rmateti.
ala only, mars its value. It has theretona.Leany
the steady aim of the manufacturers, toT many
yearsoo supply to the public a perfectly pure
white lead; and thc unceasing demand for the al.,
tic'.o is proof that it has met will favor. ;It is
invariably branded on one head-IvETIIERILL
& BROTHER, in full, and on the 'other . ,Viraa.
RANTED POIXE—all to red-letters. 1 .
November 19. •• • 47--
Machine Shop, tiogothq 'with all the F h tekt '.
Macincieiy, and fix! fires be:lon - ooz thei.cto: Ap
ply to ISAAC MEV CRS, Etq:;
' at _Pori Clinton; or to -
•ECkERT 01.31 LFORO,
S'watara Pomace. '
December 17!'
••I • - .
, • . , ,
..- _ ,
rni TE subscriber has inst. artined• at the corner
i ll u I Norwegian St.; and the Mount Carbon
Rail Foul, a general assortment of Gniceriesandt
Vrovisions, which he will sell at the lowest PAN ,
Bible prices for cash : Such ac
Soiary:l l lglasses,
Coffee, Chocolate, Tea,Checee, Rice. SP lces oSE•c%
Sperm arid Whale oil; Spermacet:
.: Moulder and
Candles; Soap; Tobacco, t..sgars,- M im e
Beer Codfish m ac h
Shoulders Alum Pork. Drled ' ` ! ..
.tc. • • . ~
erel, Herr i ng ,- Viet i of. H. MARSIIACI. 4 . -
- '
April 8, 1.5i 3. 1 ,
25-6 m
And nn' Credit given.
I ' )